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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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see you, see you. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello. vorsky pikpavod kamenoval, in the old town the water level has dropped by a meter, but near orenburg the indicators are close to critical levels: only the roofs are completely visible in the water. sergei kiriyenko is on a working visit to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, today the station was attacked again.
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and in moscow there is now a memorial plaque in honor of the military pilot, hero of the soviet union, dmitry kaprin. about flood control and the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions reported today to vladimir putin on providing assistance to the population. the president decided to send the head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services, faizulin, to orenburg. on site, he will oversee the restoration of housing and destroyed infrastructure. today , the head of the ministry of emergency situations visited the disaster zone again. about the situation from orsk, ruslan bikbulatov, from orenburg, margarita semenyuk. we are entering
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residential areas of orsk, these are apartment buildings, this is what the entrances look like, they have completely gone under water, open them already it’s impossible, if someone wants to evacuate, now this can only be done from the second floor of the building. in orsk , there are almost 7,00 houses in the disaster zone, about 2,500 people were forced to leave their homes. our house was damaged along the roof, on our roof. goats, rabbits, chickens, everything is there, there is a lot of work for medical psychologists, a stock of medicines has been collected, there is a great demand for sedatives, people are experiencing extreme stress, everyone has stress, blood pressure, blood pressure was 200, well, nothing, everyone helped, for hospitalization, in principle, no one has been sent yet. in points a whole team of specialists, social workers, lawyers, bank employees are working for temporary accommodation, helping to restore documents, fill out applications for financial assistance, the victims have already begun to receive them.
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the count will begin with a targeted bypass of the disaster zone to assess the damage caused by the disaster, this is necessary to compensate for lost housing, when we discussed the introduction of a federal emergency, of course, the amount that was announced was 21 billion, yes, that was considered, well, the number of houses, area of ​​these houses, price square meter, yes, well, in case of complete loss, of course, compensation, so i still sincerely hope that... we will be able
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to return, but where there are some difficulties, of course we will also resolve this issue. bread and water are delivered to orsk, to the orenburg region, trucks travel from moscow and the volga regions. all districts of ufa quickly got involved, and thanks to entrepreneurs, all caring residents of ufa, we quickly collected more than 25,000 liters of water and more than 3,000 sets of napkins, which we are now sending. today the massive vaccination against hepatitis a. ruslan. behind me now there are houses that are completely in the water, only the roofs are visible, in one day the urals have grown by 25 cm, and sakmara by 22 cm. the people who stay here now tell each other everything, help, move around on inflatable boats, whoever has the opportunity now we’re going to the city center to buy bread. two
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people, including 40 children, all of them are placed in temporary accommodation centers; three more temporary dispersal centers and long-term accommodation centers are in readiness. unfortunately, cases of intestinal infections associated with floods have been recorded. the outbreak is associated with the second site, 27 cases were recorded there, now this site has also been inhabited for 2 days. 259 people, 93 pieces of equipment and 41 boats are currently involved in the work. after the water recedes , specialized commissions will be formed that will enter almost every
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house to assess the damage. in addition, i note that the national guard also continues to work in flood zones. rescued today 13 people from the flood zone. volunteers from the all-russian student rescue corps joined in eliminating the consequences of a dam break in the orenburg region. they patrol flooded areas on boats and help evacuate people and animals. activists also participate in the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid. it's targeted. student volunteers find out. the needs of each victim, including those who are now living in temporary accommodation centers and bring all the necessary things, including medicines. in in the kurgan region, the water rose by one and a half meters, evacuation was announced. the population
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is alerted to the need to urgently leave their homes by sirens and loudspeakers on emergency services vehicles. there are now several areas in the flood zone. the worst flood in 30 years threatens sixty. autonomous okrug, as well as sverdlovsk and ivanovo regions. residents who may find themselves in a disaster zone are advised to stock up on drinking water for a month. the difficult flood situation in the border regions was discussed by phone president of russia and kazakhstan. tatakaev noted the close interaction between the specialized services of the two countries in terms of monitoring and forecasting the situation, coordinated response measures. the heads of state also touched upon some aspects of international issues, including in the context of russia’s chairmanship of the commonwealth
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of independent states, and kazakhstan’s chairmanship of the collective security treaty. confirmed commitment to comprehensively strengthening russian-kazakh relations. the flood situation was discussed at today's meeting of the state duma, as its chairman vyacheslav volodin noted, after eliminating the consequences of the disaster, deputies must understand what measures are necessary to ensure that this does not happen again. the flood situation is under the control of the relevant committees for safety, anti-corruption, ecology, and environmental protection. and vyacheslav volodin also emphasized that parliamentarians should be with their voters in difficult moments. if some kind of trouble happens in our constituencies, we need to be with people, help, we are with you we see that now the flood situation is very difficult, alarming in a number of regions, so i appeal to those who have not yet gone to their
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constituencies, you can do this immediately, we will only support you, be closer to people and listen to their problems, with this... a key task, we have oriented the republic in such a way that we really don’t have a more important task, we now have volunteer battalions serving and, i would say, showing themselves very strongly, we have made a lot of effort to get the battalions out of here fully equipped, we even bought them
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armored military equipment, so we help them with everything, my term of office expires in the fall, in this regard, i wanted to ask, if you have the trust to continue this? there are a lot of plans, and the results are good, so for my part i will do everything to support you, well, of course the choice will be up to the people, we need to work with people, especially during this period, directly meet more often, listen, because after all, from the offices you won’t see or hear workers, you need to work closer with people, the opposite we can receive communications, but in general everything is fine, so... the russian economy continues to develop confidently,
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mikhail mishustin spoke about this today at a strategic session at the government coordination center. according to the prime minister, the basis for such growth is the creation of demand for new russian goods, services and technologies. mishustin emphasized that the measures taken by the government are visible in the positive changes that have occurred in many sectors. develop according to the ministry of economic development in january gdp increased by almost 5%, in february already by 7.7%. growth in industry has strengthened, this is about 8.5% in february, the locomotive, as in the twenty-third year, remains processing, which is very important, our manufacturing industry is growing at a record pace, unemployment has again reached a historical minimum, this is 2.8, it is necessary to maintain this mood , guided primarily by the
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national development program that the president outlined in his message to the federal assembly. the movement of trains on the stretch under vyazma, interrupted by the collapse road bridge to the railway tracks will partially resume today. such plans were announced by the authorities of the smolensk region. now trains of the savelovsky and belarusian directions follow bypass routes. arrival of trains from kaliningrad. and bresto to the capital is delayed. compensation buses were organized for passengers of the international lastochka express, which ran between moscow, smolensk and minsk, immediately after the accident. at this hour they had transported 1,500 people. let me remind you, the automobile overpass connecting vyazma with southern microdistricts, collapsed last evening. the reasons are still unknown. fragments of six spans fell onto the rails along with cars, killing a woman. who was driving a passenger car, it’s a long way from tsalkovsky’s projects to flights to the moon and
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further to the era of hypersound. an excursion conducted by employees of the academy of the strategic missile forces named after peter the great is dedicated to the history of the advanced achievements of the russian missile industry. the event was held in press mode and was timed to coincide with cosmonautics day. our colleague saw unique exhibits alexey karev. there is no collection of spacecraft like the one at the academy of the strategic missile forces named after peter the great anywhere else, and most importantly, many are still in working order, it opens, this is how an automatic interplanetary station is deployed in outer space, a similar device was used for photographing the moon. a similar type of apparatus, called zone3, made the world's first detailed photograph of the far side of the moon, which, by the way, allowed our country to be the first. which carried out the publication of the atlas of the full moon, that is, with one hand on the other. titanium cameras, satellites,
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landers, all this is a visual aid with which you can study military and manned astronautics. we were allowed to visit inside the living compartment of the soyuz ship, here the crew could take food, there were two sleeping places, and, most importantly, this is part of the soyuz ship, a kind of corridor through which docking takes place. we are docking the iss at approximately the same speed as it happens in reality. that's it, the capture is taking place. the strategic missile forces is a branch of the military where almost everyone the officer must be an engineer of the highest level. therefore, cadets spend almost the entire 5 years studying science and technology. it is important to know where it all began. the leadership of the strategic missile forces understands perfectly well that the properties of our equipment depend to a large extent on its combat capabilities, its combat functionality depends. including the extent to which we know how to correctly counteract other people’s space systems and rely on the help
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of our own space systems. the strategic missile forces military academy has a special auditorium, a huge hangar, where you can see the entire history of domestic rocket science. the rocket was a completely new class of technology, the properties of which were unknown to humanity. the r2 rocket is one of the first production rockets, and of course, the first ... space exploration tasks were solved with the help of this rocket. the developments of the design bureau under the leadership of korolev are a kind of starting point from which not only space exploration began. but in the future the creation of the country's nuclear account. for example, here is the newest intercontinental missile system with a hypersonic unit avangard. it is capable of maneuvering during flight and accelerates to cosmic speeds. today it is a large scientific center, including for the training of engineering personnel. thousands of specialists have graduated from the university, including, by the way, astronauts. alexey kariev, nikita korneev,
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dmitry tolstoukhov, news. and here are the topics next in the program. in the bryansk region , the village of klimovo was shelled, there were dead. state pensioners of gagauzia will open accounts in the russian promsvyaz bank and let's talk about the results of minister lavrov's negotiations in beijing. see you in just a couple of minutes. what's this? this is a bribe for me. for me to find another job. allah. taxi, premiere. today on rtr.
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a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic del is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come. on the day of astronautics, the signal disappeared, the station does not respond to any commands, why are we drinking, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re
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a write-off, star team. it’s dangerous, volodya, slow down, drive away, drive away, what happened, i pierced my glove, lights, talk to me, i spoke to you, the story of a real feat, they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, a film that has reached unprecedented heights, you heard, you need to open the hatch, the shuttle docked, there is nothing, you... solute 7. april 12 on rtr . you are watching the news, we continue the release: the governor of the bryansk region, alexander bahamas , reports on the shelling of the village of klimovo. at
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the height of the day, ukrainian artillery struck the central square. next door to it there is a blood transfusion station, a library, and a large department store. according to the head of the region, a woman and a child died. three wounded are receiving medical assistance. a residential building caught fire when hit by a shell and was damaged. several cars, all operational and emergency services were brought to the scene. the issue of ensuring nuclear safety was discussed today at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which was again attacked by the ukrainian armed forces. first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko visited the nuclear power plant during a working trip and held a meeting. the management of the facility reported on the actions of the team at the time of the shelling, on precautions and current work. since the beginning of april, the ukrainian military has already attacked nuclear power plants five times with drones, including last night. we are near the building
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of the training center, into the roof of which a drone flew today. there is real equipment here, including the reactor room. the only thing missing here is nuclear fuel. as a result of the attack , neither the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. anti-ship missile neptune with... acacias and carnations, british and american howitzers, rapier anti-tank gun, rap station and counter-battery counter. the military department publishes footage taken by a reconnaissance
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drone near the village of spornoye. a subdivision of the southern group tightly covers enemy positions with guided ammunition. kiev's daily losses in all areas are over 900 killed and wounded. russian security forces managed to prevent this. at enterprises of transport, fuel energy and defense industry. these data were announced at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee. nearest the department’s task is to strengthen the security of important facilities related primarily to carrying out a special operation or supplying new regions in conditions where the enemy has significantly intensified attacks. security forces have repeatedly stopped attempts by ukrainian saboteurs to enter russian territory. intelligence formations, ukrainian neo-nazis, their western patrons organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on
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our territory, by participants in the international terrorist bank underground, evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with numerous casualties among the civilian population. new technologies in the domestic military industry have today become one of the central topics of the scientific council. under the russian security council. the meeting was held for the first time in the new situation center, created by decision of the president. as stated by secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. the united states and its allies are striving to inflict strategic defeat on us in all areas, but russia has something answer. the first report examined issues related to the development of accelerated implementation of technologies necessary for modernization and the creation of new types of weapons.
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to counter military threats to russia , recommendations were developed regarding the development of automated command and control systems and promising types of weapons by nato countries. the development of russian-chinese relations was discussed today in beijing. our foreign minister sergei lavrov is there on a two-day visit; the minister was received by the chairman of the people's republic of china. meeting took place in the house of people's assembly. xidin ping noted his readiness to work closely with moscow, as well as strengthen strategic cooperation within the framework of brix and sco. lavrov, whom the head of the people's republic of china called a great friend of the chinese people, emphasized that today's partnership between the two countries is largely the merit of the leaders. trade turnover is breaking new records. the project of the years of culture of russia and china has started, the foreign policy connection between moscow and beijing is, of course, the locomotive of efforts that.
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promsvyaz-bank will open accounts for employees budgetary assistance to pensioners of gagauzia within the framework of humanitarian support. the corresponding agreements were signed today in moscow by the head of promsvyaz bank pyotr frodkov, the head of the autonomy within moldova evgenia gutsul and the chairman of the people's assembly of gogauzia dmitry konstantinov. the program will cover about 25 thousand residents of the region. the authorities of the autonomy will be able to calculate pensions and bonuses to the basic salary of public sector employees. and besides, the bank will provide.
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union to dmitry kaprin. barel'ev was installed on a house on marshal vasilevsky street, where dmitry vasilevich, a participant in the great patriotic war, commander of the iskadrili assault air regiment, lived for many years. he flew 130 combat missions. dmitry kaprin took part in the battle of stalingrad, in the battle for the dnieper, and liberated ukraine and lithuania from fascist invaders. he was awarded the highest state awards. his colleagues and son spoke about him with great respect and warmth.
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but it will still be 2-3° warmer than a normal april day. today on our channel is the comedy lyrical melodrama alla taxi. the heroine of the story, having convinced her husband of treason, leaves from him, and at the same time loses his house, his job and his son. but she doesn’t give up, she gets a job in
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a taxi company, where they are waiting for her. troubles and happy moments. starring svetlana kolpakova, roman madyanov, alexander mikhailov, olga prokofieva. new episodes immediately after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us. dear friends, take care of each other, visit each other more often, love your parents, love your homeland, because here we grew up, here we will bury our ancestors, everything it will be great for you if we all take care of what is conscious of the kolins.


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