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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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i regretted one thing, you order, i ’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, your salary will be increased, i’ve already ordered, alla, taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me, today on rtr. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers, maria sittal, hello, flooded gagarin-vorske square, where a large-scale rescue operation had not unfolded the day before. the orenburg region is preparing for the peak of the flood; according to roshydromet forecasts, the maximum will occur next wednesday. muscovites saved us, thank you, dozens. and
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villages are being evacuated today in the kurgan region, in the belozersky district. in the ovdeevsky direction, 57 strong points were hit within 24 hours. the newest robot minesweeper - stalker continues to clear mines. the stalker's striker trawl is equipped with these metal anvils. well, the pontoon crossing should be there. hold it, we'll pull it up some more. come on, come on, pull up, help. military engineers storm ukrainian rivers and assemble such important multi-stage structures. 300 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway. the corresponding order was signed by vladimir putin. exactly 80 years ago, the crimean strategic offensive operation began. the main result of which was the defeat of the seventeenth german army holding crimea.
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our infantry, glorified in battle, rose up. and the special services liquidated a communication center that was used by ukrainian call centers for telephone fraud on a particularly large scale. so, first, the orenburg region, the authorities assess the situation as critical. water levels in river floodplains are rapidly rising.
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it’s too early to talk about the peak of the flood; new dam breaks are not ruled out; russian emergency situations ministry teams and all services involved in emergency response are working around the clock, and ordinary residents are also helping. today i have to go to work at night, i decided in the morning that i need to help the guys here. in orski , more than 2.0 people, almost 700 of them children, were evacuated from the disaster zone; more than 6.00 residential buildings and household plots were in the flood zone. 14 temporary accommodation points have been deployed. we tried to help in the first days, well, the first people who were caught in the flood, well... they turned out to be among them, everything is fine, the staff serves us normally, everything is fine, food is organized, temporary accommodation centers are provided with water, food, hygiene products, clothes and shoes, many victims did not have time to take the necessary things with them, there are a lot of people who care, yesterday we received humanitarian aid cargo from novoorsk, a whole truck arrived with food, in orsk there is a high demand for drinking water, experts remind you that you can only use boiled and bottled water supplies. brought from all over the orenburg region, as well as
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delivered from bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkassov, alexander bozhenov, vasily peredkov. news: orsk, orenburg region. dozens of villages and hamlets are being evacuated today. today in the belozersky district of the kurgan region , the tobol river overflows its banks, a state of emergency has been declared in the area, and sirens have turned on in areas that may be in the path of high water. rescuers ask local residents to prepare documents and other necessary things in advance. for those who have nowhere to go, temporary centers have been set up. placement. they are arriving in the region.
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now about the situation in the special operation zone: nine attacks were repulsed in the donetsk direction, but the enemy lost 3 and a half hundred mercenary fighters. a tank and several british and german howitzers were destroyed, in these frames the ivanovo paratroopers are advancing on a strong point on the outskirts of chasovo yar, a trap in artyomovsk. assault groups on bmd-2 moved towards the enemy under heavy fire from several directions. the columns marched under the flags of russia and the airborne forces. the captured opornik was completely cleared, several more enemy objects were destroyed by aircraft in the southern donetsk direction. su-34 crews used it. gliding aerial bombs without entering the affected area of ​​enemy air defense. in the vdeevsky direction over the past 24 hours, 57 strong points were hit, and nato bradley and mardor infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed. the engineering troops in this area received unique
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equipment at their disposal: the tracked robot minesweeper stalker is capable of laying a wide road through minefields. the latest mine clearance equipment was used in combat for the first time. report from voenkor vesti. the stalker robotic complex destroys any explosive mines. meta, the equipment moves forward, clearing the entire square of the entire given territory. combat tests of the latest mine clearance models are carried out by sappers from the international mine action center of the ministry of defense. this complex is designed to carry out complete clearing
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of the area from explosive objects, as well as to detect the boundaries of anti-tank minefields. the operator controls a multi-ton robot at a distance of up to a kilometer. as simple as children's toy, very simple. the stalker flare trawl is equipped with these metal dome trawls that literally plow the ground, destroying mines at a depth of up to half a meter. the sky above the demining site is controlled by members of the special group countering enemy drones. if detected , a signal is sent to my attacker on the cult and me. scorpio, these are his eyes, mustache and sting, capable of clearing any enemy mines.
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specializes in the destruction of so -called mine tripwires, fast and maneuverable, always ahead of the sapper. before perform tasks, ensure your safety, and use this product. shell fragments, special attention to shoes, a special ballistic suit protects against shatterproof, upper and mine-resistant soles, i put on this suit and the result made me very happy, because it does not restrict movement, the suit is completely ergonomic, this is very important, because it depends on life health sapper. soldiers from the engineering units of the troop center group continue to clean up. rosatom called on the leadership of magathe and countries of the eurasian european union to condemn the sunday attack by ukrainian armed forces drones on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the russian foreign ministry called the strikes an act
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of nuclear terrorism. as a result of the large-scale attack, three station employees were injured. one of the drones hit the dome of the sixth power unit. several more exploded onto the surrounding ones. despite all the efforts of ukrainian militants, no critical damage was detected; the background radiation at the station is normal. the day before, representatives of magat confirmed the hit after. and urged not to violate the protection of nuclear facilities. pobednoye breath of the crimean spring 44. a multimedia project with this name is open on the website of the ministry of defense. the exhibition is dedicated to a historical date. exactly 80 years ago the crimean offensive operation began. authentic documents of the great patriotic war tell about the progress of the liberation of the peninsula from the fascist invaders, about the rapid advance of the red army, about the feat of soviet soldiers. with details maria temnikov. these documents from the archives of the ministry of defense are shown for the first time:
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a map on which one of the plans is marked crimean liberation operation, and this is a report from marshal of the soviet union, alexander vasilevsky. the rain that fell yesterday and today has completely rendered the road unusable, and the operation cannot be started. to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea, the military department prepared a multimedia project on its website, declassified here. crimea came under the rule of the nazi invaders in the fall of '41. hitler believed that the ancestors of the germans were the ancient goths, who were once in the stern, and it was necessary to make after the defeat of the soviet union , such a recreational zone for the german aryan nation was created. the nazis launched real terror against the local residents. one of the worst pages of the occupation of crimea was the crimes of the nazis in the krasny concentration camp near simferopol. some of those who ended up in this camp were members.
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monuments dedicated to the events of the great patriotic war. it was opened on october 8 , 1944. and in many ways it is symbolic that the monument was located at the highest point of the city, from where a magnificent view opens. to the kerch strait. this is where the liberation of crimea essentially began; it happened a few months before april 8. the troops of the 318th infantry division receive orders to land on altigen, to delay the really large ones. the largest landing operation in history, about
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10 thousand soldiers took part in it. for 36 days the red army soldiers held a bridgehead 3 km long and 2 km wide. thanks to this operation , the april offensive of the soviet army became possible. supported by powerful artillery fire to storm enemy fortifications on pelikopsky our infantry, renowned in battle, rose up across the isthmus. we turned around. the plane is flying red star and well it’s already ours, alexandra kuzminichna kovaleva remembers that day as if it were yesterday, 80 years later, she is a child of war, hopes that the memory will not be lost. maria temnikova, dmitry vishkevich, oleg dubinin, lead. reflection of the events of the patriotic war of 812 in culture, art and historical memory. this was discussed today at a round table at the battle of borodino museum. the event is timed.
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world order, i oppose my allies, first of all, great britain and prussia, who insisted on dismembering france into several parts, russia did not allow the defeated france to be humiliated. 300 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway. the corresponding order was signed by vladimir putin. following the meeting. on the construction of the railway, the president instructed to determine the cost of travel and make all the necessary
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decisions for the implementation of such a large-scale project. the government and russian railways must by july 1 next year to obtain a state examination conclusion on the design documentation. the head of state also instructed to ensure the reconstruction of automobile checkpoints across the russian-chinese border in primorye by the end of this year. the authorities of all regions are recommended to provide engineering infrastructure. the relevant documents are published on the kremlin website. this is the news of what will happen next in the program. the activities of a group of people were stopped. involved in ukrainian call centers, a meeting was devoted today to issues of scientific development the head of government and there will be a big premiere on our channel in the evening, details in a couple of minutes. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes
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today on rdr. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg. where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxer collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our
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podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch are because you confuse me so that i don’t understand you next to you anymore, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, damn it, i left at home, they don’t answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now too... what to do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, no it’s scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl, friend polina, has disappeared, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from making noise from this uncertainty, we
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will endure it, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try . to live together, suddenly it will work out, ibushka is crying, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, it has begun another shelling, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet still is in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, for us it was hunger. here comes a grandmother, she’s hungry, but she’s carrying this kurba, the shelter and says: baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids with us, i came across such people, they care, support with a word, hello , dear soldier and deed, without your
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help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, on air, we continue broadcasting, the fsb, the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs uncovered a group of cybercriminals who helped ukrainian telephone scammers, territories including moscow, st. petersburg and sochi, at least five people were detained, their task was to monitor the work of a large virtual communication center from home office computers, it ensured the substitution of telephone numbers . when calling gullible citizens, allegedly on behalf of banks or social security authorities. the detainees, in particular, checked whether the call or sms reached the potential victim of deception? yes, right here
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sim cards are inserted and they become active there. the international criminal scheme has been operating since 2022. the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers posed as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to so-called safe accounts. according to the investigation, only through this communication center did russian citizens have more than 7 billion rubles were stolen. the funds received through a complex chain ended up in ukrainian banks and went to finance the armed forces of ukraine. fraudsters in russia were generously paid in addition to electronic equipment, from detainees...
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and neutron radiation, and also for grant support for projects for training scientific personnel in this important area. sergei lavrov arrived in china on
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an official visit; the board of the russian foreign minister landed at beijing beijing airport early in the morning. lavrov is expected to hold talks with chinese colleague ivan i. the visit of the head of the russian foreign ministry to the prc will last 2 days. lavrov last visited beijing in october. 2023. the idf withdrew almost all combat units from the south of the gaza strip, six months after the hamas attack on the border areas of israel. according to the country's defense minister, the army has cleared out the militants in khanyunis and is preparing for an offensive in rafah. the arab media have a different version: they report progress in the negotiations in kathor and an imminent truce. report by sergei poshkov. six months. in gas 6 months from the moment when on black saturday, october 7, hamas terrorists from the nugba brigade attacked israeli cities and towns, killing 1,200 men, children and women, taking
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more than 250 hostages into the sector, the idf noted in the most unexpected way. almost all combat and mobile units left the palestinian enclave, only the fighters of the nahal brigade continued to hold the netzarim tactical corridor cutting through to gas. from northwest to east, controlling the supply of humanitarian aid and preventing mass return of refugees to the northern regions of the enclave. the total number of israeli military personnel killed in six months reached 604. however, summing up the results of 6 months of war, prime minister benjamin netanyahu tried to talk more about military successes. we destroyed 19 of the 24 hamas battalions and cleared the shifa hospital. we have destroyed missile production facilities, command posts, and weapons depots; we continue to methodically destroy underground infrastructure. rapid unannounced withdrawal of most of the combat
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units from gaza, a sharp increase supply of humanitarian aid to the sector, many associate with severe us pressure. in a telephone conversation last week, joe biden demanded that benjamin netanyahu urgently solve the problem of food for the starving sector and minimize the death of civilians... october 7, true goals. and these people have
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different opinions, some demand continued military pressure on hamas, some demand a slow conclusion of a truce. we come to the square every time to remind israel and the whole world that people are still in captivity. hamas ready to exchange murderers and criminals for our hostages. this is unfair, civilians should not have to pay for the mistakes of the army and government. up to 133 hostages may remain in hamas captivity. the first half of this week will be warm like summer, weather forecasters promised residents of the central region. on wednesday we expect +23, but from thursday it will become colder again. victoria chernikova joins us. victoria, is it already your 2nd april summer? yes, spring is clearly in a hurry. even in the south of siberia, the weather is already taking on a may look. in krasnoyarsk,
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kozyl, abakan, gorno-altaisk during the day plus. 17, on european territory april is again flirting with summer up to +25 in kaliningrad, the outcome of the cyclone in the northwest is more and more sun, in the center there are short rains only in places up to +22, south of moscow there is no precipitation, the anticyclone is widespread here, in the kuban and in the steppes of crimea tomorrow it will also be 20-23, on the coast it is a little more modest in yalta and sochi 18:19. in st. petersburg on tuesday 13:15 no precipitation.
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pre-multipart melodrama alla taxi. the happy, calm life of the heroine of this story collapses overnight. allah is losing her husband, her job, her son’s house are taken away from her. about the first episodes ekaterina fralova. did something happen to you? it happened. the calm , moderately happy life of the fearful saleswoman alla kopylova changes dramatically after an unfortunate surprise. it's all my fault.
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besides the fact that i fry potatoes well, she is so naive, to some extent, she seems to take everything into her own hands and decides to change her destiny so dramatically, but at the same time, like a shoemaker without boots, sometimes it turns out, she always helps people like an ambulance , when it comes to her own problems, then she suddenly confused, at such a sharp turn fate seems to give alli the green light and leads her to the taxi depot. but in the harsh male team they do not accept her right away. woman, do you even understand what you are talking about, this is washing a car, these are not your plates, this is a car. done, take it. will alla be able to carry on her shoulders everything that has fallen on her head, and even help others find their happiness? take revenge and go after her. don't disgrace the honor of the taxi company. the main roles in the series were played by
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russian cinema stars. hello dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. let's start with breaking news. putin listened to the report.


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