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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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yaroslava has undergone many rehabilitation courses, now the st. petersburg specialists from the tourney center are helping the child cope with the disease, so as not to miss the precious time to give yaroslava a chance to walk independently without support. until recently, in order to undergo such an operation, parents of russian children with cerebral palsy had to raise huge amounts of money for treatment abroad, but an alternative has emerged, a new neuro-orthopedic approach that has been developed. in the turner center near st. petersburg, accessible to everyone allows patients under a medical quota to begin rehabilitation within a few days after surgery. dmitry pishchukhin, evgeny kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova. northwestern news bureau. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you, see you.
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don’t believe me, i can’t see you at all, lights, flight attendant on friday on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio, let’s go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real wonderful songs sound, real
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feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and barely i hold back, words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of soviet and russian.
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look in, this is a metaphor, look into him , they say that you people know how to head straight into your head, look in the application or on the website, please, acquaintance and roll call, you can without leaving, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea drunk, how many stories have been told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, i’m starting, here mark antonevich zakharov walks into the rut. and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all let's wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, you know, i
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don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this. you are seeing me for the first time in my life, and reproaching me for something i have never done. ay, any woman i need women's happiness. accept this as a fact. i'm a loner. i'm happy with everything in my life. i'm essentially a loner. the only thing that matters to me now is my son. wonderful. dissertation topic : single father. do you need a nanny? yes, it is needed, but not you. just because you don't need anything doesn't mean you have everything. every woman dreams of getting married. imagine, there are exceptions. if you don't need anyone, it doesn't mean that no one needs you. maybe something will work out? i thought we cleared everything up. i after all... i didn’t tell you everything about myself.
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loner, on sunday on rtr. you don’t have the face of a clown, who with such a face are you going to make laugh, was once heard by the world famous clown today, the creator of a unique cat theater, yuri kuklachev, a russian miracle, when entering a circus school. russian yuri, who managed to surprise the world after gagarin, western journalists always went wild with delight during yuri kuplachev’s tour. the world has never seen anything like this .
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the soviet clown's difficult-to-train domestic cats worked wonders, and the children adults laughed until they cried during his performances in the arena. yuri kuklachev was not accepted into the circus school seven times before his dream came true, and few people know how much more work, strength, and patience the artist needed on his path to success, living with pain after a severe leg injury, when doctors taught him a lesson about disability , the fight for their theater in the nineties, the country at that time clearly had no time for cats, and a terrible diagnosis - oncology, which one day sounded. this year the world's leading expert on cat souls will be celebrate your 75th birthday. his cat theater has long become a family theater, all three of his husband’s children
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work together with yuri, and it seems that all his dreams have come true, but is it really so, this is the life and fate of yuri kuklachev. erget, hello, hello. we are meeting with you, well, on the eve of your birthday, your anniversary, such a beautiful date, i have a small gift for you, please open it, oh, oh, oh, how you hit the nail on the head, listen, do you know that this is a rare gift, of course, exactly such a gift, 50 years ago, brezhnev came to the performance, he called me into the box, said: son, how you laughed, how i laughed, and he gives me this gift, the cat is a cook, and he says, yes, this is what he says, the sculpture is mine
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grandmothers, and i’m giving it to you, because the cook, that’s it, what a joy, from this cook’s cat i opened a museum, it started collecting, then gifts, chililentana gave, then brigitte bardot, you know, they all gave, gave, gave, they gave it, prince of monaco, just like that, so we’ll put it next to brezhnev, it’s necessary, rarely, well, it’s true, that very number, the cat cook, which, if i understand correctly, he made your destiny, he revealed himself to you, you, in fact, gave birth to this unique genre of yours, which no one in the world has repeated , remember? how is it, how did it happen, the fact is that from the age of 7 i had an aspiration, i decided to become a clown, so to become a clown, i thought what can i do now at this second, i said, i’ll go to ballet tomorrow, why a clown and ballet, but because charlie chaplin is wonderful
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i danced, moved superbly, and i also decided that i had mastered, what are you, no, how old were you, i was 7 years old then, you know, but 7 years later i started. to enter a church school, but how they accepted me, after the eighth grade i was not accepted into a church school, i went to study at the folk circus, what a teacher i had, mikhail mikhailovich singer, in 1964 we did a number with him, acrobats and eccentrics began performing in the moscow philharmonic, the regional philharmonic, imagine, this is my first, one might say, another big anniversary this year. 60 years creative activity, and you know, i will say that for me, i’m happy that there were unique teachers in my life, the fact is that at the church school we had a teacher ilya yakolna novodvorskaya, who
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forced us, she didn’t that she guided us, she simply forced us emotionally, mentally, so that we read, she said: are you an artist? you must be literate, you must read, and the first books that stuck with me were the directing lessons of stanislavsky, gorchakov, toporkov, this is purposefulness. circus school, kuklacheva made it i, this, this is true, let's walk down the street, kitten. they brought it home, they washed it in the washstands, they washed their eyes with tea, listen, it’s so
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charming, it’s dry, fluffy, it hugged me, looks into my eyes, and the cat’s eyes are like space, it’s something extraordinary, i ’m describing books, i’m writing about this, suddenly i have an idea, why don’t we perform together, you know, i come home and she’s nowhere to be found, i go into the kitchen, she’s sleeping in the pan, just like... show the number to everyone cat once runs into the pan from any distance, everything runs,
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suddenly a dog runs out, i put the cat like this, on the playpen, runs out with the dog, rushes at my cat, what should i do, she jumps on me like on a tree, that’s it, put it on, remember this wonderful number, the cat is a cook, and this is my wife , lena is red, with a cap.
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bravo, bravo, it looks, god, 50 years, 50 years of this number, look, i just want to, i haven’t seen anything like this in these years.
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i have a special trip to the magical world of cats in the theater,
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we have a unique theater, we built my a dream for cats, a crystal castle, imagine, it was for me, so that the whole world knows that cats in russia live in excellent conditions, and i can ask you, maybe part of your corpse, i can see it here today in honor of your upcoming birthday , meet you and maybe already here... so he has another one, this is his son, he says, and i’ll show you how this son is, how to play with him, look, you need to make a mouse or a feather like this, with him how to play, look, this is what happens, and wow, hold on,
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hold on, oh, oh, oh, you're smart, horror horseman, horseman, oh, once, uh, oh, oh, uh, oh!
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the soviet union saw it because they showed the first, second, third channel, the whole country already knew, lightly, an impresario from
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canada immediately arrived, saw it and wrote, a clown with a cap is not needed, a clown with a cat is needed. and we went to canada, suddenly prime minister trudeau came to the premiere, he looked, turned to the ambassador, there was ambassador yakovlev and said: you know, we liked the clown, let him come to visit us for lunch, then we moved to america from canada , there already american clowns came, they are surprised, they have three three arenas, 44 clowns run out at once, and well, smile to yourself, and here one clown is delighted, you know, this cat. well , imagine, in new york, medison square garden, a huge hall, it’s all seething, screaming, making noise, delighting me, they, i become an honorary member of the clowns of america, but the most interesting thing is that in canada they gave me the golden crown of clowns prize, there was a competition for trainers, but their charter
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said that the only thing that cannot be trained is a cat, then they brought this prize, we said... to animals and the propaganda of this humanism, they gave me the title of goodwill ambassador in 1976, and i realized that this is according to the stanislavsky system, this is my main priority, to bring good, in this direction all my programs, all the numbers, everything was there. they offered you, listen, for sure, you are one of a kind, the only artist of this genre in the world who has found such a common language with cats, and still not, but then they offered you to stay, they probably promised something, for getting you dreamed as firstly a unique artist, and then go badly, say that here is a soviet artist, a defector, there is a defector, so
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he chose the western world there and so on, you know, somehow my wife and i... for example, you come to the west, that’s how many years i’ve already noticed, a month of delight, and then the second month, i’m already used to it, i don’t go anywhere anymore, the third month i’m already suffering, it’s impossible to explain, now i’m coming back home, it’s such a blessing to be among people , when you know, like one family, wherever i go, here are the russians everyone all over the world has now dispersed, wherever you can’t come, to israel, canada, america, italy, everywhere, oh, at once. it’s so much, you give your heart, and people feel it, the theater that we created, imagine, we don’t just have a theater, in our theater there are four theaters, every child. has its own, its own, why did we breed so many cats, because everyone has their own cats, how many cats do you have in the corpse now? we now have 200 cats in the theater, but
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these are not only mine, there are dima’s, katya’s, vova’s and mine cats, my children, they make me so happy because that they are all in creativity. vovochka graduated from ballet at the choreographic academy, and now he has done ballet with cats. katya is now painting the art academy with sand and creating her own performances. well, dimochka, that circus school, gitis, the drama director, he does dramatic performances, imagine, dramatic with cats, this cannot be described in words, it must be seen, i am surprised, for some reason the artists of all the theaters say, oh the director of the theater there such and such, but here, guys, we are in moscow, belmando came to paris, he said so many words to me, he he says, well, i expected everything, but what a clown, my clown can create something new in the theater, new wave, and then he sends me a cup from him, imagine, it says, the most
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original theater in the world, and he told me, your theater, than has enormous power, there are such actors that the greatest dramatic actor will not outplay a cat, because they cannot be outplayed, they are natural, they didn’t believe stanislavsky there... thank you, not only for this joy, but not even so much for it , and most importantly for this incredible school of kindness, really, thank you for this generosity of the heart, i take advantage of the moment, i invite you to watch our unique show, where for the first time in 75 years there will be 120 cats on stage, this is such a holiday, a feria, invite, i will definitely come.
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veda vodka is a product of stellor group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. rom castro is a product
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of stellor group. titanic luxury collection. wiski mancatcher, a product of the steller group.
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cognac monte shococa, product of stellar group, what's this? this is a bribe for me. so that i find myself another job, allah taxi premiere, today on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me , another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes... the grandmother herself is hungry, but she carries this shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand.


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