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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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exactly 63 years ago, the world-famous let's go, yuri gagarin made the first ever flight into space, and today cosmonauts oleg kononenko, nikolai chup and alexander grebenkin congratulate the whole country on board the international space station, on the holiday, on cosmonaut day, goodbye, bye. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko discussed resolving the conflict in ukraine. russian troops carried out strikes in kurpinsky direction. the ukrainian militants suffered significant
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losses of personnel and equipment. the water continues to exist. in orenburg , a mass evacuation of people has been announced under the threat of flooding of more than 3-5 houses. the unemployment rate in russia has reached a historic low. today in russia they celebrate cosmonautics day. and the anniversary of yuri kuklachev. how did they manage to find a common language with cats? so, russia is ready for dialogue on ukraine, but will not allow unrealistic positions to be imposed. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with alexander lukashenko in the kremlin. besides, the russian leader called the speculation of foreign politicians nonsense, and the alleged preparation of our troops for an attack on the west. the heads of state spoke about security on...
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the western borders of the two countries about the joint space program. details in the report by evgeny rishetnev. alexander lukashenko came to the meeting with the russian president straight from the airport, without having time to change from the training suit he was wearing on the plane to a business suit. i changed my clothes in the kremlin. as always, communication with the belarusian president is confidential, general position on many issues, including ukrainian. russia, putin has already emphasized this many times, is ready for possible peace negotiations, but that is an imitation. the idea is being promoted , they don’t invite us there, moreover, they think to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, that ’s all according to some nopticum, he says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, he says:
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initialed on both sides, we were told that it is impossible to sign a document, ukraine cannot sign from a pistol point of view, it is necessary to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, there were serious progress, and the russians moved, the ukrainians, well and then it’s clear, they arrived, they stopped us, let’s fight until...
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kiev is apparently trying to prove to its patrons that it is capable of harming russia, sending its drones to civilian fuel facilities. russia is responding to these ukrainian attacks with targeted and effective strikes. i want to emphasize that we are even proceeding from humanitarian considerations in winter. did not inflict any attacks - meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced
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to respond, we first of all proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, on the defense-industrial complex of ukraine, and directly, in principle, they simply... provoke russia to launch such attacks, there is no need to do this and intensify this escalation, because summer passes quickly, winter passes quickly, and this is a dangerous business. putin asked lukashenko how things were on the western border of the republic; large-scale nato maneuvers took place in poland and the baltic states; new ones began in romania; it is clear that russia is meant as an enemy in these exercises. they are shouting that lukashenko and putin will take over europe tomorrow. plans have never been discussed that we want to capture someone, we have enough of our own problems, there was still someone missing, this is nonsense, the ruling circles, as they used to say, need it, in order to explain how to justify their expenses for the war in ukraine, that’s all, the swami is not
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tenable. alexander lukashenko came to moscow on the eve of cosmonautics day; this is in many ways our common holiday, based on common soviet achievements. belarusian cosmonaut marina recently returned from the iss. according to lukashenko, new joint projects are being prepared, in particular to launch a new satellite into orbit. evgeny rashitnev, polina gomzikova and kirill malikov, conduct. the first female cosmonaut from belarus marina vasilevskaya was awarded the order of gagarin. the corresponding decree of vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the president awarded the same award to russians oleg navitsky and sergei prokopyev. and today to cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrey fedyaev. awarded the title of hero of russia, marriage and heroism shown during a long space flight to the iss. members of the current crew of the international space station also congratulated them on the holiday directly from orbit; they thanked everyone who worked on earth for the good of space,
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designers, engineers and technicians. we are proud that in developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors, remembering those who were at the forefront of the development of rocket and space technology. industry, we do not forget about the thousands of enterprise workers whose daily work made it possible to realize what our great designers intended. we have a lot of new and interesting work ahead, which we can only accomplish by rallying around the great goal of space exploration, happy holiday, friends, happy cosmonautics day. and today the roscosmos delegation led by yuri borisov laid flowers at the kremlin wall memorial, where the founder of the russian cosmonautics is buried.
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our glorious cosmonauts, led by yuri alekseevich, gagarin, a radiant smile, then the whole planet dawned. celebratory actions were held today by activists of the young guard of united russia. traditionally, we began with congratulations to employees of space industry enterprises. in korolev, in star city and khimki, before the start of their shift , workers were greeted at the checkpoint by young guards with flowers and warm wishes. they took place in several other towns near moscow.
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on our tv channel after 11 pm watch the feature film salyut 7, dedicated to the feat of cosmonauts vladimir dzhenebekov and viktor sovenykh. now to the situation with floods in orenburg. the water level in the ural river continues to set historical records. the dangerous values ​​have already been exceeded by more than 2 and the water continues to remain, which means that more and more territories are under the threat of flooding. it is heard in several districts of orenburg today. siren who notifies you of the need to urgently evacuate. in total
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, more than 10 thousand people have already been taken out of dangerous areas across the region. from the disaster zone, reporting by murat zaripov. it's 11:20 in the morning, now it's 11:43. literally every centimeter at which the level of the urals rises means new flooded territories, streets and houses. water spills over valleys, fields and residential areas. the largest flood on record. historical.
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from other regions, from other cities, neighbors responded immediately, they are sending help, people are carrying individually, enterprises, public organizations, councils of young professionals, that is, there is no one here at all, no one remains in the country, in orenburg there may be a power outage in flooded areas, there is no longer electricity and gas, according to forecasts, the peak of the flood in the city... is expected today. murat zaripov, vasily peredkov, sergey shilipin, zemfir abzalov, lead orenburg. a new batch of su-35s multirole fighters has left the workshops of the komsomolsk-on-mura factories. the united aircraft corporation has already transferred them to the ministry of defense. airplanes are created in non-stop mode based on the principle of a continuous conveyor. thanks to this technology , the assembly cycle was reduced by a third. ultra-maneuverable, powerful and reliable, they are capable of performing
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any task with incredible precision in the most difficult conditions. generation 4+ aircraft have undergone a full cycle of ground and flight tests in various operations, modes, and have flown to their place of duty. russian troops launched attacks in the kupinsky direction. the ukrainian armed forces militants suffered significant losses of personnel and equipment. about this and more immediately after advertising. stay with us. it was you who arranged everything, yes, not only did you deprive me of my career, you decided to finish me off, hella taxi, the premiere is on monday, on rtr, let's go, they say. you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but
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as my mother says, eat your mind! the world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. you are a famous psychiatrist in the recent past scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. on cosmonautics day,
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it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday anyway, it’s our common one, of course, it’s a holiday for the whole country, our legendary crew salyut 7 station, what was your mission, look and figure it out, if it can be fixed, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich , we take off, all pale. they take volodya, he ’s just that color, i thought he was going to die, it’s just that there are two cosmonauts now, that is , you understand, yes, your wives, with a heavy heart they saw you off, it’s a one-way road, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had intuition , apparently some wife of viktor petrovich knitted a hat for him and for you two, the fate of a man with boris
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korchevnikov, today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. a few minutes ago , alexander lukashenko again arrived at a meeting with vladimir putin in the kremlin, and the belarusian president again answered questions from journalists about the possibility of negotiations between moscow and kiev. today is the moment, first of all, for the ukrainians, and for the west, to sit down at the negotiating table and finally come to an agreement. there is only one principle.
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and the ukrainian curator makes a decision, it must be made. moscow sees no desire from anyone kiev, nor the west, should conduct business honestly, sergei lavrov stated this. the russian foreign minister's comment on possible peace negotiations on ukraine was made at a press conference following a meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the cis. it took place today in minsk. lavrov called the conference on ukraine a path to nowhere.
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the idea is to first deal with systemic security problems in our common space. and to the news that comes from the special operation zone in the kupinsky direction, position the ukrainian armed forces destroyed the crews of sontsep heavy flamethrower systems. as a result of the powerful strikes , they suffered significant losses. and equipment, and this is footage of the destruction of a tank in the avdiivka direction; it was hiding in the forest, but our drones discovered it. the strikes were carried out using lancet loitering ammunition.
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russian pilots worked effectively near donetsk. the strike air group hit strong points and concentrations of enemy infantry. and in the southern donetsk direction, enemy positions are covered with carnations. they clear the way for assault groups at the forefront. the coordinates are barely coming in. batteries are running out. guns report by our war correspondent eduard punigov. this artillery crew operates in the south of the donetsk people's republic. the self-propelled howitzer gvozdika strikes at a fortified point of the ukrainian armed forces. there is a short pause to adjust the target coordinates and the shot sounds again. the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet operates in this sector of the front. heavy artillery helps the infantry penetrate. fortified enemy positions. carnation - a very maneuverable howitzer that can accelerate to 60 km/h, however, now the crews are working from closed firing positions that are carefully camouflaged, but
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if necessary, the installation can go to another position, fire a series of shots and return back to the same shelter. carnations shoot more than 15 km. the installations operate mainly against enemy equipment and support positions, as well as military hangars that are hidden in the rear. the carnation is often called the world's sniper rifle. artillery, as a rule, the first two shots sighting, the third flies right on target. the machine showed its best side, the machine is unpretentious, absolutely easy to maintain, young people come, after a month or two they can basically handle it completely. howitzers are often subject to return fire, so the installations are always carefully camouflaged and regularly change positions to confuse the enemy. in order not to lose either the crew or the car, this is very important. to come quickly to work on some purpose, there may even be some kind of equipment moving there, so as not to to be noticed by the enemy, we immediately change position. next to the gun there is
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a fortified dugout where the main ammunition is stored, a little further away there is a dugout where soldiers hide during shelling and residential dugouts. the crews are at the combat post around the clock, the fire command can come at any minute. each howitzer is released within 24 hours. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the west is covering up the ukrainian attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant based on the political situation, and for it this is more important than nuclear safety. by this was stated by the permanent representative of russia to international organizations, veni mikhail ulyanov, at the results of the extraordinary session of the magathe board of governors. let me remind you that the ukrainian armed forces almost daily attack the station with the help of drones. however, the west stubbornly does not notice this. a meeting is scheduled for april 15 at the un security council in connection with the constant shelling of zas. tehran does not seek to expand the middle east
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conflict, but considers containing israel a necessary condition for security in the region. this was stated by the iranian minister foreign affairs tel aviv expects that iran's attack on israel for the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus will occur in the next two days. however, tehran has not yet made a final decision. the wall street journal reports this. according to the axios news portal, the authorities of the islamic republic intend to avoid escalation in the region. journalists claim that the day before , the iranian foreign minister, in a conversation with his german counterpart, said that quote: tehran will act appropriately towards israel in a limited way. meanwhile , the israeli foreign minister, in a telephone conversation with the pentagon chiefs, assured that tel aviv would not tolerate a direct attack on its territory. and will not leave it unanswered. the unemployment rate in russia has again reached a historical low. now it is 2.8%. about this. said government deputy
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tatyana golikova at the russia exhibition. the regional stage of the all-russian employment fair opened there today. a plenary session was held as part of the event. according to the deputy prime minister, only this year almost 1,700,000 young specialists will enter the labor market in the country. higher education is graduating 823,500 young specialists this year. we see an upward trend compared to last year. and it is gratifying to say that 235,000 young people should enter engineering specialties or from engineering specialties into the economy. each test is a mini-performance that demonstrates the truly limitless capabilities of a person. today on our tv channel is the fifth episode of the new season of the show “amazing people”. who is talented? participants will be able to conquer the star experts. we will find out
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right away today who will make it to the finals. after the evening news, starting at 21:30, anton dzemidov had already visited the set. there are no barriers for the participants of this show. handstand push-ups over a running power saw. adrenaline is a challenge to yourself, i accept it every time, well, for now i’m alive, i’m here. in the new episode, a team of unusual people from different parts of the world will again surprise and even...
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in total, the action is not only on stage, behind the scenes there is also a large team constantly working the project is preparing new challenges for amazing people. looking at how they are preparing for the tests, well, this also surprises me very much, the project is of such a level that each, each test is like a mini-performance. this time the scene will be a heavy and clumsy forklift; can it really replace a person’s hands? oh my god! thank you, tonight we are amazed at the wonders of balance, closely following the human calculator from india and setting a russian record. who can truly surprise everyone and reach the finals of the project, look today at 21:30. anton demidov, valery shirokov, news. federal. the broadcast
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is over, regional news is ahead. now we have the opportunity to communicate with the tomsk state television and radio broadcasting company, svetlana loskutova works there. svetlana, hello, farmers of the tomsk region will be able to quadruple their yield; the first organic fertilizer production plant beyond the urals has opened. hello, denis, farmers have been waiting for the launch for several years; the capacity of the new enterprise is capable of producing more than 60,000 tons of necessary products. and, perhaps, most importantly, the plant... can save the city from the periodic war that hundreds of thousands of residents complain about. it’s all about the temichi know-how; they have developed a special strain of bacteria that process all components harmful to nature and humans, and at the same time preserve the substances necessary for the high-quality development of plants. these unique microorganisms further speed up the composting process; it now takes only 3 weeks. colleagues. thank you svetlana, good news for you. and now we
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are transported to the far east in the studio. rkk cupid is getting ready for the broadcast, my colleague danilo burlakin. danilo, hello, what sports facilities will be transformed in tende for the anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. hello, denis, the city has already completed the construction of a modern wrestling center in a complex with an area of ​​more than 6.00 km; classes in sambo, freestyle wrestling, kickboxing, hockey, football and other disciplines will be held. in may , the legendary bam stadium will also be completed after major renovations. back in the early seventies, the main city arena was practically completely destroyed during the 2022 flood . now the facility is more than half complete, and already in the summer they are preparing to celebrate the highway’s anniversary on a grand scale. thank you danila, good broadcast. next, our release will continue with regional news with residents of moscow and the moscow region, see you in just a few seconds. don't switch.


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