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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour. vladimir putin warned that in the kurgan and tyumen regions, flooding is inevitable, people must be prepared in advance to evacuate, in the flood zone, they should drink only bottled water. in orsk, the water is just rising. now we don’t know what was washed away there. rescuers work without sleep or rest.
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explosions occurred again in kharkov, energy facilities and a military school where pilots are trained were hit. the western press claims that the west seems to have found something to offer zelensky in exchange for a peace plan for ukraine. knows where money comes from. there are no small details. she is an amazingly warm person. matvienko celebrates her anniversary. hero of labor. and an oil production platform caught fire in the gulf of mexico. in slovakia , the president was elected in the second round. today in russia they celebrate runet day. in the orenburg region, which was at the epicenter of the flood. there
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is a federal state of emergency, the situation is under control of the president. about the scale of flooding in ursk vladimir putin was reported by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, who arrived at the scene in the morning, and the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler. the head of state especially noted the need to monitor the situation in the neighboring regions of kurgan and tyumen, where flooding is also inevitable. the discharge at hydraulic structures had to be increased due to the abnormal rise in water level over the past 100 years. and during telephone conversations with the heads of regions, the president instructed to prepare for a natural disaster, everyone must be taken measures to assist people and their possible evacuation. another instruction to the head of the ministry of internal affairs , vladimir kolokoltsev, is that the ministry of internal affairs must ensure the protection of law and order for the property of citizens in the affected areas. more than 400 people have already been evacuated in orenburg, about a thousand of them are in points. in the regional center, the ural river
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continues to rise, about one and a half thousand houses are flooded, water flows not only to the private sector, but to high-rise buildings, several streets are blocked to protect buildings , an artificial embankment is being erected, in order to for safety, electrical substations are turned off, water utilities operate in a special mode, water is intensively disinfected, but it is better to drink it from the tap only after boiling, or use bottled water. water is disinfected with chlorine at a concentration of 1 mg per liter, so the water may have a specific odor, it is completely safe, the water in the tap is potable, meets all sanitary requirements, we recommend boiling it before use. the peak of the flood is expected on april 10, police are helping to remove residents in orgsk, dangerous the zone is rapidly expanding from the air, it is clearly visible how much water is being held back by the dam, which is damaged in... in three places,
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railway tracks are under threat, according to the transport prosecutor's office , train traffic is not impeded so far, several clinics in the city are flooded, schools are switching to distance learning, in the morning there was probably 30-40 centimeters less water than now. according to preliminary estimates, damage from the flood may exceed 20 billion rubles. a hotline has been opened for victims any questions can be asked. daily by number 122. the work of rescuers on site is coordinated by the head of the ministry of emergency situations. all current information is in the reports of alexandra mostova and ruslan bikbulatov. the ural river was raging in earnest. big water arrives at lightning speed. the evacuation of orsk residents continues. a pensioner with two cats is stuck on the second floor of a residential building. the entrance was flooded. an elderly woman was rescued from water captivity. made a decision, they thought
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it was some kind of joke, and there is no joke, you see for yourself, we were saving one person just now about 30 minutes, in the orenburg region there is a record flood for 80 years, cars are drowning, water has reached schools and shops, a stormy stream has blocked the entrance to residential buildings, in some areas waist-deep water has to be floated, boats from the russian ministry of emergency situations arrive one after another residents who were captured by the elements. rescuers do not stop working for a minute as the water continues. arrive, we are now on gagarin square, the area is completely flooded, people are being evacuated, that’s how we can see, they have just been brought to residents' boats, you have a lot of things, no, no, here's a bag, and when you decided to evacuate, this morning, it was 5 o'clock, how do you generally
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feel about all this, are you worried because we are being rescued, minister alexander kurenkov inspects the flooded areas, critical the situation in the old town microdistrict, which is almost cut off. region , groups from neighboring regions arrive to help, people who are already in the water, they willingly agree, who has a second floor, they think that they will be saved on it, they do not want to leave their houses, but a lot of water continues to rise, and the water has already arrived, probably one and a half to two meters, in the second day that i’ve been here. temporary accommodation centers have become a real salvation for residents left homeless due to high water, this...
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commission, the water level in the orenburg region rose in just 24 hours, more than 6.00 residential buildings were flooded, more than 400 people were evacuated, enough, we are still in some we will increase it locally as necessary, but our colleagues, everyone who works in the field, they information is being shared, you can see for yourself, work is underway, an assessment of the situation will be carried out in the near future, everything that will be needed, we... waste, plus there is a spill, now we will calculate this history, we will see accordingly, but in any case, 500 cubic meters - this is almost a quarter of that discharge, of course, we hope that in the future we
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will be able to reduce it further in a few days, which, of course, will certainly have a positive effect in the future on reducing the volume of water inflow into the city, the head of the ministry of emergency situations has already instructed the local authorities.. . it is obvious that even for him it is not easy to cope with this level of water. the night before , the dam was broken in yet another place, the disaster zone is expanding, water is taking over street after street, entire neighborhoods of orsk are drowning. i didn’t want to leave, i think
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i won’t go anymore, so they persuaded me, i just want to sob, let alone cry, the condition is serious. dear citizens, the water is just rising. since the night, sirens have been blaring in the city, the police are begging with loudspeakers to leave their homes; staying in houses is dangerous for life. we do everything proactively, so we must understand and predict that water may enter there, so a warning is given in advance, so that people, if they can independently, leave their homes on their own, those who need help, we provide it, where they walked yesterday, they are now swimming, depth is under 2 m, private houses are flooded to the very roof, lakes are now and... this is what the flooded residential areas of orsk look like, we see that the water has reached the level of the first floor, it is no longer possible to open the entrances, garages and outbuildings are flooded , with each leave the apartment at an hour it’s becoming more and more complicated, people go out through the windows of the entrances onto the canopies and from there they transfer
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to the boats. on the roads, abandoned cars were filled with water so quickly that people did not have time to leave in them in the disaster zone and schools; during the flood, children...
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were taken away in an ambulance ; caring residents of orsk do not leave their pets in trouble and remove them from their roofs. here is a man carrying out a cat up to his chest in water, and here are dogs left in a flooded house obediently jumping into the rescue boat. they know they are being saved. and these shots were taken in orenburg, where evacuation is also ongoing, more than forty husky dogs were rescued from the kennel, the animals are no longer in danger, volunteers are looking for people willing to adopt them. dogs for foster care, the first one was saved, no, the second one is being carried away, arenburg
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is experiencing the flood of the century, it is the largest in the entire history of observations in the region. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkassov, alexander bazhenov, alexandra berezkina. vesti, orenburg region. our military today destroyed the storage of unmanned boats that were transferred to kiev nato countries. in addition, two anti-aircraft missile launchers were hit . 300, air defense forces shot down almost three hundred unmanned aerial vehicles, the ministry of defense reported. powerful explosions sounded in kharkov all day and, according to preliminary data, one of the attacks hit the air force university, this is the largest military educational institution in the country that trains pilots. another arrival was recorded at the electrical substation. local publications reported interruptions in cellular communications and the internet. cement cement is affected in odessa factory. used the enterprise as a warehouse for weapons and shells. in the ovdeevsky direction, our advanced detachments occupied
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new positions. aerospace forces pilots blew up a dam along which ukrainian forces were transferring reserves. drone operators shot down an american maxpro armored vehicle, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and an ukrainian armed forces tank. in total , 935 mercenary soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as 10 tanks and other armored vehicles, were destroyed in various areas of the ied within 24 hours. about what is happening now on the artyomovsky front, from the front line. report by military correspondent pavel prokopenko. aerial reconnaissance - the eyes of those who work on the ground. the crew of the drones of the sixth motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces is in action. we work with assault groups directly, that is , we determine by video where the enemy is, we report, that is, so that the assault groups know in advance where the danger is and where the enemy is standing. this camera has twenty-eight times magnification.
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500 schoolchildren who will participate in sports camps were met at the resorts of the black sea and azov seas of the krasnodar territory. they will be safe train, study, relax, and if necessary, they will stay there until the end of may.
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report by anna sorokina. instead of the usual parquet, they are famous. on it, athletes from belgorod, fans of classical volleyball, play beach volleyball for the first time and take a break from their stressful life under shelling. there is no sand in belgorod, well, in belgorod, well, they shoot, well, loudly, that’s it, it happened almost every day, my mother doesn’t let me go for a walk, well, somehow i don’t really want to. anaba volleygrad, a famous russian volleyball base, received more than 100 schoolchildren from belgorod, these are pupils of the olympic reserve school, the future of russian volleyball, here they can train without... interference and relax, we are in complete absolute safety, children calmly leave the building, children walk without looking around, without listening to different sounds. the plans include friendly games with local volleyball players and meeting participants in the international tournament, which is currently taking place in anapa. for 3 weeks in anapa , volleyball players from belgorod will hold full-fledged sports training, but during
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training they do not forget about their studies, like this lessons are held every weekday so that the learning process does not stop. assignments from teachers come online, their completion is monitored by coaches, teachers, and parents who remain in their native belgorod, everyone is glad that schoolchildren have the opportunity to study in peace. it was very loud in belgorod, there were constant sirens, people were constantly hiding, our whole family was very worried about it. the motivation to complete school assignments on time is serious. coaches tell us if we don’t complete tasks and study, then we won’t attend training. and for you this punishment? yes. athletes train, live and study in a closed area, eat buffet style, the diet includes healthy food, lots of vegetables and fruits, local products, live in spacious rooms next to the training base. we live in a very beautiful and comfortable room; i live with my teammate. while the athletes are undergoing renovations here at their home sports school in belgorod, they don’t
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spend much free time, of course, at sea. everything is very good here, and we often go very often. here walking, guests from belgorod, this is more than 500 schoolchildren, they welcomed not only anapa their doors, children’s camps were also opened for them on the coast of the azov sea in yeisk, in total , due to shelling , more than 900 children from belgorod region. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kertok and anna nekos, lead the krasnodar region. today the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko celebrates the anniversary. having made a successful career along the party line in soviet times, she was deputy chairman for 5 years government, oversaw the social sphere, then won the gubernatorial elections in st. petersburg, headed the city for 8 years, in 2011 she was elected chairman of the federation council and has been heading the chamber since then, for special services
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to the country, vladimir putin awarded valentina matvienko the title of hero of labor, decree. published today, she has everything to say, she is a responsible, experienced and professional leader. valentina ivanna is a woman, she is characterized by charm, so i can only say that we are lucky, where there should be charm and charm is inherent, where it is necessary to convince, she will convince, where it is necessary to prove, she will prove, in fact, she is very, very professional, she has something to achieve. a person, first of all, a very committed person, a person for whom there are no trifles, i don’t know a single thing that she wouldn’t complete, if she takes on it, then it will definitely be done, i can’t help
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but wish you on this day further good, good deeds, and of course, of course, health, health. once again good health, everything else is happy birthday to you, valentina ivanovna, she, of course, is a prominent statesman, and of course, the fact that she has now headed the federation council for many years and does so obviously successfully and effectively has gained authority among russians, of course, but also in many countries of the world, this reflects her quality - which combine, i would say, the wisdom of a politician, the wisdom of a statesman, and female wisdom, in the upper house of parliament, it’s very easy... she always talks, because tatyana ivanovna knows how from where money is taken it is much more efficient to spend this resource, where we
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will get the result, and what is important is that she really always knows, uh, the final goal, what, where to invest and what, what effect will be from it. she is an amazing warm person and a person who is always ready to come. to help, and to do it completely sincerely, completely at ease, and are always ready to literally do everything that is possible and even impossible, in order to help every person, an amazing person with kindness, a person who has been worked in public positions and has not at all lost this amazing spiritual generosity that is in her and kindness, today... prince patriarch kirill awarded valentina matvienko the order of grand duchess elizabeth feodorovna, first class. he noted the contribution of the head of the federation council in the development of relations between church and state, as
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well as for strengthening traditional spiritual and moral values ​​in society. orthodox christians celebrate today one of the biggest church holidays. annunciation. on this day, as stated in in the gospel, the archangel gabriel brought the news to the virgin mary that she would give birth to a son who... will become the savior of the world. the traditional first service in honor of this celebration takes place the day before. the clergy wear blue robes, which is associated with the virgin mary. believers in the temple are told about the history and significance of the holiday. it symbolizes the holy spirit, peace and freedom that jesus gave to people. and another beautiful custom that has existed in russia for centuries. after the service, parishioners release white doves into the sky. may the cover of the most pure the queen of heaven resides over our people, over the countries that form historical
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russia, over our church, over all who look to the lord with faith and hope, turning their prayers to him, and carry out their christian work with love for their neighbors. amen! happy holiday to all of you! the international festival of russian music in the baltic has opened in kaliningrad. for 2 months , concerts will be played in the city, world-class musicians from russia, azerbaijan, korea, china, and japan will perform. the music festival began with the premiere of the rock opera karamazova. marina naumova shared her impressions of the unexpected interpretation of dostoevsky’s great roman. a fundamentally new look at the great novel of fyodor dostoevsky was offered to the kaliningrad audience by the creators of the rock opera karamazov. this is rock and folklore and musical. love that conquers all vices, capable of changing a person, giving him hope. the story of the salvation of the soul, described by dostoevsky, received a new meaning. there are no
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decorations, furry costumes or orchestras on stage. the music is recorded. all the attention of the audience focuses on characters who are revealed through vibrant arias. i generally like that. the performance also shaped him as fyodor dostoevsky, as the human author admits, and gave answers to questions about the soul of love. the project has such a missionary function, because it, like no other project, is probably needed today by our country, our audience, because it is this
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performance, it is such a singer of the russian world, it is such anti-russophobia, a karamaz novel, there is such defense of the russian, our russian, our russian land, ragulin invited modern musical stars, fyodor karamazov, brothers mitya, ivan and alyosha, to play the roles of other heroes . its own musical theme, one of the most powerful hares in smerdikov’s musical, which asks dostoevsky questions: who am i, what am i, the leader, the hell out of it. on stage are the pious elder zosima and female characters: the strict ekaterina ivanovna, the seductive grushenka. in principle, all the characters are female; dustoevsky’s are very close to me and i like them. he is very, very, very, very he especially sees femininity, this very threshold, which seems to be... there it seems to society that this is a threshold, he sees great pain in this beauty. the international festival russian music in
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the baltic opened with the karamazov rock opera in the kaliningrad region, 2 more months to get better. world-class musicians from russia, korea, china, and japan will perform at concert venues in the region. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. what are you ready for? offer western countries to zelensky in exchange for a peace plan for ukraine in the form of kiev’s renunciation of territories? russian coach leonid slutsky was able to lead the chinese club to the leader of the chinese championship. today is celebrated in russia . and be careful, ticks are active in several regions at once. get dressed, well done. premiere on rtr. vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space. i need official registration. she'll arrange for more. what to do? stop, stop,
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stop! let's go, they ate my child, allah taxi from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea. to the first coastal one, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover.
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excellence, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of solute 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenebekov and viktor sovenykh, the cabin became quiet, one and a half minutes remained before the collision with the station, before this there was definitely no manual insurance in space. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. please, fasten your seat belt. will shock us today.
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please take your place, stewardess on friday, today, i wrote in posts all year, i will still go to malakhov, i will still go, they didn’t believe me,
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everyone laughed for a long time, and i’m standing here. don't miss songs from the bottom of your heart, today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. ukrainian armed forces today tried to carry out a terrorist attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the drone hit the dome of the sixth power unit. according to representatives of the station, the truck that brought food was damaged. critical there were no casualties. the radiation background is normal. the consequences of the attack, leaving behind a ukrainian drone, will be presented by inspector magat. behind the scenes, nato leadership is considering a peace plan for ukraine in the form of kiev’s renunciation of territory in exchange for
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immediate entry into the north atlantic alliance. the largest european newspapers are writing about this today. journalists claim that although no one is talking about it officially in nato, the idea is not just in the air, it is known to everyone in brussels. sound in public in other statements, german chancellor scholz at a meeting of center-left european parties in bucharest called military support for ukraine the key to restoring peace. the publication spiegel notes that scholz’s position is not shared by many of his party members; they emphasize the need for peaceful negotiations. the donetsk people's republic celebrates the tenth anniversary of the declaration of independence today. on this day in 2014, local authorities adopted. the declaration of sovereignty of the dpr and the act of declaring state independence of the republic. it is from these documents began the return of the russian donbass home. hooray! hooray! hooray! in honor of
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the holiday, activists of youth organizations unfurled a two-hundred-meter dpr flag at the saur mogila memorial. volunteers of the young guard and the movement, we gathered together before dawn to straighten the joint with the first rays of the sun. in slovakia , petr pellegrini won the second round of the presidential election. he is the speaker of the house of parliament, a party member of prime minister robert fitz, and together with him he advocates a peaceful exit from the ukrainian crisis. support topic of the kiev regime became almost the main one in the elections. pilligrini was opposed by a representative of the war party, former foreign minister khorchuk. the new head of state has already stated that he would like to see the conflict end as soon as possible. in ukraine, after which it will be possible to resume relations with russia. hungarian prime minister viktor orban called the election of pilligrini a great victory for peace advocates throughout europe. over the course of six months of fighting in the gaza strip, israel destroyed 19 of 24
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hamas battalions. benjamin netanyahu stated this. head of the israeli government added that israel is determined to complete the elimination of hamas throughout the gaza strip. he repeated that there would be no ceasefire without the release of the hostages. there is a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza, a huge shortage of food and water, most hospitals have been destroyed, including the largest medical center alshifa. over the weekend , un representatives were able to get there for the first time. the footage shows that the once huge hospital remains in ruins. well, information appeared in the israeli media that the main part of the ground operation was completed and that almost all forces were withdrawn from the territory of the gas sector. all that remains are the 162nd division in the north and the nahal brigade, which is in control. a security corridor dividing the gas sector into two parts in the middle, it prevents the return of residents from the southern regions to the north. five matches, five victories, this is how
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the club from shanghai started in the chinese football championship, fans attribute the success to the new coach, the team was led by leonid slutsky. the chinese leadership intends to turn the country into a great football power; they turned to the famous russian specialist who collected all the sports trophies in his homeland. our correspondent, alexander baletsky, met with leonid slutsky. hurray, they shout: “hurray, all the time, do you hear? ula, ula, did you teach? no, they came up with it themselves. leonid slutsky is already accustomed to the way his last name sounds in chinese, exile, as to the increased attention of the chinese fans, every trip with the team to training is in itself like dribbling. well, are you happy now? very, very, very s'. together with slutsky, there is now a whole russian coaching team headquarters, assistants berezutsky and yarovinsky, in the 3 months that they coached the shanghai team, shanhua managed to lead the chinese tournament table, send five players to the national team to win the
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celestial super cup, well, slutsky himself managed to fall in love with an army of fans, the local foreign press, he brings attacking elements into the game, and most importantly the team, especially after the coach sings to everyone. future, but local fans are more interested in the future of all chinese football, with this the clubs are not yet very good and do not count the kmr men's team in the fifa rankings seventy-ninth line, although chairman xi himself, who is partial to football, even 10 years ago set the task of turning china into a great football power, and chinese corporations actively invested in clubs, built a football school academy, signed up world stars for fabulous fees, but then something happened in short... the crisis, the star players have left, there are also
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high-profile corruption scandals, just the other day the head of the chinese football association and the senior coach of the national team were given a life sentence for multimillion-dollar bribes chinese national team, such a shake-up, fans believe, should benefit chinese football, and the starting season of the chinese super league is another test. in general , the coaching approach here is different, but it is different in each team, the question is not tactics, the question is what. here you just need to find the optimal option for each team. the chinese call the russians jan doominzu, that is, a militant nation, because the russians always have a fighting spirit, it seems to us that the russian coach will be able to bring this fighting spirit into the team's playing style so that she didn't just play, she wanted to win. so far this approach is working. in shanghai shinhua, of course, great hopes are placed on russian coaches, although in china it is not customary to run. in front of the locomotive they are always very careful in their assessments and forecasts, here
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we saw how a club started under the leadership of leonid slutsky, the name of which translates as the shanghai flower, this flower seems to have finally bloomed. alexander baleysky and nikolai petrov, news from shanghai. in russia today they celebrate runet day, exactly 30 years ago, a, ceremonial events took place at the russian exhibition at vdnkh. our country today ranks first in europe. russia is among the top three countries in terms of the number of sites that are registered in the domain, surpassing the attention of countries such as france, italy and even china. and russia is one of the few countries that has its own independent country.
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at a barely visible point in outer space, at a given time in the steppes
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of kazakhstan, a descent vehicle is landing. everything is very normal, everything is fine, soft landing, better to expect, the capsule is immediately surrounded by a rescue team, the hatch is open, the first to appear is the expedition commander, oleg novitsky, his armpits are squeezed so tightly, he’s hooked, wait, for him this is already his fourth flight to the iss, someone hands novitsky a bag of birch juice
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the fact that with the support of the russians they were able to implement this truly historic project, belarus is proud of russia, that this project was realized, the crew has rehabilitation ahead of laurel ohara, who carried out on...
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let's take a hose and carry it here, with the help with a certain regulator, we will be able to spill water on the window and it will be cleaned clearly and better. mining and processing of mineral resources became the main theme of the anniversary championship. as part of industrial safety, young engineers designed a conveyor belt that will autonomously lift ore to the surface without involving workers, after which it will fall directly onto the conveyor belt. here it will be rolled out, the participants defend all projects before an expert commission, which includes real production workers are ready to implement some ideas at existing energy enterprises. there are projects using artificial intelligence, training neural networks, and the guys are also working on options for using robots
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for hs surgery, which will help the staff and not expose them. here conditions are created for the development of engineering and technical creativity among children and youth. team competitions are held in eleven areas, including two physical formats: robocurling and robo-bowling. they are held first. on one site , robots and people shoulder to shoulder. while the guys are rolling improvised stones clearly at the target, next to the figital competition, the rules are the same, but the movements here are clearly for... the regions of russia, representatives of china, india, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan also came to krasnoyarsk, the winners will be able to represent the country at international competitions. now we
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are planning to sign an agreement with the people's republic of china so that the winners of the championship will receive the right to participate in international championships, which...
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so was us president roosevelt poisoned? and why else was joseph stalin ready for the ussr to join the north atlantic treaty? mysterious afghanistan.
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the season of tick activity has begun, experts are sanitizing parks and other recreation areas, how to protect yourself from ticks and what to do in case of a bite in the report by albert musin. nine-year-old dasha nasonova walks with her beloved dog near her house. now she carefully examines herself after every walk. a week ago she was bitten by a tick right on the property. after jogging the dog here i was kind of walking around here, came home and kind of thought what it was. cell, but it turns out it was a tick. the blood-sucking man was pulled out, the child was immediately taken to the hospital, where he was given an injection of the necessary drug. now the girl is under
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constant surveillance. we measure the temperature for 21 days, as they said, every day, until everything is fine. the first cases of tick attacks this year were also recorded in the urals, ryazan region, khakassia and the kama region. fortunately, the victims of the bloodsuckers have so far been able to avoid infection. hello, igor nikolaevich, please sit down. please tell me how you are doing? igor ramadin was less fortunate; for a year now he has been visiting doctors with the consequences of a double illness, encephalitis and barilliosis. the man became infected with them in the most unobvious way: he drank fresh milk from a goat bitten by a tick. after 20-22 days, i felt convulsed, i had to call an ambulance, my hands were shaking, my speech was slurred, that is, i had a very bad headache, and had a high temperature. as a result, there is a violation of work coordination. muscles and brain. igor was lucky, the doctors quickly diagnosed him to his feet. more severe cases can be fatal. such
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consequences most often occur in the absence of vaccination against encephalitis. doctors say now is the time to put it on. the ticks are just starting to wake up. the peak of tick activity is expected when the snow finally melts in the region and warm, humid weather sets in. at this time , experts recommend avoiding even city parks and public gardens until the moment. their corocidal treatment. vaccination of adults and children has begun in full swing in krasnoyarsk. the vaccine was delivered with a supply, and at the same time an explanatory campaign on preventive measures is underway. even the smallest ones know the rules. we try not to go anywhere in the tall grass, because they say that’s where ticks are found. we are positioned somewhere where it is breezy and there are almost no ticks. tick ​​activity this year is expected to be at the same level as last season, but there is increased activity in some regions. ness, for example, the urals. the territory of the sverdlovsk region is a hotbed of tick-borne infections, so here are the measures and precautions
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and all measures to prevent tick-borne infections must be carried out constantly. prevention measures are simple and well-known: vaccination, thick clothing and examination after the forest; it is better to remove the tick at the emergency room, after which it must be sent to a laboratory for analysis, where they will tell you exactly whether it is infected or not. albert musin. nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov, elena goleeva, news. and by this time we have all the information. irin rossius and my colleagues were with you, see you. food prices are getting more expensive all the time, but we still allow food go to waste. how many times has this happened to you, you're getting ready to cook, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it's either... not fresh or moldy, we know how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can't tell that ... ...


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