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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 2:47am-5:01am MSK

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that he’ll run to his mom to complain, well, they raised a normal kid, be happy, katy, but he didn’t tell you anything, no, he’s either busy or doesn’t pick up the phone, oh, we’ll pick it up now, there’s no need to torture the guy, well, he’s been in the barracks from the battle for a long time , well, people are sleeping, he’s sleeping, he won’t wake up. yes, mom, it’s fine, i’m okay, what? hurray, they have you, give me the excerpt. katyukha, you are smart, i am smart, congratulations. no, don’t come, we’re leaving tomorrow, well, for the fields, yes, how do i know, yeah, i’ll call. that's it, i love you,
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bye, yurka, yurets, your girlfriend doesn’t have a good friend to call me, what? don't give up, get dressed, well done, the premiere is on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space, i need official registration, she will arrange for us what to do, wait, wait, wait, let's go, they ate my child, alla taxi from monday to rtr.
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imagine a first-class holiday in the resort, elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. luu resorts. we are here for you.
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april 6 marks exactly 2 years since no. it was he who managed the politician’s country residence for all these years and witnessed important historical events, including prophetic sayings. new predictions of the famous politician and secret audio recordings. all this is being done to worsen the economic situation in russia and to improve the international situation. mala, on monday on rtr. budel. fasten
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your seat belt, bring the cognac, ah, i feel it will shock us today, andrei boriwa, you can say, they saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgeniy lazar, why me, there are many ready-made specialists, light, without you it’s as if i’m... going downhill, or what? this is not your man, in an area of ​​strong turbulence. light, wait, don't say anything, just think. i love you and you. please take your seat. flight attendant, on friday for this one. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. health. we dispel
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myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you must first warm up. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information. from monday to friday on rtr. you see, we live in a situation where there has been abnormally stable weather on earth for 400 years, this has had a direct
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impact on the development of human civilization, but just think about it, abnormally stable, guys, hi, great, well, today there will be a new attraction, what kind of attraction? come with me and you will find out everything. hurry up, let's go, great color, well, my beloved gave it to me, so guys, let's all load up and go to the club to wash, the sailors have no questions, cool car, jump in, levashova, ekaterina batkovna, do you want a special invitation? well, i don’t know, well, why , i don’t know, i’m so happy, let’s go, please, with friends in grief is his joy, with friends, of course.
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well, no one else has been forgotten, no more no one, great.
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provoke egorov, levashova, she’s not easy to touch, in the village, you know how they bring up, such entry is only through zak, and zak is still too early for me, okay, let’s go, let’s go, well, brothers, rabbits, i propose to consider the party over, let’s sit down, let’s go, well, you won’t go by car, how nice it is when someone takes care of you, of course not, now he’ll call a taxi.
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why are you smiling, you freak, well, everyone is laughing, and it’s funny to me, it’s funny to you, let’s joke, we bet, in 10 days it will be mine for 20 grand, you’ll break the sanchi, which isn’t funny to you, well, it’s not a trick to make a bet, but how can you prove it, an examination by a gynecologist, a photo video, a photo video? get in, let's get out of here, if you get behind the wheel drunk, no, this is without me, i'm in a taxi, bye everyone,
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don't worry, let's get the fool drunk and do whatever you want with her, you get her drunk now. well, that’s my concern, so, let’s go? let's go, oh half a piece.
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and now for us to have everything and
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not have to pay anything for it, listen, guys, where is everything? that's it, go open it. good evening, comrades, oh, late penalty, no, i'm not going to drink today, but rokotov, yes, well done, it’s my birthday , there’s no need to drink, why, listen, friends, i just got drunk recently, unfortunately, i behaved like a pig, i’m very ashamed, so i decided that i won’t drink until then, i won’t be forgiven or he won’t drink peace with me, something like
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this, well, a person is worried, well, i don’t know, i would forgive, okay, artyom, i consider you that i have forgiven you, but peace, yes, put up, put up, put up and don’t fight anymore, make peace, make peace, make peace, don’t fight anymore. reconcile, reconcile, reconcile, don’t share anymore. so stop, and now it's a disco.
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zhana, what happened to me yesterday? wait, don't you remember anything at all? “it’s strange, you’re so lucky, it’s like you didn’t drink anything, didn’t drink, i don’t even remember anything, my ears are ringing, what a horror, what happened, how did i end up in your bed, listen, everything ’s fine, you got drunk, went to the toilet, i found you there and put you to bed, it’s good that your parents weren’t there, i don’t even know what i would have done then, forgive me, zhanochka,
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please, oh, it’s a shame, but everyone saw, yes, everyone i don't care, everyone got drunk and..." settled down around the apartment, i then gathered them all up and barely pushed them back, then we had a great walk, okay, i’ll go to the dorm, just please give me something for my head, and forgive me, please, it’s really the first time i’ll never do it again glodka, so what’s the lesson, we’re late for the seminar, we’re off to the train, and you don’t have such a charger, yura should call me. the subscriber's device is turned off or is located in the area where the device enters,
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the subscriber's device is turned off or is outside the de? guys, does anyone have one like this? charging, my phone just ran out. well, let’s repeat yesterday, you moron, you baryshev, i have nothing to repeat with you except
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irregular verbs, some verbs yesterday were very correct and...
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levashova, don’t forget to hand over your towel,
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oh idiot, where are you going, who is driving you away, you have paid for up to... a month, live, thank you, serafima vasilyevna, i can’t, i don’t want to stay here anymore, well, as you know, i knew that they would eat you up here, hello, yurochka, hello. no, everything is fine, i'm alive and well, no, i just want you say, don’t wait for me on vacation, i won’t come, no, you were just right then, i met someone more worthy goodbye, yurochka,
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it hurts, around, location, step, march, maksimov, i, to me, there is. maksimov, i don’t really recognize you lately, if i don’t rely on you, then on whom at all, tell me informally what’s happening to you, maybe i can help, no way, comrade senior lieutenant, everything’s fine, nothing problems, i can already see that in a month i’ll take leave for 2 days, i’m an excellent combat soldier, decide there what i need it, i don’t need a crossbow here, but for now , stop counting crows, just stop counting crows, comrade senior lieutenant. in the location of the chat step by step, march, hello,
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yes, i am an advertised nanny, but i have no work experience, but i have a younger brother and i babysat with him and also studied pedagogy.
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fuck you, what a dalti, get away from me! okay, lie down, excuse me!
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your travel documents and passport, hello, garage, your travel documents and passport, and passport, passport now, but i don’t have a ticket. i am forced to detain you until your identity is clarified, please, please, don't, me and him are probably in my suitcase, now, wow, wow, there you are, i ran all the way to the station, you 're getting ready for this mess again,
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everything's fine, watch your sister, thank you . that's it, go home before you get attached again.
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let's go, on cosmonautics day, it's a holiday, cosmonautics day, it's still our common holiday, of course, it's a holiday for our whole country, the legendary crew of the camp.
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they were escorted to one end of the road, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind of intuition, the wife of viktor petrovich i knitted a hat for him and two for you. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection, titanic delux golf hotel, where every moment - wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life lounge and enjoy gourmet cuisine the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. russia - traditional, modern. technological,
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original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition russia forum, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount, deploy nuclear weapons, i have already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, as things are at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight of the equipment, and we have one tank there, the second tank flew off in the air .
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the hero of russia will be on the tour, we are all with you, including me, we will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana shake, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look twice a day, see you, kuznetsov film series,
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did you lose your documents or something? no, i put them in my suitcase so as not to lose them, where do you go, i have nowhere, like nowhere, like on the street, you don’t look like it, just don’t add dampness, okay. check in with me for a couple of days, then we’ll figure out what to do with you, thank you, what should you call me, me, and katya, it’s very nice, katya, i’m boris, where are we going, don’t
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be afraid of me, now varvara semyon will give us a hard time , this will be scary. so get ready, aisles, borya, i just can’t put her down, i’ll keep waiting for dad, well, barbarian, if you don’t they were able to, i did the same, why aren’t you sleeping, come to me, say, come, say, oops. and who is this? and this is katya, she will live with us for a couple of days. barbarian, you decide somewhere, okay, we’ll decide, well, do you want a fairy tale? i want to, let ’s go and tell you a fairy tale, well, let’s go, katya.
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“here with me as long as you live, you don’t want to tell me anything, where did he bring you from, why, i don’t know why, i was at the station , the police just pestered me, and in no time he dragged you from the station to the child’s house , what were you doing at the station, left the institute, and i’m afraid to go home, my mother will be upset, and how are you going to live now? will i find a job with accommodation, nanny or housekeeper? did you find a nanny for me? don’t think, i know how to work with
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children, i have a little brother, i sat with him and i studied at the pedagogical institute, but why did i leave? “i didn’t have enough money, it’s clear, there wasn’t enough money, but what else can you do, i can do everything, clean, cook, wash, iron, well , let’s put the machine into washing, but we only got a car 2 years ago, and before that i washed it by hand, by hand?” wild, huh? at all? no, our old car just broke down, there was no money for a new one, dad died, and mom is a teacher, of course, i ’ll tell you what, it won’t be like that, you’ll fly out of here
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in a traffic jam, and i’ll check your passport, i’ll see when you tell me take it when you don’t have it, have it, katya, do you like to run? yes, let's run, just wait a minute with the running. boris sued the child from his spinster, but we are afraid that she will want to steal it, so you keep your eyes open, i understand, so i thought, it wasn’t she who hired you, what are you doing, you can
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call the institute, i’ll call, i’ll call and you are for look like a child, go. marisha, hello, yes, mom, mom, don’t worry, you’re like that, come on! i’m not friendly with the internet, you can tell me the phone number of our pedagogical institute, please, yes, yes, thank you, kisses, bye. hello, good afternoon,
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this is a training unit, please tell me, is ekaterina alekseevna livashova studying with you, her aunt, who gave birth to the queen that night, either a son or a daughter, not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal, what kind of animal? yes, no animal, she gave birth to a boy, a prince, they decided to lie to the king so that he would she was angry, it’s not good to lie, yes, it’s really bad, oh! what water, i want another pie,
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the pies are gone, it’s not good to take it away, i saw there ’s still some, so what, what is there, i still won’t give it to you, no, give it to me, i want it too, very tasty pies, katerina cooked it , you better cook worse next time, otherwise they won’t come through my door soon, that’s it, put away the toys in the children’s room to wash, katya put away the toys, hello, please, you did this in vain, she should clean up after herself, if she doesn't go to the garden, then she should learn to do everything yourself, play, and read, and write, put away toys, i understand, can i go away tomorrow afternoon for a while, i think i’ve found a job, and i need to get acquainted, what kind of job? with accommodation in a country house, yeah,
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tomorrow we’ll decide whether you’ll go or not, i need to talk to boris about business now, uh-huh, olga, go to bed, come on, come on, yes , come on, quickly, katya, look after her, please, okay, first. yes, they are such women, all the evil from them is that he said so directly, she found someone more worthy, she said so, don’t be afraid, rich one, she’s not like that, well, yes, but they are all different when you’re around. by the way, it’s good that i didn’t get married, it would have been more offensive to you, borya, i warned you,
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my marina will give birth, and i’ll leave, they found someone, but no, well, i, to be honest, somehow thought that you would change your mind, well, how can i change my mind, well, my daughter is giving birth, i ’m a single mother, so look for someone in the forest, where can i find it? well, i don’t know, borya, i
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can’t answer for her, it’s up to you to decide, but take a closer look, please, mom, yes, everything is fine with me. i was just offered a job for the holidays, so i took it, no, i’ll come myself, a little later, that’s it, it’s time for me to run, i kiss you, bye. well, shall we go home for lunch? well, well, well, varvara semyonovna allowed me to take a longer walk, but remember, i told you that it’s not good to deceive, very, very bad people deceive, you want to be bad, how did you know that you were deceiving, there’s a bird, you see, she sang to me, now you're deceiving, olya, hello,
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you're katya, i... if he needs it, he can call and warn, although i wouldn't even let go of the call, because the voice can be faked, yes, yes, yes, yes, oh, wa, good luck to you, good luck to you, daughters of an easy birth, may everything be
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fine, i am grateful to you, for everything, for everything, oh, “we are always waiting for you here, you are always welcome , if you need any help, money or anything else, in general, please contact me, thank you, and if you don’t drink wine, drink it, it’s light, and i never drink alcohol, that’s right, what ’s good in it, alone nonsense?" well , good luck to you, borechka, and to you, katyusha, the taxi will arrive now, i’ll go and kiss olga, i’ll tell you,
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you’ll help me, of course. you still tell me tell me the truth, why did you leave the institute, i can’t say, varvara semyonovna, but you don’t need to be afraid of me, i really won’t do any harm to boris, but i’m not going home to fetch my mother, she knows how proud she is of me, she’s my teacher in the village everyone respects her, but i’ll come back for no reason, no one at all, everyone ’s going to look, they’re going to have braids, i can’t, i know you can call, but i really beg you, i have to, but i won’t, i won’t, i just don’t understand, are you really going to spend your whole life as a servant, what’s next, then i ’ll earn money, save up, go to moscow, there i’ll do it, and i’ll tell my mother that everything has changed,
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i understand, my girl, that something went wrong with some guy, but oh well, it’s none of my business, that’s what you’re saying... you’re not boris throw it, well, don’t throw it at anyone, he did good to you, you remember this, well, take a closer look at him, but he’s a prominent guy, okay, don’t bat your eyes, let’s go. oh, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, i'm not looking, i'll quickly pour myself some tea, uh-huh, uh-huh, olya is sleeping, yes, uh-huh, katya, tell me, why did you
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drop out of college, i heard you salt i studied english, i thought that it was unlikely due to poor academic performance, your english is quite decent, for personal reasons. oh well, listen, i was wondering if it was skoor ’s birthday, i wanted to take you to disneyland paris, but her mother lives there, and according to their laws, in general, i’m afraid, what if we go to thailand or to thailand for 10 days dominican fishing, bask in the sun? what are you going to say? well, i don’t know, i don’t have a salary, and it’s somehow inconvenient, it’s expensive, well, a passport is not a problem, we’ll get it in 3 days, but the money is simple. boris anatolyevich, i work for you,
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i have to go, i’ll go, but i want you to understand, i’ll only go if i’m a nanny, or i won’t go at all, but of course, as a nanny, i offered something else.
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we'll go for a walk, but you're far away, not far away. she coughs something for a long time, but ok, hello, yes, i’m at home, of course, how did i break it, a new one? your mother will kill you, well, of course, on credit,
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okay, come, well, come right now, come on, lyokha, where are you going after the army? home, and then go to st. petersburg to korabelka. i ’ve never been to st. petersburg, is it beautiful? what are you doing to me? are you talking with your teeth? what did you want to ask? listen, what do you think? will it be okay if i go to the city and see who she found there, or is it a complete shame, is it not respecting myself at all? your parents are friends, well, they’re friends and what, well , they’re friends, but they don’t tell you anything, they
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’re the ones who spare me, i think you’re a fool maximov, they spare you, they don’t spare you, when you come back, they ’ll dump everything on you, and then depending on the circumstances, maybe she actually already gave birth to, yeah, exactly, a child, in 3 months, in general, you’re right, after home everything will become clear. "you know, i'll go with you to peter, now i have no one and nothing to lose, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, the premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, it’s alla! , al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi,
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who passed the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday on rtr, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leorests, elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional! incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting
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entertainment. welcome to the world of the evening. it’s expensive, you need an operation, here’s the money for your mother’s treatment, thank you, let’s look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship, who are you chatting with, huh? hello, lisa, this is philip, it’s nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you, and you are going to meet with the two of us for a long time, i have a revenge plan, put your things down, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i don’t know
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how it ended up in my things.
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“ if only you had gone to your own tree, but your mother would have had fewer problems. uncle borin, come on and start raising me, where is my sister, beauty, hold on, oh, thank you, ol is walking with her new nanny, such a good girl, i was really lucky, it’s interesting, but i didn’t know what i would do without varvara semyonovna, it’s like god saved me, she’s a good girl, you say, for a long time
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you've had it for, well, about a month. so uncle bor, why are you looking away, what are you planning, should you get married, and why should you get married right away, i’m just saying, she’s a good girl, she knows english, well , don’t tell me about housekeeping, tell me, she’s beautiful, well, well, beautiful or not, i like it, beautiful, there she is, by the way, what is it, yes, katya, uncle bor, surprised, so surprised, i know that katya, livashova's last name, yes, yes, levashova, my former classmate , i didn’t know that you studied together, that’s funny, valya, slowly get up
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to yourself. otherwise there won’t be a surprise, what a surprise, i’ll tell you later, yes, uncle boryu, well, of course i congratulate you, you’re in trouble, do you at least understand who you let into the house, to the child, she went through the whole course, then half of us were treated, now i ’ll show you these photos, you’ll get pumped up, but uncle bor, katya, ulya, don’t go slowly home, where have you been, and where’s katya? she left, how she left, where, it’s a surprise, but come to me,
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bear with me. katya, how can that be, huh? i
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couldn’t even imagine that you would skip class and fail the session. daughter, i don’t recognize you, well explain to me what happened. mom, i don’t understand what happened, i just felt sad. great, right, but the fact that i took the bear and me away from me for six months, i sent to you, nothing, nothing, let’s go to the farm, to the factory, he ’ll get a job as a scrubber, how can i report to my father for you, mom, here you go, this is all
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i managed to save, and i earned a little money, we have floors in a dorm, have you even discussed this with yura? mom, it’s all over with yura, katya, how, well, this is impossible, well , explain to me, daughter, what happened, maybe, mom, i just stopped loving you, forgive me, daughter, forgive me, to hell with everything, but the farm is just a farm, well, you and i will fix everything, yes,
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katka, hello, what? the holidays have arrived, well , i mean, i don’t understand at all, but i left the institute, i’m going to the farm to get a job with your father, you’ve given up, and yurka knows, natasha, i need to talk to you, well, let’s go, my father isn’t here yet. dad, are you home? natasha, i need your help,
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tell me, should i somehow get tested for a bad disease, just so that the whole village doesn’t find out what happened? were you raped? come on, stop it, they say that something happened, and rokotov and barsh say that they drugged the whole course with something and raped me, i just don’t remember anything, i was completely unconscious, they also posted photos on the internet, and they say they are sick with something, at the doctor’s i was, no, i was afraid, i didn’t know what to do. what kind of people and animals? tatasha, how can i live now, i wouldn’t live, only my mother, i feel sorry for my mother, she ca
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n’t stand it, what are you thinking, you’re crazy, she’s undergoing treatment, there’s nothing to do now, i’ll come from the city tomorrow, we’ll check, quietly, no one will know about anything, i understand, and even if you are sick, this is not a death sentence, but maybe... there is nothing. yurka, what did you say? that i don’t love him anymore and that i’ve met someone else, you idiot. are you going to the city, natasha? yes. listen, you can take my ring, yura gave it to me, i forgot, please, of course i can, dictate the address, look at me here without being stupid, i understand, dad, what kind of person left and nastya left the window?
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kal, you've arrived, why don't you come and see us? i didn’t have time, i just arrived, so come in, yes, of course, definitely, yurochka is coming to us on vacation the other day, and are you here or study? i'm here, i guess. well, great, then, see you, katya, i can borrow your studies from you, but don’t worry, everything will be fine, i just really need the money, but what about you, i took the academic studies for a year.
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okay, okay, start tomorrow, here ’s almost the job description, conducts work on various types of operational accounting, volumes of finished products, costs of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy consumed in production, makes entries in primary documents, orders, material, and receipt orders, requirements, everything is clear, thank you very much, see you tomorrow, right?
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listen, guy, where can i find artyom rokotov or barushev? well, rokotov is not there, he is sick, and the young lady is sitting over there, and i won’t come, we’ll see, while i need him. sorry, are you baryshev? yes, i, what? your job? why can't you see? so it's better to come here. i am an investigator in the case of ekaterina nevashova. she wrote a statement about gang rape. and since you are the only one of these three assholes who posted photos on the social network, you will become the organizer of a criminal conspiracy. will you sit down? from infusion, i promise you, who took the pictures? which organizer? who raped him, why is she lying? ask egorova, she
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will confirm everything, she took photographs, they only called me there at the end, you know, yeah, but i didn’t rape anyone, honestly, it’s them, they’re eyes, look who they are, who egorova is, they’re with roktov, he and roktov came up with everything, but it was a joke , you know, just like that, okay, i ’ll explain everything now, this fate is on levashov, he already made a bet, and levashov she was drunk, but dead. so the log lay all towards her the lines were starting, so you’ll tell all this during interrogation, so what, you want to tell me that there was no gang rape, i didn’t rape anyone, honestly, i also knew that this village would react like that, well, in the sense of levashovo, where yagorova, and she’s here, let me take you, barusha, free for now.
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egorova, let’s say, great, now we will have an informal conversation, then you will testify on the record, for now as a witness, then as an accomplice, i will dictate your parents’ phone number. no, please, let's do it without parents, is it generally rumbling, concluded parina or your show, who was the instigator of sex?
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on the sixth of april it will be exactly 2 years since vladimir zhirinovsky ’s own nephew has been away from us for the first time on television. viktor zhirinovsky, it was he who managed the politician’s country residence for all these years and witnessed important historical events, including prophetic statements, new predictions of the famous politician and secret audio recordings. all this is being done to worsen the economic situation in russia, to strike international situation. malakhov, on monday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. we gathered in the first group about.
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the decision that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, so are you confusing it? don’t touch my daughter on saturday not soon 18 and i will live the way i want i’m damn lost i left the house no calls replies and are you sure that you know your daughter well, well now what to do everything will be fine
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if suddenly you need my help call at any time pop it’s not scary you don’t have lyuba.
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good afternoon, hello, is boris anatolyevich at home? i, boris anatolyevich, how can i help? may i come in through the door? well, please come, thank you. i’m listening to you, and i’m a friend of ekaterina levashova, she asked me to come and pick up the ring from you that she left here, and it’s a family heirloom and... it’s not very expensive, i can pick it up, marya petrovna, marya
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petrovna, did you find a ring in the previous nanny’s room, please bring it, yeah, yeah, i want to tell you something before i give the ring, tell me what your name is, natalya, natalya, here, well, explain to me , that’s how... a friend had the conscience, having a venereal disease, to stay in the house where there is a child, but how to communicate with him every day, put him to bed, what should i do now, but there was no venereal disease, but i know what happened, that she was at the institute, what the hell was she doing, and you there is information that she almost killed herself, she thought that her classmates had raped her, it’s normal, i’m honestly surprised that you know this story, and maybe i even... okay, i’ll give you something now what to listen to, i'm sure you'll like it.
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tyoma, open the door, oh, borya, borya, are you sick or something, i’ll tell you. i’ll show the patient, now he’ll smear it all over the wall, darkie, what did he do to you, damn, what have you done, a parasite, what are you doing, that i’m not a parasite, it was you who raised the parasite, let’s tell your mother how i am with my jokes, the man hasn’t sent that light yet, the prison is crying for him, then there’s no fight for the noise, look what he’s done, he’s a parasite, he got drunk, or what, will he get drunk with you here? well, you’ll just stand in the hallway, maybe you’ll pass by,
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come on, tell me. i don’t know how they can do this, how they have enough conscience, so nikolai, decide for yourself what to do, your son, rima, come here, sit down, mother, and you, son, sit down. so, my dears, listen here, and you will speak later, when i say, well, son,
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i thought, i was thinking, i decided, i’ll learn something you’ll still have time, even if you’re barely there, no matter where, but first son, you need to become a man, my mother and i somehow forgot about this, it’s okay, we’ll assign you to the army now, right when my conscription began, you’ll be alive there they'll fix their brains, and i'll keep an eye on it.
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i love, jean, fuck you, what are you telling me about love here, that you might know about it, you’re all fake, people like you, in general, you know, get away from me, please, oh, yurets, na leave, but they let me go for a couple of days, it’s clear, soldier, are we going for a walk today, huh? "hello, yura, welcome back,
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wait, don’t you want to tell me anything, i’ve already said everything, forgive me. did you come alone or with your new one? yuri, i'll go, sorry. your parents didn’t tell me anything bad about you, so he doesn’t know anything. let’s do this, we won’t have a holiday, i ’ll explain everything to them myself later. my mother knows everything, she won’t come to you. he is a good man, he will understand everything.
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mishka, give the last spoon for mom, no, hi, katya, hi, olenka, look, mish, this is olya, olya, this is misha, misha, will you show me your toys? oh, hello, hello, boris anatolyevich. hello katya, here you are i came, to apologize, thank you for coming, your little one, look, he’s already found a bride for himself, with a dowry, by the way, i’m the only smart, beautiful one, nobody needs me, but what ’s going on here? mom, this is boris anatolyevich, he helped me a lot. hello, boris, valentina sergeevna, it’s a pleasure. well,
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guests, that's good, the pie is ready. oh! it’s with me, yes, i’ve just arrived yura, you know, and we’ll go say hello to him now, no, natasha, i won’t go, it’s awkward, wait, wait, not a second, valya, well, you understand, that they don’t know about yurkin or anything else, and if we go there now, they won’t even know, it’s a young business, so maybe you’ll follow your principles once. oh, natalya, are you up to something? okay, let's go, katyusha, well, the pen came in handy. so, calm down, trust me, everything will be fine.
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this is the company, yes, the fighter will be happy, especially some, dad, don’t be embarrassed, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, you’ll see, yes, well, breathe, seryozha, i really don’t understand where, i can’t find him all, well, tan, you know, i always put everything in its place, so all day long he’s not himself, he sits, is silent, i stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, but where is the fighter? i say that you are sitting, silent, you should go over there to katyukha, wait, but he didn’t go to you, or
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what? oh, and all this is not good. i’m in vain, what in vain, what in vain, dad? natasha, i heard the conversation, i wanted to help, well, it’s not easy, guys, i thought i’d decide like a man to fix everything, what are you saying now, do you understand what you ’ve done, and what do you know in general, do you understand where he is now look, but now it will come, what’s the problem, no, well, it doesn’t happen that's all...
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just a joke,
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i'll catch up with him, stop! where is the ring, i told you everything would be fine, me too. don't take any more pictures.
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hello, yes, no, ignatiev, no, don’t come, don’t call again, now the court will decide, hello, oh, dear, i can’t
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talk to you, run away. yes, it’s already in the keyhole, i’ll call you tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, uh-huh, hello, yes, no, this is what you do, because this is a court decision, and not my personal request. yes, and hello, mommy. so, is everything okay? what am i doing, cooking dinner? i'm talking to my grandmother. granny! mom, leave me today, leave me, otherwise i won’t have time to do anything today. she never manages to do anything, her social life is more personal. dad and i could starve to death and she would still be talking on her phone. well, that's it, bye, mom. for now, don't grab it with dirty hands. okay, mom, okay. no, well, my voice just
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weakened a little, i performed a lot. yes, okay, i kiss you, that’s it, summer is calling, hello, but she’s not at home, you lie a lot on the phone, but i’m not lying, i ’m not lying, sometimes i just have no other choice, that’s it, i don’t answer the phone anymore, but if this is dad, our dad is wandering around somewhere, i must say for your information, this is not all a lie. all sorts of false lies and don’t beat a child, so no, well, let’s say you were little, you were very sick, i gave you bitter pills and told you that they were sweet, that this was a lie, but what does this have to do with it, well, besides, i’m lying because it’s necessary, you know that this is necessary, you’ve seen it, someday it’s necessary, in general, daughter, women’s tricks have never been put in the rank of lies, in life so often you have to defend yourself
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and get out of it, but i will never... yes, you judge, you judge everyone, you divorce, you bring together, but your husband has been running away from you for a long time, the people’s judge is blameless, you are an abandoned woman
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, that’s what you need, other people’s tears are flowing to you, what’s wrong with you, who was it, why did you pester me, who, what, to whom, to what, mind your business, go play, mom, nothing happened, your hands are shaking, absolutely nothing, lord, what am i doing, or am i crazy, wait, i’ll tell you now i'll cook. yes, listen, judge, i see them from the window, how your husband is holding her by the thin shoulders, oak trees, you can go and have a look, and then tell yourself, if you are so fair, again someone threw an empty box from a pad, a trash can, what kind of people, who called, no one, it was me, mite called, does not answer.
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mom, will dad come soon? yes, i forgot, today they have a commission from the ministry, he will probably be delayed, i’ll take a walk with the corporal, of course, copral, hello, hello, it’s impossible to reach you by phone, and so on. i began to call you mentally, so you came out, it’s really great, i repeated, let her come out, let her come out, and you came out, amazing, don’t go now it’s behind me, i have an important thing to do, so what,
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do your thing, and i’ll walk next to you, no, go away, why did you come here, i called you, i called you, and you left, i went out to do my business, that’s it, go , but why? the reviders have been cleared, let's go.
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what is this? is this olga nikolaevna? this is olga nikolaevna, i recognized her by her scarf. where did you come from here, lovely child, and what am i not allowed to do here, it’s far from home, that’s how you ended up here, that you’re having fun, firstly, the weather is wonderful, secondly, i see you, which makes me always happy, thirdly , third, thirdly, live ok, daughter, you don’t understand this yet, why don’t i understand? well , it really comes later, sitting down, suddenly you see it like that, breathing is a joy, a dog is also a joy, fatigue from work is even greater than joy, the music is there, and olga
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nikolaevna, what was she doing here? olga nikolaevna was going to the concert and we chatted with her, a little, it’s also a joy, meeting a sweet, good person, you know, there’s nothing... you said it yourself, you never know, no, no, she’s good, and about she's very good at you he says, and today after school on the street we started telling everyone, hello, well , they didn’t understand us, what fools, those who didn’t understand, i personally like it, hello, you see, they didn’t understand you either, that’s what you need. don’t you think it’s strange that different people suddenly , for some reason, unexpectedly find themselves at the same point on the earth? what are you talking about? about you and olga nikolaevna. olga nikolaevna has the right to go wherever she wants. and you are young. what
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a day, but the demo is pulling. where does it go? oh, all together, i walked a little, such a day, right? who is stretching, we need
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to walk more, more, and even better, run, where to get health, from time to time, people began their life’s journey with running, ran from danger, for food, have you noticed how restless little children are, i have a genetically inherent craving for movement , you know, love, i think i won’t eat, today we celebrated our librarian’s fiftieth birthday, and i was forced to eat this... you won’t believe it, a piece of kiev cake, it was handed over straight from the train, such efforts that it was impossible refuse, completely full, i won’t either, got tired of it.
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yes, and is that you, kohl? no, i remember everything, tomorrow at 6:00. well, go ahead and read it. no, you know, this won’t do, less beautiful words and tone down these exclamations, but i’m not a pop singer, i’m a judge, i need to be presented somehow more modestly. what are we doing? we're getting ready to have dinner, lenka is at the piano as always, yeah, bye.
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sit up straight, you hear me, sit up straight, hey, it's already started.
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i thought you weren’t coming, you were very late, to play chuikovsky. start over, it
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needs to be quiet, sad, waiting, then a meeting, who is waiting for whom, person to person, listen, i don't. i can, try, first i’ll remember something sad, it was a good concert, what, what kind of disgrace? len, lina, what's wrong with you?
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i hated music, you’re not telling the truth, you can’t hate music, but i did. you can hate everything, what are you doing here? take a student from me, a good girl, she just doesn’t want me, but why do i need someone who chooses who she wants, everything is more complicated here, especially since decent people don’t share their difficulties these days. hi, i'm bored to death with you, i called you again thought, and you left before your lesson was over, i spat on the music, my teacher is a rat, don’t lie, she’s very cute, i saw her and your dad in the store, they bought black slippers, and i bought sneakers, and your dad
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is shortsighted, i told him, hello, but he didn’t recognize me, god, how tired of you i am, no, if. are you answering my telepathic signal? lyubov grigorievna, and lyubov grigorievna?
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you don’t need anything, i met sergei here, i’m younger than you, how do you do it, share, your daughter is in the hall, why, bring her out, what right do i have, we have an open meeting, are you right, what kind of divorce are we having today? mikhailovs, it’s very good, let him listen, you idiot, i won’t give him a divorce, i love him and i will fight. for your love, mikhailov, don’t howl, you’re in court, tomorrow you’ll meet another woman, you’ll get married again, you’ll get divorced again, you’ll just hang around back and forth, i’ll give you a receipt that i’ll never marry again, and give me a receipt and get married, you have no male responsibility for your actions, male dignity,
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male dignity, to live with her, yes, well mikhailov, as i understand it, you are loved, believe me, this is a lot. but i don’t need much, i ’ll love him so much that he’ll eventually understand, well , he’s already been forced, that’s it, i don’t need love, who invented it, just forgive me, lord, i want to be on my own, on my own, i i want to be lonely, i’m an idiot, i made a mistake, well, he’s not mistaken, he’ll love me, he’ll calm down, you ’ll only save the family, and i, i ’ll handle him, i’ll prove it to them. i ’ll buy him a motorcycle, i’ll kill her, by christ god, i swear, if you don’t divorce me, i’ll kill her, he’s kind, he’s kind, comrade judge, he’s even a blind kitten i couldn’t drown, they could, yes, yes, i can do anything, but i dropped out of music school, took it and
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quit. uh-huh, she took it and left it, she got tired of it, what are you tired of, hello, you never know what can get boring, when i worked in a factory, i used to get tired of it too, but you’ve been sick for 3 days, so yesterday she was at her place, we were busy with work, but they have one thing, i want this, i want something else, no, i’m telling the truth, you get tired of work too, and maybe they’ll threaten you that you don’t love her, maybe you’re also overtired on your piano, but no, that’s not the point, oh, look, i'll regret not i finished my studies, your mother was very drawn to music, but there was no opportunity to teach, in you she is fulfilling her dream, you can’t fulfill your dream in someone else, this is stupidity, you’re just talking, you’re stupid, stop it, anya, here you go you are now living the way
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your grandfather and i would have dreamed of living, but it’s even better for me than if it were with me, and how old was your grandfather? when he died? 41, how old is your dad? i was left with three children. it was crazy, so crazy. what happened? daring, this is a disaster. who is this? and for what then i bought you a swivel piano stool in an antique store. a singer from the bolshoi theater wanted to buy it, but i grabbed it. oh, what kind of wind are you here? what are you like? either no one, or two at once. hello, nikolovna, why not at a music school? i left her. well, it seems to you that you abandoned her. i have something to do with you, i just... just a minute, it’s your mother who came running, she has something to do, hmm, i suppose
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she came to borrow money, now that there’s not enough, parents are needed, oh, i’m alone, happy, now the most important thing is - it's to be without everyone, mom, make your own tea. stronger, hello, anna vasilyevna, call me on the phone, i'm coming, i'm coming, hello, stanichka, it's you, yes, yes, good, putila, yes, yes, maybe some pearl barley soup with mushrooms, tea, tea, only tea, and sugar , and what about jam?
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i haven’t cried for a thousand years, then i decided, i’ll come, listen, mother, i was coming to you to cry, i’ll cry, maybe i’ll howl like the village women, well, lenka has come here, and i can’t be there, i can’t cry, apparently it’s not my destiny be weak, lord, what happened to you, at work, did you do something wrong, calm down, i have everything at work. i see, i have something that i could never imagine in my life, you have an illness, i’m healthy, calm down, everything i could imagine in myself, but this, well , in general, seryozha has a woman, oh, just everything, well, nonsense, of course, yes, what else does he need in life, love, youth, variety, in general, i came here, i thought i could return under this roof to you, i realized that
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i couldn’t, that was the idea , take lenka to you, and he will live, but i can’t, i can’t, i love him, how can it be, i’m not young i loved him, only now i realized, my god, if you want, i’ll talk to him, but maybe they talked about him, maybe he’s confused, the man is weak, he’s been put into some kind of turn, and you take him in another way, and you- do you know her? lenkina, the music teacher, oh, she knows, what else, i would kill if someone told her, like this, they cut me in half, my daughter, you are like that...
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i won’t give it to you, i’ll endure everything, but i won’t give it up, i scammed so many people, but i didn’t know how it happens, please, fasten your seat belt, bring the cognac, oh the feeling will shock us today.
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"say nothing, just think, i love you, and you, please take your seat, flight attendant on friday on the taxiway. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the exquisite dishes of the best restaurants. here, each room is
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a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation is your rules. titanic delux, golf bellet are the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. movie series. kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov too he’s young and doesn’t have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year. what will it tell us about this? people's commissar of blacksmiths? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children. big premiere. your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov. we're already looking at the platform. on cosmonautics day. this is a holiday, cosmonautics day. this is a holiday, it’s our common one anyway. of course, this is a holiday for
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our entire country. the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station. in what? your mission was to look and figure it out, and if possible, fix it. i have the feeling that filming was more dangerous than the actual flight. i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we take off, i’m all pale, they bring volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he was going to die, it’s just that there are two cosmonauts now, that is, i understand, yes, your wives, with a heavy heart they saw you off to one end of the road. it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had some kind of intuition, apparently, my wife viktor petrovichna knitted a hat, two for him and two for you. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday rtr. no one will expel you from your apartment, no one, there is no such right, i tell you, you can quite officially refer to me, but
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they say that i have no right, you have rights, you came to me. your son, i will explain to him his rights and his responsibilities, thank you dear, god bless you, 144 mm of rain fell per square meter in one night in this area of ​​​​portugal. the capital turned out to be practically isolated from the center and north of the country due to the fact that some sections of roads and railways were flooded by landslides, telephone connection is broken. in addition... several thousand people remained, the right hand is crossed, the left, the shoulders are working, right, left, good, and now a little differently, one two, 1, 2, 3, 4, the last time, right,
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left, right , sat down, right, left, right, sat down, continue, and now in the other direction, father is in the bathroom, where else should father be? yes, on the right, oh, wow, what did you think? father has been in the bathroom to the left for a long time, about two months, what kind of answer is this? exact answer, another, come on, knock on him, step crosswise, straighten up one way, stand in another, straighten up ok, we're up, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, four,
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well, you can't charge in the bathroom for 5 minutes, yes, the water pressure is barely, it suits you, it's your color, and now on... heads, forward, backward, right, left, forward, backward, right, left.
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don’t be so pretentious, by the way, i paid for the music, tell this lady nikolaevna, i won’t go to the music, tell her, tell her. then sit down at the piano, well, she said, i don’t want to, i won’t, i haven’t paid attention to your whims for a long time, she doesn’t want to, but what do you
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even want, well, my, well, you’re not making it worse and there’s no need, just think, it’s music, after all not competently, really, a question for me, because i’m... smart, lord, well then get busy, your fingers are intact, that’s it, i have a serious matter tomorrow, i need to get ready, dad, don’t leave, i love it when you breathe, i i won’t leave, what are you thinking about now, and just you?
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could you do that? i'm afraid not. and i would let my arm or leg be crushed, as long as everything was all right with her. you've been standing there for more than an hour, what can't you do? well,
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why not, of course you can, but what’s wrong with your hand? if it’s not a secret, of course, a person is tired of living, but what’s wrong with you? what's wrong you? no problem, what buttons are we going to press? i am extremely trusting, i tell everyone the code: 2 8 2, remember? ask! are you afraid with me? you shouldn’t be afraid, my name is volodya, my last name is klima, i live on the ninth floor, i’m not afraid of anything, you’re also on the ninth, you’re going to kola, there are a lot of
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scared girls like that who go there with notes, if you’d rather teach me how to fight with rapiers, anything that might be useful, please! this is where i live, in the house of pioneers i lead a section of musketeers, you are welcome, and olga nikolaevna is there, hello, hello! you're the one smoking. no, this is my friend, how
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old is he? hello, listen, i took away a student from you, this one, i want her to come to my section, i really liked her, she’s brave, she entered the list with an unfamiliar man, she wasn’t afraid, yes, we need girls like that, well , this my friend, he is a trumpet player, well, i mean he smokes pipes. why don’t you ask what’s wrong with my hand? so, what's wrong with your hand? i’ll tell you now, don’t, i’ll just show you how i did it, i beg you, do you hear, don’t, then let him light a pipe, don’t pretend, you don’t know how! smoke
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pipe, you don’t need tobacco, is she crazy, no, len, you have everything, or do you still want to amaze us with something, yes, i ’ll play for you now, i’m... a reptile, a reptile, but you don’t need to worry , there is no need to suffer, this is not a reptile, i don’t know how it happened, he came to parent meetings, it’s always him and not his mother, all the mothers, and he is the only father, his mother strictly punished him, you see olga nikolaevna out. somehow, as he was seeing me off, he told me
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that he hadn’t just talked to a woman in the evening for many years, i asked my wife, he laughed, but this is a completely different conversation, almost like production, water, electricity, gas, bread, money, boots, tights, raising a child, one day i was walking along the road, i called him to come in, take my umbrella, and he came in and said: you can i'm not going anywhere from here? well, what will happen now? yes, go, go, and the wife is a wife, and such a one at that. he says that his wife is an indestructible pillar of alexandria, she cannot be knocked off her feet. she scammed so many people that she will scam herself unnoticed. he’s the one who looks good on her, he respects her, he feels sorry for his daughter, she says, mother, she’s wonderful, she just has too much hard stuff. nutrition, everything for strong
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teeth, but i say soft nutrition, i don’t understand it, but what is there to understand, the girl guessed it, she’s suffering, we can’t get through this, we are faced with this problem, like a horse before an abyss, yes, you i'd like to go... somewhere, huh? such things are cured by time and distance, or even better, wedge-wedge, find yourself a wedge, oh, that's it, let's think, i taught me a lesson.
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lenochka, i’m very glad to see you, like a hand, well, play for me what you love. no hands think, it doesn’t hurt anymore, lena, i will do everything for you, everything you want, tell me that you don’t exist, but i exist, i want you not to exist at all, you... it’s like you think what
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would be better if i died? better, it will probably seem strange to you, but i don’t want to die at all, do i? 6 years, i didn’t even see the sea, but what about the sea, i wasn’t in the ormetage, i’m exemplary with elena, i never got in, i saw the sea, the water, everything, it was boring in the armitage, your exemplary one is shown on tv every day, you you want to say that they don’t live for this, lina, i love your father. he always loved his mother, he brought her huge bouquets of flowers, he gave her his blood, when the leaf broke, he lifted her up the stairs in his arms, and here you are, i understand, i understand you very much, but love,
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it goes where , where, well, no one knows, i know. you are 26 years old, and no one will marry you, you have no right to love my dad, he is not yours, he is ours! hello, let's go to the cinema, the name is funny, little crow. leave me alone. go your own way. lenk, why are you walking around like that? upside down, as if you were being shaken? listen, go, oh, it’s not up to you. well, i'm courting you. how can you not understand? i understand, but i don't
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want it. why? i hate it. how can you hate this? with all my heart. go away, go away as a reassurance, she’s been making eyes at you for a long time, virka is stupid, she remembers.
5:00 am
hello, are you home? “naturally, one boy is all in love, already, but what, this happened more than once, back in kindergarten, well, if in kindergarten, but i don’t believe in love, in vain, i don’t believe in love that comes and then leaves, because love is something that is forever, well, depending on your luck, dad, i have one person with..."


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