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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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for the student of peskov, angara will become one of the main rockets that will send satellites and ships into space from vostochny, well, just now the head of ruscosmos yuri borisov said that it was a difficult 3 days for us, because this is of course not a television show and not the launch of festive fireworks , this is routine, hard work and we can handle it, watch the news, hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. a historical event , a heavy-class launch vehicle launched from the vostochny cosmodrome hangar a5. the water level in... the urals in
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orenburg exceeded almost 11 m. an urgent evacuation of residents of another village was announced in the kurgan region. the russian armed forces launched a massive attack on the facilities of the fuel and energy complex of ukraine. trypilska tes near kiev was completely destroyed. when attempting to land on the tendra spit, the landing force in the ssu was destroyed. neo-nazis were trained in great britain. they will take it away.
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the angara carrier was launched again today from the vostochny cosmodrome, after 12 minutes it launched an upper stage with a payload into orbit , the launch was postponed twice, first due to problems with automation in the central block of the rocket, the day before due to a failure of the engine start control system, today the launch has already been recognized as successful, evgeniy nipot’s report from the amur region, there is engine start, truly long-awaited. the launch of the angara launch vehicle, again of a heavy class , takes off for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. without exaggeration, the historic launch from the territory of the first civilian spaceport of the first country heavy missile developed in modern russia. we have started the flight design tests, which are designed to identify all the shortcomings and provide all the nuances. reliability in
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the future during serial launches of the angara. when creating this family of launch vehicles , the modular principle was taken as a basis for the first time. the light version of angara 1.2 has a pair of stages that can launch up to 3.5 tons of payload into orbit. heavy hangars again have three stages, due to which the load capacity increases to 24.5 tons of cargo, by 2 tons more than that of the m proton, which also runs on toxic fuel. angara uses environmentally friendly oxygen-kerosene pair. the feeling when a child was really born, took the first step, and who wants to live for a long, long time on this land, on this amur land, because today the first step was taken, then the rocket of the inhabitant of the angara, a5 - this will be one of the main products , which will launch heavy satellites and spaceships from this amur land. new rocket. primarily
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a space heavy truck, thanks to her environmentally friendly fuel can be used to launch automatic and manned vehicles in promising orbital and interplanetary missions. the launch vehicle for this launch included the rion upper stage with a test payload. the upper stage, after separation of the rocket stage , helps to launch the cargo into the required orbit, doing this with the highest specified accuracy. this is also a test flight for arion. engines are ok. the first stage of the angara a5 separated less than 4 minutes after takeoff (12.5) and began to operate. accelerating block rion. the orbital block, consisting of the 14s-48 upper stage in the technological flight version and the test payload , was launched into an initial open orbit. the launch of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle was considered successful. evgeny nipot mikhail devyatkin and svetlana selivanova. news cosmodrome eastern amur region. and now about the situation with spring leashes, it is becoming more and more complicated in the kurgan region. a few hours ago, they announced an urgent evacuation of residents of another settlement.
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meanwhile, the water level on the ural river in in orenburg it has already grown to almost 11 m, this is one and a half meters above the dangerous values, and an absolute record in the entire history of observations. the water has come close to... apartment buildings, and now the flood has almost reached its peak. in areas of possible flooding, residents are urged not to wait for a critical situation and to leave their homes. murat zaripov has all the details. water finds gaps and quickly floods the nesins. at night, equipment hastily removes dams from the fence to stop the flow that has rushed through the drainage collector. ural river level continues to grow since yesterday evening in orenburg another + 27 cm. our area. they are growing, we, let’s say, are growing only in terms of water level, our main task is the safety of our orenburg residents, and once again i urge you not to sit, not to wait, which means there are already critical situations and you need to evacuate as soon as possible. the level of the urals in orenburg is a record in the entire history of observations
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and is still increasing. the sakmara river is also growing. to protect homes, city services and the residents themselves, several days they dig trenches and build dams. deliver this water-filled, prefabricated dam. in orenburg, it must protect nearby residential buildings. the water comes there from the embankment, and today the same fortifications will be erected in other areas. the evacuation has been going on for several days, but there are still quite a lot of those who do not want to leave their homes, while the peak of the flood in orenburg has not yet been reached; the maximum is expected within the next 24 hours. in other areas of the region the situation is also turbulent, but gradually begins to stabilize. ortsk it took us -14 per day. the dam, it is clear that it is being built in a hurry in order to
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try to let all this volume of water pass through, there will also be a difficult situation there. the minister of construction and housing and communal services irik faizulin is working in orenburg today; he inspected the affected areas of the city, focusing on issues.
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and in the kupinsky direction , our tank crews destroyed the camouflaged fortifications and dugouts of the militants. t-90 crews operated from hidden
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positions to remain undetected. fsb together with the ministry of defense, they stopped the landing of sabotage groups of special forces of the ukrainian armed forces. on the tender spit in the kherson region. during the clash, the enemy landing party was destroyed on the way. and one of the servicemen was captured. a ukrainian saboteur is being interrogated. somewhere near the city of saltbury, about half an hour's drive from it, there was a military base, as far as i know, it was called five rifles, we were introduced to the instructors who were assigned to us and they began to take us to locations where, well, every department... underwent training, but at certain stages, as i understand it, we are undergoing special training in
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sabotage and reconnaissance activities; also, according to the captured ukrainian, it was british instructors who trained ukrainian armed forces fighters for sabotage on the msp-17 drilling rig in the black sea. all this indicates the direct involvement of great britain in the development of actions directed against the security of russia, the fsb notes. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada. today in the second final reading it adopted the scandalous law on tightening mobilization. local deputies voted with an absolute majority. the law will further untie the hands of ukrainian military commissars, increase punishment for evasion and expand the category of persons who will be sent to the front. the new norms will introduce total control over all persons liable for military service between the ages of 18 and 60. to men, even those unfit for service, always. will carry a military id with him and register at the military registration and enlistment offices. in addition,
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cars, boats and tractors may be taken away from ukrainians as part of the mobilization. all this is a reason for a round of mobilization corruption. footballer nikolai stetsenko today told how he got to the front right from the stadium. to get the deferment, he had to buy four pickup trucks for $20,000. later , more than a million dollars were found in the office of the military commissar of the extortionist. brix countries. this year he plans to create his own film academy, which will present annual awards to cultural figures, sergei lavrov announced. today he held a meeting with representatives of the parliamentary committees on international affairs of the brix countries. let me remind you, from january 1 chairmanship in this international organization passed to russia. the brix summit will be held in kazan in october, as the russian foreign minister said, one of the key topics on its agenda is the joint fight against terrorism.
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actions constantly strive to create a conflict space on the planet, let us remember
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iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan, as well as the aggression of nato countries against peaceful yugoslavia 25 years ago, and today’s conflict in the middle east is, of course, of great concern. a separate meeting with the chairmen international committees of the brix countries were held today by the speaker of the state duma. even before the organization expanded, its member countries had surpassed the g7 in terms of purchasing power parity. over the past year , three countries included in the brix became leaders in economic growth and entered the top five countries in the world. india, china, and russia. the brix countries are developing dynamically.
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this partnership is built primarily on the principles of reciprocity and respect for each other. and, of course, do not interfere with the affairs of the sovereign state. preliminary voting 2024 - progress in nominating a portrait of a candidate, innovations in the procedure. a round table under this name was held in the central executive committee of united russia. experts discussed. in st. petersburg , more than 10 svo fighters have already declared their intention to participate. russia calls on the countries of the middle east to show restraint so as not to lead to complete destabilization of the situation in the region. who is preparing to strike again, what will this lead to? this is not only discussed immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. premiere on rtr.
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come on out on the line yourself. easily. "i i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not sugar, is it true, you were appointed director, if you were 20 years older, you would get married, marry me, i’m not divorced, well, that’s enough, well, well, how much can i repent , well, we are a family, let’s do it again, alla taxi, today on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know
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everything about vacation, relax, anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort.
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the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodroom. hello dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today on rt. please, fasten your seat belt and bring some cognac. oh, feeling will shock us today, andrey, you can say, they saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgenia lazar, why me, there are many ready-made specialists, light, without you, it’s as
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if i’m going downhill, or something, this is not your man, he’s strong in the zone. light, wait, don't say anything, just think, i love you, and you please take your seat, stewardess, on friday, cosmonautics day, this is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is still our common holiday, of course, it is a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the camp.
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strike on the iranian consulate in syria, the authorities of the islamic republic announced today. the situation in the region is heating up every hour. the iranian military has put missile and radar units across the country on high alert. this was reported by the general staff of the air defense of the republic. the country has announced air exercises over critical facilities, the skies are closed to civil aircraft. the skanyu sarbia tv channel reports that corps ships have been spotted in the perset sea. with the guards of the islamic revolution, from which it is possible to launch cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. the bloomberg agency, citing intelligence data from washington and tel
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aviv, claims that an iranian attack on israel is inevitable, and military and government targets could be the target. earlier, the sun newspaper disseminated information that israel, in the event of an attack on its territory, is preparing strike iranian nuclear facilities. the day before, joe biden promised to help telyavi.
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under the constant leadership of academician mark kurtser, it has been operating for almost 20 years; today there are dozens of modern medical centers and outpatient clinics in 27 regions of our country. report by ksenia klimina. congratulations. before alisa dolgova had time to recover after giving birth, she was already giving. interview, her baby became the hundred thousandth child who was born in the novosibirsk clinic of the mother and child group of companies. my mother, mine also said, probably
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a month ago, that you will give birth on april 11, to which i said that why are you talking such nonsense, it’s completely early, but as we look at it, it was on this day that he should have been born, because my star was supposed to be born precisely in such conditions. weight 3.120, height 50 cm. the baby was named. before starting therapy, they contact us, the temperature is 200°, no vital activity is happening there, that is
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, these containers contain embryos and eggs. a special video surveillance system allows you to monitor the development of the embryos that are in the incubator, the fact that they are displayed here on the screen for only five days, this period is enough to already select the best from them. throughout history. the work of the group of the mother and child company, a whole city was born, the hundred thousandth child was born, the light that appeared today was a special event for the employees of the clinic. the demographic situation, support, motherhood, childhood, today plays a leading role in medicine, and we, as part of such a great force, are involved in this event, for us this is of course very significant, we are proud of it. little roman is already waiting for a stroller for warm summer walks. the doctors gave it to her family. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander gganov, elena goleeva, news. novosibirsk in st. petersburg, due to strong winds
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, a storm warning has been extended until april 12. forecasters promise that winds may increase to dangerous levels throughout the northwestern region. in our studio, i welcome victoria chernikova. victoria, who else is preparing for windy weather, please tell us. yes, in the center, wind gusts can reach 15 m/s. this a lot. in the south the wind is stormy in places. all this is typical for a situation where warmth gives way to coolness, although in the northwest the temperature is still above normal. in pskov and kaliningrad tomorrow there will be no precipitation until +14. the zone of light rains will stretch from the leningrad region to volga-vyatka, in the center about 15, in chernozem up to +20, in the south there is a lot of sun on the don already up to +28, but in a day less. in st. petersburg on friday 7:9, light rain, in moscow there are also light rains during the day + 14:16, also on weekends, don’t forget about the sharp wind, and we are with gifts, where are we from?
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that's all, you're retired, aren't you? on vtb pensions , the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum. vtb everything will work out. the days remain warm, but on sunday night it’s already down to zero in the region. the main thing is not to go back into the negative. thanks to the weather, said victoria chernikova. the premiere screening of the main blockbuster of the spring took place in st. petersburg 100 years ago. the film was based on the story by kir bolychev, about the exciting adventures of a girl from the future, alice. one of the first. the spectators were schoolchildren from belgorod, who are now studying in the northern capital, the tape actors met with them, about the children’s impressions of the film itself in slimazarev’s report. this is a guest from another future in the new film version of the famous story by kir bolychev, alice travels from 2124 to our 2024. both she and kolya, of course, are no longer pioneers and in general they are older than we are used to,
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but the spirit remains unchanged. interestingly, among the adult artists there are all star names: victoria isaakova, konstantin khabensky, alexander petrov, yuri borisov, their partners playing schoolchildren, not yet so famous due to age, but not talent. in general, this is a guest from the future. alice, show me,
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before the premiere show with the artists.
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the federal part of the broadcast is now over, regional news is ahead, now we have the opportunity to talk with state television and radio broadcasting company saratov, andrey kurnosov works there, andrey, hello, a new branded tourist route, the force of attraction, was presented in the saratov region, what places can be visited, tell us. hello, denis, a new branded tourist route, which starts in our region just in on the eve of cosmonautics day, dedicated to
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the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first. naphtoplanets of yuri.


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