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tv   Zdravstvui sestra  RUSSIA1  April 7, 2024 12:40pm-5:01pm MSK

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it’s amazing, you actually open it, and there’s like a room, there’s really a room, like a dressing room, it’s a pantry in the kitchen, well, it’s hard to believe that this is still, that this is all mine, mom, you have it signed, everything, supplies, look, look, oh, the spices, i think they even took their breath away, honestly. i didn’t see something like that that was in the kitchen, a revolution of consciousness, it’s generally, i don’t understand how - in general , everything needs to be rebuilt somehow, you practically walk into it, and everything is on the shelves there, on the left, on the right you can see everything, everything convenient, closets you can play hide and seek, parents they’ve been wanting a grandson for a long time, it’s clear, now even on television there will be nomyoks, well, then let’s call the designer, you want to say that this is a person, this is what the person who lives among us did, and he can come by. and
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this is our local deity, it’s me, i’m the first, i’m the first, thank you, horror, thank you, well, have you already appreciated how you like it, yes, i really, really like it, very much, i’m delighted, i like it very much , i’m telling you this from the bottom of my heart, i wanted to create some kind of interior that would be familiar to you, after all, it’s new, i understand that there are many non-standard solutions for you, most likely, but all the changes, as i said, are for the better, i... stood, listened, design, it also encourages us to make life better, so that you are comfortable, convenient and so that you only your life situation improved, how literate people did it all, that something seemed to be going wrong, but on the contrary, everything looks better than usual, many thanks in general to the russia tv channel, the big changes program, for coming to our life, to our apartment, changed it, to you with gifts, and this is a purely national dish,
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it’s called zelnik, what a shame, what’s in denial, we’ll try it, then that’s it, blue to match the color of the jacket, and this is marina for you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and it says big changes, for some people, like our heroes, not life is full of changes, once changes, two, changes, three, four, at some point you understand, as much as possible, i’m already tired, i don’t want to, stop, then take a deep breath, exhale, write : our program, something magical happens, then you understand that all these changes led where are you, the best, posters on the tv channel culture, theater, music, and
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art april 7. on the historical stage of the bolshoi theater the premiere of the ballet rameu and juliet to the music of sergei prokofiev and choreography by leonid lavrovsky. blaitmaster-choreographer mikhail lavrovsky, conductor-producer anton grishanin. this is a restoration, but as lavrovsky himself said, when i had a conversation with him once, when he did, he says, everything can be changed and must be changed, the time is modern, it moves forward, you cannot change the meaning of what is being performed, that the image is certain, there is this image. shakespeare wrote everything, it needs to be shown, especially in the academic theater there are fully artists and music, and a choreographer and choreography, and of course artists who master the plasticity of the body, not just, so to speak, this is not a class-concert, dance, this is a meaningful dance, who has always been with us in the person of rermalaev, korn, by the way, modern artists, men and women, very talented people, they mastered in a month, besides saying, they mastered the technique,
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plastic, everything as it should be. mossovet theater on the stage under the roof, the premiere of the play the married bride based on the play by alexander shakhovsky, alexander griboyedov and nikolai khmelnitsky, staged by evgeniy marcelli, is presented. the abkhaz russian drama theater named after fazili iskander stage of the theater center on strastnoy is showing a performance by mark vdovin method based on the play by jardi golseran. an exhibition project is taking place at the new jerusalem historical and art museum. master repen, an episode from the life of a teacher of students for the 180th anniversary of the artist’s birth. 2.0 square m2 of exhibition space the spaces brought together more than 100 works from the largest russian museum and private collections. the exhibition “don’t believe your eyes” opened in the hermitage center in kazan. the theme of the exhibition was illusions in art, trompe l’oeil created in various genres and techniques, in fine and decorative arts from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century. the slavic house festival ends at the samara theater. the theater
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continues the program of the international festival meetings in russia with a performance by roman lykov based on pushkin’s story the queen of spades. at the theater named after andrei mironov - days of our lives, a play based on the play by leonid andreev, was staged by yuri turcanu. premiere performances of claudi monteverdia's opera the coronation of popeye at the basel city theater. directed by christophe marthaler. musical director lawrence cumings. at the brussels theater lamont , the premiere performances of the play rivalry of nostalgia, in which the author of the libretto and the director christian, are ending. combines fragments from 16 operas by giuseppe verdi into a modern story about three friends who lived through the student unrest in paris in 1968 and remember youth amid unrest in modern europe. joshua bell and the orchestra of the academy of st martin in the fields give a concert in the david
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symphony hall with a program of works by schumann, mindelssohn and mindoza. a new gallery in new york has a large-scale exhibition project, the theme of which is landscapes in the works of gustov klimt. the exhibition unites. introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. sharp saw edges make it very easy dig the roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like
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clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. delete even the most. you can remove roots, plants, shrubs and weeds quickly and effortlessly like never before. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel, with its unique inverted v-shape, the design includes razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter or... to cut off the roots one by one, you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why? if you can tackle even the toughest garden jobs with just one tool,
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call us to order the hammer smith razer multi-purpose shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened wa-shaped blade made from... carbon steel, i make... it is the strongest shovel for working even in the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle that quadruples the gripping area and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will get you at an incredible price for just 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and only available for a short time.
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have you written down all your homework? yes, yes, of course, yes, so, a moment of attention, tomorrow we will have an open lesson, so please don’t be late, okay, okay, this is especially for you concerns, yes, okay, everyone.
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who's picking you up today? me mom, hi, how are you? what’s your lesson? let’s go to the cinema today, so why did you shoot yourself? yes, the last lesson, today it’s somehow very difficult, the children were crazy. dash, i’m going home, seriously, tomorrow i have a commission from the education committee, don’t get ready until night, well , wait for me in the teacher’s room, i’ll at least bring you home, okay, thank you, pilivan, don’t run, uh-huh, ivan, don’t run.
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well, what kind of misfortune is this? has the electricity gone out in the entire house? yes, it's because of me i just changed the switch and apparently i did something wrong, i just don’t understand this at all, so why did you bother if you don’t understand? sorry! uh-huh, so, well, it’s ready, viktor arkadvich, or maybe you can look at the switch on my place too, i’m just afraid to go there already, well , of course you can look, it’s too late to wander around other people’s apartments, let’s go home, you’ll look tomorrow, well, tomorrow , that means tomorrow.
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hello, dash, hi, yes, i’m lining up, dash, i have an emergency, a short circuit, or whatever it ’s called, in general, the computer crashed, listen, i have an open lesson tomorrow, a commission, but you yourself understand that if i don’t prepare, it’s just a disaster, i told you, it’s not a woman’s business to do electrical work, yes, what to do, i have none. a computer scientist i know, and it’s already night, who would go at this hour? okay, wait, stop, don’t panic, and now i’ll give you the phone number
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of one specialist, name is kirill novikov, call him, he’s clearly not, god will say in computers, dash, i’ve got a chocolate, okay, that’s it, pick up the text message with the phone number, yes , let's. good evening, hello, and you are kirill, he ’s the one, it’s an accident, yes, i need to work urgently, it’s like this, don’t worry, everything is fixed, yes, just be careful, i still don’t have light in the living room, something’s wrong switch. well, it looks like i’ll have to fix the light in the apartment first, but you may not believe it, i’m
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an electrician by specialty, so show me, come on in, just like that. well, that’s it, let there be light, i thought everything was burnt, it’ll be fixed, but you fixed it in 5 minutes, and now let’s see what’s wrong with your computer, oops! well, i'll go, bye bye i’ll put, uh, tea, that’ll be nice, well, you accept the job, it’s already so fast, but i
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just worked for 2 years in the same company, in the technical department, there were only two of us there, employees... a hundred, everyone’s computer was constantly being jerked , now i’ve become more alert, i see the cause of the breakdown at first sight, when you know what ’s wrong, it’s not difficult to fix it, what’s your name, oh, i didn’t introduce myself, yes, lena, kirill, len, don’t worry about the quality, everything’s fine there okay, yeah, we'll see, we'll see. don't worry, it works like a charm, oh, you're a wizard, you saved my lesson, so what? lesson, you saved my reputation, well, you’re always
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welcome, but... it’s cozy here, not like in my den, but what, your wife doesn’t keep order? i don’t have a wife, well , i mean, i had one and it surfaced, an early marriage, a mistake in my youth, so i’m cuckooing alone, it’s not boring, no, work is distracting, there are a lot of clients, i’m on the road from morning to night, only sometimes, you know, you sit, when you think about it, you realize that no one needs you, that doesn’t happen to you. maybe it's your daughter, she's pretty? no, this is my younger sister, vika, i don’t have children, i after all, i’m also a loner, but i have a sister, that’s good, i don’t have anyone, well, i have a sister,
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but, but she’s not there, it’s like, we’re in orphanages. our parents died when i was 10 years old, and vika was only 3 years old, we were assigned to the same orphanage, and then vika was taken away, but since then we have not seen her, and you have never tried to find her, are you really interested, otherwise i’ll harass you with my stories, but you won’t, i like to listen, and you have a very beautiful voice. let's go to the kitchen, we'll talk there, especially, probably, tea i was in trouble, well, after i got home, i got this apartment from the state, i graduated from college, i teach geography, as you can see, nothing interesting, and my sister, well, while i
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was in the orphanage, i pestered the headmistress, i wanted to find out who took vika. but they told me it’s not allowed, they don’t disclose information about adoptive parents, it’s strange, that is , they didn’t even tell you, as your own sister, no, but when i grew up, i already sent a request, but as it turned out, the archives of those years were also not preserved , absolutely, they were thrown out, no, there was a flood, it burst pipes, boiling water gushed out, destroyed all the papers, and electronic versions were not yet made, at least here. “i found former employees of the orphanage, asked them, but no one remembers anything. 20 years have passed, no wonder, so many children, how can you remember everyone, yes, a sad story, yes, i have no one except vika and my relatives, well,
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there is, of course, but it’s like that, you know, the seventh water on jelly, they live far away and..." " they don’t care about me at all, and i would really like to find vika, but this is most likely just a dream, okay, thank you very much for tea for you i probably need to get ready tomorrow, and i still have to go see a client, it’s so late, what can i do, i quit the farm, i’m tired of working as a farmhand for pennies, so now i’m free..." i spin as hard as i can, whatever i earn, that’s mine, let’s go, i’ll see you off, thank you, kirill, thank you very much again, how much do i owe you? how much, let it be my gift from the bottom of my heart, i think you don’t often do charity work, you yourself said that if you earn it, then it’s yours , can i
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finally help a beautiful girl for free, let's agree this way, work there is work, that's enough, but only because work is work. goodbye, goodbye, well, well, that’s it, i shot back, well, how did it all go, the commission is happy, they said a lot. otherwise
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you’re lucky, you’re already exhausted, but i have everything ahead of me, at least i don’t faint until the end of the lesson, don’t worry, to hell with it, yes, thank you very much. wise one, ah, that's it, i'll go to work, and you sit, think, go work, think,
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look at what's going on today. hello, lena, hello, kirill, i’m waiting for you, i wanted to talk, about what? i was thinking about what you tell me yesterday we told you about your sister, how did you look for her? hello, hello, hello, can you say it touched your soul? yes, i was afraid that you were tired of listening to me, and you regretted that you asked for it, elena nikolaevna, hello, hello, i was driving home, and this story, you know, it was spinning in my head, so i thought, suddenly. i can help, and how are you going to help me, i’ll put information about your sister on the internet, we’ll tell you what happened, we’ll compose a text, yeah, you think it’ll work, yes, of course it will work,
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i’ve heard a lot of such stories myself when people, thanks to the internet, not only after 20 years, but after half a century they found their loved ones, well , yes, we have to try, then we can start right today, i’ve already thought about everything. look, this is how it will look on the websites, then we’ll add some text under the photo, yeah, but what ’s the best way to make the text longer or shorter? no-no-no, it’s better to keep it short, if we go on and on, people won’t read it to the end, the most important thing is, i’m looking for a sister, her name is vika, her surname at birth is ignatiev, she was adopted in such and such a year, taken from such and such an orphanage, uh-huh, well, i’m being so figurative, you write beautifully, uh-huh, just remember, don’t stretch it out. yes, i’ll write right now, it’s not difficult, yes, write a draft, and i’ll type it up, for now i’ll retouch the photo, okay, well,
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i’d better go to the kitchen and write there. i ’m telling you, she herself admitted everything, elena nikolaevna, hello, nadezhda evgenevna, come to my office for 5 minutes, okay, but i have a lesson now, we’ll get it done, yeah. come on, lena nikolaevna, sit down, so, this is what i mean: from today in your class there will be
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new student, nadezhda evgenievna, well... do you understand me? not good. our school has been in need of renovation for a very long time. and the furniture and equipment somehow need to be replaced. who will give us money for this? the city education committee clearly states: “look for sponsors, our sponsors are parents, students. and what do i have to do with it? elenochka
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nikolaevna. surround this girl with care, show her due attention, they recently moved to our area and so it turned out, that their house is located far from school number fourteen, where the girl used to study, i had to transfer her to us, and i think that we are very lucky, well, it’s unlikely that it will be difficult for the girl to adapt to the new team, this is the psychology of a child, well, help her, you’re a professional, you have experience, show the girl that you are her ... support, i support all my students, that’s great, but you need to pay the most attention to this girl, remember, her father should be happy, that’s it, the girl is waiting for you near the class, go, have a nice day, you too, elena nikolaevna, and
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you? so guys, meet me, this is your new one classmate, sveta pokhomova, i ask you to show understanding and respect to her, okay, yes, well sveta, sit down, choose any free seat, sit with me. god, why is she so angry? holy, book and atlas. so, guys, let's open the books, page 211, have you opened it? so, the topic: the nature of one’s land.
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rudnensk, this is a small industrial town, you see, the search has narrowed quite a bit, i give you my word, your vika will be found, kirill, i just don’t know how to thank you, but first i need to bring this matter to the end, that’s what these are theater tickets , performance through an hour and a half, i invite you, but you give it, it’s i who should give you gifts, not you , don’t refuse, i’ll be pleased if we go together, of course, then let’s go, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello,
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hello, hello, hello? hello, hello, guys, hi, this is alla, al, al, hello, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi. who sent the order, i don’t recognize something, alla from monday on rtr. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. bored of your old one fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or replacement will hit your budget hard. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade
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in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, when contamination appears , it is enough to rinse it with... beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for a fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your suburban area, cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group, so you’re confusing me so that i don’t understand you next to me anymore, man, don’t touch my daughter on saturday. i will soon be 18 and i will live the way i want. polina disappeared, left home, did not answer calls answer. are you sure that you know your daughter well? well, now what to do? everything
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will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time. dad, it 's okay. lyuba, are you there? no, another girl is missing. polina, they go to college together. so. restrain ourselves so as not to lose the noise from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr, this is mine. make yourself at home, really feel at home, you too the chandelier doesn’t work, everything works, we just don’t need it today, it’s like you
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hypnotized me, first the theater, then a visit, don’t you think i’m being frivolous? no, it doesn’t seem like it at all, oops, you’re a romantic, and you’re cunning, you knew you’d be able to lure me, you prepared everything in advance, len, what’s wrong again, and kirill, don’t go so fast. well, you see, i lived alone, i need to readjust, and even more so we need to get used to each other, and i’ve already gotten used to it from the very minute we met, kirill, i can’t, kirill, well
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please don't be angry. okay, we’ll drink champagne, with pleasure, well , great, then sit down, i’ve already been hitting on her edok, well, nothing helps, which means it’s time to change tactics, you need to leave for a while, then you’ll understand whether she needs you or not , let me think.
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hello, hello, well, let's go, let's go. will you come to me? no, it won’t work out today, we need to get ready. i need to go abroad and buy spare parts for computers, they are of high quality there, why am i an ornata? for a long time, i don’t know, for a week, if it doesn’t go away.
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why are you sad? yes so. kirill left somehow
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suddenly he lost his temper, said that he needed to buy spare parts, so he left and left, what’s wrong with that, it’s not forever, yes, it’s just somehow restless, maybe i offended him in some way, well, i told you a long time ago, don’t twist it carries men, he’ll run away, yes, but on the other hand, how could i offend him, we communicated normally, yeah, it ’s just somehow restless, so what? he’s nobody to you, well, i don’t know, now that he’s gone, i somehow realized that i miss him, so you fell in love, mother, no, oh, no, no, no, well, just something close , well i don't know, so tell him about it, tell him, he will jump up and down with happiness, i don’t want to talk on the phone, so...
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guys, who did this? so, i sat down, sat down, stop, you haven’t been to the director for a long time, guys, i really don’t like all this, we shouldn’t have such conflicts in the class, that’s clear, i’m sorry, i can’t. talk, what? yes, sit
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quietly for a minute, yes, i’m listening, come here, why did you do this? i'm listening to you, you said you know my sister? i know, or rather, i knew. what do you mean you knew? where is vika, what's wrong her? it’s not there, it’s burned out. more than a year has passed, wait, what are you saying, who are you? her husband, slavek, was my eldest son, they got married 3 years ago, vikusya, she was so affectionate, so polite.
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he sits on the internet all day, when he saw your ad, he says, mom, he ’s looking for our vikulya. “i was afraid to call you, i thought , maybe it’s better if you think that she’s alive, but then i finally decided not to tell you,
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well, len, i’m asking you, don’t be silent, just say something, just cry in the end, maybe you'll feel better if you drink it, this will help, nothing will help, lenochka, just, listen, just don’t withdraw into yourself, grief, it’s such a thing, understand, well, you need to throw it out, well, here, well, so that it doesn’t eat you up from the inside, i i don’t believe it, i don’t believe that vika is dead, what if this old lady
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messed something up, call her, you still have her number in your mobile, i’ll go see her, ku. where to rudninsk? yes, i’ll go, i’ll find out everything on the spot, you can fly by plane in 2 hours. what, are you going alone? to an unfamiliar city, or what? come on, kirill, it’s better to wait. no, i can't wait now, i'm all i'll be exhausted. don't leave, what do you need from me? don't come closer, i'm coming now. go away! look how stylish this hat is. come on, give it back, give it back, it’s mine, i won’t give it away, give it back, come on, take it, come on, get out of here, give me your hat, please, we were just joking, and i
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warned you that this would happen, why did you leave? from the old school, god knows what you have in your school, some kind of wolf pack, what's the reason for the sorbor? i am a stranger to them, and they are a stranger to me too. cool, where is she looking or does she not care, something happened to her, i myself saw how she walked along i wiped away my tears in the hallway with a handkerchief, and then left, damn you know what’s at school, dad, everything is fine at school, don’t worry, i’ll endure it, but
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i don’t want you to endure it, i want you to be happy, this won’t happen again, never. here they are, my dears, they are both buried here, here is vikulechka, and there is slavek, i ordered monuments. in a week they’ll be ready, i ’ll help, well, i’ll give you some money, what are you doing, honey, thank you for coming and visiting them, this is for you, thank you for calling, they found it.
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why do i need this old hardware, fit something newer, then we’ll make a deal, listen, i have a call on the second line, yes, yes, let me call you back, distant, kiril, i’m in rudnensk, i found her. she died, i didn’t believe it, i came to make sure. well, you know, i, i 've been hoping all my life that i would find her. len, don't
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despair. i, i couldn’t even imagine that she had already died, she was so young, she would be 23 now. len, please don’t cry. well, how could it be different? i’m sitting and crying, len, calm down, let me come back, and we’ll calmly talk about everything right away, come quickly, i’m really, really waiting for you, len, you! and don't think of anything, you still have to live, if anything happens always nearby, just call, yes, uh-huh, yes, by the way, girls, about calling, i wanted to
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arrange a wake for the priest, no, m, listen, it’s a holy thing, let’s get together in a cafe tomorrow, change it properly, let’s not today cafe, and mine, but there are a lot of strangers in the cafe , and the four of us will sit at my place like a family, at what time, well, 7 o’clock, yeah. yes, let me help you set the table, yes, i ’ll cook something quickly, i ’ll arrive early too, i’m great, oh, look, sit, you greedy thing, why don’t you go home, dad, what, he promised to take me by car pick up and you have already gone, yes, you have gone. the trip was sad, but necessary, okay?
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someone died, but how do you know? i guessed it myself, you have such eyes, i know what kind of eyes a person has when he loses his family. “well, it’s impossible, i’m used to it, well, what do you mean i’m used to it, you’re still so young, and you
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keep everything to yourself, but what happens next, i don’t care, but isn’t it like that with you, no, not like that, yes , sometimes it hurts me seriously, but i want and will live, but i don’t want to, you don’t want to talk either, no, not now!” okay, then up to tomorrow, see you tomorrow, got everyone out, flowers.
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax anex bourbon stirsman product of stellor group
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allow yourself. first-class holiday resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. veda vodka, product s. tellor group: discover the real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort,
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the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic, luxury rum castro product stellor group. need surgery. here's the money for your mother's treatment. thank you. let's look at the weekend. this is lisa, my dearest friend. true friendship is worth a lot. with whom are you chatting? wow, hello. lisa, this. linden, nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, oh my god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you, and you are going to meet me for a long time, i have a plan for the place, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i
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don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also say that they threw half a lemon of jewelry on you. dear friend, on saturday at rtr, len, m, and you didn’t think about transferring her here, they would have buried her in the local cemetery, i would visit her more often, otherwise rudninsk is so far away, you won’t go there, i don’t... i don’t want to disturb her, she’s next to her husband, it would be dishonest to separate them, especially since her mother-in-law said that they lived very friendly, and her grandfather they weren’t there when all this happened, vika was in her fourth month, so it turns out
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that not two, three people died in the fire, right? yes, it turns out so. how unfair is all this? is this kirill? no, some unfamiliar number. hello, yes. len, hi, this is vika. who? vika, your sister. girl if this is a joke, it's very stupid. don't call again. some girl, can you imagine, said that she was vika, crazy, yes, or you know, these are cynical young people who call and they just want to laugh at this, but this is all crossing boundaries, we need to ask kirill to remove the ad from internet, yeah, especially since it’s no longer needed, it’s possible, of course. delicious, girls, thank you for
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coming, i would be the only one who would be so dreary, it’s okay, you’ll have to go to work tomorrow, you’ll be distracted, you won’t have time to think about sad things, yes, rest, good night, good night, see you tomorrow, bye bye. what do you need? i told you, stop calling. len, listen, don't hang up, it's me, vika. girl, stop mocking me. vika died. don't you have a shred of conscience? it's me, vika. i am alive. this can't be true. i talked to her husband's mother. i was at her grave in rudninka. what you say is nonsense. len, listen to me. i am
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alive. i have never been married and live in a factory. this is nonsense, but even if you imagine that this is true, how can you prove that you are my sister? do you have skype? yes, can you send your address to your phone? and i i’ll call you, we should see each other, okay, but this is absurd, well, let’s say there are some similarities, but people change a lot with age, wait, i ’ll tell you about myself now, as you know, i was taken from an orphanage to a foster family , and my current last name is belova, but the new one... i don’t know from the wiki, but it was written about the foster family in the ad, so this is not news, wait, first my stepfather died, a year ago my stepmother died, and now i’m working in the store, washing
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the floors, oh, and you decided to introduce yourself as my sister so that i could start helping you financially, well, an excellent plan, len, i tried to find you myself, but i don’t even have the name of the city, but i remember how, as a child, i decorated your favorite dress with paints, it seems, blue with a flower, then i got angry, i was angry threw a doll at me, i still have a bruise, my mother barely pulled us apart, remember, yes, it happened, and i also remember how i cut out hearts from your school diary, then i think you were upset too, in general, you and i we often argued, yes, and i remember the diary too, well now... you don’t believe me, i don’t know, but we can call tomorrow? well, okay, let's do it tomorrow.
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helen, but i already told you. “i can’t help, even if i wanted to, there are no archives, they haven’t disappeared, yes, and i know, lyudmila petrovna, but now i’m interested in something else, just
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maybe you’ll remember if we had another one in the orphanage pupil, whose name was victoria ignatieva, well, besides my sister, i understand that the surname, the name are common, but, but suddenly, wait, yes, i remember something like that, ignatieva and also, it seems, the name was vika, so pretty, black , brown-eyed, brown-eyed, brown-eyed. but she didn’t stay with us for long, the foster family was from some town in the north, from rudnensk, yes, it seems, from rudnensk, that is
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, it turns out, it turns out that brown-eyed vika was taken almost simultaneously with my vika, so she was taken to rudnensk lyudmila petrovna, thank you very much, you can’t even imagine how much you helped me. wow, where are you going like that? sorry, i didn’t notice, she’s alive, who? i'll tell you everything later. who is alive, then. hello, why are you still not telling me? do you believe? hello, i believe, now i believe,
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finally, i didn’t know what to tell you so that you would recognize me. vic, i’m sorry, it’s just that so much has come over me, they called me and said that you had died, i dropped everything, flew to another city, found your grave, well, or rather not yours, but i thought it was yours, okay, that’s it. well now, hello, hello, little sister. “i’m very glad to see you, ta-dam, hello, hello, i didn’t expect you, you ’re out of the blue, why didn’t you warn me, i called you yesterday.” your phone didn't answer,
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come on in, yesterday, you know, i was on the highway all day, i was driving home, there is no connection there, and this is for you, thank you, well, you should have called today, warned, i would have prepared something, but i didn’t call on purpose, i wanted a surprise what to do, i don’t have a life right now, it’s full of surprises, so at least you’re glad that i came, well , you ask, of course, oh, i’ve had such terrible days now. len, listen, there is one idea, you can take a week off from work, oh, but it will be difficult, but in principle i can, why, let’s go to the sea, just you and me, i’ve already looked at the hotel, four stars, a paradise, just the two of us, well, yes, no one will disturb us there, let’s decide the issue, kirill, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow. i
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mean, wait, you said she died? no, it was a mistake, another girl died, she has the same first and last name, i called you yesterday to tell you this, wait, wait, it turns out you found vika? yes, thank you very much, without your help nothing would have happened, she took a ticket and will be here tomorrow afternoon, cool, listen, well, that’s not will disrupt our plans, don't be offended. well, really seriously, well, i can’t leave now, we haven’t seen her for 20 years, what will she do here alone in the city, she was taken away when she was very little, she doesn’t know the city, well, yes, but maybe in a week, in two, i wouldn’t guess, no one knows how everything will turn out, especially since i’m not aware of wiki’s plans, or what? with my
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proposal that we be together, i’m sorry, i actually wanted to ask all this in a more normal environment on the beach under a palm tree at sunset, so i’m asking now, you you want to be together, and kirill, well, i just had such a wild dance right now. seriously, i thought that vika died, i cried at her grave, then i organized a wake, suddenly she turns out to be alive, i now need to put my thoughts in order, and my feelings too, you know what i will do, what i will wait.
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thank you, elena nikolaevna, how are things with pokhomova, have you found an approach to her? well, not yet, you see, a very difficult child, i recommend that you intensify your search, the school is in dire need of support, but you can see for yourself the state of the premises, furniture, teaching aids, but for me this is not the main thing, first of all we need to help the girl get comfortable, the main thing. is both.
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there are 1500 students in our school. and our task is to provide benefit to each of them. to each. well, what good can we talk about if the desks are falling apart and the roof is leaking. i understood. i think it's time to introduce you. this is important for pedagogical purposes, yes, i just wanted to call him to school to talk, not call him, but invite him. such people must be treated as delicately as possible. yes ok, ok, invite. nadezhda evgenievna, can i go? you can. i hope you do everything right. yes. ay. so.
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excuse me, please, but can you tell me where the left bank street is? big, and what kind of house do you need, forty -eighth, or forty-eighth, and it’s exactly the last one there, great, thank you very much, goodbye.
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hello, hello, lena, and you, vika. hello. hello sister.
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fast, convenient and easy, call to order a universal photo façade for the fence, bright life at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create... a unique look for your suburban area. mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most delicious. at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add desired amount of filling, press the special lever. and that’s it, you can make a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes. take advantage of this incredible experience. call for an offer, order the most relish machine for only 4.95 mega sale system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95 just lift. heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it where you need it. the finished
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system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer. call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. april 6 marks exactly 2 years since vladimir zhirinovsky is no longer with us, for the first time on television, his own nephew, viktor zhirinovsky. it was he who managed the politician’s country residence for all these years and witnessed important historical events, including prophetic statements, new predictions of the famous politician and secret audio recordings. all this is done to worsen the economic situation in russia and the international situation. malatov on monday on rtr. i no longer hoped that i would find you. me too, i tried to look for you by your last name, but you never know in our country lena gnatyevs, especially if you got married
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and changed your last name, it’s generally pointless, and the flowers are from your husband? no, i’m not married, but flowers are like that, from a young man, take bread, it means you’re still going, but i don’t have a husband, or a boyfriend, or anyone at all, why, you should have seen our zavogogorsk, there are only one and a half tracks of people there, there’s no work or prospects, here are the youth in... and the only guys are drunks and gopniks, why didn’t you leave sooner, my salary is such that it’s barely enough for rent and food, selling the apartment is also not an option, because they are so cheap here , what in another normal city i would not be able to buy for myself, maybe you want more? no, thank you, i’m almost full, by the way, you cook just as deliciously as your mother. do you remember how your mother cooked, of course i remember, it was very tasty, you are probably tired after
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the journey, you will rest, i, to be honest, i would go for a walk, but i’m interested in how everything is organized here, well, let’s go, let’s go, of course, let’s go, it’s great here. it’s immediately obvious that life is in full swing, it’s not like ours, why are cockroaches, so stay, really, but i wasn’t looking for you to chat for a couple of days and leave, are you serious, yes, so what, my apartment is spacious , there’s enough space, vic, i’ll be very happy if you’re around, i have the best sister, but then i need some kind of work here, well, i can’t hang on your neck, i’m at school i’ll talk, seriously, i don’t promise a big salary, but for starters, thank you, oh,
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what is this, this is a wedding palace, big, vika. 1 2 3 4 5 a bunny went out for a walk, suddenly a hunter runs out, shoots straight at the bunny, bang-bang, oh-oh-oh, my little bunny is dying, they brought him to the hospital, he stole a mitten there, they brought him to the ward, he stole there chocolate, they brought him to the roof, he stole uncle misha there, they brought him to... home, he turned out to be alive, and then
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they stopped, they stopped, they stopped quickly, light, light, how are you, everything is fine, look at me, you yourself, calm down, calm down, that's it, calm down, tell me, i think we need to talk, let's go, where? let's go, don't be afraid of anyone, no one will hurt you again, i myself, sit down. tell me, what happened to you, something in your family? yes, with mom and dad. with
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mom, she died? no, she left us, abandoned us, yeah, that is, your parents broke up, sweetie, but your mother, she loves you, no, she now has a different husband and will soon have another child, they moved to a neighboring city and don’t want to see us , she says that we are strangers to her. listen, she is your mother, she is responsible for you, dad told her the same thing, she just grinned in response, then dad said that she no longer exists for him, light, tell me,
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would you like to be with her? put up with it, no, not anymore, no one loves me anymore except dad, and i don’t love anyone, honey, i understand how difficult it is for you, come on, let’s do this, go home, and lessons, i’ll let you go, and tomorrow, tell dad that i want to talk to him, let him come to school, okay, i’ll tell him, and also, don’t be afraid of anyone, i’ll talk to the guys, they not evil, they just can’t always understand
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the misfortune of another person, i have no friends at all, it will appear, just... you need to change a little, stop thinking that there are enemies around, there are a lot of good people in the world, it’s unlikely, believe me, let's go, i'll take you, pilivan, stop running, you can walk calmly. are you a complete moron, don’t look where you’re going, why are you sitting, get out, come on!
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vic, where were you, i was already starting to worry, what if you got lost, don’t worry, i was just bored at home and i went for a walk, can you imagine, i recognized the nursery the playground where you and i played, are you serious, uh-huh, let me help, oh well, i myself, what do you think, i can’t do anything, vic, i ’ve... found you a job at school, yes, well, really, as a technical technician , well, there was just nothing else, so what, i’m not afraid of work, thank you, len, this is a temporary option for now, we ’ll come up with something else, but i’ve already thought of it, now i’ll work a little for now, i’ll go to college in the fall, and then i’ll find a good job and won’t sit on your neck, a wonderful
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plan, but come on, what does sitting on your neck have to do with it, we it’s not strangers with you, well... so technically, listen, if you want, i ’ll finish cooking dinner myself, you go and rest, you’re after work, well, actually, this is a wonderful offer, i’ll go and work a little more, come on, eh you change clothes now. what are you doing? i’m preparing for tomorrow’s lesson, we’ll be going through currents in the world’s oceans. you have an interesting job. listen, maybe i should also go to college? go ahead, i ’ll help you, i still have my notes. the main thing is that your soul is in it. if you don't have a soul, then it's not worth it. well then i'll think about it some more
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by the time i go to bed, you've had a walk and you're tired. hello, hello, are you awake, hello, i don’t go to bed so early, uh-huh, you just don’t call, don’t stop by, work, i ’ve been traveling abroad for several days, now i’m sorting out everything that has accumulated, yeah, and my sister came to see me , i still can’t believe it, so how is she? “she also lived there alone , now we are together, since for you, kirill, you have such a voice, you are still angry with me, but
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stop, why don’t you be angry, please, well , i really, i want to see you, but i'm with i haven’t talked to vika yet, that in your opinion i’m an insensitive blockhead, i don’t understand anything, then come to us tomorrow, i ’ll introduce you to vika, it sounds a lot promising, but you know, it won’t work out tomorrow, why? and i have a busy schedule, everything is scheduled by the hour, the clients are such that you can’t refuse, then the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we need to see what ’s planned, leya, let’s keep in touch with you, let’s be, good night, calm.
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i have no idea what to talk about with this elena of yours, she’ll be like all teachers, sitting there muttering that the responsibility lies with parents, she herself cannot restore order in the classroom. andrey viktorovich, i understand that you are a busy person, but the situation with the light cannot but worry me. this also worries me a lot, but... i have to say that, how can i put it mildly, a big trouble happened in our family, yes, yes, i know, sveta, sveta told me, yes, it’s very
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interesting, ordinary sveta is holding everything together in herself, but that means she trusts you very much, well, she’s a very vulnerable, impressionable girl, and what she wants... to seem unsociable is it’s just a defensive reaction, so i suggest you act together, let’s forget about the conflict that happened, but sometimes this happens with children, for my part i will do everything so that the saint adapts well in the class, and you try to give her as much attention as possible now worries, okay. “well, i’ll probably come here more often, well , it’s not bad for a start, everything, everything, yes, everything,
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thank you, well, the class probably needs some repairs, and this is at your discretion, other people are in charge of the economic part, and i take care of the children, ok, viktorovna, thank you for the conversation, elena nikolaevna, nikolaevna, forgive me, i forgot, okay, bellivan, please, you can, goodbye, you don’t have to shout, how many times do you need to talk about it, i liked your this elena nikolaevna, in my opinion, she's smart, she cares about her students, and she's cool. she’s not like everyone else, for some reason i believe her, yes, i do too,
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let’s meet, this is kesha, oh, what are you doing, don’t feed him? cookies, well, you’d better tell me how you talked to your groin, smiled at him there, made fun of him, why all of a sudden, how... why is our nadenka crying all the time, they forgot about school, we need sponsors like air, there ’s pakhomov here with money, sales, i don’t need his money, we talked about the world, nadenka definitely won’t approve, well, don’t, oh, not really - that’s why i ’m afraid of her, well, yes, from kirill, did you see him recently, he returned from abroad, i don’t
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know, something is wrong, i have a feeling that he’s hiding from me, i don’t know, maybe maybe he was offended that i didn’t go to the seaside with him, maybe there was some other reason, but just think, i’ll be offended by re-upholstering, but i i know for sure that he loves you, i’ll go, i have a lesson, good luck, you’re my sweetie, servant, that we don’t have enough courage, and the premiere on rtr,
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marat basharov, shook one, you order, i’ll fire you today. roman madyanov, i have already given orders to increase your salary. allah, taxi. how did we manage without you before? that's right, especially me. from monday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cognac, monteshaw.
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product of stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection gin сnop product of stellar group.
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vika, vik, where are you, why aren’t you home yet? yes, i'm at the club, it's very cool, a very fun party. “what a club, it’s already night, okay, what’s going to happen to me, there are a lot of people, a lot of music, very cool, vic, you drank, just a little, that’s it, len, don’t be a bore, you’re like
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an old woman, i’m waiting for you home, i hope you heard me, yes, yes, that's it, another half hour, i'm going home, that's it, come on, my phone is dying, vika, vika!
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vika, i thought you were sleeping, i didn’t want to wake you up, am i asleep? i can’t close my eyes, you know what time it is, 3:00 am, it’s not that late, and you understand that it’s dangerous to walk down the street at such a time, and you don’t know what could happen to you, you could be robbed, raped, etc. i didn’t go, mm, they drove me home right to the entrance, mm, who gave you a lift, they’re so familiar, why do you think, i went to the club alone, you know how many cool guys there are, victoria, i’m warning you, stop. .. night walks, ah the fact that you kick me out of the house, i’m tired of everything , you’re probably at peace on your own, but stop talking nonsense, you’re not little anymore, and by the way, you have to work tomorrow morning, that’s why i’m not a child, you’re scolding me as if i’m 3 years old , i have the right, i’m older,
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stop raising me, vika, vika, vika, i lived 20 years of my life in a hole, where there are alcoholics and dirt everywhere you look, i’m a young girl, i can’t sit within four walls, with my head buried in books, like you, don’t you understand this, vika, i care about you, i know this life is better, what do you know, you live like a nun, there’s school-house, school-house, you’ve filled your hole and don’t even stick your nose out of there, i’m not like that, don’t make me your own, please stop screaming, now all the neighbors will come running, they will avoid me, i didn’t do anything to be scolded like a first-grader, teacher, calm down, calm down, let’s just talk, you started it first, vika, vik, you are
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the closest person to me, yes, i’m sorry, i probably , was too harsh, but that's because i care about everything that happens to you is happening, yes, nothing is happening to me, everything is fine with me, listen to me, you are not used to the big city, there are a lot of temptations, a lot of risks, i want to protect you, in no way limit your freedom, i just want to protect you. okay, don't be angry, i lost my temper too, i'm not angry. go to bed, otherwise you won’t get up tomorrow. i'll get up. good night, teacher.
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sorry, don't tell me. what are you asking? nothing, just curiosity. okay, i'm in a hurry, goodbye, goodbye. "i saw how now from the office
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director, this one came out, pakhomov, who is this, the oligarch, the father, these are the girls from the sixth, oh, alenka, of course, has been tormented with her for several days, well, she’s a capricious girl, spoiled, and you’re talking about this, so what, father, well, nothing, i went to see the director, they were talking about something, listen, what if it’s about lenka?” “well , it’s like she’s not coping with her responsibilities, not likely, it’s something else, listen, i heard nadenka is ours, she wants to promote his sponsorship help for school, hi girls, hi, hi, everything is fine, everything is fine.
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vic, hi, hi, len, do you want something to eat, i cooked it, no, i don’t want it, you have to, sit down, come on, today some guy came to school and asked about you, what kind of guy, this one, with that dark-haired nose? , probably the father of one of your students, uh-huh, and he... wanted to be interested in what you love, what kind of nonsense, not nonsense, he asks, and his very eye is burning, in my opinion, this is the eye you have put it down, vic, it’s not funny, i’m not joking, i asked him why we were doing this, but he didn’t answer and left, you know him, yes, probably about sveta i wanted to talk, it’s his daughter, okay, that’s it, i ran off to where, it’s a long evening, we need
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to while away it somehow, vika, vika, remember what we talked about yesterday, i remember, i remember, that’s it, bye, eh! kirill, kirill, kirill, kirill! what's there? len, what do you have there? where's my
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mirror? where is my mirror, i left it here, who took it? i didn't take it. but who needs it, i actually have my own. did it evaporate, or do you think my brain is confused, i don’t remember where i put it. len, len, what are you doing? len, sorry, yes, i did, recently, for a couple of minutes, i forgot to say. you are you kidding me? so, quiet, quiet, why are you so wound up? calm down, where are you going, what kind of fly bit her, len, lena, what kind of hysterics, you’ve just broken loose, kiril is blatantly lying to me, he wrote that he’s away, he’s in the city, i saw him today, yes, that’s all this means? len, don’t worry, please, i’ll call him and find out everything, i beg you. well, what kind of cat ran between you, different, don’t
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fit each other, in general, we had a meeting, and just recently you sang another song to me, saying i adore you without laziness.
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hey, what are you doing, where have you been all night, you you understand what i’m worried about, i was about to call the hospital and morgues, you start again, we talked, that’s exactly what we talked, and you continue in the same spirit, hello, elena nikolaevna, hello, come in, quickly, what, well why, well, i'm waiting for an answer, where have you been, just don't lie that you were in clubs... lost, why in clubs? i spent the night with a guy, and where did you pick him up? do you really care? well, here in the city, he’s good, everything is serious with him, he told you so, vikto is a fool, forgive me, of course, but he will take advantage of you
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he’ll leave you, you don’t know him, he’s not like that, but you know him very well, and if you get pregnant, this casanova will run away and what will you do then? i’m not going to live according to your orders, it’s clear, i didn’t come from the wilderness for this, so that you could lock me here in a cage, victoria, don’t meddle in my personal life, it’s clear, i’ll figure it out myself, vika, vika, vika, stop, vika , do you hear me, stop, i told you, leave me alone, i said, get away from me, so, calm down , listen to me, i know that you consider me a child, but by the way, at my age, my mother had already been married for 3 years, she had a little you, and yes, she and dad also met by chance, and as you can see, nothing bad came of it, mom was lucky, and dad turned out to be decent a person, but this does n’t happen to everyone, you know this guy nothing at all, but you’re already staying with him for the night, and what
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do you suggest, give him a grand check, walk around for six months, take a closer look, play it safe, no matter what happens, now we’re talking oh... okay, we're here today we’ll meet in a cafe in the evening, come with me, you’ll get acquainted at the same time, i’ll definitely go, but you call him and warn him, otherwise he won’t want to or gets scared, but mine won’t be scared, you can go elena nikolaevna, go. we watch melodramas, our favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, it's my birthday, my favorite
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music never gets old, what i have in my life sounds real.
2:29 pm
their waffles, and your kids will ask you to make them again again! that's the secret: the plates of the waffle iron with non-stick coating have a deeper, larger design, which allows you to add fillings to suit any taste. cherry jam to make cherry pie, or fill the middle of a scrambled egg with ham and cheese to make an omelet. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also be happy to join this exciting process. cooking with power xl is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert. with the incredible new power xl waffle iron, you'll amaze everyone. why torment yourself with old waffle irons and toasts that cannot be topped with? with the power excel woffle star you can always prepare
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waffles 5 cm high in record time with extreme ease. waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, waffle pizza, toast with cheese, french toast or hearty beef waffles. forget about the mountains of dishes left after cooking. breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. power xl is pure waffle fun for the whole family. call and get your unique power xl woffle star for your perfect waffles and not only. the manufacturer's recommended price for the waffle iron is 79.95. but you'll get your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price of just 59.95. your savings will be 20 euros, but that's not all. if you place an order right now, you will receive a brilliant booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef as a gift, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited.
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we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in patk style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality accessories. classic shape , optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space. and keep your purse organized. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995, we gathered
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about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, it has begun one shelling, they put me down, lay on top of me, one field is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes grandma, herself... hungry, but she brings this cereal, comes to the shelter and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people, caring, to support with a word, hello, dear soldier and by deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing, it’s simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, as soon as you see it, you will immediately
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be convinced , and in general it seems to me that you will become friends, by the way, i’m telling him about you i told you, and what did you tell me, well , that i have an older sister, that she is smart, he said that he likes such girls, what does it have to do with me, he should like you, he has a relationship with you, not with me, so he’s crazy about me and says that he’ll die if i’m not there... while these are just words, i’ll appreciate everything myself when i see it. come on, go. well, where is your romeo? there he is. len, why are you up, meet me. kirill is lena, lena is kirill. we seem to know each other. len, len, stop, what are you doing, yes, what happened, stop,
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len, wait, yes, wait you, len, len, wait, what's wrong with you, it's him, it's kirill, your kirill, yes, stay happy, len, i didn't know, len, well , where is she, gone, you why didn’t you tell me anything? i thought you were normal, you ’re a fool like everyone else, but i swear, i didn’t know that your sister was my ex, you told me about a lot of things, lena and lena, you know how many years, but she knows that she is your ex, she is waiting for you to call her, when you arrive, why did you tell me that you left, you know how hard it is to tell a woman that you you don’t love her, this may be a thousand times more difficult than confessing your love, i thought you weren’t afraid of anything, goodbye, vic, but wait, i
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explained everything to you, but leave me alone. linen! what, well, i honestly didn’t know anything, i would never meet him, do you believe me, i believe you, and how did you meet, where? here nearby, he was driving into the yard, and i was leaving the house, i thought so, he was probably
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driving to you then, yeah, yeah, he was driving, driving, and no. i was driving, by the way, he almost hit me, i’m not used to it, there’s no so many cars, but i started yelling at him, and he yelled at me, what a romantic story, then he offered to give me a ride somewhere, but i didn’t need to go anywhere, i just wanted to ride around the city, so she agreed to take me for a ride, vic , you understand that you are still a child, they took you for a ride in a car, you melted, len, i know how sick it is, we drove around all day, chatted, i have never heard so many beautiful words in my life, yes, talk with your teeth, he is a master , then we exchanged phone numbers, went to cafes, clubs, then we started dating, damn, he’s so funny, he is a scoundrel, and it’s a pity that i didn’t
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understand this right away, but now for him we are like two toys from one box. it is he? yes, you still have the nerve to call.
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your sister watered us in the window sill. vic, i’m not as bad as you thought. i was going to explain to lenka that i had a different one. but the conversation is difficult, it was necessary to find the words. i didn’t have time, now she already knows everything. and now what, we passed and forgot? come on, i didn't do anything wrong. you are my sister. this is not enough, well, it didn’t work out for her and me, it happens, she herself doesn’t i’ve made up my mind, it’s good for her with me, it’s bad, what kind of guy would like this, i won’t forgive you anyway, and you can forget that we met, clearly, but how can i forget this, for me this is not a game for a few days, great, i love you, don’t drive you away, otherwise you’ll cut your wrists. what do you think?
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i have the guts of a tank, so we’ll see, give it to me , you’ll still have time, i’m the first, hello, hello, what ’s wrong, pokhomov came in, asked for you, we said that you weren’t there yet, so he left and asked to tell you. it looks like some kind of perfume well, come on, show me, otherwise i really want to know what rich people give.
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oh, dear, you can probably smell it, that’s all, someone would give me something like that, i’ll smell it, give it here, hold it, len! len, are you crazy? len, what are you doing? len, what are you doing? chu? well, what’s wrong with her again, she’s lost her mind, dash, listen, girls, don’t touch her, you see, there’s a mental crisis, len! “i don’t understand, what does perfume have to do with it, it was given to me by mikhalych, carefully, corners,
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carefully, corners, we see, we see, look, elena nikolaevna, congratulations, on what, not be modest, i knew you could do it, well, so quickly, yes you can. talent darling, i really don’t understand what you’re talking about, well , you saw, pakhomov brought 30 new desks today and also promised, the other day he and the director discussed what equipment to buy for the school first, i have no merit in this, and i don’t understand why pakhomov was so generous, but why don’t you understand, didn’t you ask, no, i didn’t even think about it, my job is to teach the children, and the supply manager should take care of the equipment and furniture, excuse me,
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are you ready to go home? and what? we went together, my lessons were also over, and dasha promised to give me a ride in the car. no, i still have a chemistry class to wash. it's okay, we can wait. come on, you go. i ’ll walk home, it’s such a long distance. well ok, whatever you want. see you.
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hello, elena nikolaevna, hello, you are bright, she has two more lessons, yes, i know, i wanted to suggest, if you are free, maybe. let's pass the time in the restaurant. andrey viktorovich, i am against such things sat down. categorically? i strictly communicate with parents of students only on school topics in a purely work environment. i didn't mean anything like that, i just suggested. the proposal was rejected, for the future, i do not need any gifts or signs of attention from you. and as for school, if you're doing it for me, you're trying in vain. it’s a bit pretentious, i hope i didn’t offend you in any way. no, you didn't offend me in any way. goodbye. goodbye. you're not too cool with him, it seems to me that he made an offer from a pure heart, let them leave theirs proposals with you along with your heart, that’s enough already, len, but if things didn’t work out for you with
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kirill, this doesn’t mean that all men are assholes, well, well, he’s a cool guy, and with money, i don’t need his money, i feel i don’t believe it anymore, dash, let’s go. she will consider you a traitor. like me, she won’t be, she’s my sister, let me go with you together and explain everything, don’t, i ’ll go alone, we need to talk one on one, wait for me in the car.
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well, there’s no point in hiding, you know everything, are you talking about kirill? yes, i know that you continue with him meet. my arguments didn’t have any effect on you, len, it’s hard for me to talk now, i tossed and turned all night, you know how much i changed my mind, and what did you think, that kirill is closer to you than me, you are my sister, and there will be no one, well, kirill i love, this is my first love, maybe my only one, vika, i thought so too, you didn’t get along with the characters, he doesn’t suit you, but he suits you, yes, perfect, we have interests, and we like the same music, iron. “i understand, he left you,
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it hurts you, you should hate him, then what the point is for you to fight for him, honey, i don’t fight for him, then why are you against our relationship, i’m afraid for you, because he will break your heart just like he broke it for me, and this is very very painful, no need to destroy my happiness, i love kirill, this has never happened to me, okay, okay, do what you want"? you are too big to raise you. thank you.
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well, did we talk? yes, i arranged everything, she said that she it doesn’t matter whether we meet or not, well, thank you, that’s it, i’ve calmed down, since my sister doesn’t mind, we can go have fun, get in the car. vic, are you going or not? yes, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this is it.
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from monday on rtr you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we offer yours. attention, a universal photo facade for a fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden or stone.
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or metal, if it becomes dirty , just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for a fence bright life at a special price, only from 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your country house plot, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect the plants from frost and retain heat. will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and will extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse granary will fit comfortably even in the most hard-to-reach places on your site or premises. durable frame. minigreenhouses made of
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metal pipes are resistant to corrosion and protect plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose yours. the size of a mini-greenhouse and get a high-quality harvest. call to order the zhitnitsa mini greenhouse at an amazing price of only 29-95. mega sale. magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9-95. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with him you are not only in a matter of minutes, update and decorate your usual interior, but forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design fills any space with a warm touch of nostalgia and is lint-free. the material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed
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with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from: blue red, two sizes, 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega. sale of a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 995, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call right now, your mother has oneurismo of the aorta of the heart, she needs surgery, here is the money for the treatment of your mother, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my very dear friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, eh? wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, god, some kind of insidious one, i came, i saw, i won, i loved it damn it, and you, and you’ve been planning to meet for a long time,
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i have a plan for the place, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, i don’t know how it turned out to be in my... you, i’ll also say, they threw half a lemon’s worth of jewelry to you, dear friend, on saturday on rtr, why did you just bless them so easily, you don’t even try to fight, oh, dash, who to fight with, and most importantly for who, hmm, after what kirill did, i still would n’t forgive him, but you know, and even more so for me somehow everything inside burned out, i don’t know, at first i freaked out, roaring into my pillow. and then i somehow calmed down, i’m surprised, i’m your wiki, how can you do this to your own sister? oh, i’m not surprised, listen, well, she lived in a small town, and now the light has broken out, of course, everything delights her, do you think she will be fine with
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kirill, no, to be honest, this relationship scares me, so, but it’s useless for her to say anything, but seriously, she thinks that kirill is an idea... hello, why do you keep picking me up, i’m not a little girl anymore, i can walk there on my own, well , they bully you in class, i want them to see that there is someone to protect you, no one hurts me, i even have friends, really, what
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magic, tell me how it happened elena nikolaevna helped, the whole class gathered, everything has changed since then, let’s go, you see, elena nikolaevna is simply a pedagogical genius, but anyway, i will come more often now. to meet you, hello, hello, come here, no, i won’t go, hello, hello, hello, hello, are you waiting for vika? yeah, she’s already getting dressed soon, but what, you wanted to hide from me, what else, but it seems to me that you’re afraid, you didn’t dare come up and tell everything, you blamed it on vika, he stood on the sidelines, waited, i suggested that we go together with her , she refused, she said she would solve
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all the issues herself, but you don’t like to take responsibility, but for a man it ’s bad, but are you ready for life? teach me, what should i teach you, i’ll see, you’re a scientist yourself, hello, this is what i want to say, if i find out that you ’ve offended vika in even the slightest way, blame yourself. oh, that's it, just intimidated, happy, happy, hello, hello, what were they talking about, nothing, oh, come on, get in the car, let's go, i'm like that. i can’t take it anymore, this is not normal, what are you talking about? we’re sitting on the wall and not talking, we
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need to leave, where are you planning to move, kirill? and what? he already called me, he has his own apartment, separate, you now... vic, please don’t leave, but i’m not driving you away, len, it will be easier for both of us, where
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did you get the idea that it will be easier for us, that’s all ok, i've made my decision, vic, please, ok please stay, but this is not possible, we are family, i’m ashamed to look you in the eye, you understand, vic, it will be very difficult for me without you, for me too. vic, vika!
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the great migration of peoples took place, it’s high time, otherwise she ’ll teach you b... life until you retire, it’s kind of boring for me, i feel like i messed up, and now i’m running away, never mind, i ordered pizza, they just brought more hot, let's go have dinner, gone! listen, it’s not surprising, her head is full of kirill, oh, and in general
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it seems to me that you wouldn’t get along with her after all of this, well, probably yes, i asked myself all evening yesterday if it was possible to somehow stop her, every time it turned out that no, she made her choice, listen, this is, hello, hello, uh, deal with it , listen, you will work, you will be distracted, everything will somehow settle down by itself, in the end, vika has business with marswell, she is here at school, you will see each other every day, yes, we will see each other. but the old relationship cannot be restored, yes, i can’t even imagine what we can talk about now, oh, listen, i’m here so, it’s such a pity that i didn’t know this comrade well before introducing you to me, forgive me, i’m stupid, yes, i ’ll blame you least of all, stop it, that’s it, let’s turn in the notebooks, oh, i didn’t have time to do as much as i did , i made it, we’re handing in the notebooks, okay, i’ll do it next time,
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i won’t be disappointed, how many correct answers, oh, i have, in my opinion, yes, exactly, i had, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, light, do you want me say something, no, uh-huh. i heard that pakhomov bought balls for the gym, and he also promised to take our team to regional olympiad, can you imagine that there are balls, i know that... he is discussing with the director a new estimate for the purchase of equipment, nastya told me, the secretary, of course, is a golden man, there are not enough stockings, i don’t know, uh-huh, what a harvest, test work, geographical dictation, i’ll check until nightfall, yes, what is it, len, lenochka,
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what? len, you futtai, marco polo’s journey, what didn’t you like? sveta, please wait, sveta, i received your message , it touched me very much, but i can’t promise anything, but i like my dad? "no no, it’s not about him, i’m just now in a period in my life when i don’t trust anyone, but it’s strange not to trust anyone at all, your dad is a good person, but the problem is not in him, but in me, i have no one else besides him no, i would really like him to be happy, i understand you, i also have something
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similar, but with another person, i also want her to be very happy, so you and i..." are the same, well everything is much more complicated here, just understand that you can’t command anything with your feelings? and i thought you would take me away, like usually, i was with a client, at first yes, and then what then, i made a surprise for you, what a surprise, close your eyes. just don’t peep, okay, be careful, sit down, now you can, open it, it’s very beautiful, like in
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the movies, i tried, i like it, i tried very hard. and on what occasion? vic, i need to tell you something, right here, right now, in this environment. what's wrong with you today? are your eyes glowing? what's happened? nothing happened, everything was just very, very good. i’ll guess, kirill lives together, he’s so romantic, he’s set the table, made an offer, yes, can you imagine, yesterday he said that he wants to live with me all the candles, he lit it, he didn’t invite me to the theaters, we ’re going today, he’s not original, you know that you’re just jealous of us, not at all, vic, it’s
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even funny, he has a standard scheme with all the girls, maybe something... ready, almost, well, you’re just going to a royal reception, practically, by the way, i ’ve never been to the theater, we didn’t have one in zavodogorsk, sorry, yes, i’m listening,
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what flew there? yeah, today, well , basically i’ll come over, yeah, who called, client, y he got a bug and asked him to come up, maybe we'll be late for the performance, we won't be late, there's work for 5 minutes, and we have another hour left, she's so beautiful, we won't be late if someone hurries up, so let's go, get dressed, well done, premiere on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took the little one, no court will give a child to a mother who doesn’t have a job. square, i need official registration, she’ll arrange for more, what should i do, wait, wait, wait, let’s go, they ate my child, alla
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taxi, from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, veda vodka, stellar group product, kalinon belek. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover
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true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, rum, kastra product of stellar group. treat yourself to first class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts. here for you. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. titanic deelx golf hotel
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belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your rest. your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. everybody is here it's crowded with cars, there's nowhere to even stand. and there is a place over there. well, nothing will happen to the owner, maybe not for long? i'm with you? sit in the car, i’ll be quick, so come quickly, okay. you won’t have time, boy, put your jalopy away, and who are you, cherish, i’ll explain to you now who
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i am, this is my personal parking, put away the car, i’ll break your nose now, do you hear, grandpa, i might be offended, why kirill , let's drive off, get in the car, get out of here, kirill, what are you doing, call an ambulance, call an ambulance, he's bleeding, vika, did he cheat, kirill, call an ambulance, why are you standing there, get in the car, quickly, quickly get into the car, come on, damn it, i got myself into trouble, there was no sadness. what to do now, or maybe it will work out, no one saw it, but it will work out, the major yard, in any case, there are cameras everywhere, and the house is big, probably someone saw it, then the khan, by the number of
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the car, they will break everything. you don’t understand that i’m scared, i should have approached him, i should have left right away, i should have, i should have, now we’ll get home, we’ll figure it out. kirill, where are you going? listen, if i at least have this guy hit me or crippled me, i’m definitely going to get killed, now the police will come here, i need to get out, the sooner the better, maybe you can go to the police yourself and tell me, you could see from the cameras there, what can be seen, what can be seen, vic, how i took someone else’s property a parking space, but these rich guys, they have such connections, they definitely won’t acquit me, it’s a dead room, where will you go, on the street, i don’t know, i have a buddy , seryoga, i’ll lie down with him, and then we’ll figure it out, let me at least i’ll pack some food for you , no, no, i’m sorry. i
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'll take all the cash, give me a card now there is no way to use it at all, and what should i do here alone, live as you wish, as if nothing happened, if the police come, then you have nothing to do with it, they will ask where i am, i didn’t leave an address, there are no complaints against you, but i mean you how to find me when everything calms down, vic, you don’t need to look for me, when everything calms down... i’ll show up myself, you know, or i’ll send a message that everything is in order, i could at least accompany you, no, i ’ll attract unnecessary attention, i i’ll try to jump out unnoticed, i’m sorry it happened like this, that’s it, bye, good evening, you’re from this house, right? what
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is that? do you know kirill novikov? and this is the one who repairs computers. i know, out of 118. yes, he is the one, yes. he lives above me. yes. the music is incredible. and here he is. are you kirill novikov? you'll have to come with us. wait, what did i say? guys. hey, guys, what are you doing, yes, come on, come on, the investigator will figure it out, kirill, get into the car, wait, we are not wrong about anything, kirill!
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you turned him in, why, i hate you, your dog, i hate you too, well, you’re a fool, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, i don’t envy you, novikov, you’re in a bad situation. "i it was accidental, it was unintentional, what was unintentional, you are talking about murder, i killed, so, from this place, let’s be more specific, who did i kill, when?” “but
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this guy in the parking lot, they didn’t kill him, but they caused an injury , the victim is now in the hospital, a preliminary diagnosis of a concussion, but he is already alive well, but i thought, if i were you, i still wouldn’t be happy. the case is still under jurisdiction, the victim has already written a statement, we have seized recordings from external surveillance cameras, we are looking for witnesses, but in my opinion that’s all clearly, the instigator of the fight, you are novikov, but i would n’t have hit him, quietly, quietly, quietly, he pushed me first, there was no point in letting go, yeah, we’ll figure out who’s right, who’s wrong, well, who is he, also one of these isolite? kanovalov,
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igor dmitrievich, owner of a network of auto repair shops, deputy of the city council, of course, that means money, connections, yes, so i’ll tell you frankly, it will be hard for you to compete with him, we, of course, will investigate, as expected, send the materials to the court, but he is very powerful. support, yes, that's how it is give me a drink, you, citizen novikov, will have to stay with us, paramonov, take the detainee away, yes, i’m coming, i’m coming,
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i’m coming, vika. what's happened? krill was sent to prison. how did you plant it? he was taken to the police. what happened? can you really explain? he killed a man. he hit him, he fell and his head hit the asphalt, they fought over a parking space, so vic, i don’t understand anything, let’s go to the kitchen, you calm down and tell me everything in order, have a drink and calm down, so you ’re saying that kirill is in the police, have you tried? then i tried calling, they started asking who i was and why i was interested. and then they said that they wouldn’t answer questions on the phone, well, yes, of course, your kirill drov screwed up, so this guy went to him himself, i’m a witness, i saw everything, vika, dear, you’re an interested witness, in the police’s words no one will believe what
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to do now, let kirill be imprisoned, so tomorrow we will go to the police together, find out to the investigator what threatens kirill, you will come with me, of course, but how can i leave you alone, thank you, you’re great for coming, you’re going to have dinner, i can’t get a bite out of my throat after tonight, len, can i stay with you overnight, why are you asking, i would n’t let you go anywhere in this state anyway, let’s go, wash up and go to bed. i won’t hide it, things are bad for your friend, kannavalov has already involved his lawyers, in general there is such heavy artillery that it won’t seem like much, and
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how much they can give kirill, under this article, up to 3 years in prison, but you can see him, you can, i'll accompany you, len, come with me, no... i'll wait for you outside. thank you. i spoke with the investigator, he said that only one thing can save him, if kanovalov goes to peace and withdraws the statement. try to arrange a meeting with him, talk, apologize, maybe he will forgive you. he won't even talk to me. but if you, me. well, yes, he has nothing to be angry with you for, you didn’t do anything bad to him, go to the hospital, talk to him, but you think he ’ll listen to me, veik, you’re the only hope, if you don’t help me out, i’ll be lost, okay, i’ll do it all,
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that i can, just don’t despair, okay, and that kirill has no one besides you who would stand up for him, think for yourself, who would want to get involved in such a matter, i don’t know, friends, apparently they are such friends that he’s talking about them doesn’t even speak, len, but that’s not the point, kiril asked to help me, and i will help, you tell me, will you come with me to kanoval, yes i will, i told you, i won’t leave you if my presence is somehow may influence may influence, i don’t even know how to talk to him, yes, definitely, it’s good if there is a possibility, just nothing, did you have enough? have the audacity to come to me to ask for this bastard, he, he is very remorseful and ready to apologize, but let him shove his repentance, you know where, tell him that i won’t talk to him, it will be easier for you if he is imprisoned, not only that , that this
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idiot almost broke my head, he ruined my meeting, an important one, and the price of the issue for a second, half a million green, and now i have to catch this partner by the hand for half a month... he can’t get out of jail, even if i don’t i’ll be able to get money out of him, but at least i’ll know that he got what he deserved, okay? people like him belong in prison, but you were the first to get to him, that’s it, so let’s go from here, let’s go, let’s go, such rubbish, get them out of here so he won’t be seen, that’s it, this is the end, you can’t persuade him, i saw what
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a stubborn guy, well, yeah, persuasion won’t help here, of course he’s very angry, if he puts kira in prison, then i have no reason to live, vic, don’t talk, we’ll find a way, i don’t know what, dasha’s husband is a lawyer, that would be good , if he took it, i would undertake to defend kirill, listen, that’s the idea... yes, yes, i’ll try, excuse me, please, on my arkash. not a helper in this matter, why? well, he specializes differently, he’s a real estate lawyer, you yourself should understand that lawyers, and not like surgeons, everyone has their own direction, and his colleagues, but maybe if he asks around, they won’t refuse him, yes they won’t refuse, of course, but you must understand that no one does anything for free, and a good lawyer is very expensive, are you sure that kirill has money to pay? well, if you find money, arkady will advise who to contact?
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yes, he will advise, but len, you need to understand for yourself, figure out that if the case doesn’t work out, you know, kanovalov’s lawyer doesn’t care about the dark ones either, so kirill can go to prison without money, well, yes, a dead end situation, yeah, i’m scratching my head and i can’t think of anything, so don’t wait, don’t panic. what do you know about kanovalov? about ditch? yes a little. well, well, is he arrogant, he thinks that he is the navel of the earth, the owner of auto repair shops, auto repair shops? and pokhomov, who takes care of you and supplies auto parts. this is his main business. and what? do not understand? well, suddenly they know each other, they work in the same field. so what? well, maybe you can ask
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pakhomov which goat to drive up to the ditch? well, talk to him, well, ask him. no, dash, well, it’s inconvenient, well, i’m keeping him at a distance, then all of a sudden, out of the blue, what will he think of me? you know, honey, it’s your mistake, the straw needs to be laid out in advance, and now come on, show your imagination, no, think, think, no, i won’t fuss in front of him, no. i’ll come straight up and ask, but in the end it doesn’t oblige me to anything, oh, good luck, extra atlas, hello, wow, i can’t
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believe my eyes, you started talking to me, i thought i blacklisted you, well, why, you didn’t do anything bad to me, ca n’t we just talk to you, let’s maybe take you home at the same time, we ’ll talk, if you don’t mind, okay, i’ll take advantage of your kindness, thank you. your car is nice, yes, it’s 5 years old, my friends say we should sell it, it’s old, but... i fell in love with it, i only
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took it in for repairs once, to kanavalov, yes, konovalov, igor’s does great work, and you know him, no, no, i just heard, the best auto repair shops in the city, well, he and i are not exactly friends either , i supply him with auto parts, for service, that is, business partners, well, one might say, igor has a monstrous one. thank you bye.
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i have a feeling of such comfort, kindness, such talents. food prices are getting more expensive all the time, and we still let food go to waste, how many times has this happened to you, you
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you're about to cook a meal, you go to loaf some bread and find that it's either not fresh or moldy, we know. how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks as if you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing bread smart from topperwarear, a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. innovative membrane condensation control cap from bread smart with micro-fine precision ventilation designed for level regulation. air humidity inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer, so instead of spoiling and molding, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. the brad smart is large enough to hold several
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loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in a regular package, and this one was in the bread smart system. the difference is obvious, just think for a moment how much money you you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and pastries, 100 euros, 200 or much more. today the sensational taper ved smart system can be yours from just 39.95. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. the smart nonsense will remain. baked goods are deliciously fresh, will save you money and will pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us now. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather.
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an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion. to work, on a visit, on a walk to the store. soft, genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape, optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zippered compartments four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design, two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. listen, you said that pakhomov is caring for your sister, that he
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even forked out money for renovations at the school, his feelings are genuine. well, so what, lenka signed him up for agnor, and they don’t communicate that much because the. let her do it to him. he’ll play along a little more, but it’s as if he’s interested her, and then in between, he ’ll ask him to talk to kanovalov, and what will that give? if you don’t understand, i’ll explain now, kanavalov, he buys spare parts from pakhom, which means something depends on him, if he stands up for me, then maybe kanavalov will measure his ardor, but he only wants me to go to prison because is angry with me, you understand what you ’re asking for, lenka has already done so much for me, well...
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“no, no, and no, don’t even ask, you want, so that for the sake of your kirill and pokhomov she plays in love, you seriously don’t understand, kirill will be imprisoned, the investigator says that there is nothing to even guess, knovalov has not lawyers, but bison. kirill’s fate doesn’t interest me, let him get out of it himself, and you know that i personally don’t feel sorry for him, he got what he deserved, how can you do that, the man feels bad now, i can, tell kirill that i won’t help him, this is too much, i’m sorry ". sit down, hello, sit down a little, you're on foot,
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goodbye, goodbye, yes, yes, i'm always on foot, well then we are at your service, oh, it’s somehow inconvenient, you probably have something to do and i don’t want to take up your time, you won’t take up my time under any circumstances, besides , i have a free evening today, you once refused my offer to have dinner. maybe you'll agree now? oh, i don’t even know, believe me, it won’t get you anywhere, but you are persistent, life has taught you, well, do you agree? yes, okay, then please!
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it must be interesting to teach geography, geography was my favorite subject at school, all algebra, chemistry, such skeletalism, geography, there were even some pictures fantastic, and if i taught chemistry, your favorite subject would be chemistry, of course. it’s funny, but i’ve never been abroad, and what’s more, i didn’t travel around my native country often, so i know my subject from books, and you’ve been there often, no, i can’t let go of work, i also look at pictures, i dream about how in childhood, it means we have a lot in common, so it turns out that’s true? “let’s have a drink so that our dreams come true, come on, did you really
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agree to pokhomov’s courtship in order to free a man from prison, who betrayed you? dash, if it was only about kirel, i wouldn’t lift a finger, he’s not worth my help, but i did it because of vicki, you saw what condition she was in, i was really scared for her then, yes. help me, yeah, so what, how do you like pakhomov? did you regret that you spent the whole evening on it? well, andrey turned out to be cultured and polite, yes, i would even say gallant. and what? he behaved like a gentleman, so there was nothing vulgar. but only? dazh, yes, there is something to talk about with him. yes. it turns out we have a lot common interests. yes. so different, well , socially, well, yes, yes, you thought that he was only concerned about his business, but it turns out that he also reads books, yes, read,
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apparently a lot, so it’s a pleasure to talk with him, that’s it it’s already more interesting, but come on, come on, what is it, i ’m embarrassed to ask, you talked to him, i hope, not about books, well, what could we talk about, i hardly know him, well, mother, so you fell in love, yes, of course you are my friend, but if you don’t stop talking, there’s nothing else in the hospital, i really i have a feeling that he’s deliberately pretending to be seriously ill, he even bribed the doctors, but don’t push yourself too hard,
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okay, screw him up, you saw what he wrote about kirill on his blog, he made him look like such a freak, i’m sorry, i can’t right now talk, let’s talk later, okay, hello, hello, well, my own sister doesn’t care, the world has changed so much. lately she 's had some kind of enthusiasm, a love for life, uh-huh, yes, i noticed too, she came to our class like such a hunted animal, and now she has friends appeared, they play together during recess, but you know, it’s all thanks to you, because i couldn’t get her out of the state, yes, sveta told me. “you know, lena, i have a feeling that you want to tell me something, and you don’t dare, that’s true,
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no, no, you’re wrong, i’ve got everything. okay, it can’t be better, vic, well, i can’t tell him lay everything out right away, well, what can i tell him, andryusha, go to kanavalov and smear the bully kirill, and can you imagine how that will sound, you won’t tell him anything, i’ll say it, but just a little later, but... stupid, he will immediately understand that i succumbed to his advances because of kirill, it will offend him, it turns out that i used him, vic, but i don’t want him to think so, that’s all right, only if we wait a long time, kirill will be imprisoned, vic, i will do everything, just give me a little time, a little more, a little, how long is that,
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eh? a year or two, i don’t have time to wait for the verdict to be announced, it will be too late, they’ll send me to a prison camp, kirill, we’ll get you out, who are we, you’re your sister, but no she is going to help you, she is leading you by the nose, and you believed, kirill, that, kirill, you don’t understand, she hates me, she thinks that i abandoned her and ran away to you, she has one goal, to take revenge on me, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, she only pretends that she wants to help, in fact... rubber, so that we sit and wait for the weather by the sea, and then the licker will chase me, she will sit and be happy, you have no right talk like that about my sister, i know her better, but where, and how do you know her, you met two weeks ago, you don’t know what she’s like person and what’s on her mind, she won’t deceive me, in short, i don’t trust her, let’s calmly work out one more option, and
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which one, take all my money, cards, hire a lawyer, just a normal one, not just any, the best in the city, the best one in the city is expensive, but i don’t care, sell your apartment, your car, whatever you want, yeah, but as long as you don’t go to jail, okay, i’ll try, it turns out that walking on your own isn’t so bad, i completely forgot about this car it’s some kind of pleasure, but what’s stopping you from going for a walk? there’s no time, you know, maybe we’ll be with you, come on, you know, with this rhythm, for some reason i was completely overwhelmed and stopped seeing what was around, well, everyone is like that, so you’re not alone in this, well, no in this, i’m alone in principle,
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it shouldn’t be like that, really, no, it shouldn't. by the way, we came to my house, maybe you can come in? no, not now, happily, goodbye.
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vic, hi. what are you doing? yes so. yes, hello. yes, i understood. and at what percentage? are guarantors also needed? what are you doing, give it back? will not give it back. are you completely crazy? i want to take out a loan, i have the right! no, you don't you're right, how are you going to give it away from your pittance salary? or have you decided to sell your kidney? kirill will die there, don’t you understand? i love him, i have to do something! and how will you help him if you get into debt? i looked at the attorneys' fees! kirill’s savings are not enough, he said to sell the apartment and the car, but how can i sell the car? what will he then drive as a client, the apartment is generally crap, where
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will he sleep on the street? who, if not me, the court, soon there is no time? promise me that you won’t call anyone, i’ll do everything. andrey, hello, once again, i need your help, narrower, something is missing with courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova. well, wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, in front of her alone, andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, my whole life has burned up,
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alexander mikhailov, she’s in a difficult situation, she urgently needs a job, just tell me what, where, why, marat basharov, did you feel sorry for one, you order, i’ll fire you today. i've already given you a salary increase, alla taxi, how are we before without you? got along, that's it, especially me, from monday on rtr, mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9:95, we present to you a magnificent century carpet. you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time.
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the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is the ideal solution for bedroom, living room, kitchen, hallway and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, but... dreams can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red. two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale. magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of this incredible offer. call now. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden. introducing the hammer smith razer shovel. the ideal tool for digging. clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots. and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like
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clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels don't work well with hard compacted soil. but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, can cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily strip off roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on... shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why bother when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order a universal shovel
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the hammer smith razer features razor-sharp edges on both sides and a sharpened wa-shaped blade made from carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel to tackle even the toughest soil without breaking a sweat. with a soft grip that quadruples the grip area and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will be yours for an incredible price, for only 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time, we are opening the doors at big politics, new... memory tablet, do you want, do you want france to fight with russia? the aggressive policy of france so that russia cannot win this war is outright hypocrisy and lies. we did not notice
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the warmth in the relationship. come closer, you will feel it. why is the chirac era crossed out? spread this beautiful russian language everywhere. russian-french relations. we gave them our heart. how to line them up when even this? he must be perfect, he saw the world, they simply humiliated the country, everyone washed their faces, they said, thank you very much, come again. russia-france, how was it? he answered me in russian, in russian, because they were uncultured. we know more about big politics than others. this is the main meaning of your work. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. hi hi. hello. bring it to me as always. fine. thank you. so what happened? andrey,
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i’m in trouble, or rather, not with me, but with my sister. remember what you said about kanovalov? yes i remember. the man who beat him is my sister's fiancé, kirill. here this is a turn. yes. i didn’t want to ask you, but there’s no other way. i understand that kirill is wrong, but, but i, but nothing particularly terrible happened there. wait, i'm not very aware of this story. it's all about parking space. the fact is that kanavalov himself pushed kirill; in court this will be presented somewhat differently. well, naturally, kanovalov has very strong lawyers and a very bad character. and here it ’s not even a matter of beatings,
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hello, igor, how are you? your order? yes , i know, i know, that’s why i’m calling. like a head? how what to call? on business. listen, when can i meet you? ok, deal. yes. that's it, get well soon. that's it, i agreed to the meeting. and then we'll see. thank you. well, not yet. let's do this, we'll meet him, i'll talk to him and call you. well, maybe we can move on to more pleasant topics? run, hi, igor, hi, how are you, but i’m not complaining, you see, i got down to business, so to speak, without interruption from production. well, what do the doctors say? well,
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everything’s fine, they say it’ll take a couple of days stay, there is a comprehensive examination back and forth, what wind brought you here? and i have a business proposal for you, igor. so, listen, well, since everything has settled down with your health, maybe you can forgive this guy, well, with whom you are this bastard? no, it’s not about novara, in principle, you know, i’m for rock, yes. and for the rock, yeah, listen, igor, what if i offer you additional agreements to the agreement on the supply of spare parts, this is for which, for the one we signed last week, yes, of course, i remember, i liked everything, i would be happy signed, igor, i will offer you a 20% discount, you're kidding, 30%. what benefit do you have?
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don’t think about my benefit, everything is fine with me, consider that this is my gift to you, so wait, this intrigues you, tell me, i don’t understand, why are you standing up for this scoundrel like that, who is he to you, you reproach , relative, no one, believe me, i never even saw him. i don’t understand anything about this at all, but you don’t need to understand, igor, just tell me, yes or no? no, well, wait, here we need to... thank you, we need to think about this matter somehow, you will, so we write, no let's digress, thank you, andrey, hello,
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true, but no. it’s just, it’s just hard to believe, yes, thank you very much, thank you guys, i’m writing for a minute, we’re not distracted and no one is copying from anyone, i finally left, phew, vika, vika, andrey talked to kanavalov, he agreed go to war with kirill, what? are you serious? yes, quietly, come on , the best sister on the planet, sign here, right here. yeah, that's it, congratulations
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, you can say you got out of the water unscathed. konovalov said that there are more complaints against you does not have. how did you do it? yes, the bride helped, she agreed with him, you need to hold on to such a bride with both hands, she is simply a treasure. yeah, i know you’re free and i don’t want to get into such troubles again. yes, tfu-tfu-tfu, i don’t want to. all the best, goodbye, i still don’t really understand after the camera, what did you say to lav, that he fell behind, it’s not me, it’s lena, like everyone else, you
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wanted, she played at love with pakhomov, he pointed everything at konovalov, hello , lena, for her, relationships without feelings don’t make sense, do you see what she went to for you? and how did she decide to do this? listen, this is already in the past, let's go home, i'll cook dinner, you'll lick your fingers, or do you want to sit in a cafe? yes, i don’t care, choose for yourself, let’s go home, let’s run, let’s run, you’ve fulfilled your noble mission, kirill, you’re free, what will you do next? i mean, i will live as i lived, but i’m prokhomova, you will continue the relationship, there was no relationship, there was. only an appearance, and the most honest thing would be to slowly curtail everything, well, you’re a strange wealthy man, reliable, wise, that’s all ok, and you turn it off, dash, i don’t want any relationship after kirill, hello, this kirill was given to you, but you think, vika gave it out of
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the kindness of her soul, forget, think about your happiness, everything that happened in the past, forget, don’t bother at all, i’m just... there’s a very important business meeting tonight, and i won’t have time to pick up svetka from school, and i would n’t want her to return from school alone, you couldn’t see her off, and that’s all,
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and i will greatly disrupt your plans, no, i will do everything, don’t worry, okay, thank you, elena nikolaevna, hello, nikolaevna, do you like my dad, light, well, hello, i like it, this concept is very broad, hello, well, i certainly like him as a person. i love him, but he ’s like that, he has so little free time, a lot of work, you feel lonely, yes, i’m not even lucky enough to have a kitten, i... well , i didn’t have pets either, i also have allergies, don’t be sad, kilya nikolaevna,
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come in, oh, dad, are you home, yes, hello, i didn’t feel well this morning, i decided to cancel everything, stay at home, well, your beloved, on here, go, my hands, take the backpack, hello. hi, well, i guess i’ll go, but no, wait, i won’t let you go without dinner, come in, i’m glad to see you, and you’re also a cook, well, i can do a few things. “i haven’t met men who not only know how to earn money, but also
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do household chores, i left home for 17 years, so i became independent, i’m used to it, admit it, you deliberately came up with a business meeting so that i would come, do you think that did i deceive you?" help, no, no, everything 's cooking, i'll take myself, dad, help, yes, help, if you have great desires, then you can help svetka set the table, elena nikolaevna, why the hell are you washing the dishes, svepa, it’s okay that we were so simple, we had to light candles, no, no, no, i’ve been for some time now
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i don’t like romance, well, at least this kind of romance, but i don’t really like that kind of romance either, it seems to me that either there is sincerity between people, or there isn’t, and entourage is not all that important, that’s all i am. if anything, i'm in my room. so how did you manage to persuade kanovalov? farm secret? len, that's not really what i wanted. talk. you know, you are an amazing woman. i have never met anyone like you in my life. and i feel very good with you, and andrey,
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andrey, i knew that sooner or later this conversation would happen, but we can’t meet, why? please don’t ask, i’m very sorry for you, i’m sorry.
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yes, light, hello, i'm listening. nikola, dad is in the hospital, he is dying, as he is dying, what are you saying? come on, give it here, elena nikolaevna, this is the doctor. andrei viktorovich has acute appendicitis, he has now been rushed to our hospital, we are preparing him for
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operation, he asked to give the girl’s calculations, you know, he will have to. zay, let's go somewhere, last time we didn't get to the theater, no, i 've already had enough of the theater, well, let's go to the disco, you always liked it, vic, well, understand, i really have a lot of work, what you
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missed me very much, while you were away, while i was sitting in the cell, clients called on... the walls are climbing, but i’m not there, so i need to catch up. i see, come on, zaya, we have to work. april 6 marks exactly 2 years since vladimir zhirinovsky is no longer with us, for the first time on television, nephew, viktor zhirinovsky. it was he who managed the politician’s country residence for all these years and witnessed important historical events, including prophetic statements, new predictions of the famous politician and secret audio recordings. all this is being done to worsen the economic situation in russia and to cause an international situation. mala, on monday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you
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are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. cognac, old barrel, product of steller group. cnop gin is a product of stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection boadrum bourbon steersman product of stellar group discover the real one. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort.
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the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. "please, fasten your seat belt, bring the brandy, oh, the feelings will shock us today, andrey boriwa, you can say, you saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgeniy loza, why me, there are many ready-made specialists, light, i..." without you it’s like a decline i'm coming, or what? you're not your man, in a zone of strong turbulence, light, wait, don't say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please take your seat, flight attendant, on friday, i must, i'll hurry up, you vara was planning a relationship with
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pakhomov. so sit down and tell me about kirill. we quarreled, not that we quarreled, i just don’t understand him, he ’s become some kind of stranger, hello, oh, hello,
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valentina petrovna, she’s always either visiting clients or sitting at the computer, she practically doesn’t talk to me, so a couple of words a day, and why is that, well, he says that he’s tired, he’s very busy, listen, well, maybe it’s really like that, maybe you ’re nervous for nothing, yes, well, i see. some thoughts are tormenting him, here’s the question: hello, hello, hello, vik, you know my attitude towards kirill, but in this situation his you can understand, but he went through so much stress, really, he thought that he would go to prison, that his life was over, do you think this is because of the stress? well, yes, just give him time to get over it, be gentle with him. the more kindly, do you understand? yes, thank you, liang, and don’t be sad, dad, how are you
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feeling? ok, the doctor said the operation was successful, but you still need to lie down to recover, well that’s it, what’s bothering you? svetka, right? no, no, nothing like that, we get along well with her, dad, i feel good with elena in charge, the main thing is that you get better, i will get better, everything heals on me like on a dog, and i woke up after anesthesia and the first thought, you know what it was, you said that you were guilty of something in front of me, what? “let ’s talk later, come on, you need to rest, well
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, let’s go, bye, bye, bye, bye, thank you, i’m sorry, ki! where are you going with the client, there’s work, you said that we ’ll be alone today , that you’re not going anywhere, they just called, it’s urgent, kir, what’s going on, what’s wrong, vic, a client is waiting for me, well, that’s because of the police, because of nerves, yes, you take a rest , everything will be as before, in short, i left, then we’ll talk. three,
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well, you're ahead of me, okay, i 'll catch up with you now, five, what's this, i'm not waiting for anyone, but it's already late, sit here, i 'll see who's there. there’s someone you didn’t expect to see, you’ll send them away, come on in, since you’ve come, something’s wrong with vika, why isn’t she with you? yes, vika is fine. the conversation is just not for her ears, will i pass? no, there's a girl, what girl? my student, we are studying with her, if you want to say something, say it here. leia, while i was sitting
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i had time to think, at least some benefit, you know, vika, she’s not for me, she’s a dummy, there’s nothing to even talk about with her, she’s all about dancing, hold your tongue, she’s my sister, and i don’t want to hear about her nasty, but i fell for her beauty. but i need a normal woman with brains, with a soul, you know, great, that is, i’m not beautiful, but with a soul, great, but what are you going too far, everyone can make a mistake, and i made a mistake when i got involved with her, i need.. .only you, don’t touch me, do you actually believe in what you say, of course i do, you saved me from prison, a woman can only do such an act when she truly loves who, you, kirill, shook himself, i hate you, no, no, len, you love me, you’re just afraid of me, take your hands off, take your hands off, i said, take your hands off, i didn’t save you, take it off, kirill, first of all, i did
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n’t save you, i saved vika. clearly, she almost went crazy when she found out that you were detained, what should i do? len, i can’t live without you, well, yeah, you can’t live without me, i’ve had enough of your loud words, i’m tired of you, you’re like a weather vane, today you’ll turn in one direction, tomorrow to another, take your hands off, get out, okay, i'll leave, just think about everything i said. there is nothing to think about here.
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well, well, whose move? yours, who was it? yes, just an uncle i know. you don't love him, do you? two, one, two. i know that you don't love him. i do not like. and my dad? but i don’t know your dad yet, go, oops, where did you get so much, well, now i live with the world, well, you have to take andrei to the hospital,
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you visit him every day. and what is it, he has practically no relatives, there is no one to bring even basic apples, admit that he you need it, dash, again, listen, well, stop pretending to be your insulted innocence, aren’t you tired, oh, listen, this is a natural, normal process when andrei likes you, and he likes you, don’t tell anyone, i don’t want gossip, okay , okay, listen, i have a car nearby, give me a lift, no, no, i’m... it’s close here, good luck, i don’t know what you can do, so i bought it at my own discretion, from your hands i can do everything, wait, let me help you, but it’s okay, but you didn’t consult a doctor too early, but no, i’m tired
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roll around like a log. no, no, it’s just that my head is spinning, it’s not a habit, i need to pace, let me consult a doctor, maybe tomorrow you can go out, there’s a beautiful square here, len, i want to tell you again, i’ll just put it differently, i’d be happy , if we lived together, something... tell me, andrey, this, this is a very difficult question, i just know that if you refuse me, then i will never find another woman like her.
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you won’t catch up, look, hello, girls, you bought a car from me, what’s the matter, flax, stay, and ask mom, run, change clothes, i’m just now, there can’t be any conversations between us, i told you clearly about this yesterday, two words, i can’t live without you, i’m not talking about that yet. i ’ll kiss you, kirill, are you crazy, do you want to kiss me? kiss me, did you achieve what you wanted? le, that’s not what i wanted at all, and
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it won’t be any other way, what’s going on, your kirill is a scoundrel, i won’t say anything more, kirill, explain to me, i need to know, what kind of thing do you... kirill, you want to know, i love only her, i don’t need anyone else, it’s clear vika, vika, please forgive me, but i did it for you. remember, i warned you that this person would deceive you, you refused to listen, you said that i was doing all this out of envy, i loved him, i really believed in him, yes, i understand, i understand,
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i just have to endure it, but i it was like that too, i know from myself, emotions will subside, life will go on as usual, it happened to me too once. len, i'm sorry, i'm such a fool, that's it, calm down, be quiet, yeah, okay, doctor? i will live, i think, at least 100 years, your health is excellent, the body is strong, recovery is even faster than it usually happens, when you are discharged, well, i think, in three days,
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follow the regime, follow all the instructions, and soon you will completely forget that you had surgery, thank you, get well, thank you, oleg valentinovich. hello, hello, len, yes, andryuzh, hi, hi, sorry, did i take you away from class? no, no, my lessons are already over. well, if you hadn’t called, i would have called you myself. yes, i miss you very much too, you know, i, i’m counting the minutes until
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the evening when we meet again. a andrey, i've done a lot lately. i understand, and if you want to tell a person something important, then speak without delay, otherwise you might just, just miss the moment, i love you, i want us to be together, are you seriously saying this now? yes, i have never spoken so seriously as... now the phone is ringing, you pick up the receiver, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello,
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hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this is alla, al, al, al, hi, alla, alla, alla, alla, their colors to choose from. anything you need
4:24 pm
to do - fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life at a special price. just from 9.95. just choose a suitable design and create it. unique look of your suburban area, we present to your attention a real hit of sales, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather, elegant, stylish , very roomy chocolate bag, made in the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes, it will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, on a walk to the store, soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape , optimal size ! this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning
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fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call now to order from. an exquisite bag of chocolate made of genuine leather for only 1995, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, prolong the garden season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use. on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental
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plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering with pvc film material, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order mini.
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and this is your woman, she can’t wait , i can’t hang around here for another 3 days, listen, just a little, well, she may be able to, but i can’t, well, okay, under your responsibility, and not today, but tomorrow, we need prepare the documents, okay, thank you. well, we had a good walk today, yes, very well, and tomorrow we ’ll go to these attractions, well, if we have time, then we’ll definitely go, len, vika, i was waiting for you, why did i wait, i mean, why on the street, you have the keys, you could have called me. len, i’m so ashamed, i left
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kirilla, there’s nothing for me to do there, honey, honey, well, well, that’s good, i came to say goodbye, i mean, to say goodbye, i’ll go back to zavodogogorsk, i shouldn’t have come, just for you and myself life ruined. so, first of all, you didn’t spoil anything for me; on the contrary, it’s good that everything happened this way. secondly, come on, you won’t rush to leave, we’ll discuss everything with you tomorrow, yes, well, where should i live, you’re not alone now, well, with me, and sveta and i will live in the apartment of andrei, her father, cool, well, so no one will bother anyone, that’s right, that’s right, let’s go upstairs, i’ll -what will i take, well, for...
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sunny, get up, get up, otherwise we ’ll be late for school, is it already morning? yes, let's wash up in the kitchen, breakfast is waiting there, come. hello, len, good morning, i’m being released today, i’m sitting here, waiting for discharge, already, you said 3 days, to hell with it, i don’t want to wait, today i’ll be at home with you and sveta, i’ll try free up early, i’ll pick you up in a taxi, don’t worry, i ’ll get there just fine, i don’t accept any objections,
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so wait for my call and don’t go anywhere, i obey, bye, it was dad who called, right? he is being discharged today, hurray, dad is there, dad will meet us, you didn’t think that he wouldn’t meet us, yes, well, i liked france, of course, definitely, sveta, i went to pick up your dad at the hospital, yes, we’ll have a little one in the evening family holiday, let's go straight away, yeah. take more bags, come on, come on, i'm behind you, are you ready, well, not yet, well, now it seems, yes, let’s go home, there
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’s only one light there. thank you, goodbye, andrei petrovich, please sign, let’s , well, i’ve healed, and who are you, who am i, and let her tell you, andrei, don’t pay attention, the car is waiting for us, but to talk, that is, yesterday we kissed, you don’t want to talk now, so explain yourself, what? explain here? do you know why she approached you, just to get me out of prison? so are you the same kirill? yes, i am that same kirill, this is my lena and she will be with me. andrey, don't listen to him, please let's go. well, maybe lena herself
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will decide who she should be with? she has already decided. i haven't decided anything yet. i'm in the car. goodbye, goodbye, have a nice trip, why did you talk to him, you should have gone straight away, why did it turn out to be an interesting conversation, but he told you the truth? yesterday we kissed, and he’s cute, i understand why you asked for him, well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop.
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it couldn’t have occurred to them, dad, hi, you’ve been discharged, hi, uh-huh, ah, carefully, god still hurts, how are you, okay, okay, i, where is elena nikolaevna, she went for you, there is no one else. elena nikolaevna will not. why? did she want to have a party in the evening? and there will be no holiday either.
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bastard, what kind of bastard is he? your andrey is also good, but i don’t know what to call kirill, he’s worse than a bastard, he did his job. he destroyed everything, everything that connected me with andrei, lord, some three or four phrases, happiness shattered into pieces, len, len, you are all because of me, len, if i hadn’t asked you then, then... .. vika, the paradox is
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that if it weren’t for you, andrey and i would have remained strangers, the situation is hopeless, i promise, i’ll think of something, you hear, i’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly word, len! did he tell you anything else? no, but i want to know, you'll tell me, light, but if
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he didn't tell you anything, then i can't either, wait, please tell me, i have to know, you see, it's just, it's just that your dad thinks that i'm his i’m deceiving, that’s why he was offended by me and... but that’s not true, you don’t deceive him, let’s not talk about it, let’s go to class, uh, what are you doing, this is for lena, you fell from an oak tree, or what, what did you do? correct it, tell
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pokhomov that you lied everything out of jealousy, who do you take me for, i won’t correct anything , pokhomov will never get her, that ’s why you’re doing this, lena, by the way , got you out of prison, pokhomov too, if not for them , you would be in jail right now, thanks for reminding me. “if someone had collected money, then a lawyer would have pulled me out, but you did n’t care, no, i tried, but i tried poorly, but i now have to lie at the feet of someone else, please tell andrei that all this is not true, they love each other, for some time lenka’s life has begun to improve, please don’t interfere, i repeat again, i won’t correct you, yours my sister rejected me, but i’m also proud and i don’t forgive this, and as for her happiness, she has
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no options other than me, do you think that she will love you after all this, you’re crazy, yes, where will she go, that’s it we'll see. hi dad, listen, let's go tonight let's go somewhere, come on, sit down wherever you want, i want to go to the rides, i like it there, get in the car, let's discuss, now, light, sit down, you'll get stuck in the car, second, second, light, are you kidding me?
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i can’t do anything, i’ve already tried this and that, i even went to your andrey, in my opinion i only made it worse, uh-huh, worse than it is, it can’t be anymore, the main thing is he’s so
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stubborn, uh-huh, what are the arguments for ... they don’t work on him, vic, leave him, you can’t help me anyway, it’s a dead end, well, i’m unlucky with men, i’ll live alone, i ’ve written off all the creatures, we’ll live together, you’re an exception, a happy exception to the rule, i’m talking about something else. maybe children, this is not about me, about you, about you, i’ll come up with something, i ’ll definitely come up with something, hello, there, hello, victoria nikolaevna, i have something to do with you, and this is about lena, that is elena nikolaevna, yes, yes, i know how to bring them together with dad, and how,
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the plan is such that it can’t be done without you, come on , tell me what you need, well, why are you suggesting that i go to the disco with you? sorry, i’m already past that age, but i’m not in the mood, why not just go to a disco, let’s go somewhere for a walk, where, where we’ll go for a walk, well, i don’t know, a park, for example, no, i don’t want to go to the central one, there crowd. noisy, everyone is pushing, okay, then let's go to the eastern one, well, it's always quiet there, there aren't many people, especially in buda, so what are we going to do there? well, i don’t know, let’s go, chat, get some fresh air, but it’s better than sitting within four walls, vic, why did you want fresh air? listen if you you’re up to something, but what are you up to right now? by the way, i’m trying for your benefit, well
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, i... if it’s for benefit, then whatever you want, let’s go for a walk, yanna came out, pulled everyone out to the place, flowers are blooming, in the immediate spring murriki.
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tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star, you'll discover a whole new world of belgian waffles and have your kids begging you to make them again and again. that's the secret. the non-stick coated waffle iron plates have a deeper large design, which allows you to add fillings to suit every taste. cherry jam to make cherry pie or fill the middle of a scrambled egg with ham and cheese. so that you get it yourself, in just three steps you will get your ideal puff waffle, which will suit everyone’s taste, your children will also be happy to join this exciting process, cooking with power excel is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready , breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, with the incredible new power xl waffle iron you will surprise everyone, why torment yourself with old waffle irons and
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toasts that cannot be topped with wafer. you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in record time with extreme ease, waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, pizza waffles, toast with cheese, french toast or hearty beef waffles, forget about the mountains of dishes left after cooking, breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is simply a waffle delight for the whole family, call and get your own unique one. xl waffle star for your perfect waffles and more the waffle iron has an msrp of 79.95, but you will get your original power xl woffle star at a unique price. priced at just 59.95, you will save 20 euros, but that's not all, if you order right now, you will receive a brilliant booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef as a gift.
4:45 pm
but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it you will not only update in minutes. decorate familiar interior, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, and the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with soap. sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from: blue, red. two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale carpet magnificent century at the lowest price from only 9.95. take
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advantage of these incredible offers. call now. so is this what you're doing that's confusing? so that when i'm around anyone , she won't understand me anymore. don't touch my daughter. on saturday. i will soon be 18. i will live the way i want, polina has disappeared, left home, calls are not answered, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what to do, everything will be fine, if suddenly you will be needed my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they are studying together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from the network yet... from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on
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saturday on rtr, conduct weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves, conduct weeks with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. dad, listen, let's go to the playground tonight, listen, i really don't i know whether i will succeed or not, well, dad, you promised me a long time ago, please, okay, go ahead, which one do you want, i want in the eastern one, i like it there better, since when did this happen, you always said, that it’s boring and not many people there, dad, i changed my mind. moreover, the fact that there are few people is good, no one will interfere, dad, we’ll go, okay, come on, only then an agreement, you have dinner
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quickly, without anyone else, i don’t want it anymore, i can’t do it anymore, we agreed, we agreed , thank you, well, bon appetit, stop, first drink water. vika, let's go home, len, let's walk a little more, we always have time to sit at home, what's at home, what's here? len, you’re completely depressed, maybe you’ll go straight from the bridge and chip in, or maybe i’ll go chip in, what are you saying? an unexpected meeting, yes, yes, go for a walk, yes,
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uh-huh, andrey, no. girl, this is for you, len, i mean it. i wanted
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to reconcile you, i thought i’d meet you on neutral territory, talk, he’ll understand everything, he understood, just not what was needed, you made it even worse, len, well, i wanted the best, i please, i really beg you, no more... yes , no plans, leave everything as it is, i said that i will help you, that means i will help you, victoria, this is my business, please do not interfere, and especially do not interfere until light, she’s still a child, she herself wants to help you, do you think that we don’t care about you at all, len, well, all is not lost, no, now everything is over. len, why did you
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leave, why didn’t you talk to her, you talk like you’re talking to your father, and don’t meddle in adult affairs, i’m still little, you always call me little, but i! elena nikolaevna, can i go? yes, yes, of course, guys, i have to tell you that most likely we will not see each other again.
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circumstances, but don’t be upset, everything will be fine, no, it won’t, well, get ready, changes, okay, quit, seriously, like, well, maybe, yes, yes, girls, you need to change something in this life, len, come on, we don’t know why. stop it like that, no, thank you, that’s it, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, yeah. do you want to leave?
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where? vic, i’m a geographer, the whole world is in front of me. well, i’ll go to your town, you still have some there's an apartment there. zavodogorsk, there’s a hole there. well, teachers are needed everywhere. i'll start everything from scratch. okay, then i'll go with you. no, you will stay here, you dreamed of living in a big city. let your dream come true, settle down, and go to college. sveta.
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lena, where is my daughter? i don’t know, what do you mean i don’t know where my daughter is? i came home, i have a note, dad, you offended elena nikolaevna, i ’m leaving, there’s no need to look for me, what’s going on? i said, i don’t know what that means, i don’t know, i came to school, they told me that she had left before the last lesson, i ask where she is, firstly, don’t yell at me, and secondly, i don’t know where sveta is, andrey. have you seen sveta today? yes, after your lesson in the hallway. she talked to the girl and asked about the bus schedule. who did she ask? uh, such a classmate, fair, big-eyed. masha, that's it, let's go. leah, let's go, i'll explain everything along the way. hello, police, my daughter is missing. pokhomovo svetlana andreevna. hair is dark blond. masha, where? sveta, elena
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nikolaevna, i don’t know, it’s not true, i myself i once heard me talk about bus schedules. quiet, quiet, if you know something, answer. we are all very worried, both her dad and i. the light needs to be found, otherwise disaster may happen. she asked about intercity buses. my mother works in the cash register at the bus station. i know the schedule. so she wanted to leave? and where to? looks like it came from the gorsk factory. there's a bus there at 18:40. only she asked not to tell anyone. thank you. 18:40. 18:22. we have to be in time. goodbye. goodbye. yes, len, i know where to find the light, where? central bus station. okay, i'm going now i'll come there. come on, come on.
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do you see her? sveta, sveta, where are you going, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, please, look, let me go, i don't want you to teach me, i'd rather leave on my own, what are you saying, let me go, sveta! well, what about dad, will you leave him alone? dad doesn't love me anymore, he doesn't need me. sveta, listen to me, he loves you very, very much, he almost went crazy, he put the whole city on their ears, you know? light, dad!
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well, where did you go? dad, dad, i'm sorry, i just wanted you to understand, thank you, sit down. you’ve already decided to leave, yes, when
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i go, i’ll write, don’t worry, the geographer drank away the globe. it's time to help, come out.
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5:00 pm
hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius will present in the studio and the main topics for this hour. vladimir putin warned against flooding in the kurgan and tyumen regions.


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