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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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well, come on, i think i’ll help, just like that , carefully handle the handle, yeah, don’t worry, i’ll give you a ride, yes, the department, i’ll pump the machine, so to speak, with the breeze, let’s close it, close the machine, like that, go ahead, everything is closed, you can understand what they are talking about, these two, uh-huh, these, they are talking about money, the woman says 1000 and not a penny less. the man says i can’t collect 500 anymore, the woman is not at the market, i’m not twisting your arms, we’ll judge according to the law, man, but if i go to the prosecutor’s office, i can’t make out something about a bribe, i turned away, woman, then no apartment for you, tomorrow i’ll send a letter to the administration, that’s it, yeah. please stand up, the trial
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is underway, viktor ivanovich, it is true that fingerprints of judge kushkina, a former judge, were found in the criminal case, but this is a secret of the investigation, the russian federation, the court ruled on the verdict. it was you who arranged this, right? not only did my career deprive me, it decided to finish me off. aula taxi, premiere on monday on rtr. poster on the tv channel culture. theatre, music, visual arts. 12th of april. project classic plus and
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pavel karmanov presents the project flight for cosmonautics day in the small hall of the zaryady concert complex. among the participants are pyotr aidu, dmitry chaglakov, yana yanchishina, nadezhda meikson, alexander mitinsky and other musicians. the opera disa carmen will be performed in the chakovsky concert hall, performed by the levochey instrumental orchestra conducted by dmitry senkovsky, soloists venera gemadieva, yana dyakova, natalia liskova, sergey kuzmin. play. two on a swing with an updated cast is on the stage of the sovremennik theater, playing yuli chursin and tatiana bobenkova. exhibition space, air, light in the museum of vasily andreevich trapinin. the theme of the exhibition was the development of the landscape genre in russian fine art. the exhibition presents works by shchedrin, savrasov, shishkin, bogolyubov, benois, levitan and many other masters from the end of the eighteenth to the beginning of the 20th century. a large-scale retrospective of the man of light for the 180th anniversary of the birth of vasily polen.
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opened at the samara art museum. the exhibition presents the first version of the painting moscow courtyard, as well as other works masters, united by two main themes in polenov’s work, landscape and the gospel cycle from the life of christ. there are so many wonderful works in the collections of our regional museums from the far east to the center. this is a small chamber exhibition, and i want to say that it goes very well with the personality of vasily dmitrievich polenov, who... did not rise to the podium, did not appeal to the broad masses, but simply, so to speak, honestly performed his work, a landscape painter , artist, musician, architect, teacher, mentor for the whole a galaxy of wonderful artists of the next generation. the yerevan russian drama theater named after stanislavsky is showing karen narsisyan's play based on the play by luigi berandella, people, animals, circumstances on the stage of the pskov drama theater as part of the big tour project. the music of rachmaninny and
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rispighi will be performed in the large hall of the st. petersburg philharmonic, performed by sergei davidchenko and the russian national orchestra conducted by alexander rudin. the piano festival opens its spring program with a concert by the winner of international competitions of the colombian pianist daniel diaz in the space of the levoshovsky bakery in st. petersburg. the nizhny novgorod gorky drama theater is showing vadim dantseger's play, the third truth or the story of a crime, on the stage of the baltic house theater festival. belgrade national theater.
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we in this studio and i personally have talked many times about the peculiarities of living with a disability or with some kind of limitation in mobility or health, and we have spoken with
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the heads of foundations and organizations that help people with disabilities, but never we have not yet had a person who combines both a person with a disability and... and the head of an organization that helps them. elena, hello, do i understand correctly that you first lost, received some kind of limitation on the possibility of health, and then organized a structure, organized something that helps people who have lost parts of their body or the possibility of some kind of health. yes, chilip, hello, yes, it really was like that, that is, she lived an ordinary life, even like we all probably i didn’t suspect, but i knew that there were people. with disabilities, there are some wheelchairs and all that, well, somehow, when you don’t encounter this in life, you basically don’t pay attention to it, that’s when you yourself got into an accident in the eleventh year, in 2011 in an accident, yes it was an accident, in
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general the accident was very terrible, people don’t survive in such accidents at all, a leg was torn off, the whole body was broken, but i think that i was not hurt, because my head was still there, it was clear. well, well, no arm, no leg, well, in general, everyone well, not everyone does, but there probably still are some limitations, that’s how you generally see the correct adaptation of a person after such an injury, what is the help if suddenly the person’s brain did not adapt itself, or
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the person ended up there, well, i’m really lost, what to do, here’s how you can help, how your organization helps, what people who find themselves in such a situation can do, well, in general, yes, thank you for the question, what is the question, it’s just voluminous, very, of course, in first of all, you need to understand within yourself, that yes, maybe many people have such an opportunity to smile and think, well, well, how many people could do this, let’s say, but it’s difficult, it’s easier, it’s all a matter of effort, yes, because yes, of course, because to say i can’t, it hurts, i don’t have a leg there, this is the simplest thing, i don’t mean physical overcoming. this smile, after all , i absolutely sincerely had and still have , of course, this is the strength of the spirit, you still need to force yourself to smile anyway, you just won’t smile, this is first, well, that is, you need to find a landmark that makes you happy, a smile is not
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just facial expressions, and there won’t be a landmark at first in any case, just force, first of course force, well, for example, i had it like, i understood, that i have children. then somehow it happened that we came up with the idea, let’s create an organization, there are so many of us, but there is no help, adequate normal help for people with amputations, with injuries of the musculoskeletal system, well , i mean, there are probably preferential or free prosthetics, yes, well it is, no one knows about this, but what do you mean, of course,
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people are still collecting money, we ’re talking now, but that is, for example , traumatology, the whole person came out, where he was in intensive care, then they discharged everything, they don’t tell him, that... no, because the hospital, in principle, their task is to save lives, that’s all, they saved a person’s life, they operated on him, cut him off, sewed him on, it doesn’t matter what they did. in short, they let him out, which means the hospital doors are locked, that’s it, the person doesn’t know where to go, and people don’t understand what to do, and no one really knows suggests that collection of money is still needed, no, the state provides it, in fact there is such a gap between the assistance provided and information about it, that is , you are reducing this gap further, yes, yes, because there is really no information, and we are in 2020, in the twenty-second year, we won two presidential grants for the program “together, this is just this program of early rehabilitation, early support only
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when a person is still in the hospital, when he even has to undergo amputation, or is already in emergency amputation, and there you need to work with relatives and explain where to go, what documents to collect, what door to knock on, what you are supposed to write down, because the state gives you a lot of opportunities to get back on your feet and rehabilitate yourself, but people simply don’t know about it, in this is so basic. our help and then we have a team of volunteers who work, well, all the guys with amputations, i personally go to hospitals, uh, when i have free time, when you see, well, when you’re lying in the hospital, for example, yes, the doctor is right for you, okay, that’s it, you ’ll be fine, don’t worry, now the prostheses are like that, what do you think about, well listen, you’re a healthy person, get out of here, it’s bad enough, that’s when people like that come we, there is no leg, there is no arm, there we jump with a parachute, we there... do diving and fly sports in the water, in the river, on skis, and
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before we jumped with a parachute, no, such overcompensation, well, partly, this is to to prove, or because at least to prove, yes, there were a lot of actions to prove to myself that i have the right to live, and i’m just like everyone else, and i’m even cooler, it was a very long period, honestly, it was fun, yes, it was fun. i’m tired, somehow i’m tired, and i’m somehow so lazy, i understand that i can do this, and this is the last year, probably this year, i can do something, i can peel potatoes, and in short, i can do everything , i learned everything, i can even fast myself, and in short, everything that i had from such colossal dreams, i did everything, so... if you haven’t jumped with a parachute before, for example, and having lost something there something, they started jumping, this a necessary stage, yes, of this rehabilitation,
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yes, this is definitely necessary, because we had a program, also a presidential grant, we received sky to sky, parachute jumps for those who were doing it for the first time, for first-time students, let’s say, this is the reaction people, when you really land as a different person, we have this case, we always talk about it, i always... i remember this boy, he was 22 or 23 at that time, his parents brought him there to the airfield , he had an accident, both legs were missing, and he i don’t want to live straight and i don’t want to live at all and even if the parachute breaks and doesn’t open at all, we talked for a long time, but we cried up to our knees and i cried, and he cried, he says: okay, i’ll jump, well, like, what will change, so he jumped with a parachute, you won’t believe it, here he is riding in a stroller, crying, driving up to me, hugging me, saying: len, thank you, here you are in the right place, at the right time, i will
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live, len, i promise, i will to live, when i remember this, i get a lump in my throat, and i understand that even this is one life that i managed to save with this project, with my example, this already means that i don’t live in vain, it means that we are not doing all this in vain, cool, very unexpected, after all, yes, if you return to rehabilitation like this ... i’m also alive, and maybe someone is watching us forever or with some kind of amputation, and he hasn’t jumped with a parachute yet, yeah, and he hasn’t overcome himself, he’s sitting on the couch, receiving a disability pension, well, it’s like he’s sitting, sitting, waiting, these are the kind of wards you had, of course, there are a lot of wards like that, and they they think that they live everything normally, you just understand, before, let’s say, 10 years ago, when i entered the subway, it was also like this... shock therapy for me to put on a short skirt and shorts to go down the subway with two small children, an iron leg, this
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is not a rebellion, this is therapy, yes, yes, for me it was like therapy, i came home in the evening, such a thought passed through me, i think, my god, today, i don’t know, thousands of people saw me, everyone who looked at me, i saw such bewilderment in their eyes, people they just didn’t understand, you’ve probably already become a reference point, god forbid something like this would happen to someone and they don’t remember... no, why am i actually having fun here, there’s a girl over there, of course, well later yes, too , such a thought came to me that perhaps the lord left it in order to still be an example. it ’s more necessary to live than just for yourself, as if, well, turning yourself on, giving yourself the opportunity to live, rejoice, find some interesting things for yourself personally, i went to a couple of karate classes, twice silver medalist karate in bavaria, in moscow, i was interested, yes, a lot of parachute jumps,
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then i realized that well, for people you need this, you need to give it away, because everything that... you and everything that you kind of received, you need to give, you still won’t take it with you, why are you getting it, it’s given through you, that means it needs to be given, and the more you give, it’s only then in about three or four, probably , the realization began to come, the more you give, the more you get back, yes, sometimes he asks me, and sometimes i myself think, lord, how i manage to do all this, and the foundation is a charitable organization. such a huge 51 regions, a huge number of people, a huge number of problems, and a bunch of interesting projects, tasks, everything, still children, still your home, more dogs, in short, everything, everything, the car, it breaks down sometimes, well, that is, everyone i need to study, sometimes they ask me, when do you manage to do all this? i
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think about it so much, i understand that this is the return of this charge. success to you and all those you help, thank you, thank you, thank you very much for what you do meeting, thank you. today we will begin our series of programs about jewish holidays, and we will discuss them, learn about them from alexander moiseevich beard. uh, let's start with the holiday of purim. alexander liseyevich, hello. hello. purim, if possible, here i will give the floor to you, i know too little about it
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to say anything. purem is a holiday that took place at a time when we did not live in... it swallowed up the near, middle east, india, africa, it is a powerful empire. and there was a story related to the fact that the jewish the community lived relatively calmly, and even the jews. was the king’s wife, and one of the respected people at court was her uncle mardykhai, the king’s wife was ister, and it so happened that with all this rather calm life , they installed a new prime minister of oman, who maniacally wanted to destroy all the jews, and - he through various intrigues, he obtained from
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king akhashvirosh a decree on the extermination of the jews and... i am retelling the scroll of esther, and esther, when she realized what happened, and mordechai, her uncle, who was this respected nobleman at the palace, explained to her that everything depended on her, that she, being the wife of the king, must influence to cancel this decree, one might say, forced her to go to the king to ask for the cancellation of this decree, she said that you should all fast and pray 3 days and... repents of her sins, she herself said that i would also fast, and came to the king when she was in a good mood, and begged, in general, begged him for the salvation of the jews, the punishment of haman. this in a nutshell told the essence of the scroll of esther, the story about the purem miracle. uh, this miracle is different from
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all the other miracles that we talk about, because in this miracle there is no element, as it were, of events. higher than the laws of nature, it looks like a natural intrigue, such a natural, court intrigue, what i wanted to say, in fact, the philosophy of judaism says that for the almighty to break the laws of nature, open the red sea or transform, i don’t know the egyptian plagues there water into the blood is easier than a miracle will be inside a court intrigue, inside those events that do not go beyond the law of the wire and... who participated, one might say, was attracted to our material world for that, in general, that miracle that happened for the management of man, and not the world, yes, yes, for
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the management of man, this is generally a very cheerful holiday, since this holiday was, well , happened after the giving of the torah, it is not, naturally, in the torah, and accordingly, there are no restrictions that are on shabbat, and there in sidelocks, shivot, with all their restrictions, that is, you can work, you can do whatever we want. this holiday they read the scroll of esther carefully in the morning and evening, the celebration takes place in the form of a carnival, because it is believed that god was hidden, so everyone wears masks, it is customary to drink, it is customary to be very cheerful when the mood is high, and i have such rattles on my table, it’s like this when in the scroll of ster mentions the name of haman. everyone is making noise, chattering in order to drown out his name, this happens up to fifteen times during the reading process, it is customary to give gifts to loved ones, it is customary to help the poor on
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this day, it is written that everyone who asks should give him money, this is so very a cheerful, bright, joyful holiday, and of course a children's holiday, because children also actively participate in purem, a wonderful holiday, it seems that through it it is so pleasant, probably so easy to introduce children to faith, to religion, to the authorities, with different laws, omans throughout jewish history arose more than once, not twice, who wanted to destroy the jewish people, when the almighty saves us,
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this is certainly a big holiday, this is not only a holiday about the past, but also about the present, about the future, yes, amazing a bright and kind holiday, a real holiday, thank you very much, aleksandrevich, even the story somehow put me in a better mood, thank you very much, see you. thank you, our last meeting with anton we touched on the topic of events in 2023 in space and on earth related to space, one issue was not enough for us to discuss everything significant that... share, because, as we know, more than 70 have already happened thousands of scientific publications about space have happened, or rather, to discuss even a small one , so i want to continue talking about 2023
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learn a little more about space. anton, hello, hello, what did we not have enough time for in that issue, which we will continue to talk about now, well, astronomers study space not only with the help of telescopes, the 20th century gave us the opportunity, for the first time an astronomer gave the opportunity to touch those objects that we we are studying. that is , i’m talking about astronautics, we have the opportunity to launch automatic stations - in order to almost directly study celestial bodies there, but there within the solar system, although not necessarily within within the solar system, and in the past year i would like to highlight two launches, this is one automatic interplanetary station, one new space telescope, another new space telescope that will fly, which will obtain new knowledge, new understanding of how the universe works, in particular, how our solar system works, and, strangely enough, how our planet earth works, in order to study our planet earth, it is necessary to send an interplanetary
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space station, and i'm talking about the psyche station, and the nasa station, which will fly to an asteroid in the main asteroid belt, to an asteroid with the same name, the psyche asteroid is one of these large stones that was discovered back in the 19th century, flies to main asteroid belt. but this is an unusual asteroid, this asteroid belongs to a class of metal asteroids, class m, this is, apparently, the core of a planet that once upon a time, billions of years ago, was still trying to form in our solar system, but for some reason i couldn’t, i’m sorry for another stupid question, an asteroid, meteor, meteorite, an asteroid is a stone that flies in space, or a metal body, well, yes, or or metal. this object in space, that is, an asteroid, is a small planet, well, a sub-planet, yes, yes, it’s such a small sub-planet, okay, a meteor is when such an asteroid enters the earth’s atmosphere and begins to glow, rub...
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it is studied specifically for in order to understand, better understand how the planets were formed in our solar system, how the planet earth, what our core looks like in our planet, so we will know better, know in more detail the history of our solar system, again from an applied point of view, this will tell us a little more about the possible depths of ours, you know, if we talk about some pragmatism, i don’t know who, but this phrase is very popular on the internet, someone
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who apparently... close to the psyche mission calculated that the iron and nickel reserves on psyche are worth approximately the same as the gdp produced by all of humanity , something for 100,000 years, this is some kind of crazy value, in this regard, the study of the psyche will also be quite interesting, this is that one of the events that happened, the second one, which i also want to point out in contrast to such a purely pragmatic study . point out in contrast - this is the launch of a new space telescope, this is the euclitus telescope, this is a small space telescope that will study dark matter, dark energy, that is, it will deal with such fundamental things dark matter dark energy to this day remains one of the most important mysteries of the universe in general, the mysteries of astrophysics, a telescope will be able to see, a telescope will be able to see what you look at, for example, these are the photographs that this telescope has already managed to transmit, this is
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the famous horse's head. in the middle there is one of the galaxies, a globular cluster, another galaxy, a cluster of galaxies, what will this telescope observe? look, a cluster of galaxies, each speck is a separate galaxy, it is very far away from the earth, each speck is this is a separate galaxy, there is a lot of mass, a lot of matter, light that comes from somewhere from more distant objects, from more distant galaxies, passes through this cluster and the dark matter that is contained in this cluster, that is, there is a lot of it there , it makes the rays of this... it bend, light is affected by gravity, light is subject to the forces of gravity, all waves are subject to the forces of gravity, but in general, yes, yes, that’s what this telescope will do, it will study these effects of curvature, essentially he will looking at such pictures of galaxy clusters, he will look to see if there is some image of another galaxy there, but as if his crooked lens somehow distorted it a little, bent it, was somehow unusual, or
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something like that looked in a crooked mirror and thus... to study the distribution of this dark matter, its quantity, where there is more of it, where there is less of it, how it evolved over time, you can look at more distant galaxies that we see as if in the past, and see what it was there, it was dark there there was more or less matter, here is such a wonderful device, with such wonderful pictures, well, as i already said, it will study dark matter, it will study dark energy, even more mysterious, but there it is. dark energy, which is 68% of our universe, is exactly the thing that makes the universe expand with acceleration, it’s like a new space is born, and since it was born, a new space, it kind of pushes everything else away, so this new space is constantly being born among us, well yes, i didn’t think about it at all, that is , in fact, the pressure inside any expanding body should probably be, well, that is, if something is stretched, the pressure in it should drop, well, yes, but with us it remains constant, one might say so, and what
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is formed? this is dark matter, and what makes it formed is dark energy, no, dark matter is just matter, this is one of those exotic matters, no, we most likely don’t have dark matter, there is as much dark matter as there was , there is more dark energy, dark energy is something that causes this space to be born, here i probably won’t even say better, because it ’s still not entirely clear what it is, but it’s a pity that we only have 7-8 minutes in every program. talk and talk about this, if you don’t mind, maybe we’ll dedicate the program not only to the discovery, but also you will open up the world of space a little for us, try to explain to everyone who is not an astrophysicist or an astronomer what space is and how it grows in general, a little more, in general, if it’s possible, i’m very fascinated, let ’s try it, this is modern astronomy, it ’s probably useful and interesting for everyone to know, let’s try it, thank you very much, then see you again, thank you for calling, i hope i said that i could, see you again.
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the kolmyks still remain the most mysterious people of russia; take, for example, their national tea; they throw salt, pepper, butter, and bay leaves into the tea leaves.
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the first time it seems you can’t swallow it, but experts assure that the taste reveals itself gradually, just like the kalmyks themselves, they are a people they are closed, they don’t like to praise themselves, and they don’t like to show off their achievements either, but their national costume can tell a lot about these people.
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the population of kalmykia is only 300,000 people, but there is a lot of space. once upon a time , the great silk road ran through this land; it is here that the historical crossroads, the geographical center of the eurasian continent, are located. kalmyks are the only people on european territory who profess buddhism. and we are so interesting, like in europe, with our such remarks, asian in a suit, and we interesting in asia for their european replicas. caucasian, slavic, something that is included in the style of clothing. until the thirties of the last century, kalmyks led an exclusively nomadic lifestyle. everyone was sitting on horseback, old people, children,
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men and women. all this explains the features of the national kalmyt costume. the bottom of the dress is very wide, the span along the length could even reach somewhere around 2 m. tsekdyk is dressed on top. tsekdyk is a long one, like a vest, also decorated with slits such as long cut, why? because they used to ride horses, women jumped and galloped. in the way of nomadic life there were no things for nothing, everything was practical, utilitarian. the kolmyks did not have a lot of clothes; they believed that a large number of dresses shortens life.
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a short shirt, even later for the boy, this is from about 8 years old, that is, by the way the child is dressed, one could quite accurately determine his age, as a person grows up, his costume changes, but when the girl crossed this threshold and became girls, yes then she was supposed to have a belt, the belt was, uh, for example, made of felt covered with fabric. decorated with ornaments, and when the girl got married, yes, then they took off her belt, she dressed up in women's clothes,
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valentina began sewing as a child, her first teacher was her mother, we were allowed to cut fabrics, six of them were dresses, at home costumes were kept, real kolmytsky ones, in her family... my mother had costumes, they were kept in a chest. the women's national costume was multi-layered and divided into lower and outer clothing. down caps were put on trousers and a shirt slightly. the tracks had to be open, the train was being filmed.
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the men's national costume is quite strict and laconic, but it had one interesting feature: it provided complete freedom of movement. the kolmyks were considered fearless warriors, almost the best in the world, their clothes helped them win, it was all in the sleeves. and the sleeve, it was different. in kolmykov’s case it resembled the shape of a bird’s wing, when he swung his saber left, right, back to the left, and this was not at all inconvenient when conducting a battle. the most expensive part the kalmyks' men's national costume had a belt. a useful thing, no need for a bag, everything was attached to the belt. malya, kalmyt
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whip, weapons in battle protection from wild animals, knives, pipe, case for shag, bags for bullets, scarf, even two: one colored to determine the type, the other nasal, it got to the point that up to 32 items were attached to the belt, when the danger signal sounded, the nomad might not have time to get dressed, but the belt was always with him. the belt was not only a vital thing, not only a decoration of the kalmyt costume, but also an iconic family heirloom. men wore it until the birth of their first grandson, and then passed it on to their son, who now became the head of the clan. each belt is unique. the belts had a lot of names, chest
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belt, reed belt, that is, it repeated the pattern of the reeds, so it was made or ha, the silver rib of the animal repeated, also byst-cherkess belts, men's belts were usually wide, they were decorated with silver overlays, sometimes they were completely covered with metal?
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by the way, not only men, but also women smoked pipes among the kolmyks. was in demand thing. the kolmyks did not consider a knife as a weapon; men needed it for life, to separate meat from bones, or even to shave. the kolmytsky knife is somewhat shorter and more massive. it is very richly decorated with silver, as the kolmyks believe it is pure metal. the blades were made from a not very hard metal, because metal is very hard in nomadic conditions. impractical and quite difficult to sharpen. nikolai galushkin has
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many students. the main goal of the master is to preserve the national traditions of the kalmyks. every person is a creator, he must have his own convey, try to reveal oneself in creativity with these means that i give. but i need them to master the technology, gain skill, then it will be easier to create, because theory is dead without practice. the master works with his students on national jewelry. the kalmyks had few of them, each carrying a special meaning. these selgas, they are literally stuffed with symbolism, a triangle is such a figure, well, this is a designation of the feminine principle, for example, turn this already masculine principle upside down, three pendants, also symbolism, the past, present and future, kolmon art is more laconic, men wore one earring
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in the left ear, girls wore one in the right, if we are talking about a forgettable woman.
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and we say steep zeg, flat zeg, t-shaped zek, u-shaped zek, there are many names. the art of this ancient embroidery was lost; it was revived by friends and colleagues valentina basangova and natalya lidzhanova. now i will show you how embroidery is done.
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i just direct this thread exactly to the line where i want it to anchor. so we hook the golden thread, press it closer to gloss, and so on along all the radial lines, here i have eight radial lines, eight rays, as if our future sun, this golden thread needs to be pulled up a little, as if so that it does not make any openings between the rows of threads, here in this way in a circle until we finish embroidering this embroidery completely, the peculiarity of this embroidery is: you need to pull it closer here so that in the end the embroidery ends up like this, as if the bottom is square, square or rectangular, this embroidery is in
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configuration called ungan turun, that is this is a foal's hoof print, so the next stage is coming... so, according to the embroidery that we have already embroidered, these little eyes or the sun, i get all the suns, we trim it with a silver cord for expressiveness, it looks good on gold , the silver cord also needs to be sewn tightly to our eyes, and so along the contour of this first stage we draw a golden silver cord, the next stage, in the same sequence, i sew all these laces that are already ready for me, as if i embroider in my own way, in my own pattern, which means that my next color will be light green after yellow. light green, then green will do, then two black ones, then burgundy, red and pink, but at the end you can also
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use a white thread, we lay it out with colored laces in the sequence that i had in mind, after i completely embroider this embroidery, of course, it still needs to be trimmed on one side with a gold cord, on the other side with a silver cord, you can add something else, then i cut it with an allowance, then i retreat about 5-7 mm from the edge and cut it with an allowance. that’s why, according to the ornament, i turn my pattern and this allowance downwards inward, so this allowance ends up there, completely embroidered, sewn on , this remains the configuration, just the embroidery here, i’ve become interested in kalmyt embroidery , trying to continue making the pattern. this is not an easy matter, either the material is too dense, or the pattern is too small, i can’t
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boast of keen eyesight like the kalmyks, even scientists tested them, imagine, kalmyk sees seven times better than an ordinary one man, and this is not a joke. in 1683 , catherine summoned an ophthalmologist from thälmann of the hague to examine it. the vision of 40 kolmyks studied and came to incredible conclusions, and an ordinary person is one for two, 2.1 there, well, some units of measurement, vigilance, kolmyks 7.6, 6.7, this is surprising, because like yulian semyonov, he wrote: strange people, they see at night, the craftswomen really needed a diamond eye, they worked with expensive materials, gold and silver. they embroidered right away, which is called nabelo, the embroidery was done right away on the product, if we talk about winding embroidery
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, three layers were made: the first layer was cardboard, silk, the third layer was already a metallized thread, it was a material that contained gold and silver, a rather expensive material, the embroidery was taken care of if the dress was worn out, it they cut it off, sewed it onto a new product, the kolmytsky embroidery had a rather large relief, it seemed like it was metal, completely, the whole design was laid out, it looked very unusual, probably because of this, after all, kolmytsky embroidery is very very different from the embroidery of other peoples; the background was also densely embroidered. dilyazh davidovskaya is engaged in this scrupulous painstaking work, as she says from the heart, she once attended master classes
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of famous kalmyt embroiderers, she wanted to create such beauty herself, i sit down, start embroidering it, my head is completely full, i really need to do a lot of things, i can’t do anything forget, it’s somehow embroidered, probably... it’s understandable why, because the main thing in the costume of both women and men, the kolmyks always had a hat. here i put on the kalmyk headdress
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i remembered that among the kalmyks you can’t try on a hat, and you can’t give someone your own, too, a sacred object. it was forbidden to even step over the hat, and if you lost it, it was a total disaster, it was the same as losing your head. the man took off his hat only when his child was born, the newborn was placed in it, warm, cozy, this was the first cradle for a baby, researchers counted more than twenty types of hats among the kolmyks. a hat is a symbol of freedom, a hat was for a kolmyk, everything was for men, the most common one in the old days was this hat is khadzhilga, though hers too. there were several varieties, some had a round crown and a quadrangular top, while
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others had a quadrangular crown and a quadrangular top and... the peg was fur, not very high, somewhere, well, up to 7 cm high, it was always attached at the top a brush, or a red rectangle was sewn on, a red button was attached to it, that is , almost an analogue of this brush, but it was possible to attach a red brush to this button at any time. in addition to the national element headdress, today it is used as an amulet, tied to rear-view mirrors in cars, to backpacks and bags. the red brush is the main part of the coat of arms of kalmykia. one of the streets is even named after ulanzala . this tradition is to wear a red tassel
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as a distinctive sign. 500 years, since it was written in the constitution that every kolmyk should wear a red tassel, hats were festive and for every day, men's and women's, women's hats were richly decorated, if, for example, caps are caps, which we call kamchatkas, then the kolmykovs have this it is abundantly covered with embroidery, but the girl’s headdress is completely embroidered with gold or silver , and the woman’s headdress is half of it. one side is married, that is, she got married, and there is a pattern of a married woman, on the left side, this is the girl’s side from the memory of the house, this is gold embroidery, since the girl in kamchatka, on the head thieves wore kamchatka, caps were worn round flat on top, hats called zhatag. another popular women's headdress is toortsg. this is a hat with a low band made of
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black velvet, embroidered with beads. incredibly beautiful, incredible, even in the eyes of a modern person, it’s just very, most likely the craftswomen of that time had a very subtle taste in clothing, style, ornament, national costume and ethnic jewelry today are again becoming fashionable, popular among young people, because the latter i 've been interested for some time, probably... in using kalmyt, kalmyk clothes, that is, wearing them, so a headdress, or a bag or a belt, that is, they can add some zest to a modern image to show our authenticity, our belonging, people want to kind of hold us close, feel, understand what
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strength, power is. we understand that we definitely need something from where we are and, as they say, we are greeted by clothes, to be noted in clothes, to stand out, now it is national clothing, well, this is not an archaic concept, right? national, traditional clothing, this is already modern clothing, which has been stylized, this is good. tatyana melomanova knows firsthand how interesting each person is in his own way. originality. her collections attended ethnic fashion weeks in the usa, mongolia, china, italy, and created a sensation everywhere. now
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there is also a demand, we have masters working for us. well, i sew a kolmytsky suit, but our women are very fashionable, very stylish, and often women come who already understand what they want! after i became acquainted with kalmyk folk costume, these people became even more interesting to me. i like the kalmyks’ attitude towards their roots. among the people who are so careful about the traditions of the past, there must be a happy future.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio, the terms of negotiations on peace and speculation of foreign politicians, and supposedly preparations for war with the west. vladimir putin and alexander.
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the situation in orenburg continues to deteriorate; in one day, the water level has risen by almost 30 cm. evacuations are taking place in populated areas of the kurgan region. vladimir putin called it nonsense. but at the same time they say that it is impossible to solve anything without us, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticum, says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we
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refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, i want to emphasize what we are for, but not in the format of imposing any schemes on us who have nothing to do with reality, what can you talk to them about?
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a citizen of one of the central asian countries planned to detonate an improvised explosive device during a mass gathering. it was established that, while serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his homeland, he got under the influence of terrorists. after his release , he came to russia and bought components for a bomb in moscow. when detained, the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during a search , ready-to-use devices were found in his possession, as well as explosives. and in donetsk, employees of the federal security service neutralized a terrorist cell of six people. all of them come from a central asian state. the group planned to attack a military facility, as specified, the criminals were coordinated from kiev. after to complete the task, the terrorists had to go to turkey and then to ukraine. the flood situation in orenburg continues to worsen over the course of the day. the water level in the ural river rose by almost 30 cm and exceeded the all-time record. observation at the 11 m mark.
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more than 2,500 residential buildings and almost 5,000 household plots are under water; in total, about 8,000 people were evacuated in the region, 14 victims are in hospitals. the peak of the flood, according to forecasters, is expected in the next 24 hours. the level in the tobol river is rising in the kurgan region, where the water may rise to maximum levels by the beginning of next week. currently , 183 residential buildings and 286 have been flooded in the region
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. paratroopers destroyed the facility by launching a rocket from a distance of 8 km, and the military is also providing fire support to other units operating on the front line. the un, following magathe , calls for an end to attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. such a statement was presented by organizations, made during a meeting of the security council at the un, and emphasized that the consequences of a nuclear accident could become catastrophic. the intensity of the impacts is the largest. nuclear power plant capacity in europe has increased over the past week. it was previously reported that magatte ceo rafael grossi intends to announce next week the seriousness of the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in an address to safbezoon. at the same time, the agency, contrary to moscow’s demands, refuses to directly name the perpetrators of the shelling. iran may refuse to retaliate if the security council and the un condemn israel's shelling of the iranian consulate in damascus. about it.
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reported the mission of the islamic republic in world organization, they also set conditions for punishing those responsible for this incident, meanwhile, the wall street journal reports that an attack from iran is expected within the next two days, while tehran has not yet made a final decision. today marks cosmonautics day exactly 63 years ago. yuri gogaririn opened a new era of exploration of near-earth space by making the first flight around the earth. was in space for 108 minutes, this historical event opened the way for space exploration space for the benefit of all humanity. in a short period of time, from the moment of the first flight into space, man visited the moon, automatic vehicles visited many planets of the solar system. members of the current crew of the international space station congratulated everyone on the holiday directly from earth’s orbit. we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day. this year we celebrate yuri alekseevich’s ninetieth birthday. gagarin, the man who opened
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the space age of mankind. the name of the planet's first cosmonaut is forever inscribed in the world history, and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. throughout the country, today there will be festive events in honor of cosmonautics day, lectures, meetings with space explorers, themed races and much more. next, regional news, stay with us. now the news from the capital region is after. after the abnormal warming, a gradual decrease in temperature in moscow continues. today in the afternoon up to +15, in the evening about 10°. atmosphere pressure decreases and amounts to 747 mmhg . the weather in the capital region will not change significantly over the weekend. more than 230
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workshops and laboratories of moscow colleges will be modernized this year. in just 5 years, it is planned to update about a thousand classrooms. this will allow for practical laboratory testing. classes using equipment that works in the industrial sector of the capital. it is planned to create new training sites near enterprises, that is, potential employers. in the moscow zoo has added a new addition to the westsan sheep family. the lamb was born black, although his mother and father are white. the little sheep inherited its color from its grandmother. as expected, the ungulate, within a couple of hours after birth, the baby began to run and jump. she was placed with other lambs and is actively exploring the territory. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, stay with us. on
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cosmonautics day. no more than three attempts to dock. got you, zarya. go. at first. they need to warm up the station and melt it down, they will last a week, salute behold, i refuse to continue the flight with you, you hear , where are you going, today on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest. beautiful, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax,
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annex, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time off the mediterranean coast, discover the true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. good morning, good morning, well , it’s clearly time for smiles, a new meeting, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov are with you today, well, it’s a special day, special, friday, spring mood, something like that, the soul sings, and music and performance, now
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we'll show you, the engineer played a michael jackson song. white gin on four tesla coils. sound occurs due to the programmed purity of impulses that force air molecules heat up and vibrate. it's surprisingly loud. sparks also create a special effect. and should we expect unexpected thunderstorm concerts from nature? that’s what we can ask. without leaving refusals, as he says. even if it is a may storm, it is usually a thunderstorm, but we have already heard that it seems to be in april. yes, the season, the season of thunderstorms on the european territory of russia from. open as a matter of fact, this weekend there will also be concerts here and there, let’s go and tell you, the leading specialist of the weather center is phobic of factory workers and will now tell you everything, in the southern regions of russia sunny weather will prevail, but in some places local showers
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and thunderstorms cannot be ruled out, despite this the temperature regime will be noticeably warmer than the climate in the crimea in the kuban up to +22-27°. both volga and edon up to +19.24. on average, the volga region today is still abnormally warm, up to +14-19° in the southern regions and up to +17-22. but already on the weekend an atmospheric front will break through here, there will be precipitation and the temperature will immediately drop by 6-7°. in north-west russia the weather is controlled by cyclones, so rainfall is influenced here from time to time. thaw whirlwinds will break through even in arctic, during the day it drops to 0.5°. in the southern half of the region, the thermometer will show + 9.14. and central. russia will be on the far periphery of the vortex, here light rains will be local in nature and
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will not at all prevent the air from warming up to +15-20°. it’s still warm in the urals today, but the region is expecting colder temperatures over the weekend and daytime temperatures will drop to +3-8° by sunday. in southern siberia, on the contrary, the start will be quite cool on friday. only 0 +5°, by sunday the thermometer will reach +10-15°. in the south of the far east the weather is unstable, light rain in places, thunderstorms are not excluded in some areas, daytime temperature is +19-24 only on the coast due to the influence of the sea of ​​japan it is cool, pockets of fog in the midday hours are only +5 +10, thanks vadim, but in our editors are also on the eve of the weekend.
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side to the urals, it will drive warm air into siberia and the weather there will change very much, and indeed warming will come to siberia, the fact is that it is now quite warm in the urals, but the cold front of the cyclone will displace the warm air further to the east and it will warm siberia, the people of the urals are about to get a serious cold weekend, we understand you, thank you very much, the weekend forecast for the leading specialist of the phobos weather center vadim zavochenko, all the best to you, thank you very much,
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“spider woman, i have the first association, a french woman climbed onto his tower in rope she broke the world record, she covered 110 m in 18 minutes, the goal was to raise as much money as possible for cancer patients, the athlete started climbing 2 years ago, and what are the results, she was inspired by the danish example an extreme sports enthusiast who achieved the best result among women by climbing 26 m on a tightrope at the opera house in copenhagen, now even the achievement in the south has been beaten..."
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where the warm april wind has blown, they are already cranking the throttle all the way. motorcyclists opened the season, but not everywhere successfully, in march alone there were 126 accidents throughout the country. the reasons are clear: during the long winter season, both motorcyclists and motorists themselves lost their vigilance. in stavropol, a car driver violated the rules and killed a motorcyclist, in yeisk the guy bought an iron horse just a couple of days before the accident. failed to maintain a safe distance as a result of a traffic accident. the motorcycle driver died, not only motorcycle drivers, but also passengers die, very often due to violations of
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safety rules; there are now many on the roads who believe that a helmet simply does not suit them. most modern motorcyclists are not bearded bikers in brutal leather jackets, but ordinary white-collar workers. however, the office dress code does not free the relationship special motorcycle equipment. by the way, the driver will pay a fine for a passenger without a helmet. in any case, a modern motorcycle. the equipment is not bulky armor, protective elements are sewn into ordinary clothing, the result is stylish and safe, this is exactly the kind of jacket roman wears. the motorcycle helps him spend more time with his family; he has three children, and the route to work is not close. the route from home to work can take me up to two to 2.5 hours, and a motorcycle makes a big difference, this is, in principle, a reduction in two or three times. the so-called riding between rows shortens the path for motorcyclists, contrary to misconceptions, the engine.
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even their own people don’t recognize noisy riders. in the motorcycle community they say that a two-wheeler driver has only two tools to attract attention: a regular budog and a bright headlight. it’s always better to blink your high beams, it’s always better to turn on the fog lights, even in the city, in some traffic jam, turn on the fog lights and become more visible in the rear-view mirrors. motorists should not forget about safety, the lion's share biker accidents happen. this is taking into account the start of the season, and indeed the entire summer season , to look more in the mirrors, increase the degree of your concentration and avoid any sudden maneuvers. motorists drive all year round, which cannot be said about motorcyclists, so before heading out
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on the road, experts advise bikers to do a test ride in closed areas to refresh skills they had forgotten during the winter. well, what can i say, most russians fully admit that life is possible on mars or somewhere else other than earth. 75% of respondents believe that people in the universe are not alone, this was found out by specialists in the central election commission. every third person cautiously assumes the existence of intelligent life forms in space; the same number consider this possible, but unlikely. more than half believe that in the future people will live on other planets. the opinion of another third of those surveyed is that the sun explodes.
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we can get normal footage with a resolution of up to 6 m. 6 m per pixel, which doesn’t seem like much, but that’s if you don’t know that it was taken by such a kid from a height of 550 km. such images allow you to assess the condition agricultural crops, monitor the frequency of reservoirs , look for forest fires, but this device was created to prove that small satellites are capable of taking on adult work. the average service life of devices depends on its reliability. and depending on the altitude, that is, if we launch it in low orbits at approximately altitudes less than 400 km, it lives there for about 2.5-3 years. nanosatellites could live longer if they adjusted their orbit in time, but for this they do not have engines, all because they are sent into space as fellow travelers of large vehicles, if the kids have fuel, they will become a threat to the main cargo, however, engineers have
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ideas on how to fix this: solar palos, this is a tape, here it is. one side is mirrored, the other is completely black. the mirror side receives twice as much momentum as the completely black side. naturally, movement occurs with this effect. another option is a miniature plasma engine that does not need to be refueled and does not require much energy. there is a capacitor inside that is smoothly charged from solar panels and then powers the spark plug. a discharge is initiated and pore plasma is formed from the plastic walls of the channel. if plasma escapes here, then... the engine itself pushes in the opposite direction, in our case the service life of the engine is determined by the amount of plastic here, according to the developers, it should be enough to fly tens of kilometers, which means you can raise the orbit many times, designers are thinking about larger devices, engines that run on xenon, in this laboratories have created a refiller that allows you to charge
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cylinders with inert gas without removing them from the satellite, until now this was a mandatory procedure after ground tests. removed from the satellite, transported to a special station, refueled, then brought back, that is , take it there, refuel there, return it back, here the time will be reduced several times, even tens of times, the new tanker will reduce the time it takes to transfer finished satellites to customers, which means they will find themselves in space faster, then the new meaning of the prefix eco, from the word economical, how to reduce expenses on traveling with children, we'll tell you in a few minutes. on cosmonautics day, the signal disappeared, stanso doesn’t respond to any commands, why are we drinking, why are we going to baykhanur tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off, star team, it’s dangerous, volodya, slow down, take it away, take it away, what happened , pierced the glove, light,
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talk to me, i’m talking to you, the story of a real feat. they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, the film has reached unprecedented heights. did you hear, we need to open the hatch, the shuttle has docked, no nothing, it seemed to you, let it go, fireworks 7, today on rtr, just for me to teach you all, spring is the time when not only nature awakens, but the soul sings, i wrote a song, i didn’t correct a single line. i love your program, because you gather people who are not just talented, they are the color of the soul,
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hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, on saturday on rtl, dear neurismoart of the heart, you need surgery, here’s the money for the treatment of your mother, thank you. look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, real friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, it’s nice to meet you, and love is even more valuable, god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love with these devils, and you, and you’re taking a long time to get ready should we meet? i have half a place, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i
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don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also say, they threw half a lemon of jewelry on you, dear friend, in saturday on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who are you? you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate , from monday to friday on rtr, please fasten your seat belt. oh, the feelings will shock us today, andrei borila, you can
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say they saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgeniy lazar, why me, there are a lot of ready-made specialists, light, without you it’s as if i’m going downhill, or something, this is not a masha moo in a zone of strong turbulence, light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please , take your seat, flight attendant, today, i want to look at such objects. the usa has created a detailed estate in which you would like to live right now. this villa has it all, vines and wisteria and a façade, a cozy kitchen, a vintage dining room,
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a bedroom, a workshop, a closet for garden tools and even a rooftop patio, decor thought out to the smallest detail, the floors match the walls, wallpaper with sofas and armchairs, there are dishes, appliances and all the necessary furniture in this hospitable home, they even treat you to milk and cookies. everything is like grandma’s house, but only in miniature, what alice drank there to become small, small, it’s very conducive to sit with a microbook in such a living room, perhaps our columnist egor sirov will tell about such microbooks, good morning, the author of this book was born in pomerania the village of lopshenga, very famous for the prose of yuri kazakov, graduated there -
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called, spheres of influence where? in russia, about this, well, about many other things, of course, this is a book, in short, this book is a must read, especially since krenev is generally a master. the word figure of peter i has long been considered controversial, some people treat him well, some are very negative, yes, he opened a window to europe, mind you, a window, not a door, yes, he created an empire, but the life of ordinary people in russia has deteriorated sharply , vladimir midinsky wrote such a book, stories from
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russian history of peter ii. beginning and the author debunks here many myths, absurdities, whether there was a baturin massacre, the so -called one, no, it never happened, and you will learn many other interesting things from this book. tom, no answer, tom, no answer, where did this boy go? volume? no answer. mark twain, that's what we call him in russia. in general, his last name sounds in english, the adventure of tom sawyer, the artist is antonio lorente, he made a magnificent illustration for this book. and i would like to remind you, remember what aunt polle was worried about, that she would not be with tom enough is strict, then he will grow up to be an unworthy person. i would advise modern parents to think about this themselves and for their children
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to read this book, so read it! and be happy, further, gifts of nature, catch fleas with your fingers, with your fingers, i don’t understand where you get them from, yes, these are definitely fleas, but not ticks, because the tick season has begun, and he’s always wandering around the bushes, uh-huh , well, i’m raising them, or what, about how to protect yourself from a tick and what to do if it bites, we’ll tell you in detail after the news, the balls have also started to bite? danisha, but although and he too, well, it’s spring for him. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. vladimir putin called nonsense the speculations of foreign politicians about the alleged preparation of russian troops for an attack on the west. at a meeting with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, the head of state emphasized that in the case of ukraine, moscow
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remains open to negotiations.
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nagogia, a citizen of one of the central asian countries, planned to detonate an improvised explosive device at the time of a mass meeting. it has been established that while serving at home homeland punishment for a criminal offense, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release, he came to russia and bought components for a bomb in moscow. when detained , the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. devices ready for use, as well as explosives, were found in his possession. now about the progress
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of the special operation in the kupinsky direction, the tasks are carried out by the crews of the santsepek heavy flamethrower systems. the military provides support with motorized rifle and tank units. during the combat work of the crew of flamethrower systems they destroyed the strongholds of the position, dugouts with armored vehicles and manpower of ukrainian militants. the launches were carried out at a distance of more than 5 km. the flood situation in orenburg continues to worsen over the past 24 hours; the water level in the ural river has risen by almost 30 cm and exceeded the record level of 11 m in the entire history of observations. more than 2,500 residential buildings and almost 5,000 household plots are under water. in total, about 8.00 people were evacuated in the region. 14 victims are in pikpavodka hospitals according to weather forecasters, expected in the next 24 hours. more than 100
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temporary accommodation centers for receiving flood victims have been deployed in the tyumen region. there, the peak water rise is expected at the end of the month. 51 settlements, almost 2.0 residential buildings and... 7,000 people are under threat of flooding. work is underway in the region to strengthen the dump. for now, the situation on the rivers is calm. 11 people have died due to flooding in kenya following heavy rains. in several areas of the country, water levels in rivers have risen sharply. this caused widespread destruction. several thousand people were forced evacuate. passage along one of the important roads is blocked. there was a kilometer-long section under water. nastya. in the north of the country, a regular bus was washed away by floods, the passengers were rescued. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital
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region. after the anomalous warming , a gradual decrease in temperature continues. in the evening about 10°. atmospheric pressure decreases and amounts to 747 mm of arterial column. the weather in the capital region will not change significantly over the weekend, it will be cloudy with clearings, 13-15 degrees. rain is possible in some areas on sunday. in moscow , city bike rental bikes are being installed. about 500 conventional mechanical and electric bicycles are available for rent. the distance between rental stations is about 300 m. last year, muscovites used the bike service 30 million times. on average, one rental lasted 40 minutes, the average distance traveled by users of rented
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bicycles was 4 km. today in russia they celebrate cosmonautics day. on this holiday, a resident star city hero of russia, test cosmonaut anton shkaplerov shared his memories. in his flights, he was on the iss four times, made three spacewalks with a total duration of almost a day. when i went into outer space for the first time, i was very, most importantly interested in going beyond the space station, outside of my space home, to really feel like i was in space, i was just wearing only one spacesuit, no hoses were trailing behind me with oxygen there. with water. cooling, in the pushkin house of culture, on the occasion of cosmonautics day, a photo exhibition “our home, planet earth” was opened. it presents images from orbit, in particular the volcanoes of kamchatka and the deserts of saudi arabia, the caribbean sea and
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the ice patterns of sakhalin. they give viewers a unique opportunity to see our planet through the eyes of astronauts. the police detained a moskvich suspected of stealing a tractor with a trailer. the car was parked in the parking lot. equipment in the basmanny region, he entered there, started the engine, and went to northern butovo. the security guard at the exit even talked to hijacker, but did not suspect anything and let the tractor pass. when the missing person was finally discovered, the police were called, and they figured out from the cameras where the equipment had been taken. as a result of operational-search activities, criminal investigation officers, departments of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the basmanny district and the internal affairs directorate for the central district of the capital, detained the suspect on the street. a criminal case was initiated under the article of unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft; the suspect was given a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave. today , an exhibition
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dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders will open at the raiso state museum and exhibition center. viewers will see a portrait gallery of veterans, drawings by military artists, photographs, leaflets and newspapers, as well as rare archival items. historical events, the beginning of the great patriotic war, the heroic defense of the brest fortress, the liberation of belarus in forty years. the moscow zoo has a new addition. sheep of the uessan breed. the lamb
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was born black, although his mother and father are white, the little sheep inherited its color from its grandmother. as befits ungulates, within a couple of hours after birth the baby began to run and jump, she was placed with other lambs and is actively exploring the territory. all news is available on the media platform, look in the applications or on the website, see you. “i have a grudge against you, me too, the premiere on rtr, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and she ’s lying to you, and to the taxi driver this, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, you’re starting to get serious to think that you doubt it, so i decided everything with mine, allah taxi, on monday. on rtr
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on cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, it’s still our common holiday, of course, it’s a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, what was your mission, look and figure it out, and if you can fix it, i had the feeling that filming was more dangerous than the actual flight, i was practically approved. straight to viktor petrovich, we take off, i’m all pale, they bring volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he was going to die, just now, two cosmonauts, that is, you understand, yes, our wives saw you off with a heavy heart, the road was one way, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind, viktor petrovich’s wife knitted a hat for him and for there are two of you, the fate of man. with boris korchevnikov today on
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rtr, good morning, good morning, lena nikolaeva, andrey petrov, we welcome you today, well, we usually don’t highlight holidays, but today, friends, dream day, cosmonautics day, i dreamed, like millions others, my grandmother told me, may be the homeland of half of all the languages ​​of the world. us linguists should understand because north asia has studied the dialects spoken by north americans 2,400 years ago and compared this data with polyoclimatic and archaeological studies. well, it turned out that yes. in the strip of ice and land
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between alaska and chikotka, the situation and what is clear to almost every inhabitant of the earth is an unpleasant dangerous tick, the season of these insects has already begun, is it possible without resorting to heavy chemistry to protect ourselves, we’ll find out now, let mom, let me see what’s in the ears, well , fortunately it’s not a tick, right now i’m... i’ve been using it for a year, 50 grams of tar
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, shake with half a liter of water in a spray bottle, spray clothes , knee-length shoes, old grandfather’s method of decoction of snuff, you can also rub wormwood in 200 g of vodka, dilute a packet of vanillin, pour it into a bottle with a spray, use it, it remains to figure out which of this really works, if it works in principle, after all, to repel insects from with the help of this or that aroma, you need to understand whether they feel them at all. ticks sense odors. they have certain sensors that react to odors, these are products of the sebaceous glands, carbon dioxide, they are attracted by the smell of animals, which the tick picks up even from 10 m with the help of a unique a multifunctional apparatus, a haller organ, so it would seem that smells should work, alas, there is one thing. they did an experiment in laboratory conditions, yes, there are aromatic substances that repel them, but in... i found this, liquid
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smoke is the surest remedy for ticks, this smell will knock a horse off his feet, not like a tick, and not every person can stand it without becoming disgusted with himself, there is another option, essential oils, lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, cloves, tea tree and lavender are scientifically proven favorites in the fight against ticks, although there are nuances here, the intense aroma of pure oil can cause headaches or allergies, experts advise diluting. if it is for adults, then the base may be alcohol, if it is for children-animals, then it is a water base, and we drip - generally 10 drops of essential oil, that is, enough, let's say five lavender, i take five tea tree, you can also use neutral , odorless oils based on grape seeds, zhajab,
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wheat germ and rice as the basis of the mixture, there are many options, they are used in perfumery, as a result, there is a chance to create your own anti-tick perfume, like perfume... we apply it to the pulse area, neck hair, and so on every half hour in the open air, the protection must be renewed regularly. let us add that by today ticks are already active in twenty-two regions of the country. the most complaints due to bites are in the crimea, rostov and kaliningrad regions, and this insect can be a carrier of many dangerous infections. we will discuss the details with an entomologist, research fellow at the department of general ecology and hydrobiology of the faculty of biology of moscow state university, vadim marinsky. vadim, hello, now we’ll figure it out, because in fact, you, scientists and your colleagues, doctors, they really confused us, it seems to me so, since i started looking and comparing articles and i found out that there is so much advice on what to do, what not to do, when meeting with a tick, a question for you, please tell me,
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is there any generally accepted scheme on what to do if a person is bitten by a tick, here’s what to do next, well firstly, i would like to immediately say that the most important thing is to try to prevent the tick from biting for a long time, well, the general, general point of view was that the faster you remove the tick, the less likely it is to transmit pathogens, the work of the last 10- 20 years they rather indicate that apparently, in the first moments of the act of blood-sucking, he already conveys analogies with the malaria mosquito, as i understand it, it’s better to try to pull it out as quickly as possible. why, the sooner you pull it out, the easier it is to pull it out, the main thing you don’t need to do is don’t pull it sharply, because you will only achieve that its oral apparatus will remain there, then you will have to pick it out, this in itself, this in itself it’s not scary, but it’s like a splinter, only similar to an anchor, which will take a long time to come out
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and can fester, so if you’re not sure, go to a medical facility, they will pull him out instantly. people have already sketched out some interesting things for breakfast, but it ’s true that these horror stories are becoming more and more every year, that there are already tick bites and paralysis, how much do you really need to be afraid of ticks, fortunately, if we say, for example about central russia, then those ixodid ticks that live here, they are very slow, so if we are talking about crimea or if we are talking about there.
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typhus again, so i understand, and there is also a list of relapsing fever, and tuleremia, and various rectiosis, most of these diseases, they are, well, what are called natural focal ones, that is , it is known that there is a specific territory in which they periodically occur, that
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is, you they will ask, in fact, at the clinic, where are you absolutely right, this tick, if it coincides with the region, basically in any case. i need dialiliosis, aka lyme disease , tick-borne encephalitis, oh well, we’ve been warned with arbat strawberries, we’re armed, we’re an experienced person, if anything happens, i’ll call our entomologist answered questions... employee of the department of general ecology and hydrobiology of the faculty of biology of lomanosov moscow state university vadim marinsky, thank you very much, vadim, now the year is 2124, sounds plausible, 100 years ahead, these are gosya from the future, amazing people coming soon, amazing seventh season , it was mega cool. power, strength, balance, not everyone can do it. today, already at 21:30, 21st century, in china
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, battery-powered excursion rafts take people along the lijiang river; a bamboo catamaran produces half as much noise as an ordinary boat. quiet, comfortable movement allows tourists to enjoy not only impressive views, but also the sounds of nature. now there are already 700 such boards in circulation, clean transport helps. preserve the unique landscape, beauty, but we focus on economical tourism, for example, an additional discount for a family with children who wants to buy the entire coupe, our last trip was to the city of tsarapal, such a merchant city, our children really liked it, joint travel for the artemyev family have become a favorite tradition, says mom two children nadezhda, tourists from izhevsk are already planning their next trip, they will go to moscow in may, they are looking at train tickets, a coupe for four... the best option, you can sit comfortably without strangers, nadezhda is already calculating future expenses. we looked at how much tickets cost, if the lower floor
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costs 6,000, and the upper floor is cheaper (4.5), for us, of course, a significant amount. according to calculations , only for a one-way trip you need to pay 21.00 rubles. but families of four were lucky. when purchasing a coupe, the entire transport companies give travelers a 10% discount on the total amount if they purchase tickets earlier than for. 5 days before the train departs, but starting in march, travel costs can be reduced even more. in the year of the family, all tourists with children under 18 years of age who travel in long-distance compartment cars have the opportunity to save 15% of the order amount. in order to take advantage of this promotion, you must issue an adult plus a child ticket in one order, but a maximum of four tickets, not counting passengers under five years of age who are traveling without occupying a seat. important moment, during the summer holidays the promotion will not be valid. but the rest of the time you can use it without restrictions on the number of trips, and no additional documents are needed, except for adult passports
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and children’s birth certificates, and the discount will automatically be applied to the order, but there is a nuance: according to the rules of this promotion , summing with any then other promotions, except for the non-refundable rate, which provides a 20% discount. so, if the total cost of tickets for a family with children in a compartment is, for example, 18,000, then the promotion will give a discount of 2,700 rubles. and if you use it. and non-refundable fares, a one-way trip will become 35% cheaper. the remaining money can be spent on an excursion, going to a museum or entertainment. experts confirm the relevance of the promotion over the past year. family tourist trips by rail have increased by 30%; the opportunity to save money on such a trip is important. the average bill, including transportation costs for a family, is 80-12,000 rubles. discounts provided by transport companies in the travel budget transport. is 50-70%, gives you the opportunity to save. there are a lot of destinations for family travel, where you can go by train from almost anywhere in russia.
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the most popular this spring are krasnodar region, karelia, moscow, st. petersburg, kazan and kaliningrad region. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts elegant! details, holiday exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures
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of incendiary entertainment. welcome. the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection of the vigorous, so it’s you who confuse them so that i’m next to you any more i didn’t understand, man, don’t touch my daughter, it’s saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, the sleeper disappeared, she left home, they don’t answer calls, and you’re sure that you know your daughter well, well now- then what? it’s so hard to restrain yourself from being overwhelmed by this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s
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try. living together, maybe it will work out. weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. good advice, some old toys still shouldn’t be thrown away, and that’s not the point. lyricism, not romance. check their price first. a grandfather from britain earned 75,000 pounds for 800 car models.
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there were many unusual cars, but the most successful were the models that offered very simple things, convenience , reliability, and today we will get acquainted with one of these bmw 535i, this is one of the best -selling models of the eighties, it began to be produced in eighty-one, our version received index e28. by the way, this is one of the latest bmw models, which was called the shark for its aggressive muzzle. besides y... modification m, sports, it is easy to distinguish by the spoilers on the bumpers, that is , this is not a body kit from tuning lovers, but this is how it was intended: alloy wheels, in the trunk on the lid there is a special compartment for tools, an injection six-cylinder engine with a volume of 3 .4 liters, with a capacity of 218 horsepower, they say, if you don’t drive it, although no owner with a bmw doesn’t like driving fast,
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you can easily go a million kilometers without... repairs. inside, the first thing you notice is the comfortable , sporty-style seats. on the ceiling above the mirror a self-diagnosis system unit, and next to the instrument panel there is an on-board computer screen. by the way, this is one of the first bmw models in which the center console was turned towards the driver. an ingenious solution in its simplicity, which will later become a signature feature of the german brand. the 535 starts sharply, even on dry asphalt the rear wheels can. go into slippage. the engine pulls well from the very bottom, so few people will want to compete with this car at traffic lights. it takes just 7.2 seconds to reach hundreds. the box shifts clearly. by the way, the handle the lever is designed in a special sporty style. on the instrument panel there is an econometer from the word economy. it tells you how to reduce fuel consumption, for example, reduce the gas, change
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gear. the car holds the road perfectly, as if it sticks to you. independent suspension with stabilizers. the bmw 535i was produced until 1987. and all this time it has been a symbol of the quality of reliability. over 6 years , 722,000 copies were produced, in our configuration there are about 4,500. in general, this car seems to be daring you to step on the gas. interesting feeling. i'm not surprised that the model and today it is prized among vintage car enthusiasts around the world. and then they don’t cry about lost hair, what kind of hair did you have, i lost it along the way, along the way, but a long one. you could still save your hair, if you knew a miracle cure, yes, you better drink your infusion and stop smiling, but he smiles, he wanted to smile at himself, no miracles, no, everything is according to
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science, how not to lose your hair, over the years, we we’ll tell you very soon, you don’t have to wait, over the years, you watch the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the andrey shevtsov studio. conditions negotiations for peace and speculation by foreign politicians, and supposedly preparations for war with the west. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko discussed the situation in ukraine. in donetsk , fsb officers neutralized a terrorist cell. in moscow, during a special operation by the fsb, a terrorist was eliminated; he was preparing an explosion in a synagogue. we cordially congratulate you on your day. astronautics. festive events will be held throughout the country today to congratulate the iss assembly. vladimir putin called the speculation
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of foreign politicians nonsense, and the alleged preparation russian troops to attack the west. at a meeting with president of belarus alexander lukashenko, the head of state emphasized that in the case of ukraine, moscow remains open to negotiations, but their format must be realistic. a significant event, an idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that it is impossible to solve anything without us, and since we are there we’re not going, this is actually some kind of ponopticon, says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad. i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, what can we talk to them about if they are trying
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to assemble a 100-odd state there, something there to dictate or persuade us, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that they, well, in any case , the opposite country to a certain extent got carried away. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in a moscow synagogue; a citizen of one of the central asian countries planned to detonate a homemade explosive. at the time of a mass meeting. it was established that, while serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his homeland, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release , he came to russia, in moscow, and bought components for a bomb. when detained, the criminal offered
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armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during the search , a ready-to-use device was found in his possession, as well as explosives. and in donetsk, employees of the federal security service neutralized a terrorist cell of six people. they are all a way out. from a central asian state. the group planned to attack a military facility. as specified, the criminals were coordinated from kiev. after completing the task, the terrorists had to go to turkey and then to ukraine. the flood situation in orenburg continues to worsen during the day; the water level in the ural river rose by almost 30 cm and exceeded the record mark of 11 m in the entire history of observations. there are more than 2,500 residential buildings and almost 5,000 household plots with water. in total , about 800 people were evacuated in the region, 14 victims are in hospitals. the peak of the flood, according to forecasters, is expected in the next 24 hours. the level in the tabol river in the kurgan region is rising, where
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the water may rise to maximum levels by the beginning of next week. currently , 183 residential buildings and 286 household plots are flooded in the region. today, rescuers on a special plane from the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 water dumps to the region. the un, following the igt, calls for a stop to the attack to zaporozhye npp. representatives of the organization made this statement. during
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a meeting of the un security council , they emphasized that the consequences of a nuclear accident could be catastrophic. the intensity of attacks on europe's largest nuclear power plant has increased over the past week. earlier it was reported that general director magatherofal grossi intends to announce next week the seriousness of the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in an address to the un security council. at the same time , the agency, contrary to moscow’s demands , refuses to directly name the culprits shelling. iran may refuse to retaliate if the un security council condemns israel's shelling of the iranian consulate in damascus. this was reported by the mission of the islamic republic to the world organization. they also set conditions for punishing those responsible for this incident. meanwhile, the wall street journal reports that an attack from iran is expected within the next two days. however, tehran has not yet made a final decision. today is cosmonautics day.
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exactly 63 years ago yuri gagarin opened a new era of exploration of near-earth space, making the first flight around the earth. he was in space for 108 minutes. this historical event opened the way for the exploration of outer space for the benefit of all mankind. in a short time since the first flight into space, man visited the moon, automatic vehicles visited many planets of the solar system. members of the current crew congratulated everyone on the holiday directly from earth orbit. international space station. we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day. in that this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the man who opened the space age of mankind. the name of the planet’s first cosmonaut is forever inscribed in world history, and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. throughout the country today there will be festive events in honor of cosmonautics day, lectures, a meeting with space explorers, themed races and much more. further news
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from the regions, do not switch, now news from the capital region: after the anomalous warming, a gradual decrease in temperature in moscow continues, today in the afternoon to +15, in the evening about 10 °, atmospheric pressure decreases and amounts to 747 mm hg. the weather in the capital region will not change significantly over the weekend. in anticipation of the start of navigation in moscow, a general cleaning was carried out on poveletskaya embankment. specialists from the municipal services complex cleaned granite parapets, sidewalks and stairs from contamination. the road was not closed to pedestrians during the work. just after winter in moscow 78 embankments will be put in order. about a thousand will be replaced at the capital's reservoirs by the end of april. safety signs to
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prevent accidents, winter signs are replaced with summer signs, so instead of bills , going out on the ice is prohibited, a sign will be installed , swimming is prohibited. in total , 270 moscow issued such warnings will receive such warnings. with the beginning of summer , appropriate signs will also appear in places where swimming is permitted. all news is available on the media platform, watch the application or on the website stay with us. in a day cosmonautics, there are no more than three attempts to dock, i understand you, dawn, let's go, first they need to warm the station and melt it, they will last a week, salute 7, i refuse to continue the flight with you, do you hear where you are going, today. rest is
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leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest. this is a vacation. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinon bellec is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinanbek, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. good morning, good morning, we wave to you, we wave to friday, of course, you are greeted today by elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, well, we’ll wave not only from the screens, we have our own telegram channel, the morning of russia telegram channel, that’s if there videos appear, it’s a sure sign that our editorial team has woken up, and since videos appear there constantly, ours practically never falls asleep. but they don’t leave here, i ’ve seen them in the same clothes all week, well, it’s a long time ago in general, a sign and not only we have them, the residents of the city of nevalsk, sea lions have come, it means spring has come, there are at least 2,000 of them on the port breakwater, every year
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the sea lions return to sakhalin to open the beach season, and also because this time near the island, the migration of their favorite sai and other fish, these animals have hard hair, it allows them to move. sushi, including on sharp stones, thick fur, thick hair, all this protects the skin, but some people, however, are deprived of such protection, right there, all kinds of healers, healers, marketers, my every day begins with a flower elixir. elixirs, serums, tonics, ampoules and lotions. the range of drugs to stimulate hair growth is simply amazing. with the start of the spring season and the abandonment of warm hats, the shelves are full of promise. resources are emptying before our eyes. larisa malysheva laughs, along with hair loss, she literally lost her head from anxiety. i just started buying all the funds from the marketplace, from stores, but it didn’t help. such a negative, or rather many buyers of miracle remedies experienced zero results. indeed, today
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every eighth woman and seventh man are familiar with the problem of hair loss or thinning. natalya also faced a similar situation. after each wash of my hair, my tail began to become thinner. hair is normal. bushes of two to three hairs should grow from one follicle, in the picture we see that there is hair that grows in bushes of two, from one of one follicle, but there are single follicles, there are thinner ones, this indicates if there is thinning hair, the patient must be examined for microelements first of all and hormonal functions examined, but most importantly, the follicles are functioning, this means that the process of hair loss can be stopped and the hair can be restored to its previous thickness. doctors explain that there is no need to sound the alarm if the hair falls out along with the hair follicle, this is how it should be. in fact, hair loss cannot occur under any other. the bulb, that is , the white thickening at the end of the shaft, is an integral part of the hair, but the hair is up to from the moment of loss, it is located in its hair follicle in the hair follicle, which remains
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in place with all the structures necessary for the formation of the next hair. hair loss begins to be noticed when the follicle goes dormant. in some cases this is normal. each hair for three. that it does not work properly, he gets rid of it, accordingly, it stops supplying it with blood, a small scar forms in this place, that’s it, to establish blood supply again, massage will help restore the balance of vitamins and microelements, which specifically, it will be possible to see after passing the appropriate tests, based on their results, the doctor
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will prescribe a special complex internally and supporting external agents, this is what really makes the hair come to life, for some it even runs away, this is from payments for housing and communal services. the prosecutor general's office here instructed regional supervisory authorities to monitor the revision of payments for unprovided utility resources due to the accident at boiler houses and heating mains at the beginning of this year, residents of the primorsky territory, volgograd, moscow, and other regions were left without heat. nizhny novgorod, and a number of other regions, but this did not exempt them from paying. they will also make calculations and recalculations, we will find out from the popular front expert, pablo sklenchuk. pavel, hello, the first payments have already arrived, have you encountered this before, has anyone informed you?
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it is impossible, so to speak, to go into the negative, that is, resource specialists supply the resource, well, if they did not supply it, according to metering devices or according to the standard, we will give you a small discount. it is necessary to change the regulatory framework and so that people, in addition to the fact that they will not pay for undelivered service, make subsequent payments in subsequent periods, including payment reductions, well, as some kind of compensation for moral damage, but what ’s interesting is that it’s impossible to check the transparency of this procedure, because where can we see how much heat was shipped to us? , these meters are not there, they are, they are located in the basement in general, yes, if we let the management in there. company of specialists, well, you can have advice at home, you still agree that the meter at the exit
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of the enterprise that supplies heat is the meter at entering the house, it would still cut off those energy losses, those heat losses that were during delivery, it turns out that now we are paying for how this heat goes into the ground, i don’t know into the air, until it reaches us , yes, you are really right in the ideal design it should be arranged this way, that is, in all areas, at the exit from the heat generating organization before...
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i listened to the news all this time, knows which areas were left without the actual heat supply, were freezing, just in case, thank you for your
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clarification, we spoke with an expert people's front, pavel sklinchuk was in our studio, thank you very much pavel, it’s nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea, ader tea bouquet is tart and tonic, it will give you strength and vigor for the whole day, morning is time to brew azerchay. on april 12, it is on this day that fateful events happen that predetermine the future; live , astrologers and numerologists will name important dates for this year and tell us what will happen to us in the near future. on july 15, you can expect something similar around september 1, fate never hits for nothing, she always gives some signs at the beginning, live broadcast today at 16. hint for businessmen: it is possible to increase production volumes without additional investments. as part of the national
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labor productivity project , dairy industry enterprises are mastering non-obvious and low-cost ways to increase production volumes. what is this solution? let's get a look. our cameraman can't help but salivate. it would be nice to have filmed the real thing at the production site.
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out of labor by 30 percent or more, and we finished the project with an increase of 33%. it took take a careful look around together with experts from the regional center. find the so -called bottlenecks, starting with the acceptance of raw materials, milk from siberian cows. previously, we used a milk cleaner to purify milk and it took about 2 hours to clean it. thanks to the competent work of the mechanical service, we developed and installed a fine filter, and now milk purification takes us from 30 to 40 minutes.
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but the management of a dairy plant in the voronezh region, also a participant. they depend not only on the equipment of the enterprise modern equipment, qualified specialists, but also on the organization of work. this zoning on the racks now helps operators not to waste time searching for packaging material. each package has its own place. after finishing, the operator takes the package, weighs it, and treats it. this innovation, which is not obvious at first glance, but necessary to save time, appeared at the plant as part of the national project. as a result, we received an increase in line efficiency of the order of 5% over the entire period. in general, we had peak months and up to 10%.
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thanks to the national labor productivity project , enterprises in 85 regions of the country can develop. according to the ministry of agriculture. last year , milk production in russia increased to 33.5 million tons, which is almost half a million higher than in 2022. this year, due to the launch of new farms, the figure may increase by another 360,000 tons. and then there is a direct correlation, more motorcycles, more often accidents involving them. we'll give tips to inexperienced bikers in a few minutes.
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any remedy has a downside the most necessary knowledge is health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own tablet. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that
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will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation . therefore, the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body complex. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why don't you like a rift? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not
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to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. first podcasts we watch. please, fasten your seat belt. will shock us today. andrey borila, you can say they saved my life. i want to offer you the position of my assistant. evgeny lazar. well, why me, there are many ready-made specialists. light, without you it’s like i’m going downhill, or what? this is not your man. in an area of ​​strong turbulence. “light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please, take your seat, stewardess,
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today, april 12, on this very day fateful events happen." if you slightly rework pushkin's lines, who is the oldest in the world? marcelino abat from peru is claiming this world title. the other day he celebrated his 124th
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birthday. everything is official, the authenticity is confirmed by the government of the country. marcelina now lives in a nursing home. 5 years ago , the authorities established his identity, issued documents and assigned him a pension. now they are helping to submit an application to the guinness book of records. so far, the honorary title belongs to a french woman. she lived 122 years, well, it’s unlikely that age will be the participants of our popular tv show are amazing people to amaze the audience. new episode today at 21:30 on the russia channel. before filming begins, there is an insane amount of tension behind the scenes; the contestants are worried and wondering what kind of tests the organizers have come up with for them. only the youngest participant in the class is calmly confident: a thirteen-year-old gymnast from kaliningrad, exactly until she finds out what super task she... has to cope with, twirling the fouette without stopping. please note that our participant will perform tasks without pointe shoes. others don't
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less challenging and wildly exciting challenges will be faced by all eight contestants from countries ranging from russia to the philippines this evening. the international television competition involves the strongest and most dexterous titled athletes, permanent residents of the guinness book, living computers and heroes with a jeweler’s sense of coordination. like, for example, these acrobats from china, who can hold an entire pyramid of benches on their heads. 80 kg is your tactic here now, right? oh-oh-oh, our secret is constant self-confidence workout. the fact that the human brain is capable of incredible things at any age will be demonstrated by the oldest contestant in the class, a sixty-seven-year-old polyglot from japan who knows about forty languages. including a russian from japan, then by sbirsk express train to
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moscow. the rest of the participants had a long way to the show; a contestant from brazil assures that he can not only name the day of the week of any year, but also what events took place then, and a unique extreme sportsman from dagestan promises to set a new record for push-ups and will do. this is not at all on a hard surface, usually sharp nails, bottles, axes are used, but this time a working chainsaw will appear in front of his face for the first time, seriously, if you lose control, balance, then that’s it, like you have no right to make a mistake , yes, the risk of adrenaline is a challenge to yourself, it will be an incredibly exciting release, yes, it's true, amazing. people today at 21:30. and then, small but daring. about the engines for the tiniest satellites that our engineers create. more details via
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a couple of minutes. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. vladimir putin called nonsense the speculation of foreign politicians about the alleged training of russian troops. time and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not launch any
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attacks in the winter. bearing in mind that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced to respond, i remember this conversation, and even you reproached in russia, that’s why they need to hit these pain points in the energy sector, you said then, maybe not in a military way, i feel sorry for the people in... kindergartens, in schools, if the energy sector in ukraine collapses, children and people will suffer, well and these attacks on sensitive points in russia, well, the answer is appropriate, so again, i think that in ukraine there are many people who have gone mad, but not everyone, i think they heard it, they saw it, fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in the moscow synagogue, citizen one of...
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the countries of central asia planned to undermine an improvised explosive device during a mass gathering. it was established that while serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his own country, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release he came to russia. in moscow i bought components for a bomb. when detained, the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during the search, ready-to -use devices were found in his possession, as well as explosives. now about the ongoing special operation. in the kupa direction, tasks are performed by crews of santsepek heavy flamethrower systems. the military is providing support for motorized rifle and tank units. during the combat work, the crew of the flamethrower systems destroyed the strongholds of the positions of the bunkers with armored vehicles of the manpower of the ukrainian militants. the launches were carried out at a distance of more than 5 km. crews of the latest
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supercam drones revealed temporary deployment points and rotation of units of ukrainian militants in the area near the border with the belgorod region. the information was transferred to the group's command. thanks to the coordinated actions of artillery and drone operators, all targets were destroyed. the flood situation in orenburg continues to worsen. over the course of a day, the water level in the ural river rose by almost... 70 cm, exceeding the record mark of 11 m in the entire history of observation. there are more than 2,500 residential buildings and almost 5,000 household plots under water. in total, about 8.00 people were evacuated in the region. 14 victims are in hospitals. according to weather forecasters, the peak of the flood is expected in the next 24 hours. more than 100 temporary accommodation centers for receiving flood victims have been deployed in the tyumen region. they're waiting for the peak water rise by the end of the month. there is a threat of flooding of 50.
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one settlement, almost 2.0 residential buildings and 7.00 people. work is underway in the region to strengthen the dump. for now, the situation on the rivers is calm. 11 people died due to floods in kenya. after heavy rains, in several areas of the country, the water level in rivers has risen sharply. this caused widespread destruction. several thousand people were forced to evacuate. passage along one of the important highways was blocked; there was a kilometer-long section under water. in the north of the country a regular bus was washed away by the flood, but the passengers were rescued. archaeologists have discovered in ancient pompeii, in reski, which are 2.0 years old, they depict mythological scenes of the trojan war. one of the paintings was on the ceiling and collapsed during the vesuvius eruption, so its fragments had to be assembled like a puzzle. the researchers also found a mosaic that was made up of more than a million pieces.
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almost completely preserved. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news of the capital region. after the anomalous warming, a gradual decrease in temperature in moscow continues this afternoon to about +15 in the evening. 10°. atmospheric pressure decreases and amounts to 747 mmhg . the weather in the capital region will not change significantly over the weekend. according to the data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now 1 point; the roads are almost free. in the coming hours, the density of congestion may increase to 3 points. muscovites, together with the whole country, celebrate cosmonautics day today. presenters work in the capital.
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to get a closer look at space , thematic museums, a planetarium and an observatory are open. in them you can see lunar soil, take an interactive flight into space and examine authentic samples of space technology, the mayor said. and in the pushkin house of culture, on the occasion of cosmonautics day , a photo exhibition “our home is planet earth” opened. it presents images from orbit, in particular volcanoes, kamchatka and the deserts of saudi arabia, the caribbean sea and the ice patterns of saccharine. celebrate cosmonautics day, study the iss equipment, and also try oriental sweets, watch performances, get acquainted with the traditional cultures of islamic peoples. all this can be
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done in moscow, next weekend, about the most striking events of igoroslavtsy. there are only four such spacesuits in the world. this is the most modern model for spacewalks. celebrate cosmonautics day and get acquainted with the equipment of those who work on the iss. this weekend , the end of ramadan and eid al-fitr will be celebrated on the square in front of the victory park memorial mosque. international, multicultural event and
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our task with the help of this festival is to introduce people to each other, to introduce them to the traditional cultures of islamic peoples. the program includes a performance, a performance, master classes and lectures, of course, you can try oriental sweets. events in these.
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can be seen on trees that grow next to the mirror channel. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, don’t switch.
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titanic luxury collection, titanic delux golf hotel beleg, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. good morning, good morning, but it’s clear that it’s time for smiles, a new meeting, with you today ilena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, what a day! special, special friday, spring mood, something like that, the soul sings, and music and performance, now we’ll show you, the engineer played a song by michael jackson, billy jean on four tesla coils, the sound arises due to the programmed purity of impulses that make the air molecules... heat up and vibrate, surprisingly it turns out loud, the sparks also
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create a special effect, but should we expect unexpected thunderstorm concerts from nature , we can ask this, it’s not a departure, as they say, even though it’s usually a may thunderstorm, but we’ve already heard a similar one, yes, the season, the season of thunderstorms on the european territory of russia is open, in fact, this weekend there will also be concerts here and there, let me go and tell you, the leading specialist of the weather center. now he’ll tell you everything: in the southern regions of russia sunny weather will prevail, but in some places local downpours and thunderstorms cannot be ruled out. despite this, the temperature regime will be noticeably warmer than the climate. in crimea in the kuban up to +22-27°, in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to +19.24. the average temperature in the volga today is still anomalously warm, up to plus. 14-19° in the southern regions and up to +17-22, but already on
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the weekend an atmospheric front will break through here, there will be precipitation and the temperature will immediately drop by 6-7°. in the north-west of russia, the weather is controlled by a cyclone, so here from time to time precipitation under the influence of a thaw whirlwind will make its way even into the arctic, during the day it reaches 0. +5°. thermal temperatures are observed in the southern half of the region. central russia will be on the far periphery of the vortex, here light rains will be local in nature and will not at all prevent the air from warming up to +15-20°. it’s still warm in the urals today, but over the weekend the region is expecting colder temperatures and daytime temperatures will be on sunday it will drop to +3-8°. in southern siberia it is the other way around. the start will be quite
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cool on friday, only 0.5°, by sunday the thermometer will reach +10-15°. in the south of the far east the weather is unstable, light rain in places, thunderstorms are not excluded in some areas, daytime temperatures are +19-24 only on the coast, due to the influence of the sea of ​​japan it is cool, pockets of fog in the midday hours are only a plus... 10, thank you vadim, but in our editorial office, too, on the eve of the spring weekend, everyone is talking about the weather, complaining about what will happen cold snap, wind, but i must say that there was anomalous heat, and indeed, lena, we had june weather, now it’s really getting colder, the weather will become not june, but may, but you must admit, when it’s april, it’s all the same, here what ’s interesting is that the atlantic cyclone, which... comes to our northern part
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of the european side, to the urals, it will drive warm air to siberia, and the weather there will change very much, yes, indeed, warming will come to siberia, the fact is that it is now quite warm in the urals, but the cold front the cyclone will displace warm air further to the east and it will warm siberia, so the urals will just get a serious weekend, we understand you, thank you very much, the forecast for the weekend of the leading specialist of the weather center phobos vadim for... 55 on the russia channel, footage from some then
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the cartoon, i have the first association, a french woman climbed ephele’s tower on a rope and broke a world record, she covered 110 m in 18 minutes, the goal was to raise as much money as possible for cancer patients. the athlete started training climbing 2 years ago. what are the results? she was inspired by the example of a danish extreme sports enthusiast who achieved the best result among women by climbing 26 m on the rope at the opera house in copenhagen, and now even the achievement in johannesburg, south africa, has been beaten , where the athlete climbed 90 m between the sueto towers, i don’t understand, that’s it they leaf through the book of records and think, this is it... but there is a lot of extreme sports on russian roads, you know, the relationship is still linear, sales of motorcycles are growing, the number of accidents is increasing, the most alexander blinnikov studied common mistakes made by motorcyclists. they are almost like snowdrops, they also announce the arrival of spring, only they do it louder. where
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the warm april wind blew, they were already cranking the throttle all the way. motorcyclists opened the season, but not everywhere successfully, only. in march , 126 accidents occurred throughout the country, the reasons are clear: during the long winter season , both motorcyclists and motorists lost their vigilance. in stavropol , a car driver violated the rules and killed a motorcyclist; in yeisk, a guy bought an iron horse just a couple of days before the accident. did not maintain a safe distance; as a result of a traffic accident, the motorcycle driver died. not only motorcycle drivers, but also passengers die, very often due to violation of safety rules. there are many people on the roads now who think that a helmet simply doesn’t suit them. most modern motorcyclists are not bearded bikers in brutal leather jackets, but ordinary white -collar workers. however, the office dress code does not exempt the relationship with special motorcycle equipment. by the way, for a passenger without helmet, the driver will pay the fine. in any case
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, modern motorcycle equipment is non-bulky armor, protective elements are sewn into ordinary clothing, the result is stylish and safe. he wears just such a jacket. a motorcycle helps him spend more time with his family; he has three children and a long commute to work. the route from home to work can take me up to two to 2.5 hours, and a motorcycle makes a big difference, this is, in principle, a reduction in two or three times. the so -called riding between rows shortens the path for motorcyclists, despite misconceptions , two-wheeled vehicles can move in the same lane as a car, but they must do it carefully and noticeably, while the volume of the roar is not equal without... safety for those who use direct-flow sports these loud mufflers in the city, there is a separate one in hell boiler. even their own people don’t recognize noisy riders. in the motorcycle community they say that a two-wheeler driver has only two tools to attract attention: a regular budog and a bright headlight. it's always better to blink your high beams, it's always better
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turn on the fog lights, even in the city in some traffic jam, turn on the fog lights and become more visible in the rear-view mirrors. motorists shouldn’t forget about safety either; the lion’s share of accidents with bikers is their fault; they mostly happen at intersections during turns and u-turns. the key thing i would like to recommend is, taking into account the start of the season and indeed the entire summer season, to look more in the mirrors, increase your level of concentration and avoid any sudden maneuvers. motorists drive all year round, which cannot be said about motorcyclists. therefore, before heading out on the road, experts advise bikers to do a test drive. visiting closed areas to refresh skills forgotten over the winter. well, what can i say, most russians fully admit that life is possible on mars or somewhere else other than earth. 75% of respondents believe that people in the universe are not alone, this was found out by experts in the co. every third person cautiously assumes the existence of
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intelligent life forms in space, the same number they consider it possible, but unlikely. more than half believe that in the future people will start living off others. long operation of orbital satellites and give them the opportunity to repeatedly correct their movements, andrei negr became acquainted with the developments. apparatus weight 8 kg. at the bottom there is a high-resolution camera, with which we can take normal pictures with a resolution of up to 6 m. 6 m per pixel does not seem like much, but that’s if you don’t know that this little guy took it from an altitude of 550 km. such images allow us to evaluate the condition of crops, monitor the frequency
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of reservoirs, look for forest fires, but this device was created to prove that small satellites are capable of taking on adult work. the average service life of a device depends on its reliability and altitude, that is, if we launch it in low orbits at approximately altitudes less than 400 km, it lives there for about 2.5-3 years. nanosatellites could live longer if they adjusted their orbit in time, but for this they do not have engines, all because they are sent into space as fellow travelers of large vehicles, if the kids have fuel, they will become a threat to the main cargo, however, engineers have ideas on how to... fix the solar sail, this is a tape, here it is, one side is mirrored, the other is completely black, the mirrored side gets twice the momentum of an absolute devil. naturally, movement occurs with the help of this effect. another option is a miniature plasma engine that does not need to be refueled and does not require much
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energy. there is a capacitor inside that smoothly charges from the solar panels and then powers the spark plug. a discharge is initiated and pore plasma is formed from the plastic walls of the channel. if the plasma escapes here, then the engine itself pushes in the opposite direction. our engine life is determined by the amount of plastic here. estimated. developers , it should be enough to fly tens of kilometers, which means the orbit can be raised many times, designers are thinking about larger devices, engines that run on xinon, in this laboratory they created a refueling machine that allows you to charge cylinders with inert gas without removing them from the satellite, until now this was a mandatory procedure after ground tests, they removed them from the satellite, took them to a special station , refueled them, then brought them back, that is, take them there, refuel them there, and back return. here the time will decrease significantly, even tens of times. the new tanker will reduce the time it takes to transfer finished satellites to customers, which means they will be in space faster. and
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then the new meaning of the prefix eco. from the word economical, we’ll tell you how to reduce expenses when traveling with children in a few minutes. why drink to it, i’m flying to baikon tomorrow. are you kidding? can't cope without me. on cosmonautics day. will you fly with you, will you take it, into space? they are ready to step into the unknown, there is no degrammatization, but there is ice all around. only the chosen ones are tested by fate. take it away, we'll crash. only space can be conquered boldly. there is not enough oxygen. you can only return to earth. come back, you came here to die, but i want to live on earth, film by klim shipenko,
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dad, hello, you'll be back soon, salute 7, today on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, without a page, i’m very glad that you... came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold, in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, here markolievich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. so much more to come, i foresaw my fate, now only everything comes true, i give up everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when
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everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you me you see it for the first time in your life, and you reproach me for something i’ve never done, oh, anyone. baba needs a woman’s happiness, take this as a fact, i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, great topic for a dissertation, single father, you need a nanny, yes you do, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you... eat everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions if
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no one is with you needed, this does not mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, a loner, on sunday on rtr. i want to look at such objects, an artist from the usa created a detailed estate in which, well, i want to move in right now, this villa has everything, a wisteria-covered facade, a cozy kitchen, a vintage dining room, a bedroom, a workshop, a closet for garden tools and even a rooftop patio, the decor is thought out to the smallest detail, the floors match the walls, wallpaper with sofas, armchairs, there are dishes, appliances and all the necessary equipment. in this hospitable home they even treat you to milk and cookies, in general, everything is like at grandma’s house, but only in miniature, what alice drank there to become small,
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bit off a small pie, very has the opportunity to sit with a microbook on such a visit, perhaps our columnist egor sirov will tell you about such microbooks. good morning, the author of this book was born in the pomeranian village of lopshenga, very famous for the prose of yuri kazakov, he graduated from eight classes there, and then studied at the leningrad suvorov military school, and he was born not only a magnificent officer, but a wonderful writer. pavel krenev, his new novel “the white sea is noisy.” this is about the civil war in the north, but about intervention. those who are younger will ask what is this for intervention? but the fact is that the french and the british at that time decided to divide spheres of influence, as it was called then, and now it is also sometimes called. where are the spheres of influence? but in russia.
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this book is about this, and about many other things, of course. in short , this book. it’s a must read, especially since krinev is generally a master of words. the figure of peter i has long been considered controversial. some people treat him well, others very negatively. yes, i opened a window to europe. notice it's a window, not a door. yes, he created an empire, but the life of ordinary people russia has deteriorated sharply. and so, uh, vladimir midinsky wrote such a book. and stories from russian history peter ii beginning and the author debunks many myths here, it’s absurd , was there a so-called batory massacre, no , it never happened, and you will learn many other interesting things from this book. volume. no answer. volume. no answer. where did
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this boy go? volume. no answer. mark twain, that’s what they call him in russia, in general his last name sounds in english, the adventure of tom sawyer, the artist antonio lorente, he made magnificent illustrations for this book, and i would like to remind you, remember what aunt pollya was worried about, that she would not be strict enough with tom, then he would grow up to be an unworthy person, i would advise modern parents to think about this and... themselves and read this book to the children, so read and be happy, then gifts of nature, catch fleas with your fingers, fingers, i don’t understand where you get them from, but these are definitely fleas, not ticks, because tick season has begun, but balls he's always wandering around the bushes, yeah, well, i’m breeding them or something, about how to protect yourself from
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a tick and what to do if it has... we’ll tell you in detail after the news, the balls also started to bite, but no, although he too, it’s spring for him, you’re watching the news on the channel russia, good morning, in the andrey shev studio, the terms of peace negotiations and speculation by foreign politicians, and supposedly preparations for war with the west, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko discussed the situation in ukraine. in donetsk , fsb officers neutralized a terrorist cell. in moscow, during a special operation by the fsb, a terrorist was eliminated, he preparing an explosion in the synagogue. we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day. festive events will be held throughout the country today to congratulate the iss assembly.
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russian troops to attack the west, at a meeting with the president of belarus alexander of refugee politicians, and allegedly preparing lukashenko, the head of state emphasized that in the case of ukraine, moscow remains open to negotiations, but their format should be realistic, the idea of ​​holding some kind of conference is being promoted in switzerland, they don’t invite us there; moreover, they think that we there is nothing to do, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticism, they say that we refuse negotiations, they do not invite us, they say that we refuse , but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, what
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can you talk to them about if they are trying to collect there. country in famous to a certain extent, she painted herself into a corner, well, yes, when she refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on her, now they understand that this is impossible, they refused negotiations and are now in a rather difficult situation. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in the moscow synagogue, a citizen of one of the countries. central asia planned to detonate an improvised explosive device at the time of a mass meeting, it was established that while serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his homeland, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after liberation came to russia, bought
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components for a bomb in moscow. when detained , the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during a search , he was found to have ready-to-use devices, as well as explosives. and in donetsk , employees of the federal security service neutralized a terrorist... cell of six people, all of them coming from a central asian state. the group planned to attack a military facility, as specified, the criminals were coordinated from kiev. after to complete the task, the terrorists had to go to turkey and then to ukraine. the flood situation in orenburg continues to worsen. over the course of a day, the water level in the ural river rose by almost 70 cm and exceeded the record level of 11 m in the entire history of observation. it is under water. more than 2,500 residential buildings and almost 5,00 private plots. in total , about 8 people were evacuated in the region, 14 victims are in hospitals. the peak of the flood, according to forecasters, is expected in
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the next 24 hours. the level in the tabol river is rising in the kurgan region. there the water may rise to maximum levels by the beginning of next week. currently , 205 residential buildings and 320 garden plots are flooded in the region. today rescuers were delivered by a special flight of the ministry of emergency situations. there are 20 water dumps in the region. each kit allows you to build a protective structure 100 m long. now about the progress of the special operation, the calculation of the anti-tank guided missile system of the kostroma paratroopers destroyed a radio tower in the village of chasov yar. at an altitude of several tens of meters there were relays were installed that directed nationalist drones to the positions of the russian military. the paratroopers destroyed the object by launching a rocket. from a distance of 8 km, the military also provides fire support to other units operating on the front line. the un , following the mgt, calls for an end to attacks on
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. representatives of the organization made this statement during a meeting of the security council. the un emphasized that the consequences of a nuclear accident could be catastrophic. the intensity of impacts on the largest nuclear power plant in europe has increased over the past week. for the sake of. iran may refuse to retaliate if the un security council condemns israel's shelling of the iranian consulate in damascus, the islamic republic's mission to the world organization reported. iran is expected within the next two days, while tehran has not yet made a final decision.
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today marks cosmonautics day, exactly 63 years ago, yuri gagarin opened a new era of exploration of near-earth space by making the first flight around the earth. he was in space 108 minutes. this historic event opened the way. to explore outer space for the benefit of all mankind, in a short period of time, from the moment of the first flight into space, man visited the moon, automatic vehicles, visited many planets of the solar system, happy holidays to everyone directly from the earth’s orbit, members of the current crew of the international space station congratulated forever inscribed in the world, we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day, this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the man who discovered space age of mankind. the name of the planet's first cosmonaut is forever inscribed in world history, and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. throughout the country today there will be festive events in honor of cosmonautics day, lectures,
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meetings with space explorers, themed races and much more. next, regional news, don’t switch. now news from the capital region. after the anomalous warming, a gradual decrease in temperature in moscow continues. today in the afternoon up to +15 k in the evening. it will get colder to 10°. atmospheric pressure decreases and amounts to 747 mmhg. the weather in the capital region will not change significantly over the weekend. more than 230 workshops and laboratories of moscow colleges will be modernized this year. in just 5 years, it is planned to update about a thousand classrooms. this will make it possible to conduct practical and laboratory classes using equipment that operates in the industrial sector of the capital. it is planned to create new
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training sites near enterprises, then there with potential employers. the moscow zoo has added a new addition to the westsan sheep family. the lamb was born black, although his mother and father are white. the little sheep inherited its color from its grandmother. as befits ungulates, within a couple of hours after birth the baby began to run and jump. she was placed with other lambs and is actively exploring the territory. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, see you in almost 20 minutes. on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of salyut 7, fate vladimir dzhenibekov and victor sovyanykh. it became quiet in the cabin; there was a minute and a half left before the flight from the station. before this, there was definitely no manual belaying in space, a dead station for the first time. met on earth, i sat for a whole
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month at the baikanur cosmodrome, waiting to be either punished or rewarded, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but relax... you need to, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except heads. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment,
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a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. good morning, good morning. petrov, we welcome you today, well, we usually don’t highlight holidays in any way, but today, friends, is a day of dreams, a day of cosmonautics, i dreamed, like millions of others, my grandmother told me, eat cottage cheese, you need health, learn languages, there you need to communicate with colleagues from other countries, it was formed thanks to the astronaut , well done, by the way, about other countries, do you speak english, the strait, in siberia , all this should definitely be understood perfectly, because northern asia may be the homeland of half of all the languages ​​of the world, linguists. the united states studied
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the dialects spoken by the inhabitants of north america 24,000 years ago and compared this data with polyoclimatic and archaeological studies. well, it turned out that yes, the ancient north americans communicated in languages ​​that originated in siberia. apparently people left there during the ice age bering land bridge, in the strip of ice and land between alaska and chikotka. this is the situation. and what is clear to almost every inhabitant of the earth is an unpleasant, dangerous tick. it's insect season. has already begun, is it possible to protect yourself without resorting to heavy chemicals, we’ll find out now, let mom, let me see what’s in the ears, well, fortunately , it’s not a tick, probably every first owner of a furry pet recognizes himself right now, although anastasia kloptsova is relatively calm about her dogs, constantly inspecting them, they give you special pills, just like a person who walks with these dogs in the forest, lives in constant search of a safe repellent, i would of course like something so that i could wear one thing on my body... wear
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something natural, something biological, all these toxins, they are very chemical, there are still unprotected parts of the body, it is not surprising that on the forms of dog owners you will not find any recommendations, for a year i have been using 50 grams of tar with half a liter of water in a spray bottle, i spray clothes, shoes up to the knees. the old-fashioned way is a decoction of snuff, you can also rub yourself with wormwood. i dilute a packet of vanillin in two grams of vodka and pour it into a spray bottle. use it. to figure out which of this really works, if it works in principle, because in order to boil an insect with the help of this or that aroma , you need to understand whether they feel them at all, ticks sense odors, they have a certain one. which react to odors, these are products of the sebaceous glands, carbon dioxide, they are attracted by the smell of animals under which the tick can be caught even from 10 m with the help of a unique multifunctional apparatus, the gallera organ, so it would seem that the odors
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should work, alas, there is one thing. so they experimented in laboratory conditions, yes, there are aromatic substances that repel them, but in nature this process... decreases, the wind, uh, then solar radiation makes adjustments, which means that in order to appear unattractive to ticks, the aroma must be very concentrated, experienced fisherman dmitry found this. liquid smoke is the surest remedy for ticks, here it is this is a smell that will knock a horse off his feet, not like a tick, and not every person can stand it without becoming disgusted with himself, there is another option: essential oils, lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, cloves... tea tree and lavender are proven science is the favorite in the fight against ticks, although there are nuances here: the intense aroma of pure oil can cause headaches or allergies, experts advise diluting it: if it is for adults, then the base can be alcohol, if it is for children-animals, then it is a water base, and we
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drip - generally 10 drops of essential oil, then there is enough, let's say five lavender, i take five tea tree, you can also take as the basis of the mixture neutral oils based on odorless and from grape seeds, toad, wheat germ and rice, there are many options, they are used in perfumery, in the end there is a chance to create we apply our own anti-tick perfume, like perfume, to the pulse area, hair on the neck, and so on every half hour; in the open air, the protection must be regularly renewed. let us add that today ticks are already active in twenty-two regions countries. most of all the appeal due to bites is in the crimea, rostov and kaliningrad regions, and this is an insect. can be a carrier of many dangerous infections. we will discuss the details with entomologist, researcher at the department of general ecology and hydrobiology of the faculty of biology of moscow state university, vadim marinsky. vadim, hello, now we’ll figure it out, because in fact, you, scientists and your colleagues, doctors, they
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really confused us, it seems to me so, because i started looking, comparing articles and found out what it is amount of advice on what to do and what not to do.
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about central russia, then those exodus ticks that live here are very slow, but if we are talking about the crimea, or if we are talking about the krasnodar region, or some southern regions of siberia, there are other genera of ixodid ticks that run
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across in the soil, at the speed of an ant, they can directly catch up with a person, the whip is lost, it is lost, it has rolled somewhere, there is nothing to lead to the laboratory, which... it is so important to understand that if you come running immediately after 10 minutes take a test, the test still won’t show anything, so you come to a medical institution and ask, i was bitten by a tick then and then, when should i come for a test, it is mandatory throughout russia to take a test, at least for tick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease, and barrelliosis, also known as lyme disease, is bacterial. well, in general, well, with the exception of some regions of the very, very far north, where they definitely don’t exist, and yes in all regions, but they not only spread it, they spread typhus again.
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vadim marinsky, employee of the department of general ecology and hydrobiology, faculty of biology, lomanosov moscow state university, thank you very much, vadim, on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary salute 7 crew, the fate of vladimir dzhenebekov and victor owls, the cabin became quiet for a minute and a half. remains until knocking with the station, before this there was definitely no manual belaying in space, a dead
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station for the first time, how you were greeted here on earth, i sat for a whole month at the cosmodrome, waiting for me to be either punished or rewarded, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today at 15:00, 21st century, in china , battery-powered excursion rafts are taking people along the llidzian river, a bamboo catamaran produces half the noise of... a boat. quiet, comfortable movement allows tourists to enjoy not only impressive views, but also the sounds of nature. there are already 700 of these rafts in operation. clean transport helps preserve the unique landscape. beauty. well, we focus on economical tourism. for example, an additional discount for a family with children who wants to buy the entire coupe. our last trip was to the city scratched, merchant, such a city, our children really liked it. a joint path. processions have become a favorite tradition for the artemyev family, says nadezhda, a mother of two children. tourists from izhevsk are already planning their next
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trip, they will go to moscow in may, they are looking at train tickets, buying for four is the best option, you can sit comfortably without strangers, hope is already calculating future expenses. we looked at how much tickets cost, if the lower floor costs 6,000, and the upper floor is cheaper than 4.5, for us, of course, a significant amount, according to calculations only for a one way trip you need. give 21,000 rubles, but families of four are lucky; when purchasing a compartment, entire transport companies give travelers a 10% discount on the total amount if they purchase tickets earlier than 5 days before the train’s departure, but starting in march, travel costs can be reduced even more more. in the year of the family, all tourists with children under 18 years of age who travel in long-distance compartment cars have the opportunity to save money. 15% of the order amount. in order to take advantage of this promotion, it is necessary to issue a ticket for an adult plus a child in one order, but a maximum of four tickets, not counting passengers under 5 years old
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who travel without occupying a seat. an important point, during the summer holidays the promotion will not be valid, but the rest of the time it can be used without restrictions on the number of trips, and no additional documents are needed, except for passports of adults, birth certificates of children, and the discount will automatically apply to the order, but there is nuance. according to the rules of this promotion , it is not possible to combine with any other promotions, except... non-refundable rate, which provides a 20% discount. so, if the total cost of tickets for a family with children in a compartment is, for example, 18,000, then the promotion will give a discount of 2,700 rubles. and if you also use a non-refundable fare, the one-way trip will become 35% cheaper. the remaining money can be spent on an excursion, a trip to a museum, or entertainment. experts confirm the relevance of the promotion over the past year. family tourist trips by rail increased by 30%. and the ability to save money on a trip like this matters. the check includes travel expenses for a family of 80-120,000 rubles.
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discounts provided by transport companies, in the travel budget, transport is 50-70%, provide an opportunity to save. there are a lot of destinations for family travel, where you can go by train from almost anywhere in russia. the most popular this spring are krasnodar region, karelia, moscow, st. petersburg, kazan and kaliningrad region. i have a grudge against you. i also premiered on rtr, so what? should i get you to forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, you’re seriously starting to think that you doubt it, so i decided everything with mine, hella taxi, on monday on rtr.
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provocation is treacherous behavior,
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there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat... are the most intelligent creatures in ourselves. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuing the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. your mother has heart disease and needs surgery. here, money for your mother's treatment. thank you. let's see. on the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more expensive, oh my god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, i won, i fell in love with these devils, and you,
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how long are you going to date me? conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it
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’s amazing how delicious everything is, like my mother he says, eat away your mind, this world. in order to see it, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, good advice, some old toys still shouldn’t be thrown away. took half a century, wanted to leave it as an inheritance to his grandchildren, but they said: oh, we don’t need it, young people, then he put the collection up for auction, among
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ordinary mini-trucks and cars there were 150 rare examples, for example, the iconic ferrari and mazerati models from... there have been many unusual cars in automotive history, but the most successful were the models that offered very simple things, convenience and reliability, and today we will get to know one of these, the bmw 535i. this is one of the best-selling models of the eighties, they began to produce it. our version received the index e28. by the way, this is one of the latest bmw models, which was called the shark for its aggressive muzzle. in addition, we have the m modification, sports. it can be easily distinguished by the spoiler on the bumpers, that is, this is not a body kit from tuning enthusiasts, but that’s how it was intended. the wheels are light alloy,
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and the trunk lid has a special compartment for tools. the engine is injection, six-cylinder with a volume of 3.4 liters. the first thing you pay attention to is comfortable sports style seats. on the ceiling above the mirror is a self-diagnosis system unit, and next to the instrument panel is the on-board computer screen. by the way, this is one of the first bmw models in which the center console was turned towards the driver. an ingenious solution in its simplicity, which will later become a signature feature of the german brand. the 535 starts sharply, even on dry asphalt the rear wheels can slip. pulls great from the very bottom, so at traffic lights few people want to compete with this car, up to a hundred takes only 7.2 seconds, gearbox switches clearly, by the way, the lever handle
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is designed in a special sporty style, there is an econometer on the instrument panel from the word economy, it tells you how to reduce fuel consumption, for example, reduce the gas, engage another gear, the car holds the road perfectly as if sticking to the asphalt, the suspension does not depend ...with stabilizers. the bmw 535i was produced until 1987. and all this time it has been a symbol of the quality of reliability. over 6 years , 722.00 copies were produced, in our configuration there are about 45. in general, this car as if daring you to step on the gas. interesting feeling. i’m not surprised that the model is still valued today among vintage car lovers around the world. they don’t cry about lost hair anymore, what a head of hair you had, i lost it along the way, along the way, but with proper care you could
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still save your hair, if only they knew a miracle cure, but you’d better drink your infusion and stop smiling, and he smiles, wanted to smile at himself, no miracles, no, everything is according to science, how not to lose your hair, over the years, we will tell you very soon, can’t wait at'. over the years, they continue to work live, in the studio andrei shevtsov, hello, vladimir putin called nonsense the speculation of foreign politicians, and the alleged preparation of russian troops for an attack on the west. at a meeting with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, the head of state emphasized that in the case of ukraine, moscow remains open to negotiations, but there must be a format.
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no strikes, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, etc. without power supply, but after series of attacks on our energy facilities were forced to respond, i remember this conversation and even you were reproached in russia, that ’s why it is necessary to hit these pain points there, in the energy sector, you said then, maybe not military, i feel sorry for the people,
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in one of the countries of the middle east asia planned to detonate an improvised explosive device during a mass gathering. it was established that while serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his homeland, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release , he came to russia and bought components for a bomb in moscow. when detained, the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. when he was searched, he was found to have ready-to -use devices, as well as explosives. now about the progress of the special operation in the cuban direction. performed by crews of santsepek heavy flamethrower systems. the military provides
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support to motorized rifle and tank units. and during the combat work , the crew of the flamethrower systems destroyed strong points, positions and dugouts with armored vehicles and manpower of ukrainian militants. un followed mgt calls for an end to attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. such a statement. representatives of the organization emphasized during a meeting of the security council at the un that the consequences of a nuclear accident could be catastrophic. the intensity of the strikes on the largest nuclear power plant in europe. npp in an address to the council, to the un council. the flood situation in orenburg continues to worsen. over the course of a day, the water level in the ural river rose by almost 70 cm and exceeded the record mark in the entire history of observations of 11 m. there are more than 2.5 residential buildings under water, almost 5
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estate plots. in total , about 800 people were evacuated in the region, 14 victims are in hospitals. the peak of the flood, according to forecasters, is expected in the next 24 hours. more than 100 temporary accommodation centers for receiving flood victims have been deployed in the tyumen region. there, the peak water rise is expected at the end of the month. 51 settlements, almost 2.0 residential buildings and 7.00 people are under threat of flooding. in the region, work is underway to strengthen the dams on the rivers. the stop is calm. today is cosmonautics day. exactly 63 years ago yuri gagarin opened a new era of exploration of near-earth space by making the first flight around the earth. he was in space for 108 minutes. this historical event opened the way for the exploration of outer space for the benefit of all mankind. in a short period of time, from the moment of the first flight into space, man visited the moon, automatic vehicles visited many planets
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of the solar system. members of the current crew of the international space station congratulated everyone on the holiday directly from earth’s orbit. further news from your region with residents moscow and region. see you in a few seconds. now to the news of the capital region. after the anomalous warming , a gradual decrease continues. temperatures in moscow. today in the afternoon it will reach +15 and in the evening it will be about 10°. atmospheric pressure decreases and amounts to 747 mmhg. the weather in the capital region will not change significantly over the weekend. according to the data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now two points ; minor difficulties are observed on the roads. in the coming hours, the density of congestion may increase to 4 points. muscovites together with'.
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the whole country is celebrating cosmonautics day today. leading industrial enterprises, research centers, and engineering universities operate in the capital, enhancing the traditions of russia as a space power. sergei sobyanin wrote about this today in his telegram channel. and for everyone who wants to get to know space better, thematic museums, a planetarium and an observatory are open. in them you can see lunar soil, take an interactive flight into space and examine authentic samples of space technology, the mayor said. and in the house of culture pushkin, on the occasion of cosmonautics day , a photo exhibition “our home is planet earth” opened. it presents images from orbit, in particular the volcanoes of kamchatka and the deserts of saudi arabia, the caribbean sea and the ice patterns of sakhalin. celebrate cosmonautics day, explore the iss equipment, try oriental sweets, watch a performance and get acquainted with the traditional cultures
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of islamic peoples. all this. you can have time to do in moscow this coming weekend, about the most exciting events igor yaroslavtsev. there are only four such spacesuits in the world. this is the most a modern model for spacewalks. to celebrate cosmonautics day and get acquainted with the equipment, those who work on the iss are invited to the charging park. in this position they fly, the pose was invented for a reason, it is a pose for tolerating overloads, the best pose, as it were. on the astronaut's chest is an on-board computer that regulates dozens of parameters. by the way, you can get acquainted with not only high technologies, but also the russian garden exhibition opened here, including costumes, jewelry and, of course, painting. author works by the artist ivan glazunov, on the canvases are costumes from different regions of the country and the master’s thoughts about the russian village. since the end of the 19th century, they began to look for an impulse for creativity, an impulse for inspiration in this wooden russia. this weekend , the end of ramadan and eid al-fitr will be celebrated on the square in front of the memorial mosque near victory park.
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international multicultural event. our task with the help of this festival is to introduce people to each other, to acquaint them with the traditional cultures of islamic peoples, in program of speeches, performances, master classes and lectures, of course, you will be able to try oriental sweets. there are events this weekend for every taste, the main thing is to choose. igor yaroslavtsev, georgy mayorov, adda adamova. news. the premiere performance of a version of one of the masterpieces of the classical romantic ballet corsair took place in moscow. the work is presented to the audience. staged by the tatar opera and ballet theater named after musa jalil, the performance is based on the poem by the english romantic george byron. this is a story about love, loyalty and betrayal. today. an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders will open in the state museum at the exhibition center. viewers will see a portrait gallery of veterans, drawings by military artists, photographs, leaflets and newspapers, as well as rare archival materials, battle
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flags, personal belongings of soldiers’ commanders, artifacts, technical notes and much more. magnolia, fragrant white and pink flowers, and a prominent tulip bloomed in the apothecary garden. diameter up to 14 cm can be seen on trees that grow next to the mirror channel. our news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the app or watch it on the website. happy friday! kalinon belek. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making dreams come
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true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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good morning, good morning, waving to you, waving to you friday, be sure to welcome you today elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, well, not only from the screens, but we have our own telegram channel, the morning of russia telegram channel, if videos appear there, it’s a sure sign that our editors have woken up, and since videos appear there all the time. never falls asleep, practically our editorial staff, well, they don’t leave here, i saw them in the same clothes all week, well, it’s an old sign and not only do we have them, the residents of the city of nevalsk, sea lions have come, it means spring has come, port breakwater not less than 200
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them, every year the lozenges return to sakhalin to open the beach season, and also because at this time, near the migration island, their favorite sai and other fish, these animals... have hard hair, it allows them to move on land, including including on sharp stones, thick fur, thick hair, all this is protection of the skin, but some people, however, are deprived of such protection, there are all kinds of healers, healers, marketers, my every day begins with a flower elixir, elixirs, serums, tonics , ampoules and lotions, the range of drugs for stimulating hair growth is simply amazing, with the beginning of the spring season and the refusal of warm... hats, the shelves with promising products are emptying before our eyes. larisa malysheva laughs; along with hair loss, she literally lost her head from anxiety. i just started buying all the funds from the marketplace, from stores, but it didn’t help.
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many buyers of miracle products have experienced similar negative, or rather zero, results, because today everyone is familiar with the problem of hair loss or thinning the eighth woman and the seventh man. natalya also encountered this situation; after every wash of her hair, her tail began to form. getting thinner and thinner. hair should normally grow in a bush from one follicle, two or three hairs at a time. in the picture we see that there is hair that grows in bushes of two, from one, from one follicle, but there are single follicles, there are thinner ones. this suggests that there is thinning hair, the patient must be examined for microelements, first of all, and hormonal functions examined. but most importantly, the follicles function, which means that the process of loss can be stopped. restore hair to its original thickness. doctors explain that there is no need to sound the alarm if the hair falls out along with the hair follicle, this is how it should be. in fact, hair loss cannot happen any other way. the bulb, that is, the white thickening. at the end of the shaft - this is an integral part of the hair, but until
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the moment of loss, the hair is in its hair bag, in the hair follicle, which remains in place with all the structures necessary for the formation of the next hair. loss hair begins to be noticed when the follicle falls asleep, in some cases this is normal. each hair lives on the head for 3-5 years, then it begins to change, the growth phase is called the anogen phase, and the phase of transition from growth to the resting stage is the tylogen phase, and it can last for 2-3 months, that is the hair is already finishing its nutrition on the head, but if hair loss continues for more than 3 months or certain areas on the head thin out, the situation can be more serious if the body receives such signals from it that it does not work properly, he gets rid of it, and accordingly stops supplying it with blood , a small scar is formed in this place to establish blood supply again...
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pavel, hello, the first payments have already arrived, you have already encountered this, someone told you, this is how the system of this recalculation works, that funds are not returned to the owners, but there is simply a reduction in payments for the following periods, someone told me from...
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the standard, we will give you a small discount, the regulatory framework needs to be changed and so that people, in addition to the fact that they will not pay for undelivered service, make subsequent payments, in subsequent periods, including a reduction in payment, well, as some kind of compensation for moral damage, well, what’s interesting is that it’s impossible to check the transparency of this procedure, because where can we look, how much heat they shipped to us, these meters don’t exist , they are located in the basement. management companies allow specialists there, well, you can have
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a house council there, you still agree that the meter at the exit of the heat supply plant, the meter at the entrance to the house, it would still cut off those energy losses, those heat losses that were present during delivery, it turns out that now we are paying for how this heat goes into the ground, i don’t know until it reaches the air, but you are really right, in an ideal design this is how it should be arranged, that is, in all areas at the exit from the heat generating... first really understand the technological part so that there is
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modern equipment, let’s be honest, but still in housing and communal services it’s not so much, let’s say, our modernized capacities and management companies there costs for common house they write off what they didn’t get under other articles and completed it, here, of course, you have hopes for me, you have hopes for the prosecutor’s office, who will contact the prosecutor’s office if there is no transparency?
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with popular front expert pavel sklinchuk was in our studio, thank you very much pavel, it’s nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea, azerchay bouquet is a tart tonic, it will give strength and vigor for the whole day, morning is time to brew azerchay, salute 7, today on the day astronautics at 23:55, hint. businessmen to increase volumes production without additional investments is possible within the framework of the national project: labor productivity at dairy industry enterprises is mastering non-obvious and low-cost ways to increase production volumes. what is this solution? let's get a look. our
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cameraman can't help but salivate. it would be nice to film at the production of real siberian ice cream. so piquant, cheeky hazelnut, cheeky coconut, a sense of humor in the team , everything is in order, a lot of fun on the bars, well , sometimes, local exotica, cedar ice cream with sea ​​buckthorn filling, with pine cone jam, and of course, the classic, cream ice cream, a now popular variation in the form of a sandwich. we are on a sandwich product production line, two have been modernized on this line. flow, that is, two lines of completely different manufacturers were directly crossed, due to this, the modernization of this line increased the output of finished products from 45 to 75%. a non-standard technological innovation appeared within the framework of the national
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labor productivity project. at the login stage this project set itself a rather serious challenge, to increase labor productivity by 30 or more. and we finished the project with an increase of 33%. it took a careful look around, together with experts from the regional competence center, to find the so -called bottlenecks, starting with the acceptance of raw materials, milk from siberian cows. previously, we used a milk cleaner to purify milk and it took about 2 hours to clean it. thanks to the competent work of the mechanical service, we developed the installation. fine filter, and now our milk purification takes from 30 to 40 minutes, so the management of a dairy plant in the voronezh region, also a participant in the national labor productivity project, thought about key performance indicators or tpi, they depend not only on the enterprise’s equipment with modern
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equipment and the qualifications of specialists, but also on the organization of labor. this zoning on the racks now helps operators not to waste time... searching for packaging material, each package has its own place, the operator, after finishing packaging, takes it to package, weighs it, treats it and puts it in place. this innovation, which is not obvious at first glance, but necessary to save time, appeared at the plant as part of the national project. as a result, we received an increase in line efficiency of the order of 5% over the entire period. in general, we had peaks. month and up to 10%. enterprises in 85 regions of the country can develop thanks to the labor productivity national project. according to the ministry of agriculture, last year milk production in russia increased to 33.5 million tons, which is almost half a million higher than in 2022. this year
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, due to the launch of new farms, the figure may increase by another 360,000 tons. on cosmonautics day, the signal disappeared, the station does not respond to any commands, why are we drinking, i’m flying to boycon tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re written off, star team, it’s dangerous, volodya, increase the speed, take it away, take it away, what happened, the glove was pierced. sveta, talk to me, i’m talking to you, the story of a real feat, they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, a film that has reached unprecedented heights, have you heard, you need to open the hatch, the shuttle has docked, there is
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nothing, it seemed to you, let it go, fireworks 7. today on rtr, the guests are shouting in unison at the wedding, scene 15, you are such an actress to me. you disfigure, neck to neck, the cossack crashed into the eye, and well, well, it still hurts , humor, humor, humor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, i don’t know what to do, we must calm down. if anything happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, on saturday, because i feel like he
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kidnapped his daughter and is holding her by the wrist, this can’t happen, stay away from him, anna miklysh, alexander nikitin, you are hiding something, don’t torture me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i need to know, weeping willow, premiere, saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds like that...
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. if you slightly alter pushkin's lines, who is the oldest in the world? marcelino abat from peru is vying for this world title. recently he celebrated his 124th birthday. everything is official, the authenticity is confirmed by the government of the country. marceline is alive now in a nursing home, 5 years ago the authorities established his identity, issued documents , assigned him a pension, and now they are helping him submit an application to the guinness book of records. while the honorary title goes to the frenchwoman, jeannie kalman, she lived for 122 years, well , it’s unlikely that the participants in our popular tv show
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amazing people will amaze the audience with their age, a new episode today at 21:30 on the russia channel. before filming begins , there is an insane amount of tension behind the scenes; the contestants are worried and wondering what kind of tests the organizers have come up with for them. calmly only the youngest participant in the class, a thirteen-year-old gymnast from kaliningrad, is confident , right up until the moment... other no less difficult and incredibly exciting tests will be passed tonight by all eight contestants from various countries, from russia to the philippines. the international television competition involves the strongest and most dexterous, titled athletes, permanent residents of the guinness book, living computers and heroes from...
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and about forty languages, including russian. from japan, from na na kar from yatka to yago then by sbirsky express train to moscow. the rest of the participants had a long way to the show; a contestant from brazil assures that he can not only name the day of the week of any year, but also what events happened then, and the unique extreme sportsman from dagestan promises to stage a new one. by doing push-ups, he won’t do it on a hard surface at all. usually sharp nails, bottles, and axes are used, but this time
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a working chainsaw will appear in front of his face for the first time. seriously, if you lose control, balance, then everything, like, you don’t have the right to mistake, tarisk, adrenaline - this is a challenge to yourself. this will be an incredibly exciting episode. yes. this is true. amazing people, today at 21:30. our program is ending because we strive, we are eager for the weekend, but even on the weekend, do not forget that our program has its own. and telegram channel, come in, subscribe, well, the weekend is the only place where you can see andrey, because tomorrow denis and i will be on the air, so i passed , yes, but in any case it will be interesting, so tune in early on saturday morning, well, connect to telegram at any time and watch too, we’ve started. come on, come on with
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a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, hello on the rossiya tv channel, in the denis palanchukov studio and most importantly.


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