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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  April 7, 2024 8:00am-8:35am MSK

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sour cream, butter, herbs, butter, spices, provençal herbs for us, salt, pepper, and our little trick, this is baked garlic, why baked, so that the taste of garlic does not kill the dish itself, what we do, distribute responsibilities , yes, we are working on potatoes, making an accordion out of them, here sicil is working on oil, squeeze garlic into a container, add spices there, add oil there, add.
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crusts, that same crust that you talk about very often, that’s what’s better, just a piece of cheese or crust, crust is better, but how do i i thought now you would say just cheese, because when it turns into this crust, it dehydrates, it becomes more concentrated. and dear parents, take note, as it turned out, a cheese crust is better than a piece of cheese, fantastic, by the way, about the cheese crust, we will have a blast with it too, now we just have to finish filling our potatoes, and put them in the oven at 200°, minutes 10-12, and the sauce later, yes the sauce when serving, accordion potatoes for women over 50, place the potatoes between the two. chopsticks and
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make deep cuts, put butter in every second cut, wrap in foil and place in a baking dish, using a blender, combine the baked garlic, olive oil, herbs, salt and black pepper. grease the potatoes and place in the oven for 40-50 minutes, then place slices of cheese in the potato cuts and bake for another 10-12 minutes. serve potatoes with sour cream and onion sauce. bone mineral density decreases , yeah, yeah, here we have cheese, which is a rich source of calcium, here we have sour cream, which also adds calcium, here we have greens. which contains vitamin k, and
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vitamin k helps ensure that this calcium gets into the bones, and not somewhere, for example, in the kidney or in the wall of the blood vessels. but i want to say that i don’t have fifty yet, but i still feel the benefit for myself. and i’m ready to deduce the food formula. just 30-50 g of cheese per day will improve your memory, strengthen your bones and help prevent type 2 diabetes. like this. yes. the gang answered zami. that's seryozha certainly surprised me today with this cheese addiction of his, i actually thought that i was a cheese addict, although you know that it seems to me that i’m a little bit cheese addicted, in general, when i see how you look at cheese, i also think that you i’m a cheese addict, but you know, what else impressed me was to find out that if the cheese has no taste, it’s just unripe, this is news, yeah, it was a food formula program on the russia tv channel, other cities and other products are waiting for us.
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hello, we have the main stories again, that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city, this is how our correspondents saw it.
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the battle of dunino, who wants to destroy the ancient settlement near moscow, we will have nothing for the teacher’s salary and is it possible to stop the invasion, alexander karpov’s investigation, if all this is torn down, if there is construction there, then we will lose it all, she even smiles, that’s all different, moscow tsum and french noterdam de paris, what they have in common is simple advice. a person could stand in line, stand, and what a legendary shop after a major restoration? they decided not only to restore everything, but to restore historical justice. so,
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the reconstruction of another landmark facility for the city, the central capital hippodrome, begins in moscow. it is not the largest in russia, but it was the first to be built in the country in 1834. for almost two centuries, the hippodrome was destined to become a place of social events, big records, sports excitement, and such, as they say, volleyball, betting worked there, and also a location for filming legendary cinema, but no one has repaired all this universal splendor for years, the hippodrome has fallen into complete disrepair, but it is of the utmost importance for russian horse breeding... we have learned everything about how they plan to return this horse center to its former glory. immediately behind the weathered, but still majestic figures of horses on the racing pavilion, this is the name of the main building of the moscow hippodrome, the horsepower
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of the engines of construction equipment is noisy, the beginning of a major reconstruction, the work ahead is very difficult in some places, surgical, restore the unique stucco molding and decorative painting. we will save. not only because it looks beautiful, the painting of this visor is a subject of protection. the central moscow hippodrome is the oldest in russia; exactly 190 years ago it was built as the world's first trotting stadium. on this horse, horses can not gallop, but trot, with a two-wheeled carriage behind. after the fire in 1949, the hippodrome was rebuilt. the monumental stalinist empire style, the sophisticated antique style, brought the roman spirit here. podrom, because it was such a place
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attraction, then even before the revolution it was used not only as a place for horse racing, from here, for example, balloons were launched, and breeding horses were tested here. before the beginning of last year , the president made a decision to revive essentially the central hippodrome of our country, it will be a world-class hippodrome that meets the most modern standards, everything will be restored, the equestrian club, stands, racing fields, a veterinary clinic will be built, a hypotherapy pavilion will be created, where the horse can take certain procedures, rest, then they will give her a massage, pet her, pamper her, and she will be like new again. the hippodrome will also be turned into a first-class public space with walking areas and a restaurant. what is a hippodrome without betting? betting has been a vital part of any horse racing game for centuries. and here
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all the conditions will be created for an exciting pastime. huge halls with cash desks, monitors and tables. during which you can discuss equestrian sports news with like-minded people. that's exactly it. as the moscow hippodrome was often filmed in soviet movie. here you can observe one of the main human passions: the passion for the game. after reconstruction, the moscow hippodrome will once again become a scientific center. this is a very big, serious matter, which will give another impetus to the development of equestrian sport in the russian federation. there is no doubt that testing of horses will continue, this will in no way be a decorative hippodrome, all work is planned to be completed by 2026. well, there is a big flood in the moscow region, the water level is rising every day, and because of due to the sharp warming that happened at the beginning of the week, the situation simply got worse. at once, hundreds of household plots, roads and residential buildings were flooded, several settlements were immediately cut off from
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the outside world. the real drama unfolds in a wedge, where a shelter for predatory animals ended up in the flood zone of a river that overflowed its banks. panthers, tigers, wolves, leopards and lions are in trouble. will it be possible to save them and how can we help such dangerous animals? our anna took part in the evacuation of predators that suddenly became defenseless balan. now we go directly into the interior of our animals, there is a group of lions here, they have a warm house where they can go to warm up, and of course, now our lionesses are hunting the operator, because they are breadwinners, not predators, this is temporary the enclosure where the predators were transferred during the flood is a bit cramped, but most importantly, it’s dry, the lions, like all cats, are afraid of water, kids, let’s hurry up, my little kids, please, come on, like this, yesterday the park staff gently, with persuasion, rescued lions out of the water, who could not
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decide to wet their paws. well done, smart girl, come here quickly, they took turns running to the call, each one practically by name, came running, was glad that i could, i did it, the lions lived in this enclosure, it’s big enough, and it’s clear that now it was almost completely flooded; 12 predators were transferred from here. tonight, and this individual room where they were was also flooded, it was decided to release
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the tigers back into the enclosure, because they were on the run there are high sun beds, the enclosure with moose is partially flooded, but they will not be transferred to other rooms, since there are still areas of land over there, and they have somewhere to hide. in total , there are more than 100 animals in this private shelter, amur tigers, far eastern leopards, jaguars, wolves, camels, all of them did not come here because of a good life, and now these animals are in danger again... the moscow zoo is ready to help. victor said that only animal carriers are needed in case the water continues to rise. main the question is where to transport so many animals? we can only hope that the cold snap will stop the rise of water. anna balan, mikhail sidorov, alena felatova, sergey saushkin, lead. many residents of the moscow region are not even aware of what
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an incredible historical place there is very close to the capital, where you can feel the connection of times going back so far into the depths of centuries that you can’t even see the dunino settlement. more than 10 centuries ago, our ancestors, early slavic and old russian tribes lived in those places, and many elements of their fortress and dwellings have been preserved, hundreds of archaeological finds have been made in the area, but the settlement was unlucky to end up on... territory where land is now worth much more than in the 20th century, so it was under the threat of development, everything there was already surrounded by a fence . who is going to destroy our history and can this be prevented? alexander karpov never loses hope. last chance to look at the most valuable archaeological monument of the moscow region through the fence. construction will begin soon on the dunensky complex settlements with a three-thousand-year cultural layer can simply be demolished by a bulldozer. we are standing on the archaeological monument of the dunin settlement, that is , this rampart is straight, this is a rampart, directly
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an archaeological monument, and that it is now private property, yes, this iron age monument has been sold, like all other sites on this shore, although there are 25 monuments archeology in the passport and the plots are put up as collateral for banks to obtain a mortgage loan, and if it turns out that there are encumbrances on these land plots to build on them nothing? it’s impossible, the cost of land will drop to zero. the settlement itself was discovered back in the thirties of the last century, plus there are five settlements around, inside the grandiose triple ramparts of the capital. mountain tribe, a real prehistoric kremlin. inside were long houses, reminiscent of the iraqese houses in north america. that is, they already had apartment buildings. yes. the dunino settlement was placed under protection in 1995 by presidential decree. this is what the settlements might have looked like according to archaeologists. disappearance
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tribe in the fifth century ad, one of the mysteries of history. peter dervis, the grandson of the discoverer of the settlement, did. it will all be lost irretrievably, in 2006 a strange thing happened: at first the land seemed to be quietly rented out, but here is a map of the archaeological complex with objects that were subject to protection, and this is a cadastral plan of plots that were suddenly sold, the zvinigrad administration then explained everything with concern for the population, the budget from the data land plots receives property
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taxes, if we now begin to abolish all resolution of all property, then unfortunately... there will be nothing to pay salaries to teachers and kindergartens, i personally went to submit documents so that our archioplex would be taken into account when creating a new general plan for the city of zvenigorod, but no action was taken, according to the management’s response cultural heritage, only in 2020 the boundaries of protection of a monument of federal significance were determined, only around the ramparts of the fortification, here is the prishvin museum, here...
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in a border sense, another thing, moscow state university is it, certainly no one has argued with this, no one will argue, no one will ever argue, the rector of moscow state university, viktor sadomnichy, 85, under him, a talented scientist, a brilliant manager, a gifted teacher, msu became more than just a university, a student universe with its luminaries, planets, projects of incredible scale and colossal scientific significance, and this universe continues to grow. under the constant control and sensitive leadership of viktor sadovnichy, our alena ragozina congratulated the anniversary along with the entire country. academician the gardener seems to know everything in the world, this is very valuable coal, it burns well, it depends on the mine, because each mine has its own peculiarity, it depends on
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the depth. at moscow university they say that the gardener is the roots of everything, his hand is in all the latest developments. mathematics in the constellations of sciences. the report contains the names of beloved teachers and simply friends of kolmagorov, alexandrov, gelfond, sadovnichy, the rector of moscow state university for more than 30 years. under his leadership, the university campus grew into three, dozens of new faculties. university gymnasium for talented children and branches in five foreign countries, the vorobyovy gory innovative valley is being built. simulating weightlessness at the state prize, the strong point of the mathematical earth, for this work he was awarded forecasting and modeling, under the leadership of viktor antonovich, a young, ambitious team of the faculty of global processes of moscow state university, prepared a scientific report, overcoming the limits of growth, our answer to the club of rome, these are really problems problems that
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only a great outstanding person, a scientist, can solve. creator, organizer, a person who unites the entire front of scientific thought, from philosophy to mathematics. based on mathematical models, scientists not only describe new natural, social, and economic challenges for the inhabitants of the earth, but also justify a scenario for the successful solution of global problems based on partnership between civilizations. an important place is given to the role of russia and brix, the emerging multipolar world. everyone wants to extend the peaceful life on the planet as long as possible. and this requires the joint will of all rulers, the joint will of all countries, a report to the club of rome, overcoming limits... this is exactly the alarm, the wake-up call that we are sending to humanity. be careful. in the 2009 documentary, the camera
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follows the life of the university, within whose walls viktor antonovich spent almost half a century. it was the desire to learn and learn new things that helped the boy from the rural outback, first get to the miner’s village, because miners could study at evening school, then go to university in moscow. i studied during the day, and thought about it at night. evidence. theorem. sadovnichy was elected rector in the first university elections and, at the cost of incredible efforts, preserved and developed the leading university of our country in the difficult nineties. enormous efficiency, enthusiasm and truly inexhaustible creative energy. at 85 years old, he is young at heart as a gardener. great sense of humor, and his handshake for freshmen is like a symbol of transition to the university league. he presses so well, but... one feels a touch of a whole era, the students, of course, like him a big lump, like a mastadon, like a person
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on whom the university rests, he is embarrassed by the bustle, anniversary and lack of time, in 5 minutes he is ready for the next scientific report. alena ragozina, igor belagurov, elena finoshina, news. this week in the city, the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead. we have a very short advertisement, but tea or co. you will have time to finish, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorders: we are here for you! discover a real
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gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic luxury colle bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment! welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise revealed in titanic, luxury action bodrum. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea did you drink? how many stories have been told? i was cocky in a white tuxedo and i'm starting. here markan goes into his hands. zakharov and for me this was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack,
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dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more was ahead, i foresaw my destiny, now everything is just fulfilling, i’m giving up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, today on rtr. servant, we lack some courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, you, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, alone. andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue and on fire, my whole life has gone up in flames, alexander mikhailov, she is in
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a difficult situation. i urgently need a job, you just tell me what, where, why, marat basharov, you regretted one, some, you order, i’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, your salary increase, i already ordered, alla, taxi, how did we manage without you before, that ’s it, especially me, from monday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes tomorrow on rrt. this week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby. moscow has been thrown around this week, yes, what has been thrown there, thrown into all weather extremes, from ordinary
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march temperatures to real summer temperatures. warmth, from sunny calm to a fierce storm, tearing off the roof and cladding of buildings, breaking trees. being outside at these moments it was mortally dangerous, unfortunately, there were no casualties. how the capital survived these cataclysms, whether to expect a repeat, all the hardships that the hurricane brought with it, maxim oparin recorded. the tree, unable to withstand the strong gust, falls directly under the wheels of the car, which began to intensify in the first half of the day. in balashikha, a metal fence was blown right onto a man, he was not injured; in the leningradsky residential complex there was a whole fall of leaves from metal pieces of sheathing, and they fell on the playground. on on aviation street, part of the building's cladding directly collapsed on the parked kio. the scene of the incident was surrounded by special tape, but
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it seems that... the owner doesn’t even know about what happened, the trees couldn’t withstand the onslaught of air masses, in lyubertsy one blocked the roadway and blocked the passage, in the stupinsky urban district a tree fell on the highway, workers had to cut it down it into small pieces, here a huge branch fell on a volkswagen, first it flew onto the roof, left a large dent, then the wind blew it onto the mirror. maria says, that i saw it happen from the window and immediately called the police to record the incident to the insurance company. my neighbor’s car was parked here, she immediately called me, that’s it, we both got out, only she had nothing, because she was lucky, we can say that alexey was lucky too, he was hit in the head by a fragment of a torn off roof, the wound turned out to be shallow, he put his hand to the head, his hand was bleeding, then he washed it and applied a pressure bandage, but there were casualties at a construction site on yuzhnoportovaya street , a fencing element fell on a worker, the sixty-two-year-old man died on
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the spot. the reason for this weather, say weather forecasters: a sharp change in air masses. in the morning, the wind blew literally from the sahara, allowing us to register a temperature record that exceeded the norm by as much as 14°, and then it blew from the west. the weather is changing very dramatically, even at this moment when i am giving this interview. the most important thing is that the wind will increase, the wind will average 17-12 m/s. this is a strong wind, and gusts are 16-21 m/s. these impulses were sometimes completely indescribable. even the birds could not cope with the wind; many parks closed without waiting for the end of the working day, the summer verandas also did not accept visitors, in the evening there was even a small hail, then it was replaced by rain, and on the way from work muscovites could see a huge rainbow. maxim ovarin, sergey truskov, dmitry matrosov and alenalatova, news! during
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bad weather they stopped. works and craftsmen, restorers, whose hands finally reached one of the most famous stores in the capital of the central universal tsum. most of it is known as just a large shopping center with not very popular prices, well, you never know how many of them are in moscow, but tsum is , among other things, history and style, and not fashionable, architectural. oddly enough, its twin in this zotic sense is the famous notre dame cathedral, notre dame de paris and moscow. the temple of trade connects with the french catholic church much more than one can imagine, how is this possible and how the store will look after restoration, olga mishcheryakova recalled the history of the legendary tsum. the pitiful face of a mythical creature peers longingly somewhere in the wooden flooring. the hand of the master got to it in the late nineties and stained it with lime mixture beyond recognition. then they called it a reconstruction and sent it to
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a new one. with a new image, the face was washed, cleaned and gargoyle, the twin sister of those who in notre dame de paris look sternly at passers-by, appeared before the shocked restorers of today. we still perceive it from below like this, yes, on the side there on the design documentation like this, in fact, here she is, you have to look like this, and from below, she even smiles, yes, everyone is different, but perhaps it’s too early to smile, here is a crack across the entire pylon, and here a piece of plaster will soon fall off, the scale of the disaster of the historical landmark has yet to be assessed, populate the façade with gargoyles, install pylons and buttresses, vertical pillars as part of the supporting structure. all these are non-standard ideas of the famous architect roman klein. through his efforts, at the beginning of the 20th century , the first seven-story high-rise building made of reinforced concrete appeared in russia, which subsequently had a great future. and now we are at at the top of the entire structure, it is crowned by
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these elegant towers, they are called pinnacles. the architects decided not only to restore everything, but to restore historical justice. at some point, presumably in the nineties , these iron... balls were unloaded on the pinnacle , well, this is the architectural idea, there will be no balls, instead of them they will put cruciferous flowers, in fact, as the architect klein intended , cruciferous flowers, for now only drawn, too a reference to noterdam, everything is mythical here for a reason, the style is called, for moscow it is very uncharacteristic, because they built a store under the brand of british entrepreneurs in a western manner, a masterpiece of architecture went through nationalization, and finally received the name mosttork in the middle. last century was deservedly called the central universal, you know, i generally love these pies, especially normal, and you? glittering with glass display cases, the tsum did not sell pies, but here you could grab finnish boots, a yugoslav raincoat or an olyaska jacket. an ordinary
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soviet person could stand in line, stand in different ways, sometimes buy 2 hours the product, the product could have run out, the size could have run out, the famous carnival was filmed, by the way, almost immediately after the first one. during the restoration of the tsum, when they added a new building, the next building was damaged by gargoyles, but escalators were installed, in general, everything inside was as it was, there was a lot of work on the facade, and the tsum was not at all the gray mouse color that everyone is used to, it was light, sandy, this will be the way the famous architect novator, who decorated moscow with an extraordinary gothic cathedral or shops, intended his masterpiece. olga mecheryakova, pavel letnikov, denis tsitsaronov, news! one of... the most popular legal ways to tickle their nerves among metropolitan teenagers is still the so-called horror quests, something like a reality show, when within a certain time in a confined space you need to complete tasks proposed by the organizers, all this is accompanied by an entourage from
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horror films, fake blood, actors playing the role of maniacs with otherworldly howls, action-packed, exciting, often dangerous. right now in the hospital with multiple fractures. there is a nine-year-old girl who somehow ended up on such a quest, what happened to her in pitch darkness, alexey knor followed in the footsteps of the thrill-seekers. scary footage from a horror room, one of the participants in the horror quest, the ground goes away from under her feet, but not from fear, as planned according to the script, but for real, a nine-year-old girl fell into a technical hatch, which turned out to be not blocked, she lies in the morozovskaya hospital, five vertebrae, which means it’s broken. and concussion, bed regime, she will now lie there for four months; an accident occurred in one of the capital's shopping and entertainment centers at avtozavodskaya, what caused it, technical problems or human error, the organizers of the quests do not comment,
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let's refrain from commenting, but we will investigate this issue investigation and we will decide the receipt, this is the responsibility of the tenant, since the equipment was in the tenant’s area, he... is responsible for it, he most likely installed it. the reasons are now being understood prosecutor's office investigative committee. injuries during such games are not uncommon. here the quest actor scares the participants with open fire and the ceiling lights up above their heads. melted plastic drips onto caged teenagers. six people, including two animators, ended up in the hospital. such irresponsible companies are a blow to the image of the entire gaming industry, others in the entertainment industry complain. throughout the company’s activities, it is already clear where it is possible. get injured, these things can be excluded by preventive measures, that is, essentially a place for a head impact due to the drop, but it’s all lined with soft material, it’s almost impossible to even get a bump here, for example.


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