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tv   Voskresnii vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 7, 2024 10:40pm-1:01am MSK

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beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh my eyes run out, how delicious everything is, how my mother says, you'll eat your mind, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. today on rtr. love - this is when you look in one direction.
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look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, understands , look, look, agreement, sign, we sign for two at the same time, sign up, look, look, maybe we can come to me , just watch a movie, we collected. about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet still is in me, and this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she’s carrying this kurpa to the shelter, says baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i... made a decision, i need
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to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing , from monday to thursday on rtr, get dressed, well done. premiere on rtr: vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no court will give the child to the mother who has no job and no living space, i need official registration, she will arrange something else for us, what should we do, wait, wait, wait, let’s go, i have a child we ate, alla taxi, from monday on rtr.
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today we have already recalled afghanistan as one of the countries where the americans invaded more than 20 years ago, now there is no longer either the usa or nato there, they fled in disgrace, and left behind only ruins, hundreds of thousands of victims, extreme poverty in which millions survive , nothing like... the afghans. our correspondent, sergei ezenin, continues a series of reports about how life is in afghanistan under the taliban government. this time he went to the mountains to the ancient nomads of bellugi. pakistan border. today it is closed. transit is vitally important; in islamabad, the beautiful people understand that they are taking advantage of the plight of their neighbors. they are certainly bargaining something from kabul. as has already happened,
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they offer to reduce prices on already cheap goods, no sentimentality, business. a simple day at the checkpoint for many deaths similar, there is irritation in the air, not the best time to interview people on the street. it's lunch time, but prayer is more important. this man washes his feet before prayer right in the hall. confusing? no, of course, we’re already used to it. the food was tasty and of high quality, and the one who performed the public ablution was the owner of this establishment. we have already eaten, but i can’t help but say a few kind words to the owner of this establishment. a wonderful person who keeps everything more or less afghan-style, clean, the freshest products here, they buy meat right opposite, she over there it’s boiling in the cauldrons, i really don’t understand why they don’t skim off the foam, but, probably, in order to... make it even more satisfying, so we were sitting
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there at this table, it had already been practically cleaned, the restaurant was lowered because it was lunchtime. time is up, people start working again, working, working. 3 hours of travel and we find what we were looking for right next to the highway, a tent camp. the weather is very nasty, light, sharp rain, cold, dank, but on the other hand, it fully corresponds to the living conditions of these people. nomads live here baloch, a small tribe of ten million people living in pakistan and iran. oman and afghanistan. about 300 patchwork tents, about 60 families, live here for a season, so far it’s comfortable. they consider this weather to be good, not cold and not hot. when it gets to +50 here, they will remove their camp and
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move hundreds of kilometers from here, closer to the pakistani border. the camp is protected from the wind by a low rocky hill.
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their earnings are about - now i’ll calculate 150 rubles a day with our money, young people of working age are not like that here a lot, imagine feeding a camp of sixty families, well, somehow
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they survive, it’s certainly hell when you see children in such weather, not just in sandals on their bare feet, but simply barefoot. girls in national clothes, as i understand it, they wore them just like they made them a few years ago, some have already outgrown their outfits, but what can you do, terrible living conditions, it’s impossible to convey and explain, but the baluchis live like this for years, decades , from birth, they have no land, they have no real estate, they only have tents, which they move. in pakistan, there are also their relatives, their families, and they cross the border freely, and live there in the same
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terrible conditions, this is life, this is a test, i don’t remember when we lived differently, and we don’t need to - another to live. i wish there was more food. very soon one of the main muslim holidays , eid al-adha, will come. the baloch people are also preparing for this event. we finally found a local farm. it is placed at 5 m. these lambs were born just a couple of months ago, everything is getting ready for the upcoming holiday. and even these people, living in hellish, difficult conditions, will celebrate the holiday. afghans. never lose heart , as long as you are alive, there is a chance, there is something that baluchi will never sell for any money, these
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dogs are bred in moscow kennels and they say that they are purebred, but here he is, a real alabai, growing up as a camp guard, yes, tough, of course, but such a dog should know, such a dog should know who is boss in the house, hiding, hiding. there is water from the sky, they are saving it up, like this, the stento of the tent, where it caved in,
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they collect rainwater, and then in a barrel, and store it for a week, two, three, until the next rain comes, maybe this will surprise you, to be honest, it surprises me too, during the time the camp was standing here, several children were born, here in this tent there are a little less, the smallest is 3 months old. but there is no medicine, there is no doctor, in general, as the elder of this camp told us, all hope is in allah, well, life is not easy, there is not always food, we generally need everything, but on the other hand we have life, and this makes us happy, my wife is hiding under the blanket, the only one, if i had money, she wouldn’t be the only one, but so far only she can be fed. the fire is always maintained, because if it goes out, consider
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that everyone here inside the tent is frozen, there is a kettle on top, the stove itself is made from the lid, from the hatch of a soviet armored personnel carrier, well , they are such clever afghans, they use everything that is at hand, here is one of the men is now leading us to this tent. yes, yes, yes, where would you think the mosque is located, well, more likely, it’s a painting tent, look, they washed away all the prices, the rugs are neatly lying, prayer five times a day, i can’t even imagine what these people can ask god for, probably for tomorrow to come,
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closer to the border, the tent camps of the nomads are emptying, a long journey, at least a month, but this is a way to free yourself from fasting during the month of ramadan, a traveler can eat and drink, a reward awaits ahead, the opportunity to choose the best place for parking and pasture, most likely already on the territory of pakistan. our group goes further, we will show you the unofficial capital of the new afghanistan. pashtun kandahar, bordering pakistan, jalabad. you will see the underground
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tomb of the afghan royal family and we will definitely tell you about how the taliban defeated one of the worst evils on the planet. sergey zenin, alexey yaldin, ruslan abebekerov, natalya gubina, natalya yaponchina and oleg ivanovich gontsov. news of the week, afghanistan. to be continued. today the speaker of the councils.
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always collected, the most influential woman in russia and the third person in the state, once entering the leningrad institute, applicant valentina, dreamed only of how to become a pharmacist'.
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end result: valentina ivanovna is a woman, she is characterized by charm, so i can only say that we were lucky. in 1991, she unexpectedly found herself in malta. the media decided that there were not enough women for the positions of ambassadors and they were right; russian ambassador
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matvienko soon won over the entire island and ordered that all the sharp , scary teeth on the guard be cut down.
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a very tough negotiator, but at the same time always understanding the need to find a balance of interests, her qualities combine, i would said, the wisdom of a politician, the wisdom of a statesman and the wisdom of a woman, and then again a sharp turn in fate, the invitation to the government of yevgeny primakov, deputy prime minister for social affairs, and everyone knew this then, the firing position, i did not have time to fly in from...
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the road new airport protecting the city from floods dam. the dam, vital for the city, began to be built back in 84, but was abandoned and the governor took it up as her life’s work. when i came here in 2005, i looked. and i got the feeling that it is simply impossible to restore it, because it was a huge dump of reinforced concrete and scrap iron. i congratulate you on this holiday and wish you new successes, such as today’s victory. she brought to fruition much
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of what she started while working in the leningrad city council. repair of the benois building, the russian museum, and the hermitage storage facility. we have a second hermitage, the old village has exactly the second hermitage, with a column, with a square, five buildings, open storage. with the development of this art and signed an order to create a center for jazz music. in the history of russian jazz, our st. petersburg jazz, her name will be in the forefront forever. well, it’s a separate pain,
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leningraders were blockade survivors. matvienko always believed that they were deprived. for me it was a question of justice. i believed that those people who withstood this heaviest blockade preserved, saved, defended the city, they deserved this no less.
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looks, covering his eyes, we can’t put up with this any longer, we need to make a decision, now the main thing is to support our guys who defend russia on the battlefield, it will be there are many laws aimed at this, the speaker warned, which means a lot of work, the ship of the federation council, under her leadership, confidently moves on. happy anniversary. evgeny roshkov. news. well, that’s all for today for those who didn’t make it to the live broadcast of our program.
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replay on russia-24 channel. this is the main meaning of your work. good evening. spring floods have become one of the main topics of this week. local authorities and the head of the ministry of emergency situations regularly report to the president on the situation in flood areas and the measures taken. on a special control, orenburg region, which faced the largest flood in the history of the region. people who find themselves in a natural disaster zone will be provided with all the necessary assistance. the president's work schedule
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this week was... very busy meetings, meetings, opening of new social facilities, speeches at the board of the ministry of internal affairs and the congress of the federation of trade unions. there were also many important statements about how our ill-wishers still want to take revenge for their own and historical defeats and destroy russia, and from people the hateful ideology of the west, and most importantly , that no one will be able to undermine our unity. we will defend our values, culture, history, if necessary. hello, this week we again managed to take a lot of interesting shots, we published something in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, well, right now we will definitely show you more than others, we were put in conditions where the country is forced to defend
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its interests, and the most important the condition for our common success is the unity of the russian multinational society. there is everything there is reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist act in moscow was precisely to damage our unity. to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from the inside. other purposes. visible, they are not there, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists, we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, in the external arena it behaves in this way, which can hardly be an object of attack by islamic fundamentalists, the goal is to undermine the unity of russian society,
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especially in modern conditions, it is unconditional. it is visible, those who use these weapons, and these weapons that are used against russia, must understand that they are both sharp, orders for crimes for money are not isolated, they do whatever they want for money, i am not guided by any religious or political for financial reasons only, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, because of the latest events in the country, the atmosphere is on the colleagues of the ministry of internal affairs.
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russia itself should subordinate everything that remains to its geopolitical interests, maintain its hegemony, including at our expense. well, naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources, apparently, someone considered our country to be a weak link, they are mistaken, in my opinion, many have already realized that they are mistaken, this has never happened, no one has succeeded in this, this there won't be any no one will be able to do this. the work of the ministry of internal affairs in
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such conditions is, understandably, all the more important. hello, and despite the extreme complexity of the situation around the country, the situation inside the country is under control. the detection rate of robbery is a type of crime that can affect any citizen. rape is 99%, and of course, the most serious type of crime is murder, we have a detection rate of 96%, but what about 4%, will they even be forgotten? no, we continue to work on them, there is one the firm principle of the inevitability of punishment, here is the indicator for the past year: 45 solved crimes of past years, of which 14
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were in russia, but you yourself must work in conditions close to wartime conditions, this is exactly the kind of work the people of russia expect from you. putin's work, which no one usually sees, the meeting with the government is completed, the camera is turned off.
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alexander nikolaevich, good afternoon. so, many times throughout the day. and when the work is completed here, live meetings in the main office. request from the head of the fund defenders of the fatherland. we will assume that this issue has been resolved. issues of development of moscow state university at a meeting with the rector of the day. what orders? and detailed meetings with the cabinet of ministers. naruki will receive it when. this is putin talking about new payments to doctors and teachers. significant resources. despite.
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now, the most important thing, of course, was not what creative plans kusturica had, but the conversation about history and the completion of the history of the colonial world. nobody wants to part with this, i know, it’s just that these historical phobias are still present, some still blames russia for the fact that someone once lost their colonial power, believing that russia is to blame for the end of colonialism, but this is not at all the case. yes, the actions of the soviet union accelerated the process, but it was inevitable, people no longer wanted to be slaves, the same thing is happening today, it’s just that no one in power , in the broad sense of the word, wants to come to terms with this, they are looking for someone to blame. oddly enough,
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someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against napoleon’s russia and oddly enough, in the historical memory of those very... ill-wishers about whom i spoke, much is preserved, oddly enough, but i came across this, surprisingly, but true. the western world once again in its history wants to defeat russia, but so far it has failed.
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tried to do several things at the same time, the question, of course, is whether to do a lot of things efficiently and at the same time everyone has to do it efficiently, the laws of economics and the situation in demography dictate, we don’t have much choice, or do we need to import labor from abroad? borders, or increase labor productivity, and putin believes that approaches to migration policy need to be radically updated, as evidenced by the investigation of many crimes. that a person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities, issued a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes even malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship without even knowing even basic russian, while our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in the very central regions in our country, citizenship sometimes cannot be obtained for years; here it is necessary... modern digital electronic databases,
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biometric data, the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia. this principle must be decisive. at a meeting of the security council, the speaker is the minister of internal affairs, the key issue also concerns the ministry of internal affairs, as at the collegium about the fight against crime. the number of serious, especially serious cases has increased. and a number of other crimes, due to it crimes, due to these fraud, because they all fall into the category of serious and especially serious, we know very well, we have a lot of objective evidence there that the customers of remote fraud are in ukraine, where a whole call center exists, remotely deceive our citizens, take over money means, they translate, the peculiarity of this situation is that the police are already involved after the commission of a crime, that is, when... the citizen has already been deceived, when his
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funds have been taken possession of, they have been cashed out, they taken away, yes, the number of such crimes solved is increasing, more people are being brought to justice, but in general, crime is growing in remote fraud, it-crime, so these are the reasons, the conditions for committing this type of crime, they depend not only on the ministry internal affairs, they depend on the ministry of digital development, on the central bank regulators. roskomnadzor, mobile operators, credit institutions, so that these remote scammers do not deceive our citizens and take over savings, there are a lot of presidential events this week, bright statements, conveyors of meaning, and this generally scattered everywhere, at a meeting on a national project about youth and children, putin suddenly remembered the gospel, remember, jesus came to galilee and next to the sea of ​​​​galilee he saw robakov, and he ... said: follow me, and you will be
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fishers of men, that is, human souls, they became preachers and his disciples. this was very important, the period of formation of world religions, but it turned out to be no less relevant now when we are forced and must defend our traditional values. at the same time, all work should not be of such a protective nature, it should be. is dragging his country deeper into a military conflict, and how can one not remember the words
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putin said to a french journalist 2 years ago: do you want to fight with russia? do you want france to fight russia? but that's how it will be. russian-french relations have gone from unprecedented prosperity to the current not just frozen state, even to the point of discussing the possibility of military action. how did all this become possible? we will not give any ratings. we invite you to draw all conclusions. france must not forget where the kremlin is. russia's place next to great countries. europe recognizes this place and wants it.
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they must understand that in russia there will also be no red lines in relation to these states, they choose targets for striking our territory, choose the most effective means of destruction, as they think, they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons that
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can hit targets on their territory, but they don’t understand any of this, or what? they think that for them these are all some kind of cartoons, my dear friend, president putin, i agree with you that we bear a special historical responsibility, frames of words, between which there are only a few years, and in general a real abyss, if you remember zero. vladimir putin’s first visit to france, but by that time he was already familiar with jacques chirac, the leaders did not waste time and held their first meeting on the sidelines of the international summit. he gave me a book, i also gave him a book about the kremlin. france must not forget where the kremlin is. here, there is such a place in the world. jacques chirac, a leader of a special caliber, a man of deep knowledge, who understands that the nineties with all the humiliations is not a reason to write off
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russia, as many western politicians believed; on the contrary, it is a reason to build relations with even greater respect because of the trials endured. new level, a new balance of power is emerging, which requires new rules cooperation, pay attention to the special warmth with which we are received here, as for gifts, i can say that since president chirac represents all the french, we gave not a book, but something more, we gave them our heart, bygone years mr. chirac was engaged in translations of pushkin into french and did it successfully. “you must spread this wonderful russian language everywhere, this rich culture, which i was lucky enough to experience in my youth, since the end of the 17th century for almost a century and a half, in fact the entire russian elite was bilingual, speaking french as well as their native russian, and maybe sometimes
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even better. the russian cemetery of saintjeevois near paris, where thousands of emigrants from russia found their peace, are carefully preserved in france." inscriptions on the obelisks, kornilov and his kornilovites, general drozdov and his drozdovites, ivan bunin, prince felix yusupov, the president of russia came to their graves today , a gesture of historical reconciliation, emigrants of different years, they all come from russia , regardless of political beliefs, we are all we must remember, never forget that we are children of the same mother and her name is russia. every year, relations between russia and france strengthened, in big politics, where even a random gesture often has great significance, these shots are truly impressive,
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chirac not only himself arrived at the paris airport during the start of putin’s state visit. but also suggested that we continue to get to the center of the capital together by helicopter, it is always not only useful, but also interesting to meet with the president of france, he is in the corps of top officials - the eight of europe is an undisputed expert on many issues, yesterday at dinner president chirac said that... the very first politician in france - let me tell you, i objected, i said that after all, the first politician is president chirac.
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he, in fact, insists and pushes through the decision that hot western heads abandon the crazy idea, which was already actively discussed then, to force residents of the kaliningrad region, isolated from the greater russia, to obtain schengen visas for travel. it is impossible to allow a decision that it would be humiliating for russia, so a situation under which russian citizens must obtain a visa in order to move from one part of their country to another is simply unacceptable. just think about it. the french president made his first foreign visit after his re-election to russia, that was the time when the authority of paris on the world
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stage was comparable to the influence of washington. the most important thing is that france and russia have a common approach to the construction of the future building of international security, which should be based on a multi-polar world, this is the main thing that unites us, i am absolutely sure that the world will be prosperous. everyone is against war, from our point of view on the issue of iraq they agree, an alternative to war remains, we are convinced of this. france,
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russia and germany then sign a joint statement on the need for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis around iraq. such a document is the first brick in the construction of that very multipolar world that i have already spoken about; moreover, i think that in no other european capital such a document... could arise, if this could happen, then only in france, and i think that this is a huge, even, perhaps, historical merit of president charak. washington ignored everything, even the opinions of its allies, but after the start of the american invasion of iraq, russia and france continue to insist on a return to international law. only the un has the necessary legitimacy. poland hastened to support the american war, and shirak will then say.
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chirac bows to the spirit of the peoples of the soviet union in the liberation of europe, he insists on the creation of a single security space in europe and takes concrete steps towards this. until now , we have not conducted such exercises with any nato country, especially with the use of a submarine fleet. until now, no foreign leader, especially a western one, has visited this ultra-closed russian military center. this system establishes the fact of starting.
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russia's place is next to great countries, europe recognizes this place and wants to be together with great russia, apparently consciousness is real. russia's place helped sarkazy play a key role in normalizing relations between moscow and european capitals after the most serious provocation on the part of washington and saakashvili in south ossetia. france, which holds the presidency of the european union, has proven that it is capable of playing an independent and very noticeable role in resolving crises. we recognized the independence of south ossetia and abkhazia, just
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like many european countries recognized the independence of kosovo, we did the math. absolutely unjustified in violation of current international legal norms, we did not open this pandora's box, but pandora's box was clearly about to be opened wider and wider. washington has started talking about the possibility of drawing georgia and ukraine into nato, while simultaneously increasing pressure on its allies. sarkozy and merkel find themselves in a very difficult position. no one can put obstacles in the way of ukraine and georgia joining the alliance. but it takes time for all the necessary conditions to be met in these countries. the appearance of a powerful military bloc on our borders will be perceived in russia as a direct threat to the security of our country. and a statement that that this process is not directed against russia cannot satisfy us. national security is not built on promises. moreover, we have already heard such assurances on the eve of previous waves of bloc expansion. those
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statements putin makes before the end of his presidential term, he becomes. they know that this is his victory, you cannot blame putin for his victory, and then involve him in working on solving the problems of iran and darfur, you cannot insult a person, and then expect help from him in solving world crises, we russia is needed to solve crises. how will the world economy change and how should it change in the near future? russia and france are among those who would like to see a new
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world order. our relations with... with mr. president of france with mr. sarkazy, he just calls me vladimir, i call him nicolas, they have not changed since then, and nothing has happened for the worse, despite the fact that he is such a big boss, and i am a modest official in the russian administration, but a big boss, as if more and more often forgets what position he holds and what long-term political traditions there are in france. qui est dû à la longueur du dialogue que je viens d'avoir avec monsieur poutine, qu'est-ce que vous préférez que je réponde aux questions? none of the french leaders
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had ever allowed themselves to appear in front of television cameras like this before; it was under sarkozy that, for the first time in the modern... history of the country, persecution of political predecessors began. jacques chirac was tried for years ago when he was mayor paris. sarkozy did not even mention chirac in his first speech immediately after his election, but he not only owes a lot to his predecessor in politics, he was once even romantically involved with chirac’s youngest daughter. sarkozy also retreated from the previous political principles of france and openly supported color revolutions in african countries and new armed interventions. there freedom and democracy oppose dictatorial regimes, we are connected to these states historically and geographically, and should not be afraid of current changes. you they said that france today is not ready for military operations in syria, this is very pleasing, thank you for that, but we believe that there is no need to use force at all when resolving issues of this kind. the syrian issue
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has become the main contradiction between russia and france for a long time, already under the new president. “so what, where is this optimism, how did it all end, there was no threat from these territories either to paris, or to the cote d’azur of france, or to belgium, or to russia, or
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to the united states, now this is the source terrorist threat, why do we think that if we now push someone from the current leadership away from power, tomorrow there will be complete prosperity in libya, what is happening, we all know what a tyrant gaddafi was, maybe, but you know that what happened in sirte after the militants entered there, why don’t you write about it, did humanitarian grace come there, or what? our goal is to try on all sides of the conflict; we do not choose ours or ours. difficult events around syria when they started, one of the leaders arrived, so i met with him, we agreed on what we would do, how we would do it, specifically. flew from moscow to washington, returned to paris, everything was forgotten, as if there were no agreements, how to talk, about what, and there were specific
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agreements right down to where the fleet would move there, what we would do, aircraft carrier charles digol approached the shores of syria and it seemed like we agreed to work together, but after a couple of days he turned around and went to side of the soviet channel, well then why talk to them, then it’s better directly behind... many in france believe that it was the instructions from washington that, in principle , predetermined the fate of the country during the elections in which aland won, because in advance with a wild scandal from the pre-election the main favorite, imf head dominique strauskan, was eliminated from the race. a successful long-term career was instantly broken by extremely serious charges: he allegedly tried to rape a maid.
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it didn’t fit into my head, but it finally became the norm of political life. at every the new president of france had criminal cases against the previous one, and now sarkozy is being persecuted. well, aland, who came to power after a sex scandal with domenick strasskan, was seen on a motorcycle wearing a helmet so that no one would know, during night trips to his mistress. paris approached the ukrainian crisis with a fairly tattered political authority, and the coup in kiev only aggravated everything, because it was the french foreign minister who was one of those who acted as the guarantor of the agreement between yanukovych and the opposition, and after the overthrow of yanukovych pretended that he had not signed anything. our partners.
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there is a very simple principle: if the ships are not delivered, then i don’t see how we can take money for them. poroshenko and putin held their first meeting at anniversary events in normandy in 1414. this is how the format of the normandy four emerged, which ultimately agreed on the so-called minsk agreements. if the agreement is not respected, we will have to find out who violated it. as we see, the minsk agreements are not really fulfilled. however, can we expect a meeting of the leaders of the normandy four in the near future, and if so, when? indeed, the process is going very slowly, and we see that today. this press conference
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in st. petersburg with president macron, his rise to power gives hope for the resuscitation of relations. the meeting with putin in paris was organized quickly. the fundamental interests of russia and france are much more important than the current political situation. yes we have our differences, but at least we have them discussed, the main thing is that we see how to build joint activities.
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quoted dostoevsky, spoke about the commonality of two cultures. french children grew up listening to peter and the wolf, russians read the three musketeers, now we have allowed some misunderstanding to creep into our relationship. i recognize the role of russia, this is the role of a strong leader. and macron considered the russian president such a strong leader that on the sidelines he said about himself: i am equal to putin, but i regularly find myself in extremely controversial stories. when against french banks, americans. it would seem that,
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the allies imposed sanctions and paid like crazy, and that means they did the same thing to the japanese bank, this needs to end, this is unacceptable, but no matter how difficult the dialogue was, it was, macron really wanted to hold the normandy four summit in paris, this it didn’t work out for a long time, because kiev didn’t implement anything, and moscow didn’t see much point in a meeting for the sake of a meeting, it seems to me that they should organize this summit. this is the first press conference of the leaders since the existence of the four-part format. the first and last meeting of putin and zelensky at this time. zelensky later admitted it himself. during the closed part of the negotiations, the russian president repeatedly called on him to cease fire in donbass. well, this is the public response captured by our program. the consistent implementation of the minsk agreements is also not dangerous.
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february 12, 2015. zelensky did all this with his face for a demonstratively long time, but macron did not seem to notice anything. it is necessary, of course, to extend the validity of the agreement on the special status of individual regions of donbass, in ultimately give this norm a permanent character, as provided for in the minsk agreements. but when we ask our partners, including those in the normandy format, what specifically is not being implemented? russia under the minsk agreements and what do you think russia should do under the minsk agreements? there is no answer, they are just like that, we cannot formulate it, i’m not kidding, this is exactly the kind of dialogue, and what exactly the lpr and dpr does not fulfill under the minsk agreements is also no, they cannot formulate it, but nevertheless from us they publicly always demand the fulfillment of already open demonstrative statements from kiev about their reluctance to implement the minsk agreements, which they say they haven’t heard at point-blank range.
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dans ce sens là parce que c'est la loi mais ce que tu viens de dire montre d'ailleurs mets en doute quelque part ta propre volonté de respecter les accords de si tu juges que tu as face à toi des autorités non légitimes et terroristes . listen to me, but what, you hear me well, right now, you hear me well, i’m telling you that these separatists, so-called, they responded to these proposals, they responded, but does not respond to them, this is absolute nonsense in diplomatic practice, macron, apparently, so
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wanted to see a whole movie about attempts to save europe from war, that he let the film crew go to confidential presidential negotiations, well, then you just need to warn about it, that’s all, nothing to worry about. in his last meeting with macron , putin warns where the european continent is heading due to the unbridled military support of the kiev regime by western countries drag ukraine into nato. european countries will automatically be drawn into a military conflict with russia. of course, the potential
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of a united nato organization and russia is incomparable. we understand, but we also understand that russia is one of the leading nuclear powers, and in some respects, in modern times, even protects many. winner. and it won’t, and you will find yourself drawn into this conflict, against your will, you won’t even have time to blink an eye, that’s it, to put it simply, why didn’t you, as they say, stamp your foot earlier, because we counted on the integrity of our partners, we hoped that the agreements that were reached in minsk, these minsk agreements, would ultimately be implemented by everyone, but we only later learned the true state of affairs, when the former chancellor, the former president ...
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yes, or they took it in france, took away the order for submarines in australia, they simply humiliated the country, everyone washed themselves, they said, thank you very much, come back again, because you remember something about one of the former prime ministers great britain's own press called him the poodle of the president of the united
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states, but isn't it a shame, in fact, almost all the leaders of european states are in the same offensive position, they just can't say it, but it's unpleasant to talk about it, it's a shame.
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there is no interest, we will get by, there is no trial, as we say, well, we have something to do, i would like to remind some in france of this:
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and this means a lot, do you remember april 12 , sixty-one, well, yes, i remember, no matter how strange, on april 12, 2024, of course, putin will definitely participate in events honoring cosmonautics day, the topic is important, exciting, especially close to the president, the vostochny cosmodrome is under control from the first concrete in the foundation to the first launch, now too, 60 seconds, the flight is normal , the president will hold another meeting this week. working meeting, meetings with members of the security council in conditions when there is enormous interest in news, read, watch
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the exclusive, zarubin’s telegram channel, so as not to drowning in the streams of the same type of telegram channels, the most interesting thing is before the rest, well, in our program more than the rest. thank you, pavel, as always, i say goodbye to you until next weekend, and we will see you again after a short break, i’m waiting for you in the sunday evening studio. good evening, the west’s hope of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia is being dashed by harsh reality. this is how it happens, they came up with something for themselves, but it just doesn’t work out, they ’ve already stomped their feet, clapped their hands, and
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blinked their eyes, wrote concepts and justifications, and came up with it, in fact, it ’s all starting to resemble some kind of deep middle ages, some scholastic teaching of the west, everything that doesn’t correspond to it just doesn’t need to be considered, the earth is flat , everything, then do whatever you want , to everyone who dares... object to this, they should be subjected to immediate astracism, but the realities of life are different, and the tragedy is that the realist is a politician, as it is fashionable to call it in the west, although in fact it is all just pragmatism and common sense , left our heads forever western elite. vladimir vladimirovich so neatly said that now such strange citizens are becoming the head of the state, whose level of education or level of culture does not allow them to... adequately perceive the surrounding reality, so they say something, utter some words, i
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even understood for myself at some point in time what this was connected with, they all don’t speak their native language, well, that’s it, if you watch stoltenberg’s speech, he always speaks in a language foreign to him and speaks in images that are not typical , i don't tell him i know what language these herrings speak, because he obviously doesn’t relate to him... such a nervous herring throws him up all the time, but it’s clear that the herrings don’t speak english, but they are absolutely amazing people, well, who can take them, ursula vonderlein , the same scholz often speaks english, anna lena berbock, but these are not their languages, but the stupid barel, so they took such constructions that were offered to them, who offers them these constructions, for example,
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i think that every american greek in business voted for me. no no no, by the way, some business people will tell you that's why they gave me nicknames. in the area where i
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was embarrassed that my name didn't end in o, and i want you to know that i am the only non-italian who was named person of the year by the italian society, and i, when i received the award, i told everyone that i was going to say, i said, you know, i thought about it, i named all the guys, families i grew up with, anyway, i went through the list said, i thought about it, i deserve this award, and maybe i'm irish , but i... fool, i married the granddaughter of dominique jacop, i just want you to know that, okay, so be kind to me, okay, and maybe he’s polish after all? i was born in the coal town of scranton, pennsylvania, in northeastern pennsylvania, in an irish catholic area. then when the coal
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mines died, we moved to delaware to a town called claymont, which was a working class town. but everyone in the city was either poles or italians. i'm growing up that my name doesn't end with socks or o, and another big question, he's still white or not a fool? by the way, even though i'm white, i'm not stupid. i know what strength is. do you think i'm joking? i found out a long time ago. about the divine nine, he’s the one who tells african americans, well, finally, to calm everyone down, he’s actually a purtarican, politically, i sort of grew up in the purtarican community at home, so we came here both for business matters and for leisure, with this man we need
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to talk somehow, we just can’t manage the language. to decide, but not by chance, donald friederikovich trump, this is how orbinite responds junior i would say that, probably, in our political practice, only dmitry anatolyevich medvedev allows himself such harshness. well, it’s true, when he speaks not about russian politicians, about western ones, but trump, although, on the other hand, both dmitry anatolyevich and trump speak equally harshly about biden in exactly this style. the whole world is exploding because of this idiot president, he is an idiot, he is the stupidest president we have ever had, he is the most corrupt most incompetent, and he is the worst president we have ever had, i already have it said, if you add up the 10 worst presidents in history, they did not do the damage that this guy did to our country, what he
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did at the border, allowing probably 15 million people to come into our country,
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there is no unity of israel, the whole world i’m generally in a frenzy, but this is absolute madness, i won’t offend high-ranking statesmen if we start a conversation with the professor, because now we’re like that... he looks at the world correctly, yes, the professor always looks at the world very wisely, well you know how they can, so i looked, thank you, but i’ll tell you this, i don’t understand at all that we are talking again about the time coming, let’s listen to some proposals that have appeared, the remnants of ukraine, let’s admit them to nato, but what about you... .and
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even offer to take away part of the territory to their declared enemy, these are some very strange processes there, i would say that these are processes of moral and political degradation, my second question is, especially for those people who are starting to replicate this here, but how is it all these there are conversations about how someone will offer us something, and they correspond to the fact that the kiev regime and this here... is very important, and the forces supporting it in the west are increasingly moving towards waging terrorist activities against russia actions, but
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in fact, to the west, and above all to the united states of america, let’s not talk about any serious ones here either, so to speak, let’s not form a figure of silence, it was suggested, or you dissociate yourself. from the terrorist activities of the kiev regime, or you in fact, support her, also the question was generally posed in a big way. so what, and what did the west do? we all, we all, i hope, observed the same picture, this twelve-day hysteria, say whatever you want, that means you want, fight with the entire islamic world, but under no circumstances say it in the context of terrorist attacks the word ukraine. well, that is, in fact, the west has taken the terrorist activities of the kiev regime under its wing, but i have this question, and the attacks on
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, in particular today’s yesterday's drone attack, and today's, on a nuclear facility, the west will also cover, i don't even ask magata now, i already understand everything about magata, i have no questions for magata, probably someday the international investigators will... well, so but how can you talk with the political forces of the so-called collective west, if this very collective west has consistently
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, throughout the last month, actually legalized terrorist methods of waging war against russia, at least not by any means? way, not at the level of any politician, significant, having. state power has not abandoned these methods, well, we won’t consider macron’s hysteria that no, no, no, ukraine has nothing to do with it, and we are definitely not us, france definitely has nothing to do with this, we will dissociate ourselves from the terrorist war, well, that and for us the challenge is rather the opposite, yes, well, in fact, the hysteria that macron and his defense minister threw, this actually means, well, actually a confirmation of our russian ambassador. says the hat, no one has heard anything yet asked, they say: it’s not us, but we haven’t even asked anything yet, they are already saying: no, no, no, it’s not us, no, it’s you, you killed yourself, there’s no one else, so, so,
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now question, for us this is also a challenge, for us this is a very serious challenge, the inclusion of the west at the level of state structures, not volunteers, not volunteers, no wild geese there, in terrorist activities against russia, it must have legal consequences with points of view.
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it’s written, let’s read it to them, this, in my opinion, is very correct, we must transfer our wonderful western partners, gradually, slowly, without fuss, to a completely different legal status, because for now, excuse me, they have lost their malina, they believe that they are invulnerable, they are invulnerable neither in the military-political, nor in economic, nor in...
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during the period of the copper corpse, all the major geopolitical forces, and especially the geopolitical forces of the west, they are in a state of zukzwang, so the americans have now declared three most important tasks, the first is the destruction of the global south, they, by the way, recently, for the first time, they began to be afraid of the global south, before that they said this, it’s all nonsense, it’s a phantom. before that there is nothing, they will all fight among themselves, last month for the first time they began to perceive this as a threat, the second line is limiting escalation in the middle east, they are really afraid of it, that’s why they went to negotiate with the iranians, i’m wondering what they they gave the iranians the benefit of not hitting an american target, that’s what i would like to know, well, the third point is...
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our chinese partners have, it is also very difficult there, not everything for the chinese to discuss the situation is quite complex, which turns out, about europe, well, what is there to discuss, not sovereign people, what saves us, what gives us the opportunity to win here is the ability to internal development, because we have gained a very serious pace of internal development, we have a huge foundation for this internal development in
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the form of... catching up social modernization of the regions newly reunited with russia, this is not a burden, this is an opportunity, this is an opportunity for economic growth, for investment, there is a huge pent-up demand for infrastructure, for social modernization, the creation of new social institutions, this is exactly how it should be perceived, but there is one nuance that i would like to note, this can only be done if...
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it was to all, indeed, the portuguese, the poles, he practically became, yes, and whoever he was not, but for some reason this time he did not announce that he was beidenenko, so, apparently, it became unfashionable, by the way, also an indicator, yes , but we all understand that in order to to bring him to the white house for a second term , everything will be done, and some distortion of macro-statistics, american, is such a... trifle from the point of view of the american authorities of this deep state, if of course it plays for biden, which i am not at all sure of, yes, what is this nonsense, but what is the american economic?
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statistical manipulations in order to put biden in the white house for a second term, it turns out that all of a sudden they will put him in, and then it turns out that the united states and the whole world are united, together with the united states are in a very deep economic crisis, what are we going to say, ah, we didn’t know, ah, american people cannot lie, ah, we have always believed in american economic statistics, although this was caught more than once, by the way, under obama, three times. americans are lying in economic statistics, so in order to make strategic economic decisions, we need a very serious conversation about the methodology with which we evaluate the development of our economic
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system, about the indicators that we use the basis of our economic policy, in general , what is the macroeconomics of the post-global world in relation to russia? it seems to me that this conversation, in general, is overdue, because this period, the period of copper pipes, well, what is it, to simplify, this is a period of lies, now there will be a period in world politics and especially in the world economy when everyone will lie, because this world of globalization of interdependence, in fact, all these western people are funerals.
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there really is a lot more needed for repators what to do, then, because what you
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say is correct, there are no statistics, you tell them, there is the ministry of internal affairs, come on, tell me, the state program for the resettlement of compatriots, and how many of this 1,200 people do not, well, how should i say, these do not have relations to russians or to russians who do not have their own state, there are no such statistics, i will not go deep and deep now, i would like to support some of the stories that you covered in... in his preliminary speech, let’s say, biden wants to be a pole, or why they are americans they can still, out of inertia, point to china, where they belong, or russia, where they belong, but because, in part , putin also answered this question, we tried to become part of them at one time, and i’ll just give my own example, when- then we went to poland, about nine years ago, there was the state duma, there were several people... officials, i won’t name names now, all of them are now also very
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well-known in high positions, and we just kind of had a friendly conversation there and there some made speeches and they said, i have polish roots, i have polish roots, well at least we’re okay, we were once in the same state, so i ended this conversation by saying, okay, now i’m the only russian among you, i’ll tell you , that means, and they were talking there, including then, about... i know him, he would
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have been prime minister, he spoke norwegian when he came to us, and he also convinced the duma that we would forever brothers, he brought his entire parliament, there are not many of them, 125 people, they call it the storting, to us, and he said, just let’s sign this an agreement to delimit our borders in the barints sea, some officials agreed to this then, went ahead, and where are these friends now? said, we are forever, friends, just as you absolutely rightly said, professor, but they don’t give a damn about terror, they don’t give a damn, so they are really outraged supposedly by this, that means, by this death, not supposedly, or rather, but by the death of these guys who were there engaged in humanitarian aid in israel, and they are not outraged by ilabuga, a hostel, several foreigners died there, a hostel, well, this is an obvious terrorist act, somehow you know, once again, how many nine people are there? died there, everyone suffered,
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that is, they suffered, yes, well, somehow they don’t care, they shied away from the hostel, well, nothing, well , think about it, let them continue to beat, but nevertheless, i will somehow return to politics, to macron, to france, many of us, assessing his performance, i have been arguing with this all the time from the very beginning, i am still arguing, it seems to me that europe has realized the speech of macron and stoltenberg now. that they can be left alone as soon as the wrong elections take place in america, according to their understanding, so all these speeches of his, everyone says, well , he went crazy there, but it seems to me that in europe they are trying to make such a decision, so try it themselves, or maybe the americans told them to formulate a financial plan themselves, supply weapons themselves, maybe they can get there themselves or scare to the point that the french will be stationed there, and there... as you said, there will be soldiers from eastern europe in
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the future, it seems to me that they are trying to pump up this agenda, to underestimate france, i wouldn’t either, it seems to me france is now stronger than germany militarily and even more sovereign than germany, they made their own nuclear weapons, they produced them themselves, unlike the british, who took them from the americans, they themselves raised their nuclear industry, they raised it, they are doing it. fighter and are ready to make even the fifth generation themselves, they have the entire electronics industry and we can’t underestimate them either, but i wouldn’t say that here he is, that means this president who just wants to jump out of something pants, we need to seriously prepare, see how they, this means that here is a warning from our authorities, from medvedev to everyone else, they must already approach a certain red line, which... must say: that’s it, guys, we are not going any further, because what does that
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mean, we will wait and bomb them, that is, of course, if they come to the territory of ukraine, we would be obliged to destroy them there, we simply must, since we are at war with them. but there are some opportunities that, for the same uranium, for the same uranium supplies, they have the entire nuclear industry, the germans don’t want it to deliver, not just not to supply, to do everything so that they don’t take it from kazakhstan , which means you just need to deliver it to them in the required quantity, in the military, right away , choose the delivery city , deliver it there right away, so that they don’t have to get up powerfully 20 times , and i would say.
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well, what bothers me? didn’t you understand before? so i’m telling you, but you know, my, my, my, something senior comrade spoke, my leader gennady andreevich zuganov, the leader of our faction, he said: listen, well, really, four yeltsin’s government, they destroyed russia and gave examples from weapons, army, education, which means that up to the shooting of the white house, no one cared, no white house in the west anywhere, not a single european country.
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how they conducted these elections, they didn’t even hesitate there, current politicians, well, for example, vasiliev is sitting there somewhere, this former businessman is there at ntv, somewhere a drunkard is now a politician now yes, so he’s an onka, he told how he made this newspaper, god forbid, he made it, we they always said this, in finland, they published it, how he was doing an interview with this lungo, this sorcerer, but that’s not the point, his one, one phrase of me, longo, yes, his one phrase of me in his self-exposure.
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filmed, had to be removed, so, speaking about this economic policy of ours, i must say, yes, we agreed, but we seemed to agree, but here i am this week, last week there was such a moscow economic forum , we have it has been going on for a long time, well, so unloved, since we are already moving on, let's now advertising, then you will continue, yes, thank you, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes tomorrow on rtl.
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relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. i came to work to get a job, it didn’t work out, i’m being robbed, well , don’t cry, get yourself in order, let’s go, allah, taxi, premiere from monday on rtr, any terrorist attack is terrible, it’s vile, it’s inhumane, who is the customer, who needed it in the first place? what is being done is to divert suspicion from ukraine, don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with the international
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terrorism, the internet, this is a colossal force of influence, the kiev regime has the ability to recruit or obtain any information through game streams, this is a danger that is tangible, which needs to be fought, an ethnic clash with... a wonderful forum, i took part in it every year, but i’ve never seen a single official there before, because they
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held their own gaidar forum, and everyone sat there, lined up, everything, all the officials, which means all these scientists and all this was in shambles, but this year all the guys gathered again, directors, directors, not only scientists, well , directors, acting directors, babkin there, that means, not to mention scientists there... we just started talking about culture, education, and not how to transform it, and not only about the economy, but the essence not this, all the guys from governor savchenko to nigmatulin, academician, i must say that these guys have matured, yes, that is, these guys are so many years old. robert, as long as i have known him,
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nigmatulin, an academician, that means his brother, and many others, but i thought, well, at this time once, especially i was recently in ronkhix, gave a speech there, mao ran away, wait, let’s finish at least one thing, i thought there wouldn’t be a forum this time, those who are there, they will all come and listen, like they listened to us in the house.
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that’s it, we need to act, lower the key rate, don’t take this money abroad, that means everything, and i hope that everything contributes to this today, and i hope that from this studio, where everyone is not against it, from the studio of the moscow forum , even from the state duma no one is against it anymore, but this will all turn into real politics, i'm sure of it, will, i hope so, so, thank you, that means, regarding real politics, that's when
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they will start to fear us more than the americans, even those who depend on us. are blocked by those for whom receipts from russia are budget-forming, they completely seriously block the world card, then the question arises: is everything all right with everyone? some minor official came to them, raised an eyebrow, they said: no, no, we can’t, what are we, we’re so afraid of sanctions, they’re afraid of sanctions, but we are now let's say i suggested 100 times, i repeat 156 times, that's it.
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but it prevents us from carrying out preventive polite sanctions against them, just raising an eyebrow, they depend on us economically, they are now kissing incomprehensible points there, everyone , anyone, why are we experiencing a divorce complex, or what? we behave towards them the way our husbands say, okay, well, she ’s a fool, she left me, well, what can we do, well, it just happened, we don’t have children together, no, but if we did, they sent us all here, and some, we are there the borders are still guarded by bases. with understanding, by the way, have you heard anything about, for example, the problem with labor migration from belarus, have you heard that there is at least some problem with the belarusians, at least once, well, you’ve heard, okay, i’ll ask the next question, where are you have you ever seen indignant workers from
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southeast asia recording some kind of rap?
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but on those points that you have just mentioned in detail, i think that in the near future we will consider very seriously the law and even a number of laws related to migration, and i am sure that what is being considered today in preparing this will answer almost all questions, and you are completely right, here we will use the experience of world practice, and the main thing is that we will impose our own interests on our country, and i immediately moving on to
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economic issues, i would like to remind you that just the other day our president... said that we have two ways: either continue to import migration, or increase labor productivity, listen, it’s me, i’m always amazed not even by the fact that our president says, you begin to slowly get used to it, so i am amazed that why is he just talking about this, and it just seems to me that our task is not just to talk, but also to do, so i return to the government report, i svanovich doesn’t agree with everything here, the point is that the prime minister’s speech in the state duma, his clear explanation... of what was done during this difficult period, and this was not just a report for the year, it was for the period of actual work government, including the covid period in period of a special military operation is necessary. what was due in this report was, well, a huge part of just real problems, problems and approaches to solving them, and by solving these problems, the prime minister showed how to move on, that is, it was, you know, a message to those who will come,
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well, the next government, it will work with it, and i was uh, of course, encouraged by the fact that not only did he have the support of all factions, he was repeatedly supported by the audience, especially in those moments where he clearly explained that despite all the difficulties anyway... the priority was that the president set the quality of the task, but also the government, this and social support for the population, this is work with the low-income, this is the fight against poverty, i won’t go into too much detail now, a huge number of issues that really were implemented in practice, so in this case the report was very objective, but at the same time positive and no falsehoods, a clear understanding that they are fighting with us, that we have an enemy, an economically strong enemy, and he can oppose only a strong russia. economy, why am i talking about this, because we really have a report from the central bank waiting for us, well, it’s not even about the central bank itself, but there is still a certain point that i would like to just show for comparison, because an idea was voiced,
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i won’t hide it from my lips either, but this idea is still wandering around, connected with the fact that, well, actually you need to pay for your actions, i don’t talk about words about them anymore, i’ll say, vich touched on the topic correctly, we need to answer , so look, uh, today i for... comparison, i just want to show, the central bank, which according to the constitution should deal with a virtually stable ruble, is actually today implementing the practice of a floating, excuse me, taftology, implementing the practice of a floating ruble, floating ruble - this is actually a refusal to control the management of the process of a stable ruble, but the question arises, why is it floating? no, well, it’s so convenient for the central bank, he believes that this has the best impact on the economy, i’m talking about something else, that he the constitution says a little differently, according to the law. they talk about the central bank a little differently, but today in the report that we have to discuss in front of us, it sounds like the following, that in fact the national bank calls the weakening of the ruble an additional factor of inflation. i dare
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say here that this is not an additional, but a major factor. and if we rewind a little back, then the twenty-second year, when the financial bloc actually became confused, due to the fact that a huge number of sanctions were imposed at that time, including in the financial sphere, decisions were somehow made, but they were inadequate. in addition to the policy of the financial sector on the eve of this period, that is , a financial restriction on currencies was introduced, exchange controls were normal, restrictions on foreign exchange earnings, serious restrictions arose on the withdrawal of capital, and the rate was normal, here our economy went up, because immediately the money supply was thrown into the economy by the government and so on, and suddenly in the twenty-third year everyone apparently stabilized there, closer information contacts with institutions arose different. here, speaking about forecasts, this is what i agree with dmitry gennaevich, that forecasts all the time do not come true , first of all, not the government, but the central bank, we ourselves all the time predicted some drops in gdp, then gdp began to grow, but still
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not at the rate that actually grew, so speaking of the 3.6% gdp growth that the government recorded, today we are faced with the fact that the central bank gives us a forecast of 1.5-2 .5% next year, well listen, i’ll give you an example, january-february gdp growth rate of 7.7%, what do we need. makes us turn on the brake, where is this lever, which, what it says, says, this is not just overheating, this is already triple overheating, which means we, well, okay, maybe he knows a little more than not only us already, but the government, which believes that anyway, solving the problems set before the country, even not only by the president, but by life itself, requires completely different approaches, so let’s try to figure out why i say that the weakening of the ruble was the main factor in the inflation process. yes, because we actually had what, that means, weakening of foreign exchange controls, we had a situation where the ruble fell against all currencies, and import inflation, that is
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, those goods that were purchased, there were not enough of them in the country yet, they brought this inflation with them and transferred it to the domestic one, and this was the conclusion of the central banks, look, there is inflation, they decided to strengthen this process by making the rate 16%, this is the rate, excuse me, 16%. thus, they not only increased the cost of loans issued, but also actually doubled the costs of loans issued to those entrepreneurs who were trying to develop the domestic market. now we have a clear task set by the government, and he and this government are doing it, they are trying, uh, to subsidize the interest rate, and even the central bank responds, look, it turns out that growth is happening, especially where we have preferential mortgages, why is it preferential mortgage - that is, growth goes where it doesn’t they can reach, mikhailovich, i understand correctly that growth is going where the central bank’s paws cannot reach, well, i didn’t talk about paws, but where the central bank’s paws are, well, well, not paws. look,
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this is a very important question, if we set such conditions of existence for our modern business, then we must understand what, what we expect from this business of ours, because today i repeat, the central bank insists on that demand needs to be compressed, but if we squeeze it, you and i will never move forward, so let's...
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the threat to the russian economy, we need to call the car for sure, we're not the central bank, but i don't even want to, they're a little stumped, because well, it's clear that they'll put a dead end on now now, that is, putin says that our task is high wages, and the central bank says, high wages, threats to the russian economy, based on this logic, the central bank considers who the main preacher of the threat was not there further, i hope that we let's hear logical conclusions are not included official duties of the central bank on wednesday , i hope we will get an answer to... the question, it happens, it happens that we do not fully understand this, but i hope that they will decipher it for us, because our country of course faces a problem, no one denies it, this is labor productivity and a shortage of personnel, well , let us already talk to you here, but a shortage of personnel is not a migrant and is far from a migrant, it is, first of all, as the president has already said, labor productivity, but in order for labor productivity to grow, we need a fund of armament, for television viewers i'll say this just tank building, that is, we are machines produced in the country that will allow, these are robots, this will allow... to increase,
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but people with low wages will not work on these machines, but why should we use the opinion of the central bank regarding that this is a threat to the economy, well, excuse me, if this is a threat, then it may be the opposite, that in fact , thanks to high wages, we will attract highly qualified labor that will allow us to work on this high-tech equipment, allowing should we solve the problem, including the absence or shortcomings of the workforce, the bank doesn’t want to start?
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well, i just want to say two more words that one of the issues of solving the problems of highly skilled employment is excess exports, in fact, let’s see, let’s return to this topic, if we understand today and the central bank sees this, look, it actions related to the weakening of the ruble were attributed to the period when today we had 140.50 billion and despite this, we actually had a weakening of the ruble by 43%, that is, from 70 rubles to 100, well, listen, what does this mean, that this is a lack of misunderstanding of the situation itself, you and i must see that this is a perspective where there is someone who determines well? the rate, well, our rate
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is determined on the stock exchange, but i think that on the stock exchange, when we have on the stock exchange, what is an easy entry and exit? who strangled this volume? or maybe we should still take the measures that were taken by the same central bank when the special military operation began? yes, when we are polite they said: come on, all the money is on the barrel, and come on, everyone here, then the exchange rate is suddenly right here, mikhailovich, you and i have talked about this many times, the same central bank is not consistent in its
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decisions, you know, here i am finally, i would like to understand that if we still consider the goal of the central bank together with the government, then i think that this policy should. in the near future, and i very much hope that at the report, which will take place in the duma on wednesday, we will hear words of the central bank’s readiness to work together with the government on the implementation of the economic program formulated president and bear responsibility in solidarity with the government, will endure everything and pave a wide, clear path for themselves, everyone who went to school knows the continuation, and if suddenly it doesn’t work out that way, it will even be interesting to watch, yes, i am very fascinating. of course, the conversation about the central bank, about the economy concerns us all, very much, of course, about salaries, but nevertheless, i want to return, so to speak, to our international agenda; thursday marked the 75th anniversary of the mighty nato bloc. you
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know, the foreign ministers have gathered, well, officially in order, so to speak, to prepare for the july nato summit, but not officially. it all came down to the fact that they discussed ukraine, their fears for the future, and talked a little about the candidacy of the next secretary general, and i must say that if you take the history of nato, this is what happened in 409, but i take there from forty nine to fifty-five, when they joined, west germany joined nato, 15 countries, well, with the overwhelming dominance of the united states, of course, but still it was from...
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today's nato, of course, has 32 members, it is no longer a homogeneous structure, if in the previous nato everyone was, in general, to one degree or another, security providers, as they like to say, now half of nato is pure consumers, starting with these baltic tigers and ending, so to speak, with the countries of eastern europe, but which are the most militant in their rhetoric, although...
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that whoever does not pay is left without protection, and in general who will not pay for him if they attack, i’ll personally call putin and tell him to do it whatever you want with this, with this defaulter, so to speak, it won’t be a shame next time, that’s why there was talk about whether nato can exist without the united states, everyone understands that it cannot, the united states, although from time to time they throw out options, ok, we agree to perform the function.
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very good, to put it mildly, so against the backdrop of, again, trump’s possible victory , there was talk about what we should do with the money, i correctly understand that from the earlier wording.
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neutral status, these are the tasks we must fulfill, on this basis, i think, so to speak, we, i think, are ready, so to speak, to reach some compromises, well, we started thinking about some kind of fund of 100 billion dollars, it’s just not very clear to me who will pay, that’s who will contribute to this little box, again the baltic tigers, well , they’ll collect about 50 million, probably 100 billion is needed, 100 billion is needed, an employee can talk.
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well, this simply does not exist, well, someone uses it, i was the only one who found a system there in some american source, which includes two batteries, but even if you take 25 systems with 6-8 batteries each, that’s 150-200 batteries, well, i must say that the lip is not a fool, especially when you consider that each battery is a billion dollars. to collect 200,200 batteries - it’s either necessary to collect all over the world what the americans supplied, or to halve what is on the north american continent, well, the germans really promised, so to speak, something was done there, no, they scholz promised to look, look these are patriotic batteries, but why are they lying around somewhere? that’s the very concept, i’ll look for it, it’s like, that is, you come. no, well, the germans can
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give everything they have, for god’s sake, so to speak, it’s excellent, then here we are and begin to reform our armed forces and, so to speak, give everything, let them not forget to tell us, most importantly, which countries have completely deprived themselves of air defense, that’s the thing, that’s the point, we will gladly take advantage of the given opportunity, the americans , the... the westerners also had their own plan a, plan a is, so to speak, to destroy russia economically, to defeat it on the battlefield, and it is desirable to change, so to speak, the presidential regime.


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