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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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we are closely following the human calculator from india and setting a russian record. who can truly surprise everyone and reach the finals of the project? watch today at 21:30. anton demidov, valery shirokov, lead. vesti follows the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. april 12 is a special date for the whole world; it is on this day that fateful events happen year after year that determine the future. all astrologers and numerologists assure that everything will change from today. live, the whole truth about our near future. ostrologist tatyana lukashevich with her precise calculations is ready to tell us what awaits us.
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we meet, today is an important date for the whole world, april 12, the day when we flew into space 63 years ago, it was destined, of course, because the age of aquarius is already advancing by leaps and bounds across our earth, and we have already... entered this era , but aquarius is ruled by the planet uranus, according to mythology you all know that uranus is the god of the sky, so, of course, it was destined, it was inevitable, because humanity must conquer the sky, the first time a person flew into space, it was yuri gagarin, as we know, and of course he personified a dream, the dream of all mankind, and indeed we became the first in space, yuri gagarin became the first in space and...
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fleet cosmonaut of the spaceship is a citizen of the union of soviet socialist republics, pilot major yuri alekseevich gagarin. go!
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yuri gagarin was destined to go to the stars and become a world star. yes, in his natal chart - this is the horoscope of every person, that’s what it’s called, there are indications the fact that it can really carry out this dream function. he has neptune, this planet that symbolically represents the word dream, is located at the zenith of the sky. therefore, of course, such a person. has become very popular all over the globe, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that neptune is not only a dream, not only the highest love, but it is also a mystery, his departure from this world is also connected with this mystery, this is how it works this planet, it can give mega-popularity, the love of all earthlings, at the same time time of the mysterious departure, well, about this mysterious departure, which you have already mentioned, we will talk about it later, now, i want to talk a little about something else, when
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we were preparing for the program, we read your interview, you said that the eclipse corridor has now ended, it was from march 25 to april 8, which means that every year there is a season of eclipses, and as a rule, there are at least four of them, but there are more, when there are more of them, then these years become very fateful for all humanity, such as the seventeenth year or twentieth year, this year we have, thank god there are four eclipses. because we already have enough other cosmic factors that will influence us, we would still have eclipses, thank god there are four of them, but how does an eclipse in general affect us all, well , look, an eclipse, what is it, what is it like? if there was an eclipse, that is, it overshadows our minds, humanity begins to live more by instincts, it is better to wait out this corridor of eclipses for important undertakings, well, take some important steps after this corridor of the eclipse, and if so for a second. if
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here we have already done something in this very corridor, the eclipse cycle is at least 9 years, usually 19 years, an eclipse is like a seal, it just puts a stamp, it will be very difficult to return it, what is the danger, that is? that you definitely cannot get married, those who got married during the eclipse will have something wrong in their family life, they will get divorced, they will want to get a divorce, because, for example, something will not suit them, but they cannot do this and they will suffer for 19 years, it is also not recommended to invest with money, do not it is recommended to buy some large things, because investments may turn out to be unsuccessful, but what can be done is very good just during lunar eclipses.
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five for election and another one for the eclipse, this of course tells us a lot about the unluckiness of this moment both for the country and for him personally, in general he should not remain, but he should not not be elected, let’s say, as i see it , simply because eclipses are always fateful moments, they always change life differently than
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we want, they always bring something different from what you want you expect, life always begins to paint what is happening in its own way, that’s how the beginning of this presidency was marked by an eclipse, and so the next one. also with this eclipse, i think he is tired, his horoscope tells us a lot about this, and he no longer understands where he is? about these eclipses, you looked at zelensky’s horoscope, because his powers expire in may, with the positions of the planets like he has now, yes, this is exactly the tension of mars pluto, two such warlike planets, they create a threat, well, not only to his being in power, but also to his physical health in general, by the way. this aspect can , on the contrary, provoke his own cruelty, yes, that is, when he makes too tough decisions, in our studio in this studio the indian ruler was tsarchena , she said that an attempt on zelensky’s life is possible in the fall, yes, yes, yes, that is, this
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indeed, this aspect is absolutely from this series, how will the svo develop further, this year is still such a peak of this activity, because. we have an eclipse takes place in the warlike sign of aries, on april 8 there was just an eclipse in aries, and aries is ruled by mars, and we all know the mythology from high school that mars is the god of war, so spring will definitely be such a busy period, and summer in including, but in the fall, when the eclipse is already in the sign of libra, libra is our sign of diplomats, a sign of peaceful solutions, compromises, we will hear more and more often.
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in the area of ​​this autumn eclipse, but if you don’t agree, then the eclipse cycle is 9 years, 9 years, 9 years, and well, that will be too much for a long time, so i really hope that this nine-year plan will work, this is what another popular astrologer, pavel andreev, says about the near future of ukraine, attention, east, the territory of the former ukraine, south , the territory of the former ukraine, combined with transnistria, the east includes the kharkov region. one way or another, somewhere by political, somewhere by military-political decisions , the western territory of the former ukraine will become part of the russian federation, something poland, something romania, something hungary, something will be integrated in the future austro-hungarian empire, but will go there. the center is either a separate demilitarized
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state, well, like the current hungary, such a european, calm, adequate state with the cultural city of kiev and so on, or a confederal one. the bottom could be transferred to the sumy, chernigov and kiev regions, which one way or another will be associated with russia directly, but economically in any case will be associated, because all other major players... will run out of economic strength by the twenty-fourth or twenty fifth year, they want to eat, they will go to the east, this is the natal map of ukraine, this is exactly the sector of the horoscope, which is responsible for our lands, for our territory, is located at the bottom of the horoscope, and at this point the very same uranus that is spoken about walks we said at the very beginning, here he is right here, and uranus is not only the god of the sky, he is also the god of change, the god of innovation, the god of revolution. yes , god, who changes a lot in our lives, so when such a planet of turbulence stands on this one in this zone
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of the horoscope, then it is obvious to assume that the territories of this country will change, and the west will continue to support ukraine, i think that this is not the case, i think that these are just words now, they already understand that they are in, in general, such an unpleasant situation, and now their voters need to change, why should we now...
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we are faced with obvious signs of unfriendliness towards the country , there is no reason for the country to open up, well, if we are talking from the point of view of establishing contacts, in the coming years, i think that the situation at best will be like that would be right to say, in the form of a cold confrontation, rich in surprises, i would say this, approximately everything is clear from what will happen, that is, the nwo will continue, well
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, everything will continue, in approximately the same state, some decisions may be made, but they will not slow down and will not radically cancel what is happening, i would say that this process has, has, well, every chance of slowing down within those boundaries, within those limits in the state in which there is now such, well, some kind of cold confrontation and a showdown in the form in... it is and so maybe this conflict can exist for a long time in this form. jupiter will move from taurus into the sign of gemini, as i already said, this will also set some, you know , symbolic themes, we will cling less, maybe to those same prices, fixate on money, although now everyone is just focused on it, news agenda will be very, very active again, i think that... major technical disasters and lockdowns, but not in the environmental sense, that’s exactly lockdowns, problems with power grids
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there may be big ones and i think that it may not be possible to do without significant incidents related specifically to electricity, electrical engineering and some big ones. of course, during the twenty-fourth year there may be problems with the internet, with electricity, the accident rate is very high, associated with electricity, fires can...
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trump has a very good chance of becoming president for a second time, the only thing is that he will have a very difficult period in august, he will have to put up this fight, and he may also have problems even with his physical health, that is, this is such a difficult period, but if he passes it, then with a high degree of probability he will become the president of the united states, but i
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still suggest on our continent to see what is happening, because one of the main events of this summer is the olympics, which are planned in france, and they have already stated that the mayor of paris said that she is not happy about our athletes, not happy about belarusian athletes, but some politicians are saying that the opening of the olympic games may be cancelled, it would be better to cancel this opening, because what there really is a high probability of some kind of terrorist acts, so of course it would be better for us not to go, to be honest, and to cancel this massive event altogether.
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middalton was supposed to attend the easter service, which she never missed, in st. george's chapel at windsor palace, but she did not show up there either. prince william didn't show up either. what is really happening in foggy albion? king charles ii of great britain died and rose again in one day. fake news that king charles ii died, many accepted it as true. with the departure of queen elizabeth ii, all the troubles fell on the winzers at once, as if it had worked. britain's current monarch has been diagnosed with cancer. as far as i remember the natal chart and charles ii, he is really going through a difficult period right now, not only associated with his illness, but also as a consequence of it with his psychological state,
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that is, he is going through a very difficult period in his life. kate middleton. yes, she has a very high probability, after all, well, a divorce from prince william is very likely, but the prince himself william, he will become king, he has every chance to still lead the crown of great britain, the cycles of the planets have already risen to such an extent that the old one is leaving our world, this is precisely the struggle of saturn, which personifies the old system and...
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in catalonia, a state of emergency has been declared due to drought, introducing restrictions on water use, the region is experiencing the longest severe drought on record, the restrictions will affect about 6 million spaniards, including those living in barcelona. in 2024, the element of water will come to usa. and this entire coastline is a dangerous zone; a powerful storm with heavy rain and hurricane-force winds is approaching the south of the united states of america. the most serious situation has developed in california. eight counties in the state were under a state of emergency. major flooding is expected there in the coming hours, which could put more than 11
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million people at risk. and all these zones. will also experience difficulties due to earthquakes. an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 was recorded in the brazilian state of acre. epicenter was located 66 km west of the city of tarahuacca, where about 16,500 people live. the tremors occurred at a depth of 609.5 km. it may take several hours for authorities to fully assess the damage. if we talk about a cataclysm.
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will not be solved thanks to technical innovations, now there is a short pause, immediately after the live broadcast there will be accurate forecasts from numerologists, fateful dates for the whole world, as well as a significant number for each tv viewer by his name, i recommend that you, allah, look for a new place of work, premiere on rtr "we can open your own taxi company, there are too many obstacles, and as for your action , i sang along with it, we will choke, we will discuss, and
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take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warnings to know, what if something happens to you, i’m scared, there are too many dangerous intersections , trouble, seryoga crashed, he is alive, alive, but she can’t stop, your mom can handle it, she’s a strong woman." alla taxi on monday on rtr gin сnop product of stellar group. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be mini the greenhouse is a breadbasket and will protect the plants. it will retain heat from frost, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer
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a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size , the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places on your site or. indoors, the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind, thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests, choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a high-quality harvest, call and order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95 burbon сtirsman product stellar group we present to yours. a real hit of sales, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather, an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in patchwork style and
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come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add what you need amount of filling, press the special lever that's it. you can make a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes. take advantage of this incredible offer. call. order the most fmak machine in just 4:95 romca product of the stellar group. my god, we might crash. after the inyazov sturdes. i invite you to work as a translator for me. do you agree? you have to set up the flight attendant.
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andrey, evening show of andrey malakhov, on saturday on rtr. russia tv channel, live broadcast, today is april 12, the day that predetermines the future. in our studio , astrologers and numerologists name important dates for this year and talk about events that will happen very soon. let's continue. slavskaya
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knows exactly which dates are worth paying attention to and, most importantly, why. let's meet! good, but today we have all gathered for a truly great date, april 12, is there any special magic in this date, it’s not for nothing that we flew into space. well, i can say, the magic of numbers comes first.
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you know, single moon is a term when the moon is already leaving a specific sign zodiac and it does not interact with other planets, and this means that it does not have energy for development, that is, if you start during this period, and it can be from 2 minutes to two days, even yes, then your business is simply not working there will be energy. for further existence, personally verified many times, by the way, this single moon in april will be so big for us on april 23 from 2 o’clock to 6 pm moscow time, you don’t need to do anything at all, you don’t need anything, but mercury will also be here stationary and full moon zone, so we are doing our own business, work, rest, april 23 is
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a day of heightened emotionality. don’t take it, people who are weather dependent keep a blood pressure monitor with them, well, in fact, don’t be nervous somehow try to think about the date july 15th, as you understand, not only the date plays a role, but the code of the day, and so in the code of this day there is a five, what love means, there is a three, which means family, and there is an eight, which means... from here, in fact, how the day code is determined, the day and month are multiplied by the year, but since you started talking about codes, then star numerologist kristina igiozarova says that each country has
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its own code, that’s what she says about russia, what is seven, this is a code of constant movement, yes, speed, this means that we will never stop, you know? there will be no such thing that we say: that’s it, and i will say more that for us there is no option to stop if a person is born on the seventh, and in our country, by the way, vladimir vladimirovich, yes, we always have all the presidents of our country, yes , there have always been sevens in the code, when there is such a code, here we have it, china has it, even india has such a code, it will always say that this country will have... structure and there will be no chaos, that is, there are countries that are doomed, no matter who you put there, no matter what ruler there is, there will always be chaos there until it somehow merges with some other country, china and russia are
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such vivid examples, no matter how many centuries pass, there will always be male energy, structure , discipline, the usa has a country code of five - it’s about diversity and that’s why in the usa. there is everything that we are not we accept, yes, for her, for - this country, the united states of america, it is normal to constantly try new things, in the same way, if they stop doing this, they will stop - sharing, because the five is about creating some kind of new group constantly , minorities of some kind, of some new direction, then its economy will automatically become, i agree about the number seven for russia.
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energy only from a young man, by the way, she knows this, there is already a lot, and next to her there are always young men, grandchildren, here now
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son, eternal alla borisovna, so he can easily share energy with his grandmother, of course, from a young man, that is , every country has a number, every person has a code.
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and letters, by the way, how to count alexander or sasha, nine or four, we look at this and that, this and that, well, let's start with two, because there is a name, let's say, yang from two letters, here is two, what does it mean? movement movement three movement, family, four, let's put aside four altogether for now, but last but not least is the most mysterious number, good good, intrigue, five, beauty, love, so, six, once again, protection, earth, money, seven, spirituality, intuition, eight, respect for a woman, love for children, nine, the number of a man, the number of physical strength, and four, which is the most
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mysterious number, that is, on the one hand, it is the number of leadership, the number of strength, the number of self-sacrifice somewhere, on the other hand, the number of bad habits, sasha, sasha, that it is april, but no, by the way, january ones have a vulnerable zone for health, and the numbers say it all, it’s the eyes, so you’re already in your zone. code, let's listen to what numerologist klara kuzenbaeva, who
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deciphered the numerological code of the us president, tells joe biden, attention, and what code is the worst for a ruler, the same question, by the way, was asked to me by ksenia sobchak, she asked what program is there, for example, joe biden, i say, he has the execution of an evil program, he is the devil pay, this is the worst program, and the worst program is called the execution of the program. y say, because trump, he has the classic numerology of a judge, lawyer, but he doesn’t have sevens, they don’t like him, if so, there wouldn’t be a war in ukraine, that’s for sure i can , if you take trump, take biden, biden is a joke, although you can see them, that of course it’s schizo.
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america will be beaten, ecology, nature, for
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that matter, since 2020, since the pandemic, the earth has begun to cleanse itself of a person who is boring to her, who mocks a huge living organism, all this will end in the twenty-eighth year, let’s still live to see 26 fire horse, there i don’t know what will remain of america, which states.
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will happen in the usa. attention. in the united states archena, who was the first to see that in the states of america i see the energy of fire. it is approaching very soon and will make itself felt. forests will burn, many people will suffer, thousands of americans will be left homeless. new york will be at the epicenter of events. i see people suffering. smoke from wildfires raging on the west coast of the united states of america has enveloped new york. local residents complain about the smell of garri. opticians warn that the content of harmful substances in the air is exceeded. for those who work outdoors and for people with asthma respiratory diseases, it was recommended to limit stay on the street. now there is more haze over the metropolis. looks like fog. the national weather service confirmed that the smoke was caused by fires in the west of the country. now there are 13 of them. the largest is in oregon. over two weeks, the area of ​​fires increased significantly, 67 houses burned down, almost 2.0 people were evacuated.
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from 2021 america will begin to destabilize, i see a major scandal in the political sphere, a huge number of disappointed people, i see despair, anger, there will be fighting and bloodshed, but this is just the beginning of everything, the worst days for america are ahead. 2021 began in turmoil in washington after democrat joe biden won the presidential election and a crowd of protesters broke through security.
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yana, have you looked at the horoscope of the united states of america, what do your calculations show ? well, i also agree that august will be very tense. by the way, i was talking about the political situation, but this may be related to fires, including august. the beginning, and then of course...
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so this year, from august onwards, america will really be full of these signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, they won’t see it, get ready for the twenty-fifth, for the twenty-sixth, about this year, this year most of all falls into the numbers for the year 2004, well let’s imagine if a person’s life or the life of a state is in the form of a circle, here is a phrase: returns to normal, that is , some positive event happened here, this time will pass, to one degree or another it will repeat, something happened here something negative, it will pass time, to one degree or another it will repeat itself, february 2004, the pool roof collapsed, many died, beslan, terrorists, 2004,
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may 9, 2004 killed.
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yes, this is the map of russia, we, of course, will have changes in the highest echelons of power, i’m not sure that the prime minister will change, but the fact that the team will change is very likely, and that the borders will change, this is also very likely , because you see, this is saturn, the planet that in astrology marks these boundaries, and that same one will come here in the near future transformational pluto, which carries within itself... the meaning of changes, now there is a short pause, immediately after the live broadcast of the most important dates of this year, what do astrologers and numerologists warn us about? get ready to sign up, on the day of astronautics,
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the signal is gone, stanso doesn’t respond to any commands, why are we drinking, i’m flying to boyhanur tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you ’re written off, star team, it’s dangerous, volodya, speed up, take it away, take it away. what's happened? the glove was pierced. sveta, talk to me. i'm talking with you. the story of a real feat. they used almost all the oxygen. no one will return home anymore. an unprecedented height. you heard? we need to open the hatch. you have misunderstood it. salyut 7 today on rtr. mancacher whiskey is
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a product of the steller group. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but will repair or replacement take a big hit on your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a bright fence. with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it gets dirty, just... rinse it with water , beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for the fence bright
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life at a special price, only from 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your country plot, monte shococa cognac, stellar product group, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect the plants. frosts will retain heat, accelerate growth, fruit ripening will extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120 by 60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will fit comfortably even in the most hard-to-reach places on your site or.
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choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a high-quality harvest, call and order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95 old barrel productlar group mega sale. for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. gin sno. product of steller group. hello, dear friends.
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your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rta. russia tv channel live broadcast. today is april 12 - cosmonautics day. this is a significant event not only for ours. country, but also for the whole world. in our studio , astrologer tatyana lukashevich and numerologist irina boguslavskaya, with their accurate forecasts for the near future, but most importantly, the most important dates of 2024 are ahead, get ready to write down. let's continue! this year yuri gagarin would have turned 90 years old, and we went to the niece of the world famous cosmonaut yuri gagarin in the city of gagarin. and the flight, which took place on april 12, was the first flight in the soviet union, in fact,
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it was the first flight with a person on board... a spaceship in the history of all mankind, we are in the city of gagarin, on gagarin street, near the house of the museum yuri alekseevich gagarin, in which he was born, in where his childhood and youth passed, i appeared in this house, but now we are in the central square of our city, on it there is a monument to our famous countryman yuri alekseevich gagarin, and to mine.
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he wrote to his mother’s grandmother on february 13 , 1961, and it’s march, yes march there is a little less, well, consider 2 months left before the flight, but i completely forgot , if you can buy pillows there, please buy at least one, and if you can, two, then here just two pillows.
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peace, his last visit, this is the impression, that he had some kind of premonition, to believe, not to believe, well, but that’s how it was, a premonition of imminent death, imminent destruction, yes, yes, that’s it - but that was only later, when after his kebel we began to remember all this , maybe this is not so, but the impression remains that he really felt a premonition, he had some kind of premonition, that he did not want to leave, he kept saying goodbye, saying goodbye, saying goodbye to his family, they say that april 12, here everything you wish will definitely
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come true, we will believe that it is true, so what the...
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it seems to me that he already appeared last year or at the beginning of this year, and what events are in store for this man, a peacemaker, what gagarin was, what mother teresa was, but this is a peacemaker man, that’s for sure, and you did, we looked at yuri gagarin’s horoscope, well, i really want to confirm that his life should have been at least 84 years, and this
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is due precisely to the fact that he is an astronaut and his patron, the same uranus. which i spoke about at the very beginning, and the uranus cycle is 84 years, and as a rule, people who are associated with space, by the way, all of us, inventors and designers, and love... exactly in these years, that’s why gagarin took himself for this possible protection of this other person, because his zodiac sign was pisces, and pisces - this is a sign of sacrifice when they are ready to sacrifice themselves to save their neighbor, because the highest meaning of the sign of fish is... unconditional love is to sacrifice oneself, today we talked about space about personal destiny about the future of our country around the world , but what else is important to say to all our tv viewers? every day is
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happiness that we open our eyes, we must thank the universe of the lord god, that we are alive and that our soul came into this world in order to love, love and radiate this love from ourselves, and love is our main defense, no need... july 20-2 also needs to take care of yourself, then around may 19, also including in the area of ​​the october eclipses, and october 12, also
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including the beginning of november, the first week of november, december 5-8 is also in in general , be careful while driving and avoid alcohol, well, don’t visit big places...
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and in exactly a week in this studio we will continue to discuss what worries everyone, love your loved ones, goodbye. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. there is a lot of news today, but let's start with the shots of the day. this is what the trypillian test in the kiev region looks like now
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after the attacks inflicted by the russian aerospace forces.


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