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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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directions expanded to health , definitely excellent personal relationships , professional growth, the main thing is that you never converge on your true path, thank you very much, well, happy birthday, friends, thank you for being with us, thank you very much, thank you, thank you andrey, congratulations ! hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, most importantly, we have a special episode, starting with breaking news, vgtrk film crew. lead
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lugansk came under fire in the kremensk direction. correspondent artyom yundos received a shell shock. cameraman denis shum is wounded in the leg. a fragment flew into the thigh. he was handed over to doctors and hospitalized in lugansk. the journalists' condition is assessed as stable; their lives are not in danger. the fire on the employees of the lugansk branch of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company was carried out by sighting and barrel artillery. after the attack, kiev militants tried to finish off the wounded using drones.
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birds, apparently we came under enemy reconnaissance and artillery fire came at us, shell, well, at least three shells, the first one did not hurt any of our people, it hit me in the leg, i, but i didn’t understand, the second, third, most likely the third arrival, we were immediately given help, doctors and girls, for this thank you very much to them, they told me there was some kind of concussion, well, i feel kind of like, well, my head is waking up, my thoughts were to hide. behind the tree, to see who was going on around, well, there was smoke, there was dust, there was dirt everywhere, and yes, that’s it, let’s take the car out, then, when the first flight, it all went down, we started to see who was where turned out to help evacuate someone, in fact, that’s what they were doing, they saw and they had an adjustment, clearly, the bird was above us, because as soon as we started leaving for the evacuation vehicle in a booze, we know it flew away. guys, real heroes, we wish
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our colleagues a speedy recovery. the russian army today completely liberated the village of pervomaiskoye in the avdeevsky direction. soldiers of the ninth separate guards motorized rifle brigade, having broken through the defense of the rifle battalion of the fifty-ninth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, took control of the populated area the russian flag was unloaded at the point on the western outskirts of pervomaisky. right now, our center group fighters are beginning an assault on a populated area. nitailov from the north, which will allow you to get close to the karlovskoye reservoir. in the same direction , a direct hit from a krasnopol guided projectile on a ukrainian t-64 was recorded. our rocket launchers hit ukrainian militants with unique precision. in this footage, iskander with a high-explosive warhead hit from 20 to 32 d-20 gunships in the city of akhtyrka. this is the sumy region. direct hitting the whole.
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attack aircraft are inflicted fire damage by the defensive formation of the ukrainian armed forces on the first line of defense of the city, just look from what height our su-25 flying tanks are forced to attack the militants. the attack on the city is also developing from bogdanovka and ivanovsky. yar will be inevitable.
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good evening, good evening, guys, sight 387 for the battle,
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they’ll give you the coordinates now, we’ll go in and work out what your main goals are, the infantry is predominant, either moving or taking cover, the equipment is here...
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if they see movement, they immediately open fire, so the soldiers try to stay more in the dugouts of the trenches. alexey says: the war near the border in the sumy region is like in the east, only less intense. the cordon to kharkov is a little more than 20 km away, and this is the first obvious direction of attack, but it’s an idea to storm such a large city head-on.
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the russians came to storm the city of chasavyar, it is located west of bakhmut. the russian army is preparing a springboard for an offensive with the help
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of bombings, namely aerial bombs fab-500, which the vks constantly uses to clear entire neighborhoods. this video, which was originally recorded by russian drones, was later likely. distributed by the ukrainians, shows what a precision weapon these gliding bombs are. the circular probable deflection of these booms is only a few meters; unfortunately, they are a real nightmare for the ukrainian troops, since they have almost nothing to respond to. su has almost no air defense systems left in the east of the country, as they confirmed to me in recent days various ukrainian soldiers and war correspondents, they simply had nothing left that they could use to inflict fire on the russians. circle, because as the air defense weakens, the holes become larger and larger, if another air defense system or another radar located there is destroyed, then, as i already said, it turns into a vicious circle, that is, everything gets worse and worse, this a kind of snowball effect, when the ukrainians are losing more and more of what is left
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of their air defense, and russian planes can move completely freely. well , a sensation from one ukrainian whose nose is not in tobacco, as putin said, but... in an interview with bilt zelensky said that ukraine has developed a plan for a new counter-offensive, he says, this time it will definitely work. in short, the plan is that ukraine simply needs to be trusted. success, there is no alternative, and when a new counter-offensive begins, zenya clarified, said he could not promise anything, asked the west for more pennies and weapons. swallow your pride, negotiate with putin ze he can’t either, it’s scary. zelensky will not give up kharkov, but ukraine’s second largest city has sharply lost its strategic importance for ukraine. well, in the end, zelensky turned to the germans: give tauras if you are not afraid of putin. scholz is slow for now. with the answer he shows his famous briefcase on tiktok, the verkhovna rada returned to the law on
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mobilization the restriction of consular services for men from 18 to 60 years old, without military registration documents. remember how zelensky ate, if we are not russia, we are a free democracy, we are going west, we also left a restriction in the law for driving vehicles, draft dodgers at the request of the military registration and enlistment office. moreover, ukrainians. those who have more than one car or vehicle can now mobilize a car for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. there is also such a norm, that is, if you have two cars, ukrainian, and you are ukrainian, then this is no longer possible, they will take it away, even if each car is more than 10-15 years old. ukrainian women now need to prepare for the offensive, because if you believe today’s times article, ukraine has entered the list of countries. victorious feminism, gender advisor questions, commander of the ground forces
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of ukraine grigoriev, said that ukrainian women should prepare for mobilization, and about orillian animals, which are more equal than others, every ukrainian, deputy, that is, will be able to reserve from the army not only himself, but also two assistants, from mobilization , all police officers received reservations, someone... must look for volunteers to go to the front to defend the kiev regime, last year ukraine’s counter-offensive failed, now you don’t have enough weapons, you don’t have enough soldiers, so how can you reclaim this vast territory? well, firstly, we didn’t lose, ukraine’s attempted counter-offensive against russia last year was not so successful, it’s true, we didn’t achieve the desired result, yes, of course, a lot depended...
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not without such weapons, but i have everything i have a very good relationship with him, look. and
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you believe that this is due to nuclear threats from russia. scholz says it is, but i don't think it will protect the world from a nuclear threat from russia, neither missiles nor f-16s will help if a nuclear war breaks out. while the current us president joe biden gave an interview to a foreign-language tv channel, he spent 3 days in the company of a spanish journalist at meetings in nivada, arizona and in white. everything is clear for the sake of elections. the strategy is simple. gioah relied on the votes of latinos and african americans, with whom he flirted throughout his presidency. what will happen to the connected one? the states after the election are no longer so important for biden, because the main thing is to defeat trump. the rivalry between presidential candidates has become the trigger for the entire interview. biden called trump the main threat to democracy and freedom, not only in america, but throughout europe. joe expressed fear that once donald came to power, he would cut off all aid to ukraine and collapse nato.
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his opinion was also supported by former pentagon chief mark esper. he generally thinks that we are impatiently in russia. we are waiting for the election of trump to resolve the ukrainian crisis in our favor; in this regard, biden hoped that congress would still approve the allocation of additional aid to kiev in the amount of 60 billion dollars will save the world from disaster. nice try, but biden’s ratings can no longer be saved, and his rival donald is doing great, he collected a record 50 million dollars in donations and paum beach beat biden,
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for the first time the spanish-language media spent 3 days with the president of the united states of america, were with him at two rallies as part of the election campaign and spent time with the president at the white house. we met in ruzvid's office in the white house for a direct and detailed conversation. what do you think represents the greatest a threat to freedom and security in your country. donald trump, seriously, donald trump uses phrases like, you're going to destroy the constitution, but on day one he will become a dictator. are you closer to a deal with the republicans regarding military assistance to kiev and ukraine? most republicans agree with me that if we had a vote tomorrow, if the new speaker of the house had
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the courage to call for a vote on ukraine, it would pass, a majority of republicans, as in the house. so the senate would have voted for it, so a very dangerous thing is happening now: we are in a situation where we have done something that i am very proud of, i have been working with nato throughout my entire career, we have been able to expand nato, we have borders stretching for thousands of miles, because the two northern countries joined nato, there are a number of nato countries along the russian border. but i have run out of funds to provide additional aid to ukraine without help from congress. i hope the speaker of the house is beginning to gain courage. i'm sure, that he knows what to do. but i think he's worried about losing the speakership to the foreign republicans in the house . look, this is not your father's republican party, as the old saying goes. this party is controlled by trump, he has a stranglehold on it. everyone is afraid to face him, whether they agree with him or not. what do you think will be the consequences if congress does not make decisions on assistance to ukraine? now zelensky is exchanging
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territories for a while, in anticipation that the american congress will pass a bill to help ukraine this year or next. week, if this does not happen, he will run out of ammunition, and as soon as the us gives up on this issue, the same will happen to other european nato allies, it is only a matter of time before moscow launches its counter-offensive in the spring or summer, and putin is now assesses the situation, maybe he will decide to wait until november, when trump is elected and he takes office in january of twenty-five. trump promised to stop all kinds of assistance to ukraine, so for putin now everything looks better than it did 8 months ago. and this is incredibly dangerous, the last thing we need is to see nato fall apart, it would be a disaster for the united states, a disaster for europe, a disaster for the whole world. you know the road back to the white house runs through states like nevada and arizona, what's at stake for latino voters in this election? i think in these states
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, the most important thing is how to approach them refers to the president of the united states, but look at how trump speaks, he says: about them as mexican rapists, criminal murderers, and i mean that there is no fundamental difference between the neighbors, the irish catholics, among whom i grew up , and the latin americans, this is all about faith, family and unity about having each other's back, but he does not share these views. sir, you have chosen this place to talk about economics. i heard you talk about economic growth, job creation, what would you say to families, not only latino families, but also families across the country who feel neither economic growth nor the impact of these. former president trump's company raised
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a record $50 million in palm beach florida. trump is breaking records among republican and democratic candidates. according to the latest polls, we see trump leading in enough swing states to retake the white house. he beats biden in arizona. it will be that i kept the promise i made when i ran for office, the promise help change people's lives and reduce the threat of war over vietnam. israel is ready to retaliate
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with a strike on iran's nuclear facilities if tehran takes revenge, and revenge will inevitably take place, for the murder of general mohammed zahidi in damascus, the british sun reported, citing sources in western security agencies. edition. ariev reports that the army, look, for the first time in the history of wars, can use a highly effective non-lethal weapon, an electromagnetic bomb, which is supposedly capable of disabling electrical networks tehran and other major cities of iran. the islamic republic does not intend to become a testing ground and has already threatened to launch retaliatory strikes using kamikaze drones and cruise missile launches, american intelligence reported. in addition, iran may very soon create. its nuclear weapons. trump predicted that iran is capable of obtaining a nuclear bomb in the next 2 months. at the same time , trump placed all the blame on biden, who,
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according to donald, is leading the world to nuclear war by leaps and bounds. direct nuclear blackmail kyiv is also engaged in western partners. in any case, the intensification of drone attacks by the armed forces of ukraine at the zaporozhye npp is direct confirmation of this. this has already happened. as soon as western aid begins to stall, western politicians begin. the ssu is wagging its tails either by hitting its own civilians, blaming russia for this, or by the ac, or showing another uproar. biden and the pentagon are only interested in one thing right now: a mysterious new russian nuclear torpedo, says the wall street journal. allegedly, moscow continues testing poseidon, who can be used to strike coastal cities and military bases of the united states and other nato countries. they write that our poseidon can have a double warhead and a power of up to 2 megatons, which is 95 times more than the bomb dropped on nogasaki. in addition,
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the americans are worried that the poseidon is designed to bypass missile defense systems and can cause a tsunami with three-kilometer waves. american billionaires know something about our poseidon. they suddenly began building elaborate bunkers. these dark and grainy shots show how russia is testing its new nuclear torpedo , the posseidon. the development of this massive torpedo took at least 10 years. experts say that poseidon will help.
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use submarines, as do some of the ballistic missiles in russia's arsenal. the pentagon's 2018 doctrine characterizes the weapon as an autonomous torpedo capable of operating independently once launched. but nuclear researchers say it's likely poseidon will have advanced targeting and homing systems that could avoid countermeasures, but it's unlikely will this provide easy maneuverability? so putin noted that poseidon will have a dual purpose, which means that it will be a torpedo. will be able to carry both a nuclear and a conventional warhead. the worst thing is that we don’t know how strong the warhead it carries. the largest warhead in the us arsenal
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is the b-83. many in russia believe that it could cause a tsunami of more than 3 km. this weapon is highly effective and can cause irreparable consequences, and is also designed for long-term deterrence. russia says that the poseidon torpedo is capable of bypassing all us missile defense systems. there is no defense system in the world today that could cope with these underwater weapons.
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a us congressional report notes that... russia views the poseidon as a second-strike weapon, but some analysts report that the torpedo could be used as a first-strike weapon. russia has clearly stated that it is ready to use nuclear weapons first in the event of an attack by nato countries. and posidon will give the russian leadership the opportunity to do this. federation american scientists say that russia is building a storage facility for storing warheads, as well as bases for submarines, which.
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governor of the orenburg region pasler said that he reports to the president every day on the situation in the region. in orenburg , the water level in the ural river exceeded 10 m, which is 70 cm above the safe level. water has already begun to approach high-rise buildings; due to flooding in the region, almost 13,000 residential buildings have been flooded, and more than 7,500 people have been evacuated. the water continues to exist. the tense situation in the kurgan region 30
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years ago, during the record. 30 cm. the current flood may break that record. the water level in toboli may exceed 11 m. such values ​​have never been seen before. rescuers are urgently evacuating people; flooding of dozens of villages is expected. the entire right-bank part of the left-bank development of kurgan. in the event of the most unfavorable development of the event , it will be necessary to evacuate until... people, local authorities warn, this is what we have today, good morning, this is our house, old, this is our house, new, now we live here on the roof, don’t drive us away, not drive it, hit it on a thorn, just hit it on a thorn,
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move it over here, we'll cut it, it's just our friend's place, it's all in the water, the whole well, it's floating, they're foaming, they're not foaming, the whole yard is in water, the basement is already a few. saves these blind areas , everything is still floating, everything is in this condition, all the refrigerators, the furniture, everything is lying around, the kitchen, everything, the boiler, it’s all just about to be thrown away.
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yalkinskaya street, i can’t even imagine what’s on the second street, if it’s like this, that’s all, corner house, 1, 2, 3, four bricks and windows stayed. so we arrived at our house on kulturnaya street, there’s nothing here, houses, bricks 1 2 3 4 5 bricks left to the top,
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maybe we should speed up a little for now, to the right, no, everything is correct, we’re going straight, on this side on the embankment. the children's railway is flooded, i'll make it closer, the reliable one went under the water, there are lanterns in it, well, on the other side everything is also flooded, well, it's flooded, everything floats in good condition, so the water continues to exist, here too everything is completely in the water. up to the ears and pasha’s front door is already flooded and the water is rushing, no stops, in the morning i only rose 20 centimeters, well, what a morning, in about an hour
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. all the streets, all the houses, completely, in general, the silver age, everything floated, everyone was flooded, russian banks have already issued more than a hundred credit holidays for flood victims, the central bank. will monitor the situation, banks are recommended to consider such requests in a simplified manner, elvira nabeulina said in the duma. russians earned almost 1 trillion rubles in interest on deposits thanks to the high key rate. directly now it is 16% per annum.
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according to nabionna, the bank of russia will begin to reduce the key rate when inflation slows down sufficiently. the peak of inflation, according to elvira sakhibzadov. has already been passed, its current annual indicator is 7.69. the head of the central bank touched upon the topic of combating fraudsters. last year they stole almost 16 billion rubles from russians. at the same time, thefts amounting to a trillion and 400 billion were prevented. the amount is phenomenal, criminals are working extremely actively, a new law is already being developed to combat cyber fraudsters. this year a law has been adopted on... self-prohibitions on loans, and other solutions are being sought. we listen to elvira nabeulina. the peak of inflation is behind us; if you look at the current price growth, that is, from
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month to month, you can see that from july to november this annualized figure was double-digit. inflationary pressures were very strong. in december-january it decreased noticeably and is now around. 6%. and if we had not raised the key rate, inflation would have been much higher than the 7.4% that we received at the end of last year. moreover, it would continue to accelerate now. and i would like to draw special attention to the fact that at high rates we protect the real incomes of citizens. what other results of raising the key rate, besides slowing inflation, do we see today ?
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transfers to suspicious accounts, this one introduces a two-day cooling period for the period needed so that a person can figure out that he is being deceived, in order to refuse transfers, this... year the long-awaited law on self-prohibitions on loans was also adopted, with the help of which any person can protect yourself from getting a loan in his name. tell me, how many citizens, for what amounts, were robbed in this way by these telephone scammers? you asked about the numbers, well, i can say that last year, unfortunately, this figure is really large, 15 citizens lost their lives
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. it speaks of the power and scale of such telephone fraudulent attacks. in the fall there were many concerns, we discussed with you, that raising the key rate would put an end to development. economy, but we see that this is not so. economic growth slowed slightly in the fourth quarter but remained strong. at the end of the year, gdp grew by 3.6%. in general, of course, fraud and cyber fraud are a worldwide problem. several members of the british parliament immediately became victims of scammers. they defrauded the people's representatives of foggy albion through whatsapp accounts under the names a.
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his colleagues, a person he met on a dating site. william rah is chairman of the house of commons select committee, vice-chairman of the committee 1922, which is the ruling body of the conservative party. mr cancer told the times that he sent intimate photographs of himself to a man he met on a gay dating site. they had dirt on me, they didn’t leave me alone, they asked for contacts of certain people.
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another mp, luke evans, recently spoke about being the victim of a similar attack, and he immediately contacted the police. they sent me a message on whatsapp that could only be opened once, and that was frank. photo, as soon as i received it, i reported it to the police, authorities and the main
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party organizer. imagine what will happen if our opponents find out that our deputies can be blackmailed using similar methods. and that's the problem, even if the damage from this latest scandal can be kept to a minimum, it opens up a vulnerability that could be exploited in the future. a member of parliament sends an intimate photo of himself to a person completely unknown to him, who, through... blackmail, forces give him the contact information of at least eighteen colleagues, including people who held ministerial positions, and, as far as is known, two of them responded to these extortionists. and the man still remains not only an mp from the conservative party, but also the vice-chairman of the extremely influential 1922 committee of the conservative party. as a well-known conservative mp who fell into a honey trap has just resigned, he has relinquished his duties as vice-chairman committee 1922. another lord who
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tirelessly dreams of victory over putin, the foreign minister in britain went.
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sent back to london. as for the frozen assets of russia, which cameron suggested to the head of the state department, blinken, to use for the war with putin. nyt writes. quote: the very act of confiscating russian assets poses a danger to the us economy, since other countries will see it as robbery. this will weaken the status of the dollar and the us will feel an unprecedented attack of more than 34 trillion. national debt. end of quote. you mean, take the rap for ukrainian wards, the americans again proposed to the eu. foreign secretary david cameron is the latest european leader to visit washington. he met here with
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us secretary of state antony blinken. the talks focused on two main conflicts: ensuring stability in the middle east and the war in ukraine.
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politically, this package could be put to a vote. at a private dinner at trump's maralaga estate, cameron urged trump to recognize that it is in the us interest not to reward vladimir putin for the seizure lands of ukraine. he hoped trump would signal a change of course, at least clearing his path to meeting johnson. but cameran's arguments, both rational and emotional, appear to have run into ongoing infighting within the republican
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party, as hardliners cooled by continued financial support for ukraine threaten to unseat johnson if he puts the aid package to a vote when he returns from his two-week deadline . vacation. do you think donald trump is a reliable nato partner? lord cameron was with us at the foreign ministers' meeting in brussels just a few days ago. and he appealed to all his colleagues, nato foreign ministers, to try to talk about domestic policy with their prime ministers, their finance ministers, and also talk to speaker johnson about the support package for ukraine that is now being discussed in the united states. i'm very glad that he is going to meet with the administration and also with former president trump. with whom we worked for 4 years. i think that's it america and europe understand that nato is not a replaceable alliance. and trump understands this? i think yes. previously, we neglected protection because we all believed that we lived in a calmer world, a kind of post-modern
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world. and now life has forced us back to the harsh reality and now we must decide what to do, give up or start actively investing in defense again. i think we all have a responsibility to be prepared to deal with difficult situations. the next day there might be something like a war, so i think we need to tell our citizens: look, the world is a lot more dangerous than we thought. we as a society must be prepared. in sweden, in the city of visbeu , a meeting of the main group, the so-called north baltic eight, is taking place today. in addition to sweden , the informal association includes another
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newly minted nato member, finland, as well as denmark, norway, iceland, latvia, lithuania and estonia. a press release from the finnish meeting states that current issues of the north atlantic alliance and support for ukraine were discussed at the meeting. the minister presides swedish foreign affairs billström, who recently called on nato countries and the european union. is preparing for a long conflict with russia, in general, in the west they are going to fight with us in the arctic, and they are not even hiding it. the head of european diplomacy, borel, said that a high-intensity, armed conflict in europe is no longer a fantasy; the europeans are, of course, threatened by russia. but besides putin, trump is dangerous for the eu. barel said that europeans can no longer rely on the american defense umbrella, so they must build up their military capabilities themselves. where to get money for the development of the military-industrial complex of the european union countries, the diplomat doesn’t know, that’s what he said. perhaps among
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finnish pensioners? the country's finance minister, ri kaapurra, announced the inevitable reduction of pensions as part of the government's economic measures, yle reports. this is probably what they call support for ukraine now, or the black hole, where europeans throw billions. just for your reference. europe has already spent more on providing military assistance to kiev than the united states invested in europe after world war ii under the marshall plan, more than 200 billion euro. the amount continues to grow. in april , the european commission will pay ukraine another one and a half billion, as follows from the official statement. it is unknown where to get the money next. but in the countries of northern europe they have decided where the main headquarters of nato will be located, in finland, in the city "this is approximately 140 km from the border with russia. the creation of a headquarters in finland was announced by the norwegian minister of defense,
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björn gram. sources and areas of foreign policy and politics security informed us that a nato ground forces headquarters would be established in michele.nato headquarters in micheli will report to his headquarters in norfolk on the east coast of the united states. in the future, ground leadership. nato operations in the scandinavian countries will be carried out from southern savonia. during peacetime, the headquarters will plan and conduct nato exercises in the region. a so-called high-alert headquarters is being created in michele, which will operate around the clock. norwegian defense minister björn arild gram said the norwegians want all nordic countries to be under norfolk's command in the new nato command structure. we agree with this and have been working on this for some time to really. to take advantage of the presence of all northern nato countries, it is important that all weapons are located in one headquarters. sources said
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that it was norway's position that had a decisive influence on this decision. the commander of nato's european forces, christopher kovoli, according to sources, has warmed to the general will of the nordic countries. gram emphasizes the same thing. our goal is being fulfilled well. i look forward to us being under the same command and being a part. the same regional defense plan. thus , the scandinavian countries will have common deterrence and defense forces. the fabric of norfolk needs to be strengthened. the headquarters is currently capable of directing naval and air operations in the north atlantic. nato sources say around 375 new officers from nato countries need to be stationed in norfalk so that the headquarters can conduct ground operations and be ready to defend sweden and finland. according to the source. you won't have to go to finland fewer than 25 new officers will be posted to norfolk. nato plans include the formation of a division of ground forces on the basis of
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american weapons in finnish and swedish lopland and northern norway. micheli was chosen as the base site for several reasons. the headquarters of the finnish army operates in the city. michele also has an airport. the city has a strong military tradition. and also do not forget that this region is the birthplace of the finnish minister of defense antikhanin. during nato military exercises, soldiers used submarines, aircraft carriers, fighters. from now on, these nato exercises will be held twice a year and will become a regular event, but it is worth noting the main difference from previous exercises.
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nation's simulated response to the russian invasion in this arctic landscape. let's return to the first message of our program today, our colleagues from the state television and radio broadcasting company of lugansk came under fire. cameraman denis shum and correspondent artyom yundos, in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation, head of ktrk lugansk. our comrade and friend, legendary vaenkor, nikolai dolgachev, nikolai. how are the guys feeling, how did it all happen? evgeniy, hello, yes, today we were filming in the serebryansky forestry, this is a flint trap, our guys were filming, well , as we call it, a military theme, showing the work of combat units of the russian armed forces, and this, in principle, is now such daily work, since well, along
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the entire line front, the entire journalistic corps is essentially working. namely showing our progress, our successes, and then, in principle , just how our fighters live and work, in this moment, yes, just in the process of filming , working directly on e in an active unit, not far from the front line, we came under artillery fire, while the enemy was correcting from the air, using copters and several artillery shells exploded nearby, more details and here is the picture itself, by the way our cameraman is such a great guy in this sense, he didn’t turn off the camera for a second, everything was filmed, everything was recorded, every stage and episode, despite the fact that he was wounded, a shrapnel wound in the leg, now he is in a military hospital in lugansk, an operation is being carried out, threatening some kind of condition, no, doctors give a positive prognosis, we hope that in the near future he will go there for outpatient treatment, and then we will return to duty again,
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our correspondent received ... tuzi, but also now, how to say, he’s cheered up, he’s doing it, he’s also returned to the studio, performing work functions, preparing a report on what happened with details, including those about which, well, not everyone will say now, as they say , but here he is in the evening news will tell about this in detail, how it happened, the enemy launched artillery strikes, then tried to catch up with the evacuation group with fpv drones, uh, but... in general, our guys are now continuing to work and despite the danger, the risk, well, of course, we are in in this sense, we know what we are doing, we consider this work important, and the entire journalistic corps, all front lines continue to fulfill their tasks, of course, many thanks to the guys, i hope that the wounded cameraman will recover as soon as possible and
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thank you very much for your support, which is very fast the doctors also responded. to ours that the wounded journalist was quickly taken to the hospital. nikolay, of course, i can’t help but ask about the clock, the situation there is very, very tense, the ukrainians write that we are attacking from three sides. yes, now, now fer, well, not yet surrounded by three countries, not four, but nevertheless, our units, according to the data that we have, have latched onto the outskirts of the settlement, have gained a foothold. there are very intense battles with the use of aviation , including, as we know from recent months, in the most acute areas, aviation is often decides the outcome of the battle, but the infantry, our assault troops, of course show themselves heroically, the artillery is working actively, you cannot envy the enemy here, the power of russian units in this sense significantly exceeds the capabilities
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of the formation... subordinate to the current kiev regime in this area there is, although they are resisting, the enemy is now building a line of defense inside the populated area, using geographic areas.
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they are discussing ukraine, uh, the us assistant secretary of defense is reporting to congress, and reports that ukraine itself will decide whether to cede territory to russia, when this was discussed,
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now it is, we must understand, in the end, the ukrainian people and their leadership will decide how, on what terms they could negotiate with russia, it's very important to remember this, we have. salvation regarding attacks on civilian targets, but this is their sovereign decision, the pentagon reports, concerned the issue of attacks on oil and gas infrastructure, of course, the americans are afraid that gasoline prices will rise. ukraine will soon run out of artillery shells and air defense missiles, exaggerate the severity of the current moment. distracted by one of your stories, i just want to say, good happy life to you, comrade poseidon,
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returning to ukraine, you know, indeed, now we all, listening to western politicians and experts, feel what is happening in their rhetoric.
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it is absolutely clear that this initiative and this situation at the front, it cannot but have obvious military political consequences, well, the political consequences in the west are clear, the trump plan has appeared, yes, that means in in brussels they started talking about a plan, which means let’s exchange territories for ukraine’s membership in nato, which means that blinken promises in good faith, almost in six months. to accept ukraine into nato or that by this moment all that will be left of it is today’s statement from this military man, plus pay attention to this
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, now they are actively talking about money, so you gave a fantastic figure: europe sent 200 billion euros to ukraine, and today it was discussed in the american congress another figure: $300 billion. years the americans sent to financial, in quotes, and mainly, military assistance to ukraine, there is, of course, money for a coup d’état, it’s completely understandable. and money for re-equipping the ukrainian army before the start of the northern military district, but the lion’s share of this money is what the americans drove into ukraine, starting in february 2022. i draw your attention to why today there are more and more questions about what will calm the heart, in the end, because american politicians, like european ones, are people who reason. such businesses
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so to speak, in terms, they always, if they pay for something, they want to touch it with their hand, if we give money, then what do we get in return? when they financed the coup, they got results, which means they got the corresponding politicians who were in power, they got hostile russia, which means ukraine, it seemed to them that they got results. when this fight began, which they, of course, fueled with their own actions, they also believed that they had a result, today they have a direct question, when it became clear that there was no military victory, they asked a simple question: how could all this really end, if we imagine for a second that it all ends, ends according to putin’s scenario, the russian scenario.
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that the entire ukrainian military machine rests on these supplies, as soon as these supplies stalled, as soon as the europeans ran out of steam a little, as soon as scholz hesitated to give up these taurus, as soon as this american congress became concerned about these 60 billion, right there it became clear, but what are they going to fight with, but here is scholz with this briefcase, there are apparently taurus there, so what are the ukrainians going to fight with next? here, unfortunately, i have to return to the story with our journalists , for example, i have a complete feeling, there was this red on the helmets, they had a red signal, apparently i didn’t see it there, but apparently it says press , they are dressed in a certain way, i think the ukrainians see the copters perfectly well, the equipment is visible, the cameras are visible, the microphones are visible, all this is visible, this journalists, they hit journalists, and you think why they hit the zaporozhye nuclear... plant, and at a time when
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the magathe mission was there. why? why did information circulate today until it was confirmed that on the front line, on the line of combat contact, the question of the use of chemical weapons by ukraine arose. why is there talk of a dirty bomb again? you and i summed up the results at the chamber, evgeny, when our commission considered data on the activities of american biologists. on the territory of ukraine, these are the biological laboratories that we managed to capture, there are more than thirty of them in total, some of them were in those territories that are now under the control of russia. we took some of the laboratories, from these laboratories we partially did not have time to remove documents, stored pathogens and - some data on glands on disks, and the information is one hundred percent that research was carried out there on pathogens that have nothing
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to do with either russia or ukraine , well, for example, the pathogen of african tuberculosis, which is absolutely not typical for this territories, that is, absolutely obvious data that biological weapons today... there is a readiness to use here, what are we talking about? zelensky today switched to blackmail tactics, he has no opportunity to have success, success on the battlefield, which means we will strike to scare europe, because if you imagine a real accident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it will fly to lomanche without questions, yes, if you imagine, that this is truly a nuclear disaster, just like all these terrorist acts that are being used today. as an element of blackmail to the west, give us weapons, otherwise we will have no chance but to follow this terrible path. i think that now the west has the keys, the west must answer for itself, either they understand that these more than half a trillion are already wasted, then they need
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to stop this idiot by the name of zelensky, who can do something absolutely incredible and create a disaster in europe, or they will get this catastrophe because... they openly say that ukraine, in fact, i’m already translating this, yes, no, it’s not that it lost, it ’s not an independent state, but the ukrainian military depends 100% on nato supplies, it is 100% clear, that is
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, people are fighting, ukrainians, all the weapons are nato, the money is nato, the infrastructure is nato, let's listen to him. meanwhile, ukraine remains almost entirely dependent on external support, even to simply continue to fight, the urgency of the current moment cannot be exaggerated, if we do not continue to support ukraine, ukraine may be defeated, so can ukraine be defeated, or this beautifully dressed four-star general, who will continue to finance ukraine, you can suffer the same defeat, then. than very interesting news is coming from the usa today, which gives, one might say, an interesting snapshot of american politics. look how the demographic situation in the united states has changed, already a us presidential candidate is forced to fight for the votes
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of the latin american hispanic population, they always fought, but the priority was still there, they always did the fight for the votes of new england, the white one. his values, his priorities. now, apparently, this time is passing, there is no longer that demographically stable core, as they always said, of the white anglo-saxons, to whom the descendants of the irish and the descendants of, let’s say, emigrants from eastern europe joined. that's it, a whole number of states in the south are no longer the united states, probably with spanish. name, back when governor schwarzenegger was in charge of california, when it was about 10 years ago, even a little more, he banned spanish-language schools because there were
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settlements in california and in neighboring states in which no one spoke english, no one, that’s it, now the time is coming when schwarzenegger won’t be able to do that, well, he’s a republican, of course. there will be too much of the hispanic population to ignore, that is , trump’s slogan: let’s make america great again, one might say, no longer has the demographic potential, he won’t be able to make the old america in any case, for this he needs to restore it, like in the thirties, forties last century, the same number of white anglo-saxon population, the same high birth rate, well, this... to put it mildly, is unrealistic today, that is , in any case, we must prepare for the fact that america will be different, america will no longer be the same, and the southern states. will increasingly resemble latin, what is called latin america. and here is the second point,
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all this interesting talk about america leaving nato, but to be honest, i don’t really believe in it, that america will leave nato. firstly, we've seen 4 years of trump's presidency. so what, where did he come from? nowhere, in fact, only from agreements that were more beneficial to us, unfortunately, than to the united states, such as on missiles, medium and less. range, this is what he will do, why won’t he come out the second time, because if he leaves nato, what will the united states become, again like 100 years ago, a regional power in the western hemisphere, tied to relations with brazil, with argentina, with mexico and so on, that is, in essence they will be thrown back to their their own hemisphere, it’s unlikely that any us president will agree to this today, that’s what they’ll have to switch. under trump or under the future president, their policy vector towards south
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america, alas, this is the objective reality, this is their demographic situation today. well, the third point is cameron’s visit, it’s simply impossible not to say a few words about it. let me remind you that about 10 years ago, when our russian council on international affairs published an interesting analysis about the possibility of a conflict between russia and the united states, and there were some like that. words that the war in libya changed the balance of power in world politics in the eleventh year, britain returned to the number of active powers and will provoke a conflict between germany and russia in eastern europe. this is what cameron is doing, he is part of this policy: to involve more americans, to choose more weapons, so that the conflict lasts as long as possible, in order to create a division between russia and germany more than he does...
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finland says it is closing the border with russia completely for an indefinite period. and now the question was answered by secretary of state marshall back in 1947. he was asked when money was allocated to europe, he said: our condition is one, the creation of a single european economic space. he was asked, why? he says: a weak, united europe is better for us than a strong , independent germany. a pensioner, he votes, you reduce his pension, he won’t
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vote for you, that’s definitely next time, but there, in principle, everyone is about the same, they have already raised a generation of atlanticists, already this year the tax on value added could be tightened, says finance minister, old-age pensions will inevitably be cut as part of the government's austerity package, finance minister riika pura has said, it is impossible to achieve the planned target without making a contribution. changes to the pension system, she noted, pura also said that vat could be tightened as early as this year, the government plans to introduce additional measures to balance the economy, by about 3 billion euros. the reduction for this amount will be about 2 billion euros negotiations on the budget framework will take place next week. well, if they take it from pensioners, then usually in economics it means there is no one else to take it from. finland was neutral, but it had the same level of life, now it has joined nato for the war.
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comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday. on... on rtr zelensky in an interview with bilt explained that german chancellor scholz is very afraid of putin and
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the russian nuclear triad, which is why he does not give kiev a long-range taurus missile. the german chancellor himself is desperately trying to save his catastrophically low ratings, for this scholz has already made a second tiktok, in which olaf showed his favorite shabby briefcase, the bag is almost 40 years old, this is my briefcase, i’ve had it for quite a long time, a couple of decades, inside, what a surprise, documents, a whole bunch of documents, here are a couple, i still have to study them, inside, of course, glasses, they i need them for reading, well, i have a lot of other things in my briefcase, for example, this thing. have any celebrities already held your briefcase in their hands? a lot of people touched it, but there were no celebrities among them, these were people with whom i work, they are all cool, but not all are famous. since it's been a long time
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do you have this briefcase? well, in general, wherever i go, he goes there, he is with me on all trips, as chancellor and in previous positions, and he was always with me when i was still working as a lawyer, what does this briefcase mean to you? this is my companion, my faithful friend, in any case, he suits me very well, that is, such attempts are pathetic, as it seems, to raise his ratings , it is clear that even though he was meant to amuse, he turned out to be quite sad, please, in principle the reason has become clear , why germany does not give ukraine taurus, scholz can i would have given it to him, but he is busy, he writes on tiktok, he has no time for ukraine now, you see, he is busy, a happy man, well... zelensky not only spoke about this in an interview today, the main message, of course, is to give money, because that they vote in the usa, and he needs it, that is, that’s why he talked about it, that is, in principle, if all this is reduced to a few
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phrases, give money, as in the joke, give money, otherwise it is, i want that spend the night this week, we will go on the offensive, we won’t say when, we won’t say where, but give us money, the offensive will be more successful than it was in last time, everything revolves around this, he humiliated trump once again, said that his idea, yes, that’s the peace plan. it is primitive, because he is not ready to exchange territories, you see, this is the difference in the approaches of russia and ukraine, zelensky thinks in terms of territories, and russia thinks in terms of people, even if you look at those initial goals of his own, it’s not only about people , yes about ukrainians, but about those who will remain in ukraine, about their rights, about the rights of russians, about the rights of orthodox christians, so that they too are respected, that is, the main thing is the people, and for him the main thing is the territory, i want to mention one more interview, there was an interview with biden, yes, which he gave there in the fight against...
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already in ukraine at that time, by the way, that’s also a message to the vote, they took up the law about this total forced mobilization, it is necessary to show that people for the
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counter-offensive that zelensky promised, yes, that they will, began to vote, the law is really dictatorial, there, well, just yes, that’s who will be read as a draft dodger, that is, not necessarily anymore serve a summons, then there will be a stamp from the post office at the moment of delivery of the summons stating that it is impossible to serve the summons, yes. a person lives in europe, he left, the post office put a stamp that it is impossible to deliver, he is absent from his place of residence, after 10 days, after 10, well , calendar days, this person becomes a draft dodger, that’s it, he can be, that is, a database has been created, the names are there, hit rights.
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failure to appear, please, well, no one will pay you anything, yes, that is, there is a fine to pay for doing so, there is no money, then you have to die there at the front, today, by the way, there is still something there advisor to the commander-in-chief in the ssu, yes, she is an advisor on gender equality, they have such people that not only men should go to the front, yes, the constitution states that this is the duty of every ukrainian without gender, that is, women should go too to the front, just today i saw statistics, a ukrainian organization calculated it, they took data from the un population administration and statistical information on ukraine, on the birth rate in ukraine, the birth rate in ukraine is now the lowest in the last 300 years, they took the data, those that appeared first in statistical data, yes, 1719, 300 years
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ago, at that time , less than 6 million people lived on these lands within the borders of modern ukraine, 280 thousand were born that year, in 1719, yes children, last year in ukraine there were 187, one and a half times less, despite the fact that the population is larger, you know, back in the fourteenth year, when the coup d’état happened, i said that russia, so they said there that russia is the enemy, yes, i also said then that russia and ukraine will not destroy russia and ukraine will be destroyed by bandera, so they came in 10 years. ukraine is left in ruins, there won’t even be new generations, who will leave all this to? bandera-corrupt officials, i would make an important remark here, because they steal like crazy, they are simply already creating - abroad in the west and special control release groups, because money disappears, even at such a critical moment as military operations, and military actions now.
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the initiative is successful for us on the side of the russian army, what’s at the front, let’s see the crew of a russian t-80 tank rushes along a dirt road in the vicinity of chasov yar, providing fire support to airborne attack aircraft. after another salvo, an ammunition depot flies into the air. a white flag rises over the ukrainian positions. the militants beg for their lives. in these shots, paratroopers storm another strong point. drone operators drop explosives directly into trenches. in the avdeevsky direction. russian units unloaded the state flag in the village of pervomaiskaya. looking around pretty nervously
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parties, ukrainian president zelensky.
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there is almost nothing to answer, the ukrainian armed forces have almost no air defense systems left in the east of the country, as various ukrainian soldiers and war correspondents have confirmed to me in recent days. they simply had nothing left that they could use to inflict a fire defeat on the russians. in these frames, at the moment
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of iskander’s arrival at the ukrainian s-300 anti-aircraft missile system in the vicinity of krivoy rog, the launcher and guidance station were destroyed. you can clearly see how, after an accurate hit, it rose gigantically into the sky. cloud of smoke. here, drone operators drop a grenade into a dugout, where, after arrival, the detonation of the ammunition begins. in this video, lansed blows up an american self-propelled gun paladin with surgical precision. we see that russia is advancing centimeter by centimeter. bakhmud avdeevka is a very tough fight, but as i understand it, russia is trying to take the initiative. at that moment... when support for ukraine in europe and the united states weakened, with its attacks and tactical successes moscow is trying to make it clear that it is not worth supporting ukraine, it still will lose, so it is better to accept our terms. footage from the zaporozhye front, soldiers
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of the 42nd guards division using a kamikaze drone attack ukrainian fortifications, turning them into places of mass graves. as a result of just one strike in rabotina, eight militants were killed. vorog has already succeeded.
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the situation that we have now, but it is important to understand that the russians are not aimed at conquering territory, at destroying ukrainian potential, so the more we fuel this potential, the more we making the job easier for the russians, in addition to this the west is depleting its own potential, so that de facto it achieves the goal
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of depleting the ukrainian potential, russia is depleting the western potential. breaking news, moscow regards the shelling of kiev and journalists entering lugansk as another criminal act of the zelensky regime, they said. in russian honey they demanded reactions and measures from specialized international structures, our colleague, operator of the lugansk branch of vgtrk, denis shuma, is performing an operation in a military hospital, together with his partner, correspondent artyom yundes, who received a shell shock, denis came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. at first , aimed artillery fire was introduced at the employees of the luhansk state television and radio broadcasting company, after which ukrainian militants tried to hit them with the help of fpv drones.
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there were a lot of drones, uavs, we were immediately warned , everything was going as normal, although it was already noticed that in the last week there have been strong attacks from birds. apparently we came under enemy reconnaissance and an artillery barrage came at us, a shell, well, at least three shells, the first one didn’t hurt any of ours, i was hit i was also in the leg, but i didn’t understand, the second third, most likely the third arrival, we were immediately helped by doctors, girls, thank them very much for that, they told me some kind of concussion, well , i feel kind of like, well, i’ll have a headache, thoughts we were hiding behind a tree... we'll see who is going on, what's going on around us, but there was smoke, there was dust, there was dirt everywhere, that's it, let's get the car. then, when the first flight all this had gone downhill, they started looking at who
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was where in order to help evacuate someone, which is exactly what they were doing, they saw from them there was an adjustment, there was definitely a bird above us, because as soon as we started leaving for the evacuation vehicle in bukhanka, we know it flew, lightning comes from switzerland, where they plan to hold a so-called peace conference on ukraine in june, and... the swiss promise the participation of 120 states, heads of state and government, at least they have already been invited. and here is a message from the newspaper noe zuriching, a famous swiss newspaper, switzerland invited russia to a conference on resolving the situation in ukraine. swiss publication with reference to the statement the country's president viola amert and federal councilor ignazio cassis. there will be invitations. sent to everyone in the next few days,
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and the swiss are also expecting that they have allegedly received confirmation of mr. biden’s participation in the june event. well, leonit ivanovich, shall we go? well, well , the invitation from the swiss itself says something, at least you understand that they want their own gatherings. they talked all the way about how we are without you, and we demand your head, and that you you cut off your own head, this is how the world will be, when you cut off your own head, we only see it like this, and we don’t even need you, we won’t chop it off for you there, not in switzerland, but they said in russia, they collected and 160 and 180 they have already counted the whole world, the south, and what does this mean they invited, well, let the diplomats think about it, but it seems to me in this sense... the meeting of our
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foreign minister svanyu with the chinese minister of foreign affairs with chinese leaders was very interesting , and of course they talked about this too, because that just like that, here they are today, today lightning was born, what came into his head for this swiss president, do you think? it wasn’t born here among the swiss, i’m saying, it wasn’t born just like that, they are great, well, in the end, with these moronic proposals, that the world will come together and we will all. to them russia, well, it’s them, they’re not fools, after all, they, of course, there are a lot of morons there, but, but, but still they have at least a little twisted, you don’t understand what and what, what is it you want dictate to the russians some kind of capitulation, which is simply impossible, of course, one way or another there are probably some behind-the-scenes negotiations going on, but that’s not what outraged me, just as i wasn’t outraged, or rather, at first, by the way the americans behaved with the prime minister of china. you know, don’t supply, they say, but
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actually, we don’t supply much, the russians simply don’t need it, they have enough of their own weapons, but even this outraged me, because well, this is what we supply to israel for any normal person, bomb, destroy , we supply to ukraine, bomb, you want journalists, you want in vilabuga, shoot at the hostel, you want, wherever you want, in short, belgorod, it’s there, which means god knows how many people already. and you know what
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the state department just said, what the state department officially said, has now woken up, said that china, beijing, will be responsible for the advance of russian troops in ukraine, that is, if we attack, then beijing is responsible for this, and that’s what it’s like they, they think that they are talking like such fools, well, really, we need it in this sense, let's... often in the teeth, sometimes even where they do not expect it, so i heard there yesterday, or something like the day before, the ukrainians are there, we are in baltiysk, you blew up something in kaliningrad, or launched a rocket somewhere, i ’m just thinking, yeah, well, let me look at the map, how can the ukrainians suddenly fire what kind of missile, we know which states are nearby, we can’t answer the nord stream directly, yes, because well not on our territory, it seems, here are our... territories, but there is no ukraine around is not visible, completely different
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states are visible, and if they do this, just like with the nord stream from norway, denmark they could do it, call in, yes, on yachts, then here they clearly did it with... at least a little even just some kind of shot, which means we will shoot at the territory where they are, where they shot from and where they came from, just like at fighters, we are talking about planes that will be there, i, uh, you know, of course, i understand, there are various collisions now and conversations around this with china, with europe with... with switzerland, but today i came here, like you from the duma, only you were a little earlier, and we continued there after you, and after 4 o’clock, today was a very busy day, yesterday it was stressful, tomorrow will be tense for us, you know, then we will approve the government, and uh , i have no illusions, it will be switzerland, china,
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whether we are with the chinese, we will agree with the chinese anyway, because the chinese are not fools, they are not only these they see gestures, they understand perfectly well what tomorrow is... yesterday i talked with your colleagues, they came to film cars there, they love fried facts there, you all love fried facts, filming cars, what kind of cars the deputies drive, that’s what i say, and i tell them, well, yes, look , look these bastards, there are german cars standing there , yes, i say, of course, don’t throw them away,
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of course, you have to drive them, yes, then, the department of the presidential administration, which means they are in command, but of course you have to not throw it away . i don’t blame them for that, but what’s next, what’s next, the question is, the president ordered, no, you know what happened, it’s actually surprising, the president gave instructions to replace it with a domestic car, which means domestic, localized, well, there won’t be 3,200 points, which means there is a government decree and there is an order from the president, quietly some officials from the ministries there are taking them and pushing them into... which you see, they all gathered in kaliningrad, they all gathered before, remember in kaliningrad there was a plant like this, avtodor, where is avtodor now, where now these germans have gathered and left, now you want to let them do the same
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to these autototor owners so that they can stuff us into us, i love china, well, you can’t do that, it’s not localized, what? this is government procurement, state procurement - this state helps domestic producers, and does not give it there, even to my beloved china, because private traders there are the same, they brought, they did nothing here, they still at least do it more or less for muscovites, but these citroens in kaluga and these avtotor, tomorrow you get it, i’m saying the same thing, that’s why i ’m saying this, man, not because, i’m talking about the fact that we spent the whole day working on the economy, we should no longer fall for these tricks of ours, these so-called western ones...
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load on the contrary, it will work, i say, it’s not a question, it’s the right one, the correct formulation of the question, let it work, but sell it on the market, and the state pays only those who make the entire line, who produce it themselves, who provide scientific and technical support, who who does it with us there are so many of them, i didn’t tell you , there were seven or eight cars there, plus look at taxis, so we introduced, we introduced a law on taxis, the government won’t give it to me, it won’t give it to us, it’s true that i’m not the author there, but three others..
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.chips are needed, there are no chips, that’s not the point, the state gives a subsidy for each electric car of 980 thousand, almost a million rubles, what is an electric car, it’s usually rich, the rich take it as a second car, a third car, because it’s from costs four million or more, and you subsidize the rich, firstly, and secondly, not even the richest buyer, and you give it to the one who produces it to the chinese. again, that is , this government policy should worry us very much today, i see that it worries the duma, it worries
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the government, i want and we are fighting for smart , sane people to come to the government, so that this is what is for us the most important thing for you now, these are all sorts of deceptions from geneva, that’s all, well, let’s say we have an experienced mit there, today i visited the deputy minister of foreign affairs, we held a committee, we talked about this, about kyrgyzstan, about armenia, about many others, well, experienced guys. i think they will figure it out, god willing, that we weren’t tricked again, all your proposals are great, but the main thing is that they don’t lead to trouble, because that’s what concerns, leonid ivanovich, i’ll let you tell you, as for taxis, we finally, lord, we have achieved, at least in large cities , a normal taxi market, more or less, yes, that is... this is not what it was before, they caught people out of hand, it’s unclear what price they offered , and so on, civilized, more or less there
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such processing, the taxi market, and what is very, very important, taxis are becoming, well, not yet , becoming mass transport, that is, many people use taxis, if you start regulating and tightening things up there, then of course taxis will become transport for... the rich, then here we need to approach every industry very carefully, neatly, delicately, the state, i say, should help, who should help, i’ll quote a message from the deputy secretary of state of the united states, it really doesn’t fit in my head, i think that today the chinese also re-read these lines several times, the united states will read china as responsible for.
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just like china now, they will then blame us, that’s roughly what they are doing now, this is stupidity, but complete, just to say, china will attack taiwan, russia is to blame, we will bomb you, demolish you, that’s it, we’ll come back, maybe it’s worth it return everything back, premiere on rtr, nothing will work out with your vasya, as i see it, i’m right... start baptizing, i need to take the money to the bank, wait, wait, there are witnesses, no, oh, convenient, yes , what are you talking about
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do you think i stole the money, alla taxi, today on rtr, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection. bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxery collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest
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- this is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. please, acquaintance and roll call, without pages. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea he drank, how many stories he told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo and i'm starting. here mark
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antolyevich zakharov goes into a heap, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday,
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on cosmonautics day, this is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is a holiday anyway, this is our common , of course, this is a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station . what was your mission, to look and figure it out, if it can be fixed, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately.
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nobody needs you, or maybe something it will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself. loner, on sunday on rtr. another statement from the united states, that ukraine should not attack russian oil and gas infrastructure at oil refineries. civil infrastructure, suddenly, informed us, the american senator and congressman, assistant secretary of defense of the united states, wollender, while the nato secretary general declared the legality.
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please, americans are being hypocrites, because ukrainian drone attacks are just like attacks uncrewed boats for maritime targets in south
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russia is carried out according to western intelligence data, and the main information is from pentagon satellites, every time this kind of operation is planned, it certainly goes through certain stages of coordination. that supposedly the united states has nothing to do with it, they just started saying something from all sides, let’s still listen about the attacks on the oil refineries, now igor yuryevich, continue, in this regard, of course, we should not give in.
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this is a system of buried corresponding complexes that allow you to act autonomously even in the conditions of a nuclear war, however, taking on the function of control, coordination and practical effect associated with the nato invasion of russian territory. this is the enemy, and of course,
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we must treat the enemy, i will not say with respect, but realistically assessing his capabilities, and of course, weighing our military options for fending off what will happen, plus the military intelligence of these two scandinavian countries, finland, sweden, what about its features? of these states is such that there the leading role in the field of foreign intelligence is occupied primarily, of course, by military intelligence, civilian counterintelligence itself, but in this case, military intelligence is now actively scaling up its intelligence efforts to obtain diverse information on russia, and the main feature, it must be said, is not even the intelligence component , although he is also present, as well as both the swedish and the finnish military attache. regions of russia, supposedly with some people working there in moscow, visiting on certain trips, these are career military intelligence officers, which are also involved in undercover espionage, but the main danger is
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cyber-electronic intelligence, here in finland, even since the famous winter war, had very serious competencies, later they strengthened them, and today also the military intelligence of sweden must, it is actively connects has... placement of units, communications systems, combat control, all this seriously, of course, requires our structures to take the necessary countermeasures, well , in the united states itself they are actively discussing, again, our famous poseidon, let me remind you, is an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle. equipped with a nuclear power plant and having a powerful nuclear warhead capable of delivering strikes at intercontinental distances. designed to attack
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the enemy’s most important naval military targets, that is , any country, the united states of america, canada, great britain, european nato members with access to the northern seas, if nato attacks us, we have the possibility of a guaranteed retaliation strike, i emphasize the blow of retaliation, because, of course, this is a defeat not only by the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion of the most important...
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military force will be used by the alliance, and also an important feature of poseidon due to the control system, this is the ability to strike at enemy nuclear aircraft carrier groups, well , it’s clear who i mean the united states of america, the system is unique, there are already carriers, there will be more than one such carrier, it is possible to launch from stationary objects, but these are weapons that simply do not exist in the west today, they give to us...
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whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not give away our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. you're bored with your old fence,
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you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, fence, terrace, gazebo , instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, everything you need. attach the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. mega sale system for
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moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer. call to order a conveyor system for moving furniture. for only 9.95 mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy, cut the pieces to the size of the mold, put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and that’s it, you can stick a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes , hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the machine yourself. for only 4.95. are regular shovels not
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doing a good job in the garden? introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting. providing maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-purpose shovel for your garden. regular shovels are bad handle hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, cuts through the toughest
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root systems like butter and easily strips off roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets. and other tools, but why, if you can do even the hardest work in the garden with one single tool, call and order a hammer smith universal shovel razer features razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade made from carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel to tackle even the toughest soils effortlessly with a soft grip handle. of which the grip area is quadrupled and only if you call now the incredible hammersmith razer will be yours for the incredible price of just 49.95, but hurry, offer is strictly limited and only available for a short time. your mother has oneurism
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of the orta heart, she needs surgery, here’s the money having your mom. thank you! let's see this weekend! this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, and wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more expensive, oh my god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love with these little devils, and you, and you are going to meet at the medical center for a long time ... put your things down, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it and i don’t know how it ended up in my things, yet i'll tell you they threw jewelry on the floor lemon, dear friend, on saturday on rtr,
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so you’re confusing me, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, they don’t answer calls, and are you sure that you know your daughter well, well, now what to do, everything will be fine, if suddenly you need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you’re missing, no? another girl, friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so hard to restrain yourself from making noise from this the unknown, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try
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to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. of course, the main battle is now taking place at the front, but as for the rhetoric, there is also an absolute total war between russia and the west, a new pearl from the pentagon has just arrived, listen, the united states must provide assistance to ukraine in the coming months, otherwise the previous 2 years of investment will not will pay off, this is not a statement made by any private corporation. ministry statement us defense, our rostec seemed to listen to him, here is the official statement from rostec made today: russia will not run out of raw materials for the manufacture of weapons, ukraine’s ability to fight almost entirely depends on the support of the west,
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admitted the commander-in-chief of nato forces in europe, christopher cavolli. the american general warned that if kiev is not helped, kiev will lose. tried to get help. from washington, british foreign secretary cameron, but speaker of the us house of representatives johnson refused to meet with him. trump probably agreed to the meeting. including out of pure curiosity. british foreign secretary cameron met with former us president trump, and it was an informal meeting. what is the importance of this meeting between cameron and trump. david cameron knows he screwed up the last time he went to the us. then he offended many republicans. as you know, in response to this, marjerry teilar green then invited cameron to kiss her ass. and that's why this time cameron already i had to kiss. and yet he still went to trump’s residence in maralaga, now
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it’s trump who laughs right in cameron’s face, isn’t it? oh yes, right now trump is laughing, he 's enjoying it and it's obvious that their meeting ended in nothing, because trump never arranged for camera to meet with the most important person on the issue of a new aid package for ukraine, the speaker of the house of representatives . our alexander khabarov joins us from london, sasha, hello, what’s going on in global politics, that cameron is ready to accept outright humiliation after such rudeness from the republicans? the fact is that britain has been trying unsuccessfully for some time to convince its american partners of the need. provide, print this package of military assistance in the amount of 60 billion
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us dollars for kiev. the fact that cameron was accepted only by the candidate, potential us presidential candidate donald trump, and the head and speaker of congress refused to meet with him. johnson says london's attempts were unsuccessful success. the fact is that cameron, for the time that he arrives as foreign secretary. has already repeatedly come up with various kinds of anti-russian initiatives, i remind you that he started with the need to actually expropriate frozen russian assets in the west, then there was an attempt to organize some kind of transfer of german taurus missiles to ukraine through the mediation of great britain, now this trip to the united states states of america in order to convince the american congressmen and, above all, the republican leadership. v the need to hold such a vote in congress on the issue of providing assistance
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to kiev, this obviously failed, judging by the statements that cameron made, speaking together with the head of the american state department, antony blinken. but the most interesting thing in this whole meeting is that cameron met with donald trump, who if he is elected president of the united states of america again, then cameron is unlikely to be the british foreign secretary by that time, because. judging by the polls public opinion, here in england they intend to vote for opposition libarists in the upcoming general parliamentary elections, and thus in britain there will be a completely different cabinet of ministers, although of course nothing can be ruled out, so this trip of cameron, what specific goals did he pursue, in addition to those were announced, but one can only guess, but at least what was announced, he clearly did not succeed, evgeniy, alexander, a little time. remains completely, but it is very important to find out whether great britain is following france in sending
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its troops to ukraine, because they write that the french legion or battalion that will be in ukraine is also a fait accompli, and great britain is next, i think that this is largely speculation on this topic, the fact is that above... london will not send its military to the territory of ukraine. london's policy boils down to providing ukraine with the maximum amount of weapons and fighting against russia with the hands of ukrainians. thank you very much, alexander khabarov, in direct contact with us from the uk. please, nikolaich. evgeniy georievich, let me answer the question you asked our respected colleague.
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the united states of america, when responsibility for the advancement of the russian army is assigned to china, look, this is not really an attempt.
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so that the loss would be for europe, then for themselves, and for this they, as they say, collect facts, so for them the fact of the advance of the russian army is already in the future, they already know what it will be, so they will do this in advance, it would seem a strange statement, but what does china have to do with it, given that when what they are already predicting becomes a real fact, they will say, well, we said, china is to blame for this, it must be urgently banned. the sale of chinese electric cars in the european union, well, how come, it turns out, you bought a chinese-made car in germany, you financed the russian aggressors, or something like that, so this is a look into the future on the part of the americans. now, regarding david cameron and his trip to trump in the united states states of america, well, i think david cameron
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is not so naive that he thinks that over one dinner trump will change the position of the republican party. well, perhaps my own about not allocating money to the united states of america. this is a very important factor in trump’s election campaign on the one hand, on the other hand, it is important for the united states of america, because as long as they play this game, a good investigator, an evil investigator, we are about to single out, but who -it doesn’t give, it gives the opportunity to the united states of america, like time to engage in the favorite politics of the anglo-saxons, just as great britain let military... agents of all countries go ahead, so the united states politely stepped aside, let the french in, now the french are thinking of letting someone else through, that’s the game, so trump sees it , in my opinion, there is still a chance to come to an agreement with the deep state somehow, either to drag it out further, or to exchange it later, but this is one of his main trump cards, so it is immediately
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demonstrated to david cameron that nothing will work out for you, no meeting with him will not be the speaker of the congress. now the speaker of congress is under very serious pressure, i would just like to voice one of the ways to implement it, so to speak: there is now a republican majority there, that is , there is a possibility that this law will not be adopted, which means that this republican majority needs to be thinned out, and we hear , we read, we see that several congressmen from the republican party suddenly decided to end their political career and go to work in business, what is this ? that means, well, in our language, they will resign their parliamentary mandates, their votes will not be taken into account in this vote, they will be replaced by others only in the midterm elections, which seem to be in the summer, that is, by the time of the vote, if johnson is forced to introduce this bill, the republicans will have more chances, but in general look, this is the fight against the nai
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boys, it seems to me, you know these guys, they put them in your arms, so they are fighting not to... maybe it’s worth returning everything back, the premiere on rtr, you and your vasya have nothing it will work out as i see it, i just start shaking, i need to take the money to the bank, wait, wait,
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there are witnesses, no, oh, convenient, yes, what do you think, i stole the money? alla taxi today on rtr. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden. introducing the shovel: the hammer smith razer. the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the saw's sharp edges make digging through roots very easy, thanks to its incredibly sharp. shed even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds like never before, quickly without effort. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-round shovel for your
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garden. regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade , can cut through the toughest root systems. like butter and easy to pick off the roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but why, if you can do even the hardest work? in the garden with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel, razor-sharp edges on both sides, sharpened wa-shaped blade, made of carbon. steel, making it the toughest shovel to handle even the hardest soil without extra effort, with a soft handle that
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quadruples the gripping area and only if you call now, the incredible smith razer hummer will be yours for an incredible price, for only 49, 95, but hurry, the offer is strict limited and available for a short time, want twice as much. the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket, it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth, fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, it is a mini-greenhouse. breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places of your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind.
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thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a mini-greenhouse granary at an amazing price from only 29.95. present to your attention. a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made from genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in patk style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm, the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail, two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella, all this will allow you to conveniently organize
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space and keep your bag tidy. stylish design, two current colors to choose from: universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. the united states must provide assistance to ukraine in the coming months, otherwise the previous 2 years of investment will not pay off, this is exactly what the pentagon just said. let's see. now we must prevent russia's success from defeating ukraine, by providing this additional assistance. this is critical. we are able to provide a longer term solution by working with europe, but all the work we have done in 2 years is investing in the future.
8:00 pm
it's time for the main news of the day on the russia channel, big news is on the air, igor kozhevin is in the studio, hello. a blow to the vesti film crew under the flint. cameraman denis shum and correspondent artyom were wounded.


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