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tv   Taini sledstviya-8  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 2:05am-3:51am MSK

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to celebrate the liberation of this wonderful russian city from ukrainian nazism. ask. thank you. i also join in the words and wishes for a speedy recovery to our guys who were wounded on the front line, on the forefront of the information front, because showing the truth today is mortally dangerous. we understand perfectly well that as soon as the enemy realizes that these are journalists. press officers strikes there with drones and artillery on everyone else, and several cases including on the zaporozhye front confirmation of this was last year, when they purposefully beat and i can’t help but remember kuzma, this is dmitry’s call sign kingdom of heaven, and also a press officer who was killed by bandera, and this , you know, is such a real embodiment of a russian officer, calm, modest guy, we met him when he simply asked to provide additional equipment for the guys there, then somehow the relationship... very quickly
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became friendly, and then friendly, when he was on leave, he i visited the relatives of my colleagues, gave each of them a large bouquet from their children, husbands, and so on, i found kind words there for each mother or wife with greetings from the children of the spouses, when dima was killed, the kingdom of heaven, to his child at that time it was 3 months, but unfortunately - in these - hostilities we are losing our guys, yes, they are, well, that’s how it’s arranged, yes, it’s like this confrontation, but definitely the memory of them will live on, long after the victory in to my native zaporozhye on the liberated part lugansk people's republic, and in the kharkov region, the names of the streets and the actual teaching in the school will appear everywhere.
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after this, his statement was immediately made.
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this is a mandatory position in absolutely all units of the armed forces of ukraine, precisely in order to pump up all these izrachens, well, who, thank god, are recognized as extremist movements in russia, but here is a generally indicative moment, she literally stated, called, or rather, to abandon the old-fashioned mentality and prepare for what women should be drafted into the army. by the way, exactly 6 hours have passed since her statement, i watched when the same center for countering disinformation in ukraine stated that this is not so, she didn’t... mean it and
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they won’t call anyone at all, but then the truth is here they said, well, 65.00 women are already fighting on their own, that is, we feel that they are making mistakes in the information field more and more often, that is, one thing is announced in the morning, a refutation is already underway at lunchtime, and if we talk about mercenaries, here sounded poles they remembered, and the georgians, they were present on the zaporozhye front from the very beginning, the poles were in very large numbers... at first they were responsible for the artillery, for the m37 installations and so on, until vsushnikov had already been trained, they were transported there under guard , everything was generally simple there, but it’s true that from time to time they went en masse to bandera when our polite missiles hit their locations, as in the same sunrise hotel or in one of the plows of the zaporozhye aluminum smelter, well, i won’t spend a lot of other cases a lot of airtime about the quantity and how... this
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is happening now, specifically in the orekhov direction, now foreign mercenaries have arrived again, there are definitely poles there, there are definitely georgians, there’s an interesting point about the poles in general, they work as a so-called carousel, well, similar to a russian carousel, translation. no need, yes, that is, what it consists of, a unit is taken, most often a company, it moves for a month and a half to the line of combat contact, so that they gain experience in confrontation with russia, yes, that is, with russian soldiers as such, all this are currently on leave, all non-servicemen of the polish army and, as if on their own, at the call of the heart or some other parts of the body , went directly to the eastern front, and here is an indicative moment of how... the number grew, or rather did not even grow, how did the factualization of the number of poles’ losses go according to polish sources, which are much more conservative than ours, because the ministry of defense of the russian federation confirms only when a specific pole is identified, that is, not just that there were poles in the unit, i
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let me remind you that in november of the twenty-second year there were 1,200 mercenaries from poland, and this was called directly by the independent political price tag, well, that is, the polish edition, in august. third, 10 thousand polish mercenaries as part of the armed forces of ukraine - this is the thought of poland, and right now in mid-march the ministry of defense of the russian federation announced that 1497 poles were destroyed, well, this is exactly what is documented, by the way i want to remind you that the same character, a little bit, general of the polish army, adam marczek, still too died suddenly, and his position was chief of staff of the eu-alte operational command in mons. that is, monst is a little far from the post-ukrainian space, according to the command, death occurred due to natural causes in a time free from military service in the army, well, i think that for any polish occupier
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, death naturally occurs when he comes to the southern russian lands, this is obvious, with a change of heart, well, in a country where there are so many political acrobats, i’m not at all i'm surprised by the reservation that was issued. circus performer, but in fact their prospects are not bright, under the zelensky regime, any, even a traveling circus, will increasingly become a traveling circus than a circus, so in this regard , everything is clear here, regarding the americans, i don’t quite agree with you, and even with what i heard here, you absolutely correctly said, vladimir rudolfevich, that americans invest in success, but the same 300 billion were invested in 2014 and the americans had a success story, after all, they took under control of a huge... country, they actually, without being at the negotiating table in the minsk process, disrupted this negotiation process, they bent the europeans, they, so to speak, put them in a puddle, showed their inability to solve the problems that arose on the european
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continent on their own, they carried out expansion into the european market, they actually sent the european economy into such an easy state. the knockout is still easy, so, as for their losses, well, yes, the period before the failure of the counteroffensive, it was their success story, and then bam, and the counter-offensive failed, it must have coincided, and the democrats are fighting directly with the republicans, they cannot allocate money to ukraine, ay-ay-ay, and the whole world is watching this and thinking that this is actually so, if paman there is no treasury, although i am convinced.
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in general, they are, let’s say, absolutely logical. the law on mobilization, i’ll just remind you, what was the idea of ​​the law on mobilization? it consisted of two parts: the first part is political - this is the fight with your political opponent, yes, the second is for the population, but you know, it is necessary pass the law on mobilization, why? because the soldiers at the front require rotation, they also require demobilization, rotation, well , this needs to be spelled out in law somehow, and now you...
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this is the first, i’m not sure that, i’m not sure that they will pass these are all the amendments, this law will be adopted, it will be ready by the summer, and even if it is... ready, then it will not actually solve a single problem that this law was supposed to solve, so the soldiers who ukrainians are at the front, there will be no rotation for them, but you look at zelensky’s behavior, he speaks and says that yes, this rotation needs to be carried out, but these guys who are there, he says, they need to be replaced with equivalent ones, i of course apologize, the question is how to do this practically , well, how to do this practically? well, it’s one thing for a person who has 2 years of combat experience, and another
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thing for a person who was caught in odessa, stuffed into a bus and sent to war, well, these are two different soldiers, really, well, completely different, and this this this soldier will become maybe in 2 years, too, if he survives, of course, that’s it, but there’s really no one to replace them, so today they actually told the army, you will fight as long as the political leadership of the country needs.
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they didn’t know then that not only crimea, but you too, that is, then you pretended to be ukrainians, yes, that is, when for victory, for our victory, crimea is ours, and so, the answer was very simple, in the sense of crimea, we gave up crimea, so the issue was resolved, and all ukrainian politics at that time in the month of april i understood that we gave up crimea, there is no conversation for crimea. operations on the territory of crimea will not be carried out, that is, then it was a consensus, everything is fine,
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why did i remember about this time, because the next event, well, when you write some kind of document, you need justification, including material, like who it will be, which anti-terrorist center, how many people, how much money and so on, the second question was, the americans will give us a penny and how much they will give, and in agreement with the embassy in the usa it was said that this is the amount. will be allocated and that’s why this decree was adopted, why am i talking about this in such detail, because they didn’t give the money, and you already managed to spend it without volodya, a terrible thing, because if this republican guy is right and says that in since 2014, 300 billion dollars have been invested in ukraine, then 300 billion dollars of this money should have been after 2014, yes, when they started financing, they should have turned ukraine into a garden, there should have been some kind of flowering garden. ukraine should have been democratic, free, not only should the roads be good,
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there should be plane flows, citizens of ukraine could travel all over the world, including without a us visa, but so, well, so, but it had to be so if such huge americans invested money in ukraine after 1914, listen, vladimirovich, 300 yards, imagine that this is another 300, these are carriages, these are trains filled with trains. and what do you have to do with it? why am i just talking? no, this is american money, which they will easily cut among themselves, you have nothing to do with it, and i i’ll explain why i started with this decree about the anti-terrorist operation, because after some time, maybe a few days, maybe weeks, ukraine as a state can be recognized as a terrorist state, you know, that is, they started with an anti-terrorist operation, and can end with that the entire state can be considered terrorist. state, because the terror that unleashes, and this is already obvious, and the head of the sbu,
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the head of gur, admit that we have beaten and will beat, so what, what is the ost telling us that there is no need to beat russian oil refineries, we will beat, this is our goal, why am i saying all this, you know, because - it seems to me that when in america they discuss , what is the victory of ukraine in america’s opinion, what is the victory of ukraine, and no one in ukraine. doesn’t know what the victory of ukraine is, the same zelensky, let’s throw off zelensky, let’s live, this is one of the wait, wait, while you’re giving him an interview in kharkov, what do i mean, i personally i don't give it.
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i say 4,000 rubles in rubles, but now on april 1 they contract people for 500,000 rubles. who told you this, i saw that 500,000 rubles are given to people who go armed with weapons in their hands , i looked at how much they are paid, well, why not, they are paid to those who are on the front line 70,000 hryvnia, 1000 hryvnia for completing a combat mission, who are you? told tales, i
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'm talking about private companies which, listen, is one of them that is prohibited. azov is an official unit of the ukrainian armed forces with a number with others they receive 70,000 plus 1000 hryvnia on the front line, this is less than what our soldiers receive; they refuse to march on the clock.
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yes, i’m just looking at the data, what you say is not true, from the program i’m talking about the obukhilta, i ’m saying that the ukrainians are not at least a person, some of the people, how many people, specifically, you got this data from where, how many people signed contract, there is, if you want, i will prepare it for you and give it to you, i will prepare a figure for you, i will personally send it to you, i know this figure, there is, please tell me, if so, if you so, let me take your side.
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1600 people, we don’t have mobilizations, we don’t have enough people on the streets, they are dragging in beads, since our border is open, one might get the impression that since in ukraine all the heelers all want to run away because there is no one to fight and soon everything will fall, never mind no, i didn’t say that, it’s not you who is saying this, but the impression is that the ukrainian army, the logic is not the same, they don’t pour in, they... die in wild numbers, they die, they cannot surrender, because they will be finished, the system works barrier of detachments, the system of coercion of families works, when they try to surrender, they also begin to be eaten, therefore, but at the same time, if you ask yourself the question, how many volunteers signed a contract with the ukrainian army figure,
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then you will pay attention to what everyone says ukrainian experts, the tragedy is that the import points are empty. it’s true that in tiktok now there is something that westerners are shouting separately, look how cool it is in tiktok, azov is trying, but what do we see, what do we see about azov? mediocre, weak, pathetic cats who surrendered to the call, so we gather and celebrate peace, celebrate victory or what, well, according to your logic, this is a very simple victory, you again don’t hear me, those ukrainians who wanted to fight went for the first year and they all did.
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i’m talking about, i’m talking about the fact that those people who fought for a year or two, and then rested, are now signing new contracts and are going back and forth, you know these numbers, who was rested, excuse me, but where was, who was released from what units, now the problem is that they are not their own mobilized they’re letting you go, vasimovich, and where did you come from ? i wonder where they went to rest, where they came from, you can literally understand,
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they’ve already chopped up 500,000, that’s why it was said just now, that’s why it was said just now, give 500,000 to make up for the losses, of course, the men were taken by force , the villages are empty, this is not good, this is also true, this is also part of the truth, who was released, who was released from the front, listen, when zaluzhny said, give 500,000
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, surrender, join the ranks, everything will be fine, and those who are like, well they will fertilize mother earth. that's all, see you tomorrow. good evening, there is news from st. petersburg on the air, igor strakhov in the news studio, briefly about
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the main thing. on vacation with dad in the moscow region , they found three children living in the basement. muslims celebrate eid al-fitr in the morning; thousands of believers gathered in mosques. for businessmen , the commissioner for the rights of entrepreneurs spoke to the deputies. the capsule that went through the fire of the st. petersburg museum of cosmonautics is a new, unique exhibit. knocked down at a zebra crossing. police are checking after an accident on moskovsky prospekt, two people were hit by the wheels of a foreign car there in the morning. the car flies along the highway, does not have time to brake at the crossing and crashes into a cyclist, the man ends up on the hood, and then falls on the pedestrian’s girl, the driver , frightened, runs out of the car, the suv
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drives away. forward on people they miraculously were not crushed, the victims escaped with bruises and shock, after receiving medical assistance they were released home, to the police, the driver said that he was distracted and did not notice how he drove into the intersection on red. in the moscow region police took three children from the basement of a residential building. it turned out that the boys lived there with their father. as the mother explained to investigators, the woman came from another city, and she sent her sons to visit. mikhail dubkov, more details. the quiet courtyard of a house on moskovskoye highway was rocked by a shocking story: the residents discovered three young children; the boys had been hiding in the basement for several days. the kids were found in this basement . the entrance is now sealed. according to neighbors, the man worked and lived here for a year and a half. the police found out that the tenant the premises are the father of the minors, and they literally live on heating pipes, in complete unsanitary conditions, without warm clothing.
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bed linen. police officers, including juvenile affairs inspectors, quickly arrived at the scene of the incident. it was established that his three sons, aged from two to 6 years, lived in the basement with the father. however, the mother is in another region. according to the investigation, parents anastasia and arthur never lived in an official marriage. the father is not even listed on the birth certificate. a few months ago, a woman decided to leave st. petersburg for samara and took the boys with her. but according to the mother, dad came to them and invited the guys to visit, they happily agreed when we called, of course they told me how they spend the day, what they do, what they eat, when they called me, it happened the day before yesterday situation, i was terrified, because no one expected this, the mother rushed on the first flight, investigators are now working with her, the children are in the hospital, they are under control doctors and feel well,
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meanwhile... in relation to the parents, the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs opened a criminal case under the article of failure to fulfill the duties of raising a minor, the city prosecutor's office also became interested in the situation. the prosecutor's office will evaluate the parents' performance of their duties, as well as compliance with the requirements of the law on the prevention of neglect of minors. particular attention will be paid to the issues of the further life of children in order to respect their rights to a prosperous and safe parenting. the situation is being monitored by the office of the commissioner for children's rights in st. petersburg. anna mityanina visited the guys in the hospital and talked to them. all three are in good condition. they are willing to make contact, although psychologists still note a slight constraint in communication. now, according to the obbudsman, the main thing is to resolve the issue with the parents. the father does not have any documents for the children, and he does not have parental rights.
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as for mom.
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avenue and adjacent streets, from the minaret a traditional sermon sounded before prayer. eid al-fitr is the second most important holiday in islam; it symbolizes the end of strict fasting and the removal of all its restrictions. in this place, a person cleanses himself, improves himself, becomes closer to the world around him, sees what is happening around him, and accordingly, based on this , begins to work for... eid al-fitr is a holiday for 3 days. believers congratulate each other on the end of the fast, give alms and exchange gifts with loved ones. traditionally, they visit the graves of relatives and prepare festive dishes. during these days it is customary for families to gather and invite friends and neighbors to the house. helpline for businessmen and labor shortages the commissioner for the rights of entrepreneurs delivered an annual report to the deputies.
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read more about this, as well as about the new fines. according to the commissioner, the solution is to attract migrants. now workers from other countries make up 10% of the st. petersburg labor market, more is needed, but this must be done safely. a migrant registration system, from
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an application from an enterprise that a carpenter is needed, which was received, for example, in tajikistan, they found a reasonable carpenter there, and he comes to us; at the border he receives a card where all his data is recorded. where he receives salaries, where he pays taxes, where he fails his medical examination, where he gets a job, if he didn’t get a job as a carpenter, then in a month he will be ejected back, we don’t have such a system, it needs to be built. after the report, the deputies asked questions, including about scooters. this is a profitable business, it is actively developing. valery kolugin did not support the idea of ​​banning them. noted, kick-sharing companies they engage in an open conversation and comply with the restrictions imposed. parliamentarians also made proposals. of which concerned the hotline of fakes from representatives of law enforcement calling for entrepreneurs, now quite a lot of them introduce themselves, talk about some kind of checks, mislead entrepreneurs, today, unfortunately, there is no such line where
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entrepreneurs could call, especially when applying such signals, to secure a confident, reliable, honest answer, so i really it’s nice that valery valentinovich supported this initiative. in addition to the speech of the business ombudsman, deputies discussed the next fines. for motorists, we are talking about parking on the so-called operational markings, if in simple terms it is a yellow or orange mesh on the asphalt or along a curb, municipalities can apply it in places of access to garbage dumps and fire hydrants, this is done to make life easier for citizens, deputies explain. in practice, there were cases when the subject of consideration in the courts was such a subjective factor associated with whether a parked car is in the way or not, so... with such markings there should be no additional disputes here, if you parked on the markings, then you are a violator, if your vehicle is not parked on the markings, then there is no corpus delicti and you will be fined you won't get it. the markings will not appear in all yards at once; where
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they do not have time to apply them, the existing law will apply, which prohibits blocking the entrance to the container site with a car. according to the authors of the document, the state the administrative and technical inspection, which records such... violations , issued almost 40,000 fines last year, all our yards are parked there, in general, parking spaces are not very easy, maybe we should additionally oblige the municipalities there from an optimal point of view, let’s say , geometry, mark out courtyards so that it is convenient for people to park , including as many cars as possible in one area. deputies also decided to simplify the procedure for submitting documents for citizens applying for apartments under contracts social hiring, offer. create a one-window system, collect all documents, and this will not be necessary for more than ten items; information already at the disposal of government agencies will be automatically filed with the file. anastasia larionova, alexey kuptsov, alexey fokin, olga potapenko, lead
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st. petersburg. in the southeast of st. petersburg , the reconstruction of the kolpinskoye highway is being completed. the one and a half kilometer section from sofiyskaya street to moskovskoe highway began to be asphalted. the final stage is the construction of local treatment facilities. workers will install. protective cranes will be installed, an external lighting system will be installed, markings will be applied, the road will be expanded to four lanes, this will increase the transport accessibility of two districts at once, kolpinsky and pushkinsky, and will speed up access to the m10 and m11 highways. the section that we will build will certainly relieve congestion in slavyanka and kolpino, and it will be much easier for people to travel here. we plan to launch traffic at the beginning of may, i think the first, and in general we have a contract until june. they are completing reconstruction on another section of the kolpinskoye highway from sofiyskaya street to intersection of feeder and tankers. according to road workers, the new asphalt will last at least 20 years. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in
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the studio leonid petrov. the wind will increase, there will be short rains in places and it will become twice as cold as the day before. on thursday. in st. petersburg during the day without rain +10 on thermometers it may be windy and the sun will definitely come out, friday night will pass with precipitation and at +5 on thermometers, have a good day in your mood in any weather... unique the exhibit, the original emitted apparatus of the ms-02 spacecraft, was delivered to the museum of cosmonautics
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on the eve of the 603rd anniversary of yuri gagarin’s flight. the idea of ​​its installation was supported by the city government. the steel capsule traveled to space in 2017 and returned three astronauts from the iss to earth. among them was flight engineer andrei borisenko. he talked about his flight and how the return from orbit took place. according to him, the black color of the descent module is not paint, but traces of hot plasma. it forms around. ship, when it enters tight layers of the atmosphere. earth looks like a brightly glowing meteor, while the astronauts see everything that is happening from inside the capsule. we see not only this glow that forms outside, but we also see how the glass begins to char, begins to melt from the periphery to the center, here you begin to understand that those 2-3° are not an abstract concept, this is a very specific temperature , from which the crew separates a few millimeters of skin. and a few centimeters of heat-protective coating. the capsule was installed
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on a pedestal next to the cosmonautics museum. there is a tradition of transferring spent descent vehicles to the homeland of one of the crew members. and st. petersburg is the hometown of andrei borisenko. the international ballet festival "dance open" started at the alexandrinsky theater. the twenty-third season opened with the st. petersburg premiere, the historical play "yaroslavna". production by the perm opera and ballet theater based on the ancient russian epic... a word about igor's campaign. the epic is not about victory, but
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defeat. prince igor made an unsuccessful campaign, was wounded and captured. at the very the choir enters at dramatic moments. in addition to the perm opera and ballet theater, russia is represented at the festival by the ural ballet. among the foreign participants, the best corpses are from china, south africa, cuba, and argentina. hungary and other countries. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and complete. rest is rest, we know
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everything about rest. anex. titanic luxury collection. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment. lio records we
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are here for you titanic delluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. everyone is here. a room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delux, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. director ivan pyrev did not have time to shoot the film the brothers karamazov to the end; he did not have enough strength for several iconic scenes for the film. the leading actors mikhail ulyanov and kirill lavrov took on the duties
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of director and completed the film. this picture turned out to be the last in the life of ivan pyrev, just as the novel the brothers karamazov became the last. i don’t love dmitry fedorovich anymore, the karamazov brothers are a love melodrama with terrible
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passions, gypsies, cruel romances, you tell me not to remember the villain of the kulikhs, and a detective story, a thriller and a philosophical one. a parable about the meaning of life, the national idea. i love russia, alyoshka, the russian god, even if i can get close. faith, women and money, these are the three forces that divided the karamazov family. brother, tomorrow is a terrible and great day for you. each of the brothers could step to the very lowest and cosmic heights of the spirit. shoot, right, aidoshi to me. “a russian man is not looking for happiness, whoever doesn’t want his father to die, you love him for nothing, so he’s looking for something else, this other thing is beyond the limits of peace, prosperity, normality, oh, i hate both your nun, and mitenka, all i hate russia,
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who are you referring to, this young lady, here are the women." i am with you forever, even if during this struggle they have to destroy much more than they gain. and here is a testament to you, in grief, in grief, look for your happiness, life will bring you a lot of misfortune. the source of the novel by the karamazov brothers was personal drama by fyodor dostoevsky. on may 16, 1878 , a tragedy occurred in the writer’s family: his three-year-old son alyosha died. in the morning everything was fine, but unexpectedly, at 10:00 the boy felt
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unwell. there was no way to help. after 4 hours, the writer’s youngest son was already not was. dostoevsky believed that the boy genetically inherited from him a tendency to epilepsy; it drove the child to the grave. the writers of the rocks could not find the answer to the question: why did the lord take the life of an innocent child. in society at that time there was a lot of talk about the obtino elders, orthodox monks who had reached incredible heights of spirit, to whom, forgetting about pride and fame, famous russian writers and famous journalists went with their problems. deep philosophers, stand in line with the peasants and the local poor. one of my friends who visited dostoevsky’s family in difficult times, suggested that the writer could be helped by a trip to optina pustyn to elder ambrose. and tell me, where does reverend father zasima live? elder zasim lives in skete. in the film, as in
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the book, the elder then became such a spiritually enlightened person. the karamazov family gathers at his monastery. this is where the picture begins. a soviet film filmed in an atheistic society, but pyrev neglected many of the rules established then, but apparently he needed to atone for some of his sins in this way and he did truly christian cinema without censorship, without restrictions, he did what he did, he said that a person like him, with karamazov’s thirst for life, power and lethality, and so to speak, is allowed, confession is a great sacrament, suddenly on his knees in front of everyone , there was a lot of this karamazovsky in him, he is such
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a classic fyodor pavlovich, all his relationships with a woman, there is one girl, i’ve seen enough of her for a long time, but the truth is that it’s still basanozh, in addition, he reached all positions, took enormous power, then he has when after the death of stalin, difficulties and friction began... with khrushchev, he did not allow himself to be knocked down, i knew, i knew that you would come, dostoevsky went to optina pustyn in such a way that on the fortieth day after the death of his son he would be the elders in height . on these subsequent visits, fyodor mikhailovich saw the elder three times and received answers to his questions. but besides the answers, he had an unexpected idea. he's a writer. he can create a novel in which his alyoshenka does not die as a child, but reaches adulthood and becomes a church-going man, a disciple of an elder,
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what life awaits him, what trials, what future? in the first scenes of the film, we see such an alyosha on the eve of fateful upheavals. thirty-year-old alyosha karamazov played him well. theatergoers knew because he was involved in the best performances of the moscow sovremennik theater. in cinema, the time for his star roles has not yet come, but dostoevsky is not an author for everyone. it's all a gift. in the role of alyosha, andrei vasilyevich felt uncomfortable. it was not through this image that he wanted to gain recognition. andryusha i really didn't like this role. i’ll say it badly, but i’ll still say it. he says, don’t remind me, i say, why are you and me so little?
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spectators of seventy-year-old mark prutkin, an actor invited to play the role of karamazov’s father fyodor. mark isakovich was greatly appreciated by theatergoers; for the last eight years he has impulsively and passionately played fyodor karamazov on the mkhat stage. surprisingly, despite his theatrical fame , he was almost never offered film roles. there were several episodes a long time ago, about 40 years ago. well, it’s like he was taken from a play, in almost finished form, but this. of course, this is the mkhatov school, this, this variety of intonation, this karamazovism , is simply magnificent. mark prutkin
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initially turned him down; most likely he was tired of waiting for offers from film directors. at such a respectable age, he did not at all want to master the specifics of cinema, which had not needed him before. pyrev did not give in to the actor’s objections and eventually achieved agreement.
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sit down and say, that’s it, don’t be shy, the very last thing is said, only once a day in their presence, the director could not restrain himself, he lost his temper, then they saw that such a legendary pyrev temperament, although the reason for the outburst was, frankly speaking, trivial, when will the smell of garlic stop here, i think, well, i’m done, i’m dead, and i have a mother-in-law i cooked cutlets and put a drop of garlic in it, i thought i was going to die, and he came to me... he says, don’t worry, it’s me for you, it’s me for mishka, he always reeks of garlic, he always reeks of garlic, where are you , my little mother,
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come, come here, don’t be afraid, if mark prutkina for some reason, they weren’t invited to act in films, but mikhail ulyanov was invited a lot, mostly to play the roles of the right heroes, each of which could become an emblem of socialist realism. it was an honor, but the biography of the great actor was deprived. any step towards other characters and genres was perceived as treason. he understood perfectly well that for this reason he was unlikely to be invited to audition for the karamazov brothers. mikhail ulyanov plucked up the courage for the first time in his life to ask to take part in the film. mikhail alexandrna's wife charla petrovna always called him 4 n as a joke. no, you can’t, it’s inconvenient, indecent. he could never ask anything or anyone for himself. for others, please, just like that, to beg for a role, it was impossible. how
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could you, like this. was able, but he wanted to star in pyryev’s brothers karamazov so much that he stepped over all four of his own, i can’t, i went to him, and as he writes in his diary, sluggishly, so confusedly enough, asked him for some role, it’s important to him it was easy to act in this film, dostoevsky was important to him, it was pyryev who looked at him with with some chill, as ulyanov writes, he said, well, except...
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it’s just such a time for a person when you need to think about what you’re doing in this world, perhaps his family drama, his father, the chairman of the collective farm, was superimposed on this , took part in the destruction of five churches even before the war, and then after the war under khrushchev he himself supervised the explosion of another church, they had a big quarrel because of this.
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the experienced, already eminent mikhail ulyanov was shaking like an applicant before the auditions, didn’t sleep at night, overacted, fussed, this is what he was a doubting person, and he showed this a lot in dmitry, this one seems to be such a strong child at the same time, he doesn’t
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believe himself and doesn’t believe others, doubts. overcoming, searching for answers, the most complex, what can be more difficult than dostoevsky and his main character, in general the myticism of ramazov, an exponent of, well, in general, the russian character of everything that is very russian, which... can be in a person, of course, this is the myticism of ramaz. 200 rubles per gypsy. we understand, dimit. receiving the payment, andrey, oh, master, why are there so many of them? take it, take it and remember karamazov. and comprehend it yourself. and then to convey this, yes, image on the screen, this, of course, is comparable to creating, i don’t know, building a temple by painting a picture, a symphony. this was the scale of this work for mikhail alexandrovich. ulyanov had to get confused in the character of his hero, and then slowly and painfully come to understand the karamazovs' mitts. as soon as he was approved for the role, he put the karamazov brothers
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under his pillow and, as he writes, he knew for sure that they would not pull them out until the very end , it's very good for them it got in the way when other actors pestered him with questions about what they should do, he got irritated and said, just ask ilyanov, he reads dostoevsky. the more he tried to show mitya’s temperament, this is his love, his passions, this bubbling ocean, the worse the role turned out, some crazy person was running on the screen, absolutely insane, and at the meeting we talked for hours, he sometimes told me once already shortly before his death, feeling unwell, he was lying on the sofa, i went up to to him, he said: if you only knew how difficult life sometimes is for me, well... i understand mitya, if only you understood the way i understand him. he found the key to this role, when one can say that everything has already been played, so mitya must see in everyone around him this light
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of christ’s love, and if it is not there, he will go to katarga, go to the cross in order to do everything that it is in his power to return this love to this world. for anyone else, all this would have worked out.
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to make friends with the actors who played these characters, ulyanov and kiril lavrov, and for the whole life. their relationship lasted for decades, even death occurred in one year. i was deeply touched by the fact that kirillovich lavrov came to ulyanov’s funeral at the end of their lives, he himself passed away a month later, you know, he apparently understood that in this state, probably, to go somewhere, this is already a test, after all, he was repaying his debt.
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you are a nonentity, you are a lackey, a stinking lackey, you don’t believe in such human pain. who is played wonderfully by nikulin, he is one of the most, as if manifested here, you don’t understand , rorschich acquires quite such human very, very piercing outlines, and i’m your brother, just like you , a karabaz, and i feel so incredibly sorry for him. really
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becomes one of the main characters and such a full-fledged brother to everyone else. thank god, finally, when choosing who will play katerina ivanovna, pyrev first had to decide for himself the question: should it be a famous actress who has already been accepted by the audience, or a completely new face on the screen? he, in my opinion, only had two actresses audition for this role, one of them was tatyana vasilievna dorogina, who, i think seems.
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i love dmitry fedorovich, i feel sorry for him. it was impossible to take your eyes off svetlana karkoshka: love, deceit, humility, cruelty, calculation and unpredictability. she played all this at the same time, absorbing a lot of contradictions from which dostoevsky loved to compose his heroines. i can confess to the audience that there is almost nothing of mine there. it was an exploitation of mine.
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shows alyosha when he turns to god: why, why, lord, did you allow him to mock the ashes of the old man, and this is fyodor pavlovich, fyodor pavlovich is waiting for grushenka with such intense attention and anticipation, this is fyodor pavlovich, fyodor pallovich is not only a lover of sweets here, pallovich is such a buffoon.
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those women who did not refuse him any, well, it was a form of power, because love, he not only did not shoot, but generally ruined their careers, but at the same time all his women were quite outstanding actresses, and ada voytsov and marina ladynina, and even lionella pyryeva, who never really played anything other than grushenka, my lady sweet, but she played grushenka very correctly. such a pear, he pulled out
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what was in it, and you know that the angel-lady, the readiness to tear her happiness with her teeth, i won’t kiss your hand, i won’t kiss, what’s the matter with you, stay with that as a memory that you - they kissed my hand, but i didn’t, but you are impudent, this is in her, this is this, this is the grip, and with the cutest appearance, with the taaric temperament, with such fragility, femininity, everything, this so, and it’s not that there’s some kind of nasty malice, no, but it is precisely this vital force that he did not discern and which made the image. i’m going, goodbye, lyosha, my fate is decided, let me kiss you, my dear, maybe i’m going to die, but now go, go, during the filming of the karamazov brothers, dostoevsky was not yet included in
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the school curriculum, his name was recently returned to university textbooks , under stalin he was not banned, he was still a world figure, but he had to study dostoevsky... ivan aleksandrovich decided to figure out what a russian person is and what is his purpose? goodbye yagrafen alexan, believe god and me, you have no social guarantees that you won’t be sent to prison tomorrow, no matter who...
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and now, within these shabby walls, i ’ve changed my mind on so many things, so much strength has arisen in me that it seems , i will overcome everything, all the suffering, all the torment, just to tell myself that i live, i exist, i see the sun, if i don’t see it there in the mines underground, then i will know that it exists, and i will know that there is the sun , this is all life, alyosha, all life, he is underground there, but the sun still shines, he loves life, he is a free man, he preserved himself, no matter what happened to him. ivan aleksandrovich worked on the painting as usual; one could not say about him that he was weak, tired or sick until the very
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last day. remember, the rally is yours, no one expected his death at the age of 66, as in 1881, no one thought that he would die. dostoevsky, on his last day of filming , an unforeseen incident happened on set, a lighting device exploded, this one lantern was not allowed to rest, at the end of the third take a terrible rupture, and this glass just rained down on me, ivan sadoch was sitting like that, watching the scene, and he was the first to rush to me... rushed out, extinguished it, which means there was a fire in my hair, well, here, it’s not, not a strong fire , but, but so, even here he still has a scar, well , the shock, of course, is a terrible, terrible shock, and it’s like a white table, our photographer,
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ivan dmitrievich nazarov, filmed the end of one rehearsal, a rehearsal of a scene in ukaterina’s house ivanovna. after this moment, ivan alesonoviev said: “well, tomorrow we’ll start with this.” these were the last seconds of work pyreva. and so they carried ivansanych out into this black one, this one.
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then just like that, they themselves, they proved very simply to the director of mosfilm that they knew, so to speak, what he wanted. ivan aleksandrovich pyrev, what he wanted from them, and
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he talked a little about the concept, so to speak, of his direction, so they proved that they were the only ones. actors kirill lavrov and mikhail ulyanov, who perform the roles of dmitry and ivan karamazov, carry out the work before the film is shot. the film crew, which included a second director, cameraman, and assistants different, then they were still on their own. in places, in principle, the route was set, they just had to pick up this inertia and somehow the illusion of this movement, well, extend it as far as possible, they began the final work, i must say, difficult filming, because they had to film the trial, the scene with the devil, the scene of dmitry’s arrest in the village of mokroy. for the last episode , pyr shot 739 m, and there was twice as much left to do.
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there is such a force that can withstand everything, what kind of strength, what, karamazov’s strength of baseness, filming under the direction of ulyanov and lavov lasted from march 11 to june 19, 1968, and by the beginning of september the last episode was edited, as soon as the karamazov brothers were completed, the plot of the film spilled out into life,
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and according to pyrev’s directorial developments, they simply completed this technically work to the end, she wrote to the central committee, she started a lawsuit, she didn’t win it, everyone told her that with ulyanov, who there, in general , was much larger in weight than the widow, which means pyryeva, they won’t compete, but she seems i fought like an animal. the brothers karamazov appeared on screens in early 1969 and according to a magazine poll.
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that's how he somehow waited for his lord after all the experiences of his long and full life, soon after he died, it turned out that mikhail alexandrovich transferred about 2 million rubles for the restoration of a temple somewhere in his native place, maybe one from those temples that were destroyed by his father. lord, my god, create a miracle. the film, which ivan pyrev could not complete with his own hands, received worldwide recognition. in
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in 1970, he was included in the list of films nominated for an oscar.
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everything, everything is allowed, i will not renounce this formula, but what about you, you will renounce me for this, in defiance of circumstances, but he filmed what he apparently dreamed of, what he had dreamed about all his life, he expressed himself , this is what he could never do, what he pressed, what was, as it were , the flip side, the shadow of all these collective farm comedies, this all of these, for which stalin’s prizes were not given, what was banned, he at the end of his life he did it because apparently he always wanted to. after the publication of the karamazov brothers by dostoevsky, readers, critics and church ministers, especially the brothers of the optina hermitage, were excited, they decided who dostoevsky portrayed under the name zasima, whether
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optinsky was the prototype of this hero. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true
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excellence by embodying. dreams into reality kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with lioresorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden and azure beaches. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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news time on the culture tv channel, in the studio egor bedulya, hello! resumption of belina's opera. from the point of view of an artistic view or decision, everything remains the same, and this is fundamentally important. the bolshoi theater is preparing to show a masterpiece of the roman-korsky, satko. from carriages to electric buses. now a bit of a former garage and future museum, yes, a great
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architectural structure. transport museum moscow showed the permanent exhibition building, melnikov's garage. xelography and engraving truly elevated it to the rank of high art, which competed with painting; an exhibition of albrecht durer, the genius of the renaissance, opened in the center of the hermitage ural. the opera sadkov, directed by dmitry chernyakov , was shown for the first time in the bolshoi theater. this was the last premiere before the pandemic. for 2 and a half years the performance was not in the repertoire, but now in the year of the 180th anniversary of
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the birth of the roman korsykov, the opera is being resumed. there are already two on the historical stage rehearsals go on for weeks, and the bolshoi theater dedicates its first performance to the outstanding opera singer vladimir atlantov. artists at rehearsal in casual clothes. at the performance they will dress in the costumes of boyars and residents. underwater kingdom, sadko’s image will remain almost the same, jeans and sweater. dmitry chernyakov, preserving the scale of the score of the roman korsakov and the magical elements of classical fairy-tale operas, makes the heroes of the performances of modern people, with their fears, doubts, problems, rehearsals are not directed from the audience, immediately on stage corrects the artists and corrects the mise-en-scène. here, i opened up directly, i trusted, even when i was rehearsing, i said, i will trust 100%, 200%, whatever.
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with the feeling that you can, that you can’t, your ambitions, imperfections, hopes, passions, loss and so on and so on, they are , in general, always, and of course, our heroes, they are trying, going through this in the plot, in this fairy tale, they find something inside themselves that was previously inaccessible to them. dmitry chernyakov, performing in the production not only as a director, but also as a set designer, he preserves the theatrical tradition of previous sadcon stage productions. playing in its own way with the scenery of the masters of the past, korovin, belibin, roerich, fedorovsky. of course, in the old theater many things were painted, as if on canvas, you know, like papa karl’s fireplace,
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a picturesque set with painted perspectives, but here we produce everything in real life, in a natural, how to say, 3d dimension, that is, we have three-dimensional scenery, we translate all this into volume, and of course, since we quote them, for us it becomes an additional fairy-tale world, that is, we are not inventing it, but we are borrowing it from the bolshoi, huge moving scenery, the most technologically complex productions , more than 500 costumes, not a single one of which is repeated, 160 chorus singers and actors, almost the entire opera house is occupied in the performance theater troupe. janette arlt, alexander podkokhan, culture news. the famous melnikov garage, a cultural heritage site, will acquire a new status at the end of this year, but the building will still be connected with moscow transport. ksenia egorova found out what... the future awaits the recognized masterpiece of constructivism. seeing melnikov's garage from the inside is a rare success. over the past decades
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, there have been a great many ideas on how to adapt the miracle of architectural engineering to modern life, but all of them have not been realized. the vital thing turned out to be the most obvious - preserving the function of the building. now it’s a bit of a former garage and a future museum, but a great architectural structure or our most important exhibit, an architectural exhibit. konstantin melnikov's garage, which in the future will become a museum transport of moscow. a garage in the shape of syrp and hammer, when viewed from above, appeared on novoryazanskaya street towards the end of the twenties of the last century, thanks to the capital’s increased need for freight vehicles. the project was entrusted to the innovator konstantin melnikov; at that time he was completing the construction of another bakhmetevsky garage, where he used a direct-flow traffic system. here it is, this unique garage design. openwork designs like that. cleverly distribute the entire load on the walls that support pillars they are simply not needed here. the author of this almost lacy balance was vladimir shukhov, he was
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already nearly 80 at the time of the implementation of the bold project. unfortunately, some of this beauty has not reached our time; some of the trusses with those same rivets had to be created anew. nowadays, no one makes riveted joints in our country, perhaps only missiles, submarines and ships. and there were certain difficulties in finding and recreating.
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years, then this updated masterpiece of the avant-garde will be opened to visitors. ksenia gorova, alexey akimov, culture news. new russian choreography. yaroslavna's performance opened the international ballet festival "dance open". a production based on the poem about igor's campaign was shown by the perm opera and ballet theater. ekaterina gritsienko learned how to translate the old russian epic into the language of dance. glory to you. this heroic epic is not
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about victory, but about defeat. in 1885, prince igor svetoslavovich made an unsuccessful campaign against the entire power of the polovetsky steppe, was wounded and captured. we do not know who was the author of the word about igor's regiment, the exact time of its creation is unknown, and the original manuscript burned in a fire in 1812. until now, this is the most mysterious work of ancient russian literature. the choreographic production of the perm opera and ballet theater is also full of hoaxes. at the crossroads of christianity and paganism, the heroes pray to the virgin mary and bury the cuckoo, a straw doll to which they entrust their secrets. leningrad composer boris tishchenko wrote innovative music, surprisingly russian in spirit, in 1974. they staged a ballet on it at the maly opera, now the mikhailovsky opera. theater, half a century later the score inspires choreographers, it is called musical.
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neither death, nor war, nor victories, nor losses are heard in the title of the play, its name is yaroslavna, it is she, the protector of home and homeland, who prayed for the life of her beloved, and it may be symbolic that the story of victorious love opens
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between. returned to eternal glory. katerina gritsienko, sergei tamyuk, sergei larichev. news petersburg. from rhinoceros to apocalypse. works that had never before left the walls of the museum were brought to the urals from the hermitage. the exhibition albrecht durer, the genius of the northern renaissance, is dedicated to the outstanding master who achieved perfection in the art of engraving. report by irina truskova. you see that here are these engravings, where there is not a single, i don’t
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know, calm centimeter, where everything is. seething , full of action, these horsemen of the apocalypse are rushing straight at us. at the end of the 15th century, this series of engravings caused a stir among europeans, as the round date of 1500 was approaching. they predicted the end of the world, and famine and plague, constant internecine wars only intensified effect. albrecht durer could not stay away from the general mood, and his works made a real revolution in graphic art. engraver. began to speak in a completely different language, gave it that degree of artistic freedom that before this, this very simple and primitive art had not known, and dür really elevated it to the rank of high art, which competed with...
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his description of the sketch, yes so accurately that it was precisely this image of the animal that remained in the minds of europeans for two centuries, exhibition will change over time. the fact is that according to museum standards, graphics can only be shown for 2-2 months, then they must rest for 2 years, so the exhibition will be in rotation, and some things will be replaced by the same cycles from other editions, and some things will simply appear new and on 30% will be another exhibition. see masterpieces. pei graphic art can be seen in the halls of the hermitage ural. irina truskova, oleg kuznetsov, vesti ural. new film geniuses explores the life of irish writer samuel beckett. meeting james joyce was a major
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event that changed him both as a person and as an author. what is the secret of genius, stanislav onisimov figured out. he changed modern literature, so loudly and radically they talk about the main character.
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oh, abroad you and i would get rich, take a picture of this couple, and sell it to the newspapers, a member of the regional parliament, the future vice-speaker of the latyps, on a grater with the crime boss myasnikov, the butcher is angry, did you catch who they are hiding, what something bezhana, who let the initiators establish this. go.
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well, you’ll buy me a bottle with a bonus, and okay, wait, bezhan, this is the rector of the institute of politics and law, so he seems to be a scientist, and not a criminal authority, what’s your interest, and my interest is such that you push this into tomorrow's issue, in tomorrow's issue, you know, only if it's really
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exclusive, you didn't give it to anyone, even the police don't know about this yet, i asked the doctors to hold the phone message, they'll only send it today, well then thank you, listen, after all, why do you need this, well, who are you approaching there, through the refugee, there are things, son, that are better not to know, so as not to accidentally give it away through attempts? come on, i'm just kidding, okay, i'm off, i need to do something else in the interests of fighting crime, for now, no, wait, i thought we'd sit and have a drink, but for the exclusive, i'm treating you, you'll owe it, mary sergeevna, the worst indicators, the fewest cases brought to court, we violate deadlines, two were terminated due to absence.
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we need to develop, marya sergeevna, we need to read orders, petrovich, i can express your own thoughts, why did you personally initiate these cases, well, why so and so right away, but the indicators are lame, ivan ivanovich, they are lame? indicators, we need to work better, comrades, nikolai petrovich, marie sergeevna has the most work to do, all complex and also many episodes, thank you, ivan ivanovich, but this does not excuse me, i will try to work better, no, well, no discipline, taxi inexpensive, citizen, ship, or something, well, i’m ready to redeem, no, i’m not going anywhere, the working day is half an hour old... it’s over, maria sergeevna, why are you always talking about work and work, well, i was just passing by, i see
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, i look, a beautiful woman is walking, on foot, with a heavy bag, i think, let me look, korablev, i think, let me, wait, i think, let me , i’ll give you a ride, it’s a pity, eh, i took you for a ride, so what? what do you need from me? marya sergeevna, what a mercantile woman you have become, what do you need? and the luxury of human communication? for example, i just enjoy communicating with you, unlike you. i don’t believe you, but i’m telling you, remember, you forced me to do it. in general, it would be enough to excite the businessman. oh, this is not for me, this is for filonov. he is now our head of the investigation department. marya sergeevna, well, when are these formalities for michel. our communication. lenya, fillunov - this is
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such a formality that cannot be avoided, cannot be avoided. oh, just don't intimidate me. you are an independent figure. but i meant in a procedural sense. we'll report the crime. after all, is an article in a newspaper a cause for excitement or not? okay, let's say i file a case. and filonov cancels the decision to initiate. what then? well, should you appeal then?
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what and there is a picture? yeah. oh, if you knew what it cost me? and... there will be no lawsuits in court, if anything happens, i’ll deduct it from you, i was actually counting on a bonus, all the bonuses were spent on compensation for moral damage, so, well, let’s go to print, well done, what if you fight, show integrity, in the end , to inform the city prosecutor's office, and to involve the public, please, only without me, marya sergeevna, i won't find out from you, but where is the grip, where is the... in the past and in general, i gave my husband a terrible oath, promise not to laugh, that i’ll leave the investigation, what, that you won’t be lucky anymore, but no, i’ll be lucky, of course, you just
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need to realize that to realize, a shocking fact, yes, marya sergeevna, you have changed. “talk, say nasty things, i don’t care, no more politics, no more begging for business, i’m tired, i’m tired, i don’t even want to know what your business is, let’s go, 547, how are you, okay, like a little guy, sleep or "you're having fun, well, let me sleep today"? in general, in different ways, yes, please accept the telephone message, bezhan alla andreevna, 35 years old, was admitted with a burn of the laryngeal mucosa and esophagus, acute intoxication of the body, chemical burn of internal organs,
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severe intensive care condition.


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