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tv   Udivitelnie lyudi  RUSSIA1  April 13, 2024 9:30pm-11:55pm MSK

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look, we didn’t get into an argument, i came to apologize for being rude, i know you’re raising one daughter, it’s... not easy, yes, we both got carried away, i ’m also raising a daughter alone, and she needs female participation, she has complexes, in general, i talked to her openly and allowed her to go to a society of girls like her, i also talked to mine, but this conversation did not end with anything positive, well, yes, palina is a girl, it’s harder for you to understand, yes, but i was in this business center, which is located nearby, i wanted... to find out where
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she and polina go, but she never learned anything, but i know, and this organization is called the road to happiness, and a certain angela works there as a samnik, what to do with this next, i don’t know, great, i know, let’s go listen, honestly speaking, i don’t really look like a teenage girl, well, let’s get our bearings there, in the end we must understand how... from our children, mine, thank god i checked in college, mine too, but i’m no longer i’m not sure, i understand her, she’s shy, she wants to be bold, uninhibited, but i would like my log to be quieter and more modest.
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why, forgive me, i was wrong, well, close the door, it’s people like this whore who are always making mistakes, always ruining our lives, girls, okay, okay, how should we deal with such insignificance, don’t spy, ignore, louder, ignore. yes, we must not just ignore them, we must put them in their place, not be afraid, not feel sorry and not sympathize, we agree, yes, no, i hear, yes, in order to defend your rights, girls, you must educate them, well, let’s say, go away for 3-4 days somewhere, friends, acquaintances, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to warn anyone about this, let them feel, let them feel how bad they feel without you, when...
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you return, they will fulfill all your desires, you must hold your ancestors by the throat, demand yours, stand your ground, fight for yourself, yes, believe me, girls, they will become silky and obedient, so i love you, i won’t let you get sent out like a cannon, everything is more difficult for me, polina, apparently she is already deeply poisoned by this infection. i'll come in now and crack it, this is angili. no, no, no, she's even bigger will get angry. that is, you propose to let this disgrace take its course? well, of course not, they need to be closed, we just need to act according to the law, we’ll write a statement and we need a video recording, evidence. yes, i'll think about it. but the faster we cover this false
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road to happiness, the healthier our children will be, any problems? let's go, let's go, let's go, how did i hear that, come straight to you, what do you recommend? first of all , evidence is needed. then we’ll go through the authorities, i’ll organize an appeal from the college, we’ll close this road to happiness, don’t worry, why not worry, this is a coach, she’s a pest, children need to be saved from her, but you can’t give them an iv, you can’t clear their brains, volina doesn’t answer, and she was in class today, well, of course, i checked her specifically for the first couple sat, now you can look into the audience, let's go together. we still need to check whether it’s here or
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not? valeriinovich is also worried, we explained to him, yes, he is a forgetful father, you were right, it was he who, by the way, found out where they go, this place is behind. what's there? well, don't be silent, here's a goat. i'll run home maybe polina will be able to stop. polina, polin, are you here?
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polinochka, polinka, what are you doing? on sunday. i didn’t know how to say this, i said: you are adopted by me. but it's very close to me. songs from the bottom of my heart, evening show by andrei malakhov. sunday. on rtl.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection cognac monte shococa
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is a product of the stellar group. oldbar cognac is a product of the steller group, do you know? “i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you’re seeing me for the first time in life, and you reproach me for something that i have never done, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, accept this as a fact, i am a loner, i
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am happy with everything in my life, i am essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son. i didn’t tell you everything about myself, the loner on sunday on rtr, so my passport, well, you’ll soon,
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no, i took it, valya, yes, i’m coming, i’m coming, now, come on, are you home already? well, where else should i be? do you know something? with what? nadya, he's okay. why did you pull me out of work? and we are going to your hospital. to which hospital? why do you think so? do you know where polina is? so it was she who said that you were in the hospital, she came running all in tears, said that she needed an urgent operation, money, well, i gave her everything, which was 20 thousand, she deceived you, and me too, what a lousy thing, but she cried after all, with real tears, well, come on, why was i worried about nadya, but it’s hard to think, and i had no time to think, i told you right away. call, yes, there will be a serious conversation with your polina, i’m
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downstairs, she left the house, where to look for her now, and so why does she need money, so i need to report it to the police, she is underage, they shouldn’t look for it, yes, i will report it to the police, now you can take me closer to the college, there is such an organization there, the road to happiness, i want to deal with them, it seems to me that they should know where polina, of course, the name? life-affirming, what kind of road? i’ll say, let’s go, you yourself heard her say: run away from your parents so that they get scared, with your own ears, i would pull out her locks at that very second, i’m going to do it now, i’m with you, women, calm down, break you up later, but what, you heard, is fooling the girls?
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here, right here, slow down, well , ask for permission to come in, val, val, let me wait for you here, kolya, so remember, so, what’s the matter, you’re in the way, come out, now , right, this is this one the red sheep spoiled our polina, yes, that’s her, where is my daughter, and actually, i’m seeing you for the first time, the second time. that time you called me a whore, where is polina? that’s it, i’ll call security now, but we have our own
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, lady, answer the questions, okay girls, this is what i told you about, look at these frightened people, look how i like them when you put them in their place, here they are, these faces, here, here, here, here, you remember polina krasnova, no, if something happens to her, you will answer, oh, and how many of these people have threatened me, and where are they, girls, get out of here, run away from anything good, she will not teach you, no one will love your mother anymore, no one never, our heart will break if you feel bad. "we will die of fear for you and no one for you she won’t love you anymore, look how
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pathetic she is, shut up, bitch, you have children yourself , you don’t have to talk, you don’t have children and you don’t love anyone, you don’t love anyone at all except yourself, and you don’t love these girls you love them, you hate them, and the worse they are, the better it is for you, you feed on their pain, you vulture!" let's laugh together, girls, bravo, great speech, bravo, i 'll see how funny it will be for you when you see the light, how it will be sickening and painful, someone knows where polina is, no, this is all, the road through the pain and suffering of the parents, the road to nowhere, oh, how will you live when those who will never give you to you die, that’s all. we don’t listen to her, girls, let’s blah, well done, well,
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come on, sit down, don’t give in, i won’t leave you here, let’s go, let’s go, sit down, if you listen to all this nonsense that she’s talking about, you’ll be just as unhappy , useless to anyone, like her, come on, let’s laugh after them, girls, remember what you are like... you should never become. nadia! i only asked for a couple of hours off, now it’s almost evening, damn it, i disappeared, somehow disappeared, well, i left home, ran away, like whatever, i call it, he doesn’t answer calls, there’s a problem, but i need help, yes, let me go on vacation, you understand that i won’t be able to work until i find her, i understand, write
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a statement, write, here i am... i’ll wave my hand, yes, and keep me informed, if you need help, i’ll always help, contact me, i understand, thank you, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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“well, my opinion, she’ll take a walk and come back if something happens, or suddenly already happened, but she wrote to you, she’s tired, everything is right, god, and if someone forced her to write this, suddenly she’s in her hands now maniac, okay, i’ll walk around the area, and i’m asking for witnesses, okay, witnesses of what?” “ listen, maybe you should go home, maybe polina is already at home, waiting for you, so we need to write a statement to the police, okay, if you want write, write, write, pen, and i ’ll take a walk through the basements, semyonov, come in.
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do you know where she is? no, i don’t know, honestly, she didn’t tell me anything, well, you ’re friends with her, she’s the one who dragged you on this road to happiness, we’re not friends, angela just says that if you spend time with someone new, there’s a discount 50% on payment, but it’s clear, dad, i won’t go
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there anymore, i’m glad. is it just me, or are you missing something? okay, get on with it, i won’t interfere, i won’t pry, polina? nadya, it’s me, lyuba just told me about polina. i thought it was polina calling or from the police, forgive me for god’s sake, but no, excuse me, i’m now moved by every rustle, what if polina comes home, opens the door with her key and comes in, i’m still waiting, waiting, i sympathize , nadya, but i’m sure that
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everything will be fine, why am i so sure, well, because that polina is a practical girl. “she ’s incapable of spontaneous acts, she’s clearly thought everything through, but no, she’s still a child, i understand how hard it is for you, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, we’ve agreed, thank you very much. i can’t be alone at home, you can,” i’ll sit with you, come in, if i have a night, i’m also not
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at ease because of polina, you ate today, i don’t remember, but no, no, i won’t, but when i’m nervous, i always eat, i keep thinking , i think when i missed her. i don’t understand, but you didn’t miss her, you missed yourself, and for a long time. polina’s birth, you went straight home from work, washed, cleaned, cooked, but there was no time for yourself, you know, i raised the field alone, okay, my mother helped at first, then she died, well, polina got used to it and grew up selfish, you never told her what you needed, so she thought that her mother had no desires at all, and could not have any. when was the last time you bought something for yourself, something beautiful, for the soul, and not on sale, right from the window, but i don’t need all this, well, that’s why your daughter and
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doesn’t respect you, if only he came back alive and healthy, you’re incorrigible, i think i’ll eat a sandwich, lyuba, have breakfast. what's happened? dad, it's okay. so, lyubochka, we agreed, you tell me everything, and i will understand everything. well, of course, i ’m your mom and dad. butterfly, forgive me, please forgive me, i know where polina is. yesterday you knew and deceived me, daddy, i didn’t sleep all night, i kept thinking and thinking, i
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promised polina not to tell anyone, and i promised to tell you the whole truth, in general i was confused, i couldn’t decide what was more important, lyuba, there it is my mother is going crazy, where is she, i gave her the keys to our dacha, oh! i would like to shower you, yes, valera, polina has not returned yet, i know where she is, get ready, i’ll stop by now, where, but she is sitting at our dacha, i think that everything is fine with her, it’s safe there. alla taxi in the previous episodes, alla easily drives not
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only the car, okay, well, to all taxi companies, guys, hello, consider this my personal request, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, thank god you’re arranging for me as a director, alla taxi, let’s watch the continuation on monday on rtr. сnop gin, a product of stellor group.
9:55 pm
they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. steersman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the eternal world
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elegant. i 've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it's finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition. russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, i answer, lyub, call polina, maybe she will answer you, it’s better not to call, we can scare you away, forgive me, please, the main thing
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is that.. . to tell the truth, but if it had been admitted yesterday it would have been much better, if only nothing had happened, don’t worry, nadya, everything will be fine. polina, polina, fell, valina. have you mixed up anything? no, did you
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warn her? no, can we trust you? dad, please don't do this. check it yourself. there is no need to check anything. it's not lyuba's fault, polina wasn't here. thank you. why do you think so? if polina. was here, she would throw her clothes in the trash, leave everything clean after herself, well then i’ll go to the neighbor, talk to him, maybe he saw something, i’m with you, just don’t pay attention if he doesn’t want to talk to you, you are in a quarrel, but no, we went fishing together, football was discussed, but as they say, he had a long beard without a rib, married a young woman and now is jealous of every post, understandably. i
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know people like that too, it’s difficult in old age with a beautiful young woman, but it’s a pity that mikhalovich is a normal guy, but what happened, happened, he kicked out his own son for jealousy, so don’t count on a warm welcome, we’ve come, mikhalovich, come out for a minute, wow. he even let me into the yard, he comes in, greet me, mikhailovich, hello, good afternoon, you came to the dacha a long time ago, but you’ve been here for about a week now, this nadezhda sergeevna, her daughter disappeared yesterday, she studies in the same college as mine, you haven’t seen anyone else here, look at the photo of this parlina, have you
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seen her? beautiful girl, so glamorous, but i didn’t see her, okay, sorry for disturbing me, well, i didn’t see her, lyuba came, and what were you doing here, didn’t tell me anything, i wanted to be alone, what kind of trick is this, my daughter has grown up, and the problems have also grown up, okay, sorry, we'll go, lyuba polino had a friend, i don't know, she asked you return key to meet someone, i don’t know, i’m not asking, she often asked you for the key, come on, just tell the truth, she never asked, if you lied,
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i won’t be able to trust you anymore, yes, demand you need to threaten them in a calm, tough voice that you will leave home, they will then be dragged through commissions and all sorts of inspections. they will immediately lock me in my room with a key, but you tell them that you will report to the relevant authorities and tell them that they are beating you, starving you and generally abusing you mentally, okay? no more mumbles, let's continue, do you mind if we attend your class, but who are you? i am the head of the educational department of the college, and vera palovna is the inspector of the district education department. well, actually, i have the right to ask you to leave, in fact, i see a lot of minors here, and this is our contingent, and decide whether you have the right to teach them something or not, we will,
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continue, what to do if, if, if you put a stain on... on this sweater from coffee or ice cream? well, everything is clear to me. angela, i don’t know your middle name, i’ll ask you to come to to the education department with a full description of the program for this road to happiness. we will study it and don’t even think about ignoring the inspector’s request. 5 minutes break, the beautiful one looks like you, but don’t make things up, she’s beautiful,
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but i’m not, i’m just surprised, you’re so surly now, no tears, no panic, if i were you, i’d probably go crazy by now, hair i tore and cried, i had to find polina, so i pulled myself together. when are we going to go put up leaflets? well, look, i wrote a statement to the police, they said that i should i wait for the investigator with the criminologists and the juvenile affairs inspector, they will interrogate, and then let’s go interrogate you? well, yes, their first theory when a child goes missing is that the parents killed him. what nonsense, such rules, everything should be checked. okay, what if you?
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why are you sitting there, buckle up, come on, polina has her own room, yes, you can look around it, of course. i understand that you are friends, yes, i will rent everything in the room, yes, a very nice
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room, clean, cozy, bright, a lot of things, kind. fashionable, i didn't skimp on polina, i bought everything she wanted, yes, i see, don’t worry, we are just doing our job, this is the procedure, i understand, tell me, nadezhda sergeevna did not punish her daughter, did not beat her, but no, that you endured everything , although i would have hit her on the butt with a belt a long time ago, although no, you know, don’t write that either. “i finished the examination, everything is fine, thank you, nadezhda sergeevna, i will have a few questions for you, i’m listening to what you think, where your daughter could go, well, i don’t know, i called all my friends, asked in college,
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no one knows anything who her father is, she doesn’t have a father, i’m sorry, but this doesn’t happen, listen, well, he ran away immediately after she found out about the pregnancy. i asked a couple of months ago, i told the truth, yeah, and one last question, tell me, you often quarreled with your daughter because of your studies, polina complained to her friends that you recently had a serious quarrel with her, is that true? i see, thank you, that’s it, i don’t have any more questions, well
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, please find polina, goodbye, don’t you think you want to tell me, just don’t tell dad. okay, i won't tell. before leaving, polina corresponded with angela for a long time. how do you know? polina told me herself. and you have been silent until now? sorry. polinochka. sunshine, my girl. please come home. if you can hear me,
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please come back. you’re leaving me right before giving birth, olya,
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you filed for divorce, let’s remember why, hello, twisted viktor vasilyevich, yes, what’s the matter, senior investigator fedorov, i’m investigating the disappearance of polina krasnova, her mother, nadezhda krasnova, claims that you are polina's father, that's true, what, no. not so, i don’t understand at all who you are talking about, mauli, who is saying what, it’s clear, but still i have to ask you a few questions, polina was looking for a meeting with you, no, have you seen polina, no, you’re not interested , where could she have disappeared to, are you kidding me now, or what? i just told you that i don’t understand who you’re talking about, well, she’s just your daughter, what have you started, daughter, daughter, you have a dna test or something in your hands, clearly, that means you...
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what, what are you are you looking at me like that? there will be no civilized divorce, property we’ll divide it according to the court, and you’ll pay alimony like a sweetheart, also according to the court. olya, are you stunned? are you even serious right now? now everyone will come and say that i have a daughter, and tomorrow a son.
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nadenka, there is news about palina, not yet, i have a request for you, i need a smart realtor, i want to sell my grandmother’s house in the village, it’s a pity, there are beautiful places there, yes, i thought. alina will grow up, get married, leave me the apartment, go to live in a house in the village, it’s small, of course, but there’s a forest and a river, maybe not it’s worth selling if you... need money, i can lend it, no, no one will lend that kind of money, i want to hire a private detective, okay, i’ll call irochka, she’s a smart realtor,
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i found out that polina had been corresponding with angela for a long time the day before, where from, and lyuba told, she told the truth,
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soon on rtr. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. kalinan bellek is a place where time
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stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. hotel titanic delux golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort. swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic, deluxe, golf bellet are the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. cognac
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monte chococa. product of stellar group. they tried to come to an agreement with him more than once, but he remains the most. eduard petrov 50 i had to change my place of residence, because family is the most important thing, they can suffer only because i do my job, our every visit is perceived with alarm and by the local authorities, i say, listen, we just came to rest. boris kotchepnikov's program, life and destiny. tuesday on rtr. “hello, what happened to the road to happiness? i don’t know, we were ordered to film, i ’m filming, who knows? administrator, your office is at the end of the corridor, excuse me, you are the administrator, what is the question, and we are looking
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angela is on her way to happiness, but there is an order to terminate the contract with them, we no longer have such controversial societies, but how can we find her? this is for the lawyers, she concluded. contract, they have all the data, i’m in a hurry, sorry, thank you, it doesn’t seem like good news, people like angela don’t drown, she’ll pop up somewhere, you can handle it yourself, i still need to go do a little work, yes, but i need to find her. valerie, are you waiting for your love? yes, i apologize for being alarming, i will repent of you. maybe i meet, excessive control is not the best way out, i know, i can’t fake anything in myself, there’s never
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guess, i trusted polina, now i’m biting my elbows, i have a friend on television, i advertised the disappearance of the log, the police are looking for the log, volunteers were involved, everything has been done, you just need to talk to anjala, why mine? and so weight courses were banned, perhaps she is aware of polen’s plans, it obviously couldn’t have happened without her, there is an address, let’s wait for lyuba to go, hello, let’s get in the car, we’re going to see angela, dad, i don’t want to meet angela, listen to how she... will make excuses, maybe even admit that everything her instructions were false, love, it’s true, it’s better not to meet, dad, i ’ll get there myself, don’t worry, go straight home,
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yeah, goodbye. hello, you’re like angelia, don’t wait, she’s in the hospital, her husband put her to bed, beat her, he was kicked out of work, so he took out his anger... he took it out, he’s a security guard, the bug is still here, but i don’t feel sorry for her at all, if honestly, she
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never said hello to anyone , she despised us all the time, so she was such a bastard, she beat him badly, and she didn’t see her, but the woman, they say, is from the living place, she’s not there, they took him to the police, they're sorting it out, thank you, uh-huh, what is it, i... i need a visa to go to the hospital, so, excuse me, they came to finish me off, i... sympathize with you, malign, you have the right to leave, we need to talk about polina, it was you who
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forced her to leave at home, you still have to answer, you ruined my life and my business, what else do you need, i’m only interested in polina. where could she go? she had to sit out at the dacha for a few days and come back, she wasn’t at the dacha, she didn’t return, then i don’t know, do you even understand that you sent the child into the unknown? a if you know anything, tell me where polina might be? i... i don’t know, forgive me, she’ll come back, i’ll talk to her, no,
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don’t, i’ll tell you how wrong we were, i don’t believe you. thank you valeria for helping, but it’s nonsense, the main thing is that polina is found, take care of my love, yes, of course, just don’t pretend that you didn’t find out. victor, is polina with you? no, what are you trying to achieve,
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why are you spreading nasty things about me? what nasty things? well, i refused to pay my daughter child support. well, what's wrong here? i had no idea about my daughter, she didn't pay child support served. i know that i am pregnant, that the child will be born, he will need to be fed, eaten, raised, clothed. yes. if it’s more convenient to think this way, there’s no problem. polina really needed you. well done! uncle, can i fly too? girl, what's your name? my name is poly, i'm 5 years old, i don't have a dad. pauline, let's go, you wanted another balloon. let's
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not worry, okay, do you want to fly? yes, so let's fly. let's fly, mommy, look, i'm flying on a plane, mom, mom, i 'm flying, thank you, run, thank you, yes, goodbye, mom, why don't i have a dad, pancake, not everyone has a dad, sonny, this happens, you will grow up, mom, i want me to have a dad, mom, tell me where it is, mommy, mom, why don’t i have a dad, tell me where my dad is, like my dad, why him, you know, i will probably never forgive you for raising her alone, and raising her so that
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alina would leave the house. i have neither the strength nor the desire to talk to you, you know, i don’t either, stop throwing dirt on me, it’s your own fault. how long was the corpse in the water? about a few days, but the face was disfigured even after life. how old, approximately? i understand your question;
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seventeen-year-old polino krasny fits the description of the missing woman. yes, it’s a pity that she is without clothes, okay, thank you, nalya, nadezhda sergeevna, hello, tell me, could you drive up to the airport as quickly as possible now... your presence is required, your identity has not been established and there is hope that this is not your daughter, but you need to make sure of this, it will be better if you come with one of your family or friends, since the procedure is difficult, yes, yes, i understand.
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you need my hubby again, stop it, don't now, if polina ends up in the morgue, i’ll go crazy, what should she do there? the investigator called and said that they had found the body of a girl, her identity has not yet been established, but they asked to come to mork for identification, you need to come with someone, because the procedure is difficult, if you are taxiing, i will go with you, please, just don’t shake, this not polina, you understand me, i
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’ll throw on a jacket. hello, are you ready? this is not palin. are you sure? polina has a mole on her chest, this is a different look. i can go, yes, thank you.
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hello, are you polina’s mother? yes, and who are you? i, yaroslav, are polina's friend. do you know where she is? no, i saw on tv that she was missing. i immediately came to help, she ’s my friend after all, she didn’t say anything about you, but i have it, here’s a photo,
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this is it for my birthday, really, polina, she’s happy, like my mother found out that polina was missing, she immediately said, go, help, i was planning on who your mother is, a math student. where do you live? not far from here, 30 km, i’m from sosnovsk. how did you meet? have you been friends for a long time? met online, i even met a couple of times i came here, walked with her, she promised to introduce me to you, but then suddenly changed her mind. i saw you near this house once, that’s why i came here. well done for coming, do you know where she might be? no, i don’t know, but i’m sure we’ll definitely go, you had lunch, didn’t even have breakfast, let’s go, feed her, let’s think about what we can do, uh-huh,
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handsome boy, he looks like my pashka, did you arrange it all? yes, not only did my career deprive me, it decided to finish me off, alla taxi, premiere on monday on rtr, rest. it's leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and
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completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cognac, old barrel.
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borbon searsman, a product of stellor group. we put the news of the week without the noise of dust on the shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. sunday on rtr. polina and i generally have the same views on life. oh, is this something? well, work a lot, earn a lot, travel a lot. well, in general, don’t bother with everyday life. yes. how to eat? so in the modern world this is not a problem at all. there are also deliveries. i know, of course,
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this is her idea, and i’m all for it, in general i really want to find her, thank you, mm, i forgot, here’s 20,000 for a private detective, although they are expensive, they dig the ground better than a good tractor, money keep it for yourself, i have a deal soon, i’m selling the house, there will be money, okay, yes, often for this... that’s good, the police, the police, the detective won’t hurt, here you are, the door is open, you won’t get through to anyone, and we’re guests we feed, but what, we have a branch of the canteen, we don’t have a husband if you want to feed, we have enough for everyone, sit down, soup, you will, i will, and i will be first, second, nikolai, neighbor,
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yaroslav, polina’s friend, came to help look, it’s good that he came, i have a plan, yeah, i’ll go tomorrow , i’ll ask passers-by, taxi drivers, they’ve already asked without you, well, there won’t be too many. okay, thank you, i'm full, i'll go, i still wanted to check in, no need, i wanted, you can stay the night with us, i'll make a bed for you in the living room, i'll give you linen, thank you, great, kolya, and you 'll still go to work today, yes. what kind of fruit?
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how did he know that polina was missing? well , i don’t know, he said that he saw him on tv and came, but what about a nice boy, bright, clean, your mother gives you away, marriageable, young, handsome, clean, or maybe he’s this scammer, he brought money, i didn’t take it, i'll have deals soon. you told him about this, yes, i’m glad i came, yeah, you checked his passport, showed him photos with polino, they are so happy there, are you kidding me, now any photo on the computer can be faked, in vain, of course you left it at home, you know that we’ll check his passport sometime. “you’ll find out anyway, i’ll say, i
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was there, he lived in the hospital, why, i feel sorry for her, you’re very kind to me, and remember polina, who disappeared, they still can’t find her, your mother doesn’t find a place for you there, that’s all sweet speeches are from riffraff, she befuddled you with her enticements, and you fell for it"? she was beaten so badly, mikhalych, yes, i’m listening, but what happened? well, of course, come on over, we're having dinner at the cafe on the corner. come on, i'm waiting. was polina found at the dacha? yes, he would have said it over the phone. he's coming now, that's it we'll find out. still, come on. hello, you quickly
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changed the locks in the apartment, i’m smart, and when you leave, go away, i didn’t come to swear, i beg you, let’s not get a divorce, i ’ve already lost count of how many times you changed your mind, i’m tired of it. the son should have a father in general, a normal family, they gave you something to drink alex, i understood everything very quickly, i sobered up, so this... was confirmed, she really disappeared, i sympathize, it’s all because of me, then i left then, if it was next to her, nothing
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to say that i have a daughter, that's all if this wouldn’t have happened, here, here, look, look, how beautiful she is. well, why are you standing here, go, go, look for your daughter, don’t come back without your daughter, wait here. hello, hello, lyuba, greetings mikhalovich, hello, what happened there,
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tell me, well, the thing is that at night i heard and saw that someone was wandering around the dacha, didn’t he show? the devil knows, i took the hatchet, passed by no one, came back, saw the light again, the light was probably illuminated by a flashlight, but polina, daddy, let 's go, but you didn't see her at the dacha when came, did you go to the dacha again, well, i knew that she didn’t tell you anything, so that means i’m going on a business trip, and... we’re going to the dacha for the weekend, if polina is there, that’s good, she herself don't show yourself there, understand? i’ll also look at everything more carefully again, don’t worry, i must say to nadia, i don’t think she should be disturbed again, but what if it’s not her, the woman will worry, hope i’ll find out everything, then
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let’s say that you’re hiding something , mikhailovich, i came to the city and left some garden beds, you can tell me everything over the phone, i brought my wife, what else? got sick, she came to her. i see, well , thank you for your vigilance, but i think it was the homeless people who set up the handouts, whatever you can do, okay, we're off, let's go, goodbye, goodbye, lyuba,
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hello, valya, it's me, listen, the snotty little guy is behaving very suspiciously , root, don’t pretend to be yourself,
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be smart after studying, go straight home, okay, i’ll come tomorrow, you said for a couple of days, circumstances have changed, you ’re up to something, stop controlling me, please, you promised, yes, yes, go, otherwise you'll be late, it's me, where's yaroslav, rushed off. have you checked his passport? for what? have you seen how happy polina is next to him? she trusts him enough for me. i also like yaroslav, but kolya. suspects that he is a fraudster, then he has a car with license plates from another region, if anyone understands this, let him
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come back, i’ll talk to him about the car, come on and be careful, okay, i will, i’m off to cook dinner, my dear, where are you going, you have one more pair left, excuse me tatyana petrovna, i have a headache. yes, polina, you know something, have you seen her?
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listen to me, i am an experienced psychic, i have collaborated with the police more than once to find missing people, i want to help you, i don’t trust psychics, sorry, don’t refuse, in your position you have to grasp at any straw, agree, this is at least some chance, ok what to do.
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yes, come on in, come on in, yeah, why are you standing there, sit down. my name is claudia, yeah, i’m nadya, here.
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i can say that polina is alive, but where is she , everything is fine with her, this is more complicated, give me a t-shirt, here. it's hard to say, you need time alone to
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concentrate, i'll take a t-shirt, i'll answer you tomorrow, okay? yes, of course, how much do i owe you? nothing yet, what's the result? well, yes, yes, okay, now let me take care of you, no? no, it’s okay, no, no, no, let’s not resist, i want you to live until your daughter returns, okay, okay, put the bag down, put the bag on the floor, relax, close your eyes. close your eyes,
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close your eyes. close your eyes, let go of your health, let go of your fears, it's not easy, breathe. inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, well done, hello, what happened, lyuba, you, no, god, i
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came back this morning, she’s not at home, what a problem, what a problem! maybe she’s at the dacha, i called the chairman, he lives there permanently and they checked mikhalocha, she’s not there, now we’ll sit down and think about where she might be, we need a clear head, come in, we’ll connect you now, just a second, it’s important who these conversations are with, why it came to the kremlin. avoid, sasha, write where the excitement is stronger, in space or at the table with the presidents, there will be a lot to discuss, the nuances of big politics, i’ll go change clothes, which surprise everyone, so why didn’t alinevo
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understand that putin called him, the president congratulated you, well, the president congratulated you, right? the most interesting shots of the week are all from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch on sunday on rtr. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. treat
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yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu resorts, we are here for you. rom castro is a product of stellor group. discover a real gem at coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic, luxury
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collection bodrum. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. your mother has a neurosm of the aorta of the heart, she needs surgery, here’s the money to treat your mother, thank you, we’ll look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, real friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, and wow , hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, but love is even more expensive, oh my god, he’s so insidious. i came, i saw, i won, i fell in love with the devils, and you, how long are you going to date? i have it in place, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also say, they threw half a lemon of jewelry on you,
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dear friend, today... on rtr, what to do? i do not know what to do. we should calm down, now let's drink tea, let's go to police, we’ll write a missing person’s report, if anything happens to lyubushka, i won’t worry, don’t think like that, we need to think about the good, we’ll find our girls alive and well, you hear, yes, alive and well, hello, what’s going on, what it happened, lyuba disappeared, polina’s friend, this is valeria semenovich, her father. it’s as if a maniac has shown up in the city, so stop it, but i just assumed, the police, they should, no, we’ll also
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tell the volunteers, so that the volunteers look for it, we’ll post all the leaflets around the city on we will advertise on television, money, yes, we need to take out a loan from the bank, today i have a deal to sell a house, i asked for money in cash. we can hire a detective. thank you so much. i couldn't even imagine what you were going through. it's so hard to restrain yourself from getting carried away by this uncertainty. we will endure. yaroslav, take a photo of lyuba and go to the volunteers. yes. drop lyuba's photo. excuse me, i blurted out about the maniac without thinking, this is polina’s friend, he came to help in the search. you
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did well, you stood up to the interrogation by the investigator. i almost killed him when he started asking if i was making fun of lyuba, how often we fought. it’s good that you were nearby, looked at you and calmed down a little. yes, it's okay, that's their job. brought it, thank you for giving me a lift with the money, alone on the bus, i would have been a little scared, but this is a small thing, listen, what kind of psychic advised you, you said, she’s smart, you also need to talk to her, in case she has something will tell you, yes, i will have one more request for you, but just don’t be surprised and don’t be scared, you'll spend the night with me tonight, so what? bad thoughts creep into my head scary alone, i understand that night, by the way, is the worst time,
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let’s just go to my house first, i ’ll ask yaroslav what news and we’ll go, yes, of course, today my volunteers and i examined all the abandoned buildings and bridges , it is unlikely that polina left home to live in abandoned buildings. and money, for the first time she has money, yaroslav, and polina didn’t tell you anything about lyuba, well, yes, of course, they weren’t friends, they just studied at the same school college, valera, we can go, i’ll spend the night valera, you stay at home, suddenly she’ll come back,
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the room is in order, if lyuba was going to run away, she prepared carefully, all her things are in place, she didn’t take anything, is that good or bad. “i don’t know why the investigators didn’t come today, we lost the day, they’ll come tomorrow, wait, wait, i can’t sit and do nothing, listen, let’s go to the dacha, the investigators definitely won’t come at night, someone should stay at home, what if lyuba will return, yes, that’s right, stay, and i’ll go back and forth.”
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i’ll go and talk, but where are you at night in the yard and then she’s not there, she, in my opinion, is at valera’s, what’s happening, it’s the eagle alone in their apartment, how do i know, go to sleep, huh? wait, where is the money for the sold house? kolya, how you bother me with your concern for your neighbor. are you on your own again? yes, because i don't want to be alone. what, are you alone? are you alone, are you alone? i 'm here? well, what again? did you hear a car
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pull up? entrance, maybe it’s some neighbor who’s returned, but i know all our cars by the sound, it’s some kind of foreign car, what a bastard, so i knew it, call the police on the street, but where is the phone? did you take it all out? what are you, uncle kol? am i taking this to a friend for repairs? are you going to shower the women and smile sweetly? open the trunk, show me what's still underneath, yeah, now.
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look, i couldn’t bear anything, oh, you called the police, talked, they’re on their way, kolya, give it to him, kolya, still, everything’s fine, everything ’s fine, oh, well, be careful, it’s all the same there. good evening, accept what happened, i wanted to clean out the apartment.
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stop, don’t move, you’ll get an ax to the kumpal. who are you? mihaloch, it's me, valera. a, neighbor, why are you wandering around at night? and where is the car? i left it at the entrance to the village, i wanted to make my way quietly so as not to scare away if there was someone in the house. it’s clear, but i saw a flashlight and thought, well, that’s it, i got caught by a bastard and almost hit you. yes, thanks for the welcome.
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god, what an idiot, he forgot his phone, and now i’m nervous, so.
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come on, have you found polya? no, kolya was taken to the police because of your gullibility. i don't understand anything, please explain. your dear boy, eroslav turned out to be a robber. kolya figured him out when he was trying to take him out of his apartment tv. the police arrived, the two of them were taken there, and now they will sort it out. have you mixed up anything? nadya, you me... my husband is in the police because of you, so please come and we will sort it out, hope. do you confirm that this man introduced himself as yaroslav and gained your trust by saying that he is polina’s friend? i confirm. nikolai nikolaevich, you confirm that you detained this man at the moment when he was taking the tv out of the house and packing his car.
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i confirm, he hit me in the jaw, sneak. calmly. so, ruslan kozlov, aka yaroslav. for what purpose did you come to our city? i saw it on tv. that the girl ran away from home, i immediately realized that the mother would believe any fairy tale about her daughter, so i decided to take advantage of how exactly, well, to profit from something, i have to live on something, but i didn’t try to work, smart guy, calm down, continue , i thought i’d get through it in a day, but then i found out about the sale of the house, still in cash. i decided to restrain myself, nothing sacred, how are you going to live with this, normal, rich, hope, nikolai nikolaevich, wait for me in office, i’ll finish here for now, formalities,
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thank you, with this, what will happen, well, sit down for a while, very good. thank you, since for your vigilance, oh well, we are neighbors, no, if it weren’t for you, i would have lost both my tv and money, i wouldn’t have had anything to hire detectives for, well, science to you, but no, but how to live if not trust people, the boy had such an open, kind smile, then he showed photographs of polina, the photograph was a montage, i immediately suspected him, he smiled more sweetly, nadyukha. don't trust anyone, promise? i promise, let's go well, how did it all go, well, how does he sit down, my darling,
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he confessed to everything, he sits so lost, unhappy, he risked his life, and you feel sorry for the varyugu, well, okay, so what about her, he could have stabbed himself with a knife, he could have, and so did i scary, vai, scary? she, but you had to turn on your head, they warned you, otherwise they nagged me that i suspect this yaroslav, some unknown number, turn it up loud, hello, it’s your daughter who’s gone missing, yes polina, you saw her, it seems she’s on , you say, i have zero money, throw some money away. "all i’ll tell you, i have no conscience, well, i’ll throw in some money, my voice is kind of drunk, well , what if she really saw polina, we only got rid of one scammer, and you
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fell for it again, but now i ’m clutching at any salom, okay, let’s get out of here, why stand here, don’t rush to transfer money, if she calls back in 5 minutes, that means she has money on her phone, come on, the door won’t open again? she transferred 200 and no one calls. oh, how much to teach you, lord, be gentle with the swallow, kulya, he did transfer the money, didn’t i can, i’ll wait for a call, you know, i ’d transfer it too, 100 rubles is not such a big amount, so turn it on loud, hello, somehow you value life very cheaply, daughters, i’m ready to meet and transfer money, so i believed you , i want more money, now on
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the card, and then we’ll talk, just let them understand that i didn’t even understand the money, jackals, and she didn’t tell me the card where to transfer the money. that means the bank card is linked to the phone number, and you’re there too, but i wouldn’t rush, i suggest you wait, i have a grudge against you, i’m also a premiere on rtr, so what? i need to make you forgive me, well , if you want, i’ll get on my knees, and i’m tired of seeing her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and the taxi. on monday on rtr, they say you need
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to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included. except for the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. cognac monte shococa is a product of stellor group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come
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true. hotel callinen bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. titanic delux golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon. and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. gin сnop is a product of stellor group. you're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open the entire scoreboard? we’ll cope, if you ask, then with
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a trick, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much already, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor , i'm chopping oak, no, plucking, problems with water... geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr.
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well, try it now, listen, i have a shift in an hour, valentina, home, now i ’ll finish watching the circus and come up with a crown in the kitchen, please tell me, you really trust him, maybe he’ll help, now, uh-huh, well, yes, uh-huh, so, the number is registered to tamara alekseevna nikitivna, here’s the address, oh, i was surprised, and this is next to us, i’ll go, wait, wait,
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the most important thing, they said that she’s a very drunk woman, are you going to let her go alone, but i can’t do it today, and you, i’m going to feed my husband, oh , nastya, you call valerie, valerie can’t, he’s waiting for the criminologists at home, i’m alone, nastya, wait, let’s go calmly, well, where are you alone now, i’m not discussing this with you, what if polina is there, you call, if anything happens, yeah, it’s as if she’s stubborn, and why are you stuck at all, i forgot to tell you, that ’s how i was a balabol, so i remained a balabol, well, how did it end, but they found out the address, nadya went here... yes, with vitya, after all, as always, into
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the bushes, why didn’t you go with her then? well, i have a husband, i need to feed him, and i ’ve been running her errands all morning. andris, at least she found out where she went, how do i know, she i took a taxi and went, and don’t look at me like that, if you want, go live with me, thank you, light. hello, excuse me, can you tell me if tamara
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nikitivna lives here? why do you need it? you don't seem to be part of their company? yes, unknown. thank you, hello, is this what you are looking for, tamara? yes, the district
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police officer, vladimir semyonovich, my neighbor tamara called and said that you would look for me, i decided to come myself, oh, thank you. tell me why you need nikitin? she called and said that she knew where my daughter was, she set conditions, yeah, she extorted money, this it looks like her, but what exactly did she say, only that she knows where polina is, everything, yeah, is clear, but there is little hope, i’m warning you right away, well, let’s go, good luck. maybe she's not at home, let's check now. tamara, the police are opening up. open up, you know, i’ll knock down the door now. vladimir
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semyonovich, why don’t you just break down the door, i’m always glad to see you. missing girl, where? what tamara, and so, the thin one rented out a room to her, the thin one who was on the garden street, she, she, and i and polinka, this girl, said that she was 20 years old, and then i heard that she she is wanted because she is a minor, she didn’t understand well, but i, semyonovich, you know, i don’t want to have anything to do with the police, why don’t you tell me? so i had to tell my mother, and you know, i am obedient to the law, vladimir semyonich, well , you know, yeah, so tell me, how did polina and tonka meet, the girl had money, and we bought a drink, drank it, and then i didn’t see tonka or the girl,
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polina doesn’t drink, she’s still a child, she said she’s 20 years old. get ready, will you come with us, anyone? semyonich, i can’t, i’m sick, my legs, i can’t walk two steps, i can’t, but i know your illness, tom, if you deceived me, you will regret it, look, stop, i have to go back, i missed some moments, why should she. found out, said, nothing new can be shaken out of her, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they study together in college, lyuba, her disappearance has not been reported, it’s too early , let’s go back, maybe tamara knows something about lyuba, wait, my charges don’t look like maniacs, we’ll go now and check if tone doesn’t have polina, then we will come back, this whole company, we will
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seriously shake up polina, if only polina is in this tone, i agree, but knowing our company, i think we will find polina. come on, guys, my melodrama has begun. “tonya, tonya, stop, then don’t stop, that’s what they say , that’s it, calm down, you’re running away, you did what you did , you confess, you’re as clean as glass before the law, girl, where, what kind of missing polina krasnova lives with you, huh? i don’t know what her name is, i think she called herself kristina,
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and i don’t know anything about the missing one, well, let’s figure it out, but she’s drunk, oh, i don’t know myself i know what to do with it, i feed it, i sing it, there is no money, i can’t drive it away, it’s not mine, mine doesn’t drink, so it’s not yours, it’s how it appeared... i drank it right away, it hasn’t dried up since then, i ’m telling you for sure honestly, well, let's figure it out, we'll figure it out, open the view already, oh, fir-trees, so you follow me, come here, fir-trees, what am i, i'm a small person, i made her friends, i rooted her, gave her water, and where am i from? do i know her name or what? i can’t kick her out anymore, oh, she
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said that she’s an adult, she wants independence, but shut up, i’ll come quickly i’m calling, i don’t know, hello, quick, yes, urgent call, sadovaya 20, apartment 7, we found a girl, the missing polina krasnova. unconscious, head injury, she can be sprinkled with some water, i’ll sprinkle some water on you now so that everything is fine with her, you are my good girl, everything is fine, mom is here, everything is fine, mom, mom, where am i,
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you’re in pain in the hospital, everything is fine, you're safe, your head hurts a lot and everything is spinning, it's from bruises, you'll get better, my dear, mom, forgive me, i... it's okay, it's not your fault, it's not your fault, my good, i wanted to feel what adult independent life is, mom, everything is fine, the police will sort it out, the main thing is that we are together, you are with me, good afternoon, nadezhda sergeevna, i need to ask polya a few questions, let’s. later she has a really bad headache, it’s okay, i can do it, mom, thank you, ask, thank you, polina,
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tell me, did you have strength in the apartment, i came there myself, but i don’t remember anything else, yeah, how did you meet the hostess , at the bus stop, we started talking, i said that i wanted... to live separately from my mother, i was looking for apartment, and we went to her, after she bought vodka, she said she would drink her own life, that’s it, i don’t remember anything else, it’s clear, well, get better, don’t run away from home again, otherwise this could end badly, hope serge, we need to talk.
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“hello, who are you? hello, i’m valera nadyuvich, and valery, it’s very nice, and i’m valentina, mutually, and you don’t know where she is, i think she’s not answering calls, maybe something happened, a lot of things happened , surrounded her, scammers, demanding money, believes everyone, i don’t understand something, who are you on? are you hinting? not on you, she just went to some drunkard who said that she knows where polina is, since then there has been no contact, where she went, well, i don’t know, just... don’t blame me, no , i didn’t even think, well, my husband, my beloved, really thought, he thinks that it’s all my fault and that i didn’t go with her and that i didn’t find out the address, oh, nadia is calling, no, kolya, my dear, i at home, nadya is not here, valerie is looking for her too, but wait, i haven’t had time to say anything yet, but i know that you will say that it’s all my fault, that
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i'm going crazy, calm down, okay? can i tell you now? well, you know, i usually listen to music at work, and then a client asked me to put on the news, but then they reported that they found a girl, she’s now in the hospital, who did they find? polina? yes, i don’t know who they found, but the girl in the hospital? she's in the hospital. i went to the hospital. oh, can i go to the hospital with you too? kolinka, can i go to the hospital too? valyush, you yourself have already decided what you are asking me? that's it, come on, i kiss you. i'm now only. and i’ll bring the package home and with you, yes, i’m in the car,
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listen, i can. so don’t slow down, please, i never have fields, who was found, lyuba or polina? polina, she’s in the hospital, and she said something to lyuba, she knows where she is, you need to talk to her, don’t, the doctors injected her with sleeping pills, sleep is the best medicine now, god, what’s wrong with her, was she beaten, raped? no, you don’t have a concussion, why didn’t you tell me, you took the phone, polina will sleep until the morning. they sent me home, but i’m sitting in the hospital and i can’t go, i’m glad that polina found, we need to go to the catastrophe, she definitely said that polina will be found, everything will be fine with her, you can trust her, let's go, we just need a photo, lyuba, her clothes or
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a favorite item, i have a pillow in the car. there is, lyuba always sleeps on it when we go to the dacha, this will be suitable, yes, it will be suitable, well , let's see, i'll go with you, you just have to wait for us in the car, okay, you 'll tell me everything on the way, how i found polina, and while i’m waiting for you from the psychic, if i call, i’ll tell you everything, isn't she a charlatan? “i believe her, you know that polina was found, she is in the hospital, everything will be fine with her case, her soul will need to be treated for a long time, later i will give some advice. they brought a photograph of my daughter, but usually not.”
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no, it’s a pity, lyuba is alive, but i feel very bad, where is she? they brought the object that she touched, i can answer, tomorrow, the session is over for today, well, you say at least something, that’s all for today, go away, don’t... i need to say a few words about
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polinia, stay late, you have something did you see something very bad about lyuba? you are confident in the person who was brought to me? yes, he is a very good father, strict, it’s true, but caring, i need to think about it, but i felt that lyuba... was next to him, i’ll clarify now, from the feeling that he himself had stolen his daughter and was keeping her locked up, this can't be. have you known him for a long time, no, but i know for sure that he loves his daughter very much, and you are sure
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that this is not his method of education, you assume that i do not assume, i have a presentiment, go and stay away from him. i'll try to sort out my feelings. take care of polina. yes. what is she said? she told me to take care of polina. this is not the whole truth. i studied you a little, nadya. you're hiding something? what? “don’t torture me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i need to know, this
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concerns me and polina, i can’t say anything more, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want you right away warn me, i won’t allow this, you ’re seeing me for the first time in my life, but you’re reproaching me for never.” i did, oh, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, take it as a fact, i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, a great topic for a dissertation, single father, you need a nanny, right? is needed, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, it doesn’t mean that
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no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything, a loner, on sunday on rtr. styrsman bourbon is a product of steller group. let me imagine a first-class holiday if reorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach. and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. veda vodka, a product of stellar group.
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rum castra is a product of stellor group. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. nardynka on...
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through the rains, sweet flowers are kept for me , fantasy still lives in me, some kind of morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. how could i believe him?
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come on, don’t smile, look to the left, don’t smile, i say, so close-up, don’t smile, oh, my beauty, well done, oh, our mommy came, she brought milk, nah, well, we miss you, what are you doing here, it’s unclear, i photographer, we have a very beautiful daughter, i take pictures of her, but you’d better leave,
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why did my mother practically hide you from me all my life, now they’re also chasing you away, well , that’s not good, i was hiding it, well, who is paul anyway, you should know, thanks who found you so quickly, and you found it, who shook it out - this tamara’s phone number to the police, tell me, come on, hope, look at me, oh, it would be better not to look, we need to talk. let's talk now, wait a minute, why am i busy here? dad, let me take off the bandage from my head, it’ll probably make the photos better, don’t, it’s so tragic, and i haven’t washed my head, i’m waiting for you in the corridor, she’s waiting in the corridor, i’ll just be a minute, we’ll talk now and come back, okay , we didn’t know anything about you.
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i haven’t been interested in us for years either, so go away, we don’t need you, well, maybe you don’t, but she does, and i will communicate with my daughter, it’s convenient to communicate when i’ve grown up, yes that the proverbial glass of water is looming, nah, that you’re wound up, i’m interested, nothing has changed for me, as i was, i remain that way, yes, i don’t want you to communicate with polina, so she’ll probably figure out who i’m with communicate, who not to communicate with, the girl is already an adult, i’ll talk to her.
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defenseless, beautiful, like me, like two peas in a pod, i tossed and turned all night, couldn’t sleep, believe it or not, it doesn’t matter to me, believe it or not, i came into life and i’m not going anywhere, polinka, till tomorrow. how do you feel, are you dizzy? mom, is he really my father? yes, he invites you to visit him, he has his photo of ilya, i have long wanted a beautiful photo shoot, well, i shouldn’t allow you to take pictures. i can’t communicate, i know that in all
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your 17 years he didn’t even remember you, and now he really wants to make friends with me, mom, yes, i fed you, ate you, taught you, dressed you, but he didn’t even give you a toy, he promises to pay all the alimony that he has squeezed, but it’s not about alimony, i just know that when you need help, he... will run away, he’s a coward, we’ll see, but no, i’m telling you this so that there are no disappointments later, mom, he’s burned, you hate him, that’s understandable, but i don’t know yet, nadya... oh, nadya, nadya, nadya,
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how happy i am for you, for polina, well, everything will be fine , thank you for letting me go for a couple of weeks, yes, you did a lot better. now for work, yes, with a vengeance, there is something urgent, yes, i agreed, the bank is giving us a loan, so prepare documents and justification, and you know that another girl has disappeared from our college, well, yes , the whole city is buzzing about this, this is my daughter a friend, he helped me look for polina, i really want to help him, remember, your apartment was cleaned out, and you turned to some private detective. yes, yes, yes, a great, great guy, he helped me find the thieves very quickly, even his contact for me, yes, i’ll find him now, wait, now, oh, i found it, catch it, there , that’s it, thank you.
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please let me out. fields, paul, wake up, paul, fields, fields.
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wake up, you'll sleep through your fate. angela, why are you looking at me like that? i haven't changed that much. come on, come to your senses. how did you end up here and what's wrong with your hand? you need to ask what’s wrong with my soul. but now it’s not about me. come on, tell me how you felt after escaping. terrible. incorrect answer. i'll tell you. promised that when you return, your mother will blow a speck of dust off you, she promised everything so, now the most important thing is not to give up, not to give in to her, don’t even think about apologizing, otherwise you ’ll ruin everything, i understand, by the way, my father
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showed up, can you imagine , was inflamed with the desire to communicate, you couldn’t even dream of this, right, everything’s going wrong, so i have something they didn’t make me a drug addict, honey, this is a side effect, forget about it and move on with your life, download your license , come, in general, live as you want, but my mother is worried, and i, your mother, am a monster, this is all she did to me, what she did , that she screamed at all authorities, the club was closed, the premises... were taken away, and then she actually hired bandits, they beat me, broke my ribs, broke my arm, it’s all my mother, who else, in short, i paid in full for your freedom, and i believed her, she smiles, ingratiates herself, i
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’ll tell her everything, no one should talk about our conversation know, be smarter, what to do? i’ll learn to command and get my way, listen, i, too , was once quiet, until i understood how to live, i didn’t have anything good, remember, that’s it, rest. palina, polin, how are you? does something hurt? what
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hurts? should i call the doctor? dont touch me. and what happened? pauline. i want to go home, i want a new expensive phone, i want good internet, but i can’t go home yet, the doctors forbid it. but the phone will be a regular one to make calls, the internet is also not allowed yet, what else? i will continue to communicate with angela, no, with angela, you you won’t communicate, she doesn’t work anymore, that means it’s true, you’re a monster, mom, why did i, angela’s organization check and find that it doesn’t meet the requirements for such activities, maybe... it doesn’t meet any of your requirements, but i was interested in her, and you were just
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jealous of her and disfigured her, which means disfigured, you hired bandits to beat her, but that’s not true, i don’t believe you, angela accuses you, but you believe angela, not to me? imagine, you will raise me, i will leave again, okay, go away, come on, go away, i just know that... i won’t look for you, whoever you meet there, maniacs, drunkards, drug addicts, it’s up to you to decide who is more fun for you to live with, i’ll leave, mom, yeah, what, what, what, what, bad, hold on, i'm close, i 'm close, i'm holding you, everything is fine, now, now, lie down, lie down, good, now everything will be, now it will be easier, breathe, breathe, breathe, if you want an apple, it's better to have an orange, okay, now i'll make an orange.
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it’s good that you’re alone in the ward, we need to talk, you showed up, but what’s wrong, the roast rooster pecked, leave my girl alone, you ruined my life. there is no need to look, you yourself
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have ruined your life, look in the mirror, i promise you, you will lose your girl forever, you know what the difference is between us, you are fighting for money, and i am fighting for my own child, and here you cannot defeat me. let's see, just let me crawl out of the hospital, don't touch polina, i'll lock you up, i didn't start a conversation without you, let's go, he's waiting for you. what's wrong with you, nadya? polina was found, we should be happy, she was found, she was found,
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she didn’t come back to me, everything is complicated, i’m sure you will overcome all the difficulties, i don’t despair, of course, it will take time, i talked to angela, palar, i’m scared, she ’s threatening me, she’s strong, impudent, i, i’m afraid that i’ll lose, this is extensive, the main thing is that your daughter is near, with you and take care not only her, but myself, i try, lie down, lie down, i won’t be long, what happened to lyuga, when she disappeared, almost immediately after you, when you last saw lyuga, what did you talk about? “tell me, this is very important, the last time we chatted with her was when she offered to live at the dacha,
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and after that she didn’t call you anymore, after that i had a memory loss, i didn’t care.” i don’t remember, my phone and computer were stolen, my mother knows, why didn’t you go to the dacha as you agreed, because i understood that lyuba would rat me out, she listens to you in everything, of course. complained about me, you are strict, it bothered her, and lyuba was looking for you at the dacha, a neighbor saw someone at night next to our dacha, was it not you? no, on the same day i met the owner of the apartment and went to see her, but if lyuba suddenly calls you or writes when she calls me, i don’t have a phone or a computer, i bought a new phone, but the doctors forbid it for now, but don’t worry, lyuba herself would never
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leave you, aler, let’s not think, most likely... she worked it out, that’s why she left, she ’ll be back soon, that’s exactly what i wanted to say , girls, i understand everything perfectly well , anyone has had trouble, okay, i’ll go, get well and don’t offend your mother, if it weren’t for her, they would have been looking for you for a very long time and it is unknown whether they would have been found or not. mom, he is very worried, and you were also so nervous about me, i almost went crazy,
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please forgive me. "i need to talk to him, i tomorrow morning i’ll run by you before work, okay, okay, i love you, i recommend that you, allah, look for a new place of work, the premiere on rtr, we can open our own. taxi fleet, there are too many interferences, and as for your this alla, i sang along with her, we will choke, we will discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warning signs, what if something happens to you, i’m scared, there are too many dangerous intersections, trouble, the earring was broken, he’s alive, alive, but she can’t
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stop, your mom can handle it, she strong woman, alla taxi, on monday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover
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true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belleq becomes reality, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic, luxury, bodrum collection. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic laksary collection bodrum. those who want to stay informed watch the week's news. advanced program. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday on rtr.
11:55 pm
this psychic thinks so, as if you are keeping her locked up, some kind of nonsense, you don't you think so?


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