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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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the fate of man, the fate of vladimir dzhenebekov and victor and the owls, happy holiday. thank you, thank you. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at negotiations on the istanbul draft treaty on ukraine. let's return to these documents and dance from this, so this is a very good moment for ukraine and...
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a former sbu employee who, after the maidan, collaborated with the russian special services. among ukrainians are gaining popularity in the song yauhilyand, which translates as yauuklonist. many videos were filmed in europe. each test is like a mini-performance. i am surprised. there are some amazing people on the air tonight. who can conquer the star experts and make it to the finals? doing push-ups from a handstand over
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a running electric saw is an adrenaline rush - it's a challenge to yourself. russia has never renounced the peaceful resolution of disputes and is now ready for dialogue on the situation in ukraine, but will not allow schemes that have no relevance to be imposed on itself. reality, vladimir putin spoke about this the day before, opening a meeting with alexander lukashenko. vladimir putin called talk that russia and belarus are preparing to attack the west nonsense that european politicians need to justify spending on helping ukraine. on the main topics of negotiations in the kremlin: evgeny reshitnev. alexander lukashenko came to the meeting with the president of russia straight from the airport, without having time to change from the training suit he was wearing on the plane to a business suit, he changed clothes already in the kremlin.
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i say, because if the need arises, i will allow myself to turn to you, maybe we will continue, consultations with you in this area, they can only agree there on how to intensify the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process there can be, not maybe the peace processes, the opposite country has, to a certain extent, painted itself into a corner, but yes. when she refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield and inflicting a strategic defeat. now they understand that this is impossible. the west has already disrupted it once the peace process, which began precisely with the mediation of minsk. at the meeting, the leaders revealed new details of the negotiations that began in belarus and continued in turkey. it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started it. in two cities, then
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the negotiating teams moved to turkey, to istanbul, where they practically completed this work, a lot of it, it had been going on for a long time.
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alexander lukashenko came to moscow on the eve of cosmonautics day, this is in many ways our common holiday, based on common soviet achievements. belarusian cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya recently returned from the iss. according to lukashenko , new joint projects are being prepared, in particular to launch a new satellite into orbit. evgeny
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rashitnev, polina gomzikova and kirill malikov, conduct. today, the presidents of russia and belarus continue negotiations in the kremlin, a one-on-one conversation, this is how... retreats from their previous statements, the documents are there, they are initialed, and the russian ukrainian side, let's let’s return to these documents, and from this we will dance, a very good moment for ukraine and
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ukrainian curators to make a decision, it must be made, as i understand it, by the president of russia.
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we see no desire either in kiev or on the part of its owners to conduct business honestly. over the past week, 47 group forces carried out one massive strike against fuel, energy and military-industrial facilities.
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over the course of a week, the enemy lost 11 tanks, about 50 armored vehicles and more than 100 field artillery pieces. first batch this year su-35s multi-role aircraft were transferred to the russian aerospace forces. the fighters were assembled in komsomolsk on mura at the gagarin aircraft plant. the supersonic vehicles have passed ground flight tests and are already on combat duty. the fighters are equipped with advanced information and control systems. system, it helps the pilot in combat, thanks to the modernization of production, the gagarin plant operates 24x7,
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the enterprise is provided with orders for 4 years in advance, except for the su-35s, fifth generation fighters su-57 are assembled there. the president awarded russian cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrei fedyaev the title of heroes of russia. the same decree awarded to oleg novitsky, sergei prokopyev and the first female cosmonaut from belarus.
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the memory of those without whom this holiday would not have happened was honored today in moscow. the roscosmos delegation, led by yuri borisov, laid flowers at the burial places of the legendary designer, sergei korolev and... cosmonaut yuri gagarin at the kremlin wall. a patriotic event was held at the cosmonauts memorial alley representatives of the communist party of the russian federation. party members led by gennady zyuganov honored the memory of space explorers and rocket scientists. today, the russian world, the anglo-saxons, and nato members have declared a war of destruction, but the russian world is more than a thousand years old, and its highest peak was the creation of the ussr. victory in may '45, our
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country's space breakthrough into the future and the creation of missile-nuclear parity. for these exploits, any court of the strictest history will erect a great monument to us. and today on our channel is the action-packed adventure drama salute 7. the film is based on real events of the year eighty-five. salyut 7 station suddenly stops responding to ground signals. a rescue expedition is sent into orbit; that flight is considered the most difficult in the history of astronautics, watch today at 23:55. and here are the topics further in our issue: emergency evacuation sirens sound all day in orenburg, new areas are going under water, the circumstances of the incident in the north of moscow are becoming known, where an explosive device went off under vasily prozurov’s car and because of the threat of escalation, conflict in the middle east. more about this and more in a few minutes. hello, dear
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friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rtf. go. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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kalinon belek - a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, save yourself with... discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinan hotel beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa. and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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“i have a grudge against you, me too, the premiere on rtr, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, on your knees i’ll get up, and i can see right through her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you and the taxi driver, but she chose me, it’s obvious, i’m seriously starting to think that you doubt it, so i ’ve decided everything with mine, hella taxi"? on monday on rtr . on the air. we continue the broadcast. more than 2 m above the critical level. the new district of orenburg is slowly but surely going under water. the ural river continues to grow for now. an improvement in the situation, according to experts, is possible
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only in 2 days, so for now sirens are sounding in the city. monitoring the evacuation of residents murat za. in the morning 11:20, now it’s already 11:43, literally every centimeter by which the level of the urals rises means new flooded areas, streets and houses. water spills over valleys, fields and residential areas, the largest flood on record, historical records are being rewritten hourly. this area has never been coastal until today, from here in a straight line to the bed of the ural river in the area of ​​3-4 km, you can see areas for the future construction of houses, filled. houses and estates and almost a thousand garden plots, 99 residents were evacuated overnight, the rest of the residents left on their own. people
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take neighbors, relatives and pets out of flooded areas in boats; what cannot be removed is saved with the help of a smykolka. this design keeps this car afloat, and there is a grant next to it. in orenburg , the emergency siren is being activated again, the evacuation zone is expanding, and they continue to evacuate people even from those areas. villages that have been flooded for several days. rescuers and volunteers are forced over and over again patrol the same streets. many residents agree to leave their homes only now. everything is complicated by the fact that local residents are trying to get out on their own. if it seems that here, well, many people think that it is quiet here, that there is no current, but this is a mistaken opinion. they are trying to get out of here on spring boats, and somewhere in the middle of the road they are already exhausted, and we have to pick them up. them onto a trailer and towed away. volunteers work at humanitarian aid collection points, carrying goods there clothing, food, medicine, personal hygiene products. there
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are more and more people who are ready to help the victims. from other regions, from other cities, neighbors responded immediately, sending help, people helping individually, enterprises, public organizations, councils of young professionals, that is, no one was left out here at all. there is a possible power outage in orenburg. there is no electricity or gas in the flooded areas; according to forecasts, the peak flood in the city is expected today. murat zaripov, vasily peredkov, sergey shilipin, demfir abzalov, lead orenburg. investigative committee teams are now working in the north of moscow, where the car was blown up. in the morning, residents of the houses heard a sharp sound. several cars were damaged in the yard, including a heavy suv that belongs to former ukrainian intelligence officer vasily prozorov. he's injured. prozarov moved to russia before the start of the special operation. he devoted his public activities to exposing his former colleagues from the sbu, their involvement in murders, terrorist attacks and
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biological experiments. ukraine's current position is the most precarious and vulnerable in the last 2 years. this assessment is given by bloomberg, listing a long list of factors. this is a lack of ammunition, the enormous length of the front, and the helplessness of air defense. which was once again exposed by the russian attack on the trypillian tes. on condition of anonymity , journalists cite the words of american officials. so, when it comes to supporting kiev , the united states does not have a plan b. the 60 billion aid package is stuck in congress. and all washington can do is shift the burden to europe. optimism can only be heard in the statements of ukrainian leaders. they ask to help them hold out until the end of the year, so that they can definitely resume it in the twenty-fifth. offensive having lost several american installations, kiev is now looking at the french samt or mamba anti-aircraft missile system,
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which is currently deployed in romania. at the same time , the aster-30 missiles that this system fires are in short supply in france itself. the tightening of conscription rules in ukraine threatens to sow chaos and panic. more about this in a day after the adoption of the rada and an extremely strict law on mobilization, writes washington. the post edition notes that the country actually refused to demobilize the already fighting soldiers, although zelensky very recently vowed to carry out a rotation. a peculiar reaction of ukrainian youth to tightening the screws was a new folk anthem, which is gaining popularity on the internet, called i am a draft dodger. it's not just the song that's on social media. but also master classes. in this video , a man demonstrates by his own example how you can ford the tisza river in 2 minutes end up in romania. not
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everyone is so lucky. in transcarpathia, border guards stopped five ukrainian citizens who were trying to leave the country using fake red cross ids. all of them were detained. oil prices are rising amid expectations of escalation in the middle east due to the possibility of an iranian attack on israel. brand raw materials exceeded the $90 mark. tehran, meanwhile, said that it does not seek to expand the conflict, but considers containing israel a necessary condition for security in the region as a whole. on a mission iran's un officials said that the islamic republic will renounce retaliation against israel for the attack on its consulate general in damascus if the security council condemns tel aviv's actions. there has been no reaction from the un security council yet. the states are calling. union, china and turkey influence iran. the authorities of the jewish state expect an attack from tehran in the next two days, oll journal writes about this. israel promises to respond immediately
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if it is iranian. iranian territory, as local media write, has already been approved. development of collective aviation and air security, the use of drones and countering them. these topics were discussed today at a meeting of the csto military committee. it was held online under the chairmanship of the chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov. the participants analyzed the military-political situation and discussed the plan for joint exercises for this year. continue. the main ones this year will be the following joint exercises: with the csto peacekeeping forces , unbreakable brotherhood on the territory of the republic of kazakhstan, with collective forces rapid response, interaction, forces and means of logistical support echelon, and forces , reconnaissance means, search on the territory of the kyrgyz republic with units of collective forces
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push-ups from a handstand over a running electric saw, and the risk of adrenaline is a challenge to myself, i accept it every time, well , for now i’m alive, i’m here, in the new episode a team of unusual people from different parts of the world will again surprise and even set their own records, we from china will show you miracles of balance, my task today is very difficult, i will be doing this for the first time, i’m a little
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worried. this is a good feeling, i know, this is of course an even more wonderful feeling, but mostly i enjoy the quality in general, such a fairly large-scale production of all the action, not only on the stage, behind the scenes there is also constant work going on, a large project team is preparing new tests for amazing people, looking at how to prepare... for tests, this also surprises me very much, the project is of such a level that every test is like this mini-performance, this time the stage will be a heavy and clumsy forklift, can it really replace a person’s hands, my god, tonight we will celebrate the wonders of balance,
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from india and set a russian record. who can truly surprise everyone and reach the finals of the project. watch today at 21:30. anton demidov, valery shikov, news. vesti follows the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. april 12 is a special date for the whole world; it is on this day that fateful events happen year after year that determine the future. all astrologers and numerologists assure that everything will change from today. live, the whole truth about our near future. astrologer tatyana lukashevich with her precise calculations is ready to tell us what awaits us.


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