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tv   Kogda vse doma s Timurom Kizyakovim  RUSSIA1  April 14, 2024 8:35am-9:25am MSK

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sakharov, where does the garden strawberry come from, the kuban greenhouse plant, but what about the kuban, listen, can this even happen? well, theoretically, this plant definitely doesn’t transport strawberries to moscow, and most likely doesn’t produce them, but the real sweet berries are grown right in the moscow region in greenhouses, we collect them ripe, that is, they ripen on our plants, in our beds, that is, we ... we don’t pick green ones, we’ll try, let’s try what you’ve had since childhood, but on this farm they harvest only 17 tons of strawberries a year, everything differs supermarkets from 1,000 rubles per kilogram, there is only one alternative, the same fake greek impostor, and no one will ever determine where it comes from, if there are no accompanying documents, there are documents, no for this, no documents, why are you...
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from greece, well, because it was written on the box how much 600 rubles kg costs, oh , maybe that’s why, maybe that’s why, because there are 250 from turkey, and here from greece 600, we took samples of berries from different markets to the laboratory, what kind of infection in they are not found, strawberries are in fact counterfeit and does not have documents - for this particular batch, then we can assume the presence of helminth eggs or some other microorganisms dangerous to humans so... by the beginning of may , strawberries will ripen near krasnodar in the crimea, by june you can count on moscow region harvest. it might be worth the wait. alexander karpovtsavichev, anastasia roev, news. there was a time in the history of russia when not only houses for renting out apartments, houses of culture and palaces of pioneers, but even garages were built in such a way that they were later recognized as monuments architecture, or rather, were first recognized as excesses, and only then as monuments.
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the famous melnikov garage not far from the square of three stations is just one of these. in the early twenties of the last century, it was erected for cars of the capital's public utilities, then there was a car park there, now it is a museum of moscow transport, and a major restoration is underway there. anna balan visited what can be seen there after the work is completed, where no one has been allowed for many years. getting inside the famous garage is the dream of many. since the building closed in 2016, no one was allowed here. this garage might not have appeared. in the twenties of the last century, the moscow authorities acquired a huge batch of trucks that needed to be stored somewhere. the implementation of the most complex project was entrusted to engineer vladimir shukhov and architect konstantin melnikov. the horseshoe-shaped building melnikov's innovations are partly a necessary measure. the site for construction was allocated to be small and triangular. so i had to go for this architectural experiment. to the garage
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accommodated as many cars as possible, the bus depot existed here for almost 70 years, when it moved out, the building began to deteriorate, it was put up for auction more than once, they even wanted to open a hypermarket here, but fate decreed otherwise: they began to restore the monument of the soviet avant-garde to return it to its historical appearance. please note, these under-ceiling shukhov trusses, this openwork of iron, metal, rivets, it actually just held up the roof. on the walls, all the trusses were restored at one time, or let’s say the windows, we got them already in blocks, ala the seventies, and these were windows that looked at novoryazanka and gave such pillars of light. on an area of ​​20,000 km, a transport museum will be opened very soon. on the ground floor there will be an exhibition dedicated to ground transport, starting from the first copies, construction, then we will see those buses that traveled around moscow in...
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the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, we will be able to go into many of our exhibits. initially, the garage had only one floor, but all the exhibits there are simply would not fit, so the decision was made to build a basement as well; here, minus the first, the exhibition will be dedicated to the history of the metro. behind this blue film are exhibits of the future museum, a retro train. now you and i are in a type b subway car. in 1945, it was exported as reparations from berlin, a valuable type of wood, this subway car did not have an electric door drive, that is, in each car it approached the station, a special person inside the car opened the doors. usually exhibits end up in a new museum, when everything else is already ready, but this is a special case: forty-ton carriages had to be delivered to the basement using cranes. they pass, they pass. so, train after train, only then did the builders sew up the ceiling. by the way, rare cars are also restored. we will be back in exactly 7
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days to tell the stories that happened near us. the materials of this issue are already available on the media platform . we look in the application or on the website, come in. hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. envelop yourself comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes
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from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe. the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know about vacations in.. .relax anexc. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes. my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says: you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how come? you could, taxi, taxi, taxi, so hard, oleg gazmanov's song at full volume, turn it on, just wait for me, through the rains, keeping righteous flowers,
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they still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov. today on rtr, it was you who arranged everything, yes, not only did my career deprive me, you decided to finish me off, alla taxi, the premiere is on monday on rtr. when everyone stays at home, forgetting about business, there will be a feeling of such familiar warmth that everyone has known since childhood;
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our world takes on the size of the table we have set when everyone is at home. good morning, there is a family strengthening program on air when everyone is at home, and today with great joy we are visiting our beloved victor chaika. come to your senses and don’t destroy our fragile paradise, the house that was so difficult to build, because we had a good time in it, but remember and don’t say that there’s no love in your heart before, and that we... won’t sleep again, just the two of you, together with you, because good morning, good morning, please, introduce the beautiful polina, this is the beautiful polina, this is my wife, we already had an anniversary, we have been together for more than 10 years, we have two beautiful
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children, fast runners, they will come running again, little grisha, and leonard, polina only beautiful, but also smart, and a wonderful mother to my children, plus everyone. she is also my attending physician and she also writes poetry for everything, so we have a family contract so that we can do everything together, she is my main critic, since i write and author, i wonder who is in the songs? polina, unlike polina, i ’m remaking her, she didn’t remake everyone’s music, i remade all the poets in general, because i myself write a lot of poetry, of course the music is more important, because of course i’m the authority, how will this happen, but if before us. agreed without a robot, now she is arguing and defends his point of view, then you can look at it differently, that
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you can spoil it faster, music can ruin poetry, they just won’t listen to it, the poetry will remain, i think, i think it’s impossible, music cannot spoil poetry, i agree, this is a good idea, by the way, i didn’t think about it, that is, how many attempts were made to write music to yesenin’s poems, the poems didn’t suffer from this, just these songs, i agreed, yes, this is good, and yes, too, i never thought about the fact that music you can’t spoil a good brew. on the contrary, a woman is a poet, she’s a mother, she’s a wife, she’s also an attending physician, these things are so rare and difficult to reconcile, something had to happen in life for all this to come together, because even one of these diagnoses is enough in order to be a full-fledged person, then let’s start with family experience. is it possible to educate a girl in the correct concept of expecting family happiness? i think so, yes, i was very much influenced, of course, by
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literature, which i consumed in huge quantities as a child, and my grandfather at the age of 4 already taught me to read, actually, from the age of 4 , every day i was with a book in my hands, with a different one, thank god, not the same one, which we will give to the warrant officer, the best gift is a book, he already has a book, well, if it’s so romantic warehouse, the order of books is important, they are small... what else did you like? oh, i really loved the poems of akhmatova, tsvetaeva, from bunin’s fiction, right in the dark olya right away, yes, in the dark olya, yes, wow, pauline, when such authors met, it was difficult to dare, to stand in their row, that is, if... everything is written like that and there’s so much about everything, then trying to finish writing
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something is a big courage, especially to show it to someone? well, here is a great man in my eyes, very talented, who has achieved a lot and is recognized by so many people, he said that i was doing well, this inspired me too, where did this have to happen, it had to be somewhere get acquainted with polina’s work, well, it’s good that i didn’t know this. acquaintance that she writes poetry, because i would like that, of course very, very scared, but i was very afraid to meet a girl who would like to become an actress, singer, write poetry, music or director of my videos, it was taboo, i found out that she is a doctor, a medical worker, but it’s surprising that we we met at a creative evening of poetry, and it was absolutely fantastic for me that the girl was very young at that time... i was 21 years old, yes, in my opinion, kons, uh-huh, alone at a creative evening, poetic, what is there, there is clearly a rich husband
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you won’t find it for yourself, or there in this environment, 100%. when we saw her for the second time, already at another poetry evening, i realized that something, when we had already started talking, i realized, she goes to the play, knows literature better than me, and with this unusualness she took me, and only then , when you found out that she also writes poetry, did you come across a girl? didn’t let go anymore, where will you go, where will you go, when you warm up in my arms, you’ll get lost in words, then you’ll forget, then you’ll find yourself on the clouds, you’ll get lost in words, then you’ll forget, then you’ll give up on the clouds, damn, you told me, what without dad growing up, i had a dad, but unfortunately we didn’t spend as much time as we would have liked to spend together, while this does not affect the child’s family orientation,
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maybe even the need for it becomes more acute, among we have one person who was surrounded by grandparents, father and mother, this person is in the studio, here you go, i’m generally a happy person in many ways, i’m very lucky here, i was born and raised in odessa, i had very parents loving each other, there were grandparents, my older brother and i, most importantly, were loved very much by my parents. i felt this all the time, that they love me, they trust me, and the model of attitude towards a woman, of course, was laid down by my father, i was even jealous of my mother and father, because she always said that she loves her father very much, she is always her father kissed and i treated him very kindly, i realized for myself that i really want to have a wife who would love me very much and not hide it, how did daddy’s love for mom manifest itself? well, first of all, they never fought, secondly, they were always together, dad completely trusted mom, he didn’t know anything at all, nothing, my dad went through the war, a military officer, guard, major, order bearer,
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served in the occupation forces, then at 36 he went to midin, the future discharged from the army due to health reasons, he graduated with honors from a medical institute, where he was an artilleryman and where he studied medicine, and before that, as a child, he also played the violin, that is, he was an absolutely extraordinary person, but he loved his mother madly, he was with her all the time consulted, he was always there, they never didn’t break up, and my mother, by the way, told me that when he arrived, my mother seemed to be wooed, she says, i saw an adult man, she was 21 years old, he was 31 years old, we heard this somewhere today, but about 21 , that... the bino-carrier is all there, and we were together for 2 days, and he left to continue serving, only a year later, it was two families who decided to unite, they got married, and my mother, everything was as it should be, he says, and i suddenly became a bride, i have a girl, even after that we loved each other so closely all our lives, they lived 56 years together, my father died holding my mother’s hand, victor, after all, dad and mom are children of jewish
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families, maybe this upbringing, this uncomplaining obedience, had an effect, but... now try to bring young people together, i asked my mother a question, of course, this jewish upbringing may have an effect , although my mother was a tough person, she was a history teacher, a real teacher, we’ll live until monday, remember there was a movie, this one with this one, this is my mother, a strict teacher at school, but at home she was simply dissolved, when father came he told me how he was on duty there, how many operations he performed there, but i was very bad, i started smoking early, i was a terrible student, i only studied music regularly, how could this be natural? treated us really seriously , using knives and other things, because
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they understood me and we didn’t understand anyone else very, very correctly, but what we were fighting for, god knows what, we were fighting to get into another school. it was like this, we are fighting, my yard is the best, my street is the best, my school is the best, and we as a district it was called to understand, i lived in the center in the seaside district, i lived on pushkinskaya street, kirov corner of pushkinskaya, or now it is the bazaar corner of pushkinskaya, i have not been in odessa there for more than 20 years, but once it was already called the bazaar, more i haven’t been here for 25 years, we kind of had cruelty in our blood, it’s not for nothing that the bugs were suppressed by these gangster films, there’s even, as it’s called, liquidation, it’s about the time in which i lived, which. was my childhood, it was a tough, romantic, tough time, but no one touched the musicians, and i violin, i had to play the violin at 3:00 a.m., naturally my parents were at work at that time, my mother was at school, my father was in the hospital, my grandfather had a large library, i read everything in a row, i don’t even really remember it, my grandmother from the kitchen i listened to the sound of a violin, and i moved a candle along the strings and read, read,
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read avidly, of course i didn’t have any systematization, well, why didn’t i... this is an international language that was invented so that one day humanity would speak on it and everyone understood each other, you’re right, yes, bolta, he learned the braille alphabet and for the translation of the language ispiral, he is the only one in the world who is for the blind, yes, it’s called the textbook by segal, well, my grandfather, my last name is a real segal, man, it’s a pseudonym, i hope everyone knows about it, and. this is not just a pseudonym that came out of nowhere, seagull is a translation, seagull, yes, this is a translation from english, because it was said what naughtiness at school is, yeah, it was, and what kind, but practicing the violin is very difficult, 3 hours on a day when it’s almost summer outside in odessa, everyone is friends there, and
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you're here, grandma is peeling there, of course, but i myself am surprised how you... drank and let you get infected with this disease, that you have to work a lot, a lot, a lot, so that later they shout bravo and applause to you and pat you on the head, give some gifts, it’s also lucky that you
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’re doing this, but you understand why you ’re standing there now sawing this for this hated violin that you don’t want at all, there were no air conditioners, it’s hot in odessa, pigeons are cooking under the window, guys run, play football, but you do it so that later finally go out and have a drink, bravo. that poison in small doses is a medicine, i’m talking about success, yeah, but medicine in large doses is poison, just small doses of success, she gave birth to a thirst for this success, and the incentive was when everyone was at home, call me for you across the river from the bank to the other , what voices you have, so real, natural, it’s good to be with you.
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but
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you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax, annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life is. turns into a fairy tale. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive.
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wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away that i won’t allow this. you see me for the first time in my life, and you reproach me for something i have never done. any woman needs female happiness. accept this as a fact. i'm a loner. i'm happy with everything in my life. i'm essentially a loner. means that you have
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everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you but not you, if you don’t need anything, no one needs you, it doesn’t mean that no one needs you are not needed, but maybe something... and it will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, a loner, today on rtr, when everyone is at home, winter garden, winter garden, with a small flame embraced, he now doesn’t have until spring. winter garden, winter garden, white dreams, trees sleep, but they are like us, colored
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dreams. a little boy, vitya, studied the violin because classical works could have continued to perform them, but i heard that jazz had appeared, yes, but that was also all lucky, i’m generally a lucky person, that’s all for me i’m lucky in life, i probably took a share of the luck of ten people, and that’s how it should be, probably, maybe because my parents didn’t get it, probably, probably, well, i, i say, in many ways it’s not my merit, it’s just my luck on my parents...
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it didn’t work out, that means it didn’t work out, to all my endeavors, he didn’t even understand, he treated me with respect, and even when i said that’s it, i don’t want to do music anymore, i don’t see myself in music , i don't see pretending to be my dream, i want to write, i've been writing poetry since childhood, it turns out that this chain of concessions from his son led him to such self-expression, and if it was coercion, then it is unknown, well, you
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know, what’s interesting is that we... said that a chain of concessions, i never even thought about it, maybe this is a chain concessions, when polina accuses me now that i’m kind of giving in, perhaps it’s ingrained in me that you can give in, if you love your child, you can give in to him in something, well, even you don’t understand it, believe in this matter , well, this is a good idea, this is an action, cool, i must remember, i dared to ask, it wasn’t in childhood, such dreams, when it seemed or dreamed that some kind of unusual fate awaited me, maybe not... in dreams, but when vcrs appeared, and i remember such a picture, a small tv, somewhere on a hill, under there's a vcr, and the whole audience is sitting on the floor looking there, and i never went, i thought one day i'll have it, i 'll watch it all, yeah, that's where it comes from, although there's not the slightest hope that i'll ever have , it wasn’t there then, but when i got it, i was no longer interested, that they looked, i’m talking about this, maybe such concentration on something, it’s just not
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guaranteed. but with a greater degree of probability it will lead to the fact that success is in demand, let’s even call it that, not only applause, but in general demand, because your music is liked, it works, it is perceived, maybe this is what you need to go through, i couldn’t imagine that i’m in my band, let’s assume, yes, that i will play in an ensemble of funny guys, when i listened to the record while living in odessa, well, where am i where are the funny guys, i was very young or there when i played for me you are not there. more beautiful with the school ensemble, well, i couldn’t know that i would be acquainted with these people on friendly terms, we would overdo it to discuss something, no, or when i saw the arsenal that alexei kozlov, the celestials, well, then time passed, i i played both here and there, guys, via, arsenal, a jazz group, and with the names of the groups, that’s the point, i corrected the match when i saw arsenal, after 3 years i was already playing, how can this be, i can’t
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to understand how i... the funny guys got to slobodkin, to this great music professor, this was not part of my dreams, but it was clear that i had some kind of confidence, already in moscow, when i came to serve, i played in the best groups underground, i was the last student of a great drummer, i taught a jazz studio together with the stars of jazz there at that time, and i was 24 years old, what did they find in me, i can’t understand how it was about... they were looking for drummers and i and chose me among a large number of great musicians, i can’t understand, but viktor chaika is better known as a composer than as a musician, yes, that means that at some point this metamorphosis also occurred, and i specifically emphasize that before becoming a famous composer, i had already achieved everything in this is very important
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because basically the composer jumped out. there was nobody, but he jumped out and wrote songs, suddenly he was overwhelmed, in the profession that i was engaged in, i achieved everything that was possible, i say, in the best groups that could be imagined in our country, we traveled around this... such actors represented the soviet, when i didn’t make it as an actor, then i’ll go to director, well, yes, yes, yes, suddenly, when i wrote the song, winter garden, it becomes mega popular performed by lyosha glyzin, then for me it was in the order of things, i began to write songs and the best performers began to contact me, and i began to do some projects, it all worked out, it worked out, it’s still working out, and don’t you feel sorry for giving it away? it's a pity, but it's wrong as soon as you start feeling sorry for someone, but i'll save it for future tense, i came into my own as a performer when i sang a song that no one took, mona lisa, deljacondo, everyone told me, well, old man, a good song of class,
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the text is complex, that’s leonardo, when he was born, and, by the way, me too i sang songs, suddenly i started saying the songs of the year, went on tour, no one knew how to take this song, and if someone had taken it, maybe i wouldn’t have become a performer? this is a chain of events, i don’t know, someone from above is leading. deljacondo, as i called you from the pier, you answered me tenderly, with a soft breeze from the horizon, honalisa, delgiacondo, let me not...
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i think how he will redraw, erase with an eraser, come up, put a point, and the eyes feel like they have moved apart, so here, a micro change can have macro consequences in music as well , in the song, also, yes, of course, there is such a song as a transit passenger performed by irina allegrova, i left a take, during which she then didn’t talk to me for a long time, she sang 10 takes, there are 12, in this take she had a little performance as a singer non-closure, it was considered a marriage. defective thinks, but i liked him so much, it’s among musicians, it was considered so, yes, but she’s like a singer, she had the right to say everything, it didn’t work out, dubol, i’ll sing it again, she sang it, where everything was perfect, but that’s exactly how i slept this one, this marriage,
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maybe i’m not listening there, which is very important for her, there’s a slight disconnection of the ligaments, but it gave me goosebumps, i left her and put it on the air, she was wild, but the song became great, and i i think precisely because i don’t know, maybe it’s different for me, i absolutely agree with you, it was this scream that she would never have missed, the clip went on the radio, she couldn’t do anything later, she came to terms with it and simply faked her voice and then she sang, but now, here, here, this is what it’s about you say, a little joke, palin, you graduated from medical school, it’s very difficult to get into it, it’s very difficult to study there, it means you studied well at school, well, relatively well, but why did you choose medicine, well... there was such a coincidence of circumstances, in fact, perhaps never i didn’t dream about it, to make medicine my vocation there, i’m not a classical doctor, i’m a doctor of sanitary examination, it’s a little different there, it’s more for the guests, the sanitary officer of the bureaucracy, but in any case it’s
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a merciful profession, it’s a profession related to a person, serving a person, you yourself chose this medical direction, or someone suggested it, most likely yourself, yes. an unromantic story, the study of anatomy and in medical school - these are generally similar things that all go on corpses, on some formalized organs and parts human and not only human, so this quite strongly hardens the frogs of rezovo, but it was too late to sin. yes, that’s why you leave the institute a little bit different from the person you were before, doesn’t it harden you? yes, it seems to me that you can’t help but do this. there is also such a thing as third-year disease, when a young
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student already has a certain amount of knowledge and an idea about various diseases, and he begins to make, firstly, diagnoses for everyone, and secondly, he begins to look for all these diagnoses and find what is most the main thing is the symptoms yourself of these diseases, that’s of course. there , too, here george, in my opinion, was three times in the boat, sluggish, frequent, liquid, do i really have an influence? she also cooks, besides that we don’t have a cook yet, i delegated everything to her, i’m a little tired, when i’m already an adult, when we met, i was much older than her, so when we already united our destinies, and i already realized that this is for the rest of my life, i gave everything to her, i don’t even know the pin codes for my credit cards, i don’t want to know this, so suffer, here the computers are left without spare ones airfields, life is so easy for me, i make you know, some kind of artificial intelligence appears there, i say polina, why don’t we have, come on... i’ll figure it out, electronic signatures, that the contracts are all on her,
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it doesn’t matter that she she’s mom, here you go, i delegated to you, except my health, everything for the future of our family, and i ’m living as well as ever, you can watch all episodes of our program on the internet, in the app or on the website, when everything at home, i and... i’m offended by you, me too, the premiere on rtr, what do i care? to get you to forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll kneel down, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, i’m seriously starting to think that you you doubt it, so i decided everything with mine, alla taxi, on monday on rtr. discover
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a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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how many films have you starred in? 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress, a heart-to-heart talk, my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying when i was fifteen, but i repeat my the role of juliet, and then i’ll have this, this, this is a family conversation, i’ve just been surrounded since childhood. conversations, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, yes, such a subtle moment, katerina shpita, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself, and also something... then i decide. grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. 2 vernik-2 on friday on rtr you are in
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in the recent past, a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s so painful, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, not into his head, we look in an application or on a website when everyone is at home, pauline, you are the only one in the family, your beloved daughter. yes, at the same time, in your family you have two heroes at once, have you achieved this now? yes, difficult the question, in fact, is, of course, there is less time left and less resources left, the balance , of course, is slightly shifted towards these two little people, when they say that
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an artist is hungry, perhaps they mean that when there is little property, both material and mental when he's lonely.
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absolutely not, but we have short-term tours there, when the two of us leave home, the children stay there with their grandmother or there with the nanny, and when i return from somewhere, a lot of things come to me, in any case, it’s just peace of mind, only freeing your head from some everyday responsibilities, then something worthy comes, something you can work on in the future, like no one else like... you are waiting for the word, what should i say, let everything flow away like melt water, i don’t want to talk nonsense know about your past, you just don’t, look back and trust me, i know, two sons are, of course, two
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different characters, even though they seem small, but still some rosary beads already appear in them, someone is more stubborn, someone on the contrary, talkative, what can you say about leonardo, his name is so royal, he is very persistent, it is impossible to knock him off his goal, if he has something in mind, i remember grisha at his age, he gave him a toy, took him in his arms, showed something, distracted him, that’s it, the child forgot, this one will take a toy, go and see what you show him, but he will still return to what he was going to do, he will do it, he is very stern.
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i was too, you know, my older brother beat me, i remember, they loved me, probably my parents didn’t pay much attention to the need to differentiate, my brother rocked the quiet one, i remember this , maybe because the eldest, he knows what it is to share parental love, but the younger one does not, because the youngest gets the part that he gets, and the eldest saw
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complete, one hundred percent love, the appearance of the younger one, it still he pulls himself willy-nilly for the sake of it. attention, well, yes, but we are watching this very closely, you hit the nail on the head, because god forbid, if we separate them, they will continue to live, we say all the time, you are the eldest, you must love, you must protect, they continue to live, continue to live together, we are all not eternal, but then, here is the fact that parents can lay down competition, rivalry or uneven receipt of love, this will then remain for the rest of their lives, but there is no book of recipes for successful parenting, because there is only one. made an approach to little vita, a chain of concessions, and little grisha, especially leonard, there you can give in, and he will say, well, that’s it, then i don’t do anything, i just wait until... everything in me will manifest itself, it’s also unknown how, i can say that i am a grown boy, i have a son, a grown daughter, and you even know my son,
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dad always told us that until the fifth grade he was round, an excellent student, the best student in school, i was really an excellent student until the fifth grade, and then he became spherical, apparently, but he can’t find the report card, he can’t show me , i have a sports achievement, even to this day, i am in the second grade, in the third grade, he was absolutely excellent in physical education, i guess i... i don’t know at all how to raise children correctly, if i ever say that i know or should i be raised this way, i will be in the most the last fool, let's just say, i, together with polina, go groping, groping with these steps and my experience that i have, it cannot be applied, you just need to love your children and treat them as your heart tells you, you need to introduce the newcomers again , this is our youngest son, leo, leo. this is grigory, the eldest, the most responsible guy, very carefully, oh come on leonard to us, dad is so complacent, but
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it seems to me that sometimes fatigue, it develops into severity, there is no time to persuade, it’s easier to say, so, so, so that children begin to obey, there are moments when you yourself understand that you are too strict, you need to somehow take a step back, soften up, so... there is, how do they react? well, with understanding: mom, everything is fine, don’t worry, i say, next time i’ll try not to do that, okay, and you try not to do
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it like that, you understand, i understand, and then in the next situation i often i see that something really has been deposited there, i feel your mood, very much, especially grisha, grisha is just such a metronome of ours moods, that’s how it is in the family, that’s how he behaves, but if there are any emotional experiences there, it always affects him. and what kind of parents are you who will say 100 times: don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it, or in the end they will tell you harshly so that you remember right away and don’t do it , in different ways, and you’ll tell them 50 times, sometimes it will come to the fifty-first, and sometimes the first one won’t reach 100, and there it is necessary, of course, especially if there is some kind of situation that entails danger, the child must understand the word no or the word stop or don’t go or be nearby, well, of course, in this regard we are quite strict... leo has grown up with them, there is already an option to load him with responsibility. grisha, you are the senior policeman, you keep order,
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you are responsible for everything, if he’s talking, you’re responsible, everything’s on you, i trust you, yes, you allowed him to do this, you’ll get to surround him with this, he’ll stop on his own , malova is already following this, yes, yes, yes, the most important words in the life of humanity in our program are spoken by a mother’s heart, do you? there will be a child, you will have a child, you will have there will be a child, you will have a child who will have you, today smolensk meets us, and we are going to one of the orphanages in smolensk. areas. hello, meet me, how’s everything!


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