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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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and roman madyanov. well, you're kidding. why? do i look like a clown? alla taxi is a kaleidoscope of interesting destinies, a fascinating life story and a lot of humor. the big premiere is already tonight on our channel. ekaterina frolova, news. a dolphin named kimmy, whose fate has been followed by almost the entire country for the past month, was released into the open sea. the farewell to the mammal also took place in balaklava bay. the location was not chosen by chance; now there is a large cluster in this area. dolphins and kimmy will be easier to join to a flock of comrades. let me remind you that at the end of february a young red-listed dolphin washed up on the coast in evpatoria, and after rehabilitation it returns to the sea. and by this time we have everything, denis polonchukov was with you. see you.
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well done, get dressed, the premiere is on rtr. vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space. i need official registration. she'll arrange something else for us. what to do? stop, stop, stop! go! my child was kidnapped. today on rtr, on cosmonautics day, this is holiday, cosmonautics day, it ’s still our common holiday, of course, it’s a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, what was your mission, to look and figure it out, and if you can fix it, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than a real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich.
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on friday on rtr, in the recent past you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, for the life of me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she he’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator. it will hurt,
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they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor, when you seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. dispel myths, help you find out the truth, what to do in order to land well, you must first warm up, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the whole body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information from... about the most important things
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from monday to friday on rtr. please, fasten your seat belt. bring the cognac. oh, the feelings will shake us today. andrey. you can say you saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant evgenia loza. why me, there are many ready-made specialists. light, without you it’s like i’m going downhill, or what? this is not your man. in an area of ​​strong turbulence. light, wait, don't say anything, just think. i love you, please get busy.
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stewardess place on friday for this one. 10 years ago, in the spring of 2014, photographs of this fragile blonde in a strict khaki uniform circulated in many media; it was olga kavitidi who then headed the security bloc of crimea and negotiated with the ukrainian military so that they would lower their weapons. i knew that often
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took risks, but did not retreat back. we cannot evaluate the situation in crimea one-sidedly, andrei, do you understand? session for a few days so that these people would disperse, olga is from an ancient greek family and serving russia is in the blood of the kavitidi family, her ancestors were invited to the empire by catherine ii, to protect our southern borders from the ottoman turks, so olga did not even have a choice, who is she with and why? our children will live. we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the crimean spring, how
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life on the peninsula has changed over these years, what new has appeared and what has gone forever the past and what she herself remembers when she mentally returns from... these days: this is the life and fate of olga kavitika. good morning, olga. hello. we are meeting with you on the tenth anniversary of the crimean spring, which our president recently called the russian spring. in fact, of course, now , 10 years later, your memories are coming to light, some details of the events of that then crimean spring. do you remember that point of no return? was there such a point? if we talk about, as you rightly said, the point of no return, then 26, exactly february 26 was the date that probably changed the entire history
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of crimea, on this day, i believe that we understood who was ours and who was a stranger, for me february 26 was the beginning.
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he’s such a strong young man, and i asked him to explain what was happening, guys, look, couldn’t he have been more careful, and he smiled at me with his eyes, asked permission to take the red pencil on the table, i, of course, nodded to him, he took a red pencil and went somewhere for a while, after which he returned to me in office and invited me to follow him with a gesture; i saw an inscription on the wall. we apologize for the damage caused, it was done out of necessity, and the necessity was emphasized, i have never seen more polite military men in my life, after that he smiled at me again
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with his eyes and walked away, this is the text, it remained, it remained forever in our building - the council of ministers , whoever it was, there was a feeling that it was our own, i don’t know where it came from, but such cognitive signs, no, we, we didn’t know, goodwill, and after all, many came up with children to take pictures, our polite people did not refuse them this, and moreover, on the initiative of valery nikolaevich aksenov, sergei valerievich’s father, i can already talk about this, a monument was erected: i even
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know that polite man , which became the prototype, a monument was cast from it, his name is yuri, and today we can firmly say that we were very lucky that we had polite people, because if there had not been polite people then on february 27, and i don't i know. what could have happened to us, but, probably, the worst scenario, that’s all what subsequently happened on may 2 in odessa, when people were burned, i think that everything would have been more harsh for us, because we would never they forgave neither our russian language, nor our russian choice, but then there will be days, they say more carefully hours and nights, because everything had to happen quickly, your hard work with...
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who is there, so we smiled, i answered
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kavitedi, me we need to convey information from sergei valeevich akyunov, there was some discussion, two or three minutes, after which the door was opened, olga fetovna, come in, the secretary told me that the minister had closed, so he didn’t want to see me, i also knocked on his door, now i looked out, i apologized, said that he no longer the minister of justice, he immediately dialed some phone number, after which he handed me the phone and said: this is the minister of justice of ukraine, i picked up the phone, said hello, said that the ministry of justice was coming under the general jurisdiction of the republic of crimea, after which i heard in the tube has such short guts, that is, he all... understood that they had nothing else to look for in crimea, so after that i left,
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went down to the hall, our colleagues greeted me with applause, they gave me a huge bouquet of ros, because it was on the eve of march 8, and as a sign of goodwill on the eve of march 8, i gave these flowers to the former minister of justice, thanking him for his work, so they gave him the flowers, but didn’t they give them to him? privacy, i don’t know, maybe stand in front of the icons, or just somehow withdraw into yourself,
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collect yourself, wipe away the tears that come out, well, after all , the head of the republic led the way during negotiations, and after him it was always easier, and if i came somewhere, then i came armed, armed, first of all, with faith, i knew that god would not leave me, i was... ... i’m sure of this, and well, in those days i read the prayer rule both in the morning and in the evening on my knees, but we didn’t know at all how it would end and mm... we had a whole series of such moments when we were simply really threatened and threatened our families and not only me, threatened with reprisals against close children, they threatened, and today , in our regard , a lot of criminal cases have been initiated against me and my colleagues, i am not singling myself out in any way, i am only one
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of the team, aksyonov’s team, our team is the president’s team. we will defend our choice, defend our beliefs to the last drop of our blood, well, it may be loud, but it’s true, such faith, faith, when it is not clear what will happen tomorrow, when there is no light, it is always rewarded, i go to crimea often, the last time would be in the fall later, every time i don’t seem to recognize him, he...
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that’s how many years crimea was part of ukraine, because no decisions were made at all on the rehabilitation of illegally deported peoples, absolutely nothing, and the first decree of president vladimirovich putin was precisely political rehabilitation of deported peoples, this is immediate, that is , if someone can just talk, and putin
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does, moreover, russia, of course, has invested a huge, huge amount of money in crimea. and today this figure is 1.617 billion rubles. this is huge and more than half, more than half are private investments, despite such a harsh sanctions policy, and an energy blockade, and food, and water, and yet we see that investors are coming, a separate topic altogether, how to cut off people’s water, this is ordinary fascism . i had to come and open the water for them, i’m talking about this north crimean canal, yes, i was just now in the kherson region, i saw how handsome it was, and how it was transformed, well, the airport is actually simferopol, i remember how i flew for the first time, there, this it's just, it's just a sight for sore eyes, put it, well, this is what ordinary people see, junk, put it, along the way,
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by the way, i came across a house, one of the many houses that is being exposed. renovation of the facade, it’s nice to see this, because i haven’t seen this before, i’ve been living in dzhankoy, i don’t remember this, in russia please, this is the most central street, which 3 years ago underwent such a major overhaul, everything was removed, everything was removed , old asphalt, some something went right half a meter into the ground, they removed everything, then they put everything back in three layers, and now it’s quite worthy.
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it seems like such a small provincial town, indeed, the first thing russia has done that needs to be talked about is hospitals, kindergartens, schools. the next point is very important, we were the first to impose such severe sanctions pressure, because look at the number of domestic import-substituting goods today.
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here you are showing beautiful pictures , photographs and live videos of vineyards, but there were practically no vineyards, during the period of ukraine they did everything possible in order to destroy the grape industry, here was... we immediately started with the most important thing, a law was passed, we traced the entire path from the vine to the tank, and we talk as much as possible about the need today for our domestic raw materials, everything is absolutely that we we are doing today in crimea, we are doing it with love, today we are reviving agriculture practically from scratch in crimea, and there are things that you olga fedorovna, well, hand on heart, even though we have a holiday, but you are still in this... our soul hurts, we see what is happening today in ukraine, we are worried about odessa, we are worried about nikolaev, we
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are now, well, we are worried about what is happening in kharkov, the kharkov region, because one way or another russian people live there everywhere, and we know this, that’s all representatives of the great russian world, that we will be together, i am firmly convinced of this, it cannot be any other way. moreover, if anyone doubts this, just remember about one place on the world map on the map of russia, this is chersonese, there is a point in the font in which a prince was once baptized vladimir, the baptist of russia, this is the font from which we all came, thank you for this holy city of khersanez, and this font is again russian land on the anniversary of the crimean. russian spring to you, dear olga fedovna, thank you, thank you, with our crimean spring, with our common victory of russia,
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this is the life and destiny of olga kavitidi. veda vodka is a product of stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know about rest is all. anexc. rom castro is a product
9:54 am
of stellor group. titanic luxury collection whiskey mancatcher productlar group.
9:55 am
cognac monte shococa is a product of the stellar group, your mother has oneurismo of the aorta of the heart, she needs surgery, here is the money for the treatment of your mother. thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, and wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more expensive, oh my god, some insidious one, i came, i saw, i conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you, and you for a long time are you going with the two of us? put your things down, i have to check them, uh...


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