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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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life gives no clues, premiere today at 21:00 on the russia channel. well, we fulfilled our mission, and woke you up as best we could. thank you for waking up. we wish you a good weekend, and of course, do not forget to subscribe to our telegram channel, all the news is there, and we will check in more often. see you, goodbye! hello, the news is live, studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. all residents of the old city evacuate. you need to take your documents with you. emergency evacuation in orsk due to a dam break in the area flooding. thousands of inhabitants on earth from the air.
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sud-25 attack aircraft and t-72 crews disrupted the rotation of fsu militants in two directions of the special operation at once. the soyuz spacecraft undocked from the iss. there are climbing objects. international crew with the first belarusian woman cosmonaut.
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to leave their homes, temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for them, the city authorities report that in the near future there will be houses on nine streets, residents are asked to urgently flood the entire residential sector of the old city, according to information at this hour the level of the ural river in the orenburg region it is already higher than dangerous, by more than 2 meters, and water continues to flow from the scene of the emergency. murat zaripov. multi-ton dump trucks transport rock, which the loader then dumps into the water to seal the gap in the embankment dam on the ural river, but part of the material is immediately carried away by a strong stream, at the same time the other bank continues to collapse, water rushes into the city, from here, strong pressure, breaking through the barrier, a little later another ravine was discovered, a breakthrough occurred, now the equipment is working, people are working, the engine is starting up for in order to produce. when working there
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, stopping the flow is the first task. water quickly filled the nezins and rushed into the residential sector. more than 4,000 houses and almost 11,000 people were in the possible flooding zone. this is the entire area of ​​the old city. emergency sirens sound here regularly with calls to evacuate immediately. people are addressed on television and radio. tambu in the old city forced all residents of the old city to evacuate. on the streets. even at night there is heavy traffic, people are in a hurry to leave dangerous zone, in one of the city squares there is a line of buses, they can be used to get to temporary accommodation points. the men all stay behind, but the women managed to take everyone to the thirty-seventh school there, but i stretched the rubber to the uztp, now they’ll take me, it’s clear, but what’s scary is to touch the water. temporary accommodation centers have been deployed in schools.
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6,500 places have been prepared, flood victims continue to arrive there at night, many are organized by buses, some are brought by police officers who are on duty on the streets, some volunteers. there wasn’t a bus, there was nothing, some young man stopped and said: let me take you to the first point for free, well, he brought us here, a reinforced group of emercom forces is working in orsk. their colleagues arrived to help local rescuers. from moscow and the perm region, they are examining already flooded streets in search of those who have not yet left. sometimes people have to be carried out on their own, as one of the police officers had to do, who rescued a disabled person from a house going under water and also helped his mother. ural meanwhile it is growing rapidly, every hour, filling more and more new territories. there are two streets behind me that quickly became flooded, the ural river is rising very quickly, a current has even formed here and...
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by morning, the water will probably take over several more streets. in oorsk, there is a state of emergency in flooded areas; electricity and gas supplies are limited. according to forecasts, the situation in the city will remain. difficult for a few more days. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, conduct orenburg region, orsk. snow is raging about narilsk a cyclone due to a blowing snow, the road to the airport was closed to all types of transport. gusts of hurricane winds blow away the roofs of houses, and passers-by have difficulty staying on their feet. today it is recommended that schoolchildren and employees of enterprises switch to remote learning and, if possible, not go out onto the streets. active ssu projectiles were destroyed over the belgorod region by air defense systems on duty . as a result of an air attack , a children's clinic, a sports complex and 12 apartment buildings were damaged. the head of the region, vyacheslav glotkov, announced this. by prior appointment information no one was hurt. the dpr
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awarded military personnel of the southern group of forces who distinguished themselves while performing combat missions in the donetsk direction. they were awarded st. george's crosses, orders of courage, medals for courage for... in the north donetsk direction, su-25 attack aircraft disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units, the pilots struck at enemy armored vehicles and infantry. after destroying the target, the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. and in the kherson region with the help of drones marines from the black sea fleet eliminated the boat on which the nationalists tried to cross the dnieper. a report on the work of t-72 tank crews in the zone. news soon alexander katsuba. a strike from a closed firing position is the most effective method of operation for our tank crews. the 125 caliber gun destroys any fortified ukrainian neo-nazis.
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shot. rapid fire at the enemy from the t-72 tank of the center group of troops. the crew operates as secretly as possible. it seems even more accurate than artillery, that is, we can aim much faster, we can do it well from the first shell to take aim, the main thing for us is to warm up this gun so that it is warm, everything increases accuracy in general, a series of accurate volleys and the tank rolls back, changes position, the operator of a reconnaissance drone has discovered a new target, the ukrainian armed forces militants are gathering fresh forces into a fist, preparing to attack our line defense from the flank, the tank slowly advances to the firing line, everything is provided here for maximum precision... somewhere you are driving blindly, as if you should be able to, our t-72 is on the firing line, camouflaged like this,
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that not a single enemy drone will notice, a camouflage network in the color of the landscape of the weather conditions completely covers our tank, making it absolutely... invisible to the enemy's kamikaze drones, here is one feature: on this side it is completely painted green, and here with by adding black color elements, the impression of some kind of refraction is created, due to which the tank completely merges with the landscape of the area. the intensity of the impact is maximum, the tankers hit along the so-called hinged trajectory with a constant fire adjustment by the drone operator. were, one might say, in an open area, almost two or three shots were enough for, roughly speaking, nothing was left of this enemy platoon, the entire enemy offensive ended there, the advanced units of the center grouping of troops continued to develop the offensive,
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moving further and further towards west. alexander katsuba and anton musikyan, host. a little over an hour ago, a manned soyuz spacecraft with an international crew undocked from the iss. there is a divergence of objects, accepted, to the ground commander oleg novitsky, nasa astronaut laura luhara and the first belarusian female cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya will return. they spent 2 weeks in orbit. after undocking, the alliance went into offline mode. according to the plan, in about an hour the ship will turn on the engine for braking at 10:18 moscow time to land in the sepi of kazakhstan. the crew is met by a search and rescue team, including about 200 military personnel. after a complex operation, a boy was born with a rare genetic disease, how can you help, about this svetlana krukovskaya, at first
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he cried a lot, was capricious, tried to remove, well, it seemed that it was itching, anyway, the stickers on the casts in order to divert danis’ attention from the unpleasant sensations and cheer him up. without surgical intervention, the chances of tendon-muscular plastic surgery on both sides and learning to walk were minimal, he is a special child with a rare genetic disease, g1 fox syndrome, fox syndrome. officially, there are only five such children in russia, due to a gene mutation, danis has breathing problems, developmental delays and motor skills. violations. problems began with his right leg; it prevented him from walking fully. i was spastic and very tense. this problem was corrected at elizarov’s clinic. after
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discharge, danis returned home with his mother. now i need to stay in casts for another 3 weeks. and then doctors recommend starting rehabilitation. the sooner, the better the restorative effect will be. danis can be rehabilitated and taught to walk in a private chelyabinsk center. there they developed an individual course for him, but for rehabilitation classes that... sms with the word danist to number 3443 , indicate the donation amount separated by a space, it is important
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to confirm the transfer. svetlana krukovskaya, rashid latypov, broadcast from surgut, chelyabinsk, voronezh. the azur air plane, which began to smoke while attempting to take off from huquet, landed safely in sochi this morning. the flight the day before was delayed for several hours; heavy smoke arose in the cabin, where there were 276 passengers. the movement of the liner. stopped on the runway and returned to the parking lot, as it turned out, at the plane the air conditioning system turned out to be faulty; after solving the problem , the plane was cleared for flight, and the transport prosecutor's office began an investigation. a giant green spider began to clean the bottom of the myas river in chelyabinsk from the rear of pollution. the unusual technique is called the dredger, it pumps out dirt into special bags, the machine has peculiar legs, they resist the flow of the screw with which the dredger is used. moves, as well as a set of tools, a rake and several buckets. with the help of a mechanical spider, as it was immediately nicknamed
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residents plan to completely clear the river within 5 years. at the novotikhensky convent in yekaterinburg they are preparing for the annunciation. every year it is celebrated on april 7th. according to ancient recipes, the nun was baked the main treat - gingerbread cookies in the shape of a white dove, symbols of purity. report by albert musin. the main symbols of the annunciation are explained to the children of the parishioners of the novotikhvinsky monastery in the language of creativity; in the form of postcards and crafts, they learn about the main meaning of the holiday. i have a card for the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary on 7 april, the card contains a short story about the annunciation. annunciation - from the words good news, a christian holiday in honor of the biblical story, the appearance of the archangel gabriel and the announcement to the virgin mary that she will soon give birth. in this story, the white lily signifies the purity of the virgin mary, and is also
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one of the main symbols of the feast of the annunciation. this event is celebrated annually on the seventh of april. on this day, according to the canon , it is recommended to postpone all current affairs. the main treat of the holiday is gingerbread in the shape of a white dove, a symbol of purity. their monks are not prepared by hand according to ancient to revolutionary recipes. the very name of gingerbread. comes from the word spice, which our merchants actively imported to russia in the 15th century. then literally everything that could smell good and taste good was added to the dough. this year the holiday fell during lent; in honor of this , believers can put fish and seafood on the table. monastic gingerbread cookies are also not subject to restrictions. the glaze consists of powdered sugar and lemon juice. you can use any other citrus juice. this is a lean glaze. and here gingerbread composition, recipe is lenten, so you can
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eat lent. on the holiday itself , after the liturgy , white doves are released into the sky in churches, thereby symbolizing the liberation of humanity from sin. albert mosin, maksatsildyev, dmitry komov and elena goleeva, lead ekaterinburg. the far eastern leopard population is growing in primorye. currently, the region is home to 129 spotted predators, compared to the entire population at the beginning of the 2000s. there were only 35 of these rare animals in the world, and as the number increases, the range also expands habitat of wild cats. we are receiving new reports from our correspondents. in a few minutes to lead the capital region.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest. it's not thinking about anything when you're calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. along the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. on the air
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capital region, we continue production, see below. roads, sidewalks, facades, even monuments will be washed with shampoo. rinse the enemy again, the enemy. spring cleaning has begun in moscow. i did the least i could. two sisters were awarded for their help in evacuating a crocus for fourteen-year-old ulyana. this was the first one. work shift in life, in rubber boots on an all-terrain vehicle, power engineers in the moscow region daily patrol the flood zone to check electrical systems, like a tub of cold water, we learn that the order about the demolition is scheduled for the eighth, as it
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turns out, whoever was disturbed by the trailer should preserve the walruses' house, members of the oldest... in serebryany bor are asking. moscow is preparing for the summer season, public utilities, about half a million people use a special shampoo to wash not only roads, sidewalks, but also facades, buildings and monuments, and also remove garbage from the moscow river. everyone will be able to take part in cleaning public gardens and parks. report by marina gromova. in the spring, several thousand municipal vehicles are preparing the road ; granite is being rubbed with foamy shampoo. high-rise buildings on kotelnicheskaya embankment, moscow has spent the winter and is preening for the new season. first of all, we wash the hard surface and then we begin to wash the buildings, apartment buildings, entrance areas, after washing them, and once they
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have dried, we begin local painting and removing what has been destroyed. that is, during the period of autumn and winter on petrovka street , climbers got involved in the matter, the light-colored facades attracted dust like a magnet, soap solutions will not cause harm to the environment or colorful coating, tested over the years, municipal services carefully clean the stucco of historical buildings, on the first floors, which open summer verandas, yesterday these tables were taken out and today it will be clean, children's playgrounds are washed in courtyards and squares, even monuments take cold showers. wash your horns again, horns! bridges, tunnels, underground passages, and noise barriers are perhaps the most difficult areas in terms of pollution. as soon as everything dries, road services will update the markings, repair and paint the fence. whole half a million employees and 14,000 units of municipal equipment will clean the city in a month. the water in the fountains is noisy; they will be launched by the end of april; now
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the nozzles and bowls are being washed. over the last couple of years, spring is early, yes, it gives us more. general cleaning takes place not only on land, but on the water, this is the waterworks on the yauza river, the municipal fleet has set up traps, these collect all the garbage that got into the river during the winter. branches, almost a whole barge, plastic and even traces of petroleum products will not pass through, the latter are removed with a special solution, it will shine clean moscow by april 30, will take part in cleaning the parks and... in the area of ​​the belorussian station , restrictions will begin to apply from 10 o'clock, several sections of the forest street of the tverskaya zastava square will be blocked one by one, as well as part of the first tverskaya-imskaya street, this
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is due to the holding of the capital's tram parade , it will last until 16 hours. the management of mos-oblenergo awarded two daughters of their employee who helped evacuate visitors from crocus city hall. for fourteen-year-old ulyana martynenko, this was her first working day. and well, they began to approach them so that they too would pass, so that they would not sit, and through the service
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exit we passed as, well, initially we were going to work, we also got up there, while they were taking people out, anna looked with her eyes for her younger sister, fourteen-year-old ulyana, with her it was the first work shift, both girls met already on the street, where people were taken out of the building, i tried to direct people if someone was walking in the wrong... direction and immediately as i left, i called my sister to cross paths with her, after after we crossed paths, it became a little bit calmer, but it was still scary. fear, however, did not prevent the two sisters and their colleagues from navigating the situation and saving dozens of lives. anya and ulyana’s mother found out about what happened from friends, a friend called, she can’t put into words what she felt at that moment, it was as if the ground had gone from under my feet, because i, well... i realized that the girls there went to work today, it was ulyana’s first day, and accordingly, those terrible minutes, until this misunderstanding that happened, they
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you wouldn’t want it, anastasia also didn’t know that her daughters saved dozens of lives, she tried not to ask the girls, not to bring up the still fresh memories of the horror she experienced, only later, when footage began to appear online, did she understand what brave daughters she had raised , now they came to her work for the first time in mosoblenergo, they met her. this is what everyone would do; i cannot call myself a heroine, since i did the least i could. igor yaroslavtsev, timofeev alileev, ksenia sokolova. news. today
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real spring will return to moscow. warming will bring an atlantic cyclone, the thermometers will rise to +10°. tomorrow it will be up to 14 degrees. the sun will be hidden behind the clouds, but weather forecasters do not promise us significant precipitation. and at the beginning of a new week. warm clothes can be safely put away on the far shelves, we are waiting for real may weather, on monday the air will warm up to +20. power engineers of the moscow region. the flooded area is being patrolled daily. one of the most difficult situations is now in the lukhovitsa region. to get to the lep supports, specialists have to overcome deep water for all-terrain vehicles, because damage to just one support can leave an entire populated area without power. artyom's report. kuznetsova, this is the village of adonok, over there, 4 km from us , there is the village of catchers, due to the flood , about a thousand people are now cut off from the outside world, but the school and clinic continue
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to operate as normal, electricity is supplied in full thanks to the well-coordinated work of specialists from russia. networks. the water level is now reaching critical levels, but this is not the limit, power engineers say: power lines are checked every day during the high flood season. we are currently experiencing a flood, and accordingly you can see that we have supports. is already in the spill zone and is being washed away by water, and naturally, the risk of their damage increases, and this line feeds several villages; for the river flood season, the energy sector of the eastern branch of rosseti, moscow region, begins to prepare in winter; several teams have been created that are constantly located to carry out this work duty officers, we do not conduct regular inspections of our facilities using special equipment, there are several special vehicles in the arsenal, in the off-season without them... where this kirdzhak all-terrain vehicle is convenient to move through marshy areas, its technical characteristics are designed to overcome virgin snow
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and marshy areas in the open. complex flood situation in kashira, mozhaisk, taldom, krasnogorsk, kolomna, odintsovo, in snt fryazevo under the electric steel, but according to the forecast, the water will soon begin to recede, which means that the power engineers will return to their usual mode of operation. artyom kuznetsov, alexander kucherovsky and ignatiy sokolov. news. drone operator school
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has opened. one specifically for the military, their actions, the second for everyone over 14 , they are taught how to handle drones in a combat zone , they are trained to use copters for civilian purposes, for example, in agriculture for geological exploration or during forest fires. nowadays, drones are used very widely in the civilian sector, if we consider which ones? this can be taken as an example of sports areas, these are drone racing, training lasts a month, after the exam all students are given state diplomas. the oldest moscow winter swimming club may lose its base in serebryany bor, the walrus house is under threat of demolition, and meanwhile the winter swimming hardening section has worked there for almost 70 years, thousands of city residents have been involved in it,
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if there is still... a chance to reach an agreement on the shore - ilya filippov found out. he stopped at serebryany bor 65 years ago, he just stopped by, because in fact it was a trolleybus that stopped on the island, as if it were the final one, near a small bottomless lake. and on all capital maps the trailer in the forest is designated as the club of walruses of the silver forest, and here they are in their caps, swimming in the ice. how's the water? great, it’s already warm, three or even four degrees. familiar to those who go to the oldest hardening and winter swimming club, created in moscow in 1959. before us are muscovites, lovers of winter swimming. the idea belongs to the most famous soviet border guard, nikita karatsupi, who is immortalized in one of the sculptures at the metro station, revolution square. hero of the soviet union karatsupa got hold of this trolleybus for heating and changing clothes of the walrus health section. that's right, this is a trolleybus, here are
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the wheel arches. but it’s possible, yes, of course, but it’s all already sewn up for centuries, but no, it’s just wheel arches, we can tear it off now, we’re at the tail of the trolleybus, yes, but now the margins will find out that it’s been decided to demolish the house, we’ll find out , that the order for demolition was scheduled for the eighth, we learned by chance from the management of the serebryany bor park, where to say, take your shovels and buoys there, a bulldozer has already been ordered for monday, a collegial decision has been made that the object is located in the absence of documents that are the basis for the placement of objects is not... muscovites are unlikely to notice the disappearance of some old state dacha, it is behind the fence, although the price of the plot here is nine zeros, and everyone knows the bridges, the beach, platforms, the trolleybus circle, the walrus station . and even now, when the snow has melted and the silver forest has not yet turned green, it is clear that it is a separate world, a separate
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protected island in moscow, with its own history. with its own traditions, with its own artifacts, like this pump on tamanskaya street, which can maybe it’s even still working, working. the department of culture of the moscow government sent a press release regarding the unexpected problem in serebryany bor, which said: traditions are unshakable, hardening is important, the trailer will be demolished, but the walruses will have a new modern house. ilya filippov, alexey yaldin, pavel letnikov, news. the main news from moscow and the moscow region in the program of the week in the city. watch on our channel tomorrow at 8:00 am, well done, come on, swim, swim for aichi, the waters have come, like a flood took a shelter for predators by surprise, they take turns ran to the basics, who saves tigers, leopards and lions, now i’m knee-deep.


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