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tv   S privetom Kozanostra  RUSSIA1  April 14, 2024 6:05am-8:00am MSK

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hour 38.9, matvey krossovsky 6 years old, yes, i’m waiting, we wake up, get our passports ready, go out, check-in will begin now.
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and around the corner, yes, around the corner, hello, hello, mom, how are you, there was a local police officer, he gave a referral for examination to a hospital, hospital, something serious, but he didn’t really explain, but i didn’t understand, he just said that it is necessary... to conduct a full examination, light, you don’t want to tell anton about matveyushka’s condition, i still think that the father should know about the child’s health, he is selfish, but not a scoundrel, okay, mom.
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but anton wasn’t there, he and slava seemed to be heading to the city center, but what did you want? yes, i have business with him, i call, he doesn’t answer, well, if i see him, i’ll definitely tell him that you have business with him, thank you, no need, i’ll do it myself.
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anton, hey, hey, what are you doing? what's wrong with you, are you injured? i'll speed you up now? geez, are you drunk? so, okay, let's, so, so, let's put him on the bed, of course, asshole. bring
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a first aid kit, maybe an ambulance would be better, no need, quickly a first aid kit, quiet, quiet, there is peroxide, yes you have your own, so come on, soldier, be patient, quiet, quiet, quietly,
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hello, why are you sneaking around? nothing, anya said, you were looking for me yesterday, i went to your number, but... you weren’t there, yes, i wanted to tell you that where are my pants? i won’t bother you, but i... what happened to me, good morning, yesterday you were attacked, robbed, i was nearby and
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helped you get to your room, good morning, sorry, i forgot your name, svetlana, exactly? and my phone number, well, apparently it’s there, of course, but i can use your phone, of course. this is gorodin, yes everything is fine, the plane is in zarechensky car, and in 15 minutes i’ll be there, thank you please.
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svetlana, yes, where are my things? i gave them to the service department yesterday, they will bring them to you soon. thank you, forgive me, yesterday, well, yes, i just don’t like flying, everything is fine. thank you, oops, hello, hello, hello, happy, bye, what are you doing here, your parents should have it too, i just got bored
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and decided to meet you right here, i’m looking for something, i know about it, stop it, just a common chatter , don’t tell me, if it weren’t for you, you would have made a hero out of me, yes, you are my hero, mine! let's go, yes, mom, light, motya and i are in hospital, that you don’t worry, he ’s fine, you missed me or your ex was entertaining you, oh, it started, no, seriously, i ’m sure she asked for it, you know that i won’t be there, olya, she’s not a planner, i give you 100%, she’s still not indifferent to you, stop it...
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no, just a few days, do an examination, i’ll pick you up, there will be a fight, there won’t be, and in general, future pilots are not afraid of anything, and they endure all the difficulties with dignity, well, matvey, you’re not afraid of injections, no, but i
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don’t want my mother to leave, i don’t want to be alone stay here, well, it’s a man, and i’m not far away, i’m here next to my grandmother. we have a happy ward, the boy was discharged yesterday, soon you will be discharged too, oh, mom, thank you for your help, yes, night, i will be here as long as necessary, you fly calmly. just to get the examination done quickly, you need to pay extra, a lot, well, here are a couple more flights, and then maybe there will be a bonus, well, the main thing is that the diagnosis is made correctly, the main thing is that it is not dangerous, save, save, antona said about matvezhka’s examination, no, i didn't say that this will change, well, what is it like, the father will come and visit his child, he won’t visit, we’re flying in the same brigade. well, especially there, tell him he will fly in to visit, fly together reports on
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the table in an hour you have a meeting with streltsov at 14:00 lunch in the ward with the chinese after the meeting in the bank and the evening is free vladimir nikolaevich you need to book tickets for the fifth i haven’t recently. there have been enough events, maybe i can help you with something, yes, you still have the number from which i called you from zarichensk, it should still be in your phone, i’ll look now, send a text message, okay, bring some tea,
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oh, i don’t like izmorsk airport, the landing is from behind a mountain at the very edge of the sea, but you ’ll sit in izmorsk with your eyes closed, how many times have you flown there 200 times, 234, anton, we can with should i talk to you? yes, of course, don’t worry, sir, we’ll talk about swearing. sveta, in my opinion, you need to worry, your passengers there cannot find a place for themselves. light, we'll talk later, okay? touche, well, i'm telling you that she's looking for any excuse to show off in front of you. olya, you're wrong. commander, we take off in 20 minutes. maybe i'll make the checklist cards stronger. yes, the crew will take their places according to the central schedule. sorry, slav,
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hydraulic system pressure. the norm is not falling. air pressure in spv. girl, if possible, move me to another salon, i can’t fit in this chair. i'm sorry, but our rules. i know there's an extra charge. i'm ready. i even know how much it costs. here. okay, let’s go, in a couple of minutes i’ll fill out everything for you and bring it to the vitanian, thank you.
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elena alekseevna, transplanted our replacements there a passenger in business class, and pocketed the money for herself, i saw everything. okay, i 'll figure it out now. yes. please. come to the kitchen, you need water with gas, without gas, you transferred a passenger from the fifteenth seat to business class, yes, but where is the money? i put it in the safe, there is a receipt, there is no money, you will return the money, you can forget about the bonus, go to work.
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i understand you very well, look. “a cyst of the removable brain is fraught with complete immobility, it’s good that you were referred to us, the boy needs urgent surgery, please. it’s difficult, and dear, but you can’t wait, light, mom called you, she came right away, so
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what, if motka doesn’t have an operation now, in 2 years he won’t be able to walk. oh damn, what didn't you say earlier? anton, i tried, but your olya, how much money do you need? 3.600, how much? mom has 700,000, i have 150, you understand that i can’t save much from the elements? i don’t have that kind of money now, but i... i’ll definitely come up with a color, color, don’t worry, we can handle it, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, hello, hello, love,
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literally. in a minute everything will be ready, listen, i wanted to talk to you about something, me too, come on, dad demands a wedding, he almost set an ultimatum, oh my god, what this time, well , you know, he is a former military man, everything must be according to the regulations, first get married, and then live as you want, like this is the last century, but they said that they would help us buy an apartment, well, no... how can we live in a rented apartment, of course only after the wedding, that’s exactly what we’re talking about i wanted to talk, olya, now it’s a little before the wedding, modka needs urgent surgery, as it turned out, the doctors say it will be very expensive, so doctors always exaggerate everything as much as possible, everything will be fine with your mochi, yeah, that’s what our doctor has become, they
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say it’s very serious, well, actually, it’s our wedding - this is not a joke either. so, first i deal with my son, then our wedding, we agreed, okay, tosh, i have news for you, what? we're going to have a baby, so now you 'll have to take care of your kids and we'll need the money. and only one was different from his brothers, he had only one leg,
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he was the last to be cast, and there was not enough tin for him, however, he also stood on one leg. since the others are on two, yes, light, hello, it’s me, listen, here’s the thing, um, in general, i could only find 6000, i ’ll transfer them to you on the card now, and the rest, as it turns out, as quickly as possible , it’s not even a quarter, but it was dad who called, yes, and he’ll come soon, soon, look bye.
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the documents are in order, the application will be considered for up to 2 weeks, but there is no way to speed it up, they will definitely give a loan, i’m making a decision not me, they can refuse, you? divorce from a high-risk profession or they will give it, but a smaller amount. borya, stop, svetlana, hello,
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you knew, hello, excuse me, i have no time, forgive me, something happened to you, legal, you checked the contract with the french, they will be there in 5 minutes. listen, you should have done this yesterday, come on, thank you for what happened to you, i wanted to take out a loan, it turned out that it was not so easy, and most importantly, it took a very long time, i can get the money urgently. sergey vasilievich, there are documents for a loan for you they arrived today, addressed to svetlana lbovna krosovskaya. krosovskaya svetlana lvovna, we need approval today. got it, vladimir
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nikolaevich, check it out. under my personal guarantee, and our interest is internal. take your passport from yulia. yes, everything will be done. vladimir nikolaevich, the french have arrived, but there is no translator. and where is he? stuck in a traffic jam. what do you mean in a traffic jam? i have to take the subway and what do you think i should do to explain myself to them? i could translate, yeah, i know french. ah...
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this is the second time you've put me in jail, i can go, and you are in a hurry, i need to see my son at the hospital, i can take you, no, thank you, this is as a thank you, let’s go, yulia, cancel the next meeting, and vladimir nikolaevich, i have prepared reports for all branches, here you just need to check, i busy right now. yul, what kind of lady did she come from? i don’t know, but i issued a boss loan in one call, and she translated it in french. in terms of? well, our
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translator got stuck in a traffic jam. what kind of envelope is this? yes, these are the two tickets to the premiere that you asked for. oh, genochka. ok, okay, listen, be so kind as to hiss me if the girl shows up here again. ok. how do you know? good french, i graduated from the novels in the german department, translator from english, french, well, well, i almost didn’t work directly as a translator, after inyaz in odessa, it just so happened that my personal life interfered with my plans, i understand as soon as possible. ..
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okay, we will do everything possible, but after the operation the boy will need at least 2 months of rehabilitation in the hospital. i'll take a vacation at my own expense and stay here as long as i can as much as needed. very, very high, this is of course none of my business, but still, how are you going to repay the loan if you don’t work. vladimir
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nikolaevich, i'll think of something. nevertheless, i will give lessons in english, french, as it turned out today, i have not forgotten the language, then i have a counter application for you, i suggest you work for me as a translator, flexible schedule, good pay, i guarantee, agree, agree, then my secretary will contact you, see you, see you. such a chain, all confidential the financial information of the holding is leaked to your competitors, they process it in a negative light for you and pass it on to counterparties, deals fall through, someone leaks their own, and we have several. only
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points of possible information, konstantin and i already need specific names, they will be, dad, what plane are you flying now, an airbus, and where will you fly to yuzhnogorsk now, and you will take me with you, of course i will, and at the helm if you put me in prison, of course i will, if the doctor allows it, the doctor says there’s nothing to worry about. a month has passed, all the tests are good, that ’s great, i’m here now, light, don’t worry, i ’ll help you with the loan, yes i can handle it, you can help, okay, no, no, the main thing is that everything is fine with the bear, vladimir nikolaevich, hello, hello , and this is vladimir nikolaevich, my boss, that’s how, anton, her
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husband, yeah, ex. ex, hi, uncle volodya, hi, pilot, uncle volodya, keep it up, the plane, by the way, also has a computer, master it, thank you, cool, and you’re asking me, please, i have business with svetlana, yes, i have the matter itself, i have to go, goodbye, bye, bye, light, a small business trip is planned tomorrow, i will need a translator there, can you? of course, and matvey, he’s already much better, mom can handle it, great, well, matvey, let’s see what’s there, hello, yulyok, you have a boss, no, he’s at meetings all day, so maybe he’ll leave you quietly ,
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what time is it already? he probably won’t come back, he’ll come back, everyone has a meeting here and documents need to be prepared for tomorrow’s business trip, he’s getting ready far away, again ernogorsk, for a long time, for 2 days, but what , what, yulyok, 2 days without management, this should be noted, by the way, there is a great sleeping topic for the weekend, i can organize it for you, you’re just spoiling me, i’m begging you. i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr. we can open our own taxi company. too much interference. as for your etla, she sang along, we will strangle her. let's discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise what? too many warning signs. what if something happens to you? i'm scared. too much many dangerous intersections. trouble is, seryoga
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crashed. he’s alive, he’s alive, but she can’t stop, your mother can handle it, she’s a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, tomorrow on rdr. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the eternal world elegance and unsurpassed comfort.
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the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, they say that for relaxation you must prepare, you must be able to relax. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leorests. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you, we will connect you now, just a second, what matters is who these conversations are with, why in the kremlin? yes, the most interesting shots of the week are all from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we’re looking at rtr today, hello, hello,
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will you have dinner, no, i won’t. what happened, why are you so excited? was your son in the hospital, and how is he? and my son is doing well, great, so we need to decide about the restaurant, i want the hall to be decorated in sky blue, so that the cake is in the shape of an airplane, and what are you listening to me? yeah, what do you think? so what happened to my favorite pilot, that's all it’s okay, ol, ol, no need, no
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need, i’m off to bed. yes, vladimir nikolaevich, and a taxi in half an hour? okay, yes, no, i'm ready. mom, can you iron my dress? what, are you leaving now? yes, vladimir nikolaevich called and said that he had ordered a taxi for me, it would be there in half an hour. and, vladimir nikolaevich ordered a taxi, helped with a loan, with an operation. yes, i am very grateful to him. but only? mom, vladimir nikolaevich and i have exclusively business relations. that is, we are talking only about gratitude, he is a married man, and this is not is being discussed, light, and if he weren’t married, mom, he’s married, you’ll help me with the dress, i’ll iron it, and which one is white, that’s right.
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vladimir nikolaevich, oh, i didn’t recognize him, unexpectedly, let’s go. ok, but don’t bother with everything, we have an incomplete landing, but i know, but we have a great guy in the half-cabin, music is provided, you, anton, you haven’t persuaded medelson to go to the march, but why,
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tomorrow we’re going to apply, so you deftly took it into your hands, but what about the fake pregnancy, how will you get out of it, elegantly, well, you’re dashing, well...
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my boss and i have, let’s say, small financial disagreements, in general, he is transferring me to a branch in yuzhnogorsk, i will miss you very much, i will even miss you, but we will probably be able to see each other sometimes. i didn’t think that our relationship meant so little to you,
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why not, i just can’t help you in any way, in general you can, as much as you can, and how i want to scroll through one scheme, and you can help, i just need access to documents that your husband keeps at home in safe, irina, are you stunned? there can’t even be any talk about it, sex with you on the side is one thing, and fraud with documents, betrayals of my husband is another thing, it turned out to me that this is the same thing, but you, my dear, are not in danger of anything terrible, you will go to your branch, rest, get some fresh air, thank you for the vow, it was excellent, of course, in the culinary sense, mayush, please wait, calm down, i admire your position, you won’t
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believe it, but this is the time that i have such a principled friend, you, you luxurious in anger, i’m always luxurious, girl, but when they offer me to fly, i’m sorry, i didn’t put it that way, if anyone’s thinking, what are you saying? svetlana, when your son leaves the hospital, do you plan to return to your previous job? i don't know, i didn't think about it. i want to offer you the position of my assistant. yes, you are not afraid that i will not cope. no problem, i'll send you to the courses. why me, there are many ready-made specialists with languages ​​and the necessary qualifications. you are reliable. didn't understand. “when you and i were in zarechensk, you were not
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afraid, you helped a complete stranger to a person, that is, me, who also undeservedly offended you, and this is an indicator of human quality, what do you want, water, juice, water without gas, please, eat only with gas, you haven’t confused anything, this is business class, sorry, but you’re not the only one here who prefers still water, girl.
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it would be better to get to the hotel faster, so that there will be a possibility of tosh. well, please tell me, what happened, what are you talking about, nothing happened, i see you are thinking about your ex, i want to tell you so that you don’t worry anymore, today i personally heard how they did it to her proposal, i’m not worried, i need to talk about what,
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about us, about our future, about our wedding, about our plans, there is no more us, no future, especially no wedding, what happened, nothing happened, that ’s enough, - humanely, what happened, explain humanly, now you and i will stay in different rooms, when i return to moscow, i will move away from you, thank you, gentlemen, our negotiations were very fruitful.
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rest, you're not too tired, flight, busy work schedule, no, i'm used to it, we had three flights a day, can i ask a personal question, yes, why did i break up with my husband,
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met someone else, you were lucky, that means this is not your man. oh, today is a wonderful evening, let's have a drink, come on, thank you for dinner, thank you, and your english is excellent, so what. you are exaggerating, but why did you still call me to this meeting? i wanted you to be there,
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it’s time for you to sleep, there’s an early flight tomorrow, light, i... what are you doing? taking pictures? for what? memory or what? no, this is compromising evidence. i guess if the boss
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sees these pictures, he'll want to go with you get a divorce. but if you do what i ask you to do, he will never get them. it’s not funny algi, but i’m not joking, you bastard, oh, he’ll grind you into powder, you understand, i think that first you, and my paths with your, perhaps soon ex-husband, still diverge, i’ll leave to competitors, i’ll help him ruin this dear vladimir nikolaevich, well, you’re a bastard, but everything may not be so destructive. look, you and i agree, i get what i deserve. and i just quit, no one gets divorced, no one goes bankrupt, and you do nothing you won’t get it from us, i understand, just like i got it, and
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i’ll pinch you off if you stay with me long enough, and you and i, marinochka, can calmly continue our easy romantic relationship, ken, are you a complete cretin, do you think that i’m with i’ll still sleep with you after all this, well, i’m always there, look after the matter for you. freak, get out, i 'll tell him everything myself, i understand, i 'll tell him everything myself, then he'll feel sorry for me, but he won't forgive you, he'll just crush you, just try, tell me, you have time to think, until the day after tomorrow.
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good morning, number four, come in, good morning, good morning. “i apologize for yesterday, i didn’t mean to offend you, i promise it won’t happen again, well, i forgive you, i don’t even know how to say it now, they took over what is my new duty, first of all, breakfast .
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that he sent all these documents to your competitors? yes, but in order to bring charges against him, you need to catch him in the act, okay, but when my guys went after him, some unexpected circumstances were revealed, what? that your wife has roman san. similar, or roman?
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preparing for divorce, i need ironclad proof of antonov’s fraud, i have some thoughts, nikolaevich, i’m listening. hello, i’m visiting vladimir nikolaevich, hello, come in, they are expecting you, thank you, come in, hello, sit down. this is svetlana lvona, my personal assistant, one might say, my right hand, she will have
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access to all our information, so my absence, all questions to her, svetlana lvona, well, that’s all, actually, that’s what i wanted to say, you can work, you just wait , so. this is the key with which you can log in to the system and make payments on my behalf, this is the password, remember it, yeah, eat it, just kidding, why do i need it, well, my absence, this may be needed, the key is in a single copy, no , from home, i can work from there, yeah, but still
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questions, no, work. thank you, i think this is right, it suits you very well when you are embarrassed, thank you.
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in general, the skin is absorbed instantly, then like a baby, hello, why are you here, i was passing by, i decided to drop by and find out how you are here without me, uh-huh, i'm busy, next time you need to warn me if you decide to come, yul, appoint a chinese at eight, uh-huh, have you got something new? assistant vladimir nikolaevich, more details? well, stuarde used to be there, and a couple of months ago she called vladimir nikolaevich from her phone and zarechensk, then she appeared here, and now her personal assistant is asleep, i don’t know, it’s clear, that means they’re definitely asleep, bye, bye. yes, hi,
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we can meet you, anton, i can’t, i urgently need to see matvey, he’s here today they are discharged, don’t worry, i already picked him up and took him home, he’s fine, come on, it won’t be long, i promise, okay, where? why did you bring me here? do you recognize this place? yes, this is where you proposed to me. i brought you here for a reason. light, without you it’s as if i’m going downhill, or something, and i
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had to go through a lot to understand this. “forgive me, i now realize that i made a mistake, i want to be with you and my son again, well, we broke up, i forgot about her, i want to earn your trust again, please give me one more chance, anton, i now, i understand, you need time to think, think as much as you need, and i ’ll wait.” they’re waiting at my house, don’t see me off, oh well. it’s been a long time since such shows were held,
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why is this? you know, honey, i suddenly reconsidered my value systems, i realized that you are so important to me, maybe we’ll return to our old question, what kind of child will we have, we have puppies, we give birth to children, i still need to work, i’m flying away for a couple of days, with her, you are flying with... my assistant, secondly, we have nothing with her, that is, you are flying with this flight attendant, who i haven’t been a flight attendant for a long time, i’m flying alone.
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“can you imagine, anton took me on a date, well, maybe it’s not so bad, you think so, in any case, it seems to me that he sincerely repents and wants to return to the family, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, i’m so tired, and i know"? don't make things up, daughter, relax, on the weekend, let 's have a family dinner, the little one will be happy, come on, okay, let's try, come on,
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good night, good night,
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darling, i'm shocked, you've never woken up like this early, i agree, i'll accept your proposal, but i have two conditions, what? you have to set up the flight attendant so that she gets fired, okay, i don’t like her either, we agreed, i always knew that you were not only beautiful, but also smart. and what is the second condition? no suspicion should fall on me. i give you my honest, noble word, don’t be smart, just do it,
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my man from the financial police just called, we urgently need to remove some documents from the system, otherwise vladimir nikolaevich will be in serious trouble. i need to tell him, you can’t call him the phone is wiretapped, that means, you must delete all the documents under the bank's head , this is compromising evidence on gorodin, so maybe we can still wait for his return, do you think the financial police called me just like that, please hurry up, there is no time, in an audit could happen at any moment, i’m not sure i can, but who else but you, the boss made it clear that in the absence he delegates his powers to you, only you have access to this system. do you want him to be imprisoned?
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there is nothing here, just some kind of mistake,
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hello, that's it, catch a woman tomorrow, with the five coins you gave me, and you have to cash it out quickly, okay, okay. do you remember, when matveyushka was very little, you were constantly switching channels in search of advertising so that he could eat something. yes , he actually started eating only during commercial breaks, then he had to write down a whole bunch of nonsense so that you would eat normally, uh-huh, and just sit there, eat, eat, yes, light, yes, so, matveyushka, and we’ll go to bed, and let the parents talk, flight, good night, good night, we're off to bed, light. and svet, what’s wrong with you?
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it's like you're not with us all day? i think it’s time for you, uh-huh, maybe i’ll stay? that's all, i understand, for today. good night. hello.
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i didn’t coordinate the transactions, but in a word, someone stole this money and transferred it to dummy accounts. i instructed our security team to conduct an internal investigation, and this is what we found. yes, i logged into the system, gennady said that you might have some trouble with the financial police because of some documents, but i didn’t say anything, what are you talking about, my dear, i didn’t tell you anything, and i didn’t come here at all, svetlana, only you had access to the system, yes, i used it, but not to transfer funds, an investigation will be carried out, now i’ll ask everyone to work , except you, vladimir nikolaevich, i
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need to go to a meeting regarding the tender, you don’t need me today, no, you don’t, if you want to know my opinion, then the point is clear, vladimir nikolaevich, you are a good leader, but you shouldn’t trust people so recklessly, unfortunately , this is true. don't you believe me? what did he tell you? destroy the documents, otherwise the financial police, but i didn’t even find them, because they don’t exist, antonov. i did, so
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do you believe me? well, of course, and thank you, i was sure that he would do something like that. did you know everything in advance? and that’s why you told everyone that i have the access code. did you catch antonov with live bait, which was me? don't miss the system light. operation, you once again told me a favor, a favor, you were just using me, i seriously trusted you, i was worried about you, and it turns out you, in advance thought through everything, appointed me as a personal assistant, because i appointed you as my right hand, because i trust you, but i don’t trust you anymore, and i don’t work for you anymore... i
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can’t see you at all, sveta, konstantin and the guys follow antonov, they will take you red-handed on the spot, but well, something is wrong, but i don’t know.
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for a future divorce.
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light, light, wait, wait, anton, i 'm in a hurry, wait, marry me. don’t say anything, just think, and tomorrow we will meet at our place and decide everything, okay, see you tomorrow. it’s strange that you chose this particular restaurant, you and i have never been here before, we haven’t, you’re right, good evening, but you don’t need to introduce my lawyer, he will
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defend my interests in court in the case of our divorce, you and i'm crazy, what a scam? i know where antonov got the key to the system, he is now under investigation, you are free, consider this my gift to you for the divorce, i strongly recommend you sign everything quickly. hello, hello, so glad you came, anton, you and i have a son together, and we both
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love him, i’m ready to remain your friend, just like you i once wanted to. that's all. i understand, we are waiting for some vip again, hello, svetlana, good afternoon, i
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see that nothing is changing, as usual, we are only waiting for you, why me, the weather is not icy, but you are still standing, the weather is to blame for everything, yes. well, this has its own plus, what, i have time to tell you to become my wife, i’m sorry, but it seems to me that now is not the time or place, maybe it’s better to bring you cognac as usual, well, what cognac, i love you, and you that i really love you, please take your seat. light, i'm serious, come out marry me. “please take your seat, apparently it’s not the right time, okay, bring
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some cognac, it seems to me that champagne would be more suitable in this situation.”
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i’m in the oldest district of this city, five centuries ago, it was from here that the city actually began; once local settlers built themselves houses from everything they could steal from sports. they were painted with leftover ship paint; there wasn’t enough paint to paint the entire house with one color, so these colorful neighborhoods appeared, which over time became, well, barely isn't this the main feature of this city? good morning labaca area, i'm in buenos ares. buenos aires is the capital of argentina and the city of good winds, because that is how its name is literally translated. in general, it’s really quite windy here, but according to the most popular version, the city was named after
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the main patron of sailors, a fair wind. well, now a little about the structure of buinos airos. it is divided into 48 districts, each of them, like a piece of glass in a giant stained glass window, adds its own color and its own mood to the overall picture of the city. buenos is one of the most contrasting cities in the world, here you go. this is a metropolis with high-rise buildings made of glass and concrete, here is the city of trushchov, this area is called visha 31, in fact, this is a whole neighborhood of unauthorized construction, which is practically not controlled by the police authorities, it was formed during the years of the great depression, when many immigrants lost their jobs and housing , well, now it’s good...
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that the cemetery of the same name has glorified this area not only throughout the city, but throughout the world. yes, yes, as it turned out, this is a whole city of mausoleums and chapels, temples and grottoes, a real open-air museum. this cemetery is one of the main ones. sights of the city, how did this happen? because of its architectural and historical
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value. for a long time it was monastic land, and since 1822 it has been a public cemetery. the area was prestigious at that time, so the local residents who were mostly buried here were people of high society, representatives of the world of art, science, businessmen, even the top officials of the country, but today they are buried here in the presence of a family crypt. well, it looks very solemn. in my opinion, many argentines have this trait: they are very concerned about their image, even if it’s about a funeral, in this way they show their respect for the deceased and demonstrate to other people that his family’s well-being is fine. for example, we are now standing near one of the richest, most exquisite large crypts of recaletta, a doctor, a descendant of the city governor, is buried here. raul ricado alfonsin, one of the presidents of argentina, is buried here. in general,
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it was customary for representatives of his party to be buried in general mausoleums, but they allocated them for his services. she accepted it courageously, didn’t shed a single word, but almost a year later, on the day the wedding was planned, she rushed into the bay in a wedding dress and with a wedding ring on her finger. or here, the grave of liliana cracate, the daughter of an italian poet and artist. liliana died during her honeymoon in the alps when a terrible avalanche hit the hotel.
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and, as is commonly believed, he died at exactly that very minute in argentina. and her beloved dog, a devoted four-legged friend, is always there today, here president pedro aramburu is buried here, he plays an important role in the history of eva peron, the first lady of his predecessor, philanthropist, idol of millions, her body was stolen, wow, when eva peron died, her husband the president decided to embalm the body and put it in the mausoleums as a symbol of his power as a banner, but soon juan peron was overthrown and brought to power. pedro arambur came, who allegedly ordered the military to steal the body and bury it, but his subordinates disobeyed the plan and began to hide the body in different parts of the city, and considering how at that time they deified eva peron, how people next to her literally lost their minds, it is believed that terrible things happened to her body all this time, in fact, desecration. when rumors reached aramburu himself, he gave a different
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order; as a result, with the support of the vatican, the body was taken to italy and interred. under someone else's name. for a long time, the fate of eva peron's body was a mystery to argentines. and so in 1970 , a group of rebels kidnapped arambura himself in order to extort information about where it was located. so did he or didn’t he tell them where the body was? no, he was killed. and later those people have already stolen his body to exchange it for the body of eva peron. therefore, after almost 15 years, eva’s body returned to her homeland. this is such a real detective story. yes, absolutely, by the way, today there is at least one and a half meters of concrete over aramburu’s body to prevent theft, but evaper eventually also found peace in this cemetery. it seems to me that this is one of the most popular burials in this cemetery; many flowers are left. yes, because, despite all the contradictions, eva peron was truly respected and appreciated by many,
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for example, for her help to the sick, the fight against poverty, women especially loved her, for them. for example, she achieved voting rights, and this is indeed, perhaps, the only grave here on which flowers lie 365 days a year, and they are carried not only by local residents, but by our guests from other countries. in general, of course, you can literally study the history of the country by walking through the cemetery. there are more than 6,000 crypts here, each person buried here and his life path help to understand the path that argentina itself has taken,
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you walk the same dogs, yes , constantly, always, yes, that is, they turn out, everyone knows each other well, yes, it’s like a kindergarten for dogs, and what else is included in your responsibilities besides walking? my task is to teach them to walk, so that they don’t run away, they know how to stay in groups, including walking without a leash. it looks simply amazing, you are walking by such a group of dogs, they are so obedient, they walk so rudely, no one barks or swears. how many times a day do you walk like this? depends on the wishes of the owner and the needs of the dog, but in total it 3-4 hours a day minimum. any favorites here? yes, theo, come to me, my favorite, and mine too, by the way, we started
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going out when he was six months old, now he’s 11 years old, wow , he’s cute. is this profession generally popular in argentina? yes, especially in buenos aires. now it has also become easier to adopt a dog from a shelter, so there are more and more of them every day. what should a professional dog walker know? basically this is some
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basic mandatory knowledge, as for any dog ​​owner, but it seems to me that the main thing not even this, but how trivial it is, love for dogs, without it there is nothing to do in this profession, maybe you will allow me to walk with them a little while you rest, okay, but i will keep an eye, otherwise they will take you away again. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, good guys, well done, let's go, let's go, walk, this is one of the foundations of argentina, football, yes, we are not on the field yet, but we are at the house of the legendary diego maradona, here today. museum the name of diego maradona is familiar, if not to everyone, then certainly to many, regardless of the degree of love for football, one of the most talented players and
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just a very charismatic personality, by the way, it was maradona who became the author of the so-called goal of the century, recognized as the best in the history of the world cup, this floor on which diego walked, this is the kitchen where he had breakfast, lunch, dinner,
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and at a very young age he gave it to all of them a decent life, he was born into a very poor family, but even before he came of age he became a player in a professional club and a bonus to his contract and received this house, this is exactly the contract for the house and it was signed, by the way, by diego’s father, precisely because he i had only then 17, well, yes, i know that diego loved luxury, especially when he achieved a lot, yes. paradoxical love for fur coats, at some point all this even became his thing, a kind of life for show, eccentricity. maradonna generally loved to dress brightly and chicly; among
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all the luxury brands, he preferred the one that is famous for its catchy prints and contrasting color combinations, and he also wore watches on both hands at once, supposedly to know the time in argentina, in the country where he is located, but it is possible that this was one of his gestures to attract attention, but this is probably the most intimate place in this house, diego’s room. surely, it was here, listening to music, which he loved very much, that he dreamed of how one day he would become a world champion. what was his favorite song? tango called boy's dream. cool, how do you personally feel about the episode, well... it’s a well-known fact all over the world, that’s the hand of god, when diego scored a goal for england at the world cup with his hand. this is my favorite moment, scoring
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a goal with your hand against all the rules, to say the least it was not my hand, but the hand of god. today, with modern video replay systems, this is simply impossible to imagine. but with diego, such, i would say, prank was possible, this is also part of his genius. are you a historian by training, or are you just that way? a big fan of football and diego, i am a sports journalist, so everything comes together here, the love of football for the idol for the profession, my task is for more people to know the story of diego maradona. so that any boy in our country, and in the world, can be inspired by his life to fight for their dreams, and he he was just a wrestler, it seems to me that he was also an incredibly emotional person, he let everything pass through himself, in his heart he showed an indecent gesture to his opponent or burst into tears of frustration right at the game, he was not shy about his emotions either in life or on the field, and this is the case with the argentines at a great price, i was convinced of this
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very soon. so, welcome to the match of san lorenzo platenza. hello, how many months? 10, 10 months. i have never seen anything like this anywhere at all. just incredible, cool, this is the atmosphere, this is the love for football, real,
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true love. how do you like today's match? i like everyone’s matches, you understand, it doesn’t matter whether the team plays well or poorly, the main thing in the club is the loyal fans, so i come to the match with my whole family, the club is my big family, it turns out in good and bad, we have that’s what they say in russia, but our club has the best people and the best chants, that’s what maradona also said, the god of football, and... if god says so, then so it is, heaven gave him to us, i consider him the best football player of all times, i love it, in our in russia, people mostly love football, mostly men go to the match, here i watch a huge number of women, oh, in this regard we have complete equality, this is your daughter, niece, you also go to all the matches, i don’t
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miss it, and this... i’m also a football player, cool, in defense, in attack, as an attacker, scores goals, i’m still trying to understand why argentines love football so much, because it’s in our hearts, like love for mom or dad. , you’re just born with her and you can’t stop loving her, good luck today, i wish you victory, buenos airos. this a city where the kindest wind truly blows, here you want to smile when you see all this colorful architecture, and the way dog ​​nannies take care of their charges, here the stars burn brightly and illuminate the path for others, and the hearts of fans devoted to their club also burn brightly , here one profession is more touching than another, i take this with me.
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feel comfortable by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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those who want to stay in the know watch the program for the week, the program for advanced people, the program for the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, all our episodes you... go to the media platform , watch it, download the application or go to the website, to me, nearby, nearby , near, nearby.
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let's go to a long, healthy life, with a brisk step, decisively, let's go, good morning, this is the formula program. we are eating in the leningrad region, so seryozha is teaching me the nordic walking technique, i can’t do it anymore, seryozha, neither can i, we have a program about food, seryozha, let’s find something related to food, which also helps us age more slowly. but no,
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listen, there is an option, there is an option, oyster mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, long-living mushrooms, no, wait, mushrooms, mushrooms, they, they are, what good could they be, so let’s ask people how much they think that mushrooms - this is useful, come on. come on, come on, sticks, i i can’t take it anymore, so, hello , please tell me, is there any benefit in mushrooms, in mushrooms, i don’t know, we don’t eat them, no, i don’t buy them, they are very difficult to process for some, probably useful, who knows, well , since i know, it replaces meat products, that is, like meat, you’ll eat longer, okay, let’s say, let’s say, well, for example, you go to the store, mushrooms, yes, nature, no worms , look.
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glaucoma, how are they similar to cholesterol-lowering medications? are a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases and we will prepare a real dish of long-livers from oyster mushrooms. i think you’ll even look a little younger now. come on, eat another fork, come on. we'll check everything and recommend the best. we're starting to figure out the food formula. right now we are going to a farm where oyster mushrooms are grown for sale in stores. hello, alena, hello, alena levischeva. technologist, where are the manes? yes, and what 's going on here? yes, it's getting ready wednesday. mushroom nutrition, yeah, what does it consist of,
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let me show you, this is straw, this is hay, and these are peelings from seeds, that is, oyster mushrooms, they need all this in order to grow well, yes, wow, this is an original ingredient, and this is a finished product, and this is a mixture, yes, and as you ask, and you fried them, boiled them, this was steamed on breeds, yes, yes, is it very useful? next we will place mycelium here, exactly the same mixture goes into this apparatus, so we go to it, i went to fall asleep, come on, alena, that’s where you add all sorts of things, and water, yes, except for water there no, i don’t know, there are some chemicals or things to make it faster grew, vitamins, all sorts of things, we don’t have anything else, that is, it’s simple.
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how the mycelium was seeded into the habitat, bags like this are formed so that the mycelium
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breathes and then the mushrooms have room to grow, we make small slits, we open the eyes of future mushrooms to the world, and by the way, about the eyes, there are oyster mushrooms, regularly, this is a good way to preserve your vision to old age, so the most common disease in old age, eye disease is glaucoma and cataracts, and a person with them sees something like this, studies have shown that they often are associated with a deficiency of neacin, also known as vitamin b3, and it is found in oyster mushrooms, and research shows the effect of this vitamin on these diseases on cataracts on glaucoma, and in some cases scientists were able to achieve a ninety- three percent reduction in the spread of glaucoma, oh well, take care your vision to... when
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the place of residence for future oyster mushrooms is completely equipped, they are transported on a tractor to another workshop, where the mushrooms will germinate, and we follow the tractor. you and i ride all over russia and i noticed that in different regions they eat differently, somewhere there is more fruit, somewhere there is more meat. but despite this, in all regions of russia the diet is carefully thought out, thanks to the healthy eating project, the national demography project, it can be compiled. healthy, tasty diet throughout the country, here are the growing chambers, this is what recently sprouted mycelium looks like, now it grows from the grains, and it’s all now captured by the row, this is a mycelium, yes, i really want to say that i have a very personal attitude to mushrooms, it seems to me that they are from another planet, i’m a little scared, so it’s not in vain that they say that mushrooms are not digested, and i also thought that maybe they actually harm the stomach, so we’ll ask a prosthetologist about that. mushrooms contain a type of dietary fiber
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called chitin. there is no enzyme in our body that can digest it. therefore, mushrooms actually pass through the digestive tract almost unchanged . but they also contain other dietary fibers, such as betaglucans, which serve as a nutrient medium for the microflora of the colon. intestines, that is, they help the development of beneficial bacteria. therefore, eating mushrooms in particular. good for the gastrointestinal tract. there are many such growing chambers on the farm. somewhere life is just beginning, but somewhere else the gathering is already in full swing, and we volunteered to help. it's impressive, it looks like some strange white bouquets. and as i understand it, we need to collect them somehow, right? yes. yeah, how is this done? the whole family needs to tear it off. the whole family. here. below, then above, here. we put our fingers in and carefully break them out. and you
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do you know why oyster mushrooms are so useful for those who want to live long? i have no idea, but this is due to the fact that they are a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, which arise, among other things, due to high cholesterol levels, and all sorts of plaques, yes, yes, yes, well, people also take medications, now people are specifically prescribed statins in order to lower cholesterol, yes, well, i thought that there were a lot of side effects from statins, no? but in fact, statins are found in oyster mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, yes, you won’t believe it, but it is there that contains a substance called lovostatin, this was the first statin that was obtained and, by the way, cardiologists still use it to treat people for atherosclerosis, oh well, that is, a natural statin, for which there are no cures, fungus,
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yes, wow , take care of your heart, your vessels and live long, eat oyster mushrooms, and what next, then they need to be taken to the refrigerator as quickly as possible so that they slow down their growth and end up alive on the store shelf. if you are not watching our program from the very beginning and if you don’t know how oyster mushrooms are good for the health of our eyes, i remind you that all episodes can be viewed on the online media platform. let's see. download the application, install it on your phone or tablet, or just go to the website chilled oyster mushrooms are packaged and then sent to stores. by the way, we’ll ask an expert from rospotrebnadzor how to distinguish high-quality mushrooms during purchase. fresh, high-quality oyster mushrooms should be elastic, but if the mushrooms have softened, turned yellow, and even
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more so mold has appeared on their surface, it's dangerous to buy them. inspect the packaging carefully. droplets of water on its film should alert you. they mean that the storage temperature of the mushrooms was violated during transportation. the shelf life of such oyster mushrooms will be shorter than what is indicated on the package. can we take two packages with us? of course, we are in the leningrad region, and this is a very tourist region, but do you have any advice for us on where to go? i would recommend the priory palace to you, i haven’t been, neither have i, great, thank you for the advice. thanks for communication, all the best, let's go, let's go. the arad palace looks somewhat like a castle from a fairy tale. many people simply call it a priory, which, by the way, is translated from french as a monastery. and it’s not at all accidental. the palace was built at the end of the 18th century for the knights of the order of malta, so
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here you can immerse yourself in the knightly past. do you see the knight? i see a knight, you also see a knight. phew, i just feel some kind of surge of vivacity, that’s why i always be fair, absolutely, i want to do something chivalrous, you know, i suggest you climb the castle tower,
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get closer to the sky, as you travel along the stone steps, think about your life, great, just... give me some mushrooms with you, i’ll put them there to sunbathe, come on, that’s it, i ran away , mushrooms to sunbathe, he lost his sum, but the most amazing thing about this palace is the material from which it is made, you might think that it is stone, but no, this is ordinary gachina land, the earth was taken here nearby, slightly moistened, and taken.
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resident, just in line with the topic of today’s program. konstantin, thank you very much for a very interesting excursion, well, we have to go, listen, we must remember to pick up the mushrooms from the tower, yes, those that have sunburnt. yes, a nutritionist will tell us why oyster mushrooms are especially useful to eat right now, in spring and summer. spring and summer are the seasons of the most active sun, and this is ultraviolet radiation, which not only gives us valuable vitamin d, but accelerates skin aging and can even lead to skin cancer. however, some studies have shown that if two days before going on...
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norms of vitamin d2, yeah, then when they sunbathe for half an hour, yeah, there may be, well , almost the entire daily norm, that is , the concentration of the vitamin increases by more than 10 times, oh well, yes, and this means that in our mushrooms there is already they contain vitamin d2, you can cook something from them, yeah, great, so that we can live for a very long time, yes , that’s right, alla is a taxi in the previous episodes, are you going to taxi, or something, alla easily drives not only... just a pine car, yeah , okay, well, hello to all taxi companies, guys, but consider this my personal request, since
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it’s necessary, that means it’s necessary, thank god, you’re setting me up as a director, having survived the betrayal, alla is ready for a new relationship, please marry me, only the ex-husband is not ready to leave her path, i feel that you love me, no, i... damn it, i love my taxi driver, i’m buying a taxi fleet, let me introduce the new director, did you jump, i mean, got what you wanted, allo-taxi, continuation, we’ll watch it on monday on rtr.
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they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, allow yourself. a classy holiday with leorts, elegant details, a celebration
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of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without building. i am very glad that. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave
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hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, today narter, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look , look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time. subscribe, watch, watch, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, if you haven’t watched our program from the very beginning and don’t know why oyster mushrooms are good for the heart and blood vessels, i remind you that all episodes can be watched on the online media platform watch, download the application, install it on your phone or tablet, or
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just go to the website that's right, well, let's go cook, let's go cook, go ahead, go ahead , dmitry pavlov, the chef, will help us, we will prepare a chinese dish, it's chicken with oyster mushrooms in sweet and sour sauce, yeah, yeah, great, me like it, for this we need chicken breast, oyster mushrooms, green onions, cornstarch, garlic, tomato paste, sugar, ground ginger, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce and vegetable oil, okay, let's do it work, let's do what we're doing, then you do the mushrooms, you sergey, cut the chicken breast, and i'll mix all the ingredients for the sauce,


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