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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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and by subscribing to the telegram channel morning of russia, yes, it’s very easy to do, and we wish you an easy wonderful day today, april 9, see you tomorrow 10, bye-bye, bye, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the flood wave is moving from orsk to orenburg, and thousands more houses are at risk of flooding. the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived in the region again. the russian military destroyed it. another
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american installation paladin on artyomovsky direction of the special operation, five counterattacks of assault groups in the sssu were repelled. relations between moscow and beijing have reached an unprecedented level. results of negotiations between the foreign ministers of russia and china. at the vostochny cosmodrome, only a few hours remain until the first launch. heavy carrier rockets of the angara again. the exchange status has been established. and also a drunk driver - a raid in the murmansk region. residents of the region are helping to catch violators. so, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived in the orenburg region again today to personally check the progress eliminating the consequences of a record flood and providing assistance to the population. by this moment , almost 2,500 residents had already been evacuated from orsk, which was the most affected by the disaster. despite the fact that the water began to gradually recede. the level of the ural river still
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exceeds dangerous levels, the flood wave is now moving towards orenburg, threatening almost 200 residential buildings from the disaster zone, reporting by ruslan bikbulatov. the first night in recent memory passed without sirens, calling for an urgent evacuation. water has stopped actively flowing into orsk; in some places the level is even is slowly decreasing. we drive through residential areas of orsk, these are apartment buildings. this is what the entrances look like, they have completely gone under water, it is no longer possible to open them, if someone wants to evacuate, then now this can only be done from the second floor of the building, doctors are on duty at temporary stay centers around the clock and the necessary supply of medicines has been created, for many we need the help of psychologists, we have an empire from the old city and we were generally very surprised that we told you, we are taking everyone who is in the apartment, so the only thing we didn’t manage to save was the cats, that is, the dog, guys. they threw it on the car and
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brought it, we were surprised that animals were waiting here, and not only were they waiting, we were also preparing to provide assistance, those affected by the flood were already receiving the first payments, according to the governor, as soon as the water recedes, the a door-to-door visit to assess the damage caused by the disaster to compensate for lost housing, when we discussed the introduction of a federal emergency, of course , the amount that was announced was 21. i sincerely hope that we can return, but where there are some difficulties, of course we will also resolve this issue; bread and water are delivered to ortsk in orenburg, trucks travel from moscow, the urals and volga regions. all districts of ufa quickly connected, thanks to entrepreneurs.
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in the kurgan region, over the past night , the water level in the tabol river rose by another 9 cm and, according to forecasts, may reach its maximum values ​​in history. almost 20,000 people are in the area of ​​possible flooding. now preparations for a disaster are being carried out around the clock. the region continues additional forces of the aerial group of the ministry of emergency situations arrive from neighboring regions. rescuers are carrying out preventive evacuation of the population, while simultaneously strengthening the dam in kurgan. now about the situation in
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the special operation zone: our troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled five counterattacks of ukrainian armed forces assault groups in the ovdeevsky direction at once. the artillery worked successfully. the center fighters destroyed another american paladin installation. the positions of ukrainian militants were attacked with high-precision krasnopol-m2 projectiles. how they hit targets, our war correspondent, alexander katsuba, saw. in a matter of seconds, our high-precision projectile reaches the target, here every hit and one hit the target and enemy object. in the arsenal of the group's artillerymen. center for corrected ammunition krasnopol m2. aerodynamic wings that open after a shot, as well as the projectile engine, allow it to glide
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to a given distance. the operator of the unmanned aerial vehicle detects, finds the target, determines its coordinates, and transmits the installation to me. key, installer program it takes no more than 30 seconds, that’s it, and it’s ready to fire, the krasnopol high-precision rocket, 152 mm caliber, is aimed using a laser sight and flies over a distance of more than 20 km, hitting any enemy target. the crew of the msta s self-propelled artillery mount is in constant motion ; the enemy on this section of the front is preparing to counterattack ours. advanced positions, we throw a protractor, now he won’t leave, let’s say he’s ready, i’ll approach him again, this installation is personalized, there’s a teddy bear on board, our bear is a symbol of siberia, a wild animal that does not give enemies a chance to survive. our orlan-30 aerial reconnaissance aircraft spotted a new target,
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camouflaged armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew urgently leaves the firing line, the enemy can respond at any second, the result of combat work. the commander receives a little later, three shells, three targets, one tank, a self-propelled gun and a towed gun, within 15 minutes three guns are destroyed. accurate artillery fire on the enemy allows the assault units of the center group of forces to develop an offensive in the avdeevka direction. alexander katsyuba, anton musikyan, news. kiev will not be able to escape responsibility in connection with the recent attacks by the ukrainian military on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. moscow at the upcoming meeting. the council for the un will seek an international assessment of another provocation on the part of kiev. sergei lavrov announced this today in beijing at a press conference following negotiations with his chinese counterpart wang yi. during this meeting , the foreign ministers of russia and china discussed a wide range
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of regional and international issues, including efforts to build a fair world order, opposition to protectionism in world trade, joint fight against terrorism. lavrov noted that relations between moscow and beijing, thanks to the leaders of the two countries, have reached an unprecedented level; our own correspondent alexander baletsky reported from beijing. the figures of two lions at the entrance to the residence only emphasized the nature of the meeting between the two lions of foreign policy, the russian and chinese ministers. sergei lavrov and ivan i did not just synchronize watches, moscow and beijing announced the further strengthening of the ties they named.
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russia, we will resolutely support the stable development and revival of russia under the leadership of vladimir putin. the strategic choice in favor of maintaining and developing bilateral relations was made by both countries in accordance with the proud interests of their people, and also due to the need of the time. this vector, which the west does not like so much, moscow and beijing have identified
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for themselves as the only true one. multipolarity and cooperation instead of dictates and coercion, and the topic of the ukrainian crisis today could not be avoided, because the collective west is twisting beijing hands, demanding refusal. before that they threatened chinese companies, moscow and beijing have an answer to such double containment, it was minister wang yi, yesterday he invented this formula, double counteraction against double containment, and more than once our leaders, president putin, chairman sijin ping, emphasized russia’s determination and china to resist attempts to slow down. the formation of a multipolar world, to slow down the long- overdue processes of democratization and
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justice, which are simply knocking on the door of the modern world order, to stop, to slow down what the united states and its allies are trying to do in an effort to perpetuate their unjust position in the international system. the cause of the ukrainian crisis is believed to be china, which has its own peace plan. these negotiations are much deeper than the west is trying to imagine. moscow and kiev were pushed against each other by washington, which bears responsibility together with nato, and the ultimate goal is to weaken first russia and then china, so the countries will continue to adhere to a common position in the international arena. we have come a long way and achieved wonderful results. we can say that the spirit of cooperation and partnership between our countries is very strong. we have established full-vector relations between russia and china. our relationship is at its peak as our employee.
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a fair security architecture that excludes bloc confrontation, and a new plan for the development of relations for this year was signed, specifically about strengthening the role of our countries; the ministers and members of the delegation raised a glass to this in the very hall where during the beijing olympics. the heads of russia and china dined. this the first personal contact between the main diplomats of russia and china after putin’s re-election is considered by many as preparation for the next personal meeting of the leaders of the two countries; in beijing they do not hide that they are waiting for the russian president; i hope that it is in china that he will make his first foreign visit after the inauguration, which would be very symbolic: this year, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations , is special for our countries, and relations are now experiencing their most rapid flowering. alexander baalsky, nikolai. news, beijing, china. at the cosmodrome eastern just a few hours remain until the first
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launch of heavy angora-5 launch vehicles. its start is scheduled for noon moscow time. previously, rockets of this family were launched only from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. a distinctive feature of the angara is its environmentally friendly fuel. the new launch vehicle is planned to be used to launch automatic vehicles and advanced russian modules into low-earth orbit. station, as well as manned spacecraft. started once again in the murmansk region drunk driver action. traffic police officers catch violators and prevent accidents involving motorists under the influence. this year they decided to involve all residents of the region in the raid. for reliable information about drunk drivers, they will receive a monetary reward. with confidence that he was seriously drunk, the informant warned the police about this, and the breathalyzer numbers solidified
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the evidence of guilt. the state of intoxication has been established. now residents of the urman region are entitled to 5.00 rubles. for each message about a drunk driver, if it helps to neutralize violator. this is what a standard operation in the arctic circle looks like: in the evening, on weekends or on weekdays, the police stop cars and inspect everyone who is driving. operation. the driver in murmonsk looks quite impressive, five or six traffic police crews gather in one place, or even more, they seem to narrow down the part of the road they begin to carefully inspect each car, those suspected of drinking alcohol are checked already in an official car, here is one of these drivers in can hardly focus during a conversation your opinion, russia correspondent alone, please tell me, did you drink, didn’t drink, what did you do, how did you relax? it’s obvious that you ’ve had a little to drink, and it’s clear you smell. meanwhile, there is no time for jokes on the roads.
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the regional government introduced five thousand payments after an increase in fatal accidents caused by drunk drivers. at the moment, the traffic police have received more than twenty warnings about such motorists, four of the crew were detained, evidence was collected, then a trial, and after its decision the activists will receive money. the police squad leaves, in case confirmation of the fact constitutes. an administrative protocol regarding a person sends the administrative case to the court. an interesting detail: the fight against drunk driving in the north is supported by both pedestrians and drivers. 5,000 rub. well it. ok, that is , you think that the measure is correct, well, yes, rather positively, yes, i think we need to talk about this, put things in order, yes, yes, the regional authorities will transfer the first money in the coming weeks, after checking the system, payments will be streamlined, so that vigilant residents can receive a small but pleasant reward without
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formalities of failure. oleg posobin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvastnyuk, lead the mormon region. and this is what we will talk about further in our program: it cannot be restored; the authorities of the smolensk region will provide all necessary assistance to those affected by the bridge collapse. in the esvo zone , another american combat vehicle of the bradley infantry was eliminated and there were no more men of military age left. new mobilization records in ukraine. about this and more immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. cognac monte shococa is a product of the stellar group, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where
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happened to it, prepare the crew, fireworks 7. in an adult home, april 12 on rtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so, different, but dear to everyone, all of russia. before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia alla taxi in previous episodes you will drown her, don’t worry, she won’t drown you are fired saleswoman alla finds out that
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her husband is cheating on her with her boss. what are you doing she was keeping an eye on me, but she really showed up at the wrong time, it looks like he was making her unconscious there, but she no longer has a family, a job, or a home, we won’t give you the brisk and any trial will be in our country, alla is getting a job in a taxi company, you press the button, the water flows, you release it, the water doesn’t flow, clear, clear, she’s not used to sitting with her hands folded, and not everyone likes it, excuse me, but... you watch the news, we continue the broadcast: the authorities from the smolensk region will provide all necessary assistance to victims and families died in the bridge collapse. as
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the head of the region, vasily anokhin, said, the overpass cannot be restored; a new one will have to be built. the debris damaged part of the moscow-minsk railway tracks. there are train delays. more than 450 people and 55 pieces of equipment are involved in eliminating the consequences. a criminal case has been opened. report from the scene by anastasia artemenko. after a detailed inspection , experts gave a verdict: six spans collapsed. to prevent burnout, the gas pipeline along with it was turned off for about 70 enterprises with almost 9,000 consumers in the vyazimsky and tyomkinsky districts. all emergency services are working at the scene of the incident, and an operational headquarters has been deployed. the work will be carried out around the clock, cutting the bridge, removing it and allowing trains to pass through. passengers of several long-distance trains had to delay at the entrance to vyazma .
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the prosecutor's office began an investigation into the collapse and the investigative committee opened a criminal case. an inspection of the scene of the incident is carried out and all necessary documentation relevant to the criminal case is confiscated affairs. expertise is ordered, eyewitnesses and other persons are questioned. five victims were taken to the vedemskaya central district hospital. surgeons, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, pediatricians, as well as psychologists came from smolensk to help their colleagues, providing assistance to the victims and their families. vedem doctors have stabilized the patients, three of them are going to moscow, one is in the hospital. to the smolensk regional hospital. vyazmichi has already encountered a transport problem; to solve it , a detour has been organized through the federal highway. m1. 16
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buses have already been allocated to ensure communication. anastasia artemenko, artyom medov. news from smolensk from vyazma. in the special operation zone , our military occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction. there the ovso had the biggest losses over the past 24 hours, almost 500 people. camouflaged dugouts and mortar crews of kiev. the formation was destroyed in the kupinsky sector, another american bradley infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed in the artyomovsky direction; it was discovered when it tried to hide in the forest. more details about everything sergey samokha. artyomovskoe direction. the main task of the bmp-3 during this combat mission is to deliver infantry to the contact line. suddenly, a report comes over the radio from scouts that an american bradley armored vehicle has been spotted nearby in the forest belt. no, i'm aiming, kuban, i'm launching for cover, the 100-millimeter bmp-3 gun is a dangerous caliber even for tanks, and the armor of a nato armored vehicle does not
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have a single chance against such a gun. after a series of shots, a rollback and a reconnaissance report on the results: four shots, all recorded, all right on target. in as a result of the fire raid, the ukrainian armed forces units lost the bradley bmp and up to ten military personnel. they brought in infantry and also provided cover. infantry and tanks were seen on postcards. in the artyomovsk direction along the entire front line, the southern group of troops is confidently moving forward. the enemy's fortified points are systematically destroyed by artillery, tanks and aircraft, despite the losing position, the enemy brings more and more new forces to the front line, which are almost instantly destroyed by russian rocket artillery. the division's task is cut off the enemy rather than give it to him. approach our positions, do not allow our infantry to approach, and it is the tankers of the western group that are destroying the ukrainian armed forces’ support forces in the kupyansk direction, in a few minutes
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the crew hit two dugouts and a mortar crew of the enemy, and already during the withdrawal from the position the russian tank itself was hit from an anti-tank grenade. a sheaf of sparks flying in all directions - they are already raising attack aircraft, they saw the enemy directly in the state, they used unguided aircraft weapons, these frames show the last seconds of the operation
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of a ukrainian drone that was trying to attack russian territory. the approach of anti-aircraft missiles is almost instantaneous. the crew of this air defense complex sees the entire sky around within a radius of 30 km. there are downed y points, there are a lot of downed missiles, and also a large number of drones. russian air defense systems operating on the border not only cover russian positions on the front line, but also save peaceful settlements from air attacks. sergey. samokha, news. mobilization in ukraine it’s becoming more and more like a witch hunt and there’s simply no one left to conscript into the army. this is described in a report from a german television company. its journalists visited the cherkasy region and saw for themselves that there were practically no men of military age left there. for example, residents of the village of luzanovka, who are mostly women with children and pensioners, complain that there is no one to even dig holes for the dead. and in the neighboring
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village... where a concert was held in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance. law enforcement officers offered strong resistance to disperse the crowd they used batons. as a result of the clash, eight people were injured. the turner research institute has developed an innovative method for treating children with orthopedic pathologies and cerebral palsy. until recently, such operations were performed only abroad and for huge amounts of money. st. petersburg specialists help patients
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for free. according to the quota, the new technology allows you to begin rehabilitation within a few days after the intervention. dmitry pishchukhin with details. how is the food here? yaroslava - incredibly purposeful the child, despite the damage to the central nervous system, always smiles and tries to keep up with his peers in everything. several years ago, the girl found herself in a wheelchair, but continues to fight. her knees were very weak due to doble syndrome. due to the fact that she walked on half-bent legs, we used, of course, a stroller for movement, that is, we sat in a stroller a little, because our legs were tired, that is, for long walks, for walks, for example, it was not enough. orthopedic pathologies, an inevitable reality of almost all children with cerebral palsy. over time, due to the growth of the body, small patients experience curvature of the feet, resulting in the development of clubfoot; only
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urgent surgery can help. limbs into individual fibers, these fibers are stimulated with electrical impulses, as a result, the level of muscle tone decreases, which reduces the recovery time of the body. the essence of the method is that by removing some of these roots, we break the pathological chain, a pathological reflex reaction that causes increased muscle tone. the main goal of neuro-orthopedic treatment is a persistent decrease in muscle tone in children with
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childhood cerebral palsy, thanks to which children will be able to learn to walk on their own. over the course of her 8 years, yaroslava has undergone many rehabilitation courses, now st. petersburg specialists from the turner center are helping the child cope with the disease, so that do not miss the precious time to give yaroslava a chance to walk independently without support. until recently, in order to undergo such an operation, parents of russian children with cerebral palsy had to raise huge amounts of money for treatment abroad, but an alternative has appeared. a new neuro-orthopedic approach, which was developed at the turner center near st. petersburg, is available to all patients under a medical quota and allows you to begin rehabilitation within a few days after surgery. dmitry pishchukhin, evgeny kostin, dmitry lukashevich, galina orlova, northwestern news bureau. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you, until meetings.


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