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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live , hot on the heels, we start with breaking news. so, the siren sounded today in the city of orenburg. authorities are asking residents to immediately evacuate the area of ​​possible flooding. in orinburg itself, the water level rose by 25 cm to 897 cm in one day. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, kurenku, urgently flew into the region. he will map the territory and determine a plan of action. the situation, of course, remains difficult in the flooded sea, according to the latest data , about 2,500 people were evacuated in the city, including 704 children. there are about one and a half thousand people in sixteen temporary accommodation centers, of which 223 are children. city officials said the decision to rebuild, the decision to build, or the decision. strengthening the dam in orsk will be
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decided only after examining the situation. the overflow of flood waters began at the entrance to the village of zverina-golovskaya in the kurgan region. traffic there is blocked, the district administration reports. per night. river level tabol rose by 157 cm to 661 cm. governor of the kurgan region since april 5. introduced a high alert regime in the region, according to the forecast of the ministry of emergency situations , 62 settlements in the region could be flooded at once, this is plus or minus 4,500 houses, 5,500 homesteads and 600 summer cottages. almost 19,000 people may end up in the emergency zone. residents in all settlements along the tabolo floodplain were called upon to leave urgently. the water will come there.
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straight from the dam, the collapsing house , water is already flowing down the street, it’s just finally going under the water of the roof. smart, affectionate, she went into the boat herself, guys, look how deep it is here, there are sunken cars, the roofs are somehow visible, dim, look, just quietly, this is someone’s wardrobe, doors from the wardrobe, you can’t even see the address, a hut drowned.
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summer residents of snt oaks, is there anyone who needs help, summer residents of snt who need help, let me know or call 112, in the next 24 hours the water will increase to 1 m. well done, guys, izkvechi. the refrigerators themselves are floating, the laminate is still floating, the underlay is still floating, you can by boat. according to the forecast of hydrologists
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, we are very close to the 9 m mark, this is already. only 30 cm separates you from the critical point, which is a dangerous phenomenon for the city of orenburg, according to weather forecasters, the water will only increase over the next two days, this is the situation right now, look how the car, the playground is flooded, look at the water level. entrance, that's it, here's the second one, we're driving, residential areas of orsk, these are apartment buildings, this is what the entrances look like, they've completely gone under water,
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it's no longer possible to open them if someone wants to evacuate, this can now only be done from the second floor of the building. more than one and a half meters already, that is, the water has already entered all the houses, there are problems, we are a dog, let's go, come, come to me, come to me, come here, come here, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go , let's go, let's go, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, loko, everything, attention, evacuation is in progress. with food, with water, which is normal, well, we have everything organized here, the ministry of emergency situations comes and brings products, unfortunately,
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the flood forecast has become even more negative, the water level is expected to be 11 m... which is much higher than the actual flood event in 1994. the russian ministry of defense reported today that a strike from the iskander operational-tactical complex completely destroyed the usu heavy drone warehouse and the workshop for their production in the zaporozhye region. the military department reported that the russian aerospace forces are carrying out strikes with long-range precision weapons on
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industrial enterprises and energy facilities that ensure the operation of such called the ukrainian military-industrial complex. after the bpl strikes. damage was recorded at infrastructure facilities in the poltava region, explosions also occurred in the kiev region, in odessa, sumy in krivoy rog, the roar of the internal combustion engine of our loitering shock girans, already familiar to ukraine, will only increase every day. the welt publication writes that russia turns out to be producing 30 such uavs per day, by the end of the twenty-fourth year. their number may exceed 11,000. in addition, this year russia plans to produce 2,100,000 artillery shells of 152 and 122 mm caliber. german experts know about missile production. according to their data
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, up to 130 long-range and 100 shorter-range missiles are produced monthly. well, that is, there will definitely not be enough potential even petriots for zelensky’s scam. about the russian lancet, while in europe they still understand little, although the unique russian development has already burned more than a hundred western armored vehicles. for example, here, look, lancet, blew up a french self-propelled gun caesar at a distance of over 40 km from the front line, well, the hottest sector on the front remains the artyomovsk direction, the positions of the military forces in the chaslovy yar are literally on fire, the artillery. bcs are dismantling them brick by brick in the video of massive strikes on ukrainian armed forces positions in the city, tactical aviation worked with 250 kg caliber gliding bombs. and this is exclusive footage of the combat use of the reconnaissance drone shat 350m
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produced by the kalashnikov cannery. with its help, special forces of the russian guard spotted a freight train that was delivering flammable supplies to the front line. districts. cnn again stated that ukraine will lose the war if the us congress does not unblock it, come on, come on quickly, quickly! soldiers of
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the 93rd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine kholodny yar in the liman direction a week earlier, this bmp-2 crew was lucky to survive the attack of the russian lancet. this moment was captured on a camera installed on the armored vehicle. i saw this lancet, it was like it was in slow motion, it was like it was so slow. i threw off the gas, i even managed to see the blue stripes on it, even from my feelings, i thought it was a mortar exploded somewhere behind us, i didn’t see it, i didn’t feel it, because the earth was falling behind my collar, i was shocked, of course, that such luck doesn’t happen often, you could say it was the second birthday, we were born in shirts, that day not everything went according to plan - says gunner alexander, when we left for the battlefield... the electronics in the combat vehicle did not work and the gun failed, we had to turn around, perhaps this saved
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the crew, says the fighter, if we had stayed in position and gone out to shoot, a gas tank would have just arrived to us, and there, apparently there was a cumulative projectile, we probably didn’t talk anymore, in this direction you often have to fire direct fire at a distance of 200 m from the enemy, the soldiers say. as soon as they see it, it immediately flies at it in the donbass since 2014 , everything that is, everything that is, sergei fought , a bullet hit the head, this is still our landing, of the year, in 2018 near avdeevka he was seriously wounded, yes 250, 250 -300 m, their position is already obtained there. their position is the position where
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the counter-offensive unfolded last summer, today the ukrainians are here the military, as on the entire front line, in fact in defense, in principle, this is indicative, it seems to me that it speaks to what is happening on the front line now, well, people are already really tortured, people are already really exhausted, there aren’t enough people, to put it simply 60% of personnel or 50% who can travel to positions. then wow, what a powerful company of people, the last reinforcements that came to us, it was probably in the summer, in the summer it’s still likely, people storm the yew tree, climb, run away in the other direction, this is not only soldiers, but also ukrainian civilians are working tirelessly to defend their homeland, construction company employees are digging trenches in the chernigov region, we are standing on the defense line, which will soon be occupied by soldiers, a little further in front of us .
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usa. the prime minister promised to allocate another $142 million for these purposes. there are good reasons for these expenses. experts say that ukraine is currently still preventing major russian breakthroughs at the front. however, after the unsuccessful summer offensive of 2023, the ukrainian armed forces are almost everywhere went on the defensive. and not everywhere there are well -developed lines of defense.
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to understand what is happening now in the avdeevka direction. pictures from berdycha, as well as from typovoe, confirm that the russians are moving further and further forward. of course, there are still moments for optimism for the ukrainian armed forces, but these areas that i am now painting over are already under russian control. we also see that russian troops are advancing near semyonovka, and also to the west of tonenkoye in the direction of umanskoye. a big problem for
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ukrainians is that if the army if russia really breaks through this line, then the ukrainian armed forces have nothing else here. will not remain, judging by the scale of the map, we see that the next village of novopokrovskaya is 4 or 5 km away, then this village will become the next ukrainian line of defense, perhaps even 7 km, but this is still not enough, the ukrainian armed forces fighters defend themselves quite effectively, but no less retreats further and further and loses more and more of its territory. without the support of congress, it will be difficult for us not only to win, but even to stay, so it is important to do very specific things together.
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well, here’s the joke of the day: zelensky reserved the mobilization of workers from the kharkov dnepropetrovsk, odessa, lvov and generally all national circuses. circuses were called critically important enterprises for the warring ukraine, whatever that means, that is, the main ukrainian clown is taking his own kind out of harm's way. otherwise, they continue in ukraine. to kidnap men and send their boyfriends to certain death, military commissars are guarding conscripts near shopping centers and markets, stopping personal cars, public transport, in these frames the man was forced to put on women's clothing to buy food at the market. in this video , a journalist who published an investigation into corruption in the sbu is handed a summons.
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colleagues, men, have already found out that the military commissars were accompanied by... an employee of the ukrainian security service, well, that is, the kiev regime no longer hides the fact that mobilization is a method of terror against those undesirable. on ukrainian television, conscripts who are currently studying abroad are threatened with being put on the wanted list by interpol. in general, the meat processing plant is working at full capacity. if you want, change to the next minibus , everyone. if you want, help the person get out. i don’t care, turn off the phone, which the phone should do again, i have the right, you don’t have a military facility, it does, you didn’t serve, no, figure it out first, and now, now listen, when your wife is raped, you where you will be, what do you care, i ask where you will be, make sure that your wife is not
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raped, they will build you very quickly, because i will build you quickly. look at the bastard running away,
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little children, little children, calm down, the commander emphasized: no matter how much help we receive, no matter how many weapons we have, there are not enough people in the ssu, so he called on us to support the ukrainian military not only in word, but also in deed, not to be afraid of mobilization and to find the courage to join the forces. how did society allow the military to become feared and insulted? today , the majority of workers in territorial recruitment centers are yesterday's wars, whom everyone admired and were proud of. what 's happened? why are they hiding from them today? why do they allow themselves to despise them, do they suit them? and even fights, this is unacceptable, i urge ukrainians to leave their emotions, not to succumb to provocations, we must realize that no one will be able to sit out, because
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the fate of the country, the fate of our nation is at stake. they twisted his hands, threw him into a bus, in the odessa region they tied up a fourteen-year-old teenager, in a village in the izmail region, three men with machine guns dragged a guy into a minibus, threatened him with weapons when he began to defend himself, beat him, and tied his hands with a plastic zip tie. mobilization reservations are cancelled. clowns, clowns receive reservations from mobilization, the corresponding decree appeared on the website of the ministry of culture. according to this decree, employees of the state enterprise traveling circus of ukraine will receive reservations from mobilization. the decree calls the traveling circus of ukraine a critically important enterprise. from the text of the document it becomes clear that clowns are booked supposedly because of the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihoods of the population. relations between russia and china have reached a new unprecedented level thanks to the leaders of the two states, with the re-election
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of putin as president, have maintained the line of strengthening relations, russian foreign minister lavrov announced this today after negotiations in beijing with his chinese counterpart wang. to understand, over the past two years china has become one of russia’s main partners, the most obvious sign. rapprochement is naturally trade and economics. in the twenty-third year , trade turnover between moscow and beijing already amounted to 240 billion dollars compared to 147 in the twenty- first year, that is, an increase of 100 billion at once. against the backdrop of the departure of european companies, imports from china increased by 4%. at the same time, chinese business, as bloomberg writes, not only trades with russia, but helps russia circumvent sanctions. journalists found out that beijing helped supply arctic lng-2 with european equipment worth several hundred million euros. the us state debt
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stated at night in this regard that one of washington’s main goals is to freeze arctic lng2 forever. more precisely, they said that washington, it turns out, is focused on making sure that russia cannot develop none.
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russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in china. moscow says he will discuss the war in ukraine, bilateral relations and the situation in the asia-pacific region. the russian foreign minister will hold a meeting with his counterpart wang yi and discuss a number of so-called hot issues, including mutual cooperation in international organizations. without a doubt, the war in ukraine will become the main topic of negotiations. just last week, sergei lavrov called beijing’s peace plan the most
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acceptable. regarding the ukrainian issue, china's position has always been fair and objective. we have worked actively to advance negotiations for a peace and political settlement of the problem. china is not the culprit of the ukrainian crisis, nor is it a party to it. we have never sought and will never seek any profit from. china supports russia not only in words, according to numerous sources. china sells spare parts, technology, cars to russia and transports them through hong kong, turkey and central asian countries. these economic connections once again fuel relationships.
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we still continue to be concerned about the role of companies, including from china, that participate in russian military supplies. i emphasize that none of the companies, including those from china, should provide material support to the russian war, otherwise they will face serious consequences. china's foreign ministry responded to yelin's words, saying third countries should not attack or
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discredit what... he said are normal relations between china and russia, and should not harm china's interests and its enterprises, adding that beijing will protect its rights. trade turnover between russia and china reached record levels last year: $260 billion, up 26% from the previous year. the head of nato said just last week that beijing was supporting the russian military economy. and just a few days ago, us secretary of state anthony blinke. told his european allies about the scale of chinese assistance to russia, which now includes geospatial intelligence data. russia and china are also becoming closer due to the common visions shared by their leaders. both countries advocate multilateralism and try to end what they call us hegemony. they use anti-imperialist logic to attract countries from the global south. issues that we solve in the field of economics,
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trade, investment. the introduction of new technologies, they directly relate to the struggle for the establishment of a fair multipolar world order, where there is no place for dictatorship, where there is no places of hegemony, where there is no place for neocolonial and colonial practices, which are now being used with all their might by the united states and everyone else, the so-called collective west, which has submitted unquestioningly to the will of washington. breaking news right now is coming from beijing a few minutes ago, here is the first photo, a meeting has begun between the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, lavrov, and the president of the people's republic of china, sizenpin. we receive footage in real time. lavrov conveyed greetings from the president to the chairman of the people's republic of china putin. moscow and beijing will continue to implement new strategic tasks
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set by the leaders of the two countries. stated this at a meeting with cityzin pin. i will say again that we receive these frames in real time. the chairman of the people's republic of china , cityzin pin, said that beijing and moscow have taken the path of peaceful coexistence and are working to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation. sergei lavrov expressed to xi russia’s highest assessment of the prc’s successes under his leadership. but i repeat once again, the thesis that... now some more important news concerning of our orenburg, not only orenburg, not only the orenburg region, flooding is recorded in 39 regions of russia at once.
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we are showing you the footage, we flew around the flooded areas of the orenburg region, assessed the operational situation in the orenburg region from the air, the footage is shown by the press service of the ministry of emergency situations, in parallel, the orenburg region authorities are considering the issue of housing residents of orsk affected by the flood for a long period of time, including their relocation to other municipalities and regions. restoration, of course, will require not only colossal money, the damage remains to be assessed, but also a huge amount of time; as of yesterday evening, 10,400 houses were completely flooded, and this is only the orenburg region. the level of the ural river in orenburg may rise another meter, local authorities reported. we are transported, of course, to the city of orsk,
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orenburg region, via direct communication. the most problematic area, it ’s called the old city, i’ll ask the operator to show you, there is water all around, most of this area and the old city area have gone under water, we see now almost under the roof, where the middle of the house, where under the roof, but this also takes into account the fact that the water left last night, this is also an old city, here you see the water has already receded and the locals call this place a mountain, so this mountain has become such an island... safety or something for the local residents, they evacuated here, because now there is water all around this mountain, yes, this island, if you look at the foundation of the publication, we came here yesterday, there was still
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water here, look around the house itself, yes you can tell what level the water was and now it didn’t rise any further, that is , it couldn’t rise, precisely because this is... the highest point here directly in the old city, in general the situation, despite the fact that the water is receding, receding, well , last night, it probably went down about a meter and a half, we’re looking around the new city, there’s this stella, i love orsk, it was almost completely flooded, now the water has dropped about a meter and a half, but there’s one big problem, the water arrives, then departs, then arrives, then... walks in one of the areas yesterday from the villages - another dam broke, there was a rise in water, accordingly , an emergency evacuation, despite everything, it’s extremely difficult to get here and you can only use special transport, show me please,
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this is the all-terrain vehicle of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, this is a watercraft, a caterpillar watercraft, only you can get there on it, because you can’t get here on motor boats, of course, on oars, but... the head of the orenburg region, the minister of health, she said that the situation controlled, everything is fine, but warned that during the flood period the following problem may arise: either
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hepatitis a disease, or an intestinal infection, and this is a really big problem that needs to be prevented somehow, so from today we start . we are trying to call back our correspondent stanislav berwald, who is right now well, that’s it, we hear you well, you are working live in the orenburg region, in the city of orsk, which was most affected by... heating in the city, according to official information , 10,400 houses were sunk throughout the orenburg region, specifically in the city of orsk, 2,500 houses, the damage has yet to be assessed,
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an incredible figure was announced the day before, 20 billion rubles of damage, but it is obvious that this is the most preliminary data, the situation itself has yet to be assessed, right now this is being done, including by the minister of emergency situations, kurenkov, he has already come to the orenburg region for the second time, let me remind you that the disaster itself, this whole nightmare of horror began late in the evening in thursday, now conflicting information is coming in, either the water has receded or the water is rising, it is clear that this depends on the locals.
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those who were evacuated, evacuated from the flood zone in the city of orsk, about 4.00 people, 1.300 people, to be precise, and a little more, are now in... taps, there are all conditions for them, including overnight accommodation, warm food, medical care , psychologists, deal with social services for people, help apply for benefits for loss of housing, damage to housing, and with regards to households, the exact number, of course, it’s impossible to name, but in fact , more than 10 thousand residential buildings there were damaged by the flood, a more accurate figure will be available at...
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the urals are quite active and getting to the place is extremely, extremely difficult only with special transport, but special transport is now used for evacuation here in the old city on the mountain, there are now about 100 people, since it would be understandable to lower the microdistrict, these are the people who, well... categorically do not want to leave, you cannot force them, but today a large contingent arrived, the vice-governor came here , minister of health, and doctors arrived in large numbers, because people are still getting sick, they have problems, the day before yesterday a man had a stroke here, they barely got to the hospital, can you imagine the distance that needs to be taken, here it’s a straight line to the new city, well, i don’t know, well, 2.5 km, probably, but by water , these 2.5 km take a very long time,
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so doctors now, as the minister of health said, but if they don’t want to leave, then we will go to them, that’s it, on a permanent basis basis, they will be here now on duty, this is the surgical building, these are neurologists, well, in general, a large, large staff of doctors who will be here now to take care of those people who stayed and do not want to leave, why don’t people want to? leaving, as always, this happens when trouble comes, a large number of looters appear, but the russian guard is working, the police are working, they are catching these bad people, well, as they say, to whom war is like mother, unfortunately, this is also a big problem, not only in the old city there is now a lot of water, water i reached the new city, gagarin square, which was dry a few days ago , is now completely... flooded, but i’ll say it again, the water comes and goes,
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it depends on many reasons, including the weather, including the extent to which water can flow over the dams, in mm, in a neighboring city, a small town, yesterday the flow over the dam began, they urgently began to backfill it so that a breakthrough does not occur, because a breakthrough will happen, then ... the situation in orsk will be even more difficult, and one more thing that everyone is afraid of, there are a lot of small rivers here, one of them goes through the entire new city, accordingly, if the urals overflows, it will flow into the mouth of this small river, otherwise it will flood the entire new city, and the situation is quite complicated for medical institutions, they seem to be working - freelance, in emergency mode,
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of course, the fact is that many hospitals are located in the flood zone, they cannot provide assistance, well, that is, it is impossible in them, there is no light in many areas, and accordingly, now all hospitals work only for emergency calls, yes, that is , emergency care is provided as planned , it moves, and people in the temporary temporary detention facility will really stay for a long time, because the amount of water that is now in the city... will be gone for more than one week , that ’s for sure, but there are temporary temporary detention centers in the city, which means, in my opinion, there are 13 or 14 of them, with a total number of up to 10 thousand people, they can accept, now i ’ll repeat, there are 1,200-1,300 people in temporary temporary detention centers, including the children are very i talked to psychologists about an important point, they say that it is now necessary to talk to children. after all, the little ones still don’t really understand what happened, but
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the kids who have grown up a little, they understand perfectly well what happened, it’s a stressful situation, they withdraw into themselves, but that’s why psychologists are in temporary detention centers, they help and provide assistance around the clock, just like the medical staff, what else can i say, well, i said that from today vaccination against hepatitis a begins, because the disease is dirty hands, it’s very... insidious, really, plus the intestinal infection is still quite cool in orsk now, but it will soon become warm, and it will start here, of course. it must , of course, be prevented in advance, no one can predict how long the water will go, but i’ll say it again, with this amount of water, let’s turn around, show it again, here of course weeks go by, then damage assessment, and other other
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measures, ol , thank you very much , thank you stanislav, our own correspondent, stanislav bernwald on direct communications. boer region, poor, unfortunate, exhausted, the small town of orsk, which almost completely went under water, the water rose by a meter, rose another meter, this is updated information from the ministry of emergency situations, the patch where our correspondent stanislav just stood bernwald is the only hill in the settlement that remained not completely flooded. the ministry of internal affairs reports that to ensure law and order, but we understand that they mean to control that no one climbed into the abandoned houses, an additional 900 employees of the russian guard were involved in the city of orsk alone, and
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let me also remind you that 39 regions were in the flood zone, a dangerous excess of the level in... in the ural river near the village of kozilskoye, chelyabinsk region, perhaps in the next 2 days, it is possible that the flood zone, floodplain and roads will increase, the peak of the flood will approximately occur on april 17, today is april 9, that is, at least another week ahead for those people who find themselves in the flood danger zone of the city authorities. orenburg orenburg is immediately called upon, not only the orenburg region and the city of orsk, orenburg itself is immediately called upon to leave their homes, the ural river is rising. we will , of course, return to these topics, now international affairs, our endless ones, also attract the attention of nato alone, the west, as
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we know, has too little already, a new military alliance, the so-called aucus, which is already on...
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for the allies, but busy for washington, its own shipyards are more important, of course, than partnerships, in general, nothing personal, as always. also australia, usa, great britain confirms that japan may also be included in alcus. washington believes that in this way the united states will ensure stability in the asia-pacific region. in beijing they look at this a little differently. china has already protested. against the formation of a new union, the country’s foreign ministry stated that aucus seriously undermines regional stability and spurs an arms race. the chinese embassy in the united states accused the participating countries of thinking of the cold war era of ideological prejudices, that is, against russia -
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nato, but we are looking against china. the aucus military alliance is reportedly preparing to expand. canada wants to join this alliance to participate in the second track of the treaty. yes, canada has observers and participates in several working groups on the second track of the alliance. trudeau also said canada is considering purchasing nuclear submarines to
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better protect canadian sovereignty in the arctic. the australian, british and us departments of defense issued a joint statement saying, that they are considering japan joining the second strand of the aucus alliance. however, this statement did not say anything about the official admission of japan into the alliance, but it is worth it. it should be noted that when it comes to new partners, japan is the only country they consider for this role. japan's prime minister travels to washington this week to meet with president joe biden. american officials are also discussing the topic of japan's accession. the american ambassador in tokyo even wrote about this last week in the wall street journal. i will read you an excerpt from this statement. alliance countries seek to maximize strategic advantages to support security and'.
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"the annexation of japan is a great idea, it is worth remembering that this has nothing to do with nuclear submarines, but this is about information transfer technologies and developments, be it artificial intelligence or autonomous underwater vehicles and so on. in general, this is a great idea; it sends a powerful signal to china, japan's inclusion will not go unnoticed by china, to put it mildly. obvious and natural partner for these three countries, and i think there are western countries that will want to join, because the more we work together, the better
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and more effective our defense is. aucus is not a partnership whose goal is to defeat to china. the aokus partnership was announced in 2021, with concrete details to follow a year and a half later. the us will sell three virginia-class submarines to australia in early 2030, with the possibility of selling two more if the need arises. despite joe's proposal biden's $7.300 billion budget for 2025 increases defense spending by just 1%. and if you take inflation into account, you get a reduction, while many other countries are significantly increasing defense spending. returning to your 2021 testimony on how underwater environments are becoming increasingly densely populated.
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and now the godfather of the ghastly footage published by the head of the space company, billionaire elon musk. don’t worry, the earth is not being devoured by a black hole, although it looks very similar. the sun just doesn't shine over the fabulous country of america. this is what a solar eclipse looks like from earth's orbit. and this is how donald trump himself sees the future of trump voters as a unique phenomenon. in the election video in the video. donald completely covers the sun
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and plunges the world into complete darkness to the music from the movie a space odyssey. also in his video, trump promised to save america, which biden plunged into darkness. biden himself acted as a pathetic copy of trump. in his video, he went out onto the balcony of a white house and asked americans are not... this is exactly what donald trump himself did during the last eclipse. at the same time, americans are not amused; they consider a solar eclipse an omen of the end of the world. thousands of people came to the pacific coast of mexico to witness what people rarely...
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15 states of america will be in the so-called total eclipse, they will have the opportunity to see the eclipse with the help of special glasses. it will begin along the pacific coast of mexico and then move into the united states, where states such as texas, missouri, indiana and new york city will witness the total eclipse before it moves into canada. kate middleton and the collapse of the bridge in the baltic sea were just a warm-up. for conspiracy theorists , the 2024 total solar eclipse is literally the super bowl, a rare astronomical event that has proven to be incredibly fertile ground for conspiracy theorists to express their wildest fantasies. they theorized about everything from the end of the world to the secret release of balloons to poison the population, occult rituals and even introducing martial law to establish a new world order. far -right trolls and extremists in particular
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have used the total solar eclipse to convince themselves that a group or... is using the event as a cover to establish new control over the population. the main events surrounding the solar eclipse, far-right conspiracy theorist alex jones wrote on social media, are masonic rituals planned around the world to establish a new world order. one famous conspiracy theorist known as health ranger, wrote that the eclipse would certainly be the perfect cover story if our theoretical government wanted to crash the power grid and cause mass chaos by blocking all communications of citizens. quite convenient if you want it. declare martial law to establish a dictatorship before trump can win in november. happy eclipse day, the united states experienced a total solar eclipse today, the third since 1979. if you were in what's called the path of total eclipse, in ohio for example, you might witness a rather impressive
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phenomenon. the moon is almost completely blocking the sun, but if you... the white house has released an official message warning us about the eclipse today, but be careful and don't be stupid. didn't look up. people, enjoy . yes, yes, just like that, don’t do it. nonsense, don't be stupid, we don't have time for chatter, and we won't tolerate it. the last time the sun dared to pull such a stunt in 2017, our then leader looked straight at him, as if to say, not today, son, not today, he wasn't wearing any stupid cardboard glasses. trump is handling the eclipse like he would a porn star, without defense. this is the kind of person he is, and his team, as
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part of the election race, decided to use the eclipse to their advantage and released it. oh yes, we are saving america, we are saving america by plunging it into complete and utter darkness, thanks to my giant head. nothing says i won't be a dictator like blocking the sun. there are dozens of examples published on the internet, but among the most cited is the fact that the european organization for nuclear research , cern, will launch
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the large hadron collider on this day for the first time in 2 years. many people on the internet link. this is a celestial event that restarts the device that more than 10 years ago discovered the hicks bazon, which many mistakenly call the god particle. a post on social media suggests a connection between the reboot of the world's largest particle collider and the april 8, 2024 solar eclipse . some argue that this is an attempt to harness solar energy because energy is directed from the moon, accelerator. cern will use this frequency and amplify it. then it will gain momentum and will be sent to.
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we return to the cataclysm associated with the flood, the minister of emergency situations has just visited one of the points. temporary accommodation in orenburg, i remind you that 6,800 people have already been evacuated from the flood zone, right now the evacuation has begun in the city of orenburg itself, the level of the ural river is rising another plus one and a half meters, more than 20 settlements, this means that the emergency zone is expanding, including paradise the center may... fall into the zone of possible flooding on the ishim river - this is already the tyumen region, local authorities said, the water level in the kurgan region has reached 800 cm, is approaching the level of an unfavorable
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phenomenon, we, of course, are monitoring the development of the situation, and one more thing as for the news, foreign minister lavrov has just had a meeting with the president of the people's republic of china, sizenfin, look how it happened.
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i have the pleasure and honor to convey to you the best greetings from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. trade turnover hits new records, the project of the years of culture of russia and china was launched. and the foreign policy connection between moscow and beijing, of course, is the locomotive of efforts that are gaining more and more supporters to form a more just, multipolar one.
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we are transported to the front by direct communication , military correspondent, alexey gavrish, alexey, greetings, hello, olga, all kinds of news are coming from near chasovo yar, either we are still talking from near chasovo yar, or already from the sentry yara, again, the information is contradictory, but supposedly our attack aircraft are already on the outskirts, tell me what’s happening, yes indeed. employees are gradually advancing in the direction of chasovyar, now there are serious battles in the canal area in the kalinovka region, but they have not yet entered chasovyar itself, the enemy is desperately resisting, using more and more forces, delivering more and more
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reserves, but we are constantly knocking them out we destroy, on our side artillery is very actively used, aviation is actively working, factories strike as if on the very front line of the line of combat contact, also, blows are constantly being thrown at the enemy’s rear.
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he shouts there that everything is lost, the client is taking off his hypnosis, he’s leaving, give him money, otherwise we will lose, they are resisting quite seriously, but i still think that they have no opportunity in the future, much less liberating any of their territories there, as they consider them, impossible, in this sense they are of course trying to do something, well, in particular.
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they do, well, they have everything, it’s a mess for them, many of them will end up very badly, but as you understand, it’s impossible, what they at least in prison, so they are forced to do something, that’s what to do, right now, but they understand perfectly well, okay, we’ll still resist, we’ll do something else, what’s next, what’s next , what’s next, a very simple moment, they it’s no coincidence that they say ... the french contingent that will be introduced there, naturally, it will be destroyed, as has happened more than once, by the way, and then panic will begin, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, well they will say, let's fly in by plane, of course, from the territory of ukraine it is impossible, they will go with the territory of romania, poland there, the question is, we are ready for this, it will be like this, well, in any case, the scenario is very similar, similar, what should we do? we tell everyone, no, we
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are not going to go anywhere at all, yes, but to make provocations, but in general there are no questions, questions about what in my opinion they are striving for, these are the creation of these blocs that we now see against china, against russia, it was already created a long time ago and has not been destroyed, maybe we should also follow this path, maybe we can also make a bloc with china, with north korea, with iran, and i... they assure that there are still quite a lot of people joining there, as soon as they see strength there, they immediately join, well , it’s clear that we alone defeated all of europe there in 812 in 1945, but the situation in the world is changing, this is an eclipse, the establishment of a new order, well , a new order is really being established, whether we want it or not, but it is a fact, it remains a fact, this is so, with whom will it be established, with this eccentric or with...
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the question is why ? there are two, two versions, the first one, it says that we are clowns, friend we’re not deceiving a friend, you see, accordingly, this is the first, but it seems to me that it is a little less, so to speak, significant, but the second is very similar that zelensky received stars from gymnasts, so he doesn’t call for clowns anywhere, but so what, well, it’s a fact , well, can this be explained somehow or not? ok, tell me how? here’s
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the second victory, it’s theirs, you know, they won the very wonderful world sex championship in spain, who do you think? well, of course, she’s ukrainian, of course she has some kind of surname on her paws, in fact, her surname is common, come, this beautiful girl has won, of course, there is already victory, this is what they are after. the footage, of course, cannot be shown, but think about it, the world cup, the world sex championship, well, here’s ukraine first place, first place, well done, peremoga so peremoga, well, third, there are details, i’m just standing there, i think it’s possible to voice what
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cannot be voiced, there is first place for non-heterosexual sex, since there is a championship in sex, and homosexual sex, we are talking about the fact that this one...
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they don’t have it, so at least it’s normal, look at what’s happening in your government, take it, i’m not even talking about this mobilization, it’s all about how they gather, so he starts a brigade at this hour, a brigade a day, they are destroyed
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there, whatever they want - one more thing, well, let them start it up, well, this is this syrsky, this general 200, he has this nickname general 200. he does everything in order to destroy everyone there, it seems to me that this is specifically for zelensky to say , look how much we have eaten, give us money, give give us more weapons, look how many died, there is no other way to explain it, no one wages wars like that, no one makes them, well, he wages, well, let him wage, but what next, and talk about the fact that they have 30,000 dead there, yes, they have 3000 only by the hour, if not more, this is already obvious, that’s why they only have it... the usa only needs it, they only understand force, there is no other way, a block means a block, force means force, with the houthis started negotiations, they say with the houthis: let us take it off you, excuse me, this state is a terrorist, but you stop shelling our ships in
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the red sea, they gave us soup like that, well then let’s talk until we give them soup, nothing will happen, that’s how they are, they’ll crawl. to climb anywhere, the president of finland has now begun to declare that that’s it, we can achieve peace only on the battlefield, but he didn’t specify, however, who should win in this regard, probably, well, that’s all, it’s escalating, escalating, escalating , they will not stop, we must clearly and clearly understand that we must really win major victories for for them to stop, and so it will be, there are no other options, in this context it is completely sad. the european union should not count on help from washington, it has its own difficulties and nuances, we must
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consolidate efforts to help ukraine, well , that is, the americans are really great, they jumped out on time, they are now raking the woods, look. this does not necessarily mean bombing. in the upcoming elections, you will see how destabilizing activities threaten our democracy. i'll probably start with the circus, freeing circus performers, of course, is not a tricky thing, but you need to understand that even any
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traveling circus under the zelensky regime, it will turn more and more into a traveling circus, and less and less into a circus. i don’t even rule out that there will be such vacancies in the circus, a political acrobat or something else , and probably circus directors will be added to the military committees who stash away thousands and thousands of dollars there. people complain, they say, 50 graves of soldiers are buried there, 50 people were taken from the village,
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five more remained, and then those who, well, the front line will definitely not fight, but they have already received summons, that is, all the people in the villages have been taken away, there is no one to sow, but at this time we are exempting circus performers from mobilization, i don’t know how to explain this, well, although here we also have to understand who we are dealing with, here zelensky himself, he tours all over the country with... a chair with a piece of concrete, he tells everyone, he gives out interviews, where he moans about what he wants to say, we are about to lose, please give us weapons, by the way , for this he is very harshly criticized ukraine, and many even say that, well , partly the supreme commander-in-chief is giving away military secrets, and about shortages of shells, artillery there, and so on, he will say that he is a clown and i can’t go to war, well, i think, probably, i think rather total. so it is, so it is, and for this, for this he
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is criticized very much in ukraine, but here you have to understand, he is beyond madness, we laugh, but it’s the truth, well, that is, this is not fake news, this is not russian propaganda, this ukrainian ministry, lord, has freed from defense mobilization of circus employees, why and why, why, in fact, zelensky is forced to behave this way, well, he’s sitting there on... they’re handing out pieces of concrete to everyone, i think he will continue to travel with this piece of concrete, he’s in a hurry, why? they have an understanding that the conflict in the middle east can break out with renewed vigor, which means that all the attention of western countries will be focused on the middle east, we don’t know how the confrontation between iran and israel will end, there are many challenges that need to be addressed will provide answers, and there is a fear that this could finally kill the interest of western countries in ukraine.
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mobilization, it will absolutely not solve a single
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1300 amendments, they will pass a law on the problems in ukraine. i think they will extract everything they can from this law, why? because the deputies do not want to take responsibility, just as zelensky does not want to take responsibility, although these are the direct powers of the president, to determine the timing, the number of mobilized, and so on, these are exclusively the powers of zelensky, but he's so unpopular. this law is among the population, no one wants to take responsibility, so i think that he signed these amendments to last year’s law, and in relation to lowering the age, this was also a forced measure, realizing that the future law that could be adopted , he will not solve the problem of mobilization, well, how to solve it, against the backdrop of zelensky’s interview, where everything is bad at the front, our people are dying there, help us, and so on and so forth, but tell me, who will go to the ukrainian... to fight , it’s one thing when it’s an army of victory, offensive, yes, people have the motivation to be
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involved in victory, but here it’s exactly the opposite, that is, this wave is already euphoria.
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alla taxi in the previous episodes, you'll drown her, don't worry, it won't drown, you're fired, the saleswoman alla finds out that her husband is cheating on her with her boss, you were following me, but you really showed up at the wrong time, while you i sold insensitivity there, but she no longer has a family or a job. we will not give yurka back to you and any judgment will be on our country. alla gets a job in a taxi company. you press the button - the water comes out, you release it - the water doesn’t come out. clear? clear. she is not used to sitting with folded arms. and not everyone likes it. excuse me, but you can’t do it the way you do. you understand that you have opposed yourself to everyone.
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ala taxi. let's continue today. on rtl. they say koddykh needs to prepare, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we... know everything about vacation, relax! anexc! allow yourself a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and
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azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you! titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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into the new season with a new renovation, light with a movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this absolutely faceless room, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work. a lot, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a proactive maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your
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home, big ones . changes, every sunday on rtr. you are a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. you killed me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, valera is digging for you in the most dangerous place for you, you are such a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on website. "we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory. for this we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir
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solovyov, today on rtr. i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, and if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on saturday, from the feeling that he..." the premiere was on saturday on rtr. every time. the military had to be made aware that
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animals were simply dying there, danetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr. so, russian special services this year prevented 27 terrorist attacks on transport energy facilities, military-industrial complex, said fsb director bortikov. the level of security at facilities that could become targets for militants has been strengthened, and additional measures have been developed. to commit crimes on russian territory, ukrainian special services involve, including the international terrorist underground, an example of this is tragically terrifying. ukrainian neo-nazis, their western patrons, organize or are ready to actively support the commission
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of the most barbaric crimes on our territory by participants in the international terrorist bank underground. evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with numerous civilian casualties . the enemy has stepped up. activities aimed at causing damage to important elements of the transport fuel and energy infrastructure and defense industry enterprises on the territory of our country. security forces have repeatedly stopped attempts by ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance units to penetrate russian territory. in the current conditions with the subjects countering terrorism, measures are being taken to strengthen the security of key facilities for...
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and this is evidenced by the meeting that took place almost a few hours ago with the chairman, the very fact of a conversation with the chinese leader is already, as it were, politicizing and updating the russian-chinese format, well, i would add to the political aspects , of course , and the fact that in fact the answer to lavrov is that russia and china will implement a double...
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there is a well-known western fuss between the european union and the united states regarding the preparation of a swiss so called the peace conference, well, based mainly on the formula, zelensky’s peace formula, it is clear that it is already happening... today the european union itself is stating that there is a split , in fact, on one side there is this european position, how to make this platform, a little whether not the main position, on the other hand, of the global south, it is no coincidence that lavrov, on the eve of beijing, met with seventy diplomats from this part of the world, and china is the leader, formal, informal, whatever you want to call it, and its plan is, in principle, an alternative to this here is the so-called swiss
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forum, we’ll see how it goes... when, while the timing is being clarified, but in any case, this is a further struggle, he created this political background, the result is known, i mean lavov’s visit, it’s like the reformatting would be final, but this process began 10 years ago, during the 10 years of the era of sizinpin and putin, in fact, russian-chinese relations have turned into a capacious, three-dimensional structure, that is, the first first level of measurement is a bilateral format of trade, infrastructure, hydrocarbons, military-technical cooperation and others, by the way, this year is 75 years old, which means russia and china have established diplomatic relations and held joint years of cultures. the second dimension is very important - these are international structures, well, the un security council understands why. and sco brix, by the way, wang yi and lavrov determined that within the framework of sco and brix, and sco in the second half will be chaired by china, and brix in kazan
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will be chaired by russia. an alternative payment system to the american dollar will be created within the framework of precisely these organizations, of course, the process is long, but very important, and of course the third dimension is security, regional and global, against this background, especially regional security, all these movements around aucus, of course, of course, this is a very serious challenge to china and russia , the project has been launched since 2001, usa, uk. australia, what is happening today, canada is pulling up, is already very clearly shown in the story, and secondly, what is happening, right now online, for the first time, is a japanese leader, the prime minister has gone to the usa since 2015, there is a japanese-american summit, kishida biden, tomorrow they will have a meeting, that is , in fact, integration is underway, tightening the inclusion, well, not today, but tomorrow for sure, of japan in this three, plus the philippines, there
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too... there is a summit of preparations between japan and the philippines, the usa, this is also part, that is, to complete everything, we can say that if we take america, security, and russian-chinese, yes, yes, and of course, as a counterweight to aucus, of course , performs russian, chinese-north korean security cooperation. in conclusion, i want to say, there is the concept of the abyss. nitcha once said that if you look into the abyss, it will attract and swallow you. so there’s a feeling that biden and his team, hollywood, this entire american elite, they ’re always playing with the abyss, either disaster films or something else, a feeling that this is like drug addiction, always balancing on the edge without a doubt, as they say, put a bottle in your hands, let’s see what happens from this. peskov just commented on lavrov’s visit to china, the first such comment can actually be considered, putin’s press secretary said, this trip is
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a preparation for contacts at... the highest level, such contacts are planned in the near future, there is an understanding of their necessity, given the high level of russian-chinese relations, but we have not yet specified the timing, we believe that this is premature, peskov also said that the flood situation remains the focus of putin’s attention, he continues to receive all the necessary information, on the flood site, right now works. minister of emergency situations, well, all the details are in the report of our correspondent ruslan bigbulatov. let's see: we go to residential areas of orsk, these are apartment buildings, this is what the entrances look like, they have completely gone under water, it is no longer possible to open them, if someone wants to evacuate, then they can do it, now it will only be possible from the second floor of the building. he
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just fell, there’s water flowing down the street, it’s straight from the dam, the collapsing house is already completely sinking under the water , the roofs, the summer residents of snt are oak trees, is there anyone, who needs help, summer residents of snt, oak trees, who needs help? let us know or call 112, in the next 24 hours the water will rise to 1 m. almost 7,000 houses are flooded, about 2,500 people have been evacuated. from the old town, and we were generally very surprised that they told us, we’re taking everyone who is in the apartment, the only thing is that we didn’t have time to save the cat, that is, the guys threw the dog on the car and brought it, we were pleasantly surprised, what are the animals waiting for here, and not just let’s wait,
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and are ready to help them, the flood wave is shifting towards orenburg, in one day the urals near the regional capital have grown 25 cm and are getting closer to the critical mark, evacuation continues in orenburg in the flooding zone. there are already 15 houses, the water is rising, entering the yards, there is nothing, we bought small hunting cans and now we use them to cook for ourselves, we prepare tea, we prepare food, those affected by the flood are already receiving the first payments, according to the governor, as soon as the water recedes, the targeted bypass to assess the damage caused by the disaster for compensation lost housing when we discussed the introduction of a federal emergency... of course , the amount that was announced was 21 billion, yes, that was considered, well, the number of houses, the area of ​​these houses, the price per square meter, yes, well, in case of complete loss , of course, compensation, so i still sincerely
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hope that we will be able to return, but where there are some difficulties, of course we will also resolve this issue, bread and water are delivered to ors, trucks are traveling to orenburg from moscow. urals and volga region. all district districts of ufa quickly connected, thanks to to entrepreneurs, to all concerned residents of ufa, we quickly collected more than 25 thousand liters of water and more than 3,000 sets of napkins, which we are now sending. payments for utilities in flooded areas will not be charged. the same applies to loans. residents of orsk evacuated from flooded areas can receive free antiviral drugs. mass vaccination against hepatitis a begins today. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, news. orenburg region. now to the front it is reported that in the artyomovsk direction the russian army has completely liberated bogdanovka and is moving forward on the approaches to chasov yar. in the donetsk direction there are battles in
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pervomaisky from the taken under control of vodyanoy, our wars are advancing in the direction of nitailov. in these footage from the southern donetsk direction, the work of hurricane multiple launch rocket systems, artillery... destroyed the accumulation of equipment in the mtr, and this is the north of the front line, the kupinsky direction. tankers from the west group of troops destroy camouflaged dugouts and mortar crews the ukrainian armed forces, supporting the actions of the advanced detachments of the russian army. in the avdeevsky sector, our units stormed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in semyonovka, and also occupied literally several forest plantations to the west of the village of tonenkaya. offensive. under the cover of our gods of war, the artillery uses high-precision ammunition krasnopol, just like that , with a couple of sniper shots, the crew with a 100 s gun destroyed the american self-propelled
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artillery mount paladin and the underground command post of the ukrainian armed forces, look. moment of operational-tactical strike at the iskander complex at the arsenal of ukrainian heavy drones in zaporozhye , a fireball rises into the sky; almost
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nothing remains from the hangar in which the militants assembled and stored the drones. here, russian artillery attacks the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in abandoned houses, helping our forward troops develop the offensive. this is how the enemy is cleared.
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or 5 km, then this village will become
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the next ukrainian line of defense, perhaps even 7 km, but this is still not enough, the ukrainian armed forces fighters defend themselves quite effectively, but nevertheless less retreats further and further and loses more and more of its territory. our military carried out more than 40 combined strikes over the course of a week, targeting, among other things , energy facilities in kharkov. after a series of attacks. zelensky holds a meeting of the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief, where he demands from the commander of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky and defense minister umerov to protect the kharkov region, increase air defense and electronic warfare forces. during a conversation with representatives of the united-24 donation platform, the president of ukraine reiterates that without help congress kyiv will be defeated. if congress does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. if congress doesn't help, ukraine will lose the war, we need to find a public
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format for this. if ukraine loses this war, other countries will be attacked. against the background of the depletion of the ukrainian armed forces' reserves of missiles for western air defense systems, russia is increasing the use of front-line bombers, writes american force. the magazine notes that vks pilots are now flying much closer to ukrainian positions, attacking them with the help of fab. ukraine doesn't have enough. military equipment, ammunition and personnel, so it must limit its military operations to critical sectors of the front. i must clarify that we are not digging trenches just to defend ourselves, we are creating a certain reserve of resources, combat weapons, which we can access in case of further advancement. however, it is unlikely that this year we will see any major attempts by the ukrainians to return the occupied territories; on the contrary, we are talking about holding the front if possible. including against the new russian offensive, about
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which selensky warned. germany is preparing with all its might for the loss of ukraine. the german publication tager spiegel is worried about a new flow of refugees, which will lead to a shortage of places in schools and kindergartens. barbed wire was installed along the river on the border between ukraine and romania. this is what conscription looks like in odessa. ground forces commander pavlyuk says that no one will be able to escape the draft. if you want, change to the next minibus, that’s it, if you want, help the person get out, i don’t care. bronet mobilization, and the clowns literally received art. the ukrainian ministry of culture has assigned the status of critically important for the economy and livelihoods of the population and enterprises to several circuses at once. the west considers the war hopeless, but is doing everything. for its continuation, the member of the european parliament believes. according to him,
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there are several months left before the conflict is frozen. during this time, the front will move even further to the west. i am one of those who believe that ukraine cannot win the war and that at the moment europe and the united states are doing desperate attempts to gain time before the elections, so as not to suffer defeat. mood, listen,
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the war has been going on there for 10 years, 10 years, our north military district has been going on for 2 years, this is me in the 2014 war, but... in ukraine it’s 10 years, 10 years of monstrous fatigue, monstrous burnout, people are just tired of the war , tired of pumping up hatred, and if there was a certain surge of enthusiasm when the northern military district began, when kiev was defended from the ukrainian point of view, when there were even queues at the military registration and enlistment offices, now all this is passing, now the mood is changing, people, it shows. the survey, by the way, is a very interesting survey, there was the last survey, again ukraine is beginning to divide, the company rating, there are very interesting data, again ukraine is beginning to divide into the east, the west, the east, it is not yet looking towards russia, but it is no longer looking towards
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zelensky, support for zelensky is falling, the elites, the elites do not understand where the way out is, if... ukraine goes on the defensive, then this means that it will only lose further, when is the end? this means that they will lose further and further, and why then spend money, spend resources? it turns out to be a terrible situation, many representatives of the elite, businessmen, deputies, politicians in ukraine are leaving abroad, and are already setting up houses and apartments there so that they can move, because now it is very dangerous. but if the war ends, it will be even worse, because they will come mobilized, the economy is destroyed, the country is standing still, there are a lot of weapons, the soldiers are accustomed to high salaries, foreign aid will run out, the country will simply be covered with banditry, everyone who understands this
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will be asked by those who returned from the front , representatives of the current elites, and thus the country is covered without...
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how to do it and work correctly, listen, a war is not much different from an election campaign, i have a dozen of won election campaigns under my belt, we need to appeal to the population, we need to appeal to the soldiers, you need to change your point of view, because you may be surprised,
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but the refrigerator always wins over the tv, people must understand that by joining the russian federation, it will be more profitable to live. calmer, more satisfying, more secure, and this must be said, for 10 years they were told something completely different, if we say this, there will be much less resistance at the front, we must broadcast there that not only negative news is coming to ukraine, but positive news, that it our compatriots, that we are going to liberate them, as our president says, and not the complete feeling that we are rolling back to the beginning.
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correct and normal presentation, i watch ukrainian news all the time, some of our programs are shown there on the news and just shown without comment, you wait: do you think it’s possible to win only with fire? i think that we need to liberate cities, and then show what liberated
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cities look like, look at mariupol, and then look at the ukrainian hole in which you find yourself, this is a much more effective method than someone there now after 10 years of war, telling about love to people who hate us, you know how long it’s german. germany printed leaflets that were dropped on the soviet union. 5 billion pieces. 5 billion pieces burning houses, burning people, shooting, doing whatever they wanted, they dropped leaflets and talked about how good it would be when germany came, it was always like this, we worked in the same way, we worked in the same way on the territory of germany, as they worked, i didn’t understand it comparison, germany. to convince us that germany is our friend, we do not associate ourselves with germany and do not plan to associate ourselves, our goals and
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objectives are different, of course, but we too are coming, listen, civil war, now there is a classic civil war, civil a classic war, this is not when some will defeat others, this is not the end of a civil war, a civil war, when not... hatred goes away, then there is victory, and we must go towards this, we must understand about what this is everything hurts, that this is not easy, that we are killing our brothers, who 20 years ago, 10 years ago were still our brothers, but you know, a surgeon should not hate the leg that he cuts off during gangrene , he shouldn’t shred this leg with some expression of joy, he should.
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god, naturally, is with us, but we win not only because god is with us, we win because of the heroism of our soldiers and thanks to our weapons, but to address those who are seeking the strategic defeat of russia with words of love, well just why, just so that, so that how, in the hope of what development of the situation, once again.
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it was great when for 8 years in donetsk i talked about how we should make a showcase out of our regions, if we had done that, perhaps the situation would have developed differently, this is exactly so, the best example is this is when it comes, but words are also needed, and feelings, and emotions, olga, you as a woman should know this, i know something about emotions, but once again, i just wouldn’t even want to take our conversation about the war into a humorous plane. the situation has gone so far, it’s so hard for our whole country, there are so many victims, so much suffering, that there is absolutely no
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desire to talk about love, we want to do things, get together, strain to win, and about love, if we have someone to turn to later, we , we’ll probably say, but the main thing is for us now to win, we are now fighting for the russian people, with all due respect to the ukrainians, we will return. why are we drinking? i’m flying to baikon tomorrow , you’re kidding, they can’t cope without me. on cosmonautics day, you’ll fly with you and take it with you into space, they’re ready to step into the unknown, there’s no degrammatization, but there’s ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate, take us away, we’ll crash, only space is bravely conquered,
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there’s not enough oxygen, and... april on rtr, want twice as much harvest? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket; it will protect the plants from frosts will retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or
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exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, it is a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places of your site or premises. durable mini-greenhouse frame made of metal pipes, resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. present to your attention. best selling luxury chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion on work, on a visit, for a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. she will emphasize
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the femininity of her owner and add more. more charm, the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail, two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella, all this will allow you to conveniently organize the space and keep your bag tidy. stylish design - two trendy colors on choice, universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. we present to you an amazing new product. that garden shoes are light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, are very easy to put on, for working in the garden or going on a picnic, while walking the dog or working in the garden, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of a special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely
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weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet. when you get into a puddle, and the breathable anatomically shaped insole provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe, with them you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order a durable one, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. fast, easy and effective. interior design at an affordable price is a reality, we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century, with it you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned.
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the magnificent century carpet is the ideal solution for bedrooms, living room. kitchen, corridor and even balcony, the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red, two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. call right now to order a magnificent century carpet from only 14.95. hurry, this is a limited offer. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints.
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ingredients that will benefit the entire body, from the onset of the disease to its manifestation two decades have passed, so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information is from the most competent sources, forget about your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on arter, this... will give ukraine 32 at once f-16 fighter, but there is a nuance. athens is updating the aircraft fleet in its air force, announcing the start of preparations for the sale of 108 old fighters,
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which have used up approximately 60% of their technical life and are now subject to disposal. netherlands, norway and denmark too they promised ukraine their fighters, but so far not a single plane in more than two years. kiev never got a war, and a bit of euro-democracy for that matter, eight people were injured during a clash between police and anti-nato demonstrators in naples, italy, demonstrators tried to break through police barriers in front of the san carlo theater, where a concert was supposed to take place on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of nato, the protesters felt that city hall should not provide a cultural stage. for a paramilitary event, italian authorities they regarded freethinking as a threat to the alliance itself, and then they went to baton, look, today italy is celebrating the 75th
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anniversary of the atlantic alliance. celebrating 75 years of war, 75 years against the self-determination of peoples, 75 years of usurpation, the mayor of naples makes the hand of the police increasingly brutal, today the mayor of naples is responsible for all scenarios that may happen.
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using batons. professor. i am now concerned about one country that can.
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change a lot. let me remind you that japan is a country that openly has territorial claims, let's be honest, and not only, yes, officially to the five islands, but unofficially to the kuril islands and southern sakhalin. further, let me remind you that japan is a country that believes that it is the only one in history who won the war against russia. they still have this memory, and we must understand this. that they have such a memory and that such a memory exists. point two: japan is developing powerful rearmament programs. japan only needs...
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a political solution to create a nuclear weapons, as recently as 2007, there was an open debate in the japanese diet that japan, in the event of a weakening of the american nuclear umbrella, should gain the right to have its own nuclear weapons. then bush, younger than them, pressed them a little, stopped them, but if the americans in europe and asia gradually curtail their presence, they can give japan such a right. japan will very quickly create its own nuclear umbrella. further, the rearmament program has been going on in japan for a long time; in 15 , amendments were made to the japanese constitution, according to which japan has the right to use armed forces outside the japanese archipelago, although it says the consent of international institutions, but tomorrow this consent of international institutions could very quickly fall off. well, finally some more. fourth
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point, let me remind you that as recently as about 7-8 years ago there was a discussion in japan: are we japanese doomed to be closed forever on our islands, because not so long ago japan was a powerful continental empire, which owned both taiwan and korea , half of our sakhalin, the japanese are everyone remembers very well, taking into account this... that we said interesting words about christian culture, forgiveness, love, let me remind you that this is not a christian country, this is a sintaist country, where there is a completely different culture, remember, as we say, not you have to gloat, but for them this is a blessing, yes, gloating is happiness to see the humiliation of the enemy, in the japanese mentality this is really the case, so you need to prepare for what the americans will do to japan.
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all our hopes that the protests, remember, in soviet times in naples how much hope we had that the peaceful protests of the left against nato would lead to something, we would work with the social movement, so what, what did they lead to, to nothing, like...
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the owner of a taxi company, and you me here you’re ruining everything, i’m giving you 100,000 right now, i’m calling my friend, he’s getting you a job in a furniture store, you’re a woman, you should be flexible, i don’t owe anything to anyone, especially men, and alla wants to quit, i’m not going to leave, i’m staying , alla taxi, today on rtr.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is it's not thinking about anything when you're calm. and completely turned off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anex.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline.
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titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world-exciting. where life turns into a fairy tale, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different
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breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i she said, i want a white cat. caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up to a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you you're flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, guys, should i feed you? you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, we watch, love is when you look in one
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direction, look, look, look, you want look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, he takes it out, look. look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve? former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate,
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from monday to friday on rtr, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you see me, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, take it as a fact , i am alone. i am happy with everything in my life, i am essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son. an excellent topic for a dissertation. the father is a single father. do you need a nanny? yes, it is needed, but not you. if you don't need anything, it doesn't mean you have there is everything. every woman dreams of getting married, imagine. there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, this doesn’t mean that no
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one needs you, but maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we cleared everything up, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, loner, on sunday on rtr , so, the national olympic committee of ukraine is developing.
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and refused to go unless the humiliating demand was canceled, well, it wasn’t canceled. the organizing committee of the international geological congress is grateful to you for sending us these abstracts. however we we kindly ask you to change your russian affiliation to that of another country before april 7, 2024, if possible. otherwise, we will not be able to accept abstracts from russia during the review period next week in accordance with the policy of the international union of geological sciences. if your abstract is not accepted due to citizenship, your contribution may be refunded. thank you for your position,
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this is firstly, and secondly, just tell me how they formulate this directly, say that you are not russian, then everything will be fine you are good, please explain, hello, olga, we are talking about a requirement that is absolutely on tracing paper. the same as with the olympics, and the letter that the organizers sent me was just quoted in the russian translation, the translation is very accurate, they say that you can come, but only under a neutral flag, this is of course discrimination, because when you are alone you say to the person, here you sit on the chair, you are allowed, here you go, sit in the corridor and on the floor, this is discrimination, remember when there were places... in buses where blacks were not allowed to sit in the usa, for example, yes, this
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discrimination is humiliation, and then everything depends on you, are you ready to be humiliated or you don’t want to play this game, i don’t want to play a game that they are trying to humiliate me, so - so i decided not to play this game, but there are two ways to not play this game: quietly calm down, try to fight, and i did everything i could to ensure that this story became as public as possible, by the way, to the korean organizers i he said that if you don’t cancel your demand, then not only will i not come to you, i will also make this story as public as possible, and i did it, now it’s a curious situation when not only that - the media there has already had hundreds of thousands of views this news and... and also my american colleague is debating
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the international union of geological sciences, trying to get a clear answer from them: do they support discrimination? they are trying to blame everything on the korean organizers, the korean organizers are blaming it on the international union of geological sciences, in general, everything turns out quite fun, in fact, i think both are to blame , by the way, the president of the international geological union is. extremely rude towards russia. i have such an immodest question: why not reconsider his membership in the russian academy of sciences? moreover, the scientist, as i understand it, is not outstanding, he is just a person holding some kind of big position, but this is so, by the way, we attract such people as foreign members, it’s a pity, it’s a pity,
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science itself will lose something from absence russian representatives.
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to grow wiser after this story, and the leadership of the international geological union, i wish the same thing, in general, all people should wiser up, well, i have grown wiser, before i would have endured such a story quietly, now you know, every person lives once, i’m not ready to tolerate it in silence, i just think that in such situations you need to show character, thank you very much, thank you for.
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society has ceased to be international, it is politicized and split, and this kills the very essence, the very spirit of science, people do not understand this, the institutions that were created, those institutions that were created, these international geological unions, the international geological congress, they have discredited themselves to a huge extent, and either they will have to go through some kind of purification, or they will go to the dustbin of history in their place they will have to come as... what truly international organizations are fair, non-political, and open to everyone. let's hope so. thank you very much again for your position. russian scientist, professor missus, artyom aganov, they said, come, but only if you are not russian. naturally, artyom romanovich refused to go. thank you. we'll be back in a minute. on
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cosmonautics day, don’t be afraid of three attempts to dock, i understood nazar, let’s go, first they need to warm the station and melt it, they will last a week, fireworks, i refuse to continue the flight with you, do you hear where you’re going, april 12 on rtr. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, they do not glides on very easily. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking
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the dog or doing gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special ultra. lightweight eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the breathable anatomically shaped insole provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to the modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, presenting the hammersmith shovel. the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through the roots, and
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thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds like never before, effortlessly. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle with hard , compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, cuts through the toughest root systems like butter and strips roots with ease. in sequence. you can... easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why, if you can do even the toughest
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gardening work with one single tool, call order a razor-sharp hammer smith razer universal shovel edges on both sides, sharpened with a wa-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even with the most... hard soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle, with which the gripping area is quadrupled and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will get you at an incredible price, for only 4995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and only available for a short time. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary. it will protect the plants. frosts will retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening , extend the gardening season, and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer two sizes to choose from
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mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places on your site or... victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. so, the situation with floods in the
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spotlight was just reported to president putin in the kremlin. the head of state received new reports from the head of the ministry in turn. emergency situations of kurenkov and the governors of the orenbur, kurgan and tyumen regions. the presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the privozhsky federal district said that the emergency response team now numbers more than 132 thousand people and 36 thousand pieces of equipment are involved in eliminating the peahens. komarov , together with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, kurenkov, collected a helicopter and assessed the operational situation in the most affected areas. of the orenburg region, the minister then flew to another region, where water also came, this kurgan region, the level in tabol near
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kurgan increased by 38 cm in a day, in orenburg look, the southern part of the city is already flooding, drone footage shows that the water has come close to high-rise buildings in the leninsky district to the critical water level in the ural river of only 24. meters people are being urged to evacuate. watch the news, bye. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the level of the ural river has reached 9 m. a peak is expected in orenburg in the near future. lovodye is at risk for thousands more houses. today the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was attacked again. moscow is waiting for a full and clear report from the magician.


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