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tv   Taini sledstviya-7  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 2:05am-3:51am MSK

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immediately win, deceive, and by deceiving win, so they revolve around this, in fact , there are certain weaknesses that allow them to do this, and weaknesses, i speak in such a broad sense, this is also typical for our statehood somewhere, by the way, i don’t agree on this point, we also have historians who, in this case, i’m not criticizing you, but when they say: you know, russia concluded an agreement with france incorrectly there, it shouldn’t have been like that, but it should have been there already . because westerners are looking at the past, and in general , regarding the article of these two foreign ministers , the impression appeared that one of the main tasks was to once again say that the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall was carried out by an islamic state, i just don’t remember with which one.
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if you continue to shift now, then we will tell the truth about who was behind the terrorist attack, who taught, who helped, this is mutual blackmail, listen, well, if we have already talked about this topic, this tragedy happens on friday, so in the evening, v monday the head of the sbu appears, a little guy and...
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just cynically, in fact, he admits to the terrorist attacks that they committed before, but this is what should have been done in an even more open manner in order to emphasize the terrorist nature of this regime, and with a smile , with a grin, so flaunts, so, but in general, i would like to return to this principle of legitimism, which was talked about here, well, look, in russia they really always bought for this, i don’t want to give long examples here, but here are the classic ones , thanks to this, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth existed, yes...
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they are presented as countries that constantly break the rules, constantly, because well, from time to time they manage to win, from time to time they manage to deceive, but russia restores its strength every time, and frankly speaking, won’t it work out? this circle should go now, but what is happening so that we can be completely guaranteed against this, that’s what, well, in fact , the west is making every effort to say that our elites have completely... severed
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relations with the west, well, no, of course , and not this will happen, in 2 years this does not happen, of course, and that we don’t have waiting people, but no, of course, there are waiting people, all these factors are there, to say that they are now... so on, look, the hype is recent, it’s just from nowhere, belarus and russia are going to attack vilnius, we’ll destroy everything there, drop a bomb, seize the suwałki corridor, why is this all being done, everything is on monday, a statement, the deployment of, in my opinion, the forty-fifth, she, the forty-fifth
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heavy brigade begins bundeswehr in full force, 500 people are stationed at the belarusian borders, now they are unfolding, three more maneuverable battalions. additionally , the largest brigade, the most combat-ready bundesphere will be deployed, the commander of the german ground forces arrives, everything is as it should, the hype is over, the propaganda effect has been created, the troops are deployed, here you go, everything is there, and they do this over and over again, for example, suddenly it appears macron makes a statement, here are four scenarios, we will send troops into ukraine, there are also four scenarios, and such scenarios are somehow interesting, then on the border with belarus, but seems to have been discussed. suddenly the creation of a base in odessa in moldova, and why is this being done, for the final cleansing of moldova, because it worries them, there are a lot of, as they say, pro-russian, in fact just moldovan patriots, uh, who stand for the independence of their country, there is gagauzia,
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which they simply want to destroy, uh, the governor of gagauzia, eugenia guzzol, she shouts that the autonomy of the country, which is located in europe, geographically, yes, threatens its existence. national-cultural autonomy, does anyone care at all, they say: and we are sending french troops there so that there are no remnants of russian, pro-russian or moldovan nationalists left there, as they say, they will continue to do this, yes, our enemy is cynical , yes, our enemy can change his statements like these masks in a comedian, the same politician can appear at nanjeidu and say, you know, russia will attack us not today, tomorrow, then he appears and says, you know, i don’t see ... signs that russia is preparing to attack us, it all depends on the internal political situation, it depends on their relations with washington, the question is what strategic line are we pursuing in this situation, how purposeful are we, how much are we taking advantage of their weaknesses, and they have them,
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they have there are them, and here we also talked about this, this civilization, you can criticize us endlessly, that we keep predicting the decline of the west, not us ourselves. philosophers, their very politicians and words and actions, this is a civilization that is in its decline, and we simply do not now have the right, unlike our predecessors, these generations that we were talking about, to give them the opportunity to deceive us, much less defeat us, we do not have the right, because i will emphasize again, this is civilization , which is leaving, it is surrendering its rights, this is what will happen on the european continent, this is a question of the survival of our civilization, and the fact that europe will not... now we are talking about international affairs, but we have trouble at home, yes , we have a terrible natural disaster, people need help, and
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it is very important here that authorities at all levels show professionalism, wisdom, and humanity; now, first of all, we need to help people. you just need to do everything that is necessary, i am sure that the ministry of emergency situations is working to the maximum, but if the ministry of emergency situations is not enough, then everyone, that is, any services that have the opportunity, should get involved to help people, people, of course, are in dire need, including emotional state, well, you see how your houses are being washed away before your eyes, and you are losing everything you had, and here you need to react not to them, maybe emotional statements, in response to a real need for help, that is, do not stand in a pose and say, why are you talking to me like that?
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money is money, but people need somewhere to sleep, something to eat, they need to have clean water, which means they need to not just pay off money, but solve all the everyday problems necessary for people to live, this is a big tragedy , and no one should remain indifferent, that's all, see you tomorrow.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg in the novoste studio, briefly about the main thing. criminal technical support in st. petersburg detained accomplices of foreign telephone scammers. the water has receded, but the danger remains. was exposed by fsb operatives together with the investigative department of the russian ministry of internal affairs.
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five suspects were detained in st. petersburg, moscow, sochi, and yaroslavl. according to security officials, they are involved in the operation of an illegal virtual communication center of ukrainian call centers, which defrauded russians of money. during the search they found server equipment, communications equipment, large sums of money rubles in foreign currency, premium cars and jewelry. according to the ministry of internal affairs, system administrators worked for a criminal ring.
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this is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. an accident with victims in the leningrad region in the village of ruchyi collided with a bus and a car. the accident occurred at 8 am on the highway to port axis servant. according to preliminary information, when turning left, the driver of a domestic suv did not give way. the impact was so strong that it hit a car. crashed through a fence and almost fell into a ditch, one passenger died, two were taken to the hospital, there were no people on board the bus, the water had receded, but the danger remains, the residents of tikhvin are ready for the second wave of flooding, zhanna skvartsova read more, the gate was flooded, the depth is, well, i don’t know, a meter, probably, you can only climb through the roof, and here lives an elderly woman, like this every day, hello, the high water came so quickly that
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kucherova’s hope no longer had time to bring firewood from the barn, tikhvinka now manages her garden, the woman refused to evacuate for a short time, who will she leave her animals, the goats themselves climbed into the attic while they live here, well , here they are, i say, here they are, along the ladder, then on the board and here, yes, well, if they see water, their eyes are stunned, they will say, it’s necessary run to save your skin. rescuers are now on duty around the clock, they have already visited all the flooded areas, there are about a hundred such houses. polinitsa, i look ecstatic. polinitsa, yes. how will you save the garden then? yes, it will go away at some point, we need to make a new fence again. people are offered help, firewood, medicines, food, walkways are laid to the mainland so as not to get your feet wet or put on brains. i know, the guys have already told me, and if anything happens, we’ll ride. so what to ride?
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my grandmother is old, 87 years old, i was afraid, they didn’t pack enough things just in case, because or something, but she’s familiar, she grew up here in these places, inna’s house is on a hill, she knows that if the water comes to the porch, it means the monastery is already too drowning, these steps were hidden under water, yeah, and it’s deep there, i wouldn’t want to experience it, well, really, yes, in the monastery is now floating. the sewage system was out of order, the tikhvin administration brought bio-toilets for the pilgrims, the water was approximately where the bottom edge of this tile is, right up to here, yes, it was up to here, it flooded the fraternal building, in the cells, the furniture was raised on wooden blocks, the room then it will take a long time to ventilate for the dampness to go away, and also to calculate the damage,
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cracks have already started creeping up the towers of the monastery walls, this year i think the repairs will be more complex, more difficult, because more... right now it’s hard to say, this should be assessed by special services, the degree of destruction, tikhvin floods on a major scale once every 10 years, the last big flood was in 2013, they say it’s a force of nature, nothing can be done, even when tikhvinka was navigable, the lock system was working, the city is everything it flooded equally, as much as i watch tikhvinka, as much as there are in historical chronicles, there were always floods, the ancestors were probably smarter, that there wasn’t much construction along the banks, but during the soviet era... we built houses near today we have, well, probably more than 270 houses in the flood zone, we don’t issue permits for construction in the flood zone, but of course, we won’t take anything that was built by people anywhere, we won’t demolish it. now the water has receded, but the situation is still under control, including by supervisory agencies. currently, we have found activities directly related to regular
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visits to flooded areas. we send these outings every day. the signal has arrived. from the village of gorelukha 12 people, tikhvinka cut off from civilization, dirt road washed out so that you can only walk through the fords, cars get stuck in deep mud, people get there, that’s it, sit down, let’s go, there’s no other way, in the swamps, in the swamps, yes, but the swamps won’t help now for a day or two, that’s all, let's swim, tikhvin is waiting for the second wave, the frosts were only a respite, at the beginning of the week there was another sharp warming, rescuers are delivering reminders to people that...
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total check on the roads, police and employees of the russian guard stopped drivers on the main roads at the entrance to st. petersburg. several services, migration patrol and traffic police station kenological participated in a large-scale raid over the weekend. they checked 400 cars and 5.00 people and identified hundreds of administrative violations, most of which were non-compliance with migration legislation. 12 criminal cases have been initiated, mainly related to drug trafficking. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. a warm day without significant precipitation - weather forecasters in st. petersburg promise area on tuesday. according to the st. petersburg hydrometeorological center, on april 9 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings. during the day
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, the temperature on the property is expected to be about 11° above zero, the air temperature may reach +15. tikhovin and baksitogorsk, in volkhovina it is cooler +10, from 12 to 16 ° with a plus sign, in kirishi, gadchini and vyborg. the weather in st. petersburg will also force you to take walks outside. in the northern capital, the day will pass without strong winds and rain, with partly cloudy skies and temperatures of 13-15°. on wednesday night it will become twice as cold and there will be no precipitation. must. good. exactly 100 years ago , the officers' meeting of the petrograd military district on lyceum avenue was renamed the house of the red army. about the past and present of the historical building dmitry skovsky. the house of officers is perhaps the only house in st. petersburg that has been awarded the order of the red star. official date of birth: april 8
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, 1924. then the former officers' meeting became the home of the working-peasant red army. however, the building has served russia faithfully for much longer. by order of nicholas ii, it was built in 1898. right there was also a reception room for the emperor himself. ordinary officers could even turn to nicholas ii, not as the emperor of one sixth of the land, but as a celestial being, but as a colonel of the russian army, and this, of course, raised the spirit, the corporate spirit of the officer corps. in the officers' meeting for cards. a general, a staff captain and a young warrant officer could meet at the table. the oak drawing room hosted ceremonial dinners on the occasion of important public holidays. heavy oak, massive furniture. ae serving dishes with special lifting machines here too well, the mystery of eating was happening. the director of the officers' house shows the guests the office
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of the commander of the st. petersburg military district. this position has always been considered extremely responsible. it is still a bad omen to sit in the commander's chair without permission. you can lose your military rank or high status. we had one striking case, viktor stepanovich chernomyrdin, known to everyone. having also listened. this legend - sits down in this chair and says: guys, film me, nothing will happen to me here, literally in for some time, under the open mouths of all of russia, he was removed from his post, well, no one could imagine for what reason, of course, except for the officers' house, we knew that in 1917, lieutenant general sergei khabalov lost this chair, having spent time in it was only a few months old, people in soldiers' chenelles appeared in the officers' house and the luxurious halls were filled with the smell. this began enrollment in the red army, literacy courses were opened, and the lictorium of the people's commissariat for education began operating. today, this tradition has not been interrupted in the officers' house; there is a museum here
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military history, a vocal studio and even their own union of artists. not everyone, of course, likes or knows how to draw, yes, but if you talk to a person, it turns out that even if he doesn’t draw, for example, he sings or writes poetry or prose, and i would... say that this is rather the norm for russian officer. on the eve of the centenary of the officers' house, the choir of war veterans gathered for a rehearsal. it's hard for these people to stand. soloist eduard meksin is 85 years old, he was born 2 years before the start of the blockade, and met the officers’ house for the first time after the war. since i lived here not far from the center, i constantly drove past this house, always admired its architecture, it draws me in and doesn’t let me calm down. that’s why i go, now i ’ve been singing, probably since i was 30 years old, so let’s say 50 years old, i’m in the singing ranks. during the war
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, the now famous “let’s smoke and a blue handkerchief” were first heard in this hall. the great claudia shulzhenko lived here, in a room on the second floor, and from here she and her team went to the front. in total, during the war years, the officers' house gave 3,000 concerts. the tradition continued into the 20th century. we traveled to the syrian arab republic many times with our propaganda teams, now we went to a special military operation, and also gave concerts there, literally in the trenches. on the birthday of the officers' house, on the contrary, many creative groups came to the building at foundry 20. the spectators are traditionally in military uniform, the cadets do not yet wear shoulder straps with stars, but they are gradually getting used to these walls and that atmosphere. which has reigned here for more than a century. on the anniversary officers' house, its employees received awards from the hands of the deputy commander of the leningrad district, major general viktor zhuravlev. the building itself on liteiny avenue
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was also not ignored. new signs appeared on its façade. now this is the house of officers not of the western, but of the leningrad military district. dmitry skovsky, evgeny rakov, alexander luchkin, galina romenskaya, vesti petersburg. luxurious still life.
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today we have a very long-awaited meeting with the wonderful singer meta soprano, petersburger, olesya petrova. olesya, well, i’m infinitely happy, because honestly, we’re going to do this interview for two or 3 years, hallelujah, yes, hallelujah, this is your story, what did you become like this? known for such a beautiful voice, this, in fact, it seems to me, is a hymn to soviet musical education, yes, most likely it is, because according to all laws they should not have to become neither a musician nor a singer, and even if a singer is not of the opera genre at all, yes, a simple working family, yes, oh, oh, oh, let's start from there, how did it happen that a girl was born there who kept
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saying, i i want, i will, mom... take me there, that's how it happened? someone says: reincarnation, someone says conduction, that something was guiding me, but really so, a completely ordinary, wonderful soviet family, working people, from 6 in the morning at the factory, here such a miracle appeared in a family where never there were musicians, despite the fact that naturally no one believed, well, the soviet union, the maximum that was prophesied for me was to be a music director in a kindergarten, yes, well, you’ll kind of play the piano for the kids, i say, even...
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break through, but everything is small, wait, you go to school, you go, at first it was general education, then i immediately ran to music school, then at night there was homework and of course a bunch of others. there were some clubs, of course, and figure skating, my parents kept me occupied, distracted me from music, distracted from the music, but by the way, recently my dad and i recalled that he said that i was even very good at skating, i don’t remember this, but he says that i was very good at this, that is, there was hope , that after all, yes, that it’s not music, because somehow, well, it’s true, well, the end of the eighties, and somehow they thought with music that it was impossible to feed not only the family, but also... oneself, it’s true, it was true, then, probably, because naturally, the parents were not privy to the fact that there are divas, there are some stars in classical music, yes, but, as i understand it, they were not familiar with opera at all, that is, you didn’t go to the theater as a child, no, when did you
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first go to the opera house? oh, it’s very late, i was already studying at college, only then could i afford to buy a ticket to go to the theater, for some reason... and i had a terrible desire, to change places with a person on stage, with which heroine? well , i immediately liked it more, well, of course,
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in fact, one of the first operas, saprana became the main character, this is exactly the case with all my love there for the tears of the scene for the drama is still the same as this strength of it.
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“very comfortable, without rehearsal, you somehow flew in, he flew in, yes, but we had a small musical rehearsal, and literally a little mesoscene the day before the performance, and he is a very comfortable partner, he’s like, like don’t worry, and if suddenly i go the wrong way, well, whistle there, say, hey, he says, i’ll turn around and come to you, he says, don’t do everything as you did, like, if i make a mistake, don’t adjust, and really. .."
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as far as i know, you are at the music school we only studied for 2 years, but what can we expect when we can actually go to the conservatory? yes, it’s thanks to my teacher, she said, she always speaks in such a deep voice, olesya, well, it’s unlikely that we ’ll do it the first time, firstly, you’re still small, and that’s
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how it was back then, then they started taking very young kids directly to when i entered the first course, they tried to take it after 18, even after twenty, so that such a personality would already be formed. well, and a voice that can work, a voice of course, because after all, dramatic voices, well, like medtsa sapran, he grows with you, with your body, until we were 25, someone seemed to think that we were... growing and therefore it’s normal when the voice is not yet fully formed in these young years, she said let’s start now , like you pass, you get nervous, you pass, that means the exams, they won’t take you, you come back, third year, that means we’ll work here, then you’ll be back, in general, that’s the plan she already had in her head, but somehow here’s a ten for me irina petrovna bogacheva also placed it immediately in the second round. was done yes lila, yes,
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how old were you? 18 years old? it turns out that i applied, i was 19, well, i turned 19, of course, it’s too early, yes of course, but again my teacher, andrevna serdyuk, said that well, we need to do something already, and we, in fact, i actually from the end of the first year i already learned it and throughout the second year we worked on it, drank it and looked for nuances, worked on breathing. all this and i came out on stage at the st. petersburg conservatory in the second round the jury is sitting irina petrovna the music starts playing and i absolutely lose all the words that i sang she did she laughed out loud, she laughed, she sat and she then started to suggest words to me so that i would throw one word of french everything and i was shaking, well... well, i have never seen her or other respected
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singers so close, in general, this it was, of course, very funny, i still sometimes see this scene in my dreams, but she laughed a lot, well, that’s good, but can you imagine how lucky you are to have such a professor as irina petrovna bogacheva, yes, who, i think, for you, probably, because you are now going to see the queen of spades, probably one of them too standard queens of spades, absolutely, i think that this role couldn’t even be better than her... they didn’t sing it, but they played it, she played it in such a way that it simply took your breath away on stage, it gave you goosebumps, until the last, just until the last one, this world is disgusting to me, but there are times to really have fun... they don’t know how,
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what kind of manners, what kind of tone, and wouldn’t even look, don’t dance, don’t sing, i don’t know, there’s dunks here, here... how did things turn out for you? you at the conservatory? as i understand it, everything happened very quickly for you. i was already absolutely i’m in love with this genre, and i wanted to take on these roles, play different women on stage. horror, as desired. well, moreover, that metsa sapran, precisely your zasaprana, it presupposes such dying heroin with difficult destinies. yes. only one, but by the way. your unloved one, this is olga, you can’t
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say that she is downright scary, unhappy and so on, by the way, why is olga so unloved, you once said very interestingly, i thought about this, that tchaikovsky, in fact, from your point of view, should was to rearrange the voices of tatyana and olga, tatiana should have had metsa sopran, and olga sapran, what is your motivation for this? well, i don’t know, of course, where i am from pyotr ilch, but i’m inside when i listen to this music. i love this opera very much, but it seems to me that this is the depth of tatiana’s worldview, this is how she feels all around among all these people, these are her friends, these girlfriends, mothers, nannies, everyone like that, she has a muscular depth kind of like that, well, in my opinion, and olga is so superficial, not like sapran, everyone is superficial, of course not, but i hear that she is so very light, like a bell, yes, here she is.
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what we don’t love yet, except olga, what we don’t love yet, well, it’s not that i don’t like it, probably just because it’s not, i don’t sing it in my voice,
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it was immediately clear, mozart, yes, i’m also not particularly my composer, maybe because ah, i don’t have that mozertian lightness in me, i can sing it, and again i tried to do this at the conservatory, but it still requires such mobility internal, probably also vocal, so how... he didn’t go me too, once again the agents tried to put me in the kerubin again, well, what kind of kerubin am i, well, what about you, rossinev’s repertoire, i don’t have such mobility in my voice, that is, you know for sure about yourself, about your voice, about your opportunities, because
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you are an absolutely magnificent singer who is in great demand, who has the werner repertoire, and of course the russian repertoire, and you also have such favorite roles, are you with lyubasha in general? at the conservatory theater in the st. petersburg opera studio, an incredible help for the artist, this it’s just brilliant, because it’s such an experience, these are the first steps on stage, these are costumes, acting, working with partners, working with conductors, with a real live orchestra, well, your first heroine dies, so right on stage, then she’s still lying there, dead and lies there, stabbed the priest to death.
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the coolie won’t be able to hear you there, but i can’t, i felt so sorry for her, i got into this role so much that then i walked around for another day, like i was stabbed to death yesterday, so don’t be with me today talk, it was like that, but i i i adore her, i still can’t stand her, i’m so happy that i ’m back to her again now, in the novosibirsk theater, and i can’t even rip out the braid she put on me.
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chka, what about eyebrows? what about eyebrows? we’re not gluing, no-no-no, we’re not gluing anymore, because i’ve already chosen everything, i’ve chosen all my blood with these glued ones, we don’t just paint them, we sit for a little while, here they are, making them wider, olesya, let’s finish now with the russian repertoire, who else is left with us, we have peak yes, i sang polina in the bolshoi theater, but at home i immediately started singing countess, at home where is it?
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tout ce qu'il dit, il me dit, je vous a... countries, there is an audition, i know that we have yes, who let you through at all, for what reason, it was also such
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an event, probably one man , there was a big audition in st. petersburg, there was a huge number of singers, all the theaters, the entire marinka, the entire conservatory, guys came from novosibirsk, from yekaterinburg, well , from everywhere, more than 600 singers auditioned. i just emailed you that you are coming from russia, you need to prepare documents, a program, i was surprised
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i was in shock, of course i was happy, i don’t know, i screamed, i think i lost my voice because of this, and of course there right away, what to sing, how to immediately watch, look for what they sing there, how it all happens, that’s it i came to wales in cardiff, i showed up in two, there are two directions, opera and chamber music, my beloved friend and pianist lesha garibol came with me for support, and to participate with me in the chamber program, at first there was just a chamber performance , so we sang everything, then the tours began the next semi-final turns out to be an operatic one, everyone from each country, one person at a time, at first they drew lots to see who was with whom, i remember that there were five of us in the semi-final, i think there...
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i angered you with something, you truly
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fell in love with someone else's heart, leave her, she doesn't love you, and the ending, everything is fine, they did it. interested, we want you there in a year - call you to new york, you urgently need to find an agent, where to go,
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someone take me, oh well, i think we’ll do everything. your metropolitan debut is a three-minute aria, and the director comes into your theater room, yes, this is andre chenier, the old woman is blind, yes, yes, and he comes in and says, how come, he says, she went on stage for 3 minutes, the whole audience is crying, he says, well, congratulations on your debut, he says , we will cooperate, thank you, thank you, that is , from a three-minute start and... nine performances, before this aida, 13 performances in the fall, i think, next fall i have troubadour there for eight performances, also azucena, azuchena, and my favorite roles, i have them i love him very much, verdi is generally mine, my composer, that is, it turned out that no, but samsonovo, i dream, that is, she has not been on stage yet, that is, this is the most crowning crown, and
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it’s just a dream to sing it. a big young lady, tasty, i would say, delicious, i sang it in concert performance several times, i really love this role, of course, in principle i really love playing not myself on stage, it’s such courage,
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they are put in a difficult position, because they sign a contract, yes, without knowing what they are getting into, because they don’t know the concept, have you ever had situations in your life where they said, no, that’s it, guys, i don’t care about anything anymore, i went, there was something like that, but well, there were no stories like that for me to refuse something, there were several
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jumps in the play when they put on it’s without you, you... you can’t sleep , the artist is getting sick, they call you, the agent urgently fly there, well, good theater, good performance, yes, good theater, good performance, yes, fly for 2 days, what do you want, well and really, what do i need, the party, which is not the first time sung, that’s all, you think, okay, i’ll come, they’ll bring me up to date within 24 hours, this what kind of theaters, for example, when it was like that, and it was like that, i flew from new york from mt., i flew to germany for 4-5 days to the masquerade ball. and they called me, and i just had a break, a week between performances in new york, they - thank them very much, they let me go, and i flew there, and the rehearsal was so complete with chairs, none of the soloists came to this rehearsal stage, well , they explained to me with chairs, this is here, this is here, this is where she lay down, this is here, this is what she took off, this is put it, that’s all, everything
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was explained in general terms, so the next performance was, so at the performance... why, you’ll see everything, and i just saw a column of fire in front of me, some kind of hatch opened there, yes, i from him so in front of me, i almost forgot the words, horror, then a completely legless young lady danced in front of me, because of whom i looked at the conductor and saw how he chuckled maliciously, because from my eyes he realized that i was completely i didn’t expect and
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no one warned me that she would be naked in front of me. let's say the director immediately, roughly speaking, before he even arrives. i think that this is basically correct when, without starting to work with the soloists, he tells his concept to the quartermaster, assistants, well, in general... in a team, a team, a big team theater, that i want this, this, this, well, no one canceled some changes there, improvisation, there, when he saw the soloists, that it would be better with this, so, with this - to another, the game,
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this, no one canceled it, but in his concept, he tells there in advance, they know what they will work with, that there will be nothing on stage that is the same as in the hall, and the audience will say, oh-oh-oh,
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why chamber music, firstly, you need to have room to expand, but nevertheless, to celebrate your the pianist with whom you collaborate, many, many,
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i wouldn’t even answer just like that, with all my love for opera, but chamber music is such an intimate genre where you can try to immerse the audience in two or three pages of a romance into your feeling of this music, tell me how you feel, because there are so many singers... they sing the same rachmanin, and tchaikovsky, rimsky, korssky, and maller, schumann, this opportunity to show their attitude to
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this music probably inspires and flatters me very much.
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i can’t look at this anymore, i’m looking from the pit , he says, i’m crying and i understand him, because it’s true that conductors in this sense are now also pitiful, because they have no influence on directors and are forced to participate in... in everything this process, without accepting
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what the director gives, in fact, yes, maller, and of course, songs about dead children, songs of the earth, i adore, i simply adore this music, thank god, there are many opportunities to perform it, more often in europe, of course, than here, although i sang songs about the land of mahler in moscow and performed them in st. petersburg.
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the programs made just a big german program, he and i made schumann, love and the life of a woman, a cycle, also an absolute masterpiece, absolute, we took songs by maller, brahms, in general, these were also selections, because i really wanted to just live in this music , the russian beauty is also very much loved by us, but i wanted to touch on a little this layer.
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my unloved husband takes me, kisses my cheeks with heavy lips, and goes to caress my calves mockingly. sometimes drunk, sometimes drunk, kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sliorresort. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach!
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news time on the culture tv channel in the studio. bidulya, hello, how did the heroes move? the next moment, it will be the washing of the upper contaminated layer. the trityakov gallery conducted a restoration inspection of the painting by viktor vosnetsov. between heaven
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and earth. we went outside the temple and talked about the saint in simply different words. a performance dedicated to life. the service of archbishop luke at the mossovet theater. return to original appearance. through these packers we supply the injection mixture, which is inside fills the wall and makes it monolithic. in baloklava they began to restore the genali hydropathic clinic. everyday life of russian animation. the process was very long in terms of gestation of the batch. let's talk about the new animation work of andrei kharzhanovsky. the heroes of viktor vosnetsov left their usual place. the painting will become an exhibit of the vosnetsovs’ connection of generations exhibition, which will open in may. lidia aleshina supervised the restoration inspection. for 30 years and 3 years, these heroes did not leave the viktor vosnetsov hall. but for
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it’s time for the mighty warriors of the russian epic to hit the road for an exhibition in the new tretovka. the first test along this path is a restoration inspection. painting.
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such unexpected time capsules, vosnetsov’s painting was carried out of the hall in their arms. the next stage is after examining the front and back side and removing the canvas from the designer's stretcher. we periodically do restoration, which consists mainly of washing the work, that is, the top layer is narrower than the hoof, which. penetrates into the lag covering, this is removed. bogatyrev vosnetsov wrote for 20 years. if before this work contemporaries were skeptical about the artist’s canvases on folklore and epic subjects, then after vosnetsov they called him a great master. seeing zalovosnitsov without the main exhibit of the painting of the hero is
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a unique case. trityakov acquired this painting in 1898. for more than 100 years, the painting left room number 26 only twice. the first time was when... the canvas was sent to vasnetsov’s personal exhibition in st. petersburg, the second to an exhibition on krymsky val. now the path of the rich is again lies towards the krymsky val. at the exhibition in novaya tretikova, heroes will be one of the main exhibits. lidia aleshina, vitaly pronin, culture news. tragic news came: the honored artist of russia, the host of the romantic-romance program, a participant in the bolshoi opera project, evgeny kungurov, he was. 40 years. on other topics, a musical parable between heaven and earth was shown on the stage of the mossovet theater. this production is a story about the life of archbishop luke in the world. surgeon, scientist, spiritual writer. in this musical-dramatic
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everything about the performance is unusual. however, in form this is not a performance, but rather a prayer to st. luke of crimea. an outstanding surgeon who made a huge contribution to medicine, honored. stalin prize for his work on purulent surgery and the archbishop, canonized by the russian orthodox church. unusual and performers, these are three choirs: the festive choir of the danilov monastery, whose regent georgy safonov came up with the idea of ​​the performance: the siberian male choir, a large children's choir named after popov. show both the earthly purpose of the saint and his heavenly purpose, when around him...
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the message, especially during the current lent, is to show that in our time you can become a saint, this is the most important task of a christian, anyone, and we must never forget about this, a person can be at any secular work, even as saints , luke was a surgeon, a doctor, it doesn’t matter who, but he first of all dedicated his life to god. for actress ekaterina guseva, who acts as another narrator, this is already the second. simphepol in the holy troitsk convent,
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i have had it for more than 10 years, probably here, it is illuminated on the relics of the saint in where his relics rest, he was a healer of souls, like a clergyman and... just a doctor, a surgeon, and he exchanged his black cassock for a white robe, and he treated both souls and bodies. this parable is practically about our contemporary, who lived quite recently, found his chosen path to god, and did not renounce christ during the years of stalin’s exile camps and khrushchev’s persecution of the church. and this is also a story about how life can turn into living. waters of distance. anton nikolaev, alexander kapustyansky, culture news. the construction of the yacht
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marina in baloklava began with the restoration of the konstantin genali hydropathic clinic. the building, built at the beginning of the 20th century, is now in deplorable condition, its wear and tear is more than 70%. about the progress of work, olga chernetskaya. the dangerous scaffolding was removed from the chembala fortress more than two years ago, and then the development of a large-scale restoration project began. no work is being carried out on the site yet, another holiday season is coming, which is one of the calling cards of sevastopol will not meet you in your best condition. the question of restoring the rodina cinema remains open; it is still surrounded by a temporary fence, like the publication of the konstantin genali hydropathic clinic, but this historical house will soon receive a new life. the date of construction ranges between 1904 and 1906, it was enough. a large building for the eastern shore of boloklava bay, it is not very
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remarkable from an architectural point of view, but those people who visited there and the main thing is that their memories were preserved, they say that it was luxurious place. the contractor began work in february, and as during construction, the first thing they pay attention to is the foundation of the building. first we repair, that is, we replace the stones, after that we seal the seams with special solutions, after which we insert. with the help of drilling injection packers, through these packers we supply the injection mixture, which fills the wall inside and makes it monolithic. basic work requires manual labor, layers of paint and plaster accumulated over more than a hundred years from a cultural heritage site, carefully remove. one of the results after the military redevelopment, the central entrance to the hydropathic clinic became a wall, today columns remind of it. now restorers will have to manually dismantle the masonry. the historical portal that was here, it
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is bordered by two ionic columns, above us there is one of the historical rosettes that is here, and that too... in this dog’s heart there is no advice not to read soviet newspapers before lunch and other social realities, with with which bulgakov's story is steadily associated, largely thanks to bortka's famous film, and director anton fedorov takes bulgakov's story out of the context of the place of time, turning it almost into a parable, and bortka starts from the film and enters into polemics. in the film, the accents
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are clearly placed; who is bad and who is good does not raise any questions. the performance is devoid of these accents. it’s full of questions, i’m trying to somehow avoid judgment, so i can tell about the person as he is, and even now my acquaintances somehow tell me that they were arguing over there, say, is preobrazhensky a good one, or is he the last complete one, yes, he’s a bastard, but both, so if he asks for forgiveness at the end, yes, and he asks for it, then, probably, there is some chance, sharikov appears on... the stage for the first time as a real dog, a huge, charming babtail, after a very reliably shown operation , the dog disappears, in his place appears a man with a dog’s heart, played by the young actor mtyuz andrei maksimov, he is funny, clumsy, stupid, at times disgusting to the point of wanting to turn away, at times tender, touching, confused, strangely uncontrollable a teenager who really wants to improve
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his relationship with his dad, as he calls preobrazhensky. professor, he doesn’t try to understand sharikov, he doesn’t try to understand him, he doesn’t offer him any alternative books, instead of those that sharikov reads, he just says: this is bad, and he doesn’t explain what’s good, it seems to me, our play is about this, well, lack of dialogue, professor preobrazhensky, as played by igor gordin, is a rather strange type, not at all like the intellectual from bortok’s film, devoid of sympathy for
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they cut my head themselves. at the end of a funny and scary touching performance, the lonely preobrazhensky, after repeated surgery, sadly hugs the ball dog, in which he could not or did not want to find a person. valeria kudryavtseva, andrey tarasenko, culture news. the school studio shar has been producing original cartoons for over 30 years. currently in production is andrei khryzhanovsky's film through a magic crystal. what is hidden behind this name? traces of the fastening material, studios call it snot, so it goes with humor and irony quite a serious work, a project through
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a magic crystal, in this... these words there is a secret hidden, which the viewer will see, i believe, in a couple of years, since the process was very long in terms of hatching the plan, well, in terms of implementation. and through the magic crystal, i could still vaguely discern the distance of a free romance. these lines from evgeny anekin became the starting point for the work. as always, a film by andrei yuryevich. a kaleidoscope of animation techniques and a combination of different plots, all of which change with the twist magic crystal. indeed, this is something like an autobiography, but not only, because
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i would also like to include some reflections about today and what happened, and by the way, about what might be possible in this film . professional student animators are working side by side on the cartoon through khrazhanovsky’s magic crystal; there is still a lot to come. working in parallel with the film by andrei khorzhanovsky, animators are preparing for release a new cartoon by ivan maksimov - the luxurious journey of the hedgehogs. stanislav onisimov, maria andreeva, vladimir stepanov, culture news. this concludes our episode, all the best, see you soon.
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please, come out, duty officer, you’re mine, that’s it, for now, whatever’s in your mood, everything’s fine, everything ’s fine. but i just wanted to say that maybe it’s not so necessary to take duty around the city on sundays? by the way, i save working days. ok, ok, i wanted to say that on sundays even criminals sleep until twelve. where will you be? i, yes, everything is as usual, i’ll visit my mistresses, i’ll play at the casino. everything, joke, joke, just a joke, that’s it, i’ll go to work, where i’ll be, clear out the rubble at work, what if they send you to our area, very funny, just not
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to us, we already have enough, well, bye, then, goodbye, yes, sunday has begun, hello, mom, hi, kostya, hi, dear, how are you? great, will you meet me with dad? well, of course with dad, we haven’t seen you for god knows how long, what are you doing? so what to cook? i’ll write you an email later. oh, we miss you so much! mom, i ’ll be home on wednesday, great! great, did you call your dad? i’ll call you now, just come to the airport with your woman, okay, of course, what are you talking about, dear? bye then! that’s it, don’t worry, i’ll kiss you for now! what is this, a bone? he will come from england! hooray! finally! he won't even recognize you! you are! my doll has grown up, well, beauties, we waited, yes, but 3 days, another 3 whole days, well, just 3 days, sunday, monday, tuesday, so let's get ready,
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because someone will be late for their birthday, you do you hear someone’s going to the museum, hurray, or you don’t want to part with your fan, yeah, but you you know, it seems to me that albina needs him more, tell me honestly, did you warn him that he was invited for a friend, and not for you? you know how jealous my husband is? that's how it is and it's correct. kostya, yes, no, yes, apparently this is just your fan, apparently, yes, vadim romanovich, well, well, you can, i ’ll come later. belpal, well, well, my brother is sick, yes, his stomach hurts, well , it’s sunday, well, vadim romanovich, well, the law is a day off, i can
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be with my family at least once in my life, well, meow -meow, let's go, woe is my onion, watcher. we’ll put one of these in your apartment, but it seems to me that this is very, very chic for your interior, listen, give me a door , what?
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to let you down, no, alka has business in that direction, she’ll give me a lift, uh-huh, well, yes, i have business, yes, yes, in that direction, yes, well, why bother chasing in vain, well, naturally, well then go, dim, i'm very fast, i'm sure, as always. come out, by the way, i heard this is an expensive clinic, don’t worry, i have money, why come here? but because this is the only place that works in sunday, it’s impossible to drag you into another day, well, why do you need me here, come on, you’ll say that you have nothing to do with it at all, nothing to do with it, well, you know the main rule of the opera never takes drugs, i’ll take that into account, on
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the way back we'll stop by my mother's... client, i need to convey something. what kind of client? by the way, a very nice guy. what article is he serving under? he's a good guy. 222, illegal arms trafficking. yes, just a hero of russia? yes, by the way, a former paratrooper, he served in chechnya and made explosive devices only for it's a good thing to remove the farmer or the unfaithful wife. you. it happens, but i feel sorry for him, but i don’t feel sorry for him, so tell me, aunties, what happened? far, excuse me, i promised you a gentleman, but he didn’t come, but i beg you, you’re talking about doctors, firstly, dentists are not my contingent, and secondly, what’s the point in him coming, he does n’t care i have a crush on you, where did you get the idea?
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because he didn’t come, no, well, in general, when patients fall in love with doctors, i know that, but when the doctor is, of course, this is already a difficult case, okay, i’m not talking about that, you tell me better say that this is a snatch from the family, oh my god, ala, promise that you won’t tell anyone, my ex-husband just called me, andrey, uh-huh, what does he need, he urgently wants to talk, he’ll be right up, masha, why are you nothing to lugansk didn’t say because he asked not to tell anyone? even dima, even dima, i shouldn’t have told you at all, but as for me, i’m a grave, it seems to me that andrei is planning something, something happened to him, but nothing happened to him, he wants to do another nasty thing to you, yes ex-husbands in general you can’t trust him, why is he a normal person, well , are you crazy, well, ex-husbands are not normal people, masha, you ’re married for the second time, remember this, i wonder what happened to him, please tell me, and when will kostya arrive from airport to whom
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will he go, to you or? we’ll tear you apart, so i think that when you arrive, he ’ll tell you the good news that his son will live with him, but what, no, we’ll come to an agreement somehow, but why should you come to an agreement with him, tell me me please, and in general, remember how much blood he made from you sucked? no, masha, you are too kind, no compromises, and in general i will go with you. “hello, what a meeting, i won’t say that i’m pleased, i’m very glad to see you, andryushenka, you look good, probably because you got married, successfully, well, of course, i wouldn’t have earned it myself, but you still don’t change , oh, little sister, a snake, probably very poisonous, better move away, just
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appropriate"? masha, i actually came to you and would like to talk to you without witnesses. yes, i have a lot of work to do. hello, me here you need to take a look, and even the city is clinging because of that shootout. okay, wait. you're on duty around the city today, i changed my duty on christmas day, she started on the day, i started at night from 21, i'll work here, i'll rest while on duty, what are you saying, forbid me to work, hello, i can't, i won't be able to rest, i here, yeah, let's go, come on in, you're acting as a prosecutor, yes, while the boss is on vacation, you're making a career, although you've always thought about your work
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more than about your family, you're still worried about it, it won't calm down, masha, you're right , i i wanted to talk about something completely different, but what about it, sit down. but you’re not bugged here, maybe we can go outside? why, you can speak calmly, you are confident, go ahead, i have a problem, so, andrey, if you are going to take kostya for the whole holiday, i took it for you, but what kind of spy stuff, don’t tell anyone, that’s all, masha, do you remember my friend, oleg surikov? yes, he seems to be your companion, yes, we have just gotten back on our feet, established relationships with everyone. by the way, i didn’t think you ’d succeed, why not, am i worse than you? lugansky, why are you attached to lugansky, you just have a different mindset, uh-huh, so what about your companion, by the way, i remember his wife, ella, such a nice young lady,
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that’s where she did everything, look, pray, girl, you are my onion, now i understand what it’s like for me in the morning after payday, let’s go home with you. i'm taking you, while there is a high culture in this city, no one has killed anyone, come on, come on, just don't be rude, otherwise, otherwise you'll walk with me, come on, what are you going to do, otherwise, wait, come on... okay, okay, let’s do it like this, i told you, damn it, now you’re going back there to the surgeon’s table, koshara, um, oh, that’s better, they planted this photo in the office, and then they called and said that they could buy the rest for 1000, what’s so cheap? the most
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realistic price that can be paid, but what is the point of demanding from him 100-200 thousand that he does not have? masha, oleg is ready to pay, but the point is, why not just talk to his wife? you don’t understand, she is the founder of our company, if she leaves, she will take a whole piece with her, what should i do? wait, why pay blackmailers if he she’s not going to divorce her, let her forget it, no, if she doesn’t buy it out, then no one knows where they will go, they ’ll stick it all in, and there’s an opportunity to bargain if she decides to get a divorce, it’s clear that the blackmailers have set up a meeting, no, they told me to call today. in an hour, masha, we are afraid to go to the police, help, korablev, lenechka, hello, it’s me, listen, i need your help, on a personal issue,
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come on, come on. hello, good afternoon, call oleg vladimirovich, it’s me, listen to me carefully, who is it? have you prepared the amount in 10 minutes in the neighboring park near the old estate, in the neighboring park, but i won’t have time, it’s close to ten minutes, even a lot, come in five, who will tell me? yes, it’s gloomy, put the envelopes there, and well, they said in the neighboring park, well, great, where’s the money? it’s not a pity, but you never know, wait a minute, what does it mean, you never know what you want to say, listen, no need to fuss, let’s go ahead, forward, forward, forward, the money went ahead, hello, it’s me, what’s up, well, that’s what i thought,
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so let’s control the transmission and take in any case, that’s it, before contact, i don’t understand why we’re still here, but everything is ready there, but there it’s no longer your business, are you going there? where they told you, i think they have already pawned what they want to give you, and you will see it right away, in the sense that they pawned it, even before calling you here, which means you, attention, take the parcel, leave the money there, put the money there, where will you get the parcel from, it’s clear, or repeat it again, and quietly, calmly step aside, well, forward, forward, where are we standing, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, hi, hi, are you bored, let's go get something to eat, hello? what kind of damage? and
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so, no, well, just fill it out, and the investigator on duty, tsvetkova, says, why are you worried, well, that’s enough for your veshmarov of horrors, let’s go eat, let’s go, you need to eat, otherwise you’ll lose weight. so let's go, let's go, here's a little gift, where there seems to be a cassette sticking out, i don't understand, the whole world has already switched to numbers, and they put videotapes, so the numbers are already in the judge. they don’t accept it, but i’m asking for a cassette, please
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! "let me pour you some more hot water, thank you, from to ourselves, oh, yes, we hear, we hear, we guess, hello, investigator on duty, what do you have, a dead person, or not, well, call the police investigator, that’s it, hello, my last name is tsvetkova, yes. investigator svetkova,
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don’t pay attention, yes, i’ll now clarify the circumstances and make a decision about coming to you, look, roll, apple, liquid rosy, you’re indulging in some tea, we have a small explosive, there is one casualty, and what if he suffered to death, until he died, they took him to the hospital, the fsb was already saying it wasn’t their problem, some kind of business dispute, maybe look, of course we’ll go, what are you worried about, sit quietly, well, who needs us there? there's probably blood there, so you need a doctor, you have to go and remove the traces, well , it's nice, the car is at the entrance, the criminologist is already there, she's young and green, you'll see, in five years she won't be lifted off the couch with a crane, they're waiting for us, but no one is there for us he’s not waiting, don’t hold on, you organize a cordon for me, yadryanovozh, doctor, can i have a minute?
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well, we’re still alive, maybe we’ll still have time? yes. where will you take it? to military field surgery, because they are the only ones who can handle it. his face is the bones need to be collected. well, okay, thanks, good luck. go. andrei, just a second, homicide department, one
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question, who blew you up, your wife, your partner, i don’t understand who, who, did you lose your shit, drive on, what are you saying, he’s about to give up, and you’re here with your nonsense, so you ’re taking him to the intensive care unit, and there you can’t... what an intensive care unit, he’s right on the table now, and then, god willing, he’ll be home until the morning, that’s it, i need to close the case, really, i’ll tell you, that’s it, i said everything, that’s it, we’ll assume that i nodded, masha, i, this is some kind of phantasmogurya, i don’t understand anything, where is the investigator, who is working on the incident, maybe we ’ll be lucky and olga will come, she’s here today.
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great, we’re making full use of our official position, we’re sniffing around, but no, i wanted to share information, i can imagine, just a little, come here, please take her and
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him, and you’re an investigator of the ministry of internal affairs, yes, the investigative department, we’ve sniffed out, that’s enough , or what? please take them already, and i ’ll come to you from the scene of the crime so that you already have requests, we’ll do it, well, let’s go, but i ’m not going anywhere with you, and you definitely won’t question me you will, i’m a deputy district prosecutor, so what, please tell me, but i’m a senior investigator of the main internal affairs directorate, a major of justice, i haven’t finished, and a higher-ranking prosecutor can interrogate me, not you or an operative, like this, like this fish, look what's the weather like,


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