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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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connect and watch too, let's start, let's go with a smile, morning of russia, the main thing is not to oversleep. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis palanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko discussed resolving the conflict in ukraine. russian troops launched attacks in the kupinsky direction. composition and technology. water
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continues to remain in orenburg under the threat of flooding more than 3,500 houses. today in russia they celebrate cosmonautics day. and the anniversary of yuri kuklachev. how did he manage to find common language with cats. russia is ready for dialogue on ukraine, but will not allow unrealistic positions to be imposed. about it. vladimir putin said at a meeting with alexander lukashenko in the kremlin. in addition, the russian leader called nonsense the speculation of foreign politicians, and the alleged preparation of our troops for an attack on the west. the heads of state spoke about security on the western borders of the two countries and the joint space program. details in the report by evgeny rishetnev. alexander lukashenko came to the meeting with the russian president straight from the airport, not having managed to change the training suit in which i flew on the plane to...
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nothing, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is already some kind of ponopticon, they say that we we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing any schemes on us, uh, which have nothing to do with reality, but... but
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if, why am i saying this, because if if the need arises, let me turn to you, maybe we will continue consultations with you in this area, they call peace conferences, but if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without us, but god bless them, our position is that they can only agree there on how to intensify... the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there cannot be a peace process, well, maybe they are right that they do not invite us there, because what is wrong with them? you can talk if they are trying to gather more than 100 states there, dictate something to us or persuade us, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, the opposite country to a certain extent painted itself into a corner, well, yes, when... it refused negotiations in the hope
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of winning russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this is impossible, they refused to negotiate and are now in a rather difficult situation. kiev has legally prohibited itself from entering into negotiations; for some reason the west has not pulls back, all this does not seem to be interested in a settlement, this is adding fuel to the fire, that is, pumping weapons into the kiev regime, on the contrary , continues. once the west has already disrupted the peace process, which began precisely with the mediation of minsk. at the meeting, the leaders revealed new details of the negotiations that began in belarus and continued in turkey. it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started it in two cities, then the negotiating teams moved to turkey, istanbul, there almost completed this work, a lot of it over a long period of time. it went on -
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it was initialed on both sides, on the ukrainian side this paper was also initialed , this document was initialed, then under pressure from the west... we did it from kiev, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the dustbin, i remember this process, and you then copied and handed over these documents to me. they first showed this document, i read it, then you gave it to me, what was agreed upon, and the document that was initialed, there were serious progress, and the russians moved, the ukrainians, well, then it’s clear, they arrived, pulled back, let’s fight to
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the last ukrainian, i think, vladimir vladimirovich, this is the moment, my instinct has never deceived me, your initiatives for the peaceful resolution of the conflict ... they will find a response in ukraine, they will find it, they will find it among the military, oddly enough, here i am ready to stand together shoulder to shoulder and work in this direction. kiev is apparently trying to prove to its patrons that it is capable of harming russia, sending its drones on civilian fuel facilities, and even the head of the pentagon is already asking ukraine to stop attacking russian refineries, since this could affect the global energy situation. russia is responding to these ukrainian attacks. based on humanitarian considerations, they did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions,
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hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, they were forced to respond if everything went into a loop... in a decision the issues we talked about initially, and the attacks on the energy sector are also related to the solution of one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, and this is demilitarization, but that we, first of all , proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, the military-industrial complex of ukraine, moreover, directly, in principle, they simply provoke.
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now the situation with floods in orenburg, the water level in the ural river continues to update historical records. over the past 24 hours, it has already exceeded the 11 m mark and
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today, according to forecasts, it will carry even more water. this puts another 35 houses and 400 plots at risk of flooding. helping rescuers evacuate people. in total, the military in the region has already transported almost 800 people from dangerous areas from the disaster zone; report by murat zaripov. in the evening 1095 by morning already. 1.129, literally every centimeter at which the level of the urals rises means new flooded territories, streets and houses. water spills over valleys, fields and residential areas. the largest flood on record, historical records are being rewritten hourly. this area has never been coastal until today, from here in a straight line to the bed of the ural river in the area of ​​3-4 km. it can be seen that there are plots for the future construction of houses, filled roads that have already been washed away, and now the water is coming up. to high-rise buildings, the critical mark has already been exceeded by 2 m, the number of evacuated residents is growing, currently we
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have additionally evacuated more than 300 households and almost a thousand garden plots; 99 residents were evacuated overnight, the rest of the residents left on their own. people take neighbors, relatives and pets, those that cannot be removed are saved with the help of ingenuity. this design holds it together. electricity in flooded areas, there is no longer electricity and gas; according to forecasts, the peak of the flood in the city is expected today. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, lead orenburg. the republic of mariel will send bottled water and disinfectants to those affected by the flood in the orenburg region. humanitarian aid is now coming to the region from all over the country. the tula region was one of the first to provide support. 100 tons of different ones. cargo, which, on the personal instructions of governor dyumin, was collected as soon as possible, was delivered
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by plane to vorsk. report by vitaly matorin. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations transport boxes and pallets through the loading ramp into the cargo compartment of the il-76. bottled water, vegetables and non-perishable foods, clothing, medicines, in a word, everything that is urgently needed by flood-affected residents of the orenburg region. humanitarian supplies for orsk residents caught in veda, on behalf of the head of our region, alexey dyumin, was collected in the shortest possible time. industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs and simply concerned residents from all over the tula region came to the rescue. from the weapons capital, cargo was delivered by truck to an airfield near moscow. there , three special il-76 aircraft of the russian ministry of emergency situations and the country's ministry of defense were used for dispatch. these heavy transport aircraft landed at orsk airport at night with more than 100 tons.
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in the ssso, the crews of the santsipek heavy flamethrower systems were destroyed. as a result of powerful blows,
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the militants suffered significant losses of personnel and equipment. and in the zaporozhye region , the russian military destroyed three observation posts of the kiev formations. they were hit by mortar crews. successful in collaboration with drone operators. our soldiers worked in the area of ​​​​the village of chasovyar, a repeater was discovered there that ensured the operation of enemy drones. and russian pilots operated effectively near donetsk. the strike air group hit strong points and concentrations of enemy infantry. west covers ukrainian attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, based on the political situation, and for him this is more important than nuclear safety. based on the results of the extraordinary session. of the governing council of maga , this was stated by the permanent representative of russia to international organizations in vienna
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, mikhail ulyanov. let me remind you that the ukrainian armed forces almost daily attack the station with the help of drones, but the west stubbornly does not notice this. a meeting is scheduled at the un security council on april 15 in connection with the constant shelling of zas. a new batch left the workshops of the plant in komsomolsk-on-amur sud-35 multirole fighters. the united aircraft corporation has already transferred them to the ministry of defense; the aircraft are created non-stop according to the principle. continuous conveyor. thanks to this technology, the assembly cycle was reduced by a third. ultra-maneuverable, powerful and reliable, they are capable of performing any task with incredible precision in the most difficult conditions. generation 4+ aircraft have undergone a full cycle of ground and flight tests in various operating modes and have flown to their duty stations. to humanity soon
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we have to work together to explore deep space.
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century of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the man who opened the space age of mankind. the name of the planet's first cosmonaut is forever inscribed in world history. and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. festive events will be held throughout the country today in honor of cosmonautics day, so in st. petersburg everyone will be able to see the original descent module of the ms-02 spacecraft. the capsule was installed on a pedestal next to museum of cosmonautics. in sochi on the tv tower today. in the evening, the festive lights will be turned on and a portrait of yuri gagarin and his famous phrase “let's go” will appear on the media screen. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in donetsk, six people were detained, they were going to cause an explosion at a military facility, they only talked about this right after the advertisement. stay with us!
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mancacher whiskey product. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cognac, monte shococa is a product of the stellar group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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hotel. kalinon belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and... a product of the stellar group.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend,
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tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression is happening, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life . fate from monday to friday on rtr. i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr. we can open our own taxi company. too much interference. and as for your this ala, she sang along. we'll choke you. let's discuss, and keep your hands off. a that's too much.
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fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in donetsk, where they detained a terrorist cell of six people who were planning to carry out an explosion at a military facility. all come from central asian states. as specified, the actions of the criminal group were coordinated from the territory of ukraine. after completing the task, the terrorists had to go to turkey, and from there to the independent. homemade bombs and hand grenades were found at the place where the bandits lived. another terrorist attack. one of the central asian countries planned to blow up one of the capital's synagogues, at a time of mass gathering of believers, it was established that while serving
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a sentence for criminal offenses in his homeland, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release, he came to moscow, where he bought components for a bomb. when detained , the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized. during a search , explosive devices ready for use were found on him. tehran does not seek to expand the middle east conflict, but considers containing israel necessary condition for security in the region. this was stated by the iranian foreign minister. tel aviv expects that iran's attack on israel for the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus will occur in the next two days. however , tehran has not yet made a final decision, the wall street journal reports. according to the news portal asios, the authorities.
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"washington will expand its military presence in the asia-pacific region. this was discussed at a trilateral summit in the white house with the participation of the presidents of the united states and the philippines japanese premiere. the key theme was criticism of china. beijing was accused of allegedly aggressive actions in the south china sea and its policies towards taiwan were condemned. as a result , they announced plans to hold the next naval exercises of the united states and its allies in the region. from washington. report by dmitry melnikov. this meeting of the pacific triad in washington is another step towards a big war in asia, which the united states is preparing its allies for. joe biden says this directly at the very beginning
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of the summit. and in the coming years, most the history of our world will be written in the indo-pacific region, where three allies, three trusted partners and three proud democracies represent half a billion people. already in the next one. this year, the three states will begin joint patrols with coast guard forces in chinese-contested waters. at the summit, the allies once again swore an oath to washington. our partnership is not based on convenience or expediency, but as a natural extension of the relationship and strong cooperation between our three countries. and therefore, the prime minister of today's japan is not at all embarrassed to be at a meeting with vice president haris and secretary of state blinken, raising a toast to jeroshima.
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according to the us plan, new containment should be carried out by third countries, and japan clearly understands its role in this scenario. by the end of this year, the united states plans to deploy medium-range missile systems in the asia-pacific region, and this will be the first deployment of such systems in the region in the last 30 years. russia and china are preparing a joint response to this. for double us containment moscow and beijing will respond with dual confrontations.
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the heads have already announced this. foreign policy departments of russia and china. in addition, if necessary, russia is also ready to deploy shorter-range missiles. after the united states withdrew from the relevant treaty 5 years ago, moscow no longer has any obligations to washington in this matter. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. today , the popularly beloved artist yuri kuklachev celebrates his seventy-fifth birthday. perhaps this the only clown in the world who succeeded. decipher the language of cats, he created his own unique theater, with which he traveled all over the planet; kuklachev’s performances are always sold out. it all started more than half a century ago, with a stray kitten picked up on the street. alexander karpov met with the hero of the day. for 34 years now , little spectators and their parents have been rushing through these doors of the world’s only cat theater, twice a day for morning and evening performances. it is behind this door that dozens of
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tailed artists live, holy of holies, crystal castle, my dream, the most important myth is that you shock cats with electricity, that’s why they listen to you, well, these are crazy people, it really is, why do they listen, why do they work on stage, they play, he always lived in defiance, 7 years tried in a row to enter the circus school, where the future owner of the golden crown of clowns was considered unsuitable, went to
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the state circus union, he was miserably kicked out back in 1989 after he arbitrarily took 120 artists on tour to israel, we went from the circus cooperative , whole gunpowder, elephant was with us, camels, horses with us, in the early nineties the already famous kuklachev had to flee to england, saving his life. bandits took away the premises of his theater on kutuzusky. they wanted to open a casino here, boys came with ties and leather jackets, they wanted me in general.
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ekaterina and vladimir work with their corpses of mustachioed tabby stars, including many former homeless cats abandoned by someone. those people who take in cats need to have a chip inserted into them. found a cat, chip, yeah, they're calling, ivan ivanovich, they found your cat take it, but i don’t need it, but ivan ivanovich, then pay. the entire kuklachev dynasty and 120 cats will take part in the anniversary show for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the national artist. alexander karpov, ivan panomarenko, dmitry dunaev. news. and the latest news: vladimir putin awarded the russian cosmonauts pitelin and fedyaev the title of heroes of russia, and the first belarusian cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the order of gagarin. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you. see you.


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