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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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oh, everything can be fixed, but i need money, i need it, that means there will be money, i’ll sell everything, the house, the apartment, the taxi depot, you carry me like a river. and beyond the steep banks, where the fields are, my fields, where the forests are, my forests, you carry me like a river, and to my native places. where my beauty lives, her
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eyes are blue, like a dark night, like a fast river, like one. the hot moon in the sky is waiting for me, you carry me like a river, and beyond the steep banks, you carry me like a river. and her eyes are blue, like
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a dark night, like a fast river, like a lonely moon waiting for me in the sky. on monday, i have a grudge against you, me too, so what do i to get you to forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll kneel down, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and she’s lying to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, you’re seriously starting to think that you doubt it, so i’ve decided everything with mine, allah, to be continued, we’ll watch it on monday on
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titanic luxury collection, in fact, i think books will be written later. moreover, in psychology, can someone explain to me why suddenly the entire political elite of one single nation, one, well, central european country, suddenly she decided that everyone owed her, i was just wondering why they suddenly decided that they were the beloved illegitimate children of the entire european civilization, why did the idea suddenly come to their mind? that an american
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taxpayer, a german burgher, or a frenchman sincerely wants to give money so that they can have, well, let’s say, anti-missile forces there. why did they decide this? well, everyone tried and praised, they said i’ll marry them, but no one asked them to marry, no one tried, they tried to give themselves to everyone, but why did they decide that someone needed them? we are togo varty? this is a fundamentally important question, because when the minister of foreign affairs appears, he begins to say: well, give us petrets? why? why should you give something that was paid for with taxpayer money? to protect those countries of new payers who are citizens, with what joy did ukraine, what did they say to you in the fourteenth year: arrange a maidan? no, you are fools yourself, did they tell you to put pots on your head and hit them with spoons? no, it was you who
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said that the panties are in circles in the european union, the european union didn’t tell you, these circled panties sang and come to us, you were offered an association, not membership, you don’t know how to read a damn thing, but... stronger, the economy is growing, not only that, the ground forces have grown significantly , yes, weapons, quality, quantity have improved, as a result of the work of the military-industrial complex and military specialists, you asked all the time,
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stole all the time, now 300 billion have been spent on you, you are not able to account for anything, and you say, give me petrite, he says what are you talking about idiots, what do you mean give me a petrod? can you account for what you were given before? can you even account for anything? no, you mean you send explosives all over europe, which means the europeans couldn’t find them in icons, they reached russia, but this means that you can also send any other weapons all over europe anywhere, well, there’s a default figure when it’s milked did, everyone understands that there are a lot of terrorist organizations in syria.
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what will happen for this? that’s pragmatic, that’s what, if tomorrow ukraine disappears, what’s bad will happen for europe? there will be no competitors in the production of agricultural products? what's bad? the wild minus from the budget is immediately cut off, because there is no need to spend money on incomprehensible people who come demanding everything? this is not enough, there is no need to send weapons there and buy new ones instead, who needs them? well, here’s a simple question, but no one can ask themselves, ukrainians say, like , wait a minute, well, we’re zelensky, whose speech looks like he has speech prostatitis, that is, well, it’s just, it’s just it’s impossible, how did you even read anything before
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this, some kind of speech, thoughts are opaque, you can’t pronounce a complex subordinate sentence, well, it’s just a real speech prostatitis. went to lithuania to sign security agreements, he’s building three seas, he’s building three seas, what three seas, you won’t have one, what three seas do you need, we ’ll cut you off from the black sea now and so that you ’ll die there altogether, he understands perfectly well what he has to do may 21, and then that’s it, the carriage turns into a pumpkin, and ermak into the main rat, which and devour it, well, what will happen next? well , the rada adopted a law, who will implement it, now i’m glad, it’s great that the russians have screwed up the entire generation for us, the men who worked in these generations can now go to the front, excellent logic, just
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great, well, just amazing, you don’t know how to recruit people, they write here, which means a maximum of 10 to 2000 per month . and we have 1600 volunteers, so they go, sign a contract with the army, volunteer, every day, there is a difference, they don’t need to be caught on the streets, don’t force you, by the way, you clarified the data that you said yesterday, i’m collecting more, get it, that is, collect, collect, well, as you collect it, at the time of signing the contract, for example, in moscow, there’s also a big bonus there, then there’s everything there, but that’s not what people are coming for, our people really stood up, because that’s it, the jokes are over. we will crush the nazis when kharkov realized that there is nothing if kharkov, if you
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want to live, you get rid of these vampires from your squares, because if there are civilians, the civil infrastructure will be be used to house military vehicles there, in particular those that shell belgorod, then there is no chance, we... destroy. kharkov do you like this kind of life? do you like it this way? continue to rejoice at the shelling of belgorod. and this is just the beginning. you finally realized that that’s it, you woke up the russian bear, that that’s it, the jokes are over. songs, marathons. how much - this came out of the chat today. moreover, as they write, yes, they write, there is no generation. period, it doesn't exist. the transformer is not hit, it is gone , it will never be completely restored, it is gone,
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near kiev, but the largest one was there, but mind you, we knocked so carefully on the gas storage facility, and with all the shelling today, not a single person died, well , of course, we are not these scum who stop working, it’s getting better, but we tapped the gas politely, what are you doing there? what can you tell us about oil, right? now we politely knocked on the gas storage facility, and if you didn’t get the hint, it might explode, the largest in europe, right? yes, the explosion will be such that half of poland will wake up in the morning he will say, it was shaking, it was shaking like that, and of course, so that you don’t have any illusions about the americans, the americans are not naive, guys, you are all your nonsense, this yellow block one, we are here, here we are... don’t, that’s what he says adviser to the president of the united states for national security, general michael
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flynn, back in july of twenty-three, you just need to understand that what he says is in many ways how everyone around the trumpian community thinks. why is ukraine so important? this is a center of human trafficking, this is a center of child trafficking, this is a center drug trafficking, this is the center of the arms trade. now we know about our beolatoriums because victoria. noland said that they are there, we always knew that, but you know, now it has been announced publicly, there is a lot of money flowing into this country, and you ask yourself, where is this money going, this is money laundering, this is money laundering, there are several people , i think one of them is someone from the ministry of defense, perhaps the secretary of defense, or someone around him, they buy these huge houses for millions and millions of dollars. and you ask yourself, how can this be? right, but the main question is,
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why? this is what the europeans say, the leader of the political movement get up france, now is the time for peace, if we do not want to end up in ruins, it is extremely important to find a way out of this conflict, and the partners are exhausted, the ukrainian people are making a sacrifice. that otherwise western europe will come and i think that the time has come for peace, because to destruction, to social and environmental problems. it is obvious that macron is not moving towards peace now, since a month ago he even talked about sending ground troops. this is madness. so, if ukraine joins nato, this definitely means war for another half century. this is destroying the european continent,
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it means pushing russia into the embrace of china. this means economic dependence on the united states. i doubt emmanuel macron's sanity, to be honest. so, taking pictures of yourself wearing boxing gloves while pumping up your biceps on instagram is pathetic. it's pathetic. i expect the politician to do something different. in any case, i think that many french i'm tired of this movie. well, having sensed which way the wind was blowing, a weather vane of world significance immediately got involved, and as always, vasily dmitrovich’s friend, if you ask them logically, but if you are for ukraine, that you don’t vote, he sympathizes, he says, we vote. we don’t want the globalists to make money again, we say, why are you so opposed to ukraine, they say, wait a second, who made a transgender speaker of the tro, he is no longer there, of course, yes, but of american origin, he was like that, says who adopted the istanbul declaration, for them that's all, that this is this anti-religious project, a project of erosion of the family, destruction of the family, destruction of everything
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that is holy and so on and so forth, they say, guys, if you think that we don't see this, who is attacking the optsmp? yesterday's statement that ukraine is such a church, and russia protects the church, it has 3 million subscribers, it has its own very great influence, here or there one of the statements, one of the key bloggers, speakers, american, republican, black, hello, she, one from her famous videos called we help pure evil, she shows there in her statement how tsk grabs people on the street and how they attack the church of the moscow patriarchate, from the point of view of the republicans... we are pursuing the same satanic satanic no less policy that the globalist democrats are pursuing, they say: " you, you, are the favorite craft of these globalists." and now attention, here all this is even more complicated, with delburism and hunter biden and so on, and it also happens that they have direct evidence, they say: this is how you fought, how you stole money for
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afghanistan and so on, so in ukraine, look, why is biden comfortable in ukraine? to steal, they rudely say, because hunter biden was already there, burisma was already there, look, and so on and so forth, and from the point of view of their electorate, and that’s 2/3 of working america, and all of this supporting biden, like we look, we look like those satanists who deal with lgbt people and so on, so on and everything else, and at the same time there is also a huge laundering machine for the biden administration, his family, for the democrats and so on and so forth, they say: we won’t give money for this. “we won’t give money for this, we won’t pay for it, guys, we feel sorry for something, but kuleba is rude, screams, and aristovich is like that to him, but we won’t give money, despite the fact that kuleba, that aristovich is for money has nothing to do with it, it’s amazing, when you listen to aristovich you’re amazed, it’s simple, he’s just
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saying now, exactly the opposite of what he said when he was speaker himself, and now he remembers who made a transgender speaker of the armed forces? it’s okay what it was then speaker when you spoke directly on the contrary, i didn’t notice this, yes, then suddenly, look, there it turns out, yes, because of the sareshton of this wing, you see, they won’t give us money, as if he wasn’t the one rubbing it in there, spreading lies about the fact that ukrainians, those same republicans, will greet you like gods.
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sent, even if no one sent anything, and you didn’t register somewhere, didn’t respond, did n’t come, you’re already this same swindler, a deserter, and so on, that is, it doesn’t matter, you’re in ukraine, you’re not there, you’re not there in this electronic database, have you fled abroad or somewhere else, or you are, by the way, in the territories of russia, which they call occupied, that’s it, you can be added to
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this very list of lawbreakers, easily and simply, that’s all simple and finite. everyone who already bought medical certificates at one time, and now that’s it, now these certificates have already turned into a pumpkin, again because you have to be in a popular fish restaurant in a fish store and that there’s a traveling circus there again yes, the most important thing, but... that is, remember, then you 2 years ago you paid for your certificates, that is , those amounts, and now you add a zero and bring it, and then we’ll talk to you, it’s not a fact that you’ll make a deal. that is , the complete criminalization of the population and the complete creation of a huge corruption scheme, that’s what this law is trying to achieve, whether it will
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add someone to the army or not, i don’t know, but pay attention when they called these military deputies to report on this , what is the situation, they suddenly reported russian superiority in some areas, the russian army is 7-10 times higher than the ukrainian army, in numbers or in artillery? well, in theory it should already be, remember, there were a million in the armed forces of ukraine, that’s right, they lost 3100, every day they get them, they grab someone they don’t want, that is, mobilization did not
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stop for a single day in ukraine, how did it happen that this suddenly the russian army has such an advantage, how come the ukrainian army is crying, that they are sorely short of people, who from the front doesn’t want to ask zelensky where he got these numbers from, no, yes already i i think i forgot, actually, well , i took that number out of thin air and went on crying, give me a patriot, about patriots, kuleb, of course, amazing, idiot, boor, idiot, cretin, this is an interview with the washington post, and for some reason in the background bags, i don’t know, but he looks, and zelensky is filming against the background of ruins everywhere; what kind of gold are you?
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those countries that have, because with them kuleba will not speak as harshly as with those who have, well, normal, that is, this is what he gives out in anger, fear, this is not what he gives out to the american newspaper, you know, this is , well, in all seriousness telling how the journalist had fun while listening all this and... you know what reminded me, the green van, remember, yes, i ask you to give the tobacco for temporary use, well, as you can imagine, tobacco is for temporary use, so the tune will not last forever, yes, that’s how patriotic, give it i need
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petriot for temporary use, so you you see, they are now obsessed with these patriots, now all the ukrainian media are trumpeting all day, another victory in the european parliament, and verkhovstad, the former prime minister of belgium, a chatterbox, spoke there today. the budget for the twenty-fourth was approved a long time ago, we are talking about the european commission’s report on its expenses for the year 22, that is, they spent this money a long time ago, it’s just a technical
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report that just formally needs to be approved, there is no money already, that’s it, that’s it, it ’s been spent , they just simply created a technical, bureaucratic problem for the european commission, that’s all, but you understand, very little is needed for promotion in ukraine. it seems to me that there comes a short period when the head begins to hurt badly, and this is called a hangover or responsibility, and it occurs not only in ukraine, but rather like westerners begin to have a headache, that is, it’s not for nothing that general kovole says, regardless outcome of the war in ukraine, russia will be larger, deadlier and angrier, to the west, regardless, than when it invaded, that is, has it really come to an understanding. yes, that is, preparation
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documents on the ato, you admitted yesterday, well, you confessed yesterday in this studio, that’s why something has recently struck a revelation, you just said this, so you know, you can be in any country, they’ll put you in prison everywhere, so speaking of this, at the beginning of the ato, we can speak absolutely seriously, absolutely understandably from the point of view of international law or other international affairs, on this day, and this is the thirteenth, thirteenth, in my opinion, yes, a decree was signed, which means that ukraine officially began. use military forces against civilian population, that is, international humanitarian law like this, cross to cross, everything is for nothing, like the constitution of ukraine, which is directly for the constitution of ukraine, who cares, this is the constitution of ukraine, they didn’t care for it, in this case it’s just frankly for in general, it should be clear to the whole world that the armed units, both the national guard and the armed forces, all kinds of security officers and other national battalions, yes, that is, they distributed weapons and sent them to kill civilians, that’s all, that’s it...
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disperse, and turchinov, and pashinsky, let him go to the maidan, god forbid someone called, someone told him, god forbid you move, everything, everything will come to you, nothing happened, nothing happened, a military operation has begun , the tanks were flooded, the tanks arrived in lugano. headache, and ukraine has a headache, for some reason they decided that they wanted to influence the outcome of the elections, so they rushed to belgorod, so they concentrated their forces on belgorod, began to hit there, guys, and you see, now the question is yes, really for what? this is what it’s all about, firstly, you understand that now you need this belgorod direction, the kursk belgorod direction, you need to close it, you still need
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the living.
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they say: guys, wait, he says, they signed the agreement, they took on obligations, they said that we have these ukrainians, well, they’re just overwhelmed, johnson arrived, he said, he says, to the last, he says, let’s, let’s, in the end, ukraine today , so i vladimirovich explained there in detail, yes, in the end what happens, ukraine is the ghetto, this is a ghetto that was closed on all sides, all the men were counted, everyone was told, as if they were afraid of everyone, to collect all of them,
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to everyone, to take away their coin boxes. they just counted everyone, and not only did they count, the americans say, so how much is there, well, that’s how much, how many soldiers do you live on per day, that’s how much, yes a thousand, 2.0, 500, well, how much do you collect, that’s you live for so many days, here is a resource for you, for this number of disposed soldiers, we will probably ship you weapons, well, if there are any left, and if not left. you’ll be hammering all sorts of these with these same bodies, so my head started to hurt, it started to hurt very badly, i’m afraid the consequences won’t be immediate either, advertising.
12:01 am
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collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the eternal world elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. tomorrow at rta. i do not know what to do. we must calm down. and if something happens to lyubushka. i won’t survive saturday, out of the feeling that he himself stole his daughter and is keeping her locked up, this cannot be, stay away from him, anna mikolysh, alexander nikitin, you are hiding something, don’t confuse me, valera, i
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i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i should know, weeping willow, premieres on saturday on rtr. the hard life of a simple sociologist threw our friend around the cities and towns, which world sociology shows, oh, it shows, well, let’s do this, i can say that in general such interesting things are happening in the world, considering that we work hard here, you erase this one a happy smile of a tanned, rested person, yes, yes, a lemon, let’s mock, yes. okay, well, look, there are interesting results like this in different countries around the world, that’s interesting, let’s say, southeast asia, you have there was, and they discussed the topic regarding how they relate to china, how they relate to the conflict
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in ukraine. so, i will even say that the singaporeans conducted a good, cool study, where they also highlighted the problems that people pay attention to, for example, the asian countries, there are a dozen of them, and so, they still rank first...
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after the philippines, which supports the united states with more than 80%, you remember discussed on air several years ago, then in second place, oddly enough, the support of the united states in vietnam is at 80%. this also speaks volumes and is very important for our history, how it happens, how to study these processes, why it happens, that there was a terrible war, where 3 million died, 4 million were injured and how people built a strategic era, look at japan, yes. here, but the fact is that in this regard , they consider the vietnamese to be strategic
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partners of the chinese, but this is so, in order to understand how the movement is happening in the world, and there society pays attention to the processes , chicken supports a lot, you know, if you take the public , it happens in different ways, but in in general, russia’s attitude is quite complementary in thailand, in malaysia, in laosia, well, in principle and in general it seems to be normal, but again, this is a little different, yes, it exists, after all, we have it - here is the question of working with the elites, working with information, this is where klandai keldorado is, there is a lot of information missing about what is really happening, when you broadcast a speech by americans, we don’t even take, as they say, our propaganda, but the most important thing is to understand how they think, but there, of course, if it competently, correctly, then i think that people understand those processes, understand that there is a global struggle, that russia has a very serious choice, but many also understand that this is an emerging alliance, which...
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is still a very important point, which again , this sociology shows, it says that today the level of solidarity in ukrainian society is not so high, that is, they measured the dynamics of time, well, i see that there the picture is not zaluzhny has disappeared altogether, this is here the most important, you are absolutely correct, i am leading to this, do not create the illusion that this will be so, i am not telling you, i am speaking in general like this to myself, even when talking about these things, if a person falls out of the media for some period .
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that is, they understand that the military is doing their job, that is, the question is, i’m not trying to understand that they are not winning the war, no, here ukrainian society is absolutely in solidarity, more than 80% of respondents note that ukraine will win this war, that is they are confident of victory, that is for now, that is so far this is mythological, that is, you see, well, vladimir rudolfovich, let’s just not state it, that is, they still have mythological thinking, i’ll tell you this, we again take... so many people ask me, and journalists , and people
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who, as a question, i’m not trying to be there, conditionally we’re just stating, it’s not here, it’s a question of interpretation, whether this is still possible or already, but we say that in general the indicator is large, this is a question, well, listen, in in april 1945 there are more restaurants in berlin they were working, the schools were working, it seemed to them that they were about to appear as a prodigy and someone would return there and something, and so this is so that you can objectively evaluate, that is...
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there are people from the negotiations , there is a very large layer of people whom we don’t know, like i just have another question for such a country, yeah, why is it a combination of factors, their military registration and enlistment offices are not filled with volunteers, and this is the answer that you already gave to this and my colleagues gave , that is, people now have that euphoria of the first months, you know, they are also in illusions social illusion cannot remain for long, yes there is a rejection of russia, yes there is some, but still many do not want to put their heads on the line, i agree that... it’s a fair question if you are confident in victory, if you think that the government is legitimate, if you feel that everything is fine, and that you are not going to fight, well, you asked a question, i answered that there are a large number of people who, in principle, vote with their feet, those who do not participate, yes, maybe this means that they are answering a number of questions , trying to guess what was expected
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answer, because of course, well, listen, in the country in which you are now, if you say no, then you are an enemy of the people, but let's not confuse the righteous with the sinful.
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and those who don’t want to go to the front, do you understand what the problem is? because that’s what they did, they excluded the issues of rotation, demobilization from the body of the law, well, how should this be perceived in the ukrainian army, well , by ordinary soldiers who are there, relatively speaking, they are marching in the trenches, yes, they were actually waiting this law and put pressure on those who do not want to go to war, they actually well, they behaved directly aggressively in relation to this in anticipation that this law would contain a provision that...
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in the future i would like to be involved in this victory, and you are right in saying, then the military registration and enlistment offices would be overcrowded, i don’t know, how did these sociologists ask the question, what were they guided by, i’m on the same page with this question, but it seems to me that in fact there is some kind of contradiction here, now about the law itself, well, look, disabled people
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of the second third group, yes, this people who came for the medical examination, some of them, me i understand that some people are disabled. must undergo a second medical examination, all people who received disability, regardless of whether you served or not, whether you were in the rear or at the front, it does not matter, everyone who received disability after february 24, the second year, everyone they have to go through the commission again, every six months, every six months, then, yes, ambutees too, now ambutees too, by the way, we pass every year, so you understand, every year they pass.
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with finances, that when they made such a decision, all economic entities activities that operate on the territory of ukraine, well, we can imagine the conditions in which they are working today, taking into account the shelling, the lack of electricity there, and there you can still throw a small tv, problems, the ukrainian government says: then, look here if you don’t want so that we take away your employees, from each of you $500 per month, per month, now the question is, please tell me, in the end, who will bear all this burden? well, probably an entrepreneur too will count his, so to speak, expenses for all
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this, and the prices for everything that is there will rise, but who will suffer as a result of this, but for them, for them it is not important, for them it is important to fill the budget today, this just like zelensky, suppose, asks for loans, but what is it, what will this loan look like with a zero rate, yes, we will give a loan, and then you will give it to us, but zelensky is ready to take a loan?
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they are on combat duty, they cannot find it for us, we need some, we only need 26 pieces, but everyone needs it today now, it fits.
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airfields, i think, when they are indignant, russia is bombing our infrastructure, listen, the president of the country openly, publicly declares that it is necessary to bomb the infrastructure of the russian federation, personally, i have no doubt at all that this kind of shelling as happened today across the territory of ukraine, where not a single person was killed, not a single person died, yes, because either... if ukraine had, believe me,
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they would have destroyed it long ago, bombed everything they have from the bridges to administrative buildings, ending with everything, these people in general, their eyes wouldn’t even twitch, they would do it with great pleasure, please, listening to the reasoning, you still need to understand what they mean... they think so, yes in launchers, command vehicles, in batteries or in divisions, that is, that an ambassador of 100 patriots or 10 patriots, that is, but nevertheless, i would now like to congratulate our entire rocket and space industry, roscosmos, the russian aerospace forces, all enterprises who are involved in the creation of spacecraft in russia with victories, yes, we have a new stage in the exploration of outer space, the angara went into space again, a new upper stage, satellites, the necessary investigative equipment, this is a victory, this is a triumph, and even these 2 days of hitches, which, you know, became just,
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well, a great opportunity for haters in ukrainian segment networks. obscenities, that is, for the entire ukrainian community, because he came to a meeting of the house of representatives of the us congress and simply slashed the truth into the womb, well, rude, you can’t say it more rudely, he said the following, that at the very in the near future, ukraine will completely run out of artillery ammunition and missiles
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for air defense systems, that is , yes, it really is, in principle, somewhere. which zelensky also says, but zelensky at the same time says that a large counter-offensive is beginning, he talks, together with sirsky, about the fact that some square kilometers of russian territory are being recaptured, and that the ukrainian armed forces are having real military successes on the front line. well , at the same time, the chief commander of nato forces tells congress: “guys, that’s all, actually. that's all, well, in short, someone needs to put an end to this story, obviously not.
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transferring military equipment to a warring country for lease or lease, that is, then watching how it is destroyed there, and that country, in theory , should buy back the already destroyed military equipment, but they somehow confuse this process with lend-lease and continue to blame the americans so that it doesn’t work out , but lending itself did not mean that you will now get everything, because the question is how to pay, it
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hangs in the air, it seems to me that the most important answer is biden and his entourage. not received, but in general, those 200 thousand billion that have already gone to ukraine, will they ever be, except for the land, these, i apologize, hemp plants, that will grow there on the earth after, and if god forbid that the arrival happens, what will be left there, it won’t be possible to recapture that much, no, no, well, they will smoke it in europe, god bless them, recapture 300 billion, it’s not just impossible, it’s possible that the families of the sheikhs of abu dhabi are now in the state of 300 billion dollars, but they won’t they will give this money to ukraine, and no one will give it, but what if they ask? kuleba ask, if the kuleba is good to ask, and if you demand, demand from kuleba, therefore , in my opinion, there are no prospects here, and kulemi will have to continue to stand with his hand outstretched, as in that joke about the beggar jew at the synagogue, who one fine day will not they gave me a shekel, and he began to insult the one who always gave it to him, where, what should i feed my children, well, now what do i need your family, at my expense, but what about, what
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kind of passport are you with today? how did they still give 300 300 billion dollars in for 10 years they gave it, but they found it from somewhere, i think that i think that now if someone really needs it, the same americans to further harm russia, they believe me, they will give this money, another thing is that two moments one in the process so that i i wanted to talk today and the other one is in today’s moment in kiev in ukraine. kyiv is tripolskaya es. trypilskaya tes runs on gas and coal, including from donetsk, coal oh how it came up, and so on. and in march, when i got there,
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yes, almost 50-60% of the time it didn’t work. now. it doesn’t work completely, but what do i mean, why did i put in the numbers that it’s not far from kiev? firstly, nothing got to kiev, which means that where they were aiming, they got there, secondly, the liquidation of this station and... it generates heat and electricity, it supplies part of the kiev region, cherkasy and zhitomel, that is, if so in total , so that for muscovites, this is half the moscow region, you know, the moscow region suddenly stopped receiving hot water, heat and electricity, this is so that they understand what concerns kharkov, what concerns the sums, by the way, for the first time, i read in the ukrainian press that... the sums were not rockets that hit sumy city center, these loitering bombs, but these big, it ’s not far from the russian federation, of course , on the border, between cities,
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as for kharkov, the numbers are terrible, the numbers are terrible, no one is talking about the fact that anyone was killed or injured, terrible, and already ukraine suggests that several districts of kharkov and regions of the region they really are taking children out,
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if now in ukraine there were even more or less reasonable politicians, at least a little bit, as you started the transfer, some of the elite would think about the fact that systematically, systematically getting there into energy facilities, where the russian command decided, it can tomorrow, to solve other goals, they will go there, instead of thinking, saying, come on, let's stop, let's analyze why we are asking the patriot further, and so on, maybe...
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we could get the authority, and what ukraine gets in this moment, one person will be hiding in a dugout, in the carpathians, in the water, anywhere, the second person, a neighbor, will knock on him,
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you can imagine what, what will begin in the month of may, because some people will be hiding, and some other people will be snitching on those who are hiding, to whom is he, arrange this for the first time, i’m just saying to the picture, who will be knocking here, he will knock on the military commissar or...
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with other nazis they will burn, well, well, if the body, you what do you think, those people who are rude, are they nazis or not nazis? they don’t want to fight, firstly, whether the hellants have nazis or non-nazis, they simply do.
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answer, listen, ukhilyanskaya, i said that , what, you asked that the ukrainians who left are with the nazis, many of them are very aggressive, many of them are really with the nazis, many of them are trying to make money on this, and not i want to think, i’m not talking about those who ran away, i’m talking about those who are there now and who have become the founder of the situation, the one that has a chance, the call is the volga, the purity is known, give up, this is the only chance to survive, now it’s an advertisement, don’t continue after. in the new
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composition, i have a grudge against you, i’m also a premiere on rtr, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll kneel down, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and she ’s lying to you, and to the taxi driver this, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, i’m seriously starting to think that you doubt it, so i decided everything with mine, alla taxi on monday on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest , you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest , where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for
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the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic, luxury collection borum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury bodrum. and again we will see more of the rest. hello. moscow, kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr. you know, i don't like noisy companies and
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parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you’re seeing me for the first time in my life, and you’re reproaching me for something i’ve never done, oh, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, take it as a fact, i’m a loner, i have i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son is a great topic for a dissertation, my father is a single father, you need a nanny, yes, you do, but not you if you don’t need anything? "this does not mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there is an exception if you no one needs you, this doesn’t mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, i thought we cleared everything up, i still
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didn’t tell you everything about myself, a loner, on sunday on rtr, on cosmonautics day . this is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is a holiday anyway, this is our common one, of course, this is a holiday of our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, what was your mission, to look and figure it out, and if it can be fixed, i have a feeling that the filming was more dangerous than real flight, i was approved almost immediately to viktor petrovich, we take off, all pancake-filled, they bring volodya, he’s just like that...
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vladimir putin has a busy schedule today. for the first time in almost a year and a half, the president held an operational meeting in person with members of the security council. it discussed the development of the eurasian economic union. in the evening to the kremlin. president of belarus alexander lukashenko came to the negotiations. well, in the afternoon, vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference on the issues of eliminating the consequences of floods. head of state stressed that... that the main thing is to provide assistance to people affected by the disaster. we have connections with kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. we communicate almost every day, but
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nevertheless the situation changes hourly, so i would ask you to report, first of all, to the governor, what you think. situation at the moment, please, let's start with orenburg, denis vladimirovich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow me first of all thank you, vladimirovich, all structures of the government of the russian federation, heads of regions, residents of our country, which provides us with comprehensive support. today , the orenburg region is receiving help from all over russia. in general, the flood situation in the region has reached its peak. today is the most difficult. the situation in orenburg, where the water level in the ural river has reached a record maximum in the entire history of observation, 10 m 87 cm and unfortunately the water is still rising, in orsk the situation has stabilized the water level within 24 hours fell by another 14 cm today. the region
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sent documents on a preliminary assessment of the damage to the government commission. as of today, the amount exceeds 40 billion rubles, but... in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not left yet, but now we need to think about restoring housing, especially housing, and the infrastructure, of course, that’s why don’t delay, please, prepare for this in advance, well, the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working. everything is fine, in general, i hope that this is such coordinated work and will continue, and we will minimize all risks and consequences, please report regularly, alexander vyacheslavovich, report tomorrow, i will not torment all
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regional leaders, governors, everyone works locally, but you report daily, thank you, western evil empire. pulls its tentacles in all directions, the notorious interests of the united states and the fight for democracy justify the banal desire to kill as many people as possible. following the twisted logic of peace through force, biden proclaims that the conflict in ukraine will end when they will give you even more weapons. it just needs to be heard, because it is impossible to understand. how will the war in ukraine end, sir? this concludes the press conference. ward. the war in ukraine will come to an end when the leader of the house of representatives votes. the majority of democrats and republicans support ukraine, the vote must take place now. what is this man carrying, where did he get this from? it
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doesn’t matter, but let me remind you that the same person who suddenly decided that they and japan had always fought, hand in hand, leg about the leg, yes, well, yes, ass to ass, so there’s no need to be surprised at anything, it turns out that as soon as they give the money, the war ends immediately, evana, why didn’t they say it right away, maybe this is his hidden condition, this is his hidden condition, no one else even. doesn’t try to explain what a ukrainian victory should be like, because no one needs it, but western hawks are happy to tell what benefits the war brings, we already showed these idiots yesterday, there are a lot of them, but he said this in his own way time and boris johnson, come up with the fact that you should be the party of ronald reagan, and the party of ronald reagan would not let such idiots as boris johnson get into a cannon shot with such a disgusting haircut, just like - are you even british, what do you think you have ? are you going
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to tell americans now how to spend their taxpayers’ money, or what? wake up, this is no longer a colony for you, you now have something to play with, although there’s not much left anymore, the welsh, and the scots, and a little bit of the irish, i think you’ll soon lose them too, but of course there was a very interesting discussion between congressman, republican matt gaetz, who is well... in general, such a famous person, but he asked the us assistant secretary of defense for international security celeste woland, it seems impossible to understand how this woman got this position possible. for russia's strategic failure in the conflict, is it necessary to return crimea? in my opinion, strengthening international law, according to which borders cannot be changed by force, is absolute.
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russia's strategic failure requires that russia did not conquer territory in ukraine
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by force. they did it with donbass, right? we don't recognize this, and ukraine doesn't recognize this, so no, they occupied this territory. i think that we will never return crimea to ukraine. i think that if you set this as a goal, then we will perpetuate a new war in which there will be a lot of death and a lot of destruction. and they ask you specifically, where to crimea? no, well
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, she gives it, i don’t have such words in my set of words, well, that’s what they were taught to say, question, let them now teach a new history, because if you didn’t know, he explained it to us all, can you imagine how kishida’s eyes widened, he actually looks at the world with such a slightly asian slant, here his eyes simply became like those of an owl. look, we are the same, japan and the united states, we may be separated by distance, but generation after generation we have been united by the same hopes, the same values, the same commitment to democracy, freedom and dignity for all. ladies and gentlemen, please raise a glass with me, but i don't have a glass. so, do you have a glass for the prime minister? thank you. raise
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a glass with me to our union, to our friendship. in the words of those young students in japan for our common future, your health. i’m telling you, mr. prime minister, maybe i don’t know something, when they fought together against whom, thank you, that is, i understand correctly that in the end, that we dropped a nuclear bomb on them, that’s what they say , schoolchildren, well, of course, but if to speak very seriously and harshly, it is clear that it is american.
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the americans write that the marines were sent to the combat zone in the middle east, and not at all to russia.
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to the conclusion, well, in general, strictly speaking, there is no plan, just an unclear position, and as for ukraine, that’s what we’re talking about, and as for the middle east, and what we actually have come to today in the middle east speaks of that, in principle , this is the result of such a desire, as they like to say, for controlled chaos, yes, which could lead to a global catastrophe. i want to say that today we
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are all waiting to see what kind of reaction iran will have towards israel, but it seems to me that we need to wait to see what... take the same vague position towards them, but one thing we must understand is that israel is the only a country in the middle east that does not confirm, well, officially, has nuclear weapons, according to various estimates, they already received nuclear weapons somewhere in the early seventies, they did everything to ensure that no one had nuclear weapons who, eighty-one, the famous
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operation opera carried out by the israeli air force, a strike on a nuclear... reactor, which means aserak, the so-called nuclear reactor, which was bought from the french in the late seventies, according to the israelis, it posed a danger in connection with the fact that it was quite possible that iraq could produce an atomic bomb, it was a brilliant operation, several f-15 and f-16 aircraft at a low altitude of 50 m, flying over the territories of many countries, including saudi arabia, destroyed it all to hell and no matter what there was a reaction later. of the entire western world, this is the first case, the second case, well , according to the israelis, this is 2007, when , in their opinion, in the province of dera azor, it means that damascus, in its words, also tried with the help of the dprk or there was already pakistan, then they mixed in the same thing, to carry out work regarding nuclear weapons, one on one situation, also by planes, bombed, and now they
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will not rest on this, they will not rest on this, so for them it is great. iran may have a nuclear bomb, but iran has their fatwas, that they are giving up nuclear weapons. yes, of course, it’s just that since the westerners don’t believe in themselves, they especially don’t believe in iran, so the most interesting thing is that in the first case in baghdad, because many later experts, including american and french, said that the very reactor that was delivered to baghdad, it was made in such a way that it was impossible to engage in the unification of uranium and get the corresponding weaponized plutonium, not polonium, plutonium, and the same thing is catching up with you past, catching up with the same thing it’s interesting that what happened in syria has also not been proven by anyone, but was it? that reactor that was capable of producing something, so, of course, it is clear that netanyahu will not escape from completely finishing off the palestinians in the gas strip, but they need to
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draw the americans in deeper, draw the americans in deeper, the americans are already making a statement, they’re already arriving there, which means they’re going to israel, that’s exactly where they’re going, apparently the patriots are now taking them, putting them on alert, which means the corresponding american fleet, i i don’t rule out that the israelis will simply declare that we... if turkey is directly behind hamas, they don’t want to ruin turkey, and this in a different context meant that here, as if they had large intelligence forces, they didn’t
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know about it , but here everything is well understood, so i think that of course, right now, by the way, it depends most of all, of course, on the sanity of iran, for me, it seems to me that, by the way, there was already a statement, literally 30 or 40 minutes ago what they believe that if the un security council. condemn the actions of israel, which was hit by damascus, then this will suit itself quite well, a completely common-sense approach, because it is difficult to imagine how confident iran is in its military-strategic potential in order to fight on two fronts, with america, with israel , but israel, of course, will not stop, and the right wing, the ultra-right wing that is in power, netanyahu, will tighten its actions in hamas more and more. gvir this whole public will do everything so that all actions that are called military are actually called strategic terrorism. you
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studied military history at the kremlin school? yes, of course, but what happened to the fermopil passages? who defeated whom? 300 spartans? yes, yes, who defeated whom? when it works out, sport wins. but considering that everyone remembers and associates this with the three spartans, after all, probably 300 spartans won, so nothing like that, nothing like that, well, firstly, there are not 300, but much more, i say this from an emotional perception that is much more difficult , absolutely right, i’m just saying yes, that’s in our in the european consciousness, brought up in that tradition, the hero is absolutely the spartans, and i want to remind you that dari undertook these efforts... after the spartans, together with their colleagues, committed, in daria’s opinion, a brazen seizure of their territories, burned the city, killed
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a wild number of people, darius went to take revenge, and yes, indeed, on the third day, as they would say, having made a roundabout maneuver, he went to the rear and destroyed the opposing army, after which he solved all military problems, despite the losses, that is, they would say if from the position gives, then showing courage and... heroism does not stop at what? that is, the question is, how do we look at history, the question of what? at the same time, what he said, i swear to zeus, that is, the same gods, right? i will take revenge on them. the next question is, who is darius? that is, it goes back to which empire? if i understand correctly, then politely speaking, this is the story of exactly those whom they are now trying to teach, these brats, something, and the persians say so politely: guys, of course, i’m sorry, but in military affairs
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it means boris nasha is not with johnson would take in the party of ronald reagan, no, this is of course so, because i very well remember this party of ronald reagan and excuse me, there were all people there, cleaned up with ties and with very formal haircuts, as they would say now, but the trouble is that our boris johnson would not have been accepted into margaret thatcher’s party, that is, perhaps
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he would have been allowed into the party of ronald regen in some third-level komsomol. that’s what margaret thatcher’s party would have done, they would have hired him only as a loader from the backyard, that’s a fact, because the people there were, as it turned out later, selective, but that ’s where great britain ended, but i ’ll tell you this, i’m really rewinding the last 10 days, i’ll tell you this, it was a very interesting period in and global history, in our russian. history, we will remember it for a long time later, because many hidden mechanisms that move our world, they just surfaced, but the most important thing is that it was very important for us all to understand that in the modern world there are no riders on a white horse , none of these chigivar, there are no these, no fighters for a bright future at all, maybe they
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once existed, but now they definitely don’t exist. everyone is fighting for their interests, everyone, everyone is looking for an opportunity to squeeze something out without a direct military conflict, well , the iranians, what do the iranians need, now they need a war, no, the iranians don’t need a war now, if only because they they know, they have this exact certainty absolutely, she’s from iran, just to add that time is actually playing on them, not completely, but time is playing on them... they are gaining strength on them, by the way speaking, i’ll argue for the second time, i’m some kind of dissident today, yes, that means , of course, the iranians have a fatvo that we don’t need nuclear weapons, it’s like a religious fact, but everything that happens on the middle east clearly indicates that more and more rational arguments are emerging in favor of iran having nuclear weapons, but
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simply everything... iran is very careful at the moment when iran felt, iran felt that israel was being driven into corner israel, actually we must understand that israel itself driven into a corner by the conflict in gas, he is ready to use nuclear weapons. yes, iran
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understands perfectly well that this is to create a buffer, yes, between itself and israel through a proxy, in this case it will not work, the israelis managed to do what we failed to do, and do you know why? and because in iran everyone knows for sure that israel is dying, israel has consistently created an impression of itself in the region as a dangerous madman who, being for... no, no, no, we will not do nuclear tests, and we have created for yourself colossal a window of vulnerability into which our enemy, our
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geopolitical adversary, who has set the task of destroying our state, society, people, civilization, launched everything, a hybrid war. terrorist methods, arms supplies, everything in this window of vulnerability, which has created a lack of fear of us, of our nuclear weapons, something needs to be done about this, i think i absolutely agree, and but i’ll tell you this, everyone wants, i look at what is happening in the world, everyone wants to walk along the edge between the streams, this has already happened once. it was the summer of 1914 year, everyone also wanted to go between the construction sites, everyone also wanted to bargain, everyone also wanted to scare each other, well, they did,
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and quite a few returned home for christmas, yes, i have some kind of analogy, because that everyone is acting too untethered, well, the very last thing i want to say is... the hidden second bottom of this whole story, by the way, it is very interesting how they are trying to attribute to trump the idea of ​​this multi-level nato, which, in my opinion, is not it comes from trump at all, but the most interesting thing is that in reality, the second bottom of this whole story was such a struggle: who will be the main junk geopolitical asset for the americans, who will they get rid of, from ukraine? or from israel, and if it’s like this, of course, i personally don’t have any insights, i have a feeling, in my opinion, ukraine won this prize, cruelly, cruelly,
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but fairly, i’m just afraid that the person who must make a choice, if they write it wrong on a piece of paper, he will not be able to read it out, although even if they write it correctly , he agrees, and olanda had a difficult story. and we want, in all seriousness , to entrust the fate of civilization to this nice man? no, he can’t even be trusted to walk around his own
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guard of honor, yes, the engine is so oily, his gait is generally crazy, well, it just really feels like he’s a robot. that is, the feeling that there are three, four, five or how many people in black already, commissioner allasda, remember, from the police academy, it was a police officer, now he’s showing it to him, like this, come here, here, come, here, come, grandfather, there, there, yes, sit with your hand, grandfather, can i help you, kiss yourself feels simply superfluous at this celebration of life, there is a bug inside him. some kind of horror, these people are trying to decide the fate of the world, advertising, we have lost contact with the station, we don’t understand what happened to it, prepare the crew, salute behold,
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well, hello, april 12 on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose are you? the homeland of the soldiers, whom you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, so you ’re confusing me so that i, next to you, no longer understand me. don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, no calls... and you’re sure you know your daughter well, well
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now what do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl, friend, has disappeared polina, they study at college together, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from falling into the noise of this uncertainty, we will endure it, nothing is so inevitable. like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, ibushka is crying, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, please, well, if we have dived so deeply into history, i will also allow myself some historical parallels of the son of dariyad. well
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, look, we are talking now, this is an evil empire, we started our program with this, listen, well, in general , this anglo-saxon civilization has always been like that, an evil empire, it was reagan who said that the soviet union was an evil empire, but of course he was right, the empire was very evil, we are not good. well, really, she really really exposed all this now with such clarity, the masks have really been dropped, and indeed obscene language has become the language of diplomatic communication of western elites, this is such a polished public, which we seemed to think, oh, what a great civilization, oh, how sophisticated we are, well, they don’t, well, okay, they think it’s swearing. they are neither a small circle nor they can’t build a big one, but what can they do,
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i can’t wrap up a floor, that they know in true abuse, god, if only there would be no abuse there, but we know that what has always been in the background, in the base of this civilization, political murders, including poisoning, lies, white lies, we encounter this every day, coups d'etat, organizations of all kinds of color revolutions, here we are... which means that in 1963 there were not excavations,
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but the grave of ivan the terrible was opened and the remains were studied. there was an excess of 2600 times against the norm, the mercury content was in what was left, that is, you understand, there was poisoning, and the effect of mercury is depression, this is inappropriate behavior itself. the most important violation in general of the genetic possibilities of inheritance, let's say, the production of heirs there, well, let's say this is what scientists say, that is, what we got in the end, we got the end of a dynasty, we got troubles, we got thrown back for almost 100 years us into civilization is a question, no, he had more dignity, but why did he listen to the doctor, well, if he calls doctor, he is not getting better. what was he forced to do then there were no such methods
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to determine that there was mercury or something else there, well, there wasn’t, well, it’s the 16th century, all the cosmetics were built, there may be cosmetics, but no one could understand what was happening , oh well, you don’t like this historical example, there are just nuances here, because there were definitely similar stories with an increased content of napoleon in the remains , it also became clear then. that the reason was completely different, that is, there are still conditions of detention there, after death, it plays a role where the burial is, in what soils, that is, there are a million nuances, that is, it is difficult to say, but ian the terrible was simply a phenomenally suspicious person, if he brought a certain doctor closer to him, and this did not lead to an improvement in his health, only to the constant deterioration of inadequacy, then this completely changes our understanding of the formidable custom as such, who, let me remind you, was an outstanding religious figure, among other things, and one of the most...
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besides the fact that such damage was caused, we will say, historical damage , i i want to say that, of course, they slandered jean terible later, they have a terrible jean, not at the instigation of the romanovs, who basically rewrote history in our country, the romanovs had a whole direction to discredit the board before them, well, objectively speaking, if you look, well , okay, but we know a lot of monuments to ivan vasilyevich the terrible. set in the romanov era? ivan ii was forgotten, of course, then no, but then the romanovs really trampled down the history that came before them. i 'll still be back. there was a different story offensive. he wanted to marry us, if only
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everyone had dachas in london now. and this, you know, declared that she was married to the kingdom. then the citizen, well, it must be said that not only was it not her who sent the letters, he actually wanted to get married, and by the way, to marry you, mymra english, well, he said correctly, mymra english, everything in the end, but i want to say that this is that this is such an example, it may not be very well known, i’ll give it to another and drake will be faithful to him, that’s it, it’s true, so this example may not be very famous, but we we know how much england constantly interfered, it was england who constantly interfered.
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but i want to say that the united states is generally the reincarnation of the worst traits in general that
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were ever found in the british empire, the most cynical, and that’s all that the united states did. that you don’t like them, i don’t like them, you know, i don’t like them, i don’t like america, i don’t like americans, the inner feeling is that you don’t like them, i don’t like them very much, you understand, well, what can i say, except am i really the people, the people, well, the people, the people, i’m talking about the elite, that’s the one that now has we, the people, by the way, in england are good, hard-working people, working people, the broadest people, the working people.
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developed, they dictated, by the way , their terms to the world then, they had to be stopped , they were stopped for 100 years, china was thrown back, do you think they forgot this in china, unlike japan they did not forget it, it was the japanese who forgot hiroshima and nagasaki , we don’t know these colos yet, that’s us for now, that’s all, japan will still flare up, there’s a samurai, probably a samurai spirit, god forbid that it will wake up, look, that’s... today that’s what is happening, we still have a little illusions, here, here are some, well, some experts speak out, well, there, probably, trump, he’s still not like biden, you know, not like that, yes, he’s not like that, probably , like biden, yes, maybe stronger, that
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’s what will be better for it will be better for russia, it won’t, you know, because if biden is a representation, represents there...
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that’s exactly what i wanted to say, that we don’t need that biden and trump are anglo-saxon civilization, which is our historical enemy, historical enemy, and of course, at any cost...
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the usa is the successor to this anglo-english empire in terms of ideology, approaches, they, they only took the worst features that the british elite had, that's bloodthirsty, that's right, i have nothing against it, that is, you propose , this is just horror, not in a christian way, can i go further, what just confuses me about this is that we are entering into such a concept, then let’s immediately destroy them, damn it, if they are historical, no, wait.
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really, if someone wants to tell me that this is not so, i’ll tell you, just a minute, but in our history, here you go, here you go, you want to say that there was a terrible tragedy of the holocaust of the jewish people, there is no doubt, it’s terrifying, it’s just an objective or soul-sharing story, there is only a big problem, and the indians have their own no less terrible history, but the jewish people survived even in a dispersed state, and
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the indians are somewhere on a reservation. no, if we talk seriously, then if we take such historical parallels, these are rich topics, you can generally go crazy, you can always go crazy, history - it’s a complicated thing, it’s clear that somewhere there will be negotiations, but somewhere there will be wars. i’m talking about something else, i’m saying again that we have no alternative except to defend ourselves, to wage war, we have no alternative, now many, today we don’t fight like this, there’s a war going on against us, what are we doing, we’re not at war or something, but of course we’re not waging one, we’re conducting a special military operation, a military operation, a military operation, well, not by peaceful means, well, look.
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we are not at war yet, of course, and i am also with you, right away, this is not enough, for example, we have my friend macron, on the one hand he says that he will now send troops to the address, on the other hand, he is now almost one of the main buyers of our gas, but with you we are talking about the same thing, what we have and i in general if only we had this anglo-saxon civilization, which today has set the task of destroying us, cannot be
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pacified in any way except by our military victory, without anyone else. yes, well, we have no other, yes, but the bible says, yes, the bible says, if someone wants to kill you, rise up, kill, and therefore there is no need to think, biden, who is it, ivan petrovich, ivan ivanovich, or some john in other matters, yes, we must achieve military victory, no, only military victory, we will not appeal to the proletariat, volodya, you understand , previous and our experience, we counted very heavily -
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we were going and so on, this is just for memory, yes, but the stake, the stake on this was very, very serious, by the way, a lot of our problems at the beginning, well, the war was not related with something, exactly with this, yes, well there how it is connected, there are a lot of details, there are a lot of details, but this did us a very bad service, so let’s not, let’s get this wrong, but... by the way, i have this abstract, beautiful story about the anglo-saxons, i would like it i’ve looked at it in detail now, because i actually asked the question on october 7th, so this question hangs, well, in the air here, how could this happen, can anyone explain how this happened, excuse me,
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six months have already passed on october 7th , by the way, i didn’t see it. in the western media there are simply no questions about this exists, you see, no one in the west is interested in what it was on october 7, how it happened, and how it can all fit there, no one is interested, this is of no interest even more than the tragedy of the twin towers, you know, that’s about the twin towers they still asked questions, but about october 7 , not a single bastard in the free western world.
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thoughts, alas, so what’s interesting is that i was arguing with many of our colleagues, it was fashionable here at one time, now it’s somehow gone quiet, but it was fashionable to talk about that it is so unprofitable for america now to incite a conflict in the middle east, america has so many difficulties there, look at how she is, how she is, and israel even said today, he says, we will think about reducing the number of losses, well, that’s all, well, sense... civil, this is all such, you know, well, in this sense, an empire of lies, yes, that is, everything there, this is an empire of lies, you can treat it like that, because all of this, of course, is a grandiose deception, i
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argued, i affirm, united whether states, like a state, but if you have this, well it’s difficult there with the state, because honestly, i don’t want to ruin old age, but i honestly don’t understand what this... person can make as decisions, since i don’t understand this, then i claim that all decisions are made for him are accepted by an unknown and indefinite circle of people, in this sense, at this point, well, reptilians and the deep state are becoming not funny at all, because well, they definitely exist, when we see, well, comrade biden, you understand for sure that there are exactly reptilians like that in quotes now it will appear i am a reptilian with great respect, yes, i understand
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that i am now, well, discussing the diocese, so to speak , but he is a clan, he will say what he considers necessary in this regard, but i argue that there are definitely those people who make some decisions instead of the state. “we are on your side, and we will fulfill all our allied obligations, if iran does something, great, this is deterrence, really, well, they, that is, by making these
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statements, what has america done, a colossal contribution to not conflict broke out, no, america made a colossal contribution to the fact that come on, come on, we're behind you, everything will be fine,
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what did they say wrong or what did they do in terms of containment? or maybe the japanese’s eyes widened, as volodya said, the scheme is the same, the main content of the negotiations, the fifth article between us will be reinforced concrete, by the way, for the second time...
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and this is the main content of the negotiations, well, comrade kishido went nuts twice, and then he couldn’t resist, he said, well, i said, i understand that ukraine will soon be in our asia-pacific region. region, well, japan will be ukraine along with the philippines and south korea, against china, and kisin couldn’t contain his awesomeness, yes, i don’t know, they were delighted, but just there, well, tishido tried to do sipuku, but missed, he can’t, well, he can’t, so to speak, say, that he will not play this american game, he cannot, he cannot, he will play, so he said that he is very...
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they don’t need that conflict now, nor do they need anything there, and in general they are here as if they are busy with their madness, yeah, by the way, about madness, you know, the more i look now, well, it’s just me, i’ll try in short, i’m looking at what ’s happening in congress, it’s damn it, democracy is in full swing, you know, there’s such an outbreak of democracy, inside congress, democratic procedures, opinions, that’s why i think so,
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well, actually, it’s terribly beneficial for both sides, of course, this is what is happening in congress and is also not being accepted, because biden, understanding that all three approaches to the plan, well, or not biden, of course, biden in quotes, those who stand behind him, are three approaches to the plan to destroy russia didn’t take place, there is no fourth, yet, yes, and, well, all this has to be done somehow, yes, everything would have been great, he would have come out... everything would have been cool, if not for these republican bastards, they didn’t cut it all off, they cut it all off, we were on the verge of victory , we were on the verge of victory, this trump and these bastards brought it all down, now because of them we have all this, and that’s it for me, i had a plan, wow, i had it all, a wonderful story in general, on the other hand for the republicans, well this is, this is a second afghanistan, so biden brought a second afghanistan, now there will be... a world war, it’s all
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because of him, great, and under this noise the main task of those who are engaged in this, the reptilians, is being solved, that is, to take the place there - europeans in full, that's all they can, so that they fully fit into this ukrainian history, and america will be on the sidelines, well, watch and tell that she has nothing to do with it, she has her own problems, they need to solve theirs, and so on and so forth. the last thing i wanted to say is that there are some leaks about all sorts of peaceful initiatives, they are publishing something else, so we need to watch today’s speech by our permanent representative to the un, comrades not benzy, comrade nebe said, he said a lot of things there, and i’ll save time, i need to look at everything, but one phrase was very clear and precise: very soon the time will come when the only topic for negotiations will be unconditional.
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hello angels on rtr soon! dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, 60 minutes tomorrow on rtf, please, fasten your seat belt, desi’s cog, ah, feelings will shock us today, andrey boris. you can say you saved my life, i want to offer you a position my assistant, evgeniy lazar, why me, there are a lot of ready-made specialists, light, i feel like i’m descending without you, or something, this is not your man, in a zone of strong
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turbulence, light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i i love you, and please do yours. flight attendant on friday. those who want to stay informed watch the week's news. advanced program. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. sunday on rtr. i am developing dmitry’s idea about whether it is profitable or not. i just think biden's weakness is misleading here dmitry agree or not, in understanding what the foreign policy of the united states of america is, it is a giant ship that
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very slowly changes direction, and this takes decades, the theory of controlled chaos has become popular in america quite a long time ago, the essence is very simple. they work exclusively in the interests of the united states, look at how many enterprises are from
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taiwan and the specialists have already moved to arizona and now they will produce, well , some in arizona, by the way in japan, well, it’s just that the americans are here.
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at its core, there is still exclusivity that degenerates into such a philosophical treatise, but between the approach of the northern southern clans of the american club now and contempt for everyone else, don’t turn off let’s dance, please , yes, well, i don’t agree here with the fact that their elite is not split they are the elite . this is, in fact , the main problem now, not only in the united states, but also in the world. just a significant part of them tried to unite this club, when, so to speak, the clintons and the bushes hugged, it was believed that until the end of foreseeable history, the clintons and bushes would
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replace each other in the presidential post, which means that, accordingly, all other lower posts will be distributed, and the world will move on in approximately the same way, and yes, probably such a theory could do everything. these developments and, so to speak, controlled chaos and , so to speak, on the contrary, so to speak, there is peace through positions of power, everything that is all those developments that were done by, so to speak, think tanks could have worked, if not... began to run out of fuel, if the oil began to burn, yes, the ship is moving, the problem is that the engine smokes, that’s it, from an economic point of view, from a cultural point of view, from a demographic point of view, among other things, it turned out that if this icebreaker, it turned out that the ice had become very thick, russia appeared, which seemed like it would break easily, china suddenly became an insurmountable obstacle, it was supposed to be an ally, yes, so to speak, well, to some extent, but it was a vassal , there there is no talk of allies, but he, it turns out, wants to be an icebreaker himself, this is where
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everything seemed to start to collapse, the emergence of alternative elites in america was precisely connected with this and the appearance of people who support trump, well, to put it with our current language of reptilians, who , so to speak, do not allow trump to be killed or imprisoned, it was connected precisely with the fact that some of the elites said, no, guys, everything needs to be changed, in my opinion, this is the main thing, but why do we want to know this, not just because we want to know who surname? patronymic, who will be the president of the united states, by the way, i have never approached this issue personally, so i think that it is very important what drive mechanisms will work there tomorrow, because, so to speak, a forecast is needed and it is necessary in relation to this it’s the right thing to do, in my opinion, what’s important here, uh, unfortunately, from the very beginning, for example, it was clear that biden is a war in ukraine, well, from the very beginning, well, i don’t know, there, this, this, by the way, by the way, is the night on nightingale, election night, i was one of the presenters there, right away.
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i’ll tell you about all sorts of other vulgarities, and you will watch it, i will give you social
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networks, and through these social networks i will target your children, and i will, i will educate them, not your school and not you personally, but i will do it , that’s what we actually , by and large, probably either didn’t understand, or didn’t fully understand, and if at the time there, relatively speaking, there was some ivan vasilvich, who, by misunderstanding, was called formidable, so how about peter great probably...
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yes, so that there is a feeling of pride, there is a readiness of the remote control for launch, there is a readiness of the nto for launch, the report of the second criminal, the first heavy launch vehicle developed in russia after the collapse of the ussr, in the future they will completely replace the protunnel, these are new pages in our cosmonaut, launched from the vostochny cosmodrome, which is all together. of course it is fundamentally important, we can launch
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spacecraft of all types from our territory and provide independent, guaranteed access to space, yes this is important, it does not cancel social networks, well, this does not cancel social networks, but so to speak, again, you understand, so to speak, the question here is, how to deal with this, well, that means you have to be more active there than your enemies, that ’s all, that’s the same as if this is the case, it means that we need our own networks that will operate according to those requirements. we are introducing, and not the european union, the so-called, not united, they won’t cancel it, i don’t know, i’m so modest, the americans are very worried, they are already shouting and saying: let’s have a treaty on space, let’s have a treaty on space. yes, so maybe cancels, okay, now, that means, as for, this is why it is important who will be the president of the united states, and what to do about it, but in my opinion, now the main, of course, gravity, well, pay attention to where this guy is looking american president, collective, of course, in my opinion, they, of course, are now looking at the far east , they are in a hurry, it is obvious that time is short,
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many people realized that most likely this biden team, of course, will not live to see there some se... eight years, how to put it so to speak, most likely it it will be difficult with this, for various reasons there may be difficulties, so it needs to be done quickly, which is why the creation of this new, that is, indo-pacific west, has been very intensified, it is very conventionally called aukus or aukus plus, hence, by the way, this confusion, that it is being built according to some new bilateral principles, plus they themselves are trying to confuse the cards, in reality this is not the case, which means the anglo-saxon countries, which they have openly called the anglosphere for a long time. namely canada, the united states, australia, new zealand is creating the first circle, which includes initiates, yes, great britain, but great britain maybe, now i’ll explain why, it is included in the first circle, this is, so to speak, the circle of masters, the next circle, so to speak, is what is called subordinate countries, this korea, japan, the philippines, and the philippines, apparently, will, so to speak, be
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the first strike force here, so to speak, in a number of directions, so they all came to washington. everyone said: we are ready, the only punished owner in this situation was great britain, because well, they didn’t even conduct exercises with it, well , listen, australia, the united states, the philippines, japan are conducting exercises, the usa, so to speak, did not invite britain, now it means the philippine leader, now it means the leader, has arrived, has already arrived, yes, this means that now there will be negotiations, this means that now there will be a trilateral summit, he is on the phone with the australian leader, but the british are not visible, well, there are technical problems, why did he even... come there, no, just geography, so what? ? well britain maybe even jump, but not how to get into the pacific ocean, i think something similar will be explained to them, that the rest are there, well, canada is going there, america is going out, the philippines is there, japan is there, and britain is there from which one? they would have said they would have brought the ships there in advance, well, listen, well, no, they couldn’t help but be thrown in, but they ’re just not there geographically, so what
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, well, well, so what, well, listen, just think, they would have brought a ship, but if through the globe? states, yes, rentals, yes, there are few there, they, even those who jostle with the chinese, they they try to spoil them as little as possible, because for each damage you have to pay, this is well known on this second one, but in general they...
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by their behavior they isolated themselves even from the united states, despite the huge lobby that exists there, and now he has a well obviously, obviously there will be problems with this, i guarantee you that at the conference in chicago it will be the same as in 1968, half of the democratic party will refuse to support a candidate who does not say that we condemn israel, you’ll see, he will say, and what, so what, nothing will happen, well, listen, well, the money is still allocated by congress, i understand what it was, mikhailovich is happening regarding various kinds of military blocs, aukuses, there is senta, siata , anzyuk and anzyus are there, well , whatever it is, what is the boundary condition? the existence of a military bloc, who makes the command decisions there? there must be united armed forces, there must be
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a headquarters, a supreme commander and a chain of command, if this does not exist, then this can to be not a bloc, but a circle, pain pain, but a circle of interest, moreover, one artist who was not accepted into the vienna academy, it would have been better of course... he was accepted about the blocs and said the following phrase: a military alliance that is not intended for immediate entry into the war, but is moral in its essence, well, in general, it ’s correct by and large. returning to ukrainian affairs, i must say that the other day one distinguished representative of the ukrainian expert community uttered the following phrase: a significant phrase must be said frankly, he said this: from 1991... to 2013, we combined our efforts to destroy the rich soviet military heritage, while we pursued a policy that led us to war,
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here is the second, second half of this phrase, but simply wonderful, we repeat again, pursued a policy that led our state to war, if someone thinks that in the modern history of ukraine there is 2008 or...
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that’s the place, moreover, in private they told us so, and i heard this with my own ears, well, you guys don't count on it the fact that just recently we served in the same army, graduated from the same universities, sat in the same party there, if you base your calculations on this that they will help you in concluding some kind of agreements with us, you are deeply mistaken , that is, from the very beginning, from the very beginning, they set a course for a break and... they stuck to this line all the time consistently, year after year it all grew, they didn’t sign anything, they weren’t going to participate in anything, they pursued this
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exclusively obstructionist policies, well and as for our affairs, what did not stop our political authorities from feeding them money, well, from the very beginning, well, from the very beginning, the policy was aimed at nothing in common, a complete break, and then even more, it means... behaved very impudently, haughtily, it was as if they, well, i remember all this, i heard it all with my own ears, we will now be like france, we have approximately the same territory, the same population, we have a brilliant industry, space, black sea shipping company, we we will be there almost, almost the brightest star in the european crown, where all this, well , really, just as they squandered the soviet military legacy, they squandered everything that they had with...
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defense power, has always been a supporter of recreating individual aerospace defense armies, which will resolve many issues with the formation of full-fledged branches of troops within them, especially on the reconstruction of fighter aviation, and i must say a few words about the missile and space defense troops, which previously existed until 1998 as part of the pa troops as a type of armed forces, when the air defense troops decided to merge with the air force, they began to distribute the structural elements of these troops to new owners, and the same rko troops suddenly found themselves part of the
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strategic missile forces. what connection, what logic, is still unclear, then in general these united missile and space defense troops were divided into several parts, one ended up in one department, the other in another, that is, this branch of the army, it should generally represent, so to speak, very organic, functional a closed element, with positive, negative feedback, i am setting out a term from the theory of automatic control, negative feedback, there is no negative sign at all, to have stability, well, when this is not there, when there are different... commanders, superiors, there are no functional connections , but this system will not function, and i ’m not telling all this so that they can say, but he suggests returning to some old schemes, there, uh, but god forbid, you can never return to anything old, in general thinking by various analogies, it is usually unpromising, i always call for a return to a new, again, re-creation of the missile and space defense forces, well, as part of a branch of the military in the form of armed forces,
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which are called: aerospace forces, again, what at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that these are related issues, like the formation of separate armies of aerospace defense, and, in fact, the cover of this type of troops, since these are objects, separate aerotechnical nodes, some above the horizon, some beyond the horizon, after all, these are the eyes of the supreme commander-in-chief, it must be said frankly that we have no redundancy in this regard, one unit will be disabled, for example, which one, i won’t even name, so as... not to attract attention, this can have fatal consequences, so anti-aircraft missile cover, fighter air cover, with new ones and duplication, it is necessary, this issue must be dealt with, well, just immediately, just immediately, why are they running? yes, okay, please, well, i would probably like to say about the european union, how
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this manifests itself in our discussion here. is not justified, well, another thing is that it was possible to talk with propaganda in the first year of the military operation, and now the picture is completely different after more than two years, and therefore we all the time seemed to be talking about the degradation of the european elites, but it seems to me that the process now it is accelerating and most importantly , it is actively manifesting itself for people.
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he was surprised that the names of the crimean cities, the greek names, especially the crimean cities not similar to the russian one, but really, he didn’t know anything about the greek project of the great catherine, and the empress, doesn’t he understand that this is all specially made up of selected words, non-alogisms such as simferopol, sevastopol, feodosia, yes.
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some of them are real descendants of the ancient greeks who live there, for the first time one of them jokes with the front pavlovich kelinkar, well, including, uh, in my opinion, for the first time, buckwheat.


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