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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. oldbarr cognac is a product of the steller group.
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titanic luxury collection snop product stellar group discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum titanic luxury collection bodrum exceptional service incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. bourbon steersman product steller group. well, comrades, what are your thoughts? what thoughts can there be here? this is no longer a station, but just scrap metal. guys, maybe we could do it. as for the question of time, first they
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need to warm up the station and melt it, this will take at least two days with the charge of one battery, when it melts, everything there will be in water, all the devices will be dried, the question is how long, well, even if they dry out, what next, sort out all the electronics, alyokhin is there, he assembled this station with his own hands, there is only enough food for 10 days, and so it’s great that 10 days won’t be enough for them, what 10 days, the temperature at the station is minus, they won’t last that long, they will bask on the ship, it’s plus 20, they will give way from the ship, which means the transfer hatches will be open, with such a temperature difference the ship will remain very quickly, they won’t last a week, what kind of russian peasant would be scared by the frost, valery petrovich, you’re russian, well, if you russian peasant were locked in your garage in the cold in winter without hot tea and ice-cold food, how long would you last for a day? five. famira, welcome,
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dawn, how can you hear me, welcome, good morning, we discussed here and realized that the best decision is to throw off the station, ocean, return you to earth, dawn, but we are already here, let us work for at least a couple of days , but a couple of days won’t be enough there, the risk is too big. “valera, listen to me, if you were in our place, you would just return home now, yes, pamirs, let’s do this, you have 5 days, on the sixth, if we don’t find a solution, drop the station. ocean, fly
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home, yes, accepted, end of connection, here it is week it became known that the russians were sending a rescue expedition to their dead station, the air began to go bad, it was breathing like in the caucasus mountains, but american experts are almost sure that there is no chance of saving the station.
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it is possible that the russians may have weapons and perhaps even nuclear weapons at the stations, then the consequences of this fall could be comparable to the explosion of kerosene. it might look like this: sergei mikhalovich, the americans are preparing an empty shuttle challenger for a snack, an empty cargo compartment, they are flying empty. dawn, we need it connect the radiator directly to the solar battery, turn towards the sun, then we will receive an additional charge and begin to heat the stations. the volume of the station is 80 cubic meters, 40 watts per block, it will be 3.2 kw, we
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will have a maximum of half a day at least so that it warms up to 3° and it will not rise above five, unfortunately. not sochi, of course, but still, i’m starting to turn , we passed, let’s move to the left, move, we’re in space, much more to the left, according to us, according to the sun, according to the batteries, well, according to the sun, of course, and slower, vova, like that, stop, brake, fixed. it’s working, try it, it’s off, you’re thinking, an engineer in a spacesuit.
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your mother, beautiful, cold. let’s try something, it’s more effective, make sure
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that the water doesn’t fly into the ship, it will close everything within the line, look, i’m on the attack, i’m on the gate, we blow the water towards the unit. censorship amount, okay, here 's the music, why am i a lead, because without water, come here, come here, valer, is there
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anything else, oh well, okay, we joked, we 're resting, oh, something else. this one is much better, volodya, yes, try the ventilation, the earth in luminato, the earth in luminato is visible, like the son of sadness on the mother, like the son of sadness on the mother, the earth is sad, it is alone, and the stars, nevertheless, and the stars, nevertheless, are a little closer, but everything is also dry, and how eclipse hours.
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famira, welcome, they took the water, almost. they collected it, only all the rags had already run out, they even used personal belongings, but the ship is warm here, we are warmer than at the station. be patient, in general, don’t forget your temperature and take your vitamins, okay, okay, let’s not forget. be careful not to burn your hands,
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how many do you have? yes, 36.6. and you? storka well, look, there, between the bags above the sofa, is there something?
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good joke, open it, open it! how did you carry it? if you fly, you can take him into space. amazing. well, little by little? yes, it's warm.
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on earth, prohibition, also on earth, does not apply to us, after all, we are on the territory of the ussr, the police don’t seem to fly outside the window, and the truth is they don’t fly, well then, let’s do one more. volodya, you don’t see anyone except us, you cockroach, the first in space, i was already thinking, i’ve been breathing in sour coal, glitches have begun, and what’s wrong? what to do with him? i crushed the beer on the ground, it’s a pity,
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after all, fellow countryman, why, fellow countryman, will you be third, stepanich, what are we fighting for, and why are we risking the guys, it’s a piece of iron. 20 tons of iron is all, this is the reputation of the soviet cosmonautics, yes, oh, mosquitoes, yura dobrovolsky, vitya patsayev, vladik volkov, i remember them every day, every time i think what we should have done to get them back, this is the reputation. “we couldn’t do anything then, now i don’t understand what i should
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do, i’m not there, i don’t see what they see, i only hear them, 20 minutes every an hour and a half, and then with interference, you can make the right decision, bring them back, and this is the right decision, they are the best guys, they are created for the work that they are doing now, and this... concerns their part and part of their country, then this it’s not just 20 tons of metal, it’s you who are confusing me, i’m next to anyone who understood me more, man, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll be 18 soon, i’ll live the way
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i want, damn it, i left home without answering calls. and you are sure that you know your daughter well, so now what to do? all it will be good if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, love, you, no, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself not to make noise from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us closer... like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping little one, premiere on saturday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself
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alone. rest is nothing. and think when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anex. veda vodka, a product of stellar group.
10:38 pm
rum castra is a product of stellar group. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! whiskey! catcher is a product of stellar group. pamirs, can you hear me? dawn, welcome. can you hear me? how are you doing? we clean electrical circuit components. there is still a lot of water left. yes, you get out, from all angles. we catch it drop by drop. peace, and you
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did you rest? yes. yes, we had a rest. so that's it. go to the ship and lights out, you can’t do without rest, guys, well, before you rest, valer, you should have seen what’s going on here, until the water is sorted out, it’s better not to stop, that’s an order, okay, now we’ll just ring the chains right away, lights out, guys, and how did cska play, satykhka, but we’ll let you know the score, valer a little later. inject and always have hot tea, you hear me, they need to stay in the warm ship for at least a day, my dear, they have nothing left, now they are in chains they will ring the bell, they will have everything, and hot tea, warmth and half-pension and sochi, you generally understand what we are talking about, yes, i understand.
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accept, now we will connect the battery to the solar panels and launch the station, there is contact, reorientation has begun, now the sensor is trying to find the sun so that the batteries can be deployed to it. do you hear that the stubble has turned around?
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i can’t hear, it’s a pity, the tape recorder doesn’t work, everything inside is fine, i say. we need to go into outer space and do an external examination. the next communication session, the world is alone, get ready. i opened the hatch, the pressure is normal, great, so, i’m outside, at the photo station, you can see a slight
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distortion in the shape of the solar panel orientation sensor, start checking with it, accepted, i start moving, go around the middle battery on the left, got it, i go around on the left, nothing here has not changed, everything is familiar, the same earth, the same sun, yes, everything is the same, the batteries are worn out, of course, badly, like sails after a trip around the world, well, cosmic dust, that’s normal, it needs to be replaced, now move towards the child, i understand you, i’m moving, the station body is corroded, aging, beautiful, and even old, where are you, above the control compartment, yes, i go to the body of the working compartment, you see the sensor already, no, for now, i move towards it,
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you look at the pressure, yes it’s normal, dawn, everything is clear, what did you find? i found it, it looks like i found it. vitya, were you right? what, a sensor? yes, the sensor body is oriented, the batteries are bent, pressed against the surface of the station. how could this happen? are there any traces? what would it be like without them? sar? you should have seen it. scratch, fingers three thick to the sensor. so what? it could still be, but it looks like a truck drove in, i can unscrew it, i'm afraid i can unscrew it it won’t work, the nuts won’t get close,
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they are pressed, and if you knock it off, guys, there’s thick metal there, you can’t break it off that easily, let the technicians repeat the same position of the sensor on the model, i’ll do it now, okay, guys, it’s good that you found the reason. “we will think about what to do, come back for now, i would stay here for now, look at the station, i have enough oxygen, why will i run back and forth and waste the atmosphere, and for now you will think and in the next session we will decide what to do, confirm connection, reception, amir, can you hear me, dawn, dawn, i will die alone. welcome, vitya, your land has also disappeared, vitya, answer me, welcome, peace-2, i have died alone, how can you hear
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me, welcome, vitya, peace-2, vitya, tsar. we have smoke at the station, vitya, vitya, dawn, we have a fire on the ship, vitya, vitya, put on your spacesuit, you'll burn, vitya, fuck off the ship, close the hatch and shoot, shoot, before the station catches fire. hold on, hold on!
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come out, come on, why aren’t you sleeping? i’m fine, but why aren’t you sleeping, huh?
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pomiry, welcome, how can you hear me, this is earth, answer, pomiry, welcome, volodya, vitya, how can you hear me, valery petrovich, the station is in the shadows, there is no connection. well, comrade, it’s time, it’s time to decide something, we’ll wait for the next communication session, we’re already waiting for 8:00, because of your haste , we flew without preparation, so now we ’ll wait as long as we need, it’s clear, you what do you think, i don’t know that it was you who left the cosmonauts at the station when you could and should have returned them, it was you who ruined them, turn it all around, i will make sure,
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i will make sure that you answer for... all this and i won’t look at that you are a hero of the soviet union, twice hero, and if necessary, i’ll answer, answer, cnn is broadcasting the launch of the american shuttle, put it on the big screen that we didn’t see their shuttles take off, so locally, we’re waiting for communication. how did you take off the american shuttle, oh, vitya, vitya, he’s got quite a tan. yes, yes,
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we are checking. opage 5255. lead 25.5 seconds. the compartment temperature is zero. instrument compartment temperature. peace, welcome. these are peaces. reconciliations, reception, communication reconciliations, reconciliations, reception, we are listening to you, reception, volodya, come on, what’s wrong with you, you haven’t had any contact for 9 hours, we have a fire was, the ship burned down, vitya extinguished it on the way to depressurization, we are now at the station, how is he and vitya, he was badly burned, he is conscious, yes, conscious, only he inhaled a lot of smoke, you can get onto the ship and report the situation, i can, i'm worried about vitya.
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vladimir petrovich around the world , repeat two capsules mp-24 and one bk-12 after 6 hours. ok i understood. valerie, in general, yes. the oxygen supply station burned down. "most likely the bomb caught fire, the ventilation system is also not working, there is nothing to breathe, there is almost no air, look, at least something is working on the ship, so, i’m checking, the central data unit does not reflect, the ship does not respond to commands, the wiring is also melted, valer, everything is melted here, everything is not very good, i’m afraid”? that the station has already been dumped into the ocean it won’t work, we can’t control the ship right now, i understand, now we’ll think about how to return you to earth, we can’t let the americans into
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our station, i agree, yes, we know what they need, we can’t let the americans fall into the hands of our advanced technologies, that means we’ll shoot down the station before ... the americans fly up, comrade, do you even remember that there are two of our cosmonauts there, and what can you do? give me 3 hours.
10:53 pm
kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbele. where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac monte shococa is a product of stellor group.
10:54 pm
titanic luxury collection, old barrel cognac, product of steller group, titanic hotel, deluxe, golf belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the exquisite cuisine of the best. here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, snob gin, a
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stellor group product, the control panel opened, opened, everything is melted here, bad, disconnect, until the batteries run out, it's done. you heard the sound of docking, you heard, see, what are you docking, we need to open the hatch, the shuttle docked, all, what an american ship, i saw how it flew, it will help us!
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don't touch your hands, don't touch, don't touch, there's no one there. let me go, let me go, it seemed to you, this happens, i also thought that there were angels, but there were n’t any, angels, remember, remember, i brought chestnuts, i remember, but i didn’t understand what they had, potatoes are potatoes, and i myself, i don’t understand.
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technically, it is possible to cut off the ship manually, there are overbolts, there is a mechanical command, there is no connection to the electronics, how long will they fall? now they at an altitude of 180 km across the planet, after four orbits they will cross the conventional boundary of the atmosphere and begin to attack. yeah, when do they land? after 67 hours and 40 minutes with an error of 20 minutes. where did it fall? approximately, in this area. what does it mean in this area? this is the entire indian ocean. it is impossible to calculate more precisely. valery petrovich, they may not reach the ground. why? they used almost all the oxygen to restore the atmosphere at the station. look, there are five oxygen cylinders left for 4 hours - that's for 20 hours, plus large ones cylinders with an air mixture - this is 40, also in gas masks.
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what you said is definitely enough for one, they have eight naponas, it depresses breathing and slows down oxygen consumption, one can definitely be returned, but who can be returned, the commander must remain on the ship, that’s the order. you need to undock exactly at 17 hours
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34 minutes 40 seconds, you need to tell them now, otherwise they will not have time to prepare. sai, connect me in the office. volodya, vitya, can you hear me? dawn, i’m dead
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alone, we hear you, how’s it going, vitya, consciousness, well hears us, no, they don’t hear, there’s no time, i ’m short, you don’t have enough oxygen, only one can be returned to earth, do you hear me? yes, i hear you, collect all the sour water and stykov and alekhine, exactly at 17 hours 34 minutes, 40 seconds, as you understand me, i understand you, it will be done, it will land in the indian ocean area, the cruiser has already gone there, and how did csk play there , won against spartak, 2:1, okay,
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well, see you then, volodya, forgive me! what were you thinking about madagascar? i thought
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what would happen if i landed on madagascar. probably the local papulas will see me fall. they will find me and make me the leader of their tribe, and i will tell them about space, about the universe, about the stars, just a little, what was my life like in the ussr, and what was your life like in the ussr? well tell me. daughter, wife, football and building communism, yes, it sounds very boring compared to the view from space of the african continent, but i love it all.
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nina, hi, hi, hi, something happened, you need to talk to him. uh-huh, now, hello, hello, there they have
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problems, and we decided to give you the opportunity, i know everything, when the connection, they are in touch, i’ll die, guys, i’ll die, yes, dawn, welcome, volodya, nina is here. wants to talk to you?
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nina, can you hear me? yes, i hear you. thank you for coming, like ulya, she’s here, she wants to talk to you, dad, hello, where are you? hello daughter, dad, hello, where are you? you know, i’m far away, in the sky, for sure, in the sky, and you’ll be back soon? well, first i need to finish something here, okay, then we are waiting for you, volodo, can you hear
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me? i love you, i love you too, come back.
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there’s nothing to breathe here anyway, why? see, it’s time to undock, you’re flying home, every 8 hours you’ll be injecting yourself with amnopons in the first aid kit. then you will have enough oxygen to reach the ground, you know how to release yourself manually, you will land somewhere in the indian ocean, you have long wanted to go there, why can’t we do it together, there is not enough oxygen for two, i will never fly alone, don’t talk nonsense, your wife is giving birth to you. i’m not going anywhere alone, but i’m ordering you, we’re wasting time, listen, we need to go into space and gouge
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to hell with this sensor housing, then the battery will work and we will get electricity, regeneration will give oxygen and we will be able to accept the rescue ship, we just need to gouge this body, but what will we gouge it with, a sledgehammer or something? we didn’t even try to do it, listen, vitya, well, you understand that if we go out and don’t break this building. no one will return home, no one will have enough oxygen, do you understand that? i understand that, well, lady, come home, if i return alone, how can i look my child in the eye? i will, and how i will look your child in the eyes.
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i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work, the premiere on rtr, we can open our own, there are too many noises, as for your this alla, she sang along, we will choke, we will discuss, take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warning signs , what if something happens to you, i’m scared, there are too many dangerous intersections, trouble, he’s alive, alive, but she can’t stop, your mother can handle it, she’s a strong woman,
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taxi alla, on monday at rtr, let’s go, stearsman bourbon, a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, they say
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you need to prepare for vacation, you need to be able to relax. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex whiskey, group product, discover the real one. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise, opens in the titanic,
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luxury collection of bodrum. cognac, monte show. i can’t see the light, stewardess, today at rtr, don’t hold on tightly, your hands will hurt, how do you know that i’m holding on tightly,
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when i first got out, i also held on tightly. my hands hurt afterwards. well, how are you, great, as if on earth, hang. from
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me, fasten it on the other side, like this, yes, like that! here, look, i went, no, also bye.
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we are entering the shadow of the earth, now it will become very cold. that's all, after all, that's all, well, shall we go back to the ship or stay here?
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i’ve never wondered why... cosmonauts only give birth to girls, well , i got to thinking, they’re all cool guys, but only girls are born, well, yes, maybe because girls are cool, there’s no doubt about it. i don’t even know how she’s doing now, maybe she’s already giving birth, i should take a look at least once, no, just once is
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not enough, yes, just once is not enough. we will shoot down the station, we did everything we could, and so did you.
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assembled, their viscosity decreases in the cold, fragility increases if you wait until the metal will cool down to 100 degrees, it may crack, let's try, we can make it before the sun rises. let's.
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welcome, why are you silent, how? there is lilya, prodila, girl, congratulations, now you are a real astronaut.
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the ships will stand still and set course. but they come back, through bad weather, not even six months will pass, and i will appear to leave again, to leave again, for six months, not even six months will pass, and i... will appear to leave again,
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to leave again, for six months, everyone returns, except the best friends, except the most beloved ones and devoted women. everyone returns except those who are most needed, i don’t believe fate, i don’t believe fate, and... even less to myself, everyone returns except those who are most needed, i don’t believe fate, i don’t believe fate, and even myself less, and i
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want to believe that this is not so, that burning ships will soon go out of fashion, of course i will be back, full of friends in my dreams, of course i will sing, of course i will sing, in less than six months, i will of course be back , all friends in business, of course i’ll sing, of course i’ll sing, not even six months will pass, not even six months will pass, it won’t pass six months, this is an ideal order, it was given, as
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you can see us now, yes, great, come on , breathe, breathe, it’s not visible, great, now you can take off the step. and stand for one minute without your hats, yes, because we still have to show you without your hats, that means everything is fine, if you have something to say, then we are ready, is that all you? arranged, yes, not only did it deprive me of my career, she decided to finish me off, alla taxi, premiered on monday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection bowdrome.


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