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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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frontline territory, will they soon be able to hug their loved ones again, we will find out today at 15:00 that i support them, these are the main messages for this hour, i am maria sittal, thank you for your attention, all the best, see you. “catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, no, you chose the right one, when did you not think about why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases , the pain decreases, can it be beneficial? pleasant"? fiction, can science be
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understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this raises mood, that's for sure, the formula of food. on sunday on rtr. please, fasten your seat belt. oh, the feelings will shock us today. andrey, can you say, you saved my life?
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on friday, it is necessary, in the depths of your heart, purity, like baby's sleep, frequency in some hertz, silence, even if he's not breathing, we're leaving defectors, showing the love of the sun to
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the depths of their hearts and to the depths of their souls! hello, this is our program: thousands of people united to support participants in a special military operation, not because they had to, but simply at the call of their hearts, and some, in order to help the front, radically changed their... lives. the city of voluyki, belgorod region. 15 km to the contact line. since the fall of 2022, shelling has not stopped here. there were already 20 salvos, there was no light in the city. i tied him into a neighboring house, there are simply no windows. left without roofs over their heads, many left. over the past 2 years, the city has been deserted by almost half. but there are brave souls who
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come here, risking their lives, these were houses, people are looking for something else of their own, at first we thought it was a landfill. tatyana titova from st. petersburg, olga tsyganenko from moscow, and larisa spirina from chelyabinsk. before the start of the northern military district , they did not even know each other, but almost simultaneously they ended up in voluyki. this is our street, the houses are all edged. enough, i grew up like that, i had a grandmother like that, first the country, then i’m the family, if not us, then who? there is no last name. work in this house almost immediately began to boil, and the small rooms were filled with parcels for the soldiers. and these are all the flags, these are people from those cities who come to pune, participate in our journey z, help us guys, my little fish.
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the car was bought specifically to drive behind the belt, going where no other car would probably go. this is our drone, we hope this is for you. will help in your work, will help a lot, we love you very much, trade comfort for field conditions, leave peaceful life and go to the contact line, what do those who chose path z sacrifice and what motivates them? today we have three women, three friends in our studio: tatyana titova, larisa spirina and olga tsiganenko. hello, good afternoon, are you really a friend, now yes. now you definitely haven’t been before, but how did your friendship begin? from arrival, from volunteer activities. how did you find each other? by chance, we all just came to one place and met there,
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became friends there, right? yeah, yeah. but i understand correctly that you live together, that’s how it is family, yes, well, we are now sleeping in the same bed, because volunteers are coming. sometimes there are not enough places, we had to have few places, you are from different cities, yes, from different places, from where, i am from chelyabinsk, moscow, st. petersburg, it brought you closer together, it was your common cause, yes now, yes, but in every team has some kind of leader, that’s who the leader is, we don’t have leaders, everyone is responsible for their own, how can you be a leader, an application comes, yes, an application comes, we must do it, and we do it all together, great strength . so you something called path z, how it all started, such a broad question, of course, when the special operation began, and you suddenly understand that when, if not now, when
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the guys need help, when your country needs help, and you went to the belgogorod region alone or somehow with someone, right from... we got ready and went, yes, with a suitcase, with two of what we had, that is, you immediately went there for a long time, yes, we immediately went there for a long time, where did we go, we have to go somewhere , we were renting a house, i even came with my own inflatable bed, there would be nowhere to sleep, it came in handy today, yes the first days we slept on inflatables. mattresses, do you have a family? yes, of course, husband, son, grandchildren, what did you tell them? well, by the time i went, it was already the month of october, they had all, well, probably, to some extent , come to terms with it, that is, you would have been preparing them or something,
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i just from the moment the svo began, yes, i we looked, i regularly said that i couldn’t do this, that... something had to be done, i submitted an application to various volunteer organizations, and since it was already spring and summer, by the fall they were already ready for to that that i was going, someone said, well, why do you need this, where are you going, someone tried to dissuade you, yes, yes, that’s it? everyone, well, yes, there were conflicts even with some of their friends, because they had a different point of view on everything that was happening, but mine is important to me, well, yes, we met with your family, let's
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see what they said, oh , wife, grandson and i haven’t seen each other for six months; olga and alexey tsyganenko have lived for almost 40 years. soul to soul, but now they only have short meetings when the wife comes on vacation, and calls from front line, when she told me that she would go to damvas, like a bolt from the blue, she has been there for a year and a half and i miss her, we were left alone without a woman’s affection, we are bored and , of course, worried about my wife, mother, grandmother, now all men’s half of the tsyganenko family waits every day for news from the front, in the summer, when... there was active shelling of our russian territory, i often called my mother, said how are you, how are you there, she says: dim, everything is fine, yes, he’s booming , we hear all this, we see all this, you worry, of course, but while olga is helping the soldiers, her a grandson hundreds of kilometers from the front line, writes
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a letter to the soldiers: “dear soldier, i wish you were back, alive, healthy, you are a hero, i want to become a military man, a pilot. that’s why i wanted to write a letter from a soldier. once, when my grandmother came on vacation, the grandson gave her a letter when she again went to pick up the ribbon, delivered a touching message to the address. a... very soon zhenya received an answer. hello, zhenya, i will read your letter. soldier, i wish you to return safe and sound, with victory thank you very much for your letter, it will be kept with us forever for a long memory. i watched the soldiers read my letters. now the most important thing is that grandma has returned to us. we love her so much. olya, did you watch the story with tears... do you have a feeling that
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you are one hundred percent right? yes, if this had not happened, i would not have come here, of course, and if you go back there, what do you need there more than yourself? now yes, because when we arrive there, we also see the eyes of the guys, but watch the video from... tears are squeezed, who do you miss the most? yes, i miss everyone, my husband, my son, my grandson, well our son should come visit us soon, he is bringing humanitarian aid to the donbass, our grandson always dreamed of becoming a military man, yes, even when we were at the dacha, we have a dacha in kubinka, and there are training flights, and he went out and...
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bam, but since i graduated from college in the nineties, there was no virgin land or bam,
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i always had it, i’m such a zoya kosmodemyanskaya, i need to go somewhere on the road, and save the country somewhere, so that i can be of maximum benefit to the country , yes, for the country, my grandmother was such that first the country, then the family, and then you yourself, and you it was absorbed by priorities. okay, so when it was the nineties, when everything started to fall apart, when everything, well, there was nowhere to apply myself for the country, i first had a stable, then i went into television, then i went into cinema, then i have 10 years, then there was a shelter for 15 years for large dogs, and then, well , a special operation actually began and i began to cook, i couldn’t leave the shelter, i couldn’t leave, my youngest son was in the army. urgent service, i had no one to leave my grandmothers, my
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dogs and shelter, so i needed some time in order to prepare everything to leave, having already left everything distributed as it should, so i did not in one day, while i was preparing everything to someone, what i would delegate, and what my mother told you, but my mother did not know, to me the children knew, but since my last vacation was in october. in 2001, i said that i went on vacation to maykop, well, since 2001, i stayed at home, the youngest returned from the army and his grandmothers and dogs were left with him, and what did the youngest say, my children generally take everything calmly, they there were two of us, one died the day before my departure, but due to my age, wait, tatyana, something doesn’t work out for me, you talked about the shelter, the shelter is separate, there are up to forty large dogs, large ones, asians,
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caucasians, shepherds, tatyana, come on let's see how your son copes without you, i come here on weekends, in winter the house needs to be heated, snow removed so that the driveway doesn't get completely blocked, the same pipes can freeze, there's water in them, ever since mikhail's mother went to the northern military district, more work, now... he also has household chores, caring for animals, but it is precisely in separation, when there was no one else to rely on, misha matured and became a real support for his mother, his mother loved dogs all the time, she was involved... for a long time in a shelter for dogs. tatyana titova is used to taking responsibility for her family. having survived three divorces, she raised three children alone, was their mother and father, and built a house herself. she came here with the dogs and lived here. i myself started coming here after i returned from the army,
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and i got a car there. life taught tatyana to make decisions firmly and quickly, also everything happened with departures. donbass, in the morning she got up early, packed her things and left. i didn't discourage it because i just realized that, well, it would be useless. she ’s just always been ideological; if something needs to be done, she does it. tatyana, misha is the eldest son? this is the youngest. is this the youngest? this is the youngest. this one is from the army. well, i couldn’t leave earlier because he wrote a report on the contract, for some reason he doesn’t...
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answers, you know, sometimes when there is no pressure, this is support, we know that we have each other, if something happens to someone, we will help, there is a problem, call, tell them, if no one calls, then everything is fine, and they call you with their problems, yes, and i’m glad that we have trust, because since high school with the elder lesha, when the bell rings at 11 pm, mom, what?
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everyone, apparently, was either afraid or something else, but we never had such a thing as, oh, you ’ve caused trouble, so you’ll answer, no, first we’ll sort out the problem, and then i ’ll explain to you why this is so there was no need to do it very wise position, very, larisa, tell your story, this is how you made this decision, you know, when you wake up, you fall asleep in the morning with only one thought, when you can’t watch tv, you watch only one program, you look for any information, you look for everything for...
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years, she’s generally a patriot for us, she had no choice, so to speak, already, we’ll take over the operation for you, i can’t leave now, because she would have left before me, well, go, still go, laris, mercantile the question is, you have to live on something, i’m a pensioner, my pension is enough, well, we have enough, we have few requests, we try to do everything somehow, you planned to help, but how exactly? yes, at least with anything, i don’t know how it would be necessary, i knew that i would go and be here as long as i was needed, what to do, we had no idea what we would do, how long you would be needed, where you would be needed , i never thought that we would go somewhere beyond the belt, when we spend 14 hours in the car, when it’s on fire, you cry,
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you can’t think about anything else, it’s impossible. yes, you wake up, you fall asleep with this, you can’t sleep with this the next time, because we are like mothers, mother, guys, these are our children, we will always cover them, so you run, let’s watch a story about how your mother lives after you left, i’ve been living here for 35 years, this is mine the garden, though it’s covered with snow, but i’m still... growing crops, i’m generally an independent person, that’s enough, the only thing is that i’m blind, galina spirina gardens in the summer, in the winter. clears snow, despite her 74 years and visual impairment, she manages the household herself, with since her daughter left to help the front, the mother had no hope. mom, you
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won’t be offended, i went there for 5 days, well, here we go again for 4 months now, she’s actually so stubborn, if she sets her mind to something, she always does it while her daughter larisa goes to the soldiers on the front line, with my mother... there is a battle here, some everyday things have to be learned again, i think, lord, how can i do this, i don’t see how much it’s necessary, well, what did i think, think, come up with, feel , finger, put, cut off, put, cut off, so now the pawns will be ready, i’m still strong, i can still stand up for myself, i can do it, but i don’t see, i don’t see. that’s why i have all my pills in order, i take all this once a day, galina stepanovna is proud of her daughter,
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she says that if she were 10 years younger, she would go to help her, but her age and health do not allow it, so she is nervous waiting for her at home, how not to be bored, you are bored, i say, well , maybe that’s enough, she says, mom, i love my homeland. larisa, my soul doesn’t hurt for my mother, how she is alone there, they don’t shoot there, there, she has everything there is, of course, my heart hurts for her, but i know, i’m calm for her, well, you often call each other, every day, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything, first of all, she asked when to go home, i said that the war is over , no, well, that’s it, what questions might there be, and how do you feel away from your families, while being there in belgorod, they sang some songs.
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the guys need us here behind the tape. olya, wait, describe your day, you wake up in the morning, what do you do? we can collect applications, sort out some things, we we can go for parcels, and if suddenly some application for the guys is ready, it depends on where you have to go for the ribbon, well, sometimes. at 5, 6 in the morning we load the cars and leave, but how close to the front line have you been, well, in some different ways, well, we were
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recently in yasenovataya, it’s quite, well, dangerous, scary, as a rule, we negotiate with guys in advance, that is, we are going towards each other, they are from lbs, we are from the border, have you had any cases with a risk to your life. say, if a bomb does not fall on your head, then this is not a risk to life, but if not on your head, you heard explosions, you heard, in donetsk there is shooting all the time, in our streets there is constant shooting, if somewhere in our country they don’t bomb, don’t gouge, it’s even strange, quiet, you help military personnel or civilians too military personnel , and do those who are at the very forefront, any stories? struck you, can you tell me, well, yes, it’s very difficult to single out one thing, every time we meet with
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the guys and this, well, it’s different every time, very often the guys are in this state, especially if they had losses, you try not to touch them, realizing that...
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a letter from their city, when we tell you how many cities are participating in our movement, here’s the way, for the guys, what’s more important is not even what we brought, but what we came and brought, himself the fact of our arrival there, wait, but here are the trips, do you work as couriers, or are you purchasing something else, looking for, well, we have girls who are engaged in purchasing, on the internet, that is, there are many of you, there are many of us, we a group of like-minded people, we don’t even know anyone personally, it came from the guys application, this and that, work begins on the purchase of this model, an agreement is reached with the seller, then it is purchased, another time we wait until we have enough of it, then it is brought to us, we assemble it at the base and take it there, so who gets behind the wheel, tatyana, we're driving, right? depending
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on where to go, we drove back and forth for 4 days, for 4 days you drive where you live, sometimes you spent the night at the guys’ place, you arrived already at 11 pm, it’s dark, foggy, the navigator doesn’t work, you can’t see anything, the road is not i understand what, we’ve arrived, they say, well... you are going, i say, yes, we should sleep, well, if a large number of military personnel does not bother you too much, then you can sleep with us, i say, you know, at 11 pm nothing will bother me anymore, we have been allocated an absolutely gorgeous corner with clean linen, what kind of order they have, what good men we have, the charter, that’s the charter - yes, that’s what i’m saying, why don’t you behave like that at home, it started because wherever i
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go , they have... cleanliness, order, everything sparkles and shines, i say, why do you rub your socks in the corners at home, they say, so tired, their shoes are all arranged like this, you don’t have to take off your shoes, guys, well, our shoes are worse, our shoes can be scattered, but there everything is just clean, orderly, neat, just the eyes of military people, they tell you did they ask any questions, that’s why you’re here, that’s why you’re here, where they usually ask the question, do you have any relatives there?
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it’s simple, we’re probably already lined up in front of the entrance, listen, but it happened that you got into an argument, oh, of course, we, we’re people, we’re family, even someone comes up, oh, family, quarrel, okay, how do you make up, but as you quarreled, so we make up, it’s clear, we have no choice, we have one goal, then in the program, three friends who are united by one goal, who helps them in their difficult task, how cute , man, that is, you are not alone there, how important is support not only for our soldiers, but also for those who remained in the rear. hello, my dears, hello, dear, hello, hello, hello, maybe it’s worth returning everything back, the premiere on rtr, nothing, everything won’t work out with you, as i see it, i’m just starting to shake, i need money in
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take the bank. wait, wait, are there any witnesses? no, convenient, right? do you think i stole money? alla taxi. today on rtr. quick, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. you are not the only one with him. in a matter of minutes you can update and decorate your usual interior, but forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and cleaning is simply elementary. carpet, magnificent century - an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time. az games.
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105. simply choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. on cosmonautics day. this is cosmonautics day. this is our common holiday anyway. of course, this is a holiday for our entire country. the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station. what was your mission? look and figure it out. and if possible, fix it. i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the actual flight. i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we take off, i’m all pancaked, they bring volodya, he in general, it’s just this color, i thought he was going to die, just now, two cosmonauts, that is, you know, yes, your wives, they
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saw you off with a heavy heart, it’s a one-way road, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently what well, viktor petrovich’s wife knitted two hats for him and two for you. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. earlier in the program were tatyana titova from st. petersburg, larisa spirina from chelyabinsk and olga tsiganenko from moscow. these women lived their own lives and did not know each other friend, until one day we met in a small town in the belgorod region. each of them gave up everything. and came to the border to help our fighters, there’s just such a misunderstanding, and you have someone there, i say, we have everything there, everyone there is ours, everyone who is there is all ours, you have a feeling of one hundred percent own rightness, yes, if
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it weren’t for this, i wouldn’t have come here, where do you live now in aluyki, yes we are, voluyki, belogorodskaya region, this is voluyki, belogorodskaya region, this is a very dangerous place in the region right now. dangerous anywhere tatyana, this is what a person who is not afraid of death says, i raised children, sons, built a house, planted trees, i fulfilled my entire plan and do what i want, and dogs, yes. let's see how you live there in your villages in the belgorod region. this house in voluyki is already known far beyond the belgorod region; the address where you can bring clothes, medicine or food for fighters has become a center of attraction for hundreds of people. we brought borscht preparations to feed 150 fighters. we hope our kids will enjoy it. here this sleeveless one, knitted by my mother’s hands, will go to someone. one of the fighters, let her warm him. everything that doesn’t go to
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the front line right away is waiting to be sent on the shelves. organizing home comfort in such cramped conditions, especially for three housewives at once, was not easy at first. here we have a bedroom, we sleep here with larisa, how our life is organized, whoever is free from something cooks, whoever is free cleans. at first it was difficult to manage without men's hands in a private house, but soon the women's team began to work. aluyki was replenished with one more volunteer, here they affectionately call alexander timonov stepanych, he came here to basically help the girls here, well, here’s a tool, this is my box with keys, and there ’s also a screwdriver in the car, so now we’re here with this thing, here let's see now, yeah, oh, everything's fine. oh, stepanovich, what a handsome man, that is, you are not alone there,
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well, stepanovich is coming now, we just know him for a long time, and how he appeared, just like mine came at the call of my heart, i just didn’t hear him at the front they took it, so he i wanted it very much, and just like us, first i, olya, the next day, it turns out, and stepanovich arrived a day later, we arrived at the same time, and he’s from where, from kirov, kirov. vyatka, he does a man’s job and somehow helps you, no, but he also went outside the tape for the last time, you’re on bakhmut, well , extra hands never hurt there, well, let’s call alexander stepanovich to the studio, alexander stepanovich, please come in, hello, hello, hello, ulenka, hello, hello my dears, hello dear, alexander, is it true that you wanted
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to go to the front, but they didn’t take you? well, yes, there was such a situation that when the operation began, and then i poked my head into the cash desk, they told me, go don’t bother me, yeah, well, somehow it’s necessary, so i periodically started sending money to one, that means, a fund or. ..
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we got there, they waited for us, they gave us everything, they met, hugs, passes, it was just touching, when you see these joyful faces on the guys, when here they are, maybe even what we brought, it’s like one side, completely different the side is that people from the big world have come to them, but they are also pleased with it, then... people not only really come to know someone there, but they come
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because they need to come here, and you remember your first meeting, remember sami? yes, of course, how would it happen, where how? yes, what were the circumstances in the belogorod region, well, we met at the base, that there was something to be cooked, there was peeling potatoes, there was this, well, this was the case, i connected there, came to the warehouse, everything was sort of a mess there , sorted out, put it, everything is as it were. and it's nice that until now, everything seems to be in that order there, they say that you basically do men’s work there, but what is women’s work, what is men’s work, and the refrigerator was repaired, and yes , the refrigerator. there you need to make some kind of shelves, you need to drag something like that, you need to drag the same weights, you need to sort something, well, the most important thing, at least now , lately there has been work, this is to get behind the wheel, drive, make it safe not only means sad and your companion, but
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who necessarily accompanies the matter so, what’s the matter here, alexander, who ’s waiting for you at home, tell us about your family at home. on the mainland, well, there are many people waiting for me at home, but first of all, family, wife, children, granddaughters , so the granddaughters are far away, they are, however, located for me, one is in kirov, and two are in st. petersburg, my daughter is with the children, my wife and grandson are at home, well, plus my colleagues are waiting... which is from my work at the vyassky state university, this is how my wife reacted to your departure, and in general what questions she asks you, my wife from react, we were sitting, it was autumn, we were sitting in the garden or at the dacha, so to speak, well, we sat down at
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the table, now i’m already itching, i must say, i must say, i say, valentina, i made a decision, i’m going, she ate. i dropped the spoon, i looked, she turned pale, was silent for a long time, well , if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, i saw that this was his conscious decision, that he couldn’t do anything differently, because due to his age they wouldn’t take him as volunteers, but something... then you need to help, at least a little, at least a little, but do something, i can imagine how difficult it is there. because we ourselves are geologists and field season, when you live in the cold, in the mud, when there is nowhere to dry yourself, we know what it is and we need to help them somehow, he likes the people there, he found a common language with them, uh, they have a very warm relationship, they constantly
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they call back, text each other, congratulate each other on holidays, well, i’ve found kindred spirits. what did your daughter say to you about this? well, my daughter said: you always climb where you need to, so you’re stubborn, so who? if not you, haven’t you seen your daughter for a long time? the last time, say, daughter, we met directly during the winter holidays, we went region, on the mountains, here they are in my city, i go skiing, also with my granddaughters. do you want to see her now? yes, of course, she came from sequcar right here to us. olga, please come in. oh, lelishna with a chainsaw, and i say, this is very vaslevo, daskara, she is
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intelligent, hello, what is this, a chainsaw, what is this a chainsaw, she. what kind of person, well, if necessary, he will go, that is, he, he will not hide, he is not this, well , it should be so, he always approves, always supports, well, naturally, how can we do it differently, we always, as it were like a weatherer in sails, he blows for us, we blow for him, so when you found out that dad was dangling behind the ribbon, well, he
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said about it on his second trip, as if, that here he is, they took him there once, that’s it... so this thing is also a kind of consumable, that is, it works for wear and tear, your granddaughters recorded a greeting for you, let's see what they said. grandfather, hello, grandfather, hello, we hope you are doing well, yes, we are very proud of you that
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you are helping our guys in such a difficult matter, so we want to wish you good luck so that everything was fine with you, we are really looking forward to seeing you in st. petersburg, come and visit, bye, bye, bye, we love you, thank you my dears, thank you, they are waiting and loving you, yes. my colleagues at yatsky state university are waiting for me in the same way, who, let’s say, encouraged me and, in some way, responded to my request that it was necessary that i go there, so a collection has been organized, which means humanitarian aid, everything that is necessary , several sites have been organized, weaving nets, camouflage, well, he accompanies when he goes. that means there are threats of judgment in donbass, well last year, our rector nikolaevich pugach himself accompanied us and carried
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this cargo. what is your connection to this university? i work at a university, who? well, i’m a simple engineer, in life i’m a geologist, but fate turned out this way, i lived and worked in tajikistan for more than 20 years, and my daughter was born there in 1992. i had to leave, get out of there to russia, wandered around russia, drank in the nineties, so to speak, all the problems that later settled in kirov, well, my mother-in-law said there, enough romance for us, let's go home, i worked first in federal executive authorities, and then, upon reaching the age limit , they were invited to transbaikalia, i went... this season , my former students worked with them, and then they invited me to university, i
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just have one small short question, do you have a call sign stepanovich, stepanovich, because how i arrived there, that means, here’s how to contact me, i’m stepanovich, at one time, when i was in practice, that means after the first course, one day, one of the workers, one of the workers, turned to the head of the detachment there, little pie. what kind of yegorich am i to you, i’m rostislav yegorovich, you have, and i thought so, it’s necessary, if only they called me, well, i should have grown up before that, probably respect, yes, yes, that’s me when they say alexander stepanovich, here are the girls or those around me, i say, i’m not alexander, i’m stepanovich, i’ve already risen to this level, further on the program are unexpected, but such warm meetings, hello, don’t cry. with your nearest and dearest people, is this all mine, this is all yours, this is all mine, who will come to the studio to
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our heroines to tell them the most important words and just hug them, you are proud of your grandmother, and to defend your homeland, she went there, helping our soldiers, on the day of astronautics, there are no more than three attempts to dock, i understand you, dawn, let's go, first they need to warm the station and melt it, they will last a week, salute behold, i refuse to continue the flight with you, do you hear where you are going, april 12 on rtr. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be mini-greenhouse-granary. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth
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passade. fuck one all. of them, a family is waiting at home, but each firmly decided that while our soldiers need her more, we are like mothers, mother, guys - these are our children, we will always cover them, in general it is very important for them that they are supported, it is very important for them to know that they are thought about them here, that there is a broom behind their back, i raised children, sons, home
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built, planted trees, your friend, tatyana, tatyana, please come in, you can throw yourself on your neck, hello, hello, don’t cry, tell me about tatyana, how long have you not seen each other, well, we haven’t seen each other, since i left, we haven’t seen each other , tatyana, why are you crying, well, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but i
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, our tanya, always cries loudly, yes. where where did you come from? we also live together from the same village in the same village, from chelyabinsk, right? well, from chelyabinsk, and next to chelyabinsk, a suburb of chelyabinsk, we’ve been friends for a long time. that’s how i moved to this village from the city, a grocery store opened not far from ours, larisa worked there, we’ve been friends since 2003, for almost 20 years now, more than 21, and how’s larisa’s mother, check on her, well, she she is an independent woman, she and my mother are friends, they unite, so they help each other and their health. each other support, everything is fine, they grunt, but they are a strong generation, strong, we don’t worry about them, our girls, i also wanted to say that they are our long helping hands
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of those who hold the yakars, the children are not yet grown up, what else well, we too would have been crazy to go, all together, and we know that our mothers, they are a strong generation, they will unite and stick together, tatyana, well now it’s your turn. unexpected emotions and surprises and hugs, we saw the youngest son, and now meet the eldest, alexey, please come in, thank you, dear, is this really all mine, this is all, this is all mine, alexey, hello, hello, how do you feel about it?
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they imposed nothing on you, she brought you up strictly, but not really, she was basically very easy, they didn’t stop me and i wasn’t at work, so my grandmother was more involved in raising me, so they grew up on their own, that’s probably good, it was a shock for me, when i came home from work in the evening, lyosha was probably in the fourth grade, i looked, and the child was sitting and buttoned his own shirt sews it on, i was so ashamed, but i was glad that he knew how to do it, he had no choice, tatyana, usually we look for ourselves, so to speak, we find surprises, but your friend came to us on her own, we took her a ticket ,
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she came to us today, to you, are you ready to meet, who do you think it is, what is her name, eva, eva, you guessed it, eva, please come in, hello, hello, eva! well, excuse me, eva herself wrote to our program and said that she has a lot of things to tell about tatyana, eva, come on, i just wanted to say my opinion, yes, because in my environment, honestly, there was not and is not, to this day, such a person as...
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that this girl opens up to absolutely everyone, let’s say, yes, but this definitely there is, she is a very sincere person, she is very delicate inside, or something else, although you can never say, but nevertheless it is true, it is true, but not a person would ever to do what she was doing, is doing now, apparently she will, yes, if, if she were somehow superficial, shallow and... not subtle, i look at tatyana’s face and expression; she takes compliments addressed to her so hard, so we ask stepanovich: is it easy with tatyana? absolutely easy, well, that’s it, when tatyana and i
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met for the first time, we understood each other immediately, well done, olga, do you think we forgot about you, in what way, no, well, in terms of everyone, you know , got it, who are you? want to see most of all here now, you just have to guess, of course, well, probably, either son or grandson, well, guess what? zhenya, please come in, zhenya, grandson, yes, go to grandma, zhenya, our future defender, hello, hello, hello, tell me, do you really want to become a military man, yes, why, i want to defend my homeland. there is such
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a profession as defending the homeland. do you know where grandma is now and what she is doing? be belgorod. why did you leave? helps the soldiers. everything is correct. are you proud of your grandmother? yes. she went there to defend her homeland. helping our soldiers. are you writing a letter to your grandmother? yes. well, we're basically convening. yes, i wrote a letter to the sniper that he wrote there in the letter, may he return victoriously, alive, healthy, he is dexterous, fast, accurate, he is also the best, he is a hero, just poetry, great, but...
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there is a connection, he received the letter, yes , received, answered, they gave chevron, here it is, black leopards, wow, this is the same chevron, yes, this is the same chevron that the guys gave, we also have something to pass on to our guys, please bring in the box, this is a small one a box of goodness, from us. thank you very much, now the weather is such that thermal underwear will come in handy, it will come in handy, that’s all for the guys will come in handy, thank you, thank you, we are very grateful to you for what you are doing, and of course, you are bringing our victory closer, our common victory, thank you very much for this,
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russia, the female soul. this was our program, real stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. see you. see you. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello. the vesti lugansk film crew came under fire in the kremensky area. the correspondent received a concussion, the operator received shrapnel wounds. the ural river in orenburg has exceeded the 10 m mark, and the water continues to rise.


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