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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 4:45am-5:01am MSK

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hello, why are you among belodnya? it means this: now you go upstairs and write, i don’t know what you call it here, a letter of resignation, here’s why, because, because i put up with it while you were the boss, i understand you were worried about your job , hello, i was tormented, i understand everything, but now you understand, i need a beautiful, normal wife, we returned from vacation yesterday, you are screaming in your sleep, you are because i am...
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sleeping, yes, yeah , we are going, yes, tomorrow at 3:00, i already told my husband, what, something has changed, no, little one, no, tomorrow at 3 we’ll let you go, maybe... it will definitely happen, right? well, of course, at 3 o'clock. zhenya, zhenya, can you help me? my husband is being summoned to court, we had some kind of accident, we don’t understand anything. what kind of accident? he gave an explanation to the traffic police. oh, i’ll show you the resolution now. yes. so, lyudmila ivanna, give me a pen, i ’ll write you what to do. how good, how good it is when we have lawyers. we have one. a girl from the police gave birth here, so she
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couldn’t do anything useful. so, with these documents to the traffic police, let him go and insurance thank you, darling, thank you. irina alegovna, tomorrow this husband will be here at 3 o’clock. yes. well, if anything happens, i’ll hold them, what are you, what are you, i’m always happy to help, can i? are you getting used to it? well, that’s right, so
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to speak, by the way, mash, you, just don’t sulk at me, by the way, they can appoint you as my deputy, yes, you just need to, you know, prove yourself somehow, so, listen, what’s wrong with you? vinokurov, why are you unleashing dogs on him, this is our business with him, i understand, i understand, he’s not a fool, which means friendship with the homicide department in russia, well, well, it’s a pity, a pity, although maybe to the best. i brought up a businessman here for abuse of power at vinokurovo, we need to help people, good people, the health committee, by the way, if, by the way, you have some health issues, please contact me, you want me to do this, why? no, sign here, please, and here, as i understand, they took my documents from you, you didn’t give them to the investigator,
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so i don’t need to read the moral, so i need a list, the duty shift, if anyone is here now please invite one of them, young man, i don’t owe you anything give and am not obliged to invite anyone, but if you are so insistent, i will say that that night doctor karpenko and sister bayanova were on duty, sister bayanova is now on vacation, it will be in a month that just like that , she immediately went on vacation for no reason at all why, why?
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for no reason at all, she left on schedule, but she left the city, that’s where, i don’t know, cleverly, the doctor is here, the doctor is here, please, doctor korpenko, are you kidding me, was it a man? no, excuse me, no, no, really, i took teryokhin, you don’t understand, i need a doctor, a man, who examined teriokhin when we brought him to the hospital. no, excuse me, you probably didn’t understand, the fact is that it was on the fourteenth, on the night of the 15th, i was on duty, received, me too, well, in any case , there is a crack in the picture, everything is clear, so i could
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investigate myself , but there is no time, and who else can you trust, buevich himself was at the crime scene, you know, there he himself would not have had to take measures. belyaev’s grip is no longer the same, not the same, only you remain, it doesn’t bother you that we are friends with families, so you quarreled, quarreled, let's make peace, no, no, no, no, don't make peace with him there yet, don't make peace, and let's not shout all over the world that you are such friends there, otherwise they'll take our case to another area and push it to teryokhina's you know, what hairy hands, it might be good if they take you to another area, so maria, are you even in your right mind? another district, he will collect all the foam, you give me a report every day, because i created an investigative group, okay, i understand, nikolai petrovich, well, okay, that’s it, yes, and maria, maria, no tricks, otherwise i'll take the matter from you.
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zoya, the boss is at home, and for me he’s the boss, yes, i’ll come in, dima, yes, i promised you something, i remember, but you just understand that such circumstances, maybe i won’t quit right now, but a little... a little later, okay. “thank you, uh-huh, and i, ivan ivanovich, yes, well, you ’ve already heard, they put on vinokurovo, that’s it, well, i heard, nothing good, uh-huh, well, let’s
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hope that the investigation will sort everything out, it’s up to marya sergeevna , so what is the consequence, she took away all my complaints regarding police supervision, and even ordered, for me to ask. investigators, on what kind of murders vinokurov was working while she was on vacation, this is a smart move, what if someone else says that vinokurov used illegal methods, and so, and if he says, and if someone says, then it’s already system, and he will be indirectly to blame in the latter case, who knows what ’s going on with her, well, we had a fight, well, who doesn’t, but in order to settle scores this way? zoya, don’t you admit that marya sergeevna is an objective person, if volodya is not guilty, she will prove it, well, if there was something, then, well, they are friends, and even if there was something, well, maybe he gave this freak a hand, so she will put him in prison, or something, you never know what kind of scoundrel
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he will talk about him with a tights, in my affairs there seem to be no complaints, although i’m lying, there were, there were, there were, altukhov, oh, a disgusting guy, he wrote in response to letters against me, well, all sorts of nonsense that i obscenely insulted, he came to interrogations drunk, you, well, yes, but if he told on me, he will tell on volodya, ask him, he beat up the distillers, he and will happily confirm, but you don’t write it, zoya, how can i not write, if marya sergeevna finds out that he hid this matter, she’s just clinging to him, so don’t write anyway.
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are you going to court today? yes, by 2 o'clock, i have a preliminary hearing today, very good, there will be one more task. yeah, olga vladimirovna, i ask you, for a while, well... hide your personal emotions, let’s just say, what happened, please, the petition to remove vinakuro’s position, did shvetsova sign it? yes, yes, viktor ivanovich, well, this is complete nonsense, i i will explain everything in court, i am sure that they will understand, i ask you to support this petition, viktor ivanovich, i cannot, or else, i order you to support it. “this is a petition, all without a court order to
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remove vinakurov from office, don’t come back, fedya, it’s me, we have problems, i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, on saturday, out of a feeling that he himself kidnapped his daughter and kept her locked up, this cannot be, stay away from him, anna miklysh, alexander nikitin, you are something you’re hiding that don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i need to know, you’re a weeping little lady, the premiere is on saturday on... rtn. kalinan belek is a place where
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time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. and you! where life turns into a fairy tale, indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio redds, we are here for you!
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4:59 am
hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr. on cosmonautics day. no more than three attempts to dock. got you, zarya. go. first they need to warm up the station and melt it down, they will last a week, salute seven, i refuse to continue
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the flight with you, you hear, where are you going, april 12 at rtr, nikolai petrovich, you can, but you asked to report, come in, marya sergeevna, hello, come in, sit down, everyone here is our own, and the lawyers are also our own, yes. i'm a family representative teryokhin, and the representative of the injured party, according to the law, is the prosecution, so marya sergeevna, for the first time, you and i are, one might say, on... one side of the barricades, finally, perhaps, but still you are not a member of the investigative team, this that would be too much, well, wow, well, something just like this, i ’m telling you, everyone here is our own, i’m a member of the investigative group, and you’ll excuse me, who, since we’re in the same group, is the department of internal security, major galanin .


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