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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 3:50am-4:45am MSK

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shocking fact, yes, marya sergeevna, you have changed, speak up, say nasty things, i don’t care, no more politics, no more begging for things to do, i’m tired, i’m tired, i don’t even want to know what your business is, let’s go, 547, execute str. acute intoxication of the body, chemical burn of internal organs, serious condition, intensive care. allow me, mr. colonel,
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i’m reporting that marya sergeevna has left the race and refuses to take part in political games, are you serious, uh-huh, maybe you spoke badly, who am i, when it’s me that’s bad said.
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yes, the prosecutor's office, no, no, we don't give that kind of information, excuse me, the prosecutor's office, so what if you're from the newspaper, yes, we... give that kind of information, yes, all the best, no use, you know, you're interfering with my work , yes, yes, go to hell, you understand, what are you, what are you yelling, you didn’t send the city prosecutor to hell, i thought in... no, and here you are, i’m asking you,
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what are you yelling about, oh well in the morning these journalists have been pestering me about some refugee, don’t let anyone in to see me, why did they come to me, the investigators are now isolated, they have their own bosses, our only supervision. victor ivan, the situation is complicated, we are working closely on myasnikov, and he has latipov in his connections, this is latypov, this, he is the vice-speakers, yes, yes, yes, the butchers are betting on him, the leader of the myasnikov community, the region wants to raise, well, there are a lot of tasty enterprises there, there will be enough for his grandchildren, we documented their friendship when latipov was still elected to the parliament, he has... a serious rival busygin, yes, well
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, i remember that, yes, he was killed on our territory, the capercaillie is still hanging, well , now not with us, now with the investigation, we had information that latypov was moved by the butcher, he also removed his opponent, bye-bye-bye-bye, well, why didn’t we know anything about this, well, viktorich, well, we didn’t bother with you with this information, you won’t be able to apply it to the case. but now, if the butcher promotes his man to the regional government, we will choke under crime, well, your task is clear to us, but it is necessary that from the investigation, what do you want, the refugee is this rector, latypov’s longtime closest connection, it would be advisable to pinch this rector , we are directly polotypov we can’t work, we have parliamentary immunity, this is such an opportunity.
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you want to open a case on the fact of incitement to suicide, but i’m afraid that it will be difficult to open a case, but let this be clarified during the investigation, well, then with the investigators. and we, for our part, will insure ourselves, well , naturally, about our interest in no one, we will play dark with them, the situation forces us, viktor ivanovich, i really
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hope for you, well, all the best, thank you for your time, but you’re welcome, i i thought spy games were not for me, but for... already not for these hard-headed people, well, on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of salyut 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor sovyanykh, the cabin became quiet, a minute and a half remained until... before this there was definitely no manual belay in space, a dead station for the first time , how were you greeted here on earth? i sat for a whole month at the baikan cosmodrome, waiting for me to either be punished or rewarded, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday at rtr, they say, you need
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to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. rest it needs to be beautiful, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
3:58 am
discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. i do not know what to do? we must calm down. if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on saturday, out of a feeling that he himself kidnapped his daughter and kept her in prison, this cannot be, stay away from him, anna mikolysh, alexander nikitin, you are hiding something, don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything , this concerns lyuba, nadya, i should know, ibushka
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is crying, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. "excuse me, but just a second, excuse me, can i go there first, i won't be long, yes, of course, thank you, can i, buevich, well, stunned, well..." is this a casting for the position of a secretary? this is a casting for the position of an investigator. you yourself said that there is no one to work with. well, what do you say? yes, in my opinion, it’s too provocative for a secretary. yes, yeah, that’s it an investigator's place, just right. so, one leg has a long chest, the other has a beautiful chest. well, which
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one should we take? the one that thinks better. you're a brute, guy, petya. boring, but what did you come for? i brought it for excitement, for excitement brought that you excite everything, excite, you are not helping to reduce the growth of crime in our area? so let's go, here’s some material for you to check and don’t even think about getting excited about it, but what is this murder, rape? suicide, attempt, what do we have to do with it? wow, passion, i can’t take it anymore, i don’t want to live, i knew. of course, but to know one thing, but to see, it is not clear why she committed suicide. so,
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peter, don’t feed on rumors there, look at the essence, there are very difficult people involved, you need to carefully check, take an explanation, this and that, but don’t strain too much, and most importantly, don’t get excited about this case under any circumstances, i understand, repeat, i understand, i won’t interfere, nikolai petrovich. casting, it's a delicate matter, peter, go and work, yeah, the boss is already free, thank you, excuse me, what's your name? zhanna, have you already received your legal education? yes, and where, if not a secret? “curiosity is not a threshold, but it’s a big disgusting thing, buevich, listen, i already told you, listen,
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go, go to work, zhanna, the prosecutor’s office, i’ll run, but you go, well, here’s the comedian again on the phone, you never know who’s calling?” “ i’m not being rude to anything, i just hate everything about journalists. that’s it, that’s enough, do something useful, find me a case on the murder of busygin. so, why look for him? here it is. is it that they still haven’t handed it over to the investigative department? well, i haven’t handed over the capercaillie yet, i’d like to deal with the living ones. well, should i pass it on? whoever had it, masha, put it on my table. okay, there's more evidence there. there were bullets, the cartridge cases came back from the bullet,
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find them for me, okay, the material on the bezhan was written up for someone, yes, pyotr anisimovich, uh-huh, how can you do business here, they’ll ruin your mood in the morning. it would be necessary to initiate an investigation actions, investigative actions, yes, we
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will scrape together the evidence there, there is no evidence, very good, calmly stop, then you will say thank you, very slippery material, it will reach the general, you will see, they will study it at all levels, knocks, well, collect more data, put filonov in front of fact, you need to get excited, i will support you, hello, i don’t know, viktor ivanovich, well, what if you refuse to tear the veins, well, tear the veins, well, well, collect personal information, well, in the end , you’ll connect the distillers’ allotment not will refuse to help, well, i don’t know, well, unless, smart girl, smart girl.
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yes, well, old woman, you’re going crazy, you ’re not at home, you’re lying on the sofa, you’re spitting at the ceiling, who else is that? stepanenko, my last name, lawyer stepanenko is your mentor, teacher of advocacy. listen, i’m sorry, i don’t have time right now... so i don’t have time, i’m telling you, you’re throwing something away at me, huh? and i, by the way, as an honest, as an honest person, wanted to warn you that the lawyer was sleeping, why, raise a cop, yes, the head of the homicide
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department, why are you, some kind of unkind. v in fact, i don’t hear joy in my voice, so i won’t pass, i’ll stay here, that’s all, but i’m coming to you on business, well , take a client, there will be very good money for diapers, stepanenko, you’re crazy, i have the child is small, sleeping, and you want me to drag around prisons with him, what kind of prisons, my audience is entirely intelligent, you don’t want a learned husband, i wonder what this learned husband did, abused a student? or he stole the money, oh, that’s how such thoughts can come into the head of a nursing mother, well, zhen, everything is fine there, man honest, and such good people are asking for him, but i’m so irdyk, you know, well, you know, i don’t ruin the affairs of the combat department, i have a husband, everyone has a husband, and
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by the way, there’s no murder there, yes, you know, in front of the rector ipip, this is an institute of politics and law, fir-tree-sticks, well, there is a witness, her mother, she has a whole bottle of pipe cleaning fluid with her, lord, and for those who have it easy, you can, well, what do you want, i that's what i thought, maybe i'll take zhanna with me to familiarize myself with the work of the investigation, now you're getting better, maybe i mean, you’re tearing your soles as you go, but what will zhanna say? yes, that would be very interesting, yeah, well, i don't mind,
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please. yes, she’s alive, she’s alive, they pumped her out in intensive care, yes, yes, of course, she even left a note, you know, i ask you not to blame anyone for my death, it’s clear, it’s a refusal, but the rector will be dragged around, so the work is not dusty, a couple of times sit with him, well , when giving evidence, on his phone... his last name, no, i can’t, valer, i’m sorry, i can’t, you’ll forgive me, of course, but somehow you quickly became crazy, like a whore, so not
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i expected this from you. oh, hi, well, is there husband guard? hello, i'm not guarding anyone, i'm just walking. well, of course, guard, i always knew that you were afraid that some journalist or witness would take your little one away. you have such a wretched fantasy, fyodor mikhailovich, i trust my husband. sorry, sorry, fool, that's it, well, since i ended up here completely by accident, let everyone see what a sweet wife vinokourov has, a charming child, to be honest, i don’t even understand how you manage him, he’s so small that to he’s even scared to approach, and the main thing
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is that it’s not clear what he wants, we have a formal registration on sunday, come with olga, it will be useful for her, merci, oh, he’s so cute, is he a boy or a girl? boy, guys, meet me, this is zhanna, she will work for us as an investigator, my intern, can i take you in my arms? no, don’t, okay, we ’re in a hurry, your boss is in place, there’s a conversation, i don’t understand, but what kind of conversation, are you trying to pin some dusty business on us again? no, i just want to introduce him zhanna, let them work on vkontakte according to the material, i didn’t understand what material, according to bizhan, i heard, wow . yeah, fedya, can i read the newspaper? to be honest, i’ve only just studied the pictures myself, but please, my friends, let me
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guide you. my name is fedor, please. zhanna. stand, zhanochka, come in, the office of my boss, vladimir vasilyevich vinokurov, and here in the corner on the rug, as a rule, i sit, i didn’t forget the rug, hello, hello, meet volodya, this is zhanna, my intern, it’s very nice, come in, have a seat, zhanochka, we have a chair here. fyodor, should i make some tea? yeah, we have candy. so, there are candies, uh-huh, uh, ah,
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help yourself, thank you very much, you’re rich in what you have, and you’re happy about it. sing, well, what’s wrong with us, excuse me, i want to ask you to collect data, they slipped me one rotten piece of material, aren’t you running? you mean the suicide of his wife, himself, yeah, but he wasn’t happy, work for a basket, so, what interests you, everything, well, except for what is known from the newspapers, well, you yourself understand that he has the most beautiful girls in institute that they are all in short, facts passed through his bed, well , mind you, sing, no one has heard of offended students, please, look at yours, it means the scandal has been cut short, admit it, why do you need all this, to be honest, kovin asked, yes, but what's so funny, boss, listen, you look so much like a maniac, yes, you do, only the hairstyle is different, well, if only, like
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this, like this, like this, by the way, even better, sorry if i got in the way of discussing operational activities, i have the keys to i forgot at home, give me the keys, oh, and you are volodya’s wife, you have a very handsome husband, “i know, zhen, thank you, thank you, you’re welcome evgenia anatolyevna, in my opinion, he looks more like you than kurov’s wine, yes, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, hello stepanenko, it’s me, i agree". sunny, zaenka, i didn’t even doubt you. so, should you strike while the iron is hot? client in front of me, come over. oh,
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sorry, sorry, sorry, i completely forgot, then he’ll come to you, right? listen, i ’ll give him the phone now, you’ll tell him where to drive up, right? okay, hello , good zhenechka! very nice indeed, i not the hero of the occasion, i am your client’s confidant, yes, my last name is latypov, let’s do this, i’ll come to you and explain everything to you, agreed, great, where to go, dictate, address, seventh soviet, great, that’s it, thank you. listen, listen, what are you doing with this girl? she has a small child, doesn't she? you don’t understand anything,
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there are a dime a dozen honored artists of justice, 13 per dozen. am i not going to give you legal advice? i will, of course, but she worked in the prosecutor's office. well, she knows all of them there, vasya-vasya with them all, she knows them all the secrets are in our beaks. alla taxi tomorrow on rtr. rest is
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leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic luxury collection bowdrum. titanic
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deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. they shout in unison at the wedding, scene 15, you are so mutilating the actress for me, neck to neck, the cossack crashed into the eye, she, well, it hurts again, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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it’s not long left, it must be so, she burned all her insides with acid, instead of the esophagus there are only rags, and it hurts, but god forbid, when the devils fry her hubby, even then it will be more pleasant for him, if not for you, if not prosecutors, i would have disconnected her from the equipment with my own hand, so what? she will suffer for an extra 5-6 hours, we still can’t save her, all her internal organs have failed, and the prosecutor’s office has nothing to do with it, so you’ll immediately drag me to the tsugundar, euthanasia is prohibited here. but i don’t want to sit in prison, i look at all this torment, you can’t even anaesthetize her, so she’s conscious, conscious, you can look, if you have strong nerves, in the seventh ward, let’s go, i won’t go, i that’s bad, let’s go, i ’ll give you ammonia, alla andreevna, i’m an investigator of the investigative committee, can you hear me? "she
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can answer, her larynx is also constricted, so she won’t be able to speak fully, she will only wheeze, she will be in a lot of pain, excuse me, alochka, this is the investigator, you can say two words, let’s try, doctor, i’ll write a certificate, you will need to sign, i’ll sign, my dear, alochka, that’s it ok, zhanna, how are you? pyotr anisimovich, i probably won’t be able to work as an investigator, they offered me a job at a law office, i’d rather
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go there as an assistant. work, i'm going home, i feel bad, comrade investigator, it's all over, if you wait, i 'll write you a certificate, come on, boss, let's have some tea let's have another drink, do you want me to run for some sausage? no, i’d better run home, have lunch, and at the same time take a look at vaska, otherwise i’m already bored, that’s right, that’s right, at the same time tell your wife what kind of operational activities we were talking about here when she suddenly came in so unsuccessfully, and i’ll definitely tell you, don’t worry , and in the meantime, you could fly to the village elder for information, you’ll save time, at the same time he’ll tell you which way the wind is blowing, i mean, but didn’t you understand that there’s some big fuss around the refugee,
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incriminating evidence? in the newspaper there is a personal request from kovin, well, who asked him? just like that. yash, what am i doing, keeping my finger on the pulse, met with a lawyer, everything is fine, yes, that’s it, bye.
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look, here the pages, hello, are a little mixed up, but you’ll figure it out, yes, let’s honestly figure it out, for the first time, because i’m great, i’m a writer, great, well , you’ll get terrible details of monstrous crimes from me, cheaply from. .. i’ll give it, come on, sit down, oh, listen, i haven’t seen you for 100 years, you’ll have tea, why not, listen, i can’t understand, oh, well why do people hate your magazine so much, you
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are essentially holy people, okay, come on, tell me that you came, well, wait, wait, let me sit quietly, at least feel like a free person in... bosses, well , speak, speak , okay, i won’t drag my feet any longer, i need from you all the details of the personal life of oleg pavlyvich the refugee, and why is it that we have such a stir around the refugee, that you all suddenly blew up like that about him, or what, this is the power of the printed word, yes no, well, let's just say it's a personal request investigation department. well, specifically, specifically, buevich is interested, by the way, he has such an intern, yes, well , maybe, then i’ll give her the materials myself, but
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for god’s sake, just let me evaluate the product, look at it all, well and what exactly are you interested in, well, at least take a look at what this guy looks like, please, as they say, what are they rich in, oleg pavlovich bizhan, 50 years old, doctor of political sciences, 10 years ago he founded the institute of law and politics, yeah, he has a state license and accreditation , ansai got married for the second time, his secretary is 8 years old ago, well, naturally, she immediately left work, here you go, honeymoon , so-called. family outings, social events, appears with his students, and she’s good, yes, but she doesn’t have a permanent relationship, or rather a permanent mistress, at least i don’t know anything about it, how do you know all this, mm,
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so he’s our media person personality, willingly gives interviews, does promotion, pays for pr, big money, what else about... he communicates with politicians and generally friendly people on a short footing, and that’s all, but you know, you that’s not enough, compromising evidence is somewhere, it doesn’t count for a student, but you never know where he appears with anyone else, compromising evidence, you know, i would also really like to get some compromising evidence, but where can i get it, there was a scandal with my wife, our brothers i started fussing because i smelled incriminating evidence. okay, well, let’s fly, maybe i’ll also get something from your investigation, as they say, through barter, but why is everyone making such a fuss? zaya, the soup is awesome, merci,
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listen, what kind of money is this? i earned a little money from this. yes, but is it from you, dandy? did you leave in a good suit? yes. listen, but how many times have i asked you, just sit at home, calmly. and i’m sitting at home. this is just a consultation, because we need money, right? well, we need it, thank you, well, what interesting news do you have, besides the wonderful scene that i had the honor of observing today. loan, well, i understand, well, it turned out ugly, well , the guys were just fooling around, they made my hair look like a maniac, well, you are a maniac, sexy, you know, so lanky. not to my taste, but of course, i know better than anyone,
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which ones are your type, then petya already had his eye on her, naturally, the same ones on stage, well, that’s it, you’re the best, then i’m not just a husband, but a father, and that’s a completely different matter, yes, yeah , well, why did they come, i’ll run, well, yes, buevich asked for help, by the way, about buevich? listen, here, well, in general, it happened like this, i invited them to come to us on sunday, who were they, well, petka and his intern, well, petya understands this, please, but why her, well, by the way, i had to, you know, well, i should have invited buevich alone, is it somehow inconvenient, but what do you mind, me? “i object, well, dear,
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i don’t object, i’m just warning you that if she appears in our house, i’ll rip her eyes out, that’s understandable, you’re crazy, you’re an idiot, it doesn’t cost anything to fool you, yes , yes, idiot, i can’t forbid you to communicate with her at work, but keep her out of our house, okay, you know?” “to spite you, i’ll bring her, no, you won’t bring her, i’ll bring her, shut up distillers, i don’t want to talk to you, yes, you’ll have to listen to me, i don’t want to talk to you, i i don’t want to listen to you, that’s it, you want war, there will be war, bunny, that’s it, i said. i went, had lunch, is it possible, i understood everything, i
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understood everything, mr. colonel, what happened, everything is fine with us, i heard the investigative department is prosecuting a fugitive, that’s it, who is accompanying the case in the area, who-who, their killer, of course, distillers, well, yes, so everything is in high gear. i'm not sure, development is under threat, what happened? external surveillance recorded contact between latipov and vinokorov. come on, maybe it's an accident? i don't think they met on apartments at vinokurov's. we need to save the case, we need to save it.
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hello, mash, hello, please close the door, i have a serious conversation, and you have glasses, well, yes. yeah, did something happen? it happened? well, excuse me, i need a drink. i can help you? and only you can.
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i suppose petka is still there, and the office is probably also working, wow, but i didn’t think that you had already torn the evil one out of your heart, but you understand a lot. come on, show off your new beauty. well, where did you get the idea that vinokorov met with latypov, you never know who came into this front door, no, no, the seventh fleet cut down the apartment number, his apartment, wait, his wife is a lawyer, maybe he’s her client, well, if you want, i’ll call and check, mash, fear god, he has a wife
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i recently gave birth, what kind of clients are she, i beg you, but not a word to anyone, you have no idea what our rates are for this development, vadim, what can i do, okay, let’s put them on, yeah, i know, lyonka korablev i was hitting on you about the refugee, uh-huh, yes, now it’s my turn, why does petinya suit you, buevich doesn’t suit us all, firstly, he had already met with vinokurov and asked for help collecting data. which means that information will be leaked to him, and we planned to catch latypov in the offending case, you understand that vinokorov should not be involved there? no, no, i don’t believe that vinokurov is masha, i don’t know if i’m right, we don’t have the right to take risks, no, okay, decide with vinokurov, i’ll come to an agreement,
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we’ll put him on a business trip somewhere, yes what are you saying, he just had a child, no, not to chechnya, of course, closer. i don't know who it is, you by chance you’re not expecting vinokurov, it’s not enough for him to spot me here, he’ll immediately guess, masha, it’s me, hello, hello, hello, hello, bye, bye, let’s go, now i ’ll put away the dishes. i'll wait for you in the car. dim, well, that’s all. she asked to go home because she had gotten sick in the hospital. i'll tell you, i didn't get high there either. before our eyes, she gave her soul to god. well, are you
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going to get excited? filonov will devour me if i initiate a case. on the other hand, kovin asks, i don’t even know what to do, but keep me informed, they agreed, they say that your intern is not good, she’s just a supermodel, actually, she’s my intern, mine, and you’re agreeing on who’s second, who’s third in line for mine, what can we worry about, no, you look at him, you at first. don’t ask, boys, well, i’m just doing it for the sake of sport, well, to maintain qualifications, nothing more, uh-huh, zhen, you can talk, well, for half a minute, well, can you
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imagine, we have a star here in the prosecutor’s office, a natural prostitute, but did you bring filonov? well because of her there are already local battles here, so take care of kurov’s wine, that’s what i’ll tell you, but what are you doing? hello, good morning, zhenya, the weather is wonderful, nina fedorovna, thank you for coming, he is still sleeping, milk is in the refrigerator, the heater is on the table, uh, diapers. cafe, well , you all know where you're going, and i'm going to the hairdresser, we have a baby registration on sunday, don't lie, i lathered up for work, and i told my husband, nina fedorovna, i don't want to upset him, he has a lot of problems of his own , and i don’t want to teach you, but vanya and i
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you’ve never hidden anything from each other, you know, you’ll get confused, and then i ’ll have to unravel it, your whole family life will go under water, nina fedovna. thank you very much, i ran, well, as i understand it, these are the distillers, wait, i’ll be right there, okay, listen, great, great, come into the frame, they’re preparing a business trip for you, what kind of business trip, well, wait, sanych, you’re not confusing anything, why on earth should you go to chechnya or what? no, relax, in the saratov region, there is an attack on collectors and brigades are working, well, someone has made a friend of you, demands you personally... amazing, uh-huh, who loves me so much? yes, i don’t know who is telling you a fortune, you do the math, over there in the sixth section of our vein, she went to chechnya at the sarb request of her own wife. can you imagine, she caught him with a young lady, comes to the management and says in order to preserve the social unit, send your spouse away from all sorts of temptations, wife,
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yes, uh-huh, thank you, sanych, come on, i’m in the frame, come on, it’s okay, i understand , one second, sing, but i wanted to ask you about bezhan. marya sergeevna, i can’t even hear about bezhan’s last name. filonov has already tormented me with threats, he says you will initiate a case as soon as i live, maybe you need help? did she drink it? yes, you should give it to your fingers. it’s terrible, they won’t carry out the examination without excitement. so, have you checked the bag yet? yes, well, what could be interesting there? cosmetics, all sorts of lady things, nonsense. yes. and what's that? i don’t know, marya sergeevna, some kind of music. you never know, i'll take a look later. if i
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were you, i would look now. well, who's there? sign in. hi all. hello. hello, are you visiting or or what is this? representation of interests. zhenya, did you go to work? zhenya, you're crazy, you have a baby, you gave him up at the nursery. so, don't teach me about life, okay? what are the prospects for bezhan, is there really a refusal there, or will there be a lot of work? refusenik, be calm, there is no train there, what are you talking about, everything is fine with the train there, where is the child? do you think i left him on the street, in the gateway, don’t worry, he’s at home with nina fedorovna. and i’ll come to you for a minute and immediately home. volodenka, just be quiet, please, vasya just fell asleep, nina fedorovna, yes,
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where is my wife, zhenya, so early in the morning she ran to the hairdresser, where, to the hairdresser, to the hairdresser, so, okay, so young, that's it, i'm packing things away from temptations, she will understand. volodya, what did you come up with? so what about the prospects for running? it’s a pity, of course, but there’s no train there , so we sleep, and masha, calm down, i mean, stay at home, sorry for not letting you earn extra money. pyotr anisievich, what are you talking about? there is no need to disorient the lawyer. yes, where is it from? composition marya sergeevna? this is not murder, but suicide 100%. she took a sip from that bottle in front of her mother, then a suicide note. criminal code, elements of incitement to suicide. to initiate a criminal case you need threats, cruel treatment, or systematic humiliation of human dignity, you read the comment, as far as i know,
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he’s a decent person, he’s a professor, a doctor of sciences, where does the cruel treatment come from, he didn’t beat her, it looks like you’re not everything you know, constant cheating can be regarded as systematic humiliation of human dignity, no, i didn’t think in that way, but zhenya, you can wait in the corridor for literally 3 minutes, i need a few words with sergeevna. danina fedorov thank god where he went. wait, nina fedorovna, from what temptations, i don’t understand anything, are you kidding? i'll call him now. currently,
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the subscriber is unavailable, hell, no, i won’t get excited, filonov will chop me into pieces later. so i suggest, let's take the case. fillonov will definitely not give you anything. let's try. no, marya sergeevna, i won’t go to fillonov, it’s more expensive for myself. maybe you can do it yourself through the city committee? okay, we'll think of something. in general, we need to get rid of this murky material, there is such intrigue around it. i need it. sing. shame on you, so indecisive. you're an investigator. yama sergeevna, by the way, is not japanese.
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and i’ll come to you, well, come on in, well, you’ve changed your mind, inheritance, sit down, yeah, i was so ashamed yesterday, i behaved like that, but it’s okay, you’re just impressionable. you're not afraid, it's the first time did you see a person die? no, i’m not upset because of this, i’m just also guilty of oleg pavlych’s wife. i don’t understand, i’m not sure that i need to talk to you about this. no, come on, tell me, it’s just me, i was just there too,
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i was with oleg pavlych. where was she and where in the bed, that’s where, why are you looking at me like that, i came from pskov to study, there was no money, there was nowhere to live, but he offered me a hostel, gave me a budget place, so what, i graduated from his institute, well, yes, i wanted to tell you about this yesterday, not weakly. and what, were you the only one there? no, we had three more girls in the group like that, yeah, but do you think this is normal? well, he did everything he promised, he even bought some things and took him to parties, without him
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i would never have gotten to such places, and the girls are happy too. and that none of your girls refused him, so he points his finger and you are in his bed, yes, that’s how i felt, that i don’t need to tell you anything, i thought so, i’m saying that i’m worried, i yesterday when i saw her, i felt bad it became, i just never thought about it, you see, i understand everything, there was one girl, she even slapped me in the face, so, so, so, so. can you tell me her last name and coordinates? surname solomin, but she ’s already been expelled, it was he who expelled her, the bastard, he took revenge, yes, stop it, now i ’ll bring you some water, wait, marya sergeevna, give me a glass, nosifi, what happened, i
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think i know how i'm running to initiate a case, but why have we changed so much? you, marya sergeevna, as always, turned out to be right, you can dig around there, something is unclean here, clean, clear, i still need to establish something , everything, hold on, don’t worry, we will avenge you.


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