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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, the residential areas of orsk are still under water, but its level is gradually decreasing, 2,500 people have been evacuated, this is what the entrances look like, they have completely gone under water, they can no longer be opened, the wave is shifting towards orenburg, evacuation is underway in the kurgan region, chapter emercom kurenkov and the governor flew out with...
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patients under the medical quota. an innovative method of treating children with cerebral palsy was developed at the turner institute in st. petersburg. children will be able to learn to walk independently. the collapsed overpass in vyazma will not be restored. seven of the six spans were destroyed. gas supply will be restored within three days. train traffic is still blocked. in moscow today they expect +22 and a rare phenomenon - an april thunderstorm. so,
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an urgent evacuation of the population was announced in orenburg, sirens were turned on in the city, the level water in the ural river is approaching dangerous levels, everyone who is in areas of possible flooding must immediately leave their homes. today , dacha areas and garden communities in the suburbs have gone under water. according to the city hall, in most of them the situation is critical.
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if someone wants to evacuate, now this can only be done from the second floor of the building, there are almost 700 houses in the thieves' cart, about 2,500 people were evacuated, we were evacuated from the old city, and we were generally very surprised that they told us, we take everyone who is at the apartment, the only thing is that we didn’t have time to save the cats, that is, the guys threw the dog on the car and brought it, we were surprised that there were animals waiting here, let alone waiting. the flood wave is shifting towards orenburg, within 24 hours the urals near the regional capital have grown by 25 cm and are getting closer to the critical mark, the current has begun to destroy the skate park, many objects are deployed or deformed. evacuation continues; in orenburg there are already 1,500 houses in the flood zone. the water comes and goes yards. there is nothing, we bought small hunting spray cans. we use them to cook for ourselves,
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prepare tea, prepare food, those affected by the flood are already receiving the first payments, according to the governor, as soon as the water recedes, a targeted survey will begin to assess the damage caused by the disaster, to compensate for lost housing, when we discussed the introduction of a federal emergency, of course , the amount that was announced was 21 billion, yes, that was calculated, well, the number of houses, the area of ​​these houses.
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regions of the urals and volga region. promptly all districts of ufa joined in, and thanks to entrepreneurs and all concerned residents of ufa, we quickly collected more than 25,000 liters of water , more than 3 sets of napkins, which we are now sending. payments for utilities in flooded areas will not be charged, the same applies to loans, evacuated flooded areas, residents of orsk can receive free antiviral drugs. mass vaccination against hepatitis a begins today. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, orenburgskaya news region. evacuation is now underway in the kurgan region; 700 people have been taken to safe areas. overnight the water rose one and a half meters. there are now two settlements in the flood zone.
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several nato -style artillery pieces were destroyed over the past 24 hours in the special operation zone, including two american paladin self-propelled guns, a polish crab and three towed galobits made in the usa and britain. in the donetsk direction , a unit of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and eliminated almost five thousand ukrainian militants. on the neighboring southern donetsk sector of the front. a hurricane hit the neo-nazi positions. and objective monitoring footage confirmed the destruction of ukrainian armed forces equipment. in the avdeevsky direction. ukrainian militants tried to storm our positions five times, but were repulsed. the center grouping of troops improved its position along the front line. and on the same
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section of the front, our artillerymen destroy enemy military equipment using karasnopol-guided shells. this smart ammunition is aimed using a laser sight. by targets within a radius of 20 km, thanks to aerodynamic wings, reporting by military correspondent alexander kattzuba. in a matter of seconds, our high-precision projectile reaches the target, here every hit and one hit the target and enemy object. in the arsenal of the artillerymen of the group of troops, the center has adjustable ammunition krasnopol m2. aerodynamic wings that open after a shot, as well as the projectile engine, allow it to glide to a given distance. the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle detects, finds the target,
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determines its coordinates, gives me the settings, uses the key and the installer programs it, it takes no more than 30 seconds, and it’s ready to fire. the krasnopol kit projectile, 152 mm caliber, is aimed using a laser sight and flies over a distance of more than 20 km, hitting any enemy target. the crew of the mstas self-propelled artillery mount is in constant motion; the enemy in this sector of the front is preparing to counterattack our forward positions. we throw a protractor, it won’t work now, let’s just say that i’m like him again. this installation is personalized, there is a teddy bear on board. our bear is a symbol of siberia, a wild animal that does not give enemies a chance to survive. our orlan-30 aerial reconnaissance aircraft spotted a new target - camouflaged armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew urgently leaves the firing line, the enemy
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can respond at any second, and the commander receives the result of the combat work a little later. three shells, three targets, one tank, towed self-propelled gun. within 15 minutes. the weapon was destroyed. accurate artillery fire on the enemy allows the assault units of the group of troops-center to develop an offensive on in the vdievsky direction. alexander katsyuba and anton masikyan, host. at the vostochny cosmodrome , everything is ready for the launch of the angara. the first launch of a heavy launch vehicle equipped with a super-powerful arion upper stage is a new stage in the life of the launch pad, and less than an hour remains before it. the countdown is monitored on site. evgeny nipot. the state commission has authorized the refueling of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle. this will be her first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. we are right on the launch pad, from where we can clearly see the cable filling tower. its height is 66 m. and the height
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of the rocket itself is approximately 55.5 m. and its pre-launch weight will reach approximately 700. 70 tons. the basis of the carrier is a universal rocket module, which is a structure consisting of an engine compartment and oxidizer and fuel tanks. when creating this family of launch vehicles, it was used for the first time as a basis. modular principle, the light version of angara 1.2 has a pair of stages, allowing up to 3.5 tons of payload to be launched into orbit, the heavy angara again has three stages, thanks to which increases the carrying capacity to 24.5 tons of cargo, 2 tons more than the proton m, which also runs on toxic fuel, so the angara uses an environmentally friendly pair of oxygen, kerosene, the hydrogen version, work on which is already underway, will allow significantly increase payload capacity to 37 s... this rocket is now equipped with an orion upper stage and a test payload. let me remind you that
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previously six launches of angara rockets, light and heavy classes, have already been carried out from the plesetsk military cosmodrome. and now she has come line of the civil cosmodrome vostochny. with this launch, the ice begins for design tests of the amur space rocket complex with angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicles. the area of ​​the launch complex alone with all facilities exceeds 110 hectares. the launch of the angara is again scheduled for 12 o'clock moscow time. evgeny nepot, mikhail devyatkin, victoria dadoyana, alina zykova, vesti vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. an innovative method of treating children with damage to the central nervous system was developed at the national institute named after turner in st. petersburg. patients with cerebral palsy are helped there to get rid of inevitable orthopedic disorders. the operation is carried out free of charge according to a quota, and within a few days the children are back on their feet. word. the child, despite
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the damage to the central nervous system , always smiles and tries to keep up with his peers in everything. several years ago, the girl found herself in a wheelchair, but continues to fight. her knees were very tired to the point of pain, due to the fact that she was on half-bent legs, we of course, we used a stroller for transportation, that is, we did it a little. we used to sit in a stroller because our legs were tired, that is , for long walks, for walks, for example, it was not enough. orthopedic pathologies are an inevitable reality for almost all children with cerebral palsy. over time, due to the growth of the body , young patients experience curvature of the feet, resulting in the development of clubfoot. only urgent surgery can help. the turner research center has developed an innovative neuro-orthopedic method for treating such children. we already have. various techniques are being developed that we use, including radiofrequency thermal ablation techniques and new methods
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of austoisynthesis, which can reduce the time of immobilization and carry out early rehabilitation of these patients. the principle of the technique is that during the operation, the surgeon divides the roots of the sensory nerves going to the muscles of the limbs into separate fibers, these fibers are stimulated with electrical impulses, and as a result , muscle contraction decreases. level of muscle tone, which allows to reduce recovery time body. the essence of meta is that by removing some of these roots, we break the pathological chain, the pathological reflex reaction, which causes increased muscle tone. the main goal of neuroorthopedic treatment is a persistent decrease in muscle tone in children with children's cerebral treatment, thanks to which children will be able to learn on their own. during her 8 years, yaroslava underwent many rehabilitation courses. now the child is being helped to cope with the illness by st. petersburg specialists from the tourney center, so as not to
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wasting precious time to give yaroslav a chance to walk independently without support. until recently, in order to undergo such an operation, parents of russian children with cerebral palsy had to raise huge amounts of money for treatment abroad, but an alternative has appeared: a new neuro-orthopedic approach, which was developed at the turner center near st. petersburg, is available to all patients under... a medical quota allows you to begin to rehabilitation within a few days after surgery. evgeny kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova. northwestern news bureau. this is the news, these are the topics that follow. relations between moscow and beijing have reached an unprecedented level. let's summarize the results of lavrov's negotiations. in naples, a demonstration against nato escalated into a clash with police. and in the murmansk region they decided to fight drunk driving in a new way. all the details in a couple of minutes. hello,
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what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, it’s you who confuse me so that i’m next to you next to anyone she doesn’t understand me anymore, man, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i ’ll live the way i want, polina has disappeared, left
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home, doesn’t answer calls, and you’re sure you know your daughter well, well, what should i do now? “everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself not to get out of the noise of this unknown, we will endure, nothing like this brings us together, like a common misfortune, let's try, together, maybe it will work out. weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of solute 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor sovenykh. it became quiet in the cabin; a
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minute and a half remained before the collision with the station. before this, there was definitely no manual belay in space. station for the first time, how were you greeted here on earth? i sat for a whole month at the baikanur cosmodrome, waiting to be either punished or rewarded: the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. you look at the news, we continue the release. moscow and beijing oppose the dictates of the united states and will work together to fight the western sanctions policy. this statement was made by sergei lavrov at a press conference following the results. negotiations in beijing with his chinese counterpart wang yi. the minister noted that relations between the two countries had reached an unprecedented level from beijing. report by alexander baltsky. the figures of two lions at the entrance to the residence only emphasized the nature of the meeting between the two lions of foreign policy. sergey lavrov and ivan i announced further strengthening the connection, which was called a benchmark,
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and this, the ministers emphasized, is the merit of the leaders of our countries, and the course towards dynamic development will certainly continue after re-election.
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believes in china, which has its own peace plan, these negotiations are much deeper than the west, moscow and kiev are trying to imagine, pushed washington, together with nato it bears responsibility, and the ultimate goal is to weaken first russia, and then china, and the collective the west is twisting beijing's arms, demanding that it abandon moscow's support, as just the day before, the head of the american ministry of finance, elin , promised sanctions to chinese banks if they continued to work with russia, before that they threatened chinese companies, moscow and beijing have an answer to such double containment. minister of vanya. yesterday - invented - this formula: double counteraction against double containment, and more than once our leaders,
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president putin, chairman sijin ping, emphasized the determination of russia and china to counteract attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world, slow down the long-overdue processes of democratization and justice.
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was raised in the very hall where putin and xi had dinner during the beijing olympics, the first personal contact between the main diplomats of russia and china after putin’s re-election, many consider it as preparation for the next personal meeting of the leaders of the two countries, in beijing they do not hide that they are waiting for the russian president, i hope that it is in china that he will make his first foreign visit after his inauguration, which would be very symbolic, this year marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations for our countries special. and the relationship is now experiencing its most rapid flowering. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news, beijing, china. it will be very difficult for kiev to implement the stated
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plan to mobilize the population. reporters came to this conclusion after a trip to the ukrainian hinterland. the heroes of the plot are residents of a village near cherkassy, ​​from where all capable men were called up. only pensioner women and children remained; according to them, there is no one in the village to dig graves. while the rada is finalizing the final text of the law on mobilization.
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this year we will fully check all systems, we will carry out both the first circuit and hydraulic tests, we will load simulators directly into the reactor, we are doing everything so that next year the first unit of akuclear becomes part of the power system of the turkish republic, air ambulance helicopters are delivered from the smolensk region. to moscow , three out of five victims were injured as a result of the collapse of a road bridge. a criminal case has been initiated into the incident near vyazma. six of the seven spans of the overpass sank and
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collapsed. onto the railway tracks along with cars, the woman who was driving the car died. more than 500 russian railways emergency services specialists, more than 100 units of special equipment, including heavy cranes, excavators and recovery trains, are involved in clearing the rubble. utility workers had to turn off the gas pipeline, which was interfering with the elimination of the consequences of the accident. according to the authorities, the bridge cannot be repaired; a new one will have to be built instead. the routes in calico have changed. belarusian trains are temporarily detouring through kaluga . in the morman region in a new way took up the fight against drunk driving. residents of the region were involved in traditional raids by traffic police officers. now they offer a cash reward for reporting a drunk driver. about the reaction to this measure in the report by oleg posobin.
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traffic police inspector. stopped this driver with confidence that he was seriously drunk, an informant warned the police about this, and the alkalyzer numbers cemented the evidence of guilt. the state of frothing has been established. now residents of the urmon region are entitled to 5,000 rubles for each report about a drunk driver, if it helps to neutralize the offender. this is what a standard traffic police operation in the arctic circle looks like. in the evening, on weekends or weekdays, the police stop cars and inspect everyone who is driving. operation drunk driver in murmansk looks quite impressive, five or six traffic police crews gather in one place, or even more, they seem to narrow the roadway and begin to carefully inspect each car. those suspected of drinking alcohol are checked in their official car. here is one of these drivers during can hardly focus his gaze during conversations. there is only one russian correspondent. tell me please, have you been drinking? didn't you drink? what
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did you do, how did you relax? it’s obvious that you’ve had a little to drink, and it’s clear you smell. meanwhile, there is no time for jokes on the roads; the regional government introduced five thousand payments after an increase in fatal accidents caused by drunk drivers. at the moment, the traffic police have received more than twenty warnings about such motorists, the crews detained four, collected evidence, then a trial, and after its decisions the activists will receive money. outfit the police will come out if confirmed.
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power outages are reported. but it’s an unusually warm april in moscow. today the air will warm up to +22, which is twice the temperature norm. at the same time , the first thunderstorms, which usually occur in may, and short-term rains are expected. partly cloudy skies and light precipitation will continue into the weekend, but temperatures
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will remain at record levels. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us.


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