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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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on the air lyubov nikolaevna, we are fulfilling your order. i, marikhodova lyubov nikolaevna, wish victory for russia to the fighters on the front line, so that children are born in russia, there are five children in a family, family values ​​are preserved, so that russians work for the good of their great homeland. i wish you all love, health and sensitivity . dear women, marikhodova, lyubov nikolaevna. that’s all for today, and in exactly a week here, in the live broadcast studio, we will continue to discuss what worries everyone. love your loved ones, goodbye.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite is live, a 60-minute program about the most important things. so, the battle for the key heights of donbass has begun. the russian army is on the approaches to chacha yar. the city's gaulyard chaus says that right now is the most difficult situation since the war. the american institute of war studies reports that. russian attack aircraft early in the morning carried out an intensified mechanized assault in the direction of the city and advanced to the eastern outskirts of the populated area point along the road from kromov. at these moments, our valiant fighters of the ninety- eighth airborne division are gaining a foothold on the eastern outskirts, in the so-called canal area. the paratroopers also entrenched themselves in the forest near the outlying houses of the city. we are waiting for news very soon. the russian ministry of defense reported that in the avdeysk direction. and
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units of the center's group of troops liberated the village of vodyana, donetsk people's republic and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy's defense, occupying more advantageous positions. just in the past week the russian army carried out 39 group strikes against facilities in the energy industry and military-industrial complex, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. in these frames , a russian fpv drone arrives exactly at the tower alone. from the american bradley infantry fighting vehicles in the semyonovka area, and this is the kharkov region, as a result of a raid by a loitering lancet, the m-777 howitzer was destroyed. a film crew from the french tv channel rts went to assess the situation on the eastern front and visited the front-line hospital in konstantinovka. exactly there every day bringing in dozens of seriously wounded militants.
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tens of thousands of dead and wounded on the front line stretching over 1200 km, men and women are literally in the middle of hell. the war between russia and ukraine is similar to the fighting during the first world war, these are trenches, dirt, cold, all under a shower of shells. in such conditions, providing first aid directly during a battle has become commonplace. this is called military medicine, we are surrounded, tanks are shooting at us, come on, come on, come on!
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evacuation point, where the wounded are brought from the field battle, for security reasons, from the very beginning of hostilities, evacuation takes place at night; upon our arrival, under the cover of darkness , an ambulance was brought here, a very serious case, his legs were blown off. there is
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a lot more to it... time is constantly playing against us, unfortunately, in our brigade, and not only in ours, in others too, many doctors died or were wounded, these are people who should not have died in the war. at the evacuation point, another car with wounded arrives; in the cabin there is a group of soldiers who have received shell shock.
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to a concert hall in the moscow region. the terrorists tried to destroy their phones because they knew that the information contained inside led straight to ukraine. in the photographs, people in camouflage uniforms are holding the flags of ukraine and the coat of arms and a picture of a militant with a yellow bandage who is making an obscene gesture
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at a russian warship. the authenticity of the photograph and the fact of interaction with the ukrainian curator was confirmed by one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack during interrogation. in addition, photographs from images from the internet, the entrance to the crocus building and access roads. the pictures were taken on the morning of february 24, the second anniversary of the start of the north american war. the results of an expert study of the mobile phones that the terrorists tried to destroy made it possible to obtain information that is significant for the investigation about the circumstances of the preparation for the crime. at the direction of the curator who led the actions. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of a special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and
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sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crucus city hall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. also on the phone. nato representatives in brussels plan to offer moscow to retain crimea and the territories annexed during the special operation and, after fixing the borders, ukraine will be invited to the military bloc. it sounds, you know, interesting, but ukraine in nato in any form is tantamount to the beginning of the third world war, for which nato
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is not ready - writes foreign policy, especially for war in the arctic. they say that even after joining the alliances, finland and sweden will resist russia. in the far north, the west is not ready, the bloc lacks resources, senior analyst of the institute liselot odgar notes that the usa, canada, denmark, sweden, finland. prepared their navies for operations in the arctic, the norwegian fleet is not strong enough to contain nato’s northern flank on its own. against this background, helsinki is nervous about april 15 and is closing the border with russia indefinitely. previously, the closed regime at checkpoints was extended every 2 months. the poles are also being prepared for war. the publication vi prost is conducting a survey on how poles will behave if war breaks out on polish territory. it turned out that. every fifth resident of the country will simply flee abroad. just over 11% of citizens will go to war, very brave
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citizens. and this country wants to send troops to ukraine after france. the day before , polish foreign minister radoslaw sikorski said that warsaw was ready to support macron’s idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine. compare this fact with poland's desire to nominate its candidate for the post of secretary general. we get a disappointing forecast. the poles say putin needs to be made clear that he will not win in ukraine. at the same time, the nyt wrote that ukraine will not receive an invitation to nato at the july summit in washington. nato has no desire to accept a new member that would drag the alliance into the largest land war since 1945. well, if this happens, then here’s a spoiler from elon musk. that's how i start.
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first, tracked tanks, but you still need to get along the autobahn to the railway station station. that is, the german military will have to use civilian infrastructure. these tanks weigh more than 60 tons, they will drive on ordinary streets and bridges. all this needs to be well planned, because the road network in germany is not designed for such transfers. and all because in the last peaceful decades not only in germany, but throughout europe.
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i have just returned from the frontlines, where i personally
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witnessed the large-scale russian invasion of ukraine that began over 2 years ago, and it is safe to say that this is the most serious armed conflict in europe since the second world war. okay, i need to duck down. i was in israel immediately after the october 7 attacks, this war between israel and hamas has predictably grown to include iran and its proxies. iran even attacked a us military base in jordan in february. after the attack, former president donald trump wrote: "we are on the verge of world war iii." and finally, china. last year, president xi and president biden welcomed san francisco to in order to reduce tension. the two leaders also spoke a few days ago, they discussed taiwan. biden wants to protect it, but xi considers the island chinese. this is another potential hot spot, the list goes on. north korea, no
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negotiations since 2019, when trump tried to win over the bloody dictator kimchenin. now kim says he is preparing for war. this is how things stand today, and these threats are all combining into one big, significant and frightening threat. another we see the most important intersection of these threats in the cooperation between the governments of russia and china. korea and iran, this expanding partnership and willingness to provide assistance to each other, both military, economic and political, strengthens the capabilities of each country individually and contributes to the growth of their sustainability.
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"we will give them everything they need to do what, and we do not voice this part, podjęliśmy decyzję ustanowieniu misji natowskiej, to nie znaczy, że wchodzimy do wojny,
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mission decision, this does not mean that we are entering into war, now we can use the opportunities." german defense minister estorios proposes reform, wants to make the bundeswehr even more effective, capable of war and ready for war. it is known that it is planned to create a single operational command center. they say that right now the bundeswehr is lagging behind by 10-12 years from other nato countries. and the minister strives to ensure that by the thirty-first year
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the army size would be about 20,000 people. but the main problem of the new wehrmacht is considering the possibility of resuming conscription for military service. the germans are shocked by such initiatives, but no one asks them. following the apistorios, scholz has a surge of courage. the german chancellor hopes to quickly use the proceeds from russia's frozen assets, for which, according to his assessment , a legal framework has already been created. funny. according to scholz, this does not contradict international law. previously he did. stated that the blocked money supposedly does not belong to anyone, apparently, the legalization of marijuana was not in vain, and now we know where scholz has recently been drawing courage for such calls for violation of international law. scholz proposes to use all our stolen money for the war in ukraine. against this background, gerhard schröder, former
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chancellor of ferg, proposed not to arm ukraine, but to look for a solution to resolve the conflict. according to him, now is the best time for this. the ex-chancellor stated this in an interview with the newspaper südeutschäig. and to schröder’s credit, we can say with confidence that he did not renounce his friendship with putin. this becomes clear from the interview with the ex-chancellor of the ord tv channel. schroeder made it clear that his warm relationship with the russian leader could help find a solution to ukraine. in particular, schroeder called for engaging in not moralizing, but again. in search of a peaceful solution, due to close ties with russia, in germany itself, the german media are trying to convince everyone that they prefer to bypass gerhard, ignore him, and do not want to sit next to him at public events.
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we didn’t go to the sauna, we didn’t go, but maybe we’ll go again. the chancellor became friends with him. yes, i am friends with vladimir putin. it is called male friendship. the main characters are gerhard schröder and russian president putin. we celebrated russian christmas together. i was still chancellor then, and in the morning he said: shouldn't we go to the sauna? i'm glad to see you. and even after the start of the war in ukraine, schroedr never distanced himself from russia and vladimir putin. as for schröder, germany should be proud of people like him. i did what i thought was reasonable. i have contributed to reliably providing germany
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with a truly important and accessible source energy, gas. it was because of this position that schröder fell out of favor after the outbreak of the war in ukraine. because he does not criticize putin, he finds himself increasingly isolated. shroedr's silence became a burden for him. schröder has long been criticized because of his closeness to the russian president; it would have been better if mr. schröder had left his post; after the start of the war, schröder never distanced himself from putin. schröder was stripped of his title as an honorary member of the german football association. the sdp initiated the procedure for expelling schröder from the party. and now there's the government left schröder without an office or staff. do you feel isolated because of all the discussions surrounding you? no, it’s not like that, it’s just the opposite, even in the sdp everyone communicates with me, well, except for a couple of functionaries,
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but they are small fry. i don’t feel isolated at all, if i were the spd leadership, i would rather think about why their ratings are lower than the alternative for germany? we met with the ex-chancellor at the height of the war in ukraine.
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fedor once again met with the ukrainian side. this attempt, however, was unsuccessful success, like all other peace negotiations at the beginning of the war. schroeder himself, although he still does not approve of russia’s war
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in ukraine, he still does not want to end his friendship with the russian president. another russophobic nonsense came from the minister of sports of ukraine, he demanded that russian athletes not be welcomed at the olympics in paris, not allowed to compete until they sign an official statement refusing to compete at the games in the future. in addition, he threatened boycotts of the summer games from outside ukrainian athletes, who are supposedly not in magata to compete with representatives of the aggressor country, might not have answered anything to this, but the day before macron again blurted out something that is embarrassing for the french president, he said that putin will definitely try to disrupt the olympics, macron has no doubts about this , as they say, as if looking into the water, the next one... the french athlete was either damaged or invisible rays from
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the satellite, so that during a collective jump from the tower he could not stand on his feet, fell, hit his head, splashed into the pool with the unique grace of a sandbag, skinning his back in the process. in general, the prestige of the olympics was tarnished even before its... official opening, it’s scary to think what will happen next. the olympic games in paris are being used to destabilize us. russia will also use the latest rumors. thus, according to the latest data , tourists are canceling their ticket reservations against the backdrop of french support for ukraine. every speech by emmanuel macron about ukraine led to the cancellation of reservations for the upcoming games. according to this table, it all started on march 14, when the president first mentioned
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a possible shipment. fell in front of emmanum macron right during the opening of the aquatic center in saint denis. gendard, who had been selected for the olympics, lost his balance and during a demonstration jump involving two other french athletes, he slipped on the bridge before jumping into the water. coming out of the pool, the gendar showed scratches
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on his back. yes, i made a mistake, as they say, i couldn’t stand on my feet, i made up my mind, that was it’s fun, i’m even a little proud that i fell in front of the president and in front of all the french. the aquatic center in sendeni has been tested by the national team of synchronized swimmers, the half-leash team and of course, divers. what is synchronized swimming, tell me, without russia? biden demanded that israeli prime minister netanyahu immediately cease fire in the gas sector. the white house reported this following a conversation between the leaders of the two countries. allegedly, grozny and joe clearly hinted to bibi that future us policy towards conflict will depend on immediate israeli action to protect civilians.
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we are apparently talking about an attack on a humanitarian convoy of the ngo walt central kitchen, which came under fire on its way to the gas strip. as reported by al jazeera, the idf methodically , one by one, attacked from the air three civilian vehicles that were traveling with civilian cargo for civilian residents of the palestinian authority. the identification marks of a humanitarian organization were clearly visible on the cars, but this did not stop them. iran and israel full-scale war after attacks on the iranian consulate in damascus. the national security coordinator said that we all take this very, very seriously. nobody wants to see this conflict escalate. the day before, iran's supreme leader ayatallah khamini
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tweeted. with god's help we will force the zionists to repent of their criminal aggression. end of quote. wrote in hebrew. netanyaku has not yet responded. oil quotes responded instead. today the price of oil and brenka brand exceeded $91 per barrel. the white house said mr. biden requires specific, precise and verifiable steps in order to protect civilians and allow more. world central kitchen. if we lose respect for human life, then we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we fight. a dramatic change in the biden administration's policy toward israel.
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i must directly object to what prime minister netanyahu said yesterday when he said, “well, this happens in wartime conflicts.” no, this doesn't just happen, and it shouldn't. it just happens that when aid workers, especially an organization like wall central kitchen, risk their lives every day in incredibly dangerous places to deliver food to people experiencing a horrific humanitarian disaster, it is not normal for them to be targeted by missiles. the white house warning comes as a growing number of democratic senators are pushing the white house to impose new conditions on military aid to israel after the death.
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for what, to warn about preparation attack or to express condolences, while biden did not call the kremlin after march 22, did not offer assistance in the investigation, it is possible that he is not at all aware of what happened , joe obviously can no longer say anything without the help of a teleprompter, speaking in delaware in honor of greek independence day, right during his speech he asked to rewind the text a little.
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cocaine? we have already entered the general season . i can't say for sure whether he is using the election, the question is whether joe biden will actually debate donald trump three times, as is customary between presidential candidates on the eve of elections. but
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i don’t see the prerequisites for this to happen, because if you take away biden’s teleprompter, he won’t be able to stand it. every greek american in delaware voted for me because no, no, no, no.
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to see millions of americans, this tv channel turns donald trump into a concern and mania, no, he just wants a debate, because this is the kind of debate that candidates usually have, trump knows that he will win the debate. in our fox news polls, 64% of respondents said it was important to have a debate, and 72% said it was a sign of insecurity and weakness if someone rejected it, so these liberal media are trying to shield joe. a very, very nice and competent person, but it’s time for him to retire. at age 80, joe biden is the oldest us president ever. these presidents left. the cabinet is aged, but if joe biden gets elected,
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he will be 86 by the end of his presidential term years. biden's critics say his age is his problem. americans over 80 are voicing their opinions on this issue. i think that the country should not be run by the young or too old, it should be run by middle-aged people. i think it's important to look at the criterion, is the person capable of doing the job? i'm joe vaidenopolos. the west is experiencing another dependence on russia, despite a huge number of economic sanctions, the united states and europe have not been able to cope with moscow, writes polska. without some russian they still cannot get enough food. a striking example is fertilizer. the reason is simple, obviously. fertilizer is food, food. russia is the world leader in fertilizer exports. about the food crisis. in europe they say it all the time. the journal
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communications earth and environment published a disappointing study. as scientists explain, global warming and weather disasters will reduce the profits of agricultural enterprises in the coming years. such shocks in the industry will subsequently worsen inflation throughout the world, that is, there will be significantly less food, and it will cost much more. for example, in germany they recently resumed. collecting fertilizer material from roadside
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toilets in the bordeaux region. on the door , visitors are warned that by relieving themselves here, they are helping the planet. special epessoirs without drainage are installed inside. the liquid goes directly into a special three-ton tank. last year alone , the fertilizer manufacturer collected 80,000 liters of biomaterial in this way. news. and although scientists claim that the resulting fertilizers are devoid of any harmful impurities, unpleasant odors, the french do not dare try the results of experiments on themselves, they sell all the goods to neighboring belgium. local farmers liked the effect of the fertilizer so much that they are planning to move the plant from bordeaux to belgium. this year alone in belgium there are more than 400 hectares of potatoes, beets, and corn.
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is under my feet, a truck comes regularly to pick it up, the urine is stored here in the bordeaux region, the 2023 harvest was excellent, there are 80 thousand liters of urine in this hangar, it doesn't smell. it doesn't smell because tupi
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organics has its own patented recipe, it's our secret, a kind of manufacturing that helps prevent the urea from turning into omega, it's because of omeak that it smells bad. it's the same process that's used to make beer, fermentation, and the same process that's used to make wine. ends here, the bacterium used for fermentation is a microbe that lives naturally in the ground, okay,
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well, continuing the topic, this is no longer belgium, which the french are experimenting on, one of city ​​cities on the hill. so, san francisco is overwhelmed by a fictitious epidemic. trouble broke out in the most progressive city in the united states despite municipal authorities spending millions on public toilets. regular street cleaning does not help. the problem is so serious that it even became an argument in the dispute between the governors of california and florida. at the debate from gevenom newom, ron disantis brought a map on which. residents celebrate the excrement they find on the streets. can you imagine, there are so many markers that the silhouette of the city looks like one big smelly spot. there are jokes on social networks that it’s time for san francisco dogs to be taught to clean up after their owners. another heavenly punishment that is approaching the united states right now. we are talking about the invasion of cicadas.
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a unique natural phenomenon known as the hedon cicada will collect all at once for the first time in two centuries. two different generations of these insects, billions if not trillions of noisy flying insects are expected to emerge from the ground in seventeen us states in april, a rare natural phenomenon not seen since 1803, damaging agricultural the economy may not happen, but at least half of the states could go deaf. cicadas create noise that reaches 110 decib. let's compare. with a helicopter engine. the next such phenomenon could occur as early as 2244. the previous invasion was observed during the reign of the third american president, thomas jefferson, who, by the way, just like the current president biden, was famous for his passionate demagoguery about freedom and the fight for
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it at any cost. it turns out again a punishment for hypocrisy. get ready for rare the appearance of beetles, a group of which can sound as loud as a jet engine. mr. president, you are concerned about delays in supplies to ukraine. their characteristic feature is the noise coming from the trees, which will become much louder in at least two states, ilinoisi and indiana, where they are especially common, but
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there will be something wet added to the unpleasant sound. they get out and do two wonderful things, they sing loudly and loudly and pee on... yes, you heard everything correctly, as you walk you will feel pleasant humidity in the air, because there will be hundreds of prices nearby. do you remember the last invasion? they're here again. first they will appear in the south, and then they will come to illinois. and this invasion will be especially loud. and this time there will be more of them than us. to news of biblical punishment, scientists are predicting that trillions of beetles will descend upon the united states this spring as a result of the largest
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insect invasion in centuries, this is an almost unprecedented event in the history of entomology, or as they would say, a trillion beetle invasion... will be larger than ever, because the cycles of thirteen-year and seventeen-year reproduction of cicadas coincided, everything has already begun, scientists are observing wells formed in the southeast, which means that cicadas are already actively preparing to appear, small holes are just everywhere, they are everywhere further down the slope when cicadas grow, they shed their exoskeleton and become adults, after which they begin to crackle. loud noises you hear the males make, the females lay eggs in tree branches, then a new batch is formed
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immature individuals that return to the ground, this entire process takes about two months. one day i woke up in the middle of the night and there was something crawling up my neck and i just remember grabbing it and throwing it as far away from me as possible and i was terrified and i couldn't fall back to sleep and it was a cicada? yes, it was so huge, it... the un security council has not yet received information about damage or casualties during the earthquake in new york and new jersey. let's fast forward to the front, nikolai. nikolay, i welcome, of course, all attention to hourly yar. yes, evgeniy, hello,
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there are very active battles going on in several directions right now, and chasfiar is one of those directions, one of the hottest directions. now, in fact, our fighters have taken the territory that... separated the settlement itself from the fortifications built by the enemy relatively recently, now they have come directly to the city that the enemy holds, within hours the battle has essentially already begun, as for other directions where we are advancing , where we are pressing, is there any progress, well, how about is the clock ticking? quite active battles, of the same nature, military operations in the avdeevka direction, there was success, the village
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of vodyanoye was taken, and a few days were spent in total to liberate this settlement from ukrainian formations, obviously the enemy cannot build a deeply isolated defense and is forced to retreat, in this sense, the liberation of avdeevka gave such a very effective impetus in this direction, then our movement continues behind the water... units, there is the settlement of nitailov, there are already battles on its outskirts, when it is liberated, karlovka is already not far there, this is a strategically important place in this direction, i remember how in the fourteenth year the militia of the donetsk republic, then ukrainian formations, actively fought for it after quite heavy battles we were able to occupy it, now the time has come to liberate it, in this sense and in this direction... our fighters are moving very actively, which will allow us to take
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the unit that is in in the vicinity of ugledar. there is also such a prospect, if you look at the map of military operations, well , we won’t look ahead, everything is going well here so far, our units are also actively working in the northern direction, just today our film crew returned from the northern direction, where the 123rd brigade... the second corps is now very actively carrying out operations, literally recapturing several, several important positions from the enemy within a day, using tactical tricks, using new technical innovations, using, among other things, a motorized unit in order to quickly get directly to the enemy’s front line and attack aircraft are already carrying out tasks there, this is also extremely effective, there are also battles on artyomovsky at ... control, where our units have improved their tactical position, on the rest sectors of the front
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are largely active defense, but it brings its own... the enemy daily suffers heavy losses in personnel and equipment, and we understand that yes, a breakthrough of the front, we have not yet seen this directly large-scale, but we see that in all directions where our units are actively working, the enemy is retreating, unable to hold out, gradually, despite the fact that he still continues to respond , he is trying to attack in order to slow down the rate of advance of our units, nevertheless ... the enemy is not succeeding, our fighters are moving further and further, fulfilling their assigned tasks. at the same time, zelensky told his audience, his citizens, that he allegedly managed to stabilize the front line, of course, the reports that come from the zone of a special military operation, they say completely the opposite. how the intensity and course of hostilities changed
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due to the change of season, after all... well, in principle, active hostilities, as we saw, were carried out in any weather, moreover, around the clock, modern technical means allow this, but it’s clear that in any case, it is more convenient and comfortable for the fighter from the point of view of the surveillance system, and not only is it fundamentally important for the movement of equipment, the denser the soil, the warmer, the better, so yes now... quite serious, and before it was active, not to say that somehow somehow, even in the cold and rain, fighting continued, but now the weather has settled, the sky allows the use of copters and aviation in the widest possible way , and the soils have already stood firmly, our equipment is quite passable, which
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now allows us to use it more actively than before, that is, in principle. we can say that the intensity of the work of our divisions has increased, including we see this in the results, there are results every day a certain accumulated effect is also growing for them. thank you very much, nikolai dolgachev from the zone of the special military operation live. please, alexey alexandrovich, but god grant that we move forward - this is not an easy task, it should be noted that ours. now there is also, yes, of course, if we read the western press, then it’s as if everything has already collapsed, there is no ammunition, no equipment, only old men and women are fighting, but we listen to the reports of our warships, we read what our soldiers write, there is, of course, fierce resistance, there are shells, there is equipment, yes, we are bending this serious defense, but
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nevertheless, the resistance, to put it mildly, has not been exhausted. yes, we are bending this defense with very practically heroic actions, this must also be admitted, they have a lot of copters, i know from my own experience that before it was possible to actually drive up to the front line by car, today you have to walk there for kilometers and kilometers, because otherwise they are simply all destroyed, this is absolutely obvious, by the way, we are here we also talked about this, the same thing needs to be done. we always used to be chronically ahead, now again we are chronically lagging behind this, it’s incomprehensible to me, you know, why, why is it difficult to saturate this matter, you know, there they even have such a program: assemble a copter at home, they take it, assemble the copter and they give it to the front line, because you can get spare parts, please, at any kiosk, but here, you know, in my home district , the guys even collect them for their own money,
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they have their own business, for their own money they're collecting, i'm... figuring out what? the banks tell them: dear, where is the supply chain? they say: i can’t open it, because naturally, unfortunately, they are not ours, not domestic, but so, well, then we block the accounts, that’s how it happens, you know? well, as a deputy, you can sort this out, i’ll sort it out, of course, thank god, but i’m just saying that, well, this is one case, i think so, he’s not the only one for some reason, but the main thing is that no one- it's not my fault. everyone is doing everything correctly the law is correct, but in fact they harm, yes, you see, i’m just, okay, i’m also a little sick, why is this important and these issues need to be resolved, remember what problems there were initially in the very first months of the special operation, when customs did not allow humanitarian aid to pass through, but thank god that
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most of these issues have been resolved, of course they remain and... what needs to be said is clear, well, it’s gone, they destroyed it, but now we need to make some other decisions, we need to make them quickly, here in what's the matter, so they just fly there like swarms, the same thing, yes, we also have the same thing in certain areas, but they are not everywhere, we need them everywhere, that’s how i say, with bombs we have now solved the problem, we thought, why not, now this is a very effective thing, okay, let’s move on there let's move on a little bit, about... what is happening, i now understand why ukraine is doing, for example, they have the mayor of mariupol, and also, you know, the mayor of bakhmut, there is the governor of crimea, i understand why
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this is, apparently, today there was a meeting there, that means, the mayor of kharkov, the mayor of chasny yar, mariupol, bakhmut and the governor of crimea, discuss the future, the future, now at least.
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decided to participate in the elections, he will probably hold a debate with alzheimer, as i understand it, because with trump, as far as i understand, he refused, with alzheimer it is possible, and
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he can, by the way, win, however, if he tests alzheimer for the use of psychotropic substances, he will say , if not, then yes , i’m ready, but not yet, but think about it, this is a serious thing, this is the president seriously. countries, yes, he is losing in the ratings there, he is doing something there, they are not they know something about it, what to do, but at the same time they say that, excuse me, uh, there, don’t you dare bomb palestine there, yes, and at the same time supply more weapons there than to ukraine, planes whose bombed palestine , of course, i say well, well, it’s some kind of absurdity, you know, this is complete absurdity, and you are indignant there, i’ll say now, that means netanyahu shouldn’t bomb, that’s it, that’s it, well, on, on, on, there, that’s it, that’s it, go ahead, there’s money there, everything, everything that’s needed, these senators who are going to limit something there, well , that won’t happen, they’ll never limit that, but
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it’s just, well, maybe to reassure someone, i don’t know who, no, it won’t be there, they will supply whatever they want there, this is absolutely pre-election rhetoric, there’s just a democratic audience that is really worried. because of the situation in the gas sector, because of the blatant chaos israel is doing right now, killing civilians, just hundreds and thousands, without sanctions, without the un, carrying out a military operation, moreover, there is a decision of the security council, supported, yes , for some centuries, russia, china and the western world supported the resolution security council. an immediate ceasefire, about correcting the humanitarian situation, correction, you will still get on iran, listen, that is, now in general these red lines that were once talked about,
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in principle, they do not exist, so macron is going to introduce some kind of contingent there something in ukraine, and he says that if it suddenly hits there, we will not turn to nato, well, firstly, not if when, i already talked about this, and secondly, what will happen... it does , they had such a president sarkozy, remember, yes, he fought there with one of the countries there, called muammer gaddafi, with libya, which used to be quite a very pleasant country, when he started to fight, he also said, we ourselves, we ourselves are here, through for a couple of weeks they screamed, oh-oh-oh, help, he was not alone, by the way, he fought, practically all of europe took part there, oh-oh-oh, and the united states came.
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why not try it out one more time, they are preparing for this, he says: i have secret information on the terrorist attack in crocus, you know, let me guess what secret it is information, these are not ukrainians, or something like that, that’s all, she doesn’t have any information, just to powder her head, but the continent is a dangerous thing, they, and they have sutsvanh now, they don’t know what to do? so
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stoltenberg says, oh, how good it is that ukraine is fighting, fighting with, or rather, ukraine is fighting with the russians, but we don’t send soldiers, we don’t send soldiers, yes, then what, well , what did you do, you 200 billion were invested there, and by the way, for 5 years ukraine could generally live as it wanted, without doing anything, this is its you have invested a five-year budget, you need to somehow explain to your people, well, okay, if you won this war, well then... you could say, well, you will definitely lose it, and you know this well, you need to somehow... then explain, we need to do something, you know, here they have them, they have nowhere to go, they will definitely bring these troops there, we need to be ready for this, we definitely need to be ready, it’s not that we are for peace, we are not we’re going to fight with no one, but a fact is a fact, we can’t turn a blind eye to it under any circumstances, well, they have logic. which
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they adhere to the introduction of a contingent of nato countries, and not a nato contingent, namely nato countries to ukraine, that they will meet the needs of the ukrainian armed forces, law enforcement agencies in the western regions, will maintain order in ivanofrankivsk, the gendarmes are probably french, and the police, militiamen from ivanofrankovsk they will go to the front to fight with russia, this is the logic, this is the plan they outline, but of course...
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the option of kiev concessions to russian territory in exchange for guarantees of security and admission of ukraine to the alliance. such a scenario does not sound in official discussions, but is being raised informally and is becoming more and more real, especially before the us elections. the russian federation will be offered to leave crimea with all the territories conquered within 2 years, and then fix the borders and accept into nato what remains for ukraine. this option is similar to what happened after world war ii with the division of germany into an eastern and western one controlled by the ussr. he will speed up the release of aid to kiev, which has been blocked in congress, especially in the peredial perspective.
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we will put something else in order to have more of them died, but in the war with russia, the ukrainians are calmly and joyfully letting this down from above, here we are fighting with your hands, yes, we still have so many options, how can we help you, fight, die, perish, the more we give you weapons, the more of you die, we still consider you russians, that is, for us, the more of you die, the closer we will be to our goal, of course. as a result, there really are people like schrödor, who, not only in words, but in deeds, is trying to offer his help in order to reduce ukrainians died. in order to finally really reach some kind of peace agreements, and you see how he is being attacked, yes, and you asked putin, what did he attack, well, as if schrödor was going to take an interview, and did not set himself a goal still somehow bring the world closer to peace, forgive the taftology, but nevertheless, you
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really saw how he is treated in the same german media, for his friendship with putin, for the fact that he does not renounce this friendship, for that he is consistent. in his views when he actually proposed these ideas about how peace can be achieved, we remember, after all, peace has already been achieved, we already agreed in march - twenty-two, and on how to really end hostilities, the ukrainians agreed with this, here, in particular, they showed how schrödor sat with umerov, one of those who participated in those negotiations, today the italian professor alexander arsini wrote: i want to talk about the real story of the failure of the agreements between russia and ukraine, which
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the dominant media talks about every day, juggling the facts, because the gradual strategy by which putin is destroying ukraine is a consequence of the failure of the march 2022 agreements , when biden and... johnson blew up the agreement, i said that abandoning diplomacy and all-out investment in war would increase putin's territorial goals and lead to the destruction of ukraine , it happened. i summarize the real story of the failed agreements between russia and ukraine in three points: first, in march 2022, putin sought an agreement to avoid investing billions of dollars in war. the second west opposed the agreements because it thought ukraine would defeat russia. third, putin reacted by investing in the war, and now ukraine is doomed. doomed and in general we won’t even look at it, everything is clearly laid out point by point, and what objections can there be to this, but you see, they are still trying to find the culprit somewhere in shrödar, in arsinium, he was also bullied there, he i remembered how the mainstream there condemned him 2 years ago,
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when he predicted all this, word for word, but you should have seen how delusional they are now ideas appear, okay, ukraine in nato, yes, that’s a cool compromise too, the belgian... well, one of their most famous belgian specialists on eastern europe, where she proposed, says: i know how to stop the war, we need to return to the minsk agreements, to the minsk agreements, and to recognize the self-government of the territories of the russian-speaking territories of donbass as part of federal ukraine, that is, territories that are already part of russia, a person writes about this in all seriousness that... emphasizing, no, no, these are not naive proposal, well, why be surprised, schröder shows them why your mainstream parties are now losing to the alternative for germany, for example, yes, but you should have seen what kind of persecution is going on now before the elections to the european parliament of all these non-systemic pro-russian
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parties, as they call them , yes, which are actually pro-german, pro-dutch, pro-belgian, pro-italian, yes, that is , this campaign that was raised recently about... how russia through some sites, and czech ones, yes, for some reason, pays there, that means, to european politicians, for promoting pro-russian views on the eve of the elections, so that without a fight at all, putin would take over all of europe, simply by winning elections to the european parliament, i am in all seriousness, this is how they present it now, that is, here is an alternative for germany, now there they are trying to prove that you received a fee from this czech site, well , first of all, listen, all politicians.
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look, they told us, well, the prague secret services, that there are dutch politicians there, we don’t know who they are, our secret services are still investigating, yes, but we immediately name the name several dutch deputies, tiri bade, for example, an old friend of mine, with whom i also met very often at one time, which means that he heads the party there, which means a forum for democracy, i say again, nothing has been proven, no one knows, well well, look at him... he promotes pro-russian views, i say again, i’ve known for a long time, he hasn’t changed his views, long before the appearance of this site he said the same thing, in fact, he won that referendum against the agreement with... ukraine eu, well, you see, who, who is stopped by logic, knowledge of facts, chronology, as alexander arsini
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shows, will still bend on their own, we need to win elections to the european parliament, it is necessary, therefore, to declare that russia is guilty in advance for the fact that those political forces win, the olympics will be disrupted in france, which means we will blame, and we will also interfere in the american elections with an earthquake in new york, we need to think about whether they will blame russia or not, it is imperative that we lead weeks without the noise of dust, we put them on the shelves, news weeks with dmitry kiselyov, sunday on rtr. they say that the koddikh must prepare, he must be able to rest, he must rest. you need to look beautiful, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on
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the first shore, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, welcome to khamovniki 12, surrounded by 12 sights of moscow visible from the window . residences khamovniki 12. khamovniki 12 give happiness to the great cultural heritage that will become a symbol in your library. khamovniki 12, deluxe club house in the center of historical moscow.
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hotel titanic deluxe golf resort, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. tiitanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you
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're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open all the boards? can we handle it? if you ask, do so politely. what character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? 7.8? 7.8 7.8 how much? who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i would like to chop, not pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches , god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one.
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we look at the weekend and what do you like? who is our owner? why are not you sleeping? what are you afraid of? i'm afraid to wake up, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid or what? i'll have to fire you, actually i don't work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of car wash here, that's it, that's it mum is incomprehensible, nothing, i’m still fighting, or the princess, who will the prince choose, and did you love her? yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings. pegasus on saturday on rtr. provocation
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is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photo-parallel agenda, a continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watch. the first podcasts we watch. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark antonevich zakharov goes into a heap, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women , i like to attack,
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dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate now only everything is fulfilled, everything is surrendered with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, it's a pity that we don't have enough courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova, but wait ! drinking champagne with my husband, i'm alone. andrey chernyshov, what are you doing out of the blue, huh? my whole life burned down. alexander mikhailov, she is in a difficult situation, she urgently needs work. just tell me what, where, what? marat basharov, i regretted one, some, if
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you order, i’ll fire you today. roman madyanov, you will increase your salary. alla has already ordered a taxi, how we used to manage without you, that ’s it, especially me, from monday on rtr, german municipalities for the first time since the eleventh year went into the minus by almost 7 billion euros, reports tages spiegel, the reason for this is the increase in social costs for the maintenance of ukrainians . the president of the union of german districts, reinhard sager, in an interview with dewelt , complained that the federal government is making life difficult for municipalities by granting ukrainian refugees the right to receive social benefits. ukrainians themselves are unhappy that benefits stop being paid if a person moves from a temporary detention center to a separate apartment. they still give out money for food,
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but no longer for buying furniture. but bureaucratic lawlessness in germany sometimes takes on completely terrible forms. in hamburg , a municipal employee was sentenced to 8 years. he harassed two boys from ukraine, threatening them and their parents with deportation to their homeland. after the outbreak of hostilities on the territory of ukraine, a forty-two-year-old civil servant, on his own initiative, helped a ukrainian family flee the country and settle in germany. however, after the boys, aged 9 and 11, came under his care, he became harsh and rude. treat them and also threaten their family with deportation. according to the criminal case, he abused minors from march 2022 to april 2023. last spring, he asked his brothers to give him a massage, but they refused. after this, the man began sending numerous threatening letters to the victims. you are no longer needed here, i have the power to
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deport you and your family,” he wrote to an eleven-year-old boy. the accused pleaded guilty. having spared the victims the need to testify in court, the man was eventually sentenced to eight years in prison for sexual abuse of children and production of child pornography. ukraine continues to dig in hard in anticipation of a russian offensive in these photos of defensive fortifications being built in the odessa region. this week , the cabinet of ministers allocated more than 5.5 billion hryvnia to strengthen the front line, which is about 10-12 billion rub. this. structures since the beginning of the year, but there is not enough money, complains steam operator irina gerashchenko. she went to one of the large construction sites and realized that literally everything was in short supply. you have to stand in line for concrete; there is not enough equipment and even simple,
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intelligent workers. the fortification is not erected by military specialists, but by ordinary civilian builders.
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fueled some hopes that, one way or another, due to a combination of circumstances, based on political military expediency, the doors would be opened and ukraine would join the alliance, then now these hopes are absolutely unrealistic, the largest american newspapers, sources at nato headquarters are already talking about this openly: kiev will not receive an invitation to the alliance. the washington summit is ahead, it will be held in the summer, but even there, again, during this time there will be no new chances, and i
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think that the changes in these hopes in kiev are precisely what give rise to such amazing things that it seems that having first proclaimed a refusal any formats of negotiations with russia on peaceful regulation of the situation, well, kiev politicians are starting here and there like throwing it in. that we are ready to negotiate on our terms, but even now, this suggests that there is no hope, and if there is no hope, of course, well , the era of political realism is coming, as for other support mechanisms, of course, ukraine is now being abandoned to its fate, the west will not, as such an intermediate consolation prize, a decision was made, where poland actively advocated for this, to create, accordingly, a nato mission to... support ukraine, this means that they will obviously be located somewhere outside independent territory for better coordination of all issues of assistance, but the main
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thing is whether a political decision will be made, and a practical mechanism for filling this fund for ukraine in the amount of 100 billion euros will be made. the amount is, of course, colossal. although for 5 years, nevertheless, further impoverishment of the population of europe will lead to the fact that people will simply vote for a change of governments, in addition to hungary, slovakia, in a number of european countries, it is theoretically possible to come to the power of politicians focused on protecting national interests. ukrainian refugees in europe are no longer simply seen as people.
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now it becomes clear that in this situation of a war of attrition, europe will have very bad electoral and economic prospects ahead, and of course, these are the shots that you showed when europeans are accustomed to the idea that they need to eat foods that are actually contaminated various kinds of parasites, use human waste for cyclo. reproduction, accordingly, means various kinds of agriculture, which prevents people from buying our fertilizers, well
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, they continue to buy them, but in any case, this chain, it becomes longer, more expensive, and the logic of stupid military expediency, the reluctance to meet halfway where in in general, economics should move politics forward. this, unfortunately, is the general trend for the west today. of course, our favorite kuleba, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, distinguished himself. remember, somewhere at the beginning of co, here in this studio i... publicly criticized he was advised to change his image, he dressed like some kind of freak, now look, brand new suits, ties, hairstyle, in general, such a europeanized minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, they listen to the program for 60 minutes, draw conclusions, why did you give him good advice, well, listen, the main thing is the idea, he wanted to get not a piece of this
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nato... cake, but the patriot anti-aircraft missile system, in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, give it to ukraine, in quality, well, real such help, we will all rejoice, this complex will be to shoot down russian, that means, iskanders and daggers, because other air defense systems are supposedly powerless here, but again, hopes did not come true, in principle, of course, we understand perfectly well that behind this picture...
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the process cannot be stopped in the same way, as a victory and expansion of russia’s zone of influence in connection with the successful completion, i hope, of a special military operation on our terms. as for koleb, his evolution is of course interesting; he also tried, like the whole zelensky gang, to first walk around in khakis, jumpers, without a shirt, yes. in t-shirts, in cargo pants, but then gradually began to transform his appearance towards truly classic suits, because he probably realized that they just didn’t want to talk to him when he was dressed like a zee, but most importantly, of course, everything, what’s happening at the front right now, our people are trying to approach the chaskoye yar, the situation there is tense.
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look, everything, carefully, steps, wedge him, stomach, where is the rest of the group, where is the rest of the group, everything is under control. let's move on. this footage shows the russian purge fighters from the basements of the belogorovka chalk factory, a village on the western outskirts of the lpr. the battles for the industrial zone near the milovo field lasted several months. the vseushniki equipped a powerful fortified area there. in these frames, our drones destroy bandera soldiers holed up in trenches near belogorovka. and these are already strikes by the russian aerospace forces on new york with factories that are ironing out the former novgorod region in
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the dpr, which is in a fit. these frames show a series of precise drops of our drones in the chasoy yar area. drone operators destroy enemy personnel. advisor to the head of the dpr gagin said that russian troops have already entered the city itself. the ivanovo paratroopers made a breakthrough through the forest to the kanal microdistrict, breaking through the defenses in the ssso. a video of a daring attack by soldiers of the 98th airborne division is published by the enemy. our armored groups are making a breakthrough
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under the cover of attack aircraft. it is reported that the paratroopers managed to gain a foothold on zelenaya street in the east of chasoy yar. as one might assume, the situation with the second russian offensive has now reached its climax. we see this as the culminating stage in which russia is trying to achieve breakthrough in several areas to gain operational space. this is currently happening in two places: the first is to the west of avdievka, where they are trying to build on their success after capturing the city. in this direction at present... there are fierce battles with the ukrainian armed forces, and another place near bakhmut, where they are trying exactly the same thing, perhaps soon it will also be in the kupinsk area, where the russians have gathered significant forces. here are shots from this section of the front: rszzo grad, troop groups the west is being worked on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine with an enemy warehouse with ammunition, and this is the ugledar direction, the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the yuzhnodonbassskaya mine number one is destroyed by
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a one and a half ton gliding volumetric detonating aerial bomb, and the positions of ukrainian militants in the forest belts in the avdeevka direction are burned out by heavy flamethrower systems with sanitary equipment . main gun and autocannon. ukrainian artillerymen were unable to hit the bmw, so
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here’s another impressive raid. under the cover of darkness, tula paratroopers on infantry fighting vehicles fired from a distance of less than a kilometer near the ukrainian armed forces fortification area in the northern direction. leopard i have several bradleys - t-72, well, pickups, what else is that, well, such a french car.
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here is footage from the marinsky direction, where it is especially difficult for zelensky’s militants, who flew in with high-precision ammunition and destroy the position of an atgm crew of the ukrainian army identified in one of the high-rise buildings, here is
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a spectacular video of another precise strike by lancet, a hit by a drone on a t-64 of the ukrainian armed forces causes an explosion of ammunition, which tears off and throws several tens of meters tank turret. russia is advancing, i want to emphasize this again, but progress is gradual, the ministry of defense, here in moscow, says that since the beginning of the year they have conquered 400 km, this almost exactly corresponds to the urban area of ​​cologne, in general russia controls probably 20% of the territory of ukraine, including the black sea peninsula of crimea. for comparison, this would be an area the size of bavaria and baden gurtenberg combined. these shots show the destruction of the ukrainian. with malachite all-round radar was supposed to protect bandera’s followers from our aircraft and drones, but she couldn’t even protect herself, she was overtaken by lancet. since the beginning of the year, the ssu has lost at least six such radars. the kiev regime is hastily erecting fortifications. this is what
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anti-tank ditches and lines of dragon teeth in the zaporozhye region look like from the air. the second city in the country, the city of kharkov, is preparing to defend in ukraine. kharkov is not an avdik. after the assassination attempt, the condition of the head of the region is assessed as serious, but stable;
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the day before in the city of apatit and after a meeting with city residents, chibis was attacked with a knife man, it all happened at the construction center, the criminal ran out of a black foreign car and stabbed the governor in the stomach, after which he tried to escape, but was shot in the leg and was detained by special forces officer amon, a member of the svo and a combat veteran.
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intensive care under observation.
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the governor of the murmansk region was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters, the knife blow could have been fatal, in fact, he was a little lucky that the aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. there is an escort car at the reception department, probably the suspect in the attack is in the same hospital with the governor ; forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during the arrest; the investigation is trying to establish a motive. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the suspect explained that he felt hostility towards the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously known him. it was established that the suspect had previously been prosecuted for committing a crime under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident. witnesses are questioned and the necessary forensic examinations,
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including psychiatric examinations, are ordered. the attacker found the official in the appatity, here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with local residents, this is footage of the work of the investigative team at night, forensic experts are taking fingerprints from a car that belongs to budanov had to break the glass to hide it, the operatives worked every centimeter here, collecting all the evidence. oleg pasobin, pavel tretyakov, can europe still count on america’s nuclear umbrella with this headline was published in a wall street journal article. the material raises a pressing question: will france and the uk be able to provide a sufficient level of deterrence to discourage putin from attacking nato and eu countries. this question will be relevant if trump becomes president. from the authors publications there is a doubt that. he is ready to risk nuclear war for the sake of helsinki,
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tallinn or warsaw. doubts can be dispelled by donald’s own playlist, you won’t believe it. american experts are absolutely seriously analyzing the music that the republican candidate plays for guests at the party. and on this basis they are trying to create a psychological portrait of the potential owner of the white house. they jokingly call this performance by dj tee.
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according to journalists, he likes to turn on the speaker so loudly that it is difficult for people talk while he admires the sound quality. what does it include? barodrian musical. like the phantom of the opera, as well as the good old songs of elvis, layan erici, ganzan roses and elton john. what does this tell you about former president janine? young people will like it, he too you know, he should make a t-shirt out of it, he will like it if you have a party, you play
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what you like, you make the music louder, for example, when you are driving in the car.
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one thing i think we've learned is that the list is real, unlike obama's playlist, which was compiled by political strategists and everything was as if it had been selected. it was like, oh, this will make him cool, or oh, we should have something popular. obama doesn't even know that his account is being listened to by black height piece. i
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hate black height piece, he has terrible taste in music. i don't trust a world leader who doesn't have slayer, melvins or misfits on his playlist. even ramonds wasn't there. which always irritated ukrainians, probably it was not, no, no, no, it was not the main motivation that made people voting for zelensky, probably, after all , the peaceful agenda was the main motivation, but nevertheless, corruption also played a certain role against the backdrop of all these poroshenko corruption scandals, well, people were a little tired of this, and zelensky
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positioned himself as an absolutely unsystematic politician , a pure politician, yes, not involved in corruption schemes, a person who came from an honest public, well, you can... say business, and people voted for zelensky, for the first time in all this time, literally in in the month of february, the sociological service rating conducted a survey for the first time during this time. the first place in terms of threats to the country's development was not war, but corruption, for the first time during this time, 51% of ukrainians believe that corruption is the main reason that slows down the development of ukraine, i want you to say, this is actually...
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corruption directly with zelensky, you know, that is, what do i want to say? that this is actually a very serious challenge , in fact a serious threat to the ukrainian government, if... in conditions of war, ukrainians first place is given to the issue of corruption, what is ukrainian corruption, you just showed the plot of the construction of fortifications, yes, we are discussing it, there ukraine is building three lines of defense, putting dragon teeth there, and we perceive this information as , well, well, it’s clear, the russians they put in dragon teeth, but the ukrainians put in dragon teeth, but you know what the problem is, that those dragon teeth that the ukrainians put in are... well, it seems to me that they’re not really dragon teeth, they’re more like the teeth of a baby dragon, because they three times less than the concrete
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structures that the russian federation erected, well, that’s what i mean, what seems to be shown, but the picture looks beautiful, in fact, behind all this lies corruption, now i can’t even name the exact figure of how much was allocated for the construction of fortifications is about 5.3 billion, but the last money that... was allocated by the cabinet of ministers was about 34 million dollars, yes 34 million dollars, for some reason to oversee the construction of fortifications, zelensky sent his close friend, who at one time, against the backdrop of corruption scandals, he fired mr. tymoshenko from his administration, who has absolutely nothing to do with defense, a very convenient scheme when your closest ally supervises and distributes all these financial resources, without bears absolutely no responsibility for the implementation of those corruption schemes, well, look, this is called the dragon's teeth, well, in fact
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, it seems to me that this comparison is even, you even understand, this is not even funny, because well people see all this, they also understand, that is, when they talk about defense, about the desire to protect the country, about the army, about the lack of financial resources, and so on , and against the backdrop of all this, it even...
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reveals why? because in my opinion, all these anti-corruption bodies were created nearby not at all in order to fight corruption, but in order to effectively control the ukrainian government, which was allowed to carry out these corruption schemes, that’s all, when we say, they , they are, relatively speaking, control this country, there is a mechanism for this control, here it is, corruption is the very mechanism of control that they actually use for complete, total control. political elite: 54 deputies of the verkhovna rada are accused of crimes, 54, well, you
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can imagine, yes, how do you think these deputies will vote, it’s interesting, well, that’s how they will vote, that’s how it all works, it’s all structured, really in fact, complete total control, so when we say that ukraine did something anyway further, we must understand that without western intelligence services , ukraine cannot do anything on its own. these, you know, some public attacks from ukraine, some will take it, well, look, they don’t carry out the will of the americans there, but the americans demand that they not bomb, let’s say russian oil refineries, they say that we we’ll bomb, maybe the situation is a little different, it’s just that the americans will distance themselves from this topic, in fact they don’t mind at all, but maybe it’s not the americans, but maybe it’s the british who have... less influence, when they try to convince me that only those who pay money have influence, the british invest little in ukraine, well , of course, excuse me, you need your own
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wool here, you know, as he says , not to be confused with the state one, zelensky has all his assets where in britain, who supervises him, the british, who protects him, the british, when we finally put the question, yes, well, the americans mainly finance, but relatively speaking, that means they must carry out the will of the americans, but he has his own selfish interest, and for him his own selfish interest.
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this is absolutely with this country, as for corruption, it is an eternal ukrainian problem, what is there, and absolutely ineradicable, it is not clear how to fight it, not only we, but also those who finance ukraine, pay attention to this, because they create special commissions, special spies, auditors come to check those appropriations that are allocated from the pockets of european american taxpayers, that is, in essence... his gang is stealing from an american from idaho, yes, or from some toulouse farmer, they steal, get rich from this, and there is no end in sight to this, however, it is clear that as long as this specimen is valuable and needed, they will cross it. let's go back,
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i'll catch you somewhere. and then at a gas station, then you don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself and the corridor, where to go and what to do? if we hold out our hands at all, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. bully for grazing. trump. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or oleviet. what’s the matter, alexander grigorievich, well, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, it’s only impressive, your greetings, hello, after your interview many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, from the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, apparently, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday
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to rtr. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you? you 're about to cook, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it's either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks like you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing bret smart by topperware. an easy, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and
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a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of this incredible offer. call now. bored of your old fence? want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or replacements will hit your budget hard. we present it to your attention. universal photo facade for a fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate
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design and create a unique look for your suburban area. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. move out today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a scorched
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child on the street, come to me, live as you want, but we won’t be long, we’re lucky with a brambling, this is not our child, but he maybe ours, life doesn’t give us information, premiere on saturday on rtr. us congress speaker mike johnson named the conditions under which american military assistance to ukraine can be continued, one of them is the lifting of the moratorium on lng exports, which clearly contradicts the green agenda of the white house. the new york times writes that johnson there is an interest of his own, his native louisianians, where he was elected from, blocked the project of a liquefied natural gas export terminal, so it’s a victory. johnson will strengthen her political position over the biden administration. in the white house i don’t agree to compromise. karine jeanpierre said that her boss would not reconsider his decision, saying that the environment
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is more important for biden than ukraine. so johnson is taking a risk. rep. don duken warned nbc news that it's possible the speaker could face impeachment if he will again try to push a deal with the white house through the house. house speaker mike johnson is trying to find the votes to pass the ukraine aid bill by including items that will appeal to his party members. one idea he has floated is that his support would depend on whether the biden administration reverses its decision to freeze liquefied natural gas export permits. there was a pause on this issue due to the climate agenda biden. this decision was made by the majority of democrats in january, as their
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nat vote was 77 to 29. we said it before and we repeat it again, ukraine must have everything it needs to protect itself from russian aggression, and we continue to speak absolutely openly about this.
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ranks johnson, please, well, 68%, respectively, this is, as it were, a specialized association, but in fact, as if the representatives of casetree know, you think that in one form or another, assistance will be allocated, the question is in what form, how it will be to pass, because there is this story , as it were, with a gas pipeline, this is quite a big situation, you need to understand that all congressmen are now being elected, so they have to go to these elections with something, that’s why everyone seems to be inserting their positions there , but if the issue of lng is included there, it will not be accepted for a number of reasons. here, but
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the main thing is that as a result there simply won’t be enough democrats, not even republicans, a problem will arise with the democrats, but there are even 190 of them there to vote, that’s in the best case, so with from this point of view, the problem is that it will be very difficult to collect all this, and as for today, by the way, as wongova said, joe biden is in baltimore, well, now he’s coming there, so to speak, and he’s looking at bridge, but i remind you that he wrote 100% federal funding for the bridge, that’s how it is... that’s more than 3 billion at a minimum, so it’s like quite serious money, taking into account the fact that they are now transferring back and forth 5 billion that's why from this point of view, of course it's a very serious statement, taking into account what is happening here, as it were, so such an event will be very important, plus , well, maryland may not be very interesting from the point of view of electors, but it is very interesting from the point of view of the potential for a potential fight, according to then the undecided states in the future, so how will the whole movement around this develop, what else is the problem, well, the problem is that next week she
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remembers that we will have a visit prime minister of japan ishida, by the way he will speak in congress, and most likely, well, this is considered a unique phenomenon after he spoke there, so they are going to discuss the negotiation process, which is related purely to china, with the impact of sanctions , with trade, with everything else, taking into account that i remind you, this is about the issue of biden, about trump, which is no different, biden blocked the deal to buy us steel, american steel, as if , accordingly, not the largest japanese company, right now what's the question here? trying to make a decision, that is, when they didn’t sell it in china, when the issue of selling it to the russian federation was now being discussed, it didn’t seem to work out either, but if it was sold to japan, that would of course be very original in itself, because well, first, there is a whole story connected with this, when in the eighties and seventies everything there was bought out by japanese companies, respectively, the situation with detroit and everything else, they still treat toyota very hard there, in fact, but the question is: that politics is more important geopolitical interests, he will be ready to put pressure on this deal and, accordingly , torpedo it. because against the backdrop of problems
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associated with domestic production and , accordingly, the statement that china will crush the industry there through mexico, he begins to abandon these decisions, because the internal agenda is more important for him than the external one, much more important than the external one, why is this also important , well, it’s like the middle east, everything is clear there, what ’s going on, plus or minus, like we’re still waiting, like what it’s going to be like, what it’s going to be for happen, why is this important, accordingly, our oil has already hit 91.5, here ’s a friendly and cheerful brand, it’s stomping up, this is already leading to an increase in prices in general, we have inflation, as it were... as has already been said, it’s profitable for us their growth reaches a certain limit, and after that until what time is it considered critical for economies, that is, from which they will stop digesting it for a very long time 110, well, there is still time, well, in principle, yes, but in general, as it were, accordingly, well, if it happens brand 110, then our eurous will be 95. and
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please, welcome, well, the question is different, that economies, in principle, will not support such prices, as if at such interest rates, as if the problem will be that there will be 2008, that is, you have a sharp rise in prices, and then accordingly a sharp collapse, no one needs this, that’s why, in principle, high prices are very likely, especially our heating period has ended, now it will be soon, the car season will be warm, most likely, judging by the operational preliminary data on american market in the northern hemisphere, this will have a serious consequence, the most important thing is that next week we will have data on inflation and data. which it makes sense to trust to some extent, most likely inflation is falling, inflation is decreasing, there will be 5% seasonally adjusted here, here, but here it is 5%, 5% adjusted, in russia, and seasonally adjusted , well, this is bloomberg data, i mention the seasonality adjustment in this now, as if we won’t rejoice earlier just a second, i just remind you that the seasonal adjustment is now 6.3, that is , inflation is actually slowing down everywhere except the usa right now, and this, in theory, should lead to a decrease in interest rates.
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lowering the key rate first, well , the interest rate, the main one was sold in the second half of the year, she said that this would also depend on inflation, so inflation. wait, wait, wait, let's go, they've eaten my child, allah taxi, starting monday on rtr.
7:41 pm
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come true, sunday, i believe minutes until the evening, when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, but who are you, and let her? she’ll tell you, well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len!
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when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr. you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will immediately love you, sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl on the edge, what is happening, misfortune this kind of thing happens to girls of a certain behavior, future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion. he will understand everything, i’m sure this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new
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day, today on rtr, so we’ll try to check the connection with new york, which experienced an earthquake of magnitude five an hour ago, even some write five with superfluous. our valentin bogdanov, unharmed, thank god, everything is fine, smiling, beautiful as always, our correspondent in the united states, valentin bogdanov is in direct contact, how manhattan was shocked there, but most importantly, of course, money will be allocated to ukraine next week, evgeniy, thank you, good evening, well, as they say, what do the manhattanites have in common? earthquake, or rather reports about this earthquake from emergency services in the united states
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, ukrainian military assistance, it would seem, nothing, but everything is not so simple, today, after this earthquake took place, about an hour after it happened, we we received messages like this: that it would happen, it happened 53 minutes after manhattan rocked, well, you said five points. here 4.7, that is, even with the magnitude they didn’t guess, in general, with ukrainian help, with american military help, exactly the same thing is happening to ukraine, they are talking about this now more and more often, even if it is approved or voted on, it will come and will it arrive when it is already too late, when the need for it most likely will no longer be there, the question is whether it will be voted on after all? some kind of package ukrainian aid in the lower house of the american congress can probably be
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put to a vote next week, but as always there are a huge number of nuances that, as congressmen approach their return from vacation, appear in the american press, well , in particular, until recently it seemed that mike johnson , republican, by the way, i would like to remind everyone once again that we have no ... no friends here, neither democrats nor republicans, please, the republican is active on the topic of military assistance to ukraine, so johnson proposed an option that seemed to suit everyone: take money from frozen russian assets, $300 billion, add here the biden administration’s cancellation of permission to export liquefied natural gas, which is very important for johnson’s home state, louisiana, where they are building... the largest lng export terminal in the united states with a volume of 20 million tons per year, this turns out to be
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an ideal option, which the majority of republicans will agree to vote for, and democrats will help, if anything, but then , as they say, nuances appeared, in the white house administration said that they were not going to abandon the embargo on lng exports for the sake of the ideas of their green agenda and green transition. now another nuance appears, which concerns the fact that the idea of ​​​​loans to ukraine also does not suit them, because a loan in the economic sphere is one thing, and a loan in the other...
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was presented by a certain conservative, a person who supports the traditional agenda for american republicans, suddenly
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he changes his shoes so abruptly, what is happening to him, an article is being published today on...
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the program is on air for 60 minutes. ask! well, yes, indeed, a spoon is dear to dinner, and one must always understand that any war is a time factor. and, if we now look at the current situation on the front line, it is clear that ukraine is now burning through the reserves that it had. it is constantly visible that holes are being plugged, under the berdychs - the elite forty-seventh is already fighting with the abrams, with the latter, which means there is an elite one. and there are such people in ukraine now, they are going to have 10 brigades by the end of summer, five by the beginning of summer, these are the first five brigades, these are 151, second, third, fourth and 155, they were all supposed to be mechanized
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brigades, that is, on the same strikers, bradleys, which were expected just at the post... probably from the usa and from the european union, it is now clearly known, that 151 and 152 and , most likely, the remaining three brigades will be infantry, that is, new recruits will be given kalashnikov assault rifles, rpgs and they will plant the very trenches that ukraine is now actively digging, and i must say that i must say, here i agree with my colleague, of course just in within the framework of the kargakult, that is, we saw, as always, these hawaiian ones there... airplanes are flying above us, we will build the same airplane from sticks, it’s not even a matter of the size of this triangle, but i will explain what the fundamental difference is , on our triangles there are such wonderful rings, through which rolled wire is then threaded, through 100 of these triangles, which then cannot be moved by a tank, on the ukrainian triangles, sorry, there are no such rings,
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the question arises that all of these really were the fortifications as bad as you describe them? because this is still an obstacle for our soldiers, so we take any preparation, our offensive from the enemy, seriously, let's go back, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this is alla, al, al, alla, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who gave the order that you don’t recognize, alla , from monday. on rtr, we present to your attention a real bestseller,
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8:00 pm
but still below the climate norm on saturday night it will be -5 lead, look, it was 60 minutes before goodbye.


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