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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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and we have the main stories that happened nearby on sunday, at exactly 8:00 in the morning, by this hour we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you, see you, so are you confusing? the man understood me, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, doesn’t answer calls, and you’re sure you know your daughter well, well now- what to do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, have disappeared, another girl, friend
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polina, they are studying at college together, it’s so hard to restrain yourself from making noise from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping little one, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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and it was so quiet that it seemed like you could hear the blood flowing from the spoils, the legendary soviet cosmonauts, vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor savinykh, later recalled their heroic mission into orbit. it was an emergency on a planetary scale. after the meteor shower, soviet the salyut 7 orbital station lost contact with the ground and became uncontrollable. a form of hysteria began in the western press: a twenty-ton space hysteria.
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soviet space facility full of top-secret developments. today, on cosmonautics day, i am waiting for a meeting with the legendary crew, twice heroes of the soviet union, pilots, cosmonauts, vladimir dzhenebekov and viktor savenykh. pridt. visit one of the leading actors in the film salute 7 - actor pavel derevyanka. what then remained outside the official pages reports on what was included in the film and how today they remember their flight into space. the fate of man, the fate of the legendary salyut 7 crew, twice heroes of the soviet union, cosmonaut pilots vladimir dzhenibekova and viktor savinykh, as well as the leading actor in the salyut 7 film, pavel. piece of wood happy cosmonautics day, happy
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holiday, dear vladimir aleksandrovich, viktor petrovich, thank you, thank you, happy holiday, happy holiday. in fact, you know, well, it’s, it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, but it’s kind of like a holiday cosmonauts, but i have a feeling, it hasn’t left me since childhood, that this is still our common holiday, of our entire big country, i’m, well, i’m not mistaken in this, pavel, you also probably, of course, this a holiday for our entire country, of course, for me it began when i served in the army, when the orderly dropped in. at this very moment in our barracks, where we were sleeping, a combat alarm was shouted, can you imagine what the holiday was like, there was nothing, it was not known when we stood in the corridor with full ammunition, then levitan said that in a few minutes an important message would be transmitted to tas, i was completely
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stunned, no one understood what was going on, the officers too, then he began to say, today with a powerful launch vehicle, from that moment my holiday began. celebrating 90 years already celebrating, cool, let's continue it today, i tried to make a table like this, well, familiar to astronauts, look, here is the part that is in the sky, here is the part that is still on the ground, champagne, so to speak, well, as non-alcoholic, i understand correctly, exactly that, you could. in the summer i had a few drinks, so i got a glass while in the star city before flying to the cosmodrome, yes, let's do it then, for victory, for victory, for victory, listen, i started talking, i forgot the most important thing, another part of the gift, here,
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but this loaf, yes, here’s salt, you’re already used to it, vladimir alexandrovich, can i do the same as usual, thank you, thank you, dear, from the bottom of my heart, sparkle, normal, usually this is how you were greeted on earth, but there at the soyuz station other bread and salt were waiting for you . that's how they are they looked, yes, but they, so as not to fly away, it was all flying there, so under the elastic band there was under the elastic band, and as it is, it’s elementary, tear it off and eat, it’s amazing, it smells a little like borodino’s, but what is this, this is with and as
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a what's it like just like that, well, does it hiss where it's inside? in all history, not only russian, in general the world, in space in general, in all history, space has never seen anything like this, here is the newspaper news, on june 6, 1985, in flight, a soyuz t-13 piloted by a crew consisting of a ship commander twice a hero
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soviet union, pilot cosmonaut issr colonel dzhenibekov vladimir aleksandrovich and flight engineer, hero of the soviet union, pilot cosmonaut ussr viktor petrovich, and so on, in general, like that. was your mission, as the authorities then formulated your task, to look and figure it out, if you can fix it, viktor
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petrovich, so modestly he simply says to figure it out, to obey, in fact, remember your feeling when you first read the script of this film, because well, it’s true, it's not easy to figure out. straightaway we tried for viktor petrovich, for vladimirach, we tried, we tried, we tried, we tried with volodya mashkov, it was quite interesting, so i was already kind of in the know, having already passed these tests many times, but i didn’t understand that we are waiting to see how it all will be, because this was a completely new topic for me, i’m listening. i’m getting goosebumps right now, here you are with vladimir dovichenkov, but put here a photo,
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yes, here is viktor petrovich and vladimir, listen, you really look so much like viktor sovenykh, to viktor petrovich, turn it back on, well, to see, yes, of course, it looks like he has a sbridge mustache, a sbridge mustache, a beard too. and you say so, viktor petrovich, vladimir aleksandrovich, as if this classification of secrecy has not yet been removed, but in fact, what needed to be fixed, what needed to be sorted out, what was the problem, please remind us, from the fireworks station, first we need was to find a station in space, then it was necessary to dock with this uncontrollable station, because there was a turn, which means... there would be vibrations in different directions, it was necessary
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to select the desired speed, and volonya the master approached this station and docked, although there were nuances in the film regarding the docking, but the docking went well, it’s just in a movie, well, the script there needs to be a little tensed and it’s necessary conflict do. and after the ship docked at the station, my hero viktor petrovich was against it, well, you can’t do that, but volodya did all this, so my hero said, i won’t fly anywhere with you anymore, that’s what viktor petrovich did each he says to the meeting, how could you say that, how could we say that, you can, the two of us are flying into space. how i asked him this and the director asked, and the producer asked, this is very funny, i say, but i’m okay, i have nothing
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to do with it, what they told me, then i said, well, yes, well, by the way, in the cinema i remember, from the second attempts , only this docking happened, this is a kind of artistic exaggeration, there were a lot of all sorts of tests in real life that befell this operation, but the docking still happened there the first time, and in real life, let's remember, please put up these shots, just relive them again, let's put it up, the distance is 1.5 km, we continue to approach, at high speed, 1.5 m/s, the overall speed of the distance is within normal limits, come on, the speed, the mismatch of the ship and the stations are allowed, the angular exit bridge, but this angular one is insignificant. the controls are going well,
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director, yeah, i got it, i’m turning, come on , that’s good, there is, there is, oh, and what, what speed was approximately, well, approximately the speed when, when they were docking, centimeters, 12. i don’t know how you are now, that is, even when we are people there who have never been there in space and will never be there, you experience it with incredible excitement, just from these, when you see these frames, and you have some kind of there is an internal technology, how to keep your hand from shaking, how well this is... how to behave in general, i
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had my first docking on the ground in the year seventy-three, until the year eighty-five there were thousands of these dockings on the simulator, so i i don’t know what to talk about here, but if you know how to drive automobile. well, what are we talking about, i sat down, drove off, taxied, parked, didn’t touch anyone, cool. entry in the logbook, you write, vladimir aleksandrovich, the first time the station appeared, the station was very bright, at first it was not visible, but then it began to flare up, red, red, ten times brighter than jupiter, it moves away to the side , range 7.2 km, speed 12.8 m/s,
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range 4.4 km, speed, discrepancy 1.5 km, then viktor petrovich, you add, we are not on schedule, the station is already to the side, far away, we you need to switch to manual mode, that is, something still went wrong during docking, the results of ground control were stored in the machine, and naturally, they could not accurately enter the setting into the ship itself, so when we started docking, everything was fine, then when it got closer began to approach, the discrepancy began...
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well, there were small corrections, so, in fact, this is a completely normal process, then we flew around the station, look, see the condition outside, whether there was a big hole, yes, we flew around the station, looked, hovered near the docking port, when it's sunny stopped bothering me... because it was shining directly into this periscope, shining a little light on the crosses, then the station turned a little, everything fell into place, turned it on and docked, these people who
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can do this, well, this docking. to do, especially in such a situation there are only a few of them then and now, as i understand it, before that there was definitely no manual docking in space and after that there wasn’t either, yes there were, there were, there were manual dockings, volodya docked manually before that, and we just had information, that this was the first time, the first time at a dead station, a dead station for the first time, but on the third flight i had a manual docking, an emergency situation like that, 700 on the set of speed so we have an accident with the catch speed sensors, the cabin
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became quiet. we took some time, when we already saw the stations, the range is 400 and even less, so we rush to the station, uh-huh, braking, pulling to the side, to the side, flying between the solar panels, a porthole flashed, in
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the porthole there were two large round eyes, so, whoever is birch or lebedev, so am i. no no i managed, chrétien was there watching, so we passed by the station, then braking, turning, well, we docked manually, but can i ask another question, boris, you say, we flew past the batteries, and the solar ones, we saw two eyes in the porthole, that is, it’s possible there see, there ’s nothing shining there, you can see someone, because in the cinema, in the cinema, no, well, i’m the right-hand porthole, i have a porthole on the right, a porthole on the left, i’m in...
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the same year we prepared for 4 months, is this a lot or a little for such preparation? for us it was more than enough, because we both of us had already prepared more than once, and even in addition to this training, we trained in the pool, because we needed to go into outer space and needed to be ready to go into outer space to change solar panels, so a lot of time was spent on this work, i'm comparing. in your kitchen, take down all the drawers, they are flying off the walls, get the dishes, they are also flying, and
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the table is flying, the cabinets are all flying, you, and you have a leak there, you still need to break the wall, you still need to understand the wires, that’s all , this is all. space, periodically they will open your window just a little, they won’t ventilate the light, they will only give you light for 20-30 minutes, and then again you sit in the darkness in the living quarters of the ship, and the temperature is still 4°, but it’s cold, that’s it there was a photograph, you can return it, just this picture, well, we are warming up, well, this is... this is just the beginning, and then here is viktor petrovich, this cap, the same one you are wearing in this photograph, yes, legendary, that's great, that's
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cool, that's cool, she's really warm, and where did you get it from, how did it end up in space, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind of intuition, but we didn’t have the intuition that we could freeze, especially the voludi, the head could freeze, but she still had the intuition . she found us two hats, which we used to run around and train with, i thought it was only me that my mother still tells me when i go to work or somewhere, did you wear a hat today or not, well, that is, when you are a hero soviet union flew into space, your wife also told you to put on a hat, yes no, a hat for the day, the guard on duty told us this. ryumin, he says: take off your hats, take off your hats, we will show you on television for a few minutes without your hats, this is what ryumin told us, we have, we have this
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moment, put, put these shots for the remaining famous, as we can be seen now , yes, great, well, that’s good, yes, well, breathe, so breathe, it’s not visible, great, now... you can, now you can take off your hats and stand for one minute without hats, yes, because we have to still show you without a hat, viktor petrovich, can i put it on for at least 5 seconds, okay. show it, oh, how warm it is, i understand correctly that viktor petrovich’s wife cut off the hat for
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him and for you. two, yes, yes, but there was no desire, well, listen, well, that’s it, thank you, dear, but still leave it at home and not take extra things with you into space, no, she convinced me that i need to take them with you, well, by the way, vladimir alexandrovich, the hat takes health, and you, despite the fact that you are an astronaut, still had it restrictions, as it was formulated, they are for you...
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then all the tests of a pressure chamber, a centrifuge there, and so on and so forth, so in 2 days, i’m all squeezed out like a lemon, when i arrive at the hospital in the morning, so, and i still have to take a urine test, but i was all squeezed out like a lemon, so i already had inconsistencies and lack of symmetry in my kidneys, well, if they gave me a carafe of water, everything would be restored to me. so,
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well, well, they said, well, we’ll give it 3 months, i think, well, 3 months is already quite good, and at that time i was sitting in the simulator practicing docking with another commander, i had five of them exchanged, that is, everything up to the very last could have changed, but the last one was ryumin, he himself sat down last. said that i no longer have other commanders, ryubin sat down at the simulator on the simulator and could not dock, to the kingdom of heaven, now he is no longer alive, alera was in charge of our flight, well , this was the same situation, but how with us, when the commanders were sorted out one by one, yes, who could fly, and it was the same, approximately the same situation, there was
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birch. with what heavy heart did they see you off, how was it? yes, it’s like malwa, there’s a one -way road here, so everything, yes, yes, they - the whole entire mode of experiences along this line was turned on, it was impossible to calm them down, but it’s one way, you say, that is, it was going according to plan so, the ball was such that we were flying in one direction, it was exactly right. like in
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the movies, yes, one way, but we didn’t believe it, we knew that we would dock anyway, repair it and come back, great, so what did they tell you, those who care about this word got around, your mothers, wives, relatives, didn’t say anything, they understood where we were going and why we were going, we were busy with our own things, they were busy with the waves, the excitement that... they were busy with their hats, they didn’t try to stop you, listen, well when they tell you that it could be one way, no, no, they didn’t even have such thoughts, well, they may have had thoughts, but in the conversation there was no such thing, with the understanding, yes, with the understanding that.. what else
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did you experience there, how did you understand what the problem was, what was wrong with the station ? what happened, how was this problem healed, everything subdued, how did they come back to us? earth, why, for what awaited you here, not rewards first, punishment, more on that in a couple of minutes, later in the program, the legendary mission to save the solut 7 station, an emergency situation on the ground, well, of course, all the generals went out and drank another glass of champagne around our buses.
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i have a grudge against you, me too, the premiere on rtr, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll get down on my knees, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and he’s lying to you, and to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, she’s seriously starting to think that you doubt it, so i decided everything with mine, hella taxi, on monday. on rtr, let's go, mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most smag at the
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lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold, put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, that’s it on a special lever, you can stick a kilogram dumplings in just 5 minutes, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the most relish machine for only 4.95 mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need, the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg with a leg. and without standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible proposal. call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden. introducing the hammer
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smith razer shovel. the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and the thanks are incredible. at the sharp end of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels do not cope well with hard, compacted soil. but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade , allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily remove roots one
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by one. you can easily spend hundreds euros for special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why, if you can do even the hardest work in the garden with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even in the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle with a gripping area quadruples only if you call now, the incredible hammer smith reid... is yours for the incredible price of just 49.95, but hurry, this is a strictly limited offer and only available for a short time. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary. it will protect
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plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-heaters. 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size. a mini-greenhouse-granary will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order zhitnitsa mini greenhouse at an amazing price from just 295. just for me.
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the fate of man, the fate of the legendary crew of salyut 7, twice heroes of the soviet union, cosmonaut pilots, vladimir dzhenebekov and viktor sovenykh, as well as the leading actor in the film...
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petrovich, you are always on duty, i was born and
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raised in the fire brigade, and so i didn’t have a single flight according to plan, so in exact accordance. bogdashevsky says: you were born, raised by the fire brigade, so you’ll always run with a fire extinguisher, so be it post, therefore. you started talking about how things often don’t go according to plan, here there is a whole, well, book of emergency situations, i opened it, to be honest, and i didn’t really understand it, but can you explain in the same simple way what abnormal situations situations happened here on this flight, which were, let’s say, we have already remembered some of them, but the most, most serious emergency situations during this flight, an emergency situation we have on... for many cases there is such a book, and we,
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of course , we studied this book in advance, we we knew, we knew it, it means, well, one of the emergency situations when we realized, when we entered the station, we realized that there was no oxygen, there was no oxygen in the air, there was too much carbon dioxide, there was no water, it was cold, where did we get it, where did we get it? take it and how to fix it, we slowly started with the water, began to look for water, the water was frozen everywhere , all the taps that were made of titanium burst, no water came from the tankers that were overboard. with water, okay, we figured it out, we understood how with electricity,
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we generated electricity, it’s over pereks scalium, and we dragged him into the ship, into the ship, there we found a cable, docked it, electricity appeared, which at the very least could be used somehow, carbon dioxide is very simple, i’m working, and volodya is next to me like that. ..
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exhales about 800 g of water from a person , pores appear on the skin one and a half liters for two people one and a half liters for two people in two weeks , can you imagine how much water and over time it was frozen, it was on the porthole everywhere then when it became warm, it all swam , swam, that's it yeah that's just right shown of course.
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which basically collects water in a station and we connected this system, so for about three weeks we tumbled around with ourselves, lived in the water, we’re all, we’re all made of water, as they say, so they didn’t get sick, fortunately , fortunately, we didn’t get sick, it went away, it went away, well , that’s a strong character, huh? there were pimples, pimples, goosebumps, goosebumps, no, pimples, and it’s already on the skin, because the repair, so, constant contact with metal, a scratch, there’s an injury, right, and there it doesn’t heal, and no, they didn’t wash it there, yes, that's it all this time,
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we, unfortunately, were never able to wash ourselves, not once, not once, we changed our linen, we changed our linen often, because there was a large supply of linen. hours, so you had to warm up, warm up, and you, pashka, how you were prepared for this filming, i have a very funny story, you haven’t heard it yet, we probably have an ill-76, in my opinion, in zhikovsky, this simulator, when a plane takes off and falls 10 times, at
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9.00 it takes off and falls, and 26 seconds, as far as i remember, of free fall, well, that is, not... free fall, but weightlessness, and it means that volodya and klim and i arrived there, and he says: here are the guys, they will film the jonbeks, the owls, they say, you will, please, all the instructions, but i have a vestibular problem, well, so-so, of course, to put it mildly, here like me, here we are, taking off, and this is our first time falling, and this, of course, is such an unusual feeling when you realize that your legs begin to lift. and you, they say, relax, relax, we will now, he says, let you run along, i say, okay, that’s it, fine, the second time we it means we’re falling, i’m so relaxed, they really lifted me up, they launched me along the plane like that, and there were some other people, like somehow tourists, space people, so they were all
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holding hands, holding hands, and here i was i’m flying like this, here’s the second one... i landed and i feel something, i’m sitting here, something, and while he ’s taking off, i say, something about, oh, i say, they, i say, where in the package, package , so they give me a package, i’m sitting with this package, so they say, oh, guy, come on, get into the tail, fastens it with a belt and i’m all fucking fucking, that means, this one... here we have another phase that brings volodya, he’s just this color, it’s just as if i thought he was going to die, it’s just that now there are two two cosmonauts, that is, you understand , and we mean we...
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during what are your wires like? oh, that was an interesting story, 3 days before departure to the baikanur cosmodrome, i defended my ph.d. thesis. friends came to visit me, we drank a little, of course, on this occasion, then we come to the star town and there we read in the newspaper that from may 1 there is a ban on drinking alcohol, we... what, what should we do? not we after all, this was invented, it was invented before us by the cosmonauts, having a glass of champagne and flying to the cosmodrome, we came, sat down, the flight
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canteen, we were sitting, there was no one, there were no cosmonauts, but it turns out that they were walking around our dispensary, waiting for us to finish breakfast , it came, some time passed,
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so we survived, well, what to do, we fulfilled the law of the elders, yes, we didn’t let them down, great,
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we didn’t let them down, we drank and docked and repaired how you were met here on earth after that, how was this mission done, well, we met.
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what remains behind the scenes of the film salute 7? i couldn’t complete the task, well , times were a little different then, so investigation, isolation, maybe at night you’ll remember something, you have to tell someone else something, and you’re a hero. soviet union about the future of our cosmonautics? kovagir, speak, russia, she is the phoenix, the time will come, everything will fall into place, but we will no longer be able to afford to somehow be a little lower than someone else, we don’t want to be the first, we want to be on an equal footing, see right after advertising. in a day cosmonautics, docking is no more than three
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attempts, i understand nazar, let's go! first they need to warm up the station and light it up, they will last a week, fireworks, i refuse to continue the flight with you, you hear, where are you going, today on rtr, ordinary shovels do not do their job well in the garden, we present the hamer shovel. the smith razer is the ideal digging, clearing and cutting tool for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredible with the sharp end of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest
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roots, plants, bushes and cheesecakes. faster than ever without effort. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel with its unique inverted v-shape design includes razor-sharp teeth and carbon steel blade, allows you to cut through the toughest root system like butter and easily tear off the roots one by one. you. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why, when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool, order a hammer smith razer multi-purpose shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides , sharpened with a v-shaped blade made
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of carbon steel, making it extremely durable shovel for work... with the hardest soil without extra effort, with a soft handle that quadruples the gripping area and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will get you at an incredible price, for only 4995, but hurry up, offer strictly limited and available for a short time. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. it is lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof. my shoes provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a shape that is comfortable for the foot, it doesn't press, doesn't slip and is very easy to put on. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of a special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet if you get into
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a puddle, and the breathable insole is anatomically shaped. ensures a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to its modern design, garden shoes fits perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. quick, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century, with it you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. classic design brings warmth to any space nostalgia, lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned . carpet, magnificent century, ideal solution for the bedroom, living room,
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kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb water. does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes, two bright colors to choose from, blue and red, two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm, call right now order a magnificent century carpet from only 14:95 , hurry up, it's limited offer, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition,
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april 12, it is on this day that fateful events happen that predetermine. live, astrologers and numerologists will name important dates for this year and tell you what will happen to us in the near future. you can expect something similar on july 15th. around september 1, fate never strikes simply so, she always gives some signs at the beginning, live broadcast, today on rtr, the fate of a person, the fate of the legendary crew of salyut 7, cosmonaut pilots, viktor savinykh and vladimir " there have never been such heroes in our studio, and that’s all the more amazing for me , viktor petrovich, that according to you , when you returned to earth, it was not bread, salt,
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punishment that awaited you, they wrote that you violated the instructions, what did you do not according to the rules there in space? we repaired the station with zhenibekov. the authorities ordered that we should wait for vasyutin will recover. vasyutin is the commander of the crew who flew in to replace vladimir dzhenibekuv, and the crew who flew to replace us was supposed to fly with me until march of the next year, eighty-six, after i left, so vasyutin took command of the crew, and quite he quickly developed this problem. you had to solve a problem with his health there, but you have now become a commander, and take care of the patient, but i
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won’t make a decision further, let’s go down, and the station only volkov was involved, and then it turned out that something was left unfinished there too. they returned, it turns out, without completing the task, they could not prepare the station for the flight of three women who were supposed to arrive in march, i don’t understand anything, what do you mean, you didn’t prepare the station for the flight of three women, you didn’t decorate it with flowers, or something, what? they didn’t do it, there were no flowers, i had flowers, we didn’t have time to grow them, task? it didn’t work out, well, times were a little different then, so investigation, isolation, maybe at night you’ll remember something, more
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i have to tell someone something, so something like this, you could be punished for the fact that you ended up helping a person, were forced to look after your commander, well, how... caring for a damaged tank in a war, so you will be deducted for the rest of your life, yes for the fact that we shot out the household compartment in orbit, i always say how your wives greeted you - well , they greet you, thank god, you returned home, so at home they set the table, as is usual with us and that’s all. it’s clear that guests are relatives, everything seems to have been established in russia before us. let's remember another very important
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person for you, whom you probably met soon after returning to earth, the person who led your flight, being at the flight control center, who led this entire complex operation in earth's space.
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potential, both human and technical, that i think that if the americans don’t want to work with us, we will survive without them. do you, do you yourself agree with these words? russia, she is a phoenix, and now she is rushing after russia, well, we see today that somewhere 2/3 of the planet is already our allies, as it were, sympathize with us and are ready to be friends with us. the time will come, everything
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will fall into place, but we will no longer be able to afford to somehow be a little lower than someone else, we don’t want to be the first, we want to be on an equal footing, cosmonautics day, today we can ask you, our heroes, to address to all of us to... all your followers who today continue your work in space, who are in orbit right now, here you can from the ground, now you contact, they will probably examine, of course, the fate of man, there from the ground, contact space, what words will you say to them today, well, as a former cadet instructor, i’m sending him on an independent flight, you say,
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it’s not easy, good health to you, strength to overcome, good luck in completing the entire program and a safe flight, return, i’ve already said that russia has returned, here from that moment. on the other, on the third, i hope that today we will survive this difficult path, problems in the space industry, we hope that everything will be fine, and we, as one of our commentators says, we will win, everywhere.
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the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittel, hello. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at negotiations on the istanbul draft treaty on ukraine. let's return to these documents and dance from this, so this is a very good moment for ukraine and ukrainian curators.


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