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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting a message, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, the peak of the flood in orenburg, contrary to forecasts, has not yet arrived, at night the water reached new microdistricts, the level of the ural river is 2.5 m above the critical level. six people died, not less than 20.
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another large dry cargo ship, patria, begins sailing between st. petersburg and kaliningrad. in the krasnodar region , sunflower sowing started 2 weeks ahead of schedule, selection is at the highest level, we understand which regions, what we need to enter with, it was banned in the astrakhan region catch this is the first jump in history from the stratosphere to the north pole, and russia is the first in the world. the country's chief heraldmaster georgy velenbakhov is 75. ukrainian militants hit civilians in the zaporozhye region. the city of takmak came under fire. by this moment the number of dead had increased. up to eight, including
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two children, another 13 people were injured, multiple launch rocket systems were used in usa, there is serious destruction in the city, emergency services are now clearing the rubble of two-story buildings that received the main blows, and there is more underneath them there may be people. local authorities are taking all necessary measures. governor yevgeny baletsky visited the site. in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours, our military was able to move forward to occupy more advantageous positions with. in two directions at once, in donetsk and yuzhno-donetsk. in these areas, according to the ministry of defense, almost 600 enemy fighters were killed. in the area of ​​the village of pervomaiskoye, crews of d-20 howitzers disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units. the firing rate of such guns is up to five rounds per minute. attack the positions of the kyiv formations, they capable from a distance of almost 20 km. fire support. artillery is provided by our tankers
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from the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, a report by the military correspondent of vesti mikhail andronik, fire, the tanks are standing in zelenka , already aimed at targets, working in a closed firing position on the enemy in belogorovka. the industrial zone of this settlement is already under the control of the southern group of troops; if a strike needs to be delivered to the enemy in the depths of belogorovka, tankers go to our forward positions and hit. direct fire, load, here is our tank, under enemy fire, moving through a destroyed chalk plant, in the sky above it the outlines of an enemy bird are clearly visible, in order to safely retreat from the firing position , the tankers hit the building in front of them, disappear in a cloud of dust and smoke. at the moment we work almost every day, 24x7 - we perform various tasks, that is , i cannot introduce the task into the general course. you
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understand, in closed firing positions , enemy drones are also constantly trying to find our well-camouflaged combat vehicles, that’s where at the end of one dugout, if something happens, a drone flies in beer somewhere , a drone detector is running circles, at the aerial observation point it does not shut up, all observers , in addition to drone detectors, are armed with hunting rifles, this has been the case since the beginning of the war. same means, they have drones, we have drones. we shoot down, they may not, everything here is like in a real hunt, a gun, a hunting dog named barnaul, only the game is mechanical and the stakes are much higher, inexpensive kamikaze drones, which are often assembled directly near the line of no contact, the range of destruction is constantly increasing, we have to be attentive even in relatively rear areas, but this does not prevent our army from successfully carrying out tasks in all directions of the northern military district. our task is to grind up more enemy manpower
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; they are already changing, that is, a whole unit, others are coming in, the foliage that has appeared on the trees is also obvious. almost 2.5 m. in the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is predicted tomorrow; the population is being urgently evacuated from dangerous zones. last information from the field from our correspondents, murat zaripov and albert musin. now, together with
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specialists from the rescue center, we are going around the smu area in orenburg. the water here has risen quite strongly and continues to rise, if you can see the first floors of two floors already. almost completely flooded, you can only get to the second, there are almost no people left who hoped to wait out the flooding at home, after sitting for several days without electricity and gas in cold rooms , even the most stubborn ones leave, the peak of the flood in orenburg, which was predicted on wednesday has not yet come, at night the water reached new microdistricts, which are now cut off from the rest of the city, we left earlier as soon as it began to flood, here the water began to overflow across the road, we realized that ... then there is no point in staying. the depth on the only road to the residential complex is at least 50 cm. you can get through by boat, in high boots or in a kamaz truck. people who find themselves on the island are waiting at bus stops for evacuation buses to get out on dry land. as long as there is light, electricity, water, we will be here. and
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so, of course, they are ready for relatives at any moment, ready to receive us. the water has not yet reached the entrances, so many remain in their apartments, fearing looters. police and rescuers are on duty. those who have nowhere to go. at least it has stabilized, but so far the forecasts have not come true. the urals are still growing, approaching the twelve-meter mark. murat daripov, vladimir minyaylov, sergey shlepin and zemfir abzalov. news: orenburg.
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kurgan, almost as if in a state of siege the whole city is now surrounded by these additional dams made of sandbags. to the main nine-meter they add somewhere else 1 meter. this should be enough to... hold back a lot of water. the main wave of the flood is now moving from the most affected villages of zverenogolovskoye and proryvoy towards the regional center, and the closer the threat, the more intense the preventive measures. today we have a bunch scattered in that half. they started building a dam from there, they kept walking and walking until they got here. alone with one sides, others on the other. they continue there now, they continue to work. police officers and the ministry of emergency situations are working in the villages along the tobol to evacuate, they are going around houses and warning residents. the zverinogolovsky district, which received the first blow of the big wave, still partially remains in its captivity, although the water has begun to subside little by little, the work of rescuers to evacuate and help the remaining residents there does not
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stop for a minute. on tabol, there is an active removal of rubble and dry wood near bridges in order to avoid the creation of natural dump remove the threat of structural destruction. in other areas by boat.
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an intercontinental ballistic missile was successfully launched from the kapustin yar test site in the astrakhan region. this footage was distributed by the ministry of defense. as noted in our military department, the launch was carried out as part of state tests of mobile missile systems, all assigned tasks were completed in full. the test results confirmed the high reliability of russian missiles, ensuring the strategic security of our country. the united states introduced a ban on the import of russian aluminum, copper and nickel to send a signal to kiev to abandon negotiations with moscow. this opinion was expressed by the russian ambassador in washington anatoly antonov. according to the diplomat, this is an unjustified politicized step that creates an imbalance in the functioning of world markets. the us has joined the new sanctions. but bloomberg believes that these restrictions are unlikely to have an impact on our country. recently, the sale of russian
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aluminum, copper and nickel in the usa and uk were already reduced to a minimum. last year, supplies to these countries did not exceed half a percent of all russian exports of these metals. the united states has to wave its sanctions fist because of its inability to support ukraine on the battlefield. joe biden is trying unsuccessfully to push through a 60 billion aid package for kiev.
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london is trying to catch up with the states not in the number of weapons delivered to kiev, but at least in the number of weapons promised. the british minister of defense announced his readiness to transfer top-secret combat lasers to ukraine. them meanwhile, the european union continues to look for air defense systems for kiev. about why these attempts. great britain has announced its intention to expand the range of weapons supplied to kiev by including combat lasers. this idea was expressed by the british minister of defense gran shep while visiting the port down research center, where chemical and biological weapons were once tested. the dragonfire laser system, designed to destroy various naval air targets, is currently being finalized there. 50 kw, its radius
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actions are not disclosed. the minister of defense did not say anything about the timing of deliveries of a new type of weapons to ukraine. it is known that dragonfire was planned to be transferred to the british army in 2032. now it has been decided to do this in 2027, that is, 5 years earlier. in any case, the product needs improvement, but grand shep said that he then came to the laboratory to get everyone here. personally hurry up. now there is an active conflict in europe, to solve it we have unique advanced weapons that could be useful. it doesn't have to be 100% perfect so that the ukrainians might be able to get their hands on it. at the moment, 2027 is the date by which everything will be ready, but of course i will see what we can do to speed up the process. as far as is known, britain has not yet supplied the latest top-secret weapons to ukraine. recent, loudly declared. from scotland to portsmund.
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the same grandsheps said that now ukrainian sailors will train on them. the number of weapons requested by kiev is as high as always. europe can't keep up satisfy these requests. members of the european parliament refused to approve funding for the council of europe until additional funding was found for ukraine.
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you have to be careful how you do it, it's definitely not a war zone, i think you have to be very, very careful not to turn this into a war between russia and nato, but i think it's worth considering that we could do it more deeply.
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refrigerated type, it is also capable of transporting trucks and cars. the cargo ship will be sent to the westernmost region of the country deliver goods included in the eu sanctions lists. the first flight was met by our correspondent marina naumova. the motor ship patria in the kaliningrad commercial port for the first time from now on will regularly operate on the sea freight line between st. petersburg and the kaliningrad region. until recently, the vessel patria worked in japan. in the sea of ​​okhotsk, she transported construction materials to chukotka to magadan by motor transport from the mainland to sakhalin, and now she has delivered goods included in the sanctions lists to the kaliningrad region european union. the entire transition from vladivostok to the baltic took two months. the ship traveled over 13 thousand nautical miles, it passed through three oceans, a dozen seas and several straits.
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the most difficult moment was when we left gibraltar and there we were ahead. there was the beskaia bay, such a very dangerous place, the professionalism of the crew, that is, we monitored the weather forecast for a long time, found a day when we could pass there, we succeeded. ocean class motor ship, with a cargo capacity of 5.00 tons, patria is a specialized vessel for the delivery of containers, including refrigerated ones. there are four dozen sockets on board for connecting them, and the stern ramp allows you to accept rolling equipment, including trucks and cars.
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additional railway ports, so that the decision was made to build two to help the region become independent from the decisions of unfriendly countries. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, elena bedyak, ivan kireev, conduct kaliningrad. the southern federal hackathon has started in serius. districts in artificial intelligence, more than thousands of programmers applied for participation; they will have to develop a solution to six problems, the prize fund is more than 3.5 million rubles. these hybrid competitions are part of the russia land of opportunities presidential platform and are held within the framework of the digital economy national project. this year
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eight hackathons will be held in all federal districts. in the krasnodar region 2 weeks ahead of schedule. sunflower sowing was underway; favorable weather allowed it to reach faster rates. every day they go out to the kuban fields hundreds of pieces of equipment. the region is traditionally among the leaders in terms of sunflower yield, largely thanks to the work of local breeders who create new varieties and hybrids. anna sorokina will tell you which ones exactly. this year, in the krasnodar territory , sunflowers are sown on an area of ​​460. in the morning we arrived with... while revenge allows us to sow, that in order to sow everything on time, sowing must be completed before the rains, farmers have 2 weeks for this so as not to waste time, equipment is being loaded into the field. will appear in 10 days the first sprouts, sunflower harvesting will begin in august, the krasnodar territory is consistently among the leaders in terms of harvest, as in terms of yield, it is 45% higher than
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the national average. in the region's farms, the share of domestic sunflower seeds is growing every year, today it is almost 50%, varieties and... types were created by kuban scientists. this is a greenhouse complex for all-russian oilseeds. here, breeders create new parental sunflower lines, which will produce promising hybrids in the future. this will take an average of 7 years continuous operation. not and oilseeds in krasnodar is one of the flagships in russia for the creation of new varieties and hybrids of sunflower. and in the conditions of import substitution , he increased the pace of work. in 202, kuban breeders presented four new hybrids. last year - 11. today they are creating. five more varieties and hybrids of sunflower, when you understand that your product is needed, your product is expected, we understand what characteristics they are waiting for, that is, this is not a blind job, we understand what regions we need to enter with. in in genetics laboratories, plants are crossed in such a way as to improve the necessary qualities: fatty acid composition, resistance to pests, diseases, herbicides; for some items
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there are no analogues of kuban selection in world practice. kuban sunflower oil is currently supplied to 30 countries. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kertok and anna nekos, news: krasnodar region. today, congratulations are accepted by a person who knows everything about coats of arms, banners, standards, flags, to the chief heraldmaster. country to georgy velenbakhov 75. in many ways, it was thanks to him that the heraldic service appeared in russia and the state symbols, the tricolor and the double-headed eagle, were returned from oblivion. for more than half a century, georgy vadimovich has been working at the state hermitage, where he came as a student, and he is also the author of more than 150 scientific publications. ekaterina fesenko met with the hero of the day. echoing corridors in almost complete darkness. the country's chief heraldmaster goes to his office in the ancient exchange building on the spit of vasilyevsky island. there is no electricity, no heating, here he works and plays, deputy director of the hermitage georgy velenbakhov.
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with amazingly precise movements, he lines up his treasures with triple ranks of english dragoons, german knights of the battle of the ice, soldiers of the russian-turkish war, the russian-japanese war, the anglo-boer war, box on box, on the director’s desk - real. then for every birthday, every new year, i received a box of soldiers. to meditatively take out the bast boxes, put them back, the game taught not war, but heraldry, because each soldier had to be dressed, given the correct weapon and standard, you take a stick, put these figures on a stick on plasticine, then you take paints and paint them, peeling layers of paint, someone lost a cloak, a sword, but georgia velenbakhova did it. historians, he also has another office, the one whose windows are invariably watered with cannon from year to year. 12 hours. the owner of the office cannot
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be found in the rubble of papers, he himself calls it a mess, but the necessary documents are found suspiciously quickly. here is the most cherished one. dear georgy, i was offered a job for you in the hermitage, moistening the floors. of course, the work is very boring, but important lead. so, the young historian vilenbakhov. went to the wet business in the hermitage. one of the methods that they came up with is to fill the soviet staircase with water, the first floor of the antique hall, where the stone floors are, then the nikolaevskaya letnitsa, fill it with water, spread this water in an even layer using a mop with the expectation that it will burn overnight and the humidity will increase. i managed to get hooked, the hermitage is a way of life, heraldry is a special language, when in the nineties it was necessary to build a new state, georgy velenbakhov was engaged in the creation of the revival of state symbols. further, wherever the fate of the chief heraldmaster took him, he was assigned to conduct the reburial ceremony of the royal family next to boris yeltsin. for quite a long time, every night i dreamed about the whole
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ceremony, and this melody of this funeral march sounded all the time, it did not let me go for a very long time. in what order should the coffins be carried, what standards should be placed, he determined, and his wife, after watching the broadcast, said: everything is clear, as if you were playing at your soldiers? but how many times the ceremonies could not go according to plan, the standard from the coffin of the emperor could be torn off by the st. petersburg wind, on the way the peter and paul fortress called, the director - boris irafimovich rokcheev, director of the city museum, bori, for god's sake, we will come so that a girl with a box will sit there, with buttons. the inauguration, the whole course of the ceremony, too, his work, thought out back in the nineties, will be repeated again for various celebrations, including the vasilievsky arrow museum being built now. islands, this wonderful large hall we have already taken decision, we will not build it up with some kind of partitions, create display cases there, it will be such a solemn
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state hall for holding here uh solemn ceremonies, and also a huge museum area, the museum of the guard, the museum of awards, the museum of heraldry, on the balcony behind the statues the sea deities will house a library and lecture hall; the welenbachs often come here to inspect the construction and play with their tin soldiers. yes, me too, the premiere on rtr, well, what should i do so that you forgive me, well, well if you want, i’ll get down on my knee, oh, i
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see right through her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you. and to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, you ’re seriously starting to think that you have doubts, so i’ve decided everything with mine, alla taxi on monday at rtr, kalinon belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forget about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday in sliores. elegant
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details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional! incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. i've been waiting for you forever. i i was in such a hurry to meet you. spring is warm,
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sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they are united by one thing, sincere and... to love white fluffy, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, pet the obstinate one, he loves to grab the claw there like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder from the sky a parrot flies in, you are ready to do anything for the sake of your
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beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, everything says, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr, so you are of no use you knock me down so that i won’t understand you next to anyone else . touch my daughter, today, i will soon be 18 and i will live the way i want, polina has disappeared, left home, doesn’t answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what to do, that’s it it will be good if suddenly you need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you,
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no, another girl has disappeared. it’s so hard to restrain yourself so as not to go crazy from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping toy, premiere, today on rtr. this is news and we continue to release. again about the situation in the special operation zone. in the ovdeevsky direction, over the past hundred hundred years, 240 ukrainian militants have been killed. the enemy positions were hit in including su-25 attack aircraft, attacked with unguided aircraft missiles, then the crews released heat traps and returned to their home airfield. in total , center group fighters hit 400 different targets in this area.


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