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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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i’m a theatergoer and i love traveling, and you’ll spend your winnings, if you’re lucky, i’ll definitely come to moscow, so you’ll find these five here, it’s not very much and it’s like a thank you, not a very long trip and thank you for everything, but it’s fine, who you’ll play with, choose with dominic joker, with dominic joker, what an intrigue. tradition, i understand. olga, you just pulled the joker out of your sleeve, now i’ll tell you that you really pulled the joker out of your sleeve, this is a very bad choice for our team, for you it’s probably a very good one. olya, good luck to you, dominic, it’s already scary, well, it’s not very scary, there are 40 seconds in total, you know, 40 seconds, 40 seconds of fear, perhaps shame, but not a fact, perhaps 40 seconds of glory, and consciously.
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compared to the icelandic second state language, time has such an interesting relationship with geography, that is , some kind of indigenous population, no, everyone is silent, is it a popular language all over the world or a rare language no, it is a popular language, well, one might say, well, it exists in it looks like a language spoken by some part of the planet, well, you can do this say, well then you can list english, french, german, no, no, what, no, no, no? spanish, no, very
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strange, strange, i agree, you feel, then it’s not this path that means going, yes, but the one everyone is silent on, on an equal footing, yes, right on an equal footing, so, oyga pavlenko 20,000 rubles. goes to nizhny novgorod, a significant part of the planet, to speak it, sign language, sign language, sign language, sign language. in 2011, the country's parliament passed a law according to which icelandic sign language, used by the deaf, was designated the status of the state official language of iceland, the only country in the world, and we have an unchanged amount of 40,000 rubles in the bank. wonderful. fourth round, let's go,
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well, in the fourth round we play again, all five of us, again 4 minutes, three tips, 2000 rubles per kana, there is one feature in the fourth round - this is a round of video questions, but first we will get to know the viewer, so: playing against you sergey nazarov, 40 years old, fryazino. sergei has a hobby, assembling scale models of military equipment. this is cool, this is cool. so, the winning plans spend on a trip to st. petersburg. also specific, understandable, down to the details. a factory where such toys are assembled. for inspiration, maybe, i don't know. attention to the screen.
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will ask you his question: what invention, still in use today, is brought together by the mechanic and painter nicolas cacante , owner of the chemical glassware factory josef hartmat. time. wow, that mechanics and physics, and chemist, chemist, at the same time he is talking about a painter, well, mechanics and painting, that he is a painter, this is important, does the fact that he is a painter have anything to do with it? that he is a painter, yes, it's important, that is, it's important. and the fact that he is a mechanic - in a sense, yes, and since there are dishes there, apparently this and moreover, it matters that there are chemists, that is, otherwise we would be in question, this is a chemical invention here, a chemical invention, a hint, guys, listen, well, in a sense, this is chemical and a typewriter is relevant to the matter, a typewriter is not, but printing in general on paper of something, printing on printing on paper of something, no, printing on dishes, but tell me , what is generally depicted in this hint, that depicted, but what? what is this, yes, this is incomprehensible
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, that some kind of crystals, this can be very hard, yes, a diamond, a diamond, this is a diamond, chemical glassware, as i understand it, these are flasks and retorts. all sorts of coils, no, no, what an invention, that is, before that, a stake, a simple pencil, this is an absolutely correct answer, cool, by the way, i know his name, yes, friends, yes, cool, someone was conducting an intellectual program, yes, it is a diamond, a diamond, yes, a diamond, and the chemical formula, a stylus, is a diamond. because there is such a phenomenon in chemistry, what is it called, well, i i have to tell you everything, but the same chemical formula for different states of aggregation of the same substance, if my memory serves me correctly, is called allatropy,
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show the correct answer on the screen: pencil, pencil, absolutely right, the invention of the simple pencil familiar to us, humanity due to chance, how in general? many inventions: once the owner of a chemical glassware factory, hartmund, accidentally broke a cup. one of the fragments flew by, left on paper, simply drew, one might say, a black trace, clear very. hartmud became interested and found out that graphite powder had been added to the clay. this is how writing rods appeared, which he called “kohinoor”. koh-in, which has no equal in translation. happened. mixtures of clay and graphite are placed in a wooden shell over the past 200 years , so he proposed these writing rods from
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pores, the technology for making a pencil has not changed, well done, my friends, we had three clues, the first one is by the way. like this, well, let’s do something like this, let’s go like this, we’re off, scissors, ruler, green, red, but i understand, the finale, children, in my opinion, in preschool they have more difficult tasks, they don’t have such, much, they don’t have them there, find a simple pencil among this, come on, but now it will be just a pencil, let’s
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see , just a pencil inscription, that’s all, well, practically, bravo, not bad, not bad. roman arkhipov will now ask you a question, and if you don’t guess correctly, then roman
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will donate the winnings to charity, are you ready? attention to the screen, a question from roman arkhipov. for some reason, in 2008, one family from bangladesh could not. but then there would be more people, but there’s just one family here, it’s connected with the name of the family, no, it’s not connected, the country ran out of paper, right on them, right on them, yes, right after them the paper started again, after some time it was, it’s important that this is the eighth year, but in general, no, it doesn’t matter, this is a family of not people, oh,
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no, not people, listen, and this is some kind of me , i even said eight people, remember, i said, i said , yes, this is some kind of accident, this is not an accident, this is straight. they didn’t have chemicals they all got into a vat with acid no it’s genetic they don’t was there a fingerprint or did everyone have it, well, yes , absolutely right, yes, yes, yes, how does it happen, a dog’s nose, yes, yes, well, it’s just that a dog’s nose is the same individual thing as a fingerprint, show the answer on the screen and then i’m interested in the clues, yes, that means they don’t have there are simply no fingerprints. in 2008 , an
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identity card was introduced in bangladesh, which provided for compulsory, without exception, fingerprinting, fingerprinting, yes, fingerprinting, that’s right, in this way the family was identified, everyone of which there are eight members, no leather pattern was found either on the palms or on the soles, well, literally a year earlier , the swiss dermatologist peter itin described an extremely rare occurrence. palms and soles, that’s what the disease of delayed immigration was called, because people with this disease couldn’t get passports to go somewhere, but they weren’t in the database, well, yes, it’s convenient, but yes , it turns out to be an ideal family of criminals, well, that’s simple in my opinion there was a question. it was easy for you, and the hint was too simple, the first, indeed, the second, if
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we didn’t know this, imprint, a wonderful hint, imprint, now there will be a finger, and the third hint, pale, finger, fingers, mountains, leaves imprints, gloves, yes, does not leave imprints , so as not to leave fingerprints forever in leather gloves, so as not to leave fingerprints, so as not to leave fingerprints, i lived in a hotel. rubles will remain in our game, will move on to next saturday, or one of our tv viewers will take them, as
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happened last saturday, the final is very soon, no switch, it’s five against one, my joy lives in a high mansion, in that high mansion, no one can enter, the intercom is jammed, hello dad, huh? dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she chased him for two blocks, he left and began to bite him to death, when a kamaz rushes towards you, radiculi and lameness disappear somewhere, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today on rtr, they say, to rest we need to prepare, we need to be able to relax, we need to relax beautifully, but we need to relax, where there is
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sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know about relaxation that's it, relax, anex, allow yourself a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, me. two: sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my
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proposal for us to be together, hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he is good, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me , kirill is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, for a kiss, what ’s going on, hello, sister, on sunday on rtr, it’s five on one, right now the final round, the jackpot draw. let's play all the bank's money, everything that we saved for today's game is 80,000 rubles. show me, i ’ll remind you that we played 580.0 rubles last time, yes, well, today we have a jackpot of half a million less. okay, let's look at that person who could become
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80,000 richer today, oh, the answer still won't be at this table, then you can all discuss it together for another 15 seconds, zhenya, are you ready? ready, let's go pay attention to the screen, why since 1993 in venice many
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entrepreneurs began to dismantle hanging structures. is it related to the weather, tourists? no, well, well, well, no, no, with pigeons , with tourists with tourists, it’s very indirect, well, this is what is connected with water, no, not connected with water, with dominic, connected with the smell, not connected, so, so-so-so, what could it be, what could it be, it’s the entrepreneurs, well, the entrepreneurs, that’s how they started them, well that is, the law was not adopted, no, how... the structure is rotting no, i’m not legitimizing why you were so, well, there was some kind of thing, that is, something , yes, they were all the same, we were all blocking the sun of the tourist, well, zhenya, zhenya, i didn’t managed to answer the sun was blocked because of this
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the sun was blocked because of this it had to be removed no not so tourists it was uncomfortable to sit not for the sake of tourists.
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taxes, well, we didn’t put the full answer on the screen here, just to reduce writing, to reduce taxes on the shadow. yes, this is the most important thing, because in 1993, in venice introduced a tax on the shadow, the tax was supposed to be paid to all owners of shops, public catering places and other owners of establishments, officially the main indicator determining the amount of tax deductions is the size of the shadow cast on the ground, the same thing, you have a small cafe, a small
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restaurant , somewhere there, they were making a big awning or whatever it’s called , something like that and sitting there. venetian cafes and restaurants happened not only on sunny days, but on cloudy days, well, in general, always, well, that is, this is not a tax on the shadow, this is, in general, a tax on roofs.
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good morning, dear friends, good morning, dear tv viewers, you are watching, as always in the morning at breakfast, a fun educational quiz 100 to one, today we have two visiting teams: laughter and sin and the house of culture, we invite you to the studio, please! please, hello, i categorically welcome you, i welcome you, we won’t, as they say, we won’t have a party, we don’t
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know each other, yes, yes, yes, i welcome you, so, well, let’s go, nikos, imagine, please, your team, well, the people's presenter berezin, vladimir, vladimir berezen, the whole country knows. this man is a film actor, yes-yes-yes, yes, yuri chernov, people's artist, he is an artist of both theatre, cinema and theatre, yes, uh, katya rozhdestvenskaya, photographer-writer, katya rozhdestvenskaya, a great photographer, one might say, yes, great photographer, great photographer, great photographer, what, great, what, what, well, she's a great daughter of a great father, a great daughter of a great. without this, and this is correct, theater and film actor nikolai denisov, favorite, and captain, our captain,
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speak, people's artist, people's artist of russia, nika sofronov, that's all, that says it all, what brought you to our program in such a composition, what?
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irina, festivals are the keeper of the russian word , with her the cultural department has succeeded in various undertakings, just like alexander, thank you, alexander, sasha is always with us, he sings, plays, dances, entertains the day, does not look at melancholy. in our team, pavel, sweet-sounding, koreoka, teaches children to sing beautifully, it’s not in vain that she’s on the team. and valery, musical and technical sound engineer, excellent, festival, concert, disco, povidoon selach, wonderful poetic performance, please introduce to the captain, and i will introduce, denis yurich, the leader in the salute, with him the cultural life in the region in the deputy battalion will reach the absolute,
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i will emphasize. not only is he the director of our cultural center, he is also a deputy of the south tushino municipal district. how did you prepare, dashingly? and i lived in northern tushino. so we are neighbors, which is nice. so, well, friends, we're starting, it's 100 to one, fun quiz, i remind you, we have there is a simple gambling game ahead, you are looking at 100 to one. we are starting, we have a simple single game, i invite here to the gaming table, team captains, first numbers, teams of laughter and sin and the house of culture team, so, well? we have a very sweet
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first question about flour products for tea, can you imagine, imagine all this, yes, happiness, attention, the question is, what flour products are shaped like a ring, a ring, something broke, a bagel, yes, yes, yes, a bagel , bagel, yes, bagel, bagels, hot bagels, these bagels, that’s all, we’re coming back. you know, this is a wonderful song, this is a very easy question, buy bagels, it’s hot, there are five more questions, answers, five answers, yes, nikolai, yes, what kind of butter products are shaped like a ring, well, i’m a bagel for beer, a bagel, not only for beer, by the way, let’s check, yes, there is a steering wheel on our scoreboard, there is a steering wheel,
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this is the third line. tatya, donut, donut, donut, has a shape, donut or donut, donut, donut, donut, since the question is so special, that is, this is not a question from st. petersburg, this is from moscow, donut, this is from moscow, okay, donut, donut, check, donut, oh, bagel 34, donut 21, bagel, 14, yuri, well, custard ring. custard lechko, what's inside, what's in it, curd, and you also know, there was such a sochnik, sochnik, this is a separate topic, sochnik is not a ring, sochnik, sochnik is not a ring, what are we checking, ring, ring with cottage cheese, we check, there is, and also, well,
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two more lines. there was such a shortbread, it was called a ring with peanuts, so i remember, such a product, a shortbread ring, it was definitely in the soviet union, in all the bakeries, we look for it on the board, we look for it, we look for it, a shortbread ring, and oh,
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there is such a thing, but wow, nikos, everything came back to you pretty quickly, and there was one more thing left, what do we think, flour? cottage cheese ring, bagel, bagel, bagel, we 'll give ours away, drying, drying, drying, drying, that 's drying, yes, drying, also a cowardly bagel, drying,
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bagel, well, of course, bagel is still bagel, and drying - it’s still drying, who knows the difference, drying, it’s smaller , the bagels are small, the bagels are bigger, well, okay, let’s check, yes, yes, well, it doesn’t remain, that’s your answer, well, well, yes, gentlemen, everything, drying, drying, drying, come on, let's check drying, but there is, thank you, well done, well done, i didn’t even think about it, i’m bagels, ram, well, you, i didn’t even think about dry goods. what, and also cookies, a ring, and also pasta with a hole, and also donuts, really, and also a vatrushka, a kolach, a pretzel, a pretzel, oh, and some of these same crusts, but there are two holes in the pretzel, in
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the pretzel as many as two holes, even three, i would say, pasta with a hole, this is below the scoreboard, don’t worry, you guessed everything correctly, so there are 34 people bagel. letak donut 21, bagel - 14, drying - 10, sand ring - eight, ring with cottage cheese - six, a total of 93 points in favor of the laughter game team, after the first round, after a simple single game, we have a double game ahead, we are watching 100 to one, we wanted, well done, premiere, on rtr, vasya, i’m from you left, i took yurka, no court will give the child to a mother who doesn’t have a job, i need official registration, she will arrange something else for us, what should we do, wait, wait,
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wait, let’s go, they ate my child, alla taxi, from monday , on rtr. cnop gin is a product of stellor group. callinan belek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, those who want to stay in the know, watch news of the week, program for advanced people, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. we continue, you look 100 to one, we have double game, i invite you to the gaming table, second numbers of the teams, please, who, second numbers, laughter and sin, house of culture, so,
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lyrical and poetic question, attention, because of what? a man in winter suddenly felt a spring mood, irina, the sun came out. the sun came out, check this version on the scoreboard, yes, the sun came out to feel the spring mood, that ’s enough, yes, we are back, we are back, spring mood, in winter, alexander, your version, my version, uh, you pass by a flower shop, you saw flowers . saw flowers remembered spring, march 8th, saw
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flowers, yes, okay, let's check, saw flowers, cool, cool, well done, wonderful, fifth line, please pavel, fell in love, fell in love, fell in love, fell in love, fell in love, but still a prophetic mood, play hormone, that's how it should be. play hormone, there is such a thing that love, a person has fallen in love, a spring mood, we check, yes, after one we have everything so far revealed, so, three versions of why a person is in a spring mood in winter, the sun is out, said 29, a person has fallen in love, 13, spring flowers, six, and three more lines, and i think that... the snow began to melt,
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the snow began to melt, it got warmer, and it got warmer and felt warmer, but we believed in the warmth and decided that spring had come, it happens, trustingly, we check the warming, now, the sun is out, now you can’t help but fall in love in such a situation, you’ve fallen in love, then flowers, here are two more lines, victory is yours. denis, well, on this tour, accordingly. you can consult, you are the captain. yeah, my colleagues are throwing it at me. you, too, are still consulting, because suddenly, let's think, we think, then, listen, well, maybe this one, yes, she was already, already was, now we had the copel , took off the warm one.
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no, let’s go birds, no, no, irina, let’s check, we’ll come up with something now, well, i think the man felt like spring in winter, because he’s walking in light clothes, well, he’s already put on such a light jacket, he’s hot i didn’t put on a winter down jacket, but something light and even unbuttoned and unbuttoned, well, in general, i changed the style of clothing and...
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a holiday in winter, maybe, no, march 8, march 8, it gives the mood, let’s say about march 8, it's coming from the holiday, you're right mood, mood.
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well, tell me about march 8th, it seems to me that it’s about vacation, no, about vacation - vacation - this is summer, what is he having, that some kind of vacation awaits him soon, but it’s summer, and he’s already in such a mood, and i’m on my way, maybe he’s on his way to a warm country for a vacation, but this is winter, so she’s in the mood, come on, the holidays, we’re already close, thoughts about vacationing in a warm country in winter, the sea. i went on vacation in the winter and got warm countries, which is good, by the way, in all places it’s just great, great, well, there’s such an option, there’s not in
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on vacation, he can, well, that’s all that is connected with vacation with vacation with summer and winter. okay, i see, the answer is accepted, i went somewhere in the spring, we’re checking, well, yes, well, we’re going well, by the way, both teams opened the full scoreboard, so, the reasons for the spring mood in winter, according to our viewers and the home culture team, the sun came out 29 , thaw. drops 24, fell in love - 13, birds are singing seven, spring flowers - six, finally, directly, a trip to the south, five people, 168, 93, so far in favor of the team, house of culture, we continue, we have a triple game ahead, you look 100 to one. we continue, we have
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a triple game, two most interesting teams, each opening the scoreboard, laughter and sin, team number three, yakaterina, sasha, good luck, house of culture, number three, alexander, well, our task is figurative, artistic , regional studies, i would even say so, well, the country is understandable, attention. question: sakura, kimano, fan, what word can continue this series? japan, japan, let's check, japan, japanese, japanese, yes, what can i do, this is the first
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line, let's go back, it turned out to be simple question, but let's continue. and also over there on the board there is a japanese japanese, continue this row, samurai, well, samurai, we check, we check if a samurai is hiding there, we check the samurai, there is a samurai, fifth line, vladimir, we continue the row, what
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else is there if you float along a japanese river to where i am... it exists, nevertheless, of course, but now for some reason it is not in trend, they say today, a rock garden, we are looking for a rock garden,
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there is a rock garden, and a flower, as they call it, so, we have japanese 29, samurai eight, garden six stones, and three more, girl, geisha, geisha, girl, geisha girl, check, check. and there is no kibana, and maybe there are geishas, ​​but if there are no geishas there, that is mine, but then this is not japan, then you and i will definitely be more like samurakiri, hara-kiri, we will do hara-kiri, we will do hara-kiri to everyone, and not to ourselves , yes, we are looking for a geisha, there are 27 people, how could we be without a geisha, but where are we, and i think that sakura, sakura, she suits me here yes, sakura, she is the one we have in mind, here she is sakura kimanu, no , no, drinking, drinking, sake, sake, sake, fujiyama, sake, come on,
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wait, or cold, warm, warm, check, sake, everyone drank, hush, hush, silently, silently, sake, but there is, there is, and sake we have yuri left yes, let's put it on the ascent to fuji, probably so, why do you need to climb when i'm downtime, wait now, i took sake straight to fuji, that i took grisha, sake to fuji, through the rock garden to meet the samurai, and there, a terrible thing, everything converges somewhere.
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we continue, we have a reverse game ahead,
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move out today, but child, i don’t care, what will happen to him today, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the little one away, this is not our child, but he can be ours, life. romca product of stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection. whiskey mancacher, a product of the steller group. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group.
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because we are wrong. will receive only 15 points, i ask a question, and the teams have 20 seconds to think, the conditions, i hope, are clear, attention, question, the name of which flower is another name, time has passed, confer.
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so what flower's name is another name? we discussed and think that this is jasmine, jasmine, answer accepted, nikas, we have,
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narcissus, daisy, narcissus, daisy. choose something, narcissist, narcissist, this is not only a name, but also a state of mind, answer accepted, interesting, it will happen now, i just don’t know, well, we’re starting to open the scoreboard, what do you think is on the first line, rose, rose, rose, rose, we have a rose, yes, but on the second, on the first there is a lily, probably, i remind you that we are looking for a name flowers, which are also names, on the third line we have margari, margarit, margarit, without any master, on the fourth we have some cornflower, cornflower, now
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and this team said narcissist narcissist, we ’re looking at this, well, he is, well, look,
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we’ll sit in a new room for a while, who is it? nikolai, that i will go there, who is going to this room, who is yura, where, well, i’ll go, if, come on, go, kolya, go, go, with god, come on, wait, if, let’s say goodbye, yura, keep in mind 100. okay, responsibility, that's where we hid kolya. people's artist yur, yur, yur, we have 20 seconds for five questions, uh-huh, no problem, the questions are clear,
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let's go, what is at the base of the building, the foundation, what types of cars there are, passenger cars, tram cars. where can i see the stamp or sample? on the form, stamp, hallmark, which watches do not have hands? notebooks, ok, four answers accepted, thank you, so we are checking your answers, what is at the base of the building, there was the first question, you said the foundation, and also as you answered, 30 people, what types of cars are there, you said passenger cars, they gave the same answer, how many? 12 people, 42, where you can see the mark or
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sample, you said on the documents, on paper, on the form, on the form, but it’s the same thing, let’s see how many points, zero, unfortunately, and the next question. there is no clock, a hand, an hourglass, you said, and 21 people, you score 63 points, this is very, very decent, the fifth question, what happens to the audience, how would you answer it, what happens to the audience, yes, what happens to the audience , applause, applause, ok, thank you, please come back, applause for you. we’re waiting for nikolai, so, please return it to us in the studio, here he is, nikolai, please, yes, guys, it’s like
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flying into space, it’s, yes, it’s not easy for you, but this is my first time, well, yes, it’s scary, i’m not answering for anything, guys, now after landing i’ll answer questions, yes, okay. the task is as follows: we answer five questions, you answer five questions in 30 seconds, all in 30, all five, all five, i will ask them in turn, but it’s important here that if you suddenly give the same answer that yuri gave, then such a sound will sound, which means that you need, what a nightmare, you need to quickly give a different answer, well, we climbed the fuze.
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which clocks don't have hands, which hourglasses don't have electronic hands, and don't have arrows, what happens to spectators?
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they said that at the base of the building there is a basement, a basement, yes, what kind of base is this, well, strictly speaking, yes, strictly speaking, according to our civil engineering standards, this is of course a mistake, but the basement is nevertheless located below, and not above, with it’s hard to argue about what there are wagons, passenger cars, yuri said, 12 people also answered, 23 people answered freight cars, your answer is in second place, you said compartment cars 15 points, where can you see the mark or hallmark on the form, yuri said, we don’t have such answers, you said it can be seen on the forehead, this is a reasonable answer, but unpopular, unfortunately, no one else answered like that, the mark or hallmark can be seen on the ring, answered by 19 people on gold answered.
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31 people, well, further, further, which clocks don’t have hands, the sand ones, yuri answered, you said electronic ones, and just like you, 33 people answered, well, the last thing that happens is the audience, 29 people answered the audience, and 25 people answered the same way you like the audience, 137 is a good result, but not a record. thank you for this brilliant game. thank you. you looked 100 to one. we had two visiting teams. house of culture. and the team is laughter and sin. one hundred to one, it’s fun, in places, intellectual, educational. quiz. until next time.
11:00 am
hello on the russia tv channel. irina rossius's studio and the main topics by this hour in gursk, mass evacuation of residents , the water level in the ural river rose above 9 mt , the dam could not stand it in the samara region , the roofs of cars are barely visible in the region, the strongest for.


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