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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. so, tomorrow is cosmonautics day and pride, of course, in our country. today, for the first time , the first heavy rocket developed in modern russia was launched from the vostochnaya cosmodrome. angara. again. watch the news, bye, on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day, big news on air, in the studio igor kozhevin, hello, the situation is different, somewhere there is no water she has arrived yet, somewhere she has not yet left, governors and ministers are reporting. about
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the flood situation. already now we need to think about restoring housing, especially housing. our special ambulances have been working on site all these days. the water here is chest-deep in places, and further down there is more. houses, streets, plots, absolutely everything is flooded here now. we are waiting for pavel zarubin with the details of the meeting between putin and lukashenko. during the attempt to land on tendrovskaya spit , only one ukrainian militant survived. i turned around towards the shore. the task was to take a photo on russian territory, who taught this? these are british instructors who trained us in the uk. alexander belivov and sergey pashkov about how the whole world is anxiously awaiting iran's attack on israel. valentin bogdanov about why the rich and famous came to dinner at the white house, but do not want to give money to biden. precise strikes by our military on key energy facilities throughout ukraine. droma
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vostochny launched a fundamentally new domestic heavy-class rocket, the angara. and another case of tax evasion. now questions for the blogger and business coach portnyagin. this is no longer a joke. you won’t immediately understand who is in front of you, your friend or his digital double? what to do if the neural network is in the hands of scammers and the mother’s voice is faked? please, go out into the yard now, don’t close the door, leave your phone at home. let's go, well , you said what i said, coordinated work on the ground will minimize the risks of damage from floods in our country, but now we need to think not only about restoring housing, but also infrastructure. vladimir putin spoke about this today during a meeting on liquidation issues. consequences of floods in
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the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. report by alexey konopko. the water level in the ural river near orenburg has approached 11 m. the mark of one and a half meters below is considered critical, a historical record, but there will probably be a new one. friday is forecast to bring even more water, putting another 3,500 homes and 4,00 properties at risk of flooding. we communicate almost every day. however, the situation is changing hourly. therefore, i would ask you to report, first of all , to the governor, how you assess the situation on this moment? the most difficult situation is in orenburg, where the water level in the ural river has reached a record high in the entire history of observation. preventive measures are being carried out: the construction of strengthening protective dams, the creation of drainage structures. to date, more than 7.5 km of these structures have been erected and their height reaches 11. since
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monday , a special government commission has been working in disaster zones on behalf of the president; the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction are communicating from orenburg. the rescuers move the main group of forces following the ridge of a large waves, from orsk it has now retreated by 14 cm. we are transferring both equipment and people to the settlement of ilek. everything that concerns the orenburg region, but today colleagues confirm that the group is sufficient. the amount of damage exceeded 40 billion. rub. and this is far from a final assessment. vladimir putin ordered that special attention be paid to those in need of medical care; three special temporary temporary treatment centers were deployed for them. there is simply no incidence of intestinal infections now, but there were concerns due to problems with drinking water. under river, partial coverage in the region there are 78 settlements with almost 12,000 houses. murat zaripov, more details. our fence is already a river bed, so the house is already next to the window.
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it is no longer possible to get to the house, rubber boats cling to the bottom, and the tops of fences are torn, more powerful boats are carried away by the current, people can only watch from afar as meter by meter their homes go under the water.
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we didn’t count it, but it all went under water. the foundations of the houses are washed away, the walls are swollen, the roofs are lopsided, the equipment inside is damaged and furniture. igor flew to his mother in orsk and today saw his parents’ house for the first time after the flood. this house is completely demolished, well , it cannot be restored, because the walls have been washed away, the foundation has gone, somewhere even here , now i would not recommend it either to you or to us. in orenburg , all this is yet to come. the urals flooded so much that it is now at the same level as the first one. floors of those houses, the water has already begun to overflow across the road, now the military is building a water-filling dam so that, if not stopped, then at least win time for residents to evacuate. everything, everything, everything, everything, stress, crazy, rescuers from
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several regions of the country are working in the region, now on hand, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov visited the call center, where all the information flows personally, yes personally, that is, people come and. .. according to forecasts, the situation in orenburg should stabilize within 24 hours, but may worsen further downstream of the urals. in orsk, the first of the large cities to be hit by the elements, 588 houses have already been freed from water. it is worth the task of turg and fas, which means to slow down the rise in prices, a large amount of resources will still be needed, such as wallpaper, cement, and so on, which means gas and electric meters, so that this does not increase in price. specialists in the kurgan region are now finishing the construction of links between dams in municipalities and strengthening the one that protects the regional center. the thirty-kilometer embankment, with a height of 8 to 10 m, should rise above eleven this night, threatening
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62 settlements in the region, including kurgan itself, under the threat of flooding. currently, the water level is upstream the village of zrengolovskoye is the southernmost area on the border. is 10 m 10 cm, the city of kurgan, the central part of the region, is slightly less than 4 m, so the difference is more than 66 m. of course, the situation is very annoying for us, because the body of water is moving downstream towards the city of kurgan. over the previous 24 hours, the tobol river rose by 3 m. regional authorities have deployed 27 temporary accommodation points, but if necessary , there will be 99 of them. not everyone is going there, from the river bordering kazakhstan. report by albert musin. the village of breakthrough, there is more than a meter of water below us, and this is only from the ground, houses, streets, plots, now absolutely everything here is flooded, there are no people left in this part of the village either, everyone was evacuated, and you can see how some were running away from the water in a hurry , having abandoned in some places even personal transport
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and pets, only a rescue boat plies here, they look after abandoned houses and feed pets; occasionally you can meet local residents who have refused to evacuate. we went to get a pension from home on boats, then on where the car needs to go on business. proryvnoye, one of the most affected settlements in the kurgan region, received the strongest flood wave. now big water is expected in kurgan itself and the surrounding area. we are currently trying to strengthen the dam. governor vadim shumkov announced the evacuation of the entire right bank part of kurgan. the resettlement of residents is proceeding in parallel with the strengthening of the city dam with sandbags. i want to help the whole city. strengthen the dam, i am very proud of him, i was very surprised, i thought he wouldn’t get up this morning. depth the tabola now in some places exceeds 10 m. a few hours ago, a bulk dam broke in the kitovsky district neighboring kurgan, and emergency situations ministry employees urgently went there. the entire dam has dropped, and now the river will quickly
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fill up. all trans-ural residents receive sms messages around the clock indicating flooded areas and the requirement to evacuate. sirens sound in villages and towns. a state of emergency on a regional scale continues to operate in the region. the peak of the flood has not yet reached the tyumen region. 7 years ago the region already experienced something similar. then around of the city of ishim, a 16 km dump was built and repaired. now they exceed the predicted water level by a meter in terms of safety margin. and yet the discharge from the reservoir was preserved. almost half as much as in 2017, the flood could come to fifty settlements. we
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made a calculation for ourselves plus 2 m in order to understand the approximate flood zone and the volume of necessary measures that will need to be carried out. the levees that currently protect our major population centers may be breached. separately, they are now protecting the vomsk highway, about 6 kilometers of it are in the river floodplain. the ministry of emergency situations delivered filler dams to the region, which are used to build the road to the garage.
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there is a reserve fund, great, well, the ministry of health is working, local doctors are working, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is fine, in general, i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize everything - both risks and consequences, please report regularly , together with federal forces , rescuers from neighboring regions are helping to cope with the disaster; volunteers are joining in to clear the places where the water has escaped. alexey konopkom, murat zaripov, albert musin, ruslan bibbulatov and kirill malikov. news. russia’s interaction with
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the states of the eurasian economic union became the main topic of today’s meeting of the russian security council. the main speaker was deputy prime minister alexey overchuk, who is a member of the council of the eurasian economic commission. and this is how the head of state formulated the agenda for the meeting. again. the russian military today destroyed the trypillya thermal power plant near kiev with a high-precision strike. it was a relatively new power plant with a good energy production resource. half of the total volume was spent on needs. kiev, the rest was transferred to the zhitomir and cherkasy regions. disabling this station
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means complicating the work of the ukrainian defense industry, both equipment manufacturers in kiev and the region, and repair enterprises. well, in addition, in response to attempts to attack russian oil and gas energy facilities, today attacks were carried out in the kharkov region on tpp-3, the malyshev plant, the turboatom plant in the lviv region on gas distribution point in stryisky district and power station. chervonogradsky in odessa, at the usatov substation in the rivne region, the central artillery weapons base was hit, and explosions were also heard in the nikolaev, kherson, cherkasy, khmelnytsky, dnepropetrovsk and chernovid regions. in krasnogorovka, a local plant was hit by a fab 1500 aerial bomb with a planning module. another s-300 complex was hit in the odessa region. the launcher was destroyed, followed by a characteristic detonation of solid rocket fuel. serious fighting continues in the city of chasov yar; drone operators
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from the center's group of troops in the avdeevsky direction destroyed another american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, which is in service with ukrainian nationalists. the militants lost four more us-made howitzers in the donetsk, kupinsky and kherson directions of the special operation. russian units repelled eight counterattacks on the avdeevsky frontline sector and improved the tactical situation through active actions. report from voenkor vesti.
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from the same dugout, that is , to drink basic things, at these moments we will see them. the bird flew several kilometers away, the target did not take long to arrive, and the monitor in the operator’s hands trembled from the deafening fire of the tank. the tank doesn’t even have the concept of
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a sighting shot; everything lands the first time thanks to its flawless performance. the t-80 is the main tank unit of the ussr, in our time it has undergone deep modifications, this is the last modification of the tank from last year. it's like on a console, you know, switch it so i can pick myself up. crew commander is now it can work because of yourself, for the guy next to you. god forbid, of course, something happened to the gunner there, i can take control of the fire myself. anti-drone mesh on. the vinca, which the designers introduced taking into account the experience of the svo, has already come in handy on this machine. we were driving back, then the drone went off, at this very point, there was a roar, but the tank shook a little. from the native places of the fighters of the first guards mechanized rifle brigade of the first army corps, you can study the geography of a large country, from sakhalin to donetsk. hello, kazan, call sign masyanya,
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previously worked as a welder, now mobilized. driver mechanic on a tank. mikhvod masyanya brought his tank to the base at the enemy firing point, which for a long time disturbed the nearest populated areas, there was silence. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. our country today has taken a major step at a new stage of space exploration with its independent access to near-earth space. at noon moscow time from the vostochny cosmodrome for the first time a fundamentally new one has started. and russia, as noted in the foreign ministry, confirmed the status of a leading space power, judging by the numerous headlines of foreign publications, the launch, which was postponed twice for technical reasons, was closely watched throughout the world, the kremlin has already congratulated all those involved, reporting by evgeniy nipot, there is
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engine start, a truly long-awaited launch of a launch vehicle. the heavy -class mountain again launches for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome, it includes the rion upper stage and a test payload, including small satellites, cupsats, among which, for example, gagarinets. the flight is taking place according to the program, without exaggeration, the historical launch from the territory of the country’s first civilian cosmodrome of the first heavy rocket developed in modern russia. we still have a lot of work to do with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and it is in its twenty- eighth year. you will need to launch a manned spacecraft. the new rocket is first and foremost a space heavy lifter. thanks to its environmentally friendly fuel, it can be used to launch automatic and manned vehicles in advanced orbital and interplanetary missions. today the first step was taken, beyond the angara coroket. and the heel - this will be one of the main products that will launch heavy
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satellites and spaceships from this amur land. the peculiarity of the complex is that it is universal, hence the future. heavy-class rockets with various modifications of upper stages, including those based on hydrogen fuel, can take off, capable of carrying not only automatic spacecraft, but also manned spacecraft. our launch complex, it is also unique, a very high degree of automation of all processes, all operations are carried out and controlled automatically, the angora launch was again postponed twice, first due to a drain valve, the problem was quickly fixed, then due to a software error. as a result, the launch took place on the eve of cosmonautics day. for us it was. 3 days, because this is not a television show or the launch of a holiday fireworks, this is routine, hard work, we started the launch of the flight constructor.
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the broadcast of the start could not be seen only on federal channels on the internet, but on street screens in the largest cities. the launch of angora and the launch of rion were considered successful. evgenia nepot, mikhail devyatkin, oksana serzhantova, host. vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. iran's strike on israel for the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus last week is no longer inevitable. exactly. this is the formulation used by the western media today, having decided to make public what has been discussed behind the scenes in recent days. a potential attack, possibly using
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precision-guided missiles, could occur in coming days, said the sources, who wished to remain anonymous, and it is more a question of when, not if, based on us and israeli intelligence. over the past 24 hours, iran has refused turkish mediation. told the white house that if the us protected israel from impending retaliation, it would also be considered a legitimate target. western diplomats are preparing to evacuate tel aviv. the largest airline flying to the region, germany's lufthansa, has postponed flights to tehran until at least april 13. russia calls on the parties to restraint, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today. with the latest news about a new exacerbation in the middle east, our correspondents, sergei pashkov and alexander bilipov. behind me there is a border fence, the territory of lebanon already begins there, which means that somewhere nearby there are firing positions of hezbollah militants, but today we are talking about
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a possible attack directly from iran. this will be another war: iran has impressive arsenals of ballistic missiles, its combat drones are capable deliver precise strikes, bypassing enemy air defense systems. the fact that tehran takes revenge will answer for the destruction of the former.
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types, train infantry marches over long distances, conduct maneuvers simulating attacks on a nuclear facility in iran. from the point of view of prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu, iran is israel's key and most powerful enemy in the region, influencing, among other things , the actions of hamas militants in gaza. everyone in the middle east, and beyond, is sitting in the stands watching who will win on this field, israel or iran and its proxies. you you already know who will win, the idf combat units have been canceled from launching. large clinics in the country are finishing preparations to receive a large number of wounded. rescue units are deployed in haifa and other cities in the israeli north. the idolfitor holiday ends tomorrow; tomorrow a new war could begin that could set fire to the entire middle east. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news! israel. just dare to hit iran, and we will raze tel aviv and haifa to the ground. it says accompanying caption to the rabbit, which
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was widely circulated online today. in the frame are the streets of the largest israeli cities, over which shadows from rockets float in ominous silhouettes. the threat of a direct iranian attack on israel has never been so high, especially since the attack on the consulate in damascus that sahal carried out on april 1 is regarded in the islamic republic as nothing less than a direct attack on the country. the supreme leader of iran, aet alini, announced this yesterday during the holiday prayer of uraza bayram. attack on our the consulate is tantamount to an attack on ours. territory, these are internationally recognized norms. the enemy regime miscalculated in this matter, it must be punished and will be punished. ali khamini took with him drogunov’s sniper rifle to this performance, a detail that speaks volumes. carrying small arms with you during sermons, especially some important ones, is a characteristic iranian custom. in the current situation , the appearance of weapons in the hands of the supreme iranian leader indicates the highest degree of readiness for action and, as it were, says: the enemy
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on sight. as the islamic revolutionary guard corps stated, countermeasures taken by israel, such as blocking the signal of the global geopositioning system, will not prevent the irgc aerospace forces from carrying out their plans. iran has already thought of a solution to this problem; all missiles created over the past 12 years do not use gps or any other means of communication and international positioning devices. the day before, israel dealt another blow to the gas sector. three sons were killed in the attack. "we were getting ready to pray when we heard a strong explosion, we were told that the hani sons were traveling with children to visit relatives, their car was blown up, we found their bodies torn to pieces, as the hamas leader said, despite the targeted killing of his family members, negotiations with tel aviv on the exchange of hostages and the cessation of hostilities will be continued, but this incident will certainly have a negative impact on them,
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especially since the situation on..." so the us fifth fleet in the persian gulf was put on 100% combat readiness today, and the minister over the past few hours, iran's foreign affairs ministry has held several urgent telephone conversations with its counterparts from iraq, qatar, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. an iranian attack on israel is now more a matter of when, rather than if, the option of an attack in the coming days or even hours looks much more preferable from a propaganda point of view. however, a military response from the islamic republic may be given much later, even after several weeks, during which the situation in the media space will become increasingly tense in the expectation that the vigilance of the enemy, that is, israel, may become dull over time. alexander bilivo, dmitry cherbakov, and anna lvova, vesti middle east. against the background of everything that is happening, the head of the american central command, michael kurilo, flew to tel aviv to meet with
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the head of the israeli ministry of defense. headquarters, apparently, are working on different scenarios, especially since biden gave the go-ahead for any help from washington. as i already told prime minister netanyahu, our the commitment to defend israel from threats posed by iran or its proxies is unwavering. and although the american president assures that everything is as before, the tone is strikingly different from his warning to israel’s middle eastern enemies after the seventh.
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the new hostage deal proposed by israeli representatives to hamas was to release 40 israelis in exchange for hundreds of palestinians and 6 weeks of truce, and no one has agreed yet. there is a suspicion that hamas simply does not have forty prisoners. many died from hunger and disease and shelling. with little hope for peace, the americans are proactive, moving their aircraft carrier, the dwight eisenhower, from the babelmandeb strait closer to israel to intercept iranian missiles. minsk is ready for western countries to transfer their troops to ukraine to the belarusian border. this was stated today by alexander lukashenko, who arrived in the kremlin for negotiations with the russian president. before the meeting , my colleague, the author of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel, managed to ask the belarusian leader a few questions zarubin. after vladimir putin’s victory in the presidential elections, it was alexander lukashenko, the first foreign guest in the kremlin , who came to moscow in a particularly high
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spirit, all of belarus now. hello, congratulations, i said hello, hello, space is yours, we understand, space is ours, yours is ours, thanks to you, it became ours, the fact that the girl flew is ours, but we are preparing a few more girls, they say we have stronger girls . therefore, we are ready to integrate into the russian program and work together in space. today is the most the main question from the russian president is what exactly today? today? well, the usual questions, but we decided to devote some time
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to discussing economic issues. of course, they will obviously talk about the situation around ukraine in ukraine, where they are already planning to send women to fight. women are very negative, women should fly into space and if.
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it’s a pleasure to be here, it’s a great honor and a great responsibility for me, and i understand it perfectly. on how the brix state contributes to the creation of a new , fairer world, parliamentarians from the countries of this associations spoke today in moscow at a meeting with representatives of the russian authorities. the heads of committees responsible for international relations have arrived in our country. during the negotiations, they expressed condolences in connection with the recent terrorist attack in crocus city hall. all participants in this terrorist act were captured, we will definitely bring this investigation to its logical conclusion and disclose to the whole world who organized the murder
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of civilians, including women and children. already, the total gdp of the brix countries exceed the gdp of the g7 countries, the meeting participants are confident. further, the gap will only increase. over the past year , three countries included in the brix became the leaders of economic growth, among the top five countries in the world. india, china and russia. the brix countries are developing dynamically. this partnership is built primarily on the principles of reciprocity and respect for each other. we consistently advocate. implementation of a truly unifying international agenda, which is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of all, without the exclusion of states of peoples, and not just of a narrow select group. today, on behalf
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of the governor of the tula region, about 100 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to the orenburg region. food, drinking water and medicines, which residents especially need now, were collected for flood victims as soon as possible. mikhail mishustin ordered to quickly restore power supply in flooded regions. what other issues were discussed at the government meeting today will be discussed with our columnist nayiladen, good evening. well, can they? count on help from enterprises in flooded areas? igor, good evening. mikhail mishusin instructed the relevant departments to assess the possibility of compensating for losses to enterprises in these regions. the hardest thing for small businesses is agricultural producers. the prime minister emphasized that it is necessary to quickly determine.
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68,700 per square meter. well, even today , housing and urban infrastructure, for housing that cannot be restored in orsk, compensation will be paid based on the talk about the possibility of expanding use of maternity capital. yes, for those who want to improve their living conditions. since february, the amount of maternity capital has been increased and amounts to 630,000 rubles. for the first child and 833. rub. on the second. this money can be used to purchase and
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build housing, reconstruct a private home, pay for children’s education, form the funded part of parents’ pensions, and purchase goods and services for disabled children. what will change? now you can use these funds to reconstruct the house, the so-called blocked development, or as it is called a townhouse, and also to pay with maternity capital for the already completed construction work in such a house. well, most often families use maternity capital funds to improve their living conditions. yes, last year approximately 670 thousand families did this. and at the meeting they also discussed the strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. what are the priorities here? the share of domestic drugs on the market should increase by 70% in 7 years. to achieve this, we will continue to improve systemic measures to support domestic producers.
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to ensure on the territory of russia or countries for this, manufacturers need the eurasian economic union, all stages of their production. thank you, it was my colleague, nailila skerzade. a landmark event for multidisciplinary medical centers for mother and child. clinics operate in 27 regions of the country. in a multidisciplinary hospital in novosibirsk, the hundred thousandth newborn was born. report by ksenia klimina. i love
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you, before alisa dolgova had time to recover after giving birth, she was already giving an interview, her baby became the hundred thousandth child to be born light in the novosibirsk clinic of the mother-child group of companies, my mother also told me, probably a month ago, that you will give birth on april 11, to which i said, why are you talking such nonsense, that it’s completely early, but how do we look at it? it was on this day that he should have been born, because my star... the so-called bank
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of unborn children is also stored here. over the 23 years of its existence in the clinic, the eco procedure has been completed per year. about one and a half thousand women become happy mothers. sometimes, even despite serious illnesses, these are programs that we conduct for women who are diagnosed with cancer; they contact us before starting therapy. no life activity occurs there, these containers contain embryos and eggs, a special video surveillance system.
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the spit was confirmed by a participant in the operation. biden is creating an anti-chinese bloc, collecting money for the elections, what will come of it. against the backdrop of ukraine’s new mobilization law , data about the draft dodger biden has been published. neural networks are in the hands of scammers. exactly reproduce appearance and voice, how to protect yourself and loved ones. another trainer business
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in the capital is suspected of tax evasion. who this time? premiere on rtr, just go on the line yourself, easily, i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not all sugar, is it true, you were appointed director, if you were 20 years older, get married, marry me, i ’m not divorced, well, that's enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well, we're a family, let's do it again, alla taxi, today on rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means nothing not to think when you are calm and completely
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turned off, rest, this is rest, we know everything about rest. annex. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinonbek, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy
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delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your rest, yours. the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma , as is correct. the medicine will always support a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, doctor, whom you can trust 100%, and you will be
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happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday at rtr, on cosmonautics day, no docking, three attempts, the dawn understood us, let's go, first they need to warm the station and melt it, but they won't last a week, salute behold, i refuse to continue the flight with you, do you hear ? where are you going on april 12 at rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me.
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everything is ahead, i foresaw my fate, now only everything is fulfilled, everything is surrendered with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, there is big news on the air and we continue the release. the fsb today revealed details of the failed ukrainian landing on the tendrov. braid in the kherson region. the failed operation, as it turned out, was planned and prepared by british intelligence services. this was reported by the only surviving militant.
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he testified about the development of sabotage by british instructors, which indicates london’s direct involvement in conflict. alexey will continue. in the sight of a russian copter, a boat of ukrainian saboteurs has a logical result: the watercraft and soldiers in it are destroyed, and western-made rifles are taken as a trophy. this footage from the fsb is new, but the battle itself happened on february 29. then a detachment of ukrainian special operations forces of more than 20 people tried to seize the lighthouse on the tendra spit in the black sea. and now the only survivor of that operation, prisoner of war yevgeny gorin, spoke in detail about the failure of the landing. somewhere meters 200, 250 from the shore, fire contact began. i noticed how there was a hit in the central boat, in the receiver of the braunia machine gun. the box began to ignite, i turned around and began to smoke towards the shore, at the same time, saying that i surrender,
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cease fire. the tendra spit actually covers part of the black sea and covers the russian, kherson region of crimea. but the ukrainian saboteurs didn’t even have the task of capturing it, but, as usual, they were ordered to take a photo with the flag, kidnap civilian lighthouse workers and retreat back. the task set by the british curators before the ukrainian ones. special forces, the capture of the lighthouse was largely of a propaganda nature, and even if it were carried out, it would not have affected the situation on the line of combat contact, and also did not justify the funds spent on the fsu forces. gorin himself has a very illustrative combat training path. he took the oath in the zhitomir region, from there the units were transferred by train to poland, then by plane to the british city of saltbury, where the training ground of the fifth infantry regiment is located royal army. british instructors trained the ukrainians in combat tactics, mine explosives and sabotage work. this is edwin, this is andrew, here in the background
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stands kraich, these are the british instructors who trained us in the uk. after studying abroad, the detachment was transferred to krivoy rog, from there to kherson, then near odessa, where the first and last military operation began, a rush to the tendra spit. it was near odessa that more serious specialists, members of the sbs detachment, became instructors of saboteurs, special boat service. the russian special services and army had information about the upcoming operation in advance and
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the saboteurs were simply waiting in ambush. using ukraine as a testing ground, and its military personnel as consumables, the british intelligence services do not bother planning deeply thought-out terrorist actions, and even less do they care about the safety of personnel and there are a lot of such examples, only in the same markets i am trying to seize a bridgehead, spurred on by western curators .
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lithuania, and from latvia nothing but words about law ukraine to attack russian territory. zelensky, who openly admitted in vilnius that ukraine would perish without western help, became not the main, but rather a peripheral guest of the three seas summit. even in the general photo, zelensky is somewhere on the edge. the baltic states admitted that
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there was nothing to help, and germany and france were behind a screen. in role-playing games, the president of france has no competitors. the whole world has already seen his muscles during boxing, and today he showed the world that he found the right use for them. emmanuel macron is now a builder, building for countries war economy. the first stone of the new plant in bergeraki is a guarantee that europe will not run out of gunpowder and explosives. to support kyiv you need. produce more and faster, the key principles of the new strategy for france, macron formulated back in january: faster is almost instantaneous, as sources in the elysian palace promised, ukraine will receive the first products of the new plant immediately after launch, already in 2025. this is a necessity at the moment supply weapons to ukraine, i am convinced that this is a geopolitical reality in which
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we're going to live in the long term, it's a war economy. specifically, it is fast, important, long-term, it allows us to move, increase our production, create jobs. while macron is building military factories, the french are building shelters. according to the figaro newspaper, there is a sharp increase in the country's interest in purchasing private bunkers. this is a reaction to the words of their president about sending the military to ukraine. german defense minister pistorius is panicking as he prepares to discuss the 2025 budget with the finance minister. he suddenly realized that 52 billion is not enough for military needs, for the modernization of the bundesphere, new purchases, of these 52 only 500 million kopecks remain , taking into account the fact that one new leopard tank costs 30. every step, every purchase, every patriot, no matter where he is in europe was not located, kiev has a note. vladimir zelensky continues his tour demanding that they tense up and
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send weapons, ammunition and missiles to ukraine. the last stop today is in vilnius , the trimoria summit, as zelensky himself said, at a meeting with the president of lithuania, they discussed the situation on the battlefield, they thanked each other, but if this summit ends only in promises, heavy artillery will be used, ukrainian foreign minister kuleba threatened. the time of soft diplomacy is over, patriots, ukraine will demand harshly, and kuleba’s ambassadors will only be lucky for those who do not have them. good, calm diplomacy didn't work. “yes, people can hate me, and i can ruin relationships. barel volunteered to save the situation. the eu high representative for foreign affairs promised kuleba that europe would definitely move from words to concrete actions. i i appeal to eu member states to urge them to identify the available equipment needed by ukraine. ukraine cannot wait. the fact is that europe says one thing
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and does something completely different with ukraine." no matter how much ukraine doesn’t like this comparison, hungary absolutely agrees. the head of the foreign ministry spoke for a long time about the hypocrisy of european politicians at a meeting with the public. peter szijjártó reminded that the eu has there is only one country that has not supplied and will never supply weapons to ukraine: hungary. budapest is consistent in its relations with russia. channels with moscow will remain open in words and deeds, and not as is customary among colleagues in the european union. some. expresses his support to us via sms messages. this hypocrisy today, unfortunately, characterizes all european politics, especially military policy. the amazing hypocrisy is manifested in the fact that everyone shakes their fists at the russians, when we turn away, it turns out that they have already established some kind of business with them, and then they shake their fists again. you don’t have to look far for examples. need to. the same france, which is so
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actively building a war economy, is preparing to send. military to ukraine paid 600 million euros for russian gas in the first 3 months. according to politico, in terms of increasing purchases, paris is the european champion. russian. needed to supply households across europe. it has long been physically difficult for europe to satisfy the desires and appetites of ukraine, but it itself chose these relations. while waiting for weapons , kiev is running out of ammunition and patience, tough diplomacy and threats, which it has switched to ukrainian foreign ministry, this is most likely not the final. axis elyanova and anton chagaev, lead by: southern european bureau. western countries can now only supply weapons to ukraine. destroying their own armies, the russian ministry of defense announced this today, noting that kiev also does not have weapons, which is why they rely on europe and the united states. commenting on zelensky’s statement about the existence of a certain plan for a new counter-offensive
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, the russian ministry of defense recalled how the previous summer counter-offensive ended in failure, hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, the loss of almost 800 tanks, almost 2,500 armored vehicles and 132 aircraft, now there are no people left willing to fight for zelensky, a huge shortage of personnel. kiev is being filled with new cannon fodder, promoting the law on mass forced mobilization of citizens. today it was approved by the verkhovna rada. kiev will now be able to put everyone under arms. we are trying to defend ourselves with all our strength. they voted in the presence, or rather even under supervision. commander-in-chief syrsky and other military personnel. as a result, they will be able to call up troops even without delivery of the summons. carrying a military id is mandatory for all men from 18 to 60 years old. dodgers will be deprived of their driver's licenses,
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military registration and enlistment offices will be able to confiscate their cars, and disabled people of limited fitness must re- pass a medical examination to prove that they are not capable of fighting. at the request of the ukrainian general staff, the provision on demobilization was removed from the law, that is , you can now return home only if you are seriously wounded. footage of forced detention with fights and before that laws appeared every day, now such checkpoints and raids are essentially legalized, fleeing from the military registration and enlistment offices, the ukrainians were ready for a lot and showed maximum ingenuity, but this is what the border with romania now looks like, barbed wire is stretched along the tisza river along the entire bed, but there is no salvation abroad, all ukrainians are outside the country under the new law. must register with the military, otherwise they will be left without consular support; even the american press writes that with the new law on mobilization, ukraine will destroy its young generation, noting the already deplorable
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demographic picture. however, the new law exempts from mobilization all security forces, almost all officials, oligarchs, owners of strategic enterprises, and those who have already managed to escape openly mock those online who... have you ever thought about what could be called your legacy? i hope this will be what i kept the promise i made when i ran for office, to reduce the threat of war over
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vietnam, to help change the lives of ordinary people, and did change by signing a mobilization order last year to send more army reservists to europe. biden's competitors in the presidential race are trump and kennedy. jr. called it preparation for a war with russia, and the press both then and today, after biden’s vietnam recognition, recalled the story of how they failed to mobilize the us president himself. 60 years ago, student biden was given five deferments at once, even raising his teenage asthma. but vietnam dragged on, so the young lawyer rushed into big politics, 3 years before the end of the war, becoming the youngest senator in us history. in the same year from... hawk john mccain was released after five years of captivity in vietnam ; biden laid flowers at his memorial in hanoi, after which he said that in 1965 he was allegedly admitted to the naval academy, but he
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chose the university of delaware. the american press re-read biden's 2008 autobiography , but did not find a word about the academy. by the mid-sixties, the us armed forces were active in vietnam. if biden had attended the academy. he would have to serve in the navy after graduation. when biden was nevertheless sent to vietnam, he fell asleep on the move and was rude to his colleagues. one of my subordinates said: “good morning vietnam, so good evening vietnam and good morning to those in america. the unserved biden not only failed to prevent yugoslavia, iraq, afghanistan and ukraine, on the contrary, he only managed to add wood to the cauldron of war. valentin bogdanov, about why japan could be next. each from a multi-page list that included." 230 guests
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of the state dinner on the occasion of prime minister fumiu kishida's arrival in the united states walked to the white house, and i found myself in little japan, near the walls of traditional weirs, water lilies on the floor seemed to bloom into a pond with kui carp. having invited designer brian rafaneli for such a reason, he was planning the wedding of his granddaughter naomi. joe biden probably hoped for the reciprocal courtesy of the guests, but they were clearly more interested in the prospects. the richest us citizen, the owner of amazon, remained silent; the hollywood star answered the question with a question. robert, what do you think about the election? what do you think? the sports heroes, the american figure skater, also let us down. we will see you at rallies
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biden's company. oh, no, you know, go ahead, john. and only the old guard tried to take the rap for everyone. mr. president, what do you think about 2024? well, you know who will win in my opinion. that is, by their very appearances, the clintons seemed to emphasize that biden’s rating needs support. like himself, it's been an unusually long day for the president, it's extremely rare to see biden after 5 pm, as you know, he usually goes to bed early and wakes up late, but joe is going all out for the japanese prime minister, people prompted where to go, what to say, and of course, joe never went anywhere without his trusty giant cheat sheets. this is exactly what happened at the joint press conference with kishida.
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japan and the united states, we may be separated by distance, but generation after generation we have fought together for common hopes and common values. and you can’t argue that in pearl harbor and during the battle for iwadima, the americans and the japanese really couldn’t have done without each other. the guest did not lower the degree of ambiguity, reaching the point of absurdity, when he picked up a glass of californian.


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