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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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on high alert due to impending bad weather, thunderstorms of heavy rain. according to the forecast, heavy rain with wind gusts of up to 17 m/s is expected in the capital region today after 7 pm and until wednesday morning. people are asked not to take shelter under trees or park cars under them. vesti, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, bye. on the russia channel, the time for the main news of the day is on the air, big news, in the studio igor kazhevin, hello, our reports from the flooded orsk, this is what the entrances look like, they they have completely gone under water, it is no longer possible to open them, from flooded orenburg. even in the morning
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this street was dry, now it is completely in water, filled with endlessly rising flood waters, stories of rescue, oh-oh, you know, i myself, special attention locally to intestinal infections, on average in ursk there are up to 11 calls a day, we didn’t expect this, we thought it would scare us a little and go away, what are the forecasts, why is the west making a terrorist state out of ukraine? to inflict a strategic defeat on our country. states they want to send colombians recruited in prisons to ukraine. we are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes. money for terrorist attacks in russia went through commercial organizations. in particular , the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine. and today's crime of the kiev regime. in the bryansk region, a woman and child were killed.
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kyiv's new blow to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. there is real equipment here, including the reactor room. the head of european diplomacy personally requests weapons for kiev, and at least seven patriot batteries. is europe ready to pay more? unfortunately, our patriot systems are largely depleted. and also, while the bulgakov museum in kiev persuaded the authorities to recognize the writer as anti-russian, the authorities recognized him not as a ukrainian, but. he took part in the battle of stalingrad, liberated ukraine and lithuania, and a memorial plaque to the hero of the soviet union dmitry kaprin was unveiled in the capital. there was a glitch in the traffic police database, the registration of cars and the issuance of driver’s licenses stopped in four regions at once. falling from height. opera singer evgeny khungurov has left. so,
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the flood situation throughout the country is now the focus of the president's attention. as the kremlin said, vladimir putin constantly receives up-to-date information and today he heard updated reports from the governors of the kurgan, tyumen and, of course, orenburg regions, where the situation is still the most difficult. after a conversation with denis pasler, the head of state decided to send the minister of construction to the disaster zone. aizulin, who will have to deal with the issues of restoring housing and infrastructure. another separate conversation took place with the head of the ministry of emergency situations. in the morning, alexander kurenkov again went to the affected region as chairman of the government commission to eliminate the consequences of floods and provide assistance to the population. over the past few hours, for the first time since the beginning of the flood, the level of the ural river in the orsk region began to decline and dropped to 914 cm. closer to orenburg, on the contrary,
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it rose sharply to the same values. according to the mayor, if the water reaches 930 cm , new areas will be flooded. from the epicenter of the fight against disaster, reports ruslan bikbulatov and margarita semenyuk. rescuers are transporting paramedics to the old city, the area that was hit the hardest. half the houses are under water alone.
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everyone who refuses to leave their homes comes to the local temple and is fed here. are distributing humanitarian aid, people have started complaining of heart pain and intestinal syndrome. 10 multidisciplinary specialists came here today to help. in orsk, of course, this is an area of ​​special attention for us, and we primarily focus on the number of calls from people who have an intestinal infection clinic. in the middle vorsk there are up to 11 calls per day with these symptoms. we drive through residential areas of orsk. these are apartment buildings, this is what the entrances look like, they are completely submerged under water, it is no longer possible to open them, if someone wants to evacuate, now this can only be done from the second floor of the building, there are almost 7.00 houses in the disaster zone,
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about 100 have already been evacuated 2,500 inhabitants, our house was damaged up to the roof, we have goats, rabbits, chickens on the roof, everything is there, a lot of work. medical psychologists have collected a supply of medicines, there is a high demand for sedatives, people are worried extreme stress, everyone had stress, blood pressure, blood pressure was 200, well, nothing helped everyone, in principle , no one has been sent to hospital yet, lawyers work in temporary accommodation centers, bank employees help restore documents, fill out applications for financial assistance, nearby sberbank mobile point, the victims have already begun to receive the first payments, the validity of the card will be extended, you will use it again...
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the last catastrophic, as it was called, flood in orsk, occurred in 1957, the level of the ural river then rose by 12 m, incredibly quickly. people woke up from the splash of waves on the walls, water poured onto the second floors, furniture floated through the streets, residents were saved with the help of boats and helicopters, taken from the roofs of houses and, just as today , they were taken to the island of salvation, preobrazhenskaya mountain. then 11 schools, nine hospitals, and almost 7,500 houses were flooded. in 2013
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, a dam was built, if you look at the map, it’s not even one, but two embankments along the ural river, they were supposed to become like two great chinese walls protecting the city, but this year. due to the snowy winter and the sudden melting of snow from the reklinsky reservoir, the water discharge was six times greater than usual. however, all the surrounding reservoirs began to dump it. powerful streams poured through streams into the urals and flooded the city in a few hours; the dam, built with violations, could not stand it. by order of the russian president , construction minister irek faizulin was sent to the disaster zone to inform the population about the upcoming restoration of infrastructure and housing. read the flood damage now. difficult, but the authorities promise to pay compensation to everyone. of course, there will be commissions that will assess the damage, compensation will be in accordance with the calculations for the construction of one square meter of housing. he delivers bread and water to ors; trucks travel to the orenburg region from moscow, the urals and volga regions. doctors recommend
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not drinking tap water, boiling it, but rather using bottled water. vaccination against hepatitis a has begun at temporary accommodation centers. the first day during the flood, the day in orsk, when they were completely in the water, because the river level the urals have now exceeded critical indicators, this is 9 m, and the water continues to remain, literally in a few hours the street went under water, now local residents are trying to save their households, but law enforcement officers continue to be on duty here
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along with boats to promptly evacuate people. now over 2.0 household plots, more than one and a half thousand households, have been sunk, you see the black mark. i put the stick down about two hours ago, but you can already see that it’s probably already there. somehow we make a reservation, we don’t know, we can somehow save the house, we don’t know what will happen, so
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we want to cover everything around the house with cellophane. rescuers, police officers, and members of the national guard are evacuating people; about 800 people were brought from the danger zone, including 40 children; some residents are still staying. beef stew, who brought it? here, children, grandma lives there, so they came, brought it, it’s from the city, right? yes, this is not the first time, the day before yesterday they brought a lot of water, oh, a lot of everything, stew, bread, gingerbread cookies are bought and brought by locals residents to distribute to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place. we didn’t expect this, we thought the parrot would go away a little, this is a serious matter, well done, these people are really helping. veronica karimova is ready for the rising water, they collected documents and things, turned off the power, removed the sockets, raised refrigerators on bricks, lifted everything they could. a bag on top with carriers, with documents, everything is ready, meanwhile the water
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is rapidly covering the streets and houses in orenburg, where it was dry in the morning, river, you can only get there by rubber boat, well, while we were swimming in the reach, now they decided to come to me, it’s completely flooded there, the house, yes, the house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is inside at the bottom . ural, along the side of the road there are embankments made of rocky soil. the region was visited by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, russia, alexander kurenkov, with the regional governor denis pasler. they flew over the entire area affected by the flood. the minister examined the conditions in which those evacuated to temporary accommodation centers live. that's it, the water went through dam. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard are on duty at snt around the clock. the latter evacuated 13 people today. the regional authorities will compensate all victims for losses and will pay them materials. business will also be supported; alfa group shareholders will allocate 1 billion rubles to help those affected by floods in the orenburg
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region. drinking water will be delivered in the coming days. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. particular attention is now being paid to the protection of the kurgan region, where additional units of the ministry of emergency situations have been sent from five regions today. the flood situation there is developing rapidly and has already required the preventive evacuation of residents. the water level in tobol rose by 38 cm in one day and reached 343. local authorities are strengthening dams and purchasing the necessary medicines. report by albert musin. this road is the only route to the village of ust-uyskaya, there in the distance behind me . now its remains are being filled with endlessly rising flood waters. the settlement itself is completely cut off from the mainland. the only connection is a couple of local rescue boats. they are being evacuated.
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your house is closest to the water, well, that’s it, i invited the ministry of emergency situations, that’s it, they all helped me in one day to collect all my things, move them, the water is just rushing. arrives, the main wave of the flood has taken over the zverennogolovsky district, a complete evacuation has been announced in the breakthrough village, now it is going under water faster than others, the last houses are in the village, they are being flooded there, well , almost no one lives there anymore, and those who are flooding them are grandmothers , i know they were taken out there already as they were evacuated to school there, they are taken somewhere, who to relatives, flooding of your houses and plots is expected, evacuation has been announced, a state of emergency has been declared throughout the kurgan region, flooded. hundreds of people have been evacuated from dozens of villages, temporary accommodation centers have been set up for residents of the affected areas, where
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everyday issues can be resolved, as well as documents can be completed with mfc employees. right away there are sleeping places, hot tea right away, the children have everything they need, we measure their temperature, blood pressure, if there is a need, they themselves turn to us, if there are any complaints, we have everything prepared for providing first aid. from day to day they are waiting for more water in the mound itself; townspeople are stocking up on drinking water, sweeping it off store shelves and queuing at water dispensers. hundreds of volunteers are building a dam from sandbags around the clock.
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the most difficult situation today is observed in the orenburg region. negative forecasts are coming for the kurgan and tyumen regions. we will listen to speakers about the current flood situation, and also discuss the forecast and develop measures that need to be taken to avoid allow catastrophic consequences during floods. according to forecasts, the peak of the flood in the region will occur tomorrow, so the evacuation will strengthen the coastline. the flood situation in the border regions of russia and kazakhstan became the main topic of today’s telephone conversation between vladimir putin and kasym zhamar takaev. the presidents of russia and kazakhstan noted that the relevant departments of the two countries are monitoring the situation,
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jointly developing and implementing coordinated response measures. according to the kremlin press service, the heads states agreed to give. instructions to intensify this work. deputies in constituencies affected by floods should immediately go to their regions to help people on the ground. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin said today that parliamentarians from the orenburg region did exactly this. he noted that the issue of eliminating the consequences of the flood is under control in the relevant committees, and data received from colleagues who visited the flood zone will help take effective measures, to minimize the impact of the impact. if some kind of disaster happens in our constituencies, we need to be with people, help them, we can see that now the flood situation is very difficult, alarming in a number of regions, so i appeal to those who have not yet gone to their constituencies, you can
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do this immediately, we will only support you. the structure of the odessa, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk and sumy regions of ukraine today received new high-precision strikes in response to attempts to attack oil, gas and energy facilities in russia. in kharkov they report that the kommunar defense plant in the odessa inlet has hit the port infrastructure. the state border cover group is also destroying logistics hubs of the militants. a missile strike hit a fuel depot and several others. zaporozhye, judging by the instant detonation, the drones were already ready for use. in konstantinovka , a train carrying ukrainian armed forces reserves was destroyed. in the sumy region , the eighth
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malachite radar station was eliminated with an accurate hit. front-line aviation dealt a massive blow to... mobile, move quickly. stormtroopers use any type of equipment to specifically train them to fire on the move: right hand on the steering wheel, into the left machine gun. a motorcycle is one of the tactical superiorities, that is, you tactically bypass, faster, more maneuverable, move towards the trench, shoot at this moment from a motorcycle, that is, there is
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a lot, a lot that can be done on it that cannot be done on foot. here is a group rushing through to enemy positions. rushes through the entire gray zone and the attack aircraft are already in the enemy trenches. the enemy is pinned to the ground by artillery and kamikaze drones. the drones are operating close to our attack aircraft. accurate weapons. regarding fpv drones, they are now very, very different, so to speak. they help, because you yourself correct all this in flight, that is, you hit the targets exactly, you open the dugouts, the personnel, you hit the vehicles, the reconnaissance call sign is a beard, hitting the dugouts... you secured the flanks for the assault squad with drones, i say hello to my family, friends, hello everyone, everything is fine, we are winning, one assault and using
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motorcycles, beer drones, with the support of artillery, the brigade in an hour increased the control zone by several square kilometers, went even further towards the city of seversk, this is the brigade that liberated the border line of severodonetsk or sichansk, well , the fighters of the legendary have just recaptured positions today... that several key positions have been occupied, and we will move on. kambrik kashtan is now leading bayami in this important area. this brigade
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approaches the city of seversk from the south. we do not allow the enemy to carry out rotational events. this means that the enemy is complaining, but those blocking detachments that are behind are not allowing them to leave the position. and yet, they still leave their positions. they are running, roughly speaking, in fear, but there are guys among them who fight to the end, well, this does not save them, there is no calm at the front, ours are attacking, maneuver and positional actions replace each other, the enemy is forced, suffering losses, to retreat all further. nikolai dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, ekaterina tehmanovich, news! russia convenes un security council on supplies of western weapons in kyiv after a new shelling. zaporozhye nuclear power plant. today's drone attack on the nuclear power plant's training center occurred just 10 minutes after
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magath employees left the site. this is the fifth incident just since the beginning of april. alexey konopko will continue. the fifth strike in 5 days at europe's largest nuclear power plant was recorded at 11:06 am. only their gunners know where exactly the ukrainian armed forces were aiming, but they ended up in the training building, where, as the name implies, engineers practice on a full-scale simulator technological operations, we are located near the building of the training center, into the roof of which a drone flew today, there is real equipment here, including the reactor hall, the only thing that is not here is nuclear fuel, zaes employees are trained here, practice technological operations, including in the reactor hall, neither the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged as a result of the attack. around this time , the first deputy head of the presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko, held a meeting at the station, discussed. development of the energodar satellite city, but first of all, of course, safety. russia will bring it up for a separate discussion in magatt, in the un security council once again, before it is too late. of
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course, we assumed that this kind of attack against the largest nuclear power plant in europe would be recorded. and until now, provocations on the part of the ukrainian regime, unfortunately , have only caused regret, concern without... stating the obvious, from where and by whom these terrorist attacks were prepared, carried out, i think that this time it will not be possible to escape responsibility, the distance from the site of the new attack to the first power unit is 500 m, to the fence of the industrial site is a little more than 200, right here, 10 minutes before the attack , the magat employees themselves passed by, returning from an inspection of the external radiation laboratory monitoring, the report of the explosion corresponds to the observations of magath direct... there is no nuclear safety this time, but the latest incident again emphasizes the extreme seriousness of the situation. now the head of the agency, who just yesterday called the situation, although dangerous, but stabilized,
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today did not hide the level of threats. our goal here is to avoid nuclear accidents. every time such situations happen, we find ourselves close to it, so this is not an artificial or fictitious scenario. the next wave of attacks by the ukrainian armed forces began last friday, when arrivals were recorded at the nitrogen-oxygen station and at the port. the next drone arrived on saturday, sunday, and there were at least three more, and three people were injured. on this next day, the sixth power unit came under attack. after this, they did not remain silent in the west, but they did not remain silent in such a way that in the statements it remained a mystery who did all this with the drones. we are aware of information about the drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. we continue to monitor the situation at the station, including through official magath reports. it is promised that the damage from this drone strike will not jeopardize the nuclear security situation. reckless drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant increase
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the risk of a nuclear incident. such attacks must stop. at an extraordinary meeting of the council managers of the magat on the situation at the zaporozhye npp are scheduled for the day after tomorrow, if a disaster does not occur before that time through the efforts of the armed forces of ukraine. alexey knopkoy, ekaterina frolova, karina tanayana, natalya kurkina, news! money for carrying out terrorist attacks on russian territory, including the murder of public figures, was allocated by the ukrainian oil and gas company burisma, which is directly connected with the family of the current president. usa, that work is underway to identify the involvement of specific officials, as well as public and commercial organizations in western countries to finance terrorism, the investigative committee reported today. since the beginning of this year , russian intelligence services have prevented 27 attacks on civilian targets planned in ukraine. report by alexey golovko. russian security forces today showed how special forces over the past months have detained terrorists who were trying to damage an important one.
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tours and military installations on our territory, 27 attacks prevented. a terrorist war has been declared against russia, and it is obviously being waged not only by ukrainians. saboteurs. the united states and its allies have flatly refused to recognize russia’s fundamental interests in the sphere of national security. and now they are doing everything to inflict a strategic defeat on our country, both on the battlefield and in other areas. in the struggle for its world hegemony, the united states identified russia as its main enemy. at the same time, the main efforts are aimed at destroying traditional russian spiritual and moral values ​​and much of the national culture. here is the latest striking example, as analysis now shows video footage filmed before their death by saboteurs who were trying to break into the belgorod region, among them were several
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us citizens. one of the american fighters. was called a commander, and probably the number of foreign fellow soldiers among the ukrainian armed forces fighters will only grow. the russian foreign intelligence service today reported that american private military companies are recruiting from us prisons with the aim of sending imprisoned representatives of colombian and mexican drug cartels to the ukrainian theater of operations. the fbi gives its blessing for recruitment against drugs. the first batch of thugs is planned to be sent to the combat zone this summer. the ban formation will... consist of several hundred mexicans and colombians, if they agree to the mission, they are promised a complete amnesty in the expectation that they will never return back. the united states and its allies are supplying ukraine with instructors and mercenaries with increasingly powerful weapons, while repeating like a mantra: the west is not a party to the conflict. any emerging facts are covered up by the powerful propaganda. the active promotion of stereotypes of the modern west in the media sphere leads to
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the erosion of the traditional. forms of social and spiritual life, loss of identity and national consciousness, this is the path of civilized degradation. the most striking example is ukraine. it is in ukraine, according to russian security officials, that the traces of the most monstrous terrorist attack in recent years lead: the shooting of spectators in the crocus concert hall. ukrainian neo-nazis are organized by their western patrons or ready. actively support committing the most barbaric crimes on our territory, participants in the international terrorist bankrupt field. evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with numerous civilian casualties. this american boat with a ukrainian warhead on board, found off the coast of romania, can be considered a symbol of terrorist symbiosis. a drone with a charge of 500 kg of explosives could sink any
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civilian ship underway. in the black sea, terrorist attack on nord streams western countries have actually refused to investigate, although they have every opportunity to do so. in russia, they suspect that american participation or financing is behind many of the terrorist attacks organized by the main intelligence department of ukraine; the wallet for gur is the notorious oil company burisma, not the least of which was held by hunter biden, the son of the current us president. joe biden was vice president in those years and was in charge of ukraine. and literally pushed through this appointment, for which the republicans in congress initiated impeachment procedure, and now state duma deputies have appealed to the investigative committee of russia with a request to investigate the facts of financing terrorists through the burisma company. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, have been used in recent years
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for implementation. and other crimes of ukrainian intelligence on russian territory were sponsored with the participation of foreign structures, according to deputies a criminal case has been initiated under the article of financing terrorism. alexey glovko, maxim shchepilov, lead. the head of the republic, radi khabirov, told vladimir putin today about regional support measures developed for residents of bashkiria who are fighting in the special operation zone. his term of office expires in the fall, and the conversation in the kremlin was essentially a summing up of the region’s recent development. 5 years. report by olga armyakova. in the president's office with a report on the state of affairs in bashkartastan, the head of the republic. here look, your performance there is on average, good.
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the republic is actually developing well. but the conversation begins with the fact that for the region, as for the whole country, concern for the participants in the special operation and their families is now in first place. 39 republican support measures. over 6 billion rubles for them, which will be spent this year alone , the bashkartastan volunteer regiment serves near lugansk, two battalions of the russian guard near donetsk, they were staffed with forces from the region, provided with equipment, but spiritual support is also important. here, when it all started, to us the guys asked us to have clergy there, but it’s interesting that we have a muslim orthodox republic, and we sent both of them, i bought them cars, they always travel together. father victor and hamza harran, they have been there for almost 2 years with the guys on the front line, although they are not military, they are in uniform, they perform this task, i thank them very much. the republic is helping our new regions with the restoration of houses, housing and communal services, roads, a new asphalt plant,
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it has been working in the red ray for almost 2 years now, that in the lnpr, a sponsored territory of bashkiria. the growth rate of industry exceeds the russian average; in february alone, 112% of them in industrial and technology parks in the republic , over thirty, strengthen international cooperation with belarus, producing grain dryers, graders, and bulldozers. with kazakhstan, oil and gas projects, production of medical equipment and chemical components. the volume of investments has increased one and a half times over 5 years, exceeding 620 billion rubles. this is a historical maximum. what kind of watch is this, this is an investment watch for me, i personally accept it investors, different ones at that, come, and we immediately make a decision, so. within 30 days, our task is to provide the project with the right , respectively, to a priority investment project; within 60 days, to provide land without trade. the republic of bashkyrtastan is a leader in the production of kumis and honey, second in the country in beef, third in milk,
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traditionally bashkastan is really such an agricultural region, well, we had a meeting last year , but imagine in the twenties in june we had freezing temperatures. in june on june 20, our beekeepers and crop production suffered, but the most important thing is that in the twenty-second year, as throughout russia, we collected a record harvest of land, then an adjustment, we then collected 5 million tons, housing construction is also growing, over 3 million square meters per year, the problem of shareholders has been solved, 10,000 families have received payments and new apartments, my term of office expires in the fall, in this regard, i wanted to ask, if you have your trust, continue this work, what is the plan?
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and the heads of the region this fall. olga armyakova, yulia brileva and andrey korpenko, host. negotiations on ukraine without taking into account the interests of russia, unpromising, the so -called zelensky peace formula is an empty ultimatum. sergei lavrov stated this during negotiations with his colleague wang yi in beijing. the foreign ministers of the two countries expressed their readiness to oppose the us-led ukraine-centric alliances and emphasized the new unprecedented level of bilateral relations. nimi.
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they are based on mutual support in those issues that affect fundamental interests.
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are now being applied with all their might by the united states, china and russia will continue to defend the need to correct this situation in international economic relations. the focus today was on the ukrainian crisis. the reason for this is well understood in beijing. chinese friends clearly state the need to take into account the legitimate concerns of all parties involved, and above all in the field of security. and in this context, we... and our chinese colleagues
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confirmed the conclusion about the futility of any international events that not only do not take into account russia’s position, but completely ignore it, that promote an absolutely empty ultimatum, the so -called zelensky peace formula, and are thus completely divorced from any realities. in china, which has its own peace plan, and these are negotiations, they believe that moscow and kiev. before that, they threatened chinese companies on how to counter this, lavrov and wang yi also
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decided simultaneously. minister wang yi yesterday invented this formula: double counteraction versus double containment. that is, the answer to western attempts to weaken both moscow and beijing will be common, what in china is called standing back to back, including on international platforms such as brix or the sco, and at the same time they plan to involve in the construction of a balanced architecture. security of the entire so-called global south, a new plan for the development of relations for the year was signed, specifically about strengthening the role of our countries, and we raised a glass to this today. this first personal contact between the main diplomats of russia and china after putin’s re-election is considered by many as preparation for the coming for the personal meeting of the leaders of the two countries in beijing, they do not hide that they are waiting for the russian president; i hope that it is in china that he will make his first foreign visit after his inauguration, which would be very symbolic. this year, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations
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, is special for our countries, and relations are now experiencing their most rapid flowering. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news: beijing, china. joint exercise with japan, australia and the philippines in the south china sea and luring taiwanese semiconductors to the united states is not all that biden, fearing trump's arrival in the white house, is teasing china with. for the first time in 9 years, washington invited prime minister kishida, who was unpopular in the states in japan. what he and biden have in common is not only their soaring ratings; kishida, like biden, wants to address the us congress using paper prompts, which he has been memorizing for several days. in 2015, kishide forgot to shake the hand of his colleague kerry. on may 23, biden, at a meeting with kisidei, at first forgot where he was, and then called the japanese prime minister president. after this promotion, kishida handed over to the pentagon patriot air defense system, but in washington they said that. it's in vain. america dreams of threatening china from the japanese islands. report
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by alexander khristenko. the path to world politics, which led him here to arlington cemetery, for the current prime minister of japan began with the first multi-member constituency of jeroshima prefecture. of course, it is interesting how a person might feel when laying a wreath at the graves of those who wore the same shoulder straps that were on the crew members of the american b-29. dropped a nuclear bomb on the city, where fumio kishida’s whole family comes from, maybe they’ll tell joe biden at dinner, he will become only the second japanese leader to speak at... 9 years ago they kept quiet about the plans, but now it is known that the us president and the japanese prime minister, of course, will discuss the issue about the future participation of japan in the trilateral defense alliance aokus, which, in addition to america and great britain, also includes
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australia, there is a security forum in sydney, where they are not particularly hiding the strategic plans of those emerging.
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japan has developed a national security strategy, according to which defense spending will be increased to 2% of gdp. the latter is another contribution to the potential future of bilateral relations without biden. trump loves it when allies actively chip in on defense. however, he is an unpredictable person. against the backdrop of a high-profile publication by the washington post. that, having become president, a republican would begin to force kiev to make territorial concessions, and before returning from the congressional recess, where again all the talk was around voting on military aid to ukraine in the united states, he rushed british foreign secretary. britain has provided money for ukraine this year, as
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has the european union. america must do this too. i'm going to talk to speaker johnson. however, it is already clear that there will be no meeting with johnson, but instead a meeting. own country, and frankly, he can kiss my ass. even while going on vacation, taylor greene suspended speaker johnson, promising to begin the procedure for his resignation if he came to an agreement with the democrats and still accepted a package of military aid to ukraine. the easiest thing to do here is to blame it on the eccentricity of one single congresswoman, but
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only she is focused on her voter. we see no progress, and in addition to this, there are discussions of 65 billion in aid for a country that ranks quite high on the list of corrupt states, so voters have some suspicions. on april 18, congress will again go on vacation, it is possible that again without a decision on the allocation of military assistance to kiev. another mike pompeo, former secretary of state under trump also started talking about russian propaganda, but the republican speaker is not yet planning to become a former speaker. therefore, before putting the issue of financing ukraine to a vote, johnson will weigh everything 10 times. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and timofey mukhin, usa news. russia will financially support the autonomous territorial entity of gagauzia in moldova. the agreement has been signed.
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we are talking about opening accounts for public sector workers and pensioners of gagauzia. conducting cross-border payments with russia, all services will be provided in compliance with the norms of international foreign law; according to gutsul, approximately 25,000 people will be able to use cards of the russian payment system mir, after its launch in gagauzi. we have about 20,000 pensioners, the budget sector fluctuates around 5,000. we currently live in gagruzia. about 120,000 people, that is, this will quite cover the majority of the population, the residents of gagauzi have a large number, including here relatives and... friends who live in in moscow, in the moscow region, in other regions of russia, it is important for us to ensure cross-border payments. let me remind you that back in february 2014
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, a referendum was held in gagauzia, in which 98% were in favor of joining the eu customs union for deferred autonomy status, that is, the right to secede from moldova in the event of the loss of its independence, and there really is such a threat, romania does not hides its appetites, and nato considers. we see that in russia they want to bomb kharkov to the ground, they want to destroy, they intend to destroy. european union continues to feed moldova with promises about the not very distant prospect of joining the eu and financial handouts; for this year, germany promised chisinau 95 million euros, but with... growing expenses for kiev, this is not certain. the russian economy should grow due to
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products made using promising technologies that will be produced by new factories. that demand for domestic goods and services is already stimulating gdp growth. prime minister mishustin spoke today at a strategic session in the government. the task of the state is to ensure that investments went primarily to projects that provide the country with technological independence. reportage. let's talk about one of the main tasks of forming a supply-side economy; for this it is necessary to create the most modern industries around breakthrough technologies, there are many of them in russia. large-scale renovation of infrastructure and recruitment of personnel will help solve systemic problems. first of all, this is the achievement of technological and financial sovereignty, as well as strengthening food security. it is necessary to further enhance russia’s role in ensure global trade, primarily through the supply of non-raw materials. domestic demand, to further improve the quality of life of our citizens. the performance of the russian economy has been increasing over the past year and at the beginning of this year,
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all this is the result of the coordinated work of the government. our economy continues to develop confidently; according to the ministry of economic development, in january gdp grew by almost 5%, in february by 7.7%. growth in industry has strengthened, this is about. 8.5% in february is a locomotive, like last year, the manufacturing industry, in february it grew by 13.5%, a record pace, the reason is that the demand for new domestic goods and services is growing, consumer activity is increasing and this is an incentive, including for the development of the agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to increase the volume of production of dairy products and poultry products there, because our population’s incomes are growing, our demand structure is shifting towards dairy products, and
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it’s our turn to ensure accelerated expansion influx of investment, especially in capital-intensive industries. now it is important to transform the labor market, which means a flexible system of personnel retraining is needed, labor productivity and the efficiency of the real sector of the economy must also increase. alexey petrov, andrey korpenko, host. this is big news, this is what will happen next in our program. kiev denied the writer bulgakov and aircraft designer sekorsky the right to be considered ukrainians. baral asks the europeans to give ukraine weapons, but admits that no one will pay for them. the tragic death of an artist evgenia kungurova falls from a height. there was a failure in
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the traffic police database in four russian regions at once. a memorial plaque was unveiled in moscow in honor of the attack aircraft pilot, hero of the soviet union, dmitry kaprin. in general, everything here is kept up by snot, the bosses don’t care about it... wow, the premiere on rtr, who is this, the owner of a taxi company, and you’re ruining everything for me here, i ’m giving you 100,000 right now, i’m calling my friend, he’s getting you a job in a furniture store , you are a woman, you must be flexible, i don’t owe anything to anyone, especially men, but allah wants to be willing, i’m not going to leave, i'm staying, allah taxi, today at rtr. they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully. but
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you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration
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of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. hotel titanic deluxe golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in... the lounge , enjoy the gourmet dishes of the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday, the floor trembles , the hay is shaking, the big ones have come
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changes, into the new season with a new... renovation with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, we have plans for eyes turn into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living rooms of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, oh my god!
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there is big news on the air, we continue the broadcast: seven border settlements in the belgorod region came under fire from ukrainian militants within 24 hours, the missile
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warning signal was announced twice, an hour ago two drones attacked in shebekina. a four-year-old woman and a twelve-year-old child. the shell exploded literally five meters from the boy as he rode his bicycle from school. the volleys hit the village from the rszzo. in total, from five to seven arrivals were recorded. in the same building where classes were held children, the windows were broken. the tutors and four preschoolers were not injured. the village is constantly being shelled, so people know that indoors they have to lie down on the floor.
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it was literally 5 minutes before the first explosion was heard above. and then the car was damaged, the car was damaged, it crashed, but they managed to get there in time. in total , three people were injured as a result of the attack in klimovo, according to the authorities, all of them were taken to the district hospital, one was seriously injured, the rest had light and moderate injuries. more than ten cars were also damaged. now the whole center the village has been cordoned off, the area is being surveyed, and operational and emergency services are working on the spot. lyudmila gusarova, andrey mazunin, vesti bryansk, from klimov. magatte has just supplemented her statement on the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. as the head noted. grossia agency, today's attacks on the training center indicate a readiness to continue attacks on the station. the management of the nuclear power plant notes that the armed forces of ukraine have reached a critical point. over
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the past five days, starting on april 5 this year, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was subjected to unprecedented in its history of attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. a direct threat to the safety of the stations has been created. we are one step away from a possible nuclear disaster, we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct threats to the safety of nuclear power plants, and also demand that the armed forces of ukraine immediately stop shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. not only oats, chicken and corn, but also refugees from ukraine are now an undesirable export for europe. while negotiators from the european parliament and eu member countries agreed to tighten customs requirements. poland has confirmed its tightening of restrictions on illegal immigrants from its neighboring country. warsaw is abolishing free accommodation and food in collective centers for refugees, and will stop paying newly
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arrived ukrainians as of july 1. however, as it turned out, it is not necessary to flee to poland from mobilization uncontrolled by kiev if your profession is a circus performer or a football player.
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border mission, he will demand that a foreign contingent be sent to ukraine, but for now he does not know how serious is macron himself, what is the matter with the border mission, as for how we can refuse, if they come here, we will only support, as for the introduction of troops in the full sense of the word, the details of macron’s negotiations with... there will be a serious split in societies
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question of sending soldiers, then the flow of arms money, which he is still afraid of trickling into the western ones, will be at risk. a serious dispute in the political circles of ukraine was caused by an essentially insignificant precedent; the traveling circus of ukraine received reservation from mobilization for 12 of its artists. the rada deputies were indignant; acrobat tamers would be of great benefit at the front. so, catch another piece of news: the traveling circus of ukraine, a critically important enterprise, maybe it’s part of the government’s office of the president, was it secretly called that? prime minister shmyhal called for careful attention to who is given reservations, and the ministry of culture stood up for the circus. this is a common disrespect for people in the sphere who do their work honestly and efficiently, a primitive assessment of their social importance.
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another extremely toxic topic in recent days has been the ban of bulgakov in ukraine. the institute of national remembrance called him a ukrainophobe for the imperials, and at the same time a champion of both the white guard and communism. mikhail afanasyevich was not any imperial writer, he was a writer, he was the keeper of the russian language. yes, in general, he was leaning towards that strongly.
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nevertheless, they took action and accused the experts of the institute of national memory of ukraine of incompetence, who, quote: attribute to bulgakov the views of his characters. in the context of the writer’s cancellation, another surname. taking into account sekorsky’s clear position, he should not be called a ukrainian either. although until now igor sekorsky, an aircraft designer, inventor, philosopher, was considered the hero of ukraine just as unconditionally as bulgakov. kiev airport, since 2018, is an air harbor .
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appropriated sekorsky, like bulgakov , simply by the fact of his birth in kiev, but sekorsky himself in the year thirty-six said this: my family is of purely ukrainian origin from a village in the kiev province, where my great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather were priests, however, we consider ourselves russian in origin from a certain part of russia, viewing the ukrainian people as an integrated part of russia, just as texas or louisiana are an integrated part of the united states.
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what can save him from being erased from the pages of ukrainian textbooks is the fact that in america his merits are highly valued. evgenernev, maxim shchepilov, nikolai zakharov and pavel alekseev. news. the us and its nato allies will have to pay 10 trillion dollars over 10 years if they want to properly rearm. against russia. bloomberg emphasizes that the growth of military spending to the level of the cold war, that is, 4% of gdp, is unthinkable for modern europe. she will have to cut budget spending on medicine and education, and the result, according to the publication, may not be a payment, but a retribution for trying to keep up with moscow and beijing. and nato is also hampered by chaos. from the pages of the british times, the alliance is diagnosed: savings on defense have become contagious.


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