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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 13, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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shanman and russian people are already just at the joint, what kind of organ-organ is yours, that’s all, this is your organ-organ, organ-organ, organ-organ, and so, they called this instrument organ-organ after the first first song that was loaded there, the first melody, when it’s called in france, in france it’s called differently, by the way, it’s called logically, yes, well , they call it something like a mobile wind mini-arsny cabinet, so what... something like that, but there weren’t any notes in the sharmanka, that’s right, why there was no, there were no notes, notes, well, i mean, well, notes, well, you can’t play by notes, that’s how it loads, and it’s one melody, it spins non-stop, a music box, yes, in fact, then these discs were expensive, there were few of them, most often, along with the handbag , this sharman katrin was already included, then you had to buy the rest . people
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saved all the time, this melody was playing, a beautiful question, beautiful, beautiful, oh well, the amount in the bank has not changed, it’s still there, show me 120,000 rubles. the entire star five now has the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves for the third round, because now everyone will play it again together. the fourth round of our program, let's go quickly! fourth round: play with five players, again 4 minutes, three tips, 20,000 rubles per kana, there is one feature of the fourth round, the viewer himself asks you his question, i don’t know whether this will help or hinder you, but these are the rules, pay attention to the screen , let's get acquainted, nagornaya will help, 19 years old, music, and will spend the money
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on travel. okay, are you ready? yes, sure. attention to the screen. ekaterina will ask you everything herself now. why did american flour producers sell it in the 1930s? in bags with bright patterns? time? have colorfully patterned bags repel any pests? well, there are people there, that is, some cockroaches are crawling in, oh my god, what have you drawn here? i won't go there. no no no. these bright patterns were intended for people, yes, but to determine that there is flour, exactly flour, no, you can just write flour, and oh, in the states, by the way, there are illiterate people there, this is a known fact, that’s why painted flour, with bright patterns, painted in multi-colored, painted, in fact, that there are almost a huge number of signs in the states, they are duplicated, because if it is written in writing, i don’t know how.
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so that these bags could then be used to make clothes from these bags, for kings, these bags were sent to no, no, just colored, colored bags, yes, so that later they could be used for sewing clothes, for whom, for customers, well, okay, i already accept the answer, first of all for children, of course yes, but in general yes for sewing clothes yes... but all together yes they
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just sewed from bags then well what are you in bags come on, let's at least make clothes from these bags, sew clothes, and during the great depression, the great depression, and housewives in many american families had to sew clothes from empty flour bags because there was no money for them, first of all, for their children. then to buy or sew. this is why flour manufacturers specially began to produce bags with beautiful patterns, so that housewives, when they buy flour, can then use these bags to make some beautiful ones for their children, and also an advertisement, that is, you are more likely to buy the bag is colored rather than just white, yes, thereby the people who started doing this gained a competitive advantage, what are you doing, why did you immediately bring faith in beauty to humanity? immediately imperialism
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capitalist damn western country and so the first clue, yeah, why is this? hint, let's think together, let's think together, you can think, it seems to me, the king is thinking for a very long time, by the way, why did i speak, he listened, even though you are with me, but at this moment he is listening to vysotsky, but this has nothing to do with him, he’s wearing clothes, royal clothes, but they didn’t even hint at that, even here when he said, oh, these are the devil’s clothes, he’s wearing this here, by the way, yes, yes, dynamo, yes, this tracksuit. this is not what our editors even hinted at, but sometimes even i can’t understand and accept their logic, i’ll tell you honestly, just the first hint, just a random picture, they won’t guess anyway, well, i ’ll tell you now, you’re right not well, at the end of the film, at the end of the film, but you will be cured,
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a catchphrase by yuri yakovlev, well, more precisely this is like his punch in the role of ivan the terrible, where he says: the police have covered up the case, oh you, yes, they sew on the word, yes, i was here for us, i’m like, well, listen, i’m just here, like, you’re serious, you’re like this you say, no jokes aside , yes, well, we can answer, of course , with an editor, you will be cured, that rare case, sasha, when i agree with you, so the second hint, you didn’t get to it, so, so, but that’s also what did you mean now? hope, babkin’s hope, and so, let’s say, hope ba hope-clothing, such colomburg, correctly, the mnemonic rule is known in the russian language, put on clothes, in the sense of put on clothes, put on hope, put on clothes, put on hope, yes seriously, yes, yes, yes, yes,
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yes, a non-monic rule to remember in what cases to put on, and what clothes to wear, yes, and they will cure me, they won’t cure you, we change the phrase, here’s the third, okay, third, right? it’s just maria, of course not, good, that’s good, she was a seamstress, she was a seamstress, she’s a seamstress, after the fourth round in our bank, show me, there’s even more by 20 thousand rubles, and now the jackpot is 140,000,
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the last fifth round awaits us, in which you can still replenish the jackpot, and then we will play it, fifth round, let's go, fifth round, round of questions from the star, attention to the screen, let's get to know this very star. singer alsou, alsou plans to give his winnings, if it happens, to charity, okay, ready, question from alsou right now, attention to the screen, what is magirokov? phobia time and fear of something, oh, not bad, well, yes, judging by the phobia, yes, fear of magic, magic, well, that means, well, ma - it’s obviously mom, gay, i don’t know what this word is, strangers, it’s a stone, look at the stone,
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listen, it’s some kind of thing, apparently, people are afraid of some kind of game, that is , it’s a strange story, yes, i agree, a strange story, we can’t guess, because maybe roko is not connected with a stone, but in your opinion the english language, but there should be, well, latin, which gave rise to it, or latin there , or greek, it ’s connected with water, no, it’s not connected, it’s connected with size, with size, with size, something you are you afraid of indoor spaces, closed spaces, large, small, no, no, it would be mega, with food, by the way.
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well, no, well, that’s not what we’re even hinting at here, it’s not ours, it’s burnt, it’s burnt, cooks are always afraid that something will burn , you’ll eat something raw, no, no, afraid of cooked food, but that’s it... this fear, fear of cooked food, fear of cooking, fear of preparing food, yes, now i yes, yes, i accept, yes, yes, yes, good, yes, zhenya played great, just two eugenes, show the answer on the screen, then i will tell , this is fear before cooking, yes, ah, magira.
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that you need to cook food, even the sight of the person who cooks can cause a panic attack in a person with myrocophobia, look, how would i cook, at least help me, i can’t even do this, in some extreme cases in a person with this disease, even the habit of eating only unprocessed food develops, raw foodists are born like that, not everyone, look, not all raw foodists.
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by the way, it’s clear where it came from, after all, i’m a megarocophobe, but all mega rocophobes are raw foodists, i insist, mageirokas is the greek word cook, mageirokas, mageirokas, beautiful, mageirokas, and call mageirokas please, what is this possible, well, this is some kind of, of course, these are some kind of psychological deviations, no, finite, well, this is a disease, that’s why it’s actually classified as mental a disease, it’s even... there are three clues that can be treated, let’s look at them, this is just something they cook over a fire, but they don’t have to fry, it’s just always strange to cook over a fire, for some reason it fits right in, they rehabilitated themselves for the last round , yes for one yes, well let's do it the second clue, you didn’t get to it, you should have started with this, but here it means that the person is prepared, it’s obvious, the third clue, a ready-made recipe, a pharmacy, right?
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and this means that at this moment, show me, we have 160 accumulated in the bank. okay, let's save it. immediately after the advertisement, in the finale we will find out whether this money will remain in our game bank, or one of our viewers will take it. don't switch to the finale, very soon. “i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, if anything happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, today out of feeling,
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that he himself cut out his daughter and keeps her locked up, this cannot be, stay away from him, alexander nikitin, you are hiding something, don’t confuse me, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i need to know, weeping willow, premiere, today on rtr."
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allow yourself a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, what the guests shout in unison at the wedding, scene 15 , you're spoiling the actress for me, neck to neck, the cossack crashed into aku, she, well, it still hurts humor, humor, humor, premiere today on rtr, it’s five against one,
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we’re back right now, the final jackpot draw! we'll give away all the bank's money, that's all, everything acquired through back-breaking labor, show me, it's 160,000 rubles. rather, let's see that tv viewer who can become 160,000 richer today. attention to the screen. he plays in the final. olga studies at a physics and mathematics school, plays the guitar, won a brown belt in aikido, loves geography, friends and go for a walk, that is, he can hit you on the head with a guitar, professionally yours, take it away first, and you know what to spend the winnings on, i’ve never seen anything like this before, the winnings
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will be spent on geographical practice, that is, well, i don’t know. what sound did the redthroat nightingale include in its repertoire when it happened to be wintering in sweden? is this the sound coming from the mouth from the beak? well, yes, but did he whistle? no, he farted, no, is that some kind of bass, bassy sound? no, no, no, the sound is unusual for him, right? yes, yes,
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of course, that’s the point, that’s the trick, anastasia, he shouted, no, help, i’m in sweden, lord. and this is a very high sound, a very low sound, well, no, and not like that , that is, it has nothing to do with the sound at all, no, it’s directly specific, that is , it’s a specific bird, it was saying something, that is who was he imitating, well, one might say, a sound, a sound comes from a person, yes, a car sound, no, a siren, a shot, no, uh, what else happens, uh, a teapot, a song, no, a poem, some kind of commercial- then, no, a television... program, no, yes jimbil five against one, yes, yes, he heard it on the street, the shooting of some mobile phone, no, a police whistle, no, but this sound is high, you are already average, let's just say this sound issued by some official, yes, no, or just people, well, yes, you have already dug out the logic correctly, whistle, sneeze, no, not a whistle,
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cough, not cough, yes people, people publish, if people, no, this people? we also found out with you, and there were good versions, by a person, but not by a person’s voice, we have a whistle there, a car horn, but you don’t we've come to this, that's the logic, look, it's a bird, a very beautiful bird, and well , you couldn't know it, but it's very rare for sweden, and there's a huge number
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of birdwatchers, so photos started coming in to take it, photograph. or something like that, yes, show the answer on the screen, beautiful, yes, the click of the camera shutter, beautiful, but not enough, a difficult question. many swedes came to see the random guest, they really wanted to capture the curiosity, the constant clicks of the camera, apparently they liked the birds, and this nightingale in in the end, he began to imitate them, began to click , imitate this click of the camera, it was recorded, behind the scenes history. which we didn’t guess, but yes, well, all
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lyosha is a beautiful question - this is the question, the bank’s money, that’s all you often gave today to our tv viewers, it’s not a pity, by the way, it’s not a pity, it’s not a pity, a sixteen-year-old child, and that means that the next, next program we will start with the minimum possible amount, show it. 20,000 rub. she’ll have enough for a guitar, yes, 160,000, that’s really not bad, i’m very happy with what happened today, at such moments i am always very happy, because it is joyful and pleasant to give money to our tv viewers. with this, our show has come to an end, i remind you that all episodes can be found on the internet platform, watch, and if you want not only to watch the star five, but to play with them, then you can ask your question on the page , perhaps
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good morning, dear friends, good morning. our dear tv viewers, you are watching 100 to one, this is fun and some even consider it an intellectual quiz for the whole family. u
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today we are visiting two wonderful teams related to astronautics, the team from the museum of cosmonautics, and the team, it’s time to go into space, please come to the studio. let's get acquainted, the cosmonautics museum, yes, the cosmonautics museum. vyacheslav, please introduce your team. i present to you the team of the cosmonautics museum. next to me, olesya, when you come to the museum they will tell you that you can’t touch this, best of all they will tell you why you can’t do this. olesya, she is the main curator of our museum. nothing at the space museum can't be touched. not possible, under no circumstances. what if in 100 years people come too, they want to see and touch and after 200 and after 500 and you mean historical we thought there was a button to press start let's go it's also there
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there is such a thing well thank god tatyana is a wonderful member of our team a pr employee is wonderful speaks different languages ​​and is very interested in dancing when i asked tatyana what kind of dances she said all of them and slow dances too , including well, anastasia, when you come to museum, come out, you want some kind of activity, you want something interesting to do with your children, this is a question for the senior animator of our museum, she can do everything with all the children and easily talk about space with interest, and anastasia is also involved in educational urban planning, but here you go that’s exactly how it is, yes, and anastasia is also the mother of three beautiful children, applause again, thank you. the head of the pr service of our museum in sebolot, in order for people to come to the museum, we must tell everyone that it exists, in fact, a historian
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plays the piano beautifully and is simply a good communicator, bravo, and vyacheslav klimentov, deputy director of the museum of cosmonautics for science, historian, professor, author of many books, the most positive creative person in our museum, thank you. well, after all that, all that remains is to just tell our tv viewers where the cosmonautics museum is located, first shout our chant, you can, in general everyone can support it, please, thank you, i’m starting the countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let’s go, to the museum of cosmonautics is located in the vdnkh metro station under odelisk space conqueror and we are waiting for you all there, 110 peace avenue, right? absolutely right, so thank you, your opponents today, it’s time for the team to go into space, anatoly, introduce the team,
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thank you very much, dear. puts on wonderful simply space productions and sometimes you need to stop her, because she wanted to compare astronauts with moths, there are a few such associations that are twofold and we have to stop, so we continue, thank you, anna, we are also a mother of many children, who is raising three wonderful children and a husband , astronaut tester oleg artemyev.
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first of all, applause. secondly, oleg artemyev is in our studio, if i understand correctly, in the first row, thank you for coming to us, thank you, kirill, he is a student at bauman university, a future cosmonaut, a developer of many programs, and like any soviet boy, when i grew up, i couldn’t become an astronaut and make my dream come true, but still. but through children, we hope to do this, just in the target direction from the cosmonaut training center. welcome who will introduce you? i would ask nina, a fellow writer. so, anatoly, writer, scientist, doctor of sciences, professor, author of the book it’s time to go into space, which gave the name to our team, moreover, he dreams and
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has no limits.
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and we begin, this is a game of 100 to one, there is a simple single game ahead, i’ve read it, an interesting book, it’s time to go into space. well, we continue, this is a game studio 100 to: one, we have a simple single game, i invite the captains of both teams here to the gaming table. you could say crew commanders. so, well well, our first question is also, in general, about a romantic profession, we are talking about sailors, sailors, who switched to the sea. attention, the question is what each sailor can do. anatoly, tie knots, tie knots, check the scoreboard.
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every sailor knows how to tie knots, he can, we have this on the third line, so you have the opportunity to give, every sailor must be able to swim, they must be able to swim, is there really not at least one who cannot swim, i think no, no none, check, float, yes, this is the best answer, let's go back to team. according to our rules, you continue, olesya follows you, please, i think that every sailor can, oh, tell me, you are there, you are the team, you tell me, scrub the deck, scrub the deck, exactly, exactly, check on the scoreboard, scrub deck, there is, so we are
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open. lines in the answer to the question: what can any sailor do: swim 28 out of 100 respondents, scrub the deck 23, tie knots 16. we continue, tatyana. sailor, what every sailor can do, dance, dance the apple, dance the apple, i don’t know, well, either use morse code or, you were told that you can do any dance, any, any, i’m not a sailor yet, thank god, so i think that you need to dance, dance, well , dance, dance, sailor dance apple, and you think , that this is on the scoreboard, but why? i really hope so, let’s check, apple dance, there is such a line, five people, there’s no time for me yet, so what else, what else, let’s think, gristy, yes,
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a good option, gristy, controls the boat, what to send the signal sos , sos signal, or call this bell, call the bell, but i think that you still need to, yes, let ’s row, of course, let’s check, another option, check, check, well, you said it confidently, let’s check, row, steer the boat , something like that, no, no, about the boat, there’s nothing about the boat, it seems to me that resisting seasickness, maybe after all, no, no, it’s good for you, yes, the absence of seasickness, well, yes, how how would you go to sea if?
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report to navigate by map or compass let's navigate by compass ok, let's navigate by compass , yes, well, navigation, compass, that's something here , navigation, navigate by compass, by stars, check navigation, navigate , no such thing, no chance for your team, now the system is as follows, each of you gives one answer option, and then the captain gives a general answer. kirill, let's start with you, please. well, i think, uh, he needs to eat something, and he needs to fish, be able to fish, yes,
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well, in general, sometimes, of course, this can come in handy. anna, i think, give up the mooring line, give up the mooring line, well, probably remember, ekaterina, batten down the hatches, batten down the hatches, yes. if something is commanded, raise the sails, raise the sails, it’s beautiful, anatoly, maybe batten down the hatch, no, the hatches are a submariner, then let’s sail, okay, sail, no sail , sail, give up the centerboards, check , no, we check, the team has people who have a different opinion, we check. with sails, no, all points go back to the museum of cosmonautics team, rejoice, now we will find out what we have there on two lines, and
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should captains listen to sailors, women on the ship, it’s a terrible thing, so on the fourth line we have the most important one. 10 moor 9 dance bullseye five further below the table we would have put gaps about this they talked about climbing a mast or a rope and also whistling that's what we remembered
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here's what our viewers remembered 72:00 so far in favor of the team museum of cosmonautics we continue we have a double ahead game and it's 100 to one. i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr, we can open our own taxi fleet. there is too much interference, and as for your alla, i sang along with her, we will choke, we will discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warning signs, what if something happens to you, i’m scared, there are too many dangerous intersections, trouble, seryoga crashed, he’s alive, he’s alive, but she can’t stop, your mother can handle it, she’s a strong woman, hella taxi. on monday on
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rtr, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is. included except heads, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, monte shococa cognac, stellor group product, tiitanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and
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comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. we continue to air on channel russia 1. 100 to one, fun quiz, double game. i invite the second team numbers here to the table. so, well, look, it means that now we will talk about this, about the technical devices with which they do something, attention, the question of what they listen to with the help of special equipment, lungs, olesya, heartbeat, heart, we check, yes, we check , heart, first line right away, let's go back, go back to
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the commands, so alesya, tatyana, it's your turn to listen using special equipment, that is, some signals that are transmitted, which indicate the presence of fish, for example, the presence of fish through echo cold , echolocation, echolocation is so good, that is, fish, they are looking for fish, fish and looking for something, looking for something in the sea, but with the help of an echo lot. there is such a thing, yes, dolphins, whales and so on, everything in the sea, anastasia, i think that radio signals, radio signals can be heard, music using special equipment called radio, so we check radio signals, broadcasts, walkie-talkie, do not forget that television is also radio, simple.
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voices, okay, let's check the voices of other people, no, so no, what else can we listen to, so listen, listen, listen, that means the animals are no longer there, the equipment, accordingly, well, imagine this equipment, all these apparatuses of which you could already have a heart, maybe they can listen to something else. check, check, check, check, the command agrees, check, check, listen to breathing, light, fourth line - maybe something else that tatyana will say now, this thing, i would say so, on the sixth
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line is something exactly the opposite dancing, sitting, this is a very serious thing.
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let's check, it's classified information, well, class, all the scoreboard, all the scoreboard on the first try, so, when asked what they listen to with the help of special equipment, the viewers we surveyed answered, heart 32, music 29, broadcast 9, lungs, the voices of all kinds of sea creatures are six secret. formation five nija scoreboard we have the answer: space, we went through two rounds, it was a double game, while we have the team of the museum of cosmonautics ahead, we continue, we have a triple game ahead, you are looking at 100 to one, we continue, we continue, i
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i invite the third number of teams here, to the gaming table, we have a museum in the game today it’s time for the cosmonautics and the team to go into space, so we’re tuning in to the historical question: napoleon, imagine the picture, so attention, question, interesting question, what do you think could not be liked? napoleon in russia. so, tatyana, frost, frost, or roads. checking the frost. yes, that's the first line. let's go back. let's go back. well done. with the button, it seems to be ok. so,
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anastasia, let's go. roads. roads. didn't like it. well it is more like yes. well, of course, it wasn’t potholes. napoleon might not have liked it. russian roads checking 11 49 people said frost, that is, winter, well , the roads are already 11, which means after all, half of those surveyed think that the main thing that he didn’t like was winter, i think, after all, we have food problems, well, i really like anastasia’s answer , especially since now there are no problems with this, everything is very tasty, but maybe then he didn’t like the food, maybe he didn’t like the food. well, they kind of eat frogs, but on our way, suddenly in the frost, for some reason we didn’t meet any frogs, spelled turnips, so good, food? what answer? five people, but they fed him personally, they took him with them in convoys, yes, they managed to loot him, but he didn’t eat him,
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but people, people could not understand his character, that’s the character, the character of people, he was so strong, he had a personal conflict with alexander, personal , i don’t think that people know everything about alexander pavlovich, such details and napoleon, kutuzov right here...
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no, now we’ll go through everyone, let’s soldiers, russian warriors, well, this is already heroism, we have military leaders, maybe not that he still has partisans, it seems that people should there were specifically street life in this case, roads, yes, he could also hate kutuzov, because he burned moscow and, in general , annoyed him a lot and outwitted him , sent him along another road on the way back, kutuzov, personally, personally, we check personally kutuzov, kutuzov is coming, to beat the french, yes,
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we remember this song, so, there is one line left, 49 frosts, kutuzov, smolensk to moscow, that it’s good for three months in france, we check the distance. no, we don’t have distance yet, it’s frosty, it’s coming, they ’re resisting it, the food isn’t very tasty, it’s time maybe everything was delayed, spent like this, what else might he not like, he needs something just different. and they burned moscow, set moscow on fire, he might not have liked it, it’s not clear who burned it, either the french themselves,
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or not, well, there in russia, you can read the question again, what do you think napoleon might not have liked in russia, of course, he might not like, hello, what do they like his taste, our girls are not great, don’t be offended, listen, there’s a fire, he escaped from the fire, there’s a fire. fire, fire moscow, yes, he might not have liked it, yes, that instead of surrendering the city, yes, wait for it, or it burned itself down, it doesn’t matter, because of this, first petrovsky was sent to the castle, and then, so to speak, well, yes , yes, the answer is accepted, let's check the fire, no, it's not a fire, you fought well, but you gave your opponent a chance, which means, according to one version, starting with kirill and further, speak. answer kirill, options, well, people are more about heroism, yes, people approach heroism, but maybe some specific people, all
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versions already seem to be, well, almost everything, yes, but there are, there is, yes, there is one thing that was discussed, but not verified, the lack of conditions, hygiene, hygiene, so, ekaterina, women. it was, well, what is it, maybe men are still bagration, bagration, kutuzov, now bogration, but a chance, let's think, the direction is right, anatoly, generalize, generalize, they named here what could happen if you said that people , the place of the battle, no, we don’t have a place there for small towns, we have something specific, we can’t call borodino it doesn’t consider it a victory, this is the first second here.
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so the partisans stop, the partisans stop, it’s just like a scene from a napoleonic movie, the partisans stop, check, the answer is accepted, yes, well, it happens, it happens in our game, the victory is gone, so, as 100 people answered the question of what could not to please napoleon in russia? 49 kutuzov 13 roads 11 partisans - 9, heroism - 6, food - 5 in seventh place, the fire of moscow,
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which you say. well done, we have approximately equal scores by the standards of our game, we have one more battle left called the game on the contrary, look a hundred to one, we are having a soulful spring feast today, friends.
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old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. сnop gin is a product of the stellar group.
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we continue, we have a persistent, persistent struggle between two teams, the museum of cosmonautics and the “couple into space” team. the game is the other way around, our score is approximately equal. i read the question, you have 20 seconds to think, one answer from teams. attention, question: the most famous predatory fish in the world, 20 seconds, preferably,
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to guess. so, you are the first to answer, the most famous predatory fish in the world, for some reason i really like moray, moray, moray, moray, moray and we also think the same way, we think in the same categories, anatoly, we had the same version. the list is the same, the question is, what is in sixth place or in fifth place, anatoly, repeat the question, please, the most famous predatory fish in the world, the electric stingray, no, well, pike, killer whale, this common, killer whale, killer whale, common, not necessarily
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common, anatoly, ok, it would be one line at a time, let it be, we don’t care, i think there will be a pike, the team will forgive me, because here we can’t to win, because there the difference is small, or killer whale for a pike, let's give a pike, let's give a pike, in russian, yes it is accepted first, so, we have a pike and a mureno, we check the answers, a battle of the titans, because the scoreboard is very close score, 279-248, what do you think? what's on the first line? shark, shark, of course same, on the first line, we open, applause, only 15 points, would have received such an answer. what do you think is in second place? fir, fir, piran, of course, we open it, so, well, well, let's open the fourth line, for example,
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the sawfish, so it ended up on the sixth line in the list of the most aggressive. so, well, we’ll probably open the fifth one first, we lost,
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and then we had just a killer whale, a hammerfish, a swordfish, and so on. okay, so, the list of the most famous predatory fish in the world, according to the 100 people we surveyed, looks like so: shark, piranha, pike, barracuda, moray eel, sawfish, this same moray eel brings victory to the team of the museum of cosmonautics with a score of 428,339, and for this team we now have a big game, you are watching from one to one on the russia-1 channel , so, we have a big game, tatyana anastasia, according to the rules you must answer... five questions in a rose, but some of you must stay in the studio, someone must go into a dark, scary, deaf room. who is this? i
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’m staying, you’re staying, yes i am, tatyana, we ask you, applause for your courage, anastasia, five questions in 20 seconds, it’s very simple, many people. we did it , we start, of course, what they take with them to the river, a swimsuit, fluff, what is it, swan, what is often served with sour cream, borscht, what can be launched, a balloon, what kind of plate is it, deep, lovely, thank you, we made it , check, check yours.
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13 people, what do you serve with sour cream? your answer was borscht, together with you 25 people answered this way, what can we launch? well, here you said a balloon, together with you one person, my like-minded person, answered this way.
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i ask you to go to the starting point, so you need to score 200 points in total in order to receive the main prize, we have it here - 100,000 rubles. they told you about this, they said, well, okay, how much is 200 - 64 136 136. in general, this is how many points you need to score, you also have five questions, but you have 30 seconds, 10 seconds more, and if you suddenly you give the same answer
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that anastasia has already given, then such a signal will sound from space, this means that you need to immediately give some other answer, okay, yes, well, let's go, what do you take with you on river? a fishing rod, fluff, what kind of fluff is it, soft, which is often served with sour cream, with dumplings, what can you launch, a ball. what kind of saucer is there, flying, this is a completely natural answer, great, let’s check your answers, the first question was what do they take with them to the river, we have already heard the answer, a swimsuit, five people answered that way, 17 people take a towel with them to the river, and a fishing rod... if you want
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to help a person, give him a fishing rod, 33 people take a fishing rod with them to the river, 97, fluff, what a swan he is, swanlike, anastasia gave such an answer, tapolin and fluff, naturally, the heat of july was remembered by 27 people, but this is not the most popular answer, the most popular answer is light 28. and they said soft, eight people said soft, but also not bad, so why do they serve sour cream, to anastasia said to borsh, this is the most popular answer, your answer is the second most popular to dumplings, 18 people answered like this, well, here’s what you can launch, well , we received the following answers, yes,
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russia has the two most popular answers: deep 20, flying saucer - 23. 148 points, a good result. well, it was very an interesting space game between the teams para v space and the museum of cosmonautics. you watched 100 to one, this is a fun quiz on the russia-1 channel, come to us!
11:00 am
the rossiya tv channel is going on air, i greet you, maria sittal, hello, the peak of the flood in orenburg, contrary to forecasts , has not yet arrived, at night the water reached new microdistricts, the level of the ural river is 2.5 m above the critical level. six people died, no less twenty.


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