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tv   Udivitelnie lyudi  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 9:30pm-11:51pm MSK

9:30 pm
hey, is there anyone here, it’s ok to insert a magazine like this, here you go! fox, you saw the prices here, you saw them last time, it’s a beautiful color, really, alice, if anything happens, i don’t have money, i know, i’ll think of everything, i’ll take the issues, then i’ll hand over the gates, you know, oops, who is this here, lebedeva, you know that eavesdropping is not good, i don’t eavesdrop, i... you quickly found a replacement, listen, yulia, i’m
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just, girl, please leave the fitting room, oh, we really still trampled him completely , we need to wipe it down, okay, wait, let's get out of here, dress. bon appetit, thank you, i can take it away, you liked everything, thank you, it was so delicious, come on, girl, i’m listening to you, i asked you not to put onions in the roast, but they didn’t, i ’m sorry, i suspect our cook is fond of hamingue. onions in... everything, now
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we'll remake khamengue, i wonder what his favorite dish is, uba picadillo, a sandwich with peanut butter and onions, and of course chianti. seryozha, yes, say that they remade it without onions, and they won’t remake it, the beef is over, we have excellent far eastern salmon, comes chilled, old sea, there was a blue marlin, but the salmon is no worse, you will like it, i bet you anything. “just for anything, okay, come on, only if it’s quick, otherwise there’s no time at all, i’ll hurry up the kitchen,
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yulchonok, my dear, that’s it, that’s enough, you’ve had enough of this nonsense, come on, go to graduation and take the documents to the pedagogical institute, there there is an art department, what are we going to live on? well, consider that i have already found a job, you
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have been hired as a translator, it seems that everything is fine, my girl, everything is fine. we're still closed, is it you again? good morning, i have a meeting in half an hour, could you feed me, well, as an exception, there is a canteen across the road, they are open from eight, that’s how it is, oh well, that means i’ll be left without breakfast. wait, sit down, we'll
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figure something out, thank you. thank you, bon appetit, thank you, stay with me, please, we are not supposed to, nothing, nothing, i passed you, tell your cook that this is simply magnificent, the cook has not arrived yet, i cooked this, what are you doing? come on, sit down, sit down, sit down, i’m coming to see you business proposal, in 3 days my business trip ends, do you want to come with me, will you make me breakfast, your
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husband is very lucky. “my husband died just recently, wait, forgive me, but if you had to go work as a waitress, it means he left me a very generous inheritance, my husband took care of my daughter and me for almost 20 years, who is to blame that i decided this way?” “ always, which means you have a daughter, a senior, was going to go to milan to study to become a designer, but we assume, well, in russia there are also a lot of universities, now she’s taking time off for graduation, then she’ll re-adjust, it’s unlikely,
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the death of her father, debts, moving, i’m afraid that she won’t recover from this at all, what kind of graduation is it, she doesn’t want to go to it, sorry, no i wanted to load you up in detail. yourself, your life, no matter what, i asked it myself, that’s it, bon appetit, i hope you liked us, i pulled everyone out to the ta.
9:38 pm
rom kastro product of stellar group, old barrell cognac, product of steller group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest - what not to think about when you are calm and completely off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anex gin сnop, a product of the stellar
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group. bourbon starsman, a product of the stellar group, wants to stay in moscow. yes, of course, i’ll get you to work in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked who it is, it’s
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zavyalov, our owner, are you not sleeping, i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, i'm afraid to wake up, make some coffee hello, are you stupid or something, i'll have to fire you, actually i don't work here, i i live here, little darling, there’s some kind of car wash here, here in general, it’s incomprehensible, nothing, i ’ll turn around. or the princess, who will the prince choose? did you love her? not most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, today on rtr, do you? yes, i’m in the city for... a few days, i really hope that you will agree to give me a tour, i understand that your legs are aching
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after your shift, but i’m by car, so the tour will be in complete comfort, sorry, but no , contact the tour desk, well, at least take some flowers, they’ll be gone, thank you, sorry, i have to go home, wait, let me take you, no, thank you. hello, mom, i learned everything in the pedagogical vespers; if i pass the internal exam in september, i’ll start studying, why at the evening, i’ll also go to work, help you, where do the flowers come from? they gave it
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to you at work, yes, why is that, i don’t know, i’m tired, i have to go to bed, dad was just buried, and they’re already giving you flowers, you had dinner, sometimes it seems to me that you don’t miss dad at all, please, not now. less than a month has passed since the funeral, and you already have flowers from fans, you come home, god knows what time, you in general, i loved him, mom, it’s a bit long, i need to cut it, mom, can you hear me, can you hear what i’m saying, answer my question, why are you coming after midnight, you have someone, the waitress’s shift ends at 12:00, waitresses? mom, you have an education, a diploma with honors, in childhood you may not like
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broccoli, but in adulthood you need what they give her, there was no other job, lena got a job as a waitress, that’s it, i’ll trim the roses for bed, i have to get up early tomorrow.
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“anna andreevna, you’re at home all day, you don’t have to cook your porridge when i’m in the kitchen. tomochka, you know, now banks provide mortgages for people like you, your spouse, for those who value personal space. good morning, hello, good, i put some jam in the back of your shelf.
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and you don’t know us for a long time? i don't know. good evening, hello, i need allabeva, she lives here, yes, but she is
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at work now, and can i wait for her here, here? well, i mean in the apartment, but of course, come on in, thank you, let’s go to the kitchen, yeah, this is for you, thank you. wow, generous adjustment, well i i thought that you already have potatoes, my mother and i also ate caviar, don’t think that we will live as beggars in a communal apartment, i didn’t think of anything like that, i just like practical gifts, and what is your mother having for dinner? i don’t know, probably
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sandwiches, will you, what are these sandwiches, you should meet your mother with dinner, you were sitting at home? i, i don’t know how to cook, let ’s cook something together, i’m certainly not a master, so help me, well, we can probably handle the chicken, well, let’s do it, where is your salt and pepper, in the cupboard? and you are still cucumbers take it, cut it, it’s not difficult, can you handle it? how do you know my mother? did you meet at a restaurant? i see, she said, you're
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graduating soon, right? something like that, you’ll be tempted, otherwise... the guy left me, there’s no money on the fee, and there’s not even a mirror here to put on makeup properly, what, you ’ll regret it all your life if you don’t go, i won’t go to the prom, they closed it topic, don’t mind their own business, okay, listen, well, if the question is only about shoes or hairstyle, who are you anyway , i’m just a commander, for 3 days in in your city i learned that it’s very difficult for you and your mother. do you want me to introduce you to the homeless man genka, he actually lives in a box, maybe you’d better help him, don’t tell me about selfless help, i’m not 5 years old, well, then get together and prove to everyone at the graduation that you’re an adult, beautiful and independent, you know, here we have... the neighbors
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don’t like it when guests come, especially so late, well, okay, then i’ll go, and you look at our tsarbird here, don’t spoil it, how long to keep it, well, about an hour or so. mm, it smells so delicious, did you really cook it? dinner, and i bought some setruves, and i added the 300 rubles
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that you left. what else is this? where does the product come from? he brought one and said that you glued it together at the restaurant. yulia is just an acquaintance. how did he find out the address then? i don’t know, the grandmothers on the bench did their best. he also brought chicken. and baked it. well, yulchonok, let's eat then, come on!
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now, wait, am i still dreaming? well, at the same time we woke you up, well, this is probably even for the better, today is graduation, so the sooner we start, the greater the chance that we will manage to do everything, what can we do? well then what, you need to buy shoes, a dress, go to the salon, get your hair done, so ladies, get ready, and i’ll wait for you in the car, i was
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very glad to meet you, that you girls are depressed, well, anton, yulka will come, i’m not in course, he’s probably half-thinking somewhere, that’s enough already. what did i say? lebedeva, well done for coming, you speak with us like the best student, well, like you,
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my dear, don’t be upset, life is long, you will still be fine, so beautiful, young, you will still have it, thank you , this is very important for her, but it’s nonsense. only i think with the limousine it’s too much, but it’s not for teenagers, we had to defeat all her enemies, oleg, i ’ll definitely return everything to you, for the dress, for wait, i have a better offer for you, you know, now at an age when it is difficult to meet a person with whom it is easy, easy and interesting, i am incredibly
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lucky that i met you, i am returning to moscow tomorrow, come with me, i have a business in moscow, i can provide for you, i want. provide for you, yulia is accepted into college, i have connections, we’re just i’ve known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, i see that i was looking for you, oleg, yura died quite recently, it still seems to me that he’s about to enter the room, but he’s not there, but are you? and you need to move on with your life, i’m sure if he loved you, he would agree with me,
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the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello , guys, hi, this is alla, al, al, al, hi, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, allo, alla, taxi, who passed the order, i don’t recognize something alla, s monday, on rtr, veda vodka, a product of stellar group.
9:56 pm
rom castro is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu resorts, we are here for you. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem.
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on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum offers exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. cognac monte shock. product of stellor group, al, where are you stuck there, mom is still sleeping or something, oh, i’m here, i apologize, my head is spinning, well, i hope that’s part of it. “i thought in this
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house for breakfast there could only be three scrambled eggs with bacon and tomatoes, but today, in honor of the holiday, i decided to deviate a little from tradition, but what kind of holiday are we having? well, well, well, well, today is exactly 30 days since you moved in with me, well, i forgot, i’m used to the fact that dates are considered anniversaries, you and i will also have reasons, so, well , tell me how it’s going you’re doing well, look, don’t let me down, i studied for you in front of the director, i actually got in based on the results of the unified state exam, of course, based on the results of the unified state exam, just keep in mind that it’s almost impossible to get into the legal department without connections, especially at the last moment, so come on, don't let me down, prove to everyone that you are a talented girl, as i announced you, okay, so...
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that's it, girls, i ran, and the cake is for you, you have to run, but i can’t leave without the cake, fantastic, mom, what’s wrong with you? - everything is fine, pressure, probably, sit down. let's get the ambulance out, what an ambulance, i'll sit, everything will pass, then i'll sit with you, no, no, you'll be late, today is your first day of school, it's okay, i'll have time, let me brew some of it with lemon, lemon helps with blood pressure.
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beginning of the 2nd century bc. this happened in ancient rome. oh, who is this? i'm sorry, i, thank you for not showing up for the test right away. i'm just lebedev's last name. lebedeva. ah, khlebedeva. well, you have your own special
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relationship. with law in general with the rector's office in particular, so i think the history of jurisprudence is of no use to you, leave the classroom, be so kind, but i... want to study, you can't stop me from going, i can if you entered the classroom after me , and i was already here 20 minutes ago, or will you go to the rector to complain, as far as i know, you are on friendly terms with him? valery eduardovich, she was late because of me, solntsev, this should sounded like a good reason. no, by the way, you were also late, apparently you didn’t learn anything during the whole last year, young people, close the door to the classroom on the other side, i told you, you should have
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entered later, he’s the dean of our faculty, he needs to hold mark, when he asks questions, then it becomes easier for him, but let’s go and have some coffee, let’s go. i ’ve known him for the second year, by the way, i was kicked out for him that year, kicked out, well, they expelled me, now i had to re-apply, and you, according to the oblate, yes, i already had a passing grade on the unified state exam, oh, okay, i was screwed the second time too, if it weren’t for my mother, she did a photo shoot for me of some kind of cone from a mine formation, you know about me, she’s an artist of the widest profile, what do you want to do for you, do you want a portrait, do you want photographic portrait, and you are also an artist, and i’m just playing around a little. a little bit, philip, stuck,
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what's your name? yulia, yulia, are you really going to write a lecture now? so what to do? do you still need to take it later? "hello, hello, guys, hello, i heard you excelled in classes today, oh, they’ve already snitched, why did he suddenly take it upon himself to defend the poor, why the poor, a normal girl, well, yes, a bit of a thieves, but who is not without
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this, i’ll fill in without this, well, where are we going to have lunch, yule, come on for a second, here there’s a writers’ shelter nearby, of course there’s instant coffee, but the emotions are real, so i’m calling you with us.” seriously, is she with us? no, thank you, i have other plans for lunch. well, let’s go, we’ll show you ural kasyano, it’s there here in the backyard, new, no one has seen it yet. kasyan's mural, do you know, do you know who kosyan is? i don't even know who such a mural. i really have to go. she doesn’t know who kosyan is, well, maybe she’s just not interested in graffiti, maybe. solntsev, you disappoint me, why is this? at least you had better taste, our aphil just decided to reach a new level, to seduce the incorruptible, well, really, have you even seen her, people like her are waiting for great pure love, great pure love, that means they will fall in love and give, i bet, seriously, phil -that’s normal,
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we’ll bet on it, but it doesn’t matter, you ’ll blow it anyway, then for lunch, come on, kindergarten some, so what, let's go have lunch, okay, let's go, let's go. why are you so pale, your blood pressure is high today, oh well, congratulations, we were just invited to our anniversary, well then, okay, we both have, of course, 10 minutes, i’m ready. okay,
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i like it, very much, but you can’t go in this, you can go in this. katya, it seems to me that you have already found, oh well, something like that for you, the neckline is small, the skirt is below the knees, but it is a very provocative scarlet. too? please put on the pantsuit i gave you. seriously, more than that.
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clean walls for flops and murals, we're gathering at five, keep in mind, there's not enough space for everyone, you know where to write, i'll send you the point. everything is fine, everything is fine with us, everything
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is fine with us, you want it, yeah, well, how are things at the university, i made friends, and one second-year student showed up, invited me to the bar, by the way, hmm, how interesting, cute, so , and what about an affair with a sophomore, it’s romantic now, i’m probably too behind the times, maybe heat up the lasagna, besides sophomores , does anything else inspire you, maybe there there are some troschniks on the horizon, no need to exaggerate, i’m more serious than ever, i’ve heard about this theory that the environment shapes the personality, now i’m... very curious, what can we expect from you, how different? mom, what
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's going on? you had a fight, right? will you have dinner? i think the lasagna turned out great, please help. let's talk, come on. "i don't like what happened today, and i don't like it even
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more because my ex-wife slept with half of my friends, i'm so sorry, she also believed that there is no such thing as too much neckline and that my boss's hand is on her thigh - it's just flirting, well, i changed friends, and work, and wife." and now i'm just in a panic when i feel that this situation could happen again. it won't happen again . . i promise you, it will never happen again.
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libraries, so, well, let's go to the library, and you saw, yes, you are serious, absolutely, i need to go through two topics, well, here you go, law ' murapin, flavin, justinian, romantic, yes, come on, i like where our library is, are you serious, absolutely, let's go, this is our second year here
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i’m studying, i haven’t been to the library, think about it, it’s a nice neighborhood, the walls are really bare, it’s strange that you... haven’t gotten to them yet, kasyan, it’s you, yes, but as you understand, the style of clothing and movement, you’re wearing t-shirts always splattered with paint, yes, this is the style, just, don’t tell anyone that i’m wrong, just few people know, for most he is a nameless hero, so talented, lonely, okay, but i liked it. the suckers are good, author, write more, but have you tried it yourself? no, no, well, let's try then, i'm going to the library, yes, good, who i scared you so much, your father told you, i will deprive you of your inheritance if you don’t study,
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your dad died, and yes, my mother and i have only debts from our inheritance, i’m sorry, i didn’t know, is that how you drew? then see you tomorrow, and len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal that we be together , hi, hi, i'm at the guy's. i spent the night, he’s good, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet me, kirill is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, well, kiss, what ’s going on, hello sister, sunday on rtr. oldbar cognac is a product of the steller
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group. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but we need to rest. where there is sun and sea. to the first coastal one. where everything is included except the head. we know about. it's all about relaxation. relax. anexc. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. bourbon with steersman. product of steller group. hotel titaanik golf beel, where every moment is exclusive. envelop yourself
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comfort by our pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious cuisine from the best. here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. veta vodka, a product of the stellar group. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband. and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda than you nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch
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on the media platform: watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. listen, maybe we can go and have some coffee, take a break, about another half hour, have you finished the table? yes, something doesn’t add up here, i’ll take a look now, the abolition of the debt system? well, yes, now everything comes together, listen, work out with me, and i’m just
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a flop at the session, my father will deprive me of financing, and you know how much the banks cost, what kind of cans, well, with paint, so what are you doing, so please, i’m here almost every day, i’m not free, i understand how many smart tutors are, that is, have you already tried to learn the subjects? yes, it will happen and will happen more than once, but for some reason it seems to me that i can succeed with you. yes, kefir. not enough, a lot of yoghurts, yulchenko and i love yoghurts, i saved the receipts, don’t you trust me? no, no, i just
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like to save receipts so that i can analyze my expenses at the end of the month. forgive me, something is wrong, come on, you're better than dykan in the subject you're fumbling, oh well, i just read something extra, and i also gave a good speech, but i talked about justinian and about, oh, hi, hi, where have you gone? i’m still learning, unexpectedly, why is this suddenly? yes, the topics are interesting, here is my tutor, saving me from the second expulsion, the topic is interesting, everything is clear with you, but what should we say to sashka, i mean, it’s his birthday today, you forgot, damn it, you forgot, yes, where? first at home, then we’ll go to the club, yeah, yulia, come on, let’s go and work out for a couple of hours, i think after 2 hours of celebration you won’t have time... classes, then they didn’t invite me, he invites the whole course, and i won’t drink anything stronger than beer, come on, phil, don’t
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you see, the girl only wants to study, chilling is not her thing, don’t push, let’s go, wait for me at library, okay, i’ll be dead in the water by six, do you think she’ll wait for you, anyway? well, mother, what are you going to do? len, i can’t imagine, we just moved, i don’t really know moscow, oleg, of course, is good, but of course, for the first month they are all good, only i thought about having a child, i thought about it, of course, but on the other hand, if he himself worked out so easily for us, oleg,
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what does he think about it, i haven’t told him yet, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, girl, we close in 5 minutes, hand in the literature, for the first time in my life i drank fizzy drinks here, all for today classes, you bought fizzybrew for a long time, the library is closed, but i won’t leave without at least a short lecture, i need to go home, well, let me take you, yes, let’s take a walk. in the meantime, are you going to tell me about the law of the twelve tables, or what we were going to shave today? okay, let's go, but i don't have much time, what do you have, i don't
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the only one, no, oleg just gets angry when i’m late, i don’t want my mother to get it, oleg, stepfather, well, almost stepfather, in general, it takes a long time to explain, i understand. well, in fact, he was like a russian sherlock holmes, and he himself was the first to come up with a trend in forensic science, i like the dress, i even know what kind of designer it is, our russian one, i saw her at fashion week, when my dad and i came to moscow, you want this dress, no... i’m just looking, what’s the point in just looking at a mannequin, let’s go in and try it on, why, i don’t care about it in my life
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you can’t buy it, but why buy it, just try it on. let's follow the law, it's not prohibited, that's good, but if you fix it, you have a gorgeous figure, yes, just a different person, an adult. okay, okay, little by little, i’ll change clothes, as you say, we’ll take him, just please don’t advertise, it will be a surprise, i understand you, and one more question, he can be sutured, yes,
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of course, in any studio, okay. i don’t know , thank you, let’s go, yes, wait outside, i have something you need to ask, okay, oh, it’s lying, this is for you, what’s there, the dress, you know, ours today...
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see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, are you ready for dinner on time, let's go to the table, sorry mom, i'm not hungry, is everything okay? “i don’t know, i don’t know what okay means anymore , someone offended you, he probably thinks that no, i’ll go to my room, okay,
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maybe i should talk to her, the whole family is here, only her we’re waiting, i don’t think that...” now is the best time for lectures, well, as you know, your daughter knows better, oleg, listen, why don’t you have children, you’re lucky, probably, but seriously, your wife didn’t want to spoil her figure, but you? and i think that the decision not to have children was her best decision, but what? no, it's that simple. mom, how
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did you understand that you love dad? how did i understand? “well, probably when i realized that he was everywhere, yes, in random passers-by and in the movies, even the painting teacher told me, your portraits of a fawn, an old man all look the same, yeah, and then, what, well , i decided that i needed to get rid of this obsession, i married him, this is a turn, yes, i then..." that if i get tired of him, then the desire to see his snub-nosed profile everywhere will leave me, it turned out, alas, but what you ask? oh yes, are you in love? no, i guess i'm thinking about her, well, that's great.
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mom, this is how you would approach a girl if you knew that she didn’t like gifts, there were parties, get-togethers, restaurants. it’s better to ask your dad about this, or should i call you? no, no, you know where he’ll send me, i’m interested in what you’ll say, well , does she like your beauties? yes, art, well, fashion, roman law, walks around moscow, i like it, so if she walks with you around moscow, that’s already something, but in general stress to be yourself. and don’t rush time, oh, show her the real you, you ’re good, romantic, caring, but not at all
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the cynic you want to seem, it’s... you, how do you do it, beauty is easy to draw, you want it yourself try, and you have paints with you, hold the jar and... here, we will paint here, start,
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lord, i hope she ain't a late, oh bron still meet me, oh oh yeah, you know, somehow after my dad's death i was completely frozen. today, it’s as if someone’s hand unclenched my heart, it’s beating again, it’s a pity,
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that dad won’t be able to meet you, you would like each other, i would... promise him that i would take care of you very much, my dear, we are missing something courageous, the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova. oh wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, singing alone, andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, my whole life has burned up,
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alexander mikhailov, she’s in a difficult situation, she urgently needs a job, just tell me what , where, what, marat basharov, spared one, some, you say, today i'll fire you, roman madyanov. increase the raft, i already ordered, alla taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me since monday. on rtr rom castro a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection. whiskey mancacher is a product of the steller group. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. cognac oldbarr, a product of the steller group, please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came
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to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in white tuxedo, and i begin, then markolievich zakharov disappears into a heap, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have absolutely . husband, how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday, nart, girls, i'm home, girls.
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the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. call back later. but my mother’s workshop, how cool, look, unusual paintings, i would like to meet her, but you can organize it without any problems. answer, i wrote an sms to my mother,
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warned her, and this is oleg, i don’t want to quarrel with him now, he’s annoying you, yes, let’s not be sad, let’s take a photo, come on, you... so, give me the phone, thank you, sit down, yes , we’ll be a little shy, we can, yes, great, look there, and you have a good look, right, can you uh? yes,
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great, don't be embarrassed anymore, no, now get up, uh-huh, now with a turn, come on, 1, 2, 3, oops, good, yeah, good, good, oh, good, good. look of love you, you can't use.
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you are so disgusted with me that you decided not to give birth to my child, you said you would be better off without children, i... “i said that our common child with my ex would complicate the situation, but i wouldn’t be able to get a divorce, although no, i would get a divorce, of course, i would keep the child for myself, but now what, that is, you want children, of course i want them, but only with you.” a child is not just a responsibility, it is sleepless night, exhausted nerves, colic, teething, fights in the sandbox, failures for not doing homework, while you are 20, it’s fun,
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but at 40, yes, i gave up, and i’m very sorry that you decided otherwise. i didn't have an abortion. his heart is already beating. they came to my entrance,
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do you want me to go with you? no, no, i hope he’s already at work, no. it’s not normal to be so afraid of your why, he’s not very good, i’ll figure it out, see you, we don’t believe, i’ll take us a seat in the last row, that’s it, that’s it, go, come on, that’s it, come on,
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mamam. hi, let's take off your shoes, come in, now there will be breakfast, so sit down, thank you, where is mom, and mom is resting, is she in hers? do you need complete peace of positive emotions in your situation? mom is pregnant, right? yes , there will soon be a new addition to our family, so yulia, i beg you, let’s put off the night
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parties, yes, of course, i’m sorry, i didn’t want to, i’m more, i’m very glad that we understood each other, i’ll have a brother or sister, this is, this is incomprehensible to the mind. and where are you going? to mom? wait, take her the juice, okay. hello, yulchonok, hello, mom, put it,
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thank you, how amazing, wonderful, especially compared to last night, mom, i'm sorry i didn't come home yesterday. you’re having an affair, i’m very happy for you, just don’t give up your studies and be careful, one child is enough for us, for now it’s enough, well, you and oleg are giving, i spent my whole childhood asking you for a brother or sister, now years later, oh, no tell me, i was ready to babysit my grandchildren myself, here you have... stripes, oleg is happy, i was very afraid of his reaction and
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yours, to be honest, mom, you’re funny, what kind of reaction could there be, except wow, how great, we’ll buy you headphones for your belly, but he can’t hear anything yet, so there are special headphones that broadcast classical music directly into the baby’s stomach, yes, they say, it’s very developing, you’ll be with us ... smart or smart, though you can be anything, we will still love you. dan, it's fine there, let's go lower now.
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hi, hi, why don’t you paint? finished already, how long did it take you to do it? yes , two days, where were you yesterday, i called, there were things to do, things to do, that means, san, wait, san, what are you doing, well, double work, come here, look, here. here, you see, you have two layers, you immediately swipe here, here is a layer, what are you doing, her tits are so-so, who am i, let others appreciate it, give it here, here, give it, quickly, here, give it , quickly, yes, here, take it, already in the chat, what have you done, fool, well done, i won the argument. you can be proud of yourself, stud, girl, what do you need, what are you doing,
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phil, arguing with you, just losing money, you're a real handsome guy, i've had lunch, screw you, everyone go, what's wrong with him all the time, look,
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he's coming everywhere... they will have to come with us count. so, lift off the ground, take off. this technique is beautiful. how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation? for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. trump. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or deer?
10:49 pm
thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr. cognac monte shococa is a product of the stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. ax. cognac old barrel, a product of the steller group. gin сnop. product of steller group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline.
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titanic luxury collection borum. exceptional service. masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, luxury collection bodrum. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. film series. kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov is too young. he won't have enough combat experience, there will be no war this year, and what will kuznetsov tell us about this ? already on the platform, let's see.
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still, i think that future mommy could sleep a little more, i’m used to getting up early, sit down, the cheesecakes are almost ready. please, it smells very delicious, perfect wife, oh, let's get married, why are you silent,
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we live together, you're wearing... mine a child, and it’s not enough for you, yes, it’s not enough for me, i want a stamp in my passport, i want you to officially be mine too, oh, what an owner you are, yes, listen, i don’t know how yulia will react, she loved her father very much, i'm not going to be her father, i'll be her stepfather and i promise, i'll be a good father, i understand. “i believe you, well, let’s wait, things aren’t going smoothly for her at the university right now, no, no, not from studying with her classmates, i don’t want her to worry about our wedding yet, okay,
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okay, what do you say?” "
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is divided into the constitutional court, supreme court.
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papyrus, thank you, yours, no, this is not mine, article 138 of the ukrf, violation of secret correspondence, is punishable by a fine in the amount of wages for up to 6 months or compulsory labor, who is so smart here, solntsev. your note, or compulsory labor for up to 360 hours, or forced labor for up to a year, we all understood that you know your
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rights, the same act committed by a person using his official position, i understand that you can study today’s topic perfectly without leave me audience. go ahead and apologize, okay? i know that you weren’t aiming at her, but you hit her, it’s good that they didn’t let me in, but you apologized so that you would forgive me. how about the first rule of fight club, don’t talk to anyone about fight club, the first
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rule of a writer is to hide as if you’re not yourself, and i’m going to break this rule now, for the sake of the girl i love. i am philip sontsev, a student at the faculty of law of moscow university. yuli, if you can hear me, kasyan used to draw for you, now philip sontsev draws. this is my last graffiti because an open writer is no longer a writer, because i promised you to study. i will keep my word, julia, i will study. “you will be proud of me, and you will be interested in me, if you can ever
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forgive me, what is it, that for the first time i see a man who is more worried than the expectant mother, i honestly still don’t believe that my..." at the age i will become a father for the first time, for a man the age is quite suitable, it’s the clock that’s ticking for women, that’s for sure, pregnancy at 40 is not the same as at 20. quite a bit, everything is fine here, everything is fine, doctor, who is it, a boy or a girl, you can tell, my husband and i don’t like surprises, an active, healthy boy, you heard, i’m going to have a son, i can’t believe the last since they told me that there is
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a risk of bleeding, that the placenta is still low, and the risk from the puff remains, but our hypertension has not gone away, but everything is fine, everything is in order, in general, the greatest peace, no stress, and you don’t give it either for my wife to be active, the most important thing for us is to convey to 37. yes, yes, of course, we will hire today a working woman at home, i will cherish my wife like a crystal vase, and i have a machine gun on the history of law, impressive. forgive me, yul,
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i wake up every morning and think about you, i miss you. i missed you too, very much, i have a small gift.
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here, this is for you, handsome, let me put it on. thank you, goodbye, well, what are you doing, give it here, i asked you to wait until i arrive, i’m able to bring a pack of diapers and baby clothes, the doctor recommended complete rest, aleg,
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oleshka, oh, zhora, what a meeting, oleshka, hello, hello, and this is my wife, very it’s nice, zhora and oleshka studied at the same institute, we’ve been friends for a long time, olya, i’m glad to meet you, well done, lol, look, we’re choosing a stroller for our grandson, and he’s a young daddy in 5 minutes, yes, he’s just like a quiet guy, he stayed like that, didn’t invite me to the wedding, didn’t tell me about the addition, you’re definitely friends with my husband, but there hasn’t been any wedding yet, like this, i’m fundamentally against the wedding, as long as i look like a hippopotamus, so we’re waiting for the bride to fit into the dress dreams, that's right, i had toxicosis at our wedding, for everyone photo of me with a face like i’m sick of my future husband, oh well. we’ll go, otherwise
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my grandson won’t wait for his stroller. yeah, well, good luck to you guys and see you with the new lineup. happily. goodbye. let's go to one more place. it is not far. went. when we moved in, these windows were blocked up with bricks, because the owners had nowhere to put the stele. can you imagine, it’s terrible, it’s good that you returned the room to its previous appearance, so much light, we artists need light, we, well, you too, yes, well, i do no, don’t be shy, phil showed me photos
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of your works, of course, i feel the lack of base, but it’s interesting, in fact for mom it’s a compliment, son, please go and make us coffee with yuli, okay, look around, thank you, it’s very valuable to me your opinion, but i, i really haven’t drawn anything for a long time, in vain, you have potential, it’s a shame for me to take advantage, studying takes a lot of time, but he really approves of me for... interest, and i’m still living in his apartment, like -doesn't approve, why? probably thinks that there is no way to make a living from creativity than i definitely can’t make a living, it ’s not my favorite activity, although what am i telling you,
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my husband, philip’s father is exactly the same, even the fee for my paintings doesn’t convince him at all, but you can, you can come here and work, i have some acquaintances in the fashion business. and i can show you your sketches, seriously, you didn’t do this for me, you’re independent, all the time you negotiated with the janitors so that they wouldn’t erase his art for longer, yes, it was like that, hello, hello, we were already starting to worry, sorry, the phone died, i couldn’t call, actually it’s a little late to go out with friends,
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but sometimes you can go out with friends, now i’ll warm up dinner, mom, rest, i myself, yulia, stay late, mom and i have something to eat. you have news, oh, maybe we don’t need it now, why not , in my opinion, it’s time, i proposed to your mother , i want our child to be born in a complete family, this is just a formality, so that there are no problems with child registration, mom, stop it, i’m very happy for you, you see, on this occasion i ’ll open a bottle of collection wine, you you can also have a sip, we have some for the expectant mother, pomegranate juice, show me the ring, beautiful, everything will be fine with us now, i promise you, of course, mom.
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hello, hello, hello, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, little girl, what is this, god, julia, what is it, mom, wait, the ambulance is alive, little girl, little girl, my favorite, good, everything will be
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fine , yes, hemorrhage, come quickly, “yes, now there is prematurity in pita, oxygen starvation, but the prognosis is favorable, you heard me.” i want to see you,
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well, let’s go, i’ll ask you to be allowed in for a minute, let's go, look at your brother, then i'll, well, let's go, let's go. hello, yul, hi, listen, mom got tickets for a new exhibition in the arena, let's go, we just need to decide quickly, yul, philip, listen to me, i. “if he is stable,
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we will most likely transfer him to the hospital for the second stage of nursing, but in the meantime, you have the opportunity to conduct a dna test to enter yourself on the child’s birth certificate, why, since the child’s mother is dead, there is no one to confirm your paternity.” "if you were married, there would be no problems, now bye to this baby, you are nobody, like this nobody, i am his father, anyone can confirm, my daughter can confirm, don’t worry, you are, it’s a matter of a few days, a simple formality, get dressed, well done, the premiere on rtr, vasya, i’m from you're gone, i took yurka, no court will give the child to a mother
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who doesn't have a job and lives in the area, i need official registration, she'll arrange something else for us, what should we do, wait, wait, wait, let's go, they ate my child, alla taxi from monday on rtr, the place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant
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details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. liu reorts, we are here for you! otelti!
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i made an agreement, managed to get a place at the troekurovsky cemetery, the girl wanted to take her mother home, and her common-law husband, oleg wants her to be buried here, he believes that the son... should have the right to come to his mother’s grave, and this is logical, but
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i told him that yulia will live with us for now, the man is already having a hard time, his wife died, there is still a child by... listen, where does so much sympathy for a stranger come from? i feel sorry for yulia, he ’ll turn her into a nurse, and the girl has just started studying, well, the girl is certainly a good girl, but it’s not too early to start living together, and yulia, she’s about to get attached to philip, that’s when he’s with his graffiti artists or whatever they are they are called there. then i was worried about him, with this girl he finally got his head together.
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my poor bird, i also lost my mother early, i’m still like an orphan, i have no one else, i’m alone, yule, why don’t you say that. you are not alone, you have phil and we, brother, my brother, he is so small, i completely forgot about him, fortunately, the child has a father, he will take care of him.
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and listen, i just got back from my wife’s funeral, leave me alone, what’s the cooking, where to go to
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the post office? ok, thank you. "this can't be, mom couldn't tell you change and especially lie about paternity, i shouldn’t have started all this in my old age, life has long shown me what a woman is capable of, but no, i wanted the old rake again, and now, you won’t
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give up your son, what son, this is someone else's child, who was spoiled by your mother. don’t you dare talk about your mother like that, she’s not like that. you were going to live with your boyfriend. move out today, i want to get rid of everything that reminds me of my stupidity as quickly as possible. and the child, this is not my child, i don’t care what happens to him. here's the statement fill it out, you don’t understand, i need permission to visit my brother, well, why do you
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need to visit him, it’s just to tear your heart out, write according to the sample, and i’m so and so from... i refuse guardianship of my brother, we have a name for now are we missing someone born at such and such a time, is it a refusal? why is this? so calmer, future adoptive parents, wait, and i... write it out for me, she legally has the right to see her own brother,
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we all admire your brother, stand strong! the guy was born prematurely with hypoxia, but overcame all difficulties, does that mean he’s healthy? yes, we’ll probably sign him out earlier than we originally planned, hurry up with the documents, otherwise he screams every night and feels like he’s all alone.
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i can’t leave him there, he’s my brother, okay, how can i give him to strangers, he’s my mother’s, i said, okay, fine, we’ll take him with us, right? yes, what is dear to you is dear to me. so what, where is the crib, we’ll look, we’ll order it online in a store, we’ll see. let's go to. mom, hi, how did it go? i was told that right now i can get temporary guardianship for him, no further
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in a hurry to solve problems with housing and work, yes, only we will solve it, come on, both of us, okay. no, okay, you, 18 years old , have only fantasies in your head, but guardianship, adults, experienced people, are pushing a child on a child, this is not just a child, this is my brother, brother, my dear, you have the resources to raise this brother, you excuse me, please, you yourself live with strangers, mom, you don’t earn a penny, mom, stop it, why stop it, they might think that you’re standing firmly on your feet, if only there were children, snotty ones who didn’t smell life, but i don’t
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i knew that you can express yourself like that, yul, understand, a child is the end of everything, both career and life, yeah, here i am, i was supposed to fly to berlin for the opening of my own exhibition, but i couldn’t, because philip decided to appear a little earlier , and then that’s it, the hospital. and i was gone neither as a woman nor as an artist, all that was left was a stupid whore who washes her asses and spits, but you don’t regret it, in the end you have a son and a career, what a career, compared to what i could have be, stunned, no, forgive me, please, i'm very happy, that i have you, well, julia. understand, motherhood is a sacrifice, you are a beautiful, smart,
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talented girl, why would you sacrifice yourself for the sake of a baby to whom you are not even the mother? think, baby, you're smart, i'm sure you 'll make the right decision, then maybe i'd better pack my things now. that is, you want enough, that’s it, i said that there will be no babies in my house. “i heard you, what are you doing, i’m leaving with you, no, philip, i don’t want you to fit into this, you need to study, live a normal life, but i won’t disappear, i’ll take you
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brothers for rechensk, i’ll apply for it.” there will even be some kind of benefit, well, no, i mean, it ’s nothing. whoever said it, she’s a good girl, like it now, i think you’re exaggerating, i have her.. .
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you took your son away, you really wanted this kind of fate for him, to marry a woman with a child at the age of 19, firstly, he hasn’t gotten married yet, he hasn’t even left here, and secondly, don’t flog a bad girl if you have please lay out your plan, here, like wikidom, you need to use his own strength against the enemy, and not attack, i’m now... at you wine, well, let them play mom and dad, let them drag the baby here, they won’t sleep for a week, they won’t sleep for two, bottles, colic, yes, here some fathers can’t stand it, philip is a good boy, but he won’t last long , then maybe julia will stop
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playing the heroine's mother, and will give the child to those to whom he well... not, and if not, he will pack her suitcase himself, we both know our son very well, philip is capable of babysitting only himself, my upbringing, yes, well what, tell me this good news, maybe you, maybe? be careful a vegetable of the central russian upland, looks like yulia, i was told he is very calm, so
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we’ll check it today. i received a certificate, uh-huh, and as i called it, yura, in honor of my father, well, gagarin, let's go, open the door for me, please, uh-huh. damn, what does he need, i just ate, i know what we need, we need to sleep, there’s
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an exam tomorrow. well, put him to bed yourself, maybe change the diaper, but i think i didn’t think of it, diaper, clean food, car, i don’t know what he wants, quiet, quiet, quiet, i’ll take his windows to bed. aren't you sleeping anymore? i'm not sleeping yet. seryozha, i am so
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i can not anymore. this baby, he filled everything with himself. he yells, he roars, he smells in the end . i think you're exaggerating. i can't work, seryozha. you promised that they would fail, and where? it seems to me that i ’ll go crazy before they get rid of it, well, be patient a little longer, you already said it, it doesn’t work, can you imagine, i passed, oh, my good girl, i never thought that i would be so happy with a three, well, yurka, your sister is great, well, we’ll buy a cake on the way home, lebedeva, why are you, what a cake, we’re having a session they handed over, there’s at least beer, a lot of beer, or maybe with us to the bar, i’m afraid yuri kuran to the bar, and phil, yes, okay, go, and you
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guys, my ancestors just recently went to a psychologist, so he told them he said that letting your husband go and drinking with friends is good for the climate in the family, thank you, well, i won’t be long, maybe i’ll go, yul, we ourselves will put a nursing father in a taxi in a couple of hours, well, we don’t understand, or what, that's it, we agreed, it's good for you to take a walk, okay, i'll call you a taxi, come on, i'll do it myself, that's it, go, i'm waiting for you, i won't be long, relax, sunday, i’ve been writing in posts all year,
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know about that's it, relax, anex.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. dreams came true, sunday, i’m counting the minutes until the evening, when you and i will meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well
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, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, stop, please, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i will do something, i don’t know what yet, but i will do it, honestly, flax, on sunday on rtr, please, i imagined that i would have a completely different husband , and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let’s all wave. hands, when everyone is at home with timur
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kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, mm. philip, good morning, are you drunk or something? i'll sleep, okay, i'm here. you've got some fumes coming here, no
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it’s necessary, it’s not necessary, i’ll do it myself, go for a walk a little, i’ll get some air for now.
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well, please, come in, i’m at home, let ’s see how you cope with the child, this, this is one time, and the bottles are not ours, the child should not grow up in such an environment, i take good care of him, however, ask at the clinic, how is he in the spring? no, i won’t give it back, you don’t have
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the right, after what we saw, it was you who planted the bottles, of course, and phillip too at night. i’m already walking, i’m not looking after the child, where are you taking him? to the hospital for examination, but he already has a ticket to house of prayer, can i take him with you myself, please, he will cry with you, okay, pack your things, let's go, a pen, a little thing,
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who's so smart here, get in the car, let's drive away, what are you talking about? , what are you doing, move away, come on, what are you doing?
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good morning, where is everyone? who? julia yurka. yulia took yurka and ran away, because of me, because of guardianship, guardianship came and they wanted to take yurka away. and that guardianship came?
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fel, i thought, let me text her on her phone, i'll ask for forgiveness, she threw away her phone, she doesn't even use credit cards, so that she is not discovered, then we need to write her a message, such that she cannot help but notice it, on the walls of houses, on... boards, on milk cartons, so that she forgives us, so that she forgives me, she is declared in search, they are looking for her all over the country for stealing a child, no one cares that this child is her brother, no, that’s enough,
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you’ve already done everything you could, you can, i ’ll pass, thank you. the neighbors are complaining that your child cries at night, you’ll have to move into a separate room, okay, now i’ll pay extra for a separate one, quiet, quiet, quiet, come here, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, that's it, that's it, that's it, i left my wallet somewhere, you can pay with a qr code via your phone, give me what i paid for the shared room, you will you pay the bill for a single room,
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swans, yes, this is only enough for one day, it’s okay, i’ll find the money. suddenly i can’t just sit and wait, i thought that they would be better off without a child, but now it turns out that i myself am losing the child, he hates me, seryozha, i hate myself,
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please, let’s go as a psychic, i i don’t know, fortune teller, it doesn’t matter to whom, i can’t lose in love. i can work at night, but where can i take the child with me, he is calm, what a little one, he looks like you, but i can’t take him, sorry, the client will come, and you change the diaper, or he will start to have colic, but they will take out my entire store here , you won’t even notice, honestly, listen, i raised four people myself, i know what i’m talking about, let’s decide who to leave with? and you are welcome, listen, girl, okay, thank you, no, thus, the worldview of medieval jurists was based on ideas and principles of roman jurisprudence, sun,
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excuse me, this is urgent, yes, i’m on my way, okay, which hospital, yes, i’ll be there now. please, just take me for a probationary period, well, let’s say i’ll take you, but when you’re young you ’re going to work, but i have him in my carry-on, i’ll work and take him for a walk. okay, give me the documents, there’s no way without documents, i have to register you, but if you register for someone else, well, there’s a percentage from me, a salary in cash, please, no, girl, i don’t know what happened to you, but i’m not ready to risk my place for you, well... well,
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you found her, the body was burnt, it’s impossible to identify. here, here is the pendant that i gave her, but this is not the only pendant in all of moscow, maybe it’s another one, the chain was a little long for her, i tied it here.
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philip, she’s alive, it’s not yulia, she’s alive, there, there was a nanny in the morgue, there was a nanny in the morgue, she lived, she’s alive,
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oh, how hot you are, yurka, well, you can’t be sick now, how can we be with you? second office? hello, we need a pediatrician, are you available? no, you're lucky olga ivanovna's patient is canceled for three, give me my passport. and you can’t do it without a passport. you are a private clinic, why do you need my data? is it not possible to come to the appointment anonymously? girl, is this really your child?
11:50 pm
be patient, yurka, i’ve come up with something, you ’ll get better. sorry, yurka, it seems there is no other way out. "forgive me, forgive me, lord, help yuri find his family, tell me


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