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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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they have been happily together for a long time, and i bow to you for your feat, for your choice, guys, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the information service of the russia tv channel continues to work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, the situation in the orenburg region is becoming more serious, the water level in the ural river is rising, now the guys will not help pick up the documents, the protective dams are not holding up, there are breakthroughs one after another others in novotroitsk. v
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vorsk. there is an emergency evacuation of residents. vladimir putin ordered the creation of a special commission on the flood situation. attention in focus. kurgan and tyumen regions. the flow of people wishing to serve under contract doubled after the tragedy in crocus. that situation affected me, so to speak, like a jolt. crocus gave everything. i couldn't stay away. eradicate nazism. russian fishermen broke a thirty-year-old record. and on the volga this year they may allow fishing for sterlidi. we now see that the stock has recovered strongly, this is noted by roebucks, amateurs and industrialists. elvira nabiulina confirmed the possibility of reducing the key rate this year. and a book about the legendary soviet journalist, who was on the list of personal enemies of the fuhrer, went on sale. series zhzl, ernst henry. by order of the president
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, a special government commission was promptly created to prevent and eliminate the consequences of floods. this morning, vladimir putin heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the governors of the orenburg kurgan and tyumen regions, on the current situation and measures taken. 39 regions are now struggling with unprecedented floods. a critical situation is developing in the orenburg region, in the flood zone. more than 6,500 people have already been evacuated. the water level in the ural river is rising rapidly. today the water has come close to the regional center. orenburg authorities note that they have never experienced such abundant flooding in the entire history of meteorological observations. in the orsk region, which was the first to suffer the impact of the big water, a new dam break occurred today. electricity and gas have been turned off for safety reasons. today , the military joined in eliminating the consequences of the devastating flood... together
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, our correspondent stanislav bernwalt is monitoring the development of the situation. today in novotroitsk the dam also overflowed; this is a serious problem, but not critical. now the authorities are filling up this dam in order to prevent a breakthrough and further leakage. but nevertheless, in order to protect the residents, evacuation has already begun, not only have we returned from the most difficult flooding area here in orsk, from the old city, where. most of the houses are almost all under the roof in the water, but there is one such place there, i’ll tell you about it, it’s called a mountain, that is, the locals call it a mountain, because it’s such a natural elevation, so there was water on all sides, it came up it was to this mountain that such an island turned out, an island of salvation for those who were nearby, it is there now...
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it strengthens us, it mobilizes us, it makes us closer to each other, that is, the very qualities that are needed more than ever today, well, those who are evacuated to the big land, as they call it here, to safety, that is , they are accommodated in temporary accommodation centers, there for them there is food and overnight accommodation, warm clothes, humanitarian aid, a lot of children, indeed among those who were evacuated from the flooded...
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organizations and simply caring people help in every way they can. a bridge, roads, dozens of houses and private plots are flooded in the kurgan region, the situation there is becoming more complicated every hour, and today a state of emergency was introduced in another area. in a row
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populated areas, including kurgan itself, are being evacuated. sirein was notified of the need to urgently leave their homes. almost 1,900 people could face the consequences of devastating flooding in the region. rescuers have deployed 76 temporary accommodation points, with two more in reserve. aid collection points have been set up throughout the region for flood victims. work to strengthen river banks is being carried out around the clock; additional forces are arriving from the ministry of emergency situations from other countries to protect populated areas from high water. regions. according to roshydromet data. by the beginning of next week, the geography of flooded areas will expand significantly; small rivers have already begun to overflow in the novgorod and leningrad regions. in tyumen today a state of emergency was introduced in advance. a significant deterioration in flood conditions is expected in the near future in the kaluga, samara and
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novosibirsk regions. in the second ten days of the month, the floodplains of rivers in mordovia will be flooded. then floods will begin on aka in the ryazan and nizhny novgorod regions. in orenburg. the flood will reach dangerous levels today, peak expected by wednesday. the regional center and several villages will be in the path of the big water. the situation in the ministry of emergency situations is expected to stabilize only after april 20. in the kurgan region, 62 settlements in six municipal districts, more than 400 houses, 5,000 household plots, as well as more than thirty bridges, an airport and five large economic facilities may be in the emergency zone. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was subjected to a new attack by ukrainian militants. the station management reported this. a drone was shot down over the object, the debris of which fell on the sixth power unit well, the day before the station was attacked by several drones at once. no critical damage was detected. the background radiation is normal. three employees were injured.
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representatives of magathe confirmed a hit on the station and warned of the risk of a nuclear accident. at the same time, kiev claims that it is not involved in the provocations in zaporozhye. ac. over the past 24 hours, air defense systems in the special operation zone destroyed 291 enemy drones and intercepted three french guided bombs and four hymers. this data is from a new report from the ministry of defense. the ukrainian armed forces have lost more 940 mercenary fighters, over 700 only in the donetsk and ovdeevsk directions. among the destroyed foreign equipment were at least five british american towed howitzers and self-propelled guns. crab is an american paladin of nato- style counter-battery stations. in the vdeevsky direction , 57 strong points were burned in 24 hours, and nato bradley and marder infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed. the engineering troops in this area received unique equipment at their disposal: the tracked
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robot sapper stalker. he is able to pave a wide road through minefields. newest demining equipment was used for the first time in a combat situation. report by military correspondent alexander katsu. the anti-tank mine has been destroyed. the newest robot sapper stalker continues to clear mines. anti-personnel mines, with which the ukrainian militants literally littered the area during their retreat. our thirty-ton machine clicks like seeds. stalker.
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up to a kilometer, as simple as a child’s toy, very simple, the stalker’s striker trawl is equipped with these metal anvils that literally plow up. the ground, destroying mines at a depth of up to half a meter. the sky above the demining site is controlled by members of the special group countering enemy drones. if detected , a signal is sent to my attacker on the path and i begin to observe how the target is being tracked. here's another new product for the sapper on the front line. the sapper's little assistant is the scorpion mine clearing robot. here. it has eyes, a mustache and a sting that can clear any
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enemy mines. specializes in the destruction of so -called mine tripwires, fast and maneuverable, always ahead of the sapper. before completing tasks, ensuring yourself safety, use of this product, cleans everything yes. a special ballistic suit protects against shell fragments, special attention to shoes. available. men of the country aged from 17 to 60 years old, this was stated in the party by the servant of the people, early
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prime minister shmygal, in an interview with an estonian television channel, promised to fulfill all the tasks of mobilizing the ukrainian population this year. he made a reservation that the mobilization would not be so harsh. but confirmation of this is not visible in the ukrainian segment on the internet, where more and more videos appear with military commissars hunting any male representatives, including teenagers, not in the text of the bill. for military service under contract. since the beginning of this year , more than 100,000 people have already enlisted in the armed forces.
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about 2.0 volunteers come to collection points every day. many made this decision after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. report by sergei samokhi. these are the last hours of civilian life. there is still a medical examination, a psychologist and a bus to the army training center ahead. ian hesitated for almost a year, whether to sign a contract with the armed forces. many acquaintances are already in. in the northern military district zone, my condolences to the relatives of those who suffered from this terrorist attack, that situation influenced me, but i will say, it influenced not only me, it influenced many, that situation, that incident, let’s say, gave an impetus to the volunteers to come, there are practically no free places at the recruitment center for contract service, queues in offices and corridors, according to the command of the recruitment center, a sharp influx of people wishing to serve in the russian army... happened 2 weeks ago, immediately after the tragedy in krasnogorsk. the organizers who ordered the terrorist attack in krokos
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aimed to bring confusion and discord into society, but achieved the completely opposite effect. russians have paid for the common grief and every day more and more people are ready to go and defend their homeland. absolute numbers are a military secret, but there are some statistics at the point of admission to contract service. recruitment has increased, we seem to be working with candidates. every day , seven days a week, around the clock, we can say that until recently, now, well, this about two times, about two times, two times, many of those who come to sign a contract these days are experienced fighters, an attack aircraft with the call sign zvukarik was seriously wounded during the capture of artyomovsk, got back on his feet several months ago, decided to re -sign the contract, eradicate , if i can say it this way... because civilians, children, women are dying, this is actually
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very very painful, a multiple increase in those who want to serve in the army, not only in moscow, at the novosibirsk selection point on the tables of the commission stacks of folders with personal files, you you know, in connection with what is happening in our country, the hall, crocus city hall, as well as the shelling of belgorod, well, did not leave me indifferent, i could not. in the krasnodar territory there are two selection points for military service under contract; they are located in the regional capital in novorossiysk, they work every day, recently they had to switch to round the clock. many of my acquaintances are servicemen in the belgorod direction, kursk, rostov region, the guys are working, i would like to join them together, leaving honor and dignity to our russian federation. throughout russia, thousands of people come to the points where contracts with the armed forces are signed every day. sergey samokha, maxim bragin, danila klishchevsky, andrey netreba, evgenia
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korneeva. news. russian fishermen distinguished themselves last year with a record catch. more than 5 million tons of fish, the head of the federal fisheries agency ilya shestakov told vladimir putin today at a meeting in the kremlin. they discussed the results of the work and the situation in the industry, the president was interested in the pace of construction of new ships, as shestakov reported, out of 105 planned, so far 22 vessels were built. vladimir putin emphasized that in the conditions of western sanctions , it is necessary to catch up with this gap using domestic equipment. that the construction of ships is progressing with a delay, but this is connected, as i understand it, not least with the sanctions that are or have been introduced against russian shipbuilding, regarding spare parts, equipment, first of all, yes, new chains are in place, as i understand it, my own production is developing, the partners acted very badly towards,
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of course, our fishing industry, because that they simply stopped supplying these products, not even... you look at the news below, here are some topics in russia, a criminal group was uncovered that helped ukrainian telephone scammers. the central bank will begin to reduce the key rate in the second half of this year. and a new book, which was presented today in
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moscow, is dedicated to the legendary journalist and writer ernst henry. all the details in a couple of minutes. hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes, 60 minutes is on air today on rtf. they say you need to prepare for rest, rest
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you need to be able to, you need to relax beautifully, but... you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time... discover true excellence, making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with lioresorts. elegant
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details. exquisite beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here tastes, variety of entertainment, golden for you. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa. enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf belet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. i don't know what to do, we need to calm down. if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on
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saturday. from the feeling that he himself stole his daughter and holds her in the fence. it can't be. stay away from him. anna mikolysh, alexander nikitin. you 're hiding something? what? don't confuse me, valera. i have to think it over. this concerns lyuba. nadya, i need to know. ibushka is crying, premieres on saturday on rtr. any terrat is terrible, it’s vile, it’s inhumane, who ordered it, who needed it. the first thing that is being done is to remove suspicion from ukraine. don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with international terrorism? the internet is a colossal force of influence. the kiev regime has the opportunity, through stream games, to recruit or obtain information
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of any kind; this is a danger that is tangible and needs to be fought. an interethnic clash with the muth of russia, this was the task of those who heard. the special military operation turned out to be very powerful. substitution of telephone numbers when calling gullible citizens, allegedly on behalf of banks or social security authorities. the suspects face up to 10 years in prison. report by mikhail
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fedotov. one of the suspects is detained on the street. others in apartments special forces have to break down the doors. all these people, according to investigators, worked for telephone scammers from. the operation was carried out by officers of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs; immediately after the arrest , searches are carried out so that the suspects do not have time to get rid of evidence. search warrant; in cases of intolerance, your home will be searched. you can get acquainted. the apartments contain large sums of money , both in rubles and foreign currency, and collectible weapons, but this could be the main evidence of guilt. office equipment, just like her with help, investigators believe, the suspects helped scammers from ukrainian call centers rob russians. the attackers ensured the operation of special
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equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers posed as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to so-called safe accounts. here's one of them. devices for spoofing phone numbers, yes this is where sim cards are inserted, they become active there, in the criminal scheme those detained, according to them, played the role of technical personnel, but probably with very high incomes, the technicians traveled exclusively in premium foreign cars, our task as technicians is to make sure that the traffic works , that is, we are writing, roughly speaking, here are colleagues, you see there you have a question there, here we are, for example, it was not delivered, according to operatives, with the help of one such communication center by a fraudster...
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a wide range of measures are used, in particular, within the framework of the synchatron and neutron research program, unique installations are used that help to understand the structure and mechanism of operation of substances, as well as to create new materials. on behalf of the head of state, we are extending it until the thirtieth year and plan to allocate about 450 billion rubles for these events. the funds are designed to create breakthrough technologies for the expansion and modernization of research infrastructure, which in its characteristics surpasses both existing ones, and projected international sources of synchrotron and neutron radiation. well , also for grant support for projects for training scientific personnel in this important area.
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continues to demonstrate impressive growth rates. the main limiting factors for expanding production are not so much the lack of financial resources as the shortage of labor. remember that the unemployment rate continues to hit historic lows. a new book is dedicated to journalist and writer ernst henry. which was presented today in moscow. ernst henry predicted
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the invasion back in 1937. choice is a great rarity, many people change everything throughout their life, break down many times, move from one camp to another, went through their whole life with their convictions, did not part with them and defended them, despite the fact that it was for him sometimes it was expensive. today on our channel the premiere of the multi-part melodrama alla taxi, the happy, calm life of the heroine of this story collapses overnight, alla loses
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her husband, her job, her son’s house are taken away from her. about the first episodes ekaterina frolova. did something happen to you? it happened. the calm , moderately happy life of the lively saleswoman alla kopylova changes dramatically after an unfortunate surprise. it's all my fault. i arrived at the wrong time, while you were shopping for her unconsciousness there. and instead of the sympathy and support that she so needs, alla suddenly faces universal condemnation and intrigue from her former relatives. here he won’t give the child to a mother who doesn’t have a job and lived square, and you won’t find any work here anywhere, but even left without a family with one suitcase, she doesn’t intend to give up, strong and resilient alla has to build her life from scratch, and also get to know herself again, i haven’t achieved anything, besides, that i fry potatoes well, she is so naive, to some extent, she seems to take everything into her own
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hands. and decides to change her fate so dramatically, but at the same time, like a shoemaker without boots, sometimes it turns out that she always helps people like an ambulance when it concerns her own problems, then she is suddenly confused. at such a sharp turn, fate seems to give alla the green light and brings her to the taxi depot, but she is not immediately accepted in the harsh male team. woman, do you even understand what you are talking about, this is washing a car, this is not your plate. this is a car, ready, accept it, will alla be able to carry on her shoulders everything that has fallen on her head, and even help others find their happiness. take revenge and go after her, don’t disgrace your honor, park dachshund. the main role in the series was played by russian cinema stars, including svetlana kolpakova, alexander mikhailov, marat basharov and roman madyanov. well, are you kidding me, why do i look like a clown? alla taxi is
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a kaleidoscope. 2 years ago, the outstanding politician vladimir volfovich zhirinovsky left us; during his lifetime he was called a real prophet and compared to the legendary vanga, and the accuracy of his predictions is still amazing: you will pay a thousand euros for gas, i promise you a thousand, but you have that kind of money no, that means you will freeze, if the ukrainian authorities destroy it, if their opposition destroys it, they will never achieve anything, as they were makhno.


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