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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you ’re seeing me for the first time in life, and you reproach me for something that i have never done, any woman needs happiness. accept this as a fact, i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, great topic for a dissertation, single father, do you need a nanny? yes, you need it, we are not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean you have everything.
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a woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, this doesn’t mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, i thought we cleared everything up, i still don’t tell you everything about myself told, single, on sunday on rtr, catch, fish, big or small, chose the right one, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates? this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, right? once again, yes, every
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person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr. rum castro, a product of stellor group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. open for myself. true excellence, making
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dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. today on the program. lecho heals. four reasons to include a familiar snack on your spring menu. blockage of the vessel occurs very quickly, binds free radicals that damage our cells and removes them from the body. is it true that ginger stimulates brain function and increases restrictions?
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constipation, the trophism of the mucous membrane is disrupted, the microbiota is disrupted, which necessary to prevent constipation? how to get rid of knee pain? vigorous movements from dr. agabkin. good morning, hello! as we all know, our body has vulnerabilities. someone has a headache, but most often with age their knees begin to hurt... maybe because of the weather,
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maybe they overworked at the dacha, and sometimes these are the consequences of previously received injuries, gradually accumulating in the knees. damage that can make this knee very painful, and most importantly - unreliable, occurs on this knee, there’s some kind of unpleasant feeling that you can’t trust it, some kind of instability, instability, is it possible to somehow strengthen our knees with the help of some simple exercises? of course, yes, whoever is with us, i ask you, we will strengthen our knees, we will do an exercise, this exercise: to stabilize the knee, which means the basic exercise itself is very simple, we stand on one leg, hold our hands in front of us, turn around in one direction, without losing balance, we return and turn in the other direction, we return, the task is to maintain balance
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while standing on one leg, after we have made a movement in one direction to the other, we squat down about two centimeters. turned, back, turned, back, next time we squat even lower, stood up, squatted, after the basic exercise has been mastered, we proceed to complications, take a bottle of water, stand on our leg, squat down and throw the bottle, turn around, well, we already need this vulgarity to leave to perform, the supporting leg does not come off, dosed bears, and earrings, such a simple exercise, doctor, but it’s understandable for concentration, but what’s going on with the knee? in fact, this is an exercise on
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the knee stabilizer muscles, because when we turn, the load changes, so the brain must switch one working muscle to another, and that’s often the case... people with an injured knee have problems with this, so the risk of re-injury increases, so such stabilization exercises lead to a sharp reduction in the likelihood of re-injury of this knees, on one leg turns back and forth, lower, lower, lower, then the most difficult part is with the bottle, who can, yes, thank you, doctor, right now we will find out what disease properties the lecho has. stay with us! so what kind of treats do we have left from the fall, lechya left, what a meeting, lechya treats one of the most wonderful types of vegetable preservation,
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which has a unique and at the same time very wide range of actually therapeutic properties, in general it must be said that lechi is loved not only in russia, attention to the screen, one one of the most popular preparations in eastern europe, it is considered a hungarian invention, but it is equally popular in the czech republic, slovakia, poland, serbia, belarus, and of course, russia. and what’s surprising is that when crossing state borders, this dish has hardly changed. this snack has gained great popularity for its versatility. lecha is used as a side dish for meat and fish, eaten as an independent dish or served as a sauce for pasta. how our body will change if we eat the treatment regularly, we will find out right now with our expert. mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. mikhail moiseevich, good morning, come to us. good morning. sergei
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nikolaevich said that the treatment is not only useful, but it also heals. what makes it unique? it is useful in a number of ways. well, we’ll probably start with what ’s included. yes, in most cases, the two main ingredients are very familiar to us, these are tomatoes, which contain large amounts of vitamin c, and, accordingly, bell peppers, which vitamin c is contained in even greater quantities, but in addition to this there is also rutin, a very important vitamin, which is a synergist with vitamin c, that is, they enhance each other’s effect, their effect coincides when affecting the vascular wall and improving microcirculation.
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it has a lot of useful functions, it protects us from the rapid development
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of atherosclerosis, from damage to blood vessels - this is a proven fact, so if we want to live longer, a very simple rule: a glass of tomato juice, a serving of lecha, a spoon tomato paste, everything is solved. what does leukopene do that makes it so useful for atherosclerosis? well, at least it protects us from the malignant course of atherosclerosis, what is the problem from... is that through the formation of plaques on the wall of blood vessels, the lumen of the vessels narrows, gradually narrows, but the body compensates for this all the time, plus the compensation itself, it is inherent in general in mechanisms, that is, you can narrow the vessel by half, by 2/3 and not even notice it, everything becomes very bad when there is a blockage blood flow occurs very quickly, alekopine turns out that by suppressing inflammation in the vascular wall, it improves the speed of blood flow. improves this micro and macrocirculation, it is very important here that vitamin c, which, as we have already said,
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is contained there, acts as a synergist here, because it also affects the rhiological properties of the blood, that is, it reduces this likelihood of thrombus formation, there is another reason for this: lycopene protects our skin, that’s why, because one of the factors that affects skin aging is photoaging, lycopene comes to the rescue, well, it simply reduces it as an anti-inflammatory factor. this skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation, and thereby prevents these free radicals from damaging collagen in our skin and making it drier, many have probably noticed that after sunbathing on the beach, the skin becomes dry, many use skin cream after this, to moisturize it, in fact, there is a good means of preventing this dryness, but it is a cure, well, at the same time, let’s say, in addition to photoaging of the skin with age. still susceptible and cancer, by the way, these are related processes, ultraviolet irradiation has a greater
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tendency to develop tumors, here lecopin also helps us, because it also protects against skin cancer, from melanoma in particular, wow, that’s how much lecho everyone needs to eat day, oh, the dose is the same, a portion of lecho or other products that contain lecopene, well, that is, it turns out that it’s about 150 g, yes, but it turns out to be some kind of cup. apple, yes, that is, this is quite enough to get and lycopene, and vitamin c, and vitamin p. another remarkable property is neuroprotection, lycopene protects our brain, in particular from memory loss and from memory loss and from other manifestations of brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases, that is, it is memory, it is cognitive functions , these are sentiments, studies, by the way, show that the use of ilicopine is a measure of disease prevention.
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that in the composition we should see in the first place bell peppers tomatoes, namely tomatoes, then there may be tomato paste in composition, well, everything else is salt and spices. sugar, they should be somewhere at the very end of the list. thank you, mikhail moiseevich.
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today we found out what cures a unique product that must be present in your diet, eat it and be healthy. we will find out in the health minute section whether ginger stimulates brain function and whether sun allergies exist. on cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday anyway. here is our common, of course, this is a holiday of our entire country, the legendary crew of the salute 7 station. what was your mission, look and figure it out. if it can be fixed, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we take off, i ’m fucking all bringing volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he was going to die just now two cosmonauts, then you see, yes, your wives, they saw you
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off with a heavy heart, the road was one way, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some wife of viktor petrovich knitted a hat for him and two for you: fate person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo
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reorts, elegant details, a refined holiday. tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and atmosphere. complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanica codrum, be kind, fasten your seat belt, bring the cognac, the feeling will shock
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us today. is it? this is not your man, in the strong light zone, without you it’s as if i’m going downhill, like turbulence. light, wait, don't say anything.
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this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian countries. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr. right now our section
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is minute of health. here we test our viewers' knowledge about health, but we do it on... because health must be dealt with not only theoretically, but also practically. today our viewer olga came to our studio. let's get to know her. hello, my name is olga, i am 41 years old. i am a perfumer, hairdresser-stylist, and am passionate about vocal astrology. i have a daughter, she is 10 years old. 3 years ago we moved from the far east to moscow. i love sports, running, yoga, cycling. i really like the program in the most important ways. it tells a lot... a lot of useful, important information, because i'm interested - in a healthy way life, this is very important for me, and i like the guests and presenters of the program, they are always positive and tell everything in a positive way.
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profession, what do you like best? i like creativity more. does your family also play sports with you? and my daughter takes up dancing. this is what a sports family you have. since you are a runner, we can say on your own, the doctor will now tell you the rules of our game. mikhail will ask you questions, we have 12 of them. you will have exactly 1 minute to answer them. need to answer very simple, yes, no, okay? the more correct answers you give in this minute to... here he is, uh-huh, well, it seems to me that we can start, yes, you can, check it out,
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doctor, time has passed, there is more vitamin c in lemon than in bell pepper , yes, eating food from red dishes reduces appetite, no, the cause of bad breath may be stomach problems, does ginger stimulate brain function? no, sweet carbonated water provokes urolithiasis, but freshly squeezed juice is healthier than packaged juice, no, is tooth decay transmitted through kissing? - no, calorie restriction increases life expectancy? - yes, sweeteners are healthier than sugar? no. are there sun and cold allergies? yes, ears and nose grow throughout life? no. wait, how many questions did olya not answer? it turns out to be only one, yes, but it runs in a wonderful rhythm, ok, i thought i’d leave it like that, turn it off, doctor, now we’ll find out how kolya answered the
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questions correctly, with all your excellent athletic shape, your answers to some questions me we were even surprised that lemon contains more vitamin c than bell peppers. you said yes, but in fact , of course not, because lemon contains about 40% of the daily requirement. you said no, really no, because blue reduces , according to research, the cause of the unpleasant odor from the body may be problems with the stomach, you said yes, this is really so, with gastritis with low acidity it is not uncommon to have an unpleasant odor from the mouth. next question: ginger stimulates brain function, you winced and said no. actually yes, because irritation of receptors oral cavity with these sharp substances, gingerol, leads to activation of the brain. does sweet carbonated water
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provoke stone disease? you said yes, in fact yes, according to research, this disease occurs more often in those who regularly drink this sweet soda. this is olya, you surprised me, fresh squeezed juice is healthier than packaged juice, you said no, in fact, of course, yes, because...
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sweeteners are healthier than sugar, you said, no, in fact, of course, yes, because the reason is that they do not contain sugar. as is known, sugar causes numerous glycation reactions in the body; it stimulates the production of large amounts of insulin; sweeteners do not have such properties. are there sun and cold allergies? you said yes, of course, it exists, under the influence of cold, proteins are formed in the skin, to which antibodies are produced and this causes allergies, ears and nose grow throughout life, you said no, as a difficult question, in fact, of course yes, because they consist of cartilage tissue, cartilaginous tissue under the influence of growth hormone continues to grow throughout life, which is why, by the way, in old, old people... behind these letters there is a treasured
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sign with the word prize so five so four three two one zero somehow you quickly turned it over olya you can see it so close. with the word prize, uby, thank you for participating in our program, if you want to find out even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program can be found on the online media platform, look in the application on the website and now in the history section illness, we will learn how to cope with poor health after a change in weather without medications. the weather in mid-spring is
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always a lottery: will there be sun, rain or strong wind today? and, by the way, due to the variable weather, many feel overwhelmed and cannot even get out of bed. mikhail, can you spin it some more? please, i would like it to be sunny, everyone would like it, but not everyone’s wishes come true; in fact , some people’s well-being really depends very much on the weather, and here no...
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different absolutely true, when i was on my way here to film today, i decided to read, what do they write in the field of evidence-based medicine about this? it turned out that clear, clear things, yes, they really are related to weather dependence, well, that is, temperature, and heat, cold and barometric changes, everything else is a big question, plus besides , our mood also changes in response to weather changes, well then it turns out that health changes indirectly through mood, absolutely true, and as it turned out,
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here... recently i also read, our chinese scientists, that mood is influenced by only two factors, these are insolation and temperature, the higher the sun, the higher the temperature, the better our mood, and weather dependence will depend on this, but can i i’ll add my short thoughts, it seems to me that these are still a little psychological things, because, for example, what are you happy about in march? bright sun, in august you are no longer very happy about the bright sun, you wait for it to snow, when it starts a blizzard in november, this is the first such blizzard with bedbugs, you run around, rejoice, oh, it’s a great blizzard, in february it was already bad, the same thing, sorry, and the temperature, we had 10 days in a row there -20, yes, then it became -2, everyone says how cool it is, some kind of objective weather dependence, does it
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that is, they tried to compare whether there is weather dependence or not, the second one did not know, that is, the one who knew, there was a stricter correlation with weather dependence, that is, these are the very psychological factors that they convince themselves about. we'll be back in a few minutes, there is an advertisement on the russia channel, maybe it’s worth returning everything back. premiere on rtr. nothing will work out with your vasya. as i see it, i’m about to start shaking. i need to take money to the bank. wait, wait. is there a witness? no, convenient, right? what do you think? i stole money. allah! taxi today on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax,
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you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where... everything is included, except for the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. titanic luxury collection, titanic dellux golf hotel beleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by
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our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism. here. this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first
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podcasts we watch. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common. sincere strong friendship. to fall in love. you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program
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for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so you are confusing me so that i am next to anyone didn’t understand me anymore, don’t touch my daughter, don’t worry about it on saturday. noise from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let 's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr,
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we continue the program about the most important thing, since there is no such position, yes, in the medical profession ethics, no... weather-dependent urologist, they haven’t come up with it yet, but people themselves are somehow trying to help themselves with this weather dependence, and they even have whole recipes for this, yes. let's find out them, we asked our viewers to share their methods, and you, doctors, comment on this, please, our viewer evgenia shared her recipe for combating weather dependence. attention to the screen. my name is evgenia, i am 55 years old, i live in gurot moscow. 2 years ago, when the temperature dropped and the atmospheric pressure increased during the autumn-winter period, my blood pressure began to rise. i went to the doctor, they prescribed me pills, i took them. my blood pressure was successfully lowered, but then i
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decided to switch to beet juice. i'm making juice early in the morning, i prepare it 2-3 hours before meals and take 125 ml on an empty stomach, this way i got rid of high blood pressure. evgeniya, in our studio, please come out to us, good morning, good morning, evgeniya with a bottle of red, this. cool juice, zhenya, tell me about your blood pressure, my blood pressure was 140 over 90, borderline, yes, but as if they had already prescribed me pills, i drank them, got tired of drinking and decided to switch to natural products to lower my blood pressure , i mean, they were kind of tired very heavy pills, well, you had to carry them from afar, no, so as not to harm the body, yeah, why the extra chemicals? for the body, i decided to switch to natural
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products, in the part that concerns cardiology, i think that sergey will agree with me, if there is a diagnosis, if there are already indications for prescribing pharmacotherapy, you and i can discuss, because after all 140 mm hg, arterial hypertension, this is already arterial hypertension, first degree, after all, a cardiologist, well here if there is an opportunity to modify. the patient's lifestyle, change his diet without resorting to medications for the first degree of hypertension, will he do this? look, you are right, but only partly, yes, the fact is that we definitely recommend that patients modify their lifestyle, lose weight, aerobic exercise, proper nutrition and so on, but hypertension itself is already a fact to prescribe, at least minimally, but antihypertensive therapy, but this absolutely does not cancel what we are talking about now, yes, well, we can, in principle, say that the use here... beet juice, or generally baked beets in one form or another, and so on,
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this is such an element of healthy nutrition, well, if you tell us now why i’ll tell you, i’ll tell you, they probably recommended to you that you need some... then physical activity, the cardiologist said, of course, yes, you did something, of course, you worked out on the simulator, an hour and a half a day, yes, every day, every day, you’re doing great, you changed your diet, the amount of salt, this is still difficult , yes, but has your weight changed somehow? after that, how did you start exercising every day, yes, it decreased, it decreased, this is a very important point, in addition to proper nutrition, reducing our weight by 10 kg automatically leads to a decrease in average pressure by several millimeters, now we cannot even exclude the possibility that the pressure has now dropped , maybe not even thanks to the juice, we won’t prove it, we won’t prove it, well, because it was such a complex effect, but what should i tell you about the juice, in general, do you know who loves beet juice the most? performing athletes-cyclists of high
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class, why? because they found that a glass of beet juice drunk before some serious distance improves performance by about 15-20%. when they started to figure it out , it turned out what was happening, this is due to the fact that beets contain nitrogen compounds, which have a very good vasodilating effect, in general, we can say that beets affect the circulatory system by...
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some without water right away listen, well, in fact, if you look at it, then all the cases when it somehow negatively affects, they are associated mainly with the reaction of decreased blood pressure, that is, in people who have low blood pressure, this glass of juice on an empty stomach can cause... thank you very much for this wonderful recipe, sit down, let’s move on to the second recipe, now we let's find out how alena relieves her weather dependence, paying attention to the screen. hello, my name is alena
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plizhaeva, i am 44 years old, i am from the city of pushkin, moscow region. 3 years ago i began to notice that my blood pressure had dropped. 90 to 60, sometimes even lower, it really bothers me dizziness, nausea, and i began to look for ways to help myself, i read on the internet about rosemary oil, about its healing properties, i decided to try it, and you know, it helped me, and that’s why i always have it , i take it at the tip of my fingers and apply .
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not tasty brewed coffee, for example, there was a time i tried tea, sweet tea, also coffee, but i felt like i was sick, that’s why, by the way, yes, because they say that sweet tea and coffee also increase blood pressure, so, but here i feel nauseous, i can answer because they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, here, unlike beets, if you drink it on an empty stomach, there will actually be a very decent effect from the juice, and even this can...
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people, that is, people with cardiovascular diseases, as it turned out, is now called barometric paradox, this in turn leads to an increase in the frequency of cardiac events, why? well , now this requires additional studies, i think that this is due to an excessive decrease in blood pressure, so yes, some kind of supportive measures are probably needed, but by the way, i read studies, they
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actually conducted studies on hypotensive patients, there was aromatherapy, that is, they inhaled this aroma, really rosemary oil and... the study statistically proved that there is an effect, that is, rosemary oil in particular is really insignificant in hypotensive patients, that is, there is within 3-5 mm of the mulberry column, but it increased blood pressure, that is, to the standard recommendations, but drink a cup of strong tea or coffee, we can really add your recommendation to use razmarin, especially moreover, this is external use, but in general only the aroma gets into the body, but it’s wonderful. this is what, in essence, in general, is probably what is required, because if we talk about patients with high blood pressure, we have a large range of different drugs here, but with hippotonics it is more difficult, yes, as such drugs for increasing direct blood pressure there is no action, we give all these roundabout recommendations to increase the numbers, well,
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go up to the twelfth floor on foot, for example, a very good recommendation, thank you very much, sit down, let's find out about... a delicious leaf, i take it, beat it until the juice comes out, strong enough, and apply it to the sore part of the head, wrap it all with a bandage. i leave it for 2-3 hours and it becomes much easier for me, the headache begins to go away, i also use cold
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compresses, i just wet a towel, apply it around my head, also soak it in cold water, leave it on and also relieves the symptoms of headaches. oksana, in our studio, come out, good morning, you often have a headache, you are the cause of this pain... by the way, i can tell you that i know orthopedists, they often treat patients with various bruises, they also recommend
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applying this cabbage leaf, there is a very simple mechanism, where we store cabbage, in refrigerators, bango, in fact it’s simple cold compress, that is, if instead of cabbage you use burdock leaf from the refrigerator, use i don’t know what dumplings are there. some frozen berries and so on as compresses, i regularly come across that people make these compresses and it works great, then yes, if the headache is associated with dilation of blood vessels, a cold compress often gives a very good effect. i must say that not for all types of headaches, if the pain is associated with a narrowing of blood vessels, this same method can cause an even worsening of the condition, that is, in fact, one could also apply a cold bottle of rosemary to the head, yes, yes, yes, cold. beet juice, well, no, you can drink a little beet juice, smell the rosemary and add cabbage, but then just go,
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thank you very much, imagine, thank you, thank you, doctor, well, today we found out whether weather dependence exists and what to do if it bothers you, the program about the most important things continues, right now dr. tatyana shapovalenko will tell you everything about women’s health, stay tuned by us, that's all? we’re drinking, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, you’re kidding, they can’t cope without me, on cosmonautics day, you’ll take it with you when you fly, into space, they’re ready to step into the unknown, there’s no degradation, but there’s ice all around, only the chosen ones are being checked fate, take us away, we’ll crash, only the cosmos boldly submits. there is not enough oxygen, only one can be returned to earth,
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come back, you came here to die, but i want to live on earth, film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, and you will be back soon, fireworks on april 7, 12 on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know about rest. everything is anex: indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with lion
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resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. liu rezards. we are here for you. what do the guests shout in unison at the wedding? you
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are spoiling my actress like that, what do you want? the zaporozhian hit the vacuum, well, it still hurts humor humor humor premiere on saturday on rtr you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties and i want to warn you right away. i won’t allow this, you see me for the first time in my life, and you reproach me for something i’ve never done, oh, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, take this as a fact, i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially loner, the only one, what matters to me now is my
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son, a great topic for a dissertation, single father. do you need a nanny? yes, you need it, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, it doesn’t mean that no one needs you , maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we cleared everything up, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, i’m a loner. on sunday on rtr. good morning. hello. with such dysfunction probably every person has experienced intestinal problems like constipation. and almost half of the world's population suffers from chronic constipation. why does this type of
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intestinal dysfunction occur, what health problems does it cause? may lead to what to do in order to avoid all these problems and complications, this is what we will talk about today. our tv viewer lyudmila contacted us, let's find out her story. hello, the program is about the most important thing. i am contacting you with a delicate problem, i am suffering from constipation, i i work as an accountant, the work is sedentary, i also come home and want peace and quiet . i’ve been suffering for a long time, i tried enemas, but one time is enough, and after 3-4 days i have to repeat it, i heard that enemas are very unhelpful, please tell me what to do in my situation? lyudmila, today in our studio, please come to us, lyudmil, good morning, good, good morning,
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lyudmila, how long have you been suffering from constipation, for a very long time. for many years, i would say, this situation has always been like this, there is no improvement at all, well, somehow it will seem that after a week or two everything is improving again, something else is bothering you, bloating, let's see why the condition of constipation is dangerous, what consequences can this lead to in the body? let’s imagine that this is an improvised asphalt road - this is our intestines, and the movement through the intestines should be: calm and unhindered, well, a dysfunction of the intestines arises and the first thing that manifests itself in patients with chronic constipation is a state of depression, the so-called hidden depression this is yours, we ate a bun, i’m tired, i don’t want anything, these are just all the signs of a depressive psychological state, which is primarily
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provoked by a violation of the bowel movement. yes, among other things, constipation quite often leads to problems such as hemorrhoids. and women, in principle, are prone to venous insufficiency, tell me, please, are the veins on the legs visible? are visible, and accordingly, you have exactly the same veins in the pelvic area, so any disturbance in bowel movements, any hyperstraining, retention of stool causes disruption of blood supply and, accordingly, expansion. as a rule, every fifth person suffering from chronic constipation has hemorrhoids. i’ll scare you, lyudmil, because, unfortunately, one of the predictors of colorectal nodes, both external and internal. like cancer, and there is a lot of it now, it has become the third most common cancer, intestinal cancer
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is directly related to the disorder. directly related to constipation, blood supply is disrupted, trophism of the mucous membrane is disrupted, the microbiota is disrupted, cell changes and malignancy occur. cells , a tumor appears, in every twentieth person suffering from chronic constipation, and this is a lot, in fact, colorectal cancer can be found after some time. constipation impairs our immune system. what do you think is the most important immune organ in the body? i think it's the intestines, i heard. absolutely correct. the intestines have the maximum amount of lymphoid tissue, and lymphoid tissue produces precisely that.
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thyroid disease, which is necessary for prevention of constipation, let's see. probably my favorite recommendation is an active lifestyle, our body functions fully only when we move, when we stand upright, and our intestines work adequately when we move, any movement, walking, cycling, skiing, fitness, dancing , generally great, all muscle groups are involved, we move quite actively, of course, dancing is wonderful, you dance. this is what you
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don’t like so much, lyudmila, first of all it’s maintaining the water regime, 70% stool consists of water, so in any case, the bolus of food that passes through our intestines must be sufficiently moistened for easier passage. you need to drink enough water, this is from 30 to 50 ml for every kilogram of weight, that is, about one and a half to 2 liters of water per day, you don’t drink that much, no, i’ll say, i don’t have any thirst at all, in general, i’m just extremely thirsty rarely, train yourself to start the day with two glasses of water at room temperature or a little warmer, in fact, water is a habit, i used to drink very little water when i was told that i needed to drink more water. i got myself a liter measuring bottle, i strictly drink two such large bottles a day, otherwise i can’t understand whether i actually drank my quota or not, it’s a matter of habit, wholemeal bread, everything that contains bran without
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varnish, in in any case, it is necessary to add to the diet, and not buns, which just lead to stool disturbances, fermented milk products, any, the best, of course, is kefir, these are products rich in plant fiber, cereals, for example, such as buckwheat, and, of course, you can use dried fruits, fruits themselves, vegetables, they are rich in fiber and also help normalize stool. i want to say one more very important thing: there is a certain hygiene of the intestines. firstly, you should never endure the urge to go to the toilet, and secondly, you need to sit on the toilet correctly. no matter how funny it may seem, this applies precisely to the functional position within everyone. organ systems, the toilet should be really very low, so that during the process of defecation the knees are higher, than the hip, this is a functional posture, here are emergency rescue measures, such
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as enemas, microenemas, which are now very popular, enemas and microenemas wash away our biofilm, intestinal microbiota and thereby disrupt even more normal functioning, an enema helps to empty the intestines, but after this the situation... such natural ingredients as, for example, apricot fiber and medicinal herbs, which help soften stool and calmly remove it from the intestines. fruits
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such as apricot are rich in dietary fiber, and naturally normalize intestinal motility. hay, a well-known herb, is used as a laxative and causes increased motility of the large intestine. the extract is more expensive. it can reduce the tone of smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, and has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. dill extract has... mild laxative, antispasmodic effect, regulates intestinal motor activity. and another very interesting substance is simethicone. simitikon also has a very important effect, simethicone suppresses excess gas formation in the intestines when intestinal function is impaired. yes, i understand that this is very important, i didn’t even realize that constipation can have such an impact on the entire body. and you can immediately solve two problems that bother you: constipation and bloating. and of course,
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it is necessary that the form of these laxatives be convenient, for example, in the form of such marmalade lozenges that do not need to be washed down with water, so that they can be remembered and lived calmly. it is important to choose, firstly, the products, of course, in the pharmacy, and secondly, give preference to well-known russian manufacturers who have long experience in the pharmaceutical market, specifically with natural ingredients, and of course, produce all products according to international gmp quality standards, the gmp sign can be seen on the packaging of such products, and this guarantees the correct selection and ratio of pure raw materials , and guarantees very strict control over the entire production process, from the beginning to the release of the finished product. lyudmila, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that our advice will help you deal with this delicate problem. thank you very much, i hope i can handle it. my friends, today we talked about such a serious problem, such a serious violation. intestinal functions such as constipation and
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of course they told you how to deal with this condition, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you about the most important thing on cosmonautics day, this is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is our holiday anyway general, of course, this is a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, in how? your mission was to look and figure it out, and if possible, fix it, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we take off, i’m pale all over, they bring volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he would die, it’s just that now there are two cosmonauts, that is, they understood, yes, your wives with a heavy heart, they saw you off on one end of the road. it was
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impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind, my wife viktor petrovichna knitted a hat, for him and for you two: fate person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. hello, big land. the level of the ural river has exceeded the records of the last century. in orenburg the water remains sharply, in orsky there is a decline. attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. while the un is preparing to discuss terrorism.


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