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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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thank you very much for these important dates, but unfortunately, the time of our program has come to an end, and we congratulate our entire country and the whole world on cosmonautics day, and exactly a week later in this studio we will continue to discuss what worries everyone, love your loved ones , goodbye. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important thing, there is a lot of news today, but let’s start with the footage of the day: this is what the trypillian test in the kiev region looks like now after the blows inflicted by the vks russia, like... you can see in the footage that the structure
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of the building has been changed due to heating, large units of equipment are completely destroyed, the machine room has burned out, in a word, it will not work, but now they are clearing out the rubble there. according to defense express, the russian army used the new h-69 missiles for the first time to strike the pots. the flight range is 400 km, that is , depending on the launch site, it can cover the entire territory of ukraine, without a warhead. 290 kg, in just a week our aerospace forces carried out one massive and 47 group strikes on targets in ukraine, in response to kiev’s attempts cause damage to the facilities of the oil and gas industry of our country, the ministry of defense reported. from april 6 to april 12, by the armed forces of the russian federation in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to facilities. industry and energy
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in russia, one massive and 47 group strikes were carried out by high-precision air and sea-based ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against the facilities of the fuel and energy and military-industrial complex in ukraine. in addition, logistics bases, points temporary deployment of units of special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine of foreign mercenaries, all designated targets were hit. now to the kremlin.
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on cosmonautics day, putin and lukashenko met with participants of the twenty-first expedition to the iss , russian oleg novitsky and the first belarusian female cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya. by decree of the president of russia, today they were awarded the order of gagarin, along with the cosmonauts. putin and lukashenko made a phone call to the large pyak family, hereditary malin farmers who live. v on the tundra in yamal, on january 23, putin spoke with the head of the family named yenksya, who said that on april 12 he and his wife zoe were having a golden wedding. putin remembered and today congratulated alenevodov. yenksya was surprised, who is speaking on the line? putin answered his own. the president also promised the reindeer herder with many children to fulfill his grandson’s dream, to see the launch of a spaceship. evsei igorich, can you hear
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us? i hear, i hear, who is it? all our friends from the kremlin are with you, your friends from the kremlin. okay, okay, we have guests here, first of all, the first female cosmonaut of belarus, the president of belarus, and today, april 12, cosmonautics day, we congratulate you all together.
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i say little, all the best to you, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, and mass emergency evacuation in orenburg. over
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the past 10 hours, the water level in the ural river has risen by another 47 cm and right now is 1.154 cm in the city these days. the flood has already reached the apartment buildings in the old part of orenburg, here are shots from the residential complex, oak trees, where the courtyards of these same high-rise buildings began to flood. mobile squad of the ministry of emergency situations is looking for victims and evacuate them by boat. more than one and a half thousand people have already been evacuated in the city; in total, almost 11 thousand have been evacuated in the orenburg region, including 2.0 children. more than 11,500
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houses were sunk in the region. the situation is difficult in the kurgan region, more than 500 houses are flooded there, about 700 people have been evacuated. in the city itself. the peak of the flood is expected only on april 15, in order to reduce the threat of flooding of populated areas, rescuers loosen the ice using airboats in this way. in the tyumen region , the peak of the flood will be in 2 days. after tomsk the water level in the tom river in the region is rising. more than 100 houses remain flooded, and this is footage from the kemerovo region, a resident of the village of ust, kabyrza. the roof of the house shows how the local river mrasu overflowed its banks during the ice drift, literally washing away its settlement, we have a little water, a little, as it were, but we decided to sink
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like on the titanic, beautifully with music for everyone. here’s our house, there’s a trailer, it’s flooded, the gate, now like this, venice, a place for cars, we park boats, this is crap, half a garage, these are seven machine operators, up to the windows, these are sheds ours, and this is our house, here...
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the current is drifting, in short they sailed, this is the entrance gate, this is dima, this is what remains of the trailer, this is the old, old house, here is a piece of the trailer, and this is the new house, and where - there’s a bathhouse over there, our smith park, i now, i read yesterday, no, maximum 100 ta
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for me, for any part, for here, here, here, here, here, yes, i’m holding on. oh guys, thank you very much thank you very much, inexpensive rescuer rescuer don’t forget. they took two people, one dog, a cat, he leans on me for, hello, again. that's how many dogs were saved, thank you,
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well, i'm sorry, today there was a terrorist attack in the north of moscow, the first one. footage from the scene of the toyota explosion on your screens, you can see the victim, this is a former ukrainian security service officer, vasily prozurov, who went over to the side of russia for ideological reasons and moved to moscow, there the car crashed. fell apart, the man remained alive,
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another video immediately after the explosion, prozorov is in shock, takes off his jacket, examines the damage, but judging by the fact that he is standing on his feet, the wound, thank god, is not very seriously, according to rea news, prozorov has injuries to his arm and leg, it is also known that... the department of the terrorist budanov was already preparing an assassination attempt last year, but then it was prevented, a speedy recovery, but also kiev, of course, officially, the terrorist regime murderous criminals must be destroyed. the russian army, after crossing the river, wet yawls, was able to drive out bandera’s troops, who were occupying a position in the forest near the forest, and entered the village of urozhaina with a fight. there are successes. west of staromaisky, where our fighters were also able advance, pushing the ukrainian armed forces towards the village of
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blagodatnaya. now ukrainian militants are trying to regain their lost positions, but they come under artillery fire and suffer colossal losses. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian army is advancing at umansky, berdychi in semyonovka. another t-64 tank near netailov was destroyed by lancet's strike. an enemy combat vehicle was firing at...
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according to the publication, ukraine has already promised its western allies to launch a new counter-offensive in 2025 if it, ukraine, is helped to survive in 2024. about how the summer campaign, the so -called summer offensive, took place. today they reminded the russian ministry of defense in the ssu then they lost more than 166 thousand militants killed and wounded,
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789 tanks and 132 were destroyed. it ’s 2024, it’s an empty cold night, we ’re approaching the city of chasov uyaru, the most terrible part of ukraine at this moment, i ’m going demonstrate.
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that’s it, i’m taking us to the hospital, everything is fine, but what happened, everyone was shell-shocked, everything is fine, we’ll arrive as soon as we get to gosal, i’ll call you back, if you don’t sleep, you won’t sleep yet, left and right, wait, his right is more wounded, you feel his hand below the elbow, why are you holding the watch, why are they paying
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such a slavic price for him, this is an important point, if we are holding,
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alexey and his colleagues are volunteers, tirelessly for several months risking theirs life, they travel along the front to pick up the files of fallen soldiers, they film everything themselves, not far from bakhmut under bomb explosions. they have to do everything very quickly, there are corpses in this abandoned trench, they have to carry the bodies in their arms, they pass 6 km to the shelter, having returned from the front, they can begin work on identifying the dead, despite the suffocating smell, each corpse is examined, the first is ukrainian, the volunteers found nothing but a skull,
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the form that lay near him confirms that he is ukrainian. the situation as of november 1, 2023 and the current situation, areas conquered by the russian army are marked in lighter red. another area conquered by the russians is the surrounding area. bakhmud, light red also marks the advance of the russian army, which is moving towards direction of the clock. every week, over the past 6 months, the russian army has captured several square
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kilometers of ukrainian territory. in 6 months, she conquered 262,031 km, which is more than twice the area of ​​paris. boris johnson never gave up the idea of ​​fighting until the last ukrainian. today he admitted that... who goes to church, prays and lights candles so that the us congress allocates money, weapons and shells to ukraine. other methods to reach washington, even if johnson went to church, apparently they won't work. all the hopes and prayers of ukrainians are also directed to congress, which did not even put the allocation of 60 billion to a vote. at night, the american congressmen were shamed by, who would have thought, the prime minister. kishida, well, that is , the leader of a country that in 1945 was subjected to nuclear bombing by the united states. kishida literally scolded americans for
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their lack of self-confidence, almost shouting that it is important for the whole world that the united states continues to play a key role on the planet, especially when the west is at a turning point history, which, as kishida said, will determine the next stage of human development, though instead of salvation. the americans began not to transfer weapons to ukraine, but now to sell them. washington approved an emergency sale of air defense systems worth $138 million. we are not talking about a patriot, but about an old modification of hu. this system is designed to combat drones, exclusively drones. the germans are running out of weapons. this is what pedtrimka from scholz now looks like, instead of missiles for... air defense, and today bilt officially announced that kiev has missiles almost exhausted, a generous german soul
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donated a mobile dental clinic to the ssu. they say that the chassis of the truck is suitable for off-road driving, so the last hope for kiev is macron. he promised to add gunpowder, not only to ukraine, but also to france throughout europe. construction of a gunpowder factory, i even put on a helmet, albeit a construction one, but here is a sensation from politics, france, more than other european countries, has increased the purchase of russian gas in the first 3 months of 2024, paris has already paid moscow for lng 600 million euros, that is, in the words of macron , he is bringing his army near odessa.
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to launch rockets in the red sea, provide shells for the caesar guns or supply enough ammunition to ukraine, one ingredient is needed, a new gunpowder factory is being built in birzerak, before the fall of the berlin wall, the department had a gunpowder factory at full capacity, which fell into disrepair and closed in 2007 , a company financed by the french state.
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we decided to move the production of gunpowder, as you know, today it is produced in the north europe, at our plant in sweden, and now in addition to this plant, we will have our own, here in france, because we need to produce more and faster, and we also need to protect ourselves. promised a million shells to ukraine. in france, production lines work around the clock, but the goals are long to achieve. not least because there is not enough gunpowder to launch them.
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tensions are growing very strongly in the world and due to the fact that european industry cannot follow this, it was already worth building this factory. everyone demands these raw materials or semi-finished products at the same time, at the same time, and above all in unprecedented quantities. produce more and faster to continue supporting ukraine in the fight against russia. this is the main goal of the french defense industry, the transition to a wartime economy.
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every year the plant must produce 1,200 tons of gunpowder, which allows the production of 80.155mm projectiles. for ukrainians at the front, this amounts to about 15 days of battery life. france seems to be moving towards a war economy, although technically it is not at war. we are talking about supporting ukraine. is there a gap between the situation in which the country actually lives and the words of emmanuel macron? why is emmanuel macron talking about a war economy? you use the term mobilization? we are talking about mobilizing the energy of the entire defense industry, since this is very important for france. we have great companies that can produce more and faster. we know that the situation in ukraine is deplorable, they do not have enough
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soldiers. absolutely everyone knows that they also cannot enough shells. france should be an example for europe, but the whole of europe must mobilize its forces, because at the moment we have no choice, we did not want this, but we have to mobilize forces in order to have a decent defense in the event of a high intensity conflict that everyone wants to avoid . the french ambassador was summoned today to the russian foreign ministry because of statements by the head of the french ministry of foreign affairs , séjournet, who said that... paris has no interest in conducting a dialogue with the russians officials. according to him, the russian side will publish press releases based on the results of meetings and negotiations that do not correspond to reality, sijurne said, as if hinting at a call from defense minister licarniu, who recently himself contacted our defense minister shaigu, and
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they say... we here in moscow, they somehow misinterpreted the words of the french gentleman. in our mid lane, the unexpected attack from the french was considered rude. in an official statement from the foreign ministry , stejourne’s statement was called conscious and a deliberate action that is aimed at undermining the very possibility of any joint dialogue. it looks like it's up to us to talk.
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says it’s already very, very late, we should prepare for a nuclear war, which, according to elwood, is about to begin, and at the same time wage a total war, at least not a nuclear one with russia, britain is not ready, and for a shortage in the army, an influx of british troops, that is, the royal navy is now recruiting even those who cannot swim into the fleet. british propagandists are literally shouting: if previously the mistress of the seas ruled waves, then now the russians don’t even need to shoot at the british, they just need to push the british. a briton will drown overboard, but nato believes that you and i will be defeated, they are already working out cases of war with us, moreover, look, they are measuring the military potential of 3,400,000 career
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soldiers, while russia has only 1,300, nato has 22,300 aircraft, moscow has 50. at the same time, nato is losing in tanks, but in nuclear forces there is equality, at this point, it would seem, the crazy nato generals should have stopped their honors, but no. head of medpolska today announced the creation of a european rapid deployment force, he called it the european legion. the commander-in-chief of the swedish armed forces, budon, called for preparations to defend europe from putin. the germans withdrew their fleet into the north sea, and the engineering battalions of the alliance forces today practiced foraging rivers on nato’s eastern flank. finland said it was ready for the deployment of american troops
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on its territory. we are talking about creating logistics, aviation and naval bases. look.
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in the shortest possible time the ship's cannon should rising on alarm for firing, to be loaded, all this happens in the so -called tower inside the ship.
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a plastic comrade must be rescued within 7 minutes. anxiety. everyone must know what to do, so overboard maneuvers will be constantly practiced in the coming days. and launching is almost the worst thing that can happen on the open sea. meanwhile, oscar the dummy has already spent 4 minutes in the water.
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will already be in the medical bay, almost like a real sailor, because first mate alexander grützner takes the practice of any action as seriously as possible. the crew must become one. russia has 1,3000 career soldiers, nato has 22,300 aircraft, russia has 4,800, russia has more tanks than nato, 14,800 versus 11,300, but ships. after all, more than 2300 versus 800 russian ones, and the number of nuclear
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warheads in russia and nato is approximately equal. as an exception, the german-british engineering battalion took us with them to a nato exercise. they will have to organize a ferry transport of vehicles across the river. this is done using amphibious vehicles like these. if the bridges are destroyed during the war, it will be possible to do without the soldiers of the engineering battalion, but... it won’t work out, that is , this machine will now turn into a ship, yes, into a real ship, that’s right, in real combat conditions everything would happen even faster , here everyone is still being careful and not in a particular hurry, so the descent into the water itself, well, it’s just some kind of surrealism, this unit works very well. harmoniously, quite quickly one such ferry can
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transport two units to the other side armored vehicles with a total weight of just over 70 tons, how many minutes does it take you to arm one such ferry? usually in a maximum of 10 minutes, with our armored vehicles on board, the ferry successfully reached the other shore, stormy waters did not become a hindrance for us, the french and poles are still slow with their piers, they are building a little further away. there’s simply no one here, meanwhile the americans have pulled up to the crossing, their tanks should get to the other side, two american abrams have arrived, alpha, end of communication, they have worked out the actions of a case of war within the framework nato's largest military exercise since the end of the cold war. every tank on the move, every ship afloat, every plane on the fly, including those that just flew over us, is a message from russia.
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roosevelt, trained to resist the dprk. the exercise took place in international waters between south korea and japan. seal, by the way, was very impressed with the us secretary of the navy, carlos edeltor. he was literally amazed that in south korean shipbuilding there is no such chaos as in the united states. everything is digitized and under strict control. shocked del toro said that in siulya. they can even name the day
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when the ship will be completed. the hegemon has problems with shipbuilding. continuing the topic continues to report. despite this, the united states still wants to start another war. the north korean leader said it was time to prepare for war. these statements were made while he was attending a military academy. they were classified as unstable. outlining the difficult international situation, as well as the uncertain and unstable military-political situation around north korea. said that now is the time for more prepare carefully for war. than ever before, and north korea must be better
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prepared for a war that is certain to be won. his comments come as the country continues to ramp up. kim has also forged closer ties with russia, presumably helping moscow in its war in ukraine. kim said that in case of provocation, north korea would not hesitate to deal a fatal blow to the enemy, mobilizing all means at its disposal in partially blurred images released state media shows him, surrounded by army officials, inspecting something that looks like me.
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using solid fuel, which analysts say will improve north korea's ability to deploy missiles more efficiently. these fishermen are preparing to go to sea. north korea recently launched a missile toward japan, but one of the men, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity, said they were trying to remain calm. yes, it is dangerous, but if the rocket falls into the sea. i can't hide anywhere, unlike cars, we cannot instantly move our boat away from danger. after north korea fired 25 missiles at japan last year, more people here are trying to defend themselves. there are 56 thousand private bomb shelters in the country, for comparison in france there are only a thousand. umo yoshimitsu
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talks about the latest models at this security exhibition. this shelter can shelter a family of five. this. an almost meter-long bunker costs 80,000 euros, which is very expensive, but more and more japanese are willing to pay. they are worried about the threat from sides of north korea and are looking at the war in ukraine. in the event of an attack, radioactive fallout could be spread by wind. therefore, people risk exposure to radiation, but inside this bunker they will be safe. in the event of an emergency, the government warning system sends citizens a warning to their mobile phones and...
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life as a transgender person, apparently, the previous law on transsexuals seemed to the bundestag not liberal enough, before to change the name, and most importantly, the gender in your passport, german transgenders had to go through unimaginable, bureaucratic, as it seemed to them, torment, receive a conclusion from two psychiatrists at once, answer unpleasant questions about the secret...
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of course, you don’t even want to know the scandalous details of such a confession, but if the pictures of riana can be attributed to epotage, then in... in the french bastard of tsen ioan , completely godless passions unfold. novices of the abbey claim that the older
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sisters forced them to undress and forced them to have intimate homosexual intimacy. leave or women could not complain because they were taught that serving god meant obeying their superiors. but when the bullying became completely unbearable, they turned.
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and they told me something like there is no danger, the new younger sister that she will receive under her wing is not her type, she will not be attracted to her. as an apology,
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she will, however, receive a letter signed by the superior of st. john informing her. there will be no further investigation or legal proceedings on the part of the church to allow acknowledge in court the abuses you have suffered, but the facts have been admitted. i ask your forgiveness on behalf of the congregation. but here’s what the head of one of the community’s monasteries told us when we raised this topic in front of a hidden camera. trials, interrogations - it's hard, very hard for victims, and from what i've seen, often the culprit confesses and says: i admit the facts, and let him try to understand what i did, i don't understand why throw a stone at him , in the community of st. john there are 170 sisters, 130 of them anonymously responded to...
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analyzes the wastewater inlets of about 100 european cities, the nose is covered in powder, as almost everyone says, only in sixteen
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cities consumption has decreased slightly, the avalanche-like popularity of white powder is explained simply by drugs becoming cheaper, the most heavily narcotized , finland, also known as finland, is considered the happiest. estonia, sweden, austria and germany. in germany the growth is 41%. the most popular drug in europe is still cannabis, along with ecstasy and ketamine. which, as it became known, billionaire elon musk has recently dabbled in. in canada, everything is generally legal. bright boxes, heroin, cocaine, everything neatly packaged in
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packs with a thoughtful sticker.
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period - this is the transportation of cocaine from latin america to europe, that's where the big money is, that's where everyone wants to participate. so this means that many people are making a lot of money smuggling cocaine into europe. and now europe is a growing, promising market for cocaine. and he is catching up with the stagnant northern market america, especially the usa. europe is also more attractive to drug traffickers. since the penalties for drug-related crimes are less severe than, for example, in the united states, and control is not as strict. in recent years, authorities have recorded record arrests of smugglers. in 2021, 16 tons of cocaine worth up to 3.5 billion euros were seized in hamburg, germany. next comes
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antwerp, belgium's largest port. so seizing more drugs is not necessarily a cause for celebration. in addition, the authorities more and more cocaine laboratories are being discovered in europe, and this also means that european mafiosi are playing an increasingly important role in the global cocaine business. it all started with the italians, then the dutch, and now the serbs and albanians are here, they are profiting, but others have to suffer the consequences because drug related violence is now spreading across europe, in antwerpon, a belgian port city in 2023 as a result of a shooting
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an eleven-year-old girl died in a drug-related incident in the netherlands. police found the camera. it seems that corruption is rampant in europe, or at least we are seeing corruption where there was none before, the drug trade, no matter where it occurs at any time, is prohibited with corruption by violence because it is not legal, there are no courts, you you can't contact the police, cocaine is a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. she seems to be getting out of control. as they say, what will you take from them? they are not only perverts, which we also said a little higher in germany today, free ones are very easy, but also drug addicts. breaking news that concerns us, china, reports that it is ready to provide russia and ukraine with the necessary
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conditions for negotiations.
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is on the other side, like this protrusion, there are fierce battles going on right now, but our hero paratroopers are already moving a little deeper, they first secured a foothold on zelenaya and gorbatova streets, these are the extreme streets, the extreme eastern ones, they are moving forward with battles, it should be noted here that the first prisoners have already appeared in the forty-first vsushnaya brigades, and the paratroopers had already taken prisoners, this suggests that they are breaking through the defenses, information has appeared. from our intelligence that this notorious third assault brigade is refusing, and these are former azovites, bandits from the azov organization banned in russia, and so there was
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information that they are refusing to go to chas yar, well, they probably have phantom pains they are present after avdievka, since our aviation also operates around the yar, they use our factories, very effectively with ... pc unified planning modules and correction, which allows for very accurate strikes, but in addition to this , the 200th brigade and other units of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense are also pressing from the north, and after clearing bogdanovka they move further in the direction of kalinovka and north of grigorovka, grigorovka is a small settlement, but very important , that there is a dominant height there, well, it’s clear who controls the heights...
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we are to the west and now our two main directions there are to the north - this is towards ocheretina, also a dominant height, where there is enough they have a serious defensive fortification, and
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to the south in the netailova-karlovka area, here the ukrainian nazis are desperately resisting, because they understand that with the loss of these fortifications , they can crumble further, and besides this , our guys are pressing in novomikhailovka, novomikhailovka. this is also a very serious opornik for the ukronazis, because after its surrender, operational space opens up for us on the flank of the ugledar group, so now they are transferring reinforcements there, somehow trying to rotate forces, trying to counterattack, but i will say that unsuccessfully, our fighters are still advancing, now we are receiving information directly online that ours and the western avdeevka, if we are talking about the northern flank, are already... located in the area of ​​​​the settlement of novokalinovo, they have not entered yet, but are already on the outskirts battles, also berdychi and semyonovka are already squeezing out the ukronazis from these settlements, if
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we go further south, then after the liberation of thin there we have already moved close to umansky to after may day to netailovo, and this is already very close to karlovka, if you look to the south, then in novomikhailovka our... heroic guys of the 155th division and with the support of tankers are also moving forward, and squeezing the enemy to the western outskirts, in general, we are pumping up everywhere, despite
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the weapons, promising some unthinkable things , until the twenty-fifth year they need to preserve, well, first of all, their regime and states, that’s what will happen by the twenty-fifth year, well , only god knows and... and he can promise anything, that’s why he promises for the twenty-fifth year , none at the moment well, there are no prerequisites for a counter-offensive, because they would have to hold on, hold on to the lines on which they now stand, but this will not work, we understand how much deeper we will advance, it’s already a matter of time, as they say, yes , because our military-industrial complex, again, is not asleep, we now have quite serious deliveries going to...
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we look at the relatives of the victims coming out onto the streets of these european capitals, who, of course, will appear after all these vaunted foreign legions arrive, and if they will still remain after our after our strikes, so zelensky’s promise for now is just in my opinion, it’s just a new form of begging, weapons in order to somehow save the situation. here he
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recently stated that he needs 25 patriot systems, but we understand that there is not such a quantity, there is no possibility of supplying them with such weapons, and this affects combat operations, our dominance in the air, first of all. thank you very much, war correspondent pavel kukushkin, live, front line, as for air defense, zelensky said, please give me 20.
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russia went, europe sniffed, the united states drove off, well, somehow that’s how it all seems, and so it is and what isn’t, well, based on what i heard, approximately that’s how it happens, well, let’s start with the united states, why did we leave, well, listen, here’s a grandfather standing, self-propelled, and telling this squinted sushi lover that we are from generation to generation.
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or something for idiots, well, well, in a different way, well , we drove off, that means we drove off, now europe, we sniffed, well, naturally, listen, we in general it never even occurred to us to distribute such experiments to employees, yes, here you go guys, maybe your productivity will increase, which means we’ll save money on a psychologist, there, and this is not a joke, they really do it, that is - but this is either just fooling one’s own population, or just doing some kind of genocide or something on purpose, because it’s very difficult to understand, you know, here... practically if, uh, it’s already legalized, then there’s a point : we won’t fight, then let’s lead , well, that's the point if you can't fight with something, then lead it, but they apparently can’t fight, but i suspect that this was done purely for themselves,
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so that they themselves don’t get caught there, but let’s give the whole population, let it be like this, literally for days the mayor of amsterdam proposed to legalize cocaine as well. well, it’s normal throughout holland, and why not, and why not, everything, everything is logical, also if you believe it doesn’t increase performance, yes it sounds like an article, maybe, but the most interesting thing is how they determine it using wastewater, then you can imagine how much must be this substances in wastewater that they determine that it has increased, for example, several times, is amazing. it’s just that it never even occurred to me that this is possible at all, it’s possible, the official statistics are also not the tabloid press, the official data is absolutely yes, imagine, since half of them there i don’t know of any other drugs, it’s amazing, amazing, but
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then, and then we ask why boris johnson went to pray with the nuns in france so that putin would not take kiev, well, i don’t know. he prayed with them, he probably i said, i went to pray for the fact that, because there are no other options, uh, by the way, about these nuns, i, as a believer, i will tell you that in any scripture, in any scripture, holy scripture it is said that you do not have the right to follow any instructions of your spiritual mentors and elders, if they contradict the holy scripture, and this directly contradicts, they say: well , that’s how it is with us, that is, guys, well, maybe it’s like that with you, then that’s who we are, that’s it this has nothing to do with faith at all, so that it is clear that these are all these scandals there, it’s not about faith at all, it’s about some kind of social relationship, but it’s certainly wrong
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to have any relationship at all, so it’s like they have it like in england, yeah, sorry, you know, we have uh, why do they have an anglican church? it’s a terrible thing, look, you’ll dream about it at night, god forbid you wake up later so that your heart breaks, that is, this is horror flying on the wings of the night, now about these great people, so to speak, about the french, further, that means they have it there , two characters,
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who had each other there, i don’t know, like this one, i don’t know who this one is, anal and this one are angry. that’s the one from here and there, yes, well, i’m not very french, well, it seems to me that they say they’ve separated , separated, although in general, look at these people, look at these slimy homosexuals, they decided to explain to russia that how to live is not well, even just look at it like this, yes he wants to smack his ear with a belt. then you will somehow start, that’s all, i’m good, well, these are real people, that this is the youngest prime minister in the history of france, it’s amazing, you know, it’s amazing, you have to talk to them about something, well, yes, our honey really reacted correctly,
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listen, they caused this, are you saying everything is fine there? head, they say, well, you misunderstood us, but they called on their own initiative.
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street after street, they don’t give up, they fight,
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they resist, you know, this is how it really happens, so they don’t just do it all there, these are the guys, they can tell you anything, but they are really going to fight with us, they are buying time, first of all for themselves, to prepare for a war with the russians, now it has become known that they are not ready, unfortunately, they are gaining time, they are trying, trying to do this, so look at us, not attack, we are so cool, so what next, well, we’re done with ukraine, then they will start 100% provocations, because they have already built this line of provocation, they have built it, so they have this in their plans, but what about the united in the states everything is fine for them, fight there at least at least throw nuclear warheads at each other, we 're out there, as trump said, we'll have a great time sitting out, well, that's what i want to say, what they are already doing, just recently an interception came, the guys just told me, these
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infections are starting to use chemical weapons, so this is the lousiest thing, how to react to this, we must understand, yes, we have gas masks there, we also have antidotes, but they specifically, and specifically make bacteriological weapons, because why do they say, equipment, they say, bomb the equipment, people are not touched.
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it should be recalled that the results of the implementation of the previous counter-offensive plan of commander-in-chief zelensky in 2023, which he mildly called not so successful, were the death and serious injury of more than 166 ukrainian armed forces military personnel, as well as the loss of 789 tanks and 2,400 other armored vehicles. cars and 132 aircraft. in the absence of people in ukraine willing to voluntarily develop this zelensky madness further with their lives and health, the kiev regime is filling the huge shortage of armed forces personnel with new cannon fodder, promoting the law on mass forced mobilization of citizens. at the same time , zelensky places the responsibility entirely on the west to provide hundreds of thousands of mobilized people with the necessary weapons. there has been nothing of our own in ukraine for a long time, but in the west all that is left is to strip their troops naked. thanks to such non-trivial approaches to military planning, there is no need to doubt that the implementation of the new.
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efficiency, well, jokes aside, he could have a sip of water to improve his little, in fact, in the modern, in the modern world, let's deal with this, you started program with a story about our attacks on energy infrastructure facilities in ukraine, i would note that at the same time, we deliberately do not attack nuclear facilities in ukraine, thereby not increasing the degree of risk. while ukraine is attacking the zaporozhye station, and magate, although hostile, is concerned,
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nevertheless does it quite timidly, because in fact, this is also a strange experiment from the zaporizhia station. of course, it would also be possible to ask, in fact, why does ukraine need old energy, because speaking about ukrainian energy, in general it is possible ukraine may well become such a field for economic experiments to destroy the old economy and create a new one. ukraine has repeatedly said that... it is not interested in the old soviet heritage itself, including the economic heritage, but we understand that traditional energy, mechanical engineering, metallurgy , from the point of view of modern european values, are outgoing sectors of the economy, which in general are not needed, in the new wonderful economy of the future,
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other other sectors will be in demand there, you can laugh for a long time, but nevertheless, production... and the cultivation of the same hemp, the production of marijuana is also part of this project, as well as renewable energy. by the way, i am always waiting for this new cycle of the arms race, which the europeans are talking about, to coincide with the same green agenda, when it will be officially said that this is not just a new cycle of weapons production, but these weapons are modern, made according to modern green standards. there the tanks should be solar -powered, on dung, it’s difficult with dung, there after all, the greenhouse effect is stronger, especially since the kiziks that you mentioned are produced by animals, and they have a very serious greenhouse effect from them, the europeans established this a long time ago, this is not a joke, so they will, and i, by the way ,
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i am absolutely not being ironic here, i am sure that you will explain to the europeans... all this is being done with strict adherence to green rules, with control over greenhouse emissions, so this will be an environmentally sterile war that will not cause much damage to the climate, but the militarization of europe is indeed becoming a rather frank thing, in general, this is being said, we hear it, in fact, it is not just being said, but new factories and factories are already being founded. you showed a big story about this, this is only part of this path, again, if a gun is hung on stage, it will definitely fire, we remember the experience of the cold war, it did not develop into a hot phase, but nevertheless the weapons that were produced then in colossal quantities, it is now actively used, that is, it
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it wasn’t just that it was somehow disposed of or not used, so it’s not all funny, absolutely... not funny, and uh, here the generational moment is actually important regarding the really young french politicians who run this state, it seems to me that they don’t fully understand what they are doing and really how dangerous the things they are doing are, that is, there is a feeling that the children stole the matches and are now starting to have fun with them, and this...
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look, not young, but so aggressive it is important for the world that the united states continues to play this key role in international affairs. and as we meet here today, i notice some underlying self-doubt among some americans about
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what should be your role in the world? the post- cold war era. already behind us, and we are now at the point of no return, which will determine the next stage of human history: the international order that the united states worked for generations to build is facing new challenges. challenges from those whose values ​​and principles are very different from ours: freedom and democracy is under threat around the world. as i often say, today's ukraine can become tomorrow's east asia. the 66-year-old citizen himself, of course, did not experience the bombing, but his father certainly did. we'll be back. i have designs on you, and so do i. premiere on rtr, well, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll kneel down, and i can see her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and
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to this taxi driver, but she chose me, that’s obvious, you ’re starting to get serious, you think you ’re in doubt, so i’ve decided everything with mine, allah taxi, on monday at rtr. are regular shovels not doing a good job in the garden? introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the ideal digging, clearing and cutting tool for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you... can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the most thick roots, plants, shrubs and weeds like never before, quickly and effortlessly.
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the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels don't handle hard, compacted soil well, but the razers shovel's unique inverted -v design features razor- sharp teeth and a carbon fiber blade. made of steel allows you to cut through the toughest root system like butter and easily tear off the roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but why, when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor sharp edges on both sides. sides, sharpened v-blade, made from carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel to tackle even the toughest soils effortlessly, with a soft
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anything for their sake... you are in a circle of friends, in a circle friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, i don’t know what to do, we should calm down, if anything
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happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on saturday, out of a feeling that he himself kidnapped his daughter and is keeping her in captivity, this cannot be, stay away from him, you are hiding something, don’t confuse me, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i should know, premiere on saturday on rtr, army. it is advancing in the northern direction, our units are advancing in the direction of verkhnekamensky and are fighting in the area of ​​the chalk quarry dump - this is eastern belogora. the chasov yar storm continues on the artyomovsk sector of the front, soldiers of the 98th airborne division are fighting on the eastern outskirts of the city in the canal microdistrict. the kiev regime is transferring reinforcements to the watchmaker.
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russian air forces and artillery are constantly working on the dry land.
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in this video, the moment a ukrainian armed forces tank is hit by high-precision ammunition, krasnopol, after the hit, the ammunition here lights up. burns another ukrainian armed forces armored vehicle. and footage from the other side, the remains of another american hamvi armored car of the british saxon armored personnel carrier. the head of ukrainian military intelligence, budanov, who promised to seize russian crimea by last spring, now fears
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a new russian offensive. russian troops will begin their offensive at the end of may, beginning of june. i think we will be well prepared for this moment and we will see how it goes further. without the help of the western allies, it will be catastrophically difficult for us, and only provided that, firstly, it comes in sufficient quantities, and secondly, it will go further. kiev found itself in the most vulnerable position in 2 years of war, bloomberg reported that ukrainian defense is on the verge of disaster, ukrainian militants have used up all their missile reserves for western air defense systems iriste and petriot, writes the german newspaper bild. the russian army killed with strikes on ukrainian energy facilities. russia launched a powerful missile and drone attack on ukrainian power plants, part of a new campaign to exploit
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delays in western aid to kiev to increase moscow's advantage. the strikes hit several regions of the country, destroying a power plant in the kiev region and causing further damage to others. who suffered in previous attacks. tens of thousands of houses were left without electricity, according to ukrainian officials. unlike last winter, the russians began to destroy not only networks, but also electricity generation facilities. moscow is pushing ukraine to make difficult choices about what to defend. when striking trypilska tes, the russian military used the latest kh-69 winged missiles, which are worse than daggers, writes defense express. the ammunition carries 310 kg. explosives, the minimum flight altitude is only 20 m, which allows you to bypass any air defense system. members of the european parliament decided not to give funding to the eu council until ukraine is provided with additional air defense systems. it is
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a scandal that europe is opening its doors to ukraine, and the european council is not even able to decide to send air defense missiles to ukraine in such an urgent situation. in total, mr. chairman, as mr. barel noted, there are 100 patriot systems in europe. ukraine asked for seven of them. i propose to remove the issue of financing the european council from the agenda. thanks a lot. kiev will not agree to a peace plan if it does not include a clause about russia losing - said advisor to the head of zelensky podal’s office. due to record losses at the front , military commissars began to catch disabled people. this is a mechanic of the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle instead of a protest leg. after alexander is killed by a mine, he adjusts to life without his left arm and leg, one blow at a time. my philosophy is, let your old self die, imagine you were born without an arm and a leg, you have some knowledge gained earlier, but you
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will experience the world from scratch. despite being wounded, he returned to the front. of course have fear, i'm very afraid of stepping on a mine again, i realized that yes, i need to be more careful now. the wsdf is unable to weaken moscow’s offensive potential, despite attempts to attack the russian rear, writes a british spectator. the only result of the ukrainian counteroffensive was the death and severe injury of almost 170,000 military personnel, the loss of 800 tanks and 130 aircraft, a high-ranking source in the russian military department said. without conscripting women into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, ukraine will be destroyed,” said people’s deputy maryana bezugla.
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zelensky publishes footage of the construction of fortifications on his social networks; according to him, the construction of fortifications allows opening new jobs. we can rightfully be proud that in every region of ukraine people are trying to do everything that is necessary for the country, necessary for our defense and for the success of our soldiers on the battlefield. commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine sodal, speaking in the verkhovna rada, said that russian units in the kharkov region, lpr and dpr are seven, sometimes 10 times more powerful than the group hortyxa, which is trying to hold the front line.
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is not prohibited by law, even among young people. such measures are always taken in
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consultation with a specialist or appropriate medical personnel. in the bill, we have determined that young people will make the appropriate decision with their parents if they want to change their gender or name on their passport. from my own example , i can say that since early childhood i could not talk to someone about my gender identity and a lot of time passed before i was able to speak out. within germany in freedom, back in 2021, transgender tesa genser became the first sitting member of the bundestag, that is , a transgender deputy has been working in germany for three years, and this is the second woman, this is also transgender, this person you see is a woman, this is actually man, the name is slavik, please, yes indeed... such irrepressible propaganda of drugs,
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non-traditional sexual relationships, it has its result, here i would like to suddenly be transported from germany to the korean peninsula, now we perceive everything like north korea is small, south korea is big, south korea is industrialized, north korea is somehow underdeveloped, but in fact everything flows, everything changes in our world, and i will now give one figure: yes, now the population of south korea is 52 million, in north korea is half the size, but born...
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he is from this commissar's leather jacket, i was surprised to see that for the first time he wore a real marshal's jacket, because he understands perfectly well that in 10 years the population of north and south korea will be equal, and most likely will be equal economic potentials, because we understand perfectly well that labor productivity still depends on one person, and you cannot double or triple productivity if you simply don’t have people, although in the new york post they came up with a way, well... well, what, well , drugs that increase sales, how i completely forgot, if you give out cocaine, by the way, no, well, in all seriousness, heroin is mixed with caffeine, you had one like that there , well, a picture, so there’s only heroin there 40% again, we just never promote it, i’m shocked that this is possible somewhere, according to our laws, this is
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an article, and there they offer it to improve performance, there it is the united states of america, blessed. dispense drugs, including methamphetamine, look, according to a report, a growing number of companies are exploring the possibility of offering psychedelic therapy to their employees as a cost-effective and effective treatment for mental illness. recent studies have shown that it is good known party drugs such as mdma or ecstasy, psilocybin or ekitamine magic mushrooms, which have been legalized for medical use. are a useful treatment alternative for a variety of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and ptsd. i myself experimented with psychedelics and realized how useful it could be for people. over time, this will save money compared to expensive traditional therapy sessions and will make his employees happier and more productive.
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happier and more productive. well, coming back again to the far east, here is the speech of kishida, who s... said that the united states had been cooperating with them all the time, well, in fact, one can remember comrade matthew perry, who shelled the port of nagasaki, and thereby opened japan to the world, and indeed now, as kishida says, this era is ending, because the hegemon , the united states of america, still needs to defend the world that they created - in 1850, when they discovered japan, that is, the global world is now crumbling, and the usa now, let me remind you, under trump they sent. two aircraft carrier to the korean peninsula, nothing worked, they had to be deployed, now kimchen has already tested hypersonic weapons, no one even sends aircraft carriers anymore, because everyone understands their future fate, they will simply be sunk, we see the same thing now in ukraine, like this is not sad for kiev, the kiev economy is already over and
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there is nothing unique about this x-69 missile, it is actually our analogue of the missile. shadow, but the problem is that storm shadow and scalps we intercept and intercept we will be there as long as necessary, but the ukrainians can no longer intercept our high-precision missiles, why? because japan and the united states between them produce a total of 500 missiles per year for all patriot complexes, that is, what i said here about a month ago, that is , you may have 1.0 complexes somewhere in the stash, but if you they make 500 missiles a year, then excuse me, you have half a missile per complex and... well, you can, of course, transfer 10 or 20 launchers, if they don’t have missiles, well, that means they’ll just be stand, and i already consider this a death sentence for american hegemony, because indeed, when it turned out in hamburg, not according to conversations, not according to statements there by some security officer or
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anyone else, but in reality based on real deeds, this is the one the same gunpowder factory that sarkozy opened, or rather, he was the first to lay a brick there, that’s all. revival, this is not sarkozy, but this is not me fu, my god, i'm sorry, it's the same thing, his name is macron, macron, yes i'm sorry, indeed, macron laid this brick, and he after that says 1,200 tons of gunpowder, and this is only 80,000 shells, let me remind you where 80,000 shells are, and where is the million that the european union was going to produce per year, well, excuse me, this differs by more than 10 times, that is , again, if you do you really want to continue... they say, on your shoulder blades, the americans physically cannot do it, that ’s all, the whole country has fallen in front of you, just like we know modern japan, now this is
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the answer, how the conflict in ukraine will end, it will end with the collapse of the american world order, this is already absolutely obvious to everyone. we'll be back in a minute, those who want to stay informed are watching the week's news about... the program for advanced. news of the week with dmitry kiselev, on sunday on rtr. go! discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
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your mother has a heart attack, she needs surgery, here’s the money for your mother’s treatment, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my
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dearest friend, true friendship, worth a lot, who are you chatting with, wow, hello, lisa, this is philip , it’s nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, oh my god, something insidious. i came, i saw, i conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you, how long have you been planning to date? i have a plan for revenge, put your things down, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i i don’t know how it ended up in my things, but he will also say that they threw half a lemon’s worth of jewelry on you, dear friend, on saturday. on rtr,
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how to refresh, air can lead to asthma, how take your medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings and... a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but this is for you i don’t recommend doing this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on
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rtr. why are we drinking, i'm flying to baikanor tomorrow, you 're kidding, they can't cope without me, on cosmonautics day, you'll take it with you, into space, they're ready to step into the unknown, there's no degrammatization, but there's ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate, take us away, we'll crash, only boldly submits. space, there is not enough oxygen, only one can be returned to earth, come back, it is you who are here to die arrived, but i want to live on earth, film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, you'll be back soon, fireworks canopy, today on rtr.
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the once great british royal navy is a pitiful sight due to a lack of personnel, the mistress of the seas is recruiting those who cannot swim into the fleet. the logic, apparently, is that a sailor who cannot swim will remain at the combat post until the end, fighting for the buoyancy of his ship. well, we are waiting for departure from london in the style: “well, those who don’t know how to fly are taken into aviation.” this means that those who are not knows how to swim, seriously, there are such desperate steps here, the british soldiers, of course, are not from a good life, there is a monstrous shortage of soldiers in the country’s armed forces, and these people are preparing to fight with putin. the telegraph reports that applicants for a position in the royal navy will no longer need to sail, so anyone who wants to come on our
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show will no longer need to understand the news. according to the source, the changes in requirements... are cause for concern and the move is being called a sign of real desperation to increase recruitment numbers. employees. royal navy officials responded to this criticism by saying standards were not being lowered as all recruits would still be required to take a sailing test during training. however, the source said the change in entry requirements, which means there will no longer be a thirty-minute swim test before joining the service, is a cause for concern. apparently no one wants to serve anymore, so there will no longer be a thirty-minute swim test for recruits, now they will all be enroll, in the training program there is time for teaching sailors to swim, although previously you had to demonstrate that you can swim; based on your performance, you were enlisted for military service. now let's talk about the highest service, about the royal navy, without which we would not be a great nation, without it we would not be the dominant power in the world
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that we once were. over the weekend there was news that we would have to mothball some. our ships may be able to remove the marines from their key mission. this risk exists due to that we may not be able to recruit enough men to join the royal navy. what's going on? a crisis is approaching for our navy. the crisis is associated with the confrontation against totalitarian powers such as russia, china, iran and north korea. and to do this , we will need a good navy to help the americans secure international shipping lanes. conditions of passage. military service in the royal navy has been deteriorating over the past 20 years, all because of governments, although they were different, they still didn’t take the navy seriously. the advertising may help recruitment into the royal navy, but defense sources say there have still been major cuts in recent months and the issue remains unresolved to this day, so it is likely to impact the uk's ability to fight at sea, as well as under
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threat british nuclear submarine. if russia invades, they won't even have to shoot, they'll just push us overboard, because none of our sailors can swim. well, in continuation, this incredibly funny topics, and the greatness of britain, according to british official statistics, one in seven britons reuse tea bags to save money due to rising prices, the daily star writes: one in seven britons is about 15%. dries tea bags so that they can be used again, there are also statistics that about 10% of british people do not cut their hair. or they cut their hair less often to save a little money, and also don’t wash their clothes. a great nation and a war on its way. the british
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hang tea bags on the washing line so they can use them again to save money. a shocking study has revealed that people are also cutting their own hair and eating breakfast cereal for dinner in a bid to cut costs. more than one in seven, about 15%. leaves tea bags to dry so they can be used more than once, a survey of 2,012 british adults found, almost a third of britons cut their own hair to avoid costly trips to the hairdresser, and the same number of people take free packets of ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise from restaurants to save money on bottles from the supermarket. more than a quarter of those surveyed admit to eating random combinations of foods to limit food purchases or eating expired food. almost the same. sniffing their dirty laundry to see if they can put their worn clothes back on without having to run the washing machine. the latter sounds, of course, completely strange, but, as liberals would say, in
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the blessed nineties in our country people collected bottles en masse, collected them and handed them over, as well as the well-known method of washing and drying plastic bags, well, we seem to be away from this...
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how could negotiations even begin with oil-producing countries like saudi arabia, with all the others, which , in fact, are pushing up demand. i remind you that last year ended so -so. so, from this point of view, of course, that is, the ukrainians work for donald trump, but it seems to me that the ukrainians work for themselves. who does he work for? whether in china, he often thinks that he works for someone else, but the point is that the world is very complex, he is very interconnected, it’s impossible to do something somewhere without it manifesting itself, in this case, as if it’s an energy carrier, this is a very important factor for... all positions for the uk, by the way, with its own prices, by the way, our gas price has also moved up by 8% in the european union, because they are going to, as it were, limit supplies to the pipeline, that is, in fact, everything is interconnected, the question is to what
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extent, how much the economy has time to adapt, what is especially important v in the near future, the main driver of the negotiation process, apparently, as well as the driver of the actual economic components, will be sidin pin; in the next two months he will meet with almost all the main leaders and participants in the process with rare exceptions; now, accordingly , scholz will go to... minister and accordingly, with their representatives of large companies, they held a negotiation process today, they are just preparing this event, they have already actually announced it, that is, most likely all this can it will be june, by which time most likely
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the first trip of an individual president will be there after the inauguration, so from this point of view, over the last two 2 months he will most likely meet with four main leaders of countries, and with three representatives of the european union, like would be the russian federation and, moreover, i remind you before this... in the american direction, this is about the question of who is now actually starting to steer what, i remind you that china, he goes there for a reason, firstly, naturally, he is going to china, representatives of germany are going with an economic delegation, that is , representatives of szmons are there, representatives of large energy companies are there, they are going there with four economic ministers, they are going to negotiate on the economy, first of all, i remind you that in general- by the way, last year there seemed to be a cooling of economic ties with... with germany, there was a drop in trade turnover, which the economy of the european union was partially dragged to near zero, so to speak, anna lena berbock said the day before, that germany has happily gotten off the russian needle and no. germany, the germans who are
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dissatisfied with the state of affairs, well, these are now spots in holland, the thing is that germany has some peculiarity, they, accordingly, have a tax that protects against gas imports, so now they can go for them to court, neighbors, this may lead to the fact that they will have to, as it were , refuse cheap energy resources, and the price is already rising due to this, just what is this feature called when you refuse cheap energy resources, idiocy, political expediency, political expediency, priorities, but we also gave up a lot of things... but the question is different, that it’s as if scholz is going there specifically to restore economic ties, because the german economy is most dependent on china from all the countries of the european union, and i remind you that he will meet with the three largest economies, respectively, of the european union in the near future, and he , in fact, will meet with italy, with france, and he will come here to france, he will come to france itself, i remind you, for the sixtieth anniversary of relations, so accordingly, they have this there...
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a 2-day event, that is, the problem is that the european economies are actually trying to restore relations now with china, and already in direct, direct form, so to speak, because i remind you that italy was the only country that was part of the belt, it officially left it last year, but after that it decided to restore normal relations with china, because the main sales markets are located there, so by the way, by the way, they will most likely take with them a company that participated in this belt of road, which seemed to receive the most criticism last year, so the question is : everyone has calculated and understood, in fact, what are they all activating so quickly? everyone is afraid of one thing, the coming of trump. trump intensifies confrontation with china. and accordingly, the european union does not fit into this equation at all. he'll just suffer this confrontation from two sides. therefore, from this point of view, european partners are starting to play it safe; is the european union used to suffering? compared to the confrontation with china, this was not suffering. there will be a very significant volume there, because their main sales markets are located there. accordingly, chinese companies. are very
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strongly integrated into the european economy, in fact, by the way, si will go there with at least three of the largest manufacturers, automakers in china, their ceos will go with him in may, this is to the question that the main topic of discussion will be electric trains, well, electric cars, and i remind you that the european union is going to introduce restrictions on their export to the territory of the european union in order to protect its manufacturers, so the usa is going to to do in the near future, therefore, from this point of view, it is as if this is a full-fledged confrontation, which, to put it mildly, will end so-so, therefore, from this point of view. of course, even european partners understand that, as it were, in this current situation , it is extremely difficult to count on growth rates of two or three percent; it is necessary to come to an agreement as if it were the next player, why? because now the european union and the united states account for approximately 10% of real gdp, purchasing power parity, the countries of southeast asia, this is the atc, respectively, plus china, japan, south korea account for 45%, almost half. this region,
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this region, it rules there, gradually, accordingly, the volume of the european union of the united states will be reduced, and the economy, accordingly, the country will be very seriously strengthened, so speaking of everything there seems to be news about skiing in the future, by the way, in parallel, one of the largest military exercises is now taking place, by the way, with the participation of the usa and china, two groups are now gathering there to move and are moving partially , to the question that the situation here is quite tense, of course,
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alla taxi on monday on rtr. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price of all for 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg. with or
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without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95 mega. sale: machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, without will fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and that’s it. you can make a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes. take advantage of this incredible offer. call and order the most delicious machine for only 4.95. i can imagine! an amazing new garden shoe for the season. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes are comfortable for your feet the shape, it does not press, does not slip, is very easy to put on. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing
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gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. shock-absorbing high sole. saves your feet from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the anatomically shaped breathable insole provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to its modern design, garden shoes fits perfectly into any wardrobe, with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable , versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. classic design fills any space with warm notes of nostalgia, and
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lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is the ideal solution. for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red. two sizes, 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. call now to order a magnificent century carpet from only 14-95. hurry, this is a limited offer. introducing. we bring to your attention a real hit of sales, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather, an elegant, stylish , very roomy chocolate bag, made in the patk style and goes well with any clothes and shoes, it will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to
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the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. she will emphasize her femininity. owner and will add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail: two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. the floor is precious, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas
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are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i love plants , i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr.
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today on rtr. so, germany passed a new law aimed at protecting transgenes. to do this, you just need to submit one single application; this can be done not only by trans adults, but also by teenagers over 14 years old. in this way , you can change the gender in your passport once a year, and there is also an explanation for this: according to a study by the european monitoring center for drugs and drug addiction. it is reported that in germany they began to use 41% more cocaine than
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before, hence the laws. the pandemic in europe is over, but the number of europeans using drugs. this follows from data from the european drug addiction monitoring centre, which analyzes wastewater from 100 european cities every year. the year was the year of stimulants, in particular the use of cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines, methamphetam and ketamine increased significantly. the most drugs are now consumed in finland, slovenia, estonia, sweden, austria and germany. according to a study by the european center, the latest increase was as much as 41%. to germany we are to berlin let's move forward to probably figure it out, if there is any possibility of this. understand this, understand the logic in direct communication with the member of the bundestag of the nineteenth convocation
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, waldemar gerth. voldemar, hello, to be honest, even from a practical point of view, we are interested in whether we will someday need to enter into a negotiation process, well , let’s say with germany, and germany, reading this news, looks to us like something completely national, well that is, an increase in cocaine use and no more often than... once a year gender change, these are already some kind of inadequate processes, no, yes, definitely, inadequate, in a country in which i do not have the right to choose my own heating, i owe you what was prescribed to me, children are allowed to choose their gender, well, this is complete absurdity, complete degradation and an example, a good example for all the peoples of the world, this is where it would not be worth going, the law. which existed before, how was it different from what was now adopted or
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voted on? - then this was an exception to the rule, he had to go there and the child, the person, had to undergo a psychological examination by two independent experts, yes, it was a procedure in which they tried to figure out how deep this deviation from such a norm exists today, what does this law declare? this is the norm, this is the norm, and i spoke once, i say, you contradict yourself, every year a child can change his gender, so you yourself are saying how labile the child’s psyche is, what he can do at this time, well, everyone a year to make a different decision, but what to do with criminals, tell me, vasily robbed the bank, and after 3 months vasilisa crosses the border already with a legal passport. why then did you abolish the law on war? in wartime this law does not apply, what does this
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mean? this is the complete absurdity of the ideological insanity of this green blueness, as if they are tolerant, i already have them this way and that, but this is a serious warning to all of humanity where you can’t go, this is exactly what the confrontation is going against now, we must all...
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she is a beauty, her performance is worth listening to, analyzing, but it brought nothing, the majority voted to this law was passed. thank you very much, waldemar gert, on direct communication, berlin, what am i in for? olga, well, first of all, let’s remember that today, in addition to all the negativity , is cosmonautics day, somehow today in our media, i
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looked, unfortunately, very little attention has been paid to this day, but it really is a day. this is very important, we were the world's first space power, and today, when, in essence, the control center of our civilization is being moved into near space, it seems to me that we need to remember this, if only for the purpose of so that we have a new generation growing up who is interested in space, when they tell us, space is very distant, i always answer, no, guys, space is very close, you have space on every table, so today space has come to every home and it’s just it is forbidden.
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army, i immediately remember the ninety-second year, when i was in the eighth grade, everyone was shouting about the need to create a european army, a european corps, autonomy from nato. well, guys, an army cannot be created for more than 30 years, if the army remains for more than 30 years, this no longer an army, then this is already some other project, but why didn’t they create it, because, firstly, they felt safe under the american umbrella. what for? by the way, the americans also stifled any attempts to show some kind of independence in this area. the second point: it was believed that let the americans spend money on defense, and we will build such a consumer society, a welfare society. today we see the first, one might say, i don’t know, attempts at the future
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militarization of europe. by the way, she will inevitable. and here, how much we talked this week about... the european new entente, and somehow, again, they forgot to say that the entente has existed for a long time. the basis of the future flexible response force is the lancaster pact of great britain and france of 2010, their partnership is privileged for 50 years within nato, with cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. and by the way, when we don’t talk about fleets about the possibility of them creating some new weapons factories in the military-industrial complex, we... must remember that they already have according to the additional protocols of the year 14 , there is very strong coordination with each other, regardless of brexit, so it is quite possible that a pan-european army will not be created, but they will very well create a franco-british rapid reaction force, and this will require a reduction in the social sphere, so the europeans will gradually receive packages, washing
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bags, drying tea bags, these are all symptoms of a very serious thing. test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile of a mobile ground-based missile system, we will return in minutes. i recommend
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that you, allah, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr. aola taxi on monday on rtr. are regular shovels not doing a good job in the garden? introducing the hammer smith razer shovel. the ideal tool for digging , clearing and cutting for maximum
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results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots. and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen. and uproot, remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds like never before, quickly and effortlessly. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel, with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, cuts through the toughest root systems like butter and easily strips roots one at a time. to others. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but
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why, when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order the versatile hammer smith razer shovel, with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade and made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even in the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle that covers the area capture quadruples only if you call now, you will get the incredible hammersmith razer at an incredible price for only 49.95, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time, you are bored with your old fence, want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its
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help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area and beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a convenient way... this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears , just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life at a special price, only from 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. want to? twice the harvest the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect plants from frost , retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening , extend the gardening season, the presence of
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zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its... size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. lasting the frame of mini-greenhouses made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. a family of reindeer herders in yamal just received a gift from putin, an all-terrain vehicle and a tea set, today is april 12
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, cosmonautics day, a large family of pyak, and they are eight children, celebrating their golden wedding, putin called and gave his gift, in response, putin was promised to send a female reindeer, news from the cosmonautics day. goodbye, on the russia channel it’s time for the main news of the day, there’s big news on the air, igor kozhevin is in the studio, hello, it’s very strange in form, because of some kind of nopticum they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse because of the content.


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