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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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warns that a flood wave is moving along the ural river from orsk, where the military was involved in the fight against the elements in the direction of orenburg. the water will reach the city by april 17. the mayor of orenburg, salmin, said that in the near future the situation will only get worse. watch the news right now, it was 60 minutes. all the best, goodbye. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. vladimir putin instructed the government to create a special commission on the flood situation. it is growing in the orenburg region the water level is already drowning high-rise buildings. evacuation continues. muscovites saved us. thank you. the fighters of the south group in the northern military district zone
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repelled nine enemy counterattacks at once. on the outskirts of chasovo yar, our paratroopers cleared another ukrainian armed forces stronghold. they are already catching schoolchildren in ukraine, they tried to send a fourteen-year-old orphan to the front . special services officers uncovered a group of telephone scammers. more than 7 billion rubles were stolen. the money was sent to ukraine. new emergency with the booing plane. during the flight near the airliner the engine casing came off. and saving kimmy the dolphin. a touching story from crimea. so, vladimir putin today instructed the government to create a special commission for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief . according to the press secretary of the head
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of state, dmitry peskov, the decision was made after this morning the president heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and a number of regions on the flood situation. the most difficult thing is now in the orenburg region, the level of reservoirs is beyond the number of days there has just increased; is the area of ​​flooded areas growing? in the regional center, water is already approaching high-rise buildings. in the morning, the level of the ural river increased by another 21 cm. 800 people were evacuated from the danger zone. overflow through the protective. the number of flooded houses in the city increased to almost 7.00. the latest information from the site is from ruslan bikbulatov. at night , several more streets in orsk went under water, forcing those who wanted to leave their homes. rescuers and volunteers helped. people tried under these sandbags at least somehow protect yours. buildings, now
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the water is not actively rising, it remains at approximately the same level, in this area, somewhere knee-deep, and somewhere waist-deep. the evacuation continues in different parts of the city, an elderly man is being carried out on a stretcher, rescuers and volunteers are helping people get to their apartments to pick up documents and medicine. now the guys will help me pick up the documents, well, mostly the documents, of course, those who previously refused to do so are deciding to leave their homes; gas and electricity have been cut off in the flooded part of the city. muscovites saved us, thank you, the best people on earth. the situation remains alarming, it is too early to talk about the peak of the flood, new dam breaks are not excluded, the russian emergency situations ministry team and all services involved in emergency response are working around the clock, and ordinary residents are also helping. today i have to work at night, i decided in the morning that i need to help the guys here. more than 2.0 people, almost, were evacuated from the disaster zone in orski. the first
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people who were caught in the flood, well, they themselves were among them. everything is fine, the staff serves us well, everything is fine food is organized. temporary accommodation centers are provided with water, food, hygiene products, clothing and shoes. many victims did not have time to take the necessary things with them. there are a lot of people who care. yesterday we received a humanitarian cargo from novoorsk, a whole truck arrived with food, there is a high demand for drinking water in orsk, experts remind you that you can only use boiled and bottled water, water supplies are brought from all over the orenburg region, and also delivered from bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkassov, alexander bozhenov, vasily peredkov. news: orsk, orenburg region. in total , over 10 thousand residential buildings remain flooded across the country today, 39. regions,
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the situation with floods in the kurgan region is becoming more complicated, residents of dozens of villages have also begun to be evacuated there, the reason for this is a sharp rise in the water level in the tobol river, in one day it increased by 15 see, in one of the districts a state of emergency has already been introduced, more than 18 thousand people are in the zone of possible flooding, they are advised to take documents and remove valuables until the situation is not returning to normal. for those who have nowhere to go, temporary accommodation centers have been set up. now about the situation in the special operation zone, where over the past 24 hours the russian military was able to improve the situation and occupy more advantageous positions in three directions at once: donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and ovdeevsky. group fighters. the south repelled nine enemy counterattacks at once and destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the tankers and drone operators worked harmoniously. and on the outskirts of chasoy yar, where now one of the hottest spots of the special operation, another the strong point was captured by ivanovo paratroopers. after occupying enemy positions
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, the airborne assault groups carried out a complete clearing of it. and these were already strikes from the multiple rocket launcher system , hail, the crew destroyed the enemy rszzo vampire, which had been shelling civilians in the belgorod region for several days, an accurate hit was recorded by the thermal imager of our drone. also, the command posts and manpower of the kiev formations were attacked by the crew of su-34 aircraft. in the southern donetsk direction they dropped high-explosive aircraft bombs with a universal planning module, without entering the enemy air defense zone. territories from which...
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the stalker complex destroys any mines or explosive objects. the equipment moves forward, clearing the entire square of mines throughout this territory. combat tests of the latest mine clearance models are carried out by sappers from the international mine action center of the ministry of defense. this complex is designed to carry out complete clearing of the area from explosive objects. also for detecting anti-tank borders.
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with a gun, he's holding a bird, i'm already shooting it, here is another new product for the sapper on the front line, the sapper’s little assistant, the scorpio mine clearing robot, these are his eyes. a mustache and a stinger capable of clearing any enemy mines. specializes in the destruction of so -called mine tripwires, fast and maneuverable, always ahead of the sapper. before performing tasks, ensuring your safety, using this product,
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go through everything. a special ballistic suit protects against shell fragments, special attention is paid to shoes, and has anti-splinter protection. news: the head of magath called the attack on the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant reckless , declared the arusti nuclear accident. rafael grossi called for refraining from actions that jeopardize the security of the zas. experts from the international atomic energy agency confirmed at least three direct
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hits on the plant. the militants attacked it the day before. three employees were injured. according to rosatom, the radiation background has not changed; experts call the actions of the vso '. these are the remains of a drone that flew into a truck from which food was unloaded. next to the zaporozhye dining room. the second arrival was recorded in the area. ovo port, the third flight was recorded on the dome of block number six, not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to withstand such fire from the armed forces. the increasing frequency of arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared against the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces. maria zakharova, the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, called the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant nuclear terrorism in kiev and calls on the world community to react and realize consequences of such. attacks in the main intelligence department of ukraine have already stated that kiev was not involved in the attacks on the station, the countries
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of the collective west are predictably silent. apparently, recognizing the fact of a dangerous provocation by the zelensky regime means deviating from the generally accepted ideological line. in moscow and other cities of the country , the number of people wishing to do military service under a contract has increased significantly. since the beginning of the year , more than 100 thousand people have already signed up for the armed forces. about 2.0 volunteers come to collection points every day. many say that they made their choice after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. report by sergei samokha. these are the last hours of civilian life. there is still a medical examination, a psychologist and a bus to the army training center ahead. yang hesitated for almost a year whether to sign a contract with the armed forces. many acquaintances are already in the zone and the young man felt the need.
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offices and corridors, according to the command of the recruiting center, a sharp influx of people wishing to serve in the russian army occurred 2 weeks ago, immediately after the tragedy in krasnogorsk. the organizers who ordered the terrorist attack in krokos aimed to bring confusion and discord into society, but achieved the completely opposite effect. the russians were united by their common grief, and every day more and more people are ready to go and defend their homeland. absolute numbers are a military secret, but some statistics are in punte.
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many of the future contract soldiers have never been in the army, experienced instructors will teach them everything at the training centers, ivan sergeevich’s grandfather took berlin, remembering his stories, did not think that he would have to either stand up to fight nationalism. crocus gave everything, but what did you feel, what did you think? well, should people be punished? many of those who come to sign contracts these days are experienced fighters, the chest of an attack aircraft with the call sign zvukarik is hung with medals; it was hard during the capture of artyomovsk. wounded, got back on his feet a few months ago, decided to re-sign the contract, to eradicate,
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so to speak, nazism, because civilians, children, women are dying, this is actually very very painful, a multiple increase in those who want to serve in the army, not only in moscow, throughout russia, every day, thousands of people come to the points of signing a contract with the armed forces, sergey samokha, maxim bragin, a wide range of measures are used, in particular within the framework of the synchrotron and
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neutron research program, unique installations are operating , helping to understand the structure and mechanism of operation of substances and create new materials. this program will continue to allow consumers to choose the product. on behalf of the head of state, we are extending it until the thirtieth year, we plan to direct it to these activities about 450 billion rubles. the funds are designed to create breakthrough technologies, to expand and modernize research infrastructure, which in its characteristics exceeds both existing and projected ones. international sources of synchrotron and neutron radiation, and also for grant support for projects for training scientific personnel in this important area. the central bank may begin to reduce the key rate in the second half of the year if inflation continues to slow down steadily. about this
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was stated by the head of the bank of russia, elvira nabiulina, in the state duma. a joint meeting of the committees on the financial market, economic policy and budget taxes was held there. as nabeolina noted, a tight monetary policy made it possible to slow down inflation. at the same time, the russian economy is demonstrating impressive growth rates. nevertheless, the central bank does not want to make hasty decisions related to lowering the key rate. if inflation continues to slow down steadily, we assume that we will be able to begin reducing the key rate in this year, or rather in the second half of the year. there are many factors that force us to be. cautious, including still high inflation risks, and i would like to note that the experience of many countries shows that a premature reduction in rates can provoke a second wave of inflation, which will be more difficult to cope with than the first. you are watching the news, this is what we will tell you about later in our program: intelligence officers uncovered
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a group of telephone operators, more than 7 billion rubles were stolen, the money was sent to ukraine, they’re already catching... they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first shore, where everything is included except
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your head. we know everything about holidays. relax, annex kalinon belek is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where. life turns into a fairy tale, allow yourself a first-class holiday slio reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves, arts: we are
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here for you! discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and
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so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first ones. a suit that we look at, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, a soldier, who do you serve, a former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was shared, what you have will remain, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes today, boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate from monday to friday on rtr, so you’re confusing me so that i next to anyone will no longer understand me . don’t touch my daughter on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i ’ll live the way i want, pauline is missing, she
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left home, they’re not answering calls, and you’re sure that you know your daughter well, well now what to do, everything will be fine if suddenly you if you need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl has disappeared. noise from this uncertainty, we will endure it, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. you are watching the news, we are now continuing to release the footage that we just received from the presidential press service. today in the kremlin , vladimir putin had a meeting with the head
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of the federal fisheries agency ilya shestakov. the head of the department spoke about record fishing last year. let's talk about the result, yes. russian fishermen have produced a record catch over the past 30 years, over 30 years, over 30 years. yes 5.3 million then, well, the main thing, of course, is our traditional species, this is mentai, the salmon poutine was good, we got the second most important record in the entire history of observations, that is, we had 670.00 there this year, 609, well, sardine and vosi are such popular fish among russians, this year they also have a large volume of 544,000 tons, and here i would like to note that we have another record for... a vessel under our flag, carrying out this fishery, caught more than 90,000 in a year, this is a world record among all vessels. thanks to this decision that you made, now shipbuilding, factories,
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yes, dalavich quotas, well, we have a planned investment volume of 300 billion, this is only within the first stage, which means it is planned to build 105, 105 ships, now 22 ships have been built, intelligence services uncovered a group of cybercriminals who helped ukrainian telephone scammers; five were detained during a joint operation of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs people, they defrauded large sums of money from russian citizens; using only one communication center, more than 7 billion rubles were stolen. mikhail fedutov with details, some of the suspects are detained on the street.
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money both in rubles and in foreign currency, collectible weapons, but the main evidence of guilt may be this office equipment, which is what investigators believe helped the suspects help scammers from ukrainian call centers rob russians. the attackers ensured the operation of a special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers introduced themselves to employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, and then convinced them. transfer savings and credit funds to so-called safe accounts. here is one such device for spoofing phone numbers. yes, this is where sim cards are inserted and they become
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active there. in the criminal scheme, the detainees, according to them, played the role of technical personnel, but probably with very high with their income, techies traveled exclusively in premium foreign cars. and our task as technicians is to make traffic work. that is, we, well, roughly speaking, write: here are your colleagues, you see, there you have a question, there you go. for example, it was undelivered. according to investigators, with the help of one such communication center, fraudsters managed to steal 7 billion rubles from our citizens. all this money went to finance the armed forces of ukraine. mikhail fedotov, news. against the background of the failures of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian military commissars continue to grab everyone on the streets. on this time they tried to mobilize a fourteen-year-old schoolboy. in the odessa region, a teenager was harshly detained on the street and forced into a minibus at gunpoint. according to. but having learned his age on the way,
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they threw him out of the car right on the highway, threatening him with violence if he told about what had happened. in the usa, another emergency situation involving a boeing aircraft. the airliner, which was flying from denver to houston, had the casing of one of its engines torn off during takeoff. frightened passengers filmed it on their phone cameras. how the parts hit the wing. the boeing crew requested an emergency landing and returned to the departure airport. there were no... the us civil aviation authority began an investigation into this incident. tonight on the russia premiere tv channel, immediately after the big news, a multi-episode taxi melodrama starts. after her husband’s betrayal, allasaya still gets a job at a taxi company, where she turns out to be the only female driver. will the heroine be able to cope with the difficulties of finding true love? ekaterina fralova has already watched
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first episode. did something happen to you? it happened that the calm, moderately happy life of the fearful saleswoman alla kapylova changes dramatically after an unsuccessful surprise. it’s all my fault, i showed up at the wrong time, while you were making her feel insensitive, instead of the sympathy and support she so needs, alla suddenly faces universal condemnation and intrigue from her former relatives, no court will give the child to the mother who there is no work and living space, but... that you won’t find anything here, but even left without a family with one suitcase , she does not intend to give up, strong and resilient alla has to build her life from scratch, and also get to know herself again, i have achieved nothing except that i fry potatoes well, she is so naive in which - degree, it seems that he takes everything into his own hands and decides to change his destiny so dramatically,
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but at the same time, like a shoemaker without boots. sometimes it always turns out that an ambulance helps people, when it comes to her own problems, then she is suddenly confused, at such a sharp around the corner, fate seems to give alli the green light and brings her to the taxi depot, but she is not immediately accepted in the stern male team. woman, do you even understand what you are talking about, this is washing a car, these are not your plates, this is a car, ready, accept it, can alla? to carry on her shoulders everything that has fallen on her head, and even help others find their happiness. take revenge and go after her. don't disgrace the honor of the taxi company. the main roles in the series were played by russian cinema stars, including svetlana kolpakova, alexander mikhailov, marat basharov and roman madyanov. are you kidding me? why? do i look like a clown? alla taxi is a kaleidoscope of interesting destinies, a fascinating life story and a lot of humor.
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big premiere. already tonight on our channel. ekaterina frolova, news. a dolphin named kimmy, whose fate has been followed by almost the entire country for the past month, was released into the open sea. the farewell for the mammal took place in balaklava bay; the place was not chosen by chance. there is now a large concentration of dolphins in the area and it will be easier for kemma to join to a flock of relatives. let me remind you that at the end of february , the young red-listed folina jumped onto the coast in evpatoria. rehabilitation, the animal returns to the sea, the federal part of the broadcast is completed, we have regional news ahead, now we have the opportunity to communicate with the state television and radio broadcasting company of udmurtia, elena lebedeva works there. elena, hello, izhevsk is collecting help for those affected by the flood in the orenburg region, tell us what you are sending. hello, denis, udmortia rodnikovy krai, our first parcel to the flooded orsk,
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drinking. this was the main request from the region. our water producers and transport companies responded very quickly and today 30 tons of bottled water will be delivered to our neighbors. these are two odds. well, tomorrow another car with water will head to orsk. our regions are constantly in touch, we will help. irina, thank you. we still have time, we will move to kyzyl, this is the republic of tva and aldenki sabuyan works there today. hello. the season is open in the region. horse racing, how popular are they, what are the prizes? hello, denis, so that there are no unnecessary disputes, prizes for champions are distributed by lot. this time it was an atv car, horse competitions for the republic are almost like a religion, the most prestigious event, a race on tuvan breed horses. the competitions take place in an open field, in tuva - it’s like a show, spectators come from all over the republic, the horse breeders themselves prepare for...


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