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tv   Neukrotimaya Neupokoeva  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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i am different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, happy birthday. yes, blow it, on saturday, after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i will finish my business here and will join you, if only you knew where you will lose it, dad, dad, little boy, if you knew where you will find it, i have business with you proposal, you already... from fans, you generally
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loved him, mom, so from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we are only a few i’ve known each other for days, i’ve had enough, life doesn’t give me any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, what do you want? do you remember her? let us suppose. what happened here yesterday? they raped her. two ghouls, one, i think, is called misha. the cops here have been going through everything since the morning, turning everything upside down, they say that these guys have already been tied up. that's all. not really. “i saw how you
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negotiated something with these morons and put money in their hands, but my mouth is shut, so far, i understand, i haven’t seen anything, i don’t know anything, well done. svetlana, you know who any of these people? this is him, are you sure? yes, thank you, sis, our worthless one! matter,
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if we get caught up in this matter, our father will pull the trigger, and that’s not the worst thing, saying that you should relax already, well, you told kirill an excellent version of how we lost the light, and it’s almost true, but what if the bartender will open his mouth, you definitely don’t have to worry about him, he doesn’t charge much for silence, but these two, you yourself asked them to dance with palikov, they can blurt it out to the police, you know what, i asked them to dance, not to rape them girl and me i will deny everything, and if kirill finds out about this, he will hate you, although this is just bullshit, so you need to delete all the photos from your phone, let’s not bother with this, but you’re crazy, this is evidence against us, yes, but this is also a chance to separate the kilila from the light, yeah. again, alina, let's find you
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a good psychiatrist, your addiction is worse than alcohol, you need to call your dad's lawyer, then he will definitely sort everything out, yes , yes, yes, but what kind of lawyer, alina, son, i ask you, come to your senses, i understand that with girl an accident happened, but this kind of accident happens to girls of a certain behavior, mom... sveta, not like that, you were looking for her all night, not such girls sleep at home, a strange story happened, she was drugged, she was attacked, she is a victim, of course , yes, she is a victim, i always, it’s like in a movie, kiyush, i told you about sveta, because you would have found out anyway, there would be a dull eye, and also this, this is very bad, first
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of all for her, it was necessary think before going to the police, but she went, and this is evidence that she does not consider herself guilty. i wanted you to understand. the case file states that you were under the influence of ecstasy on the night of the attack. how often do you use drugs? i don't do drugs at all. i don't know how they got into my body. what a convenient
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position. i draw the attention of the court to the fact that the defendants were not replaced in the distribution or use of drugs. this is irrelevant. how to say, how to say, everyone knows how ecstasy works, well, it is also called the drug of love, i hope there is no need to explain why does ecstasy increase sexual desire, so i think, svetlana valerievna, you don’t remember the details of that evening well? or are you deliberately hiding them from the investigation? what do you have in mind? i have proof that svetlana valerievna polyakova was quite happy with the company of my
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clients that evening. i managed to find witnesses to that stormy party. who took a huge number of pictures on their phones, please add the materials to the case, the court will take into account new evidence, i have everything, victim, you have more what to add, these photos do not prove anything. “maybe these guys are having so much fun, getting girls drunk, dancing with them, taking pictures, they dragged me into the toilet and there, i asked them not to do this, if this is not violence, then why did they rape
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, don’t be sad, beauty, you i liked it then, i said it myself, now that you are babbling, shut up, shut up, shut up, once again i,
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as the dean, will you mind? well, of course not, especially since the topic of his thesis is consistent, asian pacific economic cooperation . here you go great, great, he’ll be writing his diploma, so to speak, in the vastness of asian pacific cooperation. seronik, i told you that vadim petrovich will definitely support us. i'm not going anywhere, you're crazy. throwing yourself into the light at such a moment is a betrayal. what nonsense is this, the institute sends you to practice so that you can complete your diplomas? do you think i don’t know whose initiative this is, who our ambassador to australia is? uncle kolya, my father’s classmate, well, kirill, well, kolya, my, my classmate, so what? no need to look for devils there,
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where they are not, you are going to honors degrees, institute, everything is possible, help you with this, thank you, i don’t need that kind of help, kirill, your thesis is worthy of a degree, don’t you understand this? you want to destroy your life for the sake of, for the sake of, for the sake of, so sit down, sit down, i say, mom wanted to say that... yes, i just didn’t think that this time would come so soon. kirill, you are a future diplomat, and you must complete this diploma, a brilliant diploma and a worthy diploma, worthy of all your results. are you sick or something? whether? tired of living? look
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where are you driving? the institutes here are full of students. actually, we are standing on the road, excuse me, please, this rarely happens to me, or rather for the first time. or maybe it's fate? this is also the first time i almost had an accident, i was just late for the meeting. are you studying here? yes, i’m finishing my diploma. and i’m late to the former teacher kostromskaya. have you heard of this? just kidding, this is my curator, and i ’m going to him too. seriously? yes. i believe in fate. anton. varvara. let's do it. together with you , we’ll park the car and walk to kostrovsky, come on, i brought him a gift from london,
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come on, so what, anton, a lawyer in a large... national company, oh, he was invited to work in london, which means your anton will also leave soon, and why is he mine, no, well, he’s handsome, of course, and it’s obvious , that he’s smart, well , yes, he’ll soon leave for gondon, cooking, injecting, okay, anton invited me to a restaurant, so, i don’t know. whether to agree or not, you’ve already agreed, well, i’m telling you, handsome, how
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can you resist something like that, let yourself be fed to your heart’s content, light, why did you let kirill go, ar, he’s the best graduate of the course, and you yourself know this is of great importance during distribution, the thesis is also important, i won’t bother him, so come on, tell me where you’re going? he'll come by, have you chosen the dress? varya, i know you are doing this for us, i will call you every day, well, yes, only when i have morning, you will already have night, so strange, yes, i already miss you very much, we will cope, i hope so that the separation will do kiryusha good.
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she's not a fool, well alina, our son deserves better, hello, hello alina, hello, well, i wanted to leave and not say goodbye, how so, who will i copy from? i’ll be back for the exams, i promise, exactly, yes, yes, girls, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, it’s time for kirill, vladimoroch, the most interesting place, girls, girls, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
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the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, from monday on rtr kalinan beleg - the place
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where time is. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, protected by the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts,
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we are here for you. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. cognac, old barrel, a product of the steller group, so that dreams come true, sunday, i'm counting the minutes until the evening when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well
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well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister. the situation is hopeless, i’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr. i’ll say right away that the pregnancy will not be easy, you have a negative rh factor, i want to have an abortion, it’s generally dangerous to terminate the first pregnancy, in your case, you don’t understand me, i was raped, i understand your desire to get rid of the child, but if you
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do it now abortion, then your chances of getting pregnant in the future are absolutely zero, i don’t i need this child. this is not the first time i ’ve heard this, and then i see how girls suffer, try for years to get pregnant, look for alternative ways, but they still can’t. light, well, the most important thing is your child. take your time, don’t make a decision, think now. so. that’s enough, you hear me, stop killing yourself like this, my girl, there is a way out of every situation, i know what the way out is, mom, listen, well, anything can happen in life, if it’s hard for you to take an academic degree at the institute, but we can handle it, i’ll help you, what does the institute have to do with this, what does the academic have to do with this, you don’t
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you see, i have to break up with kirill. “you talk to him, he will understand everything, i ’m sure this is not his child, and he will always know it, mom, he’s good, he won’t leave me, he’ll marry me, and then he ’ll hate me, stupid, well why did you take this, but because he will have to sacrifice his life, his career for the sake of me and someone else’s child, also these photographs that surfaced at the trial, no, no, mom, i can’t do this to him,” i love him very much, so he loves you very much, but don’t decide for the two of you, tell him everything, give him the opportunity to make a decision himself, this is your common life. “no, mom, now there is his life, and there is mine with the child, i
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have to part with him, i’ll cook too, god, what does cooking have to do with it, this is your best friend, if she finds out, she will tell kirill the truth.” “ i can’t, nothing comes into my head at all, then igor took the academic course twice and returned normally, i found someone to look up to, igor is studying. for show’s sake, bet, that’s why i should fail exams now, i in a year i’ll pass my diploma normally and the psychologist advised me to take a break, okay,
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fine, if it’s better for you, then fine, var, i need to leave, the psychologist advised me to change the environment, where are you planning to go? and my mother has a sister, she lives in siberia, and they are restoring a temple there, they are ready to receive me, okay, and kirill, what about kirill, kirill is in australia, and what does it matter to him where i am waiting for him in moscow or in siberia , well, how can i contact you, but there ’s not even internet there, can you imagine, right there it’s such a wilderness, we’ll write letters, yeah. letter, uh-huh, light, are you sure, light, it
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’s impossible, i understand everything, but you and i have to graduate from college together, please, we, we wanted to get married before the distribution, kirill, the thing is that i, i don’t i want to marry you, light. sveta, what's going on? am i, are you offended by me? can't you forgive me for leaving? think what you want, but tomorrow i’m leaving, far away, and i beg you, don’t look for me, i don’t need it, light, light, please hear me, come on let's talk, please, explain what 's going on, be happy, goodbye.
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well, what did i tell you, the breakup was good, the girl ran away, 1 2 3, what happened, but nothing, i can’t, kirel found in these stupid robes everything was like in an incubator, you met the dean, we managed to talk, well, we talked. there’s no point , there’s no place in camber, even daddy’s money won’t help here, you and i will have to do an internship at the prague embassy, ​​eh, czech republic,
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i love czech beer, it’s also good, you’re kidding me or something, where is prague, where is australia, igor, oh well , to you, kirill, hi, hi, congratulations, and i congratulated you, okay, let’s come to an agreement later, yes, bye, and i’m with sveta. i was able to talk, her mother won’t tell her where she is, it’s as if she disappeared, where to look, i don’t know, the same story, six months of silence, kirill, if something had happened to sveta, her mother would definitely have told us, but otherwise, it means he doesn’t want to see us, i probably don’t know, well, here you are, and i see you everywhere, well, i congratulate us, well, where are you going next? i'm heading back to canbera. we spent a lot of time on a business trip, so it’s like practice here. great, how about me?
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and where are you going? oh well, i never would have thought that you would be the first to get married, hello, congratulations, by the way, anton and i are flying to london next week, wow, take it easy, take it easy, well what can i say, well done, congratulations, this i congratulate you, thank you, thank you, let 's go, let's go, bye, bye, bye, just like that, light, kirill has come again, i 'll be late for work, what... mom, take him away, whatever you want, then and speak. kirill, hello, olga andrevna, forgive me for the intrusion, i need to see the world. it's you who made me i'm sorry, i'm in a hurry to get to class, please, let's go, we'll talk on the way, okay? please go, i can’t leave for another year without talking to sveta. we parted in a very strange way, i beg you, please, olga andreevna, tell me where she is. what a wilderness, she
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doesn’t want to see me, it turns out she really left me, i don’t understand what i did wrong, why? kirill, you are a very good boy, very, but i can’t put pressure on the world, you understand, but you know her, varya said that she left to be in alone, to survive stress, and at least better. yes, she is under the supervision of doctors, in this regard everything is fine, don’t worry, sooner or later everything will work out, one way or another, i can’t help but worry, i love her very much , i’m afraid for her, i beg you, please tell this letter is for her, this is my only way to somehow talk to her. “
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don’t worry, she will read it, i promise you, good luck, kirill, thank you, my dear, i want you to know, wherever you are, so as not to think, i want to be with you, i want to help, i’m sure , together we are with everything we can handle it, please don’t push me away, i’m sad and hurt because i can’t do anything, what’s even worse is that i don’t understand what i did wrong, if i’m to blame for something, forgive me, know that i’m not i don’t blame you for that, no matter how terrible the past is, you can’t change it, but we have a future ahead of us, only
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together we will make it... the way we want it ourselves. i told you, i’m kirill beysky, just call, it’s not supposed to, i’m his friend from college, he’ll be glad to see me, kiryusha, where are you going, everything’s okay, everything’s okay, hello, hello, what are you doing here, i just came to see you, i miss you, cool, okay, don’t worry, i have a huge
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excursion program here, kangaroos. everything is as it should be, and it’s so hot here in moscow, it’s been raining for 2 days now, i would definitely be walking in the rain right now, crazy, you don’t know what you want, so okay, now let me help, now i’ll be back to arrange everything , okay, okay, thank you, let's go, how is moscow, like fellow students, mm, listen, i haven't seen anyone, although no, i'm lying, i was here in london, do you know who? i met our varka, she lives in this in a luxurious mansion, who would have thought, yes, that our quiet red-haired girl would get up so quickly, it’s funny, and how about sveta, have you heard anything about her, no, nothing, i’m a little tired from the road, can i take a shower, you don’t mind ? yes of course thank you. so, that's it, i
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ran, i have extra classes in ninth grade today, oh, let's get going, yes, and then i have another student to go far, so i'll be late, my sweetie, yes mom, well, maybe reduce the load, well every day there are six additional lessons, with your heart this is too much, but additional income won’t hurt us, what’s the matter, what’s the big deal, little baby will grow up, you’ll get a diploma, find a good job, here i am... everything will be great, go to the child, bye-bye, why are we
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being capricious here, we broke everything, we don’t want to eat, yes, move out today, but the child, i don’t care what happens to him... on saturday, well , you can’t be on the street with a sick child, come to me, live as long as you want, yes we won’t be here for long, she’ll take the little brat away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life does not give certificates, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, they say: you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on
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the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for the head, we know about that's it, relax, anex. genie of dreams. product of stellar group.
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exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance.
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does it suit me? you don't like me at all, do you? kiril, how much
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can this continue? don't you understand that she left you? sveta didn’t abandon me, but... that she disappeared, dissolved, although it seems to me that this is the same thing that you want to hear from me, alina, why do you care, well, yes. really, what difference does it make to me? i love you, kiril. god, what a fool i am. why am i saying all this? you never noticed me, neither at school nor at college. then i started chasing this light. i thought, okay, god bless you, as long as you are happy. " please forgive me, i didn’t know, well now you know,
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although it seems to me that it was not difficult to guess, listen, i can’t see how you are suffering, you live here alone, like a hermit at the end of the world, kirill, forgive me, i can’t do this." “i love the light, if there is at least , at least a small chance that she will return, i will wait for her, tell me, why don’t you understand that if a woman disappears, it probably means that she doesn’t love you, let her say it to my face, great, if you want , we will find her together, she will tell you this, we will be together, if sveta leaves me, forgive me, alina,
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take your hands off, alina, dinara, how much can you say, why is there a mess again in your frozen food, please go and place the price tags as they should be, petya, cookies here, yes, yes, and chocolate there. svetochka, hello, my dear, so glad to see, oh, what a big carp we have, oh, what a good one, svetochka, yes, oh, please, talk to mom, we are in a desperate situation, what happened, my idiot, he never won’t give up, we got a bad mark in english, we can’t cope without, well, without a tutor, excuse me, from the students now we are in a completely desperate situation, and i
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will pay well, yes, yes, yes, my dear, yes, generous aunt, okay, i’ll talk to mom, of course, i really hope, i really hope, in general, yes, i’ll talk , come on, let's go now, let's go, let's go, she's so pretty, yes... pretty, she studied in the same class as my lead, she showed such great hopes, my god, for later love, carrots, in general, no education, no husband , and it’s all because of you, guys, well, not all men are assholes, there are decent ones, oh, decent ones, more disorderly ones, but pay for the cookies, mom, we came,
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hello, yes, i am her daughter, no, they buried her today, thank you, goodbye. “mom, well, i’m explaining to you, well, all the nurseries are overcrowded, well, there’s no room, but what should i do, i don’t have anyone to whom i’ll give it, you have one of these, in our area there are dozens of people standing in line at the nursery, i understand, but if i don’t find him, i don’t send him to kindergarten, i won’t be able to find a job, what can we live on, you
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receive subsidies from the state, as a single mother, plus maternity benefits, well, are you kidding me, it’s pennies, well will you learn"? learn to live within your means, secretary, assistant at a large trading company, knowledge of foreign languages ​​vort excel, excellent, will send a resume, uh-huh, hello, yes, yes, yes, yes, hello, we... are really looking for a nanny, yes, what is your name? very nice, please tell me how much your services cost? yeah, right, and that’s 45,000 for 3 months, and for a month, i realized, sorry, there’s no such
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opportunity yet, yeah, goodbye. i ask you, i really need this job, which i will rarely see at work, i understand, but i can’t help, let’s take some apples, we’ll have lunch, now the baby.
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svetochka, hello, hello, aleftina aleksandrovna, accept my condolences, yes, thank you, big one, how are you living, it’s hard, why is it hard, i have a man growing up, yeah, yes, to be honest, it’s not easy, they didn’t give me a place in kindergarten , as a year old you can’t find a job; you understand, it’s almost impossible to survive on benefits. “i ’ll help you, your mother brought me to college, i won’t leave my debt to her, and i’m liftina aleksandrovna, i won’t take anything, you ’ve already helped us so much, who told you that i’m giving you something, i’m a store director, i’m a trader, i don’t do charity work, come work for me,
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i’ll set up a nursery, the director of a kindergarten is a friend of mine, so i’m kind of scared, this is not an order. you are my good one, you are my good one, look, light, everything is very simple, you find the barcode, run it, press it, you see, country, name, manufacturer, everything is simple, i understand, the main thing is, here is the expiration date, if there is one or two days left, put it to the edge of the shelf, forward,
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yes, if there is still a week ahead, then back, well, so that it stays longer, you’ll figure it out, come on, if anything happens, i'm nearby, thank you, yeah. look, what is it that the yogurt is already 3 days expired, but this cannot be, we check the product, maybe look at the expiration date, how can we not always check the product, now if i had not looked at the date, what then? okay, okay, don’t worry, you take another yogurt, take it, what are we going to do with this, hello, it’s very nice, how can i help, what happened, the yogurt is 3 days out of date, it’s on the shelves where she puts it, it’s a disgrace, i agree, and the girl just perni. i’ll throw out the whole batch, let’s go, i ’ll offer you a new yogurt, very good, they brought it today, here you go. pochinam, let's go, i'll tell you, what are you doing with
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this yogurt, so petya, he, god bless him, i got a grandmother, light, blow, focus, exhale, forget about this psycho, this is moscow, for one square meter crazy, all pretentious. i didn’t expect such pressure, it ’s just yogurt, and this is moscow, people are capricious, in my village no one had even heard of any expiration date, bread was delivered once a week and no one was buzzing, and why are we standing here, everything is here, you know, they brought them yesterday’s bread, it’s already a scandal, yes, the store turns out to be a dangerous place, yes, you know, we are holding the defense here, light, well, don’t worry, now you have me, me i won’t hurt you, here you go, thank you, let’s go to work. that’s it, thank you, natasha, i ’ll get your phone number later. good good. well, in short, this story ended with
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the american being offended by me and thinking i was making fun of him. for the first time in my life i regretted that i didn’t know english. do you want me to teach with you? come on, listen, that's right, it's you, graduated from the academy. look, our new girl quickly got used to it. what won't she get the hang of? well, high five, my new teacher, this is in america, in england, so, they’re still having trouble with people, oh, makarych has a dream, he’ll get it now,
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that’s it, thank you, as soon as they arrive, i’ll let you know, let’s get up, makarych , climb. we wake up, i say get up, that i am sleeping, i really, did you come here to sleep or work, get up, i said, oh well, leave him, let him sleep, and i, by the way, have a quiet hour, you work for her you'll be where i am another loader i’ll find it, you have 15 minutes, like a cucumber, go to work, go, i said, sing, why is it so rude, well, how could it be different with him, and then he won’t sober up, he won’t sit on my neck here either this is all to clean up. okay, are you going to learn english? yes, i’ll go now, i’ll check it now, i’ll go, invoices, yes,
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yes, and you ask petya, i left them there, uh-huh, aleftina alexandrovna, well, here i am again. on sick leave, ilyusha has a fever, yes, yes, the doctor was called, okay, okay, svetochka, well now, yes, i know that manger is virus factory, yes, it was with my people, i remember, yes, sveta, bye, bye, well, the goods were delivered, who should i assign to the reception, and what happened to the world, my son got sick, it will take a week, at least, so, well, let’s i, yes, well, why am i not used to it, well, i’ll spin around like a squirrel in... the forest, but i have a small request for you, wow, look, no time off, no money, don’t ask, i won’t give it, but i
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can give it to the assistant, no, i don’t need yuldus, aleftina aleksandovna, can i have the home address of the world, right, petya, m, sveta, a single mother, her mother just died, you if you come to her with all sorts of nonsense. i’m purely friendly, supportive, yeah, she needs love and care, she’s just in time, thank you very much, you’re a very kind woman, got dressed, well done, the premiere on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no good the court will not give the child to the mother who has no job and no living space, i need official registration, she will arrange it for us. what to do? stop, stop, stop! go! my child was eaten. allah taxi. from monday. ttr. welcome
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to khamovniki 12. surrounded by twelve sights of moscow visible from the windows of the khamovniki 12 residences. khamovniki 12 gives away a piece of great cultural heritage that will become a symbol in your library. khamovniki 12, deluxe club house. classroom in the center of historical moscow. rum. castro, a product of the stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. titanic delux golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the lounge and enjoy delicious cuisine. luxury restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, my joy lives in the high terevu, that high one, no
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one can go, the intercom is jammed. “hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she chased him for two blocks, he left and started to bite him to death, when a kamaz rushes towards you, radiculi and lameness disappear somewhere, humor, humor, humor,” premiere on saturday on rtr, len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, but what about my proposal that we be together? hello, hello, i spent the night with a guy, he’s good, everything is serious with him. vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill, this is lena and lena is kirill. we seem to know each other. i can not live without you. may i kiss you? well, kiss me. what 's happening? hello sister. sunday.
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on rtr, oh, hi, hi, light, i’ll go, yes, i was just walking past it, i thought maybe i’d come in, where to put it, you put it here, well , what kind of help is needed, i don’t know, well, just little things, there are vegetables, fruits, milk, well, for the child, but what is that, but it wasn’t necessary. i have time, maybe i can help do something there, i don’t know, go to the store to the pharmacy, well, i was actually getting ready to go to the pharmacy myself, i thought ilyusha would fall asleep, but he ’s not even going to do anything, a prescription, yes, if it’s not difficult, go , please, yes, no problem, come on, i’ll be quick, listen, your apartment is so huge, it’s like living in a museum, yes, this is left over from your grandmother, cool grandmother, okay, i came here and there, yes, go ahead.
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now ilyushenka, ilyusha, now i’m running, wait, ilyush, come on, don’t cry, what a smell, listen, i’m sorry. i was running around here, i decided to surprise you with my culinary skills, but excuse me, when alyusha is capricious, i generally lose it from time to time, the fever hasn’t gone away, yes, yes, everything is fine, he fell asleep right away, so sit down , and my meat is burning, the plates are there, yes, in the cabinet, look, oh, sing, the cabinet there
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is broken, i forgot to say, yes, i already understood, but bring me the instrument, ay, i have football in half an hour, bring me a screwdriver, wait, what kind of football, but for dinner, i’ll eat at home, bring me a screwdriver to the kitchens, so where can i get a screwdriver, pantries, or what? sing, i’m sorry, i can’t invite you home, ilyusha just fell asleep, he doesn’t sleep at night at all, and it definitely takes half an hour more for him to listen, let’s go home and sleep, and i’ll send you to kugul, no, well, it’s
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like - it’s all wrong, let’s get up, come on, come on, come on, get up, i’ll walk with him for a couple of hours, and you’ll sleep, you ’ll feel better, okay, look, a bottle of i'll sort out the light. sing for the flowers, thank you, i don’t sleep at all, go already, go, rest, 1, 2, 3! congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, order a wish, love more money, you came up with everything, but i had time, this is
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a gift for you from our friendly team, thank you guys, open a beauty salon, so i look bad, no, no , this was my stupid idea, i thought there were massage therapists there, you would rest, relax, and i would sit with ilya, thank you. petya, guys, thank you very much, in general, the break is over, let's go to work, yes, we'll definitely cut the cake, kiryusha, mom, oh my god, ki son has arrived, how i miss you, huh?
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kiril, that’s why i’m being punished like this, and kiryusha, sing, well, stop throwing things at you,
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let him run, dad again, dad again, ilyusha, and this is not dad, ilyush, sve, well, why not dad, the child needs a father , what i’m not talking about, i’m not a dad, i get along great with elyukha, then the word is up to you, sing. m, you’re not in a hurry, but we’ve been dating for 2 months, are you sure, i need one minute to fall in love, but i’ve loved you for a long time, it’s never clear.
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advice and love to you, and this is from all of us a modest gift, advice to you for love, but most importantly, it’s bitter, bitter, it must be celebrated, just to celebrate the wedding
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, after all, it’s necessary, makarych, don’t make me angry, so the management declares oka a newlywed, but for everyone else the working day has not been canceled , quickly to work, light, come to my office, quickly, quickly, bye, now wait, listen, well, they gave me a gift today, completely unexpectedly, they chipped in 10 rubles or something, oh well , thank you for that, but we’re not a holiday they arranged it, they didn’t invite guests, so who should we invite? you don’t have anyone, mine are all villagers, no one will go far to the city, and i don’t want to feed these witches at all, in short, we’ll renovate the apartment, we’ll go to the sea, or i haven’t seen the sea, okay, we agreed, first the repairs, then to the sea. here, receive it and sign it, be happy, thank you, aleftina alexandrovna. “if
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it weren’t for you, i don’t know what would have happened to me, oh well, you’re a good girl yourself, you’re not afraid of work, you don’t lose heart, but about petya, it seems to me that you were a little hasty, no, he’s a good guy, i i’m not saying anything, i have a good eye, it seems to me that he’s a little simple for you, petya is kind and caring, this is exactly the kind of power we need, light, we need to go out of love, and not out of need, i’ve already fallen out of love with mine, now we need to live like... then further, well, well, thank you, kiryush, what do you think, look, if you put this photo there, write #love from russia, lin, i beg you, please stop posting photos on social networks, you and i are... workers the russian embassy in
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austria are serious people, why are you so boring, hey, so you took everything, you didn’t forget anything, but it seems like you forgot nothing, and if you forgot, then buy it, really, yeah, by the way, i wanted to consult with you, maybe, you know, some place, so that you can sit down, i understand that embassy workers are obliged to go on duty with their wives, but no one is officially forcing you. yes, but we wouldn’t have gotten places abroad, i remember. alina is good, she loves me, you know, a month ago i didn’t care what would happen to me, but now it’s like i’m starting to wake up, this some kind of pink nightmare. son, marriage was your decision and no one cares for what reasons you made it, so please.
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doesn’t make others suffer because of their mistakes, you understand me, promise me, i understand, i promise, that’s great, listen, and then the euphoria in women quickly passes, the grinding of characters begins, a fight of dishes, tears, resentment, reconciliation, then abruptly a world comes that you both like, then you get used to it and become a happy person, seriously, did you and your mom have a fight over the dishes? oh, you can't imagine thank you very much, geresh, and your mother recommended this spa to me, it’s incredible, right in the mountains, there are burning springs, a swimming pool, let’s go, light, dinner will be ready, you’ll have to wait a long time, yes, it’s getting ready, getting ready, that you ’re staring there all the time, yes here, yes, these are my friends. your friends, majors, mm,
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you have good friends, they helped you a lot in life, yes, and you were the same major from the institute, singing, different people studied there, why are you, this is an institute, but i remember it, at you had photographs in your room, was it your guy, this one abandoned you and your child, this is my friend, he was, he was a friend until he got married, and next to him, look right... a girl from high society, yes, not like some people sing, okay, give me the phone, wait, and you didn’t seem to suit him in terms of status, yes, where did you go, i’m talking to you, huh? why is he swimming in luxury, and i have to raise this brat, and don’t call my son a brat, who did you open the mail for, and what do you think, you trained as a queen at your institute, or what, you didn’t go
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as far as a hillbilly, this king touched you, and i i can’t sing, what’s wrong with you, i married you, did you marry out of necessity? for me, you had nowhere to go, and now i ’ll write in the comments so that she pays for her son, a manly bastard, petya , give me the phone, but don’t, get away from him, get away, i ask, so there’s no more phone well, maybe it’s for the better, you’ll stop suffering from nonsense, have you paid off? “dinner won’t cook itself, sweetie, let’s move these big tomatoes here, and we can leave the cherry tomatoes here,
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their salads are well sorted, what is this, who is this to you, petya, no, no one, it was i who hit the shelf, i’ll talk to him now, don’t, what do you mean don’t, sveta, i’m indebted to your mother, well, if only i could wash that litka like that, yes i would bite it with my teeth, please, don’t talk to him, we ’ll discuss everything at home and he’ll come to his senses, no, you can’t, you have to be tough with such men, i ’ll talk to him myself, you understand me, and don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, where everyone ran, zoya, what's the matter, go back to the checkout, alektina aleksandrovna, i just looked back with one eye, which means one peephole, what's going on? in general, but the bullet, the beast,
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accelerates to hundreds in 10 seconds, it’s just a swallow, the seats are so, so, so, you don’t need to sit there, oh well, dig god, how do you like the car, wifey, happy, the ones with with an old car, you’re disgracing my subject, but think that i ’m already under my thumb, you’ve become rude, i’m sorry you didn’t teach me manners, what happened to you, you weren’t like that before the wedding, i offended you in some way, well let's talk to you, listen here, now you, my wife , must listen to me and support me, your
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i spend the money the way i want, it’s clear, i don’t like it, i closed my mouth and went to work, it’s clear, it’s clear, don’t touch me.


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