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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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regions of russia and the flood continues, perhaps the peak is yet to come. it was a 60 minutes program. thanks for watching, bye. goodbye. on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day , big news on air, in the studio igor kozhevin, hello! orsk is plunging under water, cars are submerged, the roofs are somehow visible, electricity and gas are turned off, the whole country is helping, here we are comforting and coy and... this is a dam that
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was supposed to protect the city and its inhabitants from great trouble. not only in the orenburg region there is a state of emergency. nikolay dolgachev from one from the key areas of the northern military district. now our unit is moving to the side. it works out quite well. in response to the shelling of russian territory, our precise strikes on the ukrainian energy sector associated with the armed forces of ukraine. finland advises kiev to send more citizens to the war, it just needs more men , more women, but even poland does not understand where to get them. we see exorbitant escapes.
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money, the foreign ministries of britain and france are preparing to perceive the defeat of kiev as their own, which paris has forgotten. russia did not allow humiliation defeated france. scholz is trying to improve his image on tiktok. a group of citizens who helped ukrainian scammers deceive russians over the phone was also neutralized. this is where the sim card is inserted. a dolphin rescued in crimea was released into the sea under the supervision of our correspondent. near baloklava bay was not chosen by chance. so, today i heard reports from the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations, on the development of the flood situation and the measures that are being taken to help people vladimir putin. as a result, the president gave instructions. the government should create a special
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commission to coordinate the work to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the flood, but it is already clear that this year the big water came as quickly as possible in the siberian, volga, and central districts and can break historical records. now the most difficult situation is still in orsk, where another dam broke this morning, the water is moving further and threatens orenburg. from the disaster zone, reports by ruslan bikbulatov. deliver dry cow and calf, which we stood in icy water for two days. everyone who has boats is trying to find and evacuate rescue personnel, local residents managed to rush abandoned animals, pets, scott birds remain on the roofs. during the night the water rose by 2 m. salemzhan akhmedzhanov managed to evacuate with his family; their house was completely flooded with blue water.
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which have almost completely gone under water , now you can literally reach them with your hand, water in high-rise buildings, people remain in them, we go into the entrance to the entrance of water, but above the waist, carefully, evacuate not everyone agrees, for minutes ishimova is unable to go down even one floor, she decided that it would be calmer at home, oh, i don’t know, but
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how will i go, well, how will i get out, i have this, these don’t let me walk , i’m suffering because of this, i’ve earned myself a disease, i’m trying to face trouble alone. residents asked for a generator to charge their phones, asked for bread, water, food, clothing, help is already on the way from nizhny novgorod, bashkir, tatarstan, penza, samara, saratov, yekaterinburg. in the flooded part of the city there is no gas and electricity remaining in the apartments they deliver what they need on boats, pass it along a rope or throw it at the lodges. the bread will be normal. caring people are joining the rescue operation, boats, motors, fuel are being brought to the disaster zone , a sufi man has arrived, brought a boat, a motor, we are working, marina left all her business in st. petersburg and came to her native orsk, together with her friends, bake pies, cook hot
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dinners, this is our city, these are our guys, these are our people, so we are all, we are one whole, where is the blind grandmother, what should be in the house, what entrance, they said, eric aituganov is the father three children, on his boat he evacuates his fellow countrymen from the first day of the disaster, delivers food to the elderly, saves animals, chickens, rabbits and a dog share one roof, he takes the dog with him, although eric himself was left homeless, well, i was one of the very first to drown , but there seems to be nothing left to save there, so i’ve already come to terms with it and went, i came here to save, to help, everywhere there are flooded cars, cars and trucks, abandoned in garages. in parking lots right on the roads, guys, look how deep it is here, there are sunken cars, the roofs are somehow visible, this is a dam that was supposed to protect the city and its inhabitants from a great disaster, the urals flows on this side, its waters washed away the dam and
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stormy streams of icy water headed towards orsk, the old city took the first blow, that’s how it is now it looks like the construction of the dam in vodski began in 2010. almost a billion rubles were spent from the federal budget, however, during an inspection by rosfinadzor , a violation of the expenditure of budget funds was revealed, 50 million rubles were spent on work that was never completed, then violations were identified already during the operation of the dam. in 2020, orsk officials who were responsible for the condition of the dam received a list of thirty- eight comments. the prosecutor's office sent a warning to local authorities. the dam was not designed for the load that led to the accident. investigative committee.
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hepatitis a. more than 2 thousand people, the rescued keep coming and coming, they are transported on boats, in taller cars.
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but there are a lot of people who refused, there are a lot of grandparents in their houses, so now they are delivering to those who decided to stay in their hot food in apartments, in flooded houses there is no gas and electricity, it gets cold, so neighbors often gather in one apartment, it’s easier to survive disasters, how many people do you have there, four, four, what have dogs to do with them, rescuers are once again driving around the flooded areas , asking people to evacuate to safe areas of the city. today there are not very many applicants; each application is processed by the ministry of emergency situations employees on an individual basis. well done boys. squitches are orenburg residents. someone is afraid to leave someone prepared their apartment in advance for fear of looters and simply does not want to leave. the labels are safe,
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it seems to me, with the product. and to survive the water level, there won’t be enough time for a week, it seems. yes. these are private houses, they are suffering, they have nowhere to live, they just can’t leave the house . in orsk , the flood zone continues to increase; today emergency sirens sounded in the area of ​​the village of lesotorgovy. attention, urgent evacuation, you can see how quickly the water is coming here, the embankment dam on the river has also broken the urals and many turned out to be ready for this in advance, they waited until it came until it began, well , at least they were ready for evacuation, of course everything was collected, everything was ready, everything valuable was taken out, it was possible that a bird, two geese, nothing was left on board the evacuees, they were taking them to temporary accommodation centers, this is one of the largest in orsk, now there are more than 150 people here, there are not enough beds, mats and...
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parents come, find out what we need and bring them as we join or as we find this or that product in the stores, yes, products are purchased and delivered instantly. the next large city that will face the largest flood in the history of the region may be orenburg; flooding of summer cottages and... suburban villages has been recorded there for several days, in preparation for the big water, they are stocking up on drinking water, bakeries have switched to an increased operating mode, to prepare products in prog. the situation in orsk continues to remain very difficult; local authorities predict stabilization within the next few days. murat zarepov, sergey shelepin, zemkhir abzalov, conduct orenburg region, orsk. the ministry of emergency situations noted today that the current flood levels in the urals and volga region have never been recorded in history.
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by the beginning of next week, the geography of flooded territories will expand significantly: in the risk zone, the novgorod and leningrad, kaluga and samara, novosibirsk, ryazan, nizhny novgorod regions; the most tense situation has already developed in the tyumen and kurgan regions. residents to leave areas of possible flooding, temporary accommodation centers are ready that will be able to to accommodate 16 thousand people, a state of emergency has been introduced in the region, in total the flood could affect over 60 settlements, more than thirty bridges, an airport, five large economic facilities, sverdlovsk rescuers went to help. the forecast for water rise in tabol and ishim is rapidly deteriorating; in 2-3 days
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the flood will reach its peak level, expected to be about 11 m or even higher. both rivers do not flow through tyumen and there is no risk of flooding the city, however, historical maximums in the region will still be exceeded. some hours ago, traffic was closed on five bridges. governor moore, in a special address , declared a state of emergency, which allows. restrict the access of transport people in the disaster area and suspend the work of organizations, and residents , if instructed to evacuate, must always have an identification card with them. in addition, in case of damage to property or health, citizens have the right to count on compensation and one-time payments. with emergency passage of flood waters, as well as protection of settlements and economic facilities from natural
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fires, is under special control not only of the russian ministry of emergency situations, but also of the country’s leadership. all necessary instructions have been given to the interested federal authorities and subjects, including by the decision of the operational meeting of the security council of the russian federation. as the head of the ministry of emergency situations emphasized, the department is concentrating additional groups. and these are stills from. samara region, where a boat capsized during the evacuation. all passengers were wearing vests and managed to grab tree branches, no one was hurt, just under water 50 houses and 901 lots remain. similar species are now in the ivanovo region, although villages have long been accustomed to spring floods. the moscow region also in some places drowns almost 250 more private houses and dachas per day, but in the krasnoyarsk territory it did not help. even the preparation, as best as i could, was sprinkled, but then it
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didn’t save me, there was so much water, much more than in previous years, there was no road, in the zone of a special military operation, units of the southern and central groups were able to take new positions and improve positions in donetsk and ovdeevsky directions, and the artillery of the group covering the state border destroyed the czech vampire installation, which for several days... shelled populated areas of the belgorod region. after obtaining the exact coordinates of the camouflaged position, the attack was carried out by a hail crew. destroyer. the goals were confirmed by the means of objective observation and control. near the village of udachnaya, a large ammunition depot was destroyed by a high-precision strike. ukrainian militants organized the transportation of shells in civilian vehicles, but our military intelligence officers uncovered this cunning. at one of the front lines , our soldiers managed to capture another american bradley as a trophy. the losses in
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western equipment per day are impressive. most of them are american artillery. systems of various modifications, but there are british and polish self-propelled guns. this is the work of our sappers in avdeevka; with the help of the stalker robotic complex they are clearing the surrounding fields and roads. following the tracked vehicle, the passage made in the minefields is checked by the first specialists. this is close combat footage on positions. enemy, the daily heroic work of our attack aircraft. ivanovo paratroopers near the village of chasov yar captured another stronghold of ukrainian militants. during aerial reconnaissance , firing positions were discovered. having received a combat mission, after an air and artillery strike on several bmd-2s, they were able to approach enemy positions from
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several directions and, under the cover of armored vehicles, quickly took up positions in the ukrainian armed forces. dismounting, dismounting, acceptance, yes, accepted, started dismounting, about the battles for chasyar, report by military correspondent nikolai vesti dolgachev, now our unit is moving towards the clock, they are actively moving and artillery is supporting the infantry, a shot, the artillery of the volunteer corps operating as part of the southern group of forces is working, the crew of the d-30 howitzer has already fired thousands of shells at the enemy, sight 193. 193 yes shot, our artillery positions are close to the front, therefore they operate as covertly as possible , covered with a camouflage network; if an enemy reconnaissance drone is spotted, the fire temporarily stops, nothing should give away the artillery crew, camouflage it is extremely important now that
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the artillerymen of the detachment are actively working on enemy targets in the tiger detachment - a separate sabotage and reconnaissance detachment of the volunteer corps in the southern group of forces, only volunteers serve, each of them has more than their first contract, they were returning home, but again they were drawn to where the experience of these fighters are in demand in the hottest direction, all the guys come back here to work, because we will never give up our homeland and will always help, here at the very front, that is, we are all always we are working, we are not hiding from anyone and we will, as we worked, we will work with... yes , the guns are firing non-stop, mortars are even closer to the front line, the crew of volunteer fighters is now amazing, the mortar is working, and is also actively working along the entire front line and artillery, assault troops are moving forward, taking fortified territory from the enemy, it’s working out quite well, and the guys, in principle, all know
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their job, the more we work, the bigger the team turns out and the more and better we can work and the more accurate accordingly the work itself turns out. the work is hard, the risks are high, the enemy is fighting counter-batteries, drones are flying, but the fighters smile and encourage each other. and this is the most important thing in our profession, not to get discouraged and always be joyful, that is, it helps to be happy and healthy. the fighting becomes more and more intense as the hours go by, the enemy clings to this settlement, trying to maintain control of the road leading to slavyansk. our fighters are gradually taking this track for themselves. new retaliation strikes today mapped to infrastructure facilities. in zaporozhye, repair shops where german leopards were waiting for their turn were hit. also in zaporozhye, as a result of a strike by the iskander operational-tactical missile system, a warehouse of heavy unmanned aerial vehicles and a workshop for their
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production were completely destroyed. several logistics hubs were damaged in the odessa region. key bridges were destroyed in the sumy region; in kharkov and the surrounding area , energy facilities that are associated with the armed forces of ukraine were again hit. the russian military carries out precision strikes retaliation, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities. alexey konopko will continue. wow, this was an explosion either at the high-voltage substation of krivoy rog, or at the runway in the dolntsevsky district, both were hit. near nikolaev and kharkov, drones damaged lep. in odessa - a logistics facility - this is how local officials reported. the fire near zhytomyr, where drones attacked an oil depot, has not yet been extinguished. in the geranium affected area were kirovograd, khmelnytsky and dnepropetrovsk region. all this, according to ukrainian estimates, with the help of two dozen drones, that is, in response to
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the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack russian territory, our army attacks with efficiency, which is recognized by kiev. and now they want to revive the completely destroyed power plants in some places with a transplant from a half-living donor. i spoke with the minister of energy of lithuania.
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that local is communication with the enemy, identifying targets, and so on, if i need to make a supporter out of a good house, i ’ll make it, then i’ll destroy it. the supporter, however, now it doesn’t help, russian gliding aerial bombs with half a ton of explosives on board leave the plane tens of kilometers from the target, and they can’t be shot down. the widespread use of gliding bombs is increasingly alarming, several ukrainian military personnel told the new york times that a 500-kilogram shell can even destroy underground bunkers, one compared their impact to...
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igor, good evening, the main, traditional species is pollock. the salmon poutine was also good last year. fishermen caught 609 tons of salmon; at the end of the year, our country became this indicator is the first in the world, ahead of the united states. the sardine catch is increasing. the vessel is flying the russian flag, carrying out this fishery. caught more than 90 thousand tons in a year, this is a world record among all vessels. well, an important area is the preservation of reserves. what achievements are there in this area?
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the stock of sterled fish is being restored, this is noted by fishermen, amateurs, and industrialists. rosrybolovstvo proposes to open sterli for recreational fishing this year on the volga, however, with certain time limits on fishing gear. what about the amateurs they record that the number of elks has increased, if they are caught, they are caught, they are forced to release them, in general the economic complex is working stably, in the north too, and the population is increasing, no, that was just your order, we were working out a really bad situation there, it does not change, but it is quite at the critical level, and it really needs to be done there. efforts, and it is clear that reproduction of whitefish also takes quite a long time. well, how have the economic indicators of this industry? the turnover of enterprises, as well as
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tax revenues to the budget, are growing. last year, collection rates for fishermen were increased, due to which budget revenues increased 10 times. most of these funds are directed to the regions. for example, if the budget of the kamchatka territory previously received 800 million rubles from this industry, then last year, thanks to this measure, revenues amounted to 8 billion rubles. the regions of the region received the most of all other regions, well, in total volume, yes, kamchatka is our leader, but proportionally. other regions they increased it quite well, it’s just very significant for kamchatka, because of course their economy is very much designed for the fishing industry. last year , 75% of the total fish catch came from the far eastern region, but what about shipbuilding for the industry? this keel quota program, is it working? yes, in a simplified way, it works like this: if you want to fish, buy a russian fishing vessel and
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you will receive a quota. this measure was introduced. is developing rapidly, fishermen, of course, before the sanction time, they were actively used western technologies, the partners acted very badly towards, of course , our fishing producers, because they simply stopped supplying these products and did not even return the advances that were paid. well, now we have established supplies from friendly countries, and somewhere industrialists have turned their attention to the production of domestic
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equipment, well, one more thing. how are things going with feed? the head of the federal fisheries agency predicted that all enterprises and farms in 2025 will be fully provided with domestic feed production. thank you, it was my colleague nailyade. a group of citizens who helped ukrainian scammers impersonate bank security officers, police officers, agents, intelligence services, and researchers were neutralized by fsb operatives. they stormed a communications center through which the criminals managed... to steal more than 7 billion rubles. reporting by ainur valeakhmetov. federal security service, open the door, the officers will introduce themselves to you. open the door, so it will break. this group of eva scammers turned out to be different friendly, as if on the phone, the room where the so-called call center specialists were located. the special forces have to take it by storm. now they are making excuses that they don’t know anything. what are you doing? now
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i’ll tell you everything, who else is at home? she is not at home, until recently all these people worked for ukrainian telephone scammers, according to investigators, members of a criminal group organized an illegal virtual communication center in russia using this special equipment, the attackers replaced the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian, yes, here the sim card is inserted here, it becomes active there, thus, using only one communication center, more than 7 billion rubles would have been stolen from russian citizens. the money was accumulated mainly in ukrainian banks and was used to finance the armed forces of ukraine. it has been previously established that the international criminal scheme has been operating since 2022. the scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to such called secure accounts. here is one of
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the detainees showing how he deceived. gullible citizens, so she leaves, let’s say, the percentage of dlr is the percentage of delivered sms, i keep an eye on this, that is, if i see a little red one, for example, this is not enough, our task as technicians is to make sure that the traffic works, and this is already an extensive database of all defrauded clients, judging by the codes of mobile operators, scammers called different regions of the country, defrauding many of their last savings, in ukraine with special services, in particular , the us national security agency, and thousands of these were created... a call center, what are they , and ordinary switching equipment is bought, a package of ip addresses is bought. communication centers were located in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl, sochi, some worked from home, performing in this criminal scheme, as they claim, the role of technical personnel. and she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company in turkey, my area
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of ​​responsibility is exclusively here. searches fsb officers, together with the russian ministry of internal affairs , found large sums of money in the places where the criminals lived, both in rubles and foreign currency, this is what the scammers have already managed to buy with... telephone fraud schemes and the number of deceived citizens are multiplying every day, scammers are using all modern technology, forges voices, replaces numbers, maria frolova received a call at first glance from an uninvited number 900, replacing the sberbank number, i need to transfer money, then the account turns out to another card, this account is for me. they just gave me over the phone, i even in general, well, without a second thought , i did it all, in the end the money just hung up, disappeared, well, it’s not there. telephone scammers mainly recruit the adult population, for persuasiveness, now scammers use
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instant messengers and make video calls, rima sultanova from ufa lost 4,000 rubles this way. i clicked allow, then it said, in the left corner there is a triangle, click on it, that’s what i connected. i didn’t even understand the screen demonstration. it was as if ingrid safronova from yamal was under hypnosis; she communicated with the scammers for several hours. i'm just generally they hypnotized me, and well, on the threshold of the savings bank, i woke up. i was always sure that this would not affect me. how's that? well, i think well, nothing like that. call centers now mostly operate from abroad. mobile operators are fighting against such scammers. only one of them in a month. recorded over 27 million unwanted calls. the latest innovation is that scammers are already carrying out a multi-stage attack on the client and on the first call they openly admit that they are scammers and the second scammer who calls and
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seems to be some kind of security service, it is much easier to gain the client’s trust. the rules of information hygiene are simple: do not communicate by phone with bank employees, especially in instant messengers. main. prime minister mishustin told the enterprise about this today; during a meeting with his deputies , he also spoke about support for the far east and breakthrough scientific technologies. report by alexey petrov. the conversation in the cabinet of ministers begins with issues of the development of domestic science, an area that is becoming increasingly
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mikhail mishustin emphasizes its importance, given the tasks set by the president. particular attention to the program for the development of synchrotron and neutron research. we have a network of unique installations. class megascience, this is skif in koltsovo, this is the reef on russky island, the peak reactor in gadchin, kisi gurchat in moscow, with their help it will be possible to understand the structure and mechanisms of operation of substances to create new materials. on behalf of the head of state, we are extending it until the thirtieth year, and we plan to allocate about 450 billion rubles for these events. another one topic, development of agro-industrial complex. as mishustin noted during the government’s recent report to the state duma , this is one of the strongest sectors of the domestic economy. last year saw the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia. largely thanks to the support of the state, it allocated more than 440 billion
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rubles for rural development. in addition, agricultural enterprises, as the president drew attention to this, should have the opportunity to attract borrowed funds. the government pays special attention to this issue, a year earlier on the implementation of the program preferential. lending to farmers , an additional 5 billion rubles were allocated for almost 215 billion a year. the cabinet of ministers also provided more than 200 billion rubles for subsidizing new investment loans, this will allow businesses to expand the production of agricultural products and increase processing capacity. new farms will appear. great potential opens up for investors who invest in the development of the far east. this topic is discussed separately. the main thing is the creation of new industries and investigative work. places, as well as comfortable conditions for people. the government is implementing a set of systemic measures for the development of these territories, including a program of affordable rental housing, it was launched last year on behalf of the president, and 87
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billion rubles were allocated for its implementation. thanks to this, about 10 thousand apartments will be built. the first of them in chukotka in primorye in yakutia are already inhabited. also in nine far eastern regions , contracts for the acquisition of even more have been signed. 5,500 apartments. take advantage of this discount students, young professionals, as well as participants in a special military operation will be able to use the mechanism. moreover, the payment for housing should be lower than the market rate, partly monthly. beijing these days is becoming the most important diplomatic center, the four-day visit of the head of the american treasury elen has just ended, at the end of the week german chancellor scholz will fly to china, and today in beijing they are solemnly receiving russian foreign minister sergei lavrov and...
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the head of the russian foreign ministry has already been received by the chinese colleague wang y. report by alexander balsky. no sooner had the plane of the head of the russian foreign ministry landed at beijing capital airport and minister lavrov himself descended the ramp when chinese bloggers rushed to publish pictures. the russian il is right there in the parking lot, however, on the other hand, the board of the american minister of finance is yellin. she has been in china for the fifth day, but today is also in beijing. such a coincidence on chinese social networks was definitely not a coincidence. and at the same time they noted the difference in the meeting, lavrov has a red
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carpet on the ramp, elin does not, but even if we discard conspiracy theories, the tone of the visits fundamentally different, lavrov came to talk about friendship and strong ties, elin seemed to do the same, we strive to maintain broader trade and investment relations, but in the end it devolved into lectures, i emphasized that companies, including those from china, should not provide material support in russia’s war and what in... china has received similar warnings before, but a direct threat of sanctions, bloomberg notes, was made for the first time; official beijing regarded this as outright rudeness and pressure. regarding the us point of view on sino-russian relations or china's support for russia, i want to emphasize that relevant countries should not denigrate the normal state relations between china and russia and attack them by undermining the law. rights and interests of china and chinese enterprises,
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otherwise china will take decisive measures to protect its legitimate rights and interests. beijing had to put yellin in her place more than once, because the head of the us treasury all the time demonstrated american double standards, on the one hand, she stated that more trade was needed, but only american companies and in the chinese market and not vice versa, therefore he demanded that china produce less so as not to bribe consumers with a lower price. and not pose a threat to jobs in the united states, and first of all it was about those areas where americans really want to be leaders, electric cars, batteries, solar panels and semiconductors; chinese experts called such accusations of excess capacity a disguise for trade protectionism, and american ones were we are forced to admit that it is useless to persuade the chinese to do anything. people biden can't force the chinese to come to the table and negotiate, but they know that... obviously wants biden to win, so it's a sensitive issue that could
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cause irritation. they seem to be friendly with jannet spruce, but in fact they do not make concessions and do not begin any negotiations. the difficult conversation, as the washington post writes, had to be compensated for by dinner, and if the last time the head of the us treasury ordered mushrooms in a yunan restaurant, which can cause a glucinogenic effect, now i settled on sachuan cuisine, considered the most spicy in china, matching the relations between beijing and washington. as an indicator, the american press notes, a decrease in trade turnover by almost 12%. against this background, trade between russia and china is only growing, last year by a quarter, this should be more. tomorrow sergei lavrov has a big negotiating day, the agenda includes the entire range of bilateral cooperation, including in the international arena, joint work in brix, the sco, the g20, general positions that, in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations , become even more convincing. and visomium. alexander baalsky, vlada surkan and nikolai
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petrov, lead the beijing bureau. in crimea , a dolphin that was rescued in evpatoria in february was released into the sea today. the animal washed ashore due to an infection; it was treated for more than a month and allowed to get stronger after the illness. then they loaded him into a three-meter pool equipped in a special vehicle and transported him to baloklava. report by maria temnikova. as soon as the cargo gazelle with the dolphin kimi drives onto the embankment, she is immediately surrounded by townspeople and tourists. please, 3 m, we are still moving away, a specially equipped car, a kind of intensive care unit for dolphins, there is everything here to safely transport the animal over a long distance, what we eat, well, at the end of the road they gave it to him. kima was transported from yevpatoria, we drove more than 140 km, very slowly and carefully. the crucial moment is that after three hours of transportation by land, the dolphin will now be taken out and transferred to the ship, and only then released into the open sea. in a special in a hammock, accompanied by volunteer doctors from supervisory departments, the dolphin
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is carried in their arms a few meters to the ship. it needs to be taken away from the shore. we follow the boat, along the way we meet kimi’s fellow tribesmen, here he is. happy ending. now we see how volunteers and veterinarians are preparing to release kimmy, the place near baloklava bay was not chosen by chance, the fact is that there are a large pod of dolphins here, which means kimy has the opportunity to attach herself to one of them. well done! before releasing kimi into the wild, they put a tag, this not an electronic chip, but in case of accident it will help identify the dolphin. how this dolphin was originally born in the wild and we hope that he will calmly remember how he lived in the sea is being realized very quickly. the dolphin was found back in february. the akimi cub, still a teenager, washed ashore. tests showed that he had an infectious disease. at first, kimi was treated right on the shore, but then a quarantine pool was provided to him by one of the private dolphinariums in evpatoria. drug treatment, clean water and proper care did their job.
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the animal is on the mend, but unfortunately, this does not always happen. why are these cylinders needed? he must be kept above the water so that he can breathe calmly. the belobochka dolphin washed ashore in sevastopol just a few days before kimmy was released. we work in complete darkness, the water temperature is about 12°, volunteers have been on duty here for several hours, like this, replacing each other every hour, caring people save the animal, they looked after it for three days right on the shore, but they could not help. any medical procedures in dirty coastal water essentially meaningless. this is how it turns out to a person. i hit a car on the highway with direct help, and we, unfortunately, still don’t have our own stationary center, we’ve been working for many years, we just can’t rebuild, kimi, the first dolphin in russia who was able to be released back into the wild. maria temnikova, dmitry vishkevich, lead. a stellar cast, a gripping plot and an unexpected ending. all
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the secrets of success are combined in the new domestic series allataxi, which premieres today immediately after our release. ekaterina fralova, more details. did something happen to you? it happened. the calm, moderately happy life of the fearful saleswoman alla kopylova changes dramatically after an unfortunate surprise. it's all my fault. and instead of the sympathy and support that she so needs, alla suddenly faces universal condemnation and intrigue from her former relatives. no court will give the child back to the mother... there is already no work and lived in the area, and you won’t find any work here anywhere, she does not intend to give up, alla will be strong and resilient build my life from scratch, i haven’t achieved anything except that i’m good at frying potatoes, she’s so naive, to some extent,
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she seems to take everything into her own hands and decide, change your destiny so dramatically, but at the same time like a shoemaker without boots, sometimes it turns out, she always helps people like an ambulance... when it comes to her own problems, she is suddenly confused, at such a sharp turn fate brings her to a taxi depot, but in a stern male team they don’t accept her right away, woman, at least you you understand what you are talking about, this is washing a car, these are not your dishes, this is a car, ready, take it, the main roles in the series were played by russian cinema stars, including svetlana kolpakova, alexander mikhailov, basharov and roman madyanov, well, are you kidding me, why do i look like a clown, alla taxi has a fascinating plot and a lot of humor. the premiere is already tonight on our channel. ekaterina fralova, news. this is big news, this is what will happen next in our program. provocative attack by ukraine on
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. magat pretends that it was aliens who beat him. britain, france and finland they demand that kiev send more soldiers to the battlefield because they are afraid. recognize themselves as losers to russia. the solar eclipse is best seen in the states, is this a sign for trump and biden? and we are waiting for details from our colleagues from the smolinsk region, one of the key road bridges collapsed there. stuzhalka, we lack some courage, premiere on rtr. oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband!
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taxi, how did we manage without you before, that ’s it, especially me, today on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we
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know everything about holidays. relax. anex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, holiday exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio
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rezards, we are here for you. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the lounge and enjoy delicious cuisine. the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your relaxation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, it’s you who confuse me so that i don’t understand you next to anyone else, man, don't touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want. i’m damn lost! she left home, doesn’t answer calls, and you’re sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what should i do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly
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need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, my dear, you, no, another girl has disappeared, your friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from the noise of this unknown, we will endure it. nothing brings people closer together than common misfortune. let's try living together, maybe it will work out. weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. big
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news is on the air, we continue the release. ukraine , supported by the united states and its satellites, has taken the path of nuclear terror, and responsibility for the daily shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant falls entirely on the leadership of those states that supply kiev regime weapons and intelligence data.
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them at nuclear power plants. a canteen and a food delivery vehicle were under fire. the impact hit the area adjacent to the dining room. as a result, three people were injured. half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. there were no critical injuries to the victims. the radiation background at the station in the adjacent territory has not changed. rosatom described the attack as unprecedented and called on the leadership of magathe and the eu countries to immediately respond to the situation around the largest europe nuclear power plant. the russian foreign ministry called the attack on the nuclear power plant another act of ukrainian nuclear terrorism. behind all this are, first of all, the united states of america, britain and all those of their satellites, which individually and collectively supply the kiev regime with these very unmanned vehicles, and also the most important
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information cover for the us consists of six power units. it is precisely on the outer sixth that ukrainian troops strike. the dome cover, which can withstand drone strikes for now, covers the engine room fuel elements containing uranium. the dangerous ukrainian provocation could have ended in tragedy, but only the head of the atomic energy agency responded to it. this is a serious threat to nuclear safety that zaporozhye npp faces. such reckless attacks greatly increase the risk of a major nuclear accident and should happen. slowly stopped. rafael grosti's comment is as dry as possible, as if the drones arrived out of nowhere, although mgt inspectors are working at the station right now. the international atomic energy agency did not dare to directly name the guilty party, or to directly say that the attacks were carried out by the ukrainian armed forces. well , to be honest, i don’t expect any special comments or reasoning from the west in
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cases where ukraine allows unacceptable actions. the west is at least silent or comes to the defense of the ukrainian side. but the ukrainian side immediately stated that the station, which has been under russian control for 2 years, was fired upon by the russians themselves. it is typical that such statements the western press immediately picks it up. for example, the austrian newspaper österreich wrote the day before that ukraine hit the dome of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant with a drone, and today it came out with a headline about a new russian attack. the russian ministry of defense did not dissuade the warning. in the event of a serious accident, radiation will cover western ukraine and eastern europe from poland to romania, if this time the dome cover withstood the blow of a ukrainian drone, but it may not save from a more serious charge. anything larger than 150 mm, if artillery system, then even the containment shell of the reactor will not withstand it, and the contents of the reactor may leak into the environment. we are dealing with terrorism at the state level, and
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responsibility for this terrorism. lies equally as in ukraine, but realizing that ukraine has long been no longer subjective, on their curators, representing the so-called collective for. it is precisely because of this threat from the ukrainian armed forces that the reactors are now shut down, which reduces, but does not completely eliminate the possibility of a nuclear accident. alexey glovko, sofia petrosyan, lead. in the long-running series with the approval of the bill by the american congress. help for ukraine, new series. the house of representatives returns from the easter holidays without a gift for kiev. republicans are threatening to remove speaker johnson if he continues to push through funding for the zelensky regime. in addition, the european military-industrial complex does not have enough chinese cotton to produce gunpowder ordered by the ukrainian armed forces. according to brussels, hungary and slovakia have become explosive,
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rebelling against ruinous sponsorship inevitable defeat for ukraine. whether someone likes it or not, i have always remained on the side of peace, and not on the side of war, and let whoever wants to criticize me for this as much as he wants. pelligrini won the second round, which was essentially a referendum, with voters deciding whether to support his peaceful position or vote for his rival. ivan korchik was just in favor of comprehensive assistance to kiev and lost. now the move is up to the eu authorities, who are not at all
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happy with this expression of will. i would not...
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weapons to crisis regions, and we don’t want any of that. chancellor scholz
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took a shameful first place in the anti-rating of the world's most unpopular politicians. to increase the chancellor’s popularity, especially among young people , government pr people came to tiktok. true, scholz promised that it’s all the same to dance like other tik-tokers do. won’t, the press has already called the idea an example of the chancellor’s amazing political myopia, because the united states is going to ban tiktok and drinking indulgence in china in order to earn its favor, an account in scholz started the chinese social network a week before his visit to beijing, but they discovered some advantages: the chancellor seems to have updated his briefcase, which had long been the butt of jokes in the country; scholz did not part with the item for 40 years; he bought it when he was still a trainee lawyer. and since then , the briefcase has survived a lot, including a trip to kiev to see zelensky, where the chancellor came with the same shabby thing. the german bundeswehr is in a very deplorable state, which defense minister
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pistorius actively took up and sent the first group of soldiers to lithuania, in 3 years the bundeswehr plans to station there a tank battalion and infantry numbering 5,000 people. today is an important day for the bundesfer. for the first time in the history of germany, we are posting. brigade on a long-term basis outside the country. today is an important day for nato and the defense capabilities of the entire alliance. pistorius dutifully posed for the cameras on the ramp of a military transport ship, and together with the military, a landing party of journalists comparable in number set off. the task is to send a signal to russia. the ministers did the same foreign affairs of france and great britain. for the 120th anniversary of the treaty of alliance, we together wrote an article on the need to create a new entente.
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the position of former german chancellor gerhard schröder, who, despite the svo, did not renounce friendship with russia. as figaro writes, and because of this position, many of his party members did not even congratulate the politician on his eightieth
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birthday, but, figaro emphasizes, despite everything, schlöder continues to call putin a friend and advise russian companies. but the french political elite on the contrary, he demonstrates phenomenal forgetfulness. the director of the svr and the chairman of the russian historical society, sergei, spoke about this today. the appearance of the victorious powers at the table even after the defeat of napoleon in the 19th century, but today’s political elite of france prefers not to remember this. in 1814, our country not only helped the peoples of europe to end the bloody war as soon as possible, but contributed in every possible way to the establishment of a fair post-war world order, opposing its allies. primarily great britain
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and prussia, who insisted on dismembering france into several parts, russia did not allow the humiliation of defeated france, which could upset the balance of power. thus, russia preserved france as a great european power. the shadow is almost 200 km wide and 4 15 minutes. without the light of a star. canadians, americans and mexicans are looking toward the darkness of the first solar eclipse since 2017. it will become full in just 15 minutes, causing a half-day schedule disruption in the skies over north america flights. those wishing to take refuge under the cosmic shadow flocked to the southern border of the united states, where there is plenty of hassle without an eclipse. true, there is no need to fear a mexican invasion this time. the eclipse is best seen right
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in the homeland of the migrants who have flooded texas; well , not only cosmic darkness is gathering over the united states, but also clouds. cloudiness over kansas, missouri and eastern texas could reduce visual contact with the eclipse by at least half an hour, according to nasa. by the way, about contact. live , americans remember how it all ended in 2017. then the number of fatal accidents just an hour before the eclipse increased immediately. by 30%. not only did drivers look up instead of the road, but they also swerved en masse , snarling traffic, and supermarket shelves were littered with supposedly nasa-approved sunglasses that turned out to be cheap knockoffs. today, fakes, but already pre-election advertising , are back in trend. trump's son illustrated what the eclipse should be like for americans in 2024.
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by the way, not only the former decided to illuminate himself with solar eclipses american president, but also the current mexican one. while abrador held a press conference on safe sky observation over the weekend, his country's diplomatic mission in ecuador became unsafe. today, when skeet’s diplomatic relations have already been severed by two, and his actions were condemned by four more latin american countries, the storming of the mexican embassy by ecuadorian security forces compared. this night in mexico there was the first debate before the already imminent june elections, presidential candidate from the ruling party claudia schoenbaum started the hottest ones.


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