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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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mirror of mustachioed nannies, as well as the novels career, white white day in a guide to the ruined city. the most famous of his acting works is the role of the chairman of the commission in the film solaris. today alexander misharin could have turned 85 years old. today is april 6 , 2024. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. in orsk, the water is rising so quickly that rescuers barely have time to get people out. the dam was destroyed not only by the flood, but also by negligent maintenance of the structure. in the samara region coming too. after evacuation, this flood became
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the most powerful in the region in 35 years. in kharkov , another ammunition depot of the armed forces of ukraine was destroyed, an industrial enterprise was attacked near kiev, and now fierce battles are taking place near the city of chasopyad. the preventive measure was chosen right in the ward of the kirov city hospital, which was what the attacker on the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibesa, wanted to convey during the visiting court hearing. impressions of the first flight into space: a sea of ​​sensations, incredible emotions, and it’s overwhelming, marina vasilevskaya, oleg novitsky and laura luhara returned to earth from the iss. cheburashka for sure, cuban. sergei brilev found irrefutable evidence. the russian film festival ends in havana.
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an additional train of rescuers has just flown to the orenburg region, which was at the epicenter of the flood, on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations. on board the il-76 aircraft are 175 specialists from the centros detachment, cadets, officers, as well as equipment, wetsuits and special equipment. all this is necessary to help the residents of orsk, where mass evacuation is underway. more than 2.0 have already left the danger zone. as became known according to the results of the prosecutor's investigation, the breakthrough occurred due to errors in the maintenance of the dam on the ural river. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under articles of security violations and negligence. according to the project, the platinum was designed for a maximum water level of 5.5 m, now it is already 4 m higher. rescuers barely have time to take people out. authorities have announced a call for volunteers to help with the evacuation. you can now move around the old city only by boats or all-terrain vehicles. those who
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did not leave for temporary centers on time placements, found themselves locked in their homes. san, unfortunately, this is your house, it’s very bad, but your house is just completely in the water, in general it’s not there at all, here it is, 2,500 houses are flooded, there is an interruption in water supply and electricity in the city, the elements damaged the tram tracks. the emergency situations commission is assessing the situation on the ground, so far the forecasts are disappointing, because... police officers drive through already empty flooded streets, urging people to evacuate, the water level has risen dramatically overnight, even those who initially refused leaving their homes, now they are asking for help and moving to temporary accommodation centers, yesterday we didn’t think it was like this, we thought everything would somehow pass by, we had hope, hope, we woke up in the morning and looked at the water already burning hot. emergency evacuation began
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at night, temporary accommodation centers were deployed in schools, 6,500 places were prepared, during the night temporary accommodation centers where citizens who had lost their homes were kept were checked, flood victims arrived there all night, many were organized on buses, some were brought police officers who are on duty on the streets, and some are volunteers, some young man... the man stopped and said: let me take you to the first point for free, well, he brought us here, from the very first hours of the announced evacuation people are in a hurry to leave the danger zone in one of the city squares in a line of buses, they can be used to get to temporary accommodation centers, the men all remain, and the women managed to take the thirty-seventh school, they took everything there, but i stretched the rubber to the oztp, now they will take me.
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the entire area of ​​the old town in orsk, that's more 4,000 houses, almost 11 thousand people, it is now almost impossible to leave the area of ​​​​the old city by personal transport, water has overflowed over the only bridge, so people are gathering on the hills waiting for organized evacuation flights, a reinforced group of emercom forces is working in orsk, colleagues have arrived to help local rescuers from moscow and the perm territory, a state of emergency is in force in the city, in flooded areas, electricity and gas supply is limited according to the forecast. the situation in the city will remain difficult some more days. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, conduct orenburg region, orsk. in several regions of the country, the peak of the flood has already passed. in the altai territory , 379 houses and almost five thousand plots were freed from water. rescuers erected temporary dams
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with a total length of 10 km. 3,500 cubic meters of soil were poured into the lowlands. well, the population is being provided with targeted assistance by this time. in the chelyabinsk region, the ministry of emergency situations is monitoring the situation in seven settlements, where banks are being strengthened and river beds are being cleared. positive dynamics are recorded in the samara region, where water left three hundred houses in one day. the situation is gradually stabilizing, two villages remain cut off from the mainland, and food and essentials are being quickly delivered there. report by artyom morin. the roofs of the car are barely visible from under the water; due to sudden warming and rising water levels in the rivers , two municipal districts of the region were flooded in just a few days, and a state of emergency was declared in them. emergency situations ministry employees evacuate people with limited mobility on rubber boats in total, almost five thousand people were saved, including
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76 children. parents are accompanying five-year-old nikita to the city to visit his grandmother; the road to the kindergarten is flooded. everyone left, no one was there, only one remained. now i’ll be accommodated in a temporary temporary detention facility and then i’ll go with the ministry of emergency situations to feed my cats. the flooding is anomalous; there was a flood of similar scale only in 1988. on the territory of the samara region , eight low-level bridges were flooded, 584 residential buildings and 1,582 were in the flood zone. the water is gradually receding, but people will not soon return to their former lives. damaged farms catastrophic damage. many people 's pets died. household appliances have become unusable, nutritious soil in vegetable gardens has been washed away, it will be replaced, and houses will be repaired. however, not everyone is afraid of flooding. some remain in
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areas flooded with water and refuse to evacuate. everyone calls: how are you, how will you survive, and what about you? yes, it’s normal, well, what’s wrong with this, especially since it’s started to decline, we’re already happy. the remaining residents already have experience in dealing with. prepared for floods in advance, and provides essential goods administration. communication with them is carried out by administration staff and the necessary supply of water and food. as soon as the water subsides, an assessment of the damage caused by the disaster will be carried out, and financial assistance will be provided to all those affected by the flood. artyom morin, daniil yakimov, anton aparin, lead the samara region. our military today struck with high-precision long-range weapons at... the military infrastructure of ukraine, enterprises where they produced and repaired armored vehicles were hit. airfields where they were preparing were also targeted. accept western f-16 fighters. explosions sounded all night in kharkov. iskander was
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immediately destroyed by two launchers of the sampti anti-aircraft missile system, made in italy and france. after the attack on the arsenal, which the isu placed next to the shopping center, a secondary detonation began. at these moments, reports of hits come from the odessa region. on the donetsk front , vks pilots dropped a one and a half ton bomb on ukrainian fortifications. the footage shows a giant cloud of smoke rising into the sky after the explosion. fierce fighting is now taking place approaches to the city of chasov yar. the enemy's armored fortifications are being destroyed by aviation and artillery around the clock. in the northern donetsk direction, the crew of sud-25 attack aircraft disrupted the rotation of vsso units. in the south of the dpr, fire support for forward detachments is provided, among other things, by grad crews. in just 20 seconds, combat vehicles fire 40 rockets. well, in the same area
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, drone operators eliminated a machine gun crew. alexander katsuba will talk about the situation on the avdeevsky front. strike with a closed firing position - the most effective method of work for our tank crews. the 125 caliber gun destroys any fortified ukrainian neo-nazis. shot, rapid fire at the enemy from the t-72 tank of the center group of troops, the crew acts as covertly as possible, in some ways even more accurately than artillery, that is, we can aim much faster, we can aim well from the first shell, the main thing for us is to warm up this gun so that it was still warm, accuracy in general increases specifically, a series of precise salvos and the tank rolls back, changes position, the reconnaissance operator the drone has discovered a new target, the militants... su are gathering fresh forces, preparing to attack our defense line from the flank. the tank slowly moves to the firing
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line; everything is provided here for the most accurate and quick strike on the enemy. we walk with extreme caution, an experienced driver with the call sign sheregesh, as if playfully controlling a multi-ton combat vehicle. well, you have to somehow turn around somewhere on time, go around something somewhere, somewhere you drive blindly, as if you have to be able to. our t-72 at... the daylight line was camouflaged so that not a single enemy the drone won't notice. a camouflage network in the color of the landscape of the weather conditions completely covers our tank, making it completely invisible to enemy kamikaze drones, here is one feature: on this side it is completely painted green, and here with the addition of black color elements. the impression of some kind of refraction is created, due to which the tank completely merges with the landscape of the area. intensity. maximum, tankers fire along the so-called hinged trajectory with constant fire adjustment by the drone operator.
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we were, one might say, in an open area almost, and two or three shots were enough for, roughly speaking, nothing was left of this enemy platoon. yes. and the entire enemy offensive ended there. the advanced units and groupings of the center troops continue to develop the offensive, moving. further and further west. alexander katsuba and anton musikyan, host. in ukraine , zelensky’s promises to return to the borders of 1991 are called unfulfillable, the washington post reports. in a conversation with reporters, the deputies were pleased to say that they are smart people understand that this is unrealistic. the rhetoric will have to change. western diplomats in kiev also admit that after huge losses at the front, the solidarity of ukrainians is weakening. zelensky has only bad or very bad ones left. options concludes the washington post. well
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, the chancellor of austria entered into a discussion about methods of settlement in ukraine with the president of france. in an interview with figaro, karl nemacher said that macron is a supporter of the principle of containment, while austria adheres to the precautionary principle to avoid uncontrolled escalation ukrainian crisis. washington and tel aviv have put their armed forces in the middle east on high alert in anticipation of possible iranian strikes. citing its sources in tehran, writes that the iranian leadership has decided to respond to the israeli attack on the consulate in damascus. thousands of people are demonstrating in iran, demanding revenge for the destruction of the diplomatic mission in syria. well, when the attack will take place and what its purpose will be, western intelligence services do not know. and cnn, commenting on the politics of tel aviv, notes: that israel has no strategy for exiting the conflict, no unrealistic plan for the future. noisy anti-government demonstrations swept argentina. this time
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, citizens' dissatisfaction was caused by president meley's decision to fire 15 civil servants at once as part of an aggressive campaign to cut budget expenditures. the unions demanded that the decision be immediately reversed and people get their jobs back. the head of state said that the government does not have money and sent special police forces to deal with the dissatisfied. an hour ago the court arrested for 2 months for a person involved in the case of an attempt on the life of the governor of the murmansk region. the preventive measure was chosen in the hospital due to the wound that the attacker of andrei chibis, a local resident, received during the arrest. he appeared before the judge on a bed and under guard, and an impromptu hearing room was set up in a hospital ward. report by oleg posobin. a hospital is a very unusual place to impose a preventive measure. look at the corridor. with medical equipment, and this is ward number eight, this is where it will take place
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meeting, the bailiffs are already inside. accused of the attempt on the life of the governor of the murmon region, alexander bydanov, under the supervision of doctors and bailiffs , was brought on a mobile bed, to which he was handcuffed. that is, you didn’t like something just about the meeting, most likely. no comments. managed to report that he bought a knife for the attack at a hardware store, and learned about the whereabouts of andrei chibis from an announcement on social networks; during the procedure, the suspect complained of pain in leg, he was wounded during...
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the night before he was taken by helicopter to murmansk, where he will undergo further rehabilitation, according to friends, bydanov led a normal life, almost did not communicate with his neighbors, do you have a family, no, children, there are children , in a hospital bed, bydanov behaved calmly, which prompted him to attack the governor, for the investigation, this is one of the most important issues, oleg postobin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvasnyuk, conduct the murmansk region. confrontation between residents and builders in saratov, residents of one of the new microdistricts do not want two new residential towers to appear in the neighborhood, all because there are not enough schools, kindergartens and other infrastructure facilities right now, it has not been possible to reach a compromise for six months now, the matter has gone to court. alexey karev understood the details. residents invited us to this meeting in the late afternoon, when most of the microdistrict,
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which is home to more than 7 thousand people , returns home from work. there is only one question on the agenda: not to give? developer company to build in a densely populated residential there are two more twenty-five-story buildings in the area. kindergartens are overcrowded, schools are overcrowded, there is not enough parking, there is no clinic. our pediatrician currently visits until one in the morning, because the neighborhood is large and there are a lot of children. there are three children in the sinikov family; having bought an apartment in a new building back in 2017, they hoped for accessible infrastructure, but it turned out differently. the eldest daughter is now 17 years old, about to go to school. we waited at home for 3 years, now we have a problem with our youngest son, because now our turn is coming kindergarten, but when we get there, we don’t know, this is the same kindergarten that the youngest son of the bruises should soon go to, there are three of them in the aviatori, each group has 30-40 kids, our planned capacity is 160 people, the actual 309,
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there are a lot of applicants, but there are a limited number of places, there is only one school in the microdistrict, this is... the gymnasium has a planned capacity of 1,100, at the moment we have 1,675 students, in the elementary school we have been enrolling eight classes for 3 years in a row. developer intending to stick two more buildings here, with at least a thousand apartments, has already begun to sell housing that exists only on paper. this fence, according to local residents, began to be erected quite recently, heavy equipment has already been driven here, and this point in the vacant lot is already listed as the friendship residential complex, but there are no houses yet... no, a beautiful view of the volga, which will open from these apartments , perhaps they want to sell it quickly and at a higher price. areas allocated for friendship have more than once become a land of discord. here is a certificate from the regional ministry of construction. housing cooperative 5 stars and construction system llc promised people apartments, but the houses were never built. the fraudulent builders were convicted, and the defrauded shareholders were paid compensation.
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this time, trade in non-existent square meters was stopped earlier. for warning purposes. this developer has already built 12 houses here, without social facilities it will not be possible to build further. for our part, for the government’s part, we will protect people; at the moment , these cases are in arbitration court, regarding the cancellation of a construction permit
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data of residential buildings, the situation with infill development in the saratov region was able to be reversed in the region. there is a law allowing the construction of housing only if there are social facilities. alexey karev, ivan lavrikov, dmitry nabokov, valeria popova, news. this morning , the descent module of the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft successfully landed in kazakhstan from the international space station. our cosmonaut, oleg novitsky, american laurel uhara and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, returned to earth. already in the evening crew members will arrive at chkalovsky airfield.
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minutes turns into a barely visible point in outer space, communication with the ship is maintained from the mission control center. let me remind you that the accelerometer is turned on 08:2130. i approve 8:2130. well, by this time you will have completed your preparation for work. clearly, we will be ready by this time. at a given time , the engines provide an impulse to deorbit. the union enters the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere. the casing heats up to several thousand degrees. this effect is also called. well just a few minutes later , a huge parachute opens over the steppes of kazakhstan,
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and the descent vehicle is landing in what is called normal mode. the capsule is immediately surrounded by a rescue group, the hatch is open, and the expedition commander, oleg novitsky, is the first to emerge from the descent vehicle. the commander is calm and unperturbed, for him this is already the fourth flight to the iss, someone hands navidsky a bag of birch sap, it is a tradition to treat the cosmonauts to whatever they order while still in orbit, a belarusian appears from the emitted vehicle participant, take it here, quietly, stop, stop, leg, unfold, i took it, let's go, for marina vasilevskaya this is the first expedition into space, the former flight attendant is, of course, no stranger to flying, so she withstood the overload during landing without any problems. incredible emotions, and it fills me with hunger, i don’t want anything, it’s very
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nice to see you all here, belarus, thank you for your support, for this pleasant weather, sunshine, warmth! vasilevskaya and nowicki spent only 14 days in orbit, a little by today’s space standards, muscles during this time they have not yet weakened, so the commander easily leaves his chair to leave a message for the burnt man. space is 204 days old, now all cosmonauts will have to undergo a medical examination before another flight, or rather a flight to moscow to the star city, where they will be met by family and friends. mikhail fedotov, news. orthodox believers today are preparing for one of the twelve main christian holidays in blagoveshchina, celebrated every year on april 7th. it is believed that. it is from this day that the story of the earthly incarnation of christ begins. sverdlovsk region report by albert musin. the main symbols of the annunciation to the children
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of the parishioners of the novotikhvinsky monastery are explained in the language of creativity. in the form of craft cards , they will learn about the main meaning of the holiday. i have a card for the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary on april 7th. and the postcard has a short story. good news is a christian holiday in honor of the biblical story of the appearance of the archangel gabriel and the announcement to the virgin mary that she would soon give birth to a savior. in this story , the white lily means purity and virgins mary, and is also one of the main symbols of the feast of the annunciation. this event is celebrated annually on the seventh of april. on this day , according to the canon, it is recommended to postpone all current affairs. the main treat of the holiday. gingerbreads in the shape of a white dove, a symbol of purity, their monks are not prepared by hand according to ancient pre-revolutionary recipes, the name gingerbread itself comes from the word spice, which
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our merchants actively brought to russia in the 15th century, then literally everything that could smell good was added to the dough tasted good. in that year, the holiday fell during lent; in honor of this, believers can put fish and seafood on the table. monastic gingerbread cookies are also not subject to restrictions. the glaze consists of powdered sugar and lemon. juice, you can use any other citrus juice, this is a lenten glaze, and the composition of the gingerbread, the recipe is lenten, so you can use lent; on the holiday itself , after the liturgy , white doves are released into the sky in churches, thereby symbolizing the liberation of humanity from sin. albert mosin, maksata pergeldyev, dmitry komov and elen galileeva, host ekaterinburg. this is to lead. this is what will happen next in our program: in isa today, the elderly neighborhoods of belgorod were hit again, houses, a children's clinic and cars were damaged. mexico breaks off diplomatic relations with ecuador, and
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sergei brilev found it. there is refutable evidence that the cheburashka comes from cuba. all the details are after the ad, see you. are you dressed? well done! premiere on rtr. vasya, i left you. i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space. i need official decor. she will arrange it for us again. what to do? wait, wait, wait. go. my child was eaten by alla taxi from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where there is sun and sea. on
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the first coastal, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
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i would like to stay in moscow, of course, to get a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, look at weekend. well, did you like it? yes, this is zavyalov, our master. why are not you sleeping? i'm afraid, what are you afraid of? i'm afraid to wake up. make some coffee. hello, are you stupid, or what? we'll have to fire you. actually, i don't work here. i live here. cinderella, some dishwasher. that's it in general. it's okay, i'm still fighting. or a princess? whom? the prince will choose, and did you
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love her? yes, most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, today on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ortynka,
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they keep sweet flowers, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, go today, but the child, i don’t care what happens to him today, well, it’s impossible with a sick child? on the street, come to me, live as you want, but we won’t be here for long, a bramble will take us away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life doesn’t give any information, the premiere is today on rtr, we continue to publish this news: 12 houses were damaged three cars in
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a children's clinic, windows broken. all this the result of the morning.


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