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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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“i wouldn’t tell you anything if i didn’t know you, i hope you will understand me correctly, a case can be opened against your client, there is a case, don’t even doubt it, but if he cooperates, he has every chance to save his situation , cooperation with whom, with buevich, no, with the operational-research bureau, and what do they want, and what he can do, i think that he can do something, let’s organize a meeting with the operatives and they themselves will say what they want, this is an official offer, no official offers are made in the corridor, this is confidential offer, if he interests the officers, he has every chance to save his shikola, so we can bargain, yes, but what do they want, let’s go, where, for a search, which one, excuse me, which search, the urgent one, oleg?
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let's come in, well, where do you start, show me your wife's room, it's interesting what you want to find there, and the instrument of torture, please, let's come in, come in , van, come on, comrades attesting witnesses, come in, you will... but in me, i'm like that i understand,
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there is no need, and you will not be present, oleg pavlovich, but no, excuse me, yours society doesn’t give me pleasure, don’t blame me, well, i’ll open it, hello, you, you’re coming to me, right, huh? “i was told in the office that you are here, and so you came to help on obuski, let’s go, no, no, no, i won’t go, i thought of something, i don’t, i can’t, then sometime later, i i'll go, look, come on, excuse me, and zhanna, yes, yes, she's interning for me, but what, what? i'm sorry, we couldn't
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talk to you in private, but what about without your lawyer, i said it in private, okay? , please, here, here, yes, yes, hello, mr. latypov. i’m not calling because i’m waiting for the end of the search, i ran away, no, no, they didn’t find anything, in general, you know, i already said, oleg pavlovich, i have the feeling that you can only become interested in the investigation by sharing information, i don’t know, and anyway , it seems to me that the suicide of his wife is just an excuse, in fact they want something from him, but i don’t know what, yes, yes, of course, i’ll tell you...
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oleg pavlych, oh my god, ambulance, investigator buevich , investigative committee, vadim romanovich, the ice has broken, the outdoor signal has rung out, latypa burst in, rushed to the local man, then he raised his guys, great, otherwise i thought nothing would happen until monday, lenya, let’s control the situation, report to me at any time, i understand, i obey, yes, okay,
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petya, of course. are you a sobossy? well, yes, from bezhan. and how? no way. bezzhan, for no apparent reason, fell to his knees and began to cry. natural hysteria happened. wait, maybe he was afraid you'd find something? no, i took a good look, he didn’t have anything inappropriate. he has some information i was eager to share. and, well, i had to call an ambulance. i'm talking hysterical. wait, did you leave him alone? well, he was ready to talk. yes, vadim romanovich, yes, it’s me. grab the buevich to the defendant. he's ready. premiere on rtr. come on out on the line yourself. easily. i looked at the life of taxi drivers
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from the inside. honestly, not sugar. is it true that you were appointed director? if you were 20 years older, get married, marry me. i'm not divorced. well, that's enough, well, well, how much? crows, well, we’re a family, let’s do it again, and alla taxi, tomorrow on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic laksary collection bodrum. hello,
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dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. tomorrow on rdr. hello, i'm listening to you, hello? damn it, they practically killed him under surveillance, we were half an hour late, we found a place, we found it, let’s go and show him, well, nikolai
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petrovich, wow, the guy was unlucky. petro, uh, that means you stop this business of bringing him to death, understand? yeah, all the materials are for me, okay? okay, nikolaich, here, by the way, where is your friend, vinokurov, his phone isn’t answering. why, by the way, give me a flashlight. and he had too strong an attraction to this company, he pulled away in time. yes, i even gave the command to look for him, i think we he’ll tell you something, you don’t have to look for him, but do you know where he is? i know, but i won’t tell you, i already saw such a cartridge case in 2005,
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busygin’s murder before the elections? uh-huh, excuse me, marya sergeevna, the district prosecutor is asking you to let him in, viktor ivanovich, well, i can’t get used to the fact that i don’t go through the pipes now, he doesn’t let the guard in anymore. well , that’s right, that’s right, that’s right, yes, i’ll give it a shot, well, yes, i thought it might come in handy there. it can be compared, well, yes, and the series is the same, so it turns out that busygin was raised, viktor ivanovich, these villains still have to be caught i need it, now, yes, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, where are the distillers, looking for him with lanterns, what the hell do they suspect, what, well, what?
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vinakurov, what a fool you are, oh, you’re no better, of course, better. how could you think that i went to ask that you be sent on a business trip? you know, you ’re good yourself, you’re jealous of this lanky heron, repeat it again, you’re good yourself, well, no, i’ll grab it, ah, miracle! let's cheer up, are we done working? marya, serge, our work
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will never end. can. come on, lyon, come on. thank you. well, it’s clear that the butcher organized the murder, there is no one else. we even know roughly the shooter, but the motive. as i understand it, the butchers bet too many on latypov to lose. well, yes. here he insisted that according to the documents everything is clear, and if they find out anything, it will only be from the rector, and the rector is a snotty guy, and if he was pressed for this suicide, he would have reported everyone, what the hell to do, but is there a printout of calls? there is, by the way, here’s the last one, here’s your friend, zhenkin, really? told him that you are ready to bargain with bezhan.
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where is she from? well, i, i thought, well, let her will convince bizhan that if he has something to say, then it’s clear that she not only inspired the bezhan, she also leaked latypov. well, how can you expose your client to a bullet? come on, now it’s too late to sprinkle ashes on your head. you better tell me. good gentlemen, why did this uncle bizhan fall to his knees in front of our petrusha, excuse me, citizen-boss, well, he decided to benefit society, it’s commendable, you won’t wait, only if by barter, i’ll give you my material, and you give me the material of the investigation, listen, why are you so mercantile, don’t you understand that i can’t throw away operational information, show me what you have? old man, have you become a pimp, or what? you offend,
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citizen, boss, i have done a lot of work, systematizing all the mottos with whom he has ever appeared in society. listen, from the moment oleg pavlovich bezhan fell asleep in eternal sleep, i completely ceased to be interested in who he slept with on eva. have you completely lost your sense of smell? isn't there a girl named zhanna here? precisely with this same zhanna. videos of bed sex are circulating on the internet entertainment of oleg pavlyvich bezhan. and was there a video brought by a certain well-wisher to the wife of oleg pavlych bezhan? before she took a sip of household chemicals. but who's here? zhanna.
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sergeant medlensky, documents, please, please, get out of the car, open the trunk, let me in. let him in, he has a weapon, let him in, okay, let's do it. let's think about what bizhan could have known about latypov, and what kind of education did latypov have? so, then, latypov has a diploma from the bizhanov institute, what is it called there, political law? politicians and law. this diploma, by the way, is absolutely clean, when he was elected as a deputy, he was checked, which means something else. yes, it’s unlikely that the rector of an educational institution can do a fake diploma, and if this is so, latypova
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will ask from the deputies, not to mention the vice-speakers. come on, at the institute. they did the documents for all 5 years, calmly, now you ’re pretending, yes, if i were you, i would find out where latypov was, but at least during the state exams, yes, fedya, and you’re sure, but i’m really not sure of anything , your refugee, when he was blown away, when he saw zhana on the threshold, he i didn’t believe at the last minute that you would open a case, but when i saw zhanna, well, everything fits, and my disk disappeared when zhanna was left alone in my office, well , let’s look for the disks, yeah, yes, yes, i understood everything, great, well that everything has grown together, the car in which the killer was taken, according to administrative practice, is listed as belonging to the myasnikovsky family. lenya, raise the group, blow into the lakhta, yeah, and i’ll go with shikhsin’s group to mesnikov, to hammer the iron. well, marya sergeevna, are you with us? i, no, it’s better for the investigator not to meddle in operational activities, i’ll wait for you here. yes. well
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that’s right, but for now i’ll look at all of latypov’s movements during his studies. but you won’t be able to track all your movements. but here is a copy of his foreign passport, that 's it, let's go, good luck, who, police, open up, good evening, hello guys, hello, what are you looking at at night, well, it seems clean there, yeah, zhanna, i was scared, i thought do you hide killers under the bed there? you got off yourself, what are you talking about? i don't think i invited you. zhanna, i just examined the corpse of oleg palovitch without jean. it's a stupid joke. no, seriously. return the disk.
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well, let’s see, maybe, but why, i myself know what’s there, yes, it’s a fantasy, yes, zhanna, did you think of planting it? i slept with the whole institute, so i had to show the pictures, well, i showed you, get ready,
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you’ll come with us. oh, well, everything is according to plan, yes, in general, everything is not bad, the bullets and cartridges are...
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yes, they interrogated stolik, pechka is interrogating, he got it today, mash, you should apologize to vinokurov, i don’t, apologize yourself, well okay, masha, thank you, rest, yeah, rest, everyone has made peace, but i think they won’t let me go home, hello? on tv already they talk about your achievements with all their might, i wonder why i love you so much, by chance it’s not for your successes in work, no, you’re just not bored with me. poster on the tv channel culture. theater, music, visual arts april 11. on the historical stage
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of the bolshoi theater, the revival of rimsky korsyky's opera sadkok on the 18th anniversary of the composer's birth. staged by dmitry chernyakov, conductor timur zambiev. the main roles are performed by nazhmindin mablyanov, nadezhda pavlova, ksenia dudnikova. saterikon theater presents the premiere of dubrovsky's play at the yauza palace. to the 225th anniversary of the birth of alexander sergeevich pushkin, stage director yakov lonkin. at the nabronny theater, the premiere performance of a proud production by kirill vytoptov based on the story by fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky is a lowly insulted one. and on the small stage of the theater of the nation, the premiere production of murat abulkatinov based on the novel by vasily ivanovich aksenov: 10 visits to my beloved. the sergei obrazlov puppet theater and the shabolovka gallery present a joint project "biomechanics of meirhold", actor doll for the 150th anniversary. on the birthday of director novator. the phenomenon of demeichold's unique method of all-things is revealed at the exhibition in two dimensions at once: a living actor and a doll, which the master considered the bearer of mystery and maximum
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theatrical expressiveness. it is also very important for meirhold, in the puppet theater, to play with angles and enlarge the gesture. in fact, the biomechanics of a doll is a combination of the living hand of the actor, the puppeteer and the mechanism. and here... it’s important not to overload the doll with mechanics, on the one hand, to maintain such convention, the playful nature of the doll, on the other hand, and in order to expand the range of its expressive capabilities, the theater festival baltic house begins a tour of the stage of the nizhny novgorod gorky drama theater with a performance by natalia indeikina based on pushkin’s story the queen of spades. and the tour of the nizhny novgorod gorky drama theater begins on the stage of the baltic house festival theater. performance by gennady shapochnikov based on shakespeare's tragedy, macbeth. the ekaterinburg ural ballet continues the dance open festival program. one of the ballets of the armida pavilion in choreography by maxim petrov, hungarian dances
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choreographed by anton pimanov and sexstus propertius staged by vyacheslav samodurov on the stage of the alexandrinsky theater. the theater is a haven for the comedian premier. performance based on leo tolstoy's novel sunday. the author of the dramatization, director and artist, semyon serdin. starring evgeny sannikov, tatyana. will be performed by canadian pinist bruce liu and the philharmonic orchestra conducted by santo matyaos ruvali. the gesher theater presents a performance based on lev's novel
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nikolayevich tolstoy anna korenina on the stage of the national theater of hungary as part of the madacz theater meeting festival. directed by rimos tuminos and starring ifrad benzur. an exhibition about then came bronze is open at the historical museum of bern. the exhibition allows you to see how the invention of bronze influenced the development of human civilization. central exhibit. prel's bronze hand, found by archaeologists several years ago near bern, became one of the oldest finds of the bronze age in europe.
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in this studio we quite often talk or return to talking about love, and it seems to me that in relation to children, especially, love is something that almost determines the future of this little person, because love is unconditional, love is not care, this is not worry, love is love, it is this love for children that i want to talk about today. artyom, hello, love is not guardianship, especially not overprotection, these are not alarm calls, at 11:00 pm, where are you, scoundrel, what is it? love to a child and how you can show it, if suddenly you haven’t yet figured out how to do it yourself? theoretically, love, of
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with children, and this unconditionality, i say again, is almost a theoretical position, in reality love is difficult for us, that is , our heart beats, but before us is a phenomenon that does not correspond to the image that we have with our expectation, our expectation, which we love and so on, here comes the alternating moment for an absolutely incredible epiphany that should happen in each of us, and it can be describe in such a way that, in general, in... tradition, i don’t know how eastern, but in our european love is a thing , its own history is very clear, if i love her, she ’s mine, yeah, if i love him, he’s mine, this is about adults, about children, especially since this is my child, i love him, he is mine, no matter how we understand it theoretically, but inside we feel it this way, and here i am very glad that i am deprived of this possessiveness, very glad,
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a term that maybe will give us all insight, liberating love, love, liberating love, yes, it seems to me that it’s just a complete revolution of life, this is how you look at life, yes, what am i, i don’t need reciprocity, because my love is immeasurable, and i love you, even if you don’t love me, i really love you in this love that you opens, and does not close around you with my arms, something, i open my arms and... lets you into this big, wonderful life, and i am ready or ready to go not in front, so that you follow me, behind me and support me, what is called behind you, and support you in any of your endeavors when you return, you will be met again by your father or mother, mother or father, who are full of love, and will not ask where you have been, so stacked, turned away, this is your home, here is comfort, here is cleanliness, and it seems to me that in this description of love, which
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is non-possessive ... liberating, does not require reciprocity, does not require gratitude, and there is a very precise phrase: it is not the one he loves who is brought up, the one who loves, we must give our child a chance, yeah, learn to love, it is clear that we do not answer for the whole world, it may very well be strange, and we know that there can be little evokes love, but we ourselves are nearby, we... may be the ones who evoke the love of children by the fact that we do not destroy him, do not give him with our love, do not smother him with our linden tree, but i support him in everything, here in this new year , a funny thing happened, well , we were sitting there at about 23-50, well, at the recreation center there is a restaurant like this, there are just a few tables, a tv and something, she seemed somehow depressed, she said, i want to go home, i say sunshine, but
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i literally wanted chimes. snowmobile, yeah, it's -30 from there, we got dressed, that's it, we drove daughter, i say, the way is with you, she says, no, i’m alone, i’ll stay now, we returned there literally at 23.59, yeah, we listened, the chimes, we came back for my daughter, she says, that’s it, i’ve rested, now i i want to be with you, and we reunited with renewed vigor, after that everything was wonderful, no, here we are adults, we are creating a family, and a child was born in it, he is actually for our family, why should he be responsible, why should he for this , he can try, yes, their wave, it is pure, because they, if we do not put pressure on them, if we we don’t force, if we have this liberating love with them in our relationship, then they act not on purpose, not for evil, not to harm, yes, but because i feel this way now, then we are emotions.
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here they are closer, closer, closer to something, right now they are the chimes, but for a child it can be too much, too much, but i just can’t do it, yes, i just need to exhale, and... because - well, we started preparing in the morning and now it has come to this, and this is a very beautiful story, right thank you, because all the moments that we think are very necessary right now are not worth that very child’s tears, if so, it’s not worth anything, what the child is going through, we are strong, we are big, we can sing without the chimes ourselves let's have a new year, we ourselves can do something like that, but in this... life, that the child in this sense, well, pushes us to some kind of informal actions, yes, free, and frees us, this new year , you will remember, much longer many years, compared to those
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new years, when this did not happen, although in fact it turned out that the child somehow did not fail this very family tradition, the main thing is that it was not a new year in tears, yes, if we give experience. love, the experience of freedom, the experience of a calm perception of oneself, somewhere, yes, then this is the most priceless, most priceless experience that can be given to a child, and it is worth everything, and even the chimes, clearly, where the chimes are and where the child is, yes , thank you very much, i was very glad to have this conversation, thank you, lustful, not enslaving, not hug, and open like this. here's to holding our children, thank you very much, see you again, see you again, thank you,
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i get great pleasure from communicating with people who create something out of objects that are not always abandoned, but really... not originally intended for creativity, what unites people, creativity, culture, architecture and place, creates these so-called clusters or platforms for creativity, today we will talk about just such a platform, this is a hydroelectric power station on nerli or, hello, ges sounds great, i just saw it. photograph, it is not very big, it was built, in my opinion, in the sixties, fifties, yes, fifties, it participated in the power supply of suzdal or some town, suzdol and collective farms around, and collective farms around, it worked for a long time, that
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is before the collapse of the union, probably, or something, you don’t know, no, it worked for only 10 years, but it was a grandiose event of that time, and everyone was really looking forward to the hydroelectric power station, and indeed, when it opened, in all the villages, it was such a fifty-three, people came there for a big, big celebration, it was exactly 70 years ago, and after that she worked for 10 years and the volzhkaya hydroelectric station was opened big, so this hydroelectric station began to slowly turn into ruins, but she did it very beautifully, so when we discovered these ruins, it was an incredibly beautiful structure, that’s how it was. and we realized that this was a place of power, we began to do some unusual events there that required some kind of site specific location, and there were performances in the dark, they played we were there with a bach violin quartet, in general
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we were doing such nice events when we realized that this platform actually gives the event some special meaning, and we were just thinking that we needed such an experimental platform. which would not dictate any type of art, would not be specifically for music or dance or theater, which could become such a universal platform that can be transformed for different tasks, and we called, this was four years ago, the danish architect metta lange, she has arrived, she called two young moscow architects, and we spent several days with her, they made a model where she simply covered these ruins with a roof. and did not begin to restore the walls at all, even to the level of the roof, that is , all the holes, let’s call them that, remained, and we simply made one so that now the rain does not fall on the bare areas, everything is correct, yes, the wind is blowing, there are no windows either , there are only
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blinds that are released, that is, from the new one that has appeared, this is such a small house, red, this is the caretaker’s house, we call it, this is such a platform, where there is a balcony, and there are these arches in which you can... look at some kind of performance that takes place on the water, well , in general, this platform, it can be called grandiose, i just planned the most grandiose one for me, what are you not doing such a house. what do you have planned for 2024, as far as i know, it is a little special for suzdal, it will be a millennium, and suzdul is a thousand years old this year. both
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the city and the region are preparing for this, and such a large museum project as the vladimirozdal museum reserve is being prepared, and we are also preparing, we will do at the end of august the festival, which will be called thousands of years in 10 days, we take as a study in general time, space, how it flows for us, do we have personal experience of time, historical time, and we have already invited five playwrights, made such a laboratory , they... went to susdal, explored the place, we showed them everything we like and don’t like, showed historical monuments, met with local residents, went into the archives, well, in general, we did so much research work, and now the playwrights went to their cities to write plays, productions and performances will begin now, and we hope that the ges site will participate, all our sites are open and closed. that is, we will show our ecosystem, which is actively
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developing now, and the audience will move from the site of the site, as if following the city and space, so i would really like, in fact, looking at these photographs, i would really like to just be there , even outside a cultural event, as far as possible, as much as you can come there on a day when you want to be alone with ges, with nature, to be with... the river, well, to be there, just to be there without the crowd, it’s possible, yes, in fact, this is my favorite pastime, and i of course love to do events, events, festivals, but this place has some incredible strength, energy, not only that, but the city itself, suzel is such a small provincial, pretty city in which you feel completely different, sometimes i get in such a mood that i want to get it. just to think about it, i once decided to go from bryansk to moscow is not along the kiev highway, around through
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kazelskaya, there are a huge number of abandoned churches, and i walked in this temple, well, in one of the temples, some of the locals apparently continued to walk even after the roof collapsed, no there is no altar, there is nothing, the walls are destroyed, and there are candle icons in the corner, a little path has been trodden there , this is the power of this place, as for sure there is a place in ges, you said a place of power, yes, this is life, the life of the object is, as it were, outside time, outside of people, he lives on his own, it’s very nice that you support, support this idea, well, because we believe that a person needs to be alone, solitude is important, and therefore we are not talking about entertainment at all, probably yes, but about, probably, some kind of creative a way of life where you can feel like a creator, a creator not in the sense of taking up brushes and paper. i don’t
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know that you become the conditional author of your life, and this comes precisely in that state when such a favorable environment is created for so that you can hear yourself, it seems to me that in general travel is for this purpose, that’s why suzdal is still becoming such a very popular place to travel now, it’s clear that millennia is always a lot of people, but there is everyday suzdal, and it’s amazing , so come and ride the sleigh. on horseback, on bicycles, look for your places for the soul, contemplative, there are many of them, very, yes, what a wonderful job you have, i wish you great success, and the expansion of this world that you are creating and reviving, thank you thank you very much, see you again philip.
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i have a fairly relaxed attitude towards lace and in general i am by no means an expert in the field of textiles and fashion, but now before the program i saw an element of lace that i had not seen before, i could not even imagine that it existed, it looks like a river and from... incredibly beautiful, that's about lace in general, and i think that this is the kind of lace we will talk about today. andrey, hello, good afternoon, he told me that lace is a kind of ornament, some kind of geometric, usually conventionally, which... is applied by it there is either some edging or some element of clothing decorated there, but i have never seen such a lace scarf either in uali or shaalli, and even more so, i have never seen or maybe i did not pay attention to such a flowing lace pattern, one gets the impression that they just put some kind of thread around it and created lace, how
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was this lace created, what is it called, what is it? this is a wonderful question, because we will really start talking about russian lace with... logical concepts, lace is an amazing textile, because this is not embroidery, not knitting, not weaving, this is really fabric, but created by special methods, this is weaving, there are many types of lace, but the principle is to create a light, beautiful, durable, undoubtedly, fabric from a thread wagging back and forth, therefore in russian these are just these lace patterns, they are called velyu. that is , twisting threads, lace can be of completely different techniques, we are now talking about what, in fact, made up the glory of russian lace, like stick, hand, coupling lace, which is all on knots here these interweaving threads, because there were a great many centers in russia, and we
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can talk about such a school of russian lace, which, thank god, did not lose its traditions and in what...
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all the political and economic changes in our country. lace is traditionally made from the same threads, there are types of lace in which there are such contour threads of a different thickness or even a different color, but this is just a classic that when you throw like sticks in your hands,
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the wooden ones are so ringing. and this is what a lacemaker should know - this is the ability to lead drawing. i follow this scenario with these rivers of velyushkas, but at the same time do not forget to connect all the elements of the pattern together, that is, this is really a special way of thinking, this is of course a high art, theoretically it is easier to talk about it than sitting down with a roller to weave lace, lace is born in europe, in europe, there are a huge number of schools, and spanish lace will be different from belgian, brussels, and french... russian history begins not just with imitation, with very skillful import substitution, because already in the last century, in all the estates in russia, they simply brought ready-made products from famous french or belgian brands, serf lacemakers repeated them no worse, that is, at first
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there was no regional history, lace was not born in russia, after all, it’s precisely all the interesting things that appear when they stop. other other lace schools, of course, all this would have been unthinkable without serfdom, let’s be realistic, all this would not have been born without the desire to imitate european fashion, but...
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fanchonki, that is, literally from the french fonchon scarf, well, somewhere, following the logic of the russian language, as soon as i no longer repurpose them, for example, hvalshonki, that is, from the word to praise, french lace and a specific headdress, that is, a head scarf, a head scarf, they begin to copy it, after why does it go to the people, after which it is no longer worn by barenis, but by bourgeois women, cossack women, peasant women, and then...
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the once famous balakhna lace from the city of balakhna, yes, if there is a lace center, then hundreds of craftswomen in the vicinity villages, blokhninskoe, blahnenskoe lace, that's right, uh, it won, like all other examples of russian lace, a grand prize there at international exhibitions, and few people know, but the lace on the white wedding dress, the longest lasting of the british queen victoria, was woven and brought from a balakhna. this is just history, like russian culture, russian costume easily plays with world fashion and still appropriates it, but the most
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paradoxical thing is that in both of these costumes, they are already the beginning of the 20th century, this is an imitation of urban fashion, these are the so-called suits for a couple, they will also have a lot, a lot, a lot of lace on the aprons, on i don’t know, on the hem of the skirt, but in the same vologda or in any other. in the center , paradoxically, at the beginning of the 20th century , ordinary factory measured lace became the most expensive and prestigious, why? yes, because man-made beauty is made in every hut, and we buy this for money, this is city lace, it turns out to be more prestigious. sometimes it was precisely this kind of craft history that brought paradoxes in what became more or less valuable. the best part is that... this is the lace that, despite all the economic vicissitudes of the 20th century, has not left
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our reality. as always, apart from this, i have nothing to answer you in general, because your knowledge is bottomless and limitless. yes, i just admire listening, thank you very much for coming, see you again, all the best. the tv channel my planet presents winnie the pooh got the first part of his name from the real one.
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the acoustician carefully monitors the instruments. it is almost impossible to find schools of aerial fish in the ocean without sonar. technique helps determine the exact fishing location. searching for fish in the sea. his leg and antenna extend under the bottom. here. and the antenna is also watching, spinning, so to speak. here. and breaks through schools of fish. we'll bet it then. heading towards the school, we set either a trawl or a trap, when there are eyes under water - it’s very
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good, and it’s cold. kalinovka discovered a large school of sai. work was in full swing on the bridge deck. while luck is smiling, you need to have time to set a trap to catch as many fish as possible. time after time, the fishermen lower and raise the heavy trap. eric the dog, how a full-fledged member of the team, takes an active part in the process. good. this is the moment for which you need to see the catching of saira, thousands of children in the light of a red spotlight jump out of the water, raising millions of splashes, there are several tons of prey here.
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fishing is unpredictable, so they say, to achieve success at it, you need to go, saury is a cruel type of fishing, because every night has passed in the morning, all the cards are already there, someone caught it, someone didn’t catch it, the fishermen’s salary directly depends on the catch, than the more fish, the greater the reward, each a successful shift also improves the morale
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of the team, cold, damp, tired, no matter what. if the holds are full and the profession of a fisherman will be needed, probably for many years to come, because it will be needed, and fish will be needed by humanity, as they say, which is caught only in the oceans and seas and without the profession of a sailor, it will probably not be possible for many years . early in the morning, kalinovka approaches the floating base of the gulf of the east, here fishermen hand over the night's catch, tons of fish are washed off with water into a special one.
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every fisherman sooner or later thinks about on the day when you have to go ashore forever, someone is driven by these thoughts, someone on the contrary wants to give up everything and live a normal life, the sea will always mean separation between the robber and his family. for my grandson , i would never wish him to go to the seas; it would be better if he sat somewhere in an office in the warmth, where it doesn’t blow, the waves don’t rage, as they say. calmly, every day i was at home, with my family, with children, this way of life and the romance of the ocean at first fascinates, then draws in so that the ship becomes second home, and the crew relatives. the sailor ilya, who has gone fishing for 3 months, his young wife, waiting on the shore, has yet to
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find out what the words mean? the sea doesn’t let me go, to be honest, i’m not yet ready to agree that he will always go to sea for six months, or even more, but in fact, no matter what kind of money he earns, no, but that’s his choice, so and as he is my husband, well, first of all, a good friend, i respect his choice very much, you want to be. kalinovka goes into the vast expanses in search of a successful fishing every day the ship will be similar and yet different from the other. the monotonous landscapes of the pacific ocean will more than once be replaced by a riot
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of colors of light fishing and... until spring, this team will not return to their native shore, the fishermen will continue to do their difficult, dangerous work at the edge of the world, where waves and harsh sea winds reign.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. the water level in orenburg rose by 10 m, this is a historical record. equipment non-interference, massive strike of rocket artillery
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inflicted on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. in philadelphia , unknown assailants opened fire in a park during the raza bayram holiday, causing casualties. the water level in the urals and orenburg has risen. no, local authorities assure. according to forecasts in urban areas, but forecasters threaten to flood them, the flood has almost reached its peak; at the moment , more than 700 people have been evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. almost 2.0 private houses and about 2,500 household plots remain under water. rescuers delivered humanitarian aid to the region airplane l76. that is, a total of 35 tons of cargo were brought. these are food, water, personal hygiene products, medicines, blankets and rubber boots. now about the progress of the special military operation in the avdeevsky direction.
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the artillery of the center group is firing at the positions of the nationalists. having received the coordinates of the targets from the drones, the crew of the geocint gun carried out a layover and hit the area where the nationalists’ fire weapons were located from a distance of 23 km. as a result. the guns of the artillery battery of the ukrainian army were destroyed, today we worked on a planned target, the mole target is the infantry, well, so to speak, we are covering our troops. carried out by army aviation . in the southern donetsk direction, the combat missions of multifunctional supersonic fighters, su-34 bombers, attacked the enemy’s strong point and manpower. the strike was carried out by unguided aerial bombs; they allow pilots to carry out an attack safely. away from the line
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of combat contact, as a result, all targets were successfully hit and the pilots returned to their home airfield. any minute hurricane multiple launch rocket systems are ready to attack the nationalists. they are capable of hitting targets from a distance of up to 40 km. it only takes a few minutes to prepare to clarify the coordinates. from the front line eduard punigov. on the southern donetsk front today there is a passport to the bush kylman, low clouds, but for calculations. and you can more or less calmly work on targets near the line of combat contact. the front line is about 20 km. rszzo hurricane crew of the eastern group of forces returned after another combat tour. the car is heading towards the rear recharge. the soldiers... take up their
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jobs and go on day duty again. new targets have been discovered in the south of the donetsk people's republic, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. after the shot, the most dangerous moments for the crew. the enemy is conducting a counter-battery fight, you need to leave this position as quickly as possible so as not to become a target yourself. by this time , aerial reconnaissance data had already arrived. the enemy stronghold was successfully hit, the vehicle disappeared into a dense forest belt and... the commander of this unit with the call sign baikal on special operations also from the first days, during all this time his car was never hit. are there any differences from how the fighting took place in 2022 as it is now? yes, the differences have changed, changed a lot, now there is more danger in the air, we have already tuned in to the air, made protection for the vehicle, an anti-drone net, installed a thunderstorm system so that... the thirtieth artillery brigade
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of the thirty-sixth army of the eastern group is on duty in the hottest sectors of the front, the task artillerymen provide support attack aircraft who consistently knock out the enemy from fortified positions. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction. the board of governors of magata will hold an extraordinary meeting today at its headquarters in vienna due to the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the session will be convened by the chairman of the council in accordance. with letters that arrived in his name, first from russia and then from ukraine. the station was attacked by drones last sunday and monday. as stated by the representative of russia at the international organization in vienna mikhail ulyanov, ukraine has made this a daily practice. large-scale attacks by iran or its allies on military and government targets in israel are inevitable, writes bloomberg. according to his sources , he is familiar.
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several high-ranking commanders were killed and destroyed as a result of an israeli strike, while israel did not directly acknowledge that... in early april, the iranian embassy in syria was in philadelphia by unknown assailants who opened fire in a park during the eid al-fitr holiday. in that at that moment there were about a thousand people there. according to preliminary data, the incident is not related to a religious holiday. two rival criminal gangs started shooting at each other. this caused panic, people rushed into the scattered area, at least three people were injured. now. are not in
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the hospital. police detained five people with firearms. three of them were minors. at the vostochny cosmodrome today is the third attempt to launch angara a5 heavy launch vehicles into space. the state commission decided to the rocket is ready for launch. the launch is scheduled for noon moscow time. the day before, as before, on tuesday, the start was canceled again. this time the cancellation was due to a failure of the engine start control system. for the angara a5 heavy rocket, the mass of which, together with the payload, is 800 tons, this launch will be the fourth in history, the previous ones were carried out from the plesetsk cosmodrome, rockets of the family. the mountain should replace the carriers of proton m. next regional news, do not switch. now news
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metropolitan region. the air temperature from today in moscow and the region will begin to gradually drop. this afternoon it will still be +19, by the evening it will get colder to 15°. but this is still 5-7° above normal for mid-april, it will be cloudy with clearings, but no precipitation is expected, atmospheric pressure is above normal 751 mm hg. a temporary bypass tram line started operating on bolshaya cheryomyshkinskaya street; it was introduced during the construction of the troitskaya metro line between vinokurov and dmitry ulyanov streets. tram 26.38 is operating on the line, thanks to this the scheme was possible to save. tram passage on this section without blocking it completely. on the eve of april 12 in moscow , they carried out a general cleaning on the cosmonaut alley; specialists from the municipal services complex, as part of a month of improvement after the winter season, washed
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the monument to konstantin tsalkovsky, busts of the first space explorers. the workers used a special neutral composition and a soft score. all news. available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website, stay with us, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. kalinan belek
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is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. premiere on rtr. come on out on the line yourself. easily, i i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside. honestly, not sugar. is it true that you were appointed director? if only you were two years old. older man got married, marry me, i’m not divorced, well enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well , we are family, let’s do it again, alla taxi, today on rtr, good morning, have a nice start
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to the day, with you elena nikolaeva and. hello, i suggest you start with where moms and dads, you are absolutely right, at a certain age it is especially easy to admit this, but not in adolescence, so scientists speak for young members of society, here listen, yes, teenagers have accumulated digital fatigue, they say, the skills of live communication have almost disappeared, scientists from ranhix came to these conclusions, all these are echoes of the pandemic, isolation, then there were young people aged 12-20 for a long time. after removing the restriction on the desire to communicate in the real world, well, it seems to be there, the skills are clearly not enough, for many it is easier to look for friends not at school, on social networks, and in children's groups there are more and more cases of bullying,
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sociologists associate this with the laws of the network, which allows aggressive actions instantly and, moreover, anonymously, a bad trend, but russian courts have finally begun to punish for bullying in schools. finally, if teachers and administrations of educational institutions are inactive, parents can demand compensation from schools, retaliate for insult and bullying with a ruble. in the volgograd region , a judicial sensation occurred; for the first time in history , a schoolboy’s mother, driven to despair, was able to financially punish her daughter’s offenders. my child was subjected to bullying while in an educational institution, that is, one acted as a provocateur, and several classmates also joined in, and the child was kicked and pushed. after numerous complaints against the administration, the prosecutor’s office got involved in the case and was able to prove the fact of bullying, and most importantly, the inaction of the employees of the educational institution. the court agreed.
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a teacher is a teacher, a psychologist. each of them has instructions on how to act in case of
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aggression and bullying. if there is a conflict, information about the conflict reaches the administration. of course, the administration must make all decisions. and you always need to work with parents, they are definitely needed inform about this. in the case of bullying, the school's action plan is as follows. the class teacher conducts a conversation with the aggressor, his parents and the injured party. a mediation group and a social pedagogue and psychologist are involved. the incident must. pick up the school council; if the situation develops , the juvenile affairs inspector gets involved. the student faces registration, and his parents face administrative liability. if this scheme fails at school, it means that one of the employees of the educational institution did not complete the work, did not fulfill their direct responsibilities and now the court can fine the school for this. those teachers and educators who allowed this to happen will, at a minimum, lose their bonuses, and at a maximum, will receive a reprimand, and the school will be forced to make a payment. courts regard such incidents as moral damage, which means compensation can amount to several
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tens of thousands of rubles, order in schools will come when the entire team feels responsible to participate in the life of every child, and to understand this, perhaps, a court decision is unnecessary. let's continue talking about school everyday life, the state duma proposed equipping a medical unit in every educational institution. at the moment, 65% of schools are equipped with them, and one nurse sometimes works in several schools at once. schoolchildren, how they plan to organize the work of school medical offices, we find out from member of the state duma committee on health protection mikhail kizeev, mikhail vladimirovich, good morning, good morning, well, we remember that before, in order to obtain a license, a school needed a medical office, for some reason in 2015 this the norm was canceled, and we will never understand why we got upset, everything is very banal, the footage is still there today. there really is a staffing shortage - thanks to the fact that today
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this issue is being discussed very seriously at the federal level, a working group is being created, it has already been created, precisely by assessing personnel, a very close friend of mine got her daughter in the eye during a break with another girl, with a pencil whether, using a compass, they say that with a pencil there is no eye, then no one understood right away, well, a child is sitting, crying, holding his eye, well...
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for us it is already very important to start providing assistance, so as not to lose this time, look here as a way out, this year the target training is 145,000, if my memory serves me correctly, from may 1, in fact, all this will start, maybe just this story should be included there, just a person could work for at least 3 years. this is also a solution to the issue, target enrollment is mandatory, now we will evaluate how effective this measure is, especially since colleges are also included there, and colleges too, if we attract the same students to work at school, in medical offices, then they will only be able to take their temperature, or not, or is this our idea, here i would still return to the regulatory documents and orders for the provision of assistance, if you look at it. what a doctor should do, what a nurse should do, what a nurse should do, it’s clearly
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written there, in fact, these are basic small measures. is there a deadline for making any specific decision? now all the analytical information is being collected, it is this analytical information that will allow us to regarding personnel, make very fundamental decisions, then when they promise you, i think that within probably three-4 months we will already have all the information, then we can take your word, probably,
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to meet again, in fact when will there be, yes, when will the results be, in fact, it is clear from this commission’s work. on saturday at 17:50 on the russia channel. but now it’s not a miracle or a trick, look, the water around pingtan island in china is glowing. this phenomenon is caused by the bloom of tiny bioluminescent microorganisms called
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dinoflagylates. oh, it’s a picturesque sight, but the algae themselves are not... dangerous, they release a toxin that can lead to poisoning of fish, even a person, if he accidentally decides to eat a blue tear, so it’s better to just look and not touch with your hands like that cheerfully don’t run into the water, well, this is one girl, she could have been sacrificed, the main grandiose spectacle will soon await fans of science fiction, there is only a week left before the premiere of the film 100 years ago, the new cinematic universe has already been appreciated by film critics and the press, this is a gosya from the future, yes, hi, here you go such a charming greeting, not only from the future with the present, but also from the ageless past of russian fiction, the legendary heroes of kir balychev return in a new reading by director alexander andryushchenko. we have our own cool alice, now yes, it’s a great impression, i ’ll be honest, i haven’t read the book, i haven’t watched
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the previous film, they say that this is completely different, well, if only because the heroes are no longer soviet pioneers, modern high school students. it was very important for me, there was authenticity of what was happening in the frame, now it’s 2124, sounds believable, looks the same, in order to transport the viewer 100 years into the future, the filmmakers used the most modern special effects, and in order to bring the characters to life as much as possible, the life experience of the actors, and all we did was
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improvise, no, we have an excellent script, wonderful text, they told him almost everything that was written there, but as the scene sort of accelerated... we improvised a lot, because the movie should be alive, why am i telling about all this, really, because this story is worth see, there will be laughter, tears, and a whole new universe in addition, i love a movie like our film, because i love when new worlds are created in the film, when we are shown some new world, there are dystopias or some kind of fantastic new worlds, very educational, very unexpected, very, well, i really didn’t expect that i would like it, because my opinion is absolutely biased, i sincerely hope that the film will be a success and then there will be a franchise, if there are any other questions, ask, one small, how could i even end up here, we will find out this very soon, the main thing is to be in the right place at the right time, on april 18, unusually high activity of the space-time continuum will be recorded in all cinemas of the country, don’t
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miss it, ufa, on the verge of fantasy gasification of the region is still ongoing. you companies have written to our telegram channel more than once about this problem so that people have enough money to give them, whether it is possible at the legislative level to limit the appetite for gas to the house, we will ask an expert very soon. v cosmonautics day, the signal has disappeared, the station does not respond to any commands, why drink, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off, star team, it’s dangerous, volodya, slow down, take it away, take it away, what happened, glove puncture, light, talk to me, the story of a real feat, they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, a film that has reached
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an unprecedented height, you need to open the hatch, the shuttle docked, there is nothing, it seemed to you, let it go, fireworks,
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soon on rtr , we gathered in the first group about ten people, there were short calls,
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we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one field is still in to me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother with... she is hungry, but she carries this kurba, shelters and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i made a decision , what do you need to take the guys with you, i came across such people who are not indifferent, support with a word, hello, dear soldier and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what...
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lyuba, nadya, i need to know. weeping willow. premiere on saturday on rtr. we have a question to answer: how many wheels does a racing car have? the car tirril p-34, which was used by the famous south african racing driver joshector, was put up for sale in 1979. this car has six wheels. and now it hurts in perfect condition. auctioneers think that such a rarity will be bought for $700,000, or maybe more, but generally a responsible car owner you have to monitor literally everything , every wheel, be it four or six, and even
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the windshield wiper blades, so says colleague ivan zinkevich, yeah, he knows, he knows. in the spring, many people change their windshield wiper blades; in winter, they are often torn off the glass, and the frost itself has a bad effect on tires. let's talk about what types of wipers there are and how to choose them correctly. so, all modern windshield wipers can be divided into three large types: let's start with the classics: frame wipers are the oldest and simplest type of blades, the rubber band is attached to a metal frame made of several. sometimes these wipers are placed on a small metal pad, which presses them harder against the glass when the car is moving quickly. the main advantage is low price and versatility. thanks to good clamping, they fit cars with almost any windshield curve. if you are planning to change it, look at the frame first. if it is not yet worn out, you can only renew the rubber band. true, over time the hinges will still
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loosen and there will be a fit. of the minuses, frame wipers worsen aerodynamics, and in winter, when it snows, they freeze quickly. a kind of compromise is winter wipers, in which the design is covered with a special sealed cover, a more modern version is frameless brushes. instead of a system of levers , there is an elastic metal strip, bent in an arc and rigidly connected to the rubber part. the aerodynamics of these are much better, less hassle for... simpler, and therefore more reliable design, but they cost more, and are mainly suitable for flat windshields. finally, hybrid wipers, they combine structural elements of two types, but the price is much more expensive. in addition, when choosing wipers, you need to take into account the fasteners. types of windshield wiper blade mounts, there are seven of them, but the most common is type u, but with each set of blades an additional one
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is included. and a set of adapters for attaching to any car, also keep in mind that on most modern cars the wiper blade on the driver’s side is longer, so it’s better to look at the exact parameters in the instructions and buy a set right away, well, in order to extend the life of the blades this summer period, do not turn them on when the windshield is dry , but to remove traces of insects, use special wipes or products from...
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we still have it in our suitcase, yes, of course, they continue to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello, the water level on the ural river in orenburg has risen to a record level, exceeding 10 m in the entire history of observations. the water has come close to apartment buildings in some urban areas, but there is no threat of flooding, local authorities assure. according to weather forecasters, flood has almost reached its peak, at the moment more than 7,000 people have been evacuated to temporary accommodation centers, almost 2,000 private houses and about 2,500 household plots remain under water. rescuers delivered humanitarian aid to the region on an l-76 plane, bringing a total of 35 tons of cargo. these are food, drinking water, personal hygiene products, medicines, blankets and rubber boots. difficult flood conditions remain in the kurgan region,
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the water level in tabol is below zero. day has grown by 25 cm, now a large body of water is moving towards side of kurgan - local authorities report. all settlements located in the river floodplain are under threat of flooding. the situation was affected by sudden warming and rapid melting of snow, as well as large releases of water from reservoirs in neighboring kazakhstan, where high flood levels are also observed. now about the ongoing special military operation in the kupinsky direction, the tank crew and group of troops of the west are effective. carries out fire missions in any conditions , day and night. during the next combat mission, the crews of the t-90 a tanks of the first the guards army destroyed the camouflaged, fortified positions and manpower of the nationalists. immediately after hitting targets , the military leaves the position to avoid being attacked by ukrainian komikat drones. they took an angry position, entered the proofs, contacted the spotter, and started
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working. in regions of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. a strong explosion and fire occurred at a biofuel production plant in the south of france. a black column of smoke rose into the air. according to local authorities toxic substances in it was not in its composition. one plant employee was injured. he was sent by helicopter to the hospital
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in serious condition. now his life is not in danger. hundreds of people were also evacuated from the danger zone. firefighters managed to bring the fire under control only after 2 hours. the causes of the incident have not yet been reported. a severe storm brought a flood of tornadoes to the southern united states. one person died in mississippi. in neighboring louisiana , about 10 people were injured. 30 thousand customers were left without power across the state due to hurricane-force winds. dozens of buildings were damaged and partially destroyed. in new orleans, streets were flooded and roads were blocked in some places. according to forecasters, severe thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes could hit the southern states with renewed vigor today. in this case, the weather may move. in the rostov region, regular communication along the don river between rostov and don and azov has been resumed. currently, flights on valdai boats are performed eight times a day. each can accommodate
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45 people. travel time is about 40 minutes. the same journey by car takes about an hour. this route is especially popular among rostovites on weekends, when many go outdoors. more news. your region by residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region. the air temperature from today in moscow and the region will begin to gradually drop. this afternoon it will still be +19, by the evening it will get colder to 15°. but this is still... 5-7° above normal for mid- april, it will be cloudy with clearings, but no precipitation is expected, atmospheric pressure is increased, 751 mm hg. passengers sovelovsky and belarusian directions are expecting changes in the schedule this weekend
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, restrictions will be in effect due to work on the dmitrov canal stroy section. they will last from 15:30 saturday until sunday morning. this will affect the schedule of some trains. information can be found on the official website in the rjd mobile application. in the west of moscow, builders have completed more than half of the work to modernize the road network. in the dorogomilovo and felevsky park areas , new driveways, interchanges, an overpass with exits on a major highway and a road. it will be four-lane. it will start from the shelepikha bridge and run along the moscow river to the taras shevchenko embankment. already built. exits from bagartion avenue. object "bolshaya fileskaya third transport ring" with exit to 1812. it involves the construction of more than 2 km of new new roads, about a little over 800 m,
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this is the reconstruction of existing roads. as part of the construction site of the artificial structure on which we are located. the builders promise to complete the work of the year. most of them already have the first one. layer of asphalt, now communications are being laid there and light poles are being installed. in the leninsky urban district of the moscow region , police detained a suspect in drug trafficking. he turned out to be a previously convicted resident of st. petersburg. patrol officers noticed a car parked near the forest. the driver behaved suspiciously and was noticeably nervous when checking the documents. during the preliminary investigation , 13 briquettes containing a white substance were found and confiscated from him. according to the detainee, he found criminal earnings on one of the social networks on the internet. at the direction of an anonymous curator, the man arrived on the territory of the leninsky urban district, where he was supposed to pick up a parcel with a large
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batch of narcotic drugs from the cache, then divide it into parts and distribute it through the stash caches. during visits to the indicated addresses, operatives discovered two caches, from which another 30 briquettes were seized. with similar contents, their total weight was 43 kg, a criminal case was initiated, a preventive measure was chosen for the defendant in the form detention. in honor of the thirty -fourth birthday , a series of hola concerts are being held at the gilikon opera theater, 3:4 started. the culmination of each of them is the wedding ceremony on stage, which is performed by employees of the moscow zaks. every evening, 500 spectators and 200 theater artists will applaud a new family for...
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this is a tradition this year, since the thirty -fourth season is underway under the slogan velikon opera is a place for happiness, so we decided that we should share this place for happiness with those where is the heart of this happiness? is born, with those who must form the most responsible link in our world, this is the family. in honor of the holiday. an exhibition is being held in the theater, which presents female portraits created by the great masters of the past and their contemporaries. the exhibits are presented in such a collection for the first time thanks to the support of the museum of contemporary history of russia, the vitebsk regional local museum and other galleries. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website stay with us. " please fasten your seat belt,
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bring the horse, oh the feeling will shock us today, andrey boriev, you can say, you saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgeniy, why me, there are many ready-made specialists, light, i..." it’s as if without you i'm going down or what? you're not your man in a zone of severe turbulence. light, wait, don't say anything, just think, i love you, and you please take your seat. flight attendant, friday, on this.
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i said, i want a white cat, here he comes and you’re good, he likes to grab, voice, give give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr, good morning, good morning, elena nikolaeva and andrei petrov greet you today, a new morning, we start together, a new morning, and we also have a new philosophical mood, now if you and we had chosen other professions, here you are who would get up in the morning? ice cream seller for a day? to another
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region, the vast majority of russians would literally like to try this for a day, every fourth chose a job as a florist, every fifth chose a career as an actor, director or zookeeper, an unexpected spread, the positions of a candy store owner, a game tester, a train driver and... astronaut, this is how people want to realize their childhood dream, mind you, the ice cream seller was not included in the hit parade, there were sweets, but in general we have one dream for all of us, this is gas in our own home, rural locality, according to the social program, it will be delivered free of charge only to the borders of the site, well , you know, then everything is paid for by the owner, and many, of course, cannot afford it, of course, if there was gas in the house it would be easier, well, the need for invention is cunning, of course , svetlana is a little disingenuous. there is gas in the house, but it is in cylinders, food is cooked with it, and it always runs out
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at the most inopportune moment. their village near kazan was included in the gasification program 2 years ago. the pipes were stretched free of charge along all the streets, one of them goes past the fence ovelovs. that means you have to pay 100,000 to bring gas into your house. and the house needs to be prepared, the façade needs to be done, our façades correspond. it's 1.50. for example , the large pafnuchev family from kaluga managed to get preferential treatment with difficulty. the first day they dug and buried the connections, that is, the pipe began, the second day they already welded the pipe. each region has its own list of beneficiaries who are entitled to subsidies from the state for the installation of gas pipelines in a private home. the list includes low-income citizens, participants in the great patriotic war, disabled people and combat veterans. a resident only needs to install a gas system inside his home, buy a stove, boiler, and gas meter. gas analyzer, and for these purposes
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, thirteen preferential categories are provided with subsidies of at least 100,000 rubles. the project itself will cost approximately 15,000 rubles. price. laying a linear meter of pipe of the required diameter is about 4-5 thousand rubles, plus an insertion into the main gas pipeline is another 10-15,000. of course, there is an official procedure when a gas company deals development and implementation of the project, but what if the owner of the premises decided to save money and install the equipment himself. by law, you ca n’t do it yourself, even if you’re a jack of all trades. to develop a project for all installation work, you will have to hire accredited specialists. the cost of these meters is how we see it. from 3.00 rub. and the company that gasifies a house sets an average price of 15,000, which is approximately a savings. experts note that this is serious income for gas workers, so the bills in the estimates they look impressive, they try to make money on everything, even on the procedure of a banal tap into a gas pipeline. it was decided that
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the social gasification program will be of an indefinite nature, since we operate with the data provided by state authorities, subjects, represent... the government and represent the resource supplying organization, then probably 100,000 is really an economically justified amount. perhaps the amounts are reasonable, but where can i get the same 100,000 rubles? for gas connection for residents outback, if they do not fall under any of the preferential categories. perhaps legislators should consider the possibility of creating a special fund from which citizens would be given interest-free loans for all the hassle of certification. otherwise, blue fuel will remain an expensive pleasure for russians. this is the topic. let's discuss with an expert, our guest is a member of the central headquarters of the popular front svetlana kalinina, svetlana viktorovna, hello, well, actually, what we feared at the beginning, when all this they introduced that the last meters would be invested in exactly the entire cost, which they didn’t get, what they didn’t get, or according to the law they tried to do it for the state, as if i specifically even took a screenshot of the connection fee under the contract - this is exactly the money
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they say fixed up to 60-80 thousand, then the fee for making a gasification plan at market prices, construction , commissioning work, gas consumption , equipping the house then... so we did monitoring, but they all became llc - these are private companies, in the same persons, in those the same surnames, in the same relatives, but they have all practically become private, and accordingly, and for you or me living in neighboring villages there is no identical pricing policy, it is different everywhere, then, and then the governor sits beautifully and says: everything is registered with us, with us everything is official 60,000 people can all disconnect.
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inside the house to make the same technical documents, plus you need to buy more equipment yourself, this is also, this amount, which, as we say, is still growing for private owners, it is growing to the size ten to twenty times the size of a pension or salary, you travel around the country and come across these cases, the maximum, what amounts people have to pay, you know, i had a connection in the chelyabinsk region for 1,600, wow, maybe it’s still like we proposed here in this studio include in the price the gas that will come to the person.
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i spoke with svetlana kalinina, a member of the central headquarters of the popular front, thank you very much, all the best to you, are you planning to work as a taxi driver or something, i’ve run out of everything, woman words about being surprised, alla taxi, premiere, today at 21:20, amazing! people, season seven is amazing. to be honest, i’m completely shocked, this means that the brain has stepped to some new level, tomorrow at 21:30. if you live in nature, but the sounds of rural spaces irritate you, don’t even think about complaining. at least the french parliament forbade this to its citizens. lawmakers called the behavior of people who first settle next to farms and then abandon them as absurd.
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nurseries, how new calfs get used to the new place, let's see, you can do the famous alpaca kiss, like this, in the alpaca mountain park in the sochi mountains there are now a lot of not only people, but also the alpacas themselves, the new addition arrived to the farm from hungary in mid- february, 16 males and 44 females, let's not fight , chocolate, for transportation. turned into a real special operation, the animals were transported by a special road train through the territory of several states, well, on
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the russian-belarusian border, the new wards of the sochi park were transferred to a comfortable trailer, on which they arrived to their destination, we all went, 60 alpacas left hungary, 61 arrived in sochi,” says park guide nina voskresenskaya, whom her colleagues jokingly call nina. it’s wonderful, some indescribable sensations, soft, kind, beautiful, and such a bit of therapy in our difficult times, very
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nice animals, such a good positive place. in south america, where alpacas come from, these animals are valued not only for their docile nature, but for their wool, which is several times warmer and stronger than sheep’s. animals are usually shorn in the spring, therefore, in the near future you will be able to see a real parade of fashionable haircuts in the park. and then a masterpiece of nails, incredible works by masters of modern manicure, we’ll show you in a few minutes, chorus for nails, oh, what a horror, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know
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everything about holidays. anex. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reоrts:
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we are here for you! discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, the titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment! welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort! the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. where is your homeland, my brother? and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what an impression. russia comes and the city
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lives. program by boris korchevnikov. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. premiere on rtr. go ahead and get on the line yourself. easily. i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside. honestly, not sugar. is it true that you were appointed director? if you were 20 years older, you would get married. marry me. i'm not divorced. well, that's enough, well, well, as far as i can seem. well, we're family. let's again. over the past 3 years, the eruption of the icelandic volcano sunt hnjuka gigar woke up in mid-march, and has now become seriously active. drone footage shows streams of lava pouring out of the main crater, but experts are closely monitoring
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the process, they say there are threats to the structure, which... are built to protect the nearest city, no, but they say from another city, well , as a tourist attraction , very, very all this is interesting, but it’s overseas, overseas! we are not the most optimistic for travelers news: hotel prices have increased by about 20% over the year, so let’s evaluate the prospects for the holiday season. in the regions of russia or abroad, muscovite natalya beresneva travels several times a year, both for work and for leisure. now the girl is looking for a hotel for the may holidays and the prices for her favorite hotel in sochi are, to put it mildly, surprised; in 5 days natalie calculates that she will have to pay 45,000 rubles. last year , the hotel where i stay usually cost 7,500, this year it’s already 9,000, well, 1,500 per day, it feels like that, compared to last year hotel prices have risen quite decently, and quite decently, tourism industry experts note that the main reason for the rise in prices for russian hotels has been the significant increase in the popularity of domestic tourism over the past 2 years, the restoration of tourist flows
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from abroad, and there are even shortages in many areas. we are recording a large... increase in the popularity of domestic tourism, and of course, russian hotels are extremely in demand, we are recording, taking into account inflation, increased demand, dynamic pricing, an increase of 10-15%, and in a number of cases hotels it reaches 30%. moscow turned out to be the leader in price growth; for example, the average cost of a night in the capital over the year increased from 5.5 to 7,500 rubles. at the same time , five-star hotels have risen most noticeably in price to 17 thousand per night, four-three-three a little less, followed by dagestan instead of 4,500 5,600, a night in a hotel will cost 7.0 versus 5 for the same period of the twenty-third year, in kaliningrad 6,700, in the republic of adegea 10,400, in leningrad region 11,700 rub. it seems that prices for accommodation in russian hotels are flying into space in some areas; can be compared with the cost of a foreign holiday. for example, the cost of one night in a turkish four-star hotel for may dates will cost 5,000 rubles. all inclusive can be found for seven ultra all inclusive packages for 8-10,000 rubles. which is comparable to prices for
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accommodation in the capital, st. petersburg or popular russian resorts. cities, however, tourism industry experts emphasize that domestic hotels could inflate prices even higher, especially for the may holidays and especially for the summer season; government measures to zeroing out vat for hotels, in other words, if vat for hotels had not been abolished, the increase could have been 40 or even 50%. by the way, for those who still plan to travel around their native lands, there are options to save money. to save on travel and hotel bookings, it is better to plan your trip in advance and choose special offers from hotels. and aggregators, you can reduce the number of travel days or, for example, change the travel period. in addition, you can get a discount if you use loyalty programs or storage system of a particular network. somewhere they give a 500 rubles discount for registration, in others you can accumulate 5-10% bonuses from previously made bookings and get free nights. and then, one novice, two,
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oh-oh, ovichka, oh, wait, and i already counted this one with a spot on its side, and this one with a spot on its side. what kind of dream is this, len? yes, this is not a dream at all, animals will soon be cloned, already on an industrial scale, details will follow, there’s a whole article here, i won’t fall asleep at all. listen, they don't end, oh, i'll fall asleep, i won't fall asleep, yet one, another, all the same, you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the andrey shevtsov studio. the water level in orenburg rose by 10 m, this is a historical record, more than 700 people were evacuated. thick fog in the southern donetsk direction was not a hindrance to technology, a massive rocket artillery strike was carried out on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. at the vostochny cosmodrome today is the third
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attempt to launch the heavy angara a5 launch vehicle into space. the water level on the ural river in orenburg rose to a record high in the entire history of observation and exceeded 10 m. water has come close to apartment buildings in some urban areas, but there is no threat of flooding, local authorities assure. according to forecasters, the flood has almost reached its peak. at the moment , more than 7.0 people have been evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. almost 2.0 private houses and about 2,500 household plots remain under water. rescuers delivered humanitarian aid to the region on an il-76 aircraft. in total, 35 tons of cargo were brought, including food and drinking water.
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today we worked according to the goal plan, mole tse or infantry, so to speak, we cover our troops so as not to allow the enemy to carry out a counter-attack, pinning them, so to speak, to the ground with our fire. in the southern donetsk direction, combat missions are carried out by army aviation, the crew of multifunctional, supersonic su-34 bomber fighters attacked. as a result, all targets were successfully hit and the pilots returned to
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their home field. hurricane multiple rocket launch systems are ready to attack the nationalists at any moment. they are capable of hitting targets from a distance of up to 40 km. on preparation and clarification of coordinates takes only a few minutes. to the front line about 20 km, the crew of the rszzo hurricane of the eastern group of troops returned after another... the soldiers take up their jobs and again go on day duty. new targets have been discovered in the south of the donetsk
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people's republic, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. after the shot, the most dangerous minutes for the crew. the enemy is conducting a counter-battery fight, you need to leave this position as quickly as possible so as not to become a target yourself.
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groups are on duty in the hottest areas front, the task of the artillerymen is to provide support to the attack aircraft, who consistently knock out the enemy from fortified positions. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the mgt board of governors will hold an extraordinary meeting today at its headquarters in venev due to the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the session will be convened by the chairman of the council in accordance with the letters that arrived in his name, first from russia and then from ukraine last sunday monday the station was attacked with drones, as stated by the russian representative to international organizations in vienna , mikhail ulyanov, ukraine has made this an everyday practice. large-scale attacks by iran or its allies on military and government targets in israel are inevitable, writes bloomberg. according to his sources familiar with the intelligence data, this could happen in the coming days. information has emerged that...
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the iranian military leadership has already canceled vacations in all army units. new fighting will mean expansion conflict in the middle east. against this background , oil prices have already increased, and air carriers have begun to cancel flights to tehran. in early april, the iranian embassy in syria was destroyed by an israeli strike. several high-ranking commanders were killed. however, israel did not directly admit that it was behind this attack. unknown in philadelphia. opened fire in the park during the eid al-fitr holiday. at that moment there were about a thousand people there. according to preliminary data, the incident is not related to a religious holiday. shoot each other friend was started by two rival criminal gangs. this caused panic. people rushed into the scattered debris, at least three people were injured. they are now in the hospital. police detained five people with firearms. three of them. at
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the vostochny cosmodrome today is the third attempt to launch a heavy angara a5 launch vehicle into space. the state commission decided that the rocket was ready for launch, scheduled for noon moscow time. the day before, as before, on tuesday the start was canceled again, this time the cancellation occurred due to a failure of the engine start control system. for the angara a5 heavy rocket, the mass of which together. with a payload of 800 tons, this launch will be the fourth in history, the previous ones were carried out from the plesetsk cosmodrome, angara family rockets should replace the proton m carriers. next, teach the regions, do not switch. now news from the capital region, temperature. the air temperature
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in moscow and the region will begin to gradually drop from today, today it will be +19 more this afternoon, by the evening it will get colder to 15°, but this is still higher by 5-7° normal for mid-april will be cloudy with clearings, but no precipitation is expected, atmospheric pressure is high, 751 mm of mulberry column. a temporary bypass tram line began operating on bolshaya cheryomushkinskaya street; it was introduced during the construction of the troitskaya metro line between. vinokurov and dmitry ulyanov streets. trams operate on the line 26:38. thanks to this scheme, it was possible to maintain the possibility of tram travel on this section without blocking it completely. on the eve of april 12 , a general cleaning of the alleys was carried out in moscow astronauts. as part of the month of improvement after the winter season, specialists from the municipal services complex washed the monument to konstantin tsealkovsky, a bust of the first space explorers. the workers used
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a special neutral composition and soft brushes. all news is available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website until the meeting in almost 20 minutes. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, relaxation is relaxation, we know everything about relaxation, annex kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication
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and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying. dreams into reality, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, if anything happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, on saturday, out of the feeling that he himself stole his daughter and is holding she’s locked up, this can’t happen, stay away from him, anna myuklysh, alexander nikitin, were you hiding something? what? don't torture me, valera. i have to think it over. this concerns lyuba. nadya, i need to know. ibushka is crying. premiere on saturday on rtr.
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good morning. good morning, elena nikolaeva greets you today. andrey petrov, you really feel that you have chosen the right morning information channel. but. our morning information channel has its own channel, a telegram channel, a channel within a channel, so subscribe, you will get pleasure and a lot, a lot of information that is not on the air, by the way, well, hold on to it, and for now we will be transported with you to moscow zoo, let's show a panda who planned an escape, this is katyusha, she is not even 7 months old, but the smart one figured out to move the bowl of water, escape into the opening, escape far, though she didn’t escape, but found out what was there outside the home, fought.
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level, hello, our star, how are you doing here? the calf was named so not by chance, the girl is a copy of the cow, which once thundered throughout the country, giving up to 18,000 liters of milk, twice as much as others, so they decided to take her genes to light a new star. the goal of our experiment, and this is precisely an experiment, is to create optimal conditions for a clone and see how far the clone can repeat the outstanding... success of the animal from which it came. the egg and sperm are no longer needed during cloning. a somatic cell, for example, from the skin of a donor, is placed into the female germ cell aocyte, having previously removed its own dna from it. in this living incubator, the process of division and creation of
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a genetic copy begins. now on the monitor you can observe a microscopic image of a blastacyst on the seventh day of development of a cow. a collection of cells from which. will fruit to form. on the seventh day of creation , scientists have no time to rest. embryos need to be transferred to surrogate mothers, so that the cow does not realize that she is carrying someone else’s calf, but either the donor’s cell turns out to be weak or sick, or the womb begins to reject the fetus, a survival rate of 5-10% is considered a good result. the efficiency of cloning and the birth of live, viable offspring is lower than with natural breeding, even with other reproductive technologies, for example. as with in vitro fertilization, however, there is successes, if the first cloned cow in russia was born from one of eighty embryos, this was in the twentieth year, then 2 years later in the experiment with ram only 11 transplants were needed, when he grew up, decided to reproduce naturally
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, a sheep was added to him. an ultrasound happened there a couple of days before she gave birth, they thought that she was just getting better, but it turned out that there was life there. since cloning. and a new approach to selection, not to select, cross and wait for years for the result, but to produce individuals with a successful combination of genes, this is eureka, one in a million we got this, so we clone it with this combination, but the most important thing is the progress of selection, there is no genetic...
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of course yes, well, that is, all the genetic components that contained, which were transmitted from an animal donor to this clone, the animal will be absolutely the same, it is difficult to talk about any kind of mass scale of such work, here we must understand that if we clone the same animals, then how to reproduce them, because it will be like -that embrading, that is, closely related.
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they carry embryos, that is, it also costs how much surrogate cows are needed, which money, that is, well, in horse breeding this is practiced, that is, when there is a good stallion, there are even exchanges of biomaterials that take, well, in fact, some kind of horse is nursing, the question is the cost of stallions , if they cost tens of millions of dollars, then it is profitable, it is profitable, it pays off, if the animal costs less, look, they are engaged, as i understand it, the uk is engaged in america purposefully, china is interested in their pets, by the way, here is barbara strezent from the famous, yes, who cloned her pet, is not very happy with the result, she says the character is somehow very different and is not transmitted, this is precisely intrauterine development and everything else is the environment and drowning uterine development, rather the environment. because these are very complex traits, they often have a genetic and environmental background, and character is a very
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complex trait, where would this even be applicable in this way? well, in my opinion, this is more applicable if it’s straight absolutely some absolutely unique animal that has, well, the same mamotov wanted to restore the clan, well , the amur tiger is dying out in our country, endangered species can be restored in this way, probably endangered yes, well, that is , specifically with mamints there is a problem that needed. which in
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the future will make it possible to do this, here comes , well, there are a lot of works coming out on this topic now, cloning without -
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he likes to grab a jacket voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you you're flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, that's it guys, i need to feed the hamster, you're among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturday at 11:50 on the russia channel, we invite you to the museum. open-air arts, this is the united arab emirates. abu dhabi has been turned into an art gallery.
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artists from all over the country painted bus stops and the area around them, taking more than 800 hours to complete. most of the works are dedicated to local traditions; the main thing that the masters were able to convey to the townspeople is a positive view of life. moreover, street art encourages strangers to communicate while, for example, they are waiting for a bus. have you already seen donkey? well, look, it looks good, but it’s a bit boring, you should add some bright colors, look, there’s a real boom in unusual, amazing and sometimes completely crazy nails on the internet, masters and amateurs share design ideas, which not everyone dares to repeat, although some
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design options raise questions, remember this expression: hair is not teeth, it will grow back, meet your nails. in the form of teeth it’s not scary to lose, no, after all, i’m closer to the classics, and this is me now in the literal sense of classic nail art, another modern internet trend. could the great leonardo da vinci imagine that in the future his giaconda would be worn on his fingertips? but to transfer another great painting, lady with an ermine, the nail will definitely have to be extended, otherwise all the beauty simply won’t fit. a real creative challenge, but also a lot of fun. the beauty of nail art is that you can draw and admire your favorite ones all the time things. for example, this girl loves the fairy tale about beauty and the beast, so why not paint a portrait of a handsome prince on her nails, just in case she appears in life. here i have a whole story about how belle falls in love. by the way, it is portraits on nails
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that today collect the maximum number of likes and comments. this is an incredibly painstaking work that requires... possession of a brush, but if your budget allows, then you can even decorate your fingers with precious stones, the case when you take care of your manicure like the apple of your eye, or any broken one the nail is a real tragedy. no, i don’t like your nails at all, it’s impossible to follow a diet with them, oh, i want chocolates, then i think like a criminal, the main character of the film, look at him. he can do it in his head, the new third series is already available on the platform, look, everything we drink, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, you’re kidding, they can’t cope without me, on cosmonautics day, you’ll take it with you when you fly, into space, they’re ready to step into the unknown, there is no degrammatization, but
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there is ice all around, only checking the chosen ones. fate, take us away, we’ll crash, only boldly submit space, there is not enough oxygen, only one can be returned to earth, come back, you came here to die, but i want to live on earth, film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, will you be back soon? salute 7 april 12 on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i already demanded, give me back the nuclear one. how are things on the front? the weather
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is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently. commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight, with equipment, and there is only one of us there, the second tank flew into the kougropsky, the hero of russia will be on the tour, we are all with you, including me, this is to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there in the west there are great dreamers. but we are guided by the fact, look twice a day, see you, in the recent past you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, for the life of me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she is
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for you digs valera in the most dangerous place for you have no place, you are a predator. what else, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, please, acquaintance and roll call, you can build without building, i’m very glad that you came to to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like attack, dad. i imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is ahead? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with
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joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, we are all wondering how to make our electricity bills lower. a british firm has found a way to generate cheap electricity 24
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hours a day. to do this, you need to install solar panels in orbit, they will collect light, turn it into microwaves and transmit to a station connected to the local network. the device can be installed on large satellites, this will allow you to receive megawatts day and night in any weather, most importantly... support for such projects is provided thanks to the national project science and andrei negru universities on breakthrough technologies. you enter the technology park, are calibrated using similar images, and we have a whole
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mixed reality through which we can further travel. indicate your place on the interactive map, get directions to the desired office, show the location diagram conference room along with a schedule of events, that’s what the navigator that works in this smartphone can do, but usually such applications are available in premises. the signal from the satellites disappears here, but in this case it is not needed. this system is oriented in space thanks to qr tags that are posted on the floor at certain intervals. what the phone does is it looks at this point, by which it is calibrated, and relative to it it places all the objects that were included in it, here is an interactive map. in future visitors to large stores will certainly appreciate such maps, but for now the developers are focusing on working with office and exhibition spaces. with parks, including a museum famous for its collection of soviet sculptures. now you can not only find monuments faster, read about them, and, say, take part in a quest. explore
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the avenue of leaders, where each sculpture tells its own unique story. surprisingly, the system allows you to create such an interactive object navigator in just a couple of days, and its use is justified even on short-term events. here is an example, navigating the event from the regions kolkova. recently, this conference brought together business representatives from universities to, in particular, help in the development of youth startups. today, by the way, they can take part in a student startup competition and, if they win, receive funding. it is carried out under the federal project platform of university technological entrepreneurship. the national project science and universities helps to involve young people in this area. acceptance of applications for the competition has begun february 28, will last until april 15. participants are invited. choose one of seven thematic areas, including digital technologies, resource-saving energy and creative industries. the 200 best projects will receive a million rubles for implementation. here are
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some of the winners of past years, penza students who designed a series of metal detectors, received support and managed to launch the production of such devices. this device is necessary for construction companies to search for any construction objects under walls, for example. fittings, wires or something else, it really helps, they order, especially electricians, despite the fact that the functionality and sensitivity of these devices are not inferior to their foreign counterparts, their weight and most importantly the price are much lower, so the demand is great, they assemble and almost 2.0 metal detectors are being sent to marketplaces. and then, compensation for bullying at school. we will evaluate new methods of punishment after the news. they continue to work
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live in the studio of andrey shevtsov. hello. water level on the ural river in orenburg rose to a record high in the entire history of observations and exceeded 10 m. the water came close to apartment buildings in some urban areas, but there is no threat of flooding, local authorities assure. according to forecasters, the flood has almost reached its peak. at the moment , more than 7.0 people have been evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. almost 2.0 private houses and about 2.5 remain under water . in the tyumen region, according to forecasts, the peak of the flood is expected by april 22, today rescuers delivered 4 to the region by plane of the ministry of emergency situations in advance km of prefabricated dumps, with their help
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, employees of public utilities will be able to organize reliable protection against flooding of private houses and other vital facilities in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost. now about the progress of the special military operation in the kumensky direction, the tank crew of the west group of forces effectively carries out fire missions in any conditions , day and night. during the next combat mission, the crews of t-90 tanks of the first guards army destroyed camouflaged fortifications and manpower of the nationalists. straightaway. after hitting targets , the military leaves the position to avoid being attacked by ukrainian komikatsy drones. rolled out to the firing position, made corrections, reached the spotter, and began to work. the first two shots were sighting shots, after which the entire enemy personnel disappeared into the dugout, and then they began to destroy the enemy’s fortifications. 36:48. 36 48 yes
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, artillery units of the group covering the state border, around the clock, deliver precise strikes on exposed military targets, defensive structures, armored vehicles and personnel of the ukrainian army. military personnel using fire from msta s self-propelled gunships destroyed camouflaged enemy fortified positions in regions of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. a strong explosion and fire occurred at... a biofuel production plant in the south of france , a black column of smoke rose into the air, according to local authorities there were no toxic substances in its composition, one employee of the plant was injured, he was sent by helicopter to the hospital in serious condition, now his life is nothing threatens, hundreds of people were also evacuated from the danger zone, firefighters managed to bring the fire under control only after 2 hours, the causes of the incident have not yet been reported. a strong storm
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brought flooding and tornadoes... they established regular communication along the don river between rostov-on-don and azov. flights on valdai boats operate eight times a day. each can accommodate 45 people. travel time is about 40 minutes. the same journey by car takes about an hour. this route is especially popular among rostovites on weekends, when many go to nature. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and
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the region. we'll see you in. a few seconds, now news from the capital region: the air temperature today in moscow and the region will begin to gradually drop, this afternoon it will still be +19, by the evening it will get colder to 15°, it will be cloudy with clearings, but the weather forecaster does not predict precipitation, atmospheric yes... according to the data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now one point; the roads are almost free. in the coming hours , the density of congestion may increase to three points. passengers on the savelovsky and belarusian routes will see changes in the schedule this weekend. restrictions will be in effect due to work on the dmitrov-canal-stroy section. they will last from 15:30 saturday until sunday morning. this will be reflected.
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on the schedule of some trains; all information can be found on the official website in the rjd mobile application. i completed it in the moscow region. movable metal rods are a barrier to solid debris that gets into the sewer system, and wastewater brings waste. here, to the shchelkovo wastewater treatment plant. complex, this is what the first stage of mechanical wastewater treatment now looks like: the entire dirty process was hidden in pipes under the concrete floor of a spacious pavilion, and from the new one there was a gas removal system, essentially powerful air filters that purify the air from harmful fumes. thanks to the reconstruction, it was possible
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to solve one very important problem: the unpleasant odor that tormented residents of nearby settlements is now gone; this was achieved by changing the technological process. water from sewage does not settle in tanks as before. immediately enters for disinfection, waste water comes from below, biologically active sludge saturated with special bacteria comes from the pipe above, they purify turbid water streams from chemical impurities, including fluorine and phosphorus. the reconstruction project was complex, because there had been no major repairs at the shchelkovo treatment plant for almost 50 years, during which time both the technologies and environmental standards for water treatment had changed, but most importantly, the load had increased. we are for today moment they completed a program not only for modernizing existing ones. in terms of numbers, we have accordingly increased the volume, the potential volume, which will allow the territory to develop accordingly. the new system is currently operating in test mode; after the equipment commissioning process is completed, the enterprise will be able to purify up to 400,000 cubic meters of water per day.
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this figure should be reached by the fall. oksana maksimova, nikita shchuchkin, yulia antipova, lead. in the west of moscow, builders have completed more than half of the work to modernize the road network in the districts dorogomilovo and... the park will soon have new driveways, interchanges, an overpass with exits to major highways and a four-lane road. it will start from the sherepikha bridge, run along the moscow river, to the taras shevchenko embankment, with exits already built from bagration avenue. global changes are also awaiting the capital's golyanovo district; residential neighborhoods will be built there, testing zones will be built there, a new transport framework will be formed and a metro station will be opened. about this today. sergei sobyanin wrote in his telegram channel, they have already opened an updated sports skif complex, there are two gyms in the building, everyone can visit sections in samba, judo, karate and other types of martial arts. in
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honor of the thirty-fourth birthday , the gilikon opera theater is hosting a series of concerts 3:4 started. the culmination of each of them is a wedding ceremony on stage, which is performed by employees of the moscow zaks. every evening, 500 spectators and 200 theater artists will applaud a new family registered within the walls of the youngest musical theater in moscow. all news is available on the media platform, look at app or website look at, see you in almost 20 minutes.
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titanic luxury collection titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and
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enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf beel. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. good morning, have a nice start to the day, with you elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, hello, i suggest you start with this: moms, dads, you are absolutely right, at a certain age it is especially easy to admit this, but not in adolescence, so scientists speak for young members of society, listen, yes, teenagers have accumulated digital fatigue, they say , the skills of live communication have almost disappeared, scientists from ranhix came to such conclusions, all these are echoes of the pandemic, isolation, then we...
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after lifting restrictions, the desire to communicate in the real world, well, it seems to be there, the skills are clearly not enough, for many it is easier to find friends not at school, on social networks, but also in children’s groups, there are more and more cases of bullying; sociologists associate this with the laws of the network, which allows aggressive actions instantly and, moreover, anonymously, which is not good. parents can seek compensation from schools. a judicial sensation occurred in the volgograd region for insulting and bullying with a ruble. for the first time in history , a schoolboy’s mother, driven to despair, managed to financially punish her daughter’s offenders. my child was bullied while in an educational institution, that is, alone acted as a provocateur and several. classmates also joined in, and the child
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was kicked and pushed. after numerous complaints against the administration , the prosecutor’s office got involved in the case and was able to prove the fact of bullying, and most importantly, the inaction of the employees of the educational institution. the court agreed with the arguments presented by the applicant and took into account the results of the prosecutor's investigation, collecting 50,000 rubles in favor of the girl's legal representative. so far this is an isolated case, but lawyers are sure that it is the first precedent. can completely change the entire system, indicating that the order the response to finding the perpetrators requires innovation became clear immediately after several serious cases became known to the general public. let's cut out her tongue so she won't scream. shocking footage of aggressive confrontation between teenagers was recently discussed throughout kislovodsk. a group of teenagers caused bodily harm to a girl. investigators and the investigative committee will also be given a legal assessment of the authorities of the prevention system. “if this happens within the walls of a school, experts say, there is a clear
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algorithm for who should act and how, that’s all it starts with the teacher, if he can’t handle it himself, he must involve the mediation service in this process, this is a social teacher, this is an educational psychologist, each of them has instructions on how to act in case of aggression and bullying, if there is a conflict, information the conflict reaches the administration, of course the administration must make all decisions." you always need to work with parents, they must be informed about this. in the case of bullying, the school’s action plan is as follows: the class teacher conducts a conversation with the aggressor and his parents the injured party. a mediation group and a social pedagogue and psychologist are involved. the incident should be reviewed by the school board. if the situation develops , a juvenile affairs inspector is involved. the student faces registration with his parents and administrative liability. if this scheme failed at school, it means someone did. one of the employees of the educational institution did not complete his work, did not fulfill his direct
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duties, and now the court can fine the school for this. those teachers and pedagogues who allowed this to happen, yes, at least will lose the bonus, or at most will receive a reprimand, and the school will be forced to pay the specified amount of money. courts regard such incidents as moral damage, which means compensation can amount to several tens of thousands of rubles. order in schools will come when the entire team feels its responsibility to participate. in the life of every child, and to understand this, perhaps, a court decision is unnecessary. let's continue the conversation about school everyday life . the state duma proposed to equip a medical unit in every educational institution. on at the moment, 65% of schools are equipped with them, and one nurse sometimes works in several educational institutions at once, and despite what the ministry of health has stated, only about a third of schoolchildren today can be considered absolutely healthy. we will find out how they plan to organize the work of school medical offices, a member of the state duma committee on health protection, mikhail.
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no one understood right away, well, the child is sitting, crying, holding his eye, everything is correct, look, some here refer to the law that was passed last year that supposedly a teacher can provide first aid, how in this way, firstly, assess the severity of the impact, and secondly, provide him somewhere with some kind of
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help, but it turns out wrong what will happen to him in the end, well, yes, it’s called lack of effort when we'll come up with some ideas and start some things. include this story there for just 3 years , at least a person could work correctly, this is also a solution to the issue, target recruitment is mandatory, now we will evaluate how effective this measure is, especially since colleges are also included there, and colleges too, if we attract the same students to work in schools in medical offices, then they will only be able
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to take the temperature there, whether the action is limited or not, or this is our delusion, you know here, but i would still object. with the normative documents and orders already on the procedure for providing assistance, if you look at what the doctor should do, what the nurse felsha should do, it is clearly written there, in fact, these are basic small measures that, in principle , specialists can do, well, with the initial ones such, simply put, if we recruit students for such work, then they, they will have enough competence to perform all these tasks. not about first-year students, we are talking about more senior students, and also to colleagues, i want to inform you that, for example, after the third year, a student at a medical university, having passed certain exams, can work as a nurse and a medical brother, and is there a time frame for making any specific decision?
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now all the analytical information is being collected, specifically this analytical information the information will allow us to accept exactly the personnel. very fundamental decisions, then i think that within probably three-4 months we will already have all the information, then we can take your word, probably, to meet again, in fact, when they will, yes, when they will the results, in fact, are clear from this work of the commission and the synthesis of all the data, we will be happy to talk about what to do next, we will be simple, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, and the school medical offices spoke with a member of the state duma committee on health protection mikhail kizeev, thank you. on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of solute 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenebekov and victor owl , the cabin became quiet, one and a half minutes remained before the collision with the station, before this there was definitely no manual belay in space, the station was for the first time since you were greeted here on earth, i sat a whole month at the baikanur cosmodrome,
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waiting for me to either be punished or the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov tomorrow at 15:00. now it’s not a miracle or a trick, look around pingtan island in in china, the water glows, a phenomenon caused by the bloom of tiny bioluminescent microorganisms called dinoflagylates. oh, it’s a picturesque sight, but the algae themselves are dangerous, they release a toxin that can lead to poisoning of fish and even a person if he accidentally decides to eat a blue tear, so it’s better to just watch, don’t touch with your hands, just like that, cheerfully into the water not vbe. yeah, well, this is one girl, she could have been sacrificed. the main grand spectacle will soon await science fiction fans. there are still 100 years left until the premiere of the film just a week. the new cinematic universe has already been praised by film critics and the press. in general, this is a guest from the future. here is such a charming greeting, not
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only from the future and the present, but also from the ageless past of russian science fiction. the legendary hero of kirobuluchev. we have problems now, we are being hunted by space pirates with knives and psychic abilities, they want to extinguish me and take away my space, wow, dude, we wrote the script for a total of probably about 3 years in total.
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it was difficult, but exciting, it was very important for me, there was the authenticity of what was happening in the frame, now the year is 2124, it sounds believable, it also looks like it was meant to take the viewer 100 years into the future, the filmmakers used the most modern special effects, and in order to bring the characters to life as much as possible, the life experience of the actors, and all we did was improvise, no , we have an excellent script, excellent text. they told him almost everything that was written there, but during the course of sort of accelerating the scene, we improvised a lot, because cinema should be live, why am i telling about all this, indeed, this story is worth seeing, there will be laughter, tears, and a whole new universe in addition, i love a movie like our film, because i love when new worlds are created in a film, when we are shown some new world, there dystopias or some fantastic new worlds, very great, very unexpected, very, well, i didn’t expect without... really that i would like it, because my opinion is absolutely biased, the film is just simply, simply magnificent, i sincerely hope that
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the film will be successful and then there will be a franchise, if you have any other questions, ask one small one, how could i even end up here, we will find out very soon, the main thing is to be in the right place at the right time, on april 18, unusually high activity of the space-time continuum will be recorded in all cinemas countries, don't miss it! alas, regional gasification is still bordering on science fiction. you have written about this problem more than once in our telegram channel. is it possible at the legislative level to limit the company’s appetites so that people have enough money to let them down? gas to the house? let's ask an expert, very soon. i do not know what to do. we must calm down. if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on saturday. from the feeling that he is himself. kidnapped his daughter and keeps her locked up, this can’t happen, stay away from him, anna miklysh, alexander nikitin, you
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’re hiding something, don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i i should know, the little one is crying, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the place appropriate, have you ever wondered why people count dooks? and carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, um... again yes, every person in any region of russia can make their own diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and
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this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula, on sunday on rtr. love is when you look at one... look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for two times, let's subscribe , look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, you're watching 100 to one, here? what task will we be able to open the whole board, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many there will be 7.8, 7.8 and eight, how many, who is at work, many and says loudly, if you celebrate, with humor, i chop down oak, don’t pluck. problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache and god forbid, now it’s beeping, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, we have a question for... scree, how many wheels does a racing car have for sale? the tiril p-34 car, in which
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the famous south african racing driver jody scheckter raced in 1979, was put up for sale on this car. now hurts in immaculate condition, auctioneers think that such a rarity would be bought for $700,000 at a higher price, but in general a responsible car owner has to keep an eye on literally everything, every wheel, be it four or six , and even the windshield wiper blades, says colleague iva zinkevich, he knows, he knows, in the spring many they change the windshield wiper blades, in winter they were often torn off the glass, and the frosts themselves have a bad effect on the tires, let's talk: what types of wipers are there and how to choose them correctly. so, all modern windshield wipers can be divided into three large types. let's start with the classics. frame brushes are the oldest and simplest type of brushes; the rubber band is attached to a metal frame made of several rocker arms. sometimes these wipers are placed on a small metal pad, which presses them harder against the glass when the car is traveling fast. the main advantage is low
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price and versatility. thanks to the good. they bend the windshield. if you're planning to change it, you can approach cars with almost anything , look at the frame first. if it is not yet worn out, you can only renew the rubber band. true, over time the hinges still become loose and the fit will be weaker. of the minuses, frame wipers worsen aerodynamics, and in winter they freeze quickly during snowfall. a kind of compromise is winter wipers, whose design is covered with a special one. sealed case. a more modern version is frameless brushes. instead of a system of levers, there is an elastic metal strip curved in an arc and rigidly connected to the rubber part. the aerodynamics of these are much better, less hassle in winter, simpler and therefore more reliable design, but they cost more and are generally suitable for flat windshields. finally, hybrid wipers, they combine
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design elements of two types, but the price is much more expensive. except. but with each set of blades an additional set of adapters is included for mounting to any car, also keep in mind that on most modern cars the wiper on the driver’s side is longer, so it’s better to look at the exact parameters. buy a set right away, but to extend the life of the blades during the current summer period, do not turn them on when the windshield is dry, but to remove marks from insects, use special wipes or products, and try not to leave the car in the sun for a long time, then the journey becomes increasingly difficult,
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they paid a fortune for heating, i’ll still notice. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsin studio. the water level in orenburg rose by 10 m, this is a historical record, more than 7,000 people were evacuated. thick fog in the southern donetsk direction of the equipment is not a hindrance; a massive strike of rocket artillery was carried out on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. at the vostochny cosmodrome today this is already the third attempt to launch a heavy
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angara h5 launch vehicle into space. the water level on the ural river in orenburg has risen to a record high in the entire history of observations and exceeded 10 m. the water has come close to apartment buildings in some urban areas, and there is no threat of flooding, local authorities assure. according to forecasters, the flood has almost reached its peak, at the moment more than 700 people have been evacuated to temporary accommodation centers, almost 2.0 private houses around remain under water... a rescuer delivered humanitarian aid to the region assistance to the il-76 aircraft. in total, 35 tons of cargo were brought. these are food, drinking water, personal hygiene products, medicines, blankets and rubber boots. now about the progress of the special military operation in the avdeevsky direction on the positions of the nationalists, the artillerymen of the center group are firing. having received the coordinates of the targets from the drones, the crews
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of the geocint guns carried out aiming and... hit the area where the nationalists’ fire weapons were deployed from a distance of 23 km. as a result, the guns of the artillery battery of the ukrainian army were destroyed. today we worked according to plans. the strike was carried out by unguided aerial bombs, and they allow pilots to carry out an attack from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. as a result, all targets were successfully hit and the pilots returned to bazirovaya airfield. at any moment, attack
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the nationalists, hurricane multiple launch rocket systems are ready. they are capable of hitting targets from a distance of up to 40 km. to prepare for clarification of coordinates. it only takes a few minutes. from an editorial report by eduard punikov. on the south donetsk front today passport for thick fog, low clouds, but for crews of multiple launch rocket systems , a hurricane is ideal weather, since there is a lower probability that the vehicle can be detected by an enemy reconnaissance drone and you can more or less calmly work on targets near the line of combat contact. the front line is about 20 km away. the crew of the rszzo hurricane of the eastern group of forces returned after another combat tour. the car heads towards the rear to reload. the soldiers take up their jobs and again go on day duty. new targets have been discovered in the south of the donetsk people's republic, where
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fierce fighting is currently taking place. after the shot, the most dangerous minutes for the crew. the enemy is conducting a counter-battery fight, you need to leave this position as quickly as possible so as not to become a target yourself. by this time we have already arrived. aerial reconnaissance data, the enemy stronghold was successfully hit, the car hides in a dense forest belt and returns to cover, the commander of this unit with the call sign baikal has also been on special operations since the first days, during all this time his car has never been hit didn’t hit, is there any difference from how the fighting took place in 2022, as it is now? yes, the differences have changed, changed a lot, the danger of air is increasing, we have already tuned in to the air, we have protected the car. yeah, anti-drone mesh, they installed a thunderstorm system so that drones couldn’t get caught. the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army of the eastern group is on duty in the hottest sectors
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of the front. the task of the artillerymen is to provide support to the attack aircraft, who consistently knock out the enemy from fortified positions. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. now a message from the national anti-terrorism committee during the holding in kabordino-balkaria. security authorities for operational-search activities received information about the whereabouts of armed persons involved in terrorist activities. tonight they were blocked by fsb special forces on the territory of the garden partnership in the suburbs of nalchik. a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced there. in response to proposal to lay down arms and surrender to the authorities, the bandits opened fire on law enforcement officers. megathea will hold its board of governors today at its headquarters in vienna.
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and government facilities in israel is inevitable, writes bloomberg. according to his sources familiar with the intelligence data, this could happen in the coming days. information has emerged that the iranian military leadership has already canceled vacations in all army units. new hostilities will mean an expansion of the conflict in the middle east. on this background oil prices have already increased, air carriers have begun to cancel flights to tehran. at the beginning of april, the iranian embassy was in syria.
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engine launch control system for the angara a5 heavy rocket, the mass of which, together with the payload, is 800 tons; this launch will be the fourth in history. the previous ones have been completed. from the plesetsk cosmodrome, the angara family rocket should replace the proton m carrier. next, regional news, stay with us. now news from the capital region, air temperature from today in moscow and the region will begin to gradually descend. this afternoon is another plus. from 19, by the evening it will get colder to 15°,
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but this is still 5-7° above the norm for mid-april, it will be cloudy with clearings, but no precipitation is expected, the atmospheric pressure is increased, 751 mm hg. a temporary bypass tram line started operating on bolshaya cheryomushkinskaya street; it was introduced during the construction of the troitskaya metro line between vinokurov and dmitry ulyanov streets. trams operate on the line 26:38. thanks to. this scheme managed to preserve the possibility of travel on trams in this section, without blocking it completely. on the eve of april 12 in moscow, they carried out a general cleaning on the cosmonaut alley; specialists from the municipal services complex, as part of the month of improvement after the winter season, washed the monument to konstantin tsalkovsky, busts of the first space explorers. the workers used a special neutral composition and soft brushes. all news is available on
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the media platform, watch in the app or on the website, see you in almost 20 minutes. they say you need to prepare for vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but relax on... where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leoresorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment,
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a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. premiere on rtr. go ahead and get on the line yourself. easily. i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside. honestly, not sugar. is it true that you are the director? appointed. if you were 20 years older, you would get married, marry me, i’m not divorced, well, that’s enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well, we’re family, let’s do it again, alla taxi, today on rtr, good morning, good morning, welcomes you today. elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov,
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we are starting a new morning together. it’s a new morning and sometimes we have a new philosophical mood, so if you and we had chosen other professions, who would you be when you got up in the morning? an ice cream seller for one day, the children would adore you, but they seem to be so happy, but in general, get ready for your favorite, least favorite job, and if you were a little professional in another field, the vast majority of russians would literally like to try this for a day, every fourth. chose the job of a florist, every fifth person chose a career as an actor, director or zookeeper, an unexpected spread, the popular positions turned out to be the owner of a sweet shop, a game tester, a train driver and an astronaut, this is how people want to realize their childhood dream, note that the ice cream seller was not included in the hit parade , there there were sweets, but in general we have one dream for all of us - gas in our own house in the countryside, it will be supplied free of charge under the social program. to the boundaries
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of the plot, well, you know, then everything is paid for by the owner, and many, of course, can’t afford it, of course, if there was gas in the house, it would be easier, well, the need for invention is cunning, of course, svetlana is a little disingenuous, gas is in there is one in the house, but it’s in cylinders, they cook food on it and it always runs out at the most inopportune moment, their village near kazan was included in the gasification program 2 years ago, pipes they extended it free of charge along all the streets, one of them passes by the ovelovs’ fence, you need to pay 100,000 for... introducing gas into the house and the house needs to be prepared, you need to make a facade, our facades correspond, this is 1050, for example, the large family of the pafnuchevs from. ..
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gas meter, gas analyzer, and for these purposes, subsidies of at least 100,000 rubles are provided for 13 preferential categories. the project itself will cost approximately 1,500 rubles. the cost of laying a linear meter of pipe of the required diameter is about 4-500 rubles. plus to this is a tie-in into the main gas pipeline, that's another 10-15. of course, there is an official procedure when a gas company develops and implements a project, but what if the owner of the premises decides.
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they are trying to make money on everything, even on the procedure of a banal tap into a gas pipeline. it was decided that the social gasification program will be of an indefinite nature, since we operate with the data provided by government bodies, subjects, the government and the resources of the supplying organization, then probably 100,000 - this is really an economically justified amount, perhaps a justified amount, but where can you get the same 100 thousand rubles to connect gas to residents of the outback, if they do not fall under any of the preferential categories, perhaps. legislators should consider the possibility of creating a special fund from which citizens would be issued interest-free loans for all the hassles of kazification. otherwise, blue fuel will remain expensive for russians pleasure. we will discuss this topic with an expert. our guest is svetlana kolinina, member of the central headquarters of the people's front,
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svetlana viktorovna, hello. well, in fact, what we were afraid of at the beginning, when all this was introduced, was that the last meters would be invested in exactly the entire cost that they didn’t get, that they didn’t get, or according to the law they tried to do it for the state, as it were. i even took a screenshot: the connection fee under the contract is exactly the money they say, fixed to 60-80,000, then payment for the preparation of a gasification plan at market prices, construction, commissioning work, gas consumption, equipment of the house , also at market prices, but the market prices were immediately oriented, they tell us, so they are all between raigazh, so we did monitoring, they all became llc, oo - these are private companies, with the same persons, the same surnames, the same relatives, but they have all practically become private and, accordingly, moreover, for you or for me living in neighboring villages there is not the same pricing policy, it is different everywhere and then the governor sits beautifully and says: everything is registered with us, everything is officially registered with us . 60,000 people can do everything. i wanted to say exactly this, that the responsible persons are sitting and saying: yes, a person just needs
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to equip a gas facility, let’s tell us how much it costs to equip a gas facility this is all about to come into focus and how much time should we give it, you know , i never thought about it last year.
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in these villages, when we carried out monitoring and sent them to the government, there were 100 houses in the village, of which only 7 or 10 connected to gas, why they began to find out the reason, people simply don’t have the money to make the same technical documents inside the house, plus they need to buy more equipment themselves, this is also, this is the amount that, as we say, is still increasing for private owners , it grows to 10-20 times the size of the pension or salary. you travel around the country and encounter these maximum cases, what amounts do people have to pay, you know, i had a connection in the chelyabinsk region for 1,600, wow, maybe, after all, how we offered here in this studio to include gas in the price. who will come to a person with this payment and then he will pay a 10 tariff, well, first of all, you probably need
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to reconsider this payment, because even if you have a million or 10 include sheets must be fixed for the region and above which coefficient you are not you can step over this bar if we want to gasify 100% of the population of our country, and here one organization must independently include gas in the stove for me, but the social package, i want a more expensive stove. i then sign an application and they install a stove for me, which i will buy if possible, but if there is an industrial production that will have a subsidy from the state and make such a social package of equipment for the entire population group, then the opportunity will be for 100% gasification for everyone who could be responsible, in your opinion, there must be a ministry, let it be the ministry of construction or the ministry of energy, which should be...
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the nineties adoption conveyor of a crane operator shchelgacheva’s hopes spread over the whole country, 7 years of uninterrupted work, 1,260 children disappeared in italy and dozens of families thirsting for justice. frattya is not a person, she could have done this. we conducted our own investigation, found hope for fratti in russia, what the italian citizen is doing now, where the children disappeared to, the whole truth. malakhov, today at 16:30. if you live in nature, but sounds.
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in the city of sochi, several dozen new charges came out of quarantine; they were brought from european nurseries as new calfs are settling into a new place, let 's see, you can do the famous alpaca kiss, like this, in the alpaca mountain park, in the sochi mountains, now there are a lot of not only people, but... the alpacas themselves. the new addition arrived to the farm from hungary in mid-february. 16
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males and 44 females. we don't fight. chocolate. on the! transporting alpacas has turned into a real special operation. the animals were transported by a special road train through the territory of several states. well, on the russian-belarusian border, the new wards of sochi park were transferred to a comfortable trailer, on which they reached their destination. that's it, let's go, 60 alpacas left hungary, 61 arrived in sochi, says park guide nina voskresenskaya, whom her colleagues jokingly call nina alpakovna. on the way , we suddenly had an addition, the first baby appeared, who was named fedor, in fact, from that moment on we had three more additions, which is completely unprecedented for us. happiness at the moment , as you can see, we have the largest number of alpacas in russia, and with 85 heads, guests of the
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alpaca park of different ages are having fun they go into enclosures with rare animals for russia and treat them with delicacies, some indescribable delights, soft, kind, beautiful, and such a bit of therapy in our difficult times, very pleasant animals, very nice such a positive place, in south america, where i come from alpacas of these animals are valued only for their flexible nature, but also for their wool, which is several times warmer and stronger than sheep’s. animals are usually cut in the spring, so in the near future you will be able to see a real parade of fashionable haircuts in the park. and then masterpiece, from a fingernail. we will show you the incredible works of modern manicure masters in a few minutes. and ra on the nail. oh, oh, what a horror. on cosmonautics day. the signal is gone, the station doesn’t respond to any commands, why drink, i’m flying to baikan tomorrow,
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they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off, star. team, it’s dangerous, volodya, slow down, drive away, drive away, what happened, my glove was punctured, lights, talk to me, i ’m talking to you, the story of a real feat, they used almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, the film that took unprecedented heights, you heard, you need to open the hatch.
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andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. premiere. so stop alexander pankratov black next time i won’t miss alexander robok comrade’s handcuffs, let’s take off the handcuffs tomorrow under escort to the twentieth apartment, it’s clear anna mikhalkova has assigned one to the police , another to the clinic, i’m pushing for you all, they’ll kill you all or they’ll beat you up, maybe fyodor lavrov
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, well, look at how beautiful it is! what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i’m not i’ll accept, angels of the region, soon to rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they started to carry me...
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hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, if with something will happen to my darling, i won’t survive it, on saturday, out of the feeling that he himself... stole his daughter and keeps her locked up, this can’t be, stay away from him, anna mikolysh, alexander nikitin, you ’re hiding something, don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i have to know, ibushka is crying, premiere on saturday on rtr, now it will be beautiful,
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the largest eruption of the icelandic volcano sunt, hnyuka gigar in the last 3 years. i woke up in mid-march and have now become seriously active. drone footage shows streams of lava pouring out of the main crater, but experts carefully they are monitoring the process, they say there are no threats to the structures that were built to protect the nearest city, but they say from another city, well, as a tourist attraction, all this is very, very interesting, but it’s overseas, overseas. we don't have the most optimistic news for travelers; hotel prices have gone up by about 20% over the year, so... let's evaluate the prospects for the holiday season. muscovite natalya beresneva travels around the regions of russia or abroad several times a year, both for work and for leisure. now the girl is looking for a hotel for the may holidays and, to put it mildly, is surprised at the prices for her favorite hotel in sochi. in 5 days natale calculates that she will have to pay 45,000 rubles. last year the hotel where i stay usually cost 7,500, this
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year it’s already 9,000. well, 1,500 per day, that’s how it feels. since last year, hotel prices have risen quite a bit. and quite decently, tourism industry experts note that the main reason for the rise in prices for russian hotels has been the significant increase in the popularity of domestic tourism over the past 2 years restoration of tourist flow from abroad. there are even shortages in many areas. we are recording a large increase in the popularity of domestic tourism, and of course, russian hotels are extremely in demand; taking into account inflation of increased demand, dynamic pricing, we are recording an increase of 10-15%, and for a number of hotels it reaches 30%. moscow turned out to be the leader in price growth; for example, the average cost of a night in the capital over the year increased from 5.5 to 7,500 rubles. at the same time , the most noticeable increase in price for five-star hotels was up to 17 thousand. per night, four to three rubles a little less. next is dagestan instead of 4,500. 5,600 in tatarstan a night in a hotel will cost 7.0 versus five for the same period of the twenty-third year, in kaliningrad 6,700, in the republic of adige 10,400, in the leningrad region 11,700 rubles.
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it seems that prices for accommodation in russian hotels are flying into space in some areas; they can even be compared with the cost of a foreign holiday. for example, the cost of one night in a turkish four- star hotel for may dates will cost 5,000 rubles. all inclusive can be found for seven ultra all inclusive for 8-10,000 rub. what is comparable to prices for accommodation in the capital, st. petersburg or. popular russian resort cities. however, tourism industry experts emphasize that domestic hotels could inflate prices even higher, especially for the may holidays and even more so for the summer season. the government measure to zero out vat for hotels helped curb growth even further. in other words, if vat for hotels had not been abolished, the increase could have been 40 or even 50%. by the way, for those who still travel to their native lands plans, there are options to save. to save on travel and hotel bookings, it is better to plan your trip in advance and choose special ones.
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side, what kind of dream is this, and len? yes, this is not with a spot on the side, and this is with a spot for sleeping in general, animals will soon be cloned on an industrial scale, details will follow, there’s a whole article here, i won’t fall asleep at all, listen, they don’t end, oh, i i’ll fall asleep, and i’ll fall asleep, and another one, another one, all the same, the news continues. work in live, in the studio of andrey shevtsov. hello. the water level on the ural river in orenburg has risen to a record high in the entire history of observation and exceeded 10 m. the water
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has come close to apartment buildings in some urban areas, but there is no threat of flooding, local authorities assure. according to forecasters, the flood has almost reached its peak. at the moment , more than 7.0 people have been evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. almost 2.0 private houses and about 2,500 gardens remain under water. in tyubenskaya according to forecasts, the peak of the flood is expected by april 22. today , rescuers delivered 4 km of prefabricated dumps to the region by plane of the ministry of emergency situations in advance. with their help , utility workers will be able to organize reliable flood protection for private homes and other vital facilities in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost. now about the progress of the special military operation in the kupinsky direction, the tank crews of the west group of troops are effectively carrying out. fire missions in any conditions , day and night. during the next battle assignments, the crews of the t-90a tanks of the first guards army destroyed the camouflaged
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fortifications and manpower of the nationalists. immediately after hitting the target , the military leaves the position so as not to come under attack from ukrainian kamihadze drones. rolled out to the firing position, made corrections, reached the spotter, and began to work. the first two shots were fired. there were sightings, after which the entire enemy personnel disappeared into the dugout, and they even began to destroy the enemy’s fortifications. 36:48, 36:48, yes, artillery units of the group covering the state border carry out precise strikes around the clock on exposed military installations, defensive structures, armored vehicles, and manpower of the ukrainian army. serving with fire from mstas self-propelled howitzers, destroyed camouflaged and fortified enemy positions in areas of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. now
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a message from the national anti-terrorism committee during operational search activities carried out by security agencies in kabordino-balkaria information was received about the whereabouts of armed persons involved in terrorist activities. tonight they were blocked by fsb special forces on the territory of a gardening community in the suburbs. in response to an offer to lay down their arms and surrender to the authorities, the bandits opened fire on law enforcement officers. the magatte board of governors will hold an extraordinary meeting today at its headquarters in vienna due to the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the session will be convened by the chairman of the council in accordance with the letters that were received in his name, first from russia and then from ukraine. last sunday and monday, the station was attacked with the help of drones, as stated by the russian representative to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov, ukraine
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has made this a daily practice. a strong explosion and fire occurred at a biofuel production plant in the south of france. during the process, a black plume of smoke rose into the air. according to local authorities, there were no toxic substances in its composition. one plant employee was injured. he was sent by helicopter to the hospital in serious condition. now his life is not in danger. hundreds of people were also evacuated from the danger zone. firefighters managed to bring the fire under control only after 2 hours. the causes of the incident have not yet been reported. a severe storm brought a flood of tornadoes to the southern united states. one person died in mississippi. in neighboring louisiana , about 10 people were injured. 30 thousand consumers were left without electricity. across the state , dozens of buildings were damaged and partially destroyed due to hurricane-force winds. streets flooded in new orleans. roads in some places were blocked. according to forecasters, today severe thunderstorms, thunderstorms and tornadoes could hit the southern states with renewed
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vigor. at the same time, bad weather can. will move north. next, news from your region, by residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now to the news of the capital region. the air temperature from today in moscow and the region will begin to gradually drop. this afternoon it’s still +19, by the evening in...
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moscow region the reconstruction of one of the largest enterprises of the shchelkovo wastewater treatment plant has been completed cheese harvests, thanks to innovative technologies, residents of nearby villages no longer suffer from an unpleasant odor. oksana maksimova saw how the new wastewater treatment system works. movable metal rods, a barrier to solid waste that fell into the sewer system, and wastewater brought waste here to the shchelkovo treatment plant. and it goes further along the conveyor belt. on the press after the reconstruction of the complex, this is what the first stage of mechanical wastewater treatment looks like now. the whole dirty process was hidden in pipes under the concrete floor of a spacious pavilion. another new feature is the gas removal system, essentially powerful air filters that clean the air from harmful fumes. thanks to the reconstruction, it was possible to solve one very important problem; the unpleasant smell that tormented residents of nearby settlements is now gone. this was achieved by changing the technological process. water from
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the sewer. does not settle in tanks, as before, it immediately goes for disinfection. wastewater comes from below, biologically active sludge comes from the pipe above, saturated with special bacteria, they purify turbid water streams from chemical impurities, including fluorine and phosphorus. the reconstruction project was complex, because there had been no major repairs at the shchelkovo wastewater treatment plant for almost 50 years. during this time, both technologies and environmental standards for water purification have changed, but most importantly, the load has increased. we have not only completed the program so far.
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in the dorogomilovo and filevsky park areas , new driveways, interchanges, an overpass with exits to major highways and the road, it will be four-lane, will start from the shelepikhinsky bridge, will run along the moscow river to the taras shevchenko embankment, exits from bagration avenue have already been built. secondary vocational education in moscow is experiencing a real renaissance, sergei sobyanin wrote about this today on his personal website. economy.
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theater artists will be applauded by the new family registered within the walls of the youngest musical theater in moscow. our news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website good luck. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true
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excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection.
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good morning, good morning, elena nikolaeva, andrey petrov greets you today, you feel exactly the same, you have chosen the right morning information channel, but our... channel has its own channel, telegram channel, channel in the channel, so subscribe, you will have fun and a lot, a lot of information that is not on the air, by the way, well, hold it, while we take you to the moscow zoo, we will show the panda who planned to escape,
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this is katyusha, she is not even 7 months old, but the smart one figured out to move the bowl of water and run into the doorway, run away far, though she didn’t run away, but found out what was outside her home, fought with the chair, then joyfully... milk, twice as much as the others, here decided to take
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her genes to light a new star. task our experiment, and this is precisely an experiment, is to create optimal conditions for the clone and see to what extent the clone can repeat outstanding successes. from which he came. the egg and sperm are no longer needed during cloning. a somatic cell, for example, from the skin of a donor, is placed into the female oocyte, after removing its own dna from it. in this living incubator, the process of division and creation of a genetic copy begins. now on the monitor you can observe a microscopic image of a blastacyst on the seventh day of development cows, a cluster of cells from which will be formed. the fetus on the seventh day of creation , scientists have no time to rest, embryos need to be implanted into surrogate mothers, so that the cow does not realize that she is carrying someone else’s calf, but either the donor’s cell turns out to be weak or sick, or the womb. begins to reject the fetus, a survival rate of 5-10% is considered a good
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result. the efficiency of cloning and the birth of viable, full-fledged offspring from living offspring is lower than with natural breeding, even with other reproductive technologies, for example, as with in vitro fertilization. however, there are successes, if the first cloned cow in russia was born from one of 80 embryos, this was in the twentieth year, then 2 years later in the experiment with baran only 11 transplants were needed, when he grew up, he decided to reproduce naturally , they planted him with sheep an ultrasound happened there a couple of days before she gave birth, they thought that she was just getting better, but it turned out that there was life there. since the cloning of the first mammal, dolly the sheep, in 1996, technology has advanced to the agenda is no longer the creation of clones, but increasing their survival rate and a new approach to selection, not selecting, crossing and waiting for years for the result, but... churning out individuals with a successful combination of genes, this is eureka, one
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in a million we got this, so its clone this combination, but the most important thing is that there is progress in selection, there is no genetic modification of the genome, it is simply replicated, but just as it is not replicated in nature, by the way, the star has gone into circulation, the spot on the head is exactly like the mother’s, if genes are passed on one... this means that scientists believe that the milk yield is also record high, you just need to wait until the cow grows up, produces its first offspring and milk, then the experiment can be considered successful, but the face is a pretty little star, well, there is something to discuss with the research staff of the laboratory of genomic engineering at the center for living systems of the moscow physics and technology institute andrey devyatkin, andrey, good morning, well , since the time of the sheep share, which is such a proverb, yes, when you start talking about cloning, science has made great strides forward, of course. but the question still remains: maybe can the offspring of a clone retain these
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outstanding qualities of their parents? absolutely yes, well, that is, all the genetic components that were contained, which were transferred from the animal donor to this clone, the animal will be absolutely the same, it is difficult to talk about any kind of mass scale of such work, here we must understand that if we clone the same animals , then how to reproduce them, because this will be some kind of embrading, that is, closely related mixing. here you either have to make a lot of different animals, and this is very expensive, so because they said that the efficiency of cloning is not very high, here is one per 80 embryos, that is, this is how many surrogate cows are needed that bear embryos, that is, it also costs money, that is, well, this is practiced in horse breeding, that is, when a good there is a stallion, there is even an exchange of biomaterials that they take, well, in fact, some kind of horse is nursing, of course it is a matter of cost. guys, if they cost tens of millions of dollars, then it is
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profitable, it is profitable, it pays off if the animal is cheaper, look, they are doing it, as i understand it, great britain is focused on america purposefully, china has been borrowing their pets for a long time, by the way, barbra streisend, one of the famous yes, who cloned her pet, is not very happy with the result, the character says something like- it is not very different, it is not transmitted, this is precisely intrauterine development and everything else is the environment and intrauterine development, rather the environment, because it is very complex. signs they often have a genetic and environmental background, and character is very a complex trait, where would this generally be applicable in such cases, well, in my opinion, this is more applicable if there is some absolutely unique animal that has the same properties, well, the same mamotov wanted to restore it, well, the amur tiger we are dying out, endangered species can be restored in this way, probably endangered yes, well, that is, specifically with mammoths there is a problem that they need complete cells. which are normal and viable in extant animals, but
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the question also arises here that these must be many surrogate mother elephants, in which it is not a fact that these embryos will live, because another is still another variety, in case it’s worth trying, but still, there are animals from the red book that really disappear, they can be restored in this way, it is necessary that there were many surrogate mothers, tigresses, and firstly, this is a red book species, that is, there. the fact that indian tigers are suitable, that is, i am speculating here, of course, after all, in general , the science of cloning itself, it gives space for creativity, there are many they talked about the fact that there are people there, but so far , thank god, no one is approaching this, but somehow some kind of agreement in society prohibits doing this, but organs can be cloned separately, and well, a lot of work is now being published on this topic , which in the future make it possible to do this, here comes cloning without pregnancy.
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that to help people in the end, of course, yes, well , that is, all science is aimed at this, yeah, we understand you, thank you very much, we spoke with a researcher at the laboratory of genomic engineering, center for living systems in moscow institute of physics and technology andrey devyatkin, salute to everyone, tomorrow at 23:55 on the russia channel, we invite you to
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the open-air museum of fine arts, these are the arab emirates, artists have turned abu dhabi into an art gallery. from all over the country, bus stops were painted, the space next to them, it took more than 800 hours. most of the works are dedicated to local traditions. the main thing that the masters were able to convey to the townspeople is a positive outlook on life. moreover, street painting encourages strangers communicate while, for example, they are waiting for the bus. have you already seen donkey? there is something to discuss. but you can also create a masterpiece, you know, on your fingertips, literally, it’s called nail art, an unusual manicure. found a lot of fans all over the world, he’s boring to me, you’re boring, yes, it’s time to change, but look, it looks good, but it’s a bit boring, you should add bright colors, look, on the internet there’s a real boom in unusual, surprising and sometimes absolutely crazy nails, masters and amateurs share
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design ideas to repeat that will dare far not everyone, although some options. raise questions, remember this expression: hair is not teeth, it will grow back? meet nails in the shape of teeth, it’s not scary to lose them. no, i’m still closer to the classics, and this is me now, in the literal sense, classical painting on marigolds, another modern internet trend: could the great leonardo da vinci imagine that in the future his jaconda would be worn on the tips of the fingers, here for transfer another great painting of a lady with an ermine... for me this is a real creative test, but it is also very funny. the beauty of nail art is that you can draw a constant admiration of your favorite things, for example, this girl loves the fairy tale about beauty and the beast, so why not paint
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a portrait of a handsome prince on your nails, as soon as it appears in life. here i have a whole story about how belle falls in love. by the way, it’s portraits on nails today. do not collect the maximum number of likes and comments, this is an incredibly painstaking work that requires expert skill with a brush. well, if the budget allows, then you can even decorate your fingers with precious stones; the case when you take care of your manicure like the apple of your eye and any broken nail is a real tragedy. no, i don’t like your nails at all, it’s impossible to follow a diet with them, oh, i want chocolate. it's morning in russia, don't oversleep, that's the main thing! premiere on rtr, just go on the line yourself, it’s easy, i saw the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not all sugar, really, or something, you were appointed director, if only you were
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20 years older, get married, marry me, i am not divorced, well, that's enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well, we... family, let's do it again, alla taxi, today on rtr, that the guests are shouting in unison at the wedding, scene 15, you are so disfiguring the actress for me, right on top , the cossack crashed into the aku, don’t worry, well, she, well, it still hurts. humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, please, fasten
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your seat belt, bring the cognac, oh, the feeling will shock us today. why me, there are many ready-made specialists? light, without you it’s like i’m going downhill, or what? this is not your man, in the strong zone turbulence. light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please, take your seat. flight attendant, on friday. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former
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friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression produces, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny from monday. on friday on rtr on the day of cosmonautics no more than three attempts, i understand you, it’s dawn, let’s go, first they need to warm up the station and melt it, but they won’t last a week, fireworks seven, i refuse to continue polek with you, you hear, where are you going, april 12 on rtr. we are all wondering how to make
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our electricity bills lower, a british company has found a way to generate cheap electricity 24 hours a day, for this you need to install solar panels in orbit, they will collect light, turn it into microwaves and transmit it to a station connected to the local networks. the device can be installed on large satellites, this will allow receiving megawatts day and night in any weather. thanks to the national project science and universities , support for such projects is provided by andrei negru about breakthrough technologies. you enter the technology park, calibrate yourself using
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similar images and we have a whole mixed reality through which we can then travel, indicate your place on an interactive map, attach a route to the desired office, show the layout of the conference room along with the schedule events, that's what the navigator that works in this smartphone can do, but usually indoors... convenient applications are useless, the signal from the satellites disappears here, but in this case it is not needed. this system is oriented in space thanks to qr tags that are posted on the floor at certain intervals. what the phone does is it looks at this point, against which it calibrates and places all the objects that were included in it under the interactive map relative to it. in the future, such cards will certainly be appreciated visitors to large stores, but for now the developers are focusing on working with office and exhibition spaces, as well as parks, including the museum, famous for its collection of soviet sculptures. now you can not only find monuments faster, read about it, and, say,
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take part in a quest. explore the avenue of leaders, where each sculpture tells its own unique story. surprisingly, the system allows you to create such an interactive object navigator in just a couple of days, and its use is justified even on short-term events, here is an example, navigation through the event from kolkova regions. recently, this conference brought together business representatives from universities to, in particular, help in the development of youth startups. today, by the way, they can take part in a student startup competition and, if they win, receive funding. it is carried out under the federal project platform for university technological entrepreneurship. the national project science and universities helps to involve young people in this area. acceptance of applications for the competition began on february 28, will last until april 15. at... participants are invited to choose one of seven thematic areas, including digital technologies, resource-saving energy and creative industries. the 2.0 best projects
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will receive a million rubles for implementation. here are some of the winners of past years, penza students who designed a series of metal detectors, received support and managed to launch the production of such devices. this device is necessary for construction companies to search for any construction items under walls. let's say fittings, wires or something else, it really helps, they order, especially electricians, given the functionality and sensitivity of these devices.
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he regularly records classes, and thanks to our channel i learned what a circle is, come in, a drama club, a photo club, and also a desire to sing, all this is on our telegram channel, hello! on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov will host in the studio and most importantly by this hour. the level on the ural river in orenburg exceeded 10 m. difficult flood situation in the kurgan region. ukrainian militants suffered significant losses of personnel in the southern donetsk direction. quickly.


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