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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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wait for this memorial complex to open in memory of our comrades. the classic said: “we are alive as long as people remember us.” it’s very nice that they took care of our testers, that the memory lives on and will live on for centuries. in moscow, control over electric scooters is being tightened and in some parks they are banned, and riding together now faces a real fine. special requirements will be placed on couriers in the capital; there are more than 100 of them. and a scooter. a familiar type of transport, so they decided to introduce a single standard for them, anna balan with details, rush to order, probably, yes, yes, of course, how many orders do you have per day, well, maybe 30, 35, 40, having packed the bags, the courier jumps onto his electric unit, squeezes the gas all the way to the limit, flies around the city, along the sidewalks and busy highways, they go out there along the moscow ring road , a hundred fly with you, so you think, well , who in general, they crossed two solid ones, but i know too. you don’t know the rules, no, i know,
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i know, and they also know perfectly well that no one will catch them or fine them, because there are no license plates, there was a situation once, i was riding a scooter, i was bumped into, yes, well, the person was in a hurry, it often happens that we violate the traffic rules , we don’t pay attention to traffic lights, sometimes we pass, drive in oncoming traffic, soon it won’t work like that anymore, in moscow they are introducing a unified standard for the work of bicycle couriers, every delivery employee. will have to register in the taksomoto system. only those employees who have received a digital profile in the system and who have completed training will be allowed to work. couriers will be required to pass an exam on knowledge of traffic rules; their vehicles must have license plate, front rear lights, and horn. in general, the numbers, well, you give them, this is not, this is, this is bad news for me. the numbers will even hang on a bag, strict requirements for appearance. reflective uniforms are now required. elements, this
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is the ideal of what all couriers should look like soon, i think yes, because it is important to monitor how someone delivers, for example, i don’t like it if some courier of another delivery cuts me off, season just started there have already been quite a few accidents involving electric scooters and bicycles of course, it’s not only couriers who violate, they don’t dismount, they drive two, three, and even five, i drive well, but there’s a girl behind the wheel, i ’m not, i’m not driving, they put you ahead, you’ll fly first. and they don’t even suspect that while they are driving like this, they are already being given a fine. starting today, artificial intelligence can determine the number of people on one rental scooter. if now, let’s say, i wasn’t alone, if there was an additional passenger with me, the scooter itself would transmit information to the system that a violation is occurring, then we, as operators, we will be able to issue a fine to block it. in the meantime, all means of personal mobility are blocked at the entrance to vdnkh botanical garden and vostankinsky. regular bicycles and
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scooters are also not allowed into the park; it is known that these restrictions are temporary. anna balan, rasul fitkulin, ilona gossieva and olga gribina. news. the vgtrk gosteleradiofond branch celebrates its half-century anniversary today. this is a real storehouse of russian television, where the originals of everything that was produced for broadcasting over the past 50 years are stored, unique television and radio programs, recordings of performances, films, and everything is available on the internet, you just need it.
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mikhail ulyanov, reading shollokhov's novel quiet flows the don, radio broadcast, stored in the most reliable place. the matrix, this is actually the original record, is made of metal, here are the sound tracks, you can even hear it. and state television and radio is not only congresses of the cpsu with prolonged applause, although this is also all preserved, but you can also look at the soviet vegetable warehouse, where various employees were herded.
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pike, yuri bogatyrev shows portraits fellow students and fellow students. natalya gundareva, this is burning, her star is burning. those who are no longer with us, but nevertheless, they remain with us forever, like the actors of the lenkom theater. i 'll never see you again. to take care of this memory is a huge amount of work and restoration of the film itself, quality control, restoration. by the end of the seventies, on the eve of the 1980 olympics, soviet television completely switched to the video format. wide boxes of ampx film are called video films, on which
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television films and tv shows were shot. some don't require an introduction, just see the splash screen. the film with the tv show was fed into a large professional unit called kadr 3p, and in order to digitize the entire tv archive, we had to find just such ones and debug them and launch them. the film is two-inch, almost transverse recording, and these are the first types of streaming. the famous ironies of fate or with light steam, the meeting place cannot be changed, these are television films intended for television screening and now we are watching them restored by the masters.
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will still please you with something new, old. ilya filippov, oleg makarov, elena fenoshina, news. a bust of the famous russian diplomat, former permanent representative to the un, vitaly churkin, was unveiled in moscow today. participants in the mgemo ceremony were relatives, friends, and colleagues of vitaly ivanovich. he passed away in 2017. he devoted his entire life to diplomatic work, was deputy minister of foreign affairs, ambassador to canada and belgium for more than 10 years, represented our country in the united organization. nations. metropolitan police are looking for scammers who deceived veterans of the great patriotic war. over the phone, they convinced a ninety-eight-year-old pensioner to transfer a large sum, supposedly for a family friend, but the attackers’ plan was thwarted by a vigilant taxi driver, a citizen of kyrgyzstan, who came
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on their order to collect the money. with details ainur valiakhmetov. hello, i’ll get along, i’m the taxi driver who came to you. here i am for you. brought there by the taxi driver reinbeg for the ninety-eight-year-old veteran of the great patriotic war, he became a very close person, from the threshold he was invited to the table, it was he who saved the berdyugin family from scammers. we still have many good people in russia, god grant there are even more of them. that day, rainbeg dzhangirov received a request to help bring a pensioner from his home to his address. the caller introduced himself as his son and had been in contact all this time. they said that on the fourteenth floor to... go up, there the grandfather said hello right away, he gives me the money, yeah, i don’t understand how later this man said that his father was sick and couldn’t walk, so bring him the money, then i already knew that these are already scammers, all their own reinbeg filmed the subsequent actions on
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his phone, that’s right, you had 100,000, yes, yes, i’ll give you this 100,000 back, after that to no one, i’ll now hand over this number to the police, viktor vasilyevich. and the scammer called valentina konstantinovna’s local number and introduced himself to his neighbors in the dacha. gen says: valentina konstantinovna, i really need a large sum of money one day, if you can, help me with anything, let’s give him 100,000 rubles. i also spoke to yan from the dacha, and then, when he started asking for money, and i said, well, gen, i i say, this is not a question for me, i go.
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his desire to help everyone and his trusting nature are what scammers took advantage of. the front left at 19, liberated warsaw, took berlin, they began to raise the flag on the reistag, and what did you think, besides our battalion, there was another battalion standing nearby, half were crying, mostly elderly, they realized that the war was ending, thank you, grandfather, where did you get this from? i also have a grandfather.
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always available on the media platform, look at this concludes our issue, all the news is in the app or on the website, directly now watch the program "amazing people".
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it’s unusual to see welding and not hear its sound, i love its sound, you
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’re doing a good job, it’s welded perfectly, only molten pieces remain on the metal, you see, it’s coming to the other side, i see, there’s not much film left, light, smile, a couple of historical shots. you look great, guys, let's wrap it up already, here are 4 hours and 10 minutes in outer space, but what about the earth? well, we’ll enter the zone in a couple of minutes, we’ll start getting ready slowly, i wonder if someday a person will have to leave the earth. will he be able to live in space, continue his family line, raise children,
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find food for himself, fall in love, make love in outer space, well, probably someday humanity will conduct such an experiment, well, they will invent some kind of simulator to prepare astronauts for, by the way, cosmonaut ivanov spent a record amount of time in the simulator, yes, yes, yes... a new space record will be set, that's enough, so, fellow cosmonauts, what other simulators are there, by the way, you do welding in an open space, dawn, we have already finished, we are going back, now return to the station, what about the oxygen, there are still 15 minutes left, i thought that we were out of the communication zone, it turned out awkward, well , i thought so too, but i decided to give the astronaut the opportunity lazareva... personally presented the project to management for consideration, the idea was accepted for consideration, and we will begin
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preparing for the next one. comrades, this is a woman’s first time in outer space, she jokes, laughs and talks about love, i would applaud cosmonaut lazreva. tsupi, by the way, is already being applauded. hey, what's the matter? light, freeze do not move. what's happened? a glove. hold your hand, don’t move, i’m trying, a hangnail from welding has pierced right through the glove and is sticking out on both sides, what’s ... is falling, the main thing is don’t twitch, drag, you can carefully cut off the metal, it’s already done, like pressure, 0.7 atmosphere, normal pressure, hand , let's go quietly, like on a walk,
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like along the arbat, like this, past the house... books, opposite the prague restaurant, turn onto the boulevard, lights, talk to me, i say, drag, you have everything no more than 2 minutes, that's all ok, we’ll have time, but come on, remind me, like silver according to the periodic table, that silver according to the table, argent, artut, gedrarger, that’s right, i confuse them all the time, guys, don’t blame you. where are you? getting close. we are going to the cinema. yes, sure. there is very little left. we can go to the autumn marathon. are you coming in? yes, let's go. do you love the autumn marathon? i love. autumn. hold on. hold on,
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dear. that's all. how's the pressure? don't forget? lazareva, fedorov, you are in touch, welcome! guys, are you inside or not yet? what's happening? it’s not difficult to explain this from a legal point of view physicists? vladimir petrovich, do you think for yourself what it looks like from the country?
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cosmonaut lazarevich almost died because you saw the light and it overshadowed your consciousness, if i write like that in the report, it... will affect your future in the space detachment, maybe they were angels, what do you think of this answer? joke, if i was joking, you would laugh.
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when you flew over the soviet union, did you think it was salt? yeah, every time, every time, that’s 16 times a day, even more. “ the only thing i didn’t think about was when i was flying over madagascar, but what were you thinking about? madagascar, and i thought what would happen if i landed on madagascar from space, probably the local popuas would see me falling, find
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me, make me the leader of their tribe, and i..." i will talk about space, about the stars, about the universe, and a little about what kind of life i had in the ussr. and what was your life like in the ussr? well, tell me. i love you, i want you to return to
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life on earth, i’m trying. how is it, volodya, here is the ground, here objects are falling down, let's go, wait, well, this turned out to be inconvenient.
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for some reason, my signal has disappeared. system telemetry does not work. what could have happened to her, the signal disappeared, no matter how much communication, 3 hours and almost 6 minutes, come with me, yeah, everything is with me, valera, photo from the telescope on gogarin, yeah, not a damn thing is visible, either she or not she.
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there will be another 3 months, we will prepare, we don’t have time for this, what’s the rush, we received information that nasa has scheduled the launch of the challenger on the thirtieth, that is, in 22 days, take a look, this is our station sollute 7, weight 20 tons, size 15x6 m, and this is an american challenger, the size of a cargo compartment 15x6 m, capacity 20 tons, funny coincidence. is not it? here is another funny coincidence: this is a new member of the challenger crew, our frenchman, patrick de bonel,
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flew with fedorov on salyut 7, is still friends with him, even sends him parcels with chestnuts and stinking cheese. patrick knows salute 7, just like our guys, and if the americans capture our station, what will it be like, an invasion? not just an invasion, we will have to respond. valery petrovich, you understand that we cannot allow the americans to land on our station. if if you don't fly, we'll be forced to shoot it down with a missile. you understand that if you shoot it, the fragments from this explosion will disable all the satellites that are currently in orbit, we will lose space, well , for at least 10 years, we cannot destroy space. valery petrovich. prepare the crew.
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today marks 15 years since the first salyut space station entered orbit. now a new modification of this station, salyut 7, is successfully operating in low-earth orbit. its flight takes place according to the planned program, in automatic mode without crew of astronauts. the entire system is controlled by the ground, mission control center. the station rotates along two axes, approximately 1° second.
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something isn’t biting, maybe my fish have started hibernating, i need to start warming up, otherwise my hibernation will also begin now, it’s a pleasure, viktor petrovich, comrade.
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i thought i would be upset that they didn’t call me, to be honest, that too, you’re crazy, you decided that i ’d be upset that you were called and me, no, you decided to feel sorry for me, but you know that you’re not an astronaut at all, you’re even in open i haven’t been to space, i’m an engineer in a spacesuit. be healthy, hello, vit, kind, listen, what is your wife’s term? a 31 weeks and 3 days. 4 days. four, 4 days, yes, so it
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’s about to happen, yes, yes, after all, we transferred you from backup to the main crew, thank you, we want you to fly to the fireworks, so i’m ready, but this is not a planned flight, it happened , what happened, after all, we lost contact with the station,
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let's dock, gen, try not so fast, let's go! we have simulated a visual micromodel of the rotation of the station, the ship will have to accurately repeat the rotation trajectory of the station and dock in this way. theoretically, of course, this is possible, but i’m afraid it’s only theoretical. come on, come on, come on. we remove one chair, instead we load additional fuel, food, water, in space every gram
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is gold. well, yes, there will be less food, water, less oxygen and fewer casualties, if anything, right? guys, well, this is impossible, not by petrovich’s will, it won’t work, imagine that you are driving into a garage, hold it, this is a car, your speed is first like this, then like this, like this, like this. well, are you more gentle with her, well, lower, like with a woman? valeria,
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i haven’t tried it with a woman who rotates on all her axes yet, i’m not sure that anyone can do this, i’m in a row. i would work out my plan, if the second one refuses, we are in altai or china, if the third one refuses, hello, pacific ocean, but who is our next commander, i have run out of commanders, the whole detachment tried.
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premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov, black, next time, i won’t miss it, alexander ropok, comrade uchkova, take off the handcuffs, let’s go under escort to the twentieth tomorrow apartment, okay? anna mikhalkova,
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she assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i myself am working for you all, maybe fyodor lavrov will kill or kill. look, what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, soon on rtr, bourbon steersman. product of steller group. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but we need to rest. where
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there is sun and sea. on the first coastal one, where everything is included except the head. we know about rest is all. relax anex water, a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you, romcastra product of the stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. i just have to teach you all. spring is a time when not only nature awakens, but the soul sings. i wrote a song, i didn't change a single line. i adore your program because you gather people who are not just talented, they contain the color of the soul.
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have you heard that we are having difficulty sending the crew to the council? they can’t dock, i heard how it seems to you, it’s even possible, it rotates strongly, strongly, more than a degree in all ethins, valer, you’re a little jelly, you know everything yourself,
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okay, glad to see, i’ll go teach young people, little ones, what if you had to to fly, everything is complicated there, it’s not suitable, for. is this what i’m hiding from you, that something happened there? something serious and that everyone refused to freeze, only you
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agreed, a fool, so pregnant, what can’t you do, you can’t be nervous, and what are you doing, i'm nervous, stop it, please, please, don't be nervous, here... you'll fly with you, take it into space, yes honey, well, we're not going skiing, no talking, there are two hats, come here, give me, please, they say, gorbachev will go out, well, i know, not a little. why are we drinking?
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i'm flying to baikanor tomorrow, keep an eye out, you're kidding, i'm going to space in a week, you're decommissioned, it just so happened, they can't cope without me, you need to dock manually, everything will be fine, don't worry, fuck you! do you know where? no, tell me, what's wrong with that damn thing of yours? space, what did you exchange olya and me for? i confirm the readiness of space. apparatus for launch, the spacecraft has been transferred to on-board power, seventh, the report of the seventh
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has been accepted, the first, first, there is a separation of the side block truss, the seventieth, the report of the seventieth has been accepted, the first, launch is on, pumping one, main pressure purge, pumping two, including reward , ground, the patch has moved away, ignition, preliminary, intermediate, smooth rise. goes well, beautiful, like wobble,
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wobble? is racing, the car is going hard, but confident, control. what is that hanging out there? this is an olympic bear charge. my daughter gave me a talisman, an indicator of weightlessness, for good luck, the main conclusion is that there is a simple answer.
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well, guys, are you in orbit? congratulations, congratulations, charge. today at 7 am moscow time
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, the soyuz t-13 spacecraft entered orbit ; the crew of the ship will dock with the orbital one. complex salyut 7, carry out planned research and experiments for the benefit of peace for all soviet people. khabarovsk regional komsomol the organization is handed over to transfer. i don't see her yet. she's still in kenya, soon. should appear, about 90° to the right in pitch and about 10 degrees in yaw, wait until, there she is, i see her, come on, turn the ship around, let us take a look, i’m
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taking aim, oh... here it is different, and we see, we drove slowly, 1600 m, in about 5 minutes we will be at the station, fly up at a distance of 200 m and hang there, eat. maybe we should start slowing down? wound, bye.
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i dampen the lateral speed and output 2 m/s. the dawn is slowing down, do you see it? we see pitch rotation is about 1.5° second, this is even faster than we expected, dawn, pay attention, solar panels are deployed in different directions, yes, we see, stepanovich, it’s not clear yet, sasha, we’ll have to take pictures. yes, well, what about god? so, i’m done, let’s start docking. go.
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we go for docking, i extend the bar of the docking mechanism, the distance to the node is 32 m. we go for docking.
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we'll crash. no docking, take it away, take it away. i’m taking you away, i’m taking you away, calmly, they pushed me hard, not too much, we
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almost slowed down, so we make peace, you are now enter the radio shadow, have a better rest, and here we will confer, think, yes, i understand you, there are connections, we are still looking at it externally, carefully. so, if you start moving from 11 m at a speed of 35 cm/second, it will be exactly a quarter of a turn, in principle we will be able to catch the knot, what are you doing, trying it on, selecting the speed. you yourself have already suggested, it’s impossible without a command, nothing, we’ll rehearse a little, you heard what
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the earth said, let’s carry out an external inspection of the station, i understand, the longitudinal station rotates in the same plane, the expected speed docking 15 cm per second, this is not enough for the ship to adapt to the station to catch its rotation, let's try to catch the movement, take a closer look, as they say, double-check the readiness of the systems , this is all just a rehearsal, at the same time we will take a closer look at the station, this is not necessary reduce the speed, you need to increase it on the contrary, at least... times, at least up to 35 cm/ second, the system is ready, the system
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is ready for stocking, let's go slowly. 110 m, speed 34 cm, speed 35, at this speed, if we don’t match, we definitely won’t have time to slow down, and this is a guaranteed collision, 35, we will crash the ship. we need to return them, damn it, it’s dangerous, volodya, you understand, video,
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every centimeter is important here, literally every centimeter, miracle left to right. now let's calm down, why do you need to be spinning around, you crazy psycho, we 've docked, i refuse to continue the flight with you, you hear, hang on, where are you going?
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no, so what, we docked, i mean, don’t understand? the docking of the soyuz t-13 spacecraft and the salyut 7 station was completed successfully. contraction completed, the ship's commander reports peace. mother of god, we are ready to test for leaks before moving to the station. how can you hear me? dawn, welcome. well, guys, you give it away. but
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we are afraid, and you need a shirt, laugh, peace, congratulations, you are great, well, let’s somehow inform you next time, no, prepare for the transition to the station. we entered the docking port, ready to move
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to the station, there is order here. we open the hatch, valery, wait, just a second, you know, like in georgian, well, wait, wait, well, i ’ll make peace, reception, dawn, reception, peace communications, peace alone doesn’t come, it’s dawn, what’s the matter, why can’t i, we can’t, peace 2 is coming, guys, come on, let’s go in together, volos. if something happens to you, vitya will not be able to throw the station into the ocean. this is the need that we must fulfill. eat.
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shut up, dude. let's. guys, if something happens to me, drown me in the indian ocean, since childhood i dreamed of being there, caucus bananas, leave the caucus, eat, open, little by little, open, measure 2, pressure 670. make a little noise, pressure falls, i continue to open, 550, continues to fall, i need to open, open, open, where to open, earth, earth, i can’t hear you,
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my ears are blocked from the pressure drop, world 2, where are you, earth. number 2, i’m at the station, there’s no degrammatization, but there’s ice all around, what do you mean, what kind of ice, it’s very cold here, what’s on the instruments, what’s the data, the pressure gauge says 530, yeah, try turning on the light ? why are you silent? what's with the light? die alone, volodka, welcome! come on, there's a beater here. are you at the station? yes, i'm on
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stations, so what? is she covered in snow? i don’t understand what kind of snow? are you laughing or what? just ordinary snow, in some places a centimeter thick, guys, can you look inside the panel? there is ice inside the panel, this is not a station, but a freezer, where the ice could have come from, it looks like a spring burst, what is the temperature there, the devil knows, the thermometer is electronic, spit, frozen, frozen. where did you spit? or in minato? he spat at me, but didn’t hit me, so around the world, listen to me carefully, fly back to ship and lights out, haven't you slept well in 24 hours?
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eat. well, hello, welcome. did you write? no, sveta wrote. i have a grudge against you, and so do i. premiere on rtr. well, what should i do to make you forgive me? well, well, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, okay? i see right through her, but she is lying, and she is lying to you, and to this taxi driver. yes, she chose me, that's obvious. are you seriously starting to think that you are? you doubt it, so i decided everything with mine, alla taxi on monday at rtr, let's go, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar
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group. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group.


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