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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 11:30pm-2:05am MSK

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maybe you’ll sing something, sing my beloved, huh? well, it happens, just at first, that today is a cloudy day in the south, the wind and the boat are arguing at the pier, it seems that no one needs the boat, it seems that no one needs the boat, the wind is tearing the rope, the masts are groaning hoarsely, and the boat is old, like a lantern shakes in front... to someone he bows, leaves
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the pier, moves away, melts, leaves the pier, moves away, melts, the seagulls swirl in a white round dance, like shreds of hope, magic will help, and on the blue waves there is only foam wanders, but no miracles are visible, and the running one, too, and no miracles are visible, and the running one, too , the boat sailed away in a round dance of seagulls, that boat with someone's happiness was loaded on the dilapidated pier of old sorrows, there, beyond the horizon , someone needs it, there behind someone needs him on the horizon.
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well, we’re just used to it being different. kolya’s father left him when he was not yet three, and then this accident, his girlfriend immediately left, i don’t blame her, but i feel bad for my son, you know? but kolya doesn’t want to go back to college? yes , i think maybe he should take some correspondence courses to finish, for example, i am an accountant, i can work at home, in the office, but also... the work is in demand, you are an accountant, yes, but you won’t help me with one question, of course, which one? tolya, hear that you were silent the whole way, well, about your wife, but what’s the point, what are you doing, well, if we knew, we’re not people, or something, we would help, whoever can, better orders, for washing without queues. i understand, that’s it, let’s
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go to the table, everything is ready, but where is kolya? well, he said that he was not hungry, i ’ll take everything to him later. kolya, kolya. i'm not hungry, there's a mattress in the trunk of anatoly ivanovich it was softer, he bought it for his wife, she is sick, incurable, she lies there all the time, it’s hard to lie there. and he didn’t tell anyone, we
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didn’t even know about it. i understand him, it’s very difficult to see all these pitying glances, or when they whisper behind your back, or even better , point a finger, all these words of encouragement are carbon copies of yours, but they are not out of malice, they are from the heart, but many people just don’t know how it’s good to say, i’m talking about the principle,
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to live, but is this life in a wheelchair, life, yes, with restrictions, but life, look at yourself, how beautiful you are, young, going to college if you get in, you will meet true love, the children will go, you will travel, by the way, you were in novgorod, no, you know, there is a cafe there on... the embankment, they make the most delicious ice cream in the world, here we are, oops, come on, come on, comrade, be careful, it’s done,
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reliably, tested, but you still need to be careful, well, we need to feed you, let’s do it, two pedals.
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what am i supposed to do? well, why should i go away now? well, wait, but i don’t know, somehow, maybe they were really mistaken, because ironclad evidence is needed? well, where can i find them for you? so stop, don’t go to fortune tellers, you won’t leave it like that, right? and what? i can already see this sparkle in your eyes, but al, you have a day off today, you gave half of it to others, i suggest you don’t care about everything, go to the river, rent a boat. and relax, but then you can come to me, i agree, but only to the boat, well, at least that way, i’ll just change clothes,
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i’ll be quick! nadasha, what are we looking for, didn’t see my swimsuit. why do you need a swimsuit? yes, hi, hi, how are you here? dad and i are moving to the city from grandma’s, that’s how things are, now we’re going to rent this apartment to look at it, do you want to join us? a? oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening, i’m little, i haven’t slept much, and i
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haven’t slept much, oh, i didn’t see you. i didn’t sleep much, oh, i didn’t see you, tomorrow, let’s get on the line yourself, easily, i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not all sugar, really, or something, you were appointed director, if only you were 20 years older, would you marry? marry me, i’m not divorced, okay, that’s enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well, we’re a family, let’s start again, and allah
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taxi, continuation, we’ll watch it tomorrow on rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest - yes , not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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"willpower is becoming one of the key aspects of the new cold war, the ukrainian conflict has proven that russia is in fact ready to give up its right to be called a great power, which cannot be said about those who started these standstills to weaken moscow, the biden administration has decided that we will be blown away before level of a second-rate regional power, the architect of the anti-russian strategy was not taught neither our history, nor geography, nor place in the world, now there is convulsiveness in nato."
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what will this link give? well, i don’t know, it will ring, well, it will ring, why? well, here are six, where is this going? because yes, i’m talking about everything, what happened, take everything you have and sent them for a while, yes, how can you protect the entire eastern flank of nato, ok, germany is ordering additional production of tanks for the deployment of a bundeswehr brigade in lithuania, but these have not already shown that they are mediocre , that is, well already... you need tanks, so learn how to produce them first, right, because so far what you are doing is your
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idea of ​​what tanks should be like, but the realities of modern war show completely different requirements, i don’t like france most of all, they found someone they don’t mind, an infantry regiment, send it to odessa, and a regiment moreover fought as part of napoleonic army, it was packed. and now, probably, they, i don’t know, they, well, it’s known that napoleon bonoparte went into battle in a red uniform so that the blood would not be visible if he was wounded. french soldiers obviously wear brown trousers, but well, that's obvious, that is they are used to getting it everywhere, and at the same time they have the most powerful equipment for moving frightened asses, that is, it is so lightly armored, what are they going to do in odessa, well , okay, the girls will be glad to see them, then the film is an intervention, absolutely right, that’s what i’m talking about i say, that is, this is some kind of film,
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this is all some kind of insignificant like... buffoonery, well, you can’t do that, well, some kind of cabaret, well, let’s better go straight away, why send these unfortunate french soldiers, you already send right away who they have there were crazy ones or whatever other dancers they have, well, what difference does it make to us which of them will perform the can-can when our artillery starts talking, that you are making idiots of yourselves, but these frenchmen will be killed there like nothing or normal technology, no normal combat experience, they fled from africa, getting kicked in the ass, yeah.
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how prophetic words he uttered back in 2006, just addressing a ukrainian, and i don’t care about your nato and europe, we are russia and china, no one is our competitor or rival, no one, we have 10, 15, a 20 million-strong army and a huge number of nuclear weapons, no one will ever tell us anything. thank you for the great chinese people, otherwise we would have been counted out of russia long ago, i will always be grateful, they will be on their knees before the great china, but it became great because russia existed, because stalin gave them nuclear weapons, that’s the only reason i i respect stalin, this is what nato is afraid of, that’s why they are moving closer, to surround russia everywhere, they
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are afraid of this and will never bomb russia, never, because they understand that brussels will come here to fight with china. there is such an anecdote, so to speak, it means what the weather is like on the finnish-chinese border, this is what the west is afraid of, that’s why we are calm, you ukrainians must understand us, we are truly a great country, without us there would be no china, and today without china there would be no there would be russia, and china, india, iran, mongolia, where central asia is, tashken, that’s 3.5 billion people, in nato there are only 1 billion, our armies have five nuclear powers. five we have the number of soldiers who are all can be built on the ground, and nato is an army of two million, the nato secretary general asked them, 2% of soldiers, 36,000 in afghanistan, did not fight, 2%, cannot give soldiers, the germans do not want to fight, the french, no one wants and can to fight, therefore there will be no nuclear war, there will be the usual
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confrontation between nato in the west and the shanghai organization for soviet union. in the east, we would love to be in europe, but since europe has been advancing on russia for 300 years, in 2017, we will celebrate this anniversary, in 1071, the masons gathered in paris and said: our enemy in the east, the russian empire, and for 300 years they have been organizing wars against us, every 10 years, now they do not need ukraine, but they need crimea, so that our fleet leaves and comes closer to the eagle . kursk, krasnodar, it’s not forced, you are a passageway for them, you are cannon fodder for them, they will never accept you anywhere, and nato will burst, germany can’t stand it anymore, they are a great people, they will avenge their loss in the second world war, and they will go with tanks to poland and ukraine, and not at us, with us they won’t fight anymore, so you have
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a bad future, i don’t want this, but russia is together with china and india.
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he was good, this is a politician, now you look, for example, at this nonentity, she at least understands the meaning of the words that are spoken, we are also talking about our social state, perhaps you should also realize what putin has to do with him, he is trying destroy our democracy, just read his speeches, it is clearly written in them, he wants to destroy western values, what our society stands for, our democracy.
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studied, when i was in school, everyone had this, i hope, now it remains, that means there were contour maps, using them, that means, schoolchildren outlined the then existing state, these contours, then i went to the university, and the contour maps at school everyone remained the same, then i went to work, and there were still contour maps at school.
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without fear of punishment, in fact, we are not all taken together individually - we can punish them for now, will they go to
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a global nuclear war to preserve this, a global uncontrollable nuclear conflict that could lead to the disappearance of everyone, i’m not sure, but the fact that they will continue to fight for their dominance with all the ferocity is absolutely certain. in connection with this, all these subjects that zhirinovsky touched upon here in this speech and what is happening now, in my opinion it is clear that they will surrender, if they lose, they will retreat slowly, they will surrender eastern europe, first , wanting, of course, to weaken us, but if eastern europe is sacrificed in some way, then it will reach... central europe, and then from the west, if it needs to be delivered, they of course have a brilliant geographical position across two oceans, this is just a gift, the english
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empire gave them.
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there is nothing better, we have wonderful peoples, there are gypsies, we are all russians, we love gypsy romances and much more, but the stateless people did not create their own state, just as the people will not disappear, they did not create their own state, with this a piece of land fell naked within the stolen borders, puffed up puffed up some kind of political nation was created first on the basis of what was said, kuchma said
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these... words that everyone quotes now, which means that they first created a political nation on the basis that ukraine is not russia, it didn’t work out, it wasn’t very effective, so they became anti-russia on the basis of ukraine, well, that’s all the fact that we, including in the form of this very war, is still difficult to deceive history, it is difficult to deceive the laws of civilization, but either you need to have some kind of absolute genius ... in the form of the leader of the nation that has arisen, you can argue as much as you like, lenin so-and-so, but his genius is obvious, here is just a scattered, torn empire, torn to pieces, took, raised the power of the earth , recreated, one way or another, a state that operates effectively, not only myths are collapsing, or rather, here is an outline map not only
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the american elite, the american state, the american nation cannot find a political figure to replace biden, even of the same intellectual level, just younger, this is a parasite, this is me, this is what the soviet union is in the final stage, brezhnev gone, stability, the golden age of the soviet union, there’s no way to characterize it, then what’s needed. continue, as in the same way, as in the same way, who is new, there seem to be a lot of problems, give andop, give chernenok, well, when it ’s over, so what’s new gorbachev, he ruined everything, no, it would have been better to have five years of magnificent funerals, at least grandfathers they didn’t have time to mess anything up, maybe they found a relatively young guy here, he ruined everything, maybe, but i didn’t decide right away, they didn’t decide on the young man, he abandoned the young man even faster then, maybe it’s not necessary i was young, that’s another aspect, maybe
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yes, but apparently i was no longer in such... not young, but - this is completely obvious to me, but a system that is headed, even if he is only a position-chairman, cannot function. but not a genius, yes, so with all my love for the american open spaces, it still seems to me that here, too, a collapse awaits, as if it awaits,
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i won’t guess about the contour maps of that hemisphere now, there are good specialists here, but the effect will be in my opinion the same. respect, but maybe i want to love or want to hate, that it must be respected, that’s what you were born to enjoy, but you want to, love, but of course it all looks frivolous, but what am i saying, this is
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another collapse, but it didn’t completely happen, you remember these slogans, the sport of politics, the literature of non-politics, the literature that came from outside of politics, they said that. i’ve never heard of it at all, no, it’s always been strange for me to hear literature about foreign politics, especially when you consider how long art took when i stopped drinking, started skiing, yes, there are so many talented western european writers, some left for america when nazism came, but others stayed, i never heard that literature is outside politics, it seemed to me that literature is always at the forefront of politics, no, no, you are confusing which ? how, what am i confusing with the verb to burn people’s hearts, what is there to confuse, the wheel of a common proletarian cause, that i won’t confuse, no, lenin just said that literature is in politics, the artist is in politics, and others, who, who suddenly it was not politics that stood
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for the writer, that’s what i’m talking about, one of the most famous writers were also a good commander, considered great, a good statesman, after all, the founder of an entire genre in literature,
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because this is justice, and because a smart nation, a european nation, will defeat a stupid nation, that is, yes, but it should be noted that that this began long before the americans, this split, and this split, began generally from the very moment when our aristocracy was quite different from the bulk of the people, including ethnically, we had a gap, but what about us? there was a gap in language, in the level of education and...
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there are pros and cons, but this is our history, we are aware of it, we do not embellish it, americans live in invented versions of their history, i agree, that’s what i ’m talking about, yes, therefore, our value chain is clear, built and proven by our struggle, and the very fact of our existence, they have not yet gone through the difficult trials that will bring them to their senses, but this awaits them, not everyone will reach the end of this path, well, very many deep topics. touched on, i'm in chronological order ok, then i’ll touch on them about what
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vitalitovich spoke about, well, as for this material in national interest, i think that this is not absolutely definitely not the first and not the last material in this category, because the whole essence of this material comes down to: to try to explain why the methodology for measuring the modern world, the methodology for determining large, medium, small states, significant, regional ones with economies torn apart, this methodology turns out to not work, the whole article is geared towards this, which seems to be what we have here such an understanding as gdp per capita, the level of this, the level of that, and if you look at them, then the western powers should sneeze at everything, which means that an acute infection should begin for the rest of the world, immediately after that it turns out that they are able to achieve the goals they have set for themselves, we need to somehow explain why they are trying. to explain through such a term as willpower, in my
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opinion, is not very correct, putting content into this concept, because they actually replace willpower with initiative, that is, readiness to quickly make some decisions, sometimes not entirely thoughtfully, based on what they write there, which is interesting, they of course try to explain it by saying that authoritarian states now have the greatest willpower in the world.
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increases very strongly, you may have a lot of resources, you may have enormous opportunities, but if you manage them ineptly or not at all, there is absolutely no sense in it, and - in principle, if you look at these 30 years the world from which we are now leaving, we are trying to build a new world, on its, therefore, some remains, look at these 30 years, because most likely, had the united states of america shown its willpower and wisely disposed of its global leadership,
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it is quite likely that at least for some time it would be possible to calm down the situation in the world, many powers would probably agree to their leadership if it were relatively... responsible, if it could guarantee stability, it is clear that this is contrary to human nature, and sooner or later the conflict would have happened, and that means, sooner or later, but not so quickly and not in such an abnormal and absolutely unlimited form in which this happened, in fact, what kind of willpower can we talk about, you show anna lena burbak, who comes out and says, they want to destroy our values, please, i'm really asking, here you are... always talking about a world based on rules, not on rights, please tell me what these rules are, i want, i do science, i want find out what rules this world is based on, i’m 35 years old, it’s time to find out at least what rules this world is based on, you say that you have values, the first question is not even what values ​​you have, the question is who are you, when you
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speak, our values, mind you, during this time i have never heard from the leaders of states for whom their own population voted to say about germany, about italy, about france, about great britain, we we hear all the time about our abstract common values, sometimes western, sometimes european, they basically kill such a construct of the modern era as a nation, it really no longer exists, in our space it ceases to exist in the form in which it was, in their case, at the elite level they simply destroy this concept, they talk about themselves as abstractions that have no connection to culture, history, or anything, therefore, when they say: our values, by this in general, anyone can understand anything, and no one can determine which exactly. when she says that the russians and in particular putin want to kill european democracy, here, if the europeans hear us, you don’t have to worry, it’s impossible to kill the dead, if something has already died,
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it’s impossible to kill it a second, third, fourth time, you don’t have this democracy and haven’t for a long time, because people turn to you who don’t... firstly, if you can’t sleep right now, you don’t have an appetite for how important ukraine is to you, well declare, say that russia is your existential enemy, that you must allocate this money for this confrontation, that you are playing petty scum who say: we must allocate billions of dollars so that ukrainians die, in order
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to provide jobs for americans, and what a cannibalistic system, that is, to provide jobs for americans , you have to destroy a few more... millions of ukrainians, then destroy the poles, then the next people, move like this so that the americans just have jobs, this is just another manifestation of such anti-willpower, because if willpower is aimed at ensuring that we overcome our impulses, our every second , every second wish of some kind, these politicians are built on the principle, i don’t care what happens after me, i don’t care what happens in a year, in 5 years, 10 years, the main thing is here now. quickly tactically try to secure some result, it is clear that if the americans are tired of this confrontation, they do not understand at all what america’s interests are there, let’s talk about jobs, but this of course is not serious, really moreover, this is the tip of this iceberg, colleagues who specialize in america will probably also talk about this, but i
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listened to biden being asked, they say, what is the biggest threat to the united states, he says donald trump, from all over the world, he says donald trump , but if... a question arises for us for a broad public discussion, of course, today it is difficult to answer it, in a month in a year, but in reality this thesis is that now willpower is of such great importance.
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such republics, yes, she, of course, is not under these conditions is able to somehow steer her state, her country, to at least some destination point, because she won’t even agree on where this point is, where to even move, and here it depends on the quality of the leader, on his strong-willed a huge amount of quality depends on the ability to lead the state in the right direction, and a very , very large volume of development of the state, in this context, i think the time has come, the presidential inauguration will now take place, this is a very important time. for our country, and what awaits us ahead are very important events, i think, at least start a public discussion about the constitution, even taking into account the most important
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amendments, very good amendments that were very appropriate, but nevertheless, a constitution that was systematically developed, we understand after which, after actually the defeat of our country in the cold war, which was developed in order to, god forbid, prevent russia from ever getting back on its feet and being able to represent itself as a great world power, and which , culturally, has something about... the french, something in common with the americans, something in common with anyone, just not with the russians, it does not reflect the historical experience of russia at all, which does not have party representation, class, that is, not parliamentarism, conciliarity should be a principle, which, naturally, the population has a completely different view of the head of state, not the same as the europeans, but over 1.00 years it has developed this way, you may like it, you may not like it, the question is that the population does not perceive it differently and will not perceive, according to at least, i think, the time has come... for a broad public discussion, are we generally satisfied with this system , or maybe we will still focus not on the continental system of law, which
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is not the anglo-saxon one, but on our own, on that tradition, which is a rich tradition for 1.00 years, our population in this regard is the bearer of these values ​​at the deepest level, and it is better to focus on it, it seems to me, i absolutely agree, although i immediately, excuse my character, cannot hide our . folk tradition with a fig tree of parliamentarism, advertising.
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welcome to the world of eternal elegance and... with your hands, when everyone at home gives up everything with joy, let's all wave with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr.
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light stewardess on friday at rtr, on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary salyut 7 crew, the fate of vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor sovenykh, the cabin has become quiet, a minute and a half remains before knocking with the station, before this there was definitely no manual landing in space, a dead station for the first time, as you were greeted here on earth, i sat for a whole
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month at the baikanut cosmodrome, waiting for me or ... that is, he allowed the greatest territorial losses, but he is not to blame, he is of course to blame, he is of course to blame, just like gorbachev is to blame, anyone is to blame, when you take an empire and leave it in ruins, of course you are to blame, when this, if at the same time you manage to be among the winners at the top of the world, and a little man from america simply deceives you, and then happily reports about it, but how much
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you sincerely do not understand anything, carried away by a cigar and cognac, you think that you are everyone... tricked his finger on how much one must not understand the psychology of the americans in order to come to them, still receiving the title of feather, to a country that despises the english aristocracy, which is generally brought up in the tradition of contempt for the english aristocracy, he comes to tell the people's representatives how they should spend taxpayers' money in the interests of american industry, they say, you're an idiot, after all, chetchel did it. wait a minute, wait a minute, this is the same tradition, just like churchel, the fool came to the americans, telling them how they should manage their victory, they listened to him and said: listen, fat one, come to your senses, you ’ve been beaten, you’re done lost, now you came here to tell us how we can continue to use the fruits of our victory, wake up, grandpa, they’ve already taken everything out of you, well, no, you should have written a book all the time, to say, neva,
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neva, neva, neva, neva, neva, okay, well, you didn’t give up, didn’t give up, didn’t give up, didn’t give up , didn’t give up, didn’t give up, from the outside, no, well, now this one comes, who is generally a nonentity, and he says in all seriousness, but you don’t understand anything, to which the americans will tell him, they’re polite, man, so maybe you’re just british money taxpayers then to the ukrainians, what are you explaining to us, well, you have challengers the latter are there, well, go produce them, pump in a lot of money, take 58 there. i’m not from the chamber of prov at all, somehow i guess that you are not from the chamber of prov, i’m just on the left today, i have a levad bias today, today i’m being pulled to the left, that’s why it turns out to be such a funny situation, that is, a really funny situation, that is, how much the british didn’t understand anything, this is really amazing, they didn’t realize anything, and
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yet they continue to imagine something like this somehow it seems to them that they can. amazing people, such degradation political culture, but what else in the country if boris johnson is replaced by a woman on a broom, who changes rishi’s sunok there.
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was in the cia, which at the end, in the late seventies, around 1977, he wrote a work where he substantiated why the soviet union turns out to be a more powerful
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state compared to the united states, so he then you he lived to this day, no, i wanted if you asked him what went wrong, he gave away an understanding of power, population, territory, economy, military power, this himself...
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at the expense of others, and no matter how many millions ukrainians died, and it doesn’t matter how much suffering this or that weapon will bring, which will be supplied at the expense of, among other things , american money, although they are still
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thinking and pondering something, it doesn’t matter, moreover, they are concerned about very specific things, well, it’s no coincidence that the secretary of defense of the united states suddenly became concerned that ukrainian drones were bombing russian oil refineries, this is not a simple task. the american secretary of defense to think about our capabilities, and this is connected with the global fuel and energy complexes and in general, of course, on the one hand we say the collective west, and indeed the collective west is fighting against russia, but on the other hand, within the collective west there are problems of its own, you know, ustansanovich zenovyev, who was not only a philosopher, a writer, a brilliant sociologist, but he was also a wonderful artist, there is a picture where there are two rats, big, scary ones, they shake each other with two paws, and with the other paws they hold each other by the neck, so here is the collective west
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on the one hand, yes, it fights on different on the fronts of a hybrid war against russia, on the other hand, within himself he is completely disunited and ready to strangle his partners in quotes with everyone. odessa from the nazi occupiers and romanians yes. you and her, who settled there in 1945, created some kind of governorship, after 3 years they were kicked out of there, and it didn’t seem enough to them, heroic resistance was carried out, partisans in the catacombs, we know how difficult and harsh it was, eternal glory heroes and memory, defenders, it is no coincidence that odessa continues to bear the name of the city of the hero, here...
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macron, as they said at the beginning of the program, is going to send 123 to odessa, yes, like an infantry regiment, 126, 126, which was noted during the napoleonic wars, listen, well, these are some sick people, and their stigmata are so rotten and bleeding, that they cannot heal them in any way, their phantom pains are so great that they can never forgive, for us our victories, by the way, it is very important that the willpower of the nation and the state depends on her, on his understanding of his victory, we have a very high feeling of victory, we we know what we did in this world, no matter how we rewrote history textbooks, of course, in the victorious forty-fifth it was impossible to imagine what is now written in the world press, and even, and even in a number
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of domestic textbooks at one time, now the situation is different, but we still know what we did then, and moreover, the occupiers who captured odessa in the last 30 years will also be expelled, and we also understand this very well, because we have every reason for this, and moreover, we understand where the west is moving, here in at the end of the sixties, a wonderful novel came out, ivan antonovich efremova, it’s called. now the bull, the fate of the novel was complicated, it was even suppressed from soviet libraries, for some reason the soviet leaders thought that this was a novel about the late soviet system, yes, but in fact , the inhabitants of the planet tormons were brought out there, who turned the life of the inhabitants of this planet into reality hell, such an oligarchic system, which the modern west is rapidly following, starting from all these values, supposedly, which transform -
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they divide, or rather society into long-lived, into the category g, these are the managers of the oligarchy, and gz - these are short-lived, which, of course, first concerns the same ukrainians, these are the short-lived who go joyfully to death for the sake of some ideals of the tarmansian oligarchy at the head with washington and brussels, and everything is controlled by these ophiuchus creatures in the form of some kind of berbok.
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it is much less diverse and representative in comparison with american society itself, but nevertheless , some kind of generational change will be early or later, i think that just in the year 28, in the presidential elections, we will see relatively young politicians on both sides, and some conditional governor of california, gavin newson, will quite possibly win and become president, and the left will have that very liberal opportunity to carry out the restructuring of america, which we talked about today, well, this is what awaits us, well, relatively speaking, hakim
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jeffries, the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives, will become speaker, that is, there will be such a complete set of leftists there forty-year-olds, who, in general, are more radical in relation to american reality than the current, well, older generation of democrats, 7-80 years old there, including nancy pilosi, biden and everyone else, and as for david cameron’s visit to the united states, but this of course, she’s a great clown, well, honestly. i thought that we had already laughed enough during the previous visits of boris johnson, who also went there to see trump and tried to negotiate something with him, it didn’t work out, so we remember. britain, who came there to a congress of american right-wing sipaks, showed her book here, 10 years to save the west, but also looked very strange, but now we got to
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another representative of the ittan gang, david cameron, it’s clear, yes, that his visit is largely connected with the order of ukrainian lobbyists, it is necessary to advance the story by agreeing on a tranche, but of course. it’s quite funny how he tries to explain why he came to america and first of all with he met with trump, yes, although, well, probably, according to the protocol, it was still worth going to washington, talking with blinken, then with the republicans in congress, and then going to trump, but he started with trump, and then there’s david cameron , which means he stated that , well, you see, how would we, as the current ruling, still cabinet of britain, need to establish contacts with one of the presidential candidates, who may become president, and after the elections in november 24. but of course this is also it’s difficult to perceive without irony, considering that we you and i understand very well that in britain itself there are very soon elections in october, and there is nothing left of this ruling cabinet at all, that is, the conservatives are losing as devastatingly as one can imagine, and david cameron is losing his position as head of the foreign office there, then here, of course
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, it would be much more logical to see such steps from the labor shadow cabinet, and from mr. david lammy, who, of course , will become british foreign secretary after the october elections, but... borista, they still continue to desperately hope that trump will not win, so no matter how they make any curtsies in his direction, well , david cameron has arrived, but in my opinion, all the same, except for such a formal story related to ukraine, yes, cameron’s visit is also interesting because he still has certain personal ambitions, yes, he is not currently elected by anyone, but he is in the parliament of the lords, so he is not in danger of losing the elections, so, but they talk about what's really david cameron may try to lead the conservative party. after this defeat, which will obviously be expected there in october, yes, because richa suna will resign, there will be internal confrontation, but it is clear that there will be candidates from the right wing of the conservative party, there is some suela braverman or someone like badeno, a young lady from nigeria, but of course there will also be representatives of the establishment, and i fully admit there will also
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be an interesting character, well, of course, soela bravervan in whom there is not a drop of jewish blood, if correct, yes, yes, she is from sierre leon, if i’m not mistaken, absolutely right, yes, that is, therefore there is no need to convert. to have some kind of contact with trump, because in the past, as we know, cameron and trump had a relationship, well , to put it mildly, terrible, yes, that is, as if cameron did not live up to trump’s presidency for us, of course, but in the spring in the summer of '16, he spoke, spoke, called trump a fool, a man... who is splitting america, dividing the western world, well, in general, i think that trump, of course, has not forgotten about this, therefore , dipping him in this way, and so kemeru, he he says, what did you call me, there’s no way, no way, eat, just like that, eat, more ketchup, eat, here, well, as you can see, he’s already
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arrived in the guise of a british lord to beg for money, to ask for some kind of support for trump with ukrainian tranches, but given that there are no details of the conversation, it is clear that it ended badly, and then... already, of course, cameron’s visit to washington, there is his very strange press conference with blinken, well, that same visit to house of representatives to congress, which did not happen because speaker mike johnson did not have a free window on his calendar to meet with these petitioners from london, but this is the result of a conversation with trump. well, yes, yes, of course, and as we know, trump not so long ago invited mike johnson to his place, well, in general, he forced him to refuse to coordinate, that’s how... in some accelerated format, ukrainian tranches, well, of course yes, this firstly shows what attitude is towards cameron, well, a person not elected by anyone, and there with zero reputation, with zero ratings, that’s certainly very strange, as you rightly noted, to see a representative of an emissary of another country who comes to america telling the americans:
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you need to spend money in ukraine, because we have invested very much there, we have british interests there, here are your american billions for ours british interests must invest in making sure we do well. well, marjarie taylor greene, a trump supporter, back in february, was very correct and apt, she noted all these statements by cameron when he offered to basically kiss her ass, kitty mayas, i think that this is so universal, taking into account all the nuances, i think kemeran will happily agree, well, it’s quite possible, at least for the sake of something he went to america, given his, as we remember, adventures with pigs in oxford, well, i i think that he wouldn’t even mind, well, again , such a universal answer to any. a statement by the british establishment, which i also propose to use at some opportunity, and well, the latest story, connected specifically with the ukrainian tranches, yes, the dynamics that we are now we see in congress, well, apparently, it still confirms my forecast, and i continue to adhere to it, yes, that we
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won’t see these very ukrainian tranches until may, yes, because there were, yes, here are ukrainian lobbyists again found themselves with nothing, there were attempts, yes, to reach an agreement between the republicans and the white house, they even put forward two ideas that could be exchanged for ukrainian tranches, the first is, after all , carrying out a sane migration reform, but the biden administration is not doing this let's go because lobbyists for uncontrolled migration are already involved there, they are, of course, much stronger than ukrainian lobbyists, because there is already big business there, and the story there is not about billions, but about hundreds of billions of trillions of dollars, well, the second second point is related to exports liquefied gas of the united states of america, yes, that is, what the biden administration is now trying to hold back, or rather imposed a temporary embargo on the provision of new contracts and on the export of liquefied gas, this is what the republicans wanted to cancel. but as we see, here too they did not make concessions, and so in this
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situation, yes, the majority of republicans are against providing ukrainian tranches, well, i think that the lion's share of democrats are against giving any money to israel, yes it was all formed into one such big package, which is why i think that now, of course , it will not be possible to get 2/3 of the votes in support of this very bill, but 2/3 is needed there, because this is an accelerated program of adoption there without... opportunities and some advancement new amendments to this very underbelly, well, and accordingly, if we don’t see any progress in the coming days, most likely there won’t be any, and on april 18 congress goes on another vacation, and it’s already may, so in may they won’t have any so many working days, i like the fact that now the deputy minister of defense is saying: guys, if we don’t give money for 2 months now, then 2 years of investment will be down the drain, i would like to say,
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there is a nuance, the fact is that you first invested 6 billion in ukraine to have the opportunity to invest 300 billion, yeah, to save which you now need another 60 billion, that is, you bought your way for 6 billion to burn 360 billion, as a result of this combination russia received crimea and donbass. listened to his expression of undisguised contempt, so to speak, what is this
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man talking about? well, volkovich, you’ve already gotten there, go wash your boots in the indian ocean, in short, how can you compare this country with the west, what the hell is the military power there, but just compare the gdp, so to speak, of the united west and this selfish thing, that’s all it will become clear what kind of military potential, what to talk about, what this person is talking about, what... military potential, this is the idea that the real military potential of, so to speak, separately, the participants in a military conflict can be compared using, so to speak, gdp indicators , it has become very firmly established in the consciousness, so to speak, of many representatives not only of our public, but also of the ruling elite, this idea since the nineties that money conquers evil, so to speak, it somehow stuck here you can't erase it and...
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capitalization of apple, another very powerful argument, so to speak, from pro-western liberals, compare the gdp of this country with the capitalization of apple, you see, well, despite all this, it is obvious that this is a conventional, so to speak, military company in ukraine , the west is losing, and this, so to speak, leads to very serious
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reflections regarding the real military potential of our western, former partners.
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campaigns outside the united europe and examples of european participation in some military without... as it turns out, without the americans, the europeans are simply not able to independently conduct a military campaign, even against the regime, for example, muammar gaddafi, as it turns out, what can we say about a nuclear superpower for a moment in the person of the russian federation, this talk macron is talking about the transfer, so to speak, of his 126th regiment to odessa, so let’s talk about the 126th regiment right after the small one. i easily looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not all sugar, really, or something, you were appointed director, if only you were 20 years older, if you would marry me, i’m not
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divorced, well, that’s enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well, we’re a family, let’s do it again, huh? alla taxi tomorrow on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex.
12:52 am
discover a real gem on the coast of bodrum, titanic, luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and atmosphere complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxer collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism
12:53 am
is a parallel rake. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. don't miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform watch the first podcasts we watch. so you 're confusing me so that i'm next to anyone, understand me, don't touch my daughter on saturday, i'm soon 18 and i'll live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, doesn't answer calls, but are you sure that you know your daughter well, well, what to do now, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time. pop, it’s not scary, lyuba, no, you have another girl missing, your friend polina, they are beaming together in college, it’s so hard to restrain yourself,
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so as not to go crazy from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping little house, premiere. on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i already demanded, return it to me nuclearly. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently and reliably. it's eight from the equipment, and there is only one of us there, vkropsky flew in the second tank, the hero of russia will be on tour, we are all
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with you, including me, we will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there in the west great dreamers, but we are guided by facts, look two.
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and if, say, there are still brave people in europe who are ready to send troops to fight in ukraine, then here the american
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establishment, so to speak, adheres to a completely tough, unambiguous position, no american troops in ukraine, period, so how the europeans will, so to speak, fight there without the americans, only god knows, in general, the conclusion is clear, so to speak, it’s time to stop measuring, measuring the military power of participants in armed conflicts on the basis, so to speak, of the size of gdp, otherwise we we will come to the paradoxical conclusion that... the taliban's gdp is much higher than the gdp of the united states of america, and, so to speak, before the houthi gdp, the americans, so to speak, still have to grow and grow, as they say, as we found out yesterday, to their institution rocket science, certainly not for them, good, true, they remembered the french anthem, and there the day of glory came, but here it is long gone,
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the day of glory is long ago. in the past and they will no longer be able to achieve anything, this is understandable, but if we talk about the americans that they started talking about willpower, everyone has their own associations, i had an association with a very beautiful, talentedly made, but notorious documentary leni riefenstein, a triumph of will, which... is closely connected, despite the director's talent, is closely connected with the nazi regime and causes corresponding associations, the fact that the americans are now talking in this vein, it brings back the same thoughts, it’s more likely from powerlessness and from the feeling that, again, the days of glory are behind us, pax americana, the world
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in the american way... is going into the past is before our eyes, but this departure will be very painful, and we will feel the pain of this departure ourselves too. vitaly toevich said at the beginning that the americans would surrender eastern europe, western europe, and ukraine, who would argue, of course, just as they surrendered in afghanistan and iraq, egypt, and ukraine already.
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so the usa is no longer dependent on the near middle east, but is leaving there, slowly, leaving there, leaving a whole chain.
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their military bases are leaving there, creating additional chaos in an already difficult region, their activity has now put this region on the brink of a major war, any day now we are expecting an attack from iran or from iranian proxies on israeli targets, it is not yet clear which option would be... the state and iran are so big that the only question is about postponing this big war, the americans, who all this time dragged out all the processes in the middle east themselves, managed to hold on to
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the region. that the problem of hostages has not been resolved, the problem of radical groups in the gaza strip, such as hamas, has not been resolved, they continue to operate, the problem of who should manage the gaza strip and how, should it be managed by
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the palestinians, or suddenly the israelis will want to manage almost 3 million people in the gas sector, not a single problem has been solved, not yet one task is not clear... very very dangerous, this is not willpower, this is not a triumph of will, it’s just americans admitting their incompetence, but calling up some myths from the past, and some
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that look more like monsters than myths , on the terrible monsters that threaten us from the past. well, it sounds tragic, because i look, but today is still a holiday, yeah, and tomorrow the day after tomorrow such a war could begin, and what israel is saying is that they are going to strike iran’s nuclear facilities, and what’s deep down there? protected and in-depth, that is, there will be bombs that do not glide, they will use nuclear weapons, well, in fact, we warned about this. yes, it’s terrifying, while the americans, who do not see any violations of human rights by israel, well, it’s clear how the arab world treats them now, turkey, which for the first time, yes, allowed itself to take and impose sanctions against israel, and
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israel says, and we will now, and we will now put pressure on america so that america imposes sanctions against turkey, but let me remind you, turkey nato country, let me remind you that germany says, we are all from... israelis, we don’t see anything, we don’t see what’s happening, we fully support israel. the arab world, which strongly dislikes the palestinians, but so to speak, is polite. he generally looks and says: what ’s going on? hamas is actually a turkish issue. what are you up to in iran? yes. well, hamas is a purely turkish issue, are they muslim brothers? well, these are not shiites, of course, of course, that is, right there. it is clear that iran supports in some way everyone who, as they say, is fighting for their rights, but... initially hamas was small, we remember who said give money to hamas bibi netanyahu, who believed that in this way he was causing a split in the palestinian movement, he directly stated this , this is who is more than everyone, well, not more than everyone, but who were some of the main sponsors of hamas, european
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organizations, americans, they raised this monster, well, in fact, the israelis themselves strengthened this organization, and now they have what is like a nuclear armageddon. russian-chinese cooperation, russian chinese, not just cooperation, but russian-chinese alliance even, a joint action, so to speak, of russia and china against the west, and this was 2006, and this was the year when
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hudzintau and wendyabau were in power in china, people who , so to speak, carried out, there were staunch supporters of market reforms, in general it was difficult to imagine that they would embark on any serious confrontation with... the west, primarily the united states, this was a time when the chinese ruling elite was literally riddled with corruption, and corruption is associated specifically with the west. remember the famous case of bo selay, a candidate member of the politburo, the mayor of one of the largest chinese cities, who , through some british broker , tried, so to speak, to cash out somewhere on world markets, and there was a completely criminal story there. that is, then, then this prediction, i want to say, it is worth a lot, it was really a prediction that is really justified, and if we are from this time from 2006...
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it always happens, and most importantly, the list of topics that were discussed there, because issues of both bilateral cooperation and the question of the structure of the future multipolar world were discussed there. this suggests that the task of joint movement towards this multipolar world and the development of common views on this very world is clearly posed. the second very important question is the schedule, so to speak, those opportunities and places where it will be more significant.
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and one more very important question that is there was discussed, this is eurasian security, when our foreign minister said that we will not allow nato to extend its, so to speak, hands into our region, and it was said to our region, this was not meant about europe, this was meant specifically the asian-pacific region, that is , by the number of topics and the scale of their discussions, we see how essential these... relations have become, how important issues are being discussed, and issues of bilateral
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relations, issues of international life itself, well, not to mention about what this is in the 2 months of january-february, our trade turnover increased by almost 10% compared to the previous record-breaking year. that’s why a system of participation of our banks in this system, the chinese crossborder payments system, is being formed, that is, only chinese banks of cross-border payments are participating. where it’s true that it’s not directly but through intermediaries, but our large banks, medium-sized banks and even regional banks are actually allowed into this system; there, more than thirty of our banks are now eligible to participate in, so to speak this particular yuan system, because there is simply no other currency there, and it creates this naturally.
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you see, well, in a completely different way, so to speak, on the one hand there are some questions, some problems, on the other hand there are questions about what, well, complaints against china, that it does not allow small medium-sized countries to develop because it produces too much , yes, questions about subsidizing chinese industry, well, in general, just some nitpicking, but in order to somehow increase pressure on china, she spent 4 days there, walking around. v mcdonald's, like mcdonald's, which is an american living in beijing, he
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organized there, it was like a hint that american business needed to come more widely, like it was necessary to open a tasty outlet in china, yes, yes, like this, but in parallel drag it there with this, but, but in parallel with this, you understand, elin is trying to do something there, so to speak, to put some pressure on china and convince with something, but in parallel with this, now on the 11th , kishida is meeting in washington and marcos jr., there is going to, so to speak, form another another military alliance, and, mind you, american troops in the philippines, in japan, japan has problems with china, this is sunkakudau, the philippines has problems with china, these are the islands of the south china sea, yes, this bloc is being formed, in parallel with this on april 7, australia, japan , south korea and the philippines are conducting naval maneuvers and coordination with the americans, again in the south china sea, you know, that is about...
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this is what was discussed during the visit of our minister of affairs, security issues, security issues region, joint view of a joint approach to these problems, this is a new very important topic, you see, that is, there is a complete feeling that gradually our relations, difficulties,
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problems, a certain mistrust, there are a lot, a lot of questions, but this is natural, but they move and move in the direction of mutual rapprochement, it seems to me.
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so on the one hand they hate the british, traditionally the americans repeat all their worst mistakes, strange people, to finish this, well, the people are not strange, because if you are the boss in this world, as soon as you even you feel that you are weakened, you have problems, you begin to behave not like the main one, even without having the same strength, then it’s gorbachev, still a superpower, one of two superpowers, who behaved as if...
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it was possible that something ... then it’s still possible to extend it, but by god, i didn’t draw it up, i came up with everything from churchel back in the eighteenth year, yes, but in the eighteenth year the russian empire was an objective process, it appeared vladimirovich lenin put it all together again, and the roles of the individual in history, this is what he quotes, what i said in my first speech, involuntarily, involuntarily, i did not i’m not quoting involuntarily, i’m just stating historical facts, but churchill has lost everything, so the second according to churchill, excuse me, well... anglophilia or anglomania is a tradition of the russian ruling class, the russian intelligentsia has always known since time, but an englishwoman is crap that the worst enemy in europe, the russian empire, is great britain, worship, they prayed for this, for this
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idol, or it is kinship, it is vintsarov with novels, or something else, but it has always been, but we love england. for shakespeare, we are ordinary people who are not members of the monarchy at home, for shakespeare, for the magnificent poetry, true, half of which was created by the scots in english, but this is no longer important, to go into detail, for the english theater, that ’s why, another thing, i’m amazed at how they worship, the rather ordinary face of princess diana, we have like everywhere beauty, well, it’s even funny to call it.
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attitude towards the british? no, because, excuse me, before that it was, well, if we take pavel, he didn’t have any, he had completely different ones, he had prussia, no, he admired, then there was. well, just a little bit sorry, but anglophilia appeared relatively recently, and then, when we talk about the russian aristocracy, in general , politely speaking, they had a difficult attitude towards the british, except for those thoughts that, on their order, destroyed the empire there, so why did they kill paul i, what was there adoration, there was no adoration, traitors are finished and the tragic fate of nicholas ii, in particular, lies.
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committed genocide, when how many people died in india from famine provoked by chercheli’s unreasonable policies, who in afghanistan used chemical weapons, churchill, but before that they were just altruists, or something to feed the inhabitants of the colony, but when the prime minister is not an idiot, he builds relationships in such a way that the colonies do not feel like colonies, when he organizes genocide on genocide , then he is there helping the national liberation movement to grow, this is the church’s personal fault.
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that everything will be like this slowly, gradually , the american empire will go away like this, somewhere with blood, somewhere without blood , quickly. ours, but there is no need to send anyone, the traffic police system ours, no need, cards, the arabs will handle everything, don’t bother them, it will start to crumble,
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it will start to crumble, and the last thing, today we didn’t touch on internal topics at all, so, but i was pleased that henrid trigranovich said about class representation, i too i speak for him, not in that old sense, but if a representative of the university once. to the west, to specialists in the west, and now he says that the constitution needs to be changed to a more p for russia, which means it will happen soon, we probably. just don’t expect that there will be an estate there, because the estate too quickly, there is a class, they are not needed, they are present in life, the question is about their
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representation, and what classes the party does not have, there is a name, there is no party, and what class are you in, here is the class, you are in which class, here you are in the class, we in the information estate, that ’s what it is, information and communication estates, is this estate, yes, yes, yes, yes no, of course, well, the estate is not in the sense of blood or there in the sense of the professional estate, but to god, you seem to be everything. all-round command, dangerous, volodya, slow down , drive away, drive away, what happened,
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pierced the glove, light, talk to me, i 'm talking to you, the story of a real advance, they used almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, having reached an unprecedented height, you heard, open the hatch, the shuttle docked, there is nothing, it seemed to you, let go , fireworks 7, 12.
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on saturdays on rtr. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away that i won’t allow this. you see me for the first time in my life, and you reproach me for something i have never done. ay, every woman needs female happiness. accept this as a fact. i loner. i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, a great topic for a dissertation, single father, you need a nanny, yes you do, but not you if you don’t need anything, this doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting
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married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, this doesn’t mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out? i thought we cleared everything up, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, loner, on sunday at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come home himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on the ice correctly. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to kasmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, sleeping, that’s how a child sleeps, but you
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don’t have to do that i advise you, a doctor who you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well i don’t guarantee happiness, but my health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. today, near koremena, our colleagues from the branch came under fire from ukrainian nazis.
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name him, because it’s not a fact that his family already knows, and god forbid if they find out from the air, the major died, his arm was torn off, his chest was torn apart, he died on the spot, a young guy, i worked with him, i knew him, this is the third officer who serves with igorevich konoshenko, who died while helping his colleagues to carry out their professional duty, so that the citizens of russia and those people in the world who have the opportunity to watch our programs know the truth, now the highest losses are during rotation, when you get from position to position, and the guys were 10 km from the lbs when the shell arrived, and then came the drones. this is part
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of professional risks, i just want every time our viewers watch stories from the front, they understand that in addition to the work of journalists, there is the work of security officers, real heroes who risk themselves, often saving the lives of journalists, responsible for each of us, sometimes it’s... they never run when the shelling starts, their task is to save us, show us where to move, they are real russian officers. real heroes, and the ukronazis, well, for them it’s happiness if you wear on yourself, god forbid, the designation of the press, but consider it as
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a target to draw for yourself, that is, for them our word is terrible, that’s why they are hunting for our military correspondents, that's why they hunt for media in the territory.
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i think that's really a lot for i don’t know, it’s not your turn, um, for several years we allocated about 300 million a year to ukraine, and over the last 2 years about 40, so if you are talking about the government as a whole, then perhaps this is so, but for the ministry of defense it is a lot of. yes, my staff has studied this issue, their best estimate is about 300 billion. we are currently printing or borrowing $80,000 per second, $4.6 million per minute. this can't go on for long, we have to find a better way to spend our money. well, the translation is terrible, but the meaning is clear. and not your turn, meaning, not at that moment, that is, it was not when you were
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serving, it was before you. but the most important thing for americans is that they always don’t mind investing in success; they really don’t like investing in failure. here's what retired us army brigadier general and pennsylvania congressman scott says.
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two more americans also took part in hostilities, brian young and paul keane, are buried in california and texas, according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation and the united states, a little more than 1,100 fought in ukraine americans, almost 500 of them have already been eliminated. this is a given, this must be understood. why are americans dying on ukrainian soil? well, probably for... what margery teilar greene very accurately defined as for the war on christianity. let's talk about what it really is. this is
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a war on christianism. the ukrainian government attacks the peasants. the ukrainian government executes priests. russia doesn't do this. they don't attack christianity. in fact, they seem to be protecting him. there's something else that's clear obvious to many people who are watching closely. this, by the way, is a very difficult approach. few people understand what she is talking about. but the next question will be, who is involved in ukraine?
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ukraine did not receive even 10% of this amount in the form of loans from the international monetary fund, that is, in my opinion there was an amount in a couple of tranches of about 28 billion dollars, these are the amounts that were allocated under the most severe financial and political conditions and the need for reforms of all other things , so when now the wonderful ukrainians and the hedgehog with them they say that now europe and the americans will create a huge fund and they will rush to restore ukraine, how... they will rebuild it, how there will be a garden city there, how everything will be wonderful there, everyone will live simply incredibly in wonderful conditions, then this nonsense and nonsense, americans have never spent money on building for someone - these are adequate living conditions. the americans have always, as a colonial power, have always been committed to making the most of the resources of these countries to which they have subjected seizures, management, now simply the form of colonial dependence has changed. they
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stopped calling it just a colony, but simply began to take control of it and that’s it, so now ukraine is in a state where its resources are literally being pumped out, and now the next resource is called people, because when naive ukrainians say, well we are meandering here, we say we will separate the americans now, so you attacked the wrong ones, when it is now going on in the verkhovna rada, now there is a vote on amendments, yes to the law. mobilization, i don’t know how long they will rule it there, but i think it won’t be long enough, because the americans are already putting a lot of pressure on forcing the verkhovna rada to vote on there are not many amendments, but there are 4,000, what does a stack of amendments look like, well, yes , it works for about 15 minutes, well, yes, but it’s all dancing with tambourines, in fact, it’s all small, but these are small, just cockroaches running, now here ’s one cyking from some high-ranking american who supervises ukraine, everything will be voted on literally like this with the snap of a finger.
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because the americans clearly delivered an ultimatum to ukraine: first people, cannon fodder, then money and weapons, that’s all, now they ’ve just been put on hold, and zelensky is no longer resisting, and poroshenko is already keeping silent, and tymoshenko has closed his mouth somewhere and is already sitting quietly in corner, so they will accept all this now, now all this will happen, so the people who are now in ukraine, who are still left in ukraine, they are now they are already going to recount, this law that they are trying to pass now, first of all, there is already what... they mentioned, this is a one-way summons, they hand you a summons, you go, when will you return from there, will you return, i i know a couple of options, yes, one, one is missing legs or half of the head, the second one was captured, then there is a chance of survival, everything else is just legal, you can’t imagine any standard for this, no, no, there is another option, yes, of course, you work as an assistant to a deputy, and this is yes, yes, two assistants, yes, or a deputy, or the minister and eh?
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god forbid, it means simply introducing some severe sanctions for an attempt to escape, an attempt not to register, an attempt, i don’t know, to dodge or find
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some way to hide from mobilization, no, this law should count everyone, they are now obliged to everyone, that is , within 60 days, if you don’t come, don’t register, don’t confirm. your details, where you live, what your phone number is, and how to find you within 15 minutes, that’s it, you’re already under administrative liability, then now we’ll look at some kind of criminal liability, plus then you will have a question, yes, and a little through the court, but you will be deprived of the opportunity to drive a car, of course, there is no talk of any travel beyond these borders of ukraine , so that's it, ukraine is a ghetto, in which everyone was counted and everyone was distributed literally in a queue, how will they send them there, today even... according to the americans, now somewhere more than a million have already been mobilized, then there is somewhere somewhere they collected 7,000, around 100,000 are the police, another plus or minus 100,000 are the national guard, border guards, that is, somewhere around a million, they say perfectly well that
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400,000 are on the front line, so these are somewhere here between a million and 400,000, these are the ones that are located in a similar cemetery, especially since a project has already been put forward near kiev, they say we need... ukraine is moving towards a long, long war, they are going to fight at least until the end of this year, and maybe a year, maybe two more, but
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there really is a nuance, because when the same fabs arrive or there are sadness there, then often you simply don’t know how many people are left there, well, because... you can’t even find fragments, that is, that is, this is not a movie, in real life this is a rather scary sight, that is, the flight of the tosa, everything is caked there, there, and if the same factory there, then knocks out there, which is 1,500 a hole of such a size that a person goes down the feeling that he is far, far away there, he is so small, small , so ukraine, ukraine, i just.
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for life, this is a common problem, you know, so just like when they say, take a cat from mariupol or a dog from bakhmut, artyomovskaya there, but i would recommend thinking about it, because well, we understand what they ate and how, well, that is, we must realize,
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they really don’t know, even they are afraid to tell themselves about the level of their losses; as these territories are liberated, we will receive a huge number of surprises. of course, we will already find, we will gradually open up these secret cemeteries, mass graves, stuffed in basements or some kind of bomb shelters, a bulldozer. that is, those who are used to fighting according to agreements, those who are used to fighting in total military superiority, yes, well,
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the slavs are fighting, and these, by the way, georgians also said, the mercenaries are quite stubborn, the poles are stubborn, but it doesn’t matter if that’s the case to say, the same trained ukrainians fight better than any mercenaries, you know, how we differ, we differ very seriously, we differ in that, together with foreign mercenaries and foreign instructors , the ukrainians... there are no military units there, so come on, let's hit there, let's use thousands of drones, let's use
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unacceptable things that are unacceptable in principle, for me they, i don’t know, i can’t distinguish which of them is bandera and which is not, because how they fight, what they do, in including with our captivity, including with peaceful ones, but this is a story that, well , it’s really possible to show it, if you need 20, not even 18, 21 years, so that people just know, of course they are banderaites, and yes, listen, they will fight with any nationality, there nationality does not matter, when they call the rdk, when they call it, it means there are some corps, legions, everything there, but what difference does it make, they are each of them, they act like this, and it is literally elevated to a cult and is emitted in the form instructions and it says that if you can’t do this, do it like this, namely, not sparing international law has no meaning for you at all, you will not bear responsibility, you probably won’t, whoever does not live will not bear any responsibility, everyone else they will definitely receive it. well, you know, they don’t live to live, because now obituaries appear there, when in ukraine, well, it’s clear
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who they are, what they did in 1414, that they were in 22, how many have already gone to daddy to bandera, those who mocked our captives, thought that they were the smartest, it all ends, well, the tragedy lies elsewhere, that is, zelensky doesn’t even understand, he will leave behind a deserted ukraine, it will be... the territory of women and orphans , he really destroys all the men, and at the same time here, what’s important, yes, but i talked to the guys who defended the belgorod land there, the belgorod land, but they took them prisoners, they couldn’t take them out, because the ukrainians immediately began bombing them with everything, anything, in their own prisoners, so that they don’t even try to surrender, this is a beast, absolutely...
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how everything is recorded, there are protocols, who voted, for what, hatred, hatred is born simply on the streets, well, stories that come from ukraine, well it's still about hatred, well, the story is about how a fourteen-year-old boy in the odessa region was turned away there by three healthy men, but from the military registration and enlistment office, i for the life of me would not believe that healthy men, but they cannot distinguish a fourteen-year-old from a twenty... seven-year-old man who is subject to conscription, which means this is hatred, they have there is
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a plan, to bring so much from this village, they don’t carry out this plan, they grab the first one they come across, well, because they hate, because they hate and are afraid, they hate those who do not fall under or, in their opinion, evade, and are afraid because that if they don’t fulfill the plan, they will find themselves at the front, this atmosphere of fear and hatred, it’s just... well, terrifying, a completely recent story in kiev, in an area that everyone knows well, that time i was in kiev on the funicular, they had an argument two people, students and a military man, had an argument, it looks like there is very fragmentary
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information, but against the backdrop of the attitude towards the army, this military man is a little drunk,
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he is afraid to find himself understand where he might end up if a person without experience went to the mountains, where there is a two-meter layer of snow more now he’s at the passes, and he’s without a map, it looks like he doesn’t have any serious landmarks, he just went, looking for a way out to the border, vasil mech told me that there was an even worse problem, it’s just that during the transition the price went up, so he didn’t have enough money. his guide abandoned him, but he still went, of course, where is he going today, the money has already been spent, they just gave him a t-shirt, come on, yes, just for me exactly, well, this is a picture of what is happening in the country with people, against the background of everything that is unfolding, and there is absolutely
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one hundred percent understanding that these million-plus or millions of those who evade are people who, you know, as if in ukraine there is such a traditional, almost national pastime of attacking the same rake, we all remember very well the history of the ninety-first year, when this rake is being slipped into western ukraine, just like that, traditionally, the ninety- first year, we remember very well the leaflets of the rukh that now we need to throw off the ukrainian, or rather soviet herm, which means, well ukrainian in the sense of being in the ukrainian ssr, and we mean...
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the second rake in 2004 was also slipped from western ukraine. we need to elect our current ukrainian president, nationally svidomo, viktor andreevich yushchenko, a fan of bandera, who then at the end of his presidential term tried to award him the title of hero of ukraine, we’ll live. 5 years later. yanukovych is definitely not the hero of my novel. as they say, they were cobbled together from what was there, but they legitimately won.
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i’ll tell the simplest, yes, it’s very rude, maybe someone with this, scammers pay for what they shoved for the day, overflowing with this hopak on a rake, this is not the first time it has been done, yes, yes, now is the price, now is the price, here are the fees for this terrible myth, which they believed in, that we will now be helped by the west, he will crush russia with sanctions, we let’s just get up and chase all these orcs, and then we’ll divide it, i remember, this is a huge number of round tables in lvov, how to divide russia? that is, who will get what, this is the third rake, the third national approach, for which they pay in blood, advertising. premiere on rtr, let’s get on the line yourself, it’s easy, i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly,
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it’s not all sugar, really, or something, you were appointed director, if you were 20 years older, you’d get married, marry me, i’m not divorced, okay, that’s enough , well, well, how much can i repent, well, we are a family, let’s do it again, allah taxi. tomorrow on rtr. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside. with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. for what?
1:57 am
russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
1:58 am
hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes tomorrow on рrt, your mother has an aortic aneurysm and needs surgery. here's money for your mom's nothing, thank you, look at the weekend, it's lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with? wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, oh my god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you? how long are you going to date me? i have a plan together. put your things down, i have to
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check them. is this yours? no, i didn’t take it, i don’t know how it ended up in my things. i’ll also say that they threw half a lemon’s worth of jewelry on you. dear friend, on saturday on rtr. in cosmonautics day. this is the fate of the legendary crew of salyut 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor sovenykh. the cabin became quiet, a minute and a half remained before the collision with the station. before this there was definitely no manual belaying in space. station for the first time, how were you greeted here on earth? i sat at the cosmodrome for a whole month, waiting to be either punished or rewarded. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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not serious, but i really want to hope that everything will be fine and they won’t suffer, that ’s what’s going on in ukraine, that’s this interview that you mentioned zelensky, which he gave to bilt, i liked it, how it came out, the bilt newspaper put it on the front page today, ukraine is already losing the war, fuck zelensky, yes, that is , this is the question they ask, in my opinion, a question mark in principle, remove the ready-made, ready-made headline for this whole interview, amazing in fact, i would just leave dick zelensky, well, yes, and in a big way, so you can take the name zelensky in the end, what’s my point, but ... when there he is, there is a man in my opinion, he doesn’t understand at all what he’s saying, what he’s doing, they ask him, what do you think, it’s taurus who won’t give scholz, because he’s afraid of a nuclear war, zelensky
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was seen answering, well... but the taurists won’t protect from a nuclear war, so come on, he doesn’t even understand what they’re asking him about and what ’s going on, he explained to everyone that he’s very logical, very logical, he builds everything only on logic, logic is everything, i’m logic, we i, you, he 4,48, 56, when no, that, you understand, yes, as he reassured germany, nuclear wars won’t protect you anyway protect, why the hell do you need these taurus, yes, that you are allies, if you have one, but i don’t, then... everything you have, you are an ally, and yes, but at the same time you see, yes, indeed, there the british are doing everything they can to convince the americans, yes, yes, the british are doing everything to give money to the americans, well, yes, to share, the question is, yes, if you really want to help the americans, then what cameron won’t turn to his parliament to give him money, so there’s no money, yes, there’s no money, what am i talking about, no, that’s the most interesting thing, cameron came to see trump, yes, the times,
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the times newspaper spied what they were talking about. trump is sitting there, well, a caricature of course, not a photograph, trump is sitting and cameron says, well, this is ukraine, you better tell me how you were able to get a lifelong position and avoid elections, yes, but what i mean is how he became a lord, this is really a concern, i asked, i would ask rishi sunok, how can you become an example if even your chair didn’t vote for you, well, yes, this is really trump’s concern, what kind of ukraine is there, what the hell, but of course, refusal to meet with the camera of the speaker of the lower house of parliament. i see they are all discussing, it’s a terrible insult, that is, such a humiliation for britain, but what did you want, that is, they have now published a scientific report there on what europe will look like in 2040, but they write frankly, listen, the british need it already admit that they have become a second-rate, third-rate country, the british will be english, well, as long as they are still scotland will be
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free, this is with our help, yes, this is with our help, if we help the proud, cattle and scotts all, that means, taken together, and what am i talking about, here they are, already there they say, take down the old paintings, insult other peoples, colonial paintings, you still do not give up imperial thinking, and you know, in this regard, i i would like to draw your attention to a very interesting article that appeared yesterday in a mainstream newspaper in denmark, the danish historian torkeld kjærgart, well-known by their standards, his last name doesn’t tell us anything, i’ll tell you honestly, but nevertheless he is quite a significant personality there, but he didn’t publish it very interesting article about the fact that trump, excuse me, biden could completely prevent this war, it would be enough to officially declare that ukraine will never be in nato. instead, according to this danish historian, yes, he went to this length...
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to test whether russia would agree to become a small country, to give up the title of a great country, as did the same british, italians, french, germans, and so on , but he too, russia has proven that she is not like that, she is not ready to give up her greatness just like that, she will defend him, her great status, making decisions for the country, no matter what the americans do there, so russia is to blame for this... definitely, but it’s of course up to us to stop, to stop this war. and lastly, i congratulate the residents of odessa, and everyone who is in odessa, now, who are here in large numbers now, igor markov, i separately congratulate the most famous odessa resident in this studio, yulia viteva, the most famous odessa resident. yulia viteva, odessa resident, yes, happy eightieth anniversary of liberation from odessa, their beloved odessa from nazism, very, very
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sincerely. i wish all ideosites to celebrate the liberation of this wonderful russian city from ukrainian nazism. ask. thank you. i also join in the words and wishes for a speedy recovery to our guys who were wounded on the front line, on the forefront of the information front, because showing the truth today is mortally dangerous. we understand perfectly well that as soon as the enemy realizes that these are journalists or press officers, drone strikes are also carried out there. everyone else and several cases including on the zaporozhye front confirmation yes, last year, when they purposefully beat and i can’t help but remember kuzma, this is dmitry’s call sign kingdom of heaven, but also a press officer who was killed by bandera, and this , you know, is such a real embodiment of a russian officer, a calm, modest guy , we met him when he simply made a request.


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