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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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in the private sector, fragments of another shell fell on this house, the owner was inside, but survived, the rescuers did not allow the fire to spread to the neighboring publication, as soon as the first roof caught fire, he jumped out, managed to drive out the car, opened the gate so that the firefighters and everything that they were extinguishing everything, this is good morning, belgorod, the attack on belgorod in the ssu was carried out around 6 am, 10 missiles were fired from the vampire multiple launch rocket system. for the most part they were intercepted on approach to the city, but without consequences on the ground it didn't work out. seven apartment buildings, according to preliminary data, received damage primarily to windows, one house caught fire in the village of ulybovoye, one administrative building, all of which will now be carried out by house and apartment waste. a shell crater at a children's clinic seriously damaged the facade, broken glass, fragments scattered throughout the area, a playground, slides, and swings. pierced through,
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emergency services are also working next to the grocery store, the cars parked opposite are now not moving. then one sharp bang, the whole house shook, the windshield radiator, side window, fender, hood, engine there, a fragment has entered. the police and the russian national guard stand in a cordon around the perimeter of the danger zone, broken bricks, glass fragments, and fragments of ammunition are scattered around the area, another shot down shell detonated on the roof.
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zero casualties, no destruction, but the level of panic is maximum. residents received an emergency notification that an earthquake in new york city should keep everyone indoors just 40 minutes after the statue of liberty and the entire largest metropolis in the united states were shaken with a force of 4.7 points. scared dogs, surprised guitarist. a reporter darting about in the frame.
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one more, we have one more, here are those who did not succumb to fear, like this hairdresser saving a child. trislo in private homes in neighboring new jersey. trislo in television studios. looks like we're alive, we're alive, we're in new york city, where a 4.8 magnitude earthquake just hit. all of you?
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it was the strongest earthquake since 1884 . governor hucul and mayor adams gave up saving a city that clearly didn't need it. earthquakes happen in new york not every day, so it can be extremely traumatic for residents, but we are prepared for the unexpected. this is new york and we are responding accordingly. but biden is not amused either; with questions about the underground element, he is intercepted at the exit from the white house. regarding the earthquake, i spoke with the governor, who believes that the situation is under control, apparently he is not too worried about it, so everything is fine. wearing aviator glasses, the us president went on a helicopter ride around a container ship that crashed after the impact. bridge in baltimore, when they landed, biden almost got lost in three monitors. to the site of the largest man-made accident in recent times, which is 40 minutes from washington by car, the president. it took 10
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days to get there, and when i got there, i still didn’t explain when, at whose expense, the bridge would be restored, this requires at least 2 billion dollars, i’m here to tell you, your country supports you... finances the government in ukraine, which literally sense, puts priests in prison, prohibits christian forms all his decisions, but at the same time he denomination, sends the army to close churches. this is called hypocrisy, that’s what it ’s called, every day to finance
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a murder, to finance a war, to pay for it, thereby continuing it, to give advice on how to wage it, to send our cia there to supervise this war in ukraine against russia,
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the republican himself. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria bolatvina, news from new york. the president of republika srpska announced his readiness to declare independence and secede from bosnia and herzegovina. after meeting with hungarian prime minister viktor orban milorad dodik accused washington of pressure to destabilize the situation in the balkans. in his opinion, the situation is moving towards the point that only the peaceful disintegration of bosnia and herzegovina can bring its people happiness and the opportunity to preserve their own.
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paid tribute to the memory of the party founder, his comrades came to the politician’s grave at the novodevichy cemetery. current leader leonid slutsky emphasized that the ldpr continues to live according to the behests of zhirinovsky. the number of party members is growing, but the party itself remains one of the pillars political structure of russia. today the time has come for the liberal democratic party, which vladimir volfovich always spoke about. today the party is more united than ever and no attempts to introduce artificial dividing lines into the party space end in success. the west declared a war of complete destruction on the russian world.
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gennady zyuganov announced this today as part of his speech at the all-russian party meeting. it took place via video conference. the head of the communist party of the russian federation added that nazism today has again taken root in europe, again. we cannot have a future above these villages. farmers in the volgograd region expect to set new records. for a good harvest, a supply of seeds, fertilizers and plant protection products has been created. and the equipment is already working in the fields. maxim akhmetov's report on the progress of the spring sowing. loosening
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the soil, tractors slowly walk along the steppes of the bottom. hectare by hectare. spring field work in the volgograd region is in full swing. the weather is somewhat gloomy, the mood is good, we are working, closing the moisture, hoping for a harvest. farmers are the first to go into the fields southern regions, while one field is being harrowed in another. sowing is already underway, so they sow humpback grass: 2 million seeds per 1 hectare. the volgograd region is among the leaders in growing this oilseed crop. mustard is sown first; the crop is capricious, complex, and requires special attention from farmers. she has this principle that we say, today is early, and tomorrow is late, this applies to “treated according to the sowing time, according to observation, according to diseases, according to pests. in total, in
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the volgograd region there are over 3 million hectares of sown area, of which 2,200,000 - this grain crops. traditionally, the lion's share of the grain harvest in the volgograd region falls on winter wheat. more than 1,600,000 hectares are sown with it in the region. and this bright green field is the main indicator that the crop overwintered well, almost all the winter wheat crops are now in good condition, there is a good root system, fibrous, so this is the ideal condition for exiting wintering, if weather conditions continue to be favorable , then volgograd farmers have every chance, set a new harvest record. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, news of the volgograd region. the far eastern leopard population has increased in primorye. over the past year
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, 14 kittens were born, and now the region is home to 129 rare predators. for comparison, at the beginning of the 2000s there were no more than 35 screes worldwide. the main home for them today remains the leopard land national park. but more and more often there are reports that spotted cats are found in other areas of primorye. experts reassure that these predators are friendly and try to avoid close contact with people. usually just watching from afar. this weekend in havana, cuba , the russian film festival ends and the new russia exhibition, organized by the public chamber, opened. about why cuba should be considered the birthplace of cheburashka, sergei brilev. cheburashka? he was hiding between the oranges, wasn't he? the story was written in sixty-six. that year , oranges came to the soviet union from only three countries: israel, morocco and cuba. so maybe
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is cheburashka really cuban? a dense tropical forest, that’s where eduard usmensky had previously placed the cheburashka in the first lines of his story, there are no dense tropical forests in either israel or morocco, which means it’s definitely a cheburashka. for cubans and here in cuba they know the cheburashka, then in havana we will have such a serious institution as the national directorate of the committee for the defense of the cuban revolution, which was agreed upon here with the delegation of the public chamber of russia led by our colleague nikita maniseev a little later, and we at the end of the negotiations, we decide to conduct an experiment and ask, who is this? oh, i play the harmonica in front of... similar ones in plain sight. a soviet
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cartoon was shown here with spanish subtitles, and now it is the largest yara cinema in havana, where the inscription “festival of russian cinema” is posted on the facade. organized by ros cinema with the support of the russian ministry of culture, it includes screenings of a wide variety of our new films. where would we be without him? más de 90 millones de espectadores vieron el año pasado las películas rusas en la gran pantalla. our other films arrived, and the world champion, at the behest of the pike, and, for example, challenge and air, it was brought by the director herman the younger himself, plus, here in havana the state film fund entered into an agreement with the cuban institute of cinematography, and the public chamber mentioned at the beginning of this report , which has its own memorandum of cooperation with the cubans, opened its exhibitions about modern russia in cuba this weekend. today it is, of course, about the front and its echo, the cubans are behind it all now.
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and also a veteran of fidel's rebel army castro. we know a common history, we follow politics, but of course, we cannot but have a common future because of a common cultural code. unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year. but, by the way, in the new film cheburashka speaks spanish. he knows
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spanish, right? in translation. it’s over with you, but this is definitely not about the magic of relations between cuba and russia. sergey brilev, alexey kalashch and evgeny makarov with the assistance of chebburashka. news from havana. six-year-old danis fotkhulin from sirgut needs help from tv viewers. the boy has a very rare genetic disease of the nervous system, fox syndrome. there are only five such children in our country. danis has already undergone a complex operation. now parents need to pay for a year of rehabilitation at once, which costs more. stickers on the casts to distract danis from unpleasant sensations and cheer him up, and it seems that this parental trick worked. it became more fun for him and for us to look at him somehow. six-year-old
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danis fatkhulin from surgut underwent a complex operation at the elizarov clinic. tendon-muscular plastic surgery on both sides, without surgery, the chances of learning to walk were minimal, he is a special child with a rare genetic disease, g1 fox syndrome, fox syndrome. officially, there are only five such children in russia; due to a gene mutation, danis has breathing problems, developmental delays and motor disorders. problems began with his right leg; it prevented him from walking fully. very tense. this problem was corrected at elizarov’s clinic. after discharge, danis returned home with his mother. now i need to stay in casts for another 3 weeks. and then the doctors recommend starting rehabilitation. the sooner, the better the restorative effect will be. danis can be rehabilitated and taught to walk in a private chelyabinsk center. there
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they developed an individual course for him, but for rehabilitation sessions that were calculated. you need to pay for a year, the family, the special child does not have that kind of money. at the moment, this is an amount of more than a million, of course, this is an unaffordable amount for a family with an average income, so we supported the boy as much as possible before, but now we we are forced to turn to those to whom i am sure that, like us, these eyes will sink into our souls, you and i can help danis, for this we need to send. with the word danis to number 3443, indicate the donation amount separated by a space, it is important to confirm the transfer. svetlana krukovskaya, rashid latypov, news, surgut, chelyabinsk, voronezh. about the main events of the last seven days, in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry
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kiselev, watch on sunday. on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, run! new arrests and details of the preparation of the barbaric terrorist attack in crocus, the first confessions of interviewed terrorists about the customers and curators of the escape plans. so who in ukraine is behind the organization of mass terror? a crushing retaliatory strike across the entire territory of ukraine from the air. we are methodically destroying the enemy's military infrastructure. and what on earth? somewhere near. military correspondent sladkov visited the stormtroopers of the alexander nevsky brigade. there were always many residents here; they hid from shelling in the basement of the theater. and elena erofeeva saw how she came to her senses already peaceful mariupol. 75 years of nato,
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an important background. so was us president roosevelt poisoned? and why else was joseph stalin ready for the ussr to join the north atlantic treaty? mysterious afghanistan. afghans never lose heart. as long as you're alive, there's a chance. sergei zenin went to the nomads. the bowl on which the teapots now stand is made from the hatch of a soviet armored personnel carrier. and also why you should look for real alabais here. news of the week, sunday, 20:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look at application or website. we are following developments in russia abroad, stay tuned. mega sale,
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magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9:95. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. classic design fills any space. warm notes of nostalgia, and the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust or attract wool, and is easy to clean elementary. carpet, magnificent century - an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue red, two sizes 70 by 120 and... mega sale of a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95, take advantage of this incredible offer, call
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now. we present to you the legendary horse balm from the czech republic with extract horse chestnut, which will relieve you of pain in muscles, joints, spine and tendons. the balanced formula of medicinal plants provides an immediate pain-relieving effect. the balm is produced at the world famous. in the czech resort of karlovy vary using ancient swiss technology. for more than a thousand years, horse chestnut has been used to treat and prevent many diseases. it has a strong antibactericidal, absorbable, healing and anti-inflammatory effect, has invaluable help with muscle sprains, dislocations, fractures, polyarthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. in addition to horse chestnut, the horse balm contains lavender officinalis, rosemary, comfrey extract, f. linden, tea tree oil, peppermint and peat extract. call to order horse balm with horse chestnut extract at a uniquely low price, from only 9.95. bored of your
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old fence? do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but will repair or replacement take a big hit on the budget? we bring to your attention universal photo facade for the fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence! they will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call order a universal photo façade for... just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area.
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evening, dear, respected tv viewers, we hope that you and your whole family at the screens are ready to sing and dance with us for the next 2 hours, and today, together with the guests in our studio, we will remember songs about the warmest place on earth, about our home, and our program will be opened by the honored artists of russia, the radchenko brothers, with the song home at home.
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at night, when everyone is sleeping around, i wander along the milky path, into the house where the sun sleeps, i knock on window, and the house will respond to me, to the house where the sun sleeps, i will knock on the window, and the house will respond to me, someone will sigh sadly, an old chest of drawers will creak, as if in the temple of the faces of a bright mother, just as it will cling to him, brokenly in
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the temple. the face of the bright mother will cling directly to the little window of a house, a house, a house, whoever is at least with something, maybe strangers, maybe relatives, who was sheltered by my house, home, home, home, who is now for me, maybe strangers, maybe... relatives, whom my sheltered home, from the oven that hasn’t cooled down, kolaches are smoking with heat, with homemade bread, sweet yesterday, with the warm breath of a candle, with homemade bread, sweet yesterday's warm breath. candles,
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the cuckoo clock will shout, the hands will straighten their mustache, as if time is here, our years are a burden, will be thrown onto god's scales, as if time is here, our years' time will be thrown onto god's scales, house, house, house, who is in it now... maybe strangers, maybe relatives, whom my house has sheltered, house, house, house, who are now in new, maybe strangers, maybe relatives, whom my house has sheltered, house, house, house, tones
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than. maybe strangers, maybe relatives, whom my house sheltered, house, house, house, who are in it now, maybe strangers, maybe relatives, whom my house sheltered, at night, when everyone is sleeping around. milky i walk the path to my native house, my father’s house , to the house that is in my heart, to my native house, my father’s house, to the house that is in my heart.
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since the fourteenth year, when all this began, but i will tell you that uh, the officers who now live there promised that they would save it for us.
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there was rural life, we had a cow, we had pigs, chickens, rabbits, whatever they were , my father didn’t let us walk until we picked grass, but that was our life, this was our childhood, we keep chickens, we feed grain, defense grain, otherwise eggs will not be given if count the food and eggs, then it’s just for fun, they’re too expensive, that’s it. eco, this is eco, this is now very much the second time at home - this is a creative laboratory, we didn’t let anyone in here at all, here we spend the bulk of our lives, rehearsing, writing
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a song, go back often to the bow, to the flowers behind the catoplam, so that your heart is on fire. guests, as far back as i remember my childhood, we didn’t go to visit many, everyone came to us, sang songs and we grew up in this, in this atmosphere. oh, the pilaf is ready, the smell is coming, you need more raisins or meat, come on, you can have the raisins yourself
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there is, our common house, which is in takmak, it is alive, there are millions of such houses all over the country, but this is our house with a garden window, this is our foundation , our biography. and we will preserve it as long as we are alive, has it really faded away, because the sounds in the state, to the soul, hurt me, in the houses in the sky, where it waits. my mother did not rock me, over the relics of the hollow, the house of the kasa, she stubbornly sweeps, the fallen
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leaves, the blue copper, he is running around. hangs out stubbornly, golden leaves fall, with blue eyes, i wanted to tell everyone, we just went from rural life to city boys, we are urban, we have apartments, we are in moscow, that is, we have been urban for a long time. but i’ll tell you, having gone all the way, you know, a man doesn’t need so much, yes, he doesn’t need these palaces, he doesn’t need many wives, that is, excuse me,
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a lot, he needs necessity, the only thing i can say is that he needs the first floor, yes, basically a bed, it’s like in that song, to yourself. we read throughout the city, this is where my work is, this is where my friends are, but still at night. let the village go with me, it doesn’t want to let me go, my homeland, thank you, well now i want to invite our heroine, who considers the city of yelets, lipetsk region, her homeland, but now also lives in moscow, sofya shchukina, with the song dream from the cartoon flying ship.
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small house, russian stove, wooden floor, candle bench, cat, purring, hard-working husband, this is happiness, there is nothing sweeter, oh, if only my dream would come true. “what kind of life would have begun then, if the dream had come true, what kind of life would have begun then, i’m without support, somehow i’ll get married”? if only it would be profitable to marry a woman, her house would be full, so
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it’s happiness, my son-in-law is a half-baked boy, oh, if my dream came true, what kind of life would begin then ah... oh, if my dream came true, what kind of life would begin then, i’m crowned, there’s fun nearby, new lands, new glory, new money, new connections, this is happiness in the prince of dirt, and... oh, if my dream came true,
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what kind of life would it be like then? oh, if the dream came true, what kind of life would begin then, a small house, a russian stove. wooden floor, candle bench, and children in the arab’s house, this is happiness, true, fun, oh, if my dream came true, what kind of life would come then, what a life,
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what a life, what a life, then you started, bravo, what a voice, in general, listen, so fragile, and how well she sings, beautifully, like a princess herself, thank you very much , good evening everyone, i’m very glad to be here with you today, my name is sophia, i was born in the small town of yelets, in fact i’ve been in music since childhood, because my dad, he was born in the village, but he played the harmony since childhood , famous for his harmonica, yes, he actually has a collection of these harmonies 10.
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in the film there are four voices at once, and you laid everything out, you’re doing it alone, fantastic, it’s just that the polkan’s part was especially successful, i’m crowned, let’s listen to how it sounded in the cartoon, attention, oh, if my
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dream came true, what a life, it would have come then, oh, if the dream had come true, what kind of life would have begun then, bravo, and you know who sang in the cartoon, i forgot my last name, yes, i also wonder, something.
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yes, because i was in the last month of pregnancy, and after this cartoon i managed to record a couple more, a couple, and gave birth son, so i had a son in 1979, that’s my honor, yes, but i ’ll never sing like that again, because there was such a rise in the child’s expectations that i, that’s why everything turned out like this for me, now. i won’t sing, there was another fun song in the cartoon, but i don’t want, i don’t want, i don’t want, i don’t want to be, either, well, let’s all do it together, come on, you start, tatyana will pick up, god, we’re unhappy, princesses, by law, are forbidden
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to love in the royal family. oh, that’s the ancient order: you have to get married, but i don’t i want i don’t want good i want for love i want for you i want for you i want for you bravo! listen, there ’s such energy coming here, it’s just blowing away, just blowing away, blowing away, but i don’t want to, and you say how long have you had this fuse, well , as for the house, you have a favorite place, i was told which you you call me a dacha, yes, yes, chock, yes, yes, this is your
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dacha, yes dacha, dacha and chock,
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on the seventh floor, that’s how i walk along the boulevard , we know each other for sure, our house three windows are burning in the heights, i know that you are already home and this is our light on the seventh floor is famous and i know that you are already home, and this is our light on the seventh floor, and i know why this song is good, i was familiar with the composer.
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dad and i have always been in childhood since childhood , this is his favorite song, mom, dear mom, how i love you, let’s do it. i always remember our little house across the river, how you live, dear , open your heart to your son, look, two baenis are singing to you, gentle and affectionate, i send my mixture, mother, dear, mother, how i love you. tender, affectionate, i send my love
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to you, mom, dear, mom, how into you i am, after advertising we will be back, friends, stay with us, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, the premiere is on... hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, it's alla, al, al, al, hi, alla , alla, alla, alla, alla, allo, alla, alla, taxi, who passed the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday on rtr. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook
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a meal, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old; it looks as if you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing brad. topper vr smart is a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect ambience and keep your bread fresher longer. so, instead of spoiling and molding, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious. until you are ready to eat it. the bret smart is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these
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croissants. just imagine, they were bought at the same time. one was in regular packaging, and this one was in the brad smart system. the difference is obvious. just think for a moment how much money you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and baked goods. 100 euros, 200 or much more. today is a sensational system. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. the smart brand will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us now. mega sale of a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from just 9-95 , we present to you a magnificent century carpet. with
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it you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about difficult maintenance and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, and the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust or attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the carpet is magnificent, perfect. solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue red, two sizes 70 per 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of this incredible offer, call now. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. the ripening of fruits will accelerate the growth
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and extend the gardening season. and availability. zippered crampons will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong temperatures. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a high-quality harvest, call and order a granary mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 295 in moscow, you want to stay, of course, arrange it for you to work in our restaurant, i also
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drew a horse with wings, a pegasus after all, it will be yours, then you will draw it. we're looking at the weekend, well, i liked it, who, it's zavyalov, our owner, aren't you sleeping, i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, you're stupid, or something, i'll have to fire you, actually i i don’t work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, you in general, this mind is incomprehensible,
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this was impossible for them, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind, viktor petrovich’s wife pulled off her hat, for him and for you two. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. once again, good
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saturday evening everyone, today on the program hello andrey, we are singing about a place. where you always want to return to your home, now i want to invite the pop star of the nineties alena gerasimova to our stage with the song mother's home. it’s so good that there is a home, that the roof has not yet leaked, as if in childhood the stove breathes bread, the house smells of warm milk, how good, how good it is to turn off roads under your mother’s wing, long roads,
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endlessly. at least for a day, at least for a day to become a carefree girl, to feel the warmth of my birth, it’s so good that the walkers in the house are still running, and the cricket behind the stove and the rat are alive. the birch tree stands like a candle and gently shines on my heart, how good it is, how good it is to replace my mother’s wing, to turn off the road, the long , endless road, even for a day, just for a day,
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to become a carefree girl. feel the warmth of birth. and the windows in the house, as always, face south, so that there is more warmth of light in it, so that people can stay in it longer than the summer, and this is all from the mother’s hands, how good, how good it is under mom’s wing. turn off the roads, the distant endless roads, at least for a day, at least for a day, to become a
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carefree girl, to feel the warmth of my birth. thank you very much, thank you andrey, thank you, your calling card remains to this day, it seems to me that the song is still relevant , people love it, you know, andrey, this song had a very difficult fate, why, because when i recorded it and brought it to the editor,
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he said: well, yes, it’s a nice song, but sex isn’t enough, and i think, which means what kind of sex is there, so i think, in what place, in what place, you know, what’s the matter, when i i started, i came to moscow, let’s even say, and there is no money, no songs, no acquaintances, well , that’s short.
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and for the sake of happiness, the russian proverb is right, home is where my heart is, and my heart is here in marshansk, i know, i’ve traveled all over the country, there is no place better than my home, here is my mother, here is my family, in general, how quickly time flies, mother i have a very old one, 94 years old, and of course, all the care for her lies with me, my mother, she always supported me, she had a dream for me to become one of the people, i was cramped in marchansk, i went to conquer moscow somewhere in
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the nineties, i sang songs that i really liked, there was an image of such a sexy young lady, there were short skirts, red stockings, buttforts, i will introduce the composer sergei skopin, he sort of became my producer, well ... later, by my husband, we released an album and my songs went to the people, it rang, it became noisy, the woman of summer, the wind entangled the leaves in cobwebs, here today a flock of cranes rushed by, they screamed angrily as they flew away, when i was already ready, then my mother stayed with mine son, at one fine moment, when i arrived... i say: hello, son, he looked, said: hello, aunt, everything broke down for me, and i realized, show business is tinsel, who would have thought, that i will ever take up farming? you know,
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i never dig my own garden, because i think that the soil should not be hurt, i cover it with hay, and there the worms do their job, i also make my own seedlings, i never buy them, i just bring them here, spread them out , and plant them, by the way speaking, my seedlings at home are already ripening. i already have pepper seedlings, this will be the very first harvest, and then later eggplants, tomatoes, salads will appear, i don’t let anyone in here, because i am the mistress of this room, this is mine... and my soul always feels good here, it’s not for nothing that they say that home is where love lives on, the love of my mother, the love of my husband, the love of my children, i have all this love, and i’m very happy about it, alena helps me with everything, she cooks for me, and she’ll do a marathon, and take my blood pressure, she’s a good woman for me, she takes good care of me, my mother always sang and danced with me,
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amused the people, now the years have taken their toll, we sit down with her, hug, sing songs: all the girlfriends in pairs, scattered in silence, only i stayed too long that evening, these are tomatoes, as you understand, you will gather with friends, this is from my personal vegetable gardens, this is all for you, they say, you really love sometimes, your belly can’t fit into the frame anymore, you see, i love it all, thank you, what’s mommy’s name, mommy’s name is anastasia nikolaevna, anastasia nikolaevna, for many years.
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thank you for your daughter, thank you for your kindness and such warmth, yes thank you, but tell me, you have you ever regretted coming back? there was a thing, there was a thing, you know, because well, that’s not the point, sometimes i drink like that, but the point is that i now i have a studio in marshansk, and i work with children, vocals, that’s why, well, it’s kind of my soul, i really like it, firstly, and secondly... i teach them to sing old songs that were popular back in the soviet union, because you know, that’s what they are listening, i want to tell you this, you won’t even remember how to tell you what, you know, so that, what is this, i propose, i propose to sing a song, first of all the planes, but then the girls, so, we are friends. green birds,
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only you are not good for us, you didn’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find a wife in the sky, because, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is our home, first of all, first of all, airplanes, well, the girl, and the girl subdoc. and first of all, first of all, well, the girls, and then the girls, well, the girls will really be later in our program, now i want to invite denis karyev’s stage with a song vologda, remember, remember, i once sang.
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i carry letters, letters personally to the post office, as if i were writing a novel with a sequel, i know, i know exactly where my addressee is in the house, where is the carved polysat, where is my dark-eyed one, where is the ox, where, where is the ox, where, where in in the house, where is the woody polysat, where is my seven-eyed one, where is the wolf, where, where, where, where is the ox, where, where, in the house, where is the carved polysat.
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i’m sending, i’m sending her for a package, a package, only, but there’s not a word in response to me, that means, that means, she needs to keep in mind, i’ll come for an answer, no matter what happens, i’m dear i’ll come, wolf duk-duk, duk-doo, wolf duk-doo, i myself will come for the answer. whatever happens, i will come to my dear, wolf-duk-duk-duk-doo, wolf-duk-doo, i myself will come for the answer. i see, i see, gals, like teryabin, i see, i see
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the house and its number one, i see, i see sitting on the bench of the gate, the city where fate is... where is my dark-eyed one, where is the ox, where, where, where, where is the ox, where- where in the house, where is the carved
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wood, where is my dark-eyed one where, where, where, where, where, where, where, in the house. thank you very much, thank you, in general this song, like many of pesner’s songs, it he’s been sitting here since childhood, that’s because you have nothing to do with vologa, let’s say, yes, i have nothing to do with vologa, but directly with the song, because i love it very much, and
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what memories do you have associated with your parents’ home, well so we sang a lot, that is, we had a big family, well, that is, in addition to my family, that is, mom, dad, my brother, and well, actually we are here, only here is my grandmother in the photo, here we are, for example, one uncle played the guitar and sang, another played and also sang, and one on the seven string, the other on the six string, at first i learned to play a little on the seven, and a year later another uncle taught me to play a little on the six string, now they told me that you are in a choir somewhere and even in i am now yes, i have been singing in the mythia choir since 1988, well, there is a university, the moscow engineering and physics institute, so... there is a male academic choir of mythia, and i sing in it, a mythical choir, mythical, and for me they said that you have some kind of tradition on the bridge, every february you meet something, see you off, yes, yes, ah, i have a friend, uh, his birthday is february 28, that is,
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the last day of winter, so - he was walking with the guys one day somewhere in the early 2000s, it’s called st. andrew’s bridge, they look at o'clock 13, they say, oh, listen, let's sing pesner's song half an hour before spring, come on, and just like that, they took it, and there the acoustics are good and they are sung, that the words were spoken before, that we trusted completely different people, half an hour before spring, that we trusted completely others, half an hour before spring. and now this is a tradition for you? yes, they liked it, they we came back in a year, in two, in three, and if it’s a leap year, then don’t get stuck on the ninth, yes, we’ll meet on the twenty-ninth, great, well, today, let’s sing at the table
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with our friends, and today i’d like to sing one of my mother’s favorite songs , she really loved vadim kozina’s songs, including friendship, a song when simple and gentle, yes. when with simple, when with simple and gentle glances, you caress me, my friend, extraordinary, with a colored pattern, earth and sky, butts we are each other, joy is an hour and pain is forgotten, i want to saw, with you always. let's make friends in the hand and in for a long time, we are so close. that words are not needed, that we repeat the hand, that our
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tenderness, our friendship is stronger than passion, more than love, the hour of fun will come to us again, you will return, and then that’s what to give. word to each other that we will be together, together forever, we will be together, friends, after advertising, stay with us, sunday, i wrote in posts all year, i will still go to malakhov, i will still go, they didn’t believe me, everyone they laughed at me,
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leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. veda vodka is a product of stellor group. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in
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sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. rom castro is a product of the stellar group.
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fighting fuck, what have you done, how could you, turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, just wait for me, through the rains are treasured flowers, they still live in me. some kind of tastic! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr,
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so that dreams come true. on sunday. i'm counting down the minutes until the evening when we meet again. this is my lena and she will be with me. and who are you? let her tell you. well, i won't stand in the way of your happiness. stop, please. hello sister, the situation. thank you for continuing to watch us, good evening again everyone, on the air hello andrey, today the song is about home, and the place of power where the walls are they help, we sing songs according to...
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i will draw a house on the shore of a dream with cherries under the window, you and me next to each other, the birds will sing to us. the drops will ring, and the years will fly unnoticed in the rustling wind, the years will fly in the rustling wind, the years will fly by the rustling wind,
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white roses in a delicate split wreath, at the horizon of dreams, behind the road surface, the vernacular will play, the lilac will bloom, happiness the waves will generously fill our every new day. they will generously fill our every new day, they will generously fill our every new day.
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i'll draw a house on. the shore of dreams, where it’s golden a ray, the sun will pour light, love will shine, an asterisk for us on the way, we will be with you following the dream, we are destined to follow
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the dream. we will go with you, follow your dream, we will go with you, thank you, thank you. well, today we are talking about home, about family, about a place of power, i know sasha has a tradition of having dinners by candlelight, it’s true, this is actually a tradition we started in our family, when
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i already had children, it happened spontaneously , we arrive, and 12:00 at night (he’s 3 years old, he’s not sleeping, i come in, dad, dad, we we’re waiting for you, the children don’t want to go to bed, anyutka goes to bed early, they really don’t expect me, i go into the kitchen, there are candles, we’re having a festive dinner, they’re waiting and hungry, they’re sitting, you know, waiting for me so we can eat, and we light candles, and the atmosphere is completely different, i advise you to just try it at home, just light one candle, and it turns into a holiday, a real holiday, by the way, let’s see, any candle, even a church one , you can, the folder returns home, the children haven’t seen it since the morning , dad, dad, oh, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, you're good mood, yes, you ate something, yes, it’s delicious, and you’re waiting, yes, and where is karina at the dance, karina, karina, i’m here, what’s there,
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dig in, and what, because we’ll have dinner together. probably, this is already a holiday, together it’s more fun, more enjoyable, yes, i agree, and cutlets, cutlets, yes, delicious, have you tried, yes, tried, yes, which means you’ve already eaten, a great idea to greet dad like that from work , and valot, i understand that your house is connected to where your mother is, yes, we moved a lot, that’s why i ’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir, and also vladimirovich, so yes, yes, i studied at makarovskaya secondary school, we moved to makarovsk precisely because... we had to go to school, when i graduated from school, we had to study at college, we went to live in vladimir, in 2017 i was already able and bought an apartment for my mother in
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vladimir, because where my mother is, there is a home, this is the place of power, just yes, your fortress, it is clear that there is a dacha, there is an apartment in moscow, but nevertheless, home is where mother is, peace be upon you, you have a father of many children, but i am not only a father of many children, i have apparently this is fate. i also had several houses, and i was born and raised in the village of chukaly, my childhood was divided into three stages, in fact, we lived in three houses, we arrived at first there was such a house with several entrances, yes, when we were just parents after the technical school was assigned there, then we moved to a larger house, made of wood, my father bought a lada, red, i remember it was a lada, and this was my first stage, in fact these were my first prerequisites so... for music i loved to climb on the roof, everyone was happy, except the father, of course, because i danced very actively since childhood, but yes, the iron metal was a good lada,
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it could withstand it, and then i grew up, we moved to the third house, it was already a stone house, she had a huge cherry orchard, apparently this completely inspired me , it was in this house that i learned to play the button accordion and now i play it all day long, we’ll say hello to the songs, we are also a house - this is a family, yes, we are also a family, this is the sadkov family, since 2002 we have acted to the russian academy of music, we have been singing since then, that is we’ve been together for 22 years already, yes, satko turned 14 on january 8, the friendship is strong, it won’t break, it won’t fall apart from the rains,
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what’s the forecast for us today dear, what did you wake up with again out of tune, just tell me,
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lord have mercy , what the hell do you mean, most importantly, the weather in the house. everything else is me and you, everything except is easy to settle with the help of an umbrella, i and you, everything except is easy to settle with the help of zantar, what is the forecast, rains, manna, is there an unexpected misfortune awaiting us, you like the eruption
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of a volcano, i can never predict, the most important thing is the weather in the house, everything is different, vanity, there is me and you. besides, it’s easy to figure out what the forecast is with the help of an umbrella while the sky is calling. who knows
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what we can expect in spring or winter, tell me everything, and if it’s too late, then only we will be to blame, most importantly, the weather in the house, everything else, vanity, there is me and you. everything except is easy to settle with the help of zant, there is me and you, everything except is easy to settle with the help of zavkhan, great, thank you, that’s not all. like that one,
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thank you, thank you for these dances, the song, for the breath he took away, like in a fable, he says, i’m like in a dream, honestly, a fountain of feelings, indescribable, the audience did not react, i want to concentrate and succinctly tell about myself, i am from the city of orosha, this is the vitebsk region, you know, this is a large railway junction, but in general this is my homeland, i gave birth, really i’m in the village of zaslonovka, it’s 5 km from the city of orsha, but no matter where i am, i studied in mogilev, a music school, i studied in minsk, at a pedagogical institute, faculty, and at my house it so happened that the children all ran away on different sides, live their own lives, and i have there are three cats at home, so let’s visit your homeland and see where you grew up. do not
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be surprised, please, deliver us from troubles, as the leader of the highest powers, the church of the archangel michael is like a second home for me, for 30 years now, i come to sing in the choir, when i sing, my wings grow, every time i come, i always light candles for the repose of my dad, who has not been with me for many years, and for yakutin. here is my dear, beloved village, zabolost of the yarshansky district, here we lived as a big friendly family, mom, dad, four children. unfortunately, our house has been empty for many years, everyone has their own quarters, but our house is left alone, my heart sinks, tears come to my eyes, i
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was born here. in our house, now this picture is right before my eyes, when dad was sitting in this room, he was picking up an accordion, with love in his eyes, the way he looked at us, and so that he could, i would now give everything to my surprise, dad’s accordion has been preserved in this house, i have a feeling, a feeling that it still keeps the warmth of his fingers, dad’s soul stored here, he played the harmonica, and i
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played the cardion. i don’t know how to play harmonicas, of course, when after some long break you come back to this kind of uncomfortable abandoned house, just one thought, restore the house so that it becomes the same as it was our foundation, so that it becomes the same the foundation for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, don’t sell us your dad, he’s not a forefather, he’ll be in the dark, as long as you’re in this world. i want to say that i talked about the church in this department, and that means the temple
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archangel michael and here, to my joy, i want you all to rejoice with me, we have a great patroness in our city, this is our icon of the arshan mother of god, she is more than 300 years old, of course she has not survived. this is very sincere, i hope that you see this and understand, sincerely because now it’s so rare in our difficult times that we all get together, well, we get together with our loved ones, people gather here, i ’ve seen many of you on tv, i have now it’s as
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if i’m definitely in a fairy tale or in a dream, i don’t believe it, that i’ll come home, i’ll probably wake up, let’s all remember our common big country, our home, remember, this is our home? went and magic piles, my address is not a house and not a street, my address is the soviet union, my address is not a house and not a street, clearings of the soviet union,
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telegraph recesses and dashes, look for a mood like me, today is vilichnaya. glorious part of the working day, take care of the heart, the heart is worried, the postal cargo is packed, my address is not a house and not a street, my address is the soviet union, my address is not a house and not a street, my address is the soviet union. veronica, thank you for gifts, what a big and kind heart you have, be healthy, my dear, we
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are missing some courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova. oh wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, from alone, andrei chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, my whole life has been grinning, alexander mikhailov, she’s in a difficult situation, she urgently needs a job, just tell me what, where, why, marat basharov, did you feel sorry for one, you order, i’ll fire you today. increase your salary, i have already ordered, alla taxi, as we used to do without you were treated, that's it, especially me, from monday on rtr, if you want twice as much
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friday, good evening again everyone, dear tv viewers, hello andrey, continues his work, and songs about home are heard today in our program, a place where it is always warm. and well, now i want to invite a guest from the belgorod region, the village of prokhorovka, to our folk stage, vyacheslav drobyshev with the song i will buy you a house.
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i will buy you a house by a pond near moscow and i will bring you to this own house, i will have pigeons with you and we will plant them with love. under the window i will have pigeons with you with love we will plant a siren under the window, and a white swan swings on the pond. a fallen star on the pond
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where i will lead you, and white. bread on the pond swings a fallen star, on that pond where i will lead you, but for now there is no colada, no yard and no garden, so that i can hold your hand in... we’ll guess everything with you, i don’t need these five numbers myself, come, we'll please you,
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i don't need it myself, our numbers are out of six, and the white swan on the pond, shaking a fallen tear, on the pond where i'll take you, we have little chance, but the man has steam. the bank that throws heat, managing the lotto, the lamirant will tell me, if he is not a deceiver, to which we fall at home, i will not
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say, ulam, if he is not a deceiver, to which we will get a house, and the white lebek is on the pond , rocking the fallen star, on the pond where i will take you... and the white lebek is rocking the fallen star on the pond, on the pond where i will bring you, on
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the pond where i will take you i'll bring it.
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the war stole the flowers, the rich flowers and the important dew, the edge of the road came out through the gates, the bulge had a bite of gold. yes, this is
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the first time, thank you, everyone is beautiful, come on, you visited you on the eve of the program , so you told the story of your house, attention, i just took it. dreams and a childhood dream, oh, a dream, a dream, it was always a dream from childhood, living in a cozy house, with a large, simply cordial family, now we are coming exactly here, this house was built in 1896, it is all in fragments, traces of the great patriotic war, it is all wounded, we were restoring the house, my beloved wife and i.. olya and he will live and last just as long, god willing, and maybe more, the dream of a house has sunk
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in me since childhood, i come from ukraine, a large, huge family was always welcomed there, near our house, at my grandmother’s people always gathered, one would bring out the borscht, another okroshka, who sang songs from the bottle: through the gate you can see... the edge of the road, i’m going to hang out at her, golden braid, i have wonderful neighbors, these are lyuba and vitya, thanks to whom i got on the program with malakov, oh, here she is, lyubanechka, hello, i’m just telling you about you, you’ll go there, of course, can i get the hotel in front, come on, eh, lyuba! darling, i kiss you on the lips, i’ll be sure to tell you, in order not to get discouraged, i like
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to do carpentry, something pulled me to a piece of wood, with my own hands i assembled this beautiful table, benches, here’s a kentucky chair i did, usually, when i do carpentry, my mother, my wife and children are preparing dinner, this is my beloved wife, olenka, and these are my daughters, nastya and alyonka, i love them madly, and this is my mother, our favorite dish in the family, these are dumplings, we love to cook them, we love to eat them most of all, we don’t have a special recipe, the most important thing is that they are made with love, the biggest dumplings, whoever we cook for him, dad is the most important in our family , so we always try to prepare something for him, some tasty treats, so that he can full to dad. in the evenings we often prepare for revenge, we sing, we all rush for miracles, but nothing is more wonderful than that earth
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under heaven, under the roof of your house, under the roof of your house, even if any sorrows will disappear, everything will disappear. cucumbers, the same jar that lyuba, lyuba lyubonka, lyuba, they delivered, everything will appear!
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never before has stirlitz been so close to failure, and 17 moments of spring were filmed in this studio, so that you understand, that’s why you are in a historical place, and in your home this is a historical monument? prokhorovka, we hope that this will end, okay, about this, but the fact that the house and the songs that we will sing, i will call you dawn or what, come on, with pleasure,
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i often sit and think. what should i call you , modest, sleepy, dear, how should i call you, modest, nice dear, how should i call you, i’ll call you little river. just run further, i’ll call you an asterisk, only you shine more, i’ll call you an asterisk, only you’ll shine longer, well
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, i already said that... the famous film 17 moments of spring was filmed in this studio, a song from this film, a song about distant homeland will be performed by our next guest, meet us on our national stage, nikita osin. i ask, at least for a little while, my load, you leave me, clouds, bluish cloud, you fly to your home, from here to your home.
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my perek, appear in the distance, the edge of a thin line, my perek, gentle perek, oh dear, i wish i could swim to you, if only i could swim to you, at least someday. somewhere far away, somewhere far away, mushroom rains are falling, right by the river, in a small garden, cherries are ripe, bending down somewhere on the ground, somewhere far away in my memory, now, as warm as in childhood, even though the memory is covered with such big
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snigami. you are a thunderstorm, give me something to drink, dear, but not to the point of death, here again, like the last time, i keep looking somewhere in the sky, as if i was looking for an answer.
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i ask! not for long, my sadness, you leave me, cloud, like a bluish cloud, you fly to your home, from here to your home. so beautiful, just wonderful, he just
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changes, he starts singing, he just takes on a different appearance, i was told that magomayev is one of your favorites, yes number one, just top, yes, everything, absolutely, but your place of power is in city, my city skopin, yes, and recently returned to uzbekistan, and oh yes, it was, it was a magical trip, in fact, i was still afraid, i probably didn’t have the courage to return to my homeland, and where i was born, at some point my a friend pushed me, you could say she gave me tickets for my birthday, she says: you should go and celebrate your birthday where you were born, see what it’s like live, finally, that’s the most amazing thing... it was probably to turn out near the house where i lived, probably for the first months, there the first six months of life, and the funny thing is, i call my mother and say: here i am standing near our house, this is actually the first floor where we lived,
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there is now some kind of lawyer’s office there, as far as we could translate, she says: and how is my tree, alive, i say, what a tree, my mother planted this apricot tree, it has now grown there to what a big tree, yes. how old is he, they can go so high, i thought they were tender, and it’s an indescribable feeling when in another country, your mother planted a tree, it’s now this height, i’m standing next to him, well, i just wanted to cry, but you also think that home is where my mother is, absolutely, this is now ryazan and the ryazan region, but coming to my mother is a separate pleasure, everyone is friends , who visited me with her, they constantly ask me when are we going again? let's go, because she sets such a table, a crazy table, it's just there, on the left - there's not wine, there's compote, i understand, that's right, that's right, well, you know, i'd
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love to sing, her favorite song is in mine performed, this is a song, respectively, by muslim magomayev, blue eternity, and it was also the favorite singer of my grandmother, who, by the way, was the first to notice that i have a voice, i’m like... when i washed the floors, i vacuumed the houses there as a child, i constantly sang along with the king jester group, so of course they were horrified by the lyrics of these songs, but nevertheless, my grandmother said, tamara, in my opinion, he has some kind of interesting voice, we should send him somewhere to sing, but but unfortunately, she didn’t live to see my first appearance on stage, and if she knew that i would sing to magamaeva, i think she would be happy. the sea has returned, with the sound of seagulls, the songs of the surf,
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the dawn has awakened, the heart is like a friend, the sea meets, the heart is like a song, flying from the breasts. oh sea, i imagine you won’t give the device for long, the sea take me, in the container, all of it. sad sad stars, in search of affection, through the blue eternity, fly to the earth, the sea
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meets you and in children's fairy tales, blue palms... carries ships, about the sea the sea is imagined and not for long you burn with the drive, the sea is taken, the distance is not given, sailboats, with you, with with you, with you, with you, with you.
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move out today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, today, well, you can’t live with a scorched child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be for long, she’ll take the brat, this is not our child, but he may be ours. life gives no clues, the premiere is today on rtr. you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, a bright life. with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area, but you won’t recognize it. a fence,
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coated have a deeper, larger design, which allows you to add fillings to suit every taste. cherry jam for cherry pie or fill the middle of a scrambled egg with ham and cheese to make an amlet. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also be happy to join this exciting process. cooking with power xl is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. breakfast lunch! dinner, dessert. with the incredible new power xl waffle iron, you'll amaze everyone. why torture yourself with old waffle irons and toast that you can’t add toppings to? with waffle iron power excel waffle star you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in record time with extreme ease. apple, cinnamon and caramel waffles, cherry waffles, pizza waffles, cheese toast, french toast or hearty beef waffles? forget about mountains of dishes. placed
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after preparing a meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. power xl is pure waffle fun for the whole family. call and get your unique power xl woffle star for your perfect waffles and more. manufacturer's suggested price waffle irons - 79.95. but you will get your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price for only 5995. your savings will be 20 euros, but also. that's not all, if you place an order right now, you will receive a brilliant booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef as a gift, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal to we were together? hello. hi, i
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spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, len is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i i’ll kiss you, well, kiss me, what ’s going on, hello, sister, on sunday at rtl, live, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants. i’m generally a plant
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maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become: he has just joined us and continues our program, our guests from the maykop region, the republic of adygea, sergey and galina tishansky with a song " house on the outskirts."
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there are skiffs swinging on the river, a garden goes down to the river, trees and apples are falling there, the roof is knocking at night, it is full of great mystery, the forest keeps the past forgotten, then... a house on the very outskirts, where my childhood flashed by, a house on the edge, soon it will be demolished, only in
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memory in memory, it will forever remain, like from a stove, like... memorials will warm you again with warmth , a house in the land of the land, my heart will live, never given up to my loved one, neglected and an empty life, just like that. so it’s not a foreign land, but a homeland, it warms us with its kindness, in separation we still see an old man, who was once destined to die, then a house on the very outskirts, with smoke over
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a brick chimney, a house on... and no, soon it will will be displaced, only from memory in memory, it will forever become, like from an eternal heater, i will warm up again with warmth, in a house on the very outskirts, my heart will live. a house on the edge, soon we will demolish it, only in memory in memory, it will forever become, as if from a song,
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a heater, i will warm up again with warmth, into the house itself. thank you, good evening, we are glad to see you, today sergei and galina performed this song in a duet, but we have unique footage from 1996, when you...
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convince me that my choice was made correctly, i chose such a beauty for myself, this is what -that competition, yes, yes, it was in the samara region there was a competition of family ensembles, we...
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are sitting on the lake, an amateur fisherman, you came here, that
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there should be silence at a concert, while fishing, galya, guys, they are looking for any excuse to once i ran away from home to go fishing, but for me it’s the other way around, once i took my wife with me, she caught more than me, since then i didn’t have to persuade her, she persuaded me, quietly, quietly, quietly , quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, faster, edges, we bought this beautiful plot, we probably spent two years building here,
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this is the little family nest we now have, we built this house with our own hands, brick by brick, we finished everything ourselves, we climbed the roof together ourselves, the construction of me i was overwhelmed, i felt like i was in the role of a steam locomotive, my children, like the carriages of this locomotive, should come here for me together. in 1920 , trouble happened in our family, our son left, he had an accident in tolyat, the doctors could not save him, we cremated him and buried his ashes here they planted a thuika in this place, here it is always with us, when you come home, your gaze involuntarily catches this tree first, when we leave, the same thing, you also turn around, and almost wave your hand, for now, stay for now, guard the house , now
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we have the most sacred place, this is my corner, i come here, talk to my son artyom, read a prayer, and he feels good, and it’s easier for me, the wrong thing happens in life, parents should not bury their children, god forbid i be left alone , am i the only one who can handle this, i can’t handle this, i’m already i’m used to the fact that i have a husband, i’m like behind a stone wall, for me seryozha, this is my hope, support, this is the light in the window, my parents’ home, even if for many years, a good light burns in your windows, no matter where we are, but still. we are invariably confident that
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we are angry with love and vigor, our pier, parental home, parental home, the beginning, began, you are in my life, a reliable pier, parental home, gentle people, of course, a bold decision, to bury my son right next to home, but now it’s easier, easier for us, and life goes on, anyway, we also work, you lead the choir, they told me, yes, i have such a unique story, how would i, well, not say a polygamist, but i have three families, it’s very difficult, yes, i have a first family - this is
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natural, a second family, which is exactly the same i surrender, this is my folk choir otrada vodgei.
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so i listened to adults sing, i’m 5 years old, i’m in kindergarten, i drank some water, it turned out that it was vodka, i didn’t think, well, the water was standing, i was thirsty, i took a sip, my eyes bulged out and i i started singing where the cob was, and i started singing when the lanterns they swing at night, when it’s dangerous to go out into the street, i’m leaving the pub, i’m not waiting for anyone and no one in life.
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he heard me sing and said: lena, i’m telling you that they taught you this song in kindergarten? i say, no, don’t sing, please, because my favorite verse was there, i’m sitting on the bunk like a king on my 5th birthday, in short, it doesn’t matter, i heard it for the first time, for the first time, what are you talking about, the final song will sound, i want to show valeria semin one picture, we just have calls to the editor, what kind of art gallery is this, let’s go, i’ll show you work, one thing, of course, i immediately noticed, a fan of our program, vladimir ilyevich nekrasov sent several works to our collection, one of them is the work of the artist tatyana nazarenko,
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this year’s winner of the state prize in the people’s artist of russia. in june she has an anniversary, she turns 80 years old and the job is called, the man’s accordion player is called not a cake, look, you recognize yourself, valer, and this is timur, then it turns out with a guitar, but next time we will tell about these works, vladimirich , thank you very much for this a unique valuable gift, well, your song is about your father’s house, i’ll literally say two words, you know, each of us has thousands of roads in life, but there is always one road that leads to our father’s house to our parents, so it seems to me... parents - a sacred, very sacred house, so don’t forget to call your parents while they are alive, because then, unfortunately, it’s too late, and then you begin to understand this.
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everyone has a native corner where we get drunk, tired of the roads, with friends there, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, the water in the well tastes better there. call call home, remember the old
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dear house, come, putting everything away, bow to the old people to the ground, come, let 's leave everything far away. bow to the ground for old people, we have 100 roads, only one home, you return to the house, and there is silence, and someone’s old lady will say in reproach, you’re late, you’re a day late. pazvanitsa, pazvanitsa home, remember the old dear house, come,
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leave everything far away, bow to the old people to the ground, come, leave everything. in the distance, we bow to the ground to the old people, we forget to call home, but we don’t need to for... memory sins, oh, i’ll take my accordion, i’ll play for you, old people, i’ll sing, eh, i’ll take
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my accordion, i’ll play for you old women and sing, call, call home, remember the old dear house, and come , leaving everything far away, bow to the old men to the ground, and come, leave everything far away. bow to the elderly, call your parents, friends, that
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’s all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones for today. on the russia channel big news in the studio of evgeny rashkov. hello, we have all the information picture for this saturday. big water came to orsk quickly. san, unfortunately, this is your home. more than 4,000 houses were partially destroyed in the flood zone, how the evacuation is going, how people are helping each other. the depth reaches.


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