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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had some kind of intuition, apparently, my wife viktor petrovichna knitted a hat, two for him and two for you. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. hello, big land. the level of the ural river has exceeded the records of the last century. in orenburg the water remains sharply, in orsk there is a decline. strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant while the un is preparing to discuss terrorist attacks. so washington is trying
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blame russia for everything. our military were able to advance in the southern donetsk direction, three ukrainian brigades were destroyed at once. and muslims all over the world today celebrate one of the main holidays in islam - eid al-fitr . so, at the beginning there is a flood situation. erenburg region. the level of the ural river rose overnight by almost another meter and has already exceeded the records of the last century. the water continues to flow and is approaching the 10 m mark. almost 13,000 houses have already been flooded in the region, and hundreds of temporary accommodation centers have been opened. more than 7,000 residents were evacuated from dangerous areas. local authorities strongly recommend that people leave their homes that are at risk of flooding, without waiting for the arrival of high water, which. by
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the way, vorsk continues to decline, they have already begun to calculate the damage and issue compensation. murat zaripov with details. the water begins to gradually recede from the flooded areas. just a couple of days ago it was impossible to walk here. now you can use the marks to see how much the level has dropped. here it’s at least 70 cm. but somewhere travel is still only possible by boat. in the village of pervomaisky, which was one of the first to flood, the depth in some places exceeds human height. local residents come only to check the situation and pick up the necessary things. hello, big land. nikolai sokha and his son did not leave their house during the flood; they lived on the second floor for almost a week. when dumbo broke through, only the dog and himself had time to get up. the car in the garage, furniture, equipment, everything was under water. here, he also had upholstered furniture, everything floats too. in the room is cold, you have to dress in several layers. once volunteers brought drinking water, but for the most part they got by.
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on their own, they cook food on a gas stove, while away the time talking and looking at family photos. it’s morally difficult, yes, but if we don’t hold on, well, my son has arrived, how should i set an example that yes, this will be fought, this will all be done, all of nikolai’s neighbors were evacuated to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, there, despite the decrease in water level, they continue more and more flood victims are coming, we need beds, mattresses, but at the moment we need today... there is not enough bread and drinking water in orsk stores, essential goods are brought from neighboring regions of the urals and volga region, including from ufa , kazan, yekaterinburg. volunteers are not stopped by the fact that due to high water and blocked roads, the journey takes much longer than usual. usually we specialize in delivering additional assistance to fighters in the northern military district zone, but today we have this. situation, we decided
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not to remain indifferent, we will make deliveries, accompany you while residents assess the damage, draw up documents to receive compensation, regional authorities decide on the allocation of additional funds to eliminate the consequences of the emergency, as soon as the water finally recedes, restoration work will begin in residential areas. murat darepov, sergey shilipin, zemfir abzalov, conduct orenburg region, orsk. now to the news from the special operation zone. the russian military were able to advance in the southern donetsk direction and defeated the formation three ukrainian brigades at once. in the solidar-seversky sector , the enemy's manpower was destroyed by turkish artillery paratroopers. as always, the crews of the hail multiple launch rocket systems worked hard. in the severodonetsk direction, attack aircraft 125 hit a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. unguided aircraft missiles were fired at the target. and this is
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the combat work of the crews of the t80 tanks of the south group of troops; they successfully supported the actions of the assault forces. stop the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the head of magathe called, but at the same time, rafael grossi again bypassed the question is whose drones are hitting the territory of the nuclear power plant. at the same time, such statements without reference to the kiev regime, nothing less than recklessness, were officially stated today. mida representative maria zakharova. russia is doing everything to protect the station, but if attacks by ukrainian militants continue, this could lead to disaster. the international community must condemn these terrorist attacks, our permanent mission to international organizations in vienna emphasized. the topic will be continued by sergei samokha.
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employees of zaporozhye nuclear power plant they usually go to work and no one knows where a ukrainian drone might fly today. the last 5 days have been exposed to nuclear power plants. attacks from kiev. the next wave of attacks in iisu began last friday, when arrivals were recorded at the nitrogen-oxygen station and at the port. the next drone arrived on saturday; on sunday there were at least three attacks, three people were injured. and on this day, the next day , the sixth power unit came under attack; the day before, the educational building was attacked. in addition to protected power units at the nuclear power plant site there are a number of facilities, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, that provide diesel generators. uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to disaster. unfortunately, despite all the calls for weiss to stop terrorist attacks, the station and its infrastructure are under constant
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attack. according to the head of magathe, emmanuel grossi, the shelling will most likely continue, while who is shelling the nuclear power plant, the agency does not speaks. today's incident, although outside the perimeter of the facility. is an ominous development as it indicates a clear willingness to continue these attacks, despite the serious danger they pose to nuclear security and our repeated calls for military restraint, whoever is behind them is playing with fire, an attack on a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsibly dangerous, it must be stopped, the critical situation that has developed at zas will be discussed in the near future, but it is not a fact that wine will be announced at the meeting in new york... the information policy dictated by washington is being picked up by both the western media and official organizations. commenting on the attacks on zas, state department spokesman matthew miller only called on russia to refrain from actions that could lead to a nuclear threat. following
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this statement, the headlines of the foreign press began to change, which just a few hours ago had unambiguously announced an attack by ukrainian drones. kiev completely blames russia for everything. false statement. kremlin regarding the alleged drone attacks from ukraine are nothing more than an attempt to hide their own intentions, commit a terrorist attack or hide serious emergencies that have already occurred at the station. however, there is nothing new in statements about self-fire. kiev has been actively using this tactic for 10 years, claiming that residents of donetsk and lugansk are shelling themselves. only this time the consequences could be much more serious. according to experts, in the event of a disaster , a nuclear cloud. will cover first central ukraine, eastern and northern europe. sergey samokha, news. the re -launch of the angara launch vehicle is again planned today at the vostochny cosmodrome, it was approved by the state commission. the start is scheduled for noon moscow time. initially it
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was supposed to take place on tuesday, but 2 minutes before the launch the automation canceled it. the problem was in the central block of the rocket. let me remind you that this is the first launch of the angara a5 cosmodrome in the amur region. development in almost all sectors that cannot be solved without the participation of our scientists. at our previous meeting, we talked in detail about the role of the russian academy of sciences, but now i would like to hear how you assess the results of 2023, we have started
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working with new territories, we have created an association of southern regions, which includes not only crimea, but also all our new one. territory, the most important thing is that there is experience of interaction here, that is, crimea shares its experience when it was part of the russian federation. today is very important. date in the history of the great patriotic war, exactly 80 years ago, odessa was liberated after 900 days of nazi occupation , our soldiers raised the red banner over the building of the opera house. this was done by the troops of the third ukrainian front under the command of the famous odessa resident army general radion malinovsky. the offensive operation became part of the so-called third stalinist strike, which ended with the liberation of crimea and sevastopol. report by ily kanavina. dear fellow countrymen, my dear odessa residents,
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liberation, liberation, happy birthday to you, dear odessa, happy liberation day, let's return to our city again and march from the opera house through the city center through liberated russian odessa. they send congratulations from germany, italy, russia, from all over the world. odessa residents, those who could not stay in the city after people were burned there. are not considered people at all, now people don’t mean anything at all, this is an occupation, then on may 2 and odessa was broken, after all, yes, morality
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for 1944, diary of hitler’s ally, sergeant of the romanian army konstantin bazajan, on october 24, women, girls and children were driven into large wooden sheds on the outskirts of the city, in the area of ​​the tram depot, a cst bus arrived. they all screamed and cried, but they all burned out. odessa was liberated by an odessa resident, marshal malinovsky, in russia, the donbass was liberated by his troops, and for him ades, of course, it was his beloved, dear city, which in order to become necessary to liberate, but to liberate in such a way as not to damage those historical buildings that were still going on. since the time of catherine the 2nd century, varontsov has been the governor-general, that is, the whole history
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of odessa is also the history of russia, the russian world, and malinovsky is from this russian one. the weather then was rubbish, not only was it slushy, there were climanes around the entire city of ustira, it was impossible to surround the nazis on all sides with heavy equipment, it was necessary. that's when general pliev and his cavalry entered the picture. one word from him is that it is necessary to overcome this and that. the cossacks are in a hurry.
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ahead, the general went directly to
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the port facility, this is in odessa, along the street lastochkina himself chose 17 fighters of his subordinates, they made their way secretly from the germans, and suddenly they got cold feet, took the port, they waited for reinforcements, finally drove the germans out of odessa, then from romania and beyond. the fighting went on for 2 weeks, the operation was prepared for even longer, with fascination, cleverly crushing for the nazis. malinovsky is credited with the phrase: “i want to be greeted not with coffins, but with flowers.” he really skillfully achieved victories with minimal losses, and he liberated his hometown especially tenderly. ilya kanavin, dmitry arkhangelsky, elena erofeeva, lyubov lomanova. an sbu agent who was preparing a terrorist attack against the russian military was detained in the zaporozhye region, there is no mention of this just right after the advertisement, stay with us, you might think that you and this taxi driver of yours have nothing, we don’t have anything like that, but it’s a matter of time, isn’t it alla taxi,
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premiere today on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbelek, where. life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection bodrum. discover a real gem on the coast bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. russia is traditional , modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes,
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come to the international exhibition forum. i'm on cosmonautics day, the signal is gone, the station is not responds to no commands, everything we drink, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off, a dying team, it’s dangerous, volodya, increase the speed, enter a go away, what happened, i pierced my glove, light, talk to me , i’m talking to you, the story of a real feat, they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, a film that has reached an unprecedented height, you heard, you need to open the hatch, the shuttle
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docked, there’s nothing, it seemed to you, let it go. salute 7. on april 12 at rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say, is my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes... grandma herself is hungry, but she brings this cereal to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids in, i came across people like that , not indifferent, support in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you
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would not survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, you watch the news, we continue the release, now an fsb message marked urgently in the zaporozhye region, an sbu agent was detained who was preparing a terrorist attack against the russian military, a female suspect, during searches, her house was discovered and seized. and components for making an incendiary mixture. she had to hand over all this to a sabotage reconnaissance group of ukrainian militants, a criminal case was initiated case. american lawmakers demanded that the biden administration report how much more money the united states plans to spend to support the zelensky regime. congressmen and
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senators have expressed concern that the real amount may be significantly higher than official figures. so they were able to establish that the white house did not report at least $684 million to the kiev branch. republican senator atalaba did the math. meanwhile, in washington today they are discussing the joint production with tokyo of patriot air defense missiles, which are already in production in the ukrainian army.
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outcome. japanese prime minister fumiu kishida arrived at the white house to meet with biden. the key topic of the negotiations is countering china. report by dmitry melnikov. japanese cherry blossoms bloomed almost simultaneously in tokyo and washington this spring. according to commentators, the us relationship with its main ally in asia and although meetings between biden and kishida have taken place regularly in recent years, the official visit of the japanese prime minister to the united states, the first in the last 10 years, the day before first lady jill biden talked about the menu the gala dinner that the president gives in honor of fumio kishida, beef with sesame sauce and beans, but most importantly... the political dish of the visit with an openly anti-chinese flavor. japan, according to washington's plan, should become the second column of the aokus military bloc, whose main task
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is to contain beijing. the day before, the united states, australia, japan and the philippines held the first joint naval and air force exercises in the south china sea, a kind of prelude to the conclusion of a new trilateral alliance under under the auspices of the united states against china. about its creation washington, tokyo and monila. they're going to announce it tomorrow. following prime minister kishida's visit, which ends tomorrow, president biden will host philippine president marcos at the white house on thursday. the president will also host the first-ever trilateral leaders' summit between the united states, japan and the philippines. thanks to this meeting, we will continue to deepen cooperation with our closest partners. secretary of state anthony also spoke about strengthening the anti-chinese coalition blinke. at a meeting with another main ally, the head of the foreign office, david cameron, but if containing china is the strategy of the west for the coming decades, then kiev needs money for weapons right now.
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we know that stopping putin's aggression is the right thing to do. we know that it would be right to send this very clear signal to all those who are watching what is happening, including china, that we stand with our allies, that we do not encourage aggression, that we help those. the usa is an increasingly critical factor: the closer to the elections, the more desperate the attempts to make at least some foreign policy successes. it will no longer be possible to write down ukraine and the middle east as merits, and the confrontation with china is the only area where the white house , in the months remaining before the elections, will try to at least look like a winner. they are discussing with... but preparing for trump, even old us allies, such as japan, understand the instability of the agreements reached now, and if the anti-chinese vector in us policy is unlikely to change, then the degree
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of american participation in the confrontation with beijing raises great concerns, and what if having started a war with china, the united states will withdraw itself and then those who are least ready for it will have to fight. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. in petersburg. the united russia women's movement and humanitarian mission volunteer daria vakumova submitted documents to participate in the preliminary vote, which will determine the party's candidates for the regional elections. from the very beginning of the north military district , dare has been participating in the collection of humanitarian supplies for residents of new regions and fighters, helping to organize events for military personnel. she is the initiator of the creation of a club to help women in difficult moral situations. conducts regular master classes for wives, mothers of widows of svo participants. in pendia, the young guard organized an excursion to the cosmonautics museum for children from the belgorod region, it was opened on the basis of the children's scientific center reactor. employees
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spoke about the exhibits. muslims around the world today celebrate one of the main holidays in islam, eid al-fitr. it symbolizes the end of the longest difficult fast in the month of ramadan. in russian celebratory collective prayers were held in mosques early in the morning. in moscow, thousands of believers gathered in the cathedral mosque; many did not get inside; they listened to a solemn sermon on the street, it was conducted by the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti ravil gainuddin. he called for love to defend the fatherland. the president also sent congratulations. vladimir putin noted the contribution of muslim organizations to strengthening cohesion and interethnic harmony. in connection with the holiday, wednesday has been declared a day off in several regions of our country.
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allahu akbar! the month of strict fasting of ramadan is behind us, believers refused food and drink from morning to evening prayer, which is about 14 hours, but the essence of fasting is not only this, the main desire is to cleanse yourself of sins through diligence in prayers and godly deeds of repentance. i would like to congratulate all muslims of the chechen republic on this great, great holiday, so that next year we can
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also celebrate and spend uraza bayram well. in the akhmadov house today there is a double reason for joy for leaving the front line the eldest son magomed returned. my son has arrived, i am happy about this, and i would like all parents to rejoice as much as i do. being with their families, servicemen do not forget about those who celebrate the holiday in the trenches. chechens have always been warriors and show themselves very worthy. that is, i was never ashamed of a single chechen there. as a sign of special respect, believers try to first congratulate the neighbors of their closest relatives. the head of the republic first visited his relatives in akhmatyurti and prayed with his fellow villagers. i congratulate everyone on holiday italfitr. i would like to wish that our soldiers return home with a speedy victory, and may the almighty reward them for their diligence in combat,
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and reward their families a thousand times more for their patience. i pray for them, for the entire chechen people. idel-fitr is a special holiday for children, it is understandable; in every home they are treated to sweets. on the occasion of the onset of idal-fitor, the authorities declared a holiday weekend in the republic. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntashev and aslan loluev. news grozny. abnormal april frosts down to -32° are expected in the coming days in the north of the urals and siberia, weather forecasters warn us. it’s real summer in the central region today until 26, victoria chernikova will tell you what will happen next. victoria, hello, i hope winter will not return to us. it will not return to the center, but in the north winter is still snarling, in siberia the center of abnormal cold is creeping to the south. tomorrow in irkutsk, obakan and kozyl +10-13, from krasnoyarsk to omsk only 3-4°c. to the northwest to the center of russia following a record warm wave too
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comes. in pskov it drops to +12, 15-16° on thursday in tver and smolensk about 200 more just east of moscow, but the rains are going there, in the south the rains will hit the caucasus, in sochi, cloudy tomorrow only +16, in the steppes, where there is precipitation are necessary, there is not enough moisture, with drought, heat up to +27 and gusty winds, there is an extremely fire hazard here. in st. petersburg on thursday it is only +10, with light rain and gusty winds in places. in moscow, without significant precipitation, 16-18, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, retired vtb rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account right up to 18% of the vtb year, everything will work out. on friday in moscow the temperature will drop further. thank you for the weather story.


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